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A step-by-step guide to propensity score matching in R

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Justus Randolph Kristina Falbe

Mercer University Illinois State University


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Volume 19, Number 18, November 2014 ISSN 1531-7714

A Step-by-Step Guide to Propensity Score Matching in R

Justus J. Randolph, Kristina Falbe, Austin Kureethara Manuel, Joseph L. Balloun
Mercer University

Propensity score matching is a statistical technique in which a treatment case is matched with one or
more control cases based on each case’s propensity score. This matching can help strengthen causal
arguments in quasi-experimental and observational studies by reducing selection bias. In this article
we concentrate on how to conduct propensity score matching using an example from the field of
education. Our goal is to provide information that will bring propensity score matching within the
reach of research and evaluation practitioners.

Propensity score matching is a statistical technique Information on the Dataset Used

in which a treatment case is matched with one or more Here
control cases based on each case’s propensity score.
This matching can help strengthen causal arguments in Data from an observational study by Falbe (2014)
quasi-experimental and observational studies by are used here to illustrate propensity score matching. In
reducing selection bias. Because there have been many that study, Falbe used publicly available school-level
thorough explanations and rationales for propensity data from several states to investigate whether an
score matching published elsewhere (Adelson, 2013; intervention (i.e., being designated a Schools to Watch
Holland, 1986; Rubin, 2005; Rudner & Peyton, 2006; © (stw) school) was a predictor of success in reading
Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002; Stone & Tang, and mathematics achievement, when controlling for
2013), in this article we will concentrate on how to school size (tot), percentage of minority students (min),
conduct propensity score matching using an example and percentage of students receiving free and reduced
from the field of education. Specifically, in this lunch (dis). For our example here, we use Falbe’s
document we provide a step-by-step example of school-level data only from the state of New York. In
conducting propensity score matching in R using the the New York data set, there were 25 stw schools and
MatchIt package with nearest-neighbor 1-to-1 560 non-stw schools. As matching variables, Falbe
matching. While there is other software than R for chose school size, percentage of minority students, and
conducting propensity score matching, we have chosen percentage of students receiving free and reduced
R because it is open-source software and is widely used lunch. Her rationale for choosing those matching
by data scientists across many different fields. Our goal variables was that previous research had shown that
in this article is to provide information that will bring they tended to covary with academic achievement. By
propensity score matching within the reach of research matching on those variables, her goal was to reduce
and evaluation practitioners. selection bias between “treated” (i.e., stw) and “control”
(i.e., non-stw) schools. Note that although Falbe’s study
was correlational and not experimental, we use the
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 19, No 18 Page 2
Randolph & Others, Propensity Score Matching

terms treated and control here because those are the terms grouping variable is the variable that specifies which
reported in the output of the MatchIt package. group a case belongs to (e.g., treatment or control).
The matching variables are the ones that you want to
The Steps in Conducting attempt to equalize the groups on. For example, in the
Propensity Score Matching in R Falbe (2014) data set, the stw variable is the grouping
variable. It specifies whether a particular case (a
Step 1. Install R. school) has been designated as a Schools to Watch ©
R is a free statistical package that can be school (1) or not (0). The other variables tot (school
downloaded from the URL in the R Core Team (2014) size), min (percentage of minority students in the
reference in the References section of this article. school), and dis (percentage of students receiving free
Specific installation instructions are provided after and reduced lunch) are the matching variables. The
downloading and opening the software. R is available dataset we used here can be downloaded from
for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux operating systems. Randolph (2014a). In your own datasets, make sure
The directions presented in this article are based on R that there are no missing data or R may not be able to
version 3.0.3. perform the analysis.
Although there are functions to import Excel,
Step 2. Install and load the MatchIt
SPSS, or other data formats into R, we have found it is
package. most convenient to save it as a .csv file before trying to
MatchIt is an R package that easily enables R users load the data into R. When you save the file in Excel,
to conduct propensity score matching; specific you will have the option to save it as a .csv file. As you
information on the MatchIt package can be found from save the file, note its location.
Ho, Kosoke, King, and Stuart (2007a, 2007b, 2011, Next, you will need to replace the file location
2013). To use the MatchIt package, you must first between the parentheses in the first line of R code in
install and load it. You only need to install MatchIt the Figure 1 with your own file location. Note that in the
first time you use it; however, you will need to load it first line, forward slashes rather than backslashes are
each time you re-open R software. used to specify the file location. The example below is a
To install a package, open R and select Packages file location in Windows, where the data are located in
menu from the top of the screen. Then choose Install a file called newyork.csv in folder called r on the
Package(s). . . A pop-up window, CRAN Mirror, will be C drive. The first line of code reads the data from your
displayed. Choose the site you prefer from the list and computer and renames it mydata. The second line
click OK. Another window labeled “Packages” will be makes those data available in the current R session.
displayed. Scroll down the list in the window to select The third line of the code below prints the variable
MatchIt and click OK. The package will get names and the first ten cases in the data set. We do this
downloaded immediately. just to check the data set and understand what each
column represents.
Next, to load the MatchIt package, choose Load
Package… from the dropdown menu under the mydata <- read.csv ("C:/r/newyork.csv")
Packages menu in R. A window “Select one” with the attach(mydata)
list of available packages will be displayed. Choose mydata[1:10,]
MatchIt from the list and hit OK. The MatchIt package
should now be loaded. You should only have to install Figure 1. Code example for inputting a data set.
the package one time. However, you will need to load
the MatchIt package in R every time you wish to run it. Figure 2 shows the results of running the code in
Figure 1. It shows the first ten cases in the data set and
Step 3. Prepare and load the data. what variables are included in the columns. It shows
To perform propensity score matching, you will that the columns from left to right are the case number
need a data set that consists of cases in rows and (a unique id number for each school), school (the name
variables in columns. You will need a grouping of each school), tot (the total number of students in the
variable and one or more matching variables. The school), min (the percentage of minority students in the
school), dis (the number of students receiving free or
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 19, No 18 Page 3
Randolph & Others, Propensity Score Matching

reduced lunch), and stw (whether a school is designated Exact Matching – This technique matches each
as (1) Schools to Watch © or (0) not). treated unit with a control unit that has exactly
the same values on each covariate. When there
are many covariates and/or covariates that can
take a large range of values, exact matching may
not be possible (methodod = “exact”).
Subclassification – This technique breaks the
data set into subclasses such that the
distributions of the covariates are similar in
Figure 2. Results
esults of running the code in Figure 1. The each subclass (method = “subclass”).
first ten cases are displayed. Nearest Neighbor – This technique matches a
treated unit to a control unit(s)
u that is closest in
Step 4. Perform matching and evaluate the terms of a distance measure such as a logit
results. (method = “nearest”).

The next step is to perform the matching and Optimal Matching – This technique focuses on
evaluate the results. The first line in the code shown in minimizing the average absolute distance across
Figure 3 performs the matching
tching where the grouping all matched pairs (method = “optimal”). This
variable is stw and the variables being matched on are method of matching requires
requir the optmatch
tot, min, and dis. You will need to replace these package.
variable names in the code with the variable names of Genetic Matching – This technique uses a
your own data set. The method command in Figure 3 computationally intensive genetic search
specifies that the nearest
earest neighbor method will be used. algorithm to match treatment and control units
The ratio command indicates one-to-one one matching
matching— (method = “genetic”). It requires the Matching
every treatment case will be matched with one control package.
case. You can increase the number of control cases
Coarsened Exact Matching – Finally, this
matched to each treatment case by increasing this
hnique matches on a covariate while
number; usually this number is between 1 and 5.
maintaining the balance of other covariates. It is
m.out = matchit(stw ~ tot + min + dis, claimed to work “well for multicategory
data = mydata, method = "nearest", treatments, determining blocks in experimental
ratio = 1) designs, and evaluating extreme
summary(m.out) counterfactuals” (Ho, Kosuke, King, & Stuart,
2011,, p.12) (method = “cem”).
plot(m.out, type = "jitter")
plot(m.out, type = "hist")
See the documentation on MatchIt for more
Figure 3. Code to perform propensity score matching details on the matching methods mentioned above.
and get results. (Ho, Kosuke, King, & Stewart, 2007a, 2007b, 2011,
There are many matching methods that can be The results of matching are saved in a variable
used; a short description of them can be found in the called m.out. The second line of
o code in Figure 3 prints
list below. We encourage MatchIt users to try out the a summary of the matching results (see Figure 4). The
different matching methods to see which method third and fourth lines produce jitter plots and
works best for a particular data set. In this ca
case, we histograms.
tried all of the matching methods currently available in
MatchIt and chose the nearest neighbor method The results show that matching worked very well
because it resulted in the lowest mean differences for this data set. In the summary of balance for all data
between groups. Some of the other methods call for section of Figure 4, before matching the mean number
the installation of additional packages. of students (tot) in the treated schools (i.e., stw
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 19, No 18 Page 4
Randolph & Others, Propensity Score Matching

Figure 4. Results showing the effectiveness of the propensity scores matching.

schools) was 263.74 students less than in the control values are all smaller after matching than before
(i.e., non-stw
stw schools) schools. The treated schools had matching. The third and fourth lines of the code in
11% less minorityty students (min) and 22% percent less Figure 2 creates jitter plots and histograms to visualize
students of poverty (dis) than control schools. After the quality of the matching.
matching, however, those differences reduced Figure 5 is a jitter plot where each circle represents
dramatically as shown in the summary of balance for a case’s propensity score. The absence of cases in the
matched data section of Figure 4. The mean difference
uppermost stratification indicates that there were no
in number off students between treated and control
unmatched treatment units. The middle stratifications
schools reduced to 2; it was 263 before matching. The
show the close match between the treatment units and
percent difference in minority students between treated the matched control units. The final stratification
and control schools reduced to 1%; it was 11% before shows the unmatched control units, which will not be
matching. Finally, the mean difference between treate
and control schools in terms of percent of
impoverished students reduced to 3/10ths of a percent;
it was 22% before matching. In short, the treated and
control schools after matching are very similar now in
terms of number of students, percentage of min minority
students, and percentage of students receiving free and
reduced lunch. Before matching, the treated schools
were on average larger, had less minority students, and
had less impoverished students than control schools.
The rightmost columns in these summarymmary data show
the median, mean, and maximum quartile
between the treated and control data; smaller QQ
values indicates better matching. Note that the QQ Figure 5.. Distribution of propensity scores.
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 19, No 18 Page 5
Randolph & Others, Propensity Score Matching

used in any follow-up analyses. Figure 6 shows the In terms of the follow-up up analysis, Falbe (2014)
histograms before and after matching. The histograms was interested in whether stw schools performed better
before matching on the left differ to a great degree. than non-stw schools in terms of mathematics
The histograms after matching on the right are very achievement. To do that analysis, she added
similar however. In sum, both the numerical and visual mathematics achievement scores to the matched data
data show that the matching
tching was successful. set and predicted mathematics scores from the
following variables: whether a school was designated as
an stw school or not, the school size, the percentage of
minority students in a school, and the percentage of
students who received free or reduced lunch. It turns
out that matching was important in this case. Without
matching, stw schools had statistically significantly
better achievement than non-stw schools. However,
with matching, Fable found no statistically significant
difference between stw and non-stw
non schools in terms
of academic achievement. Without propensity score
matching, Falbe would have come to a different
conclusionon about the efficacy of the intervention, most
likely as a result of selection bias.
It is clear that propensity score matching is a
useful tool for reducing selection bias and
strengthening causal conclusions. We hope that this
step-by-step guide will enable
nable a wide variety of
Figure 6. Histograms of propensity scores before and researchers and evaluators to add propensity score
after matching. matching to their repertoire of data analysis techniques.
Step 5. Export a data file to do follow
follow-up References
analyses Adelson, J. L. (2013). Educational research with real-world
Once the matching has been completed, you will data: Reducing selection bias with propensity score
analysis. Practical Assessment Research & Evaluation,
want to create a data set that only has the matched
18(15). Retrieved from
cases to do follow up statistical analyses now that the
data are matched. In Figure 7, the first line of code
Falbe, K. (2014). The relationship between Schools to
creates an R data set that only has the matche
matched control
Watch © designation and academic
ac achievement: A
and treatment cases (i.e., it deleted the 500+ control study of Colorado, New York, Ohio, and Virginia
cases that were unmatched.) The second line of data (Doctoral dissertation). Available from Proquest
converts the matched data set back into a .csv file that Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3581272)
can either be further analyzed in R or exported into Ho, D., Kosuke, I., King, G., & Stuart, E. (2007a). MatchIt:
other statistical software; in this case, the output data Nonparametric preprocessingsing for parametric causal
set was saved as a file called newyork_nearest1 in inference. Political Analysis, 15(3), 199-236.
a folder called r on the C drive. (The matched data set Ho, D., Kosuke, I., King, G., & Stuart, E. (2007b). Matching
for the New York data can be downloaded from as nonparametric preprocessing for reducing model
Randolph (2014b)). dependence in parametric causal inference. Journal of
Statistical Software.
ware. Retrieved from
m.data1 <- Ho, D., Kosuke, I. King, G., & Stuart, E. (2011). MatchIt:
write.csv(m.data1, file = Nonparametric preprocessing for parametric causal
"C:/r/newyork_nearest100.csv") inference [software documentation]. Retrieved from
Figure 7.. Code to output a matched data set.
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 19, No 18 Page 6
Randolph & Others, Propensity Score Matching

Ho, D., Kosuke, I., King, G., & Stuart, E. (2013). MatchIt: Rubin D. B. (2005). Causal inference using potential
Nonparametric preprocessing for parametric causal outcomes: Design, modeling, decisions. Journal of the
inference [software]. Retrived from American Statistical Association, 100(496), 322-331. Rudner, L. M., & Peyton, J. (2006). Consider propensity
Holland, P. W. (1986). Statistics and causal inference. scores to compare treatments. Practical Assessment
Journal of the American Statistical Association, Research & Evaluation, 11(9). Retrieved from:
81(396), 945-960.
Randolph, J. J. (2014a). New York educational data set Shadish, W. R., Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D. T. (2002).
example before matching. Retrieved from Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference. Boston, MA: Houghton
Randolph, J. J. (2014b). New York educational data set Mifflin.
example after matching. Retrieved from Stone, C. A. & Tang, Y. (2013). Comparing propensity score methods in balancing covariates and recovering impact
sv in small sample educational program evaluations.
R Core Team (2014). R: A language and environment for Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 18(13).
statistical computing. (3.0.3 ) [Computer software]. Retrieved from:
Vienna, Austria: Foundation for Statistical Computing.
Retrieved from


A previous version of this paper was delivered at the 2014 annual meeting of Mercer University Atlanta
Research Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Randolph, Justus J., Falbe, Kristina, Manuel, Austin Kureethara, & Balloun, Joseph L. (2014). A Step-by-
Step Guide to Propensity Score Matching in R. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 19(18). Available

Corresponding Author:
Justus J. Randolph
Tift College of Education
Mercer University
3001 Mercer University Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30341
randolph_jj [at]

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