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NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

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Predicting the retinotopic organization of human visual cortex from

anatomy using geometric deep learning
Fernanda L. Ribeiro a,b,∗, Steffen Bollmann c, Alexander M. Puckett a,b
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland, Saint Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Whether it be in a single neuron or a more complex biological system like the human brain, form and function
Vision are often directly related. The functional organization of human visual cortex, for instance, is tightly coupled
Cortical surface with the underlying anatomy with cortical shape having been shown to be a useful predictor of the retinotopic
organization in early visual cortex. Although the current state-of-the-art in predicting retinotopic maps is able to
Machine learning
account for gross individual differences, such models are unable to account for any idiosyncratic differences in the
Visual hierarchy
High-resolution fMRI structure-function relationship from anatomical information alone due to their initial assumption of a template.
Here we developed a geometric deep learning model capable of exploiting the actual structure of the cortex
to learn the complex relationship between brain function and anatomy in human visual cortex such that more
realistic and idiosyncratic maps could be predicted. We show that our neural network was not only able to predict
the functional organization throughout the visual cortical hierarchy, but that it was also able to predict nuanced
variations across individuals. Although we demonstrate its utility for modeling the relationship between structure
and function in human visual cortex, our approach is flexible and well-suited for a range of other applications
involving data structured in non-Euclidean spaces.

1. Introduction the top of the hierarchy (Kanwisher et al., 1997). This type of hierar-
chical processing is imitated by CNNs by using filters with learnable
The modern-day study of visual perception has led to an unprece- parameters which are convolved across data representations with the
dented understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying aim of capturing common features in the input (Seeliger et al., 2018).
sensory information processing in the brain. Although first being of At early layers of CNNs, those filters capture simple features, while in
interest to those pursuing basic science, this understanding has since deeper layers more complex features are detected due to the complex
translated to more practical applications, notably by inspiring the de- combination of the inputs of previous layers. Here, we report that the
velopment of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) (Fukushima, 1980) story has – in a sense – come full circle. By leveraging recent advances
which have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence (Lecun et al., in the application of CNNs to non-Euclidean spaces (Bronstein et al.,
2015). In the human visual system, light reaches the retina where it 2017), we show that deep learning can be used to predict the functional
is converted into electrical impulses that are transferred to the lateral organization of the very brain regions that inspired them (i.e., the areas
geniculate nucleus and then through a hierarchy of cortical areas (Fig. 1) of the visual cortical hierarchy).
(Felleman and Van Essen, 1991; Hubel and Wiesel, 1962; Mishkin et al., The visual hierarchy is comprised of a number of functionally spe-
1983). At the bottom level of the hierarchy (primary visual cortex), neu- cialized cortical visual areas (Zeki et al., 1991), nearly all of which
rons with small receptive fields (i.e., the coverage area in the visual field are organized retinotopically (Grill-Spector and Malach, 2004; Van Es-
to which a neuron is responsive) capture simple visual features such sen, 2004). That is, the spatial organization of the retina (and hence the
as spatial orientation (Hubel and Wiesel, 1962). As those signals travel visual field) is maintained in each of these cortical visual areas - albeit
through higher order visual areas (comprised of neurons with increasing in a distorted fashion due to properties such as cortical magnification
receptive field sizes) those simple visual features are combined, enabling (i.e., there are more neurons dedicated to processing foveal vs. periph-
complex features to be mapped from the visual input. These more com- eral information) (Cohen, 2011; Cowey and Rolls, 1974). In other words,
plex features range from contours and textures to complete faces near adjacent neurons in each of these retinotopically organized visual areas

Corresponding author at: School of Psychology, The University of Queensland, Saint Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia.
E-mail address: (F.L. Ribeiro).
Received 4 May 2021; Received in revised form 13 September 2021; Accepted 27 September 2021
Available online 1 October 2021.
1053-8119/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

Fig. 1. Hierarchical organization of the visual cortex. The 21 atlas-based (Wang et al., 2015) visual areas in both left (LH) and right (RH) hemispheres displayed on
spherical surface and fiducial surface (lateral and posterior views) models (Van Essen et al., 2013). Different colors represent different visual areas. Central legend
indicates the name of each visual area.

map adjacent objects in the visual field. Although distorted, this retino- directly from the underlying structure has been attractive – and cortical
topic mapping is known to be similar across individuals and the mapping shape has, in fact, been shown to be a useful predictor of retinotopic or-
functions between the visual field and the brain, at least in early vi- ganization in early visual cortex (Benson et al., 2014, 2012; Hinds et al.,
sual cortex, can be described by relatively simple mathematical models 2009; Schira et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2015). The current state-of-the-
(Balasubramanian et al., 2002; Schira et al., 2007). However, consider- art in predicting retinotopic maps uses mathematical templates that are
able inter-individual variation does exist (Van Essen and Glasser, 2018), warped to an individual’s cortical anatomy and is able to account for
and this variation has been shown to be directly related to variability gross individual differences in the functional organization of early visual
in gross anatomical properties, such as variability in brain size, cortical cortex (Benson et al., 2014, 2012). While becoming widely used instead
folding patterns, and the degree of myelination (Abdollahi et al., 2014; of empirical retinotopic mapping and of clear utility (Albers et al., 2018;
Benson et al., 2014, 2012; Benson and Winawer, 2018; Hinds et al., Alvarez et al., 2019; Isherwood et al., 2017; Storrs et al., 2020), such
2009; Rajimehr and Tootell, 2009; Wu et al., 2012). Note, for in- models are unable to account for any idiosyncratic differences in the
stance, that the size of primary visual cortex (V1) and hence its corre- structure-function relationship from anatomical information alone – due
sponding retinotopic maps vary by a factor of 2-3 between individuals to their initial assumption of a template. Here, it was our aim to develop
(Dougherty et al., 2003). a predictive model capable of capturing the intricate structure-function
Given the variability in retinotopically organized cortex across in- relationship of the visual cortex without enforcing a spatially consistent
dividuals, it has previously been held that obtaining an accurate es- mapping (i.e., a template), such that more realistic and idiosyncratic
timate of a particular individual’s retinotopic maps requires a dedi- maps could be predicted. To this end, we set out to train a CNN using
cated empirical experiment. These experiments, whether done using a the most comprehensive and detailed retinotopy dataset openly avail-
conventional phase-encoded design (DeYoe et al., 1996; Engel et al., able – that from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) (Benson et al.,
1997; Sereno et al., 1995) or a more modern population receptive field 2018). Note that this dataset includes ultra-high field (7T) fMRI retino-
(pRF) approach (Carvalho et al., 2020; Dumoulin and Wandell, 2008; topic mapping data of a considerable number of participants (181 par-
Zeidman et al., 2018), are capable of producing robust and detailed es- ticipants) along with their anatomical data, serving as an ideal dataset
timates of these maps. Both of these approaches entail stimulating dif- for this endeavor.
ferent visual field locations while an individual undergoes an fMRI scan Convolutional neural networks are conventionally applied to data
– and then subsequently examining the elicited cortical activation with represented in two- or three-dimensional Euclidean space (Fig. 2a). A
respect to the known spatiotemporal properties of the visual stimulus. great deal of data, however, are not best represented in such a simple
These empirically derived maps can be used specifically to examine the and regular domain (Bronstein et al., 2017). In the field of neuroscience,
functional organization of the visual cortex or for more general purposes and for retinotopic mapping in particular, data are often represented on
such as defining visual area boundaries, which is instrumental for any surface models of the brain as many cortical properties only make sense
visual experiment aiming to isolate or compare cortical area specific considering their specific location with respect to the various sulci and
signals. Despite being a well-established and reliable approach, collect- gyri (Van Essen et al., 1998). Indeed, the HCP 7T retinotopy dataset
ing the retinotopic mapping data needed to construct these empirical being used here was made available with the functional and structural
maps still requires significant resources (e.g., scan time is usually be- data already mapped onto surface-based representations of the cortex
tween 15–60 min) and can be impractical or even impossible in certain (Benson et al., 2018). These surface models are essentially sheet-like
circumstances (e.g., some clinical populations). As such, considerable meshes that are intricately folded in three-dimensional space, maintain-
effort has been dedicated to developing an alternative method for esti- ing the geometrical structure of the brain (Borne et al., 2020; Dale et al.,
mating these maps at the individual level. 1999; Van Essen and Glasser, 2018). Importantly, two points on the sur-
As mentioned, the functional organization of the visual hierarchy face model might be close to one another in Euclidean space but far apart
is tightly associated with its underlying structure. Given that structural in terms of cortical distance following the surface (e.g., on opposing
data is easier and less time consuming (requiring only 5–15 min) to col- banks in a sulcus). To account for this and other non-Euclidean proper-
lect than functional data, the notion of predicting the retinotopic maps ties, techniques have recently been developed that generalize deep neu-

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

Fig. 2. Predicting brain function with geometric deep learning. a, Convolution in 3D Euclidean space involves convolving a conventional 3D kernel across multiple
slices of 2D images. b, Convolution on a surface, a non-Euclidean space, involves convolving a B-spline kernel directly on the surface, in which the kernel is able
to aggregate information in local neighborhoods. c, Geometric convolutional neural network architecture. Input data included curvature and myelin values (vertex
features) as well as the connectivity among the ROI surface vertices (i.e., the surface topology) and their spatial disposition (i.e., their 3D coordinates) in a cortical
surface (implicit feature). The output data are the vertex-wise polar angle/eccentricity values. Network parameters were optimized to reduce the difference between
prediction and ground truth using a smooth L1 loss function. d, SConv layers aggregate vertex features in local neighborhoods weighted by learnable parameters of
a continuous kernel function (Fey et al., 2018). This process generates new attributes for each target vertex at a time. Thus, while the cortical surface space was the
same for all individuals, allowing for vertex correspondence across individuals, vertex features varied.

ral network models to non-Euclidean spaces such as surfaces (Fig. 2b) sive voxel to be estimated. The visual field locations are usually defined
and graphs – with these techniques collectively being referred to as ge- in polar coordinates resulting in two retinotopic maps: one represent-
ometric deep learning (Bronstein et al., 2017). ing the polar angle (or clock position) and the other representing the
Here, we leveraged these recent advances in machine learning to eccentricity (or distance away from fixation). An example of these em-
achieve our aim of developing a framework capable of learning the com- pirically derived retinotopic maps for a single individual is shown in
plex relationship between the functional organization of visual cortex Fig. 3 (top row). From these, it can be seen that the polar angle and
and the underlying anatomy using the surface-based HCP 7T retinotopy eccentricity maps are organized roughly orthogonal to one another –
dataset. That is, using geometric deep learning we developed a neural most easily discerned in early visual cortex (V1, V2, and V3). Since the
network capable of predicting the retinotopic organization of the human human visual system is comprised of multiple retinotopically organized
visual hierarchy (Fig. 2c). Our model was not only able to predict the cortical areas, these maps are also used to demarcate the boundaries of
functional organization of human visual cortex from anatomical proper- the various areas. The polar angle maps are particularly useful for this as
ties alone, but remarkably it was also able to predict nuanced variations the boundaries between areas can be identified by reversals in the pro-
across individuals. Although we show its utility for retinotopic mapping, gression of the polar angle values. In Fig. 3, for example, the superior
geometric deep learning is flexible and well-suited for an abundance of boundary between V1 and V2 is found by locating the band at which the
other applications in the field of neuroscience (Gopinath et al., 2018; polar angle reverses from progressing from red to yellow, back to red.
Seong et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2019). Likewise the inferior boundary between V1 and V2 is found where the
polar angle representation reverses from progressing from red to blue,
2. Results back to red.
To map retinotopically organized areas without the need to collect
2.1. Retinotopic mapping with deep learning functional data, we built a geometric convolutional neural network by
stacking spline-based convolution layers (Fey et al., 2018) to compute
Retinotopic mapping typically involves empirical data collection per- convolutions on a manifold (i.e., the cortical surface model) (Fig. 2c).
formed by showing visual stimuli, which are temporally and spatially The data serving as input to the network included curvature and myelin
controlled, to a participant lying in an MRI scanner (DeYoe et al., 1996; (determined by the ratio of T1w/T2w images) values resampled to the
Dumoulin and Wandell, 2008). Analysis of the fMRI signals elicited by HCP 32k fs_LR standard space, as well as the connectivity among vertices
such stimuli allows the visual field location encoded by each respon- forming the surface (i.e., the surface topology) and their spatial dispo-

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

Fig. 3. Retinotopic mapping with geometric deep learning. Upper row shows empirical (ground truth) polar angle and eccentricity maps for both left (LH) and right
(RH) hemispheres of a single individual from the test dataset (Participant 1). Lower row shows the predicted polar angle and eccentricity maps for each hemisphere
of the same participant. Polar angles vary from 00 to 3600 , while eccentricity values varied from 00 to 120 as indicated by the color wheels. The white grid illustrates
isoeccentricity (dashed) and isopolar angle (solid) lines associated with early visual cortex (V1, V2, and V3). Note that V2 and V3 are split around V1 and are
comprised of dorsal and ventral components.

sition (i.e., their 3D coordinates) in the HCP 32k fs_LR standard surface the visual hierarchy (Fig. 4). Being smaller in size, it is difficult to see
space (Fig. 2d). The output of the model was either the polar angle or the finer retinotopic details in these areas, however, the predicted maps
eccentricity value for each vertex of the cortical surface model. Develop- in these areas do appear to reflect the general organizational features
ing the neural network involved three main steps: (1) training the neural present in the empirical data. Fig. 4 shows the average empirical polar
network, (2) hyperparameter tuning, and (3) testing the model. Prior to angle maps (left and right hemispheres) of the test dataset as well as
the training step, the 181 participants from the HCP dataset were ran- the average predicted maps. On these, we have explicitly drawn isopo-
domly separated into three datasets: training (161 participants), devel- lar angle lines (dashed white lines) at phase reversals based on the av-
opment (10 participants) and test (10 participants). These datasets were erage empirical maps and then positioned the grid identically on the
used in each of the above three steps, respectively. During training, the predicted maps as well as on the visual hierarchy parcels as defined by
network learned the correspondence between the retinotopic maps and the Wang et al. (2015) atlas. Note that visual areas boundaries are de-
the anatomical features by exposing the network to each example in the lineated by reversals in polar angle representation, near the horizontal
training dataset. Hence, the empirically-derived retinotopic maps served meridian (00 - left hemisphere; 1800 - right hemisphere), upper vertical
as the ground truth and the parameters of the neural network were op- meridian (900 ) and lower vertical meridian (2700 ). As can be seen in
timized to minimize the difference between the predicted and empirical Fig. 4, our model was able to capture polar angle reversals beyond early
retinotopic maps. Note that the objective function, smooth L1 loss, was visual cortex, as seen for IPS0 and IPS1 boundaries in the parietal por-
weighted by the explained variance from the population receptive field tion of the visual cortex, hV4 ventrally, and TO2 in the lateral visual cor-
(pRF) modeling procedure used to generate the empirical retinotopic tex. Notably, despite being unclear in the average empirical polar angle
maps (Benson et al., 2018; see Section 4.6 in the Methods). Model hyper- map, the polar angle reversal between IPS1 and IPS2 can be seen clearly
parameters, such as the number of layers, were tuned (i.e., optimized) by in the average predicted map (solid black line, left hemisphere) further
inspecting model performance using the development dataset. Finally, demonstrating that our model is able to predict legitimate retinotopic
once the final model was selected, the network was tested by assessing details beyond early visual cortex. Note, however, that this difference
the predicted maps for each participant in the test dataset. This pro- could also be simply due to our model learning the mean retinotopic
cedure was followed for each hemisphere and each type of retinotopic organization between IPS1 and IPS2 from the training dataset rather
mapping data separately, resulting in four predictive models. than reflecting an accurate prediction at the individual subject level.
Fig. 3 illustrates the predicted retinotopic maps with their corre- Additionally, the polar angle reversal between V3b and LO1 seen in the
sponding ground truth (i.e., empirically measured retinotopic maps) for average empirical map of the left hemisphere was absent in the average
a single participant in the test dataset. Qualitatively, the predicted maps predicted map, suggesting that our model failed to capture this bound-
bear a remarkable resemblance to the ground truth, appearing to accu- ary.
rately predict the main features of both polar angle and eccentricity
maps. To aid comparison between the empirical and predicted maps, a 2.2. Individual variability in predicted maps
grid of isopolar angle and isoeccentricity lines has been overlaid upon
the maps in early visual cortex. The grid was drawn based on the ground Our previous results demonstrate that our geometric deep learning
truth data and then positioned identically on the predicted maps. Note models can predict the basic retinotopic organization of human visual
how well the visual area boundaries (i.e., the isopolar angle contours) cortex and that the predicted maps appear to be in line with the empir-
match the predicted maps, running directly through the polar angle re- ically measured maps for one participant, but are these models capable
versals. A similar quality of fit can be seen for the isoeccentricity lines. of predicting individual variability across participants? Fig. 5 shows the
Although the grid is focused on early visual areas (due to their or- results for 4 additional participants from the test dataset. For brevity,
ganization being most well understood and hence most reliable to out- we only show the polar angle maps from the left hemisphere, but all
line), it is important to note that the neural networks are able to predict the predicted maps for each test dataset participant are included as sup-
the retinotopic organization far beyond early visual cortex, throughout plementary material (Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2). In Fig. 5a, the em-

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

Fig. 4. Polar angle reversals throughout the visual hierarchy. Upper row shows the average empirical polar angle map from the test dataset, the average predicted
map, and the visual hierarchy parcels for the left hemisphere (adapted from Wang et al., 2015; see Section 4.3 in the Methods). Lower row shows the same maps
for the right hemisphere. The dashed white grid illustrates isopolar angle lines associated with boundaries of visual areas that were manually drawn based on the
average empirical maps. The solid black line indicates an extra polar angle reversal between IPS1 and IPS2 seen in the average predicted map of the left hemisphere.

pirical polar angle maps are marked by unusual and/or discontinuous in the foveal confluence (Fig. 6, arrow a), at the most peripheral eccen-
polar angle reversals. In the first three maps (Fig. 5a, Participants 2-4), a tricities (Fig. 6, arrow b), and in some of the higher-order areas (Fig. 6,
discontinuous representation of the lower vertical meridian (that is, the arrow c).
boundaries between V1 and dorsal V2 as well as at the anterior border Despite being a reasonable estimate of the quality of the data, the
of dorsal V3) can be observed – indicated by the gray lines. Importantly, explained variance is an indirect and somewhat noisy measure. For ex-
these unique variations were correctly predicted by our model. Perhaps ample, the explained variance can be systematically high even when the
even more striking, we see that these borders have merged to form a Y- pRF estimate is wrong – depending on details such as vessel location.
shape for Participant 5, which was also observed in the predicted map. Because the explained variance is systematically high in some parts of
Moreover, a simple average map is unable to capture these clear exam- the visual cortex and systematically low in others, it can essentially be
ples of individual variability (Fig. 5a, bottom row). considered another visual field map. Here we use these maps to weight
To further assess the performance of our models, the difference our loss function (see Methods); however, it would also be possible to
(given by the smallest difference between two angles – Eq. (2)) between train the network to predict these maps in addition to the eccentricity
the predicted and the empirical (ground truth) polar angle values was and polar angle maps.
determined in a vertex-wise manner (upper row, Fig. 5b). This error es- Similar to the error estimates, we were interested in quantifying the
timate was then displayed on a standard cortical surface mesh to inspect extent to which each individual’s predicted map within the test dataset
where our models perform well and where they suffer. Predictions dif- varied from the others. For this we computed an individual variability
fered most from the ground truth near the foveal confluence (i.e., where estimate as the difference (Eq. (2)) between a particular predicted map
V1, V2, and V3 foveal representations merge), at the most peripheral and each of the other predicted maps in the test dataset in a vertex-
eccentricities, and in some of the higher order visual areas (particu- wise manner and averaged across all comparisons. Results are shown
larly those located dorsally in the intraparietal sulcus). Notably, each in Fig. 5b, lower row. As expected, locations that more prominently
of these regions are known to be problematic when measuring retino- differed among predicted maps in early visual cortex were the areas
topic maps empirically. For example, it has been shown that retinotopic in and near the unique discontinuities seen around the lower vertical
measurements within the foveal confluence are often not well repre- meridian lines in the polar angle maps (Fig. 5, white arrows).
sented due to instrumental and measurement limitations (Wandell and To further assess the accuracy of our individual predictions, we com-
Winawer, 2010). The errors seen at the most peripheral eccentricities pared the performance of our model to a simple average of the retino-
likely manifest from the suppressive effects seen in the cortex for retino- topic maps (computed using the training dataset, see Supplementary Fig.
topic locations immediately outside the most peripheral limit of the 3) in predicting polar angle, eccentricity, and pRF center location. Here,
visual stimuli (Puckett et al., 2014; Shmuel et al., 2002). Finally, the the group-average maps were used as predictors of retinotopic organiza-
higher order areas are also known to be more difficult to map empiri- tion and, as such, these predictions did not vary across individuals. We
cally using conventional procedures due to their smaller size and their quantified the mean error over vertices within the range of 1-80 of ec-
higher degree of selectivity to specific types of stimuli (Wandell and centricity within a few regions of interest: (1) dorsal V1-3 (Wang et al.,
Winawer, 2010). This brings us to an important caveat: the empirical 2015), where we see most of the unique variation in the early visual cor-
maps, although treated as ground truth, may themselves misrepresent tex (Fig. 5 and Supplementary Fig. 1), (2) the entire early visual cortex,
the underlying retinotopic organization. Accordingly, Fig. 6 shows the and (3) higher order visual areas (Fig. 7). Fig. 7a shows a diagram of
average explained variance (R2 ) associated with the original pRF analy- the three different error metrics used to quantify the vertex-wise differ-
sis of the empirical retinotopic mapping data (Benson et al., 2018) and ence between predicted and empirical (1) polar angle, (2) eccentricity,
as such, can be seen as a proxy for the quality of our ground truth. Per- and (3) pRF center location values. The pRF center location is deter-
tinently, it shows that quality of the empirical data is indeed lowest in mined by both the polar angle and eccentricity values for each vertex,
the regions where our model predictions were most error-prone – e.g., and as such, the mislocalization of the pRF center is not independent

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

Fig. 5. Individual variability in retinotopic maps. a, First row shows empirical (ground truth) polar angle maps and second row shows their respective predicted
polar angle maps for four participants in the test dataset. The third row shows the average polar angle map from the training dataset. Grey lines indicate unique
polar angle representations that were predicted by our model. b, Upper row shows the prediction error of each individual map and lower row shows how variable
the same given map is from all the other predicted maps in the test dataset. White arrows indicate regions that differed the most among predicted maps.

but rather a composite of the other two error measures. Note that the (p < 0.01, two-sided repeated measures t-test). However, this is less
difference (i.e., distance in the visual field) between the predicted and prominently seen at the entire early visual cortex (p = 0.11, two-sided
empirical pRF center location was then divided by the empirical eccen- repeated measures t-test), likely due the lower variability of the ven-
tricity value from each participant to prevent errors at high eccentricity tral portion of V1-3, and even less in higher order areas (p = 0.46,
from dominating the error metric (Benson and Winawer, 2018). two-sided repeated measures t-test), where there is no clear improve-
The reduction in the mean error afforded by our model in the dor- ment/deterioration in prediction accuracy with our model. Interest-
sal portion of V1-3 (Fig. 7b) indicates that the variations generated by ingly, while our approach did not generate more accurate eccentricity
our model more accurately represent an individual’s polar angle map maps than a simple average map at the dorsal portion of V1-3 and the

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

ence between predicted maps and empirical maps, which suggests that
pRF estimates were consistent across fits. Therefore, we expected that
predicted maps would perform equally well regardless of the empirical
mapping data used to estimate the prediction errors.
Since our predictions were generated on a standard space (the HCP
32k fs_LR), all quantitative results were determined in the same space.
After bringing Benson et al. (2014) model’s predictions to the standard
space, predictions were nearly identical for all participants as this model
warps template retinotopic maps (Supplementary Fig. 4) to an individ-
ual’s native cortical surface. Therefore, after bringing these predictions
back to a standard space, it is expected that the predicted maps will
be nearly identical, with some minor differences due to the alignment
procedure. We performed a 3 × 3 repeated measures ANOVA to test
for effects of Prediction Type (our model, the group-average map, and
the Benson et al. (2014) model) and Empirical Dataset used (pRF fit
1, fit 2, and fit 3). A main effect of Prediction Type was found (F(2,
18) = 5.222, p = 0.016; Supplementary Table 3), and the post-hoc test
Fig. 6. Quality of the empirical retinotopic mapping data. Average ex- (using the Bonferroni correction to adjust p; Supplementary Table 4)
plained variance (R2 ) map of pRF modeling (Benson et al., 2018) from all partic-
indicated that our model’s predictions were significantly more accurate
ipants in the test dataset. Arrows indicate the foveal confluence (a), peripheral
than the group-average-based predictions (p < 0.05). No statistically sig-
eccentricities (b), and some of the higher-order areas (c) where explained vari-
ance is lowest.
nificant difference was found for the remaining comparisons.

Table 1 2.3. Variability guided by anatomical features

Mean prediction error of our model, the group-average map, and the
Benson et al. (2014) template-based prediction across participants in the To demonstrate the importance of the anatomical features in shap-
test dataset, while varying empirical mapping data using different popula- ing individual differences in the functional organization of the visual
tion receptive field (pRF) fits (fit 1 = all data; fits 2 and 3 = split halves). cortex, we predicted three new sets of retinotopic maps using the pre-
Vertex-wise differences between predicted (our models’, a group-average
viously trained model for each participant after manipulating the input
map, or Benson et al. (2014) template map) and empirical polar angle (pRF
by (1) rotating the anatomical feature maps, (2) randomly shuffling the
fits 1, 2 and 3) maps were determined for the left hemisphere. Then, vertex-
wise errors were averaged over vertices in the range of 1-80 of eccentricity
anatomical input features, and (3) setting the input features equal to
within the dorsal portion of V1-3, as in Wang et al. (2015), for each indi- a constant value (equal to the mean curvature and myelin values) (see
vidual, and subsequently averaged across individuals in the test dataset (10 Fig. 8a for examples of these manipulated feature maps). Generally, we
individuals). Note that retinotopic maps from pRF fit 1 were the actual data expected that disrupting the input features in these ways would result
used for our model’s training. in higher error across predicted maps. More specifically, (1) rotating the
feature maps results in a set of statistically intact input features; how-
Prediction Population receptive field modeling fit (mean Δ𝜃 ± SD)
ever, the anatomical information is from outside of visual cortex and
Fit 1 Fit 2 Fit 3 hence should not be predictive of the functional organization therein.
Our model 20.62 ± 3.53 20.45 ± 3.79 21.18 ± 3.55 (2) Random shuffling of the anatomical features produces inputs that
Average map 23.42 ± 2.64 23.62 ± 2.86 23.55 ± 2.53 retain the same set of values from within visual cortex; however, the
Benson et al. (2014) 22.15 ± 4.57 21.79 ± 4.60 22.65 ± 4.26 statistical structure among this information will be destroyed. Hence, if
the spatial disposition of anatomical features on the cortical surface is
important for predicting individual variability in retinotopic maps, this
entire early visual cortex, we found a significant improvement with our too should lack predictive power compared to using intact anatomical
model’s predictions at higher order visual areas (p < 0.01, two-sided features. Finally, (3) by completely removing the variability present in
repeated measures t-test). Finally, we found that using both the eccen- the input features it was expected that not only would prediction accu-
tricity and polar angle maps generated by our approach to estimate pRF racy suffer due to the lack of intact, patterned anatomical features, but
center location was significantly more accurate than only using average so would the model’s ability to predict any individual variability.
maps in both the dorsal portion of V1-3 (p < 0.01, two-sided repeated Contrasting the four sets of maps (Fig. 8b) confirms the expecta-
measures t-test) and higher order visual areas (p < 0.001, two-sided re- tion that manipulating the input features generally leads to less accu-
peated measures t-test). The mean prediction error averaged over the rate predictions compared to those generated using intact input values
test dataset of the four predictive models in comparison to the average – especially in the dorsal portion of the early visual cortex where most
maps are summarized in Supplementary Table 1. The mean vertex-wise of the variability was seen across individuals (Fig. 5). As expected, us-
explained variance of the four predictive models are in Supplementary ing anatomical information from outside visual cortex (i.e., rotated in-
Table 2. put features) produced maps that are largely disrupted, with nearly no
Finally, to further quantify the performance of our model in compar- retinotopic structure matching the ground truth (Fig. 8b – second col-
ison to an average map and a well-established model of retinotopic or- umn; see Supplementary Fig. 5 for quantitative comparisons). Randomly
ganization (Benson et al., 2014), we determined the difference between shuffling anatomical features similarly led to less accurate predictions;
polar angle predictions and different pRF fits (split halves; Table 1) for however, the predicted maps are not nearly as disrupted as for the ro-
the left hemisphere at the dorsal portion of V1-3. Three distinct pRF fits tated input patterns (Fig. 8b – third column). Without a structured input,
were originally generated by Benson et al. (2018): one fit used the data it appears the model predictions tend toward the mean of the retinotopic
from all six runs of the retinotopic mapping stimuli (i.e., the data used organization learned by the network from the shape of the cortical sur-
for our models’ training – fit 1); the second (fit 2) and the third fit (fit face. This likely reflects the fact that shuffled input features resemble
3) used only the first and the second half of each of the six runs (i.e., constant input feature maps with the addition of unstructured noise,
split halves). We found that the mean difference between fit 1 and fit 2 such that input values vary around the mean without any additional co-
and between fit 1 and fit 3 were 4.51 (SD = 1.06) and 5.50 (SD = 1.84), herent spatial organization. Indeed, this can be further appreciated by
respectively. These differences are very low in comparison to the differ- examining the predictions associated with the constant inputs, which led

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

Fig. 7. Prediction error based on predicting individuals’ retinotopic map using our model and using a group-average retinotopic map. a, Diagram of the
three different error metrics used to quantify the vertex-wise difference between predicted (by either our model or an average map computed using the training
dataset) and empirical polar angle (left), eccentricity (middle), and pRF center location (right) values. b, Vertex-wise errors were averaged over vertices within the
range of 1-80 of eccentricity within the dorsal portion of V1-3 (top row), early visual cortex (middle row), and higher order visual areas (bottom row) for each
individual from the test dataset (10 individuals). Dark red points illustrate the mean prediction error of group-average-based prediction for each individual, while
light red points illustrate the mean prediction error of our models’ predicted maps. ∗ indicates statistically significant differences between prediction errors from
group-average and model-based predictions (i.e., p < 0.05).

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

Fig. 8. Individual variability in predicted maps is determined by the spatial arrangement and variability of anatomical features. a, An example of the new set of input
features generated for each participant after (1) rotating the feature maps (second column), (2) randomly shuffling the anatomical input features (third column),
and (3) setting the input features equal to a constant value (fourth column). b, Rows show the predicted polar angle maps using the empirical anatomical features
(first column), and each of the three new sets of retinotopic maps generated using rotated feature maps (second column), shuffled features (third column), and input
features equal to a constant value (fourth column) for participant 2-5. The inset images show empirical polar angle maps (ground truth). The dashed grey circle
indicates the dorsal portion of early visual cortex. Overall, manipulating the input features generally leads to higher prediction errors (within individual) and lower
individual variability (across individuals) in the new set of predicted maps than in those generated using intact input values, especially in the dorsal portion of the
early visual cortex.

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

to maps similar to those generated with shuffled input features (Fig. 8b and hence despite being able to account for gross structural differences
– fourth column). Here, again in a case where the statistical structure across participants, it is unable to account for any idiosyncratic differ-
of the input data is lacking and is in no way biologically plausible, the ences in the structure-function relationship. The dependency on the tem-
model predictions contain recognizable retinotopic structure that tends plate also prevents the application of this approach to areas outside early
toward the mean. However, it is important to note that despite these visual cortex where mathematical models of the retinotopic organiza-
predictions being relatively accurate in some regions, they completely tion are lacking. Following this work, Benson and Winawer (2018) built
lack the nuanced differences seen across participants when using the in- a Bayesian model for predicting retinotopic maps that addressed these
tact anatomical feature patterns (or any differences at all in the case of shortcomings through the addition of a small amount of empirical map-
using a constant input). Together, these results suggest that our model is ping data (Benson and Winawer, 2018). That is, the interpolated tem-
relying on the spatial pattern of anatomical features to tune the general plate map is used as a prior that can be further adjusted based on col-
retinotopic organization learned from the shape of the cortical surface lected functional data. Critically, while this approach is able to predict
(i.e., surface topology) to generate idiosyncratic predictions. some of the idiosyncratic differences seen across individuals, it is unable
to do so from anatomical information alone. See Supplementary Table
2.4. Individual variability and genetic dependency 5 for a further comparison of our approach to these others.
Differently from the current state-of-the-art models of retinotopic
Although the HCP 7T retinotopy dataset contained mapping data for maps, our model was capable of capturing the intricate structure-
181 different participants, not all datasets were strictly independent due function relationship of the visual cortex without enforcing a spa-
to the presence of a large number of twin pairs (50 pairs of monozygotic tially consistent mapping (i.e., a template). It is often assumed that
and 34 pairs of dizygotic twins). For the previous results, we used data the dorsal third tier visual cortex is occupied by a single continu-
from all the participants to maximize the number of training examples ous area (V3) that extends all the way along the dorsal border of V2
seen by our network. However, given the genetic dependency among (Benson et al., 2014; Benson and Winawer, 2018; Wang et al., 2015).
participants in our training and test data (all 10 of our test participants However, research suggests that there may be a more complicated or-
had a twin in the training set), we repeated the model training with a ganization of the dorsal third tier visual cortex in non-human primates
reduced training sample by excluding the twins of the participants in the (Angelucci and Rosa, 2015; Zhu and Vanduffel, 2019) as well as in hu-
test dataset from the training dataset. Importantly, the resulting model mans (Arcaro et al., 2015). In fact, the same Y-shaped (or forked) lower
was still able to predict the retinotopic organization of visual cortex as vertical meridian that our model was able to predict in dorsal visual
well as unique variations in polar angle maps without exposure to the cortex of Participant 5 (Figs. 5 and 8) has been reported by other re-
genetically-related mapping data (Supplementary Fig. 6). searchers and in multiple individuals (Van Essen and Glasser, 2018).
Electrophysiological recordings from a multiunit electrode study in
3. Discussion macaques suggest that the dorsal third tier visual cortex is not com-
prised of a single continuous area, but rather two visual areas, with a
This study shows that geometric deep learning can be used to pre- discontinuity at the lower vertical meridian representation at the ante-
dict the functional organization of visual cortex from anatomical fea- rior border of dorsal V3 (Gattass et al., 1988). Although the organization
tures alone by building neural networks able to predict retinotopic of the dorsal third tier visual cortex remains to be further investigated
maps throughout the visual cortical hierarchy. Remarkably, the net- in humans, the discontinuous representation of the anterior border of
works were able to predict unique features in these maps, showing sen- dorsal V3 has been seen in some individuals in published work from
sitivity to individual differences. Practically, these predictions can be different labs (Allen et al., 2021; Arcaro and Kastner, 2015; Benson and
used to demarcate cortical visual areas within individuals according to Winawer, 2018; Van Essen and Glasser, 2018). Pertinently, even the
known retinotopic mapping principles (Amano et al., 2009; Arcaro et al., more advanced Bayesian model (Benson and Winawer, 2018) is unable
2009; DeYoe et al., 1996; Engel et al., 1997; Hansen et al., 2007; to predict these peculiarities in the dorsal maps – despite the addition
Sereno et al., 1995, 2001; Silver and Kastner, 2009; Swisher et al., 2007; of functional data. As reported by the authors, this inability stems from
Wandell et al., 2007; Wandell and Winawer, 2010). However, it is im- the fact that the Bayesian model assumes a prior probability of zero to
portant to note that the utility of our current models extends well beyond any map that differs topologically from the template (see Supplementary
finding area boundaries as the models were not trained to simply predict Fig. 4). The unprecedented ability of our model to predict these discon-
visual areas but to predict detailed, vertex-wise retinotopic maps across tinuous representations of the lower vertical meridian at the anterior
the visual areas. Hence, our predictions can also be used to examine cor- border of dorsal V3 not only demonstrates the more flexible nature of
tical responses as a function of eccentricity and polar angle – all without our approach, but it also suggests that this discontinuity is likely a real
collecting additional functional data. Pertinently, our pre-trained mod- structure-related variation, worthy of further investigation.
els and code are both available for those interested in applying our ap- Finally, to show the importance of the anatomical features in shaping
proach for their own purposes (see Data and code availability statement individual differences in the functional organization of the visual cor-
section). tex, we investigated how different manipulation strategies of the input
features would impact our model’s predictions (Fig. 8). We found that
3.1. Individual variability in retinotopic maps spatially structured input features (i.e. intact anatomical information)
from outside visual cortex (rotated input features) produced maps that
Visual cortex has long been known to be organized retinotopically, were largely disrupted, with nearly no retinotopic structure matching
and understanding the nature of the relationship between the spatial the ground truth. On the other hand, spatially unstructured input fea-
pattern on the retina and its cortical representation has been an active tures (randomly shuffled or constant features) also led to less accurate
area of research. It has been shown that this relationship can be de- predictions, although predicted maps were not nearly as disrupted as
scribed using relatively simple models, at least for early visual cortex for the rotated input patterns. These results suggest that our model is
(Balasubramanian et al., 2002; Schira et al., 2010; Schwartz, 1977). It relying on the spatial pattern of anatomical features to tune the general
was then shown that these analytic models can serve as templates to retinotopic organization learned from the shape of the cortical surface
be subsequently warped to an individual’s cortical anatomy to predict (i.e., surface topology) to generate accurate predictions at the individual
the functional organization of early visual cortex (Benson et al., 2014, level. In other words, the ventral V1/V2 boundary, for instance, is highly
2012). Similar to our approach, these predictions are based on individ- conserved in its relative position across individuals, which is determined
ual’s anatomical structure. However, this previous approach assumes a by the anatomical features (i.e., curvature and myelination). This sug-
rigid structure-function relationship through the use of the template, gests that our model has learned that this boundary goes in a particular

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

absolute position on the cortical surface space, which explains why it main controversial, and this can be attributed to a variety of reasons,
was intact even in maps generated with shuffled, constant, and to some ranging from instrumental and measurement limitations (Wandell and
extent rotated input features. For areas with higher individual variabil- Winawer, 2010) to data pre-processing steps (e.g., inaccurate cortical
ity (i.e. dorsal portion of V1-3), the spatial arrangement of anatomical surface alignment). Hence, it has proven difficult to study the particular
features seems to more directly inform the positioning of polar angle re- structure-function relationship in these areas compared to early visual
versals, explaining their absence in maps generated with shuffled, con- cortex. A systematic assessment of the effects of training data on pre-
stant, and rotated input features. While these analyses were exploratory, dictions may provide insight into the degree to which the functional
our findings make provision for hypothesis-driven interpretability inves- organization is coupled to the underlying anatomical properties. For ex-
tigations. ample, if model accuracy does not improve in the higher-order areas
despite better training data, it may indicate that the functional organi-
3.2. Applying our model to other datasets zation is less tightly coupled with the underling anatomical properties –
at least the ones used here (i.e., curvature and myelin). Note that in such
We trained our models using input data aligned and resampled to case, and even for the regions that are well-predicted, another future di-
the HCP 32k fs_LR standard surface space (Glasser et al., 2013), allow- rection to improve the model predictions might be to include different
ing vertex correspondence across individuals. This alignment consists of input features. Although we tested two anatomical features known to
aligning native cortical surfaces to the standard space, then interpolat- be related to retinotopic organization, other anatomical parameters can
ing an individual’s anatomical information onto corresponding vertices be drawn from T1-weighted images, such as cortical thickness, which
of a standard cortical surface. Here we used the same surface for all indi- can easily be incorporated as input features to train new models. Addi-
viduals (HCP 32k fs_LR midthickness standard surface space), with the tionally, it remains to be further investigated if using individual-specific
individual’s anatomical data interpolated (vertex features). Hence, to surfaces (Gopinath et al., 2018) as opposed to interpolating individuals’
apply our model to other datasets, the individual’s native cortical surface anatomical features onto a standard surface affords an increment in pre-
must be aligned to the HCP 32k fs_LR space (for example, by using the diction accuracy of retinotopic maps. Moreover, one could also include
Connectome Workbench command wb_shortcuts -freesurfer-resample- non-anatomical features known to vary according to retinotopic orga-
prep) before resampling the data (curvature and myelin values) from nization such as functional connectivity measures (Griffis et al., 2017;
the individual’s native surface space to the HCP space (wb_command - Park et al., 2018) in order to improve prediction accuracy.
metric-resample). Then, after applying our pre-trained models (see Code Besides reducing the amount of resources required to obtain high-
and Data availability statement) to this resampled data, the predicted quality and idiosyncratic retinotopic maps, there are many other poten-
retinotopic maps can be taken back to the individual’s native space by tial uses for CNNs as implemented here. Being able to predict vertex-wise
the reverse process. retinotopic maps that can subsequently be used to identify individual vi-
sual areas could enable the inference of visual area parcellations directly
3.3. Limitations and future directions by training the network to classify each vertex with respect to its known
visual area rather than visual field location. Pertinently, the HCP dataset
Although our neural network was able to predict the main features has recently been annotated with individual-specific boundaries for V1,
of retinotopic maps as well as nuanced differences across individuals, V2, and V3 (Benson et al., 2021), which could be integrated directly
there were regions where prediction accuracy suffered. The highest er- into our geometric deep learning framework for this purpose. There are
rors were seen near the foveal confluence, at the most peripheral eccen- also a number of disorders with known correlates in their visual field
tricities, and in some of the higher order visual areas. Amongst the pos- map properties/activity patterns across the visual areas (e.g., prosopag-
sible reasons for this discrepancy, we have already mentioned one: the nosia and dyslexia) (Demb et al., 1997; Witthoft et al., 2016). Accord-
network’s ability to generate accurate predictions is determined largely ingly, the learning objective of our model could be altered to predict
by the quality of the training data. The quality of the training data is re- disease state from appropriate data - e.g., by classifying developmental
flected to some extent in the explained variance associated with the orig- prosopagnosia and typical adults from pRF size maps (Witthoft et al.,
inal pRF analysis (Benson et al., 2018), which suggests that the retino- 2016). And finally, although we have primarily been discussing visual
topic mapping values given by the pRF analysis are least reliable (i.e., cortex, this approach can easily be deployed to achieve similar goals in
lowest explained variance) in exactly the same regions where our model other topographically organized areas in the brain, including somatosen-
predictions were most error-prone (Fig. 6). Considering the intrinsic dif- sory (Puckett et al., 2020; Sanchez Panchuelo et al., 2018) and auditory
ficulty of mapping these regions and the fact that fMRI data cannot offer cortices (Da Costa et al., 2015; Saenz and Langers, 2014).
perfect representations of the underlying neuronal activity, we weighted
the loss function by the fraction of explained variance from the pRF so- 3.4. Geometric deep learning in neuroscience
lution of each vertex (Benson et al., 2018; Benson and Winawer, 2018)
(see Methods), and hence by design, our model was trained to generate A key aspect of this work was the use of a geometric approach, which
better predictions in regions with more reliable pRF estimates. Despite permitted deep learning to be performed directly on the cortical surface
the issues with the empirical mapping data in higher order visual areas, model. Doing so, we were able to take advantage of the actual struc-
it is worth noting that our models still generated more accurate predic- ture of the cerebral cortex and hence more appropriately represent the
tions of pRF center location than the group-average maps in these areas data to the neural network. Geometric deep learning provides tools that
(Fig. 7). This is particularly promising since, to the best of our knowl- facilitate the filtering of features along the surface representation. Im-
edge, none of the methods available for predicting retinotopic organi- portantly, such an approach avoids the mixing of information across
zation beyond early visual cortex is more accurate than group-average inappropriate spatial domains by allowing convolutions only along the
maps. Future work using stimuli tailored for the activation of these re- cortical sheet. This stands in stark contrast to conventional deep learning
gions could be performed to test the assertion that the predictions would approaches, which operate through convolution across Euclidean space.
improve by providing the neural network with higher quality training These Euclidean-based approaches are often used to extract information
data. embedded in volumetric MRI data (i.e., a stack of 2D slices), which is
Another possible reason for less accurate predictions in some regions particularly useful for brain segmentation tasks (Bontempi et al., 2020;
of visual cortex, especially the higher-order areas, is that the functional Henschel et al., 2020). However, for the investigation of cerebral cor-
organization of these regions may simply not be as strongly coupled tex function, the application of these models would result in the con-
with the underlying anatomical properties. The location and organiza- volutions being performed such that the information of interest would
tion of many visual areas outside early visual cortex (V1/V2/V3) re- be mixed across regions that are not spatially contiguous in the cortex

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

(e.g., across sulci or even hemispheres), and across regions containing using the MATLAB GIFTI library and the Fieldtrip toolbox. For com-
data that are irrelevant for the given task (e.g., white matter and cere- plete details on the experimental design and analysis procedure used to
bral spinal fluid). With this respect, it is important to note that it was produce the maps, please refer to Benson et al. (2018). In brief, retino-
not the goal of our study to demonstrate the superiority of geometric topic stimuli were constrained to a circular region with a diameter of
deep learning over more traditional forms of convolutional neural net- 160 . They consisted of slowly moving apertures of achromatic pink-noise
works. Rather, it was our aim to demonstrate an apposite application of background with dynamic colorful texture object, which was designed
geometric deep learning in neuroscience (i.e., for a task associated with to elicit strong neural responses throughout the visual hierarchy – in-
spatially patterned information distributed across the cortical surface). cluding in higher order visual areas. The experiment consisted of 6 runs
Here, the geometric deep learning approach was used to model the with different set of apertures: wedges, rings and bars. Each aperture
relationship between structural brain data and functional brain data; was presented twice, changing the direction of movement between runs,
however, the potential for this technique transcends this particular use except for bar stimuli runs which were identical. Ring stimuli consisted
case as a similar approach can be applied to model relationships among of 8 cycles of a ring expanding away from the center or contracting
task-based activation patterns, functional connectivity, structural infor- towards the center with a period of 32s. Wedges stimuli consisted of 8
mation, sensory spaces, behavioral measures, and much more. Impor- cycles of 900 wedges rotating across the visual field counterclockwise or
tantly, it is not at all rare for data to better be represented in a non- clockwise with a period of 32s. Finally, each bar stimuli run consisted of
Euclidean space than in the Euclidean one. For example, also within bars with different orientations (4 orientations) moving across different
the field of neuroscience, brain functional networks are often repre- directions in the visual field. During each condition, participants were
sented as graphs (i.e., connectomes) in which connections between two to attend to a semitransparent dot located at the center of the display
brain regions do not necessarily represent the physical distance between and report whenever the color of the dot changed (via a button press)
them. Geometric deep learning, being also well-suited for graph data to ensure their gaze were fixed at the center of the display.
(Bronstein et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2021), offers the field a powerful A pRF modeling procedure was then used to construct the retino-
tool given the growing interest in predicting aspects of human behavior topic maps (Benson et al., 2018; Kay et al., 2013). Essentially, this mod-
from these functional connectivity graphs (Cai et al., 2020; Dadi et al., eling procedure estimates the spatial sensitivity profile within the visual
2019; Finn et al., 2015; Fountain-Zaragoza et al., 2019; Gao et al., 2019; field to which a grayordinate is responsive (i.e., its receptive field). For
Shen et al., 2017). this, the fMRI time series elicited by the retinotopic mapping stimuli
described above are modeled as the sum of a stimulus-related time se-
ries and a baseline time series. The stimulus-related response is then
4. Methods
obtained by computing the dot product between the stimulus aperture
time series and a 2D isotropic Gaussian (representing the pRF), applying
4.1. Participant information and data overview
a non-linearity component and rescaling the result by a gain factor, and
then convolving it with a canonical hemodynamic response function.
Comprehensive information about the HCP 7T retinotopy dataset
The modeled fMRI time series is optimized in order to best match the
is given elsewhere (Benson et al., 2018). Briefly, complete retinotopic
real fMRI time series by changing the 2D isotropic Gaussian parame-
mapping and structural data were acquired for 181 participants (109
ters, such as its center position (x and y coordinates) and size, as well as
females, age 22-35) following the HCP protocol (Benson et al., 2018;
the gain factor. Once the best parameters are determined, it is possible
Van Essen et al., 2013). All participants had normal or corrected-to-
to construct retinotopic maps using each grayordinate’s preferred loca-
normal visual acuity. Among these participants, 100 individuals are
tion in the visual field (i.e., its pRF’s center location). Polar angle maps
genetically confirmed monozygotic twins (50 pairs), 68 individuals
reflect the polar angle in visual field to which a grayordinate is most re-
are dizygotic twins (34 pairs), 4 individuals are non-twin siblings (2
sponsive, while eccentricity maps reflect the distance from the center of
pairs), and 9 individuals whose twin/siblings were not included and/or
the visual field (i.e., the fixation point) to which a grayordinate is most
were not genetically tested. Structural image acquisition included T1w
responsive. Note that the pRF modeling procedure is fully described in
and T2w structural scans at 0.7 mm isotropic resolution at a cus-
Benson et al. (2018).
tomized Siemens 3T Connectome scanner (Van Essen et al., 2013).
White and pial cortical surfaces were reconstructed from the structural
4.3. Definition of the region of interest
scans using FreeSurfer ( and were
aligned across participants to the HCP 32k fs_LR standard surface space
As mentioned, the data files consisted of 91,282 grayordinates:
(Glasser et al., 2013). Myelin maps were determined by the ratio of
32,492 cortical surface vertices per hemisphere and 26,298 subcortical
T1w/T2w images (Glasser and Van Essen, 2011) and appropriately nor-
voxels. Here, we restricted the analysis to the cortical surface, hence ig-
malized to account for B1+ transmit effects (Glasser et al., 2013).
noring the subcortical voxels. We further restricted our region of interest
Whole-brain fMRI data were acquired using a Siemens 7T Magne-
(ROI) to only include vertices within visual cortex using a surface-based
tom scanner at a resolution of 1.6 mm isotropic and 1 s TR. The data
probabilistic atlas (Wang et al., 2015). We modified the atlas slightly by
were processed using the HCP pipeline (Glasser et al., 2013), which in-
extending the early visual cortex (V1, V2, V3) ROIs to include the foveal
volved correction for head motion and EPI spatial distortion, alignment
confluence (Schira et al., 2009) as well as combining ventral and dorsal
of the fMRI data with the HCP standard surface space, and denoising for
components which are labelled separately in the original atlas (Fig. 1).
spatially specific structured noise. The data produced (in CIFTI format)
We also excluded the frontal eye fields (FEF) due to its discontinuity
by the pipeline consists of 91,282 grayordinates: 32,492 cortical vertices
with the remaining areas. After selecting only vertices within this re-
per hemisphere and 26,298 subcortical voxels with approximately 2 mm
gion of interest, we were left with 3,267 vertices for the left hemisphere
spatial resolution. All data are publicly available on the ConnectomeDB
(3,219 vertices of the right hemisphere), adding up to 19,024 connec-
database (
tions (edges) between pairs of vertices (18,760 edges for the right hemi-
4.2. Retinotopic mapping details
4.4. Data for deep learning
To build our deep learning model, we used previously analyzed
retinotopic mapping data (Benson et al., 2018) – made available at Our goal was to develop and train a deep neural network to pre- as scene files. These files can dict the functional organization of the visual cortex (i.e., the retinotopic
be visualized using Connectome Workbench and are efficiently handled maps) from underlying anatomical properties (Fig. 2). The anatomical

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

data serving as input to the neural network included the mean curva- of 32 feature maps per layer, and then decreasing back to one final
ture and myelin values (both of which have been shown to be related feature map. We fixed the kernel size (k) to 25 for all layers, as pre-
to the functional organization of visual cortex) resampled to the HCP dicted maps looked smoother than the ones generated with smaller ker-
32k fs_LR standard surface space, which are explicit features. The con- nel sizes. A non-linear activation function, the exponential linear unit
nectivity among the ROI surface vertices (i.e., the surface topology) and (ELU), was used after each convolution layer. Batch normalization and
their spatial disposition (i.e., their 3D coordinates) in the HCP 32k fs_LR dropout (p = 0.10) were applied to all layers, except the last. Batch
standard surface space are also used by our model as implicit features normalization is an approach commonly used in the field of machine
(for more details, see Supplementary Methods). The output of the model learning to automatically normalize each layer’s input data, preventing
was either the polar angle or eccentricity value for each vertex of the the shift of the input data distribution during training, which results in
cortical surface model. Note that polar angle values are cyclical (i.e., faster training and lower variability among models (Frankle et al., 2020;
3600 = 00 ). To avoid issues with the discontinuity in values, we shifted Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015). Dropout refers to a regularization method used
the polar angle values so that the left hemisphere was trained with the to prevent model overfitting (Srivastava et al., 2014). In our model, we
point of wrap-around (from 3600 to 00 ) positioned at the horizontal only used Cartesian coordinates to compute relative distance between
meridian in the contralateral hemifield. After training, the values were vertices and the degree of B-spline basis m = 1, due to the fact that mod-
shifted back to their original range. els with those parameters showed better performance than the models
For the modeling procedure, the data were represented on the using higher degree of B-spline basis or using spherical coordinates in
midthickness cortical surface model (S1200_7T_Retinotopy181.L(R). previous experiments (Fey et al., 2018). Training was carried out for
midthickness_MSMAll.32k_fs_LR. surf.gii). Importantly, this model is 200 epochs with a batch size of 1 and a learning rate at 0.01 for 100
a fiducial surface that maintains the actual geometry of the brain. epochs that was then adjusted to 0.005, using Adam optimizer. Our mod-
Our results are, however, displayed using a spherical surface model els’ learning objective was to reduce the difference between predicted
(S1200_7T_Retinotopy181.L(R) for visualiza- retinotopic map and ground truth (i.e., the empirical retinotopic map).
tion purposes. This permits all visual areas to be displayed in a single This mapping objective is measured by the smooth L1 loss function (Eq.
view. (1)).
( ) 1 ∑
𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑦̂∗ , 𝑦∗ = 𝑧 (1)
4.5. Developing the neural network 𝑛 𝑖 𝑖
where 𝑦∗ and 𝑦̂∗ are, respectively, the empirical and predicted value
Developing the neural network involved three main steps: (1) training
weighted by individual-specific explained variance (R2 ) from the pRF
the neural network, (2) hyperparameter tuning, and (3) testing the model.
modeling procedure (Benson et al., 2018), n is the total number of ver-
Prior to the training step, the 181 participants from the HCP dataset
tices, and zi is given by:
were randomly separated into three datasets: training (161 partici-
{ ( )2 | |
pants), development (10 participants) and test (10 participants) datasets 0.5 𝑦̂∗𝑖 − 𝑦∗𝑖 , 𝑖𝑓 |𝑦̂∗𝑖 − 𝑦∗𝑖 | < 1
𝑧𝑖 = | |
(Supplementary Table 6). These datasets were used in each of the above | ∗ |
|𝑦̂𝑖 − 𝑦∗𝑖 | − 0.5, 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
three steps, respectively. During training, the network learned the corre- | |
spondence between the retinotopic maps and the anatomical features by Models were implemented using Python 3.7.3 and Pytorch 1.2.0.
exposing the network to each example in the training dataset. Hence, the Surface plots were generated using Nilearn, a Python module for fast sta-
empirically-derived retinotopic maps served as the “ground truth” and tistical learning on neuroimaging data (Abraham et al., 2014). Training
the parameters of the neural network were optimized to minimize the was performed on a high-performance computing cluster using NVIDIA
difference between the predicted and empirical retinotopic maps. Model Tesla V100 Accelerator units.
hyperparameters, such as the number of layers, were tuned (i.e., opti-
mized) by inspecting model performance using the development dataset. 4.7. Hyperparameter tuning
Finally, once the final model was selected, the network was tested by as-
sessing the predicted maps for each participant in the test dataset. This Hyperparameter tuning was conducted by considering the perfor-
procedure was followed for each hemisphere and each type of retino- mance of the model on predicting retinotopic maps of participants
topic mapping data (i.e., polar angle and eccentricity) separately, result- within the development dataset. We used the mean absolute error to
ing in four predictive models. compute the difference between predicted and expected values (ground
truth). During the training stage, we monitored the decrease of the loss
4.6. Model architecture and training function (i.e., the prediction error on the training dataset) and the de-
crease of the mean absolute error (i.e., the prediction error on the devel-
We implemented a spline-based convolutional neural network opment dataset). We also visually monitored predicted retinotopic maps
(SplineCNN) (Fey et al., 2018) on cortical surfaces using PyTorch Ge- using the development dataset, as we observed that despite the predic-
ometric (Fey and Lenssen, 2019), a geometric deep learning extension tion error within the development dataset reaching a plateau around 100
of PyTorch. Among the broad range of methods defining convolution epochs, some of the details in the predicted retinotopic maps continued
operations on irregular structured data, such as graphs and surfaces, to vary with additional training. To allow for some of this additional
spline-based convolution is amidst the spatial filtering approaches. In fine tuning, we fixed our training to 200 epochs.
these approaches, filters aggregate information locally, around a ver- To find the most appropriate number of layers, we trained five dif-
tex’s neighborhood. These filters exploit information given by relative ferent models per number of layers, varying from 1 to 20 layers, as the
positions of the neighbor vertices with respect to the reference vertex in performance of the final model fluctuated due to random initialization
addition to the information encoded in the connectivity, edge weights, of the learnable parameters. We selected the number of layers based on
and vertex features. Thus, SplineCNN aggregates vertex features in local the performance of the trained network, which was estimated by the
neighborhoods weighted by learnable parameters of a continuous kernel smallest difference between two angles, given by:
( )
function (Fey et al., 2018). | | | | | |
MIN |𝜃̂ − 𝜃 |, |𝜃̂ − 𝜃 + 2𝜋 |, |𝜃̂ − 𝜃 − 2𝜋 | (2)
Following the original study, we denote spline-based convolutional | | | | | |
layers as SConv(k,Min ,Mout ) of which k is the kernel size, Min is the for 0< 𝜃< 2𝜋. To this end, we considered two factors: (1) how well
number of input feature maps, and Mout is the number of output fea- model prediction matched the ground truth (error) and (2) how much a
ture maps (Fig. 2). Our final model architecture included 12 convolu- predicted map differed from the others (individual variability). To esti-
tional layers with the number of feature maps increasing to a maximum mate the error, we computed the difference (given by Eq. (2)) between

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

the predicted and the empirical (ground truth) polar angle values in a using Scipy (Virtanen et al., 2020). Additionally, we determined the
vertex-wise manner and averaged across all participants in the develop- vertex-wise explained variance of our model over the test dataset (Sup-
ment dataset and within the various ROIs. The other factor, individual plementary Table 2). First, individuals’ predicted and empirical maps
variability, was determined by the difference between a specific pre- were concatenated, which resulted in two matrices of size ‘number of
dicted map and each other predicted map in the development dataset in vertices’ × 10. Then, we calculated the square of the correlation coeffi-
a vertex-wise manner and averaged across all combinations (there are cient between each vertex’s (rows) predicted values and its correspond-
10 participants in the development dataset, hence 9 combinations), and ing empirical values.
then averaged across participants and within the various ROIs. This was Finally, we also compared our predictions with different pRF fits pro-
performed for all models (5 models per number of layers) and we se- vided by the HCP. For each individual subject, Benson et al. (2018) per-
lected the number of layers that resulted in the best performance across formed three separate model fits: one fit used all data from six runs of
all the ROIs in both metrics (12 layers; see Supplementary Fig. 7). This retinotopic mapping stimuli (used here as our ground truth – fit 1), the
selection was based on mapping polar angle values in the left hemi- second fit (fit 2) and the third fit (fit 3) used only the first half and
sphere; however, we tested a range of layers using the right hemisphere only the second half of each of the six runs (i.e., split halves), respec-
data and found similar results. Finally, once the appropriate number tively. Prediction error was determined between our model and pRF
of layers was established, we chose the best model among the 5 mod- fits 1 to 3, between the average map and pRF fits 1 to 3, and between
els that were trained with the same hyperparameters but with different Benson et al. (2014) model and pRF fits 1 to 3. We report the mean
learnable parameters (due to the random initialization) to evaluate on vertex-wise prediction error within the dorsal portion of V1-3 averaged
the test dataset. For the eccentricity models (left and right hemispheres), over the test dataset (Table 1). Statistical comparison was performed
we kept the same hyperparameters as optimized for polar angle models. with two-way (Prediction Type X Empirical Dataset) repeated measures
ANOVA using Jamovi (The jamovi project, 2021) (Supplementary Table
4.8. Model testing and evaluation metric 3 and 4).

The selected models were evaluated based on their performance on 4.10. Assessing spatial organization of the anatomical features
the test dataset considering the same two factors, error and individual
variability. Importantly, the test dataset was never seen by the network To evaluate the importance of the spatial organization of the anatom-
nor by the researchers until the deep learning architecture was final- ical features and their variability for the prediction of individual differ-
ized and the final model selected. Again, the error was determined by ences in retinotopic maps, we tested the effects of modifying the input
the difference between the predicted and the empirical polar angle val- data in three ways using the previously trained model: (1) rotating the
ues in a vertex-wise manner and averaged across all participants – this feature maps, (2) randomly shuffling the anatomical features, and (3)
time in the test dataset. Individual variability was determined by the setting the input features equal to a constant value. (1) To rotate the
difference between a specific predicted map and each other predicted feature maps, AFNI’s ConvertSurface was used with the flag ‘-xmat_1D
map in the test dataset in a vertex-wise manner and averaged across all NegXY’ (which flips the sign of X and Y coordinates), followed by the
combinations (9 combinations), and then averaged across participants. SurfToSurf command that interpolates the rotated surface nodes onto
the original surface. This procedure essentially replaces the intact curva-
4.9. Model performance in comparison to an average map ture and myelin patterns in visual cortex with intact (but inappropriate)
patterns from elsewhere in the brain. (2) Random shuffling of the input
To assess the accuracy of our individual predictions, we compared features, in contrast, uses the values from the intact feature maps in vi-
the performance of our model to a simple average of the retinotopic sual cortex; however, the values are permuted across the ROI vertices
maps in predicting polar angle, eccentricity, and pRF center location. such that the spatial organization of the anatomical information was
We quantified the mean error over vertices within the range of 1-80 of completely disrupted. (3) To test the effect of completely removing the
eccentricity, which was selected using the group-average eccentricity variability present in the input features, all curvature and myelin values
map over the training dataset. This range of values was chosen because, of each participant in the test dataset was set equal to the mean curva-
in the original pRF mapping experiment of the HCP, the visual stimulus ture (0.027) and the mean myelin (1.439) values, respectively. Note that
extended to 8° of eccentricity. Additionally, due to the inherent diffi- the mean values were computed using all participants from the training
culty in mapping the foveal confluence (Wandell and Winawer, 2010), dataset.
we constrained our comparison to eccentricity values above 1°. Polar
angle and eccentricity prediction errors were determined as described
Declaration of Competing Interest
previously. PRF center location prediction error was determined by the
Euclidean distance between two points in polar coordinates, given by:
The authors declare no competing interests.
Δ(pRF cent er locat ion)
√ ( )
2 Credit authorship contribution statement
= rpredicted + r 2empirical − 2rpredicted rempirical cos θpredicted − θempirical (3)

where rpredicted and 𝜃 predicted are the predicted eccentricity and polar an- Fernanda L. Ribeiro: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
gle values, and rempirical and 𝜃 empirical are the empirical eccentricity and Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing –
polar angle values. Then, the pRF center location errors were divided original draft, Writing – review & editing, Visualization. Steffen Boll-
by the empirical eccentricity values from each participant to prevent er- mann: Conceptualization, Resources, Writing – review & editing.
rors at high eccentricity from dominating the error metric (Benson and Alexander M. Puckett: Conceptualization, Methodology, Resources,
Winawer, 2018). Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Project
After computing the vertex-wise prediction error, errors were aver- administration, Funding acquisition.
aged within a few regions of interest for each participant: (1) dorsal V1-3
- not including the foveal confluence (Wang et al., 2015), (2) the entire Ethics statement
early visual cortex, and (3) higher order visual areas. The mean error
across participants was determined to evaluate the performance of our We analyzed structural and functional data recorded from
model in comparison to a simple average map (Supplementary Table 181 participants in the Human Connectome Project (http://www.
1). We performed statistical comparisons with repeated measure t-test (Benson et al., 2018; Van Essen et al., 2013).

F.L. Ribeiro, S. Bollmann and A.M. Puckett NeuroImage 244 (2021) 118624

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