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Effectof Early Exposure On Pornography of Grade 12laurence

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A Researcher Presented to the Senior High School Faculty of Pigdaulan

National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical Research 2


Joshua M. Perez

Laurence U. Perez

Jhunrey Bugayon

Alex A. Taculayan

Chapter 1


Background of the study

The Issue, Justification, and History of the Study The explicit portrayal

of sexual content with the express purpose of sexually titillating the audience

is known as pornography or porn. It shares certain similarities with erotica,

which makes use of sexually suggestive imagery. An enormous business for

the creation and consumption of pornography has developed over the past

several decades.

Due to sampling inconvenience and a lack of suitable examples, there

is very little pornography. Definition of terminology and concern for offending

the public. This is especially valid for Research conducted in the middle to late

1980s suffers in large part from being politically charged. Undertaken by

individuals whose prejudices are in doubt, motivated by religion, or both

(Ferguson & Hartley, 2009).

As already indicated, there is a lot of potentially offensive content

available online.due to the possibility that viewers will learn anything negative

or violent behavior (Jordan et al, 2008). (Hennessy et al, 2008). In a 2009

investigation, a Young teenager who were exposed to sexually explicit content

were studied, and the results revealed that Males who were exposed to

sexually explicit media showed some association.and pornography also led to

more accepting attitudes toward sexuality, yet at the same Over time, fewer

progressive standards for the female gender emerged, such as displaying

Less compassion for sexual assault victims.


Moreover, the access to pornography, particularly among teenagers

and young adults, may be substituted for appropriate sexual education

(Tjaden,1988). The President of 1970 Part of the Commission on Obscenity

and Pornography's recommendation that decriminalizing due to certain

people's sexual education, the consumption of sexually explicit content

The information that Americans learn from the sources (President's

Commission on Obscenity and 1970's Pornography. In 1985, Newsweek

conducted a survey to find that more than 50% of Americans at the time

thought that pornographic and sexually explicit material functioned as a way

of accurately educating people about sexuality. A small-scale investigation

was made less than half of college-age kids in 1988 believed they had earned

their sexual instruction using pornographic content (Tjaden, 1988).

Students at Pigdaulan National High School should be aware of the

negative repercussions of watching porn. Additionally, if you watch porn, you

should be aware of the struggles an addiction to pornography brings. And

those of you who are still in school should forecast what will occur in your

coursework before you spend all of your time watching porn.


Review of literature

The literature that has been evaluated by researchers to further the

current project is presented in this chapter. By investigating the facts and

data provided by earlier literature, the researchers will use the knowledge

gathered as a guide to better grasp the subject. Additionally, this chapter

offers a comparison of the current study to the literature that the researchers

are evaluating, a plan for how the investigation will be carried out, and

definitions of key words.

Early Pornography Exposure

The potential emotional and physical reactions in children and

adolescents as well as the developmental appropriateness of sexual content

at young ages, many academics believe that early exposure to pornography is

a risk factor in both short-term and long-term effects (Cantor, Mares & Hyde,

2003; Owens, Behun, Manning, & Reid, 2012). Young children frequently

come into contact with sexual media due to events beyond their control,

according to research examining the differences between purposeful and

unintentional pornography exposure (Cantor, Mares, & Hyde, 2005; Flood,


Additionally, researchers have discovered that those exposed to porn

at a later age have greater control over their decision-making, and are better

able to distinguish between reality and sexual meaning (Cantor, Mares &

Hyde, 2003). Yet more studies confirm that being exposed to pornography,

especially when young, is a common occurrence (Sabina, Wolak, & Finkelhor,

2008; Ybarra & Mitchell, 2005).


According to other studies, the majority of teenagers are able to

develop the abilities needed to use and analyze pornographic content with

discretion (LöfgrenMrtenson & Mnsson, 2010). As a result of using

pornography, adolescents frequently self-report having no personal effects

(Cameron, et al., 2005).

The ability of 7 teenagers to detect the impacts of such use may be the

cause of these perceptions, or they may be a function of personal traits or

cultural circumstances like sexual attitudes or a general acceptance of

pornography use. Most studies on the effects of adult pornography use have

been replicated in the early exposure literature, with an emphasis on how

pornography affects sexual attitudes, risks, and actions. Adolescent

pornography use is generally recognized as being significantly linked to early

partnered sexual behavior, more sexual partners, lower relationship

satisfaction, and lower levels of sexual satisfaction during adolescence

(Braun-Courville & Rojas, 2008; Brown & Engle, 2009; Collins et al., 2004;

Morgan, 2011).

Early Sexual Experiences

Sexual maturation, including increased physical changes, sex

hormones, sexual fantasies, sexual curiosity, and experimenting with

masturbation, is a normative experience for adolescents (Delamater &

Friedrich, 2002; Drury & Bukowski, 2013).

The average age for sexual initiation in the United States is 17.2 for

girls and 16.8 for boys, even though this shift to sexual activity starts around

ages 10–11 for females and 11–12 for boys (DeLamater & Friedrich, 2002;

Rutter, 1970). (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2010).


Due to these statistics, any sexual activity (whether in a relationship or

while watching pornography) that occurs before the age of 16 will be referred

to as "early" behavior 3 throughout this work. Although it's common for

coupled sexual activity to wait until five years after puberty, adolescents

frequently interact with porn before they start having paired sexual activity

(Morgan, 2010; Sabina, Wolak, & Finkelhor, 2008).

Due to these statistics, any sexual activity (whether in a relationship or

while watching pornography) that occurs before the age of 16 will be referred

to as "early" behavior 3 throughout this work. Teenagers frequently

experience pornography before engaging in partnered sexual activity, and this

use is frequently combined with masturbation, even though partnered sexual

activity is frequently delayed until 5 years after puberty (Morgan, 2010;

Sabina, Wolak, & Finkelhor, 2008; "Sexual activity," 2012). (Galatzer-Levy,

2012; Sun, Bridges, Johnson, & Ezzell, 2016).

Peer influence

Pornography is divided into two categories production and

consumption. The establishment of platform designed exclusively for the

consumption of pornography is referred to as pornography production.

Contrarily, pornography consumption describes the usage of the

aforementioned platforms that contain sexual content to cause orgasm or

other forms of excitement (Bradley, 2015).

As adolescents move from infancy to adulthood, physical changes also

start to affect their sexuality. At this point, teenagers sometimes when

physical investigations are being done, thoughts start to wander in asexual


direction. Teenagers also attempt to forge warm bonds with partners around

this time (Tulloch and Kaufman, 2013).

Teenagers are more susceptible to these phases since this is the time

when dopamine production and neuroplasticity are at their highest levels.

Teenagers who are exposed to extreme pornography that is inconsistent

with their current sexual orientation risk losing the least used brain

connections and strengthening the ones that are frequently used during their

teenage years. (Wilson, 2012).


Theoretical framework

The sex script idea of (Gagnon and Simon's 2005) is the foundation of

this investigation. The timing of pornographic exposure may play a significant

role in the attitudes and beliefs that kids and teenagers have about sex and

sexuality, according to the sexual script theory. Young children under the

age of eight are particularly receptive to themes conveyed in sexual material,

according to researchers looking at how pornographic scripts serve as

frames of reference for young people in relation to sexual ideals and

expectations (Häggström-Nordin, Sandberg, Hanson, & Tydén, 2006).

According to the sexual script theory, messages and representations of

sexuality in culture and society teach people "the when, where, how, with

whom, and why of sexuality" (Löfgren-Mrtenson & Mnsson 2010, p. 2).

Numerous studies have revealed that people who consume pornography

learn new things.

Through their usage of pornography, people can express themselves

sexually or set up sexual expectations (Alexy, Burgess, & Prenky, 2009;

Häggström-Nordin, Tydén, Hanson, & Larsson, 2009; Häggström-Nordin,

Sandberg, Hanson, & Tydén, 2006; Hunter, Figueredo, & Malamuth, 2010).

As a result, viewers (and especially younger viewers) may start to consider

certain behaviors as normal or appropriate if they frequently see them in

pornography. According to Peter and Valkenburg (2010), adolescents are

more likely to perceive pornographic real-world sex and believe that

pornography is a reliable source of knowledge about sex the more frequently

they are exposed to pornography, which has an impact on the overall quality

of pornography. As numerous well-known pornographic films normalize

multiple sexual partners or imply that having more lovers may result in better

Conceptual framework

The purpose of this section is to explain the concept employed in the

current project. This section also outlines the study paradigm, which

describes how data will be gathered, and applied to create the desired


The ability to have sexual feelings for other people is referred to as

sexuality. This aspect of human nature is necessary and everyone needs to

know how to properly express it. Exposure to pornography has a negative

impact on how people express their sexuality and may even because

addiction describes a behavior where by people constantly seek out sexual

excitation and pleasure from pornographic content, which starts to alter how

they behave towards other people and themselves. The well-being of

people is harmed by changes in perspective toward sexuality brought on by

addiction to pornography, especially for teenagers who are going through a

period of total personality development.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Effects of early exposure

On pornography

•Early Pornography
Exposure • Pornography

•Early Sexual Experience

Figure 1.1 Paradigm of the study


Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study limits on the Effect of Early Exposure of Pornography on the

Grade 12 students in Pigdaulan National High School. The independent

variable is the Effect of Early Exposure including the

Statement of the problem

The causes of internet pornography addiction and its social, emotional,

and behavioral impacts on Pigdaulan National High School, are the subjects

of this study. Additionally, the goal of this study is to come up with and offer

solutions for teenagers who are addicted to pornography to break their terrible


Specifically, this research targets to answer the following research question:

1. Why do teenagers watch online pornography?

2. What are the effects of online pornography addiction to teenagers?

3. What are the possible ways to avoid, decrease, and eventually

eliminate, to online pornography addiction?

Null hypothesis

There is no significance relationship between Effect of Early Exposure

on Pornography of Grade 12 students in Pigdaulan National High School.


Significance of the Study

This study plays a vital importance to the following:

School Administrator. The school administrator will learn and use their idea

to address the gap between the early exposure of pornography of the


Teachers. This assists teachers in directing them to avoid the disadvantages

of early exposure of pornography.

Students. This will lead the students to focus more on their studies and avoid

skipping from class.

Future researchers. The result of the study would give on idea to the future

researcher about the early exposure of pornography. The facts of the study

would serve as their guide to pursue other milestone in discovering new ideas

in the contribution of the study.


Definition of terms

Unfamiliar words or terms were encountered while giving the current

undertaking direction. According to their conceptual use and context, the

following terms were defined by the researchers to help readers understand

the study.

Internet pornography. According to Brenner (2016), relationships have been

described as being primarily good and reciprocal, and under certain

conditions, certain extramarital sexual behavior may even help sustain some

relationship. In this study, it alludes to media (such as films, photographs,

periodicals, and novels) that can arouse viewers sexually.

Pornography. According to Brenner (2016), partnerships are characterized

as primarily pleasant and reciprocal in their interactions, and in some cases,

extramarital sex can assist maintain relationships.

Pornography Addiction. According to Parker (2018), it is something that

people will frequently joke about, but in the end, it is a behavior that may

really harm relationships and take priority over more significant tasks and

obligations in your life. It relates to the practice of watching sexual content

without considering the implications in this study.


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research design, subjects of the study, research

instrument, data gathering procedures and the data analysis method used to further the

cause of the current undertaking.

Research Design

The purpose of this section is to describe the type of research design

that was used for the current project. This helps the study since it improves it

for the best possible outcomes.

Research Respondents

This study employs a quantitative research approach and seeks to

understand the origins and effects of early exposure to pornography among

teens attending Pigdaulan National High School. The researchers feel that

this research design will give them the best results to explain everyday

occurrences happening in the current society.

Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents



Metcalfe 14 14

Vygotsky 33 33

Gates 40 40

TOTAL 87 87

Research Instrument

This part presents the instruments used by the researchers to gather

data from the subjects in the current undertaking, the reasons for choosing

the said instruments, and the processes it undergone before being used by

the researchers.

Sampling Technique

The study's participants were chosen at random by the researcher.

Prior to selection, the researcher employed Slovenes' technique to precisely

get study samples.

Research Procedure

The researcher sent a letter to the school principal of Pigdaulan

National High School asking permission to conduct the study about Effects of

Early Exposure on Pornography of the Grade 12 students in Pigdaulan

National High School. After the approval letter, the researcher sent letter to

intent to the Grade 12 adviser for the number of the students of each section.

The examiners oriented on how to use the instrument as guide. The gathering

of data was done during vacant time of respondents. Lastly, the researcher

personally checked the answered instrument. The data were then compared,

tabulated and encoded.

Statistical Tool/Treatment

The following statistical methods are used to interpret the data.


Tally - This will be used to clearly record the students' perception scores

when counting them up.

Mean - The levels of perception among the chosen level at Pigdaulan

National High School in Pigdaulan, Butuan City, will be described in this.


X= Σ x/N Where; x= mean

Σ x= total scores

N= numbers of case

Slovenes Formula. The sample size N=population and E=desired margin of

error, this will be used to calculate the sample size of responders by

population (Seville, 2003).

Formula: n= N / (1+Ne2)

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