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Correct the Sentence Punctuation

Write the correct sentence underneath by adding in capital letters, full stops and
question marks.

1. my brother’s dog is called tess

2. on sunday she went to the park

3. the titanic sank in 1912

4. toby and mark are going to spain in march

5. martha took her children to the zoo yesterday

6. when i go to the shop i will get some crisps

7. sameera and i are going to town on friday

8. did you sell buns at the fair

9. my mum has a cat he is called tom

10. have you got a dress for the prom

Correct the Sentence Punctuation Answers
Question Answer

1. my brother’s dog is called tess

My brother’s dog is called Tess.

2. on sunday she went to the park

On Sunday she went to the park.

3. the titanic sank in 1912

The Titanic sank in 1912.

4. toby and mark are going to spain in march

Toby and Mark are going to Spain in March.

5. martha took her children to the zoo yesterday

Martha took her children to the zoo yesterday.

6. when i go to the shop i will get some crisps

When I go to the shop, I will get some crisps.

7. sameera and i are going to town on friday

Sameera and I are going to town on Friday.

8. did you sell buns at the fair

Did you sell buns at the fair?

9. my mum has a cat he is called tom

My mum has a cat. He is called Tom.

10. have you got a dress for the prom

Have you got a dress for the prom?

Correct the Sentence Punctuation
Write the correct sentence underneath by adding in capital letters, full stops, ques-
tion marks and inverted commas.

1. one warm, sunny day jessica and lilly went to the zoo when they arrived,
they visited the monkeys

2. i like the zoo, said jessica lilly looked up and saw a monkey had stolen her

3. do we have any money to buy more food asked jessica

4. lilly replied no now we dont have anything for lunch

5. dont worry girls, a voice called from behind them it was the zookeeper, who
was holding their lunchbox, with a big smile on his face

Correct the Sentence Punctuation Answers
Question Answer

1. one warm sunny day jessica and lilly went to the zoo when they arrived they visited the
One warm, sunny day Jessica and Lilly went to the zoo. When they arrived,
they visited the monkeys.

2. i like the zoo said jessica lilly looked up and saw a monkey had stolen her lunchbox

‘I like the zoo,’ said Jessica. Lilly looked up and saw a monkey had stolen
her lunchbox!

3. do we have any money to buy more food asked jessica

‘Do we have any money to buy more food?’ asked Jessica.

4. lilly replied no now we dont have anything for lunch

Lilly replied ‘No! Now we don’t have anything for lunch!’

5. dont worry girls a voice called from behind them it was the zookeeper who was holding
their lunchbox with a big smile on his face
‘Don’t worry girls,’ a voice called from behind them. It was the zookeeper,
who was holding their lunchbox, with a big smile on his face.
Find the Adjectives
Circle the adjectives in the sentences below.

1. The hairy dog fetched the ball.

2. Under the sea lived a huge whale.

3. She held a gleaming diamond in her hand.

4. High in the sky, there was an aeroplane.

5. A green pear fell with a thud from the old tree.

6. Golden stars shine in the sky.

7. He was a happy, kind, caring boy.

8. They bought tickets for the quick train to London.

9. The children had a good day at the park.

10. They gobbled up the sweet, smooth, delicious chocolate.

Find the Adjectives Answers

1. The hairy dog fetched the ball.

2. Under the sea lived a huge whale.

3. She held a gleaming diamond in her hand.

4. High in the sky, there was an aeroplane.

5. A green pear fell with a thud from the old tree.

6. Golden stars shine in the sky.

7. He was a happy, kind, caring boy.

8. They bought tickets for the quick train to London.

9. The children had a good day at the park.

10. They gobbled up the sweet, smooth, delicious chocolate.

Name: Date:

Year 1 Semester 1 English Writing Assessment

total marks

1. For each picture below, say the word and then write the beginning sound.
8 marks





2. Complete the sentences below.

5 marks

We told not to shout, but they still did.

There is only chance to get this right.
I got a cold.
What is that book ?
You walk fast!

total for
this page

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Year 1 Semester 1 English Writing Assessment

3 marks
3. On each line, circle the two words that start with the same sound.

sat cat cent

goat giant jar

king coat city

5 marks

4. For each picture below, write the word.


total for
this page

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Year 1 Semester 1 English Writing Assessment

4 marks
5. Complete the sentences below.

There was a fluffy white in the sky.

A big brown fell from the tree.

My dad put a on me when I fell asleep.

The was very loud.

**END OF TEST** total for

this page

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Year 1 Semester 1 English Writing Assessment Answers

Questions Answers Marks Notes

Segment consonant blends or clusters into separate phonemes at the beginnings and ends of one
syllable words (ACELA1822)
1. t (tree) f (flower) 8 1 mark for each correct sound
s (spoon) g (glue)
b (black) p (plug)
c (crown) d (dragon)
Use visual memory to read and write high-frequency words (ACELA1821)
2. We told them not to shout, but they still 5 1 mark for each correct word
There is only one chance to get this right.
I have got a cold.
What is that book about?
You walk very fast!
Understand that a letter can represent more than one sound and that a syllable must contain a
vowel sound (ACELA1459)
3. sat, cent 3 I mark for each correct pair
giant, jar
king, coat
Use short vowels, common long vowels, consonant digraphs and consonant blends when writing,
and blend these to read single syllable words (ACELA1458)
4. cake 5 1 mark for each correct word.
Understand how to spell one and two syllable words with common letter patterns (ACELA1778)
5. There was a fluffy white cloud in the sky. 4 1 mark for each correct word
A big brown branch fell from the tree.
My dad put a blanket on me when I fell
The drum was very loud.


Finish It!
Read the narrative below and write an ending for it. Try to be as creative as you
can while also adding your own spin on it.

Daisy had been training all year for this one

moment. Her eyes were fixed on the try line and
her ears were tuned in to any potential defenders
coming her way. 'This was her time', she thought.
Time to sprint down the field and hope that no one
could catch her. She could feel the dry dirt flicking
up from her sprigs as she ran. 'This was it!', she
thought. Her thighs were burning, her chest was
pounding and she didn't think she could maintain the speed. She was going to win
the championship for her team...

Page 1 of 4 visit

Finish It!

Read the narrative below and write an ending for it. Try to be as creative as you
can while also adding your own spin on it.

Callum hasn't moved all day. Apart from the odd

toilet break and occasionally searching the kitchen for
food, he had been focused on levelling up on his
game. All of his friends had deemed it impossible
and given up weeks ago, but Callum thought he
might just get it... if only he could spend a bit
longer on it. That was about 40 hours ago. His
mum was losing her patience - the dog hadn't
been walked, his blinds remained closed and half the kitchen plates and cups were
piling up on his desk. According to his mum, his bedroom was a health and safety
hazard. But it would be worth it if he could just find the solution...

Page 2 of 4 visit

Finish It!

Read the narrative below and write an ending for it. Try to be as creative as you
can while also adding your own spin on it.

"Where did I put them?" Beau murmured to

himself. Dad was going to be so mad if he knew
that Beau had lost his brand new glasses, he had
only just got them last week. As he tossed clothes
from under the bed into piles in the middle of the
room, Beau came up with a variety of excuses he
could try next time Dad questioned why he wasn't
wearing his glasses. Out of the corner of his eye,
he saw something move. A black and white blur scurried away as if hiding
something. "BUSTER", yelled Beau as he chased him down the hallway...

Page 3 of 4 visit

Finish It!

Read the narrative below and write an ending for it. Try to be as creative as you
can while also adding your own spin on it.

Annie was the worst cook in the world. Her kids

made fun of her all the time because the food was
basically inedible. No matter what, Annie managed to
make even the most basic of recipes taste disgusting.
She spent hours upon hours researching cooking
techniques, searching online for easy recipes and
trying to follow them to the letter. But even with
careful precision and encouragement from her
children, she still failed. Annie decided enough was enough! She was a strong, capable
woman and could do this! She planned a dinner that even a celebrity chef would
struggle to cook, prepared a list of all the things to do and got cooking...

Page 4 of 4 visit

Base Verbs
Fill in the gaps using the right verb from the box.

eat build smile play cry

read listen talk watch sleep

1. We with our toys and games.

2. I when I am sad.

3. At school, we to the teacher.

4. At night, I in bed.

5. You can on the phone.

6. I can lots of books.

7. You can a tower with bricks.

8. I when I am happy.

9. We films on the TV.

10. I my lunch at school.

Base Verbs
Fill in the gaps using the right verb from the box.

eat build smile play cry

read listen talk watch sleep

1. We with our toys and games.

2. I when I am sad.

3. At school, we to the teacher.

4. At night, I in bed.

5. You can on the phone.

6. I can lots of books.

7. You can a tower with bricks.

8. I when I am happy.

9. We films on the TV.

10. I my lunch at school.

Base Verbs
Fill in the gaps using a verb which makes sense.

1. We with our toys and games.

2. I when I am sad.

3. At school, we to the teacher.

4. At night, I in bed.

5. You can on the phone.

6. I can lots of books.

7. You can a tower with bricks.

8. I when I am happy.

9. We films on the TV.

10. I my lunch at school.

Base Verbs Answers
1. We play with our toys and games.

2. I cry when I am sad.

3. At school, we listen to the teacher.

4. At night, I sleep in bed.

5. You can talk on the phone.

6. I can read lots of books.

7. You can build a tower with bricks.

8. I smile when I am happy.

9. We watch films on the T.V.

10. I eat my lunch at school.

Describe the Beach

Write a description of the beach. Use the word bank to help you.

Word Bank
dirty colourful nasty dull warm
bright happy annoying welcoming naughty
smelly funny filthy peaceful
sparkling sad exciting sunny
clean scary beautiful cold

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of Originals stories each half-term.
Describe the Beach

Write a description of the beach now, comparing it with the other

picture. How does it look different? Use the word bank to help you.

Word Bank
dirty colourful nasty dull warm
bright happy annoying welcoming naughty
smelly funny filthy peaceful
sparkling sad exciting sunny
clean scary beautiful cold

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of Originals stories each half-term.
Ocean Plastics
Plastic is a m made by humans. It
cannot be found growing in the natural world. Plastic is used
to make carrier b , bottles, cutlery,
toys, toothbrushes, food packets and more!

Plastic is a useful material. It is strong. It

lasts for a long t . It
can be made waterproof. It can be made into
many different shapes and c . It keeps
f fresh. It’s e to clean.

Plastic can also be a big p . Plastic does not break

down like n materials do. The plastic that humans
have made can last for hundreds of y !

Some of this plastic is getting into the

o . This is harmful
to the a that
live in the water and on the beach.

Word Bank
animals time material oceans
problem years food easy
bags colours natural

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of Originals stories each half-term. Page 1 of 3
Ocean Plastics
Animals can get t up in
plastic bags or fishing nets. If animals
e pieces of plastic, there is no
room left in their bellies for real food. This causes
the animals to get i . It is also
bad news for humans. If we eat fish or seafood,
we might be eating p too.

It is important that humans try to s plastic
from getting into the ocean. One of the best ways to do this is
to r the amount of plastic we use.
Instead of using a plastic toothbrush, try using one
made from bamboo! Use metal c
to eat your meals instead of plastic.

It is helpful to reuse items. Take your own bags to the
s . This means you don’t have to get
an plastic one each time you go
shopping. Buy plastic t at a charity
shop instead of buying new ones.

Word Bank
cutlery eat reduce ill shops
plastic toys stop tangled new

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of Originals stories each half-term. Page 2 of 3
Ocean Plastics
A good way for humans to use l plastic is by
recycling the plastic that already exists. An old plastic bottle can be
r and turned into a new product. This means
that less fresh plastic needs to be
m . Try
s your rubbish
and recycle as much as possible.

Keep It Clean
When we leave l on the ground, there is a chance
that it can end up in the ocean. Make sure you put all of your litter in the
b . With a grown-up, you could even do a beach
clean-up to r litter!

Word Bank
litter recycled less bin
remove made sorting

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of Originals stories each half-term. Page 3 of 3
Ocean Plastics
Plastic is a made by humans. It
cannot be found growing in the natural world. Plastic is
used to make carrier , bottles, cutlery,
toys, toothbrushes, food packets and more!

Plastic is a useful material. It is strong. It

lasts for a long . It
can be made waterproof. It can be made into
many different shapes and . It keeps
fresh. It’s to clean.

Plastic can also be a big . Plastic does not break

down like materials do. The plastic that humans
have made can last for hundreds of !

Some of this plastic is getting into the

. This is harmful
to the that live
in the water and on the beach.

Word Bank
animals time material oceans
problem years food easy
bags colours natural

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of Originals stories each half-term. Page 1 of 3
Ocean Plastics
Animals can get up in
plastic bags or fishing nets. If animals
pieces of plastic, there is no
room left in their bellies for real food. This causes
the animals to get . It is also
bad news for humans. If we eat fish or seafood,
we might be eating too.

It is important that humans try to plastic
from getting into the ocean. One of the best ways to do this is to
the amount of plastic we use. Instead
of using a plastic toothbrush, try using one made from
bamboo! Use metal
to eat your meals instead of plastic.

It is helpful to reuse items. Take your own bags to
the . This means you don’t have to get
a plastic one each time you go
shopping. Buy plastic at a charity
shop instead of buying new ones.

Word Bank
cutlery eat reduce ill shops
plastic toys stop tangled new

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of Originals stories each half-term. Page 2 of 3
Ocean Plastics
A good way for humans to use plastic is by
recycling the plastic that already exists. An old plastic bottle can be
and turned into a new product. This means that
less fresh plastic needs to be
. Try
your rubbish
and recycle as much as possible.

Keep It Clean
When we leave on the ground, there is a chance
that it can end up in the ocean. Make sure you put all of your litter in the
. With a grown-up, you could even do a beach
clean-up to litter!

Word Bank
litter recycled less bin
remove made sorting

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of Originals stories each half-term. Page 3 of 3
Ocean Plastics
Plastic is a made by humans. It
cannot be found growing in the natural world. Plastic is
used to make carrier , bottles, cutlery,
toys, toothbrushes, food packets and more!

Plastic is a useful material. It is strong. It

lasts for a long . It
can be made waterproof. It can be made into
many different shapes and . It keeps
fresh. It’s to clean.

Plastic can also be a big . Plastic does not break

down like materials do. The plastic that humans
have made can last for hundreds of !

Some of this plastic is getting into the . This is

harmful to the that live in the water and on
the beach.

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of Originals stories each half-term. Page 1 of 3
Ocean Plastics
Animals can get up in
plastic bags or fishing nets. If animals
pieces of plastic, there is no
room left in their bellies for real food. This causes
the animals to get . It is also
bad news for humans. If we eat fish or seafood,
we might be eating too.

It is important that humans try to plastic
from getting into the ocean. One of the best ways to do this is to
the amount of plastic we use. Instead
of using a plastic toothbrush, try using one made from
bamboo! Use metal
to eat your meals instead of plastic.

It is helpful to reuse items. Take your own bags to
the . This means you don’t have to get
a plastic one each time you go
shopping. Buy plastic at a charity
shop instead of buying new ones.

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of Originals stories each half-term. Page 2 of 3
Ocean Plastics
A good way for humans to use plastic is by
recycling the plastic that already exists. An old plastic bottle can be
and turned into a new product. This means that
less fresh plastic needs to be
. Try
your rubbish
and recycle as much as possible.

Keep It Clean
When we leave on the ground, there is a chance
that it can end up in the ocean. Make sure you put all of your litter in the
. With a grown-up, you could even do a beach
clean-up to litter!

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of Originals stories each half-term. Page 3 of 3
Ocean Plastics Answers
For the *** version, accept any Reduce
answers that make sense. It is important that humans try
to stop plastic from getting into
Plastic is a material made by
the ocean. One of the best ways to
humans. It cannot be found growing
do this is to reduce the amount of
in the natural world. Plastic is
plastic we use. Instead of using a
used to make carrier bags, bottles,
plastic toothbrush, try using one
cutlery, toys, toothbrushes, food
made from bamboo! Use metal
packets and more!
cutlery to eat your meals instead
Plastic is a useful material. It is of plastic.
strong. It lasts for a long time. It
can be made waterproof. It can be
It is helpful to reuse items. Take your
made into many different shapes
own bags to the shops. This means
and colours. It keeps food fresh. It’s
you don’t have to get a new plastic
easy to clean.
one each time you go shopping. Buy
Plastic can also be a big problem. plastic toys at a charity shop instead
Plastic does not break down like of buying new ones.
natural materials do. The plastic
that humans have made can last for Recycle
hundreds of years! A good way for humans to use less
plastic is by recycling the plastic
Some of this plastic is getting into that already exists. An old plastic
the oceans. This is harmful to the bottle can be recycled and turned
animals that live in the water and into a new product. This means that
on the beach. less fresh plastic needs to be made.
Animals can get tangled up in plastic Try sorting your rubbish and recycle
bags or fishing nets. If animals eat as much as possible.
pieces of plastic, there is no room Keep It Clean
left in their bellies for real food. This When we leave litter on the ground,
causes the animals to get ill. It is there is a chance that it can end
also bad news for humans. If we eat up in the ocean. Make sure you put
fish or seafood, we might be eating all of your litter in the bin. With
plastic too. a grown-up, you could even do a
beach clean-up to remove litter!
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of Originals stories each half-term. Page 1 of 1
L.O: To expand sentences using adjectives.

Task: Rewrite the sentence with adjectives.

1. They lived in a house.

2. She wore a dress.

3. The dog played in the garden.

4. The rabbit ran around the garden.

5. The cat slept.

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