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A Study of The Current Retention Strateg

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A Study of the Current Retention

Strategies Followed by Employers for
Satisfying Employees of Travel
Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune
City, India
Madhuri Sawant, Archana Kamlesh Biwal, Rajesh Ragde

The tourism industry being a people centric industry is highly dependent on human
resources. The challenge faced by the industry today is not only to get the best human
resources but also to retain them. Like other sectors travel agencies/ tour operator
companies too are finding it difficult to recruit and retain quality staff. This research
paper aims to study the current and future retention strategies followed by employers
for satisfying employees of travel agencies/tour operators of Pune city which is in the
state of Maharashtra in India. Primary sources comprised of data collected from 47
Human resource managers of travel agencies/tour operators using structured
questionnaires. One-way ANOVA test was applied for doing the analysis. Future
retention strategies were collected using interview schedule. The results show that the
retention strategy of having anti-discrimination / anti-harassment policy for employees
needs to be developed and implemented. Apart from the other suggestions, an
important suggestion given by the researchers is that application of Rules/Regulations
pertaining to the harassment / discrimination of employees in terms of caste, religion
and gender as prescribed in the relevant government Acts and Ordinances must be

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 1

strictly followed.

Retention strategies ,satisfying employees ,travel agencies/tour operator companies

Travel and Tourism being one of the world’s largest economic sectors creates jobs,
drives exports and generates prosperity across the world. It is a labor-intensive industry
having a major dominance of service sector. Hence, it is one of the major categories of
service industry that attracts international trade. As per the World Travel & Tourism
Council (2019) report, tourism accounted for 10.4 % of world’s GDP and 319 million
jobs, or 10 % of total employment in 2018. On lines of the global trend, tourism industry
in India is on an upsurge at the moment. As per WTTC (2019) report for India, travel &
tourism sector contribution to GDP was 16.91 lakh crore (US$ 240 billion) in 2018 (9.2
% of GDP) which supported around 42.673 million jobs (8.1 %) of its total employment.
The tourism industry comprises of various subsectors like hotels, travel agencies,
airlines, car rentals, cruise companies, etc. It gives employment to a large number of
people ranging from the unskilled to highly specialized.

The tourism industry being a people centric industry is highly dependent on human
resources, as tourism is not just about visiting places of interests but also about the
services provided to a tourist at the destination. No tourist can have a successful trip
without human element. Today the tourism industry is growing rapidly due to advent in
technology, higher disposable income and awareness which has resulted in greater
demand for quality staff.

The tourism industry needs human resource who is educated, well-trained, qualified,
bright energetic, multi-lingual with entrepreneurial skill to manage the tourism business

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 2

(Rebecca, 1998; Khan, 2008). But it is seen that the tourism industry faces various
challenges in this aspect; one of the crucial issues is the quality of manpower. In order
to achieve this, industry requires trained /skilled manpower having vocational training
in tourism (Chand & Chauhan, 2003; Bécherel, 2001) which caters the multi segmented
and heterogeneous products and changing technology in the international tourism
market (Raj, 2008).

Review of Literature

The term retention can be defined as “a systematic effort to create and foster an
environment that encourages employees to remain employed by having policies and
practices in place that address their diverse needs” (Workforce Planning for Wisconsin
State Government, 2005)
According to Chaminade (2006), Retention is a voluntary move by the employers which
create an environment to engage employees for maximum period of time”. Okiogo
(2012) on the other hand states that retention refers to the employees’ willingness to
stay in a particular organization and the ability of the organization to maintain its
employees in service. Chiboiwa, Samuel and Chipunza (2010) elaborate that retention is
‘to prevent the loss of competent employees from leaving productivity and profitability’.
According to Harvard Business Essentials, employee retention is the ‘converse of
turnover -turnover being the sum of voluntary and involuntary separations between an
employee and his or her company’ (Starosta, 2006).
In simple terms employee retention can be termed as policies and practices which
organizations use to prevent skilled and competent employees from leaving their job. It
relates to taking measures so that employees are satisfied and remain in the
organization for the longest period of time. The main purpose of retention is to avoid
the loss of skilled employees from the firm as this could have undesirable effect on
output and delivery of service. Many a times when employees switch over to other
organizations in search of career growth and better salary, they take with them the

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 3

trade secrets and product knowledge acquired from their former employer, and thus
creates a critical situation for the latter (Abbasi & Hollman, 2000).
Thus, it can be stated that “retention is not a human resource issue but a management
issue” (Rowh, 2004). By implementing strategies for employee retention, managers can
reduce the amount of voluntary turnover. It is an important part for the success of any
organization and this begins by giving importance on the selection process in general
and the interviewing process in particular, so as to select the highest quality (Camp,
Vielhaber & Simonetti, 2002)
Different researchers have suggested various retention methods; Krueger and Rouse
(1998) found that incentive programs, praise, recognition, and ongoing opportunities for
development improve employee retention. Other researchers have opined that
remuneration is the key to retention in the service industry. A planned career path with
opportunities for promotion and job challenges would help to retain most employees
who were considering leaving (Ineson & Berechet, 2011).
Common retention programs include internal promotion, training, health schemes,
professional development and performance bonuses (Brien, 2004). Some researchers
also suggested that retention strategies like creating an internal career path and
opportunities for employees, empowerment of workers, changing management style
from autocratic to decisive, linking payment with productivity, monitoring employee
satisfaction, providing greater organizational support and training, establishing
buddy/mentor programs, effectively communicate organizational mission and goals,
fostering a strong relationship with seasonal employees, and job enlargement by cross-
training and cross-utilization of existing staff would be of great help (Brien, 2004; Walsh
& Taylor, 2007; Walters & Raybould, 2007).

Among these, monitoring employee satisfaction is very important. Tamara, Bojana and
Mirjana (2014) state that employee satisfaction is a complex attitude involving certain
assumptions and beliefs about the job (cognitive component), feelings towards the job
(affective component) and evaluation (evaluative component). If employers want to
seek a balance for productivity and the individual achievement-oriented practices for
employees like satisfaction of individual needs related to lifestyle and flexible work

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 4

scheduling must be adopted (Agarwal & Ferratt, 2001)

Yavas et al. (2011) in their study found that employees expect their organization to
recognize and reward their efforts and if rewards were ignored, employees’ turnover
intentions increased and their attachment to the organization reduced. Shakeela et al.
(2011) suggested that government should establish minimum wages, work conditions,
and workplace health and safety regulations to protect, and attract the local labor
market. Tourism industry itself should give a minimum remuneration package; improve
employee facilities, and work conditions according to national and international human
rights standards.

Statement of Problem

The 2015 WTTC report on Global Talent Trends and Issues for the travel and tourism
sector mentions that over half of the WTTC member companies are experiencing
difficulty in hiring staff for highely skilled and more professional roles. The travel
agencies are finding it difficult to recruit and retain quality staff. India faces a similar
problem too. Though Ministry of Tourism, Government of India has planned and
executed several HRD schemes for emphasizing knowledge, skill and capacity building
programs, still it faces major problems like shortage of qualified and skilled manpower,
training infrastructure especially qualified trainers, working conditions and improper
implementation of policy. To tackle these issues, the government is emphasizing on
“Skill India” campaign for availing skilled human resource to match up demand and
supply gaps.

Ragde (2019) argues that most of the travel agencies in India are unorganized. There
are only 1052 travel agencies and tour operating companies in India, nearly 90% of the
travel trade business do not employ the trained manpower and is underpaid which has
led to the problem of retention of employees and increase the employee turnover.

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 5

The sample for this research paper is Pune city which is a major commercial city of
Maharashtra after Mumbai. The city is also referred to as the cultural capital of
Maharashtra. It is famous for its religious places, various forts associated with the Great
Maratha King, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and the Shaniwar Wada of the Peshwa rulers
besides many other nearby attractions. Today, the city has its place on the world map
because of its educational, research, and development institutions. Pune has large
number of travel agencies to cater to the huge number of outbound and business
Biwal and Roday (2013) focused on the retention issues of large, medium and small size
travel agencies at Pune, in which they focused on the problems faced by the employers
in hiring right employees, with practical knowledge or enough experience. Candidates
preferred branded travel agencies over small travel agencies which ultimately affected
recruiting good human resource at Pune. Sawant (2019) focused on the lack of
innovations in travel business in Maharashtra especially in Pune and Aurangabad city
who have ample of scope for tourism development. The main concern is the ignorance
of motivating the human resources in travel agencies with innovating ideas to increase
the business productivity and loyalty.

After having interacted with the human resource managers of some travel agencies /
tour operator companies in Pune city it was found that there was a need to study the
various strategies followed by them to retain their staff. On the other hand, after an
extensive literature survey it was found that none of the researchers had undertaken
studies on this aspect which in itself came out to be a huge research gap. Hence this
research aims to study the retention strategies of travel agencies/tour operator
companies having different ownership patterns.

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 6

Research Design


1. To analyze the current retention strategies followed by employers for satisfying

employees of travel agencies/tour operators of Pune city.
2. To study the most prominent issues related to the Retention of staff in future.

There is no significant difference in the retention strategies followed by the employers
of the travel agencies/tour operators having different ownership pattern of Pune city.

Sample and data collection:

For this study, primary data was collected from 47 Human resource managers/directors/
Branch Managers/proprietors from recognized travel agencies of Ministry of Tourism
(MOT), International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Travel Agents Association of
India (TAAI), with the help of simple random sampling method. The data was collected
from October 2018 to April 2019. Questionnaire was used as a research tool to study
how satisfied the employees are with the retention strategies used by the sample travel
agencies to retain employees with the help of likert scale for which 1=highly

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 7

dissatisfied, 2= Dissatisfied, 3= Neutral, 4= Satisfied, 5= extremely satisfied. Using the

same sample, data for the second objective related to prominent issues related to the
retention of staff in future, an interview schedule was developed and interpreted
Table No 1. Profile of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City

Variable along with Values Number of Respondents % of Respondents

Company Type
Indian 41 87.2
MNC 6 12.8
Ownership Type
Sole Proprietorship 12 25.5
Partnership 3 6.4
Company Ltd. 32 68.1

Source: Field Survey

One way ANOVA test was applied using SPSS (see Table.2)

Table No. 2: ANOVA Test Retention Strategies used by Travel Agencies

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 8

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 9
| 10

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 10
| 11

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 11
| 12

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 12
| 13

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 13
| 14

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 14
| 15

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 15
| 16

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 16
| 17

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 17
| 18

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 18
| 19

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 19
| 20

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 20
| 21

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 21
| 22

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 22
| 23

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 23
| 24

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 24
| 25

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 25
| 26

Retention strategies followed by employers (ANOVA)

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Offering better salary than other Between .070 3 .023 .035 .991
competitive firms to deserving Groups
Within 28.909 43 .672
Total 28.979 46
Providing access to transport for Between 1.365 3 .455 .646 .590
employees Groups
Within 30.295 43 .705
Total 31.660 46
Providing pension scheme to employees Between 6.229 3 2.076 1.882 .147
Within 47.431 43 1.103
Total 53.660 46
Offering competitive bonus / incentives Between 2.127 3 .709 .655 .584
in the form of cash to deserving Groups
Within 46.511 43 1.082
Total 48.638 46
Offering incentives in the form of gift Between 1.729 3 .576 .528 .665
vouchers, family tours Groups
Within 46.909 43 1.091
Total 48.638 46
Giving good maternity / paternity / Between 4.833 3 1.611 1.883 .147
adoption leave Groups
Within 36.784 43 .855
Total 41.617 46
Providing child / elder care support to Between 2.856 3 .952 .752 .527
employees Groups
Within 54.420 43 1.266
Total 57.277 46
Having mediclaim insurance scheme for Between 3.762 3 1.254 1.711 .179
employees Groups
Within 31.514 43 .733
Total 35.277 46
Providing safety and security to Between .312 3 .104 .137 .937
employees Groups
Within 32.667 43 .760
Total 32.979 46
Acknowledging and giving rewards for Between .957 3 .319 .498 .685
good work done by employees to Groups
motivate them
Within 27.511 43 .640
Total 28.468 46

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 26
| 27


There is a only one statistically significant difference between groups related to

retention strategy namely ‘having anti-discrimination / anti-harassment policy for
employees’, as determined by one-way ANOVA (F (3,43) = 3.698, p = .014). The others
were statistically insignificant. Therefore, the research study accepted the null
hypothesis i.e. ‘There is no significant difference in the retention strategies followed by
the employers of the travel agencies/tour operators having different ownership pattern
of Pune city’.


Since there is no significant difference in the retention strategies followed by the

employers of travel agencies having different ownership pattern except ‘having anti-
discrimination / anti-harassment policy for employees’, the researchers suggests
employers to have anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policy for its employees so
that employees feel free and are aware whom to approach if need arises. The Employer
should strictly follow the Rules/Regulations pertaining to the harassment /
discrimination of employees in terms of caste, religion, gender as prescribed in the
relevant Acts, Ordinances, Government Resolutions of the concerned Government
departments (Law, Labor, Social Welfare, Human Resource Development etc)
As far as the prominent issues related to the Retention of staff in future the managers
gave some solutions relating to female employees like adequate maternity leave, drop
facility with cab, provide security and areas for their toddlers. There should be

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 27
| 28

uniformity in the salaries, increments and promotions for the deserving staff without
gender bias.
A development of attractive retention strategies to retain the young talent is much
needed policy in future. For this effective induction and orientation programs to develop
confidence in their abilities and performance must be undertaken. HR managers should
also offer self-development training programs for their employees instead of only job-
related ones. This will help in increasing the employee’s loyalty towards their
organization and reduce turnover.

No notes.

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Cite this article

Sawant M., Biwal A., Ragde R., (2020) A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed
by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India.
EATSJ - Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Journal, Vol. 1, (December

Madhuri Sawant
Department of Tourism Administration Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, India
Corresponding author
Archana Kamlesh Biwal
Maharashtra State Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Pune, India
Rajesh Ragde
Department of Tourism Administration Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University
Aurangabad, India

Received: 16 December 2019 | Accepted: 25 July 2020 | Published online: 16 December 2020
Volume: 1 | Issue: December 2020 | DOI: |

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees
of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India by Madhuri Sawant, Archana

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 31
| 32

Kamlesh Biwal, Rajesh Ragde is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this
license, visit

A Study of the Current Retention Strategies Followed by Employers for Satisfying Employees of Travel Agencies/Tour Operators of Pune City, India. | 32

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