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L 21 Introduction To PHP

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Database Systems

and Web
Database Systems and Web

• PHPCovered
• PHP Variables & Operators
• PHP If / If…else / Switch Statements
• Loops in PHP
• Arrays & Fnctions in PHP
• HTML forms & PHP
What is PHP?
PHP is probably the most popular scripting language on the web.

It is a server-sided language.

PHP doesn't get executed on your computer, but on the computer you requested the page from. The results are
then handed over to you, and displayed in your browser.

PHP stands for is "Hypertext Pre-processor”, but that would make it HPP. An alternative explanation is that the
initials come from the earliest version of the program, which was called Personal Home Page Tools.
WHAT You Need to get started?
Before you can write and test your PHP scripts, there's one thing you'll need - a server!

Since PHP is a server-sided scripting language, you either have to get some web space with a hosting company
that supports PHP, or make your computer pretend that it has a server installed.

Wampserver allows you to test your PHP scripts on your own computer.

The WAMP of Wampserver stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP. It installs everything you need, if you
have a Windows PC.
Your first PHP script
<title>My first php script</title>
echo "It Worked!";
When you've finished typing it all, save the page as first.php. Then Run the script. Remember: when you're saving your work, save it to the WWW folder
(Wampserver). To run the page, start your browser up and type this in the address bar: http://localhost/first.php

If you've created a folder inside the www folder, then the address to type in your browser would be something like: http://localhost/FolderName/first.php
The PHP command ‘echo’ is used to output the parameters passed
to it
◦The typical usage for this is to send data to the client’s web-browser
PHP Variables
A variable is just a storage area.

Variables need a dollar sign in the beginning.

Lines of code in PHP need a semi-colon at the end.

$mr_coats = 10;

$coats1 = "Winter Coats"; or $coats1 = ‘Winter Coats’;

> In PHP, a variable does not need to be declared before adding a value to it.

> In the example above, you see that you do not have to tell PHP which data type the variable is.

> PHP automatically converts the variable to the correct data type, depending on its value.
We've put the PHP in the BODY section of an HTML page. Scripts can also, and often do, go between the
HEAD section of an HTML page. You can also write your script without any HTML. But before a browser can
recognize your script, it needs some help. You have to tell it what kind of script it is. Browsers recognize PHP
by looking for this punctuation (called syntax): <?php ?>

print() can be replaced by echo().

<?php <?php
//--------------TESTING VARIABLES------------ /* --------------TESTING VARIABLES------------
$test_String = "It Worked!"; Use this type of comment if you want to spill over to more
print($test_String); than one line.
?> Notice how the comment begin and end.
$test_String = "It Worked!";
PHP Concatenation
Use a period to join strings into one.
$first_number = 10;
$direct_text = 'My variable contains the value of ';
print($direct_text . $first_number);
$first_number = 10;
print ('My variable contains the value of ' . $first_number);
Operators are used to operate on values. There are four classifications of operators:

> Arithmetic

> Assignment

> Comparison

> Logical
Logical operators
Operator precedence
$first_number = 10;
$second_number = 20;
$sum_total = $first_number + $second_number;
$direct_text = 'The two variables added together = ';
print ($direct_text . $sum_total);
=== and !==
In recent editions of PHP, two new operators have been introduced: the triple equals sign ( = = =) and an exclamation, double equals (
!= =). These are used to test if one value has the same as another AND are of the same type. An example would be:
$number = 3;
$text = ‘3';
if ($number === $text) {
else {
print("Not the same");
So this asks, "Do the variables match exactly?" Since one is text and the other is a number, the answer is "no", or false.
PHP Conditional Statements
> if statement - use this statement to execute some code only if a specified condition is true

> if...else statement - use this statement to execute some code if a condition is true and another code if the
condition is false

> if...elseif....else statement - use this statement to select one of several blocks of code to be executed

> switch statement - use this statement to select one of many blocks of code to be executed
PHP If Statements

$kitten_image = 1;

$church_image = 0;

if ($kitten_image == 1) {

print ("<IMG SRC =images/kitten.jpg>");

There can be multiple if statements in a PHP script.
if ... else Statements
$kitten_image = 0;
$church_image = 1;
if ($kitten_image == 1) {
print ("<IMG SRC =images/kitten.jpg>");
else {
print ("<IMG SRC =images/church.jpg>");
$picture ='church’;
switch ($picture) {

case 'kitten':
print('Kitten Picture');

case 'church':
print('Church Picture');
print ("No Image Selected");
PHP Loops
> while - loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true
> do...while - loops through a block of code once, and then repeats the loop
as long as a specified condition is true
> for - loops through a block of code a specified number of times
> foreach - loops through a block of code for each element in an array
FOR Loops
for (start value; end value; update expression) {
$counter = 0;
$start = 1;
for($start; $start < 11; $start++) {
$counter = $counter + 1;
print $counter . "<BR>";
WHILE & Do… while Loops
Here’s a while loop that prints out the 2 times table.
$start = 1;
$times = 2;
$answer = 0;
while ($start < 11) {
$answer = $start * $times;
print ($start . " times " . $times . " = " . $answer . "<BR>");
Similarly, syntax for do…while loops
while (condition)
PHP Array
$Order_Number = array();

This line of code is telling PHP to set up an array, and give it the name $Order_Number.

There are two basic methods to initialize the array.

Method One – Type between the round brackets

$seasons = array( "Autumn", "Winter", "Spring", "Summer" );

Arrays work by having a position, and some data for that position. In the above array, "Autumn" is in
position zero, "Winter" is in position 1, "Spring" is in position 2, and "Summer" is in position 3.

The first position is always zero, unless you tell PHP otherwise. Position is known as a Key. The Key
then has a value attached to it. You can specify your own numbers for the Keys.

$seasons = array( 1 => "Autumn", 2 => "Winter", 3 => "Spring", 4 => "Summer" );
You can store text and numbers in the same array:
$Array_Name = array(1 => 10, 2 => "Spring", 3 => 30, 4 => "Summer");
The above array would then look like this:
1=> 10,
2=> "Spring",
3=> 30,
4=> "Summer”
Method two – Assign values to an array
$seasons = array();
$seasons[ ]="Autumn";
$seasons[ ]="Winter";
$seasons[ ]="Spring";
$seasons[ ]="Summer";
Associative Array in PHP
When you use text for the keys, you're using an Associative array; when you use numbers for the keys,
you're using a Scalar array.
$full_name = array( );
$full_name["David"] = "Gilmour";
$full_name["Nick"] = "Mason";
$full_name["Roger"] = "Waters";
$full_name["Richard"] = "Wright";
Look at the keys and values now:
David => "Gilmour",
Nick => "Mason",
Roger => "Waters",
Richard => "Wright"
Arrays and PHP For Each Loops
$full_name = array( );

$full_name["David"] = “zilmour";

$full_name["Nick"] = "Mason";

$full_name[“aoger"] = "Waters";

$full_name["Richard"] = "Wright";

foreach ($full_name as $key_name => $key_value) {

print ("Key = " . $key_name . " Value = " . $key_value . "<BR>“);

Sorting PHP Array values
asort() - for sorting associative array
ksort() - sorting associative array using key
sort() - for sorting scalar array
rsort( ) – Sorts a Scalar array in reverse order
arsort( ) - Sorts the Values in an Associative array in reverse order
krsort( ) - Sorts the Keys in an Associative array in reverse order
Changing Case in PHP
$full_name = 'bill gates';
ifisset($_POST['Submit1'])) {
$full_name = $_POST['username'];
($full_name = ucwords( $full_name );
To convert the first letter of every word to uppercase: ucwords( )
To convert the first letter of a string (for a sentence, for example): ucfirst( )
To convert all the letters to either upper or lowercase, use these:
◦ strtoupper( )
◦ strtolower( )
Get a Random Key from a PHP Array

$$numbers = array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6);

random_key = array_rand($numbers, 1);

print $random_key;

The PHP count function
<!DOCTYPE html>
$seasons = array("Autumn", "Winter", "Spring", "Summer");
$array_count = count($seasons);
for ($key_Number = 0; $key_Number < $array_count; $key_Number++) {
print $seasons[$key_Number];

Splitting a line of text in PHP
explode( separator, string_to_split )

$text_line = "Poll number 1, 1500, 250, 150, 100, 1000";

$text_line = explode(",",$text_line);

for ($start=0; $start < count($text_line); $start++) {

print $text_line[$start] . "<BR>";

Output: Poll number 1
Joining text in PHP
If you have a line of text in an array, you can join it all together to form a single line of text. This is just the
opposite of explode.

implode( separator, text_to_join )

$seasons = array("Autumn", "Winter", "Spring", "Summer");

$new_textline = implode( ",", $seasons );

PHP and Escaping Characters
$string = 'John's Car'; //Observe the single quotes
print $string;
To solve the problem, you could use double quotes on the outside:
$string = "John's Car";
Or you could escape the apostrophe. You escape a character by typing a "slash" before it:
$string = 'John\'s Car';
PHP String functions
chr( ) Convert an ASCII value to a its equivalent character
ord( ) Find out what the ASCII value of a character is
echo( ) An alternative to the print statement
similar_text( ) Tells you how similar two strings of text are
str_repeat( ) Repeat a character a specified number of times
str_replace( ) Replace one string with another
str_word_count( ) Tells you how many words a string has
strlen( ) Gets the length of a string
substr( ) Grab a number of character from a string
PHP Functions

function function_name() {



$error_text = "Error message";


function display_error_message($error_text) {

print $error_text;

Getting values out of PHP functions
$total_spent = 120;
$order_total = calculate_total($total_spent);
print $order_total;

function calculate_total($total_spent) {
$discount = 0.1;
if ($total_spent > 100) {
$discount_total = $total_spent - ($total_spent * $discount);
$total_charged = $discount_total; }
else {
$total_charged = $total_spent; }
return $total_charged;}
By Ref, By Val

$Variable_Value = 10;

print "Before the function call = " . $Variable_Value . "<BR>";


print "After the function call = " . $Variable_Value;

function example($Variable_Value) {

$Variable_Value = $Variable_Value + 10;

print "Inside of the function = " . $Variable_Value . "<BR>";

When you run the code, it will print out this:
Before the function call = 10
Inside of the function = 20
After the function call = 10
Make one small change to your script: function example(&$Variable_Value) {…… }
When you run the script, it now print out the following:
Before the function call = 10
Inside of the function = 20
After the function call = 20
Html forms and php
<title>A BASIC HTML FORM</title>
<FORM NAME ="form1" METHOD =" " ACTION = "">
<INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" VALUE ="username">
<INPUT TYPE = "Submit" Name = "Submit1" VALUE = "Login">
PHP and the Method Attribute of HTML
<FORM NAME ="form1" METHOD =" " ACTION = "">

The Method attribute is used to tell the browser how the form information should be sent. The two most popular methods you can use are GET and POST. But our
METHOD is blank. So change it to this:

<FORM NAME ="form1" METHOD ="GET" ACTION = "">

To see what effect using GET has, save your work again and then click the Submit button on your form. You should see this:

The thing to notice here is the address bar. After basicForm.php, we have the following: ?Submit1=Login

This is a consequence of using the GET method. The data from the form ends up in the address bar. You'll see a question mark, followed by form data. In the image above,
Submit1 was the NAME of the button, and Login was the VALUE of the button (the text on the button). This is what is being returned by the GET method. You use the
GET method when the data you want returned is not crucial information that needs protecting.
PHP and the Post Attribute of HTML Forms

Using POST means that the form data won't get appended to the address in the address bar for all to see.

if the data is not sensitive then use GET, otherwise use POST.
PHP and the Action Attribute of HTML
The Action attribute is crucial. It means, "Where do you want the form sent?". If you miss it out, your form
won't get sent anywhere. You can send the form data to another PHP script, the same PHP script, an email
address, a CGI script, or any other form of script.

In PHP, a popular technique is to send the script to the same page that the form is on – send it to itself.

<Form Name ="form1" Method ="POST" ACTION = "basicForm.php">

So we're going to be sending the form data to exactly the same page as the one we have loaded – to itself. We'll
put some PHP on the page to handle the form data.
Returning value from a Form element
To return data from a HTML form element, you use the following syntax: $_POST['formElement_name'];

You can assign this to a variable: $Your_Variable = $_POST['formElement_name'];


$Your_Variable = $_GET['formElement_name'];

For example: <INPUT TYPE = "Text" VALUE ="username" NAME = "username">

The value entered in this textbox can be captured using the following script in head tag of the HTML form:
◦ <?PHP
◦ $username = $_POST['username'];
◦ print ($username);
◦ ?>
PHP Submit buttons
To check if a submit button was clicked, use this: if ( isset( $_POST['Submit1'] ) ) { }

If the user just refreshed the page, then no value will be set for the Submit button. If the user did click the
Submit button, then PHP will automatically return a value.
The HTML ACTION attribute and PHP
Create the following page, and call it basicForm2.php. This is your HTML. Notice the ACTION attribute.
<title>A BASIC HTML FORM</title>
<Form name ="form1" Method ="POST" Action ="submitForm.php">
<INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" VALUE ="username" Name ="username">
<INPUT TYPE = "Submit" Name = "Submit1" VALUE = "Login">
Now create the following page, and call it submitForm.php:
$username = $_POST['username'];
if ($username == "let me in") {
print ("Welcome back, friend!");
else {
print ("You're not a member of this site");
Posting form data to a different PHP script is a way to keep the HTML and PHP separate. But there is a
problem with it, which you will have noticed: the script gets executed on a new page. That means your
form will disappear! We'll keep the PHP and HTML together. But there will be times when you do want
to send form data to a different PHP page.
Data retention
If you look at the VALUE attribute of the text box in the HTML form, you'll see that it's set to "username". Because the form gets posted
back to itself, this value will keep re-appearing in the textbox when the page is submitted. Worse, if you've left the Value attributes empty
then everything the user entered will disappear. This can be very annoying, if you're asking the user to try again. Better is to POST back the
values that the user entered.

To post the details back to the form, and thus keep the data the user has already typed out, you can use this:

VALUE="<?PHP print $username ; ?>”

Our new line of HTML for our textbox reads like this:

<INPUT TYPE = 'TEXT' Name ='username' VALUE="<?PHP print $username ; ?>">

In other words, we're now printing out the VALUE attribute with PHP code.
<title>Radio Buttons</title>
<Form name ="form1" Method ="Post" ACTION ="radioButton.php">
<Input type = 'Radio' Name ='gender' value= 'male'>Male
<Input type = 'Radio' Name ='gender' value= 'female'>Female
<Input type = "Submit" Name = "Submit1" Value = "Select a Radio Button">
To get the value of a radio button with PHP code, again you access the NAME attribute of the HTML form
elements. In the HTML above, the NAME of the Radio buttons is the same – "gender".

if (isset($_POST['Submit1'])) {

$selected_radio = $_POST['gender'];

print $selected_radio;

You can get which browser the user has with this:

Here's a script that checks which of two browsers a user has:

if ( strpos( strtoupper($agent), 'MSIE') ) {
print "Internet Explorer";
else if (strpos(strtoupper($agent), 'FIREFOX')) {
print "Firefox";
else {
print $agent;
A script to check for blank text boxes
<title>Check For Blank Text Boxes</title>
$first ="";
$second = "";

function display_error_message($user_text) {
if ($user_text = = "") {
print "One or more blank text boxes detected";
else {
print "Text boxes OK";
$first = trim($_POST['first']);
$second = trim($_POST['second']);
<FORM Method = "POST" action ="formFunction.php">
First Name: <INPUT TYPE = "text" name = "first" value ="<?=$first?>">
Surnmae: <INPUT TYPE = "text" name = "second" value ="<?=$second?>">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
PHP Server Variables
PHP stores a list of information about the server. This will include things like, the browser the
visitor is using, the IP address, and which web page the visitor came from. Here's a script to try
with those three Server Variables:

$referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

$browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

$ipAddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

print "Referrer = " . $referrer . "<BR>";

print "Browser = " . $browser . "<BR>";

print "IP Adress = " . $ipAddress;

So to get at the values in Server Variables, the syntax is this:

The server variables are held in an array (associative), so you can use a foreach loop to get a list of all available ones.
Try this script:
foreach($_SERVER as $key_name => $key_value) {
print $key_name . " = " . $key_value . "<br>";
What the script does is to loop round all the server variables and print out the keys and values in the SERVER array.
Run a PHP program in XAMPP Server

Download XAMPP from

Install XAMPP


Assume you installed xampp in C Drive.

Go to: C:\xampp\htdocs

Create your own folder, name it for example as DSW.


Now create your first php program in xampp and name it with .php extension such as “add.php”:


Now double click on “XAAMP CONTROL PANEL” on desktop and START “Apache” (icon
also appears on the bottom)

Type localhost on your browser and press enter: It will show the following:

Now type the following on browser:


You will get to notice the output of your program.

❖Tom Butler & Kevin Yank,”PHP and MySQL Novice to Ninja”, Sixth Edition, Site Point.

❖Lynn Beighley & Michael Morrison, “Head First PHP and MySQL”, First Edition, O’Reilly.




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