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Dr. David Frawley - Ayurveda and The Mind

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Dr. David Frawley


I wish to thank various teachers and their work who

have provided inspiration for the book. These
include Swami Yogeshwaranda, Ganapati Muni,
Rishi Daivarata, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Anirvan, and Ram
Swamp and the perennial yogic and Vedic tradition which
they represent. I must also honor all great yogis and
Ayurvedic doctors who have developed, preserved and
passed on this science throughout the millennia.
I want to especially thank Lenny Blank for organizing
the production of the book in such an expeditious manner,
and Dr. David Simon, not only for his Foreword but for his
ongoing encouragement and special interest in this aspect
of my work.
Table Of Contents


Part 1 1
Ayurvedic Psychology: Yogic Mind-Body Medicine

1. A New Journey into Consciousness 3

2. Ayurvedic Constitutional Types: The Biological

Humors ofVata, Pitta and Kapha 11

3. The Three Gunas: How to Balance Your

Consciousness 29

4. The Nature of the Mind 43

5. The Five Elements and the Mind 59

Part II 73
The Energetics of Consciousness

6. Conditioned Consciousness:
The Greater Mental Field 75

7. Intelligence: The Power of Perception 93

8. The Outer Mind: The Field of the Senses 109

9. Ego and Self: The Quest for Identity 125

Part III 147

Ayurvedic Therapies for the Mind

10. Ayurvedic Counseling and

Behavioral Modification 149
Table of Contents

11. The Cycle of Nutrition for the Mind:

The Role of Impressions 169

12. Outer Treatment Modalities:

Diet, Herbs, Massage and Pancha Karma 187

13. Subtle Therapies:

Colors, Gems and Aromas 205

14. The Healing Power of Mantra 223

PartIV 241

Spiritual Applications: Yoga and Ayurvedic Psychology

15. Spiritual Therapies 243

16. The Eightfold Method of Yoga I:

Outer Practices 259

17. The Eightfold Method of Yoga II:

Inner Practices 279

Appendix 1: Tables 307

A. The Three Bodies 307

B. Five Sheaths and the Mind 309

C. Seven Levels of the Universe 311

D. The Seven Chakras 312

E. The Five Pranas and the Mind 314

F. Table of Functions of the Mind 317

Appendix 2 319

Footnotes 319

Sanskrit Glossary 326

Herbal Glossary 329

Bibliography 332

Resources 334

Index 339
Ayurveda and the Mind


uman beings face unprecedented challenges

Has we approach the next millennium. We are
seeking new ways to meet the demands of
modem life as its unrelenting flow of information
demands our attention. Although in many ways, we have
greater opportunities for a rich and fulfilling life than ever
before, it is clear that we need to evolve new strategies if
we are to survive and thrive as individuals and as a species.
Our Western culture is dynamic, vibrant, and eagerly
embraces change. Our enthusiasm for that which is new
enables us to cross technological and philosophical bound-
aries that were unimaginable a century ago. Yet, this fasci-
nation with change has extracted a toll on our society.
Many people feel uprooted, disconnected from the great
traditions that have provided guidance and nourishment
to human beings for thousands of years.
The ancient Vedic tradition, cognized by the great seers
of India, willingly offers us a wealth of practical knowl-
edge on how to live a healthy and meaningful life. Vedic
wisdom is timeless and unbounded and, therefore, it is rel-
evant in this modem age. Fortunately, we have Dr. David
Frawley to translate and interpret this profound informa-
tion so it can be transformed into living knowledge for all
who ingest it.
In his latest book, Ayurveda and the Mdnd, Dr. Frawley
once again shines his brilliant intellectual light to illumi-
nate the practical applications of Ayurveda and Yoga as

applied to the mind. Through his clear exposition of the

Vedic principles of consciousness and its expressions, a
simple, yet profound approach to psychological and emo-
tional healing is elucidated. This book reminds us that the
mind is a subtle organ, whose health depends upon its
ability to extract nourishment from the environment. If we
have accumulated toxicity in the form of emotional
wounds, frustrations, disappointments or wrong beliefs,
eliminating these impurities from our mental and emo-
tional layers is essential if we are to have true emotional
and spiritual freedom.
Unlike modem psychological science which has until
very recently maintained the dichotomy of mind and body,
Ayurvedic psychology clearly recognizes that the mind and
the body are one. The mind is a field of ideas, the body is
a field of molecules, but both are expressions of conscious-
ness interacting with itself.
This book is a valuable resource to students of
Ayurveda, Yoga, Tantra and psychology. Dr. Frawley has
again demonstrated his unique talent of digesting ancient
Vedic knowledge and feeding us this understanding,
which nourishes our body, mind and soul. He has been a
dear and tme teacher to me and I feel great appreciation for
the loving wisdom he so readily shares with me and the

David Simon, M.D.

Medical Director, The Chopra Center for Well-Being
La Jolla, California
Ayurveda and the Mind

yurveda is the extraordinary mind-body med-
icine of India with its great yogic spiritual
tradition, a tremendous resource for bringing
wholeness to all levels of our existence. It is one of the
world's oldest and most complete systems of natural heal-
ing, containing great wisdom for all humanity that all of
us should know.
The present volume examines the psychological aspect
of Ayurveda, which is probably the most important part of
the system and the least understood. This book goes into
the Ayurvedic view of the mind and its relationship with
both body and spirit, which is profound and intricate. It
outlines a comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment for the
mind, both for promoting health and for dealing with dis-
ease, using diverse methods from diet to meditation.
These teachings derive from classical Ayurvedic texts,
which commonly contain sections on the mind and its
treatment. They also relate to yogic teachings, from which
Ayurveda derives its view of consciousness and many of its
modalities for treating the mind. However, I have not only
examined the traditional psychological teachings of
Ayurveda, I have also tried to make them relevant to the
modem world. Ayurveda, as the science of life, is not a
frozen science but one that grows with the movement of
life itself, of which it partakes.

Plan of the Book

This book does not require that the reader possess prior
knowledge of Ayurveda, though this is certainly helpful. It
introduces the basic factors of Ayurveda, like the biologi-
cal humors (doshas), particularly as related to psychology.
On this foundation, however, the book does go deeply into
its subject. It aims at providing the reader with sufficient
knowledge to use the information and techniques of
Ayurveda to improve his or her own life and consciousness
on all levels. It is not simply introductory in nature and
should be relevant to psychologists and therapists as well.
I am not going to apologize for producing a more tech-
nical book on Ayurveda than the beginning reader might
understand. There are already a number of introductory
books on Ayurveda that can be examined for those who
require this. Now there is a need for more advanced books
to unfold this important subject further. Something of the
depths of Ayurveda needs to be revealed to complement
the general introductions now available.
This book is divided into four sections, followed by an
Part I. Ayurvedic Psychology: Yogic Mind-Body
Part II. The Energetics of Consciousness
Part III. Ayurvedic Therapies for the Mind
Part IV. Spiritual Applications of Ayurvedic
Psychology: The Paths of Yoga

The first section explains the Ayurvedic view of the

mind and body and how they function. It begins with the
basic material of the three gunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas),
the three biological humors (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), and
Ayurveda and the Mind

the five elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether), show-
ing their relationship with the mind. It also explores the
nature and functions of the mind in a general way from an
Ayurvedic perspective.
The second section continues with an in-depth exami-
nation of the different functions of awareness through con-
sciousness, intelligence, mind, ego and self. This presents
a deeper and more detailed understanding of the mind
than in modem psychology, examining all layers of the
mind from the subconscious to the superconscious.
In the third section of the book, we examine various
Ayurvedic therapies for the mind. These begin with
Ayurvedic counseling methods and the Ayurvedic view of
how to treat the mind. Therapies are twofold: outer and
inner. Outer therapies are linked with physical modalities
like diet, herbs and massage. Inner therapies work through
impressions and consist mainly of color, aroma and mantra
The fourth section of the book deals with spiritual and
yogic practices from an Ayurvedic and psychological per-
spective and summarizes and integrates all the therapies
given in the previous section. This allows us to use the
wisdom of Ayurveda not only for physical and mental
health, but also for spiritual growth. The appendix con-
tains various tables on the functions of the mind and their
correspondences. Footnotes, glossaries, bibliography and
index follow at the end.
The material in Ayurveda and the Mind reflects and
builds on that presented in my previous books. There is a
chapter on Ayurveda and the mind in my book Ayurvedic
Healing: A Comprehensive Guide. The nature of conscious-
ness, from a more spiritual and meditative perspective, is
examined in Beyond The Mind. The present volume falls in

between these two books. It has points in common with

Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses: Spiritual Secrets of
Ayurveda, which deals with the chakras and the energetics
of the subtle body. The reader can look into these books for
more information on the greater system of which this book
is but a part.
It is my wish that this book will stimulate more
research into the psychological side of Ayurveda and its
interface with the science of Yoga. This will add an impor-
tant new dimension in health and human understanding
for the coming century7.

May the minds of all beings find peace!

May all the worlds find peace!

Dr. David Frawley

(Vamadeva Shastri)
October 1996
Ayurveda and the Mind

The Origin of Consciousness in the Heart

Part I

Ayurvedic Psychology:

Yogic Mind-Body Medicine

n this initial section we will introduce the main

I concepts of Ayurvedic psychology for easy under-
standing of what will follow later in the book. We
begin with the biological humors of Vata (air), Pitta (fire),
and Kapha (water). These are the basis for determining
both physical and psychological constitution. Then fol-
lows a discussion of the three qualities (gunas) of Sattva,
Rajas and Tamas, which determine mental and spiritual
nature. This section contains two practical self-examina-
tion tests. A test for Ayurvedic constitution concludes the
chapter on constitution and one for mental nature con-
cludes the chapter on the gunas. Readers should take these
tests in order to use the material in the book in a personal
Then we move to the nature and functions of the mind
through the five elements of earth, water, fire, air and
ether. This presents an energetic approach to the mind fol-
lowing a similar model to Vata, Pitta and Kapha for the
body. These chapters contain several practical exercises for
the reader to examine how his or her own mind is work-
ing. But we begin with an introduction and overview to
our vast subject.
1. A New Journey Into


In this book we will embark upon a great inner

adventure. We will journey into the different
dimensions of our consciousness, individual and
cosmic, known and unknown. Yet our approach will not
proceed through mere imagination or speculation, nor will
we leave the ground on which we stand. We will explore
an integral view of the mind that includes the physical
body on one side and our immortal Self on the other. We
will look into all aspects of our nature and how they affect
how we think, feel, perceive and are aware.
For this journey we will employ the wisdom of the
great yogis and rishis of the Himalayas. This yogic wisdom
is not mere technical know-how, philosophical profundity,
or religious revelation. It is the wisdom of Life itself
beyond any opinions or dogmas. For this you, the reader,
must participate. You yourself must become both the
observer and the observed. To truly probe into the mind is
to journey into one's own Being. It is to explore not mere-
ly our surface time-bound ego, but our true Self, of which
all that we see, internally and externally, is but a reflection.
You will discover all the forces of Nature working within
you, and that you yourself are a replica of the cosmos, with
your inner consciousness one with God.
4 Ayurveda and the Mind


Ayurveda is the five thousand year old Vedic "Science of

Life," the traditional natural healing system of India. It is
the medical side of the yogic systems of the Indian sub-
continent that have included Yoga, Vedanta, Tantra and
Buddhism. Today Ayurveda is at the forefront of mind-
body medicine. It has spread far beyond its traditional base
and is gaining attention throughout the world. Ancient
Ayurveda, with its understanding of life and conscious-
ness, does not appear archaic or obsolete but a key to the
medicine of the future. This is because of the unique and
spiritual way that Ayurveda views our place in the uni-
Ayurveda views the physical body as a crystallization of
deep-seated mental tendencies carried over from previous
lives. It regards the mind as the reflection of the body and
the storehouse of the impressions we access through the
senses. It recognizes our true Self and immortal nature
beyond the mind-body complex, in which we can tran-
scend all physical and mental difficulties. Ayurveda com-
prehends body, mind and spirit in a single view and has
specific methods for working on each.
Ayurveda does not look upon the human being as a
limited set of biochemical processes. It does not regard the
mind as merely a function of the brain. It does not look
upon the individual as a product of social circumstances,
though all these factors can be important. Ayurveda views
the human soul as pure awareness, linked with but not
limited to the mind-body complex, which is its instru-
ment of manifestation.
The body itself is a mental organism, a vehicle of per-
ception designed to support the functions of the senses and
to facilitate experience by the mind. Any breakdown in
A New Journey Into Consciousness 5 A

bodily function has its root in the perceptual process and

results from wrong use of the senses. Too much, too little
or wrong use of the senses results in wrong actions that
cause us eventual pain. To understand how our body func-
tions, we must also see how we use our minds.

Yoga, Ayurveda and Tantra

Ayurveda is the healing branch of yogi c science. Yoga is

the spiritual aspect of Ayurveda, while Ayurveda is the
therapeutic branch of Yoga. Yoga is far more than the
asana or exercise aspect of Yoga that is most visible in the
West today. Yoga in its original intention is a science of
spiritual development aiming at Self-realization, the dis-
covery of our true nature beyond time and space. This
process is aided by a mind and body free from disease.
Yoga as a medical therapy1 is traditionally part of
Ayurveda, which deals with the treatment of both physical
and mental diseases. Ayurveda uses yogic methods, like
Yoga postures and breathing exercises, to treat physical
diseases.2 Ayurvedic treatment methods for the mind
include yogic practices for spiritual growth, like mantra
and meditation. The Ayurvedic view of the mind derives
from Yoga philosophy and its understanding of the differ-
ent levels of consciousness.' Ayurvedic and Yoga psycholo-
gy were thus originally the same and have only recently
begun to diverge. This is because people, particularly in
the West, including Yoga teachers, do not always know
the connection between Yoga and Ayurveda.
There are a number of approaches called Yoga psychol-
ogy in the world today. Some of these combine Yoga pos-
tures with the methods of psychoanalysis. Some combine
yogic meditation methods with Western psychiatric or
medical approaches. Others use yogic methods directly to
Ayurveda and the Mind

heal the mind but without reference to Ayurveda. These

approaches can be useful but work better when combined
with Ayurveda, which is the original yogic healing
approach and provides the proper medical language for
using Yoga fully as a healing science.
Ayurveda and Yoga both relate to the system of Tantra,
which provides various techniques for changing the nature
of consciousness. However, true Tantra is much more than
its current popular idea as a system of sexual practices that
reflects only a small and generally lower aspect of Tantra.
Tantra is a complete system of human development that
can aid us in improving all aspects of our lives.
Tantric tools include sensory therapies of color, gems,
sounds and mantras, along with the use of various deities.
Deities, like Shiva or the Divine Mother, are archetypes
which can bring about changes at a depth in consciousness
that the personal mind cannot reach. Sensory therapies
change what we put into the mind, which can alter nega-
tive conditioning without the need for analysis. Ayurvedic
methods for healing the mind include Tantra. The Tantric
understanding of the subtle forces of mind and body also
relates to Ayurveda. Most deeper yogic approaches also
employ such higher Tantric methods.

Mind-Body Medicine

Ayurvedic doctors need not call themselves psycholo-

gists. Psychology is part of their usual practice that con-
siders both physical and mental disease. According to
Ayurveda, physical diseases occur mainly owing to exter-
nal factors like wrong diet or exposure to pathogens. Men-
tal diseases arise mainly from internal factors, like wrong
use of the senses and the accumulation of negative emo-
tions. These follow our karma, the results of our past
A New Journey Into Consciousness

actions that comes from previous lives. However, both

physical and psychological diseases are usually mixed and
one seldom occurs without the other.
Some diseases, like acute infections, have almost entire-
ly physical causes and can be treated purely on a physical
level. However, most diseases have psychological causes
and all lasting diseases have psychological effects. Physical
disease disturbs the emotions and weakens the senses,
which may give rise to psychological disturbances. Psy-
chological imbalances have physical consequences. They
lead to dietary indiscretions, strain the heart and nerves,
and weaken the physical body.
In the modem developed world, our problems are
mainly psychological. We have adequate food, clothing
and shelter, which prevents us from getting most physical
diseases. Yet, though most of us have no major physical
problems, we still suffer from psychological unrest. This
unrest may manifest as feelings of loneliness, not being
loved or appreciated, anger, stress, or anxiety. It can lead to
the weakening of our physical energy and prevent us from
doing what we really want to do.
Our very way of life breeds unhappiness. We have an
active and turbulent culture in which there is little peace
or contentment. We have disturbed the organic roots of
life, which are good food, water and air, and a happy fam-
ily life. We live in an artificial world dominated by an
urban landscape and mass media, in which there is little to
nourish the soul. We ever desire new things and are sel-
dom content with what we have. We mn from one stimu-
lation to another, rarely observing the process of our lives
that is really leading nowhere. Our lives are patterns of
accumulation in which we are never still or at rest. Our
medicine is more a quick fix to keep us going in our wrong
Ayurveda and the Mind

lifestyles and seldom addresses the behavioral root of our

problems. We take a quick pill hoping that our problem
will go away, not recognizing that it may only be a symp-
tom of a life out of balance, like a warning light that we
had better heed.
Ayurveda, on the other hand, teaches harmony with
Nature, simplicity and contentment as keys to well-being.
It shows us how to live in a state of balance in which ful-
fillment is a matter of being, not becoming. It connects us
with the wellsprings of creativity and happiness within
our own consciousness, so that we can permanently over-
come our psychological problems. Ayurveda provides a
real solution to our health problems, which is to return to
oneness with both the universe and the Divine within.
This requires changing how we live, think and perceive.

Levels of Ayurvedic Healing

Ayurveda recognizes four primary levels of healing:

1. Disease Treatment
2. Disease Prevention
3. Life Enhancement
4. Awareness Development

For most of us, medical treatment begins when we fall

ill. It is a form of di sease treatment, a response to a condi-
tion that has already occurred. It aims at fixing something
already broken. However, if medicine begins with the
treatment of disease, it is a failure because the disease is
already harming us. At this late stage, radical and invasive
methods may be required, like drugs or surgery, which
have many side effects.
A higher level of healing is to eliminate diseases before
they manifest, for which invasive methods like drugs or
surgery are seldom necessary. To reach this stage we must
A New Journey Into Consciousness 9

consider the effects our lifestyle, environment, work and

psychological condition. We must cut off the wrong fac-
tors in our daily lives that make us vulnerable to disease.
To some extent we are always sick because life itself is
transient and unstable. There is always some disease
attacking us, particularly in changes of season or in the
aging process. Each creature that is bom must eventually
die. Health is a matter of continual adjustment, like sail-
ing a ship upon the sea. It cannot be permanently achieved
and then forgotten, but is an ongoing concern.
The third level of treatment is life-enhancement thera-
py, which aims at improving our vitality and enabling us
to live longer. It does not merely prevent diseases but
shows us how to increase our positive vitality. However,
Ayurveda aims at more than merely creating health, avoid-
ing disease and helping us live longer.
The fourth level of Ayurveda is awareness development.
This requires a spiritual approach to life, including medi-
tation. To be healthy is important but health is not an end
in itself. It is not enough merely to prolong our lives and
have better energy to do the things we want. We must
consider what we are using our energy for and why. The
quality of our awareness is the real fruit of all that we do.
It is our ultimate expression, the essence of who we really
are. Our awareness is the only thing that we can take with
us when we die. It can continue growing as the body and
mind decline and is our greatest aid in the aging process.
The purpose of physical incarnation is to help develop
a higher consciousness. This not only lifts us individually
but raises the world and the rest of humanity. All our
human problems arise from lack of tme awareness, which
is not merely a lack of information but a failure to under-
stand our place in the universe. Actually we do not have a
10 Ayurveda and the Mind

place in the universe at all. The universe rests within us.

The entire universe is part of our own greater being.
All human beings are part of our own Self. All creatures
are but different forms of who we are. They are like the dif-
ferent leaves and branches of the tree of consciousness.
True awareness is the recognition of unity through which
we transcend personal limitations and understand the Self
as All. This is the ultimate goal of Ayurveda, which aims
at releasing us from all sorrow and suffering. True aware-
ness is the ultimate cure for all psychological disorders.
But to understand it we must first look into the mind and
its functions. We must start where we are. In this direc-
tion, our journey proceeds.

2. Ayurvedic Constitutional Types:

The Biological Humors of Vata,

Pitta and Kapha

f we look at the different people in the world

I around us, we observe that all of us are not simply
alike. The standard or average person is a statistical
abstraction who does not really exist. Each one of us is dif-
ferent in many ways, both physically and mentally. Each
person possesses a unique constitution different from that
of any other person. The shapes and sizes, temperaments
and characters of people have enormous variations that
must affect our health and happiness.
We must understand our own nature for our own hap-
piness and well-being in life. Similarly, we must under-
stand the nature of others, which may be different than our
own, for harmonious social interaction. The food that is
good for one person may not be good for another. One per-
son may thrive on spices, for example, while another sim-
ilar person may not be able to tolerate them. Similarly, the
psychological conditions favorable for one person may not
suit another. Competition may stimulate one person to
greater achievement but intimidate another and make him
Without understanding our particular constitution, we
must fall into poor health and disease. No standardized
medicine can adequately deal with all our individual vari-
ations. Only a system that can discern our different consti-
12 Ayurveda and the Mind

tutional types has this capacity. Ayurveda contains such a

well-developed science of individual types as its core wis-
dom. One of the great beauties of Ayurveda is that it so
clearly helps us understand all our individual variations,
special abilities and idiosyncrasies.
However, human constitutional patterns fall into gen-
eral categories and do not occur at random. While these
have variations, they occur in well-defined groups, mirror-
ing the great forces of Nature. Three major constitutional
types exist according to the three biological humors that
are the root forces of our physical life. These are called
Vata, Pitta and Kapha in Sanskrit, which correspond to the
three great elements of air, fire and water as they function
in the mind-body complex. Ayurvedic books emphasize
the physical aspects of these three types. Here we will give
more attention to their psychological ramifications. Let us
first introduce Vata, Pitta and Kapha and how they func-

Vata — Air

The biological air-humor is called Vata, which means

literally "what blows," referring to the wind. It contains a
secondary aspect of ether as the field in which it moves.
The spaces in the head, joints and bones serve as its con-
Vata governs movement and is responsible for the dis-
charge of all impulses both voluntary and involuntary. It
works mainly through the brain and nervous system. In
the digestive system, it relates to the lower abdomen, par-
ticularly the large intestine where gas (air) accumulates.
The senses of touch and hearing, which correspond to the
air and ether elements, are part of it. Vata is the force that
directs and guides the other humors because life itself
Ayurvedic Constitutional Types 13

derives from air. Vata allows for agility, adaptability and

facility in action. Its power animates us and makes us feel
vital and enthusiastic.
Vata rules the basic sensitivity and mobility of the
mental field. It energizes all mental functions from the
senses to the subconscious. It allows us to respond mental-
ly to external and internal impulses. Fear and anxiety are
its prime emotional derangements, which occur when we
feel our life-force is somehow threatened or jeopardized.

Pitta — Fire

The biological fire-humor is called Pitta, which means

"what cooks." Fire cannot exist directly in the body but is
held in hot liquids like the blood and digestive fluids. For
this reason. Pitta contains a secondary aspect of water.
Pitta governs transformation in the body and mind as
digestion and assimilation on all levels from food to ideas.
It predominates in the digestive system, particularly in the
small intestine and liver, where the digestive fire operates.
It is also found in the blood and in the sense of sight that
corresponds to the fire element. Pitta is responsible for all
heat and light from sensory perception down to cellular
Mentally, Pitta governs reason, intelligence, and under-
standing — the illuminating capacity of the mind. It
allows the mind to perceive, judge and discriminate.
Anger is its main emotional disturbance, which is fiery,
heats us up, and helps us defend ourselves from external

Kapha — Water

The biological water-humor is called Kapha, literally

"what sticks." It contains a secondary aspect of earth as the
Ayurveda and the Mind

boundary in which it is held, the skin and mucous mem-

Kapha governs form and substance and is responsible
for weight, cohesion and stability. It is the fluid solution,
the internal ocean, in which the other two humors move,
and constitutes the main substance of the body. It provides
for proper lubrication and discharge of secretions and
cushions the nerves, mind and senses. Kapha predominates
in the bodily tissues and in the upper part of the body —
the stomach, lungs and head where mucus accumulates. It
relates to the senses of taste and smell, which correspond
to water and earth.
Kapha governs feeling, emotion, and the capacity of the
mind to hold on to form. It gives mental calm and stabil-
ity but can prevent growth and expansion. Desire and
attachment are its main emotional imbalances, the hold-
ing on to things in the mind, which can overburden the

Feeling Vata, Pitta and Kapha

The following exercise shows how Vata, Pitta and

Kapha function through the conditions of nature. Note
these characteristics and try to see them in the changing
conditions and climates around you.
VATA: Sit outdoors in a quiet place on a
cool, dry, clear windy day, such as is common
in the autumn when the leaves are falling and
the first frost has occurred. Preferably find a
hilly or mountain area where you have some view. Note
your reaction to the environment and its qualities. At first
you will feel light, clear, dry and expansive. If you remain
out in the open, exposed to the wind for some time, you
will eventually feel unsettled, ungrounded, vulnerable and
Ayurvedic Constitutional Types

PITTA: Sit out in the open on a hot,

muggy, partly overcast summer day. Again
note your reaction to the environment. You
will feel warm, moist and enveloped, perhaps
pleasant in the beginning. In not too long a time, you will
begin to feel hot or stuffy and will want to move indoors
or do something to cool down. You may gradually become
irritable or angry.
KAPHA: Sit outdoors, in a protected
place if necessary, on a cool rainy day, when
the wind is calm, preferably in the spring
when new vegetation is bursting forth. Note
your reaction to the environment. You will first feel cool
and moist, calm and content, and perhaps want to rest or
sleep. After a while you will begin to feel stagnant, heavy,
and resistant, unable to move. Your senses themselves may
become cloudy or heavy.

Constitutional Types

The following are typical physical and psychological

profiles for the three types. They need not be taken rigid-
ly; it is the predominance of characteristics that matters.

vata (Air Types)

Physical Characteristics

Those in whom Vata, the biological air-humor, pre-

dominates are taller or shorter than average, thin in build,
and have difficulty holding weight. Their frame is bony,
without well-developed muscles and with prominent
veins. Their skin is dry and easily becomes rough, cracked
or wrinkled. Their complexion is dull or dusky with pos-
16 Ayurveda and the Mind

sible brown or black discoloration. Their eyes are usually

small, dry and may twitch or tremor. Their hair and scalp
are dry and they easily get dandruff or split ends.
Air types possess variable and fluctuating digestive
powers. Their appetite may be high at times, while low or
absent at others. Emotional upset, stress, or hostility
quickly gives them nervous indigestion. They are light
sleepers and suffer from insomnia, which may become
chronic. Once disturbed, they do not fall back to sleep eas-
ily. They have restless dreams and possibly nightmares.
Relative to their waste materials, their urine is scanty
and they seldom perspire much. Their stool tends to be dry
and not large in quantity. They frequently get constipa-
tion, abdominal distention and gas. They most commonly
suffer from pain disorders, from common headaches to
chronic diseases like arthritis. Cold, wind and dryness are
the main environmental factors that disturb them. Yet any
extremes bother them, including too much heat or sun-
light. They do not like anything harsh. Generally they do
best with a warm and damp environment and a rich and
nutritive diet. A nurturing and supportive emotional
atmosphere is required to make them feel at peace.
Vata types are physically active and energetic. They
enjoy speed, motion and aerobic activity. Yet they tire eas-
ily and lack long-term stamina and endurance. They are
often athletic in youth, but lack the physique for strong
exercise or contact sports. They easily get muscle spasms or
stiffness. They are not entirely present in their bodies and
may be clumsy. Their bones are more likely to break than
other types and they are prone to injury.

Psychological Characteristics

Vata types are quick and agile in their minds with

Ayurvedic Constitutional Types "A

changing interests and inclinations. They are talkative,

informed, and intellectual and can understand many dif-
ferent points of view. However, they can be superficial in
their ideas and talk on aimlessly. Their minds easily waver
and can wander out of control. While they may have some
knowledge of many different things, they can lack deep
knowledge of a particular subject. Their will is usually
indecisive and unsteady. They lack determination, consis-
tency and self-confidence and often have negative images
of themselves.
Vatas suffer most from fear, which is their first reaction
to anything new or strange. They like to worry, easily get
afflicted by anxiety, and usually lack stability. They get
spaced out and may be absent-minded. Their memory is
short-term or erratic. They suffer quickly from overwork
and over-exercise and tend to overextend themselves in
whatever they do.
Air types make good teachers, computer programmers
and excel at communication, as with the mass media. They
are good at thinking, writing and organizing data. They
make good musicians but may be over-sensitive to noise.
Generally, they are creative and most artists are of this
They can be highly sociable and like to mix with peo-
ple of all types. Yet when the air element is too high, they
become loners, hypersensitive to human contact. This is
because they have too much to say and do not know how
to relate it, not because they are really of a solitary nature.
They are commonly rebels and do not like to be either
leaders or followers. However, they are also the most flex-
ible, adaptable and able to change of the three types once
they understand what they need to do.
Ayurveda and the Mind

pitta (Fire Types)

Physical Characteristics

Pitta types are usually of average height and build,

with well-developed muscles. Their skin is oily and has
good color, but is prone to acne, rashes and other inflam-
matory conditions. Similarly, their eyes easily get red or
inflamed. They are sensitive to sunlight and often have to
wear glasses. Their hair is thin, and they commonly get
early gray or balding.
Fire types usually possess an appetite that is good,
sharp or excessive. They can eat most anything and not
gain weight (until they get over forty). However, they are
prone to hyperacidity and heartburn and may develop
ulcers or hypertension. Their sleep is moderate in duration
but can get disturbed, particularly by emotional conflict.
They have an average amount of dreams, which may be
colorful and dramatic, possibly violent.
Their bodily discharges — feces, urine or mucus — are
generally yellow in color and large in quantity because
their excess bile (Pitta) colors these. They are prone to
loose stool or diarrhea. They sweat easily and their sweat
and other discharges may be malodorous. Their blood is
hot and they bruise and bleed easily. Fire-types most com-
monly suffer from fevers, infections, toxic blood condi-
tions, and inflammations. They are intolerant of heat, sun-
light, fire and chemicals and prefer coolness, water and
Pittas are competitive and easily take to exercise or
sports. They love to win and hate to lose, and enjoy games
of all types. Their endurance is moderate but they tire eas-
ily under sunlight and heat. Their joints tend to be loose.
Their energy and endurance are moderate but they can eas-
Ayurvedic Constitutional Types 19

ily push themselves by their strong determination that

may lead to exhaustion.

Psychological Characteristics

Pitta types are intelligent, perceptive and discriminat-

ing. They have sharp minds and see the world in a clear
and systematic manner. Yet, because their ideas are sharp,
they may be opinionated, judgmental or self-righteous.
They are prone to anger, which is their main reaction to
new or unexpected events, and tend to be aggressive or
domineering. They have strong wills and can be impulsive
or self-willed. They make good leaders but can be fanatic
or insensitive. They like the use of energy and force and are
prone toward argument or violence.
Pittas make good scientists and often have a good
understanding of mechanics and mathematics. They like
to work with tools, weapons, or chemistry. They have
probing minds and are good at research and invention.
They may be good psychologists and have deep insight.
Most military persons or police officers are fire-types. They
like law and order and see the value of punishment. Most
lawyers, with their sharp minds and debating skills, are of
this type, including most politicians.
Pittas are good orators or preachers and are convincing
in presenting their cases. However, they may lack compas-
sion and have a hard time seeing other points of view. They
prefer hierarchy and authority over consensus and democ-
racy. The hard-driving executive who gets a sudden heart
attack is usually a high Pitta type. The same determina-
tion can serve them well, if directed to the proper goal.
Ayurveda and the Mind

kapha (Water Types)

Physical Characteristics

Kapha types are usually shorter than normal in height

and stocky in build, with well-developed chests. Occa-
sionally they are tall but they always possess a large frame.
They tend toward corpulence or obesity and hold excess
weight and water unless they work hard to prevent it.
Their skin is thick and tends to be damp and oily. Their
eyes are large, white and attractive, with big lashes. Their
hair is abundant, oily and thick. Their teeth are large,
white and attractive.
Kaphas have a low but constant appetite, with a slow
metabolism. They are constant but not heavy eaters and
enjoy having food around them more than eating a lot.
Often it is hard for them to lose weight, even if they do not
eat much. They like sweets and may develop diabetes later
in life. They sleep easily, often excessively, and have a hard
time staying awake late into the night.
Their discharges of urine, sweat and feces are average.
They can sweat a lot if they become hot, but it will come
on slowly. They accumulate and discharge large amounts
of mucus, particularly in the morning. Kaphas as water
suffer most from diseases of excess weight or water. These
include obesity, congestive disorders, swollen glands, asth-
ma, edema and tumors (generally benign). They suffer
from cold, dampness and stagnant air. They prefer heat,
light, dryness and wind.
Kaphas like to be sedentary but possess strong
endurance and, once active, can continue and accomplish a
lot. They win more by consistency and perseverance than
by speed, skill or cunning. They suffer physically mainly
from inaction and lack of discipline.
Ayurvedic Constitutional Types

Psychological Characteristics

Kapha types are emotional in temperament and, posi-

tively, have much love, devotion and loyalty. Negatively,
they have much desire, attachment and may be possessive
or greedy. They are romantic, sentimental, and cry easily.
Mentally, they are slower in learning than the other
types but retain what they learn. Much repetition is need-
ed for them to grasp things. They are not creative or inven-
tive but do carry things out and make them useful. They
are better at finishing things than at starting them. They
like to bring things into form and create institutions and
Water-types are traditional or conventional in their
behavior and beliefs. They like to belong, to be part of a
group, and seldom rebel. They are good followers and pre-
fer to work in association. They are content and accept
things as they are. They are stable but sometimes stagnate.
They do not like to change and find change difficult, even
when they want to. They are friendly, particularly with
people they know, and hold closely to their families. Yet
they have difficulties relating to strangers or foreigners.
While they do not like to hurt others, they may be insen-
sitive to the needs of those outside their sphere. Sometimes
they throw their weight around and smother or suppress
Kaphas are usually good parents and providers. In
women, they make good mothers and wives and like cook-
ing, baking and homemaking. The men may be chefs or
work in restaurants. With their large chests, good lungs
and good voices, they make good singers. They like to
accumulate wealth and hold firmly to what they get. They
excel at real estate and make good bankers. Once motivat-
ed, they can be consistent and hard workers who hold on
to all that they get.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Constitutional Examination

How To Determine Your Unique Psycho-physical


Each one of us possesses all three biological humors.

However, their proportion varies according to the individ-
ual. One humor will usually predominate and make its
characteristic mark upon our disposition.
Some individuals are strongly of one type. These are
called pure Vata (pure air), pure Pitta (pure fire) and pure
Kapha (pure water) types. Mixed types occur as when two
or more humors stand in equal proportion. Three different
dual types exist as Vata-Pitta (air-fire), Vata-Kapha (air-
water) and Pitta-Kapha (fire-water). An even type in
which all three humors are in balance, or VPK type, is also
found, making seven major types in all.
Note which humor you check the most; this will usu-
ally indicate your constitution (though it is helpful to con-
sult an Ayurvedic practitioner to make sure). Also remem-
ber that even when you fall clearly into one category, you
will have your unique characteristics. These types are a
basis for more specific treatment and should not be turned
into stereotypes.
Ayurvedic Constitutional Types


o •

HEIGHT: tall or medium usually short

very short but can be
tall and large

FRAME: thin, bony moderate, large, well

good muscles developed

WEIGHT: low, hard to moderate heavy, hard to

hold weight lose weight

SKIN LUSTER: dull or dusky ruddy, lustrous white or pale

SKIN TEXTURE: dry, rough, thin warm, oily cold, damp,


EYES: small, nervous piercing, easily large, white


HAIR: dry,thin thin, oily thick, oily,

wavy, lustrous

TEETH: crooked, moderate, large,

poorly formed bleeding gums well formed

NAILS: rough, brittle soft, pink soft, white

JOINTS: stiff, crack easily loose firm, large

CIRCULATION: poor, variable good moderate

APPETITE: variable, nervous high, excessive moderate but


THIRST: low, scanty high moderate

SWEATING: scanty profuse but low to start

not enduring but profuse

STOOL: hard or dry soft, loose normal

URINATION: scanty profuse, yellow moderate,

Ayurveda and the Mind

SENSITIVITIES: cold, dryness, heat, sunlight, cold, damp

wind fire

IMMUNE low, variable moderate, high

FUNCTION: sensitive to heat

DISEASE pain fever, congestion,

TENDENCY: inflammation edema

DISEASE TYPE: nervous blood, liver mucous,


ACTIVITY: high, restless moderate low, moves


ENDURANCE: poor, easily moderate but high

exhausted focused

SLEEP: poor, disturbed variable excess

DREAMS: frequent, moderate, infrequent,

disturbed colorful romantic

MEMORY: quick but sharp, clear slow but

absent-minded steady

SPEECH: fast, frequent sharp, cutting slow,


TEMPERAMENT: nervous, motivated content,

changeable conservative

EMOTIONS: adaptability courage love

EMOTIONS: fear anger attachment

FAITH: variable, erratic strong, steady,

determined slow to

TOTAL Vata Pitta Kapha

Ayurvedic Constitutional Types 25 A

Prana, Tejas and Ojas

The Master Forms of Vara, Pitta and Kapha

Vata, Pitta and Kapha have subtle counterparts on the

level of vital energy. These are Prana, Tejas and Ojas,
which we will call the "three vital essences." Prana, Tejas
and Ojas are the master forms of Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
They control ordinary mind-body functions and keep us
healthy and free of disease. If reoriented properly, they
unfold higher evolutionary potentials as well. They are the
positive essences of the three biological humors that sus-
tain positive health. While increases in the biological
humors promote disease, increases in the vital essences
promote positive health (unless one of these is increased
without properly developing the others). These three
forces are the keys to vitality, clarity and endurance, neces-
sary for us to really feel healthy, fearless and confident.

PRANA: primal life-force — the subtle energy of

air as the master force behind all mind-body func-
tions. It is responsible for coordination of breath,
senses and mind. On an inner level, it governs the
development of higher states of consciousness.

TEJAS: inner radiance — the subtle energy of fire

through which we digest impressions and thoughts.
On an inner level, it governs the development of
higher perceptual capacities.

OJAS: primal vigor —the subtle energy of water as

our vital energy reserve, the essence of digested food,
impressions and thought. On an inner level it gives
calm, and supports and nourishes all higher states of
Ayurveda and the Mind

Psychological Functions of the Three Vital Essences

Prana in the mind allows it to move and respond to the

challenges of life. Tejas in the mind enables it to perceive
and to judge correctly. Ojas in the mind gives patience and
endurance that provides psychological stability. Prana in
our deeper consciousness energizes us throughout the
process of reincarnation, giving life to all aspects of our
nature. Tejas in consciousness holds the accumulated
insight of our will and spiritual aspiration. Ojas in con-
sciousness is the material power from which the soul pro-
duces all its various bodies.
Each of these three factors has an emotional effect as
well. Prana maintains emotional harmony, balance, and
creativity. Tejas gives courage, fearlessness, and vigor that
allows us to accomplish extraordinary actions. Ojas pro-
vides peace, calm and contentment. Without these emo-
tional sustaining forces, the mind cannot accomplish any-
thing significant.

How Prana, Tejas and Ojas are Built Up

Prana, Tejas and Ojas are built up in two ways. On a

gross level, they derive from the essence of the nutrients
we take into the body as food, heat and air. On a subtle
level, they are fed by the impressions we take in through
the senses. Key to the functioning of Prana, Tejas and Ojas
is the reproductive fluid, which functions as their contain-
er in the physical body. It is the ultimate product of the
food we take in that holds our strongest energies.
Prana is the life-creating capacity inherent in the repro-
ductive fluid. This creates children through the sexual act,
butAcan be directed inwardly to rejuvenate both body and
mind. Tejas is the capacity of the reproductive fluid to give
courage and daring. For example, it enables male animals
Ayurvedic Constitutional Types

to fight with great strength in order to mate. Inwardly, it

can give us vigor and decisiveness for any important
action. Ojas is the power of the reproductive fluid to pro-
mote endurance, which provides the ability to sustain us
not only sexually but through all forms of sustained exer-
tion, physically and mentally. Without the proper reserve
of reproductive fluids, we must be deficient in Prana, Tejas
and Ojas, which can negatively impact both physical and
psychological health. Ayurveda emphasizes preserving
enough of our reproductive fluid to maintain these three
vital essences. It also shows us ways to develop these three
forces when they are insufficient.
On a subtle level, Ojas is fed through the sensory
impressions of taste and smell. Tejas is the essence of the
heat we absorb, not only through food but also through
the skin, where we absorb sunlight. Tejas is fed through
visual impressions. Prana is the vital energy we take in, not
only through food but through liquids, and, of course,
through breathing. Prana is carried by the fluids in our
body, the blood and plasma, which serve as its vehicle. Our
body fluids are energized by the Prana we take in. Prana is
also absorbed through the senses of hearing and touch.'

Prana, Tejas and Ojas and Health Imbalances

Psychological imbalances are closely related to the con-

ditions of Prana, Tejas and Ojas. Prana is responsible for
the enthusiasm and expression in the psyche, without
which we suffer from depression and mental stagnation.
Tejas governs mental digestion and absorption, without
which we lack clarity and determination. Ojas provides
psychological stability and endurance, without whicu we
experience anxiety and mental fatigue. Without the prop-
er vital energies, the mind cannot function properly. We
Ayurveda and the Mind

cannot heal the mind without improving and harmonizing

its energies.5
We will refer to Prana, Tejas and Ojas as background
concepts throughout the book. While not as important as
Vata, Pitta and Kapha, they must not be overlooked either.
Please relate them back to Vata, Pitta and Kapha as their
positive forms, or to the elements of air, fire and water for
easy understanding.
3. The Three Gunas:

How to Balance Your


e live in a magical universe filled with

W great forces of life and death, creation and
destruction. Divine powers can be found
everywhere to lift us into a greater peace and understa
ing. But "undivine" forces are also ever present, working
to lure us down further into confusion and attachment.
Truth and falsehood, ignorance and enlightenment form
the light and dark, the illumination and shadow of the
world. In this basic duality of creation, we struggle not
merely to survive but also to find meaning in our lives. We
must learn to navigate through these contrary currents so
that we can benefit by the ascending spiritual force and
avoid the descending unspiritual inertia.
Nature herself is the Divine Mother in manifestation
and the universe is her play of consciousness. She provides
not only for material growth and expansion that moves
outward, but also supports our spiritual growth and devel-
opment, which moves within. Nature possesses a qualita-
tive energy through which we can either expand into wis-
dom or contract into ignorance. Nature functions through
conscious forces, spirits if you will, which can be either
enlightening or darkening, healing or harming. Most of
these powers are unknown to us and we do not know how
to use them. Trained as we are in a rational and scientific
Ayurveda and the Mind

manner to look to the outside, we lack the ability to per-

ceive the subtle forces hidden in the world around us.
However, for any real healing of the mind to be possible,
we must understand these forces and learn how to work
with them as they exist, not only in the world but also in
our own psyche.
Ayurveda provides a special language for understanding
the primal forces of Nature and shows us how to work with
them on all levels. According to Yoga and Ayurveda,
Nature consists of three primal qualities, which are the
main powers of Cosmic Intelligence that determine our
spiritual growth. These are called gunas in Sanskrit, mean-
ing "what binds," because wrongly understood they keep
us in bondage to the external world.

1) Sattva — intelligence, imparts balance

2) Rajas — energy, causes imbalance
3) Tamas — substance, creates inertia

The three gunas are the most subtle qualities of Nature

that underlie matter, life and mind. They are the energies
through which not only the surface mind, but also our
deeper consciousness functions. They are the powers of the
soul which hold the kannas and desires that propel us from
birth to birth. The gunas adhere in Nature herself as her
core potential for diversification.
All objects in the universe consist of various combina-
tions of the three gunas. Cosmic evolution consists of their
mutual interaction and transformation. The three gunas
are one of the prime themes of Ayurvedic thought and will
occur throughout the book. They form a deeper level than
the three biological humors and help us understand our
mental and spiritual nature and how it functions.
SATTVA is the quality of intelligence, virtue and good-
ness, and creates harmony, balance and stability. It is light
The Three Gunas

(not heavy) and luminous in nature. It possesses an inward

and upward motion and brings about the awakening of the
soul. Sattva provides happiness and contentment of a last-
ing nature. It is the principle of clarity, wideness and
peace, the force of love that unites all things together.
RAJAS is the quality of change, activity, and turbu-
lence. It introduces a disequilibrium that upsets an exist-
ing balance. Rajas is motivated in its action, ever seeking
a goal or an end that gives it power. It possesses outward
motion and causes self-seeking action that leads to frag-
mentation and disintegration. While, in the short term,
Rajas is stimulating and provides pleasure, owing to its
unbalanced nature it quickly results in pain and suffering.
It is the force of passion which causes distress and conflict.
TAMAS is the quality of dullness, darkness, and inertia
and is heavy, veiling or obstructing in its action. It func-
tions as the force of gravity that retards things and holds
them in specific limited forms. It possesses a downward
motion that causes decay and disintegration. Tamas brings
about ignorance and delusion in the mind and promotes
insensitivity, sleep and loss of awareness. It is the principle
of materiality or unconsciousness that causes consciousness
to become veiled.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Correspondences of the Three Gun as

Sattva Rajas Tamas

Color White Red Black

purity & harmony action & passion darkness &

Time Day, clarity Sunrise & Sunset Night, darkness

twilight, transitior

Energy Neutral or positive, sets negative, retards

balanced things in motion motion

Worlds heaven or space, atmosphere earth, the realm

the region the region the realm of
peace of storms of gravity
and inertia

Levels of causal or ideal subtle or astral, gross or physical

Cosmos pure form

Kingdoms spiritual beings: human realm mineral, plant

of Nature gods, goddesses & animal
and sages kingdoms

States of waking dream deep sleep


Sattva and the Mind

The mind, or consciousness in general, is naturally the

domain of Sattva. Consciousness itself is called Sattva in
Sanskrit. Unless the mind is calm and clear, we cannot per-
ceive anything properly. Sattva creates clarity, through
which we perceive the truth of things, and gives light,
concentration and devotion. Rajas and Tamas are factors of
mental disharmony, causing agitation and delusion. They
result in wrong imagination and misperception.
The Three Gunas

From Rajas comes the false idea of the external world as

real in itself, which causes us to seek happiness outside
ourselves and lose track of our inner peace. Rajas creates
desire, distortion, turbulence and emotional upset. It pre-
dominates in the sensory aspect of the mind because the
senses are ever-moving and seeking various objects. As
long as we remain immersed in the pursuit of sensory
enjoyment, we fall under the instability of Rajas.
From Tamas comes the ignorance that veils our true
nature and weakens our power of perception. Through it
arises the idea of an ego or separate self, by which we feel
ourselves to be alone and isolated. Tamas prevails in con-
sciousness identified with the physical body, which is dull
and limited. As long our identity and sense of well-being
is primarily physical, we remain in the dark realm of
Sattva is the balance of Rajas and Tamas, combining the
energy of Rajas with the stability of Tamas. By increasing
Sattva, one gains peace and harmony, and returns to Pri-
mordial Nature and Pure Spirit in which is liberation.
However, attachment to Sattva, such as clinging to virtue,
can bind the mind. For this reason we must strive to devel-
op pure Sattva, which is its detached form, or Sattva not
clinging to its own qualities. Pure Sattva does not con-
demn Rajas and Tamas, but understands their place in the
cosmic harmony, which is as outer factors of life and body
whose proper place is apart from our true nature.
When pure Sattva prevails in our consciousness, we
transcend time and space and discover our eternal Self. The
soul regains its basic purity and unites with God. When
out of balance, the three gunas bring about the process of
cosmic evolution through which the soul evolves through
the kingdoms of Nature, experiencing birth and death.
Ayurveda and the Mind

happiness and sorrow in various bodies. The movement of

the three gunas is coterminous with creation.
Sattva as the state of balance is responsible for all true
health and healing. Health is maintained by Sattvic living,
which is living in harmony with Nature and our inner Self,
cultivating purity, clarity and peace. Rajas and Tamas are
the factors that cause disease. Rajas causes pain, agitation
and the dissipation of energy. Tamas brings about stagna-
tion, decay and death. Rajas and Tamas usually work
together. Rajas brings about the over-expression of energy,
which eventually leads to exhaustion, in which Tamas pre-
For example, too much spicy food, alcohol, and sexual
indulgence are initially Rajasic or stimulating. These
eventually lead to such Tamasic conditions as fatigue and
collapse of energy. On a psychological level, too much
Rajas, which is turbulent emotion, leads to Tamas or men-
tal dullness and depression.

Mental Types According to the Gunas

To have Sattva predominant in our nature is the key to

health, creativity and spirituality. Sattvic people possess an
harmonious and adaptable nature which gives the greatest
freedom from disease, both physical and mental. They
strive toward balance and have peace of mind that cuts off
the psychological root of disease. They are considerate of
others and take care of themselves. They see all life as a
learning experience and look for the good in all things,
even in disease, which they strive to understand, not mere-
ly to suppress.
Rajasic people have good energy but bum themselves
out through excessive activity. Their minds are usually
agitated and seldom at peace. They have strong opinions
The Three Gunas

and seek power over others, often regardless of the means.

They are impatient and inconsistent in dealing with their
problems and do not wish to take the time or responsibil-
ity to get well. They blame others for their problems,
including their therapists.
Rajasic people can accomplish their goals and are gen-
erally in control of their lives. However, they are not awake
to their spiritual purpose, and are dominated by the ego in
their pursuit of happiness. Life brings them shocks, which
can cause them great suffering, particularly when they lose
control. Even when they achieve their goals, they find that
they are still not happy.
Tamasic types have deep-seated psychological block-
ages. Their energy and emotion tend to be stagnant and
repressed, and they do not know what their problems real-
ly are. They do not seek proper treatment and usually have
poor hygiene or poor self-care habits. They accept their
condition as fate and do not take advantage of the methods
that may alleviate their problems. They allow other people
and negative influences to dominate them and do not like
to be responsible for their lives. They prefer not to deal
with their problems or will not let others know about
them, which only allows the problems to get worse.6

Mental Constitution According to the

Three Gunas

The gunas show our mental and spiritual state, through

which we can measure our propensity for psychological
problems. The following test is a good index of these qual-
ities and how they work within our life and character.
The answers on the left indicate Sattva, in the middle
Rajas, and on the right Tamas. Please fill out this form
carefully and honestly. After answering the questionnaire
Ayurveda and the Mind

for yourself, you should have someone who knows you

well, like your husband, wife or close friend, fill it out for
you also. Note the difference between how you view your-
self and how others see you.
For most of us, our answers will generally fall in the
middle or Rajasic area, which is the main spiritual state in
our active and outgoing culture today. We will have vari-
ous psychological problems but can usually deal with
them. A Sattvic nature shows a spiritual disposition with
few psychological issues. A highly Sattvic nature is rare at
any time and shows a saint or a sage. A Tamasic person has
a danger of severe psychological problems but would be
unlikely to fill out such a chart or even read such a book.
The areas in ourselves that we can improve from Tamas to
Rajas or from Rajas to Sattva will aid in our peace of mind
and spiritual growth. We should do all we can to make
such changes.
The Three Gunas 37

Mental Constitution Chart

DIET: Vegetarian Some meat Heavy meat


& STIMULANTS: Never Occasionally Frequently

IMPRESSIONS: Calm, pure Mixed Disturbed

NEED FOR SLEEP: Little Moderate High

SEXUAL ACTIVITY: Low Moderate High

OF SENSES: Good Moderate Weak

SPEECH: Calm and Agitated Dull


CLEANLINESS: High Moderate Low

WORK: Selfless For personal Lazy


ANGER: Rarely Sometimes Frequently

FEAR: Rarely Sometimes Frequently

DESIRE: Little Some Much

PRIDE: Modest Some Ego Vain

DEPRESSION: Never Sometimes Frequently

LOVE: Universal Personal Lacking in


BEHAVIOR: Never Sometimes Frequently

TO MONEY: Little Some A lot

CONTENTMENT: Usually Partly Never

FORGIVENESS: Forgives easily With effort Holds long

term grudges
Ayurveda and the Mind

CONCENTRATION: Good Moderate Poor

MEMORY: Good Moderate Poor

WILL POWER: Strong Variable Weak

TRUTHFULNESS: Always Most of the Rarely


HONESTY: Always Most of the Rarely


PEACE OF MIND: Generally Partly Rarely

CREATIVITY: High Moderate Low

SPIRITUAL STUDY: Daily Occasionally Never

MANTRA, PRAYER : Daily Occasionally Never

MEDITATION: Daily Occasionally Never

SERVICE: Much Some None

Total: Sattva Rajas Tamas

The Three Gunas and Therapy

Many different types of medical and healing therapies

exist for the mind. To benefit from them properly and to
avoid their possible side-effects, we must understand their
approach and when they are useful. Here Ayurveda helps
us greatly by showing how healing therapies relate to these
three gunas. This provides us with a deep understanding
of the healing process and its likely results. Sattvic thera-
pies work through Sattvic qualities of love, peace and non-
violence. Rajasic therapies work through Rajasic qualities
of stimulation, energization and agitation. Tamasic thera-
pies work through Tamasic qualities of sedation, sleep and
grounding. Ayurvedic therapies are primarily Sattvic and
employ Rajasic and Tamasic modalities only under special
The Three Gunas 39

Sattvic healing uses Nature, the life force and the power
of the cosmic mind, through such treatment methods as
herbs, vegetarian diet, mantra and meditation. Rajas can
occasionally be useful in the healing process. Rajas helps
break up Tamas, while Sattva, being a condition of harmo-
ny, does not always have the ability to do so. It is often nec-
essary to move from Tamas to Rajas in order to return to
Sattva, like needing to stimulate or shock a person into
awakening to their repressed pain. Tamas is seldom useful
in the healing process except when required to sedate too
high Rajas. For example, a person in hysteria, an excess
Rajas condition, may require a strong sedative herb or
drug, a Tamasic therapy. In this case Sattva would be too
mild to calm Rajas.'
Ayurvedic psychology aims at moving the mind from
Tamas to Rajas and eventually to Sattva. This means mov-
ing from an ignorant and physically-oriented life (Tamas),
to one of vitality and self-expression (Rajas), and finally to
one of peace and enlightenment (Sattva).8

Three Stages of Mental Healing

1) Breaking up Tamas/developing Rajas — moving

from mental inertia to self-motivated action.

2) Calming Rajas/developing Sattva — moving

from self-motivated action to selfless service.

3) Perfecting Sattva — moving from selfless service

to meditation.

Naturally it is important to know what stage is appro-

priate for a person. A person in a Tamasic condition
requires outer activity to break up their inertia; he or she
cannot simply be asked to sit quietly and meditate. At
such times Rajasic (active) methods are necessary and
Ayurveda and the Mind

Sattvic (passive) methods may not be sufficient. The per-

son requires communication and working with other peo-
ple. A person in a Rajasic condition, however, requires a
reduction of activity and interiorization of consciousness
(development of Sattva). Yet this must be done gradually
because Rajas does not subside all at once. The person
must be introduced into meditation through practical
therapies of yogic postures, mantras or visualizations. A
person in a Sattvic condition requires spiritual practices
and not ordinary psychological treatment, and can easily
move into meditation without much external support.
However, these three stages are not simply different
levels. We all have Tamasic, Rajasic and Sattvic factors in
our minds. We all need each of these three processes to
some degree. There are times when our minds are Tamasic,
like right after waking up in the morning or when day-
dreaming in the afternoon. Whenever we are mentally dull
or emotionally depressed, Tamas is predominant. Rajas
prevails when we are agitated, disturbed, active or outgo-
ing, like when we are very busy working with a number of
people or projects. Sattva prevails when we are quiet,
peaceful and content, or naturally fall into meditation.
Similarly we should not judge other people by how
they appear when dominated by one quality only. Even a
spiritually advanced person has Tamasic moments or peri-
ods when he or she may do something regrettable. In the
same way, spiritually undeveloped persons have Sattvic
moments when they may do something inspired, noble or
kind. When looking at ourselves, we should try to see all
three factors in our nature and behavior and try to develop
our Sattvic side.
The Three Gunas 41 /f^v

Stage i — Personal Healing

Breaking Up Tamas/ Moving from Tamas to Rajas

For this transition, fire is necessary. We must wake up,

act and begin to change. Deep-seated patterns of attach-
ment, stagnation and depression must be released. We
must recognize our suffering and learn from it, con-
fronting our pain, including what we have suppressed or
ignored for years. A new sense of who we are and what we
need to do is required. Action (Rajas) is indicated, not only
in the mind but involving outer aspects of our lives. We
must break with the past, bring new energies into our
lives, perhaps change jobs or modify our relationships, or
move to a new locale.9

Stage 2 — Healing of Humanity

Calming Rajas/ Moving from Rajas to Sattva

For this transition, space is necessary. We must surren-

der our pain and give up our personal seeking, letting go
of individual hurts and sorrows. Egoistic drives and moti-
vations must be surrendered for the greater good. We must
depersonalize our problems and look to understand the
entire human condition and the pain of others. Leaving
behind our personal problems, we must take up the prob-
lems of humanity, opening up to the suffering of others as
our own. We must learn that life creates suffering in order
to help us grow spiritually. This is a stage of service and
Ayurveda and the Mind

Stage 3 — Universal Peace

Developing Pure Sattva

To bring about this transition, we must develop love

and awareness as universal forces. We must learn to tran-
scend the limitations of the human condition to our high-
er spiritual nature. Inner peace must become our dominant
force. We should no longer seek to overcome our pain but
to develop our joy. We should no longer be centered in our
personal or collective problems but in developing commu-
nion with the greater universe and the Divine powers at
work within it. At this stage we move from the human
aspect of our condition to the universal aspect, becoming
open to all life. This is the stage of spiritual practice. It is
beyond all ordinary healing and works to heal our rela-
tionship with God or the inner Self.
As you go through this book remember the three
gunas. We will explore how they work according to the
different layers and functions of the mind. Go to the
Sattvic core of your being to understand this wisdom of

4. The Nature of the Mind

t is amazing to note that so many different ideas

I exist about the nature of the mind and how it func-
tions. Different systems of psychology, philosophy
and religion define the mind in ways that can be radically
different or even contradictory to one another. All of us
agree on the basic facts of the physical body — its form,
structure and function. No one holds that the body has
three legs, or that the stomach thinks and the brain digests
food. The reason for this is that the body is easy to observe.
Yet while we can easily list the main systems of the phys-
ical body, we find it difficult to do so for the mind. The
mind appears as an amorphous or structureless entity,
rather than a precise instrument like the body.
Though we all have minds and use them constantly, we
do not know what our mind really is. We are so caught up
in the mind's activities that we do not take the time to dis-
cover what the mind itself really is. In the realm of psy-
chology, we are still groping in the dark, trying to treat an
entity whose character eludes us. Without knowing the
nature of the mind and its functions, how can we really
approach it? After all, how we perceive the mind is the
basis of any psychological diagnosis and treatment. The
problem is that to know the mind we must first know our-
selves. We must understand who we really are. Thought,
as we ordinarily know it, is a function of the ego or sepa-
rate self. A subjective personal bias colors how we look at
/A 44 Ayurveda and the Mind

the mind, rendering an objective assessment of its capaci-

ties almost impossible.
The first step in any true psychology, therefore, is to
understand the mind and how it works. What is the nature
of this marvelous instrument called the mind? What is its
relationship with who we are? What is its connection with
the body? What is the right function of the mind? Can we
learn to see the mind as objectively as we see our hands and
feet? Here Ayurveda and Yoga offer tremendous insights.

Getting to Know the Mind

Can one imagine being put into the driver's seat of an

automobile with the engine running and not knowing
how to drive, not knowing how to use the brakes, the
steering wheel or the clutch? Naturally we would get into
an accident and, should we survive, would end up perma-
nently afraid of driving.
We are in a not too different situation with our minds.
Our awareness is placed in the mind when we are bom, but
we are not taught how to use the mind, its sensitivities and
emotions. We are not taught the meaning of its states of
waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. We are not shown the
comparative functions of reason, feeling, will and sensory
perception. We are left in the dark because our parents and
society do not understand the mind and how it works. The
mind is the main vehicle we use for all that we do, yet few,
if any of us, know how to use and care for it properly.
We all suffer from ignorance of the nature of the mind.
All problems we encounter in life are based ultimately
upon not knowing the mind and its functions. From this
primary problem, various secondary problems arise — like
how to fulfill our desires, or how to avoid what we fear —
which, however important these may appear, are merely
The Nature of the Mind

the natural consequence of this basic ignorance about the

mind. For example, if we do not know how to drive a car
properly, the issue of where to go with it is not important.
However, we take these derivative problems as primary or
blame others for them, turning them into social, moral, or
political issues, not realizing, that they are just one prob-
lem — not understanding the mind. From a wrong under-
standing of the mind, we develop wrong ideas about the
world and run into difficulty in our social interactions.
To use another analogy, if we do not understand how
fire works, we may bum ourselves. This does not mean we
are a bad person or that fire is bad, but only that we do not
understand fire and its properties. The mind has its quali-
ties and, like fire, can be used for both good and bad. It can
provide great happiness or wreak tremendous havoc in the
world, as history has shown again and again. All psycho-
logical problems are nothing more than a wrong use of the
mind, which arises from ignorance of how the mind works.
The solution to all our mental problems is to leam to use
the mind properly. This is tme whatever our psychological
problems may be.
More important than any examination of our personal
or social problems is educating ourselves about the nature
of the mind. All the problems that appear so immediate
and important — like whether we will be loved or if our
friends and family can be happy — are not the real issue
and cannot be solved directly. The real issue is how to use
the most important and central instrument in our lives —
the mind itself.
Learning the right use of the mind not only solves our
psychological problems, but directs us to our higher
potential of Self-realization. It leads to the spiritual life,
which is our real occupation as conscious beings. Then we
Ayurveda and the Mind

can transcend the mind — which is inherently limited —

to Pure Awareness unbounded by time, space or causation.
For all things in life, we must start with understanding the

Mind as an Object

Though we have always had a mind, most of us have

never taken the time to observe it. Let us look at our
minds. For this we must step back internally and take the
role of the observer. We must begin to witness the mind
and its functions.11 Imagine that your thoughts are a
stream and you are sitting on the bank watching them
flow by. Learn to see the contents of the mind flowing by,
without judgment or interference, just as you might
observe the currents or debris floating down a river.
By taking such a witnessing attitude, we can easily get
to know the mind and its activities. We can perceive vari-
ous fluctuations in thoughts, feelings and impressions, and
various states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep. We
should strive to maintain our awareness in the attitude of
witnessing the mind. This is the key for learning what the
mind is. As long as we are caught up in the mind's activi-
ties, we cannot see the mind as it is, just as we cannot
observe what is going in a theater if our attention is
engrossed in the movie.
Whatever we can observe, like a cup upon the table, is
an object and exists apart from our awareness, which is its
perceiver. Yet we cannot only observe external objects, we
can also observe internal objects. We can note whether our
sense organs are acute or impaired, as when our vision
begins to fail. Similarly we can observe our emotions, our
thoughts, and even our own ego, which are all fluctuating
phenomena, if we look deeply. We can observe the func-
The Nature of the Mind

tions of the mind just as we can observe the movements of

our body.
Just as the eye is not damaged when a cup falls onto the
floor and breaks, so consciousness is not damaged when the
contents of the mind get altered or damaged. The witness-
ing consciousness is apart from the objects and conditions
that it observes. Therefore, the first thing we observe
about the mind is that, as something observable, the mind
is an object. The mind is material and part of the external
world. It belongs to us but it is not who we really are, just
as our house belongs to us but is not us. This may be
shocking to consider, but it is really something intuitive-
ly known to us. When we speak of "my mind," we are
defining the mind as an object that belongs to us and not
as ourselves.
The mind has a material structure, a set of observable
energies and conditions. This is not to say that the mind is
a gross object like a stone or that it is an organ in the phys-
ical body like the brain, or that it is merely chemical in
nature. The mind is not physical matter, but it is matter of
a subtle nature, ethereal and luminous. As an organic enti-
ty, the mind has a structure, a cycle of nutrition, an origin
and an end. The mind is invested with a certain quantum
of energy that produces various tangible effects.
Just as we can both see and use our hands, so awareness
can perceive and use the mind. But this requires a very
high state of attention. It requires detachment from the
mind, which means detachment from the mind's activities
and interests.

Mind as an Instrument

The second important fact about the mind, which fol-

lows from the mind's material nature, is that the mind is
Ayurveda and the Mind

an instrument or tool. The sense organs themselves are

instruments — the eye an instrument of seeing, the ear an
instrument of hearing, and so on. Similarly, the mind that
works to process sensory information is itself an instru-
ment. The mind is a means of deriving information from
the external world. The mind is the main instrument we
use to function in life. The mind is an instrumentality of
knowing devised by Cosmic Intelligence to allow for con-
sciousness to gain experience. The mind is the ultimate
machine, the best computer, the highest organization of
matter possible, which allows for the material world to be
Notice that we are speaking of the mind, not the brain.
The brain is the physical organ through which the mind
works. We are not conscious of the brain itself or its struc-
ture. We are only conscious of our actual thought process.
The mind is not the brain, but is more subtle. The brain is
the vehicle for the mind and mirrors its operations, but the
mind is not limited to the physical apparatus of the brain,
any more than a person is limited to his shadow.
Note that we speak of "my" mind, indicating that we
view the mind like an instrument. We can direct our
attention. We can employ our reasoning faculty. We can
develop our will. We can cultivate our feelings. But if the
mind is an instrument, then we are not the mind, just as
we are not any other instrument we use in life. Like any
instrument, we are the one who uses and must master it,
not let it tell us what to do.
However, we have forgotten that the mind is our
instrument, though we speak of the mind as ours and not
of ourselves as the mind. We let the mind tell us who we
are and what to do. Having become slaves of the mind, we
lose control of our destiny and fall under the desires of the
The Nature of the Mind

mind, which are not our own but come from the external

Awareness and the Mind

Behind changing mental fluctuations is a constant

awareness, an unbroken sense of self or being, an ongoing
ability to observe, witness and perceive.12 Though the con-
tents of the mind constantly shift, like clouds in the sky,
there is an ongoing continuity to our consciousness, like
the purity of space, through which we can observe these
with detachment. Therefore the mind itself is not aware-
ness. It is the instrument that awareness works through,
like the computer a person works with.
Awareness, unlike the mind, has no form, function or
movement. It is not located in time and space but stands
apart as their witness. It is not affected by action and
remains free of good and bad results. To know this aware-
ness, we must learn to go beyond the mind, which means
to disengage from its involvements. This is our real work
as human beings and the essence of the spiritual path,
whatever form of it we choose to follow. As long we are in
the sphere of the mind, we are dominated by the external
and cannot know the inner reality.
True awareness is Pure Consciousness beyond the men-
tal field. Our ordinary awareness is conditioned within the
mental field. Only because the light of pure awareness is
reflected onto the mental field does the mind appear to be
conscious. The mind itself, therefore, is not aware, intelli-
gent or self-luminous. It works through the reflection of a
greater light, a greater consciousness in which alone is
understanding and freedom. We must learn to seek that
pure light beyond the mind.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Mind-Body Unity

The mind is organically related to the physical body.

We can observe this by noting how our mind's functions
change with physical fluctuations, how our behavior
changes along with our diet, exercise patterns or intake of
sensory impressions. The mind is also a kind of body or
organism. It has its metabolism, its appropriate food, its
waste products, and its derangements that can occur from
its malfunction. These we will explore in detail in the later
chapters of the book.
The physical body is primarily an organ of perception
and expression. It is structured mainly by our sense organs,
which provide perception, like the eyes and ears, and the
motor organs, like the voice and hands, through which we
express ourselves. The body, we could say, is the gross form
of the mind. The body exists to allow the mind to perceive
and act. Yet, though the mind-body complex is an organ-
ic unity, the mind and body are not the same. The mind
can function apart from body consciousness as in sleep,
trance and after-death states.
The body is an object of perception for the mind, as
when we observe our hands or watch our breathing
process. Most of the time we are not very aware of our bod-
ies themselves, but are aware of some action with which
they are involved. We are conscious of the body primarily
when we are in pain or otherwise dominated by a strong
bodily sensation, like sexual pleasure. When we are talk-
ing, reading or working, we are only slightly aware of our
physical functioning. We are rarely conscious of our inter-
nal organs, like the liver or heart, except when we are sick.
We mainly perceive the surface of the body through the
skin and senses. Therefore, we are in the body but we are
not the body.
The Nature of the Mind 51

Our true awareness or pure consciousness, however,

transcends both mind and body. It is inherently free of
their problems and limitations. But to get to it requires
that we detach ourselves from mind-body functions.

Location of the Mind

There is no particular place in the physical body where

the mind can be said to be located. Wherever we direct our
attention, there the mind already is. You can see this for
yourself. Whatever you look at, whether internally or
externally, the mind is with you. The mind is not in the
brain. It is not in the eye or the hand. It moves with our
awareness. It is not even limited to the body because it can
observe the body as an object and use it as an instrument.
Generally, we think that the mind dwells in either the
head or the heart. The head is the center for the outer mind
that works through the senses. The heart is the center of
the inner mind or feeling nature that transcends the sens-
es. The brain is no more than a screen on which the ener-
gies of consciousness from the heart get reflected. Ayurve-
da regards the heart as the center of consciousness.1' This
is not the physical heart but the core of knowing deep
inside ourselves. We should not confuse this center with a
physical location. It pervades all our mental activity.

Atomic Nature of the Mind

Having discussed the basic nature of the mind, we can

now examine more deeply its structure. Look at how your
attention functions and moves. The most important thing
we see about the mind's structure is that the mind is atom-
ic or point-like in nature. The mind consists of various
points of thought, feeling and sensation, following one
another in rapid succession. Again, you can observe this for
Ayurveda and the Mind

yourself. Sit quietly and see how your senses work, like
looking at a tree. Note the shifting movement of your
mind and how it tries to construct the reality of the object
from its moving points of attention.
The mind has no particular shape or size. It assumes the
shape and size of whatever object that we examine. Yet it
always consists of a series of points of attention. The mind
is not an atom existing in space but a point-sized aware-
ness which precedes and transcends all other material com-
ponents and interactions.
Though the mind is atomic in nature, it can pervade
the body as a whole, just as a dot of sandalwood oil can
pervade the entire body by its fragrance. In this way, the
mind can not only focus on different parts of the body but
can motivate it as a whole. Similarly, it can pervade our
entire field of perception. Though this only lasts an
instant, these instants follow one another, giving us a sense
of an entire field of awareness.
The atomic nature of the mind leads to various limita-
tions. We can only focus on one particular object at a time.
Our awareness has the nature of a shifting point. This
allows us to place our attention in specific directions. At
the same time it gives the mind a tendency to become nar-
row and attach itself only to those points of view it has
already seen. We do not see the whole, but try to construct
it by putting together various points of view. This process
limits us to a perspective, and however many perspectives
we have, there is always something that we miss.
The mind is like a pointillist painter. It is constructing
reality out of points. Yet the reality must ever elude it as
one can never arrive at the whole through fragments. The
mind's knowledge is inherently limited by the point-like
nature of the mind. The mind gives a series of snapshots,
The Nature of the Mind 53

which allows us to construct a view of reality. But its snap-

shots distort that reality by presenting only one side of it.
As each mind is a mere point of awareness, each mind
is unique, has its own perspective, and potentially its own
inherent bias. Each one of us is true to the perspective of
our minds. We often fail to see, however, that this per-
spective is not universal or even common, but the expres-
sion of limitation.

Mobile Nature of the Mind

Our ever-shifting mental panorama of thoughts, emo-

tions and sensations reveals the constantly changing or
mobile nature of the mind. The mind is extremely volatile
and impossible to prevent from moving. This is because
the mind is not only a shifting point in space, but is also a
changing point in time. The mind is not only in motion,
the mind is its motion. Without motion, the mind does
not function.
Our stream of consciousness is nothing but a rapid
series of point flashes of mental activity. In fact, the mind
is the prime point from which the ideas of time and space
are constructed. It is like the point of an artist's pen which
draws lines to create a sense of perspective.
The mind consists of a series of mental actions, which
are never the same, even for an instant. If we look deeply,
we see that the mobility of the mind is not continuous like
a stream of water or oil. It is like a series of lightning flash-
es, discontinuous and occurring in rapid succession, which
allows us to put together a continuous image. The mind,
therefore, is impossible to still, though there is a stillness
beyond the mind.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Subtle and Sensitive Nature of the Mind

Have you ever tried to control your mind? You quickly

find that the mind is subtle in nature and unpredictable
like the wind. It has force, energy and movement, but it
does not have a particular form. Like the wind, we can
observe the mind more easily through what it moves and
affects, rather than see it directly. The mind, like the wind,
blows the clouds of thoughts and feelings. Yet the mind is
not only like the wind, it is also like space. It encompass-
es and pervades all its contents, like a screen that holds all
the pictures placed upon it. The mind is the most subtle
form of matter. This we will examine in more detail in the
next chapter on the mind and the elements.
The mind is very sensitive. It is the very organ of sen-
sitivity underlying all the senses. Everything affects or col-
ors the mind. Everything that we see or feel leaves some
imprint or residue upon it. Hence the mind must be treat-
ed with care, particularly in children. The mind can be
easily hurt, in which case it places barriers around itself
and dulls its sensitivity. The mind is easily affected and
disturbed, excited, depressed or distracted.
The mind takes the form of the objects it perceives.
Hence it is very difficult to see the mind. When our aware-
ness has withdrawn from the senses, our minds remain
filled with thoughts and feelings. Only when we empty
the mind of thought can we see the mind and recognize its
basic insubstantiality, like a screen that has no meaning
apart from the images projected on it.

Dualistic Nature of the Mind

The mind, like all matter, is dualistic in nature. It con-

sists of opposite forces in various degrees of interaction. It
is prone to dualistic reactions of like/dislike, love/hate and
The Nature of the Mind

so on. Whatever we chink about also creates its opposite.

To assert one thing, we must also suggest the contrary.
This is why it is important not to train the mind with
negativity, sin and guilt. For example, if we tell a person
not to think of a monkey, he or she will naturally think of
a monkey. If we tell a person not to do something, we have
first asked them to think about doing it. If we assert the
thought that we are happy, it suggests the idea that we are
sad. Thought always reinforces its opposite.
The mind moves between opposites and is prone to
ambivalence or extremes. It can easily become caught in
opposites or become the victim of its own tendency to
reverse itself. For this reason we should not try to force the
mind in any particular direction, but seek to calm it from
any extremes.

Difficulty in Controlling the Mind

Because of its volatile, point-like, subtle and dualistic

nature, the mind is hard to grasp and almost impossible to
control. It has a nature and movement of its own, which it
tends to impress upon us or make us vulnerable to. Indeed,
there is nothing more difficult to control than the mind.
Human life is nothing but a struggle to learn to control
the mind. If we have accomplished this, we have done
everything and accomplished the most difficult thing in
the entire universe. Inability to control the mind causes
sorrow and is behind the disease process.

Mind and Thought

The mind is nothing but thought, which is the process

of the mind. The mind is the entity made up by our
thoughts. Take away the thoughts of the mind and the
mind will disappear. As are our thoughts, so moves our
Ayurveda and the Mind

mind, and so we become. Thought fonns are also material

and affect us like small, almost imperceptible, point-like
electrical shocks. Our minds are constantly giving out and
taking in thought forms, which either elevate or depress it.
As we become more aware, we learn to consciously project
positive thought forms and avoid those which are negative.
Much of healing consists of changing the thought forms
that dominate our lives. We must learn to project
thoughts of peace, love, and harmony to counter those of
conflict, unhappiness and disturbance that weaken our
physical and mental vitality.
However, thought is of many types and occurs on many
layers. Only if we change our deepest thoughts can we
really change ourselves and get beyond the limitations of
the mind. This is much more than changing our ideas
about things; it means altering our deepest feelings and
instincts. It requires deep prayer and meditation, pro-
foundly energized and concentrated higher thought forms
to counter deep-seated habits and addictions.

A Practical Experiment with the Mind

Examine for yourself the nature of your mind. Take an

object, preferably one in the natural world, like a tree.
Direct your attention to it. Note how your attention
changes from instant to instant as you attempt to observe
it. Note how, through a series of shifting perceptions, you
construct the idea or total form of the tree, which you
never perceive all at once. Try to hold your attention on
one point of the tree. Notice how your attention cannot be
held in one place but constantly moves around of its own
As a further experiment, examine your emotions. See
how your mind functions when you are angry or sad. Note
The Nature of the Mind

the changing nature of emotions, how the stronger the

emotion, the shorter it is likely to last. See how closely like
and dislike, love and hate are bound together, and how
emotions fluctuate like waves on the sea.
Next look at your thoughts. See how one thought fol-
lows another in rapid succession in a compulsive and errat-
ic flow. Examine the habits of your thinking pattern. Note
that much of what you think about has little practical
value, but is merely the mind moving obsessively in its
own memory grooves.
Finally examine the ego or "I-thought." See how this is
the root of the other thoughts and how the mind is basi-
cally self-enclosed in its function. Try not to think the
thought "1." See that this is not possible. The "I" is the
inherent referential point, the center of the mind.
Learn to use your mind like a tool, develop various such
experiments or observations, and, in this way, you will
cease to be the victim of this subtle instrument. Once we
learn to observe the mind, we will cease to be the victims
of what goes on in our minds. Gaining control of our
minds, we will no longer be dominated by the impulses
coming from the senses and the conditioning of the exter-
nal world. We will be able to be who we really are and cre-
ate what is in harmony with the aspirations of our hearts.
5. The Five Elements and the Mind

ave you ever looked at the workings of your

Hmind the way you would observe the world of
Nature around you? According to Ayurveda,
if we want to understand how our mind works, the best
way is to look at how Nature operates. We must see how
wind, fire and rain function in the psyche. We must learn
to observe the storms of emotion, the light or half-light of
reason, and all the rhythms through which not only our
body, but also our mind and senses move. The mind is a
formation of Nature, created according to her marvelous
organic intelligence. The mind has the same basic struc-
ture as the universe and follows the same immutable laws.
We live in a multi-level cosmos, including matter, energy,
and mind on parallel and interdependent levels, like a
magnificent crystal or gigantic lotus. Each level helps us
understand the others and, through the outer, we gain the
key to the inner.
The five elements are one of the main themes of
Ayurvedic thought, and of related spiritual and healing
systems. They are a great analog for all existence. Most of
us do not think of the mind in terms of the elements, how-
ever. Yet, as a part of Nature, the mind also reflects the
great elements through which Nature functions. To intro-
duce the Ayurvedic view of the mind, we can approach it
according to the elements.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Mind and the Elements

The mind transcends all the five gross elements

because, through the mind, we can perceive all the ele-
ments and their interrelationships. We can observe, imag-
ine and contemplate all the forms of earth, water, fire, air
and ether. Yet the elements do provide a key to how the
mind works. Though the elements in the mind are more
subtle than those in the body, they retain the same basic
attributes and actions. We can understand the mental ele-
ments through the analogy of the physical.
The mind is a creation primarily of the ether element of
Nature. In substance, the mind is like space — expansive,
open and all-pervading. Like space, it can hold innumer-
able forms and not be exhausted by them. The more
evolved the mind becomes, the greater becomes its space.
The less evolved the mind, the less expansive its space.
Sorrow is nothing but a constricted mind space, like a bird
in a cage. Bliss is an unlimited mind space, like a bird fly-
ing free in the sky.
In movement, however, the mind is like the wind. Air
is its secondary element. There is nothing faster in move-
ment than the mind. It is faster even than the speed of
light. Look at your mind. It is always busy coordinating
the body and senses, gathering information, making judg-
ments, reacting emotionally, and endlessly thinking. This
ongoing movement occurs because of the mind's connec-
tion with the air element.
Though ether and air are the main elements relating to
the mind, the other elements have their place in the mind
as well. The mind has its fire or light through which it can
perceive things. This gives the mind a quality of illumina-
tion and a capacity of understanding. Similarly, the mind
has a watery quality of emotion, empathy and feeling.
The Five Elements and the Mind 61

Finally, it carries a certain weight of earth, memory, and

attachment. The mind contains all the elements within
itself according to its differing qualities and actions.
The most subtle aspect of the elements makes up the
mind. The mind space is more subtle than the physical
space, which it pervades. The mind's air-like movement
travels even in front of the wind. Fire in the mind can even
perceive all external forms of light. Water in the mind or
emotion is more subtle even than the external air. Earth in
the mind, the mind's weight of attachments and opinions,
cannot be weighed. The causal or seed level of the elements
makes up the mind and through it create the gross or
physical elements.

The Three Layers of the Mind

The mind has three basic layers — inner, intermediate

and outer.

1) The inner mind consists of the deep core of

feeling and knowing. It holds the tendencies
that we carry deep inside ourselves and may
never express or come to grips with in our
outer lives.

2) The outer mind is the part of the mind domi-

nated by the senses and emotions in which we
ordinarily function on a daily basis, gathering
impressions and acting in the outer world.

3) The intermediate mind is our capacity to bring

outer impressions to the inside and inner ten-
dencies to the outside. It mediates between
transient sensory impressions and emotions on
one side, and deep and abiding internal feelings
on the other. It functions through reason and
Ayurveda and the Mind

perception to help us make judgments and

These three aspects of the mind follow a similar model
as Vata, Pitta and Kapha or air, fire and water, taking this
energetic to a deeper level.

Inner Mind or Deeper Consciousness — Air

Air exists in the mind as the underlying mental sensi-

tivity or deeper feeling nature. It is the background vibra-
tory field of energies, habits and tendencies that sustain
the mind, by which we are continually thinking. Air is the
capacity of the mind to relate, identify itself and feel alive.
Through it we move, act and function as conscious beings.
It constitutes the heart or core consciousness, which is not
always evident at the surface but is the motivating force
behind the mind's other functions.
Like air, the mind possesses a capacity for change,
response, and transformation, and consists of various ener-
gies and impulses in a self-adjusting field. Our conscious-
ness is a field of motion, an interacting dynamism of ten-
dencies, latencies and impressions, only a few of which
reach the outer or self-conscious mind which dominates
our normal waking state. Most of what we call the uncon-
scious, subconscious and superconscious is this inner
mind, of which we are not ordinarily aware.
This vibratory field of core thoughts and feelings, how-
ever, is a conditioned consciousness. It constitutes the
spontaneous and automatic habits and tendencies within
us. It is different from pure or unconditioned conscious-
ness which is our true Self (note below).

Intermediate Mind or Intelligence — Fire

Fire exists in the mind as the rational or discriminating

The Five Elements and the Mind

faculty which allows us to perceive and to judge things.

Our determinations of what is true and false, real and
unreal, good and bad, valuable or worthless are outcomes
of this capacity to weigh, measure and evaluate. It allows
us to examine impressions to discern the object from our
impression of it. It enables us to judge our experience to
discover what it really means. In this way, it mediates
between the inner core consciousness and our outer senso-
ry functions.
Reason, like fire, has a hot and luminous nature that
provides the ability to ascertain and discern. Reason, like
fire, bums, digests and converts things into more subtle
forms that nourish our awareness. Reason digests our
impressions, feelings and thoughts and allows us to derive
knowledge from them, putting each in its appropriate
place relative to our understanding of reality.
Intelligence is the part of our consciousness articulated
rationally and, therefore, brought to light. The greater and
unarticulated part of the mind, the deeper consciousness,
remains unconscious to our ordinary mind, and therefore
appears to be dark. We enter into the rational part of the
mind for important judgments, decisions and to arrive at
real understanding. It is the part of the greater field of con-
sciousness that we have brought to light and made our

Outer Mind, Sensation-Emotion — Water

Water exists in the mind as the emotional nature, our

ability to connect with the external world, which is the
seeking of consciousness to take form. This includes our
capacity to gather sensory impressions and respond to
them through like and dislike, attraction and repulsion,
fear and desire.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Water is the formative aspect of mind which allows us

to imagine, plan and construct our reality. It is the basis of
will, motivation and action in the external world. It is the
part of the mind, ever flowing outward, seeking to incar-
nate itself in matter and accumulate for itself the things of
the world. Similarly, it is ever gathering impressions from
the outside, allowing us to hold and accumulate them
Through the outer mind and its expressive capacity, we
function in the world and feel ourselves to be part of an
outer reality. It is what we usually know of as the mind and
contains our ordinary thoughts, emotions and sensations.

The Two Levels of the Self

There are two basic levels to the self, between which

the three aspects of consciousness function. The outer self
defines itself according to the body, our physical identity.
On the other side, the inner self is our sense of pure sub-
jectivity, the pure "I am" beyond all bodily identity. These
can be understood according to the model of earth and

Outer Self, Ego — Earth

Earth exists in the mind as the ego, the sense of sepa-

rate self through which we feel ourselves to be a limited
person, identified with a particular body in time and
space. Ego connects us to the physical body and allows us
to discharge its functions as if they were our own. It pro-
vides a sense of self in the world, so that we can act with-
in it.
The ego provides an objective referent or identity for
the self. It works through a self-image or subject-object
combination. It is the self in process, in becoming and is
The Five Elements and the Mind

always seeking acquisition or achievement. Through ego-

consciousness, we are ever trying to become somebody or
get something in the outer world. It is consciousness

Inner Self, Soul — Ether

Ether exists in the mind as its underlying mind-space,

the background capacity for all mental functions, vibra-
tions and impressions. Without space, the mind cannot
function and has no room to move. But like the external
space, we seldom are aware of this internal mind-space. We
enter it when we learn to be detached and not identify
with the activities of the mind. From it we can observe the
mind and transcend its limited patterns, which are like
clouds in this higher mind-space.
Reflected in this mind-ether, we discover our higher
identity as a soul, a conscious perceiver who transcends any
body, image or identity. The inner self is a pure subjectiv-
ity, the pure "I am" or "I am that I am," as opposed to the
"I am this" or "this is mine," the self-image which consti-
tutes the ego. The inner self is content in its self-worth and
finds peace in its own identity. It does not need to seek
anything in the external world, which appears like a shad-
ow before it.
Just as the ego or outer self separates us from other crea-
tures, the soul or inner self unites us with them. As the ego
possesses the vision of difference, the soul has the vision of
unity. As the ego grasps form, the soul discerns the
essence. Yet the individual Self or soul is still linked with
the mind-body complex and its conditioning. In its pure
form, divested of attachment to the mind, it becomes the
Universal Self that transcends any individual identity and
is beyond all manifestation. This is the unification of the
Ayurveda and the Mind

individual with the universal Self in which there is libera-

tion and immortality. This higher Self is the pure or
unconditioned consciousness beyond the different levels of
the mind.

Five Levels of the Mind

Ether — Higher Self

Air — Inner Consciousness
Fire — Intelligence
Water — Sense Mind
Earth — Ego

Workings of the Levels of the Mind

The outer mind is the doorway by which impressions

from the external world enter into our consciousness
through the gates of the senses. Intelligence, or intermedi-
ate mind, is the doorman who determines which impres-
sions and energies can come in. Consciousness, or the inner
mind, is the interior of the room in which these energies
get deposited in the form of memories and tendencies,
after they are allowed to enter.
Once impressions have become deposited in our inner
consciousness, they grow like seeds and eventually impel
us to act according to their nature. They produce various
motivations, which result in the actions or kannas that
determine the movement of our lives.
Impressions do not automatically enter into the inner
mind. They only come in when we react to things in the
form of dualistic emotions, likes and dislikes, love and
hate, acceptance and rejection. Mere sensory perception by
itself does not cause external energies to enter the mind.
Detached observation cuts off external forces from entering
the mind, while allowing us to observe them for what they
The Five Elements and the Mind

are and respond to them appropriately. Detached observa-

tion digests impressions, allowing us to learn from them
and not be limited by them.
As the doorkeeper, intelligence has the capacity to con-
trol the outer or sense mind and determine what comes in.
This depends upon the principles according to which our
reason is trained to work. If our reasoning faculty is not
clear, then we rationalize our likes and dislikes rather than
discern the truth of things. Reason, like a doorkeeper who
has been bribed, lets any influence into the mind and then
seeks a reason to justify letting it stay.
Our inner mind, the deeper feeling nature of the heart,
is passive and innocent like a child. Whatever we open up
our heart to gets deposited within it. The feeling nature is
sensitive and vulnerable. It can be disturbed or motivated
by whatever we let in. Therefore, it is very important to
discriminate properly what we let into our hearts. Once we
have accepted things at a heart level, we regard them as
our own and can no longer examine them objectively, just
as a mother can never criticize her own children.

The Perceptual Process

Let us examine our perceptual process to clarify this fur-

ther. First we gather impressions based upon where we place
our attention. For example, we look out the window and see
the stature and dress of a person walking by. This is the
function of the outer mind. Second we evaluate the impres-
sions and come to a conclusion about what the object is. It
is our neighbor, Sam. This is the function of intelligence.
Third, the impression of the object gets deposited in our
deeper consciousness as a memory. We remember that Sam
walked by the house this morning. In this process ego sur-
faces at some point, generally after recognizing the object.
Ayurveda and the Mind

When we recognize our neighbor, we remember that we like

him for some remark he said about us.
The outer mind works to select and gather impressions.
It provides images like an object seen in a mirror, which is
merely presented but not perceived. Intelligence, or the
intermediate mind, allows us to recognize particular
objects from the field of impressions. The ego allows us to
identify an impression as belonging to us or to otherwise
subjectively react to it. The inner mind, or feeling nature,
allows the impression to be deposited and causes us to hold
a feeling about it.


The outer or sense mind allows us to act. It is the

instrument through which ideas get transmitted to the
motor organs. Through our intelligence, we are able to
know what we are doing. It determines the idea, purpose
or goal behind our action. Through the ego, we are able to
identify with what we are doing as "I am doing this" or "I
am doing that." Through the inner mind, we are able to
feel the effects of what we are doing inside ourselves as
long-term happiness or sorrow.
Our intentionality — what we want to do — which
reason determines, decides the sensory impressions to
which we are open. In this way, action and perception
always go together. There are any number of impressions
occurring at any given moment, but we can only register
those which relate to what we regard as important.
According to our plans and actions, we are always in
motion in a particular direction, like a man driving a car.
We must notice and give importance mainly to the
impressions along the road that we have chosen to travel.
The Five Elements and the Mind

Levels of Awareness

Ego, or outer self, is the capacity to identify our con-

sciousness with external objects and conditions. Ego is
always bringing external impressions into the mind and
making us feel dependent upon them. It tells us "I am
this" or "this is mine." Through this, it makes us depen-
dent upon external things for our identity and happiness.
We rarely develop an awareness of the underlying mind-
space or inner Self unless we learn the art of self-observa-
tion through meditation. Then we can discriminate who
we are from external identities, actions and involvement.
What we normally call thought is the movement of the
outer or sense mind in its planning and calculating capac-
ity. Such thoughts are "I want to do this, tomorrow I
should do that," and other activities of the ego. Emotion is
also usually a movement of the sensate mind, an "I want to
have this" (desire), or "I don't want to experience that"
(fear). It is our emotional reactions to things, which are
triggered by sensory impulses.
Intelligence functions when we attempt to determine
what is true, good, of lasting value or of deep meaning. It
also functions whenever we have to identify objects in the
external world. The heart or consciousness is the home of
our deep-seated states of mind, our enduring feelings, or
the essence of our experience. We come into this only
when we feel deeply, as in the peak and crisis experiences
of our lives.
Normally all five functions are mixed up, confused by
the rule of the ego, and we are unable to discern properly
between them. The ego colors our reason and distorts our
intelligence. It motivates the sense-mind to seek things in
the external world. It casts a shadow over the heart and
narrows our sense of feeling around its limited identities.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Usually our consciousness resides in the outer mind, lit

up as it is by the lights of the senses. Because of the over-
whelming abundance of sensory impulses we have to deal
with, it is very hard not to get caught in them. Only when
we are contemplating, reasoning or thinking deeply do we
truly enter into the intermediate mind or intelligence.
Only when we feel things deeply, and particularly in deep
sleep and death when we withdraw from the realm of the
senses, do we really come into the inner mind.
The inner mind is a dark realm for us because our atten-
tion is externally directed through the outer mind. Only if
we withdraw from our involvement in the external world
of the senses can the inner world or realm of the inner
mind become illumined. Then, when we close our eyes, we
will see not darkness but light. True psychology is con-
cerned with illumining this inner world. The inner mind
is the dark interior, which is mainly unconscious for us and
which, like a dark realm, tends to breed negative condi-
tions and to store what we wish to avoid.
Unless we learn to look within, we will remain trapped
in the outer mind and not know how to penetrate through
the core of ignorance within us. The idea of the outer self
or ego keeps our consciousness trapped in the outer mind.
Only in contact with our inner Self can we unlock the
secrets of awareness.

Psychological Problems and the Energetics of the


As long as the elements in our consciousness are out of

balance, the mind must be disturbed. The imbalance of
energies of the mind, like that of the biological humors in
the body, must produce disease or unrest.
The mind's true nature is subtle and must be purified
The Five Elements and the Mind

of the gross elements, particularly the earth element which

accumulates through the ego. Consciousness and inner Self
are of the nature of air and space. As long as we are caught
in the heavier and lower functions of the mind, its true
nature cannot be revealed. This is not just an issue of bal-
ancing the forces in the mind, but of spiritualizing the
mind. We must reduce the lower functions and open up
the higher. We must form an outer sensory orientation to
an inner spiritual awareness.
Our psychological problems develop in the outer mind
as we try to find happiness as a physical creature or ego-
self. They leave memories like scars in the inner mind, just
as a disease starts with external factors like bad diet or
exposure to pathogens and gradually comes to affect our
deeper organs and tissues. To heal the mind, we must puri-
fy the mind and the substances that compose it. To do this
we must understand our consciousness and its functions.
Now we will look at each of these separately. For this we
will build on this energetic basis, placing this understand-
ing of the elements into the background.
Ayurveda and the Mind

The Five Bodies

1. Physical Body

2. Vital Body

3. Mental Body

4. Body of Intelligence

5. Body of Consciousness

6. Self (Atman)
73 A

Part II

The Energetics of Consciousness

aving gained an Ayurvedic perspective on the

Hmind and body, now we are prepared to
examine in depth the Ayurvedic view of con-
sciousness and its functions. Yoga and Ayurveda divide t
mental field into consciousness, intelligence, mind, and
self and explain each along with their interactions. We will
explain how to understand these different aspects of the
mind in our own life and behavior.
This information follows from and builds upon that of
the previous section relative to the elements, gunas, and
biological humors and their action on the mind. In this
way, we will probe deeply into who we are and all the main
issues of our existence, from the subconscious to the super-
conscious and beyond. The profundity of the Vedic under-
standing of both rhe mind and universe should become
clear and help us move into the deeper levels of our own
The reader should recognize that this material may not
be understood quickly or easily, and some time may be
necessary to assimilate it. Understanding our conscious-
ness is not just a matter of reading, but of deep thought
and meditation.

6. Conditioned Consciousness:

The Greater Mental Field


In this chapter we will refer to the inner mind as "con-

sciousness" because it is a deeper level of awareness than
our ordinary thoughts. However, as previously indicated,
it is a "conditioned consciousness," bound within the Held
of space and time, not pure or unconditioned consciousness
that is timeless and infinite. Unconditioned consciousness
is our true Self, beyond all the movements of the mind.
Conditioned consciousness consists of thought on all levels
— conscious, unconscious or superconscious. Uncondi-
tioned consciousness consists of thought-free awareness
beyond all ideas, emotions and sensations, however subtle
or vast.
The entire movement of spiritual growth consists of
shifting from conditioned to unconditioned consciousness.
Conditioned consciousness is the storehouse of all memo-
ries and attachments, from which psychological problems
must ever arise. This conditioning of the mind distorts our
perception and disturbs our emotions. Ayurvedic psychol-
ogy works to calm the conditioned mind, removing its
negative patterns that lead to disease and sorrow. Howev-
er, the conditioned mind is not merely personal, but con-
nects to all conditioned consciousness, all thought that
exists within the universe, and the minds of all beings. We
Ayurveda and the Mind

cannot examine our own mind without looking at the

whole of life.

Consciousness — the World Within

What is consciousness? Through what do we think, feel

and perceive? How is it that we can be aware of anything?
While these are easy questions to pose, they are very diffi-
cult to answer. The way to examine them is to begin to
look into our consciousness and how it functions. Con-
sciousness is the most wonderful thing in the universe.
There is no limit to its depth or to its grasp. It is like a vast
ocean but, unless we know how to navigate properly
through it, we can get lost. If we dive into it without the
right preparation, we can drown. Many mentally disturbed
people are so immersed in their internal consciousness that
they can no longer function in the external world. To us
they appear caught in delusion; in fact, they may be access-
ing deeper realities, although not in a wholesome manner.
Consciousness is our inner world. When the yogi looks
within he sees his consciousness pulsating with cosmic
forces; when we look within, however, we see only dark-
ness or vague memories. Our external vision blinds us. We
are so conditioned to the vivid light of the senses that we
cannot perceive the subtle light of consciousness. Learning
to observe the contents of our consciousness is the most
important part of mental and spiritual development.
Ayurveda provides specific disciplines and meditation
techniques for this purpose. When consciousness is illu-
mined, we transcend all external limitations. We no longer
need to experience the external world, because we have
learned its lesson — that all is within.
In Sanskrit, the greater mental field, or field of
thought, is called Chitta, from the root "chit," meaning
Conditioned Consciousness 77

"to be aware." Chitta refers to the greater mind: uncon-

scious, subconscious, self-conscious, and superconscious."
Chitta is the mind or consciousness in general, the field
created by our thoughts. It specifically refers to the inter-
nal core of the mind, our center of pure feeling and direct
knowing. Chitta is the inner mind of which our outer or
personal mentality is a limited development. Out of con-
venience, I have translated Chitta as "consciousness," but
we should not forget that this is only an approximation.
Most of Chitta is unconscious to the ordinary mind. Only
in a spiritually developed person is the field of conscious-
ness fully conscious or aware. Such a person can look at the
entire mental field because he or she has reached the pure
consciousness or Self beyond the limitations of thought.
What modem psychology calls the unconscious is but a
comer of this greater consciousness or Chitta. Modem psy-
chology has penetrated into the personal unconscious and,
to some extent, the collective unconscious. Our potential
field of consciousness extends to all consciousness in the
universe, both individual and collective, personal and
impersonal, including God. It goes beyond all conditioned
consciousness to pure consciousness, which is the Absolute
or supreme tmth. This is the field of yogic psychology
which is the psychology of the higher Self.

Chitta, the Body of Consciousness

Chitta is our core consciousness — the internal ground

of the mind. Consciousness, or the field of thought, is a
quickly vibrating subtle energy field, which is the basis of
all material manifestation. Chitta, as the core of the mind,
is the basic stuff or substance of consciousness. It consti-
tutes the body or bulk of consciousness, just as the tissues
form the main substance of the physical body. The mind
Ayurveda and the Mind

and senses are like its anns and legs, its limbs and organs.
The physical body consists mainly of the heavy ele-
ments of water and earth and is a creation of gravity, which
moves downward. Consciousness, on the other hand, is
composed of the lighter elements of ether and air, and is a
creation of our thoughts, which like a vapor move upward.
While the heavy matters of our nature descend to the form
of the physical body, the essence of our experience ascends
to form our consciousness. We have a gross or gravity body
(the physical) and a refined or essence body (conscious-
We are not usually aware of our internal organs and tis-
sues of the physical body, which are beyond the field of the
senses. Similarly, we are seldom aware of our greater inter-
nal consciousness, which is not revealed by the outer func-
tions of the mind. Our internal bodily processes function
automatically, apart from our ordinary awareness. In the
same way, our deeper consciousness maintains its process
on a level deeper than the outer mind. However, we can
become aware of this deeper consciousness. Meditation
awakens us to its higher potentials.

Nature of Chitta

The nature of our core consciousness (Chitta) is sensi-

tivity of all types, the capacity to feel in any manner. The
ability to feel underlies all mental functions and develops
into specific operations of thought, emotion and sensation.
All that our minds do is a kind of feeling. Even reason is a
kind of feeling, sensing or comparing. Such feeling is every
response of our consciousness to stimuli, external or inter-
Consciousness is the capacity to relate, without which
no feeling is possible. It allows us to feel things in our-
Conditioned Consciousness ™ A

selves and to feel ourselves in things. Our consciousness is

a product of our deepest relationships, which determine
how we feel about life. Association is a key factor deter-
mining the nature of our consciousness.
Consciousness registers everything that comes into the
mental field on a level deeper than the outer mind. With-
out first being able to note things, other mental operations
are not possible. Hypnosis can bring our awareness to the
level of this deeper consciousness in which we can remem-
ber everything that has ever happened to us. Our deeper
consciousness holds the memories of all that we experi-
ence, not only from birth but from previous lives. It car-
ries the seeds that keep us involved in the cycle of rebirth,
which are nothing but our deepest thoughts and impres-

Consciousness in the Natural World

The world comes into being through consciousness.

Pure Consciousness is the unborn or Absolute beyond cre-
ation. Conditioned consciousness or thought (Chitta) is
the ground of Nature, the primal substance that creates
the universe. Consciousness is the substratum of every-
thing, the first thing created that creates everything else.
It is the essence of all possible experience. Thought creates
everything, but this is a deeper and more primal level of
thought than our ordinary personal reactions.
Consciousness is responsible for the existence and
movement of the cosmos. It functions behind all forms of
matter and energy. Some type of consciousness exists
everywhere in Nature, even in inanimate objects. It sus-
tains the cosmic process on all levels, starting with the
atom itself. Whatever exists must contain some degree of
consciousness or it could not be perceived. We are sur-
Ayurveda and the Mind

rounded by the ocean of consciousness in which all things

exist. Only part of it is individualized in the fonn of liv-
ing creatures. The greater field of Cosmic Consciousness
underlies the universe, animate and inanimate. Individual
consciousness occurs within it as particularized centers,
like waves on the sea.
Consciousness exists on a species level and holds the
accumulated knowledge and experience of each type of
creature. There are different types of consciousness relative
to collective divisions of nation, sex, race, and religion,
holding the specific tendencies of each group. As primal
sensitivity, consciousness governs the plant kingdom,
which lives in a state of deep sleep prior to the differenti-
ation of the senses. Consciousness exists in a latent form in
the elemental kingdom prior to the development of the
life-force. It is the basis of the genetic code, which is its
imprint on the cells, and governs core instinctual respons-
es. A secret consciousness is working everywhere and is the
key to all growth and development.
Consciousness becomes fully activated in angelic and
divine beings, the denizens of the great formless heavens,
where thought is the only reality. Consciousness embraces
us both from the unconscious and the superconscious. On
a subliminal level, a secret consciousness sustains our auto-
nomic functions and works during sleep. On a supercon-
scious level, a secret consciousness keeps track of our
karma and supports our spiritual life.

The Superconscious

Our deeper consciousness contains the higher levels of

the mind in which we can contact God and our inner Self.
In it we retain knowledge of worlds more subtle than the
physical. Consciousness extends beyond all realms of form
Conditioned Consciousness

into the realms of pure feeling and clear awareness.

Our individual consciousness links us to the collective
consciousness, through which we can access the memories
and tendencies of all human beings. This in turn links us
with Cosmic Consciousness, through which we can access
the experiences of all beings from minerals to gods. At the
summit of the Cosmic Consciousness we contact God, the
Divine Father/Mother, the cosmic Creator, Preserver and
Consciousness contains all knowledge, from the most
mundane mechanics of the elements to the highest spiri-
tual wisdom. Consciousness itself is the instrument of all
internal forms of knowledge, transcending all knowledge
gained by the senses. Awakening to the wisdom inherent
in our deeper consciousness reveals to us all the mysteries
of the universe. Consciousness is the source of true genius
and insight. Gaining direct access to our deeper conscious-
ness, we go beyond all external instruments of knowledge
which, compared to its direct knowledge, are uncertain
and vague.
However, thought-based consciousness (Chitta) is not
the ultimate even in its cosmic dimensions. It is still a type
of matter and not the pure immaterial Spirit. Beyond con-
ditioned consciousness, both individual and cosmic,
resides the Supreme Self, or Pure Consciousness. Uncondi-
tioned consciousness is called Chit in Sanskrit, compared
to which conditioned consciousnesses (Chitta), including
that of the Creator, are but reflections.1"
The goal of life is not merely to explore the contents of
consciousness but to dissolve them for the realization of
the Self or Pure Consciousness beyond. All material
objects, from a stone to Chitta itself, are external to our
true nature. We must detach ourselves from them in order
Ayurveda and the Mind

to realize the truth. Only a purified consciousness, cleared

of its ego tendencies, has the power to bring about this
realization, which is the ultimate goal of all spiritual prac-
tice. Yet, even for ordinary mental health, we must have
some sense of our deeper nature beyond the fluctuations of
thought and emotion, which are inherently unstable.

Heart and Soul

Chitta also means the heart and dwells in the heart.

This is not the physical heart but the central core of deep
feeling and profound knowing, the spiritual heart. The
spiritual heart is contacted on the right side of the physi-
cal heart. In this regard Ayurveda differs from modem
medicine, which places the seat of consciousness in the
brain. According to Ayurveda, only our outer conscious-
ness is situated in the brain, not our source awareness
which rests within the heart. Chitta is the psyche, or our
deeper mind, which is generally associated with the heart.
Chitta is the most intimate and enduring part of our
being. It is the mind of the soul, the individualized por-
tion of Divinity that we are. The individual Self is the
reflection of the Supreme or Divine Self upon it. Our deep-
er consciousness holds our deepest aspiration, love and cre-
ativity, the peak experiences of life. In conditions of
extreme happiness, our consciousness gets immersed into
its internal core in which we forget all ordinary worries
and sorrows. We are all seeking to return to the peaceful
core of consciousness, which is to return to the heart. As
we move into our deeper consciousness, our heart opens
and our awareness expands into the Infinite. The calm and
clear heart reflects the Absolute and gives liberation from
the cycle of rebirth.
Our deeper consciousness is the level at which traumas
Conditioned Consciousness 83

most affect us and where they get deposited deep inside us,
particularly the sufferings of birth and death. There we
hold our deeper sorrows, attachments, fears and anxieties.
We must get to this level to remove deep-seated hurts,
habits and addictions. This is very difficult because reach-
ing the core of consciousness requires peeling off the layers
of the mind, which are numerous and complex.
Once our deeper consciousness is disturbed, which
is a trauma to the heart, it is very difficult to regain psy-
chological equilibrium. We must nurture our conscious-
ness with higher impulses, not expose it to negative influ-
ences from the external world. Our core consciousness is
the mind of the child that takes in everything and must be


Conditioned consciousness (Chitta) is primarily Sattvic

in nature but contains all three gunas in their seed forms.
The essence of the three gunas within us determines the
nature of our deeper consciousness. It is composed of the
gunas that we most hold to in our hearts. Our relation-
ships at a heart level most affect our consciousness and
transmit their gunas to us.
Consciousness becomes purely sattvic and fully devel-
oped as the result of spiritual practice. Otherwise its func-
tion is inhibited and distorted. Rajas and Tamas (aggres-
sion and ignorance) in consciousness cause pain and
delusion and are the source of all problems in life. These
are the main psychological impurities or toxins that we
must eliminate. Our deeper consciousness is the level at
which these mental toxins reside and the seat from which
they have to be removed.
Tamas in the Chitta becomes the unconscious, which
Ayurveda and the Mind

dominates us during sleep, dullness and depression. It is

the basis of the habits and tendencies that we know are
wrong but are unable to change with our surface mind.
Rajas in the Chitta underlies our usual waking conscious-
ness, characterized by action and expression. It keeps our
consciousness ever moving, disturbed and distracted,
caught up in its own imaginings. Sattva in the Chitta pro-
vides the basis for our higher conscious and superconscious
Chitta constitutes the causal body, the reincarnating
vehicle of the individual soul that persists through the
entire cycle of rebirth. It contains the kannic residues set
in motion in various lives, only a few of which come to the
surface and manifest in any particular incarnation. As the
causal or creative venture, consciousness contains the
potential for all developments of body and mind. It is the
source of the five sensory potentials and the five gross ele-
ments, which create and sustain the subtle and gross bod-
ies. Chitta is desire predominant1' and is the basis of the
core desires that keep us in the cycle of rebirth.
The field of consciousness (Chitta) makes up the Anan-
damaya kosha or bliss sheath in which we carry our deep-
est joys and sorrows. In its unawakened (Tamasic) condi-
tion the Anandamaya kosha is the repository of our
clinging to embodied existence. In its awakened (Sattvic)
state it reflects the bliss inherent in our Self that is one
with God.
Relative to the five elements, Chitta most corresponds
to air and ether. Its substance is like ether, its motion like
air. Like air, it is ever changing and adjusting itself both
inwardly and outwardly, ever expansive and creative. Con-
sciousness, like air, is ever contacting things and making
sound. Consciousness is nothing but the inmost core of
Conditioned Consciousness 85 A

sound vibrating within us. Chitta transcends the senses

but has a special connection with the sense of hearing, par-
ticularly non-verbalized sound and music. Sound influ-
ences and heals the Chitta, a point we will examine under
Mantra Therapy.
Though Chitta is much more subtle than the biological
humors, Chitta generally relates to Vata, the most prima-
ry of these. Vata people live with an exposed consciousness
or vulnerable heart. Their consciousness is open and they
are less grounded in their bodies and senses. For this rea-
son, Vata-types are more easily hurt than others and should
be treated with care. Keeping Vata in balance protects and
aids in the proper unfoldment of our deeper consciousness.
Similarly, Chitta corresponds to Prana among the three
vital essences.


Chitta governs the original Prana, the immortal life-

force of the soul through which we are animate or alive on
all levels. Just as it relates to the Gunas in general, so does
it relate to the Pranas, and also corresponds to Prana
among the three vital essences (Prana, Tejas and Ojas).
This master Prana gives life to the mind and the body and
upholds all autonomic functions. Nothing is dearer to us
than life itself, which takes us to the bliss inherent within
Consciousness holds the original life-force that is the
reflection of the eternal and immortal life of the Supreme
Self. Because of its deep connection with the life-force, the
practice of Pranayama can help us enter into and purify the
Chitta. What alternative medicine calls the "intelligence
of the body" is the hidden aspect of Chitta working in the
body. When we give up ego control, it can function with-
Ayurveda and the Mind

out obstruction to heal and rejuvenate us physically and

Consciousness holds the deepest level of will, which is
the will to live, the desire to exist forever. Our deeper con-
sciousness holds our most primal and ultimate motiva-
tions, our heart's desires and wishes, what we really want
in life. Consciousness is will in the general and potential
sense — pure will without a defined goal, the will to expe-
rience that is the basis of all other intentions. From it aris-
es all the desires that keep us bound to the world and to
the body. Only if we gain freedom from these core desires
can we perceive the truth.

Consciousness and Individual Nature

The fabric of our consciousness consists of deep-seated

thought tendencies called Samskaras in Sanskrit. These are
deeper than what we ordinarily regard as thoughts. They
are the residues that we retain from our mental operations,
like the ruts a turning wheel makes in a road. These
residues support the behavioral patterns that motivate us
from within.
What we call the nature or being of the individual is
the consciousness of the person. Our individual conscious-
ness is the field of the tendencies that we have made our
own, the ground of our repeated actions that have become
automatic or second nature. Our conditioning in life cre-
ates the state or condition of our consciousness. It is our
deepest level of programming. Our existence is our con-
sciousness which determines how we relate to life. The
state of the Chitta or core consciousness is the mental
natur (Manasika Prakrit) of the person and determines our
unique character and mentality.
The nature of a person cannot be changed without
Conditioned Consciousness 87 A

changing the deeper consciousness, which means to

change the heart. Unless an influence gets to the level of
the heart, it cannot have any deep or lasting effect. This is
why mere words or thoughts have such little value. They
do not go beyond the surface mind in their effects. Yet to
get to the core of the heart requires uncovering all our sor-
rows and regrets, which most of us are unwilling to face.


All the functions of the mind are functions of the Chit-

ta, which constitutes the entire mental field. However,
Chitta has three general functions, which are three prima-
ry ways to access this deeper consciousness. To reach these
we must withdraw from the outer mind and senses which
keep our awareness on the surface of our being. These three
are: 1) memory; 2) sleep; and 3) samadhi.


Consciousness is the ground of memory and consists

primarily of memories. It includes not only the ordinary
memory of information but what we really remember in
our hearts, those things that most deeply affect us for good
or ill. It holds our seed memories from life to life. Our
deeper consciousness governs memory on an organic level,
including the memory that exists in our cells, through
which the body functions. Our consciousness even has the
capacity to remember God and to remember that we are
God because, as consciousness, in its core is the soul which
reflects God. Our consciousness can remember the entire
universe, which after all is a formation of consciousness.
Memory can give us either bondage or liberation. True
memory is self-remembrance, remembering our Divine
nature in consciousness. False memory is memory of per-
sonal joys and sorrows, the history of the ego. 1 he best way
Ayurveda and the Mind

to develop memory is to memorize truth principles and

higher cosmic laws.18


In sleep, the outer world shuts off and we return to the

inner world of consciousness. Impressions arise as dreams
through the activity of the subtle mind. Generally, the
predominant impressions of daily activity get illumined,
but sometimes deeper samskaras arise. Consciousness in its
right function gives peaceful deep sleep. Disturbed by
Rajas and Tamas, it creates bad dreams and restless sleep.
In sleep, our mind gets renewed by immersion in its
source, our core consciousness which contains the primal
Prana or life-force. Consciousness and Prana sustain the
involuntary functions of the body, while the mind and
senses rest.
Death is a prolonged sleep. Like sleep, it is an immer-
sion in our inner consciousness in which we lose contact
with the outer world of the senses. In the sleep of death,
consciousness holds the causal Prana and the kannas from
which a new body will be created. In death, we dwell in
consciousness only and renew ourselves for another birth.
In the after-death state, the impressions of our life-
experience arise from our inner consciousness, much like
dreams. This creates various subtle or astral worlds, like
the heavens and hells, which the subtle mind visualizes.
These are good or bad according to our karma and life-


Samadhi is a state of absorption in which our con-

sciousness becomes entirely concentrated in a single object
or experience and we forget all other things. Yogic practice
Conditioned Consciousness

aims at developing absorption in Cosmic Consciousness

and in our true Self. Through it, consciousness is put to
rest in the higher sense, providing lasting peace and liber-
ation. The higher development of the consciousness occurs
only through Samadhi. Awareness of the deeper levels of
consciousness in Samadhi neutralizes our kannas and
releases us from the cycle of birth and death.
However, Samadhi includes not only spiritual states
but any peak experience. Any experience in which we
become so immersed that we forget ourselves is a kind of
Samadhi. There are inferior Samadhis, or absorptions of
the disturbed or darkened consciousness in which Rajas
and Tamas prevail. When the mind becomes concentrated
in anything, including negative emotions like fear or
anger, we move to some degree into our deeper conscious-
ness. These negative absorptions, however, increase our
bondage to the external world and should be avoided.
They increase Rajas and Tamas, while spiritual absorptions
increase Sattva.19

Additional Functions

From these primary functions, different secondary func-

tions evolve.


Consciousness in its higher function becomes intuition,

which is the capacity to know things directly. Through
intuition, we feel within ourselves what we may have never
contacted through our senses. True intuition is a kind of
Samadhi. As the direct feeling of consciousness, it can be
more vivid than sensory knowledge. We should not con-
fuse it with imagination or psychic perception, however,
which are functions of the outer mind and subtle senses.
Ayurveda and the Mind


In its lower function, consciousness becomes instinct,

which sustains our organic functions and protects them
from interference from the ego. Instinct is a secret or hid-
den form of higher knowledge, or intuition inverted. Con-
sciousness governs all instinctual responses. On its level
deep, instinctual patterns abide, like survival or reproduc-
tion, which are therefore very hard to change. Changing
our core consciousness requires making the unconscious,
automatic or instinctual part of the mind conscious and


The basic urge of consciousness is to unite. It consists

of our efforts and energies to unite either outwardly with
the world or inwardly with our true nature. To "be" is to
be related through consciousness. Through consciousness,
we relate to the world and the world is related to us, not
merely superficially but at a heart level. Through love's
capacity of sympathy and rapport, consciousness creates
devotion and compassion, the guiding powers of the spir-
itual life.
Consciousness is the basis of love, which is the essential
attitude and energy of the heart. In fact, consciousness is
love. On individual consciousness the Divine Conscious-
ness projects its power of eternal and unbounded love.
Love derives from consciousness, which is its home. Con-
sciousness is the love at the core of our being. In its inter-
nal fount of love, we find complete and perfect happiness,
which arises through being able to be one with the object
of our love.
Conditioned Consciousness


Our deeper consciousness is the basis of real faith

which, like intuition, is a direct inner sense of Reality that
lies beyond all appearances. This true faith of the heart
possesses an inherent knowledge of the Eternal and the
Infinite, and is quite apart from any dogma. When we give
our faith over to a particular dogma — restricting truth to
a person, book, or institution — the ability of conscious-
ness to reflect the truth becomes distorted. Whatever we
have faith in enters into the deeper levels of consciousness
(the heart).
Our beliefs are our most deep-seated thoughts and
unquestioned preconceptions. They are our deepest ten-
dencies and samskaras. Our core beliefs adhere in our core
consciousness, coloring every mental activity. To really
change our consciousness requires giving up these unques-
tioned beliefs by changing how we feel in our hearts.

Proper Development

The proper development of consciousness requires its

deconditioning. For this, we must release the deep-seated
desires, habits and tendencies stored within it. This is only
possible through Samadhi or absorption in truth. Yet, to
be able to decondition consciousness, first requires that we
put our outer lives into the proper order. Consciousness
must be brought to a purely sattvic state of peace and
All factors that purify and calm the mind aid in this
development, including right diet, proper impressions,
right action and right relationship. Ayurvedic psychology
aims at the proper development of consciousness so that
we can go beyond the problems of the mind, which are all
caused by unconsciousness or lack of awareness. Then we
92 Ayurveda and the Mind

can complete our journey from conditioned consciousness

to pure awareness, in which nothing external can any
longer cause us sorrow.
7. Intelligence:

The Power of Perception

ntelligence is the flame of truth that illumines our

I lives; how we cultivate it determines the light by
which we live and grow, or the darkness by which
we become narrow and decay. We all wish to become more
aware and understanding, but what is true intelligence
and how can we develop it? Not only Ayurveda but all true
psychology revolves around this as its central point.
If we have not developed our intelligence properly, we
misuse the body and senses. Dietary and lifestyle indiscre-
tions follow, which weaken our vitality and hasten the
aging process. Emotional disturbances and mental afflic-
tions increase. On the other hand, if we use our intelli-
gence properly, we respect our bodies and the world
around us and use things wisely and appropriately. We
develop a way of life that allows us to live better and
longer, not merely for our own sake but for the good of
others. We strive to control our thoughts and emotions.
Hence we must strive to develop our intelligence, or like a
dim light it will lead us into error.20
The Sanskrit term for intelligence is Buddhi, deriving
from the root "bud," which means "to perceive" or "to
become awake." Buddhi is the aspect of consciousness that
is filled with light and reveals the truth. When ones Bud-
dhi becomes fully developed, one becomes a Buddha or
enlightened one.21 The main action of intelligence is to
Ayurveda and the Mind

discern the true and real from the false and unreal. It
enables us to discriminate the nature of things from mere
appearances or speculations. Through it we develop our
core perceptions of self and world: who we are, why we
exist, and what the world is.

Intelligence: Abstract and Concrete

Intelligence is the objective part of the mind capable of

detached observation. Its concrete side allows us to grasp
external objects, while its abstract side enables us to com-
prehend ideas. Its concrete side tells us the particular
object that we see is a man, a horse, a house, or whatever
it may be. Through its abstract side, we recognize the
qualities and values an object may represent, its truth or
The concrete side of intelligence produces science,
along with all forms of sensory-based knowledge and all
systems of measurement. Its abstract side creates philoso-
phy, through which we can perceive universals and know
the ideal form of things. Through its abstract side, intelli-
gence can conceive of the Divine or infinite and becomes
the basis of spirituality.

Intelligence and Intellect

Intelligence has a dual capacity, according to whether

we direct it outwardly or inwardly. The nature of its ori-
entation is the key to evolution in humanity. Intelligence
functioning outwardly through the senses becomes "intel-
lect," the concrete or informational side of intelligence.
Functioning inwardly through our deeper consciousness, it
becomes what could be better called "true intelligence."
The distinction between intellect and true intelligence is
crucial for understanding the condition of the world today
Intelligence: The Power of Perception

and essential for establishing any real depth psychology.

Intellect refers to an intelligence that uses reason, based
upon the senses, to determine truth. It extends the range
of the senses through various instruments, like telescopes
and microscopes, and increases its calculating capacity
through various machines, like computers. It invents dif-
ferent systems of ideas, temporal and spatial measure-
ments, to understand the world.
Intellect constructs the idea of an external world as real-
ity, noting the names and forms of things in the world and
placing them into various categories and hierarchies. The
notion of an outer world of enjoyment as our place of ful-
fillment derives from it. From it comes a materialistic view
of life and a mechanistic view of the universe. Intellect
directs us to outer goals in life: enjoyment, wealth, power
or mundane knowledge. It creates a bodily idea of exis-
tence, in which we become trapped in time and space, sor-
row and death. Intellect emphasizes outer distinctions,
roles, and identities. Through it we get caught in surface
information, status and possessions. Intellect functions
under the control of ego and emotion rather than guiding
them. It can inhibit our spiritual evolution, making us
prefer solid worldly realities over inner experiences.
True intelligence is a power of inner or direct percep-
tion quite different from the secondhand or mediated
knowledge of the intellect. It reveals to us the nature of
things, transcending their sensory appearances, the con-
tent behind the often misleading package. True intelli-
gence takes the eternal to be the real, and perceives tran-
sient names and forms as unreal. Through it we go beyond
all beliefs, preconceptions, and concepts and leam to see
things as they are.
True intelligence is keenly aware of the impennanence
Ayurveda and the Mind

of all external reality and does not attach us to any fixed

names and forms. Through it we learn to perceive the con-
sciousness behind the shifting movements of matter and
energy in the external world. We free ourselves from outer
belief structures, authorities and institutions, transcending
time and space into the reality of our True Nature.
The intellect possesses only an indirect knowledge or
mediated knowledge of names, numbers and appearances.
For this reason, the intellect cannot solve our human prob-
lems or bring peace to the psyche. It is not enough to
know what our problems are conceptually. We must
understand their origin in our own hearts and souls. With-
out an awakening of true intelligence, our society must
remain emotionally unstable and spiritually naive. West-
em psychology, with some exceptions, shares the limita-
tions of an intellectual view of life that the West has gen-
erally glorified in its philosophy and science. Ayurveda,
based on Yogic philosophy, regards the intellect as a lower
or inferior intelligence. It helps us cultivate our deeper
intelligence, which takes us beyond the senses to the tmth
within our hearts.


Each of us possesses an inherent ethical sense, which we

call "conscience" — a feeling that certain things are right
and others are wrong. Our conscience causes us not to wish
harm to any creature and to feel the pain of others as our
own. Conscience is a major part of intelligence, which
establishes how we value and treat other people. The more
intelligent we are, the stronger a conscience we have and
the less we seek to interfere with others or impose our will
upon them.
Directly outwardly, intelligence creates morality, which
Intelligence: The Power of Perception

may be little more than the arbitrary customs of a partic-

ular society. Directed inwardly, intelligence creates univer-
sal ethics like non-violence, which transcend all cultural
prejudices. Through our inner intelligence, we act ethical-
ly and humanely, not for material or social gain, or even for
heavenly reward, but for the good of all.
Organized religion, with its dogmas and institutions, is
another product of the outward-oriented intelligence. It
results in the clash of beliefs and their exclusive claims. It
ties us to a particular church, book or savior as truth. On
the other hand, directed inwardly, true intelligence creates
spirituality or the quest for eternal truth beyond name and
form. It leads to the truth of our own inner Being, our
higher Self in which the insistence upon a belief, savior or
institution appears naive.

Intelligence and Awareness

True intelligence is the aspect of consciousness that is

awake, cognizant, and developed, while consciousness
(Chitta) itself is the mental field as a whole, particularly its
undeveloped core. Consciousness, as it evolves, turns into
intelligence that articulates and clarifies it. Consciousness,
when directed toward a particular principle, value, or
higher good, becomes intelligence. In its highest function,
intelligence becomes spiritual discrimination, through
which we discern the inner reality from outer forms, which
releases our consciousness from its negative conditioning.
Consciousness contains everything in the mental field
in a potential or seed form. Intelligence allows us to
become aware of the contents of consciousness, which oth-
erwise lie hidden and unperceived. I he cultivation of
awareness, which is meditation, is necessary to develop
true intelligence. However, the mind's intelligence (Bud-
Ayurveda and the Mind

dhi) is always an awareness of something and remains con-

ditioned by its object. We must eventually step beyond it
to discover our true Self (Atman) beyond the mind. The
Self is the origin of intelligence. The reflection of its
unconditioned intelligence endows the mental field with a
conditioned intelligence. Our conditioned intelligence is
an instrument for the unconditioned intelligence of the
Self. From conditioned consciousness and intelligence
(Chitta and Buddhi), we must move to unconditioned con-
scious and intelligence (Chit and Jnana).

Cosmic Intelligence

Intelligence has a cosmic as well as individual reality.2'

Cosmic Intelligence is the evolved or sattvic portion of
Cosmic Consciousness. It is the mind of God at the sum-
mit of creation, through which God functions as the Cre-
ator-Preserver-Destroyer of the universe.24 Cosmic Intelli-
gence is the field of God's action, the manifestation of His
laws. It is the Divine Word, the Logos, through which the
universe is created. From it comes the first or ideal cre-
ation, of which this material world is an imperfect reflec-
Cosmic Intelligence is responsible for the structure and
order of the cosmos, while Cosmic Consciousness governs
the world process and being. A portion of Cosmic Intelli-
gence descends into matter and becomes the Divine flame
that constructs the worlds.2' Our individual intelligence is
our particular portion of Cosmic Intelligence or the Divine
Word. This Divine flame is ever awake at the deepest level
of our consciousness as our inner guide.26 It directs our evo-
lutionary process from matter to spirit, from the uncon-
scious to the superconscious, from ignorance to enlighten-
ment. Cosmic Intelligence is the inner guru who works to
awaken our internal wisdom.
Intelligence: The Power of Perception

Cosmic Intelligence contains all cosmic laws (Dhar-

mas), from those that govern the physical world to the eth-
ical principles that govern our karma. It is the field of nat-
ural law, in which all the laws of life are held. Our
individual intelligence naturally strives to learn the laws of
Cosmic Intelligence, through which the entire universe
can be comprehended. Cosmic Intelligence establishes
what is dhannic, or in harmony with cosmic law, as
opposed to what is adhannic, or contrary to it. Individual
intelligence grows through aligning itself with Cosmic
Intelligence that is its source. This happens not by mere
study of books, but by studying nature and, above all, by
observing oneself.


True intelligence develops from sattvic or finer matters

of consciousness (Chitta). However, directed outwardly,
intelligence becomes contaminated with rajas, or emotion-
al impurities, which cloud its perception,27 and by tamas,
which causes wrong judgment.
The seat of true intelligence, like that of consciousness,
resides in the heart. However, the seat of intellect, or outer
intelligence, is the brain, which is connected with the
senses. Intelligence mediates between the outer mind that
works through the brain and the inner mind located in the
heart.28 To merge intelligence into the heart is the way to
transcend the outer world and return to the inner Self.
This is the basis of all true meditation.
The field of intelligence makes up the sheath of intelli-
gence or wisdom, Vijnanamaya Kosha. This sheath medi-
ates between the causal (karmic) body and the astral or
subtle body of impressions. Without the proper develop-
ment of the intelligence sheath, the potentials of the deep-
Ayurveda and the Mind

er bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha) cannot develop. It

serves as the door that links the outer world of the mind-
body complex with the senses and the inner world of con-
sciousness, which transcends the senses. Intelligence is
knowledge predominant29 and allows us to understand
Intelligence adds the power of fire to the basic ether
and air elements of consciousness (Chitta). Like fire, it is
penetrating, luminous and transformative in action. Intel-
ligence corresponds to Pitta, or fire, among the biological
humors. Pitta people are usually rational, discriminating,
good speakers, and usually have more perceptive minds
than others, for good or ill. Similarly, intelligence relates
to Tejas, the vital fire essence which provides courage, fear-
lessness and determination. Without Tejas, we lack the
independence and clarity necessary to develop our intelli-
gence properly.

Energy/Awakened Prana

By its sattvic nature, intelligence transcends outward

vital and sensory activity and works as the conscious guide
of all the Pranas. It creates sattvic Prana or conscious use
of our life-energy. Intelligence has the power to control the
mind, senses and vital force, according to its experiential
knowledge. For example, once we have really learned that
walking across the street without looking puts us in dan-
ger of being run over, we will not fail to look when we
cross the street, even if we are in a hurry. The problem is
that if our intelligence is not developed properly, it is
dominated by the mind, senses and vital force and we do
things on impulse that later we must regret. This inabili-
ty of intelligence to control our impulses is one of the main
causes of disease.30
Intelligence: The Power of Perception 101

True intelligence relates to what we have learned not

merely theoretically but in our own life-experience and
behavior. It is the wisdom of life. On the other hand, what
we know merely conceptually has no real vitality. It
reflects life on the outside, imitating the ideas and opin-
ions of others, and cannot change us fundamentally. The
energy of intelligence is the power that we place in knowl-
edge — the Prana we direct toward discovering the truth.
The Prana of intelligence is ever awake and attuned to the
eternal, developing the aspirations of our soul.
In yogic practice, Prana begins to awaken. We experi-
ence expanded energy through the breath, or feel various
currents of energy moving through the body, awakening
our subtle faculties. We gain more energy, enthusiasm and
creativity. This Prana has an intelligence that can teach
and guide us. Prana has become the teacher of many yogis
and has taught them asana, mantra and meditation. Sur-
rendering to that awakened Prana becomes their disci-
pline. Yet we must be careful not to surrender to an infe-
rior Prana, or inferior vital urge, which is what we do when
we are pursuing outer enjoyment, but to discover the
Prana of intelligence (Buddhi-Prana).
The awakened Prana and the awakened intelligence
(Buddhi) are related. As Buddhi awakens, so does Prana.
As our Prana awakens, so does Buddhi. The awakened life
and awakened intelligence move together. Intelligence
purifies and clarifies our life. On the other hand, without
vitality our intelligence remains superficial and theoreti-
cal. The wisdom of life is this unity of Buddhi and Prana.

Will — The Doer

Intelligence is the agent or doer that decides what we

must do. Only when we really know are we capable of
Ayurveda and the Mind

making a decision and doing something. Intelligence is

the executive part of consciousness, the commander who is
responsible for determining our line of action. The mind
and body are its instruments. Intelligence establishes last-
ing goals and provides the knowledge to achieve them; the
mind executes its orders through the body and senses.
Intelligence is will in the higher sense — the will to
truth, the will to realize our ideals or achieve our goals/1
It is the basis of spiritual aspiration, the desire to know
God. Our intelligence determines what we should and
should not do, providing the ethical standard for our
behavior. As intelligence develops, we move away from
lower actions and embrace those that are higher. Intelli-
gence holds the striving of our soul toward enlightenment.
True intelligence leads us to selfless service, in which
we act for the good of all and renounce the fruits of our
deeds. Through it we are dedicated to excellence and strive
to do the best, whatever the consequences. Intelligence
acts with clarity and decisiveness to achieve a higher aim
and ceases from action once it achieves its purpose. In this
regard it is the clear action that leads to inaction or peace.
From it come proficiency and mastery in all fields of life,
including spiritual accomplishments and occult powers.
Through it we can master our destiny and transcend the
At the time of death, the senses merge into the mind
and the mind, in turn, merges into intelligence, which, as
our inner flame, takes us to whatever subtle world our
karma merits. According to the values and goals of the
intelligence, the soul moves on to various after-death
states, and then returns for another physical birth. As is
our intelligence, so is our will, so is our karma and the evo-
lution of our soul. Our higher intelligence alone can
Intelligence: The Power of Perception

endure consciously from life to life. Whatever power-of-

truth intelligence we develop can never leave us. Develop-
ing it should be the main goal of all that we do. For this
reason, the soul and intelligence are closely related. True
intelligence is the mind of soul, its awakened perception.


The main function of intelligence is determination of

truth, which occurs in three ways: 1) perception; 2) reason;
and 3) testimony.


Direct perception is the main way that we determine

the nature of objects. It allows us to identify the enduring
realities behind various shifting sensory impressions. The
capacity of the sense organs to perceive comes from the
working of intelligence. Right functioning of the senses
depends upon their alignment with intelligence, which
frees them from emotional distortion and brings into them
the clarity of awareness.
Intelligence allows us to differentiate what objects are
from what we would like them to be, the Real from the
imaginary. Through it we can perceive sensations, emo-
tions, thoughts, and the ego itself, just as we can perceive
objects in the external world. Functioning wrongly, how-
ever, intelligence results in distorted or erroneous percep-
tion. We mistake one thing for another, like confusing a
rope in the dark for a snake. This creates all the errors, mis-
conceptions and wrong judgments that trouble us.
104 Ayurveda and the Mind


Intelligence governs all reasoning methods, inductive

and deductive. It allows us to compare our impressions and
arrive at a greater truth, like deducing fire from the pres-
ence of smoke. From it come the principles, ideals and sys-
tems of measurement that shape our perceptions and guide
our actions. In its wrong function, intelligence causes false
reasoning or rationalization, through which we try to jus-
tify what is false or illusory. This egoistic intelligence is
perhaps the greatest danger for human beings, because it
turns the instrument of truth into one of self-justification
that shuts off any real learning process.


Intelligence governs our ability to listen, to heed the

advice of others. It gives the ability to learn, which comes
from right listening. A good intelligence makes a good
student, disciple or patient. Wrongly functioning, intelli-
gence makes us deaf to advice or words of good counsel.
True intelligence is the guru, adviser, and teacher. It is the
speaker, the one who speaks not merely casually or gives
his impressions, but who declares what he knows to be the
truth. From Cosmic Intelligence comes the scripture or
Word of Truth that sets forth the truth and how to realize
it. All spiritual teachings come from the higher levels of
Sound has the ability to convey knowledge of the invis-
ible and transcendent. On the ordinary level, it can convey
knowledge of other times and places. On a higher level, it
reminds us of the knowledge inherent in our soul. While
higher realities like God or the Self are not known to the
outer mind, their knowledge is inherent in our hearts and
can be awakened by the right words aligned with the love
Intelligence: The Power of Perception 105

and wisdom of the speaker. In this regard, sound and

speech are more important means of knowledge than are
sensory perception and reason, but for this to occur our
minds and hearts must be open to the inner truth.
Intelligence relates to the organ of speech among the
vocal organs, and the organ of hearing among the sense
organs. These are the most rational and spiritual of the
organs, the most free from the limitations of form, through
which we can contact our inner intelligence. Sound itself
is a means of direct and internal knowledge, while other
sensory knowledge remains limited to the outer.

Additional Functions


Intelligence governs the waking state in which clear

perception occurs. It predominates in human beings who
represent the waking state of consciousness, and distin-
guishes the human from the animal and vegetable king-
doms. Intelligence is responsible for wakefulness as a
whole. Our degree of spiritual wakefulness is the measure
of how we have developed our intelligence.
Intelligence gives directed awareness, through which
we can concentrate fully on a particular object. Conscious-
ness (Chitta), on the other hand, gives open or choiceless
awareness, through which the whole can be grasped.
While memory abides in consciousness, clarity of memory
belongs to intelligence. Intelligence gives us objective
recall of events. The ability to remember what we know,
without which knowledge is of little value, is the ability of
intelligence to access consciousness. Without such memo-
ry, our intelligence cannot develop properly. When the
Ayurveda and the Mind

time comes to use our knowledge without such memory,

we will not have access to it. For this reason cultivation of
memory is a key to the development of intelligence.


Samadhi is the fourth and highest means of knowledge,

and is the ultimate form of direct perception. It occurs
when intelligence uses our deeper consciousness as its
instrument of perception. This only happens when we
transcend the intellect into true intelligence.32 It requires
that the senses are silent and we can look within without
distraction. Then, by the light of our own consciousness,
we can discover all the secrets of life.
Spiritual practice consists of converting the raw mater-
ial of consciousness into the refined energy of intelligence.
Awareness in consciousness is general and rudimentary,
while in intelligence it is fully developed and articulate.
Intelligence illumines our deeper consciousness, which in
turn gives it space and depth. Intelligence takes us from
the unconscious to the superconscious, from sleep to
Samadhi. Meditation is the highest function of intelli-
gence. True intelligence creates Samadhi and immerses us
in our deeper consciousness in an attentive way.33
Samadhis, which involve concentration, one-pointed-
ness of mind and directed mental activity, belong to intel-
ligence. Higher Samadhis, in which there is no thought or
action, and the mind is not one-pointed but calmed, are of
the deeper consciousness. In these, intelligence ceases to
have any separate function and intelligence and conscious-
ness become one. This takes us into the unconditioned in
which all thoughts disappear.
Intelligence: The Power of Perception

Proper Development

To develop true intelligence requires placing the intel-

lect in the service of awareness. This occurs when we rec-
ognize the difference between the higher and the lower
knowledge, which is the distinction between self-knowl-
edge and knowledge of externals. Through the lower, we
understand the outer world and how it functions, but this
knowledge remains bound to the realm of form and
change. Through the higher knowledge, we know our-
selves. Our true nature is eternal consciousness that cannot
be determined by the names and forms of outer knowing.
Our immortal Self is the knower. It cannot be an object of
the mind but is the origin of the mind. We can only know
it by being it.
There is nothing wrong with the intellect as long as we
keep it in its place. We all need a clear intellect to deal
with the practical realities of everyday existence, like dri-
ving a car. But if the outer function of intellect is not bal-
anced by the inner function of intelligence, it leads to dis-
tortion and can become destructive. Ayurvedic
psychological methods bring about the proper develop-
ment of intelligence so that we can perceive our problems
and their causes, and change them in a lasting manner.
The language and tools of Ayurveda are not merely man-
made, but reflect Cosmic Intelligence and help us attune
our life and behavior to it.
109 A

8. The Outer Mind:

The Field of the Senses

ur lives revolve around the vast array of senso-

Ory impressions that are ever coming to us from
the external world. At almost every moment
of the day we are engaged in selecting, filtering and orga
nizing this data and seeing what it means for our welfare
and happiness. We are seldom aware of our minds because
we are always using them to deal with the external world
and its demands. Like a car we are always driving, we do
not have the time to stop and see if it is working properly,
unless it breaks down. It is mainly in the outer, sensory
part of the mind that we live, unless we learn to look with-
Our ordinary awareness remains immersed in the sea of
impressions that constantly streams in through the senses.
Most of what we call the mind is this surface part of con-
sciousness through which we handle impressions. This
outer mind is called Manas in Sanskrit,54 which means the
"instrument of thinking." Manas is the most complex
aspect of consciousness, consisting of the senses, emotions,
and outer thinking capacity. Such diversity is necessary for
dealing with the manifold influences of the external world.
We will refer to Manas as the "outer" or "sense mind,"
or as simply "mind" itself, as opposed to "intelligence"
(Buddhi) and "inner mind" or "consciousness" (Chitta).
However, we should not forget their Sanskrit meanings.
110 Ayurveda and the Mind

Including emotion, mind (Manas) is not simply mental or


The Five Senses and Motor Organs

We possess five senses and five motor organs through

which we take in the energies of the five elements and act
upon them in the outer world.

Sense and Motor Organs

Element Humor Sense Sense Motor

Quality Organ Organ

Ether Vata Sound Ears Vocal Organ

Air Vata Touch Skin Hands

Fire Pitta Sight Eyes Feet

Water Kapha Taste Tongue Reproductive


Earth Kapha Smell Nose Organs of


The mind coordinates the five senses and their data. It

functions as the screen on which sensory data is gathered
and scrutinized. Through the mind, for example, what the
eye sees is correlated with what the ear hears. Otherwise,
the data coming in from the different senses would remain
separate and disorganized.
The mind itself is the sixth sense organ because
through it we take in ideas and emotions — mental
impressions. When we read a book, for example, the mind
is also functioning as a sense organ, taking in emotional
and mental information. All our sensory inputs involve
The Outer Mind: The Field of the Senses

some mental and emotional component. Similarly, the

mind is the sixth motor organ and rules over the other five.
As an organ of action, it is our main means of expression
in the outer world. Only what we have first formulated as
a mental intention can we express through our motor
organs. For example, we must first think of what to say
before we actually speak. As an organ of action, the mind
serves to express ideas and emotions — mental conditions.
As a sense and a motor organ, the mind can coordinate
the two types of organs, connecting sensory data with
motor actions. For example, if we see food on the table, the
mind connects that sensory data with the hands to allow us
to pick up the food and eat it. The mind is the central cir-
cuit board for both sensory and motor organs. It is like our
mental computer, while the senses are its software.
Though the mind relates to both sense and motor
organs, it connects more with the motor organs because its
main concern is action in the outer world. The mind is
ever driving us to do things. It is ever thinking, planning,
reacting emotionally or otherwise seeking to engage us
externally. Through it we are conscious of ourselves as
beings in the world.

The Pranas

Both motor and sense organs are closely aligned to

Prana and its functions. The motor organs exist to fulfill
various vital urges, from eating to self-expression. The
sense organs exist to provide knowledge and experience of
the external world. The mind manages the Pranas, operat-
ing through the sense and motor organs. The mind is
influenced by the Pranas and can easily be disturbed by
them. Whatever affects our vital nature, like hunger, fear
or insult, quickly affects the mind.
112 Ayurveda and the Mind

The senses possess their own instincts and energies that

can dorpinate the mind. The eye has the urge to see, the
tongue the urge to taste, the hands the urge to grasp, and
so on. These urges influence the mind to pursue their aims.
The eyes can tell the mind what to see, for example, as
when the image of a beautiful woman draws the mind of a
man outward automatically. This happens to all of us with
one sense organ or another. We are always struggling to
control our senses, which otherwise would fragment our
Animals are dominated by their sensory impulses. For
example, a dog barks automatically when another dog
comes into its sensory field. The sense mind predominates
in children, who have not yet learned to master their sen-
sory capacities. The outer mind is conditioned through the
sense organs and Pranas. In itself it is largely a reaction
mechanism, not a self-aware consciousness which only
comes through intelligence.

Thought and Emotion: The Two Sides of the Mind

The outer mind does not merely coordinate sensory

data, but interprets it. Sensory data, being potentially end-
less, must be filtered and selected according to what is rel-
evant for the mind. We determine this by where we place
our attention. For example, if we are driving a car, we must
give our attention to the road and not let it wander or we
might get into an accident.
Interpretation of sensory data is twofold — both objec-
tive and subjective. Objectively we organize sensory data,
gathering in the proper impressions to determine their
meaning. To identify an object, like a house, for example,
we must take in enough objective impressions to ascertain
its nature. This creates the factual part of the mind. The
The Outer Mind: The Field of the Senses 113

outer mind governs factual information and data of all

types, much like a computer. This it transfers on to the
Buddhi for judgment.
Subjectively, we must relate sensory data to our own
personal condition. For example, when we are crossing a
street and see that a car may hit us, we react quickly to
protect ourselves, getting scared and moving aside. This
creates the emotional part of the mind. Emotion allows us
to respond to sensory data in an immediate and personal
manner. Emotion is our personal reaction to sensory data,
giving us fear of what causes pain and desire for what
brings pleasure.
The outer mind includes thought of an informational
nature and emotion based on sensation and functions
between the two. We need some degree of objectivity to
organize sensory data, but some degree of subjectivity to
relate it to ourselves. Of the mind's two functions, emo-
tion, which is subjective, has the greatest capacity for caus-
ing pain. Emotion can distort the informational capacity of
the mind and create misperception. The emotional side of
the mind connects more with the Pranas and the motor
organs, which serve mainly to fulfill various Pranic activi-
ties. The mental side connects more with the sensory
organs and intelligence.


Emotions are characterized by a sensory component —

the sights, sounds or other sensations that convey them.
Sensation gives rise to emotion. If we contact something
pleasurable, it makes us happy. If we contact something
painful, we feel sad. This emotional vulnerability is built
into the mind.
Temporary emotional reactions come through the outer
114 Ayurveda and the Mind

mind. Enduring emotional states, however, belong to our

deeper consciousness (Chitta). Repeated emotions move
from reactions of the outer mind into conditions of the
inner consciousness. For example, when we first meet an
attractive partner, our emotion is aroused. After we've
been in a long-term relationship, the person becomes part
of our deeper consciousness, and we take on aspects of his
or her personality.
Specific emotions, tied to particular objects, belong to
the outer mind, but the essence of emotion belongs to our
deeper consciousness. There the moods or flavors (rasas) of
emotions dwell — like love, anger, fear, and joy— beyond
any association with particular sensations.35 For this rea-
son, both those who hold that emotions are more superfi-
cial than thought and those who hold they are deeper are
both correct. It depends upon the type of emotion. I pre-
fer to call these deeper emotions of our core consciousness
"feelings" and use the term emotion or emotional reactions
for the emotions of the outer mind.

Outer Mind and Intelligence

The outer mind allows us to register information. Intel-

ligence allows us to process information. The mind
(Manas) is the instrument of thinking in which we enter-
tain doubts, while intelligence (Buddhi) is the instrument
of perception through which we resolve doubts and make
decisions. The outer mind includes all forms of speculation
and imagination. As long as we are on the outer level of
the mind, we must remain in doubt and susceptible to
emotional reactions. People who are good at gathering
information but poor at making decisions suffer from too
much activity of the mind. The mind working apart from
intelligence causes us to think aimlessly, without purpose,
The Outer Mind: The Field of the Senses 115

as in daydreaming, idle speculation or idle calculation. It

causes us to go over ideas, generally useless, without com-
ing to any conclusion, which requires the action of intelli-
The outer mind itself has no values, principles or goals,
which derive from intelligence. Its concern is expansion
and exploration of the external world, seeking pleasure and
avoiding pain. Its purpose is to afford us experience in the
realm of the senses, not to establish lasting values. As long
as we operate on its level, we are purely sensate creatures.
We are victims of the emotions aroused by our senses —
the attraction to pleasurable sensations and the aversion to
painful ones.
Our modem information-sensation culture is dominat-
ed by the outer mind and lacking in intelligence. We are
more concerned with gathering information through the
mind than with digesting it, which requires intelligence.
We have developed many ways to expand the field of sen-
sory data, but not the wisdom to use it properly.
Though the sense organs function through the mind,
which coordinates their activity, sensory perception, like
all forms of perception, occurs through intelligence (Bud-
dhi). The mind holds the images of objects but intelli-
gence definitively ascertains what they are. Only when
intelligence guides the senses can we use them objectively.
For this reason, the sense organs are sometimes included in
the sphere of intelligence.
Intelligence is the inner or subjective part of the mind
through which we make choices and decisions. The outer
mind is the screen on which we perceive the external world
and execute these choices and decisions. Intelligence there-
fore draws us within, while the mind draws us externally.
The purpose of the outer mind is enjoyment (bhoga),
116 Ayurveda and the Mind

which is externally directed. Spiritual development (yoga),

whose movement is within, arises only through the power
of intelligence. While the mind leads us to worldly
involvement, intelligence leads us to spiritual develop-
ment. However, in the evolved state, the mind allows us to
respond creatively to external influences. It becomes the
basis of right action, without which we could not organize
our outer lives according to any higher principles.

Mind, Intelligence and Consciousness

Consciousness (Chitta) feels internally and has its own

sense of knowing. The mind (Manas) senses things out-
wardly, requiring an external impression for it to function.
Intelligence (Buddhi) perceives and recognizes both
inwardly and outwardly. For example, through the mind
one may sense a person is unhappy, an impression that
comes through putting together the information of the
senses. Through intelligence, one will perceive it as an
objective fact, by reasoning based upon what one sees.
Through one's deeper consciousness, one will actually feel
the unhappiness of the other person.
The outer mind, relying upon the senses, gives a sense
of something, which usually remains tinged with doubt.
Intelligence perceives an object, depending upon some
rational process, in which there is no longer any doubt.
Consciousness feels the object as one's own.
Intelligence (Buddhi) and consciousness (Chitta) only
function in our ordinary awareness through the outer mind
and senses (Manas), in which we are usually engaged. Such
intelligence or intellect only serves to discriminate the
names and forms recognized by the outer mind. Such con-
sciousness only serves to heighten the sensations received
through the outer mind.
The Outer Mind: The Field of the Senses

Cosmic Mind

Collective and cosmic counterparts of the mind exist as

well. Its collective side is the sensory activity of other crea-
tures on Earth. The sensory influences of creatures create
the psychic atmosphere in which we function. Sensory
impressions leave a residue or afterglow. The Earth's
atmosphere is filled with the residual sensory impressions
of creatures. The mass media is filling the psychic atmos-
phere with unwholesome impressions in the form of radio
waves, making it negative and destructive.
The cosmic side of the mind is the sensory activity of
creatures in all worlds. It is dominated by visions of the
great Gods and Goddesses who, through the Cosmic
Mind, fashion the heavens of subtle impressions. Medita-
tion and ritual using form, color and sound help create a
positive psychic atmosphere and connect us to the Cosmic


The outer mind develops primarily from Rajas, the

active energy of consciousness (Chitta).' It is built up from
the absorbed sensory potentials of sound, touch, sight,
taste and smell, along with the emotions and ideas associ-
ated with them. As consciousness consists of the gunas, so
mind consists of impressions (Tanmatras). The main site of
the mind is the head or brain, where the senses predomi-
nate, particularly the soft palate which is the central point
of all the senses. Its emotional aspect functions through
the heart, not the spiritual heart but the physical and vital
Manas constitutes the sheath of mind or Manomaya
Kosha. This makes up the subtle or astral body which is
the field of our impressions. The subtle body functions in
118 Ayurveda and the Mind

dream and after-death states. The mind is action predom-

inant'7 and causes us to act in the outer world to establish
our identity as a bodily creature. Through it we take form
and have a function relative to other creatures.
The outer mind adds an additional aspect of water to
the basic air and ether elements of consciousness, and, like
water, has an emotional nature. As such it has qualities in
common with Kapha, the biological water humor. Kapha
people usually have strong emotional natures as well as
sturdy physical bodies, and are well grounded in the realm
of the senses.'8 Similarly, the outer mind relates to Ojas,
the vital essence of water. Ojas is required for developing
and controlling the mind.

Touch and Grasping

Though governing all sense and motor organs, the

mind most corresponds to touch as a sense organ and
grasping (the hands) as a motor organ. Touch is the root of
the lower four sense organs of touch, sight, taste and smell.
It makes sensory impressions intimate and allows us to feel
them personally as pleasure and pain.
Grasping — forming and making, the movement of
the hands — is the main action of the mind, which builds
up our idea of the world. As long as the mind is building
up its world of enjoyment, we must remain trapped in the
cycle of rebirth, ever seeking external happiness. Stopping
this formative action of the mind is the key to going
beyond birth and death.


The mind is generally personal and is the vehicle for the

ego, but does connect with our genetic background and
species. Through the senses, it connects to our vital nature,
The Outer Mind: The Field of the Senses

our Pranas, which aligns us with the vital natures of other

creatures. As dominated by Rajas, it is easily influenced by
the Pranas of ourselves or others, which are similarly the
outcome of Rajas or active energy.
The sense mind (Manas) relates to instinct, but governs
a more superficial level of instinctual responses than our
deeper consciousness (Chitta). The sense mind relates more
to the subconscious and our deeper consciousness to the
unconscious. Our deeper consciousness governs primal
amorphous instincts like sex or the will to live. The mind
governs the specific urges of the sense and motor organs,
like the desire to speak or walk.


The outer mind functions to plan, organize and consid-

er, and has the capacity to fashion, make, or imagine. The
two main functions of the outer mind, through which it
rules over sensation, emotion and thought, are: 1) inten-
tion, and 2) imagination'4


The mind always has a plan, intention or motivation. It

is always constructing something and drawing us into
some type of involvement, which tends to be external in
orientation. We are always involved in some planned activ-
ity, mainly centered around enjoyment for the self or ego
through the body and senses. The mind's normal function
is to build up our ego world, the realm of achievement and
acquisition, for the separate self. Unless we question and
control the mind, it will continue to create more involve-
ment and attachments that bring us sorrow. From the
mind derive ulterior motives that spoil our actions and
remove us from spontaneity. It makes us calculating and
120 Ayurveda and the Mind

self-seeking in all that we do. The result is we can receive

no real joy in what we do, which can only come unexpect-
edly and unsought. To find truth we must go beyond the
mind's plans and outer projects.
The mind governs higher intentions as well, including
the will to do what is right. Having good intentions and
carrying them out is right mental activity. Such good
intentions are helping others, surrender to God, and
knowing ourselves. The creation of good intentions and
good attitudes helps develop the mind properly. These
require that we align the mind with our deeper intelli-
gence. When the mind is aligned with our deeper intelli-
gence, it becomes the will to truth and gives the power of
renunciation, through which we go beyond self-centered
attachments to oneness with all.


Imagination is the projection of a possibility, which

creates the future. Imagination is part of will, the projec-
tion of an intention. We must imagine something as a pos-
sibility before we can do it. If we are going to move our
hands, for example, we must first imagine doing it. Imag-
ination allows us to project future action, like planning
out a trip before taking it. Sensory perception is remem-
bered through imagination. Whatever we have experi-
enced through the senses, the mind can imagine. This
ability to reimagine things is the basis for developing
knowledge of the world.
In its wrong action, imagination creates wishful think-
ing that causes illusions. We imagine something to be true
when it does not correspond to anything real. We confuse
being able to imagine something with actually doing it.
This creates many psychological problems. We may imag-
The Outer Mind: The Field of the Senses 121

ine many things about ourselves — that we are wise, right

or holy — which may have no real basis in our behavior.
We confuse our emotional reactions, our personal likes and
dislikes, with what things actually are.
The mind governs the dream state, in which our imag-
ination comes freely into play. Mind as the dream state
relates to the animal kingdom, which lives in a state of
dream or impressions prior to the development of con-
scious reason.

Additional Functions

Art and Vision

The outer mind, ruling over expression, governs artis-

tic and creative work. A well-developed sense-mind is nec-
essary for the facility of the motor organs, like the skill of
the hands is responsible for the plastic arts. It gives refine-
ment of impressions, particularly when coordinated with
intelligence and consciousness. From it comes the creative
vision that allows us to create objects of pure form and aes-
thetic beauty (Sattvic impressions).
For the higher creative function of the mind to develop
our enjoyment of subtle sensations, its lower function,
which is enjoyment of gross sensations, must be controlled
and redirected. The higher function of the mind reveals
the subtle senses and psychic abilities that go with them.
This includes extrasensory perception (E.S.P.), like seeing
or hearing at a distance, and action at a distance (subtle use
of the motor organs). All the sensory and motor organs
have their subtle counterparts, through which we can
experience the subtle world and the occult forces behind
the physical world.
122 Ayurveda and the Mind

Proper Development

The proper development of the mind requires the cul-

tivation of will and character. This depends upon control
of the senses, which means taking in the right impressions,
and control of emotions, which means separating our emo-
tional reactions from what we actually perceive. Develop-
ment of artistic capacities, creative vision, occult faculties,
or yogic practices involving the chakras are additional aids.
Unfortunately, we have every method of sensory indul-
gence today through modem technology and the mass
media, but no one is taught how to control the senses.
Control of the senses seldom enters into our educational
system. For this reason our psychological imbalances must
We are always active in life. Our life — from the auto-
matic impulses of the body to the voluntary expressions of
the mind — consists of various actions that follow from
the will. Tme will power is not measured by the ability to
get what we want but by our ability to transcend desire.
Desire is not the result of our free choice. It is a compul-
sion that comes to us from the external world, a kind of
hypnosis. When we give ourselves over to the objects of
the senses, they impress the mind, which causes us to want
them and to think that our happiness depends upon them.
Desire is will that is colored by imagination. It seeks what
is external and therefore not really ours.
Tme will power means that we do what we say and
manifest our deeper aspirations in action.40 Without tme
will power, it is not possible to gain peace, creativity, or
spiritual knowledge. The cultivation of will power gives
energy. Various forms of self-discipline, like any voluntary
The Outer Mind: The Field of the Senses

control of the sensory or motor organs, help develop the

will. We can begin to discipline our physical functions
through fasting or exercise. We can do the same with the
mind. We can fast our minds from wrong impressions or
we can exercise them by repeating a mantra or practicing
Character is the ability to control the outer mind and
not be drawn into action by the inertia of external influ-
ences. Our senses, with the many stimuli that they bring
in, ever draw us into action. If we act out of the senses, we
lose ourselves and come under the control of the external
world. We lose our consistency of character and merely
reflect the sensations of the moment. Development of
character requires integrity, which is our ability to be true
to our conscience and not follow the impulses of the sens-
es. It depends upon controlling the mind, which means
becoming detached from pleasure and pain, and from sen-
sory desires like food or sex.
The mind is like a lens that opens narrow or wide.
When open wide, it notes many things generally, but lit-
tle specifically. When narrow, it notes a few things in
detail, but misses the whole. The mind can be turned
within, which requires removing our attention from the
field of the senses. We can train the mind so that it can
open or close at will, allowing us to focus on any particu-
lar sensory object or close off from all of them. This
requires control of attention. If we do not train our atten-
tion, the mind will follow the urges of the senses accord-
ing to its conditioning. We will be dominated by external
influences, lose our true self and come under the control of
other people.
Unfortunately we are not trained how to control our
minds, but to give our attention away to various forms of
124 Ayurveda and the Mind

stimulation and entertainment. This lack of control of the

mind and senses allows our energy to go outward, in which
it becomes dissipated and fragmented, causing physical
and psychological disease. Proper care and usage of the
mind, therefore, is essential for our well-being.
9. Ego and Self:

The Quest For Identity

Who Are We?

Who are we? What is the self behind the mind? Senso-
ry impressions rely on our sensory instruments — the eyes,
ears and other sense organs. Similarly, emotions and
thoughts rely upon our mental instrumentality — the
mind. Thought itself is an instrument of knowing. Such
instruments require a subject who operates them, just as a
microscope or telescope depend upon someone who uses
them. The field of thought is a medium through which
our subjectivity works. Behind all three layers of con-
sciousness, intelligence, and mind, there is a sense of self
that determines their action. All thought rests upon the
thought of self.
All of our thoughts refer back to our own identity. All
that we do depends upon who we understand ourselves to
be. The key to understanding the mind and how it works
is to know ourselves. However, who we are is much deep-
er than what we think, or what society tells us we are. Just
as most of our potential consciousness is unknown to us, so
most of our potential self-identity, which ultimately
includes the entire universe, is not known to us. This igno-
rance of our true Self is the basis of all our problems in life,
whether psychological or spiritual. As we examine the
mind and how it works, we are led to the deeper issue of
the self and who we are.
126 Ayurveda and the Mind

Ego — the Separate Self

What human problem can we not easily solve if no

one's ego is involved? Ego is the root of all our social and
personal problems. Yet what is the ego and how can we
deal with it? Is egoism an inevitable part of human nature
that cannot be changed, or is there a way to transcend it?
Ayurveda tells us that, however deep-seated the ego may
be, it is not our true nature. We can go beyond the ego and
all its sorrow and conflict.
Ego is called Ahamkara in Sanskrit, which means the
"I-process." Ego is a process of self-identification in which
we associate our inner being with some outer object or
quality. Through it we determine "I am this" or "this is
mine." Ego creates the self-image or "I-am-the-body-idea"
and results in the sense of separate self. Through it we
become isolated and feel different from the world and crea-
tures around us. Ego is the function of consciousness to
identify itself with an object, through which we feel our-
selves one with a particular body. Only what we have iden-
tified as ourselves or as belonging to us, like our family
and friends, can we feel deeply about and really bring into
our consciousness.
Ego is quite different from our true Self (Atman),
which is the pure I am or I-am-that-I-am, the I-in-itself
devoid of objectivity. Our true Self stands above all men-
tal and physical forms and conditions, and is ever
detached, free and aware. The ego arises from the "1-
thought" that stands behind all other thoughts?1 Whatev-
er thought we have, we must first have the thought of I or
self for it to exist. Ego introduces the principle of division,
through which consciousness is fragmented and strife
becomes possible. It keeps the subjective aspect of our
being (self) trapped in some objective form or quality, var-
Ego and Self 127

ious bodily sensations or mental states in which there is

change and sorrow.
Ego is the primary function of consciousness directed
externally. It brings about the entire outward development
of consciousness through the mind and body, which are all
fragmentations in the field of awareness. Ego affects all the
functions of the mind. Everything we do is based upon the
self and its motivations. Ego pervades all levels of con-
sciousness and all the bodies of the soul, which require a
self-sense for their function. Normally we only know the
physical or waking ego, but subtler levels of our nature
have their respective egos that allow for their various activ-
The ego concept arises from the atomic nature of the
mind. Because we can only focus on one point at a time,
we develop the idea of ourselves as a separate center in time
and space. By its point-like nature, ego creates a narrow
focus or bias, a central blind spot that distorts our vision.
Because of this self-sense, all humans have an inherent feel-
ing of pride. We like to think that we or what we identify
with — our religion, country, race, class, or family — is
the best or the only valid one. This process of pride causes
us to look down on others and creates conflict.

Ego and the Functions of the Mind

Ego arises from a failure of intelligence (Buddhi). It is

a misjudgment or error in our perceptual process. The
most important function of intelligence is to ascertain the
nature of the self. Self-determination is the most primary
of all determinations. First we must know who we are
before we can know what the world is or what we should
do. Ego arises when we fail to discern our true Self, which
is pure awareness, and mistake it for the body, which is no
more than an object.
128 Ayurveda and the Mind

However, once intelligence makes the mistake of the

ego, the ego distorts intelligence, which then serves to
rationalize it. We use our intelligence to further the ego's
goals of accumulation and achievement in the external
world, and lose track of our inner goal, which is to know
our real nature. This ego of intelligence is the hardest ego
to overcome because it is so primary a misconception.
Some thinkers regard Buddhi or intelligence as the Self.42
This is a mistake, because the Self transcends all move-
ments of thought. However, since intelligence is close to
the Self, it can lead us gradually to it.
Our deeper consciousness (Chitta) precedes the mani-
fest ego but itself contains a rudimentary or latent ego. As
a part of matter (Prakriti), consciousness has an inertia to
take form that develops through the ego. Ego uses our
deeper consciousness to cling to life and to sustain its
experience. The rudimentary ego hidden in our deeper
consciousness gradually evolves into all the diversification
of the mind-body complex.
From ego arises the outer mind (Manas), senses and
body, through which we experience our separate existence.
The sense-mind, by its outward propensity, is naturally
under the sway of the ego, and only with difficulty can be
brought under the control of true intelligence. Ego oper-
ates through the mind to acquire sensations that allow it
to expand and feel good about itself. The ultimate crystal-
lization of the ego is the physical body, in which we expe-
rience ourselves as completely separate from other crea-
Whatever function occurs in consciousness, an ego is
automatically posited as part of its boundary. Each emo-
tion projects a kind of ego. For example, the ego of anger
is very different from the ego of love. We run into prob-
Ego and Self 129

lems in our behavior when the ego of our emotions drives

us to actions that we later regret.
Because ego is inherently limited and isolating, it must
bring unhappiness. It causes us to identify with some
things and not with others. When we lose those objects we
have identified with, we must feel pain. When we contact
what we are not identified with, what we regard as alien to
ourselves, we also experience pain.

Ego and Perception

Ego arises automatically during the perceptual process.

As the thought of I underlies all thoughts, so the sensation
of I underlies all impressions. The sense-mind (Manas)
provides a series of sensory impressions, for which the body
is the main focus and instrument. The ego inherent in
body-consciousness colors all these. Ego appropriates
impressions, such as "I like this" or "I do not like that," "I
love this," or "I hate that." Similarly, ego appropriates
intelligence and uses it to justify its own reactions. Its
logic is that "I must be right" or "I must be good." Ego
stops intelligence from perceiving the truth and instead
imposes its own opinion as truth.
The ego cannot appropriate our deeper consciousness
(Chitta), but it can narrow and distort it. We can only
become aware of that part of our consciousness acceptable
to the ego. Ego is our most basic subconscious reaction
that keeps the greater field of consciousness suppressed.
We must learn to observe our perceptual process to tran-
scend the ego. This requires that our deeper consciousness
is in a state of peace and that our intelligence functions
objectively. The ego as a form of ignorance (Tamas) and
distraction (Rajas) becomes reduced as we no longer pro-
vide the environment in which it can flourish.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Cosmic Aspect of Ego

Each individual creature must have some sort of ego.

Ego exists even in insects and rocks. It is ego that allows
for the gross elements and inanimate world to come into
being. The inanimate creation is pure ego, so contracted
that it does not allow any action of the vital force or sens-
es, which require consciousness of the external world.
Ego exists as a cosmic principle. From it the root ideals
and archetypes of creation (which are inherent in Cosmic
Intelligence) can be diversified. Ego is responsible for the
creation of the different objects, creatures and worlds.
From it the gross and subtle elements arise. We can per-
ceive higher cosmic states of ego once we expand our sense
of self into the deeper levels of consciousness. We can move
from being identified with our body to being identified
with our family, country, world, and universe — and ulti-
mately to being one with all beings.


Ego is the seed of Tamas (darkness) or the Tamasic side

of consciousness (Chitta). It corresponds to the earth ele-
ment or the heavy matters in consciousness. Ego develops
from ignorance, not knowing our true nature as pure Con-
sciousness. It is the source of attraction, repulsion and
attachment, the emotional afflictions that bring pain and
sorrow. It puts us under the rule of all duality, the ups and
downs of our emotional experience.
As the power of ignorance, ego relates to the mineral
kingdom in which no sensitivity has developed. The ego is
the inertia of the rock — matter asserting its existence
apart from the spirit. As isolation and fragmentation, it is
the source of decay, disease and death. Transcending the
ego is the basic evolutionary movement of life, through
Ego and Self 131 A

which we form associations and seek to know the greater

universe in which we live.


Ego relates to the heavy matters that accumulate in our

consciousness and so has an energy of inertia (Tamas). It
relates to Apana Vayu or the downward moving Prana that
brings about disease and decay. Ego drives us to fragmen-
tation and ultimately to self-destruction, unless we learn
how to control it. Its energy is negative, or entropy, and
leads to eventual loss of energy.


The ego allows us to identify with and feel one with

things. Through it we build up a self-identity based upon
the objects and conditions we have accepted as our own. It
functions in two ways: 1) self-sense, and 2) mine-ness.*'
Self-sense is the sense of owning a body, through which
we know the body as I or me. Self-sense also expropriates
the mind, identifying with its various thoughts, emotions
and sensations, such as "I am wise" or "I am happy." Mine-
ness is the sense of owning external objects, which we
accumulate around our bodily existence. Through it we
feel that particular objects, like our house, money, or job,
belong to us. Mine-ness depends upon and follows from
self-sense. Through mineness, the ego establishes its terri-
tory and grows and expands in the outer world. As long as
we have a sense of ownership or possession of anything, we
are caught in the ego and its bonds.
The ego, like the sense-mind, has an outgoing energy,
but while the mind seeks enjoyment in the realm of the
senses, the ego seeks to embody itself in a material form.
The ego's identification of the self with a body sets in
motion the entire cycle of rebirth.
Ayurveda and the Mind

On the positive side, ego as self-sense provides a focus

of mind. It helps consciousness differentiate who we are
from the external nature. It causes us to evolve a personal
and social existence apart from the instinctual and animal
realm. But ego is not the final goal of Nature's evolution,
nor does it represent who we really are. Ego is the point of
transition between the material and spiritual evolution. It
is an intermediate phase between an outward-directed
mentality under the control of Nature, and an inward-
directed mind in harmony with the Spirit.

The Soul — Our Divine Individuality

Ego is our sense of transient identity, that we are the

creature of a particular life or body. The soul, on the other
hand, is the sense that we are an immortal conscious being,
an individualized portion of Divinity. This soul is called
Jiva in Sanskrit, the life-principle, because it is the source
of all our vitality and energy, both physical and mental. It
is also called Jivatman, the individual or living (Jiva) Self
(Atman). It is our individual portion of the Divine Self
through which we have the sense of "I am." The individ-
ual soul is the higher self-sense behind our individual exis-
tence, our true individuality.
The soul is the entity behind the causal body, composed
of our various kannas, that persists throughout the entire
cycle of rebirth. As a soul we recognize ourselves as immor-
tal conscious beings, bom in various bodies, seeking Self-
realization and liberation. The soul leads us back to unity
while the ego drives us into division and multiplicity.
We are usually not conscious of the soul or reincarnat-
ing entity within us. Nevertheless it creates and sustains
all that we do. The soul exists everywhere in Nature, giv-
ing life and sustaining form in all things. The soul is latent
Ego and Self 133

in the elemental kingdom. It sleeps in the plants, dreams

in animals, wakes in human beings, and becomes fully
conscious of itself in Self-realized sages.
Most of us experience the soul (deep feeling) only with
other human beings, with the feeling of love. We do it to
some extent with animals, particularly pets. It is possible
to communicate with the soul in plants and the soul in the
elements as well. We can feel our soul in all existence.
The cosmic counterpart of the soul is God (Ishvara), the
creator of the universe, who is the Lord of all souls and the
dispenser of the fruits of all kannas. As our self-sense
becomes universalized, we can experience the reality of
God within our minds and commune with the Creator. We
feel ourselves as servants or workers for God, following His
will, which is for the full unfoldment of consciousness in
the universe.


The soul controls all our positive energy, creativity and

vitality. It sustains the master Prana behind our deeper
consciousness (Chitta). All that was said relative to this
applies here as well.


The soul (Jiva) is the entity inherent in our deeper con-

sciousness (Chitta) as its awakened or Sattvic function. For
this reason, the soul is not always differentiated from Chit-
ta in its pure form or from the awakened intelligence
(Buddhi), both of which function through Sattva. 'File
purification of Chitta and the awakening of intelligence
come about through the soul coming forth and taking
charge of our existence.
The soul (Jiva) becomes conscious through the pure
Ayurveda and the Mind

Sattva developed in our various lives. Through it, the

causal Prana (vital force) arises by which we become alive
and animate. The soul is the source of life (Prana), love
(Chitta) and light (Buddhi), which are its three main pow-
ers. Because of it we wish to live forever, to be perfectly
happy, and to know absolute truth.


The soul works through the power of identification

but, unlike the ego, it expands its field of identification to
include all of which it is aware. It has two main functions:
1) Self-knowledge, and 2) Surrender to God.
The soul's knowledge is Self-knowledge — knowledge
of our true nature as Pure Consciousness. This allows us to
find unity with all that we perceive and opens up all the
secrets of the universe to us. Its main action is surrender to
God (Ishvara-pranidhana) and following the Divine will.
The higher functions of consciousness and intelligence,
like samadhi and intuition, function through it. Through
the individual Self, both consciousness and intelligence
get activated, causing knowledge of truth, immortality
and infinity.*'
To really enter the spiritual path, we must become con-
scious of ourselves on a soul level. This requires getting to
the real soul awareness that lies hidden in our deeper con-
sciousness (Chitta). The soul comes forward when we set
aside our sense of bodily identity and recognize ourselves
as an individualized portion of Divinity. When the soul
comes forth, we set aside our transient ego goals and orga-
nize our lives toward our eternal goal of God-realization.
The soul is the most subtle form of ego or individuality,
through which we can go beyond the ego.
Ego and Self 135

The Soul and Healing

Getting to the level of the soul is the key to all fonns

of healing. The soul is the great healer because it is one
with both God and Nature and carries all their powers and
grace. It is not so much that we need to heal our souls as
that we have to become aware of our souls. Becoming
aware of our soul is the deepest healing possible, not only
for the soul but also for the mind. The awareness of the
soul releases all the healing powers inherent within us.
The word soul, however, can have many meanings,
according to different thinkers. Some call soul our emo-
tional nature. Others see it as connected to some heavenly
realm that is our ultimate goal, like an angel. The Vedic
idea of the soul (Jiva), however, is the first individualized
portion of consciousness. The true soul is not an emotion-
al belief, but a state of higher awareness beyond all forms
and preconceptions. It does not belong to any particular
religion and is not in need of salvation. Rather, the soul
itself leads to all redemption and transformation because it
transcends the limitations of the ego, mind and body.

The Supreme Self— Our Divine Nature

The mind is not the source of consciousness or aware-

ness. Any conditioned consciousness — consciousness
dependent upon thought, emotion or sensation — is not
true consciousness at all. It is like a light reflected in a
mirror, not the true source of the light. True consciousness
is beyond all objects and qualities, and not dependent
upon any physical, sensory or mental instrumentality. This
pure consciousness is our true Self. In our unconditioned
Self we are one with all beings. This is the Supreme Self
(Paramatman) of Vedanta, the supreme Vedic philosophy
behind Ayurveda?'
136 Ayurveda and the Mind

The Supreme Self exists beyond both God and the indi-
vidual soul. It transcends all beings, all worlds, and all
three gunas. While conditioned consciousness (Chitta) is
composed of thoughts, the true Self is thought-free aware-
ness (Chit). The Self is the real light that illumines the
modifications of the mind and is never affected by them. It
is the unity behind both the soul and God, which includes
all the world of Nature in the formless Absolute. It is the
immutable peace at the core of the mind, through which
we immediately transcend all psychological problems.
Through setting aside the ego and awakening our soul
(Jiva), we bring ourselves gradually into contact with this
higher Self. Any contact with our true Self lifts us beyond
all human and creaturely problems. Because the purpose of
this book is more psychological, we will not examine this
Self in depth. This occurs in the teaching of Vedanta.46 To
calm psychological disturbances, it is often enough to
restore the proper usage of the conditioned mind. Yet to go
beyond all sorrow we must know our true Self, and any real
healing of the mind benefits from even the slightest con-
tact with our true nature.
All the methods given in this book for psychological
healing also aid in the higher goal of Self-realization.
Removing negative conditioning from the mind is neces-
sary for both psychological harmony and for Self-realiza-
tion. The difference is that, to perceive our true Self, a
much deeper level of deconditioning has to be achieved
than is necessary for resolving our psychological problems,
like fear, anger or depression. The Yogi's concern is devel-
oping consciousness to create the appropriate vessel for the
perception of the Self, which is always present but
obscured by our shifting thoughts. The Ayurvedic physi-
cian's concern is developing consciousness to counter our
Ego and Self

ordinary human problems. Purification of consciousness1'

is common to both. It is the most important thing both for
mental health and for spiritual growth.

The Self and Functions of the Mind

The three main layers of the mind — consciousness,

intelligence and sense-mind — function between ego, or
false self, on one side and the true Self on the other. Their
actions vary according to the direction in which they are
oriented. Directed toward the Self, their higher functions
emerge. Directed toward the ego and external world, their
higher potential remains latent and they conflict with one
Consciousness (Chitta) is closer to the Self, while the
sense-mind (Manas) is closer to the ego. Intelligence (Bud-
dhi), which is placed between them, is the key factor in
how we orient our awareness. Because of its capacity for
decisive perception, intelligence has a power of spiritual
transformation greater than either the sense-mind or deep-
er consciousness. It can empty consciousness of its condi-
tioning and control the sense-mind. It can question the
ego and discriminate between the lower and the higher
True intelligence discerns our higher self-identity that
leads to our true nature. This is the identity of conscious-
ness, not the self-image or ego which depends for its being
upon an object or quality. The soul works through the
higher aspect of intelligence, which is its development of
the mental field according to the light of truth. The true
Self awakens when we bring our awareness to the field of
consciousness as a whole by the upward and inward move-
ment of intelligence. Otherwise dominated by the down-
ward and outward movement of the sense-mind, we
138 Ayurveda and the Mind

become trapped in the forces of the external world, which

leads to both ignorance and sorrow.

Layers of Consciousness and Psychological Disease

Manas is the outer layer of consciousness through

which we are involved with the events of the moment.
Buddhi is the middle layer of consciousness that allows us
to observe both what is happening in the immediate sense
and the long term. Chitta is the deeper layer of conscious-
ness that holds long-term patterns.
When we learn something new, like tying our shoes, it
is at first a process of Manas, through which we perform
the action working with the senses. Buddhi is involved as
the director of the action, through which we develop our
skill in performing it. Once what we have learned becomes
second nature, it becomes a function of Chitta. We tie our
shoes automatically without any deliberation through this
power of Chitta. In the ordinary person, we can divide the
layers of consciousness accordingly:

Chitta — unconscious, but also potential higher


Manas — subconscious

Buddhi — conscious

Ahamkara — self-conscious

Chitta is the total potential field of conditioned con-

sciousness (the field of thought). Manas contains all senso-
ry reactions which are largely subliminal. In this regard,
Manas and Chitta are close together and what we take in
through the senses automatically influences the uncon-
scious. Only Buddhi is the aware part of consciousness. It
can divide Chitta from Manas so that our sensory respons-
es do not condition us at a deeper level. Ahamkara is self-
Ego and Self 139

consciousness or ego that makes us vulnerable to external

influences. The Atman witnesses and transcends all these
functions and is contacted through the higher function of
the Buddhi.
In the disease process, the Doshas or disease-causing
factors are the wrong functioning of mind and intelli-
gence, which occurs through the ego. The ego introduces
Rajas and Tamas, the mental Doshas, into the mental field
in the form of negative thoughts, emotions and impres-
sions. It makes us use our senses, emotion and intellect for
selfish enjoyment rather than for developing a higher con-
sciousness. Wrong functioning of intelligence (Buddhi) is
the main disease-causing factor because it regulates how
we use the mind and senses.
Chitta is the aspect of the mind that is damaged by
these disease-causing factors. Like the tissues of the body
damaged by wrong use of the sense organs and poor diges-
tion, consciousness is the substance of the mind damaged
by wrong mental activity. For treating the mind, we must
eliminate these mental toxins and also repair the mental
substance (consciousness)/8

Functions of the Mind

While each function of the mind has its natural quali-

ties (gunas), it can be altered by an admixture of other
gunas. Understanding the gunas of the mind and chang-
ing them from Tamas to Sattva is the key to mental health
and spiritual development. The whole of spiritual devel-
opment and psychological healing consists of moving from
Tamasic to Sattvic living.49
We all go through various gunic phases in our daily
activity. When we are asleep or mentally dull, we are in a
Tamasic mode. When we are awake and perceptive, we are
140 Ayurveda and the Mind

in a Sattvic mode. When we are active or distracted, we are

in a Rajasic mode. Generally what we do in a Tamasic or
Rajasic mode — something ignorant, unfeeling or foolish
(Tamas) or something aggressive, agitated or impulsive
(Rajasic) — we regret while in a Sattvic (peaceful) mode.
Yet we should not get discouraged. Even an enlightened
person can have Tamasic moments when he may do some-
thing that he may later regret. Our karma is not deter-
mined by our Tamasic moments only, but by all three
gunas at play within our mental field.
Look at the play of these three gunas in your mental
condition. For example, some people will be more Sattvic
in the morning and turn dull and Tamasic in the evening.
Others will be dull and Tamasic in the morning but
Sattvic in the evening. Some people are more active or
Rajasic in the morning, others in the evening. Generally
Sattva should prevail more in the morning and evening,
with Rajas developing more midday and Tamas only dur-
ing sleep.
Note how your environment and associations affect
you. Around Sattvic (spiritual) people and situations you
will feel Sattvic. Around Tamasic (dull) people and situa-
tions you will feel dull and depressed. Around Rajasic (dis-
turbed) people and situations you will feel agitated. See
how your life is developing. Are you becoming more
Sattvic (spiritual), Rajasic (busy) or Tamasic (dull)?
Ego and Self 141

Functions of the Mind


Consciousness inner peace, selfless emotional disturb- deep-seated
(Chitta) love, faith, joy, antes, overactive emotional blockages
devotion, imagination, & attachments,
compassion, uncontrolled trapped in past
receptivity, clarity, thoughts, worry, patterns & memories,
good intuition, discontent, desire, addictions, worry,
deep understanding, irritability, anger, phobias, fear,
detachment, fear- distorted memory, anxiety, depression,
lessness, inner disturbed sleep, hatred, excessive
silence, clear turbulent sleep, wrong
memory, calm relationships relationships
sleep, right
Intelligence discrimination critical mind, lack of intelligence,
(Buddhi) between the eternal judgmental, lack of perception,
& the transient, opinionated, self- deep prejudices,
clear perception, righteous, assertive, lack of conscience
strong ethics, narrow-minded, or ethics, dishonesty.
tolerance, non- distorted perception, delusions, believes in
violence, truthful- believes in the realitythe reality of one's
ness, honesty, of the outer world or own opinions
clarity, cleanliness in particular names
& forms as truth
Mind good self-control, strong sensate lazy, lacking self-
(Manas) control of senses, nature, strong sexual control, easily
control of sexual nature, many influenced by others,
desire, ability to desires, aggressive, aimless thinking,
endure pain, ability assertive, compet- daydreaming, unable
to withstand the itive, willful, overly to endure pain,
elements (heat & active imagination, caught up in violent
cold), detachment disturbed dreams, sensations, many
from the body, does willful, calculating habits & addictions,
what one says easily influenced,
taking of drugs,
Ego spiritual idea of ambitious, assertive, negative idea of self,
(Ahamkara) self, selflessness, achievement-orientedfearful, slavish,
surrender, devotion, willful, arrogant. dependent, dishonest,
self-knowledge, vain, self-promoting, fear, identified
concern for others, manipulative, strong mainly with one's
respect for all identifications (as own body
creatures, with family,
compassion country, religion)
Ayurveda and the Mind

How to Properly Develop the

Functions of the Mind

Chitta Pranayama, mantra, meditation on infinite space or

the void, concentration and mindfulness techniques,
Samadhi, devotion (Bhakti Yoga) and knowledge
(Jnana Yoga) combined, right beliefs, receptivity,
clarity, faith, love, peace, joy, communion, right
associations, satsang (spiritual communion)

Buddhi Concentration, meditation, Self-inquiry, mantra,

meditation, contemplation of universal truths, yoga
of knowledge (Jnana Yoga), self-examination, devel-
opment of conscience and ethics, right reasoning,
self-discipline, developing Tejas (inner fire)

Manas Devotion (particularly using a particular form or

image), self-discipline (like fasting), control of sexual
energy, mantra, meditation on inner light and
sound, visualization, work, service, Yoga of Devotion
(Bhakti Yoga), Ojas enhancement therapies, right
intake of impressions, right diet, practice of
patience, development of character, will-power and
control of senses

Ahamkara Spiritual aspiration, devotion to God, selfless service,

self-discipline, self-inquiry, self-observation, right
Ego and Self

Exercises in Consciousness

The following are some simple exercises in conscious-

ness to help you understand the different levels of your
mind and how they are working to make your life more
creative and aware or more constricted and asleep.

Taking an Inventory of Your Consciousness

Examine the weight of your life experience: the sub-

stances and energies you have taken into yourself
through your habitual actions and expressions. Look
at the quality of your food, impressions, and associ-
ations, the emotions you have most frequently, the
thoughts and beliefs which motivate you. See what
you hold most dear, what abides most deeply in your
heart, what you most give your attention to.

On one side, place all your negative life activities —

negative emotions (anger, lust, fear, ambition, vio-
lence), pursuit of pleasure, desire, and selfishness.
On the other side, place all your positive life activi-
ties — meditation, prayer, spiritual study, good
works, social service, and so on. Note the balance.
Your consciousness is the storehouse of all this expe-
rience. Its nature depends upon the predominance of
your mental activity, particularly at a heart level.

Another way to do this is to examine your sponta-

neous and automatic reactions, to see what your pro-
gramming is. Note your immediate reactions to sit-
uations, particularly those in which you are taken off
guard, or are in some way threatened. Note also your
consciousness during habitual states like sleeping,
eating, entertainment and other mechanical activi-
ties, when you are not engaged in any specific men-
144 Ayurveda and the Mind

tai activity. This underlying inertia of the mind is

your consciousness (Chitta).

Examining Your Intelligence

See where your sense of discrimination is most

developed, whether it is food, movies, sex, sports,
scientific information, politics, art, philosophy, or
spiritual knowledge. See where your intelligence has
its greatest refinement, clarity and depth. See if you
have cultivated an outer sense of discrimination,
developing opinions about people or situations, or
an inner sense, learning to discern the inner truth or
reality of things.

Note where your sense of discrimination naturally

goes, what you are most commonly calculating.
Note where you most exercise your sense of choice,
value and judgment. Through this process you can
understand the nature of your intelligence and how
it is likely to develop.

Examining the Outer Mind and Senses

Observe how you use your senses, which senses you

use most and in what manner. See to what extent
sensory influences dominate you. How do you relate
to audio, tactile, visual and other sensations? To
what degree can you control your mind's attention
and not be distracted by sensory influences. What
sensations most attract and bind your mind? What
mental and emotional impressions and influences
most affect you through the senses (fear, anger,
desire, love, or hate). See what mental impressions
and information most affects you. See how your
senses control you and dominate your attention.
Ego and Self

Do the same in regard to the motor organs. See what

control you have over your vocal organs, hands, feet,
reproductive and eliminatory organs. Can you turn
off their activities and detach yourself from their
urges or are you under their power? These mental
exercises provide a good measure of how much you
are in control of the mind or how much your mind
controls you.

Examining the Ego

See what you most identify with in life — occupa-

tion, family, friends, property, country, religion and
so on. See how closely you identify with your body,
senses, opinions, emotions and ideas. Examine what
you most fear losing and what you are most trying
to gain: pleasure, wealth, power, name, fame and so
on. Imagine that you are dying today and have to let
everything go. See how difficult this may be and
what most holds you to this world.

Once we have examined all our mental functions, we

can see how our life is likely to develop. We can determine
how susceptible we maybe not only to psychological prob-
lems but to sorrow in general. Just as you keep track of
your health through regular physical examinations, keep
track of your psychological condition through regular
mental examinations.
Ayurveda and the Mind

The Chakras

1. Head Center 3. Throat Center 6. Sex Center

Consciousness-Space Ether Water
Causal Sound Sound Taste
Causal Prana Vata Kapha
Om Ham Yam
2. Third Eye 4. Heart Center 7. Root Center
Mind-Space Air Earth
Sublte Sound Touch Smell
Subtle Prana Vata Kapha
Ksham Yam Lam
5. Navel Center

Part III

Ayurvedic Therapies for the Mind

yurvedic therapies are multifaceted for

improving mental well-being and promoting
spiritual growth. Those introduced here are
primarily of a self-help nature, but may require additiona
guidance to employ them optimally. The section begins
with Ayurvedic counseling methods and the Ayurvedic
view of treating the different aspects of the mind. Then it
discusses the Ayurvedic science of impressions and how we
can alter them to improve our mental function.
Specific chapters follow on outer treatment modalities
like diet and herbs, and inner methods, mainly sensory
techniques of colors, gems and aromas, leading to mantra,
which is the most important Ayurvedic tool for changing
our consciousness. As these treatment methods are diverse,
this is the longest section of the book, but also perhaps the
most practical and useful.

10. Ayurvedic Counseling and

Behavioral Modification

ommunication is the basis of who we are and

what we seek to become. We do not exist in iso-
lation, nor can we grow apart from the cultural
matrix that sustains us. The mind itself is primarily a
munication device, not only for relating outwardly to
other people, but relating inwardly to the spiritual forces
of the universe. This importance of communication
extends into the sphere of healing as well.
Counseling is probably the most important instrument
of psychological treatment. However, from the Ayurvedic
standpoint, it should not be merely talk or discussion but
a prescription for action. Counseling should examine the
causes of psychological imbalances and indicate how to
correct them. No one will continue in a pattern that he or
she knows is harmful, but we must truly understand the
harmful nature of our behavior to be willing to change.
Counseling should be a learning process in which the
client comes to understand the different aspects of his or
her nature and how to modify these for optimal well-
In this chapter we will discuss the Ayurvedic counsel-
ing approach that forms the background for Ayurvedic
psychological therapies. We will look into the issues that
arise in counseling through the different Ayurvedic consti-
tutional types. Ayurvedic counseling deals in four primary
150 Ayurveda and the Mind

1) Physical factors — diet, herbs and exercise;

2) Psychological factors — impressions, emotions,


3) Social factors — work, recreation, relationship;


4) Spiritual factors — yoga and meditation.

Physical and psychological imbalances reinforce each

other, with diet and exercise reflecting our state of mind
and its fluctuations. Psychological imbalances involve
social and personal problems, like career and relationship
difficulties. Spiritual factors are the ultimate sources of any
mental distress because only our higher consciousness has
the power to bring peace to the mind, which is inherently
changing and unstable. Therefore, Ayurvedic psychology
deals with four levels of treatment:

1. Biological humors — Balancing Vata, Pitta and


2. Vital essences — Strengthening Prana, Tejas

and Ojas, the master forms of Vata, Pitta and

3. Impressions — Harmonizing the mind and

senses; and

4. Consciousness — Promoting the correct func-

tions of consciousness.

Ayurveda first works on balancing the biological

humors through appropriate physical remedial methods of
diet, herbs, and exercise. Typical books on Ayurveda focus
on this level. We will examine these outer treatment
methods of Ayurveda in a subsequent chapter, particularly
as they affect psychological conditions. Second, Ayurveda
works to improve our vital energy through Pranayama and
Ayurvedic Counseling and Behavioral Modification 151

related practices. The section on Prana, Tejas and Ojas dis-

cusses this level and it is mentioned occasionally through-
out the book.
Third, Ayurveda works on the mind and senses to pro-
mote the right intake of impressions through various sen-
sory therapies. In the following chapters, we will examine
these sensory therapies, particularly aromas and colors.
Fourth, Ayurveda works to increase Sattva in our con-
sciousness through spiritual living principles, mantra and
meditation. This we will examine in the chapters on
Mantra, Spiritual Therapies and the Eightfold Method of
Ayurvedic counseling is very practical and involves vari-
ous prescriptions for changing how we live. Meeting with
an Ayurvedic counselor involves reviewing the results of
implementing these prescriptions, and is done in a consis-
tent step-by-step manner. Ayurvedic counseling is educa-
tional in nature. The therapist helps the client learn how the
mind and body work so that we can use them properly. The
patient is a student. Therapy is a learning process. Ayurve-
da looks upon someone suffering from a psychological prob-
lem not as a bad or disturbed person, but as someone who
does not understand how to use the mind properly.

Right Association — a Key to Mental Health

Who we are psychologically is a result of how we inter-

act with our environment. If you want to see what you are,
look at the people you feel closest to and with whom you
spend the most time. The mind is built up by the impres-
sions taken in through the senses, most important of
which are those that come from our social interactions.
Whatever impressions we take in become more powerful
when shared with other people, who give them emotional
152 Ayurveda and the Mind

The mind itself, down to the deepest unconscious, is a

social entity and follows a collective pattern. It is made up
of thought, conditioned by the language used in the social
context of our lives. The mind reflects our interactions
with other people, starting with our parents. The mind is
the record of our associations, which includes not only
human beings but all life to which we are related. Our
deeper consciousness (Chitta) itself is determined by the
nature of our associations, which create the most powerful
impulses (Samskaras) that we have to deal with. If we go
to the core of our hearts, it is our closest relationships that
most determine who we are.
Ayurvedic psychology emphasizes right association to
ensure psychological well-being. We should always be
careful to keep ourselves in the right company. We should
associate with those individuals who elevate us, who bring
peace and keep our minds cool and calm. We should keep
ourselves distant from those who drag us down, who agi-
tate and overheat our minds and nerves. We must be most
careful about who we associate with on an intimate level.
We should seek the good and strive to be in the com-
pany of the wise. Such are spiritual teachers, true friends,
the beauty of nature, great art, and wisdom teachings. Of
course, it is not always possible to remain in the physical
company of spiritually elevating people. They are not
always easy to find or to gain time with. However, we can
always keep them in our minds and hearts. We can attune
ourselves with their thoughts and deeds. In turn, we our-
selves should strive to have a beneficial influence on oth-
ers, projecting helpful attitudes and good thoughts toward
the entire universe.
Healing the mind involves healing how we relate to the
world. It means establishing a society or group of friends
Ayurvedic Counseling and Behavioral Modification

that draws us upward. This is the basis of real counseling.

The counselor should provide the client with a deeper level
of association that does not reinforce their problems, but,
on the contrary, provides a space for their problems to be
released. Ideally, a true therapist should not be a doctor in
the distance, but a spiritual friend and well-wisher. Ther-
apy should be the beginning of communion, what is called
in Sanskrit Satsanga, the company of those sincerely seek-
ing truth.
However, better than going to a therapist is frequent-
ing the company of spiritually elevating people. In their
company, our psychological problems, which come from
our material involvement, naturally get resolved. The
mere presence of such wise people cools and calms the
mind and heart. Lack of spiritual company is a main cause
of psychological unrest and the only cure is to find such
Discussing our problems, particularly with someone we
respect, is always of great help. It takes us beyond the per-
sonal nature of our problems to the greater and universal
issues of life. Communication itself is much of the benefit
of psychotherapy — drawing us into a relationship that
allows our problems to be discussed. Communication
breaks down the walls of isolation in which we suffer and
helps us look at ourselves in a new light, allowing old pat-
terns of constriction to be broken down and discarded.
A true spiritual teacher helps us know who we are in
our inner consciousness, as apart from our ordinary identi-
fication with the mind-body complex. Such a person is the
ultimate psychologist. However, a spiritual teacher may
not be interested in functioning as a psychologist or a doc-
tor in the ordinary sense, helping us with our personal
worries, woes, aches and pains. The role of the spiritual
154 Ayurveda and the Mind

teacher is to guide us to higher states of consciousness, not

merely to help us resolve our ordinary problems. This may
involve teaching us to be detached from both our psycho-
logical and physical sufferings, which must always exist in
this transient world.
A therapist, on the other hand, must recognize the lim-
its of what he or she can do. Therapists should not play
guru, but direct their clients toward genuine spiritual
teachers. Spiritual guidance is much more than psycholo-
gy in the ordinary sense, though true psychology should
lead to spirituality. Spirituality requires that we go beyond
the mind and its opinions, not merely that we are happy
with our state of mind.

Psychological Disorders and the Biological


Psychological disorders, like physical ones, reflect

imbalances of the three biological humors. Health prob-
lems, whether physical or mental, are not merely personal
problems, but energetic problems in the mind-body com-
plex. They are not so much personal or moral failings as an
inability to harmonize the forces within us.

Vata (Air) Type

Psychological disturbances occur with greater frequen-

cy when Vata is too high, which, as the nervous force, eas-
ily affects the mind. Like Vata, the mind is composed of
the air and ether elements. Vata's excess of air causes insta-
bility and agitation in the mind, which results in excessive
thinking or worrying and makes our problems appear
worse than they really are. The mind becomes overly sen-
sitive, excessively reactive, and we take things too person-
Ayurvedic Counseling and Behavioral Modification 155

ally. We are prone to premature or inappropriate action

that may aggravate our problems.
High Vata, as excess ether, makes us ungrounded,
spaced-out and unrealistic. We may have various wrong
imaginations, hallucinations or delusions, like hearing
voices. Our connection with the physical body and with
physical reality becomes weakened. We live in our
thoughts, which we may confuse with perception. Our
life-force gets dispersed by the excess activity of the mind.
We lose contact with other people and cannot heed their
High Vata in the mind manifests as fear, alienation,
anxiety and possible nervous breakdown. There is insom-
nia, tremors, palpitations, unrest and rapid shifts of mood.
Insanity of the manic depressive type, or schizophrenia, is
an extreme Vata imbalance.
There are many factors that can disturb Vata and create
possible psychological problems. Disturbing sensations are
hard for Vatas to handle, particularly too much exposure to
the mass media, loud music or noise. Drugs and stimulants
easily derange them. Insufficient food or irregular eating
also weakens and upsets them mentally. Excessive or unnat-
ural sexual activity quickly drains their often low energy.
Stress, fear and anxiety affect them emotionally because
they lack calm and endurance. Violence and trauma leaves
them hurt and withdrawn. Neglect or abuse as a child cre-
ates a predisposition for a Vata-deranged psychology.

Pitta (Fire) Type

Psychological disturbances are moderate in Pitta types.

They usually have strong self-control but can be self-cen-
tered and antisocial. The fire and heat of Pitta cause the
mind to be narrow and contentious, fighting either with
156 Ayurveda and the Mind

others or with themselves. Pitta psychological disorders

are typically due to too much aggression or hostility. Typ-
ical Pitta is the overly critical type who finds fault with
everyone, blames other people for everything, sees enemies
everywhere, is always on guard and ready for a fight.
High Pitta in the mind causes agitation, irritation,
anger, and possible violence. The overheated body and
mind seek release in venting the built-up tension. Pitta
types can become domineering, authoritarian or fanatic.
When disturbed they may have paranoid delusions, delu-
sions of grandeur, or can become psychotic.
Pitta in the mind becomes too high by various factors
that increase heat. Strong and bright colors and sensations
quickly irritate them. Exposure to violence and aggression
increases the same attitudes within them. Dietary factors
like overly hot or spicy food disturb their minds. Sexual
frustration, excessive anger and ambition, and related emo-
tional factors take their toll. Too competitive an education
or too much conflict in childhood are additional factors.

Kapha (Water) Type

Kapha people have the least amount of psychological

problems and are the least likely to express them or to
resort to antisocial behavior. Kapha disturbs the mind by
blocking the channels and clouding the senses. High
Kapha (mucus and water) generally causes mental dull-
ness, congestion and poor perception.
Kapha psychological unrest involves attachment and
lack of motivation leading to depression, sorrow, and
clinging. The mind may be incapable of abstract, objective
or impersonal thinking. There is a lack of drive and moti-
vation along with passivity and dependency. We want to
remain a child and be taken care of. We become preoccu-
Ayurvedic Counseling and Behavioral Modification 157

pied with what others think about us. We lack the proper
self-image and passively reflect our immediate environ-
ment. Such people often end up being taken care of by oth-
ers and are unable to function on their own.
However, stronger Kapha types can suffer from greed
and possessiveness, which renders the mind heavy, dull and
depressed. They want to own and control everything and
look upon people as their property as well. Once they lose
control or ownership, they become psychologically unstable.
Kapha emotional disturbances result from excess plea-
sure, enjoyment, or attachment in life. Lifestyle factors like
too much sleep, sleep during the day, or lack of exercise
contribute to these. Kapha-aggravating diet, like too
much sugar or oily food, is another factor. Emotional prob-
lems combine with Kapha physical conditions like over-
weight and congestion. Educational factors include being
overly indulged as a child or emotionally smothered by

Ayurvedic Counseling Profiles

The constitutional types of Ayurveda are the basis of all

Ayurvedic counseling. They are useful for understanding
the different types of people and their interactions that can
occur. They are an extension of the psychological profiles
of the biological humors and their characteristic psycho-
logical disorders. Again, these are general profiles and
should not be taken rigidly.


Vata types are nervous, anxious or afraid. 1 hey are often

worried, upset or distracted, even if there is no real prob-
lem in their lives. They may be hesitant and insecure,
which they may exhibit by moving around or fidgeting.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Under the influence of air or wind they find it difficult to

settle down or be at ease. They have many doubts about
themselves and their ability to get well or about any treat-
ment and its ability to help them.
Sometimes they are over-enthusiastic and excited when
starting a therapy, but this seldom lasts and may be fol-
lowed by quickly quitting or getting frustrated. They
expect too much and want immediate results. They may
look to the therapist to heal them magically and when this
does not occur they get disappointed or seek to change
therapists. They are often ungrounded and hard to pin
down. They have to become realistic about their condition
and the effort required to correct it. They must come back
to earth about themselves and their behavior.
Vata types often have a negative attitude about them-
selves. They will have more worries and negative imagina-
tions about their disease condition than it merits. They are
commonly hypochondriacs. They need to calm their minds
and hearts as part of any treatment. They are often looking
for attention and sympathy more than developing their
own understanding. They are happy to receive advice but
not consistent in following it. They require much time and
patience to really change. Their condition will fluctuate,
sometimes dramatically, along with their thoughts. Slow
steady development with peace of mind is what they
should aim for.
They seek comfort and require a lot of assurance, but
this does not always make them feel secure. They like to
talk at length about their problems but this may not be of
great help. They do best if they try a few practical things
to improve their condition and implement these in a con-
sistent manner. This fosters a realistic attitude about deal-
ing with their condition and does not feed their excessive
mental activity.
Ayurvedic Counseling and Behavioral Modification

Vata types can be so caught up in their problems that

they do not take the time to do something about them.
They can be looking so hard for external support that they
do not do the things that allow them to take control of
their own lives. They need to emphasize action rather than
thought, steady application rather than looking for results.
They need to follow a clear and comprehensive life-reg-
imen to bring stability to their minds, calm their agitated
life-force, and cushion their sensitive hearts. The rule is to
treat them like a flower. They easily feel frightened and are
prone to withdraw if approached forcefully. They must be
approached with warmth, calm and determination and
made to feel the support of others, yet without making
them dependent.


Pitta types think that they already know who they are
and what they are doing. If they have problems, they usu-
ally have someone or something to blame, or attribute
their problems to not being able to achieve their goals.
They are most disturbed by conflict with other people,
which they often exaggerate or exacerbate. The drama of
interpersonal struggle colors their minds and emotions.
These conflicts can be internalized and result in self-con-
flict. Pitta types are prone to be at war with themselves
and easily internalize external conflicts.
Having a fiery nature, they tend to be aggressive, crit-
ical, sometimes contentious, and can be destructive. They
may question the qualifications of their therapists. They
are the most likely of the different types to tell the thera-
pist what he or she should do for them. They are the most
likely to respond with anger or criticism if the treatment
does not go as well as they expect.
160 Ayurveda and the Mind

Pitta types, being natural leaders, like authority and are

impressed with important credentials. Yet the people who
can really help us inwardly are not always those who are
most prominent in social status. To find real help, Pitta
types need to be more receptive or they can get trapped in
their own judgments, which have caused their problems in
the first place. They should not look to those who can
impress or dominate them, but to those who can help
them in a kind but firm manner, and who do not get
drawn into their competitive dramas.
Pittas are highly intelligent and expect to be convinced
of the validity of the treatments they are taking. They need
to use their critical insight to understand the cause of their
problems, which reside in their own behavior, not to
struggle with others or with themselves. They must awak-
en their discrimination in order to take control of their
own lives. To do this they have to learn the right use of
intelligence and self-examination.
Fire-types must be approached with tact and diploma-
cy. They do not like to be given directions or told what to
do. One must appeal to their native intelligence and logic,
letting them see for themselves the truth of things. Oppos-
ing them encourages their basic aggression and will not
help them learn. They like to work in friendship or in
common alliance toward a particular goal. Cool, calm and
pleasant circumstances mitigate their fiery nature. They
need helpful friends and work well with a person or prin-
ciples they respect.
Once Pitta types know what they need to do and under-
stand the efforts they must make, they are usually the best
of the three types in implementing behavioral changes.
However, they can be excessive or fanatic and must be
moderate in their actions so that they do not bum them-
Ayurvedic Counseling and Behavioral Modification 161

selves out by attempting too much. They tend to be either

for or against something and see things in black-and-
white. They must learn to seek a balanced view and
become considerate and diplomatic in their actions.


Having the amorphous and docile nature of water,

Kapha types need to be stimulated and sometimes shocked
into changing themselves. They do not take hints. Nor
will they do all the things to which they have agreed.
Often they must be confronted or criticized in order to
change bad habits. They must be approached with force,
determination and consistency. Unless they are made
acutely aware of a problem they may try to live with it.
It is not enough if one explains their problem to them
and how to rectify it. They need an additional outside
push, which may require regular repetition. A firm warn-
ing may be necessary to make them take heed of what they
are doing. They must be made to see vividly the negative
effects of their wrong lifestyles.
Water-types are slow to act and find it hard to imple-
ment things even after they accept them as necessary. They
get bogged down in their own inertia and stagnation and
find it difficult to start anything new. They are prone to
addictions and to depression that prevents them from
developing the proper initiative to improve themselves.
They should not be comforted and consoled, though they
may seek it. Their sentimentality about their condition is
one of the factors that sustains it. Most of their problems
arise from excess emotionality and can only be changed by
a higher love or by detachment.
Kapha types are slow to respond and have difficulty dis-
cussing their problems. They need to open up slowly but
Ayurveda and the Mind

require determination in order to do so. They must be

coaxed out of their complacency. They may be bewildered
by too much information. They respond better to pre-
scriptions to make certain changes that are consistent and
determined. They tend to return to their old habits even if
they know they are bad, particularly if these are reinforced
by the environment around them.
They need more frequent appointments with therapists
and more constant interchange to stimulate them to get
started. However, once started, which may take some time,
they will usually continue well on their own accord. They
must break their old deep-seated patterns and establish a
new equilibrium before we can let them continue on their
own. Once this is done, their lives can proceed smoothly
on a peaceful basis. They can be as easily accustomed to a
healthy flow in their lives as an unhealthy flow. The diffi-
culty is in the transition.


Vata-Pitta types have the volatility of air and fire com-

bined. Fear and anger mix within them in an unpre-
dictable way. If something does not make them afraid, it
makes them mad. They are apt to be defensive and suspi-
cious and find it difficult to trust anyone. They move from
aggressive to defensive attitudes, from self-justification to
criticizing others.
They require a great deal of tact and must strive to be
patient with themselves. At times they may just be look-
ing for someone upon whom they can unload their nega-
tivity. Often their energy reserves and immune system are
not good (their Ojas tends to be low). For this reason, they
may find it difficult to stand any criticism. They require
much nurturing, patience and consideration (water). They
Ayurvedic Counseling and Behavioral Modification 163 A

need to create a lifestyle in which they take care of them-

selves, and in which others can help them to do so. They
need a supportive environment and must allow other peo-
ple to share their work.
Vata-Pitta types are usually highly intelligent, howev-
er, and once they feel calm and supported they can effec-
tively implement a helpful line of treatment. However,
their volatility can always erupt and must be guarded
against. They must be consistent but gentle in their life-
regimens and avoid excesses of all types. They benefit from
a maternal (Kapha) force that grounds them.


Pitta-Kaphas have both energy (fire) and stability

(water) and are generally the strongest physically of the
different types. They have good resistance and are general-
ly very healthy. They are strong and content in who they
are and what they do. Psychologically, they are also strong
and they are the least likely to seek out a therapist unless
they have been unsuccessful in life.
Pitta-Kapha types lack adaptability and flexibility (air).
They prefer to be dominating and controlling and tend to
be conservative and possessive. This leads them to eventu-
al suffering and frustration because most of life must
remain beyond our power. They often break down later in
life after they have failed in some major enterprise. In their
case, such failures are often blessings in disguise and help
them look within.
While they may be successful in the outer world, they
may have difficulties in spiritual practices unless they
learn to develop lightness, detachment and surrender.
They require more activity, creativity and new challenges
(more Prana). They need to learn to move on from what
Ayurveda and the Mind

they have succeeded in and not get caught in power and

control. Once settled in a line of treatment, they do well
unless they get attached to their progress. For this reason
it is best for them to have some variety in their treatment
and not turn their therapy into a new form of achievement
or acquisition.


Vata-Kapha types lack energy, motivation, passion, and

enthusiasm. They simply do not have the fire to get going
in life, however much they may want to. They are often
weak, passive, dependent, hypersensitive, and extremely
yin. They will agree with what they are told but will lack
the energy to put it into action. They are both emotional-
ly and mentally (nervously) unstable, easily disturbed and
frightened. They possess amorphous or chameleon person-
alities and will appear as you want them to be. Their judg-
ment and discrimination tends to be poor and they easily
get carried away by wrong associations or emotional influ-
On the positive side, Vata-Kapha types are sensitive,
humble and adaptable. They can be highly artistic, imag-
inative or creative. They are considerate of others. They
have no violence or ill-will toward anyone but blame
themselves. They tend to be naive and need to be more
realistic about other people and their motivations. They
have to be careful not to let themselves be used or con-
trolled. For this they need to be more assertive and chal-
lenge their fears.
They respond to warmth and firmness but it is hard for
them to be consistent in their responses. They must learn
to develop clarity, motivation and determination. They are
most likely to develop dependency on their therapists and
Ayurvedic Counseling and Behavioral Modification 165

become addicted to their problems. However, once they

turn their deep sensitivity in the right direction, they can
contact inner sources of love and grace and themselves
develop healing powers.

Vata-Pitta-Kapha Types

In some individuals, all three biological humors exist in

relatively equal proportions. Treatment for them usually
involves dealing with the biological humor currently out
of balance. On a psychological level as well their condition
can be changing. They need adaptability in their treat-
ment and comprehensiveness of approach. Generally it is
best to deal with any Vata problems they may have first,
particularly through psychological therapies, because Vata
is the most likely of the biological humors to cause prob-
lems. Pitta problems can be dealt with second, because
these are the next problematical, and Kapha problems
third because these are the least.

Balancing Therapy for the Mind

The Ayurvedic method of treatment is to relieve a neg-

ative condition by applying therapies of an opposite
nature. If Vata (air) is too high, for example, its qualities
of coldness, dryness, lightness and agitation will be elevat-
ed. This manifests in symptoms like cold extremities, dry
skin, constipation, loss of body weight, or insomnia.
Opposite therapies, like a rich nutritive diet, warm oil
massage, rest and relaxation, are necessary to counter these.
The same principle holds true for the mind. A psycho-
logical imbalance is treated with opposite qualities to
restore balance. This method for the mind is called Prati-
paksha-Bhavana in Sanskrit.'" It has been translated as
"thinking thoughts of an opposite nature.' However, its
Ayurveda and the Mind

implications go beyond our surface thinking patterns. It

means to "cultivate a balanced state of consciousness." For
example, if our minds are disturbed by anger, we must cul-
tivate peace. This requires not only thinking peaceful
thoughts but taking in peaceful impressions, visualizing
peace between ourselves and others, doing prayers for
peace, and intentionally acting toward others, even our
enemies, in a peaceful manner. It requires a complete
lifestyle discipline.
Our consciousness is the result of the food, impressions,
and associations to which we have become accustomed. It
is reinforced by our actions and expressions. Whatever
external force conditions us, we make it our own by
expressing it. For example, if I am surrounded by anger as
a child, I will likely become an angry person. When I act
in an angry manner, then this anger, whose original impe-
tus was external, becomes part of my own nature and auto-
matic responses.
The influence of our daily lives creates a subtle imprint.
It colors our consciousness just as a dye colors a cloth. This
permeation of our consciousness by the subtle influences of
our lives predisposes us to certain attitudes, which deter-
mine our mental happiness or unhappiness. The food,
impressions and associations that we habituate ourselves
have a permeating effect upon the mind. This permeating
action goes deeper than our conscious thoughts. Most of it
affects us on a subconscious level, as we note through how
advertising manipulates us by appealing to instinctual
responses like sex. To counter these deep-seated tenden-
cies, an opposite type influence is required, an appeal to
the subconscious but directed in a higher way toward heal-
ing and wholeness.
To change harmful mental conditions, we must culti-
vate an opposite way of consciousness, which means to ere-
Ayurvedic Counseling and Behavioral Modification 167

ate an opposite way of living. For example, if we are

depressed we should eat vitalizing food. We should open
ourselves up to the vital impressions of nature: the trees,
flowers, and sunshine. We should associate with people
who are creative and spiritual. We should not cultivate the
thought that we are depressed. Rather we should cultivate
the thought that we have energy, that we are not depen-
dent upon anyone or anything else to make us happy. This
requires understanding the part of our nature that is inher-
ently free from psychological problems, our deeper Self.
According to Vedic thought, our original nature is
good, beneficent and full. We are nothing but the Divine
Self in incarnation. However, we obscure our original
nature through contact with external conditioning factors.
We take on a false or artificial nature, an ego identity that
leads to sorrow. Whatever problem we have psychological-
ly is not our true nature but a superimposition, a result of
wrong conditioning; to look at it Ayurvedicly, it is just an
expression of mental indigestion.
We often naturally try to counter our psychological
problems with opposite influences, but in the wrong way,
and therefore fail. For example, if we are depressed, we
look for someone to cheer us up. If we cannot find such a
person we get more depressed. Or we look for a stimulant.
We drink coffee or alcohol, or take an anti-depressant.
Such external stimulants breed dependency and leave us
more depressed when they are not at our disposal. The
method we are trying is correct, which is to counter our
negative condition with an opposite positive energy, but
our application is faulty. We are relying on substances that
merely mask our condition but cannot resolve it. We are
not ourselves creatively and consciously participating in
the process. We must create a positive energy within our
168 Ayurveda and the Mind

own mind and behavior to counter negative psychological

conditions. We can benefit from positive external influ-
ences but should avoid those which breed addiction or
This cultivation of a balanced state of mind should not
be confused with simple positive thinking. It is more than
that. It requires not just thinking we are happy when we
are sad, which may be only a fantasy, but also changing the
conditions that make us unhappy, including our thoughts
and our actions. We should not cover over thoughts of
unhappiness with thoughts of happiness, but affirm the
deeper happiness at the core of our being. For a balancing
therapy to work, we must know how the qualities of
things affect us. The following chapters examine the role
of food, impressions, and associations so we can apply
them to return to this original state of harmony that is
inherent in our original nature.
11. The Cycle of Nutrition

for the Mind:

The Role of Impressions

ow can we have a healthy mind? How can our

H consciousness, like the body, become strong,
flexible, resilient and enduring? Just as there
are rules for creating physical health, so there are
creating mental health. Most importantly, just as the body
needs the right nutrition for health, so does the mind.
The mind is an organic entity, apart of Nature, and has
its cycle of nutrition that involves taking in substances to
build it up, like impressions, and releasing waste materi-
als that can become toxins, like negative emotions. Food
for the mind, like that for the body, creates the energy that
allows it to work. Like the body, the mind has its proper
exercise and expression, which requires the right food to
sustain it.
Though most of us consider how we feed our bodies, we
seldom consider how we feed our minds. We are often so
caught up in our emotional impulses that we do not nour-
ish our minds properly. As a result, our minds become dis-
torted. Their natural urge toward light and knowledge
becomes warped into seeking pleasure and self-aggran-
dizement. To change the mind, we must change what we
feed it. Unless what we put into the mind changes, we
cannot change what comes out of it. But what are the sub-
stances that feed the mind? Unless we know this we can-
not go very far in treating the mind.
170 Ayurveda and the Mind

In this chapter we will examine in detail all the main

factors of mental nutrition and mental digestion. Various
methods will be provided to improve our mental nutrition
and increase our capacity of mental digestion.

Physical — Food

The first level of nourishment for the mind comes

through the food we take in, which provides the gross ele-
ments of earth, water, fire, air and ether. The essence of
digested food serves to build up not only the brain and
nerve tissue but also the subtle matter of the mind (note
chapter on Diet and Herbs). The five gross elements build
up the physical body directly and, indirectly, the mind.
For example, the earth element in the food we take, like
proteins, builds the heavy matter of the body, like the
muscles, and helps ground and stabilize the mind through
increasing the earth element within it.

Subtle — Impressions

The second level of nourishment for the mind comes

through the impressions and experiences we take in
through the senses. Through the senses we take in impres-
sions from the external world: the colors, shapes, and
sounds around us, which constitute the subtle elements.
The five sensory potentials directly build up the outer
mind (Manas) and indirectly the inner mind or deeper con-
sciousness (Chitta). Sensory impressions color our
thoughts and affect our feelings. The mind (Manas) itself
brings in mental and emotional impressions that most
strongly affect it.
The Cycle of Nutrition for the Mind 171

Corresponding Gross and Subtle Elements

1) Earth smell

2) Water taste

3) Fire sight

4) Air touch

5) Ether sound

6) Mind mental and emotional impressions

Causal — Gunas

The third and deepest level of nutrition for the mind,

which determines the nature of our deeper consciousness
(Chitta), is through the three gunas of Sattva, Rajas and
Tamas. The gross and subtle elements (food and impres-
sions) affect our deeper consciousness according to their
constituent gunas. Most importantly, we are affected by
the gunas of the people we associate with at a heart level.
After all, our relationships make the greatest impression
upon us. This is why right relationship is so crucial in
treating the mind. Our deeper consciousness is the level of
the heart.
The gunas are the primal level of matter (Prakriti) and
cannot be destroyed, but they can be transformed, which is
what our food, impressions and associations affect. Sattvic
food, impressions and associations activate the Sattvic
qualities of consciousness like love, clarity and peace. Raja-
sic food, impressions and associations activate its Rajasic
qualities like passion, criticalness and agitation. Tamasic
food, impressions and associations activate the Tamasic
qualities of insensitivity, ignorance and inertia. Chitta, our
deeper consciousness, is the ultimate product of digestion
of food, impressions and associations. To have a healthy
A172 Ayurveda and the Mind

consciousness requires that we consider all three levels of

nutrition. Impressions and associations go together as the
basic factors of our experience.

Mental Digestion

We must not only consider the nature of the food we

take in but also our capacity to digest it. Even if we take
good food, if our digestion is weak, it may turn into tox-
ins. The mind, like the body, has its digestive power or
digestive fire (Agni) which is intelligence (Buddhi).
The mind exists to provide experience and liberation
for the soul. Experience that we have digested or under-
stood brings freedom and allows for the expansion of
awareness, just as food we have digested releases energy
that allows us to work. Experience that we have not digest-
ed becomes a toxin and initiates various pathological
changes in the mind, just as undigested food causes the
disease process in the physical body. Just as well-digested
food brings physical happiness and undigested food causes
disease, so well-digested experience brings mental happi-
ness, and poorly digested experience causes mental disor-
The mind has its own pattern of digestion which
resembles that of the physical body.

1. Outer Mind and Senses — Gathering of Impressions

The five senses bring in impressions, much like the

hands and the mouth bring in food. These are gathered in
the outer mind (Manas), which organizes them but does
not have the power to digest them. The outer mind corre-
sponds to the stomach in the physical body, which gathers
and homogenizes food but cannot fully break it down or
absorb it.
The Cycle of Nutrition for the Mind 173

2. Intelligence — Digestion of Experience

Once the outer mind has gathered and homogenized

our impressions, intelligence (Buddhi) works to digest
them. Intelligence is the Agni or digestive fire for the
mind and corresponds to the small intestine as a physical
organ. Intelligence digests impressions and turns them
into experiences. It turns present events into memories.
Proper mental digestion depends upon proper function
of intelligence, through which we discern the truth of our
experience from its outer names and forms. It enables us to
take in the Sattva guna from our experiences and release
their Rajasic and Tamasic components. Wrong mental
digestion occurs when we are unable to break down the
names and forms of our experience into truth energies.
Then the undigested names and forms accumulate in the
mind and block its perception. We mistake the appearance
of things for their meaning or truth content.51

3. Consciousness — Absorption of Experience

Once intelligence has digested our impressions, they

pass in the form of experience or memory into our deeper
consciousness (Chitta), which they affect according to their
qualities (gunas). Experience absorbed in the deeper con-
sciousness becomes part of its fabric, just as the food
digested becomes part of the tissue of the physical body. II
our experience is not digested properly, it damages the
substance of the mind, just as undigested food damages
the tissues of the body. Experience that we have digested
does not leave a mark or scar upon the mind in the form of
memories, but allows us to function in life with peace and
Let us examine some examples of this process. If we sec
a beautiful sunset with an open heart this impression is
Ayurveda and the Mind

easily digested and leaves an energy of light and peace in

our deeper consciousness. If someone attacks or robs us,
however, our mind gets disturbed. The experience is hard
to digest, and leaves a residue of anger, frustration or fear.
Our lives are filled with many such examples. Undigested
experiences re-arise from our subconscious, influencing
our current state of mind, until we understand and resolve

The Three States of Waking, Dream, and Deep


In the waking state we gather impressions through the

outer mind (Manas) and senses. In the dream state we
digest impressions through our inner intelligence (Bud-
dhi) and these are reflected through our subtle senses in
the form of various dreams. In deep sleep, the residue of
our digested impressions, reduced to seed form, becomes
part of our deeper consciousness (Chitta).
Our dreams show the process of mental digestion.
Good dreams reflect good mental digestion. Bad dreams
show poor mental digestion?2 Similarly, good deep sleep
reflects a well-developed body of consciousness. Inability
to sustain deep sleep shows a poorly developed body of

Detoxification for the Mind

Detoxification is just as necessary for the mind as it is

for the body. Yet for detoxification to begin we must first
stop taking toxins into ourselves. For mental well-being,
there must be first a prevention of wrong impressions and
experiences from entering into our consciousness, just as
for physical well-being we must avoid wrong food.
The Cycle of Nutrition for the Mind 17

Second, there must be a strong intelligence to digest

impressions properly. We must strive to avoid negative
experiences as much as possible. When we cannot do this,
we must have enough intelligence to digest even disturb-
ing impressions, which are not always avoidable. Elimi-
nating toxins from the consciousness involves stopping
their intake, which requires control of the mind and sens-
es. Then it requires directing the light of intelligence
within to bum up the wrong experiences we have already
Just as fasting from food helps detoxify the body, so
fasting from impressions detoxifies the mind. Once the
intake of impressions ceases, consciousness, whose nature
is space, will naturally empty itself out. Its contents will
come up to the level of the intelligence which can then
digest them properly. This requires deep thinking, inquiry
and meditation. When the outer mind and senses are calm
and quiet, our inner thoughts arise. Deep-seated habits
and memories float to the surface. If we leam to observe
and understand them, we can let them go, but this
requires that we are willing to be free from them.

Physical Level of Detoxification — Pure Diet

Toxic accumulations of the gross elements, mainly

earth and water, are eliminated from the physical body
through ordinary elimination channels of excretion, urina-
tion and sweating. Special Ayurvedic detoxification mea-
sures help us release excesses of the three Doshas along
with these waste materials." Fasting is another important
measure, which allows the body to bum up toxins. Special
herbs can help as well.
176 Ayurveda and the Mind

Subtle Level of Detoxification — Pranayama

Negative impressions (the subtle elements) are elimi-

nated mainly through Pranayama or yogic breathing exer-
cises, which create a special type of sweating that releases
excess subtle water and earth elements (taste and odor).
Ordinary sweating therapies help in this process, includ-
ing use of sweat lodges, steam baths, saunas and diaphoret-
ic (sweat-inducing) herbs. Sweating therapy is part of
Ayurvedic Pancha Karma therapy, which aids in the purifi-
cation of the subtle as well as the gross body. Fasting from
impressions (Pratyahara) is another helpful method,
which, like fasting from food, allows undigested and toxic
impressions to be released. Crying, a sincere flow of tears
reflecting a real change of heart, is another way that the
mind can be purified of negative emotions.

Causal Level of Detoxification — Mantra

The gunas are the core level of matter and are inde-
structible. There is no release of the gunas from conscious-
ness (Chitta) but they can be transformed. Toxic accumu-
lations of the gunas (excess Rajas and Tamas) can be
changed into Sattva. This occurs through mantra or sound
therapy. Sattvic mantras like OM help change the Rajasic
and Tamasic patterns in our deeper consciousness and
make it Sattvic. They change the fabric of the Chitta and
make it receptive to higher influences.

Cultivating the Field of Consciousness

Consciousness (Chitta) is a field and like the earth has a

feminine and creative quality. What we put into it, in
terms of our life-experience, is how we cultivate this field.
According to how we cultivate it, so things will grow
within it. If our field of consciousness is cultivated with
The Cycle of Nutrition for the Mind 111

good food and impressions, then bad habits and impulses

will not have a favorable environment in which to take
root. If we take in bad food and impressions, then even
good thoughts and impulses will have no favorable ground
on which to grow.
We can again draw a physical comparison. If we build
up our bodily tissues with wrong food, the tissues them-
selves will be damaged or deficient. Once the structure of
the body is damaged, it becomes difficult to maintain
health. Similarly, consciousness has its substance that is
created through time. If it is wrongly developed, like a
wrongly grown tree, it can require much time and effort to
fix, if it can be fixed at all.
Consciousness is also like a deep well. What we take in
through the senses and mind are like the things that we
throw into the well. We do not see the effects of what we
take in because the well is so deep. Yet whatever we throw
into the well of consciousness grows according to its
nature and will eventually impel us to act. Nothing that
we put into our consciousness remains static or has no
effect. Consciousness is fertile and creative. Whatever we
deposit in it has its progeny, which we will have to deal
with for good or ill.
We must be very careful in how we feed our minds. The
results will manifest over time, after which it may be too
late to reverse if these are negative. We must constantly
guard our consciousness and what we put into it. We must
treat it like a delicate flower that requires proper soil and
nutrients. We must protect it from wrong influences and
associations as if it were a child. This requires a clear intel-
ligence and a consistent life regimen in harmony with our
Ayurveda and the Mind

Factors of Mental Nutrition

For treating disease, physical or mental, we must con-

sider the following factors of nutrition: 1) Proper food and
drink; 2) Proper air and right breathing; and 3) Proper
impressions. Proper food, drink and air nourishes the
physical body and the Pranas. Proper impressions nourish
the outer mind and senses. Our impressions serve as vehi-
cles for the feelings, emotions, beliefs, values and attitudes
that nourish our intelligence and deeper consciousness.
For properly nourishing the mind, Ayurveda employs
certain techniques involving positive impressions, emo-
tions, thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. The physical side of
mental nutrition or food is dealt with in the chapter on
diet and herbs. The use of the breath is examined in the
chapter on Yoga relative to Pranayama. In the remainder of
this chapter we will examine internal factors that affect the
mind, primarily various types of impressions.

Sensory Impressions

The senses are our main gates to the external world,

through which we take in not only sensory but mental and
emotional influences. The proper and balanced use of the
senses makes us healthy and happy. The improper, exces-
sive or deficient use of the senses makes us unhealthy and
disturbed. Our senses are constantly feeding us with
impressions, which determine who we are and what will
we become.5'
We are constantly bringing in sensory impressions of
all types that must affect us in their different ways. We
spend much of our time taking in special sensory impres-
sions through various forms of recreation and entertain-
ment. However, most of the time we are so engrossed in
the world of the senses, like watching a movie, that we fail
The Cycle of Nutrition for the Mind 179

to step back and examine what is happening to us through

our sensory interactions.
The intake of impressions is a subtle form of eating in
which certain nutrients are taken in from external objects.
This we can easily observe by seeing how our daily impres-
sions reverberate in our minds when we sleep through the
kinds of dreams that they create. For example, if we have
been caught in hectic traffic in a noisy and polluted part of
a large city, our minds will also feel noisy and polluted. On
the other hand, positive impressions, like those gathered
during a hike or walk in the woods, will make the mind
feel expansive and peaceful.
However, many people today, including those in the
medical field, do not accept that sensory impressions influ-
ence the mind. This debate is most noticeable in the issue
of television violence, which many people claim does not
make those who watch it more violent. To Ayurveda, this
is like saying the food we eat does not affect our health.
Ayurveda states that the impressions we take in affect our
behavior directly. Watching television violence may not
make us overtly violent, but it does not make us non-vio-
lent. And it certainly makes us dull and dependent upon
external stimulation of a distorted nature.
The mind is very sensitive to impressions. Our impres-
sions feed our life-force and motivate our actions. Dis-
turbed impressions cause disturbed expressions. Peaceful
impressions cause peaceful expressions. Only if we have a
great deal of inner awareness can we effectively ward off
the negative impressions that we all must contact to some
Impressions are taken in by the outer mind based upon
its receptivity to them. They are judged or digested by the
intelligence and their residue is deposited in the feeling
Ayurveda and the Mind

nature or consciousness. There, any residue of wrong

impressions become inherent as an obstruction in the men-
tal field, which gives rise to various wrong perceptions and
actions. We do not automatically absorb sensory influ-
ences. We can discriminate them away through the prop-
er function of intelligence. This requires discerning their
truth and not getting caught in their glamour.
There is a whole science of impressions. Just as the food
we eat can be examined through our digestion and elimi-
nation, the effects of impressions can be observed in vari-
ous ways. Many mental disorders arise from the intake of
wrong impressions and can be cured through the intake of
right impressions. As it is easier to change our impressions
than to alter our thoughts and emotions, impressions allow
us perhaps the simplest way to change the entire mental

Signs of Proper Intake of Impressions

acuity of sensory functioning

control of the imagination
deep sleep with few or with spiritual dreams
lack of need for entertainment
clear perception, capacity for creative expression
mental lightness, peace and luminosity

Signs of Improper Intake of Impressions

improper functioning of the senses

disturbed imagination
disturbed sleep, frequent or agitated dreams
craving for violent or disturbed entertainment
unclear perception, lack of creativity
mental heaviness, disturbance and darkness
The Cycle of Nutrition for the Mind 181 >

Positive and Negative Impressions

The main source of positive impressions is Mother

Nature herself — the impressions gained from the sky,
mountains, forests, gardens, rivers and ocean. Is there any-
one who is not elevated by being in beautiful natural sur-
roundings? A great portion of our modem psychological
unrest is simply due to alienation from Nature that
deprives us of the impressions natural to our mental well-
being. Instead of taking in positive natural impressions,
we fill the mind with artificial sensations from our artifi-
cial world. Just like junk food affects the body, such "junk
impressions" must distort the mind.
We can create our own positive impressions. Much of
what is called good art is an attempt to create a higher
level of impressions that reflect our inner being. Religion
aims at this through ritual, mantra or visualization.
Any impression apart from nature, genuine art or spir-
ituality must have some negative consequences. The main
source of negative impressions today is through the mass
media, though not all mass media impressions are bad.
Impressions gained in artificial environments like roads or
cities are also disturbing. Those gained in personal con-
flicts or other problems with people can also be very neg-
Negative impressions, like junk food, become addict-
ing. As junk food has little real nutritional content or nat-
ural taste, it must be made palatable by adding large
amounts of salt, sugar or spices. As it has no real nutri-
tional content, we are compelled to take more of it, trying
to gain some nourishment from it. The spice for negative
impressions is sex and violence. Because there is no real life
in mass media impressions, we must give them the illusion
of life by portraying the most dramatic events in life.
Ayurveda and the Mind

We can take in positive impressions in two ways: first

in terms of the immediate home environment, second in
terms of the general environment, which includes the
workplace, society and the world of nature. To nourish the
mind, we must have beauty and harmony in our home
environment. We must have a place of peace and happi-
ness. To bring this about, it may be necessary to create a
sacred or healing space in the house. There are various
ways to do this. Generally a room should be set aside for
spiritual and creative activity. An altar can be set up with
pictures of deities or gurus, sacred objects like statues,
gems or crystals, or harmonious shapes, colors or geomet-
rical designs. Incense, flowers, fragrances, bells or music
can be used. Some prayer, meditation or relaxation should
be done daily at this place.
Ideally our house should be a temple, but at least one
portion of it should be kept as a place of healing and med-
itation where we can go to be renewed. We should resort
to such a healing room whenever our physical or mental
energy is drained. In severe cases, a patient may have to
stay in such a healing room for extended periods.
In terms of our external environment, we must reestab-
lish our communion with nature. We should spend a cer-
tain amount of time regularly in communion with nature.
We can go hiking, camping or merely work in the garden.
We must draw into our lives the energy of the sky, moun-
tains, plains and waters. We must link up with the cosmic
life-force that alone has the power to heal our individual
life-force. Our individual life-force cannot heal itself if it
becomes a closed system, apart from Nature.
We must bring higher impressions into our workplace.
Perhaps a small portion of it can be made into an altar or
at least a garden. We must bring higher impressions into
The Cycle of Nutrition for the Mind

our social interaction. This can be done by going to spiri-

tual places like temples, doing chants, rituals or medita-
tions in a group.

Impressions to Reduce the Three Doshas

The following pages provide an outline of impressions

to reduce the Doshas. These are explained in detail in the
appropriate chapters on diet, herbs, aromas, color therapy,
mantra, Yoga and meditation.

Vata-reducing Impressions

Nature: sitting or walking quietly and peacefully

by a garden, forest, river, lake or ocean, particularly
where it is warm and bright

1. sound — calming music and chanting, classical
music, chanting, peaceful silence

2. touch — gentle and warming touch or massage,

using warm oils like sesame or almond

3. sight — bright and calming colors like combi-

nations of gold, orange, blue, green, white

4. taste — rich and nourishing food abounding in

sweet, salty and sour tastes, with moderate use of
5. smell — sweet, warm, calming and clearing fra-
grances like jasmine, rose, sandalwood, eucalyptus
Ayurveda and the Mind

Activity: gentle exercise, Hatha Yoga (particularly

seated and inverted postures), Tai Chi, swimming,
hot tubs (but do not stay in too long), relaxation,
more sleep

Emotional: cultivating peace, contentment, fear-

lessness and patience; releasing fear and anxiety,
having the support of good friends and family with
regular social interaction

Mental: anti-Vata mantras like Ram, Hrim or Shrim,

concentration exercises, strengthening memory

Spiritual: meditation on strong, benefic, happy or

peaceful deities like Rama and Krishna, or protec-
tive forms of the Divine Mother (like Durga orTara)
or Divine Father, prayers for peace and protection,
developing discrimination and insight

Pitta-reducing impressions

Nature: sitting or walking by flowers, river, lake or

ocean, particularly when it is cool; walking at night,
gazing at the night sky, moon and stars

1. Sound — cooling and soft music like the sound
of flutes, sound of water
2. Touch — cooling, soft and moderate touch and
massage with cooling oils like coconut or sun-
The Cycle of Nutrition for the Mind 185

3. Sight — cool colors like white, blue and green

4. Taste — food that is neither too heavy nor too
light, abounding in sweet, bitter and astringent
tastes, with few spices except those that are cool-
ing like coriander, turmeric and fennel
5. Smell— cool and sweet fragrances like rose, san-
dalwood, vetivert, champak, gardenia or jasmine

Activity: moderate exercise, walking, swimming,

cooling Asanas like shoulder stand

Emotional: cultivating friendship, kindness and

courtesy, promoting peace, forgiveness, compassion
and devotion; releasing anger, resentment, conflict
and hatred

Mental: anti-Pitta mantras like Shrim, Sham or Ma,

practicing non-judgment and acceptance, listening
to other people's points of view

Spiritual: meditation on benefic and peaceful

deities like Shiva (in his peaceful form), Vishnu or
benefic forms of the Divine Mother (like Lakshmi);
prayers for universal peace, cultivating surrender
and receptivity

Kapha-reducing impressions

Nature: vigorous hiking or walking in dry or desert

regions, high mountains, or on sunny and windy
days in open areas
Ayurveda and the Mind

1. Sound — stimulating music, strong and ener-
gizing sounds, singing
2. Touch — strong, deep body massage with dry
powders or stimulating oils like mustard
3. Sight — bright and stimulating colors like yel-
low, orange, gold and red
4. Taste — light diet emphasizing pungent, bitter
and astringent tastes with liberal use of spices,
occasional fasting
5. Smell — light, warm, stimulating and penetrat-
ing fragrances like musk, cedar, myrrh, camphor
and eucalyptus

Activity: strong aerobic exercise, jogging, sun-

bathing, wind-bathing, saunas, reducing sleep

Emotional: cultivating detachment, service to oth-

ers and selfless love; releasing greed, attachment,
and clinging

Mental: anti-Kapha mantras like Aim, Krim or

Hum, cultivating wakefulness, mental exercises and
games (like chess), breaking with the past and with

Spiritual: meditation on active or wrathful Deities,

including strong forms of the Divine Mother (like
Kali) or of the Divine Father (like Rudra), medita-
tion on the Void or on the inner light

12. Outer Treatment Modalities:

Diet, Herbs, Massage and

Pancha Karma

reating the mind is unlikely to be successful if

Twe do not also consider the condition of the
body. In this chapter we will examine the phys-
ical treatment methods of Ayurveda and how they
used relative to the mind. These begin with the most basic
factors, which are diet, herbs and massage. Because they
are explained in detail in regular Ayurveda books, we will
only examine them generally.


The food that we eat affects not only our body but our
entire state of mind. As is the quality of our food, so
becomes the quality of our consciousness. Similarly, unless
we change our diet, we are unlikely to be able to change
our consciousness. We can all easily observe how different
foods affect us. Food that is heavy, like steak, makes the
mind heavy and can cause irritability, dullness and depres-
sion. Food that is light, like fruit or salads, makes the
mind light, and in excess causes lightheadness and insom-
nia. Food that is balanced and full of the life-force, like
whole grains and cooked vegetables, improves sensory
function and promotes mental harmony and clarity. If we
want to calm our emotions or raise our state of conscious-
ness, we cannot ignore the food we eat or our dietary
188 Ayurveda and the Mind

Diet is one of the most important therapies in Ayurve-

da. In fact, Ayurvedic treatment begins with the proper
diet. The physical body, after all, is made up of food which
builds the tissues. While diet is not central to treating
psychological conditions, it cannot be ignored. An
Ayurvedic diet can be a very helpful factor for treating the
mind. This section does not aim at outlining a complete
Ayurvedic dietary therapy. That can be gained from other
books on Ayurveda.5' Here we will deal primarily with the
mental and emotional effects of food.
Food provides three levels of nutrition: 1) Physical
(outer level) — five elements; 2) Mental (inner level) —
sensory and mental impressions; and 3) Spiritual (core
level) — three gunas.
Food itself is a physical substance composed of the five
elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether. It provides the
first or physical level of nutrition directly, the other two
indirectly. The second and third levels of nutrition occur
on the levels of the mind (Manas) and consciousness (Chit-
ta) respectively. This was discussed in the chapters relating
to sensory therapies and the functions of the mind.
However, because food affects the other levels of our
nature through a physical medium, it takes its influence
deep into the unconscious. Food nourishes the vital force
that sustains autonomic and instinctual reflexes. Through
the vital force, the effects of food can reach the emotional
urges embedded in our deeper consciousness. Through the
vital-force, the food drives us to particular activities,
according to its nature. For example, if we eat a lot of
meat, which is permeated with the influence of harm to
other creatures, this will promote aggressive and perhaps
violent actions on our part.
During the process of eating, our life-force and mind
Outer Treatment Modalities
'89 A

open up and are exposed to environmental influences. Our

Prana becomes exposed. While eating we become vulnera-
ble to impressions and feelings from the world around us.
We are strongly influenced by people while eating with
them, particularly in social circumstances, like in a restau-
rant. We are not only what we eat but whom we eat with,
as well as where we eat.
The impulses of the unconscious are the hardest part of
awareness to change and the source of the hidden fears and
desires that most disturb us. Therefore we should not
underestimate the power of food to affect either our
thoughts or our behavior. Control of diet aids in the con-
trol of the subconscious and the release of its contents. As
psychological problems are rooted in the unconscious, diet
should not be overlooked in treating them.
Most psychological problems reflect our dietary habits,
either in what or how we eat. They cause us to eat wrong
food or to eat in a wrong or irregular manner. All imbal-
ances of the mind disturb the digestive system through the
nervous system. Correcting diet helps clear out the uncon-
scious habits that sustain our mental unrest.

Levels of Nutrition Through Food

Food provides nourishment through all the five ele-

ments, predominantly earth. The six tastes of food help
build up the respective elements in the body and mind (see
table below).
190 Ayurveda and the Mind

Element In Nourishes
Earth Solid food Internal organs, muscles, skin,
bones and other earth predomi
nant tissues
Water Liquid food Mucous membranes, secretions,
plasma, fat, And drink nerve,
reproductive and other liquid
predominant tissues
Fire Heat, sunlight and Blood, digestive fire, and fire
fire element in food predominant enzymes and
digestive juices
Air Breath and the air Vitalizes nervous system, promotes
element in food discharge of impulses and
Ether Space in breath and Clears and nourishes mind
in food and senses

Along with the food we eat, we take in various sensory

impressions, the most evident being the taste of the food,
although smell, texture, and sight also come into play.
Additional subtle impressions come in through how the
food is grown and prepared, as well as the atmosphere and
state of mind in which it is eaten. This is part of the sec-
ond or mental level of nutrition.
Food, like all things in the universe, consists of the
three cosmic qualities of Sattva (balance), Rajas (agitation)
and Tamas (resistance). These are reflected in both the ele-
ments and impressions gained through the food. These
constitute the third or core level of nutrition, which
Ayurveda emphasizes through a Sattvic diet.

Sattvic Diet

Ayurveda emphasizes a Sattvic diet for healthful living,

particularly for keeping our minds happy and at peace.
Outer Treatment Modalities

Sattvic diet was originally devised for the practice of Yoga

and the development of higher consciousness. It aids in the
treatment of mental disorders because it helps restore har-
mony and balance (Sattva) to the mind.
The prime factor in a Sattvic diet is vegetarian food. If
one follows a vegetarian diet, one goes a long way toward
a wholesome diet for the mind. This means avoiding meat
and fish, and all other foods caused by harming animals.56
Red meat is the worst in this regard, particularly beef.
Yet being a vegetarian does not require following a
strict raw food diet, living only on salads and fresh fruit.
The cerebrospinal fluid has an oily nature and needs cer-
tain rich foods to sustain it. Nutritive vegetarian foods like
whole grains, seeds, nuts, and dairy products help build
the brain tissue and develop Ojas. Raw foods, like salads
and greens, detoxify the body and increase Prana, but are
not adequate to sustain our energy over long periods of
time, particularly if we do physical work or movement.
Sattvic diet means not only vegetarian food, but food
rich in Prana (life-force) like organic fresh fruit and veg-
etables. It requires avoiding canned and processed food,
and foods prepared with chemical fertilizers or sprays. It
also means properly cooked fresh food. Even if we cook
food, we should make sure that it is fresh to begin with,
eaten at the same meal and not overcooked.
It takes time for the effects of dietary changes to mani-
fest on the mind. Changing our diet may not impact our
psychology overnight, but in a period of months can affect
it significantly. A number of psychological disorders can
be cured, or at least alleviated, by following a Sattvic diet
as outlined in the appendix. While it may not be possible
to follow a strictly Sattvic diet, we should at least orient
our food habits in that direction. For psychological imbal-
ances, we should consider diet more seriously.
A 192 Ayurveda and the Mind

Sattvic Diet and the Six Tastes

Ayurveda recognizes six tastes, each of which is

composed of two of the five elements:

Sweet earth and water

Salty water and fire

Sour earth and fire

Pungent fire and air

Bitter air and ether

Astringentearth and air

Sweet is the primary Sattvic taste because it is nurtur-

ing and harmonizing, reflecting the energy of love. Pun-
gent, sour and salty tastes are Rajasic (stimulant-irritant)
because they activate the senses and make the mind extro-
verted. Bitter and astringent tastes are Tamasic in the long
term because their effect is to deplete the vital fluids.
However, we need all six tastes to various degrees. The
right balance of tastes itself is Sattvic. This consists of food
that is pleasant, but not overly sweet, in taste like grains,
fruit and sweet vegetables, along with moderate use of
spices, salt and condiments, and taking only bitter and
astringent articles for necessary detoxification. Sattvic diet
is mild and even in qualities, not going to any extreme of
Pungent taste irritates the nerves by its stimulating
and dispersing property. Sour and salty tastes aggravate
the emotions through heating the blood. Bitter and astrin-
gent tastes can make us ungrounded and dry out the ner-
vous system. However, a number of sweet spices, like gin-
ger, cinnamon and cardamom, are Sattvic and help clear
the mind and harmonize emotions. Some special bitter
herbs, like gotu kola, are Sattvic. Bitter taste helps open
Outer Treatment Modalities 193

the mind because it is composed of the same basic ele-

ments of air and ether.
Too much of any taste becomes Tamasic or dulling.
This is particularly true of sweet taste, which is heavy in
nature. We have all experienced the dulling effect of eat-
ing too many sweets. Complex carbohydrates are better for
the mind than raw sugars. Pure sugars over stimulate the
pancreas. They require the pancreas to work hard to keep
blood sugar levels down when they enter the blood and,
when they leave the blood, make it work hard to keep the
blood sugar level up. This can cause mood swings and
emotional imbalances. Because sweet taste is Sattvic or
love-promoting, we indulge in it in order to compensate
for lack of love in our lives.
Excessive eating is Tamasic, while light eating is
Sattvic, though light eating can be Rajasic if food intake is
not adequate to ground the mind. Overweight is a Tama-
sic state, causing dullness and heaviness in the mind, while
underweight is Rajasic, promoting hypersensitivity and

Rajasic and Tamasic Diets

Rajasic and Tamasic foods disturb or dull the mind and

produce unrest and disease. We should understand them in
order to avoid them. Rajasic food is excessively spicy, salty
and sour: like chilies, garlic, onions, wines, pickles, excess
salt, mayonnaise, sour cream, and vinegar. Food too hot in
temperature is Rajasic. Rajasic food is usually taken with
stimulating (Rajasic) beverages like coffee or alcohol. It
may be eaten in Rajasic circumstances, as when we are hur-
ried, disturbed or agitated.
Tamasic food is stale, old, recooked, rancid, artificial,
overly fried, greasy or heavy. It includes all "dead food,
Ayurveda and the Mind

meat and fish, particularly pork, animal fats and animal

organ parts. Canned and artificial foods tend to be Tama-
sic. Excess intake of fats, oils, sugars and pastries is Tama-
sic. White sugar and white flour have a long-term Tama-
sic or clogging effect (though short term white sugar is
Rajasic). Food that is too cold is also Tamasic and weakens
the digestive fire.
Rajasic foods cause hyperactivity and irritability,
increase toxins in the blood, and promote hypertension.
They disturb the senses and cause the emotions to fluctu-
ate. Tamasic foods cause hypoactivity, lethargy, apathy,
excess sleep, accumulate phlegm and waste materials.
They dull the senses and keep the emotions heavy and

Sattvic Diet with Diets for the Three Humors

Sattvic diet can be modified for best effect according to

the three biological humors of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. One
should follow the diet for one's constitutional type,
emphasizing those articles which are Sattvic and avoiding
those which are Rajasic or Tamasic.57 By combining a diet
for increasing Sattva along with one for reducing one's bio-
logical humor, diet becomes a powerful tool for improving
health. For specific psychological problems, more special-
ized diets may be prescribed. For specific information on
Sattvic food types, note the appendix.


Herbs are Mother Nature's primary medicine and carry

her healing energies to keep our system in balance.
Ayurveda is primarily an herbal medicine. Ayurvedic
books explain herbal qualities and energetics in detail.5"
Here we will focus on how herbs can be used in a simple
Outer Treatment Modalities

way relative to the mind. Herbs affect the mind more

directly than food, though they are milder and safer in
action than chemical drugs. They can be very important
tools for healing the mind. While all herbs have some
effect on the mind, certain herbs are nervines and possess a
special action on the brain and nervous system.
Herbs work over a period of time, though shorter than
that of food. Up to one month may be necessary for the
effect of mild herbs to manifest, particularly those used for
their nutritive effect. The exception is strong stimulant
herbs (like cayenne or ma huang) which have an immedi-
ate effect.

Herbs in Ayurvedic Psychology

Ayurveda's integral psychology stresses first of all

appropriate diet. On top of this, special herbs are helpful
if not indispensable. Diet has a general role and provides
the foundation on which herbs can work. Without the
proper diet, even the best herbs will be limited in what
they can do. Herbs are used for fine tuning diet and for
shorter, but stronger therapeutic actions?9 To understand
the Ayurvedic view, it is necessary to understand the
effects of the six tastes on the mind.6"

The Six Tastes and the Mind

Bitter Taste

Bitter taste is composed of air and ether elements,

which are the same elements as predominate in the mind.
Bitter herbs open the mind, make consciousness more sen-
sitive, and increase its functional capacity. They have a
cooling, calming, detaching and expanding effect on the
Ayurveda and the Mind

Those suffering from mental dullness, heaviness, heat

and toxicity should use more of the bitter taste. However,
bitter taste should not be used by those suffering from
hyperactivity, nervous exhaustion, debility or unground-
edness. It is more for short term usage or in small dosages.
Typical Bitter Nervines include betony, chamomile, gotu
kola, hops, manduka pami, passion flower, and skullcap.

Pungent Taste

Pungent or spicy taste is composed of fire and air ele-

ments and activates these in the mind. As the most fiery of
the tastes, pungent is best for increasing Tejas and intelli-
gence. Pungent herbs stimulate the mind and promote cir-
culation in the brain. They help develop clarity, perception
and reasoning ability.
Pungent herbs are good for those suffering from men-
tal dullness, depression, congestion, and lack of motiva-
tion. They should generally be avoided by those suffering
from anger, insomnia, restlessness, or hyperactivity. They
often work better in combination with sweet tonics, which
ground and stabilize their effects.
Most pungent herbs serve as nervine stimulants. Spicy
herbs open the mind and senses, clear the head and sinus-
es, relieve headache, muscle spasms and nerve pain. Some
are more specifically nervine than others, particularly
those that help clear the sinuses. Typical herbs of this type
include basil, bayberry, calamus, camphor, cardamom,
eucalyptus, hyssop, peppermint, pippali, rosemary, saffron,
sage, spearmint, thyme, and wintergreen.
Though most pungent (spicy) herbs are stimulating, a
few are calming or sedative in nature. These are often
strong and earthy in taste. They are particularly good for
Vata. Such herbs are asafetida, garlic, jatamansi, nutmeg,
valerian, and lady's slipper.
Outer Treatment Modalities 197

Classified within pungent taste are certain strong

nervine stimulants owing to the special alkaloids they con-
tain. These herbs help us stay awake and focused, but can
also irritate the nerves. They are useful in a limited way in
conditions of depression or dullness, but can aggravate
insomnia, restlessness and anxiety, or increase nervous
debility. Herbs in this category are coffee, damiana,
ephedra, ma huang, tea, and yohimbe.

Sweet Taste

Sweet taste is composed of earth and water elements. It

is used for grounding, calming and nutritive purposes for
the mind and nerves, and can have rejuvenative effects.
Such herbs are usually not strongly sweet in taste but only
mildly so. Those suffering from congestion or depression
should avoid sweet tonic nervines because these slow and
consolidate our energy. The most important tonic nervines
are ashwagandha, bala, vidari, gokshura, licorice, lotus
seeds, sesame seeds, shatavari, and zizyphus seeds.

Salty Taste

Salty taste is composed of water and fire elements. This

gives it sedative and grounding properties. It is not a com-
mon herb taste but occurs in seaweeds and sea shells. It is
mainly used for conditions of nervous debility or hyperac-
tivity, which are primarily Vata conditions. Ayurveda con-
tains special preparations of various sea shells and coral.
Calmative Nervine Salts and minerals include black salt,
conch shell powder (shankha bhasma), kelp, oyster shell
powder (mukti bhasma), pearl powder (moti bhasma), red
coral powder (praval bhasma), and rock salt.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Astringent Taste

Astringent taste is composed of earth and air. It is lit-

tle used for nervine purposes but can help heal nerve tissue
and stop spasms. There are a few special nervines that help
calm and heal the mind. Such astringent nervines are bay-
berry, frankincense, haritaki, nutmeg, myrrh, and guggul.

Sour Taste

Sour taste is composed of earth and fire. It is not much

used for nervine purposes but is a mild stimulant and can
help counter depression and dizziness. Sour substances like
vinegar and alcohol help extract the alkaloids in some
herbs and become the base of herbal wines and tinctures.
Among sour nervines are amalaki, lime, tamarind, and

Cleansing and Tonic Nervines

Herbs work as nutritive and cleansing agents on two

primary levels. Nutritive agents are tonics that build up
the tissues. These herbs contain mainly earth and water
elements, like food, but of a subtler or predigested type.
Cleansing agents are detoxifiers that facilitate natural
cleansing processes, like sweating or urination. These
herbs usually predominate in fire, air and ether elements.
The following are the main cleansing actions herbs can
have on the nervous system.
Expectorants and Decongestants: These herbs clear
mucous (Kapha) from the head, which obstructs the func-
tioning of the brain and senses, help open the channels of
the nerves and sinuses and relieve pain. Such are bayberry,
calamus, camphor, cinnamon, eucalyptus, ginger, pepper-
mint, pippali, and wintergreen.
Outer Treatment Modalities 199

Alternatives and Antipyretics: These promote blood

circulation, reduce heat and toxins from the brain. Such
herbs may also promote urination, which aids in cleansing
the nervous system through the blood. Typical herbs of
this type include gotu kola, manduka pami, passion
flower, sandalwood, skullcap, guggul, and myrrh.
Sedatives: These possess specific anti-pain properties
and counter high Vata (air) conditions of insomnia, anxi-
ety, fear and pain. Typical of such herbs are asafetida, gar-
lic, jatamansi, lady's slipper, shankha pushpi, and valerian.
Tonic and rejuvenative agents strengthen our inter-
nal organs, tissues, systems and energies. Those that
strengthen the body as a whole or the vital force improve
the mind indirectly. Some are specifically tonics for the
mind. Below are some of the main tonic herbs on different

Tonics for the Biological Humors

Vata: amalaki, ashwagandha, bala, garlic, licorice,

shatavari, vidari

Pitta: amalaki, aloe gel, bala, gotu kola, red coral,

licorice, lotus seeds, shatavari

Kapha: aloe gel, ashwagandha, elecampane, garlic,

guggul, myrrh, pippali, shilajit

Rejuvenatives for the Mind61: calamus, gotu kola,

manduka pami, shankha pushpi

Taking Herbs

Herbs can be used to treat mild complaints and as gen-

eral tonics for the mind. For this, their dosage should be
about one gram of the powder or one teaspoon of the cut
and sifted herb per cup of water, taken two or three times
Ayurveda and the Mind

a day. High dosages of herbs or powerful herbs should be

given by a practitioner. Herbs vary their action according
to the medium (anupana) with which they are taken.
Below we list the most important and commonly used of
these mediums.
Ghee: Ghee is clarified butter. It is made by cooking
butter (preferably raw and unsalted) over a low flame until
all the milk fats settle to the bottom and the above liquid
is clear. Ghee is an excellent vehicle with which to take
nervine herbs. Ghee feeds the nerve tissue and guides the
effects of herbs into it. Ghee is taken with tonic herbs to
improve their nutritive properties and with bitter herbs
for strengthening their cooling effects.
Honey: Honey has decongestant, expectorant and
nutritive properties. It helps clear the head, mind and
senses. It is a good vehicle to take with pungent or spicy
nervines like bayberry, calamus, ginger or pippali.
Milk: Taking an herb in a milk decoction increases
both its tonic and calmative properties. A quarter-tea-
spoon of nutmeg taken in a cup of warm milk, along with
a little ghee, is a mild sedative-relaxant. A teaspoon of ash-
wagandha with a little nutmeg in a milk decoction is a
good nervine tonic. Gotu kola prepared in milk is a mild
herbal tonic. However, we should try to get good quality
milk, raw if possible.


Tinctured herbs, owing to the properties of alcohol

which are subtle and penetrating, have a more direct activ-
ity on the brain. The alcohol increases their anti-Kapha
effects. Usually a mixture of half pure alcohol and half dis-
tilled water is used. Alcohol extracts only the fire, air and
ether elements of which it is composed. It is best for stim-
Outer Treatment Modalities 201

ulant and detoxifying actions, not for tonic actions. It can

be boiled away for those wishing to avoid the alcohol.

Herbs and the Nose (Nasya)

One of the best ways to bring the effects of herbs into

the brain and nervous system is to apply them through the
nose. There are several ways to do this:

1) Aroma therapy and incense (discussed in a sepa-

rate chapter)

2) Application of oils to the nose:

Sesame oil can be put into the nose for its calming
and nurturing action. Ghee is especially good for
soothing the nerves and for countering allergies.
Coconut can be used in a similar manner. Apply a
few drops of these oils with an eye dropper while the
head is tilted. Or put some oil on the tip of your lit-
tle finger and apply gently inside the nose.

3) Snuff of the powders of various herbs:

Snuff of calamus powder is one of the best ways to

open the head and sinuses, stimulate blood flow to
the brain, and bring great acuity to the voice and the

Put some of the powdered herb on the outside of the

index finger and inhale, closing the opposite nostril
with a finger of the other hand.

Oil Massage

Oil massage (Abhyanga) is an important Ayurvedic

therapy not only for physical but for psychological condi-
tions. Oil massage is calming to the mind, nurturing to
the heart, and strengthening to the bones and nerves. We
Ayurveda and the Mind

should all get oil massage on a regular basis as part of a

healthy life regimen, as well as using them to treat various
Oils should be applied warm. They should be left on for
some time (at least fifteen minutes) for proper absorption.
Afterwards one can take a shower or steam bath to remove
the excess oil. To make this easier, apply a powder like
calamus to absorb the excess oil and then rub off the pow-
Sesame Oil: Sesame oil is specific for lowering high
Vata and increasing Ojas. It is very grounding and nurtur-
ing to the mind. Anti-Vata herbs like ashwagandha, cala-
mus, nirgundi, fennel or ginger can be cooked in it to give
it more strength.
Sesame oil can be applied to the head, hair, back or feet
for calmative purposes, particularly in the evening. The oil
should be left on for at least fifteen minutes, after which it
can be washed off during a warm shower. For all people
suffering from pain and anxiety, regular sesame oil mas-
sage is a must.
Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is specific for lowering high
Pitta. It is cooling and calming to the mind, nerves and
skin. Anti-Pitta herbs, particularly Brahmi (Gotu Kola) do
well prepared in this oil. Coconut oil can be applied to the
head, hair and sensory openings (like the ear drums and
nostrils), as well as used as a general massage oil.
Mustard Oil: Mustard oil is specific for lowering high
Kapha. It is wanning, stimulating and improves circula-
tion. It helps clear the channels of the lungs and head and
is good for mental dullness and depression. It can be used
as a general massage oil or massaged to cover regions, like
the lungs.
Outer Treatment Modalities 203

Pancha Karma

Pancha Karma is the main Ayurvedic method of physi-

cal purification. Owing to the subtle nature of its process-
es, it penetrates deep into the nervous system. It is useful
for psychological problems caused by excesses of the three
doshas. Yet it can also be helpful for psychological prob-
lems caused by internal factors, emotions and karma. It
consists of five main purification practices:

1) Therapeutic emesis for removing excess Kapha —

good for dealing with depression, grief and

2) Therapeutic purgation for removing excess Pitta

— good for dealing with anger;

3) Therapeutic enemas for removing excess Vata —

treats fear, anxiety, insomnia, tremors, nervous
system disorders;

4) Nasal cleansings that clear toxins from the head

— good for headaches, allergies, insomnia;

5) Blood-cleansing for removing toxic blood, gener-

ally anti-Pitta.62

For these procedures to work properly, the doshas must

first be brought to the sites from which they can be elim-
inated from the body: Kapha to the stomach, Pitta to the
small intestine and Vata to the large intestine. This
requires a period, generally a minimum of seven days, of
daily oil massage (snehana) and steam therapy (svedana).
Oil massage and steam therapy loosen up the toxins in the
deeper tissue and allow them to flow back into the gastro-
intestinal tract for their elimination. Pancha Karma is
available at a number of Ayurvedic clinics throughout the
United States. It can be sought out by those requiring such
deeper cleansing.
13. Subtle Therapies:

Colors, Gems and Aromas

n the next chapter the most important sensory

I treatments of Ayurveda will be introduced. As the
mind is fed by sensory perception, by altering our
sensory inputs we can change our mental and emotional
condition. Try some of these suggestions for yourself and
see how you can improve what you think and feel simply
through opening up to different sensory impressions.

Color Therapy

What would life be without color? Perhaps no other

sensory potential so immediately affects, or we could say
colors, our perception as does color. Color is a powerful
tool for attracting our attention, shaping our moods and
communicating our emotions. Color draws and catches the
mind and orients it in a particular direction. Color thera-
py is one of the main sensory therapies for all mental and
spiritual healing. It is the basis of gem therapy, which
directs color on a subtle or occult level. Colors can be com-
bined with mantra, geometrical forms and other sensory
therapies for added effect.
We take in color through the light absorbed through
the eyes. Color provides nutrition for the mind and life-
force, vitalizing the blood and increasing our perceptual
capacity. Color is the sensory quality corresponding to the
element of fire, which is why bright colors arouse our
Ayurveda and the Mind

motivation or our anger. Color can be used to regulate the

fire element on a subtle level, strengthening mental circu-
lation and digestion. Color affects all the other elements
and can be used to harmonize them. Life is unimaginable
without color and all actions color us one way or another.
Not only do we absorb colors, we also produce colors in
both body and mind. Physically, the body has its pigmen-
tation and complexion that reveals our state of health. In
the disease process, discolorations arise on the skin like
jaundice, pallor, skin rashes, or black or brown spots. Sim-
ilarly, the mind when disturbed produces discolorations of
various types. These may be bad dreams, wrong imagina-
tions, or general disharmonious emotional tones like
anger, anxiety and attachment. Countering these internal
discolorations with the appropriate harmonious colors
returns us to health and well-being. The wrong colors
derange mental activity and the right colors restore it.

Colors and the Biological Humors

The simplest way to use color therapy is relative to the

three biological humors. In this regard, colors are like
spices, which also predominate in fire.


Vata does best with colors that are warm, moist, soft
and calming, opposite in qualities to its cold, dry, light
and hyperactive nature. This is accomplished by combin-
ing warm colors like gold, red, orange and yellow with
moist and calm colors like white or whitish shades of green
or blue.
Excessively bright colors, like flashy yellows, reds or
purples aggravate the nervous sensitivity of Vata types.
Too strong color contrasts overstimulate Vata, like red ver-
Subtle Therapies 207 ~
L \j...

sus green or black. Too many dark colors like gray, black
or brown devitalize Vata, although under certain condi-
tions they may help ground it. Iridescent or rainbow col-
ors, as long as they are not too bright, are very balancing
for Vata. Colors for Vata are best given in shapes and tex-
tures that are round, soft, square or balanced, not thin,
narrow, rough or harsh. Generally Vatas do better with
more color in their lives.


Pitta does best with colors that are cool, mild and calm-
ing, opposite its hot, light and aggressive tendencies.
These are primarily white, green and blue. Pittas should
avoid colors that are hot, sharp or stimulating, like red,
orange and yellow.
However, very bright colors, like neon tints, tend to
derange Pitta, including too much green or blue. Pittas do
best with mild shades, like pastels, or with neutral colors
like gray or white. Pitta types do well having less color
around them or by the absence of color. For example, med-
itating upon the dark night sky with the stars is good for
them. Yet they should avoid jet black color, although gray
is fine. Pitta types should avoid colors in angular, sharp
and penetrating forms and angles. They need round, soft
shapes. They generally do better being more restrained in
their use of color.


Kapha does best with colors that are warm, dry and
stimulating to counter its properties of coldness, damp-
ness, heaviness and lack of movement. Kapha types do well
with bright shades and strong color contrasts. They do
best with warm colors like orange, yellow, gold and red.
Ayurveda and the Mind

They should avoid too much white or white shades of cool

colors like green or blue, but can use these (except white)
in brighter or more lucid hues.
Rich shades, like rich foods, derange Kapha. For Kapha
types, colors should be bright, clear and transparent, not
deep or dark. Colors which are sweet should be avoided,
like pink or baby blue. Angular and pyramidal shapes are
good for Kapha, which should avoid round or square
forms. Kaphas do better with more color as long as it is
light and luminous.

Colors and the Gunas

Not only does the specific color matter, its quality

according to the three gunas must be considered as well.
This factor is important for psychological conditions
because color affects mental nature more directly than it
does the biological humors. While color is a helpful heal-
ing substance, it should not be used in excess. It can ener-
gize, but it also easily becomes disturbing because its basic
quality is Rajas. All colors should be Sattvic in nature:
subtle, pleasant, harmonious, mild and natural. Such mod-
erate use of color has a soothing effect and does not agitate
Rajasic colors are bright, loud, flashy and artificial, like
neon signs. Their shades are bright, penetrating or metal-
lic. Their contrasts are excessive, like combinations of
opposite colors such as red and green or blue and yellow.
Rajasic colors overstimulate and irritate the mind and
senses. They should be used with discretion, particularly
to counter Tamasic conditions.
Tamasic colors are dull, dark, turbid, murky, like a
stagnant green or simply too much gray or black. They
make the mind and senses heavy, congested and inert.
Subtle Therapies 209

They should be avoided except for short term usage for

people who are too hyperactive (have too much rajas).
White itself is the color of Sattva, whose nature is puri-
ty. Red is the color of Rajas that is dominated by passion.
Black is the color of Tamas which is under the rule of dark-
ness. However, all colors have shades that can belong to
any of the three gunas. In addition, their combinations
may produce an effect that can increase any guna.

Color and Tejas

Colors work particularly on Tejas, the vital essence of

fire, which gives warmth, courage, fearlessness, compas-
sion, insight and intelligence. Bright colors increase Tejas;
dark colors reduce it. Colors which are too bright over-
stimulate and cause it to bum up Ojas, making us pas-
sionate, angry, irritable or overly critical. The right use of
colors balances Tejas and keeps us clear and focused in our
action and perception.
One of the easiest ways to increase Tejas in its Sattvic
qualities is to meditate upon a ghee flame or a golden
light. Tejas relates specifically to the saffron color (the
color of the robes worn by Hindu Swamis) and can be
stimulated by that as well. Excess Tejas, like conditions of
anger, can be alleviated by the use of white or deep sky

Application of Colors

Color therapy can be applied through an external color

source. It can be visualized internally in the mind, which
may begin with contemplation of the color externally.
Color lamps can be made by placing colored glass over a
light bulb. A soft light is preferable, avoiding florescent
bulbs or neon colors. The color shades should be mild and
Ayurveda and the Mind

harmonious. The body as a whole can be bathed in light of

the particular color or we can bathe a specific part of the
body, like putting an infectious sore under a dark blue
light. For this purpose, smaller lights can be made or
lamps that allow both wide and narrow focus.
Color can be applied through the clothes we wear, the
colors in our house, and those in our environment. The
colors used in a meditation room are particularly impor-
tant. We can open ourselves to the colors in Nature, like
meditating upon the blue sky or blue water, white snow or
the white light of the moon, or green trees and grass. We
can meditate upon flowers of different colors: the white
lily, the red rose or hibiscus, the yellow chrysanthemum or
sunflower, the blue iris. The harmonious shape of flowers
aids in the effect of color. We can meditate upon various
forms of colored glass, art works, mandalas or illuminated
manuscripts. We can meditate upon fire and its various
colors or do various fire rituals (homa or agnihotra).

The general rule is that impressions gained through nat-

ural sources are preferable to those gained by artificial

Color therapy works better when we visualize the col-

ors in our own minds. We can then direct colors to various
parts of our body, different chakras, or to our mental and
emotional environment, like surrounding ourselves with a
golden light.
Color therapy must be applied over a period of time for
it to have a significant effect. Exposure to external color
sources should be done fifteen minutes a day for a period
of a month to have the proper effect. Visualization and
meditation on specific colors should be done for a similar
period of time. At the same time, we should avoid expos-
Subtle Therapies

ing ourselves to disharmonious colors and impressions,

like the Rajasic and Tamasic colors of television and

Gem Therapy

Gems are more than wonderfully beautiful creations of

Nature. Their beauty reflects a subtle power and a connec-
tion with the mind and astral body. Vedic sciences afford
great importance to gems, particularly for their healing
and energizing properties. Gems can be used long-term to
protect and vitalize both body and mind. They strengthen
our aura and align us with the healing forces of Nature.
Though Ayurveda uses gems,63 in the Vedic view gems are
understood primarily through astrology.

Astrology and Psychology

Astrology has traditionally had a medical and psycho-

logical aspect. Vedic astrology is used along with Ayurve-
da for healing the mind. The astrological birth chart
reveals the nature and destiny of the soul, not merely the
state of the body or ego. The astrologer must also deal with
psychological issues. Knowledge of Ayurveda can aid in
this process.6*
Vedic astrology employs the same language as Ayurve-
da, with the gunas, doshas, elements and functions of the
mind. Vedic astrology can provide a good prognosis of the
development of psychological problems, as well as suggest
astrological measures (like mantras, gems, rituals and
meditations) for countering them. Medical astrology is a
subject in itself.
In Vedic astrology, gems are correlated to the planets
and used to balance their influences in the treatment of
physical, mental and spiritual disorders. Gem therapy is
Ayurveda and the Mind

the main method of astrological treatment. Gems are worn

externally as rings or pendants. According to the Vedic
system, rhe fingers of the hand and the planets correspond.

Index finger Jupiter

Middle fmgerSaturn

Ring fmger Sun

Little fmger Mercury

By wearing gems relating to the planets on the appro-

priate fingers, we can strengthen their influences. For
those planets not ruling a fmger, the fmger ruled by
friendly planets can be used. Venus is a friend of Saturn
and Mercury. The Moon is a friend of the Sun and Jupiter.
Mars is a friend of the Sun and Jupiter. It is always best if
the gems are set so as to actually touch the skin.
Gem preparations can also be ingested internally for sim-
ilar purposes in Ayurveda. However, for internal usage,
gems are specially treated by complex processes to render
them safe and non-toxic to the physical body. Gem prepara-
tions are used in Ayurvedic medicines today. While they are
not available in the United States, we can take gem tinctures
that do not actually involve ingesting the mineral.
Gem tinctures, like herb tinctures, are prepared by
soaking the gem for a period of time, generally about two
weeks, in a 50-100% alcohol solution. Hard gems like dia-
mond or sapphire can be soaked for one month (from full
moon to full moon). Soft, usually opaque gems, like pearl
and coral, are soaked for shorter periods of time or in weak-
er solutions.
Subtle Therapies

Planetary Colors

Each planet projects a color of the cosmic creative ray.

We can also use color therapy along astrological lines to
balance the effects of the planets.

Sun- bright red

Moon white

Marsdark red

Mercury green

Jupiter yellow, gold

Venus- transparent, variegated

Satumdark blue, black



Gems and the Planets

The classical Vedic correspondences between the major

precious gems (and substitute gems) and the planets and
their use as psychological remedies are as follows:
Ayurveda and the Mind

Planet Precious Substitute Remedies

Gems Gems
Sun Ruby spinel, garnet, Self-esteem, energy,
sunstone leadership
Moon Pearl moonstone, calms mind &
cultured pearls emotions, gives love
& peace
Mars Red Coral strengthens will &

Mercury Emerald peridot, green gives balance of mind.

tourmaline, green judgment &
zircon, jade perception
Jupiter Yellow Sapphire yellow topaz, wisdom, strength,
citrine creativity
Venus Diamond white sapphire, gives sensitivity,
clear zircon, clearlove & imagination
quartz crystal,
white coral
Saturn Blue Sapphire amethyst, lapis gives detachment,
lazuli patience &
North node Hessonite garnet gives clear perception,
(Dragon's (golden grossularite) good judment &
head) sound thinking
South node Cat's Eye gives insight, focus
(Dragon's tail) (chrysoberyl) & concentration

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were not known to the

ancients. Pluto appears to relate to dark stones like black
coral or onyx. Neptune has much in common with opals,
particularly the iridescent type. Uranus has much in com-
mon with the dark blue Saturn stones like amethyst.
Because most of the main planetary gem stones are very
expensive, less expensive stones can be used as substitutes.
Subtle Therapies
2'5 A

As red coral is not expensive, substitution for it is not nec-

essary. Generally, primary gemstones require at least one
carat of a good quality stone, while three carats is prefer-
able. For secondary gemstones, three carats is minimum,
five is preferable, or ten or more is good if worn as a pen-

Use of Gems in Ayurveda

While gems have an action on the physical body, their

main action is on the life-force. Not all strongly relate to
one of the biological humors. Many, as subtle remedies,
can help balance all three humors. We can also direct or
balance their humoral action according to the metal we set
them in (which serves as their vehicle). For usage in psy-
chology, gems are long-term remedies that help balance
the mind and astral field.65
Substitute gemstones possess the same properties as
primary ones but to a lesser degree. The more expensive
gem stones should be worn as rings in two or more carats.
The less expensive or substitute are better in four or more
(and larger stones yet can be used, particularly for pen-
dants or necklaces).

Mineral and Gem Preparations

Ayurveda uses a number of special mineral preparations

(rasas and bhasmas). These consist of various specially pre-
pared minerals, some which are toxic in the unprepared
state, for internal usage. The preparation for some miner-
als is relatively simple, for others it is a very complex phar-
maceutical process.
These are often used for conditions involving the mind
and nervous system. They include such minerals and met-
als as gold, silver, tin, mica, borax, iron, lead, sulfur, mer-
Ayurveda and the Mind

cury, and gems like quartz crystal, diamond, pearl, coral,

emerald, and ruby. Their use is outside the scope of this
book, but they are important for Ayurvedic treatment of
the mind. Metals and minerals have a stronger and more
direct action upon the mind than herbs, but have to be
prepared properly.

Aroma Therapy

Have you ever been upset or distressed and then hap-

pened to smell a fragrant flower or incense and noticed
how your mood changed, at least temporarily, for the bet-
ter? The use of fragrant oils and incense to soothe the mind
and promote meditation are well known. Aromas have a
great power to stimulate, calm or heal. Perhaps nothing
like a fragrance can quickly change our immediate envi-
ronment, affecting us down to a physical level. The right
aromas promote calm and help us drop the negative
thoughts and emotions that disturb us.
Aroma therapy consists of the use of fragrant oils to
promote the healing process. It includes the use of incense,
flower essences and essential oils. Aroma therapy is an
important, though supplementary, therapy of Ayurveda,
used mainly for treating the mind. It aids in concentration
and meditation, calms the emotions, soothes the nerves
and improves peace of mind. Here there is only the space
to introduce this important subject.
Fragrance is the sensory quality that belongs to the
earth element. Fragrance itself makes up the subtle earth
element. Through the right use of fragrances, we can puri-
fy the earth element and open up its higher potentials,
helping us forget the earthly involvements that weigh so
heavily on our minds. Relating to the subtle earth element
fragrances as subtle foods, we can nourish and ground the
Subtle Therapies 217

subtle body (or body of impressions). Though aromas pre-

dominate in earth, they contain aspects of all the elements
and stimulate all the subtle senses. The proper aromatic
oils bring favorable astral influences, like those of gods and
angels, into our psychic field and improve our psychic
Aromatic substances have a harmonizing affect upon
the mind, aid in the balance of the three humors and the
three vital essences of Prana, Tejas and Ojas. They
strengthen the immune system, help counter negative bac-
teria and viruses, and remove stagnant air. They help clear
negative emotions and astral pathogens (including nega-
tive thoughts from others). They increase positive emo-
tions like love, joy and happiness and strengthen our moti-
vation, determination and creativity. They improve our
capacity for reception, perception and discrimination.
Aromatic oils contain large amounts of Prana, the cos-
mic life-force, which they impart to us. They cleanse and
open the channels, allowing for the circulation of energies
in the nervous system, senses and mind. They serve as cat-
alytic agents to promote the right movement of the life-
force on all levels. As all disease involves some disturbance
or obstruction in the life-force through the Prana, aromas
help treat all diseases. However, used in excess, aromatic
oils can aggravate the humors (though less so than herbs).


Aromatic oils can be made into incense. This is usually

the simplest method of aroma therapy and the one most
common in Ayurvedic books. All forms of incense can be
used for aroma therapy. Aromas derived from tree resins,
barks, or branches (like cedar, juniper or sagebrush) can be
burned directly or indirectly (as on charcoal for resin) as
Ayurveda and the Mind

incense. Other aromatic oils require special processing to

turn them into incense.
Incense can be used in various ways. We can directly
inhale the incense for stronger effect or just use it to puri-
fy and beautify our air and environment. The residue from
incense creates a protective film on a subtle level that
lingers long after the smell has dispersed.
Some fragrant herbs can be specially burnt on different
sites of the body. This is the common method of moxibus-
tion in Chinese medicine, which uses mugwort in this way,
usually burnt on a slice of fresh ginger. Ayurveda uses
turmeric and calamus in a similar way. The essential oil of
the plant is able to penetrate by the power of the heat.


Aromatic oils are usually applied externally. They can

be taken internally but generally only if they are diluted
properly. However, one should NEVER take the pure
essential oil of a plant internally. A teaspoon of almost any
essential oil, even mint, is enough to bum a hole in the
stomach and can be fatal. Essential oils are volatile, irritat-
ing and destmctive of the mucous membranes. They
should not be placed directly on the mucous membranes or
into the eyes.
Externally, aromatic oils can be placed on special sites
on the skin. Most of these are on the head, like the third
eye, the top of the head (site of the crown chakra), the tem-
ples (for headaches), the root of the nose (for sinus prob-
lems), behind the ears, or on the neck — places where they
can be easily smelled.
One can put a drop of the oil on the back of one's hand
or wrist and smell it periodically. The pure oil itself can be
used or it can be diluted with alcohol, water or a heavier
Subtle Therapies

oil, like coconut or sesame. The powder of the herb may be

mixed with water and applied as a paste, like sandalwood
paste placed on the third eye or ginger paste on the tem-
Other important points are the heart, particularly in
the center of the chest or the center of the back opposite it,
the region of the chest (for lung disorders), the solar plexus
(for digestive disorders or to strengthen the will), the
navel, and the point of the sex center below the navel (for
sexual debility). On such places we may not smell the oils,
but they will affect various organs, systems or chakras by
their penetrating nature. Ayurveda recognizes various sen-
sitive points (mannas), mainly in these areas of the body,
which can be treated through aroma therapy.
Internally, oils are derived indirectly from herbal teas,
taken from the plant parts that contain the oils, like flow-
ers or leaves. Essential oils can be made into alcohol tinc-
tures, of which 10-30 drops can be taken internally with
wann water. Aromatic herbs can also be taken as powders
(though in powdered fonn their shelf life may not be very
Taken internally in the proper medium, aromatic oils
stimulate the mind and nervous system through the
tongue and sense of taste. For this reason, it is best to taste
the herbs and hold them in our mouths a minute before
swallowing them. In this way aromatic herbs can work
directly on the Prana in the head, just as when they are

Flower Fragrances and Spicy Oils

Aromatic oils are essentially of two basic types: flower

fragrances and spicy oils. Flower fragrances, like rose or
jasmine, are usually sweet in taste and cooling in energy.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Some are bitter-sweet, like jasmine or chrysanthemum.

Generally flower fragrances decrease Pitta and Vata but
increase Kapha. They elevate the emotions and both calm
and gladden the heart, stimulating the heart chakra. They
increase Ojas, the underlying energy reserve of the body
and mind, though in a mild way. Many of them, like jas-
mine and gardenia, strengthen the immune system and in
their cleansing action have natural antibiotic properties.
Flowers are an important part of anti-Pitta therapy because
they reduce hot emotions like irritability and anger and
clear heat and fire from the head.
Spicy oils, like cinnamon or musk, are usually pungent
in taste and warming in energy. They decrease Kapha and
Vata but can increase Pitta. They clear the head, sinuses
and lungs, stimulate the mind and senses and increase
Tejas, clarity and power of perception. They improve nerve
function and many are analgesic (stop pain), like camphor
and mint. They help open the third eye, activate both the
circulatory and digestive systems and clear the channels.
Such aromas are an important part of anti-Kapha therapy.
Aromas which are purely pungent, like camphor or
sage, are best for Kapha. Those which are pungent and
sweet, like cinnamon, ginger or cardamom, are better for
Vata. Some bitter spicy oils also exist, like wormwood and
vetivert. They are good for Pitta and often possess refrig-
erant (strongly cooling) properties.
As fragrant oils are light and strong in smell, in excess
they can aggravate Vata. They can cause feelings of light-
headedness, ungroundedness and hypersensitivity. They
are generally good for Vata only in the right dosage — one
that is not too high.
Subtle Therapies 221 /C\

Oils for the Three Biological Humors

VATA: Warming and pleasant oils are best, but not

too stimulating. Strongly pungent oils like musk or
cinnamon are balanced with sweet and calming oils
like sandalwood or rose. Best oils are sandalw'ood,
lotus flower, frankincense, plumeria, cinnamon, and
basil. These are good for Vata conditions of fear, anx-
iety, insomnia or tremors.

PITTA: Cool and pleasant oils are best, mainly

flower essences, though some cool spices or bitter
aromatics are useful. Best are sandalwood, rose,
vetivert, lemon grass, lotus, lavender, lily, saffron,
champak, gardenia, honeysuckle, and iris. These are
good for Pitta conditions of irritability, anger, or
mental conflict.

KAPHA: Hot spicy oils are best. These include

essential oils and resins like camphor, cinnamon,
heena, cloves, musk, sage, thyme, cedar, frankin-
cense and myrrh. These are good for Kapha condi-
tions of attachment, depression, and mental stagna-
tion. Sweet flowers like rose or jasmine should be
avoided, as well as too much sandalwood, because
these can increase Kapha.

14. The Healing Power of Mantra

ound has a tremendous power to condition our

consciousness for good or for ill. In fact, most con-
ditioning occurs through the medium of sound,
s particularly as words, from which derives the education

that structures our minds. Whether as words or music, no

other sensory potential has such a capacity to affect us.
Sound moves the mind and heart, influencing us on sub-
conscious, conscious and superconscious levels. It can reach
deep inside and touch our core desires and aspirations.
Our conditioning is nothing but the sound patterns to
which we have accustomed our minds. To reprogram the
mind, to remove its negative conditioning and replace it
with one that is beneficial — which is the essence of psy-
chological healing — the therapeutic use of sound is the
central tool. Mantra is not only a sensory tool for healing
the mind by using the power of sound and linking it with
meaning and feeling, but it also affects the very nature of
the mind and is part of the mind itself.
As human beings, we are primarily creatures of speech.
Our words are our main means of communication and
expression. The words we take in link us to the psycho-
logical patterns in others and the collective urges of soci-
ety. Our words also draw up the energies and ideas latent
in our psyche. Through words, our minds come together
and information of all types is transmitted from which our
action in life proceeds.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Sound is the sense quality that belongs to the element

of ether, the seed element from which the other elements
spring. Through sound, all the elements and senses can be
harmonized and controlled. Sound is the basis of our
bondage to the external world and also the means of free-
ing ourselves from it. Sound controls consciousness, which
shapes itself in the form of articulate sounds or words. As
ether is based upon the gross form of sound, consciousness,
which is like space, consists of the subtle form of sound,
which is thought or meaning.
Speech pervades all the elements, sense organs and
functions of the mind. There is nothing that we contact
with the mind or senses that we cannot express through
speech. Speech is the very power of the mind to express
itself; it is the power of knowledge to reveal what it knows.
Speech pervades the universe, which itself is the manifes-
tation of the Divine word.
Different sound formations make up the different func-
tions of the mind. The sound vibration of impressions and
information make up the outer mind (Manas). The sound
vibration of abstract knowledge, principles and ideals sus-
tains intelligence (Buddhi). The sound vibration of our
deepest feelings and intuition makes up the inner mind or
consciousness (Chitta). The ultimate source of sound is the
spiritual heart or center of consciousness, our true Self
(Atman) from which the eternal sound or Divine Word
ever arises. To change our sound patterns changes the
vibratory structure of our consciousness.


There are many ways to use sound in healing, from

counseling itself, which is largely verbal, to music. How-
ever, in Ayurvedic healing, the most important sound
The Healing Power of Mantra

therapy is mantra. Mantra means that which saves, trayati,

the mind, Manas. Mantra is the main and most direct
Ayurvedic tool for healing the mind, from its deepest lay-
ers to its surface actions.66
Mantras are specially energized sounds or words. They
may be simple single sounds like OM or special phrases or
prayers intoned or sung in various ways. Mantras are
repeated in a regular manner in order to empower them
and turn them into tools of psychological transformation.
All conditioning through words is a kind of mantra.
Any key word or phrase that we repeat, memorize and hold
deep inside ourselves is a kind of mantra. When we repeat
a thought of anger or hatred for another person, it is a dark
or Tamasic mantra. When we repeat our desires for success
and achievement, it is a Rajasic or disturbed mantra. Such
mantras do not heal the mind but perpetuate its patterns
of ignorance and agitation.
For truly healing the mind, Sattvic mantras, which aim
at dissolving the ego and promoting self-awareness, are
required. These are mantras bom of love and the seeking
of wisdom. Real mantra is quite different than the use of
words to subconsciously influence our behavior, like adver-
tising or propaganda, which promote ignorance and
attachment (Rajas and Tamas). Mantra is not a form of self-
hypnosis but a way of deconditioning the mind by break-
ing up unconscious sound and thought patterns through
those that reflect a higher tmth and energy.
Some may ask, isn't all conditioning of the mind
wrong? Shouldn't we seek to decondition the mind entire-
ly? This is a mistake and can never be accomplished. The
mind, as an organic entity, requires the right conditioning,
just as the body does. The body requires a specific regi-
men, with proper timing and manner of eating, exercise,
Ayurveda and the Mind

and sleep. The mind also requires a regimen of taking in

impressions, mental exercise and rest. If we fail to give the
proper conditioning to the mind, we will only give it the
wrong conditioning. The unconditioned is the goal, but
this exists in the true Self beyond the mind-body complex.
To achieve it, the mind-body complex must be put in the
proper Sattvic condition first. A deconditioned mind, like
an unconditioned body, will simply be out of control.

Mantra and Consciousness

Mantra means "the instrument of the mind" or "what

protects the mind." Control of the mind and the unfold-
ment of the hidden powers of the mind (siddhis) arise
through the power of the mantra. Mantra is the main
method of treating consciousness (Chitta) and is helpful
for healing all levels of the mind, inner and outer. It can
alter or eradicate deep-seated latencies and impressions.
For this reason, it is the main Ayurvedic therapy for treat-
ing psychological disorders and can be very helpful for
physical problems as well.
Mantra allows us to change the vibratory pattern of
consciousness. It is a direct method for dealing with the
mind. Methods relying on diet, herbs, impressions, or even
counseling, however useful, are indirect or external. It can
be far more helpful to regularly chant a mantra than to
analyze our psychological problems. The mantra changes
the energetic structure of the mind which dissolves the
problem, while thinking about the problem can reinforce
it. Mantra changes the energy of the mental field in a pos-
itive way. It is very different than analysis which, by exam-
ining the patterns of negativity and how they got that way,
may not alter them at all.
There is a background sound-pattern to our conscious-
The Healing Power of Mantra 227

ness. It may be a song we have just heard or the memory

of a painful or pleasurable event. Some movement of sound
is always going on inside us. Like the rhythm in music, it
determines the rhythm of our consciousness. The con-
scious use of sound can change that rhythm so that the
sound of our consciousness supports rather than detracts
from our awareness.
Our consciousness consists of deep-seated habits and
tendencies. These are the ruts in the field of our con-
sciousness created by repeated mental activity (Samskaras).
Mantra allows us to iron them out. When we repeat a
mantra for a long period of time, this creates an energy
that can neutralize the scars left from our distracted men-
tal activity and create a more powerful memory to override
Our memories are the subtle sound vibrations that we
retain in our consciousness. Memory in the psychological
sense — the internal record of hurts and fears — is undi-
gested sound. Such memory is misunderstood sound that
leaves a scar upon the mind. It is a vibration that cannot
be assimilated into the fabric of the mental field but
remains apart and produces changes that distort percep-
tion or lead to wrong action. Being constricted sound pat-
terns, memories and their pain can be neutralized by the
right mantras, which project a contrary sound energy that
breaks up their stagnation.

Sound and Emotion

Any sensation we take personally, that we like or dis-

like, produces an emotion from fear and desire to love and
hate. Sound, as the most primary sensory potential, gener-
ates the strongest emotions. Each emotion creates a partic-
ular kind of sound. More intense emotions usually demand
Ayurveda and the Mind

stronger sounds. We sing with joy, shout in anger, cry in

sorrow, groan in pain, and scream in extreme fear or pain.
Those who die violently scream loudly first, reflecting the
agitation of the life-force as it is prematurely cut off.
Sound is a vehicle for emotion, which it can either rein-
force or release.
The sound of our words carries an emotional force and
transmits an emotional message. It tells how we feel and
reveals our underlying psychological condition. This may
be different than the actual meaning of what we say.
Apparent statements of love may hide resentment, for
example, or statements of happiness may hide sorrow or
Negative emotion is nothing but a certain energy of the
life-force, which is trapped by our process of self-centered
consciousness. We must learn to release the energy bound
up inside emotions. Negative emotions owe their existence
to wrong usage of the energy of consciousness, which con-
sists of fixing our attention on the names and forms of the
external world and losing track of the greater field of exis-
tence. The release of negative emotion depends upon stop-
ping the process that produces them. This is to reclaim our
energy of attention and use it in a creative and conscious
way in the present.
Mantras, through their sound energy, produce a certain
emotional force or force of feeling. Through these energies
we can become conscious of our emotions. Through
mantra we can exercise our emotions. We can learn to play
with and master emotions, which are cosmic forces of
expression. We can learn how to creatively and conscious-
ly experience anger, fear, joy, or grief like an actor. We can
energize them and by degrees merge them into each other,
until our mind returns to its original state of pure feeling.
The Healing Power of Mantra 229 A

Mantra and Breath

Prana, the life-force, is the primordial sound vibration

behind the universe. There is a sound behind the breath,
which itself is unmanifest sound. Our words are created by
the outgoing breath. To combine mantra with the breath
is a powerful way of changing the energy of the mind. Our
emotional disturbances are linked up with wrong move-
ments of the life-force. Using mantra and Pranayama
together removes these (note section on Pranayama, par-
ticularly So'ham Pranayama).

Mantra and Meditation

Most of us fail at meditation because we have not prop-

erly prepared the mental field. Meditation in the true
sense, giving our attention fully to the object of our atten-
tion, requires that we already have a calm mind and con-
trolled attention. Conditioned as we are in the modem age
to entertainment, sensory indulgence and wishful think-
ing, this is something that we do not have. Mantra is the
way to prepare the mental field for meditation. It removes
the Rajas and Tamas in the mind, so that meditation,
which requires Sattva to proceed properly, can occur.
Mantra provides a vehicle to carry us forward in medi-
tation. Otherwise, distracted thought patterns disturb the
mind. Mantra gives energy to meditation. To try to put
the mind directly into a blank or silent state may be no
more than to put our attention into our subconscious,
where its dark tendencies can further inflict their pain
upon us. Mantra serves like a boat to take us across the
ocean of the unconscious. Mantra-prepared meditation is
easier, safer and more powerful than trying to meditate
directly. Once the mantra permeates the subconscious, the
Ayurveda and the Mind

subconscious will support meditation, providing it far

greater efficacy.

Energetics of Sound

Sounds possess specific physiological and psychological

effects. Just as hot or cold weather affects our body in a cer-
tain way, so do different sounds and how we repeat them.
However, the effects of external factors upon our body are
easier to observe than the effects of sound. Furthermore,
just as some people prefer heat while others like cool con-
ditions, so the effects of sound, though objective, are capa-
ble of diverse subjective interpretations. Once we know
the energetics of sounds we can apply them therapeutical-
ly like the use of herbs or foods.
Mantras are like Asanas for the mind. They give plas-
ticity and adaptability to the mind. They exercise the
mind's energy and give the mind poise and stability. As
asana controls the body and Pranayama controls the
breath, so mantra controls the mind. Mantra maintains the
strength and integrity of our mental field and sustains the
proper circulation of energies in it. This reduces our vul-
nerability to external conditioning, which, after all, is
based largely on names.
Mantra therapy primarily uses what are called "bija
mantras" or seed-syllables. These are prime sounds that
underlie the more diverse sound patterns of ordinary
speech. Though they sound simple and can be easily
repeated, they are reflections of a primordial energy that
cannot be exhausted.

Mantra Therapy

Mantras are the most important part of the spiritual

and mental therapy of Ayurveda. Ayurveda uses mantra
The Healing Power of Mantra 231

therapy to correct psychological and psychic disorders.

Such disorders are an imbalance of energy in the mental
field. A mantra of opposite energy is employed to neutral-
ize it. Mantras are effective tools for correcting mental
imbalances. They are easy to use and don't require any
painful or tedious deliberation about our condition.
Mantras help balance the biological humors of Vata,
Pitta and Kapha, and their subtle counterparts of Prana,
Tejas and Ojas. They help harmonize consciousness, intel-
ligence and mind. Mantras help clear subtle impurities
from the nerves and subtle channels (nadis). They aid in
concentration and creative thinking.

Application of Mantra

Mantras can be used by the healer to energize the heal-

ing process or by the patient to increase their own healing.
Mantras can function as channels to infuse the cosmic life-
force into our healing methods. They impart a spirit to the
forms that we provide, allowing for a truly integral heal-
ing process.
Mantras help purify the treatment room. The mantra
OM is effective for creating a healing space. HUM is good
for dissolving negative energies that may exist in the treat-
ment room. RAM can be used to bring the Divine light
and cosmic life-force into the healing room. Such mantras
can be chanted mentally by the healer over the client to
help clear them on a psychic level. Mantras like KRIM or
SHRIM can be used to energize the healing power of herbs
or medicines.
For mental or nervous disorders, it is important that
the patient or client chant the appropriate mantra. For
example, SHAM relieves pain, tremors and mental unrest,
HUM restores nerve function, counters paralysis, and
A232 Ayurveda and the Mind

improves expression, and SOM helps rebuild the cere-

brospinal fluid and nourishes the deeper mind.
Mantras must be pronounced properly, which may
require personal instruction. They must be done with care
as a sacred ritual, not as a mere pastime. To be effective, a
mantra should be repeated a minimum of a hundred times
a day for a period of at least one month. The magic of
mantra only arises after we have repeated it for some time.
Generally a mantra does not become fully empowered
until it has been repeated at least a hundred thousand
times per syllable of the mantra.67
Mantras can be repeated not only during meditation
but also during any time of the day when the mind is
unoccupied. It is good to repeat mantras before sleep to
promote right sleep and dreams and after waking up in the
morning to promote wholesome mental activity during
the day. Extended periods of mantra repetition can be done
like a mental fast or a clearing for consciousness. Repeat-
ing a mantra for an extended period gives a mantra bath
for the mind and clears it of any negative thoughts and
impressions. It is the best thing for cleaning the mind,
which is otherwise too dirty with its various self-centered
thoughts to concentrate on anything. A mind not cleansed
through mantra is unlikely to have the clarity for psycho-
logical peace much less spiritual growth.

Prime Mantras

OM: the most important of all mantras, it represents

the Divine Word itself. It serves to energize or
empower all things and all processes. Therefore all
mantras begin and end with OM. OM clears the
mind, opens the channels and increases Ojas. It is
the sound of affirmation that allows us to accept
The Healing Power of Mantra 233

who we are and open up to the positive forces of the

universe. OM is the sound of Prana and the sound of
the inner light that takes our energy up the spine. It
awakens the positive life-force (Prana) necessary for
healing to occur. It opens up all the potentials of

RAM (with an a-sound as in 'father'): an excellent

mantra for drawing down the protective light and
grace of the Divine. It gives strength, calm, rest,
peace and is particularly good for high Vata condi-
tions and mental disorders, including insomnia, bad
dreams, nervousness, anxiety, excessive fear and
fright. It strengthens and fortifies Ojas and the
immune system.

HUM: (pronounced with the 'u' sound as in our

word'put'): an excellent mantra forwarding off neg-
ative influences attacking us, whether disease-caus-
ing pathogens, negative emotions, or even black
magic. It is also the best mantra for awakening
Agni, either as the digestive fire or the fire of the
mind. It is good for burning up toxins, whether
physically or psychologically, and for cleansing the
channels. It increases Tejas and the perceptive pow-
ers of the mind (Buddhi) and gives control over our
desire nature. It is sacred to Shiva, the God of trans-
formation, and is the sound of Divine wrath.

AIM (pronounced 'aym'): a good mantra for improv-

ing concentration, right thinking, rational powers
and improving speech. It awakens and increases
intelligence (Buddhi), particularly in its creative
and expressive function (Buddhi-Manas coordina-
tion). It is helpful in mental and nervous disorders
A234 Ayurveda and the Mind

for restoring powers of speech, communication, and

enabling the learning process to go on. It aids in the
control of the senses and mind. It is the sacred sound
of the Goddess of Wisdom, Sarasvati.

SHRIM (pronounced 'Shreem'): an important

mantra for promoting general health, beauty, cre-
ativity and prosperity. Shrim strengthens the plasma
and reproductive fluids, nourishing the nerves and
increases overall health and harmony. It gives refine-
ment and sensitivity to the mind, helping us sur-
render to the truth.

HRIM (pronounced 'hreem'): a mantra of cleansing,

purification and transformation. It gives energy, joy
and ecstasy, but initially causes atonement and
realignment. It aids any detoxification process. It is
the main mantra of the Goddess or Divine Mother
and grants all her blessings.

KRIM (pronounced as in 'cream'): gives the capaci-

ty for work and action and adds power and efficacy
to what we do. It improves our capacity to make
positive changes in life. It is good for chanting while
making food or herbal preparations because it allows
them to work better.

KLIM (pronounced 'kleem'): gives strength, sexual

vitality and control of the emotional nature. It
increases Kapha and Ojas. It grounds us and gives us
balance. It also promotes artistic skills and imagina-

SHAM (with 'a' as in 'the'): a mantra of peace that

can be used generally for promoting calm, detach-
ment and contentment. It is good for mental and
nervous disorders of a Rajasic nature: for stress, anx-
The Healing Power of Mantra 235 A

iety, disturbed emotions, tremors, shaking or palpi-

tations. It is particularly useful in chronic degenera-
tive nervous system disorders.

SHUM (pronounced as in 'shoe' but with the vowel

not drawn out as long): increases vitality, energy, fer-
tility and sexual vigor. Helps with the creative and
artistic powers of the mind.

SOM (pronounced like 'home'): increases energy,

vitality, joy, delight and creativity. It increases Ojas
and strengthens the mind, heart and nerves. It is
good for rejuvenation and tonification therapies.

GAM (like gum): gives knowledge, intelligence,

mathematical and scientific ability, logic, verbal
skills, mental stability, patience and endurance. Pro-
vides Ojas to the mind and strengthens the Buddhi.

HAUM (like owl): gives strength, power, wisdom,

transcendence and transformation. Increases Prana
and Tejas. It is also a Shiva mantra.

Mantras and the Elements

The five elements, and their respective sense organs and

organs of action, are purified strengthened and harmonized
by their respective mantras. These relate to the different
chakras (see following table).
Ayurveda and the Mind

Mantra Chakra Element Sense Organ Organ of Action

LAM Root Earth Smell Organs of
YAM Sex Water Taste Organs of
RAM Navel Fire Sight Feet
YAM Heart Air Touch Hands
HAM Throat Ether Hearing Speech
KSHAM Third Eye Mind-Space Mind
OM Head Consciousness Consciousness

In each case the 'a' sound is short, just like the vowel
sound in our word 'the.' These mantras also strengthen the
systems they govern.

Mantra and the Bodily Tissues

Similar mantras relate to the seven tissues (dhatus) of

the physical body and can be used to strengthen them.
Again the 'a' sound is short, just the vowel sound in the
word 'the.' If a particular tissue is deficient, the respective
mantra can be used to increase it. If a particular tissue is
unstable, the mantra can stabilize it. The mantra SHAM
calms the mind through strengthening the nervous sys-
tem. The mantra SAM calms the emotional nature
through strengthening the reproductive tissue.

1) Plasma, Air YAM

2) Blood, Fire RAM

3) Muscle, Earth LAM

4) Fat, Water YAM

5) BoneSHAM (as in ship)

The Healing Power of Mantra 237 a

6) NerveSHAM (as in shut)

7) Reproductive SAM

Mantras, Shapes and Colors

Mantras can be combined with shapes and colors for

added efficacy. The main shapes used reflect the five ele-
ments. Shapes along with their respective elemental forms
increase the elements involved and decrease those of oppo-
site qualities.

1)LAM Earth yellow square

2) YAM Water white crescent moon

3) RAM Fire red upward pointing triangle

4) YAM Air smoky colored six-pointed star

5) HAM Ether circle, dark blue in color

6) KSHAM Mind point, dark blue in color

For developing mental stability and emotional calm,

and for promoting constructive activity, one should
meditate upon a yellow square in the root or earth
chakra in which the mantra LAM is resounding.

For developing receptivity, creativity, emotional

harmony, and the ability to absorb positive influ-
ences, one should meditate upon a white crescent
moon in the sex or water chakra in which the mantra
YAM is resounding.

For developing will, aspiration, courage and vitality,

one should meditate upon a red triangle in the navel
or fire chakra in which the mantra RAM is resound-

For love, devotion, and compassion, one should

meditate upon a smoky gray six-pointed star in the
Ayurveda and the Mind

heart or air chakra in which the mantra YAM is


For mental space, detachment, purity and wisdom,

one should meditate upon a dark blue circle in the
throat or ether chakra in which the mantra HAM is

For developing concentration, perception and

insight, one should meditate upon a dark blue star
or point in the third eye or mind chakra in which
the mantra KSHAM is resounding.

Mantras and Yantras

Mantras can be used with specific geometrical counter-

parts called Yantras. These can be useful in psychological
disorders as well. However, this is a more technical subject
and there is not the space to go into it in this book.68
Of different yantras, the six-pointed star, combining
upward and downward facing triangles, is most harmoniz-
ing. The Sri Yantra or Sri Chakra is the most complex and
energizing of all the yantras. These are dealt with more
specifically in the Tantric approach.

Mantras and the Biological Humors

VATA: Mantras for Vata should be warm, soft, soothing

and calming. Vata types should not chant out loud or for
too long as this may have a depleting effect upon their
energy. After a few minutes of vocal chanting, they should
chant silently.
Too much of OM is not always good for Vata as it tends
to increase the space or ether in the mind, which in their
case is already too high. RAM is the best mantra for them
generally, as it is wanning, calming and protecting.
The Healing Power of Mantra

HRIM is calming and energizing to their sensitive hearts.

PITTA: Mantras for Pitta should be cool, soothing and
calming. OM is excellent in this regard, also AIM, SHRIM
and SHAM, which cool respectively the mind, emotions
and nerves.
KAPHA: Kapha types do well with much vocal chant-
ing or singing. Mantras for them should be warm, stimu-
lating and activating. HUM is excellent, also OM and
AIM, which expand awareness and perception.69

Mantras and Consciousness

Mantras aid in all the functions of the mind.

Outer Mind (Manas)

Earth, Water and Ojas are predominant mantras, like

KLIM or SHRIM, strengthen the outer mind. The chant-
ing and singing of mantras is important on this level, as is
repetition of mantra with a low voice.

Intelligence (Buddhi)

Fire and Tejas predominant mantras are good for the

intelligence, like HUM or HRIM. Meditating upon the
meaning of mantras brings them to the level of inner intel-

Consciousness (Chitta)

Air, Ether and Prana predominant mantras are good for

our deeper consciousness, particularly OM. HRIM is a spe-
cific mantra for the Chitta because it helps open and clear
the heart, which is the seat of Chitta. Long-term repetition
of mantras is important here, particularly during sleep or
idle moments during the day. Mantras reach the level of
Ayurveda and the Mind

our deeper consciousness only when they go on automati-

cally in the mind, including in the state of sleep. Mantra
should follow our every breath and movement.


Mantras should be done for a spiritual and healing pur-

pose, not to further our desires or to harm others. They
require that we follow a good ethical regimen in life. After
mantra, one should practice meditation. Prior to mantra it
is good to study some spiritual teachings. Mantra is a tool
for energizing the mind and should not be used as a sub-
stitute for real thinking or to escape our problems. It needs
to be integrated into a comprehensive approach or it may
not provide its full benefits.


Spiritual Applications of Ayurvedic


The Paths of Yoga

ental and emotional well-being is not an

Mend-in-itself. It is the beginning of the spir-
itual life. The spiritual life moreover con-
tains many tools to increase our psychological peace and
happiness. In this section of the book, we will show how
these spiritual practices are relevant from a psychological
perspective. Those with a background in Yoga will find
the yogic approach used and explained from an Ayurvedic
We will specifically examine the methods of Yoga and
how they relate to psychology, particularly from an
Ayurvedic perspective. The first chapter deals with the
background of Yoga and its outer practices, its ethical
foundation and its disciplines of Asana and Pranayama,
yogic postures and breathing exercises. The second chapter
relates to the inner and deeper practices of Yoga. Yoga in
the true sense takes us beyond ordinary psychology to spir-
itual psychology, beyond our ordinary human problems to
the ultimate problem of life — how to go beyond all suf-
243 4

15. Spiritual Therapies

Spiritual Applications of Psychology

The psyche (mind) is rooted in the spirit (Self). Spiritu-

ality is the essence of psychology, which otherwise must
remain superficial and limited. True happiness and well-
being are only achieved in our inner consciousness and
immortal soul, not in the ever uncertain external world.
For this reason, Ayurveda always leads us to Yoga and its
meditation practices. However, the term spirituality today
is used vaguely and can mean any number of things. Spir-
ituality in the yogic and Ayurvedic sense is the endeavor to
unite oneself with God or the higher Self. It includes ordi-
nary religious activity based on faith, ritual, and prayer,
but only as an initial part of an inner quest for Self-real-
ization through meditation. The spiritual life proceeds
through two main factors: Devotion to God and Self-
Devotion is the basic attitude of the soul, our sponta-
neous love of the Divine Father and Mother of the uni-
verse. The pursuit of Self-knowledge is the highest orien-
tation of intelligence, the seeking to know our true nature
apart from our changing outward identities. Of these two
factors, devotion is more important because it is the foun-
dation for Self-knowledge, which otherwise remains mere-
ly personal or conceptual. The practice of devotion is the
nectar that can cure all ills. Without it, psychology is dry,
Ayurveda and the Mind

personal and intellectual. With it, psychology becomes

art, joy and wonder.

Devotion and the Place of God

How can there be a system of healing that does not rec-

ognize God and work to improve our relationship with our
Creator? Ayurveda stresses the importance of God (Ish-
vara), the creator or cosmic lord from whom this universe
springs as the ultimate source of healing. God is the man-
ifest aspect of the Godhead or Absolute (Brahman) which
rules the time-space creation. In the Vedic view, God is an.
inner realitv. our own inner guide. Contacting him iv the
key to contacting our inner Selfand-source of well-being
and happiness.
God as the Supreme Being is obviously not limited to
any particular form. God is not merely "He." He (Ishvara)
is also She (Ishvari). His feminine counterpart is his cre-
ative and saving power. Divine grace or Shakti. God is not
only both male and female, but also animate and inani-
mate, existing in all of nature, including animals, plants,
rocks, planets and stars. He is both personal and imper-
sonal, formless and contained in all forms.
God is the being who works through Cosmic Intelli-
gence, which is his mind. He respects intelligence and is
ever open to our communication and our questions. The
way to contact him is through meditation with an open
mind and heart. As long as we exist in the realm of mani-
festation we are under his laws and should do homage to
him. Attuning ourselves to his will lifts us to the summit
of the natural world from which we can easily access tran-
scendent awareness. The Divine will is the will to truth
and for the development of consciousness. It aids all beings
in their inner unfoldment regardless of the names and
forms this development takes.
Spiritual Therapies

Importance of Devotion

Most psychological problems are based upon a lack of

love in life. Love is the force that makes life worth living,
gives it color, depth and warmth, allows us to feel intense-
ly and makes us supremely happy. Love depends upon rela-
tionship. We are all seeking happiness through relation-
ship. To be isolated causes pain. To be related and united
with others brings joy. However, when we limit or person-
alize our relationships, they cause isolation and bring suf-
fering. We unite with one person or group and separate
from others, who become our enemies.
Desire is a state of want, a wanting to be loved. It is an
empty, needy state, seeking to be filled from the outside.
Love is a state of fullness, a capacity to give. It is a full and
overflowing state that derives its power from within and
transcends our contact with any particular human being.
The real question we should ask ourselves is not where to
find love, but how to give love. If we strive to give love,
then love must come to us because we are looking at love
as something inherent within us. If we look for love on the
outside, then love must run away from us because we are
looking at love as something that does not already belong
to us. —
Most of us seek love from the outside: from sexual part-
ners, family and friends. We are looking to be loved in a
personal way rather than to be loving in a universal way.
This puts love in the distance, in some object or person
different from ourselves whom we must win over in order
to get them to love us. We must ever pursue love but can
never keep it. Such love eludes us because it is not intrin-
sically ours but depends upon the circumstances of our
relationships, which are ever changing.
The reason our human relationships are such a problem
Ayurveda and the Mind

today is that we are lacking in devotion. We are looking

for a fulfillment in relationship with our fellow creatures
that is only possible through a relationship with the
Divine. Our real relationship, which is eternal, is with the
Divine. Our human relationships are only temporary for-
mations of this deeper relationship. Unless we have the
proper relationship with the Divine, with the universal
consciousness or truth, we will not be able to relate prop-
erly with life or with ourselves.
There is a seeking today for primary or lasting relation-
ships. All our human relationships are secondary because
they are bound by time and must pass away. They only
become primary relationships when we see God within the
other. Without a recognition of the eternal Being behind
all relationships, there can be no fulfillment in any rela-
tionship. We are bom alone and die alone and can never be
one with another physically or mentally, except for brief
Yet we are never really alone. Though we are bom and
die in a single body, there is within us the consciousness of
the entire universe, should we choose to look within. We
can find all worlds and all beings inside ourselves. Real
relationship is to see the Divine in others and in all life. It
requires that we relate to our real origin, our real parents,
the Divine Father and Mother of the universe, and not just
to external bodies and forms.
Lack of devotion is the root of all psychological prob-
lems. On the other hand, a person who has devotion can-
not have psychological problems of a significant nature
because the Divine is never absent or lacking, never apart
from them.
Spiritual Therapies


We cannot through our own personal power solve our

psychological problems. Our willful efforts to control life
and manipulate our destiny has brought us into the state
of stress and agitation from which we are seeking relief. If
we could have solved our problems ourselves, we certainly
would have done so long ago. Nor is it of great importance
to figure out the details of our psychological problems.
Selfishness, which is lack of devotion, and the seeking for
love externally leave us dry and discontented inwardly.
We must learn to surrender our personal problems,
then they cannot cling to us. Our personal problems are
merely manifestations of the personal self. There is no
solution for them within the realm of the personal self.
Only by giving up this self can the problems caused by it
go away. Surrender is the key to this. After all, we are not
responsible for how our bodies work, for the movement of
time, or the marvelous order of the universe. Were there
not a higher guiding power, we could not even breathe. So
let us stop pretending that we are in charge of things or
have the capacity to change them. Let us surrender to the
Power that is always in control of things, which is the love
that lies in our own deepest heart.
Surrender is the quickest way to go beyond all our
problems. Yet this is not surrender to a person or belief. It
is surrender to the inherent beneficence and consciousness
of life that we all sense when we are free of selfish motives.
Such surrender wins all things. However, surrender gener-
ally requires a form. We may have to surrender to the
Divine through the medium of a friend, a teacher, or a
form of God. The Hindu greeting "Namaste" itself means
"I give reverence to our surrender to the Divine in you."
Ayurveda and the Mind


Devotion and compassion are two sides of the same

higher feeling capacity which is the right usage of emo-
tion. We should feel devotion to the Divine and to those
individuals who embody divine qualities, like our spiritu-
al guides. We should feel compassion for all creatures, par-
ticularly those who are less fortunate than we are.
Compassion, however, is not pity, which is a debilitat-
ing and arrogant emotion. Compassion is feeling together
or having a common feeling, regarding the other as one-
self. It is not merely trying to help others, but recognizing
that the sufferings and joys of others are also our own.
Without compassion for other creatures, devotion to
God may become a personal fantasy. To be devoted to God
means to feel compassion for all creatures, including those
who may worship God differently or may not worship God
at all. Compassion is a recognition of the Divine presence
in all beings. On the other hand, without devotion, com-
passion tends to become arrogant. We as individuals can-
not save the world, particularly if we have not already
saved ourselves. To try to help others without first know-
ing ourselves is like trying to save other people in the
water while we ourselves are drowning.
Yet, at whatever stage we are at in life, we can always
do service to others, recognizing the limitations of what
we may know and letting a higher grace work through us.
The highest form of compassion is also devotion. It is to
seek the descent of Divine grace for the benefit of all.

Forms of Devotion

God or the Creator is the primal teacher, the supreme

guru and also the original doctor or healer of all the uni-
verse. We can acknowledge him in whatever form we like.
Spiritual Therapies

as he takes whatever form is dear to the individual, but we

will not find inner healing without his grace.
The Divine can be worshipped in many different names
and forms. In fact, we should worship God in a form per-
sonal to us or our relationship to him will not be direct.
We should choose the relationship with the Divine that is
easiest for us to follow — father, mother, friend, brother,
sister, or beloved. The mother, being the most primary and
intimate of all relationships, is generally the easiest.
God is perhaps best worshipped in the feminine form of
the Divine Mother. She contains within herself all love,
beauty, joy and grace. Her power works through Nature,
as the great beauty and delight of creation and as the evo-
lutionary force that causes us to seek spiritual growth. God
can also be seen as the Divine Father and Nature as the
Divine Mother. Nature in this regard is not gross matter
but the creative intelligence shaping and guiding it.
Devotion to God is part of the seeking to know who we
really are, which is God. Once we gain knowledge of our
inner Self, we transcend both Nature and God (the Cre-
ator) as realities outside ourselves. We become one with
the Divine and with the pure consciousness behind the

Developing Devotion

The best way to develop devotion is to choose a partic-

ular form of God to worship. Devotion works easiest if it
begins with the use of a form. After all, it is attachment to
form that is the basis of our mind's functioning and its
problems. There are certain pointers we can follow. The
main thing is to have a specific form of the Divine that we
worship on a regular basis.70
Ayurveda and the Mind

1. Choose a particular relationship to cultivate with

God as father, mother, beloved or friend, as the
creator, preserver or destroyer of the universe,
whatever is closest to one's heart.

2. Choose a particular form to worship like Shiva,

Krishna, Buddha, Christ, Kali, Tara, Kwan Yin,
or the Madonna, whatever is most inspiring. Such
a form may be an image of God, male or female,
or that of a great teacher or avatar. The figure of
a great guru or teacher can also be used.

3. Take the Divine name or mantra of the form of

Divinity to repeat like Om, Ram, Namah Shiv-
aya, Hare Krishna and so on.

4. Do daily rituals, offerings and prayers to this cho-

sen Deity. Meditate on the Deity as your true Self.


Rituals are important for consecrating our healing

practices. They are major healing practices in themselves
and part of the spiritual therapy of Ayurveda. They put us
in the proper frame of mind to receive the energies of our
deeper consciousness. Rituals are the basis of most devo-
tional practices, which should, however, go beyond them
to meditation.
Rituals are important in psychological treatment
because they bring the body and senses of the patient into
the healing process. They serve to provide positive impres-
sions to nourish and heal the mind. Very helpful are fire
rituals71 in which psychological negativity is offered into
the Divine fire for purification. Standard Hindu puja or
devotional worship consists of offerings for all the five
senses: a fragrant oil like sandalwood for earth, liquid food
Spiritual Therapies 251 A

for water, a ghee lamp for fire, incense for air and a flower
for ether. It is a well-organized ritual for purifying the
body and mind. Rituals are the most basic devotional prac-
tices. We should offer them to God in whatever form we
choose to worship. They set the stage for all other prac-

Prayer and Mantra

Prayers are supplications to the Deity for help, love or

guidance. We should learn to communicate with God,
who, after all, is our own inner Self. We should develop a
line of communication not only with God but with all cre-
ation, honoring the Divine consciousness inherent in all
that exists. We can pray to the Divine and ask for help in
dealing with our psychological or physical problems. God
never refuses any sincere request, though he does not
respond to mere ego desires.
The Deity also possesses a name or mantra. The name
is the most important factor in devotional worship. We
should resort to repeating the Divine Name whenever our
minds become agitated or upset. If we make the Divine
Name our constant companion, nothing can really disturb
us in life. We should constantly keep the Name in our
minds and repeat it whenever we can. Yet we should call
on the Divine without ulterior motives. God or Truth
exists not for our personal benefit but for the good of all,
in which our own highest good resides as well.
As a first step, we should meditate upon the form of the
Deity but we should also strive to see that form every-
where. We should learn to see it in others, in the world of
Nature, and in ourselves. We should begin to talk to this
form and seek its guidance. We should also try to under-
stand the form and what it means on an inner level.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Along with the form of the deities in the Hindu and

Buddhist traditions, an energy pattern, yantra or mandala,
like Sri Yantra (note illustration), is depicted. One can
meditate upon these yantras. Also various symbols can be

Deities and Psychology

Modem psychology tends to look upon the worship of

deities as primitive or psychologically naive, but it is actu-
ally the product of a profound spiritual psychology. Deities
can energize the great archetypes and cosmic forces within
our own psyche, which alone have power over the deeper
levels of our consciousness, both instinctual and intuitive.
Yogic deities are personifications of the great forces of
consciousness which have both psychological and cosmic
counterparts. The use of wrathful deities can help us over-
come anger and negative emotions, whether our own or
those of others. The use of benefic or peaceful deities can
help calm our minds, promote contentment and awaken
our deeper spiritual and creative powers.
Hinduism employs various deities who represent the
different powers of the cosmic mind. For dealing with psy-
chological disorders in general, the main deity in Ayurve-
da is Lord Shiva, who is the personification of the Supreme
Divinity (Mahadeva). Shiva means peace and his worship
grants peace of mind. Shiva has the power to control all the
negative forces in the mind and mles over all the elemen-
tal forces and shadows from the past that can disturb us.
He can neutralize all negativity. We can worship him
through repeating his mantra:

Om Nam ah Shivaya! Om, Reverence to Shiva!

Spiritual Therapies

We can simply repeat the name Shiva over and over

again. Or we can simply repeat his seed mantra SHAM,
which is the root sound of peace.
For dealing with anger, we can propitiate Lord Shiva in
his form as Rudra, who controls Divine wrath. For dealing
with fear, we can worship the Goddess Kali who delivers
us from time and death, which is what we fear the most.
For dealing with attachment, we can meditate upon the
Goddess Lakshmi, who holds all beneficence as the fruit of
devotion. For love and joy we can propitiate Lord Krishna,
who is the embodiment of Divine love and bliss. To devel-
op fearlessness, we can honor Lord Rama, who represents
Divine fearlessness.
Ganesha, the elephant-faced God, grants powers of
steady intelligence, calm thinking and right judgment.
He helps develop our intelligence (Buddhi) in the proper
way. Hanuman, the monkey God and devotee of Rama,
grants us the power of the higher life-force (Prana) that
elevates the mind and increases our devotion. All the
deities of Hinduism have their psychological usage. These
are only a few examples to provide an idea of their psycho-
logical application.72
Buddhism, particularly Tibetan Buddhism, has similar
deities called Bodhisattvas.'3 The deities of many other
ancient religions, like the ancient Greek, Egyptian and
Babylonian, were used in a similar manner. For example,
the Greek Apollo, like the Vedic Sun God, was wor-
shipped to develop powers of intelligence, creativity and
enlightenment. This is a complex subject in its own right
and its importance should not be underestimated.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Formless Devotion

Some people are not attracted to any form to worship

and prefer to worship the Divine as formless. One way to
do this is to use a relationship with the God as father,
mother, beloved or lord but without any form for it. While
devotion may not require form, it is impossible without a
relationship with the Divine. It also usually requires the
use of various Divine names or mantras.
Another way to develop formless devotion is to revere
Divine qualities like truth, love, peace, and contentment.
These can be meditated upon or turned into Divine names.
Whatever qualities in life we honor, those we create in our-
Generally it is best to combine both form-oriented and
formless devotion together because the two are comple-
mentary. To see the formless in form is the highest way,
which is to see God in Nature and in humanity. Those who
are devoted to God in a particular form must learn to see
that Divinity in all forms. Those who are devoted to the
formless Divine must also see the world in God.

Developing Compassion

Most of our personal problems disappear if we consider

the greater problems of the world. Actually, none of us has
any personal problems. We have only our own personal
form of the human problem, which is ultimately the prob-
lem of the separate self. There are various practices we can
do to develop compassion.

Do daily prayers or chants for world peace and the

alleviation of suffering for all creatures, such as:
"May all beings be happy. May all beings be peace-
ful. May all beings be free of disease. May no crea-
ture suffer any pain."
Spiritual Therapies

Be engaged in or contribute to some service venture,

which may be educational, healing, political, or eco-

Devotion and the Mind

Highly intellectual people often do not like devotion,

which they look upon as a form of emotional weakness.
However, devotion is the very sap that vitalizes the mind.
If we are not devoted to anything, then the mind will be
dry, empty and self-destructive. Even if we are very wise or
intelligent, devotion is essential. To use a metaphor, the
mind is like a wick, knowledge is the flame, but devotion
is the oil that feeds the wick. Without devotion, knowl-
edge, even spiritual knowledge, will simply bum up the


Tme psychology, or knowledge of the psyche, means to

know one's Self. But who are we? Are we merely this body,
this mind, the creature of this particular birth? Is knowing
ourselves knowing the particularities of our body chem-
istry, the pattern of our memories, our social conditioning,
or something yet deeper?
All psychology is an attempt to know who we really
are, but different systems of psychology have very different
conceptions of the self. Most accept the validity of the ego
— the I-am-the-body identity of this particular birth —
as our tme Self. Ayurveda looks far beyond this to our
identity in changeless awareness that transcends both body
and mind.
Self-knowledge means understanding the full extent of
our being. This is not only the physical self but the men-
tal self and the individual soul which persists from birth to
Ayurveda and the Mind

birth. True Self-knowledge means coming into contact

with our soul's purpose in incarnation. What is our soul
seeking to accomplish in this life to help it along its jour-
ney toward Divinity?
Self-knowledge implies cosmic knowledge. We func-
tion through the great forces of Nature, which are also
powers of our own deeper awareness. To know ourselves is
to know the universe, not as a physical phenomenon but as
a play of consciousness. All that we see, from beautiful
mountains to criminal deeds, is an aspect of ourselves.
Unless we understand these within ourselves, then we
must remain ignorant of who we really are.
Self-knowledge is the highest form of knowledge. It is
the basis of all other forms of knowledge. It is the one
thing through which everything else is known. To discov-
er it we must take the mind back to its origin and reedu-
cate it to see the world not as an external reality but as an
internal revelation. The outer world exists for inner expe-
rience and Self-knowledge. When we approach anything
in Nature directly, with a clear mind, we find that on the
deepest level it is intrinsically one with our own con-
sciousness. We see ourselves in Nature and Nature in our-
selves. This is the revelation of our greater Self.

Developing Self-Knowledge

To develop Self-knowledge we must learn to observe

ourselves, which requires meditation. We must not accept
the conditioned ego idea of who we are but dive deep into
the mind and see how we are connected to all existence.
We must trace our sense of self, the I-am, back to its ori-
gin in the spiritual heart. We must learn who we are, not
merely what our name or job is, but the nature of our
awareness freed from all external conditioning factors.
Spiritual Therapies

Thought always consists of two parts: the "I" and what

it is identified with, such as "I am this" or "this is mine."
The subject, or "I," is connected or identified with an
object. All our problems come from the object portion,
which is bound by time and space. We have a problem
with being this or that, or getting this or that, but we do
not have a problem in being. Being is not difficult for any-
one. It is the given, the Self-existent. It is in the being
something or another where problems arise.74
To return to the pure "I am" is the root of all peace and
happiness. Psychology should help us understand the
outer layers of our being, our physical, vital and mental
urges, not to trap us within them, but to harmonize them
so that our deeper being can come forth and function
through them.
Self-knowledge requires a calm and balanced (Sattvic)
mind. If we are suffering from psychological disturbances,
it is generally easier to develop devotion first, or to deal
with the more accessible outer aspects of our lives, like
changing our food or impressions. It is unrealistic to tell
someone who is undergoing a severe emotional crisis sim-
ply to meditate, be detached or contact the higher Self.
They need something more practical, while steering them
gradually in the direction of meditation is important. For
this reason, Self-knowledge belongs more properly to the
spiritual path than to psychological treatment. However,
Self-knowledge is the only way to ultimately go beyond all
suffering, which comes from not knowing who we really
16. The Eightfold Method of Yoga I

Outer Practices:

Dharmic Living, Asana and


The Greater System of Yoga

All life is Yoga, which means unification. We are all

striving according to our understanding to become one
with the real, the good, and the source of happiness. All
individual life aims consciously or unconsciously at reinte-
gration with the Cosmic Life. We are all striving to expand
our frontiers and increase our connections in order to find
wholeness and peace. Yoga is not a new path to follow but
a way to become conscious of the original impetus of life.
Yoga is the movement and evolution of Life itself.
All psychological problems arise ultimately from a mis-
application of the energy of consciousness. Instead of unit-
ing with the eternal inner reality in which is lasting joy,
we attach ourselves to transient external objects whose
fluctuations bring pain. The practice of Yoga, or inner
integration, reverses all psychological problems by merg-
ing the mind back into its immutable source of pure con-
sciousness, in which resides perfect peace. For this reason,
Yoga is an integral and important part of Ayurveda, the
science of life, particularly for treating psychological dis-
The Yoga Sutras16 the main classical text on Yoga,
Ayurveda and the Mind

defines Yoga as "the calming of the operations of con-

sciousness." Again, the term for consciousness or mind is
Chitta, referring to all conscious and unconscious thought
potentials. Calming means eliminating all the negative
conditionings lodged in the mind and heart. To achieve
complete calm requires control of the different functions of
consciousness through intelligence, mind, and ego, along
with detachment from the vital force and physical body.
This is a deeper and more profound definition than the
common idea of Yoga today, which maybe little more than
exercise or stress relief. The rules for yogic development,
which can treat psychological imbalances as well, are:

1) Consciousness (Chitta) must be calmed and emp-


2) Intelligence (Buddhi) must be reoriented and


3) Mind (Manas) and senses must be controlled and


4) The (Ahamkara) ego must be dissolved.

5) The vital-force (Prana) must be balanced and


6) The body must be purified.

These different processes go together; without one the

others cannot succeed. We have discussed these factors in
different chapters of the book. In this chapter we will sum-
marize and deepen them.

1. Calming our Deeper Consciousness

Our deeper consciousness holds the various emotional

traumas and pains that disturb us, most of which remain
hidden or repressed. These disturbances must be calmed
The Eightfold Method of Yoga I 26!

and released. Peace must be brought to the core of the

mind. This requires emptying the mind of its contents, its
deep-seated habits, tendencies and attachments, surrender-
ing fear, anger and desire on all levels. However, the mind
is naturally calm and pure. We need only allow the mind
to return to its natural state, which is to keep it free from
disturbing external influences.

2. Reorienting and sharpening our intelligence

Intelligence must be redirected from its orientation to

the outer sensory world and focused on the inner world of
consciousness. We must learn to discriminate the eternal
from the transient, the real from the unreal, our true Self
from the mass of ego appearances. This requires perceiving
the three gunas, holding to Sattva and discarding Rajas
and Tamas. It is a key to emptying out consciousness as
well. Only through the reorientation of intelligence can we
direct our awareness beyond the contents of consciousness,
which are all bound by time.

3. Controlling the mind

We must control our mind and senses and no longer be

pulled outwardly by them to seek fulfillment externally.
This requires the cultivation of self-control, character and
will-power. As long as the mind brings external impres-
sions into consciousness, consciousness cannot empty itself
out. Similarly, as long as we are looking outward through
the mind, we cannot redirect our intelligence within.

4. Dissolving the ego

The root of all expansion of consciousness lies in dis-

solving the ego or sense of separate self, which is limiting
A262 Ayurveda and the Mind

and isolated. The separate self creates an internal empti-

ness that we seek to fill with external involvement. It caus-
es wrong judgments through which we create pain and
suffering. As long as we are caught up in the ego, we will
not be able to control our minds, our intelligence will
remain externalized, and our inner consciousness will
remain in turmoil. This requires self-abnegation, surren-
der to God, and the awakening of our inner self and soul

5. Balancing and Strengthening the Vital-Force

Our Prana or life-energy becomes bound by the attach-

ments and involvement that disturb us. To free the mind,
this Prana must be released as well. Our vital force (Prana)
must be freed from its fixation on external objects, which
fragments and disperses it. Otherwise our minds must be
drawn outward and our energy of attention lost. Without
the proper vitality we cannot do anything, and certainly
cannot control the mind and senses. This requires con-
necting with wholesome inner and outer sources of vitali-
ty through mind, senses, breath and body.

6. Purifying the Body

The body must be cleansed of toxins and excesses of the

biological humors of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. A toxic or
weak body will pull down the mind and weaken the vital
force. The body is the repository of our actions and holds
their long-term effects. We cannot ignore its role in work-
ing with the mind or our deeper consciousness.
The Eightfold Method of Yoga I 263

Eight Limbs of Yoga: Ashtanga Yoga

Classical Yoga provides an eightfold approach (Ashtan-

ga) to achieve its aim of reintegration. These eight "limbs"
are not simply steps or stages, though they do follow a cer-
tain sequence. They are like the limbs of the body or parts
of a house. Each has its proper role, though not all are
equally important. We will examine the eight limbs of
Yoga as psychological treatments and show how the vari-
ous therapies discussed in the book relate to them.

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

1. Yama — Rules of Social Conduct

2. Niyama — Rules of Personal Conduct

3. Asana — Physical Postures: Right Orientation

of the Physical Body

4. Pranayama — Breath Control: Right Use of

the Vital Force

5. Pratyahara — Control of the Mind and Senses

6. Dharana — Concentration: Control of Atten-


7. Dhyana — Meditation: Right Reflection

8. Samadhi — Absorption: Right Union

The first two steps (Yama and Niyama) make up the

ethical foundation of human life, the principles of social
and personal conduct. Without these we will not have the
right foundation for wholesome growth. They constitute
the basic rules of "Dhanna" or right living.
The first five steps (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama
and Pratyahara) are called "outer aids" in the YOGA
SUTRAS. They harmonize the outer aspects of our nature:
Ayurveda and the Mind

behavior, body, breath, senses and mind. The last three

steps (Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi) are called "inner
aids." They are the central part of Yoga as embodied in the
process of meditation. Together they are called Samyama
or concentration, the ability to become one with the
objects of our awareness. However Pratyahara can be
included with the inner aids and we will do so in this

The Dharmic Foundation of Human Life

According to the Vedic sages, life must be based upon

Dhanna for us to achieve anything real or lasting. Dhanna
is the natural law at work behind this conscious universe.
Dhanna includes our social Dhanna, or social responsibil-
ities, and our individual Dhanna, our personal responsi-
bilities. Discovering our own Dhanna means learning
what is appropriate for us individually according to our
role in society, stage of life and spiritual development.77
Dhanna is the foundation necessary for Yoga to proceed in
a genuine way.

Yama — the First Limb of Yoga

Many people in the West consider that Yoga is a per-

sonal thing or even a self-preoccupation. Actually, Yoga in
the true sense requires a high sense of social responsibility
and ethical behavior defined by the five Yamas or rules of
social conduct. The Yamas are the five main attitudes nec-
essary to establish a right relationship with the external

1) non-violence (ahimsa)

2) truthfulness (satya)

3) control of sexual energy (brahmacharya)

The Eightfold Method of Yoga I 265

4) non-stealing (asteya)

5) non-possessiveness (aparigraha)

The first and most important of the Yamas is non-vio-

lence: not wishing harm to any creature in thought, word
or deed. Non-violence is the most important attitude for
bringing about a right relationship with the world and
preventing negative energies from entering into us. Vio-
lence is the greatest distorting factor in life. Wishing harm
to others is the prime cause of mental unrest because it
introduces an energy of violence in the mind where it must
breed distortion and result in wrong action.
Truthfulness keeps us in harmony with the forces of
truth in the world around us, and removes us from the
influences of falsehood and illusion. It gives mental peace
and equipoise and allows us to discover what is real. Truth-
fulness means doing what we say and saying what we do.
Lying, deceit, dissimulation and dishonesty distort the
mind and lead us to wrong judgment. Non-violence and
truthfulness must go together. Truthfulness should not be
harsh or violent. Non-violence should not be apart from
truth or it is merely appeasement or placation. We should
speak the truth but in a way that is as pleasant as possible.
Sex is the most powerful energy that connects us with
the world and is the main source of misconduct in life.
Without controlling our sexual urge, we must run into
sorrow and conflict. Control of sexual energy, the most
powerful of vital forces, removes us from unnecessary emo-
tional entanglements and builds up the internal power
necessary to bring the mind to a higher level of awareness.
Mental imbalances always involve some distortion of sexu-
al energy, which is the root energy of the senses and mind.
Uncontrolled or misdirected sexual energy distorts our
Ayurveda and the Mind

physical and mental functions. It leads to tremendous loss

of energy as well as deep-seated entanglements.
Non-stealing means not taking what rightfully belongs
to others. This includes not only the property of others but
their work or any credit due them. It establishes our right
relationship with other people and keeps us free from envy
and jealousy. Non-stealing is not just a simple matter of
avoiding theft, it requires honesty about who we are and
what we have done and not taking anything that is not
rightfully ours. Whatever we have taken from others
breeds deception that warps the mind and inhibits real
Non-possessiveness means not being possessive of
external things, even that which we may acquire rightful-
ly. It requires not feeling that we own things, but consid-
ering that we are custodians of resources that belong to
everyone. This principle stands for material simplicity and
not craving material comforts. Non-possessiveness gives us
freedom from the world. It is a particularly important
observance for the modem affluent world, where we have
so many possessions and such a seeking of affluence and
prosperity. What we think we own actually owns us.
Non-possessiveness does not mean that we necessarily
have to give away all our possessions, but it does mean that
we should not accumulate unnecessary things. Having too
many things creates many worries, for which the only solu-
tion may be to give them up. There are many negative psy-
chological consequences of having too many possessions.
These include suspicion and attachment, which make the
mind heavy and self-protective.
Non-stealing and non-possessiveness go together. The
wrong possessions, whether material or mental, like grav-
ity, hold us down and bind us to the objects involved.
The Eightfold Method of Yoga I 267 A

Unless we change our material environment and our men-

tal attitude toward it, we may not be able to change the
mind. We must purify our external environment in order
to interiorize the mind. Too many or inappropriate posses-
sions create a negative psychic force that prevents our con-
sciousness from expanding. Through such yogic obser-
vances, we will no longer create a limiting material
environment around our consciousness.
If we do not have an honest, truthful and detached rela-
tionship with the world and with other people, we cannot
have harmony of body or mind. Wrong social conduct is
the basis of most psychological and many physical diseases.
Right social conduct is an important tool for treating all
disease. Before we look within to treat the mind or devel-
op our consciousness, we must create the foundation of a
right relationship with the world around us, not only in
our thoughts but in our actions.

Niyama — the Second Limb of Yoga

The Yogic rules of personal conduct refer to our daily

life-style practices. These are the main disciplines or regi-
mens that we must follow in order to evolve in conscious-
ness. The five Niyamas are:

1) contentment (santosha)

2) purity (shaucha)

3) study of spiritual teachings (svadhyaya)

4) self-discipline (tapas)

5) surrender to God (Ishvara pranidhana)

Contentment comes first. This means finding happi-

ness inside ourselves rather than in outer involvement. As
long as we are discontented and distracted, we will not
Ayurveda and the Mind

have the peace and consistency to look within. Yoga is not

a movement of the disturbed mind seeking entertainment,
but a movement of the calm mind seeking inner truth.78
We should cultivate contentment by cultivating inner
sources of creativity and awareness. This is another key to
mental peace.
Purity and cleanliness are the most basic practices that
we must follow in life. We should cleanse the body
through proper vegetarian diet and right exercise, and
cleanse the mind through proper impressions, emotions
and thoughts. Lack of cleanliness on a psychological level
causes as many mental problems as not cleaning the body
causes physical problems. Such mental impurities include
worry, gossip, disturbed imagination and jealousy.
Study of spiritual teachings means examining teachings
that help us understand who we are and the nature of the
universe in which we live. For this we need a genuinely
spiritual or enlightened teaching based upon the works of
Self-realized sages. Spiritual teachings introduce higher
thoughts into the mind and teach us a language through
which we can understand our own higher consciousness.
Self-study includes the repetition of mantras that help us
move into our deeper mind. It is not an intellectual study
but requires contemplation of what we examine. We must
study great spiritual truths in our own life and character
and see how we create our destiny.
Self-discipline is necessary to accomplish anything sig-
nificant, whether in the creative arts, sports, business or
spiritual practice. We must learn to coordinate and direct
our actions in a meaningful manner toward a higher goal
or ideal. This means we must be willing to sacrifice what
is not useful to our goal, like superficial involvement and
distractions. Self-discipline is necessary to control the
The Eightfold Method of Yoga I 269

mind. Yoga, like all great endeavors, requires effort and

dedication or we cannot go far in it.
Lastly we should never forget to honor the greater pow-
ers of the universe. We must acknowledge and surrender
inwardly to the intelligence that guides this vast cosmos,
apart from which we could not even breathe. This is to
honor God, the universal life, and the friends and teachers
who guide and help us. As long as we are open to such help
and guidance, we cannot suffer from the loneliness and
alienation that causes so many human problems.
If our lifestyle does not reflect such truth principles, we
are also likely to be prone to psychological unrest. Howev-
er, these disciplines must be cultivated on a daily basis
over time. Their results do not manifest overnight. We
must build a careful foundation of right conduct in order
to have stability in our life and mind. Right social and per-
sonal conduct supports the proper functioning of all
aspects of our consciousness. It aids particularly in the
right orientation of intelligence, but also helps control the
mind and senses and purify the body. Without this
Dhannic foundation, what we build in life is not likely to

The Outer Disciplines of Yoga

On this Dhannic foundation we can then begin the

outer practices of Yoga. These consist of reorienting the
body and the life-force according to yogic principles. It
consists of two parts, Asana and Pranayama, the third and
fourth limbs of Yoga.

Asana — the Third Limb of Yoga

Asana consists of the performance of physical postures

that release physical stress and tension. The right postures
Ayurveda and the Mind

increase the vital force, which gets blocked by wrong pos-

ture, and calms the mind, which is stressed by wrong pos-
ture. Asanas also help balance the biological humors that
accumulate in different parts of the body. They can target
certain organs or weak spots in the body and through
improved circulation promote healing in these areas.
Asana in the broader sense includes all right exercise,
including more active modalities, like running or hiking.
The body needs a certain amount of exercise for its proper
function. Lack of, excessive or wrong physical activity can
aggravate or cause psychological problems. Any psycho-
logical adjustments usually require that we change how we
exercise or move our bodies.
Asana in the more specific sense refers to sitting pos-
tures for meditation, which are the main Asanas men-
tioned in yogic texts. For any real self-examination, we
must be able to sit still and comfortable with an erect
spine. This allows the ascending flow of energy through
which the mind can empty itself out and open up the
deeper layers of consciousness.
Specific Asanas, including non-sitting postures, can
also aid in bringing up repressed thoughts and facilitate
their release, if the mind is prepared to deal with them.
Asana practice can aid in releasing psychological tension
through releasing the physical and pranic blocks sustain-
ing it. There is much information on Asanas in various
Yoga books. We will not go into it here.

Pranayama — the Fourth Limb of Yoga

Pranayama is usually called "control of the breath" —

calming the disturbed pattern of breathing which agitates
the mind and senses. It includes all ways of energizing the
vital force through the body, senses and mind. It is not
The Eightfold Method of Yoga I

suppressing the breath, which will only cause us to die,

but development and expansion of the energy of the life-
force beyond its ordinary limitations. Pranayama is an
important Ayurvedic method for promoting healing on all
Put in simple terms, Prana is our energy, particularly
that deriving from the breath. If we do not have sufficient
energy, we cannot do anything in life, even if we know
what we should do. If the brain does not receive proper
oxygen, we do not have the mental energy to grow and to
change. We lose control of our lives and become the vic-
tims of our conditioning. Old patterns from the past dom-
inate the mind and keep us caught in their memories and
attachments. We are unable to respond creatively to the
present. Ultimately, the brain grows old and atrophies, the
ultimate result of which is senility.
Pranayama provides this needed energy for both body
and the mind. It gives power to our thoughts and inten-
tions so we can accomplish what we really seek. On a psy-
chological level, it gives the energy to probe into the
unconscious and release the emotional and vital (Pranic)
energy tied up in it. When our brain cells are flooded with
additional Prana, we easily develop the insight to face our
psychological problems and find creative ways of going
beyond them. On a deeper level Pranayama provides us
with the energy necessary for real meditation. Without
sufficient Prana, meditation may only consist of spinning
in our thoughts or dwelling in a blank state of mind, in
which our consciousness is not really changing at all.
There are various types of Pranayama, most of which
consist of deepening and extending the breath until it
leads to a condition of energized relaxation. When the
breath is at peace, the life-force is calmed and the senses.
Ayurveda and the Mind

emotions and mind are put to rest. The disturbed move-

ments of our vital urges cease to trouble us with their
desires and fears.
Mind and breath are linked together like a bird with
two wings. Thought moves with the breath and breath, in
its movement, generates thought. We cannot breathe
without thinking or think without breathing. For this rea-
son, breath can be used as a rope to tie down the mind. If
we concentrate on the breath, the mind becomes internal-
ized. It is withdrawn from the senses and its external ori-
entation on the outer world and made to turn inward. In
this way Pranayama is one of the best means of Pratyahara
or withdrawal from sensory distractions.
Awareness of the breath, however, is not an end-in-
itself. It is a door to the deeper levels of the mind. As the
mind focuses on the breath, the deeper layers of conscious-
ness gradually open, releasing the subconscious and all
that is hidden within. As the mind draws more energy
through Pranayama, deeper thoughts come up, including
emotional issues which we will have to deal with through
meditation or their energy will disturb us and prevent us
from going deeper.

So'ham Pranayama

So'ham is the natural sound of the breath. The sound of

the air coming into the nostrils produces an "ess"-sound.
The sound of air pushed out the nostrils produces an "h"-
sound. Observe this for yourself. The Sanskrit root "sa"
means to sit, exist, hold and therefore to inhale. The root
"ha" means to leave, abandon, negate and therefore to
exhale. Sa means He or the Supreme Spirit. Ham means
aham or "I am." So'ham is the natural sound of the breath
proclaiming "I am He" or "I am the Self of all Beings."
The Eightfold Method of Yoga I

This sound leads us beyond the mind to our inmost nature

as pure awareness.
So'ham Pranayama is easy and natural. One does not try
to manipulate or control the breath but merely lets it
deepen of its own accord, following the sound current back
to the core of awareness.
Some Yoga groups use Hamsa — using ham for inhala-
tion and sa for exhalation — instead of So'ham. This is
another version of the same approach, with the sounds
reversed. So'ham works to energize the breath as it increas-
es its normal flow. On the other hand, Hamsa works to
still the breath as it counters its normal flow. So'ham is
better to strengthen the breath, Hamsa to calm it.

The Nadis

The subtle body, like the physical, consists of various

channel-systems called nadis, which literally mean
streams. Seventy-two thousand nadis exist. Of these, four-
teen are significant, and three are important for all yogic
Sushumna: Most important and central of the nadis is
the Sushumna, which corresponds to the central spinal
canal in the physical body. It controls all the functions of
the chakras that are strung like lotuses upon it. The
chakras, in turn, rule over mind-body functions in their
ordinary function. In their awakened or opened condition,
they bring about the unfoldment of higher states of con-
sciousness and superconsciousness. The Sushumna is called
Chitta-Nadi in yogic literature, the channel of the Chit-
ta or deeper consciousness. It is the energy flow of the
entire mental field itself, the stream of consciousness.
Bringing our Prana and attention into the Sushumna is
the key to calming the mind. Sushumna has the nature of
Ayurveda and the Mind

ether and is balanced in terms of the biological humors

and Pranas. The Kundalini, or Prana Shakti, which is fire
(Tejas) predominant, activates it. Placing the united ener-
gy of the breath, senses and mind into the Sushumna
arouses the Kundalini. This requires tremendous concen-
tration and detachment in order to so gather our energies.
It should never be attempted willfully or forcefully but as
part of a process of deepening inner peace and equanimity.
Kundalini is the force for developing higher levels of con-
sciousness. To deal with it properly requires the proper
foundation of Yamas and Niyamas first.
Ida and Pingala: Left and right of the Sushumna run
two major nadis, whose movements intertwine like a series
of figure eights put one on top of the other as in a
caduceus. These start at the base of the spine and move
from side to side, chakra to chakra. The left nadi ends at
the left nostril, the right nadi at the right nostril. These
two nadis govern all the other main nadis and are respon-
sible for the left brain/right brain predominance. The left
or lunar nadi dominates right brain activity that is feeling-
oriented. The right or solar nadi dominates left brain
activity that is rationally-oriented.
The Ida is the left or lunar nadi that has the energy of
the Moon. It is white in color, feminine, has a watery
(Kapha) nature, is cool, wet and soothing. Ida literally
means food, refreshment, and inspiration. It operates more
during the night and promotes sleep and dreams. Physi-
cally, the Ida sustains the tissues of the body that are water
(Kapha) predominant. Psychologically, it promotes emo-
tion, sensation and imagination — the functions of the
outer mind.
The Pingala, which means red, is the right or solar nadi
and has the energy of the Sun. It is masculine, has a fiery
The Eightfold Method of Yoga I

(Pitta) nature, is hot, dry and stimulating. It operates more

during the day and promotes wakefulness and activity.
Physically, the Pingala governs digestion and circulation.
Psychologically, it promotes reason, perception, analysis
and discrimination — functions of intelligence (Buddhi).
These two channels, in an opposite way, relate to the
right and left hemispheres of the brain. People who are
dominated by the right hemisphere have the feeling and
intuitive potential of the Ida, the left lunar nadi. People
who are dominated by the left hemisphere have the ratio-
nal and critical potential of the Pingala, the right lunar
The breath flows primarily in one of these two chan-
nels, alternating every few hours according to factors of
time, environment, age and constitution. We can deter-
mine the physical and psychological condition of a person
through observing the nostril in operation at any given
time. When the right breath prevails, the masculine, fiery,
aggressive or rational side of our nature predominates.
When the left breath prevails, the feminine, watery, recep-
tive and feeling side of our nature has ascendancy. When
the Prana or life-force is balanced and the energy in the
solar and lunar nadis equalized, the mind is brought to a
peaceful state of heightened awareness.
Just like the channels of circulation in the physical
body, the nadis can be disturbed by wrong flow of energy
through them. Excess flow through the solar nadi brings
about hyperactivity of mind and body. Psychologically it
causes excess clarity, anger, critical disposition, and manip-
ulativeness (Tejas derangement). Physically it causes
insomnia, dizziness, fever, and hot sensations in the head
(Pitta derangement).
Excess flow through the lunar nadi brings about emo-
Ayurveda and the Mind

tional vulnerability, disturbed imagination, and domina-

tion by astral forces. Physically it causes excessive sleep
and dreams, congestion and unusual weight gain (Kapha
The flow in the nadis is disturbed by negative emo-
tions, egoism, poor intake of impressions, and poor mental
digestion. Physical factors include wrong diet, particular-
ly too heavy or greasy foods like meat, cheese, sugar or oils,
lack of exercise, shallow breathing and excess sex. Sup-
pression of emotion is the main factor for blocking them.
Drugs or forceful exercise, breathing or meditation prac-
tices are additional aggravating factors. Such things create
toxins that hinder or block the flow of energy in these sub-
tle channels.

Alternative Nostril Breathing

An important key to mental and physical health is to

keep the nadis clear and maintain a balanced flow between
the Ida and Pingala. It also helps balance Prana, Tejas and
Ojas and treats the mind and emotions. Meditation,
mantra, the right intake of impressions, physical remedial
measures like Asana, bodywork, herbs and diet help clear
the nadis. Pranayama, however, is the main method, par-
ticularly alternate nostril breathing, which is called nadi
shodhana or "cleansing of the nadis."
Since the left nostril is lunar or Kapha predominant,
promoting the breath through it increases our bodily tis-
sues, Ojas and gives nourishment to the outer mind
(Manas). Left nostril breathing counters fever, insomnia,
anxiety, anger, hyperactivity, and hypersensitivity. Cooling
or lunar Pranayama is best for Pitta constitutions and their
problems of excessive heat and agitation.
Since the right nostril is solar or Pitta predominant,
The Eightfold Method of Yoga I 277

promoting the breath through it increases Tejas, courage

and motivation, and Buddhi (intelligence). Right nostril
breathing counters poor digestion, poor circulation, lack of
motivation, depression, laziness, and paralysis. It is good
for Kapha problems of excessive weight and attachment.
Increasing the breath equally through both nostrils
calms Vata, increases Prana and harmonizes our deeper
consciousness (Chitta). It counters Vata conditions of fear,
anxiety, indecisiveness, and confusion, but in order for it to
be effective we should practice it along with a rich, nutri-
tive diet and proper intake of oils and fluids. Pranayama
aids in the conversion of food and water, which helps Vata
constitution put on more weight and nourish the nervous
system, but it must be combined with proper food and
water to do this.
17. The Eightfold Method of Yoga II

Inner Practices:

Meditation, Samadhi and the

Transformation of Consciousness

e are all seeking unqualified happiness and

W enduring peace in life. Only this can bring
fulfillment to our minds and hearts. Yet
whatever we achieve in the outer world is never
however good our relationship, career success or intellec-
tual attainments may be. We are ever seeking something
greater, something pure, perfect or sacred, not touched by
the fluctuations and imperfections of time and circum-
stance. Yoga teaches us how to realize this. We will exam-
ine this inner secret of Yoga in this chapter.
The inner practices of Yoga consist of the four higher
levels of yogic practice: Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and
Samadhi — withdrawal from the senses, concentration,
meditation and absorption. On this level we are working
directly with the mind itself, down to its deepest core level
in the heart. This is only possible from the foundation of
the earlier stages of Yoga, an ethical lifestyle (Yama and
Niyama), control of the body (Asana) and control of the
breath and vital force (Pranayama). Through this founda-
tion we can gain access to those mysterious comers of the
heart in which both our sorrow and joy are hidden and can
be understood.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Pratyahara — the Fifth Limb of Yoga

Pratyahara is perhaps the least understood aspect of

Yoga and yet the most important for any psychological
treatment. It is often translated as "withdrawal from the
senses." More accurately it means "withdrawal from dis-
traction," which means detaching the mind from the
impulses deriving from the senses. Distraction is our vul-
nerability to external stimulation, our capacity to be con-
ditioned by environmental forces.
Each sense organ has its own urges, its built-in pro-
gramming. Each is like an unruly child demanding our
attention and seeking gratification. Each sense organ col-
ors the mind and tries to impose its likes and dislikes. The
eye-consciousness urges us to seek pleasurable and avoid
painful visual sensations. The vital force or Prana in the
eye drives us to promote actions that provide visual sensa-
tions. The ego operating through the eye tries to keep our
attention in the eye and make visual sensations the most
important part of our self-identity. It is the same with
other sense and motor organs.
The motor organs, particularly the speech and repro-
ductive organs, are harder to control than the sense organs.
The motor organs have a greater vital force and more
urgency to their expression. They have a more active
nature that demands more attention. Yet the motor organs
only express what comes into them through the sense
organs. We can also control the motor organs through con-
trol of the sense organs.
Without the proper control of the senses, the mind
becomes fragmented in five directions. Sensory fluctua-
tions, which can be very major, keep the mind off balance
and can lead to psychological problems and loss of self-
control. As long as we are dominated by the senses, our
The Eightfold Method of Yoga II 281

sense of gravity lies outside ourselves and we have no inter-

nal stability or strength of character. We become a creature
of the moment and react to whatever happens around us.
Pratyahara is control of the senses, which includes right
management of impressions. It means keeping our mind
aloof from the senses and in control of their input. It is not
suppression of the senses but their right application, which
is as instruments of perception rather than as the judges of
what we perceive. According to Ayurveda, all diseases arise
from wrong use of the senses, which may be excessive,
deficient, or improper. How we use our senses determines
the kind of energy we take in from the external world,
from food to emotion. Pratyahara includes all the sensory
techniques of Ayurveda, particularly those we have dis-
cussed under right use of impressions, color and mantra
The techniques of Pratyahara are primarily of two
types: shutting off the senses, like closing the eyes or ears,
or using the senses with attention rather than distraction.
Closing the sensory openings is a practice like fasting for
the body. Fasting from impressions allows the digestive
capacity of the mind to renew itself, just as fasting from
food allows the body to cleanse itself by digesting toxins.
It also allows inner impressions to be cognized, like the
inner sounds and lights. This can be done simply by clos-
ing the eyes or staying in a dark and quiet place.
Pratyahara can also be practiced during sensory percep-
tion. This occurs when we witness sensory impressions,
when we dwell in pure perception rather than react with
likes and dislikes. It requires that we cease to project
names and definitions onto our impressions and see senso-
ry objects for what they are, which is a play of sensory
energy. One way to do this is not to focus upon objects
Ayurveda and the Mind

themselves but upon the sensory impressions — the

sounds and colors that make them up. Another way is to
look at the space between objects rather than at the objects
themselves. Perhaps most significant is to meditate with
one's eyes open while directing one's attention within.80
Pratyahara can employ internal objects for directing
our attention away from external objects. Most important
in this regard are mantra and visualization that direct
inward the energy of the senses, which is essentially sound
and light. In this way we creatively use the energy of the
senses on an inner level. This also helps open up inner sen-
sory sources, the inner light and sound.
Pratyahara follows from Pranayama. In Pranayama we
gather our breath and Prana. In Pratyahara we take this
concentrated Prana and withdraw it from the field of the
senses into the field of consciousness. We can visualize
withdrawing our Prana stage by stage from our limbs,
organs and mind, resting it within the heart.
Pratyahara is assisted by creating a special environment
that provides different and better impressions. It may
involve retreat in a secluded place, like in a mountain
cabin, where the person is removed from ordinary distrac-
tions. It may involve setting up an altar or healing space in
the home, which similarly removes us from ordinary
impressions and develops those of a higher nature. Such a
sacred space helps insulate us from vulnerability to exter-
nal influences. Pratyahara methods are particularly impor-
tant for individuals who are hypersensitive, impression-
able, and easily influenced.
Pratyahara is the main method for strengthening the
mental immune system and its capacity to ward off nega-
tive impressions, emotions and thoughts. Pratyahara is
perhaps the most important aspect of Yoga for psycholog-
The Eightfold Method of Yoga II 283

ical disorders because it restores the proper relationship

between the mind and the external world. It cuts off the
reception of negative influences from the outside and
opens up the reception of positive influences from within.
It seals the mental field from negative energies so that
healing can occur. Most of the sensory therapies of
Ayurveda fall mainly in this category, such as we discussed
in the right intake of impressions and the use of mantra,
sound and color.

Dharana — the Sixth Limb of Yoga

Dharana is concentration or right attention, which is

the ability to give all our mental energy to the object
under examination. The quality of our attention in life
determines our state of mind. Attention is the central pil-
lar that upholds our mind and character and gives power
to all we do.
The problem is we throw our attention away on the
external world, seeking approval or enjoyment. We are not
taught to control our attention but, rather, to make our-
selves vulnerable to social conditioning through sex,
advertising and entertainment. Most psychological prob-
lems arise from lack of attention, in which we let some
outside force, or some subconscious influence, rule us. We
let others tell us who we are, what to do or even what to
Dharana techniques consist of different methods to
make the mind one-pointed, including concentration on
particular objects. Some of these methods are the same as
Pratyahara. In Pratyahara the goal is negative, to withdraw
from sensory distraction, in which case the nature of the
object itself is not important. In Dharana the goal is posi-
tive, to become focused on the particular object, in which
Ayurveda and the Mind

the nature of the object can be crucial. Hence Pratyahara

leads to Dharana. Pratyahara gathers the energy of the
mind; Dharana focuses it.
Simple Dharana methods involve gazing at various
objects like a ghee lamp, candle, statue or picture, or some
object in nature like the sky, the ocean, a tree, mountain or
stream. Internal Dharana methods involve focusing on
inner lights and sounds, or visualizations of deities,
mantras and yantras. Dharana can be done on the ele-
ments, the chakras or the gunas. A formless Dharana can
be done on various cosmic truths, like focusing the mind
on the impennanence of all things or upon the unity of all
In psychological treatment, such attention-developing
techniques can be taught to patients to aid in mind con-
trol and the development of memory. These include sim-
ple things, like concentrating on a single object or train-
ing the memory to hold a particular thought. Even
mathematics or learning a language can be used in this
way. They help train the mind to function objectively and
remove it from the emotional subjectivity that clouds its
Dharana is the way in which the mind (Manas) is con-
trolled and the inner intelligence (Buddhi) is awakened.
The focused mind has the ability to establish goals, values
and principles. It leads us to truth. Regaining control of
the mind and being able to direct it at will is the key to all

Pratyahara and Dharana Techniques

The following are a few practical techniques in Pratya-

hara and Dharana.
The Eightfold Method of Yoga II

Meditation upon the Five Elements

Ether Element: The Sky

Find an open area where you can have a clear and unob-
structed view of the sky. Lie down on your back and gaze
into the sky for at least twenty minutes, being careful not
to look near the sun. Meditate upon your mind as being
like the sky. When you return to your ordinary perception,
you will find your mental field cleansed and renewed.
You can practice the same method at night, preferably
a moonless night in an area where there is no interference
from city lights. You can start right after sunset and grad-
ually watch the stars come out. This takes about two
hours. Or you can wait until the sky is dark and gaze at the
stars continually for about twenty minutes. This will cool
and calm the mind and open up higher perceptual and
intuitive faculties. This meditation is best done on the
ether or throat chakra and aids in its unfoldment.

Air Element: Clouds

Find an open area where you can have a clear and unob-
structed view of the sky, avoiding looking at the sun.
Choose a day that is partly cloudy, where you can watch
both white and dark clouds in their formation and move-
ment. Meditate upon your thoughts and feelings as being
like the movement of the clouds in the infinite space of
awareness. Again, take at least twenty minutes. This med-
itation is best done on the air or heart chakra and aids in
its unfoldment.

Fire Element: A Candle, Ghee Lamp or Fire

Set up a candle or ghee lamp on an altar or special spot

Ayurveda and the Mind

in a quiet room. Gaze at the flame for fifteen minutes. Try

not to blink. Let tears come to your eyes if necessary. Let
your mind merge into the flame. See the outer light as
your inner light.
In the case of a fire, gaze into the fire and offer your
negative thoughts and feelings for purification. Let the fire
purify them and expand them into a positive energy of love
and joy for the entire universe. This meditation is best
done on the fire or navel chakra and aids in its unfoldment.

Water Element: The Ocean, a Lake or a Stream

Find a place where you have a good view of the water.

Sit comfortably and gaze at the water. Let your mind clear
itself out and merge into the water, letting the mind's
movements be like the movement of the waves or the flow
of the stream. Do this for at least twenty minutes. It is best
done on a clear day when the transparency of the water can
be seen. Feel your mind as cool and refreshed, and your
heart open and vibrant. This meditation is best done on
the water or sex chakra and aids in its unfoldment.

Earth Element: A Mountain

Go to the top of a mountain or hill, preferably where

you have a view of other hills or mountains. Sit and focus
your mind on the lower slopes of the mountains and on the
distant mountains and valleys. Feel the earth within you.
Feel as grounded and stable as a mountain, and as open to
the sky. Feel one with Nature and above all the petty prob-
lems of humanity. Do this for at least twenty minutes.
This meditation is best done on the earth or root chakra
and aids in its unfoldment.
The Eightfold Method of Yoga II

Other Meditation Techniques

Particular Colors

Gaze on or visualize particular colors, like dark blue,

saffron orange, gold or white. This can be combined with
mantras or deities. Examine the section under color thera-
py for more information.

Picture of a Great Teacher or Deity

Meditate upon the picture or statue of a deity or great

teacher, trying to contact its spirit and link up with its
grace and wisdom. Let the figure communicate to you
through the picture. Memorize the teaching given and see
how it applies to you. It is important to put the mind in a
silent or receptive state. Imagination should not be


All that has been taught about mantra is useful here.

Take one mantra and concentrate the mind upon it. Repeat
it first audibly for five minutes, then mutter it softly for
ten minutes. Then repeat it mentally for twenty minutes.
Do this morning and evening for one month and see how
it improves your mental powers.

Geometric Devices, Yantras and Mandalas

Focus on a yantra, like Sri Yantra. Visualize it in your

mind and memorize it. See the vibration of the mantra
OM within it. Do it for at least a month like a mantra.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Inner Sounds

When you close your ears you can hear various inner
sounds. Some are physiologically produced, while others
spring from deeper levels of consciousness. One can con-
centrate on these sounds and the vibrations that come
through them. Sounds occur like the ocean, a drum, a flute
or other musical instrument. Listen to these sounds and try
to connect with the higher forces and energies coming
through them.

Inner Light

A light can be seen in the region of the third eye. It

may be faint at first, whitish or golden, or like a mass of
molten metal. Concentrate on this, not as an external
object but as a connection to the Divine within. Let this
ball of light as the power of cosmic consciousness come to
you and sink with pressure into your heart.


Affirmations involve withdrawing the mind from its

ordinary thoughts and concentrating upon a particular
goal. However, we should affirm the inner truth of our
being, not try to empower our ego or desire nature. We
should affirm the fullness of our inner nature, not the
desires of our outer nature.
For Pratyahara there are special affirmations like: "In
my nature as pure awareness I am inherently free of the
need for external objects and enjoyments." For psycholog-
ical problems, a good affirmation is: "In my true Self I am
above the mind and its problems. Let them come or go.
They cannot affect me."
For Dharana there are other affirmations like: "In my
true Self I am in control of my mind and can concentrate
The Eightfold Method of Yoga II 289

it on whatever I need to understand." Affirmations can also

be a form of Pranayama, in which the life-force is
increased, such as: "I am in contact with the cosmic life-
force, which nourishes me and provides energy for all that
I need to do."

Dhyana — the Seventh Limb of Yoga

Dhyana is meditation in the true sense, which is the

ability to sustain long-term attention on the object of our
examination. Dharana sets our attention on a particular
object; Dhyana holds it there. Sustained Dharana in time
becomes Dhyana. Generally Dharana must be continued
for at least one hour for true Dhyana to occur.
Once the mind is able to focus on an object, it auto-
matically receives knowledge of that object. Whatever we
give our attention to will gradually unfold its meaning for
us. Dwelling on that knowledge is meditation. Meditation
is not simply wishful thinking, nor is it merely sitting try-
ing to control one's thoughts (which is at best an attempt
to meditate). Meditation occurs through sustained atten-
Meditation may be practiced with or without form; the
former prepares us for the latter. Meditation with form
employs the same techniques as Pratyahara and Dharana,
holding the mind on a particular object, but sustained over
a longer period. Any object that draws the mind can be
used: a form in nature, a deity, a guru, a yantra or a mantra.
Formless states of Dhyana involve meditation on truth
principles, like "all is the Self," or meditation on the Void
which transcends all objectivity.
Meditation can be passive or active. Passive meditation
involves the mind reflecting on an object, form or idea. It
creates a witnessing consciousness in which we can choice-
Ayurveda and the Mind

lessly observe all the movements of the mind. It provide

space in which our inner consciousness (Chitta) can open
up. One simply abides in the state of the Seer.
Active Dhyana consists of various forms of inquiry
through which we look into the truth of things, using the
concentrated mind as the instrument. Self-inquiry, such as
explained in the section on Self-knowledge, is the most
important active method of Dhyana. Active Dhyana acti-
vates the inner intelligence (Buddhi). Generally, active
methods of meditation are stronger than passive methods,
but both go together. It is easy for the mind to fall into a
blank state or get caught at a certain level with passive
meditation. Inquiry keeps the mind going deeper. Active
and passive meditation can be combined, as when one
alternates inquiry with some passive contemplation.
When the mind tires of one it should be directed to the
other. If the mind tires of both, it should be held to a
mantra or go back to Pranayama.
The highest states of meditation involve going beyond
all thought. This occurs when consciousness is emptied of
its contents through the understanding of their nature and
development. True meditation (Dhyana) cannot be
achieved by a restless or emotionally disturbed mind. It
requires properly developed concentration, which itself
rests on control of the body, senses, vital force and mind.
These depend upon a predominance of Sattva guna in our
entire nature. For this reason, we must first purify our life
and mind. Otherwise, to simply try to not think is to put
ourselves in a blank state, in which our consciousness is
not transformed but merely put to sleep. We should not
rest content in any state of mind but seek to go to the root
of who we are.
Much of what is called meditation today is more prop-
The Eightfold Method of Yoga II 291

erly Pratyahara (like visualization) or Dharana (concentra-

tion techniques). Such meditation is useful for calming the
mind in psychological derangement. The stress-relieving
effect of meditation has been researched and validated in
recent years. Stress is an accumulation of tension in the
mind. Meditation, expanding the mental field, relieves it.
Such basic forms of meditation like mantra or concentra-
tion exercises are useful in psychological problems because
anyone can do them. The higher forms of meditation are
only possible for those who have already gone beyond ordi-
nary human problems and attachments, which is not easy
in this hectic modem world.

Meditation on Death and the Deathless Self

One of the best meditations is to meditate upon death.

This is not something morbid; it is simply facing the ulti-
mate reality of our lives. It is very healing to all our psy-
chological problems that revolve around our transient per-
sonal problems.
Sit or lie down comfortably. Imagine that your body is
dying. Withdraw your attention from your body, senses
and mind and place it in your heart. Imagine that you are
a small flame in the heart of this great city of the body.
Offer all your thoughts and feelings into that immortal
flame. Realize that flame as the Tme Self, the I-am-that-I-
am. Let everything else go. Bathe, purify and transform
yourself in that pure light of awareness. See all the uni-
verse, all time and space within it.

Samadhi — the Eighth Limb of Yoga:

Samadhi is the last and highest limb of Yoga. It is the

central aspect of yogic practice. In fact. Yoga is defined in
the Yoga Sutras primarily as Samadhi.82 Samadhi is the
Ayurveda and the Mind

capacity of consciousness to become one with its object of

perception, through which the nature of ultimate Reality
is known. It can perhaps be best translated as "absorption."
Samadhi is the capacity to merge with things in con-
sciousness and gives ultimate joy and fulfillment in life. It
is the highest stage of meditation that brings us to the
underlying Divine nature in everything. It is the natural
outcome of true meditation. Sustained meditation results
in Samadhi.
Samadhi is also of two types: with or without form or
quality, just like meditation. Preliminary Samadhis
involve heightened perception, deep thinking and con-
templation, and are with form or thought. Higher Samad-
his involve transcending thought to pure consciousness
devoid even of the highest thoughts and experiences. Yet
it is very difficult, if not impossible, to reach the thought-
free Samadhis without having already developed the
Samadhis of deep thinking and profound inquiry. Much
profound contemplation is necessary to develop Samadhi.
It is not something that comes in a day or even in a year
and may require decades of practice to really manifest.
To approach Samadhi in the yogic sense is not possible
for one whose mind is not developed or who is suffering
from psychological imbalances. Psychological cleansing
must come first or the mind cannot reflect the state of
Samadhi in an undistorted manner. In this regard,
Ayurvedic psychology lays the foundation for yogic
Samadhi is the main way that our inner consciousness
(Chitta) develops, which occurs through the higher func-
tion of intelligence (Buddhi). In Samadhi we return to this
core consciousness (Chitta) and can perceive all its func-
tions. Hence Samadhi helps us to understand how the
The Eightfold Method of Yoga II

mind works and how to change it. The knowledge gained

from Samadhi adds much greater depth to any psycholog-
ical treatment. Ayurvedic knowledge has this efficacy for
treating the mind because it was originally bom of Samad-
hi, the realization of the ancient rishis.

Lesser and Greater Samadhis

We are all pursuing Samadhi or absorption in one form

or another. There are not only the higher yogic Samadhis
but ordinary Samadhis. We are only happy when we are so
engrossed in something that we forget ourselves because
the separate self is sorrow. Samadhis are peak experiences
in which we become lost in the object of our perception.
Being inspired, enwrapped in music, engrossed in a movie,
or lost in a sexual experience are all lesser Samadhis.
Yoga teaches that there are five different levels of con-
sciousness (Chitta):

1) deluded (mudha)

2) distracted (kshipta)

3) imaginative (vikshipta)

4) focused or one-pointed (ekagra)

5) calmed (nirodha)8'

Samadhis exist on all five levels of consciousness, but

Yoga as a spiritual discipline is only concerned with
Samadhis of the last two levels, which are purely Sattvic
(spiritual) in nature. These are arrived at through the
development of our higher awareness and are under the
control of our deeper intelligence. They are the greater or
the yogic Samadhis.
Samadhis of the one-pointed mind involve the use of an
idea or support, from contemplating an object in nature to
reflecting on the nature of ultimate Reality. They are
Ayurveda and the Mind

focused on a particular object that may be external or

internal. Here the mind consciously gets concentrated in
the object and its underlying cosmic truth is revealed.
Yogis use this type of Samadhi to uncover the secrets of the
cosmos and the psyche.84 These are an extension of the
methods of Pratyahara, Dharana and Dhyana that we have
already discussed.
Samadhi of the calmed mind is beyond all objects and
thoughts and involves stilling or silencing our conscious-
ness on all levels. This type of Samadhi is necessary for
transcending the outer world and for Self-realization. Gen-
erally one must develop the Samadhis of the one-pointed
mind in order to develop those of the calmed or silent
The lesser or non-yogic Samadhis are transient in
nature and cannot permanently bring peace to the mental
field. They occur when the unpurified mind comes under
the temporary domination of one of the three gunas and
through this merges back into its core (Chitta), which is
the level of the gunas. When one guna prevails there is an
absorption in that guna. But in time the other gunas must
assert themselves and the Samadhi comes to an end. These
lesser Samadhis are outside the control of our awareness
and depend upon circumstances. Such lesser Samadhis are
the main cause of mental disturbances because they breed
attachment and cause addiction to them.

Samadhis of the Deluded Mind

Samadhis of the deluded mind include sleep, comas,

and states induced by alcohol or drugs in which the qual-
ity of Tamas or dullness prevails. Here the mind is
absorbed in a blank state in which consciousness of the
body is obscured or even lost. One loses control of one's
The Eightfold Method of Yoga II

mind and gets absorbed in a mindless or non-feeling state,

or one gets absorbed in a sensation in which there is no
movement, like a drunk lost in a drunken stupor lying
half-conscious on the floor.

Samadhis of the Distracted Mind

Samadhis of the distracted mind occur when the mind

is so engrossed in an activity or external sensation that it
forgets itself. Here the quality of Rajas or energetic move-
ment prevails. This type of absorption occurs in sexual
activity, in sports — like the enjoyment of running fast —
or in watching a movie (which has an element of Tamas,
however, being mainly a passive sensory enjoyment). The
mind is calmed by the weight or intensity of sensory stim-
uli. It occurs when we are engrossed in our work, which is
why overwork can be an addiction. We get so lost in what
we are doing that we forget ourselves. This state of mind
is behind most of the ordinary achievements of life, in
which we imagine a goal for ourselves and then pursue it.
The attainment of such goals like wealth or fame is a kind
of Samadhi experience, the absorption of success.
Samadhis of the distracted mind can occur on a nega-
tive level when the mind becomes engrossed in great fear
or pain. Any intense emotion, including violence, creates a
drama in which the mind becomes concentrated, a kind of

Samadhis of the Imaginative Mind

Samadhis of the imaginative mind occur when the

mind is so absorbed in its own projections that it forgets
itself. This occurs mainly when the quality of Sattva pre-
vails. These are the Samadhis of the inspired mind or
genius. Such are the visions of artists, the musings of
Ayurveda and the Mind

philosophers, and the great discoveries of scientists. They

include many transient spontaneous religious or mystical
While Sattva prevails in this Samadhi, Tamas and Rajas
have not been eliminated and so assert themselves after a
period of time. In this regard. Yoga does not look up to
these creative or intellectual Samadhis as the ultimate,
which is the tendency of Western intellectual culture to
glorify genius as the highest human type. Yoga is based on
higher Samadhis and, while honoring these Samadhis of
the inspired mind, realizes that these are not sufficient to
purify the mind, particularly the subconscious. They can-
not overcome the other gunas of Rajas and Tamas that will
again bring the mind down and cause it pain. Such
inspired Samadhis are like a window on the higher Samad-
his but cannot take us there. This requires more than cul-
tivation of the intellect; it requires a yogic type training.
It requires not imagination but realization.
Samadhis of a mixed nature exist in which the three
lower Samadhis combine because the three gunas behind
these states are ever fluctuating. Generally, Samadhis of
the distracted mind lead us to a Tamasic state, when we are
exhausted by them, just like the joy of running a race leads
to the pleasure of deep sleep.
Lesser Samadhis include all the powerful experiences of
life to which we get addicted and cause us sorrow. The
mind gets trapped in the influence of such peak experi-
ences or moments of intensity and these serve to color and
distort it. Whatever experiences most impress the mind
give us the greatest sense of absorption or self-loss, deter-
mine our background state of mind and the external con-
ditions that we will create for ourselves. For example, the
mind, dominated by the pleasure of sex, will promote a
The Eightfold Method of Yoga II 297

consciousness and way of life seeking sex. A mind domi-

nated by the joy of artistic inspiration will seek that.
Severe mental disorders involve more powerful lesser


Schizophrenia is a Samadhi of an inferior nature, gener-

ally dominated by Tamas or delusion. The person may go
into a trance, see hallucinations, hear voices or other delu-
sory sensory phenomena in which darkness covers the
mind. The insane person is absorbed in his or her own fan-
tasies that no one else perceives.
All these are not merely aberrations in the brain. They
may include psychic abilities or psychic sensitivities but
are beyond the control of the person. The person may con-
nect up to the astral plane and lose contact with physical
realities. In these cases, the mind goes into an absorption
of the dull or blank type and sometimes an astral entity
comes in to use the mind. All severe mental derangement
involves such possessions by influences or entities, in
which we lose conscious control of the mind/

Spiritual and Non-spiritual Samadhis

There can be a combination of higher and lower Samad-

his. These include powerful or enduring mystical experi-
ences that are mixed with egoism. The person has a legit-
imate deep experience but the ego colors it. We feel that
we are the avatar, Jesus Christ or some other great holy
person, or that God is giving a special revelation through
us. Some of the religious cults that have caused trouble in
the world are based upon such mystical experiences which
were authentic but of a mixed nature. Being exposed to a
Ayurveda and the Mind

person in such a mixed Samadhi can be very deranging,

particularly for the naive or the unprepared. The authen-
ticity of their Samadhi causes one to believe their ego delu-
Lower Samadhis are externally directed and based upon
desire. The higher Samadhis are produced by the mind
itself when it transcends desire. Some intermediate Samad-
his exist in that there is desire but of a more subtle nature,
such as can be experienced in astral travel, in which we
may find subtle forms of enjoyment in worlds beyond the
physical. These also come under the Samadhis of the one-
pointed mind but can be mixed in nature.

Samadhi and Prana

Samadhi of some kind occurs whenever the mind

becomes fully absorbed in Prana or vital energy and its
functions. Our vital functions draw and hold the mind.
Moreover, extra Prana is required to sustain the mind,
which is very mobile, in any condition of absorption. If we
do not have the energy to focus the mind, it will wander
off. In Samadhi, the mind itself gets absorbed in the Prana
or the energy of an experience, which leaves a powerful
imprint on the psyche. Only those powerful experiences
which are invested with a great deal of Prana can hold the
mind. In this regard Prana is also of three types — Sattvic,
Rajasic and Tamasic.
Tamasic Prana operates in states of sleep, stupor, coma,
or under the influence of drugs — the Samadhis of the
deluded mind. The mind gets absorbed in this Tamasic
Prana and feels calm. However one's problems have not
been solved but merely covered over by ignorance.
Rajasic Prana operates during motor activities, like eat-
ing, drinking, eliminating, having sex, or during any state
of strong exertion like running or working, and during
The Eightfold Method of Yoga II 299

sensory activities that are overwhelming, like experiences

of great pleasure, pain, joy, sorrow, fear or attachment.
These are the Samadhis of the disturbed mind.
Pranic experiences in general are dominated by Rajas
and so all powerful Pranic activities have an effect on the
level of the Rajasic mind. Any vital (Pranic) function
involves at least a temporary absorption of the mind, even
eating or defecating. The active Prana holds the mind for
the purpose of discharging its function without interfer-
ence from other activities. The mind is suspended until
Prana achieves the aim of its action. Whenever Prana per-
forms a vital function, the mind must be put in abeyance
during the time that function is discharged, even if it is
only an instance. Whenever Prana acts, the mind gets
absorbed to some degree. Observe how your mind inter-
nalizes, at least a little, during eating or any other vital
Sattvic Prana operates during states of inspiration like
artistic inspiration, genius, and any sort of creative insight
or invention from the scientific to the philosophical. This
feeling of inspiration is itself a form of Prana. It results
from investing our life energy in some creative work. To
some extent, Samadhi of a Sattvic Prana occurs during all
our sensory perceptions, particularly seeing and hearing,
because the mind must be temporarily absorbed in a
Sattvic state of illumination for perception to occur. These
sensory Samadhis, however, endure only for an instant and
so are missed unless the mind is already very subtle and
Yogic Samadhis similarly require a special energization
of the Prana to achieve them and occur when the mind and
Prana are united consciously. For this reason Pranayama is
very important in creating yogic Samadhis. Without
Ayurveda and the Mind

developing an increased energy of Prana, it is very difficult

to reach these yogic Samadhis. Prana and Chitta, the vital
force and our deeper consciousness, are connected, as we
have already noted in our discussion of Chitta. One should
not forget the role of Prana in Samadhi, either of a higher
or lower nature.
Psychoanalysis often fails because it does not get to the
level of Prana and Chitta — the subconscious mind in
which our mental afflictions are lodged — and the Prana
that these hold. Releasing the Prana behind our psycho-
logical states is not an intellectual exercise. One of the best
ways to do this is to practice Pranayama. As one does
Pranayama, the subconscious gets energized and deep-seat-
ed patterns come up. If one consciously breathes deeply
through these emotional afflictions, they automatically get
released, even if one does not examine the outer circum-
stances that originally brought them about. In this way
Prana can be used to clear our deeper consciousness and
lead us into higher states of absorption.

Samadhi and Ayurvedic Psychology

Ayurvedic psychology examines the lower or illusory

Samadhis and employs its methods, from diet to medita-
tion, to help remove their conditioning upon the mind. As
states of Samadhi, their impact on the psyche can be very
great and hard to remove. The general rule is: Only if a
higher Samadhi is developed can the effects of a lower
Samadhi be completely neutralized. In fact, all true spiri-
tual practices develop higher (spiritual) Samadhis to
counter the lower (worldly) Samadhis and their attach-
Yogic practices develop a higher form of Samskara
(mental tendency) using postures, breathing exercises,
The Eightfold Method of Yoga II

mantra and meditation to create a state of consciousness

based upon love, peace and wisdom. Only a higher or
Sattvic Samskara can counter the effects of lower, Rajasic
and Tamasic, Samskaras. This alone can counter our ordi-
nary tendencies with their imprint of lesser Samadhis
based upon desire, disturbance and illusion. Once these
higher Samskaras are developed, they lead us to the spiri-
tual life in which we can transcend even them to a state of
pure awareness.
Lesser mental disorders usually involve attachment to a
lesser Samadhi, like addictions to sex, alcohol, or food.
Until the person learns a higher type of absorption, the
Samskaras of these lesser Samadhis will draw the mind
back to them and recreate their behavior. However, it is
not always possible to take people from the lesser to the
higher Samadhis. Sometimes it is necessary to proceed by
stages, developing Samadhis of the distracted mind to
counter those of the deluded mind and then Samadhis of
the imaginative mind to counter those of the deluded
Some of the lower Samadhis of the imaginative or dis-
tracted mind can be useful in treatment. If an emotionally
disturbed person can develop absorption in some useful
activity, this can help calm the mind. Getting patients to
take up some active physical exercise program (developing
a Samadhi of the distracted mind), and getting into the joy
of it, can help counter psychological problems. Similarly,
getting them interested in artistic expression (Samadhis of
the imaginative mind) can help them yet further.
To help a psychologically disturbed person discover
more wholesome Samadhis is the key to treatment. This is
the purpose of Ayurvedic psychological therapies, particu-
larly subtle sensory therapies, mantra and meditation. We
Ayurveda and the Mind

must learn the appropriate places to allow our minds to be

absorbed. These should be Sattvic influences or the mind
will remain ignorant and disturbed. We must learn to
develop the higher Samadhis so that we are not trapped in
the lower. We must learn to develop internal states of
absorption that are enduring, or our minds must remain
trapped in external absorptions and the pain of their com-
ing to an end.

Summary of the Eightfold Yogic Path

The eight limbs of Yoga reflect the process by which

our minds work, which has to be oriented the right way for
peace of mind.

1. First, we have certain values of social conduct

that determine how we relate to the world
(Yamas). Most important is the violence we allow
in our lives (ahimsa), how truthful we are, how
we use our sexual energy, what possessions we
keep around us, and what we are most deeply
attached to. These create our psychological

2. Second, closely related to these are the rules of

our personal conduct and lifestyle (Niyamas). We
have a certain way of acting in which we find our
main contentment. We organize our outer life in
a certain manner. We have a certain way of look-
ing at ourselves and who we are. We follow a cer-
tain discipline or routine. We have a particular
way of seeking help or favor from others. This
determines how we live.

For example, if you want to make money, you must

The Eightfold Method of Yoga II 303

place your seeking of happiness in that goal. You

must organize your outer life accordingly, eliminat-
ing those things that inhibit the achievement of
wealth. This gives you a certain identity or sense of
self. It creates a discipline, like work in the business
world. You must also gain the help of those who can
grant what you seek, like those in positions of

Whatever we decide to do, even if it is the pursuit

of pleasure, creates certain values and disciplines.
We must give up one thing in order to gain anoth-
er. Life always involves choice and action always
involves some methodology to achieve the goals we

This basic lifestyle orientation underlies our psy-

chology. Wrong values and wrong practices that
arise from them cause psychological disorders.
Sometimes the value is wrong, like seeking to harm
others. Sometimes the approach is wrong, like seek-
ing love but in ways that bring us into contact with
people who exploit us. Wrong life-orientation caus-
es the mind to open itself up to factors of distur-
bance and sorrow. Yet whatever type of action we
pursue requires some basic orientation of our ener-
gies, from taking a trip to planning a career.

3. Third, based on our orientation in life, we have a

way of movement that holds the body in a par-
ticular posture. The pursuit of sexual pleasure
causes us to use the body in one way, the pursuit
of athletic excellence is another, and so on. Cer-
tain ways of orienting the body increase stress
and tension, cause debility or disease, or in other
ways contribute to psychological distress.
304 Ayurveda and the Mind

4. Fourth, we have a specific way of using our vital

energy (Pranayama). Whatever we decide to do
directs our Prana toward that particular goal.
Whatever we do, we are investing that action
with our vitality, which in turn molds our vitali-
ty. If we are pursuing art, sports, business or spir-
ituality, each will cause a particular orientation of
the vital force.

5. Fifth, we have a way of focusing our mind and

senses (Pratyahara). At any given moment there
are innumerable sensory impressions coming into
the mind and we must select a few to consider
based upon the choices we have made in our
behavior. Whether it is watching television,
working at our office desk, or just walking down
the street, we are withdrawing from certain sen-
sations in order to focus on others. If the sensa-
tions we are focusing on are unwholesome (Raja-
sic and Tamasic), then the mind must be
distorted in the process.

6. Sixth, we must direct our attention in a specific

direction (Dharana). What we choose to do in life
creates a certain focus of attention. It not only
eliminates other objects from our attention but
concentrates us on the chosen object. If that
object or goal is unwholesome, our mental ener-
gy will be concentrated in a painful way.

7. Seventh, we have certain things that we reflect

upon deeply (Dhyana) — the most constant
objects of our thoughts. We are always thinking
about something. Our thoughts circulate around
the goals we are seeking, our basic enjoyments,
acquisitions and achievements. If the main
The Eightfold Method of Yoga II

objects that we reflect upon are disturbing, lim-

ited or confused, then the mental field must be
distorted as well.

8. Eighth, we must absorb our minds in those

things we most seek. This will occur in certain
peak experiences (Samadhi) that come at the end
of our striving. Even the attainment of pleasur-
able objects, like sex or food, is the culmination
of certain values and disciplines and seldom
comes without effort. The same is true for other
goals of life. However, if the object we seek is
tinged with personal craving, our absorption in it
must be transient and leaves us feeling empty,
however happy that moment of absorption may

Yoga is a way of doing this process consciously, in

which we gain absorption in God or our true nature. Psy-
chological disorders occur through doing it wrongly or
unconsciously, in which we gain absorption in wrong
influences that cause us to lose power over our own con-
sciousness (lose our inner peace). Once we understand this
process, we will no longer seek those things that bring us
suffering. This requires truly understanding our con-
sciousness and how it works. Without understanding and
applying the great principles of Yoga and Ayurveda, we
cannot do this.
May you, the reader, proceed quickly and without hin-
drance on this great path of immortal life!
Ayurveda and the Mind

Primary Yantra

Appendix 1

The following tables provide not only a summary but a

more extensive knowledge of our psycho-physical nature
and its place in the greater universe of consciousness. Top-
ics covered are the three bodies, the five sheaths, the seven
levels of the universe, the seven chakras, the five Pranas, a
table of the functions of the mind (Chitta), and a diagram
of cosmic evolution.

Table a
The Three Bodies

Our true Self, whose nature is Pure Consciousness, is

encased in three bodies or vestures. Only the gross or phys-
ical body is a body in the ordinary sense of the word. The
subtle (astral) body is built up from the impressions
derived through the mind and senses. The causal body is
made up of our most deep-seated tendencies, held in the
three gunas of sattva, rajas and tamas. The inner Self is the
fourth factor that transcends the three bodies.

Body Composition State Existence Guna

Gross gross elements waking physical tamas
(Physical) derived from
Subtle subtle elements dream astral rajas
(Astral) derived from
Causal causal elements deep sleep causal or sattva
derived from ideal
Transcendent unmodified transcendent unmanifest
Self (Pure consciousness (turiya) absolute gunas
Ayurveda and the Mind

The physical body functions during the waking state,

in which we live in a world of physical objects, each with
its specific fonn and location in time and space. For this
body to exist, we must eat and take in the gross elements
that compose it.
The astral body functions during dream and inspired
thought, in which we live in the world of our own impres-
sions. It defines time and space rather than being defined
by them. It is sustained by impressions and the subtle ele-
ments, which are its food. It is dominated by the emo-
tional or sense-mind (Manas).
The causal body functions during deep sleep and pro-
found meditation, in which we live in our own conscious-
ness devoid of external objects, perceived or imaginary. It
is not located as a fonn or impression in space and time,
but exists as an idea that creates time and space according
to its qualities. It is sustained by thoughts, the causal ele-
ments, which are its food. It is dominated by our deeper
consciousness (Chitta). Our true Self and immortal being
transcend all three bodies and states of consciousness. Only
in this rests our liberation from time and space, birth and

The Three Bodies and Psychological Disorders

We must determine the level of our nature from which

our psychological problems derive in order to treat them
properly. If their cause is physical, like wrong diet, it must
be treated on that level. If the cause is astral, like wrong
impressions, these impressions must be changed to
improve the condition. If the cause is causal, like deep-
seated rajas and tamas in the soul, they are difficult to cor-
rect and their causes may stem from past life karma. Treat-
ing them physically and astrally improves them indirectly.
Appendix 1 309

It is difficult to get to the causal level directly because this

requires control of the lower bodies and the ability to med-
Physical disease factors, like bad food or water, affect
the astral body indirectly according to the impressions
derived from them. In the same way, impressions in the
astral body affect the causal body indirectly according to
their gunas. All three bodies are involved in some way,
whatever the condition is.
Relative to healing, our physical world can be changed
by altering the objects around which we live, and particu-
larly those we ingest (food, water and air). Our astral world
can be changed by altering our impressions and ideas. Our
causal world can be changed by altering our deepest beliefs
and desires (the gunas we hold to).

Table b
The Five Sheaths and the Mind

The three bodies make up five sheaths or layers of mat-

ter from the gross physical to the causal.

Layer Sheath Function Composition

Chitta Bliss, love or Samskaras
(Consciousness Anandamaya spiritual (Guna imprints
or inner mind) Kosha aspiration from tanmatras)
Buddhi intelligence. reason or mental
(Intelligence) Vijnanamaya discernment activities (Vrit-
tis) kosha
Manas sensory, gathering impressions
(Outer mind) Manomaya kosha sensory and data (tanmatras)
Prana vital, animate the five Pranas
(Vital force) Pranamaya kosha physical and
astral bodies
Physical food, allow for five Elements
Annamaya kosha embodiment
Ayurveda and the Mind

The three bodies constitute five sheaths. The Pranic

sheath mediates between the physical and astral bodies;
the intelligence sheath mediates between the astral and
causal. The three main functions of the mind (Chitta, Bud-
dhi and Manas) constitute the three most subtle sheaths.
The field of our core-consciousness makes up the sheath of
bliss (Anandamaya Kosha) in which we hold our deeper
joys and sorrows, our kannas and Samskaras that are
imprinted in the gunas. Consciousness is bliss, with love
or desire being predominant, ever seeking happiness and
joy. It governs the state of deep sleep in which all manifest
thoughts and impressions disappear and in which we expe-
rience peace and joy.
The field of intelligence makes up the sheath of intelli-
gence, in which we hold our deeper knowledge, judgments
and discrimination of truth. This either allows us access to
the bliss sheath, if our wisdom is spiritual, or closes it off
to us, if our knowledge is of the outer world only. This is
the site of most of our mental activities (vrittis), particu-
larly those that relate to the determination of truth and
The field of the mind makes up the mental sheath, in
which we hold our various impressions, both sensory and
mental. These either allow us access to the intelligence
sheath, if we have understood and digested them, or close
it off, if we are caught in outer enjoyments.
Pranamaya kosha's lower (Tamasic) aspect becomes the
physical Pranas, its higher (Rajasic) aspect becomes the
subtle Pranas and emotions (mind and senses) and consti-
tutes the emotional body. Similarly, the intelligence sheath
is dual in nature. Its lower (Rajasic) function is intellect,
or thought directed toward the outer world, which works
along with the senses and part of the astral body. Its high-
Appendix 1

er (Sattvic) function is true intelligence, or discrimination

directed toward the eternal part of the causal body, and
transcends the senses.

Table c
The Seven Levels of the Universe

The universe is an organic entity or Cosmic Person con-

structed by Cosmic Intelligence and occurring in different
layers — from Pure Being to gross physical matter. The
five sheaths correspond to the first five levels of the uni-


2. ENERGYPrana

3. EMOTION Manas

4. INTELLIGEN CE V ij nana

5. BLISSAnanda


7. BEINGS at

Being and Consciousness, the last two, have no sheaths

because they are beyond all manifestation. They are the
fundamental reality and background of the other princi-
ples, which can be viewed as a series of concentric circles
with the physical in the middle as the most limited factor.
They create seven worlds, lokas or planes of existence.
Ananda, Bliss, is dual in nature, with its higher aspect
beyond manifestation and its lower aspect being the source
of manifestation. Together with the other higher two prin-
ciples, it forms Sacchidananda, Being-Consciousness-Bliss,
as the threefold transcendent reality of Brahman or Atman,
the Absolute or Self.
312 Ayurveda and the Mind

Table d
The Seven Chakras

The Chakras are energy fields in the subtle body and

govern the subtle elements, sense organs, and organs of
action. They possess corresponding energy fields in the
physical body, the nerve plexus, which similarly govern
gross elements, the physical sense organs and organs of
action. A tendency of New Age thought is to confuse the
outer or physical function of the chakras with their inner
or spiritual function, which is quite different and only
comes into play during advanced meditation practices.

Element Location Sense Quality Sense Organ Motor Organ

Consciousness Head Causal Sound Causal Hearing and Speech
Mind Third Eye Subtle Sound Subtle Hearing and Speech
Ether Throat Sound Ears Vocal Organ
Air Heart Touch Skin Hands
Fire Navel Sight Eyes Feet
Water Sex Taste Tongue Reproductive
Earth Root Smell Nose Organs of

Derangement in the mind gets reflected by dishar-

monies in the respective chakras and their functions, along
with the inability of the higher chakra functions to come
into play. The five lower chakras in their outer function
relate to the physical sensory and motor organs. In their
heightened or spiritual function, they awaken the subtle
sensory and motor organs to which they relate, giving us
the experience of subtle worlds and higher states of con-
Appendix 1 313A

Psychological problems relate to their respective

chakras and depress their function. Lack of control of the
sense organs prevents their respective chakras from open-
ing and keeps their function weak or deranged. For exam-
ple, excess sexual activity weakens the water chakra and
prevents it from opening, while excess fear damages the
earth chakra. Control of the senses brings the energy of
consciousness inward for the unfoldment of its higher
aspects. The role of the third eye is crucial in this regard
because through it the senses are concentrated and direct-
ed within.
Ayurvedic psychology balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha
in the body and increases Sattva in the mind to harmonize
lower chakra functions and creates the foundation for the
opening of their higher potential. Tejas helps open the
lower chakras and corresponds to Kundalini. Ojas aids in
the unfoldment of the higher chakras of the head and third
eye. Prana allows the heart (air) chakra to open. Control of
Manas gives us control of the lower five chakras. Develop-
ment of Buddhi allows the third eye to develop. Clearing
of the Chitta opens the crown chakra and the deeper spir-
itual heart. Dissolution of the ego (Ahamkara) is the key to
the process because ego creates the constriction of energy
that prevents the chakras from functioning properly.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Table e
The Five Pranas and the Mind

Prana is divided fivefold according to its movement

and function.

Prana physical location physical function subtle function

Vyana Vayu— heart and limbs, movement and mental circulation
diffusive vital pervades entire circulation and expansion
force body
Udana Vayu— throat, upper chest speech, exhalation, aspiration,
ascending vital growth enthusiasm, effort,
force mental growth
Prana Vayu— heart and brain swallowing, mental energiza-
inward moving inhalation, sensory and receptivity
vital force perception
Samana Vayu— navel digestion and mental digestion
equalizing vital metabolism, and homeostasis
force homeostasis
Apana Vayu— below the navel elimination, mental elimination
downward moving reproduction, and immunity
vital force immunity

These five Pranas are all diversifications of the air ele-

ment, its subtle counterpart (the tanmatra or sensory qual-
ity of touch), and the guna of Rajas. The five Pranas are
common to all the elements, organs, koshas, and functions
of the mind. They serve to energize and to connect our
activities on all levels.
Prana brings about energization. Samana provides
nutrition. Apana is responsible for elimination. Vyana
governs circulation. Udana provides for effort and the
capacity to work. For example, on the physical level, Prana
is responsible for eating food, Samana for digesting it,
Vyana circulates the nutrients to all the tissues, Apana
Appendix 1 315

eliminates the waste material from the food, and Udana

allows us to use the energy derived from the food for phys-
ical work.
On the level of the mind, Prana is responsible for the
intake of impressions and ideas, Samana digests them,
Vyana circulates this information, Apana removes the
waste material (negative thoughts and emotions), and
Udana allows us to do positive mental work and exertion.
On a general level, Prana energizes all the koshas,
Samana sustains their relationship, cohesion and balance,
Apana brings energy down the koshas from the subtle to
the gross, Udana brings energy up the koshas from the
gross to the subtle, and Vyana brings about circulation
through all the five koshas and is responsible for their dif-

Psychological Disorders and the Pranas

Psychological disorders involve imbalances in the

Pranas or energies that govern the mind. First, Prana or
energization is disturbed by taking in wrong impressions,
emotions or thoughts. Second, Samana or digestion gets
unbalanced through wrong intakes and poor discrimina-
tion. Then the other three Pranas become disturbed.
Apana brings about the increase of waste materials in the
mind. Vyana or circulation is impaired, bringing about
stagnation in our deeper consciousness. Udana or our pos-
itive will is weakened and we are unable to make the
efforts to change or improve our condition.
Prana Vayu is our ability to absorb positive impressions
and thoughts, as well as the capacity of the life-force to
control our equilibrium. Disturbed, it prevents us from
bringing in positive impressions and sets our entire equi-
librium off balance. This guiding Prana is connected with
Ayurveda and the Mind

Agni or the fire principle and together with it vitalizes the

mind and senses.
Apana Vayu is our ability to ward off negativity, the
force of gravity in the mind. When its function is
deranged, we get depressed or take in the energies of stag-
nation and decay. Various disturbed downward flows of the
life-energy can occur.
Samana Vayu, the equalizing life-energy, is weakened
when mental peace and harmony are disturbed. Physically,
this deranges the digestive system and weakens absorp-
tion, allowing for the build-up of toxins. This causes psy-
chological congestion and attachment, along with the
inability to be alone. Severe psychological problems may
cause significant Samana Vayu disorders, with derange-
ment of the nervous system and long-term mental imbal-
Vyana Vayu is the expansive part of the life-energy,
responsible for outward-directed movement and activity.
It makes us happy, independent and expansive. Disturbed,
it causes tremors in the body or agitation in the mind. In
the mind, it causes alienation and isolation and prevents us
from getting along with other people.
Udana Vayu is our ascending enthusiasm, will and
motivation. It makes us feel elated, proud or exalted. It
gets weakened by depression. When we are depressed, our
energy is unable to move upwards and sinks. Inability to
speak or express ourselves indicates that Udana Vayu is
weak. Various disturbed upward flows of the life-force can
occur, like coughing or uncontrolled speech when this
Prana is deranged. In excess, it makes us vain, domineer-
ing and intolerant.
These five Pranas are one of the most profound aspects
of Ayurvedic thought. We are only introducing them here,
Appendix 1 317

but their role should not be underestimated. They require

a book on them alone.

Table f
Functions of the Mind

Self or Soul Jivatman

ElementEther aspect of Subtle Air and Ether
Guna Unmanifest condition of Gunas
Sheath Bliss Sheath fully activated
Functions Self-awareness
State of Awareness Ever-waking
State of Time Eternal Present
Kingdom of Nature Yogi or Sage
Nature Pure Knowledge

Consciousness Chitta
Element Air aspect of Subtle Air and Ether
Guna Source of the Gunas
Sheath Bliss Sheath in general
Functions Memory, Sleep, Samadhi
Sense Instinct/Intuition
State of Time Past
State of Awareness Deep Sleep
Kingdom of Nature Plant (lower), God or angel (higher)
Nature Love, Desire

Element Fire aspect of Subtle Air and Ether
Guna Sattva
Sheath Intelligence Sheath
Functions Perception, Reason, Determination
SenseSense Organs, particularly hearing
Ayurveda and the Mind

State of TimePresent
State of Awareness Waking
Kingdom of NatureHuman (Sage when fully activated)
NatureKnowledge, Higher and Lower

Mind Manas
ElementWater aspect of Subtle Air and Ether
Guna Rajas
Sheath Mind Sheath
Functions Sensation, Volition, Imagination
Sense- Organs of Action, particularly hands
State of TimeFuture
State of AwarenessDream
Kingdom of Nature Animal
Nature Action

Ego Ahamkara
ElementEarth aspect of Subtle Air and Ether
Guna Tamas
Sheath Physical body
Functions Self-sense, ownership
Sense Self or ego
State of TimePast
State of Awareness Deep sleep
Kingdom of Nature Elemental

Appendix 2


1 This is called Yoga-chikitsa in Sanskrit. Yoga as spiritual prac-

tice is called Yoga-sadhana.
2 Similarly, classical yogic texts employ Ayurvedic terminology to
describe the physiological effects of yogic practices.
3 Ayurveda like Yoga is based upon the Sankhya philosophy
which derives from the Upanishads.
4 This follows the attributions of the elements and the sensory
capacities that we note later in the book.
5 For more information on Prana, Tejas and Ojas, note my book
tual Secrets of Ayurveda, pages 193-226. It includes the signs
and conditions of high, low or sufficient Prana, Tejas and Ojas.
It has a section on how to develop them and how to keep them
in balance.
6 For a more traditional but more complex examination of sattvic,
rajasic and tamasic mental types in Ayurveda, note CHARAKA
7 Psychiatry with its use of chemical drugs can be a Tamasic ther-
apy. It is mainly useful in cases of excess Rajas in which the
patient can cause harm to himself or others. Drugs can be useful
short term in other high Rajasic conditions like acute pain or
severe anxiety, which may require strong sedation. As drugs are
Tamasic in nature, their long term effect is to inhibit Sattva.
They must be used only as a last resort or temporary measure.
8 Psychoanalysis is generally a Rajasic therapy. It takes us from
repressed emotions (Tamas) to self-expression (rajas). However, it
may not lead us to Sattva unless additional therapies are added.
Analysis must lead to practical action. Excess analysis can pre-
vent a person from really changing, just as thinking about a
problem too much can prevent us from dealing with it.
9 Modem psychoanalysis, with its active and communicative
methods, is essentially a Rajasic process. It aims at breaking up
and releasing repressed (Tamasic) emotional patterns. Analysis
helps bring the mind from a Tamasic (repressed) to a Rajasic
320 Ayurveda and the Mind

(thoughtful, active and motivated) state.

10 What is called karma yoga in Sanskrit.
11 This witnessing attitude is called Sakshi-bhava in Sanskrit and
is the basis of most Vedantic forms of meditation.
12 This is the Atman of Vedantic thought.
13 According to the YOGA SUTRAS 111.33, meditation upon the
heart brings knowledge of the mind.
14 Note Patanjali, YOGA SUTRA 1.2. "Yoga is the mastery of all
the operations of consciousness (Chitta)."
15 In the Buddhist Yogachara school, this deeper consciousness is
called Alaya Vijnana or "storehouse consciousness" for its retain-
ing all karmic tendencies.
16 Unconditioned Chit reflected into matter (Prakriti or Maya)
becomes conditioned chitta. However, we should note that in
Buddhist teachings, like the Lankavatara Sutra, the term chitta
can refer to conditioned chitta or unconditioned Chit. The latter
is called unconditioned chitta or the pure nature of Mind. The
One Mind of Buddhism, Eka Chitta, referring to the uncondi-
tioned One Consciousness, resembles the One Self or Atman, of
Vedantic thought.
17 Iccha predominant in Sanskrit.
18 Ayurveda discusses the importance of truthful memory in detail
means of both health and liberation.
19 Note section on Samadhi in Yoga chapter of the book for more
20 Ayurveda discusses the role of wrong use of intelligence under
the term Prajnaparadha or failure of wisdom. Note CARAKA
21 The BHAGAVAD GITA, the great yogic scripture of the avatar
Krishna, emphasizes Buddhi Yoga, the Yoga of Intelligence,
through which we can maintain equanimity throughout all the
ups and downs of life.
22 This is called viveka in Sanskrit.
23 This Cosmic Intelligence is called Mahat in Sanskrit. It is the
cosmic counterpart of Buddhi.
24 These are called Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in Hindu thought.
Appendix 2 321 A

25 This is the higher aspect of Agni or the Cosmic Fire.

26 Sanskrit antarayami.
27 Compared to consciousness (Chitta) in its original form, even
the higher aspect of intelligence appears Rajasic. For this reason,
some yogis relate Chitta to Sattva and Buddhi to Rajas. Other
times, however, Chitta and Buddhi are identified because both
are predominantly Sattvic, which is the view of Classical
Samkhya. In the same way. Cosmic Intelligence and Cosmic
Consciousness are often regarded as the same.
28 For this reason it is also sometimes located in the throat, or
between the head and the heart.

29 Jnana predominant in Sanskrit.

30 This is called Prajnaparadha in Sanskrit and is one the main
causative factors in the disease process according to Ayurveda.
31 This will to truth is called Kratu in the Vedas, which implies
sacrifice or self-negation. This only comes through intelligence
which negates our outer desires. It requires the alignment of
intelligence and the mind, in which the mind's desires are
directed inward through renunciation. Later Vedanta calls it
Samkalpa Shakti or true will power, doing what we say and say-
ing what we do.
32 The section on Samadhi in the chapter on consciousness is also
relevant here.

33 This immersion of intelligence (Buddhi) in the heart (Chitta) is

called Bodhichitta or enlightened consciousness in Buddhist
34 Manas occurs as a general term for the mind in Vedantic litera-
ture, in which case it is synonymous with chitta and includes all
the other functions of the mind under its scope. In Buddhist lit-
erature, Manas can refer to all the functions of the mind. The
unconditioned Manas can refer to the Buddha nature or enlight-
ened awareness, like the Atman of Vedanta. As most mental
activity occurs in the field of Manas, it can be considered as the
most characteristic part of what we normally call the mind.
35 Actors learn to play with these core feelings or emotions. They
are called rasas or essences in Sanskrit. They are also referred to
as bhavas, or states of feeling, which in turn reflect various rela-
tionships. Feeling is relationship-oriented. To work with these
feelings and relationships consciously is the path of devotion,
322 Ayurveda and the Mind

Bhakti Yoga.
36 Some Yogis classify Manas as tamas compared to Buddhi as Satt-
va because Manas has an outgoing and Buddhi an ingoing ener-
gy. Manas does have a component of Tamas, and Rajas generally
leads to Tamas. Classical Samkhya makes Manas a product of
Ahamkara or ego, deriving it from its Sattvic and Rajasic sides.
This reflects the relationship between Manas and the sensory
and motor organs, which are related to Sattva and Rajas respec-
tively. All the functions of the mind need some Sattva in order
to function clearly.
37 Sanskrit kriya.
38 Vara people, however, have the most active and generally most
disturbed minds. This is because they are most sensitive and
because their consciousness (Chitta) is most exposed through the
actions of both body and mind.
39 Sanskrit samkalpa and vikalpa. Yet here it is ordinary samkalpa,
or intention to action, with the body and senses, not rhe higher
will or samkalpa, the will to truth, which requires alignment
with the Buddhi and the Self.
40 This is called Samkalpa Shakti in Sanskrit, the power of will or
intention. Cultivating it means that we set spiritual goals for
ourselves, like controlling our anger, and then accomplish these,
whatever the effort it may take.
41 This is called Aham-dhi or Aham-buddhi in Sanskrit, showing
that it is a mistake or misconception of intelligence or Buddhi.
42 This has been a Vedantic criticism of certain Buddhist systems.
43 These are called ahamtva and mamatva in Sanskrit.
44 These two factors are discussed in the chapter on Spiritual
Methods of Treatment.
45 Ayurvedic literature contains extensive discussions of the indi-
vidual soul and Supreme Soul and their relationship. Note
46 Note particularly the teachings of the modem teacher Ramana
Maharshi and the ancient teacher Shankara for the teachings of
Advaita or non-dualisric Vedanta. Other Vedantic approaches
exist as well, like the integral non-dualism (Pumadvaita) of Sri
Aurobindo, the qualified non-dualism (Visishtadvaita) of
Ramanuja, and the dualistic Vedanta of Madhva.
Appendix 2

47 Chitta-shuddhi in Sanskrit.
48 In ordinary Ayurvedic terminology, the Doshas of Vata, Pitta
and Kapha in excess damage the tissues or dhatus of the body,
which is the dushti or damaged factor. In Ayurvedic psychology,
Buddhi-dosha causes Chitta-dushti, wrong functioning of intel-
ligence damages the substance of our consciousness.
49 For an extensive examination of these different functions of the
mind and their states according to the three gunas note SCI-
ENCE OF THE SOUL by Swami Yogeshwaranand Saraswati,
pages 96-115.
50 Note YOGA SUTRAS II. 33-34.
51 Please examine the section on intelligence for more information
on the right function of the Buddhi.
52 These three states relate to Vaishvanara, Taijasa and Prajna in
Vedantic thought. Vaishvanara is the digestive fire in the physi-
cal body. Taijasa is the digestive fire in the subtle body. Prajna is
the digestive fire in the causal body. Taijasa, the power of Tejas,
being the digestive fire in the subtle body or mind is most
important in the digestion of impressions or mental digestion.

53 Note section on Pancha Karma later in the book, pages 202-203

an examination of the role of the senses in the disease process.
55 For example, my book AYURVEDIC HEALING, pages 51-87,
in this regard.
56 Unfortunately there are many animal additives to foods, like fish
liver oil as a vitamin supplement, rennet in cheese, or cows'
bones used to bleach sugar. One should try to avoid these as
57 This has been outlined in AYURVEDIC HEALING, pages 83-
58 Note YOGA OF HERB S in this regard.
59 For a materia medica of the herbs mentioned in this book,
please consult YOGA OF HERBS and PLANETARY HER-
60 Note YOGA OF HERBS, pages 23-25, for its discussion of the
six tastes.
61 These are called medhya rasayanas in Sanskrit.
^ 324 Ayurveda and the Mind

62 These five practices are called vamana, virechana, basti, nasya

and raktamoksha in Sanskrit.
gems are listed among the spiritual therapies of Ayurveda.
64 More information on Vedic astrology, including its healing
aspects, is presented in ASTROLOGY OF THE SEERS, partic-
ularly pages 235-261.
65 For more information on the Ayurvedic use of gems, examine
AYURVEDIC HEALING, pages 308-312.
mantra is mentioned among the spiritual therapies of Ayurveda.
67 This process is called purascharana or anusthana in Sanskrit.
68 This subject is examined in TANTRIC YOGA AND THE
WISDOM GODDESSES. Also look into Haresh Johari's
pages 197-219, for ways of increasing Prana, Tejas and Ojas,
including mantra.
70 This chosen form of God is called Ishta Devata in Sanskrit.
There are many works on Bhakti Yoga or the Yoga of Devotion,
VATAM, the RAMAYANA, and the songs of great saints like
Mira Bai.
71 These are called homa, havana and Agnihotra in Sanskrit.
examined the role of ten important Goddesses in this regard.
73 Vagbhatta, the great Buddhist Ayurvedic teacher, recommended
using the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara or the Gods Shiva and
Avalokiteshvara's consort is the Goddess Tara, also called Kwan
Yin in the Chinese tradition.
74 Self-knowledge is the subject matter of Advaita or non-dualistic
Vedanta. Its main classical proponent is Shankaracharya. Its
most noted modem proponent is Ramana Maharshi, the great
sage of Timvannamalai, South India.
75 For the importance of Yoga in traditional Ayurveda, note
Appendix 2 325 ^

76 YOGA SUTRAS of Patanjali, Book I, Sutra 2.

77 What are called vama and ashrama in Vedic thought. The var-
nas are our social ethic, which is divided into four as it is based
on knowledge, honor, wealth or work. The ashramas are the
stages of life as youth, householder, retiree and renunciate.
78 The true purpose of Yoga is inner integration. It is done for a
spiritual purpose and requires renunciation and self-abnegation.
Enjoyment, called bhoga in Sanskrit, is not the aim of Yoga,
which moves in another direction. However, many people do
Yoga in order to feel better, which is a pursuit of bhoga. This
often distorts what Yoga means and prevents us from benefiting
from its deeper practices.
79 Note YOGA SUTRAS 1.12. Vyasa's commentary, for an expla-
nation of Chitta-Nadi. The outer flow of the mind through the
senses leads to bondage and sorrow. The inner flow through dis-
crimination leads to peace and liberation, this inner flow sets in
motion the Kundalini, which is the awakened Chitta-Nadi.
80 This is called Shambahvi mudra in yogic thought. It is used in
several systems of Buddhist meditation as well.
81 We have already discussed Samadhi in the sections of the book
on Chitta and Buddhi and will not repeat that information here.
Please keep it in mind.
82 Vyasa, the main commentator on YOGA SUTRAS, defines
Yoga as Samadhi. The first section of the book is the Samadhi
Pada or section relating to Samadhi. The majority of verses in
the book relate to Samadhi or Samyama.
83 Sanskrit — note Vyasa's commentary on first verse of YOGA
84 These Samadhis (samyamas) are explained in great detail in the
YOGA SUTRAS, particularly the third section.
85 These types of possession are explained in Ayurvedic psychology.
I have examined some of these in AYURVEDIC HEALING,
pages 254-257.
Ayurveda and the Mind

Sanskrit Glossary

Agni - digestive fire,

Ahamkara - ego or sense of separate self
Antahkarana - internal instrument, mind on all levels
Apana - downward moving Prana
Asanas - yogic postures
Astral Plane - subtle world of pure impressions, dream
Atman - true Self, sense of pure I am
Ayurveda - yogic science of healing

Bhakti Yoga - Yoga of Devotion

Bija Mantra - single syllable mantras like OM
Brahman - Absolute reality
Buddhi - intelligence

Causal Plane - source world of creation, realm of the ideal

or archetypes, deep sleep plane
Chakras - energy centers of subtle body, which govern the
physical body through the nerve plexus
Chitta - consciousness, inner mind, particularly the

Devi - the Goddess

Dharana - concentration
Dhanna - the law of our nature
Dhyana - meditation
Gunas - three prime qualities of Nature of sattva, rajas
and tamas

Guru - spiritual guide

Homa - Vedic fire offerings

Ishvara - God or the Creator

Ishvari - Divine Mother, feminine aspect of God
Appendix 2

Jiva - individual soul

Jnana Yoga - Yoga of Self-knowledge

Kama - effect of our past actions, including from

previous births
Kama Yoga - yoga of ritual, work and service
Kundalini - latent energy of spiritual development

Mahat - Divine Mind or Cosmic Intelligence

Manas - outer or sensory aspect of mind
Mantra - seed sounds used for healing or yogic purposes
Mamas - sensitive points on the body

Niyamas - yogic disciplines

Ojas - water on a vital level

Pitta - biological fire humor

Prakriti - nature
Prana - vital force, breath
Pranayama - control or expansion of vital force
Pratyahara - control or introversion of the mind
and senses
Puja - Hindu rituals
Purusha - inner spirit, Self

Raja Yoga - Integral Yoga system of Patanjali in Yoga

Rajas - quality of action and agitation
Rajasic - of the nature of rajas

Samadhi - absorption
Samana - balancing vital force
Sattva - quality of hamony
Sattvic - of the nature of Sattva
Shakti - power, energy, particular of the deepest level
Shiva - Divine power of peace and transcendence
Ayurveda and the Mind

Tamas - quality of darkness and inertia

Tamasic - of the nature of Tamas
Tanmatras - sensory potentials which are the subtle
elements (sound, touch, sight, taste, smell)
Tantra - energetic system of working with our higher
Tejas - fire on a vital level

Udana - upward moving Prana

Vata - biological air humor

Vayu-another name for Prana or vital force
Vedas - ancient Hindu spiritual system of Self and
Cosmic knowledge
Vishnu - Divine power of love and protection
Vyana - expansive vital force

Yam a - yogic values

Yantras - geometric meditation forms
Yoga - science of reintegration with the universal reality
Appendix 2
329 A

Herbal Glossary

aloe gel Aloe vera

amalaki Emblica officinalis
asafetidaFemla asafetida
ashwagandha Withania somnifera
bala Sida cordifolia
basilOcinum spp.
bayberryMyrica spp.
betony Stachys betonica
calamus-Acoms calamus
cam om ileAnth emum nobilis
camphorCinnamomum camphor
cardamom Elettaria cardamomum
cedar Cedms spp.
champak Michelia champaka
chrysanthemum ....Chrysanthemum indicum
cinnamonCinnamomum zeylonica
clovesSyzgium aromaticum
damianaTumera aphrodisiaca
elecampanelnula spp.
ephedra Ephedra spp.
eucalyptus Eucalyptus sp.
frankincenseBoswellia carteri
gardeniaGardenia floribunda
garlic- Allium sativa
ginger Zingiberis officinalis
gokshura Tribulis terrestris
gotu kolaHydrocotyle asiatica
guggulC ommiphora mukul
haritaki Tenninalia chebula
heenaLawsonia alba
honeysuckleLonicera japonica
hopsHumulus lupulus
Ayurveda and the Mind

hyssop Hyssop officinalis

irislris sp.
jasmine Jasminum grandiflomm
j atamansiN ardostachy s j atamansi
kapikacchuMucuna pmriens
lady's slipper Cyripidium pubescens
lavenderLavendula stoechas
lemon grass Cymbopogon citratus
licoriceGlycyrrhizzra glabra
lilyLilum spp.
lotus seeds Nelumbo nocifera
ma huangEphedra sinense
manduka pamiBacopa monnieri
myrrhCommiphora myrrha
nutmeg Myristica fragrans
passion flower Passiflora incamata
peppermint Mentha piperita
pippaliPiper nigrum
plumaria Plumeria rubra
rose-Rosa spp.
rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis
saffron Crocus sativa
sage Salvia officinalis
sandalwood Santalum alba
sesame seedsSesamum indica
shankha pushpi ....Canscora decussata
shatavariAsparagus racemosus
shilaj itAsphaltum
skullcapScutellaria spp.
speannintMentha spictata
tamarind Tamarindus indicus
thyme Thymus vulgaris
valerian Valeriana spp.
Appendix 2

vetivert Andropogon muriaticus

vidarilpomoea digitata
wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens
yohimbeCaryanthe yohimbe
zizyphus seeds Zizyphus spinosa
Ayurveda and the Mind



Anirvan, Sri, Antaryoga, Voice of India, New Delhi,

India, 1994.

Anirvan, Sri,. Buddhiyoga of the Gita and other Essays,

Samata Press, Madras, India, 1990.

Aurobindo, Sri, Letters on Yoga, Sri Aurobindo Ashram,

Pondicherry, India

Frawley, David, Astrology of the Seers: A Guide to

Hindu! Vedic Astrology, , Passage Press, Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1990.

Frawley, David,. Ayurvedic Healing, A Comprehensive Guide,

Passage Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1989-

Frawley, David, Beyond The Mind, Passage Press, Salt Lake

City, Utah, 1992.

Frawley, David, From the River of Heaven: Hindu and Vedic

Knowledge for the Modern Age, Passage Press, Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1990.

Frawley, David, Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses:

Spiritual Secrets of Ayurveda, Passage Press, Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1994.

Frawley, David and Dr. Vasant Lad, The Yoga of Herbs,.

Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, WI, 1986.

Lad, Vasant, Dr,. Ayurveda, The Science of Self-Healing,.

Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, WI, 1984.

Lad, Vasant, Dr. Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing,.

Ayurvedic Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1994.

Ranade, Dr. Subhash, Natural Healing Through Ayurveda,

Passage Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1993.
Appendix 2 333 A

Yogeshwarananda, Swami, Science of the Soul, Yoga Nike-

tan Trust, New Delhi, India, 1992.

Yogeshwarananda, Swami, Science of the Soul, Yoga Nike-

tan Trust, New Delhi, India, 1992.

Yogeshwarananda, Swami, Science ofPrana, YogaNiketan

Trust, New Delhi, India, 1992.

Yukteswar, Sri, The Holy Science. Self-Realization Fellow-

ship, Los Angeles, California, 197S.

Sanskrit Texts

Astanga Hridaya of Vagbhatta.

Bhagavad Gita of Sri Krishna.

Caraka Sam hit a (three volumes). Varanasi, Chowkhamba

Sanskrit Series, India.

Daivarata Vaisvamitra, Chandodarshana.

Daivarata Vaisvamitra, Vak Sudha.

Ganapati Muni, Uma Sahasram with commentary by

Kapali Sastri.

Mahabharata, Sanskrit, Gita Press, Gorakpur.

Patanjali, Toga Sutras with commentaries of Vacaspati

Misra and Vijnana Bhiksu.

Sankhya Karika of Ishvara Krishna with the commen-

taries of Matharacarya and Samkaracarya.

Satapatha Brahmana

Susruta Sam hit a

188 Upanishads

Ayurveda and the Mind


American Institute of Vedic Studies

The American Institute of Vedic Studies offers books

and courses on Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, and related
Vedic disciplines under the directorship of Dr. Frawley. It
is affiliated with various other associations and teaching
institutions including the California College of Ayurveda
and the New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine. Its
web site also offers information on these subjects.

Ayurvedic Healing Correspondence course

Ayurveda is the traditional natural healing system of

India and the yogic form of medicine. It is now recognized
as one of the most important systems of mind-body medi-
cine and its popularity is spreading throughout the world.
Ayurveda considers all aspects of healing from diet and
herbs to mantra and meditation as a truly holistic system
of medicine.
This comprehensive practical program covers all the
main aspects of Ayurvedic theory, diagnosis and practice,
with special emphasis on herbal medicine. It goes in detail
into Yoga philosophy and Ayurvedic psychology, showing
an integral approach of mind-body medicine. The course is
designed for Health Care Professionals as well as serious
students to provide the foundation for becoming an
Ayurvedic practitioner. Certification for the course is given
to students who answer all test questions satisfactorily, as
well as options for further study.
A special course in Ayurvedic Psychology is also now
being planned for advanced studies.
Appendix 2 335

Astrology7 of the Seers

Correspondence Course in Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology, also called "Jyotish," is the traditional

astrology of India and part of the greater system of Yogic
knowledge. Vedic astrology is a comprehensive and pow-
erful tool both of astrological interpretation and predic-
tion, containing methods for examining all aspects of life
from health to enlightenment.
This comprehensive course explains Vedic astrology in
clear and modem terms, providing practical insights on
how to use and adapt the system. For those who have dif-
ficulty approaching the Vedic system, the course provides
many keys for unlocking its language and its methodolo-
gy for the Western student. Over five hundred pages in
length, it explains Vedic astrology in modem terms and
relative to Western astrology, affording easy access to this
often arcane system.
The goal of the course is to provide the foundation for
the student to become a professional Vedic astrologer. The
orientation of the course is twofold: to teach the language
and way of thinking of Vedic astrology and to set forth the
Astrology of Healing of the Vedic system. Certification for
the course is given to students who answer all questions
satisfactorily, as well as options for further study.
For further information contact:

American Institute of Vedic Studies

Dr. David Frawley, Director
P.O. Box 8357
Santa Fe, NM 87504-8357
1-505-982-5807 (Fax)
Email vedicinst(?,aokcom
Web Access:
Ayurveda and the Mind

Ayurveda Centers and Programs

American Institute of Vedic Studies

P.O. Box 8357
Santa EE, NM 87504-8357
1-505-982-5807 (Fax)
Email vedicinst@,
Web Access:

The Ayurvedic Institute and Wellness Center

11311 Menaul, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
1-505-294-7572 (Fax)

California College for Ayurveda

135 Argali Way Suite B
Nevada City, CA 95959

The Chopra Center for Well Being

7590 Fay Avenue, Suite 403
Lajolla, CA 92037
1-619-551-7811 (Fax)

Institute for Wholistic Education

33719 1 16th Street, Box AM
Twin Lakes,WI 53181

New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine

111 N. Elm St. Suites 103-105
Worcester, MA 01609
Appendix 2 337

Rocky Mountain Ayurvedic Health Retreat

P.O. Box 5192
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147

Vinayak Ayurveda Center

2509 Virginia NE, Suite D
Albuquerque, NM 871 10
1-505-298-2932 (Fax)

Ayurvedic Herbal Suppliers

The Ayurvedic Institute and Wellness Center

11311 Menaul, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
1-505-294-7572 (Fax)

Bazaar of India Imports, Inc.

1810 University Avenue
Berkeley, Ca 94703

Bio Veda
215 North Route 303
Congers, NY 10920-1726

33719 116th Street, Box AM
Twin Lakes, WI 53181
Retail Mail Order
Ayurveda and the Mind

Lotus Brands, Inc.

P.O. Box 325-AM
Twin Lakes, WI 53181
1-414.889-8591 (Fax)

Lotus Light Natural Body Care

P.O. Box 1008, Lotus Drive, Dept. AM
Silver Lake, WI 53170
1-414.889-8501 or 1-800-548-3824
1-414.889-8591 (Fax)

Quantum Publication Inc.

P.O. Box 1088
Sudbury, MA 01776

Vinayak Ayurveda Center

2509 Virginia NE, Suite D
Albuquerque, NM 87110
1-505-298-2932 (Fax)

Abhyanga, 201
Affirmations, 288-289
Agm, 172-173,233,316
Ahamkara, 126, 141-142, 318
Element, 12-13, 62, 190
Types, 25, 154-155
Ananda, 311
Anandamaya Kosha, 84, 99-100, 309-310
Annamaya Kosha, 84, 99-100, 309-310
Aroma Therapy, 216-221
Aromas, 216-221
Ashtanga Yoga, 263
Association, (Right), 151-152
Astral Plane, 297
Astringent Taste, 192, 198
Astrology, 211
Atman, 98, 126
Awakened Prana, 100-101
Awareness, 8-10, 49, 75
Being, 311
Being-Consciousness-Bliss, 311
Bhakti Yoga, 142
Bitter Taste, 192, 195-196
Bliss, 60, 311
Brahman, 244, 311
Brahmacharya, 266-268
Breath, 25, 100, 270-273
Alternative Nostril, 276
Buddha, 93
Buddhi, 93, 113-116
Ayurveda and the Mind

Buddhism, 4, 253
Causal, 171, 176, 307-312
Chakras, 312-313
Chit, 76,81,98, 136
Chitta, 76-79,81-87, 97-100
Christ, 250- 297
Coconut Oil, 202
Color Therapy, 205-206, 209-210, 213, 287
Compassion, 248, 254
Conscience, 96-97
Consciousness (see Chitta)
Pure, (see Chit)
Constitutional Types, 15-24, 154-165
Cosmic Consciousness, 80-81, 89, 98, 288
Life, 182, 231,259, 289
Mind, 39, 117, 252
Person, 311
Counseling, 149
Death, 102, 253,291,308
Deep Sleep, 88, 174
Deities, 252-253
Desire, 122
Detoxification, 174-176, 192, 234
Devotion, 244-245, 248, 250
Dharana, 283-284
Dhanna, 263-264
Dhannic Living, 259
Dhyana, 289-290
Diet, 150, 170, 186-192, 194-195,268
Vegetarian, 39, 191, 268
Consciousness, 90, 25 1
Father, 81
Mother, 6

Name, 250-251
Self, 82
Word, 98
Dreams, 88, 174
E.S.P., 121
Earth Element, 64, 190
Ego, 125-133
Elements, 170-171, 190
Emotion, 113-114
Faith, 91
Fire Elements, 13, 190
Fire Types, 13, 18-19, 59-66, 110
Five Senses, 1 10, 172, 250
Foods, 187, 191, 193-194
Gem Therapy, 205, 21 1
Gems, 147, 182, 205, 21 1-216, 333
Ghee, 200-201, 209, 251, 284-285
God, 248-251
God-realization, 134
Goddess, 234, 244, 249, 253
Gods, 32, 117, 250-252
Gunas, 29-35,41-42, 171
Gum, 98, 104, 154, 128, 250, 289
Hamsa, 273
Hanuman, 253
Heart, 67, 82-83, 90-91
Herbs, 176, 183-186, 195-199
Hessonite, 214
Hinduism, 252-253
Homa, 210
Honey, 200
Ida, 274-276
Incense, 182-201,216-218
Individual Nature, 86
Insanity, 1 55, 297
A342 Ayurveda and the Mind

Instinct, 90
Intellect, 94-96
Intelligence, 62, 63, 69, 93-99
Ishvara, 133, 244, 267
Ishvara Pranidhana, 134, 267
Jiva, 132-133, 135-136
Jivatman, 132, 317
Jupitor, 212-214
Kali, 186, 250, 253
Kapha, 11-15,20-25
Kama, 6-7
Ketu, 213
Krishna, 184, 250, 253
Kundalini, 274, 313
Kwan Yin, 250
Lakshmi, 185, 253
Logos, 98
Love, 90
Mahadeva, 252
Manas, 109-111, 116-117, 119-120, 137-142
Mandalas, 210, 287
Manomaya Kosha, 117, 309
Mantra, 176, 224-226, 230-235, 251
Mannas, 219
Mars, 212-214
Matter, 311
Meditation, 229-230, 285-287, 289-292
Memory, 87-88
Mercury, 212-214
Metals, 215-216
Mind (see Manas)
Mind-Body Medicine, 1, 4, 6
Moon, 184,212-214
Mustard Oil, 202
Nadis, 231,273-276
Index 343

Nasya, 201
Negative Emotions, 89
New Age, 312
Niyamas, 267, 274, 302, 320
Non-possessiveness, 265-266
Non-violence, 265
Oil Massage, 165, 201-203
Ojas, 25-28
OM, 225,231-233
Organs (Motor), 110-111
Pancha Karma, 203
Paramatman, 135
Perception, 67-68
Pingala, 274-276
Pitta, 11-15, 18-19, 22-25
Planets, 211-213, 244
Prakriti, 128, 171
Prana, 25-28, 100-101, 111-112, 298-299,314
Apana, 131, 314, 316
Prana, 314, 315
Samana 314, 316
Udana, 314, 316
Vyana, 314, 316
Pranamaya Kosha, 309-310
Pratipaksha-Bhavana, 165
Pratyahara, 176, 272, 280-283
Prayer, 251
Psychoanalysis, 5, 300
Puja, 250
Pungent Taste, 196
Rahu, 213
Rajas, 30-36, 38-41
Rama, 184, 253
Reason, 63, 67
A344 Ayurveda and the Mind

Rejuventatives, 199
Relationships, 245-246
Rituals, 250-251
Rudra, 186, 253
Salty Taste, 197
Samadhi, 88-89
Samskaras, 86
Samyama, 264
Sarasvati, 234
Satsanga, 153
Sattva, 30-36, 38-42
Sattvic Diet, 190-192, 194
Prana, 100, 299
Samskara, 301
Saturn, 212-214
Sedatives, 199
Discipline, 122
Esteem, 214
Higher, 66, 136-137
Inquiry, 142, 257
Realization, 5
Sense, 131
Study, 268
Sense Mind, 66-69, 109, 112, 119
Sesame Oil, 201-202
Sex, 265-266
Shakti, 244, 274
Shiva, 6, 185, 233
Soul, 65-66, 132-137
Sound, 227-228, 288
Sour, 198
Speech, 105,223-224
Surrender, 247
Sushumna, 273-274
Index 345

Sweating, 175-176, 198

Tai Chi, 184
Tamas, 30-36, 38-41
Tantra, 4-6
Tara, 184, 250
Taste, 192-193, 195-198
Tejas, 25-28, 85, 100
Balancing, 71, 150, 165
Spiritual, 243-263, 291-305
Sublte, 205-221
Therapists, 149-168
Three Doshas, 175, 183, 203
Three Humors, 22, 194, 215, 217
Three Vital Essences, 25-27, 85, 217
Tibetan Buddhism, 253
Tinctures, 198, 200, 212, 219
Tonics, 196, 198-199
Vata, 11-16, 22-25 (see Prana)
Vata-Kapha, 22, 164
Vata-Pitta, 22, 162-163
Vedanta, 4, 135-136
Vedic Astrology, 211
Venus, 212, 214
Vijnanamaya Kosha, 99, 309
Vishnu, 185, 321, 329, 333
Vision, 121-122
Vrittis, 309-310
Water Element, 13-14, 63-64
Water Types, 20-22
Will, 85, 101-103, 122,247
Yamas, 264-265, 274, 302
Yantras, 238, 252, 284, 287
Ayurveda and the Mind is perhaps the first book published in the West
that explores specifically the psychological aspect of this great system. The
book explores how to heal our minds on all levels from the subconscious to
the superconscious, along with the role of diet, impressions, mantra,
meditation, yoga and many other methods to create wholeness.

"Ayurveda and the Mind addresses, with both sensitivity and lucidity, how
to create wholeness in Body, Mind and Spirit. This book opens the door Deepak Chopra M.D.
to a new energetic psychology that provides practical tools to integrate Author, Ageless Body,
the many layers of life. Dr. Frawley has added another important Timeless Mind
volume to his many insightful books on Ayurveda and Vedic sciences."
"In this book Dr. David Frawley presents an insightful Ayurvedic Dr. VasantLad
Author, Ayurveda, The Science
perspective on healing the mind and consciousness." of Self Healing
"This book is a valuable resource to students of Ayurveda, Yoga, Tantra
David Simon M.D.
and psychology. Dr Frawley has once again demonstrated his unique Medical Director, The Chopra
talent of digesting ancient Vedic knowledge and feeding us this Center for Well Being
understanding, which nourishes our body, mind and soul."
"This is a marvelous overview of the psychological and therapeutic Dr. Georg Feuerstein
aspects of Ayurveda, which the author regards as the healing branch of* Author, Director, Yoga
yogic science." Research Center
"Ayurveda and the Mind is a virtual encyclopedia for serious students of Donald Walters (Swami
Ayurveda and Yoga. Dr. Frawley takes the reader deep into the subtle Kriyananda), Author, Super-
consciousness, A Guide to
realms of consciousness with the finesse, guidance and experience of a Meditation, Founder, Ananda and
master teacher." Ananda Yoga for Higher Awareness

"As a psychiatrist actively applying Ayurvedic and Yogic principles to the Gabriel Cousens M.D.
healing of consciousness as Director at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Author, Conscious Eating and
Spiritual Nutrition and the
Center, I find this book a treasure." Rainbow Diet

Dr. David Frawley (Vamadeva Shatri), is a respected author in the field

of Vedic science and yogic spirituality, with over a dozen books pub-
lished in the United States and India. His works cover a broad range
including Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, Yoga, Tantra, Vedanta and the
Vedas themselves. He is also one of the main founders of the American
Council of Vedic Astrology. Dr Frawley is director of the American
Institute of Vedic Studies in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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