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05 Parker Adsorbcne Susicky PNEUNDRI

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climate control
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Compressed Air Desiccant Dryers


Compressed air contamination
is a real problem for industry
In today’s modern production facilities, the use of compressed air
is often pivotal to manufacturing processes. Irrespective of whether
the compressed air comes into direct contact with the product or
is used to automate a process, provide motive power, or even to
generate other gases on-site, a clean, dry, reliable compressed
air supply is essential to maintain efficient and cost effective

Parker domnick hunter provides complete

compressed air treatment solutions to suit every
industry, application & budget.

The benefits of using Parker domnick hunter

compressed air treatment solutions:
• Plant Reliability - trouble free operation from equipment
and processes using compressed air
• Clean Dry Air available for all applications
• No contamination of products / processes / equipment
• Low Maintenance Costs – Reduce or eliminate unexpected /
unplanned plant maintenance for better budget control
• Lower plant energy consumption
• Lower plant environmental impact
• Legislation compliance – e.g. assist in complying with hygiene
legislation in the Food, Beverage & Pharmaceutical industries

Compressed air dryers – The heart
of the compressed air treatment solution
At the heart of any compressed air treatment solution is the dryer, it’s
purpose, to remove water vapour, stop condensation, corrosion and
in the case of adsorption dryers, inhibit the growth of micro-organisms.

Heatless adsorption dryers (also known as PSA dryers) the only viable technology available. Additionally,
are the simplest type of adsorption dryer available and modular heatless dryers such as PNEUDRI provide an
have long been the dryer of choice for many industries even more reliable, smaller, more compact & lightweight
and applications. They are simple, reliable and cost dryer which can be installed in both the compressor
effective and for small to medium flow systems, often room or at the point of use.

Benefits of Heatless Adsorption Dryers

• Industry proven design • Robust & reliable
• Suitable for all industries and applications • Uses clean, dry compressed air for
- some adsorption dryer regeneration regeneration making them suitable for all
methods prevent their use in certain industries and applications
industries / applications
• Lower maintenance costs compared to other
• Lower capital investment compared adsorption dryer regeneration methods
to other adsorption dryer regeneration
• No heat / heaters / heat related issues
• Reduced complexity compared to other
adsorption dryer regeneration methods


PNEUDRI modular compressed air dryers -
a dedicated solution for every application
By combining the proven benefits of desiccant drying with modern
design, Parker domnick hunter has produced an extremely compact
and reliable system to totally dry and clean compressed air.

The Parker domnick hunter PNEUDRI ranges of heatless and

heat regenerative dryers have proven to be the ideal solution for
many thousands of compressed air users worldwide in a wide
variety of industries.
Compressed air purification equipment must deliver
uncompromising performance and reliability whilst providing
the right balance of air quality with the lowest cost of operation.

Highest quality air
- Clean, oil-free and dry compressed air in
Flowrates from Flowrates from
accordance with all editions of ISO8573-1,
5.1m3/hr > 49m3/hr >
the international standard for compressed
air quality
Energy efficient
- Maximising savings
Dry air eliminates microbiological growth
- Preventing product spoilage, recall and litigation
Dry air means zero corrosion
- Preventing product spoilage and damage
Smaller, more compact and lightweight
- Modular construction means less than half the
size of conventional dryers
Modular design
- 100% standby at a fraction of the cost of twin
tower designs
- 10 year guarantee on pressure envelope
- Corrosion resistance due to alochroming
and epoxy painting
- Constant dewpoint performance thanks
PNEUDRI MX to snowstorm filling
Flowrates from 408m3/hr >
Approvals to international standards
- PED, CE, CSA (US+Canada), CRN
Easy and flexible installation
- Minimal space required
Simple maintenance
- Giving reduced downtime
Reduced noise pollution
- Super quiet operation

Clean, dry air improves production efficiency

and reduces maintenance costs and downtime.
Only an adsorption dryer can provide the
highest levels of dry compressed air.

PNEUDRI - How It Works
Adsorption dryers work on the principle of moisture always
migrating to the driest medium possible. Therefore, water
vapour is removed from compressed air by passing it over
an adsorbent desiccant material.

As the air contacts the adsorbent material, water vapour off-line, being regenerated or is re-pressurised, ready to come
transfers from the wet air to the dry desiccant, however, on-line. All adsorption dryers remove water in this manner.
adsorbent materials have a fixed adsorption capacity and once
this capacity is reached, they must be regenerated or replaced. The energy consumed by an adsorption dryer can be directly
attributed to the method used to regenerate the adsorbent
Therefore, to provide a continuous supply of clean, dry material. Parker domnick hunter PNEUDRI dryers utilise either
compressed air, adsorbent dryers utilise two chambers of the Heatless PSA or the Heat Regenerative TSA method to
desiccant material and at any one time, whilst one chamber is regenerate the adsorbent material.
on-line, drying the incoming compressed air, the other is either

PNEUDRI Operation - Drying Cycle

Dry Air
The process air enters the dryer through the inlet and is
directed into the on-line drying chamber via the inlet valves
and lower manifold.
(PNEUDRI models can be made up of either single or multiple Desiccant
drying columns, depending upon the range) Bead

The air is evenly distributed through the drying columns and

passes over the desiccant material, reducing the water vapour
content. Wet
The dried process air then combines in the upper manifold
and exits the dryer via the outlet check valves.

Column Changeover
Before the on-line (drying) and off -line
(regenerating) columns change over, the dryer
exhaust valve, is closed, allowing the purge air to
re-pressurise the off -line columns. This ensures a
consistent system pressure and dewpoint when the
drying chambers change over.

PNEUDRI Operation - Regeneration Cycle

Dry Purge
(Heatless PSA or Pressure Swing Adsorption) Air

At the start of the regeneration cycle, the exhaust valve of the dryer is closed
and the off-line chamber is at full line pressure. The air in the off-line chamber
has a dewpoint equal to the air leaving the dryer. Desiccant
The exhaust valve is then opened and the dry air within the chamber expands
rapidly as it leaves the dryer via the exhaust silencer, forcing water to be
removed from the desiccant material.
Once the off-line chamber has de-pressurised, a continuous bleed of dried Wet Purge
process air is directed into the off-line upper manifold. This air is known Air to
as purge air.
With the exhaust valve open, the purge air expands from line pressure
to atmospheric pressure and flows downwards through the columns,
over the off-line desiccant material. Standard Drying / Regeneration Cycle
As the purge air at line pressure contains a fixed amount of water vapour,

0 2.5 3 0 2.5 3

allowing it to expand means the purge air becomes even drier, increasing Side A Regeneration Re-pressurisation Drying
its capacity to remove water from the saturated desiccant bed.
Side B Drying Regeneration Re-pressurisation

PNEUDRI - The world's most advanced
modular drying system
With the proven benefit of advanced aluminium forming
technology, Parker domnick hunter has developed a twin tower
desiccant dryer that is typically 60% of the size and weight of
conventional designs.

These advanced desiccant dryers include ranges of heatless and eliminates the need for complex valves or interconnecting
heat-regenerative PNEUDRI dryers which provide one of the piping.
most simple and cost effective compressed air drying solutions. Also, the length to diameter ratio of the internal voids and
Engineers at Parker domnick hunter have developed PNEUDRI non-welded construction means that PNEUDRI does not require
using innovative aluminium forming technology, resulting in periodic inspections for insurance purposes, unlike traditional
units that are typically 60% of the size and weight of conventional twin-tower air dryers that require out of service periods which
welded steel desiccant air dryers. Using a single, high tensile can severely disrupt production schedules.
extruded aluminium column, the PNEUDRI modular design

Drying Columns Distribution Manifold

Greater flexibility with multi-banking

Unlike traditional twin tower dryer
designs, PNEUDRI MAXI models
can be multi-banked to provide extra
compressed air drying capacity should
demand increase in the future. There is
no need to replace the dryer with a larger
unit, additional capacity can be covered
by simply adding extra bank(s), a feature
only available with PNEUDRI.

Flexibility during maintenance

Multi-banking allows individual dryer
banks to be easily isolated for routine
service work, whilst maintaining your
clean, dry air supply.
Fits through a standard doorway
100% stand-by Unlike traditional twin tower designs,
Compared to traditional twin tower PNEUDRI dryers will fit through a standard
designs, 100% standby is available at a doorway, eliminating the need for special
fraction of the cost as only one extra dryer access or facility structural dismantling
bank is required. during installation.

PNEUDRI - four key features
guarantee air quality
OIL-X EVOLUTION filtration
Adsorption dryers are designed for the removal of water vapour and not liquid water, water
aerosols, oil, particulates or micro-organisms. Only by using Parker domnick hunter OIL-X
EVOLUTION pre and after filtration can the removal of these contaminants be assured and air
quality in accordance with all editions of ISO8573-1 be guaranteed.

Modular aluminium design

Aluminium extrusions are used throughout for drying
chambers and distribution manifolds. This design allows
the desiccant material to be retained within the drying
chambers.'Snowstorm' filling, prevents movement of the
desiccant material during operation and also eliminates
desiccant attrition and breakdown which could lead to a
loss of pressure dewpoint.

Adsorbent desiccant material

Specially selected desiccant materials provide:
• Optimum adsorption and regeneration capacity - to ensure consistent dewpoint
• Low dusting - to prevent blockage of downstream filtration
• High crush strength - to prevent breakdown of the desiccant during operation
• High resistance to aggressive and oil-free condensate - for compatibility
with all types of air compressor, their lubricants and condensate

Snowstorm filled bed

'Snowstorm' filling method
Unique to Parker domnick hunter modular dryers is the
snowstorm filling technique used to charge the drying
chambers with adsorbent desiccant material.
The benefits are:

• Achieves maximum packing density for the

desiccant material, fully utilising all of the available
space envelope

• Prevents air channelling through the desiccant

as experienced with twin tower designs. Due
to channelling, twin tower designs require more
Consistent drying with
desiccant to achieve an identical dewpoint,
no desiccant attrition
increasing physical size, operational and
maintenance costs
Loose filled bed
• Prevents desiccant attrition which can lead
to dusting, blocked filters and loss of dewpoint

• Allows 100% of the available desiccant material to

be used for drying, therefore reducing the amount
of desiccant required and maintenance costs

• 100% of the desiccant is regenerated ensuring

Maximum Packing Density consistent dewpoint
'Snowstorm' filling • Provides a low, equal resistance to air flow
ensures consistent allowing multiple drying chambers and multiple
dewpoint performance Inconsistent drying and dryer banks to be used, a feature only available
desiccant attrition with PNEUDRI
Selecting the right dryer for
your compressed air system
To achieve the degree of air quality specified by ISO8573-1:2010,
a careful approach to system design, commissioning and
operation must be adopted.
Parker domnick hunter recommends that compressed air is treated:
• Prior to entry into the distribution system
• At critical usage points and applications
This ensures that contamination already in the distribution system is removed.

Purification equipment should be installed where the air is at the lowest possible
temperature (i.e. downstream of after-coolers and air receivers). Point-of-use
purification equipment should be installed as close as possible to the application.





Compressor room

5 8


1 Air Compressor 6 Modular Adsorption Dryer 11 Oil Vapour Removal
2 ­Wet Air Receiver 7 Dust Filter 12 Sterile Air Filter
3 Condensate Drain 8 Condensate Drainage 13 On-site Nitrogen Gas Generator
4 Water Separator 9 Oil / Water Separator 14 Point of use Adsorption Dryer
5 Coalescing Filters 10 Dry Air Receiver 15 Breathing Air Purifier

What size PNEUDRI do I require?
Dryer Selection
To correctly select a dryer model, the flow rate of the dryer must be adjusted for the minimum operating pressure and
maximum operational temperature of the system. If the dewpoint required is different to the standard dewpoint of the
dryer then the flow rate must also be adjusted for the required outlet dewpoint.

Selection Example
Selecting a dryer for a compressor producing at full load 1500 m³/hr at 8.3 bar g with 38°C air inlet temperature and a pressure
dewpoint of -40°C.





0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

FLOW m3/hr

Step 1 Temperature Correction Factor CFT

Select the correction factor for maximum inlet temperature from °C 40
the CFT table Correction Factor for 38°C (round up to 40°C) = 1.04 Maximum Inlet
°F 104
CFT 1.04

Step 2 Pressure Correction Factor CFP

Select the correction factor for minimum operating pressure from the
bar g 8
CFP table Correction Factor for 8.3 bar g (round down to 8 bar g) = 0.89 Minimum
psi g 116
Inlet Pressure
CFP 0.89

Step 3 Dewpoint Correction Factor CFD

Select the correction factor for the required dewpoint from the CFD table
PDP °C -40
Correction Factor for -40°C PDP = 1.00 Required
PDP °F -40
CFD 1.00

Step 4
Calculate the minimum drying capacity
Minimum drying capacity = Compressed air flow rate x CFT x CFP x CFD
Minimum drying capacity = 1500 m³/hr x 1.04 x 0.89 x 1.00 = 1388 m³/hr
Model selected = MX106
Step 5
Which controller is required?
Smart controller is required therefore model selected = MXS106
Step 6
Is DDS Energy Management System required?
DDS Energy Management system is required therefore model selected = MXS106DS

If the minimum drying capacity exceeds the maximum values of the models shown within the tables,
please contact Parker domnick hunter for advice regarding larger multi-banked dryers.

Product Selection
Inlet Flowrates
Model Pipe Size
L/S m3/min m3/hr cfm

DAS1 /8"
1 0.09 5.1 3

DAS2 /8"
2 0.14 8.5 5

DAS3 /8"
4 0.23 13.6 8

DAS4 /8"
5 0.28 17.0 10

DAS5 /8"
6 0.37 22.1 13

DAS6 /8"
7 0.43 25.5 15

DAS7 /8"
9 0.57 34.0 20

Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar g (100 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar a, 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown.

Dryer Performance
*Dewpoint (Standard) *Dewpoint (Option 1) ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models Classification
Classification (standard)
ºC ºF ºC ºF (Option 1)

DAS -40 -40 Class 2 -70 -100 Class 1

Technical Data
Min Operating Max Operating Min Inlet Max Inlet Max Ambient
Dryer Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F

DAS 4 58 12 175 2 35 50 122 55 131

Noise Level
Electrical Supply Electrical Supply Electronic Function
Dryer Thread (average)
(Standard) (Optional) Controller
Models Connection Power On Service Interval
Tolerance ± 10% Tolerance ± 10% dB(A) OptionsD
Indication Indication

DAS 230 / 1ph / 50Hz 115 / 1ph / 60Hz BSPP or NPT <75 DAS • •

For fully pneumatic applications, a PNEUDRI MINI range is available.

Please contact Parker domnick hunter for further information.

Correction Factors
Temperature Correction Factor CFT

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Inlet
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
CFT 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.14 1.37

Pressure Correction Factor CFP

bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Minimum Inlet
psi g 58 73 87 102 116 131 145 160 174
CFP 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 1.03 0.93 0.85 0.78 0.71

Dewpoint Correction Factor CFD Standard Option 1

PDP °C -40 -70

PDP °F -40 -100
CFD 1.00 1.43

Weights and Dimensions

Model Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins Kg lbs

DAS1 3
/8" 422 16.6 289 11.4 149 5.9 11 24.2 H
DAS2 3
/8" 500 19.7 289 11.4 149 5.9 13 28.7

DAS3 3
/8" 616 24.2 289 11.4 149 5.9 16 35.3

DAS4 3
/8" 692 27.2 289 11.4 149 5.9 18 39.7
DAS5 3
/8" 847 33.3 289 11.4 149 5.9 20 44.1

DAS6 3
/8" 906 35.7 289 11.4 149 5.9 23 50.7

DAS7 3
/8" 1098 43.2 289 11.4 149 5.9 28 61.7

Recommended Filtration
Filter Pipe Size Inlet General Inlet High Outlet
BSPT or NPT Purpose Pre-filter Efficiency Filter Dust Filter

DAS1 /8"

DAS2 /8"

DAS3 /8"

DAS4 /8"
AO005B FX Built into dryer Built into dryer

DAS5 /8"

DAS6 /8"
AO0010B FX

DAS7 /8"
AO0010B FX

*MiDAS dryers include integral high efficiency pre and general purpose dust filters. = B (BSPT) or N (NPT)

Product Selection
Inlet Flowrates
Model Pipe Size
L/S m3/min m3/hr cfm

DME012 3
/4" 11" 0.68 41 24

DME015 3
/4" 15 0.91 55 32

DME020 3
/4" 20 1.19 71 42

DME025 3
/4" 25 1.50 90 53

DME030 3
/4" 31 1.84 110 65

DME040 3
/4" 42 2.49 149 88

DME050 1" 50 3.01 180 106

DME060 1" 61 3.69 221 130

DME080 1" 83 4.99 299 176

Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar g (100 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar a, 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures, apply the correction factors shown.

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint (Standard) Dewpoint (Option 1)
ISO8573-1:2010 ISO8573-1:2010
Dryer Models
Classification (standard) Classification (Option 1)
ºC ºF ºC ºF

DME -40 -40 Class 2 -70 -100 Class 1

DMP* -40 -40 Class 2 -70 -100 Class 1

Technical Data
Min Operating Max Operating Min Operating Max Operating Max Ambient Noise
Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature Electrical Electrical Level
Dryer Models Supply Supply
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F (Standard) (Optional) dB(A)

230V 1ph 110V 1ph

DME012 - DME040 4 58 16 232 5 41 50 122 55 131 BSPP or NPT <75
50/60Hz 50/60Hz
230V 1ph 110V 1ph
DME050 - DME080 4 58 13 190 5 41 50 122 55 131 BSPP or NPT <75
50/60Hz 50/60Hz

DMP12P - DMP80P* 4 58 10.5 152 5 41 50 122 55 131 FULLY PNEUMATIC BSPP or NPT <75

Controller Options

Controller OptionsD Display Fault Service Service Configurable Remote Volt Filter DDS Energy
Power On Fault
Condition Interval Contdown Alarm Free Alarm Service Management
Indication Indication
Values Indication Timers Settings contacts Timer System
(Electronic control) • • •
DME DDS • • • •

*ATEX compliant option available.

For hazardous environments, a fully pneumatic ATEX compliant
version of PNEUDRI is available.

ATEX Directive 94/9/EC

Group II, Category 2GD, T6.
Correction Factors
Temperature Correction Factor CFT

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Inlet
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
CFT 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.14 1.37

Pressure Correction Factor CFP

bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Inlet Pressure
CFP 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.57 0.54 0.5 0.47

Models 012 - 040 only

Dewpoint Correction Factor CFD Standard Option 1

PDP °C -40 -70

PDP °F -40 -100
CFD 1.00 1.43

Weights and Dimensions

DME 012 - 040
Model Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
Inlet /
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs

DME012 3
/4" 837 33.0 284 11.2 302 11.9 32 70

DME015 3
/4" 1003 39.5 284 11.2 302 11.9 37 81

DME020 3
/4" 1168 46.0 284 11.2 302 11.9 42 92
DME 050 - 080
DME025 3
/4" 1333 52.5 284 11.2 302 11.9 47 103

DME030 3
/4" 1499 59.0 284 11.2 302 11.9 52 114

DME040 3
/4" 1747 68.8 284 11.2 302 11.9 60 132

DME050 1" 1433 56.4 220 8.7 566 22.3 80 176

DME060 1" 1599 63.0 220 8.7 566 22.3 90 198

DME080 1" 1847 72.7 220 8.7 566 22.3 104 229

Recommended Filtration
For Dryer Filter Pipe Size Inlet Outlet
General Purpose
Model BSPT or NPT High Efficiency Filter Dust Filter

DME012 /4"

DME015 /4"

DME020 /4"

DME025 /4"

DME030 /4"

DME040 /4"

DME050 1" AO025E FX AA025E FX AR025E MX

DME060 1" AO030E FX AA030E FX AR030E MX

DME080 1" AO030E FX AA030E FX AR030E MX

= B (BSPT) or N (NPT)

Product Selection
Model Pipe Size
L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm

MX 102C 2" 113 6.81 408 240

MX 103C 2" 170 10.22 612 360
Single Bank

MX 103 2" 213 12.78 765 450

MX 104 2" 283 17.03 1020 600
MX 105 21/2" 354 21 1275 750
MX 106 2 /2"
425 26 1530 900
MX 107 21/2" 496 30 1785 1050
MX 108 21/2" 567 34 2040 1200
2 x MX 105 21/2" 708 43 2550 1500
2 x MX 106 21/2" 850 51 3060 1800
2 x MX 107 2 /2"
992 60 3570 2100

2 x MX 108 21/2" 1133 68 4080 2400

3 x MX 106 21/2" 1275 77 4590 2700
3 x MX 107 21/2" 1488 89 5355 3150
3 x MX 108 G 21/2 1700 102 6120 3600

Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar g (100 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar a, 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures apply the correction factors shown.

Dryer Performance
Dewpoint Dewpoint Dewpoint
ISO8573-1:2010 ISO8573-1:2010 ISO8573-1:2010
(Standard) (Option 1) (Option 2)
Dryer Models Classification Classification Classification
ºC ºF (standard) ºC ºF (Option 1) ºC ºF (Option 2)

MX -40 -40 Class 2 -70 -100 Class 1 -20 -4 Class 3

MXP* -40 -40 Class 2 -70 -100 Class 1 -20 -4 Class 3

Technical Data
Min Max Min Max Max
Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Electrical
Dryer Electrical supply Thread Level
Pressure Pressure Temp Temp Temp supply
Models (standard Connections
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB (A)

85 - 265 V BSPP
MXS 4 58 13 190 5 41 50 122 55 131 N/A <75
1ph 50/60Hz or NPT
85 - 265 V BSPP
MXA 4 58 13 190 5 41 50 122 55 131 N/A <75
1ph 50/60Hz or NPT
MXP* 4 58 13 190 5 41 50 122 55 131 N/A N/A <75
or NPT

Controller Options
Controller Display Fault Service Service Comfigurable Remote Volt Filter DDS Energy
Options Power on Fault
Condition Interval Countdown Alarm Free Alarm Service Management
Indication Indication
Values Indication Timers Settings Contacts Timer System

SMART • • • •
SMART DDS • • • • •
ADVANCED • • • • • • • • •

*ATEX compliant option available.

For hazardous environments , a fully pneumatic ATEX compliant
version of PNEUDRI is available.

ATEX Directive 94/9/EC

Group II, Category 2GD, T6.
Correction Factors
Temperature Correction Factor CFT

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Inlet
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
CFT 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.14 1.37

Pressure Correction Factor CFP

bar g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
psi g 58 73 87 100 116 131 145 160 174 189
Inlet Pressure
CFP 1.60 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.57

Dewpoint Correction Factor CFD Option 2 Standard Option 1

PDP °C -20 -40 -70

PDP °F -4 -40 -100
CFD 0.91 1.00 1.43

Weights and Dimensions

Dimensions MX 102c - 108
Pipe Weight
Model Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs

MX 102C 2" 1647 64.8 687 27.0 550 21.7 235 518

MX 103C 2" 1647 64.8 856 33.7 550 21.7 316 696

MX 103 2" 1892 74.5 856 33.7 550 21.7 355 782 H

MX 104 2" 1892 74.5 1025 40.3 550 21.7 450 992

MX 105 21/2" 1892 74.5 1194 47.0 550 21.7 543 1197

MX 106 21/2" 1892 74.5 1363 53.6 550 21.7 637 1404

MX 107 21/2" 1892 74.5 1532 60.3 550 21.7 731 1611

MX 108 2 /2"
1892 74.5 1701 67.0 550 21.7 825 1818 D W

Recommended Filtration
Filter Inlet Inlet
For Dryer Outlet
Pipe Size General Purpose High Efficiency
Model Dust Filter
BSPT or NPT Pre-filter Filter
MX 102C 2" AO040H FX AA040H FX AR040H MX

MX 103C 2" AO040H FX AA040H FX AR040H MX

MX 103 2" AO045H FX AA045H FX AR045H MX

MX 104 2" AO045H FX AA045H FX AR045H MX

MX 105 2 /2"

MX 106 21/2" AO055I FX AA055I FX AR055I MX

MX 107 2 /2"

MX 108 21/2" AO055I FX AA055I FX AR055I MX = B (BSPT) or N (NPT)

Dryer Coding Example


DS = DDS Fitted
S = Smart No of individual Number of columns
MX (DDS standard with
A = Advanced dryers in installation per dryer bank
Advanced Controllers)

MX S 3 08 DS

Example: PNEUDRI model MXS308DS

Improving manufacturing efficiency
Every manufacturing organisation strives to improve its
operational efficiency, especially in terms of energy consumption
and environmental impact.

Heatless adsorption dryers use clean, dry process air for regeneration,
but in real terms, this means that not all of the compressed air generated
is available for manufacturing processes.
Generating compressed air uses electrical energy, type of dryer may be higher when compared to
so although heatless adsorption dryers have many other types of adsorption dryers with different
benefits, the energy costs associated with this regeneration methods.

Low Energy Heatless Adsorption Dryers
The PNEUDRI MXLE ADVANTAGE has been specifically
designed to provide all of the benefits of a traditional PNEUDRI
MX heatless adsorption dryer with the additional benefits of
increased compressed air available for plant use, lower energy
costs and lower environmental impact.

Dryer Selection
Dryers should not be
selected upon energy
costs alone, but on
delivered air quality,
their suitability for the
industry & application in
which they are to operate,
reliability and total cost of

Features & Benefits
• Complete clean dry air solution with guaranteed air quality • Suitable for all industrial applications
• Includes Pre & Post Filtration • Ideally suited for food, beverage and pharmaceutical
• Delivered air quality in accordance with ISO8573-1 industries & applications
• 3rd Party validated performance on both dryer and • Uses clean dry process air for regeneration
pre / post filtration (no contamination of adsorption bed)
• Dryer tested in accordance with ISO7183 • Materials of Construction FDA Title 21 Compliant
• Filters tested in accordance with ISO12500-1 / ISO8573-4 and EC1935-2004 exempt
• Modular construction • Heatless fall back mode for extra security
• Smaller, more compact & lightweight than • Extra security – should a fault occur with the
traditional Twin Tower dryers vacuum pump, dryer can be operated in full heatless
• Fully expandable as your system grows mode to keep plant operational
• Existing MX dryers can be upgraded to extend life of
existing capital equipment and lower capital expenditure • Lower total cost of ownership
• Low running costs
• Low energy heatless technology • Shorter maintenance times & extended
• 17% more air available for use than a comparative preventative maintenance periods
heatless dryer • Lower maintenance costs compared to other types
• On average, 60% lower energy consumption than of low energy dryer
a comparative heatless dryer & 39% lower energy
consumption than a comparative heat regenerative dryer • Lifetime warranty available
• Energy Management System fitted as standard for
additional savings

Airloss Kw / 24hrs


Heat Regenerative

Heatless Low Energy

Product Selection
Model Pipe Size
L/s m3/min m3/hr cfm

MXLE 102C G2 113 6.81 408 240

MXLE 103C G2 170 10.22 612 360

Single Bank

MXLE 103 G2 213 12.78 765 450

MXLE 104 G2 283 17.03 1020 600

MXLE 105 G 2 /21

354 21 1275 750

MXLE 106 G 2 /21

425 26 1530 900

MXLE 107 G 21/2 496 30 1785 1050

MXLE 108 G 21/2 567 34 2040 1200

Stated flows are for operation at 7 bar g (100 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar a, 0% relative water vapour pressure.
For flows at other pressures apply the correction factors shown.

Dryer performance
Dewpoint Dewpoint Dewpoint
ISO8573-1:2010 ISO8573-1:2010 (Option 2) ISO8573-1:2010
(Standard) (Option 1)
Dryer Models Classification Classification Classification
ºC ºF (standard) ºC ºF (Option 1) ºC ºF (Option 2)

MXLE -40 -40 Class 2 -70 -100 Class 1 -20 -4 Class 3

* ISO8573-1 Classifications when used with included Parker domnick hunter OIL-X EVOLUTION pre / post filtration

Technical data
Min Max Min Max Max
Electrical Noise
Dryer Operating Operating Operating Operating Ambient Electrical supply Thread
supply Level
Models Pressure Pressure Temp Temp Temp (standard) Connections
bar g psi g bar g psi g °C °F °C °F °C °F dB (A)

380V - 420V 3PH 50Hz

MXLE 5 58 11* 160* 5 41 50 122 55 131 N/A BSPP <75
440V - 480V 3PH 60Hz
* 13 bar g (190 psig) option available on request

Model MXLE102c MXLE103c MXLE103 MXLE104 MXLE105 MXLE106 MXLE107 MXLE108

Vacuum 50Hz 3 3 4 5.5 7.5 8 9.5 11

Pump kW 60Hz 3.6 3.6 4.8 6.6 9 9.6 11.4 13.2

Correction Factors
Temperature Correction Factor CFT

°C 25 30 35 40 45 50
Maximum Inlet
°F 77 86 95 104 113 122
CFT 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.14 1.37

Pressure Correction Factor CFP

bar g 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
psi g 73 87 100 116 131 145 160
Inlet Pressure
CFP 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80 0.73 0.67

Dewpoint Correction Factor CFD Option 2 Standard Option 1

PDP °C -20 -40 -70

PDP °F -4 -40 -100
CFD 0.91 1.00 1.43

Dryer coding example Part numbers
Number Dryer Part Numbers
Dryer Controller Number of Vacuum Pump Dryer Upgrade Kits
of drying
model type drying banks -20°C /-40°C PDP -70°C PDP
Part Numbers Part Numbers
Number of
LE = LOW individual MXLE103C MXLE103C-70 MXLEP3C MXLEK3C
MX of columns
ENERGY dryers in
per dryer bank MXLE103 MXLE103-70 MXLEP3 MXLEK3
MX LE 1 08
Dryer and vacuum pump ordered seperately. MXLE106 MXLE106-70 MXLEP6 MXLEK6



Weights and dimensions

Dryer Dimensions Vacuum Pump Dimensions
Weight Weight
Model Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D) Model Height (H) Width (W) Depth (D)
mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs mm ins mm ins mm ins kg lbs

MXLE102c 2" 1647 65 794 32 550 22 265 583 MXLE102c 355 14 900 35 531 21 129 284

MXLE103c 2" 1647 65 963 38 550 22 346 761 MXLE103c 355 14 900 35 531 21 129 284

MXLE103 2" 1892 75 963 38 550 22 385 847 MXLE103 385 15 998 39 531 21 163 359

MXLE104 2" 1892 75 1132 45 550 22 480 1056 MXLE104 385 15 1084 43 531 21 178 392

MXLE105 2 /2" 1892

75 1300 52 550 22 573 1261 MXLE105 385 15 1084 43 531 21 178 392

MXLE106 21/2" 1892 75 1470 58 550 22 667 1467 MXLE106 1185 47 1100 43 750 30 361 796

MXLE107 2 /2" 1892

75 1642 65 550 22 761 1674 MXLE107 1185 47 1100 43 750 30 376 829

MXLE108 21/2" 1892 75 1808 71 550 22 855 1881 MXLE108 1185 47 1100 43 750 30 391 862




Included filtration
Filter Pipe Size Inlet Outlet
For Dryer Model General Purpose
BSPP High Efficiency Filter Dust Filter




MXLE 105 21/2" AO050IGFX AA050IGFX AR050IGMX

MXLE 106 2 /2"


MXLE 107 21/2" AO055IGFX AA055IGFX AR055IGMX

MXLE 108 2 /2"


Saving energy with the dewpoint dependent
switching (DDS) energy management system
The energy required to regenerate the off-line desiccant Under such conditions, at the point in the drying cycle where
bed in an absorption dryer is constant, and based upon the the air flow is switched from one drying chamber to the
assumption that the dryer is operating at its full capacity other, there is the potential for drying capacity to remain in
and the desiccant bed requiring regeneration has been fully the desiccant material about to undergo regeneration. As the
saturated. In reality, a dryer is rarely operating at full capacity energy used to regenerate this partially saturated bed is based
all of the time, for example during shift work and periods upon the assumption that the bed is fully saturated, more
of low demand. Daily and seasonal fluctuations in ambient energy (purge air) is consumed than is actually necessary.
temperature and humidity also change the moisture loading
placed upon the dryer.

Dewpoint Dependent Switching (DDS) Energy Management System

With the DDS Energy Management system installed, the drying cycle remains unchanged, however as the drying chambers are
about to change, the DDS system overrides normal operation to fully utilise the drying capacity of the on-line desiccant material.

DDS operation
At column changeover, the exhaust valve is closed to allow the
purge air to re-pressurise the off-line column, thus ensuring no
loss of system pressure.
At this time, both drying chambers are at full line pressure, so
that no purge air is being used and the dryer is in a state of zero
energy consumption.
Under normal operation, the drying chambers would proceed
to change over automatically, however the DDS energy
management system incorporates a hygrometer which is used
to monitor the pressure dewpoint of the air leaving the dryer. If
the air is drier than the pre-set dewpoint, the desiccant material
is only partially saturated and has drying capacity remaining
within it, therefore change over is delayed.
The hygrometer constantly monitors the outlet dewpoint until
the pre-set level has been achieved, at which point, change over
will occur.
The drying and regenerating cycle will then continue normally
until the end of the next column changeover when the DDS
energy management system may again extend the drying period
as dictated by the outlet air quality.

DDS Operation - Energy Saving Cycle (Heatless Dryer example shown)

DDS Drying / Regeneration Cycle
changeover time dictated changeover time dictated
0 2.5 3 0 2.5 3
by outlet dewpoint by outlet dewpoint


Side A Regeneration Re-pressurisation Energy Saving Drying

Side B Drying Regeneration Re-pressurisation Energy Saving

DDS Energy Saving (Heatless Dryer example shown)

Energy Saving Environmental Saving
Air Demand % Energy Saving %
P/A Kw P/A Kg CO2
100 33.00 95,040 50,371
90 40.00 115,200 61,056
80 47.00 135,360 71,741
70 53.00 152,640 80,899
60 60.00 172,800 91,584
50 66.00 190,080 100,742
System pressure 6 bar g. Max Temp 35°C. System flow 1700 m3/hr (1000 cfm). Average pressure 6.5 bar g. Average Temp 30°C.

Compressed air for hazardous

Oil & Gas Drilling and Production Installations can be some conventional installations. Products must be rugged, reliable,
of the most inhospitable working areas known to man. Apart high strength, compact and be able to withstand salt-water
from potentially explosive and corrosive areas, ambient corrosion while still being able to function as specified.
temperatures can vary from -20°C to 50°C with wind speeds of
up to 80mph and the constant battering from high waves, an oil Maintaining safe operations in a hazardous working
rig is a demanding place for man or machine. environment means a reliance on motive and instrument
quality compressed air. In a dirty, humid and corrosive
The highest equipment specifications are therefore required atmosphere this must be consistently clean and dry in order
for Oil & Gas Drilling and Production Installations that dictate that system quality and safety is not compromised.
a quality of design and manufacture seldom required for

Quality Compressed Air = Reliability + Safety = Peace of Mind

In addition to providing air treatment products for standard industrial
applications, Parker domnick hunter also specialises in the design and
manufacture of compressed air filters and dryers for hazardous industries
such as chemical/petrochemical and offshore oil & gas.
Parker domnick hunter can supply fully pneumatic ATEX versions of their
compressed air filters and dryers which are fully compliant with Directive
94/9/EC Group II, Category 2GD, T6 and which may be configured to suit
individual customer requirements.
Additional customer requirements include:
• Stainless steel piping
• Stainless steel bolts
• Stainless steel shroud
• Marine paint finish

Aftermarket ELEMENTS

Parker filters are designed to produce clean compressed air, Parker Kits make everyday maintenance easy. They are
gas and liquid to the highest industry standards. To maintain available for all of our products and are simply value-for-
impeccable results, Elements within the filter must be money. The Parts within the kits support our customers’
replaced annually. ELEMENTS
varied maintenance, repair and overhaul activities.
Choosing the Parker brand means you can be assured that Additionally, Preventative Maintenance Kits can be
Elements are readily available, affordable and the most purchased for dryers and gas generators. These kits mean
energy efficient product of its kind on the market. The our customers dryer’s and generator’s can be serviced
elements are also supplied in 100% recyclable packaging.
An additional advantage of purchasing Parker Elements is PARTS
easily to ensure optimum performance.
An extensive range of durable Parker Parts can be obtained
that you will reduce your company’s carbon footprint by
within 24 hours to any European, Middle East or African
190kg. This is the equivalent of a 700 mile flight from
Edinburgh to Berlin!
Parker Filter Elements also prove to be highly efficient when
used in any leading competitor’s filters.

Parker Specialist Service Engineers test on-site efficiency Maintenance Repair & Overhaul - Parker Technicians are
measuring many variables including airflow, pressure, the industry’s finest. Their skills and qualifications are
temperature, dewpoint and power consumption. SUPPORT
annually approved to keep their product and legislation
Our team of highly trained experts are the best in SERVICES
knowledge fresh and expertise relevant.
the industry. They take into account a range of With this in mind, Parker offers onsite and on demand
environmental factors that could affect your system’s servicing to meet customers’ unique requirements in
performance. The results from this Specialist Service a timely and efficient manner.
are extremely accurate and produce invaluable
SERVICES Parker MRO service ranges from a basic maintenance
check covered under product warranty right through to
Importantly, Parker informed recommendations lead a comprehensive programme, which even puts the onsite
to significant savings for our customers, which mean application under the microscope.
they return time and time again for our advice and
With customers at the heart of everything Parker does,
the MRO service is no exception to this.

Parker Support Services are the first port of call for
customers in need of help or guidance.
The fact that this team is responsible for the production
of User Guides and Manuals gives you an insight into the
level and detail of their parts and product knowledge.
Over-the-phone support is just one way in which
Parker’s extremely knowledgeable team, quickly reduces
downtime or resolves product queries.
On some occasions engineers need to be on site to carry
out a repair. In these cases, the local engineer will be
quickly dispatched to ensure our customers can return
to production as soon as possible.
One-to-one training can also be provided by our Support
Services team. This has enabled hundreds of Parker
distributors to gain an in-depth understanding. Training
will also ensure distributors can make timely repairs and
easily maintain their customers’ products.

Parker’s Motion & Control Technologies
At Parker, we’re guided by
a relentless drive to help
our customers become more
productive and achieve higher
levels of profitability by
Aerospace Climate Control Electromechanical Filtration
engineering the best systems Key Markets Key Markets Key Markets Key Markets
for their requirements. It Aftermarket services Agriculture Aerospace Aerospace
Commercial transports Air conditioning Factory automation Food & beverage
means looking at customer Engines Construction Machinery Life science & medical Industrial plant & equipment
applications from many General & business aviation Food & beverage Machine tools Life sciences
Helicopters Industrial machinery Packaging machinery Marine
angles to find new ways Launch vehicles Life sciences Paper machinery Mobile equipment
to create value. Whatever Military aircraft Oil & gas Plastics machinery & converting Oil & gas
Missiles Precision cooling Primary metals Power generation &
the motion and control Power generation Process renewable energy
Semiconductor & electronics
technology need, Parker has Regional transports Refrigeration Textile Process
Unmanned aerial vehicles Transportation Wire & cable Transportation
the experience, breadth of Water Purification
product and global reach Key Products Key Products Key Products
Control systems & Accumulators AC/DC drives & systems Key Products
to consistently deliver. No actuation products Analytical gas generators
Advanced actuators Electric actuators, gantry robots
company knows more about Engine systems CO2 controls & slides Compressed air filters & dryers
& components Electrohydrostatic actuation systems
Electronic controllers Engine air, coolant, fuel & oil filtration systems
motion and control technology Fluid conveyance systems Electromechanical actuation systems Fluid condition monitoring systems
& components Filter driers
than Parker. For further info Fluid metering, delivery Hand shut-off valves Human machine interface Hydraulic & lubrication filters
& atomization devices Heat exchangers Linear motors Hydrogen, nitrogen & zero
call 00800 27 27 5374 Stepper motors, servo motors, air generators
Fuel systems & components Hose & fittings
drives & controls Instrumentation filters
Fuel tank inerting systems Pressure regulating valves
Structural extrusions Membrane & fiber filters
Hydraulic systems Refrigerant distributors
& components Safety relief valves Microfiltration
Thermal management Smart pumps Sterile air filtration
Wheels & brakes Solenoid valves Water desalination & purification filters &
Thermostatic expansion valves systems

Fluid & Gas Handling Hydraulics Pneumatics Process Control Sealing & Shielding
Key Markets Key Markets Key Markets Key Markets Key Markets
Aerial lift Aerial lift Aerospace Alternative fuels Aerospace
Agriculture Agriculture Conveyor & material handling Biopharmaceuticals Chemical processing
Bulk chemical handling Alternative energy Factory automation Chemical & refining Consumer
Construction machinery Construction machinery Life science & medical Food & beverage Fluid power
Food & beverage Forestry Machine tools Marine & shipbuilding General industrial
Fuel & gas delivery Industrial machinery Packaging machinery Medical & dental Information technology
Industrial machinery Machine tools Transportation & automotive Microelectronics Life sciences
Life sciences Marine Nuclear Power Microelectronics
Marine Material handling
Key Products Offshore oil exploration Military
Mining Oil & gas Oil & gas
Oil & gas Air preparation
Mobile Pharmaceuticals Power generation
Power generation Brass fittings & valves
Oil & gas Power generation Renewable energy
Refuse vehicles Manifolds
Renewable energy Pulp & paper Telecommunications
Renewable energy Pneumatic accessories
Transportation Pneumatic actuators & grippers Steel Transportation
Truck hydraulics Water/wastewater
Turf equipment Pneumatic valves & controls
Key Products Quick disconnects Key Products
Check valves Rotary actuators Key Products Dynamic seals
Connectors for low pressure
Key Products Rubber & thermoplastic hose Analytical Instruments Elastomeric o-rings
fluid conveyance Accumulators & couplings Analytical sample conditioning Electro-medical instrument
Deep sea umbilicals Cartridge valves Structural extrusions products & systems design & assembly
Diagnostic equipment Electrohydraulic actuators Thermoplastic tubing & fittings Chemical injection fittings EMI shielding
Hose couplings Human machine interfaces Vacuum generators, cups & sensors & valves
Hybrid drives Extruded & precision-cut,
Industrial hose Fluoropolymer chemical fabricated elastomeric seals
Hydraulic cylinders delivery fittings, valves
Mooring systems & High temperature metal seals
power cables Hydraulic motors & pumps & pumps
Hydraulic systems Homogeneous & inserted
PTFE hose & tubing High purity gas delivery elastomeric shapes
Hydraulic valves & controls fittings, valves, regulators
Quick couplings Medical device fabrication
Hydrostatic steering & digital flow controllers
Rubber & thermoplastic hose & assembly
Integrated hydraulic circuits Industrial mass flow meters/
Tube fittings & adapters Metal & plastic retained
Power take-offs controllers
Tubing & plastic fittings composite seals
Power units Permanent no-weld tube fittings
Rotary actuators Shielded optical windows
Precision industrial regulators
Sensors & flow controllers Silicone tubing & extrusions
Thermal management
Process control double
block & bleeds Vibration dampening
Process control fittings, valves,
regulators & manifold valves

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