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DLL English-3 Q3 W5

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School: Grade Level: III

GRADES 1 to 12
Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and 3rd
Time: February 26 – March 1, 2024 ( Week 5 ) Quarter: QUARTER


I 1. Define what is an informational text;
OBJECTIVES 2. Ask and answer questions about informational texts;
3. Develop reading compehension
A. Grade Level The learner listens critically to get information from text heard, demonstrates independence in using the basic language structure in
Standard oral and written communication, and reads with comprehension. CATCH – UP FRIDAY
B. Learning Ask and respond to questions about informational texts listened to (environment, health, how-to’s, etc.) EN1OL-IIIg-h-3.2
III. Abdul Wahab “Dolphin”. Accessed December 22, 2020,
LEARNING “All About Roots”. Accessed December 02, 2020,
RESOURCES “Fishes”. Accessed December 02, 2020,
“Frogs and Toads - Enchanted Learning”.Accessed December 02, 2020,
Mil Flores Ponciano et al.,eds.,Let’s Get Better in Reading-Grade 3
Learner’s Material, First Edition 2014 (Department of Education-Instructional Materials Council Secretariat).
A. References
1. Teacher’s CG p. 36 of 170
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Text book
4. Additional Internet Internet Internet Internet
Materials from
B. Other Pictures, copy of story Charts,powerpoint,strips of Videos,powerpoint,laptop,spe Pictures, laptop, projector Pictures, laptop, projector
Learning cartolina,activity sheets aker
A. Reviewing Read the phrases. Read the selection below. Then, This time, read the Read the following Read ALOUD/ Choral Reading
previous lesson 1. kite of Chike identify what details are asked. informative text inside the informational texts. Ans
or presenting 2. an airplane toy box and make answer the questions: It is hardly surprising that rivers
the new lesson 3. a new flute Quezon Province is the largest one question about the idea have been an important part of
4. slide at the park province in CALABARZON in presented by the text. Can 1. There are many ways to human history: They provide
5. robe of Kate terms of land area. The province is you do it? Just give it a try! help reduce poverty in the food, freshwater, and fertile land
6. rake of Rose divided into two cities and 39 Philippines. One way is to for growing crops. While water
municipalities/towns. Lucena is its provide access to is essential to life, it can be a
capital city. Kalilayan was the first Nutritionists’ advise: education and training so destructive force too. When
known name of the province. It was people can get jobs that rivers flood, the effects can be
later renamed Tayabas. In honor of Eat breakfast for you to have pay a livable wage. catastrophic.
the former governor of the province the energy for the whole day. Another way is to create
who later became the second Breakfast should be eaten programs that provide for Flooding is one of the most
president of the country, Manuel within two hours of waking. basic needs like food, common types of natural
Luis Quezon, the province’s name shelter, and healthcare. disaster, and the results are often
was then changed to Quezon. Question: How to reduce fatal. The human cost of
B. Establishing Read the selection below. 1. What is the largest province in What: _________ poverty? flooding can be large, but events
a purpose for CALABARZON in terms of land like this have a big impact on
the lesson All About Snakes area? How: _________ 2. Some of the most the natural world too, and the
A. Quezon B. Laguna C. Rizal promising ways to mitigate effects are not always negative.
Snakes are scary, yet 2. How many cities and towns are Why: __________ climate change are what In fact, some ecosystems rely on
interesting animals. They are there in Quezon Province? we call “natural climate seasonal flooding to drive
reptiles and are coldblooded. A. 4 cities and 39 towns solutions”: the ecological processes.
They are limbless and has B. 3 cities and 39 towns conservation, restoration,
elongated body and tail. They C. 2 cities and 39 towns and improved management Floods Can Harm Wildlife
can smell with their tongues. 3. What is the capital city of of land, in order to
They do not have feet. They do Quezon Province? increase carbon storage or Flooding can have a negative
not have ears, but they can hear A. Tayabas B. Kalilayan C. Lucena avoid greenhouse-gas effect on wildlife, causing
through their jaw. They change 4. Before using its current name, emissions in landscapes drowning, disease proliferation,
their skin from time to time. A what was the name of the province? worldwide. and habitat destruction. In 2012,
number of snakes have A. Tayabas B. Quezon C. Lucena Question: What are the hundreds of animals, including
venom that can kill their prey. 5. Who was the inspiration in solutions to climate many vulnerable one-horned
Their venoms are also used to changing the name of the province change? rhinos (Rhinoceros unicornis),
create antidote against snake from Tayabas to its present name? were killed in floods that
bites. They are carnivorous. A. Jose P. Rizal B. Manuel L. 3. Although the ocean is swamped Kaziranga National
They eat fish, chicken, mouse, Quezon C. Hermano Pule one continuous body of Park in the Indian state of
birds, bat, and other animals. water, oceanographers Assam. Unpredictable floods
C. Presenting Based on the selection, answer Asking and responding to have divided it into four can be harmful even to aquatic
Examples/instan the following questions: DETAILS IN INFORMATIONAL questions to text listened to is principal areas: the Pacific, life. For example, fish can be
ces of new  What type of animals are TEXTS an important skill in Atlantic, Indian, and displaced and their nests
lesson snakes? improving one’s Arctic Oceans. The destroyed.
 What are the characteristics Factual information or details are communication and Atlantic, Indian, and
of snakes? presented in informational vocabulary knowledge. Pacific Oceans merge into Floods Cause Sedimentation and
 How will you describe their texts. These texts provide specific Asking questions icy waters around Erosion
venom? details about particular persons, helps you motivate your Antarctica.
 What do snakes eat? places, things, events, and topics. curiosity about the topic and Floodwater can also alter the
Details in informational texts are at the same time helps Question: What are landscape, for instance, by
The selection above is an basically determined by asking you assess understanding of examples of ocean? eroding riverbanks and causing
example of an informational important questions, such as what, the text. In answering them to collapse. As floodwater
text. It presents factual details who, when, where, why, and how. questions, you can carries material from the eroded
or information about a specific These questions serve as guide in stimulate critical thinking and 4. Mayon Volcano, or banks, it suspends sediment in
topic. In this case, it discusses getting the factual details about a draw out ideas and Mount Mayon, is well- the water, which can degrade
facts about snakes. given selection or text. underlying presumptions. known around the world as water quality and lead to
Reminders in Asking and the “perfect cone” harmful blooms of algae.
Another example: Answering Questions: volcano, thanks to its Suspended sediment eventually
almost symmetric conical settles out of the water in a
shape — a unique feature. process called sedimentation,
It is also the most active which can clog riverbeds and
volcano in the Philippines, streams, smother aquatic
having erupted almost 50 organisms, and destroy habitats.
times in the past 400 years Erosion and sedimentation have
alone. The site is also a a more negative impact on
1. What are root vegetables? protected landscape and a ecosystems that are already
A. Plants that grow natural park. degraded or heavily modified.
underground and can be eaten.
B. Plants that grow above the Question: Describe
ground and cannot be eaten. Mayon. Floods Carry Contamination
2. A kind of root vegetable.
A. carrot Floodwater can be contaminated
B. banana with pollutants such as
3. It is a member of the cabbage agricultural pesticides, industrial
family. chemicals, debris, and sewage.
A. potato If contaminated floodwater
B. turnip enters the ocean it can affect
D. Discussing Pair – Activity: Read the selection below. Then, Read: Remember: water quality and disrupt
new concepts identify what details are asked. Informational texts are
and practicing Read: nonfictional writing, delicate ecosystems, such as
new skills #1 A butterfly has wings with different written with the intention coral reefs.
E. Discussing colors and structures. Butterflies to inform the reader about
new concepts have wings which are covered with a specific topic. These are
and practicing many tiny scales. They have three typically found in Floods Spread Diseases
new skills #2 main body parts: the head, the magazines, newspapers,
thorax, and the abdomen. They science Floods are the leading cause of
have taste receptors on their feet. books,autobiographies, weather-related infectious
They get nutrients by drinking from Ask a question about the and instruction manuals. disease outbreaks. Flooding
mud puddles. They see a range of selection. Choose one of your They use special texts that events increase the chance of
ultraviolet colors, invisible to the classmates to answer your allow their users to easily spreading waterborne diseases,
human eyes. question. find key information and such as hepatitis A and cholera.
understand Receding floodwater can create
______1. What cover the wings of the main topic. stagnant pools of water, which
butterflies? provide the perfect breeding
A. tiny scales B. tiny skin C. tiny Read: ground for mosquitoes, which
2. Which animal needs to live holes The Sun is made up of hot can transmit malaria and other
closer to water? ______2. Where can the taste clouds of gases, but the diseases. Flood events also lead
receptors of butterflies be found? moon are simply made up to an increase in some forms of
B. head B. body C. feet of rocks.The moon zoonosis, such as leptospirosis.
______3. How do butterflies get revolves around the Earth,
nutrients? and the Sun revolves
3. How do frogs and toads A. by seeing ultraviolet colors around its own axis.The
differ? B. by drinking from mud puddles Sun is a star and the moon  What is the text all
C. by covering themselves is a natural satellite.The about?
______4. What do butterflies see Sun, doesn't change its  How does flood affects
that are invisible to the human shape but the moon our environment?
eyes? continuously changes its  How does flood affects
A. other butterflies B. their wings shape( means it appears to people and animals?
C. ultraviolet colors be changing shapes). The  What are the ways to
Sun emits its own light, prevent flood?
the moon reflect the light
of the sun and the Earth
traps some of the heat and
light of the Sun.
Draw a slogan about the ways
 What is sun made on how to prevent flood.
up of?
 Where does the sun
 Differentiate sun
and moon. Use your learnings in ARTS in
F. Developing Read : Answer the question Watch: coloring your slogan.
mastery after the selection by
(Leads to CALABARZON: Truly choosing the letter of the Why Should We Eat
Formative Amazing CALABARZON, correct answer. Choose the Vegetables? General
Assessment) also known as Southern letter of the correct answer. knowledge for Kids -
Tagalog, is considered as one The Sampaguita YouTube
of the largest regions in the By: Aileen V. Sambat  Why should we eat
country in terms of population. The sampaguita is our vegetables,
It is composed of five national flower. It is a small according to the
provinces, such as Cavite, woody plant. It cannot be video?
Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and destroyed by strong winds
Quezon. It derived its name and heavy rains. Its leaves are
from the names of these five shiny, and it has a short stem.
provinces. The famous It has white flowers that are
Tagaytay City is located in small and sweet-smelling.
Cavite. Batangas Province is
These tiny flowers can be
G. Finding the home to one of the most Read the passage carefully. Match Draw your favorite
made into pretty necklaces.
Practical active volcanoes in the country, the question to its correct answer. vegetables. Show still life.
These pretty necklaces
applications of the Mount Taal. Dr. Jose P. An example is done for you.
Rizal was born in Calamba in are called garlands. We can
concepts and
Laguna. Quezon Province is see people selling sampaguita
skills Fishes Explain why is this your
known for its colorful Pahiyas garlands in the streets or near
Fishes are animals that can breathe favorite.
Festival. Province of Rizal is the church.
under water because they
the place which gave birth to use gills to breathe instead of lungs. This plant bears plenty of
various national artists. Truly, They use their fins for flowers in April, May, and
CALABARZON is an amazing movement. Fishes have scales on June. New sampaguita
place to visit and explore their skin instead of fur or hair. plant can grow from small
 What is the text all All fishes are cold-blooded branches.
about? animals, meaning they get their
 What are the provinces body
in CALABARZON? temperature from the surrounding
 Where did Rizal born? water. When they have Answer the following
babies, they lay many eggs at one questions.
time. 1. What is the story about?
2. What is said about the
3. Describe the sampaguita.
4. What can we make out of
the flowers?
5. In what months does this
plant have plenty of flowers?

H. Making 1. What does an informational Remember that when listening, we Informational texts provide  What is Pair Reading
generalizations text provide? should pay attention to the (1)____________ and informational text?
and important details for better specific details or
abstractions Informational text is a understanding. information about a particular
about the lesson nonfictional writing, written topic. These details are
with the determined by asking
intention to provide important (2)____________,
________________________ such as what,
(3)____________, when,
where, why, and how.

I. Evaluating Read: Read: Read:

Learning Read:
Briefly, mountains are created by Health is about being
the movement of the Earths plates physically, mentally and
resulting in the folding and faulting socially fit and active. A
of rock.This is due to the collision healthy person is always
and/or subduction of ready to work in any
plates.Volcanoes are the result of situation. A healthy person
Answer: magma from the Earths mantle is more productive than an
being ejected to the surface of the unhealthy person. People
1. Who loves to play in the
1. Where can you go see earth’s crust. Types of volcanoes also describe a healthy
dolphins? include: shield volcanoes, body as a body without
A. ducks
2. Why are dolphins called composite cones, cinder cones, all any disease. The health is
B. chickens
“carnivores”? the result of pyroclastic eruption the most critical factor to
2. What makes ducks’
3. What are female dolphins and flow. take care.
feathers waterproof?
called? A. wet glands
4. Why are dolphins fun to  What is the text all about? Draw a healthy body.
watch?  What are the two things B. oil glands
5. What are young dolphins being compared in the text? 3. If a chicken gets wet, it can
called?  What are the important become _______.
details about volcanoes A. sick
according to the text? B. tired
 Describe mountain 4. Why is it that ducks and
according to the text. chickens are fun to watch?
A. They share the same nest
to lay their eggs in.
B. They both love to play in
the water.
J. Additional
activities for
application or
A. No. of
learners who
earned 80% on
the formative
B. No. of
Learners who
activities for
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of
learners who
continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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