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Social Practice of The Language 9

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School: Secundaria Presidente Lázaro Cárdenas CCT: Grupo: A, B

Teacher: María Fernanda Ríos Fernández Turn:
Period TRIMESTRE 3 School cycle 2023-2024

Social practice
Discuss points of view to participate in a round table.
of the language
Information processing
Environment Academic and educational

Achievements Purpose Completion time

• Review texts on a Civic and Ethics Training topic and select Undertake with a neutral 9 work sessions
information. register in social exchanges distributed in 3
• Understands general sense and main ideas. within a varied range of weeks.
• Discuss points of view by participating in a panel discussion. situations.

Moment Activities session 1

Students will be asked to watch the following video “Rights and Responsibilities”.
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.
The following activities will be carried out.
Read this definition of the word citizen and classify the rights and responsibilities in the table
A citizen is a member of a community, state, or nation. Citizens have rights and responsibilities as
family members, as students in a school, and as members of their community, state, and nation.
Citizens have certain rights stated in the Constitution of the country which cannot be taken away, but
they also have responsibilities.
Freedom to express yourself. Support and defend the Constitution.
Development Have private property. Freedom to have a religion of your choice.
Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws. Receive education.
Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others. Pay taxes.
Rights Responsibilities

 Then, discuss in pairs:

 Do you know any other right or responsibility citizens have?
 What are some of the rights and responsibilities you have at school?
Closing Read what ethics is and match the values in the box to the corresponding quotes.
What is ethics? Ethics is a set of rules based on moral values. Our values tell us how to behave based
on our ideas about what is right and wrong. Think about a time when you had to make a decision
about doing the right thing. What did you choose to do? Do you think you made a good decision? Why
or why not? An ethical decision is one that may also be called a right decision, but doing the right
thing is not always easy.
 Never do to others what you would not like them to do to you.
 A lie has a short life, but truth lives forever.
 It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape the consequences of one's acts.
 No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

Moment Activities session 2

Students will be asked to watch the following video “Actors Round table (Part 1): Is Acting Art?”.
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.
The following activities will be carried out.
Work with a classmate and complete the text below with words from ■} \ the box. There Is an extra
word you don't need.
arguments debates discussions round tables moderator
Schools need a space where students can have serious conversations to reflect on different topics,
that is, ______________________. Students can start with ____________________ where all the
members are equal so that they practice sharing their ideas in a safe space, and then they can move

Development on to ___________________ where they can formally discuss opposing viewpoints or ideas. All types
of interactions should always have a _______________________, who is the person who makes sure
debates or discussions are fair. In this way _______________________ members (or participants of
the group) will feel included.
Answer these questions:
 Have you ever seen a debate or a round table discussion? ___________
 Have you ever participated in one? ___________
 Do you agree with the text? ___________
 Why are debates and round tables important? ______________________
Closing Work with a classmate. Read the following poster and discuss the questions below.
Is Global Citizenship Possible?
Free Round Table Discussion
Don't miss the civics and Ethics Education round
table where we will share and discuss ideas about
this very important and interesting topic.
Register as a panel member in the office reception
desk before Friday. Ten panel member seats will
be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Registration not required for general audience.
Meeting: Tuesday June 2nd at 11:00 am
Location: School Auditorium Room B
Moderator: Mrs. Keurig
What is the purpose of the event?
Where would you find a sign like this? How do you know?
Are similar events organized in your school or community? ________________
Moment Activities session 3
The following activities will be carried out.
Look at the information sources and answer the questions.


 What are the names or titles in each source of information?

 Are the three sources about a similar topic? What topic is it?
 What is the purpose of each source?
 Which source probably has a contents page or an index where you can see the topics?
 Which sources have chapters or sections?
Look again at the information sources in previous exercise, read the Skills box, and answer the
When you need to evaluate if an information source is helpful for a topic you are researching
about, look at the titles, pictures, and read the first text lines. Do this to select reading materials
effectively so that you don't waste time reading information that is not useful for what you are
Development doing.
 Who is the information in these sources for? Adults? Children? Or both?
 What graphic elements can you recognize in each source?
 How did these elements help you know what the topic is in each source?
 Which source do you think will give objective information?
 Which source do you think will give opinions about the topic?
Closing You are going to participate in a round-table discussion about a topic related to Civics and Ethics.
Brainstorm topics about Civics and Ethics that are interesting for you.
These are some of the options:
 Personal identity and self-care
 Subject of law and human dignity
 Freedom as a fundamental human right and value
 Valuation of diversity, non-discrimination and interculturality
 Equality and gender perspective
 Peace culture
 Ways to deal with conflict
 Justice as a reference for coexistence
 Criteria for the construction and application of norms and laws for democratic life
 The role of the authority in the application and enforcement of rules and laws
 Democracy as a basis for reflection on issues that affect us, decision-making based on the
common good and action accordingly
 Citizen participation in the dimensions: political, civil and social, and its implications in practice
Make a list of sources where you can find information on the topic that you selected.

Moment Activities session 4

Students will be asked to watch the following video “What Happened When Teachers Found Out How
Students Felt About Them”.
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.
The following activities will be carried out.
Read the topic about Civics and Ethics For a round-table discussion. Check (X) the questions that
you would use to guide your research about that topic.
My feelings should be considered for my final grade.
1. ____ How can feelings affect your work environment?
2. ____ Why are feelings important for a student's performance?
3. ____ Why should teachers care about their students feelings?
Development 4. ____ Why is it important to express your feelings with your family?
5. ____ How do feelings affect your school work?
6. ____ Why is it important to talk about your feelings?

Share your answers from previous exercise with a partner.

 Do you have different answers?
 Which ones?
 What is your own opinion about the topic?
Look at the diagram and think about other ways to express opinions in discussions and debates.
Write them down in the blank boxes.

Moment Activities session 5
Students will be asked to watch the following video “Why Care About Water? National Geographic”.
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the concepts contain
in it.
The following activities will be carried out.
Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
 What type of organization do you think this web page is for?
 Do you know of any similar organizations? If so, what do they do?

____ Have you ever thought that one day you may not have enough water to live? Well, this is a reality for one
third of the in the world's population. One out of every eight people have to search for clean water every day.
____ According to the World Health Organization, only 0.007% of the water on our planet is safe for consumpti
There are more than seven billion people on the planet and, following current trends, this number is going to
increase by about a billion every ten years. It is estimated that by 2025, half of the world's population might fac
fatal water-related problems.
____ There are two reasons for not having enough fresh water. One is physical water scarcity, which affects Ind
and countries in northern Africa. This happens when there is not enough water available to meet people's need
The other reason is economic water scarcity, which affects countries in Central and South America. This is when
access to water is limited for political or financial reasons, even though there is enough water available.

____ Politicians can help by providing economic rewards in poorer countries to use water-safe practices that
conserve fresh water resources. However, governments will not make changes without pressure from the citize
We need to change the way we use water as soon as possible. Here are some simple changes:
 Buy products that use less water.
 Stop buying water bottles and fill up reusable bottles.
 Spend less time in the shower.
 Close the faucet when you brush your teeth.
Moment Activities session 6
They will resume the activity of the previous session.
With your partner, discuss the topic questions and match them with each section of the webpage.
1. How much water is there in the world?
2. Why isn’t there enough fresh water?
3. Do you have enough water?
4. What can be done to make sure there is enough water?
Answer the following questions about water shortages. Give reasons for your answers.
 Do you think this problem is a priority, or are there other more important problems to solve?
 What do you know about water in your country? Is there enough?
 Is there a problem of water shortage in your community?
 Do you or other people in your community not have easy access to fresh water?
Development Read the predictions from the web page. Discuss and mark which predictions you think are more
likely to happen and why.
____ This number is going to increase by about a billion every ten years.
____ Have you ever thought that one day you may not have enough water to live?
____ By 2025. half of the world’s population might face fatal water-related problems.
____ In 2019, more than one billion people will not have enough fresh water.
 Ask and write 5 questions that you would debate in a round table about water scarcity in your
 With your group, write topic questions like the ones in previous activity about your community
 Analyze and discuss the causes and effects of the community problem your group chose and any
possible solutions.

Moment Activities session 7

Students will be asked to watch the following video “Does technology need to be ethical?”.
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.
The following activities will be carried out.
Read the statements and write your opinion using the expressions that you wrote down in the
diagram from lesson 2.
 We also need to aggressively address the complicated ethical choices that accompany each
 Ethical reflection on technology is an ongoing process.
 We need to think carefully, every day, about how to develop, use, and apply the powerful new
 Thousands of young people, the next generation of scientists and engineers will benefit from
making ethical reflection.
Identify the positive and negative side of technology. Record your findings in the diagram.

Moment Activities session 8
Students will be asked to watch the following video “What If You Lived Fifty Years in the Future?”.
(turn on subtitles)
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.
The following activities will be carried out.
Look at the pictures showing different possible futures. Discuss what kind of future is the most
likely consequence of the world today. Then they will do what is indicated.

Analyze a student's opinion. Then do what is asked.

I think we will have a lot of
technology in the future, but
we might have to wear masks
because of the pollution.

Development Read this sentences. Decide and mark (S) which sentences express futures that are certain to
happen and which (P) express futures that are possible.
1. This number might increase in the near future. ____
2. Winter will be shorter and spring will arrive earlier. ____
3. These laws will force vehicle owners to use cars
only when necessary. ____
4. They may find alternative fuels that we can regularly use. ____
5. People might be healthier ____
6. We may be able to see the sky again. ____
Reflect on what you know about pollution from cars. List the possible consequences ¡f cars
disappear. Look at the example.
People might be more fit.
Students will be asked to watch the following video “Everything you need to know moderating a
Then they will do what is indicated.
 Decide which topic you want to debate in the round table.
 Suggest some strategies to influence on the opinion of others.
 Come to an agreement with your partners to select the moderator of the discussion and the
participant that is going to begin the round table.
 Start the debate respecting turns and time of participation.
Moment Activities session 9
They will evaluate your participation in this session
What do you expect from others In a round table? Mark (A) the things you consider appropriate to
do while In discussion and (N) the ones that are not OK.
____ Establish eye contact with just one person as you are speaking.
Start ____ Look around at different or all participants as you are speaking.
____ Read aloud from books or notes as evidence of preparation.
____ Read notes/information as others are participating.
____ Establish eye contact with the person who is speaking.
____ Take notes.
The following are tips you can try to prepare for a round table. Mark (X) the ones that you can /
would like to do.
____ Practice answering questions I believe I will be asked in the round table.
____ Practice answering the questions in front of a mirror.
____ Writing down the ideas I would like to express in the round table.
____ Writing notes for the ideas I would like to share.
____ Going over the ideas I would like to share in my mind.
____ Recording myself expressing some of the ideas I would like to share.
____ Getting together with classmates and practicing the round table.

Development Use the checklist to mark (X) your abilities

I can ... Yes No
1. Define the purpose of finding information
2. Ask questions to find information
3. Find adequate sources of information
4. Contrast the personal points of view of a text with its main ideas
5. Think about what I want to say and how I want to say it.
6. Use my body to help when expressing my opinion
7. Come up with strategies to influence the opinion of others
8. Discuss my points of view without getting angry
Answer yes or no.
Now I can ...
Read texts of civics and ethics education and choose information ____
Closing Understand the general sense and the main ideas ____
Discuss points of view by participating in a round table. ____

Uses various strategies to pinpoint information.
Select and organize information to write reviews.
Write paragraphs that express personal points of view.
Solve doubts and offer feedback to edit points of view.


Write paragraphs that express personal

Solve doubts and offer feedback to edit

 Level IV: Indicates outstanding mastery of the expected learning.

Select and organize information to

Uses various strategies to pinpoint
 Level III: Indicates satisfactory mastery of the expected learning.
 Level II: Indicates basic mastery of the expected learning.
 Level I: Indicates insufficient mastery of the expected learning.

points of view.

points of view.
write reviews.


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