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Siemens FireFinder XLS Data Sheet

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s Fire Safety Products

FireFinder® XLS
Advanced Fire Alarm Control Panel
• Standard / 2500-point-capacity • Supported by all Fire Safety
addressable fire-alarm control Management Stations
panel (FACP) • Multiple command stations
• Ability to network with other • Menu-driven operator commands
FireFinder XLS systems • 5000-event, history-logging capability
• Powerful, easy-to-use with on-line and off-line reports
programming capabilities • Multiple levels of password protection
• Fully field programmable, via
• Automatic environmental compensation
Windows® laptop PC for smoke detectors
• 6" (15.2 cm), backlit LCD display • Alarm verification
• User-friendly system interface ▪ by device or zone
• Touch screen for maintenance • Pre-alarm operation
operations and function keys • Logic-controlled output functions
• Global annunciation and control • Time-based-controlled output functions
• Holiday schedule
• Multi-language display
• City tie / leased line
• Universal AC power input: • Modular assembly
• 200 notification-appliance-circuits
120VAC – 240VAC @ 50 / 60Hz • Supervised remote printer (NACs) capacity
• 12 amps of system power • 32-character custom messages
(expandable to 48 amps) ▪ 40 programmable macro, function buttons
• Up to 3.0 amps (24VDC) per NAC
• Numerous Relays: Alarm, Trouble, • Interface for use with remote printers
• Built-in strobe synchronization protocol
Programmable, etc.
• Security-device monitoring
• Supports pre-action,
• SureWireTM addressable-loop technology ▪ ( UL 1076 Listed)
deluge and agent releasing
• Polarity-insensitive detection circuits
• Sprinkler Supervision
• Voice evacuation system (optional)
• Degrade-mode operation
• NEC 760 power-limited circuits
• Useful diagnostic LEDs on all cards ▪ ( UL 864 Compliant)
• Supports FirePrint TM application-specific
• User help screens
• Intelligent interface to building / process
detection • Coded outputs management systems
• Intelligent / analog detection circuits: • Distributed processing • Operates as interactive peer with other
‘Class A’ or ‘Class B’ • UUKL Listed for smoke control XLS or XLSV units in a XNET network
• Supports single-person ‘ Walk Test ‘ • UL 864 9 th Edition Listed & ULC Listed; • Detector Sensitivity Readout / Printout
• Seismic certified FM, CSFM & NYC Fire Dept. Approved ▪ per NFPA 72

System Overview
FireFinder XLS is a microprocessor-based, advanced FireFinder XLS is Factory Mutual (FM #3010) Approved; as
fire-safety system that has a 6" display and large, lighted well as California State Fire Marshals (CSFM #7165-
buttons; making it a highly intuitive fire-alarm user 0067:0222) and NYC Fire Department (#6160) Approved.
interface. Additionally, each FireFinder XLS panel has a Additionally, FireFinder XLS is UL Listed under the category
unique multiprocessor ‘Network’ design – as well as UUKL for smoke control.
providing connectivity to detection devices. FireFinder XLS is also UL Listed and FM Approved for
FireFinder XLS is ideally suited for commercial, Sinorix® clean-agent systems and pre-action or deluge
institutional and industrial fire detection and notification sprinkler systems, which include foam or water applications.
applications. This FACP complies with the requirements FireFinder XLS operates on the releasing requirements
of NFPA Standard 72, and is listed by Underwriters specified in NFPA 13 and 2001.
Laboratories under their UL 864 standard. FireFinder XLS is listed as a Fireman's Smoke Control Station
Underwriters Laboratories of Canada also lists in high-rise office buildings, malls and other large structures.
FireFinder XLS FACPs under ULC-S527.

FireFinder XLS System Overview 6300

s Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
System Overview ─ (continued)
The FireFinder XLS system has been seismic
qualified in accordance with:
▪ International Building Code, 2006 Edition
▪ California Building Code, 2007 Edition
▪ ASCE Standard 7, 2005 Edition
▪ OSHPD, OSP-0057-10
▪ OSHPD CAN 2-1708A.5, Rev. 3
▪ ICC-ES AC 156, effective 1/1/2007
System Components PM I-3 →Person Machine I nterface 3
A basic FireFinder XLS FACP consists of the following sub- PMI-3 → Person Machine Interface 3
assemblies: Person Machine Interface (PMI); Power Supply The Person Machine Interface 3 (Model PMI-3) is the
(Model PSC-12); Device Loop Card (Model DLC); Zone primary user interface and central microprocessor for each
Indicating Card (Model ZIC-4A); Card Cage (Model CC-5); FireFinder FACP.
Inner Door Blank Single Plate (Model ID-SP); CAB1, CAB2 or
CAB3 enclosures. Enhancements to the third version of the Person Machine
Interface include go-to-beginning, go-to-end queue buttons;
Optional modules that can be installed with this FACP a front-end command screen with Alarm | Supervisory
include: Card Cage (Model CC-2); Network Interface Card | Trouble light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and three (3) types
(Model NIC-C); 8-Circuit Zone Indicating Card (Models ZIC- of alternate-language overlays orderable in a single (1) part.
8B / ZIC-2C); Control Relay Card (Model CRC-6); Output
Control Module (Model OCM-16); Switch Control Module (see: Details for Ordering section below for more info.)
(Model SCM-8); LED Control Module (Model LCM-8); Fan FireFinder XLS FACPs are controlled and operated from
Control Module (Model FCM-6); Supervised Input Module Model PMI-3, which uses large, lighted buttons to prompt
(Model SIM-16); Power Supply Extender (Model PSX-12); the end-user to the next available, correct system operation
Remote Network Interface (Model RNI); Remote Printer (i.e. – Acknowledge | Silence | Unsilence | Audible | Reset).
Module (Model RPM); System Status Display (Model SSD); The controller in Model PMI-3 provides a 6” (15.2 cm.) front-
Two-Module Remote Enclosure (Model REMBOX2); end touch screen comprised of system-status LEDs as well as
Four-Module Remote Enclosure (Model REMBOX4). a liquid-crystal display (LCD) of 1200 –x– 800 pixels.
FireFinder XLS is compatible with a full line of intelligent There are overlays that provide naming in alternate
initiating devices, highlighted by the FirePrint application- languages for visual indicators found on the front of each
specified detectors: Models HFP-11 and HFPT-11. Model PMI-3. Each overlay is assigned on the outer
FireFinder XLS functions with the Siemens Fire Safety assembly, respectively, when affixed to the display on the
portfolio of graphics command centers. user interface.
Model PMI-3 contains the site-specific program
configuration created in the software tool, Zeus.

Fire Safety Management Stations − XLS Compatible

FireFinder XLS Compatibility with Siemens

Fire Safety Management Stations
FireFinder XLS panels are compatible with Siemens Fire ZIC-4A →Zone I ndicating Card
Safety Management Stations, which provide integrated ZIC-4A Zone Indicating Card
and reliable FACP monitoring and control of XLS system The Zone Indicating Card (Model ZIC-4A) provides four (4)
events − including: Alarm, Trouble, Security and fully supervised, programmable output circuits for use on
Supervisory commands. each FireFinder XLS. Model ZIC-4A supplies four (4) ‘Class B’
Each management station includes PC-based, color- (Style Y) or ‘Class A’ (Style Z) type output circuits, power
graphics software designed for use with the XNET limited to 3.0 amps maximum per circuit.
network, offering full control and annunciation.
Each circuit for Model ZIC-4A can be independently
An extensive history log of all XLS-FACP events, as well as programmed for use with listed audible or visual notification
extensive report-generation capabilities, is easily appliances; listed emergency audio speakers; municipal tie
maintained. Additionally, user-programmable function boxes; leased lines, or as releasing circuits.
buttons allow site-specific control functions.

s Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
FireFinder XLS Components ─ (cont.’d)
Model ZIC-4A plugs into one (1) slot in the Model CC-5 or
Model CC-2 card cage, and has on-board LEDs for system
status and troubleshooting.
Indication of power, communication, internal operation,
and ground-fault conditions are provided, as well as
indication of circuit activation or Trouble conditions.
NIC-C → Network I nterface Card

NIC-C Network Interface Card

The Network Interface Card (Model NIC-C) provides HNET or
XNET network communications between enclosures. In
addition to the HNET or XNET communication, Model NIC-C
provides CAN network communication within an enclosure
or external to the enclosure. HNET or XNET communication
ZIC-8B / ZIC-2C → Zone I ndicating Cards can be wired Style 4 or Style 7, but the CAN network can be
ZIC-8B / ZIC-2C wired Style 4 only.
The Zone Indicating Card (Model ZIC-8B) provides eight (8) When used for HNET communications, Model NIC-C
fully supervised, programmable output circuits for use on provides contact between enclosures on a single system.
FireFinder XLS. Model ZIC-8B supplies eight (8) ‘Class B’ When Model NIC-C is used for XNET communications,
(Style Y) type output circuits, power limited to 2.0 amps Model NIC-C provides communication between systems.
maximum per circuit. Each circuit can be independently The maximum of XNET Model NIC-C cards on a single
programmed for use with listed audible or visual notification system (single node) is one (1), for a total of 64 XNET
appliances, or listed emergency audio speakers. Model ZIC- Model NIC-C cards on a peer-to-peer networked system.
8B plugs into one (1) slot in the Model CC-5 or Model CC-2
card cage, and has on-board LEDs for system status. Model NIC-C has diagnostic LEDs that indicate: Card Fail,
CAN Fail, HNET Fail, XNET Fail, Ground Fault, Loop ‘A’ Fail
Model ZIC-2C mounts directly on Model ZIC-8B, and and Loop ‘B’ Fail. Model NIC-C Card also has LEDs to indicate
allows each of the Model ZIC-8B output circuits to be used Power, Style and Active Networks.
for two-channel voice applications. Indication of power,
communication, internal operation, and ground-fault
conditions are provided, as well as indication of circuit
activation or Trouble conditions.
HCP → Control Point Module

HCP Control Point Module

Model HCP can be programmed as an independent,
remotely located telephone zone, speaker zone or
notification appliance circuit. Model HCP is designed to be
used with the Siemens – Fire Safety Alarm Signaling
Devices product line.
DLC →Device Loop Card
Model HCP communicates through the Model DLC analog
DLC Device Loop Card loop, and can be wired either ‘Class A’ (Style Z) or ‘Class B’
The Device Loop Card (Model DLC) is the interface for (Style Y). The 24 VDC power input comes from either the
connection with FireFinder XLS detectors and initiating control panel or from any UL Listed power-limited,
devices ─ including manual stations, control and input auxiliary power supply.
devices. Model DLC plugs into one (1) slot of the CC-2 or CC-
5 card cage. Programming Model DLC is accomplished using
the FireFinder XLS system-programming tool, Zeus.
Model DLC takes one (1) address on the network, and
communicates with two (2) device circuits for a total of 252
detectors and devices. Model DLC has 12 LEDs for diagnostic
purposes, and provides ground-fault detection and zone-
isolation circuitry.
MLC → MXL Line Card [for FireFinder XLS]

s Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
FireFinder XLS Components ─ (cont.’d)
MLC - MXL Line Card [for FireFinder XLS] CRC-6 Controllable Relay Card
The MXL Line Card (Model MLC) is an optional card for The Controllable Relay Card (Model CRC-6), Model CRC-6, is
the FireFinder XLS panel that supplies two (2) designed to provide auxiliary control of building functions,
intelligent analog circuits, utilizing the Model ‘ I ‘ series; such as: door-holder release, elevator capture, smoke control,
Model ‘ ID ‘ series; Model ` IL ‘ series or Model ‘ FP ‘ lock release, etc. Model CRC-6 plugs into one (1) slot in the
series-type intelligent devices. Model MLC occupies two Model CC-5 or Model CC-2 card cage. Model CRC-6 provides
(2) addresses on the HNET network, and devices six (6), fully programmable relays. Each relay contains one (1)
connected to the Model MLC circuits are dynamically set of SPDT contacts rated at 4 Amps 30 VDC / 120VAC
supervised by FireFinder XLS through the use of a resistive and 3.5 amps 120VAC inductive (0.6 P.F.)
unique communications protocol.

SI M-16 → Supervised Input Module

NRC → Network Ring Card
SIM-16 Supervised Input Module
NRC Network Ring Card − Second Generation
The Supervised input Module (Model SIM-16) is a remotely
Model NRC, which is the 2nd generation of Model NRC, is a
located, general-purpose input module. Model SIM-16
networking ring card that transmits single-mode or multi-
provides 16 input circuits for remote system monitoring. Each
mode network communication via fiber-optic or copper
input can be individually programmed as supervised (dry-
lines. Each card uses a ‘Class A’ (Style 7) ring configuration
contact only) or unsupervised (general-purpose input.)
for connection with each FireFinder XLS FACP.
Model SIM-16 has two (2) ‘Form C ’ relays. The relays and
One (1) Model NRC (per system node) provides XNET, peer- inputs are programmed using the Zeus system software-
to-peer communication between FireFinder XLS FACPs, programming tool.
allowing a max, 64, XLS FACPs to be networked together.

FCM-6 → Fan, Motor, Dampers Control Module

CDC-4 →Conventional Detector Card

FCM-6 Fan, Motor, Dampers Control Module
The Fan, Motor, Dampers Control Module (Model FCM-6) is a
CDC-4 Conventional Detector Card
FireFinder XLS command-console option module that
The Conventional Detector Card (Model CDC-4) is used provides manual control of building HVAC system fans,
to monitor Siemens Fire Safety conventional detectors motors, and dampers. Each Model FCM-6 module provides
on the FireFinder XLS system. Model CDC-4 can be six (6) sets of three (3) push-button switches for manual-
used in applications where conventional detectors are system control. Each switch has three (3), associated LEDs to
more suited than addressable detectors, such as indicate Fan / Damper / Motor status: OFF (RED LED), ON
hallways or large meeting rooms. Also, Model CDC-4 (GREEN LED), Trouble (YELLOW LED).
can be used to upgrade Siemens conventional fire-alarm
panels to the FireFinder XLS system without requiring
detector replacement.

VNTPC → Virtual Network Tunnel

VNTPC Virtual Network Tunnel

The Virtual Network Tunnel (VNT) is an efficient means for real-
time communication, as well as providing support to HNET,
XNET and DNET monitoring and supervision – when used as
part of a Fire Command Center or a Building network. Each
CRC-6 → Controllable Relay Card
Model VNTPC is a fanless, headless industrial computer,
receiving its operating power from an XLS/V panel.

s Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
FireFinder XLS Components ─ (cont.’d)
Each Model SCM-8 switch is fully programmable, and may
be used to control speaker circuits and a wide range of
general-system functions such as: All Call, All Evac,
Warden's Page, Speaker, etc. Any number of circuits may
be grouped and controlled by a single switch.
Switch usages and zone groupings are assigned using the
CC-2 →Card Cage-2 Slots CC-5 →Card Cage-5 Slots
Zeus system software-programming software. Model
SCM-8 modules are mounted on a hinged panel, as a part
CC-5 / CC-2 Card Cages of the FireFinder XLS Command Console enclosure.
The Models CC-5 / CC-2 card cages provide the physical
mounting location and all wiring connection points for all
fire-and-voice system options cards for the FireFinder XLS
system. Model CC-5 has five (5) slots, while Model CC-2
has two (2) slots.
All cards plugged into the CC-5 / CC-2 card cage
LCM-8 → LED Control Module
communicate with other FireFinder XLS modules via a
common data bus. Connectors are provided on the left and LCM-8 LED Control Module
right side of the CC-5 to connect a 60-pin cable for The LED Control Module (Model LCM-8) is a FireFinder
communications with the FireFinder XLS operator interface, XLS-option module that provides LED annunciation for
power supplies and amplifiers modules. FireFinder XLS system activity. Each Model LCM-8
Field wiring to devices and circuits terminates on the contains eight (8) groups of two (2) LEDs – each of which
Models CC-5 / CC-2 card cages. All cards designed for use can be assigned to desired outputs using the Zeus
with the Models CC-5 / CC-2 route their field wiring system software-programming tool.
terminations to the ‘top’ of the Model CC-5 / CC-2 card Eight (8) LEDs are dual-color capable (RED or GREEN /
cages. These connections are all power limited. Internal flashing or steady). The remaining LEDs are AMBER
wiring connections distribute 24VDC to cards or high-level flashing or steady. A space is provided for labeling of LED
audio signals (depending on application used) connect to functions. The label slides behind a clear, protective
the ‘bottom’ of the Model CC-5 / CC-2 card cages. These membrane. Model LCM-8 dimensions are identical to
connections are all non-power limited. Model SCM-8, and Model LCM-8 is mounted on the same
All wiring connections to the Model CC-5 / CC-2 card cages hinged panel, as a part of the FireFinder XLS Command
are to removable terminal blocks. Terminal blocks are Console enclosure.
rated for use with wire sized 12 American Wire Gauge
(AWG) to 24AWG. Each connector is numbered to make
wiring terminations to the correct position on the
terminal block simple in order to reduce potential wiring
RN I → Remote Network Interface

RNI Remote Network Interface

The Remote Network Interface (Model RNI) provides a
connection point for use with equipment mounted in a
remote-lobby enclosure on the FireFinder XLS FACP.
Model RNI is used to provide additional input, output and
SCM-8 → Switch Control Module
control features to the system remotely, via the main FACP.
SCM-8 Switch Control Module
These additional features may include control switches
The Switch Control Module (Model SCM-8) is a FireFinder and indicators: (Models SCM-8, LCM-8 and FCM-6),
XLS-option module that provides manual control to the remote-emergency paging microphones or telephones:
Emergency Voice Evacuation System (EVAC) or manual (Models LVM, FMT), or controls used in graphic annunciators
fire-system control. Each Model SCM-8 module provides (Models SIM-16, OCM-16) or system-status display with the
eight (8) momentary push-button switches and 16 ability to acknowledge alarms, silence audibles and
light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to indicate their status. reset the system (Model SSD-C-REM).
Each switch is assigned two (2) LEDs, as well as a label Model RNI allows The Person Machine Interface to be
to indicate the switch's programmed usage. The label mounted in the Model REMBOX2 or Model REMBOX4
slides behind a clear protective membrane. One set of remote lobby enclosure.
LEDs assigned to each switch is a dual-colored LED,
which is used to indicate what type of signal is active.

s Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
FireFinder XLS Components ─ (cont.’d)

PSC-12 → Power Supply Charger Module

PTB → Power Termination Board
PSC-12 Power Supply Charger Module
The Power Supply Charger Module (Model PSC-12) is a PTB Power Termination Board
high-current power supply that provides the FireFinder Model PSC-12 comes packaged with a module called the
XLS primary-regulated 24VDC power to operate. Model Power Termination Board (Model PTB). Model PTB is
PSC-12 is rated at 12Amps (Alarm) / 5Amps (Standby), required for operation with Model PSC-12. Model PTB
and has a built-in battery charger, capable of charging up to filters the power from the incoming AC mains, and
100 AH batteries. Model PSC-12 is an addressable- distributes it to the Model PSC-12 power supply and the
intelligent, microprocessor-controlled module that optional Model PSX-12 power-supply extender.
communicates its status to the system-operator interface. Model PTB has an optional connector that can be used
Each Person Machine Interface is then able to query the during system installation, commissioning and service to
status of the power supply to obtain data regarding provide the technician with a place to plug in their laptop
system-charging current, terminal-loading information, PC, if required. Model AC-ADPT is an optional accessory
ground-fault conditions and more. cable that allows connection on one side to Model PTB, via
a keyed connector and on the other end directly into to the
laptop's transformer.
Most laptop-computer external power transformers have
removable AC power cords, which can be replaced by the
optional Model AC-ADPT to temporarily provide an AC
power source for laptop-PC usage during system
installation, service and maintenance calls when needed.

PSX-12 → Power Supply Extender

PSX-12 Power Supply Extender

The Power Supply Extender (Model PSX-12) is a high-current,
auxiliary power supply that expands the main Model PSC-12
power supply and battery charger of the FireFinder XLS
system with an additional 24VDC power. Model PSX-12
is rated at 12 Amps.

SNU-ASSY → Single-Node Upload (SNU) Module

SNU-ASSY Single-Node Upload (SNU) Module

The Single-Node Upload (SNU) is an optional system
module that provides a solution for uploading /
RPM → Remote Printer Module downloading XLS / XLSV configuration data remotely. SNU
RPM Remote Printer Module can easily transmit data from a PC running the Zeus
The Remote Printer Module (Model RPM) provides a custom-configuration tool to a maximum 64 Person
means of connecting the FireFinder XLS system to a Machine Interfaces.
printer, such as Model PAL-1, for creating a hard copy of Each SNU module has three (3) connections: Power,
system status and configuration reports. Concurrently, Ethernet and USB. The data transported between the Zeus
Model RPM provides an output port that can be tool and SNU is made through a direct 128-bit, Secure
configured to communicate with external systems. Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.

s Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
FireFinder XLS Components ─ (cont.’d)
RNI Remote Network Interface

System-Status Display
SSD-Series System-Status Display CAB1 → Single Row Enclosure
The System Status Display (SSD-series model displays) is a CAB1 Single Row Enclosure
remote LED / LCD display that shows the local status of a
Model CAB 1, the smallest of the FireFinder XLS
FireFinder XLS system. An LED illuminates when Alarm,
enclosures, can house a single Model CAB-MP cabinet
Supervisory, Trouble, and Security events occur on the
mounting plate for mounting card cages, power supplies
system. A (4) four-line liquid-crystal display (LCD) will give
and bulk amplifiers. Model CAB1 also has four (4)
details of the event in alphanumeric form.
mounting slots on the inner door for mounting The Person
The display can be toggled to display additional events. Machine I nterface and Model ID-MP switch module
Optional remote system control capabilities are available. brackets.
Models SSD-C, SSD-C-INT, and Model SSD-C-REM have
Model CAB1 comes complete with a black back box; black
three (3) additional control buttons to Acknowledge
inner and outer doors; a single lock and key set on the outer
events; silence audible circuits, and reset the system.
door; a single, installed cabinet mounting plate (Model
Models SSD-C and SSD-C-INT have an integral keyswitch CAB-MP), and a single, installed outer door lens plate
that enables these control buttons to operate. Model SSD- (Model OD-LP). A red version (Model CAB1-R) is also
C-REM is located within a locked cabinet. Therefore, no available.
additional keyswitch is required for manual activation of Approximate size: 27” (68.6cm.) high, 26” (66cm.)
the control buttons. wide, and 8” (20.3cm.) deep.

IIC → I nterface I solation Card

IIC − Interface Isolation Card
The Interface Isolation Card (Model IIC) is designed to
isolate network signals when used with a Model NCC ring
configuration, via Model NRC. Model IIC executes the
aforementioned isolation by removing the backplane
network signals from each Model CC-2 card cage. Model
IIC also provides one (1) end of CAN termination on each
side of Model CC-2.


The XDACT Assembly (Model XDACT-ASSY) is the blank plate
used for holding the optional Digital Alarm Communication
Transmitter (DACT), Model FCA2015-U1 on FireFinder XLS.
Model XDACT-ASSY can be mounted on all CAB-series
enclosures. Each assembly must be located in the Global
Person Machine Interface cabinet for global configurations.
Available communication protocols on a DACT module
include: SIA DCS 8 | SIA DCS 20 | Ademco Contact ID.

s Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
FireFinder XLS Components ─ (cont.’d) CAB-MP Cabinet Mounting Plate
The Model CAB-MP cabinet mounting plate provides
mounting for a single row of modules in a FireFinder
XLS cabinet. Four (4) module spaces are available on
Model CAB-MP, which is used to mount the Model CC-5
card cage; the Model CC-2 card cage; the Model PSC-12
power supply; the Model PSX-12 power-supply extender,
and the Model ZAM-80 / 180-zone amplifiers.

Enclosure Trim Kits

CAB2 → Two-Row Enclosure
Trim kits are available for all system enclosures for semi-
CAB2 Two-Row Enclosure flush mounting applications. Model CAB1-TK (for black
The Two-Row Enclosure (Model CAB2) is the mid-sized enclosures) and the Model CAB1R-TK (for red enclosures)
FireFinder XLS enclosure capable of housing up to two fit inside the Models CAB1 and CAB1-R enclosures.
(2) Model CAB-MP cabinet mounting plates. The inner Similarly, Models CAB2-TK and CAB-2R-TK fit inside the
door has two (2) rows of four (4) mounting slots. Model CAB2 enclosure, while Models CAB3-TK and CAB3R-
The outer door has space for mounting two (2) outer door TK fit the Model CAB-3 enclosure.
plates (Models OD-LP, OD-BP or OD-GP), and can be
configured to open from either side. Model CAB2 consists Remote Transponders
of the black Model CAB2-BB back box, the Model CAB2-BD The FireFinder XLS system can use remote transponders
black inner and outer door package, and one (1) Model OD- for mounting additional modules such as amplifiers
LP lens plate. The outer door has a single lock and key set without requiring a Person Machine Interface or any
installed. A red version (Model CAB2R) is also available, and control switches. Special doors are available for systems
a CAB2- RB back box is used with Model CAB2R. using Model CAB-2 or Model CAB-3 remote transponders.
These doors (Models CAB2-XBD and CAB3-XBD) omit the
Approximate size is 45” (114.3cm.) high, 26” (66cm.)
unused inner door, and come complete with ventilation
wide, and 8” (20.3cm.) deep.
louvers built into the door.
Model CAB2-XBD fits into Model CAB2-BB, and Model CAB3-
XBD fits into Model CAB3-BB. Model CAB2-XBD and CAB3-
XBD are supplied in black. Red versions (Models CAB2-XRD
and CAB3-XRD) are also available.

CAB3 → Three-Row Enclosure

CAB3 Three-Row Enclosure
Model CAB3, the single largest FireFinder XLS
enclosure available, can house a maximum three (3)
Model CAB-MP cabinet mounting plates in the enclosure,
and three (3) rows of inner-door mounting slots. ID-MP → I nner Door Mounting Plate

The outer door can be configured to open from either ID-MP Inner Door Mounting Plate
side. Model CAB3 consists of the Model CAB3-BB back The inner door mounting plate (Model ID-MP) is mounted
box, the Model CAB3-BD black inner and outer door on the inner door of any given model CAB enclosure.
package, and one (1) Model OD-LP lens plate. The outer Model ID-MP plates are used to mount switch-control
door has two (2) locks and key sets installed. A red modules (Model SCM-8); LED control modules (Model
version (Model CAB3R) is also available. LCM-8), or fan-control modules (Model FCM-6).
Approximate size is 63” (160cm.) high, 26” (66.4cm.) Four (4) mounting plates are included with each order of
wide, and 8” (20.3cm.) deep. Model ID-MP. Each mounting plate has four (4) spaces for
control modules, and can hold either four (4) Model SCM-
8 modules (one [1] control module space for each
module); four (4) LCM-8 (one [1]control module space
for each module), or two (2) Model FCM-6 modules (two
[2] module spaces for each module).

CAB-MP → Cabinet Mounting Plate

s Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
FireFinder XLS Components ─ (cont.’d)
ID-MP Inner Door Mounting Plate
Combinations are also allowed. Blank spaces in Model ID-
MP can be covered using the blank-control-module
plate (Model BCM). Up to four (4) modules can be
mounted in a single row on the inner door.
OD-BP → Outer Door Blank Plate
OD-BP Outer Door Blank Plate
The Outer Door Blank Plate (Model OD-BP) entirely
covers an unused row of a XLS system cabinet, and is
mounted on the outer door. One (1) blank plate is
included with each order of Model OD-BP.

I D-SP → I nner Door Blank Single Plate

ID-SP Inner Door, Blank Single Plate
The inner door, blank single plate (Model ID-SP) is used
to cover any single-module blank spaces within the inner
door where no Person Machine Interface or Model ID-MP OD-GP → Outer Door Grill Plate
is being used. Up to four (4) Model ID-SP modules can be OD-GP Outer Door Grill Plate
mounted in a single row on the inner door. Two (2)
The Outer Door Grill Plate (Model OD-GP) also covers an
blank plates are included with each order of Model ID-SP.
entire row on the outer door of a system cabinet, but has
four (4) rows of ventilation louvers on it. Model OD-GP is
mounted in front of system bulk amplifiers, card
amplifiers, or other modules that generate heat. Using
Model OD-GP will permit airflow across these modules to
aid in heat dissipation. One (1) grill plate is included
with each order of Model OG-GP.
BCM → Blank Control Module Plate Remote System Enclosures
BCM Blank Control-Module Plate Models REMBOX2 and REMBOX4 are FireFinder XLS
Model BCM plates can be mounted on a single ID-MP. system enclosures that are used for remotely mounting
Four (4) blank module plates are included with each inner-door modules, such as: Person Machine Interfaces;
order of Model BCM. switch modules (Model SCM series); Live Voice Modules
(Model LVM), and Firefighters’ Master Telephone (Model
FMT) modules.
Models REMBOX2 and REMBOX4 are thinner than regular
Model CAB-series of enclosures – just 5” (12.7cm.) deep
overall, and are perfect for mounting in limited-space areas
(e.g. – office-complex lobbies or behind a receptionist’s
OD-LP → Outer Door Lens Plate
No card cages, power supplies or bulk amplifiers can be
OD-LP Outer Door Lens Plate
mounted in a given Model REMBOX-series enclosure due
The Outer Door Lens Plate (Model OD-LP) is a clear plastic to their smaller depth. However, Person Machine
lens plate mounted on the outer door of a system Interfaces and some modules (e.g. – the remote network
cabinet. Model OD-LP is used to allow operators to see interface module [Model RNI]; the output control module
the system interface and controls mounted on the inner [Model OCM-16], and the supervised input module
door, but restricts access to unauthorized users. The plate [Model SIM-16]) can be mounted in a given Model
covers an entire row on the outer door. A single lens REMBOX-series enclosure.
plate is included with each order of Model OD-LP.
Due to the depth of Models LVM and FMT, no Model OCM-
16 or Model SIM-16 modules can be used simultaneously
with Model LVM or Model FMT. Model REMBOX2 and
Model REMBOX4 are designed for flush mounting with no
trim kit required. Both enclosures also come with a clear
lens plate on the cover.

s Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
FireFinder XLS Components ─ (cont.’d)

XLS-MSE2-ADPT →Enclosure Adapter

REMBOX2 → Two-Module Remote Enclosures
XLS-MSE2/R-ADPT – XLS MSE-2/R Enclosure Adapter
REMBOX2 Two Module Remote Enclosures
Model XLS-MSE2-ADPT, which must be used in conjunction
Model REMBOX2 has two (2) inner-door module spaces, with Model CAB-MP, is an adapter that allows FireFinder
and can hold a single Person Machine Interface, up to two XLS cards to be mounted in former MXL Model MSE-2
(2) switch module brackets and one (1) Model LVM. small black enclosures.
Combinations are also allowed.
Model XLS-MSE2R-ADPT, which must be used in
Model REMBOX2 can also mount a single RNI remote conjunction with Model CAB-MP, is an adapter that allows
network interface on a bracket included in the backbox. FireFinder XLS cards to be mounted in former MXL
A bracket, known as Model REMBOX2-MP, can be used to Model MSE-2R small red enclosures.
mount up to four (4) Model OCM-16 output control
modules or SIM-16 supervised input modules.
Model REMBOX2-MP must be purchased separately.
Approximate size of Model REMBOX2 is 14-1/2” (36.8cm.)
wide, 18-1/2” (47cm.) high and 5” (12.7cm.) deep.

XLS-MME3-ADPT →Enclosure Adapters


Enclosure Adapters
Model XLS-MME3-ADPT, which must be used in
conjunction with Model CAB-MP, is an adapter that allows
FireFinder XLS cards to be mounted in former MXL
REMBOX4 → Four-Module Remote Enclosures Model MME-3 or Model MBR-2 medium black enclosures.
REMBOX4 Four-Module Remote Enclosures Model XLS-MME3R-ADPT, which must be used in
Model REMBOX4 has space for mounting four (4) inner-door conjunction with Model CAB-MP, is an adapter that allows
FireFinder XLS cards to be mounted in former MXL
modules. Any combination of A Person Machine Interface
Model MME-3R medium red enclosures.
(two-module spaces); switch module brackets; Model
LVM, or Model FMT (one-module space each) can be
used. Unused module spaces can be covered with Model
ID-SP blank plates. Model REMBOX4 can also mount a
single, remote network interface (Model RNI) on a
bracket included in the backbox.
A bracket known as Model REMBOX4-MP can be used to
mount up to eight (8) output control modules (Model
XLS-MLE6-ADPT →Enclosure Adapter
OCM-16) or supervised input modules (SIM-16).
Approximate size of Model REMBOX4 is 24” (61cm.) XLS-MLE6/R-ADPT – XLS MLE-6/R Enclosure Adapter
wide, 18-1/2” (47cm.) high and 5” (12.7cm.) deep. Model XLS-MLE6-ADPT, which must be used in
Model REMBOX4-MP must be purchased separately. conjunction with Model CAB-MP, is an adapter that
allows FireFinder XLS cards to be mounted in former
MXL Model MLE-6 large black enclosures.
Model XLS-MLE6R-ADPT, which must be used in
conjunction with Model CAB-MP, is an adapter that
allows FireFinder XLS cards to be mounted in former
MXL MLE-6R large red enclosures.

s Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
FireFinder XLS Components ─ (cont.’d)

XLS-MSE3-ADPT →Enclosure Adapters

VPM-MP → VESDA Mounting Plate
Enclosure Adapters VPM, VESDA-HLI-KIT and VMP-MP −
VESDA Interface Equipment
Model XLS-MSE3-ADPT is an adapter that allows
FireFinder XLS cards to be mounted in former MXL-IQ The Very Early Smoke Detection Aspiration (VESDA)
Model MSE-3L or Model MSE-3M black enclosure. Peripheral Module (Model VPM) and the VESDA High-
Model XLS-MSE3R-ADPT is an adapter that allows Level Interface Kit (Model VESDAHLI-KIT) are optional
FireFinder XLS cards to be mounted in former MXL- FireFinder XLS modules that work in conjunction to
IQ Model MSE-3LR or Model MSE-3MR red enclosure. provide bi-directional communication between the
FireFinder XLS FACP and multiple VESDA detection
networks for the following types of VESDA detectors:
▪ LaserFOCUS
▪ LaserPLUS
XLS-RCC1-ADPT →Enclosure Adapter Model VPM allows each FireFinder XLS FACP to
XLS-RCC-1-ADPT – XLS RCC-1 Enclosure Adapter annunciate ‘Alert,’ ‘Action,’ ‘Fire 1,’ and ‘Fire 2’ levels,
Model XLS-RCC1-ADPT is an adapter that allows the as well as provide ‘faults’ from any zone on a
FireFinder XLS Model SSD/-C series remote annunciator connected VESDA network.
to be mounted in former Model RCC-1 surface-mount The VPM Mounting plate (Model VPM-MP) allows
enclosures. mounting one (1) Model VPM and two (2) of Model
VESDAHLI-KIT inside a standard FireFinder XLS Model
CAB1, Model CAB2 or Model CAB3 enclosure. Model
VPM-MP utilizes two (2) module spaces on a single
row of each enclosure.

Temperature and Humidity Range

XLS-RCC13F-ADPT →Enclosure Adapters FireFinder XLS components are UL 864 9th Edition
XLS-RCC13F/R-ADPT – XLS RCC-1F/R or RCC-3F/R Listed for indoor dry locations within a temperature
Enclosure Adapters range of 120+/-3°F (49+/-2°C) to 32+/-3°F (0+/-2°C)
Model XLS-RCC13F-ADPT is an adapter that allows the and a relative-humidity range of 93+/-2%
FireFinder XLS Model SSD/-C series remote annunciator at a temperature of 90+/-3°F (32+/-2°C).
to be mounted in former Model RCC-1F or Model RCC-3F
black, flush-mount enclosure.
Model XLS-RCC13FR-ADPT is an adapter that allows the
Model SSD/-C series to be mounted in former RCC-1FR
and RCC-3FR, red flush-mount enclosure.


Interface Equipment Level Interface Kit

s Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
Details for Ordering Details for Ordering ─ (continued)
Model Part Number Description Model Part Number Description
AC-ADPT 500-633992 Technician Laptop-Power connector OD-BP 500-633017 Outer Door Blank Plate
60-pin Cable
OD-BP-R 500-634919 Outer Door Blank Plate, red
required for:
BCL 599-633997 OD-GP 500-633018 Outer Door Grill Plate
Models CAB2,-2X AND CAB3,
-3X for row-to-row connections OD-GP-R 500-634920 Outer Door Grill Plate, red
CAB1 500-633007 Complete Single-Row Cabinet, black OD-LP 500-633016 Outer Door Lens Plate
CAB1R 500-633728 Complete Single-Row Cabinet, red PAL-1 500-692407 UL Listed Parallel Printer
CAB1-TK 500-633013 Single-Row Trim-kit Cabinet, black PMI-3 S54430- C15- A1 Person Machine Interface 3
CAB1R-TK 500-633729 Single-Row Trim-kit Cabinet, red PMI I-3 Alternate-language Overlays for navigation
CAB2-BB 500-633009 (2) Two-Row Back Box, black S54430- C16- A1
(Overlays) on a FireFinder XLS operation interface
CAB2-RB 500-634941 (2) Two-Row Back Box, red Power supply with battery charger
PSC-12 500-033340
CAB2-BD 500-633008 (2) Two-Row Inner & Outer Door set, black [12A @ 24VDC]
CAB2-RD 500-633755 (2) Two-Row Inner & Outer Door set, red Power supply extender
PSX-12 500-034120
CAB2-TK 500-633014 (2) Two-Row Trim-kit Cabinet, black [12A @ 24VDC]
CAB2R-TK 500-633753 (2) Two-Row Trim-kit Cabinet, red PTB 500-033390 Power termination board
CAB2-XBD 500-633768 CAB2 Transponder Door REMBOX2 500-633772 (2) Two-module remote lobby enclosure, black

CAB2-XRD 500-633792
Medium-Enclosure Transponder Door, red REMBOX2R 500-650612 (2) Two-module remote
[mounts to Model CAB2-RB] lobby enclosure, red
CAB3-BB 500-633011 (3) Three-Row Back Box, black Mounting plate for Models
REMBOX2-MP 500-634211
CAB3-RB 500-634942 (3) Three-Row Back Box, red OCM-16 / SIM-16 in Model REMBOX2
CAB3-BD 500-633010 (3) Three-Row Inner & Outer Door set, black REMBOX4 500-633914 (4) Four-module remote lobby enclosure, black
CAB3-RD 500-633757 (3) Three-row Inner & Outer Door set, red Mounting plate for Models OCM-16 /
REMBOX4-MP 500-634212
CAB3-TK 500-633015 (3) Three-Row Trim-kit Cabinet, black SIM-16 in Model REMBOX4
CAB3R-TK 500-633754 (3) Three-Row Trim-kit Cabinet, red REMBOX4R 500-650613 (4) Four-module remote lobby enclosure, red
CAB3-XBD 500-633769 CAB3 Transponder Door RNI 500-033420 Remote network interface module
Large-Enclosure Transponder Door, red RPM 500-033270 Remote printer module
CAB3-XRD 500-633793 [mounts to Model CAB3-RB] SCM-8 500-033040 Switch module, eight (8) switches
CAB-MP 500-633012 Back Box Module Mounting Plate SIM-16 500-034060 Supervised input module
CAN Cable SNU-ASSY S54430-A3-A1 SNU Processor and USB cables (w/ SNU IOM)
3 ft. (91.4 cm.) Length required for: SSD 500-034740 System-status display
CCL 599-634214 SCM / LCM / FCM modules from Models CC-5 / CC-2 SSD-C 500-648733 System-status display with control
Inner Doors and from Row-to-Row on
Model CAB-series Inner Doors SSD-INT 500-034740 System-status display
with multi-lingual overlays
CC-2 500-633440 Two (2) Slot Card Cage
SSD-C-INT 500-034750 System-status display with control
CC-5 500-633037 Five (5) slot Card Cage and multi-lingual overlays
CDC-4 500-034200 Conventional Detector Card
SSD-C-REM 500-634773 System-status display with control for
COM-BRK S54430-B7-A1 Communications Bracket remote lobby enclosure
CRC-6 500-033250 Controllable Relay Card VNTPC 500-650490 Virtual Network Tunnel
CSB 500-033130 CAN Sounder Board VPM S54430-F93-A2 VESDA Peripheral Module
DCT-P 500-699291 Programmer for MDACT Mounting Plate for VESDA
VPM-MP S54430-F95-A2
DLC 500-033090 Device Loop Card Peripheral Module
Fan-Control-Module Switches VESDA-HLI-KIT S54430-F99-A2 VESDA High-Level Interface Kit
FCM-6 500-033140 {ON, OFF, AUTO}
XDACT-ASSY S54430-A5-A1 XDACT mounting plate (w/ cable)
HCP 500-034860 Intelligent Control Point Module
XLS-MLE6-ADPT S54430-C9-A1 MLE-6 enclosure adapter for XLS, black
HLIM 500-033170 Line-Isolator Module
Inner-Door Enclosure Mounting Plate, XLS-MLE6R-ADPT S54430-C9-A2 MLE-6R enclosure adapter for XLS, red
ID-MP 500-633027 MME-3 and MBR-2 enclosure adapters
[four (4) per package] XLS-MME3-ADPT S54430-C8-A1 for FireFinder XLS, black
Single-Module Inner-Door Enclosure
ID-SP 500-633028 XLS-MME3R-ADPT S54430-C8-A2 MME-3R enclosure adapter for XLS, red
Mounting Plate, [two (2) per package]
XLS-MSE2-ADPT S54430-C7-A1 MSE-2 enclosure adapter for XLS, black
IIC 500- 850328 Interface Isolation Card
XLS-MSE2R-ADPT S54430-C7-A2 MSE-2R enclosure adapter for XLS, red
LED Annunciator Module
LCM-8 500-033100 [eight (8) LED sets] MXL-IQ MSE-3L and MSE-3M enclosure adapters
XLS-MSE3-ADPT S54430-C14-A1 for FireFinder XLS, black
MLC S54431-B4-A1 MXL Addressable-Device Line Card MXL-IQ MSE-3LR & MSE-3MR enclosure
MOM2-XMP 500-634822 Mounting Plate for Model MOM-2 S54430-C14-A2 adapters for XLS, red
MXL Module Card Cage XLS-RCC1-ADPT S54430-Z14-A1 RCC-1enclosure adapter for XLS-SSD, black
MOM-2 500-892766 [one (1) full slot] XLS-RCC13F-ADPT S54430-Z13-A1 RCC-1F & RCC-3F enclosure adapters, black
NIC-C 500-033240 Network Interface Card XLS-RCC13FR- ADPT S54430-Z13-A2 RCC-1FR & RCC-3FR enclosure adapters, red
NRC S54430-A2-A1 Network Ring Card: 2nd Generation
ZIC-2C 500-648671 (2) Two-channel adapter card,
via (Model ZIC-8B)
ZIC-4A 500-033050 (4) Four-circuit zone indicating card
ZIC-8B 500-648670 (8) Eight-circuit zone indicating card

Notice: This marketing data sheet is not intended to be used for system design or installation purposes.
For the most up-to-date information, refer to each product’s installation instructions.

Fire Safety Fire Safety

8 Fernwood Road 1577 North Service Road
s Industry, Inc. Florham Park, NJ 07932 East Oakville, Ontario October 2018
Building Technologies Division Tel: (973) 593-2600 (SII -FS) L6H 0H6 / Canada Supersedes sheet dated 11/2017
FAX: (908) 547-6877 Printed in U.S.A. Tel: [905] 465-8000 (Rev. 18)
URL: URL: www.Siemens.C A

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