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Off-Road Declarer Play Unusual Ways To Play A Bridge Hand - 2

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Presented fo:
Butler Area Public Library

In Memory of
Evelyn Elwood

Ginger and Dave Ellis and Family
ai < > Q aa)= fa
© 2007 David Bird. All rights reserved. It is illegal to reproduce any
portion of this material, except by special arrangement with the
publisher. Reproduction of this material without authorization, by any
duplication process whatsoever, is a violation of copyright.

Master Point Press

331 Douglas Ave.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(416) 781-0351
Email: info

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Bird, David, 1946-

Off-road declarer play : unusual ways to play a bridge hand / written
by David Bird.

ISBN-10 1-897106-19-X
ISBN-13 978-1-897106-19-8

1. Contract bridge. I. Title.

GV1282.3.B5916 2007 Wpeere ileey) C2006-906533-0

Editor Ray Lee

Cover and interior design Olena S. Sullivan/New Mediatrix
Interior format and copy editing Suzanne Hocking

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CHAPTER 1 Fighting your way to the dummy

CHAPTER 2 Anti-blocking plays 20

CHAPTER 3 Unusual suit-establishment techniques 37

CHAPTER 4 Protect your honors from getting ruffed 54

CHAPTER 5 Surviving a 4-1 trump break 64

CHAPTER 6 Extracting the safe exit cards 78

CHAPTER 7 Unusual avoidance play 96

CHAPTER 8 Scoring the low trumps in your hand 112

CHAPTER 9 Leaving the highway 122

CHAPTER 10 Use the entry when a defender has to duck 138

CHAPTER 11 Using a side suit as substitute trumps 153

CHAPTER 12 The stepping stone 169

CHAPTER 13 Two-part recoveries 184

CHAPTER 14 Unusual ways to rectify the count 198

Contents ~ iil
This book is dedicated to my friend and fellow
bridge writer, Tim Bourke, who constructs two
or three great deals every day and sends the best
of them in my direction.


From me to you
The Beatles

When dummy is short of entries, or apparently contains no entries at all, you

may need to employ special measures to reach it. In this chapter, we will see
some useful techniques that can help you.


First, we will look at a play that is strangely difficult to spot at the table. Would
you have made 49 here?

a Q2
9 63
* 972
a 1085 a K964
7 10497 9 84
©0984 © K106
* 054 * AJ108

4 AJ73
9 AKQJ52

* K63


pass INT pass 49
all pass

Fighting Your Way to the Dummy 1

West leads the 9 10 and you win with the 9 A. How will you play the con-
Suppose your next move is a spade to dummy’s queen. All will be well if
West holds the aK. If he rises with the card, you will have three spade tricks
and an entry to dummy’s ©A. You will make at least ten tricks. When East
holds the @K, the situation will be less bright. He will win and return a second
round of trumps, preventing a spade ruff. You can draw trumps and exit on the
fourth round of spades, forcing the defenders to play a club for you, but you
will still lose two spades and two clubs. What else can you try?
At Trick 2 you should lead the #J from your hand! As the cards lie, the
defenders can do nothing. If East wins with the &K and returns another trump,
you will win in your hand and draw the last trump. You can then cross to the
4Q and discard a club loser on the ©A. Finally, you will lead towards the #K
for the contract. What if East chooses to hold up the 4K? You will cash the 4A
and reach dummy with a spade ruff. You can then cash the ©A for a club dis-
card and lead towards the #K for an overtrick.
Here is another example of the play, this time in a notrump contract. Your
objective on this occasion is not to reach a stranded winner, but to take a suc-
cessful finesse.
9 983
© 754
* J1074
@ 109643 a AJ8
9 J1075 9 06
© 96 © 0310832
* 65 * K8

9 AK42
© AK
* AQ932


lo dbl
pass L& pass 3NT
all pass

West leads the ©9, overtaken by East’s ©10. How will you tackle the
notrump game?

2 Off-Road Declarer Play

If you simply play ace and another club, East will win and clear the dia-
mond suit. You will then be one trick short. A better idea is to lead the @K at
Trick 2. What can East do? If he wins with the @A and clears the diamonds,
you can cross to the 4Q to run the #J through East’s #K. An overtrick will
result. If, however, East holds up the 4A to prevent you reaching dummy, you
will have one spade trick in the bag and can afford to play clubs from your
hand. You will score one spade trick, four red-suit winners and four club tricks.
What would have happened if South had headed for 5# instead of 3NT?
With certain losers awaiting him in each major suit, declarer would need to
reach the North hand to take a trump finesse. Not today! When the aK is led,
East can simply hold up the ace. That’s down one.


Sometimes the straightforward entries to dummy will be insufficient to estab-
lish a side suit and reach the long cards. In that case, you may have to risk an
otherwise unnecessary finesse, hoping to gain an extra entry. That's the only
real chance on this slam deal:

a Al
9 K75
© 08732
# A75
a 964 a5
9 0103 9 39862
© K96 © AJ105
* QJ102 » 984

@ KQJ10832
gy M4
© 4
* K63


lo pass la
pass INT pass 34
pass 4 pass 4NT
pass 59 pass ba

Fighting Your Way to the Dummy 3

West leads the #Q against your ambitious small slam in spades. How will
you play the contract?
You need to set up a long diamond, on which you can discard your club
loser. Even if diamonds break 4-3, the three obvious entries to the dummy will
not be enough to allow you to ruff three diamonds and then return to enjoy
the established long card in the suit. Your best chance is to seek a fourth entry
to dummy by finessing the 47.
You win the club lead with the king and play a diamond. East wins and
returns a club to dummy’s ace. You take your first diamond ruff with the 48
and, trying not to look worried, play the 42 to dummy’s 47. Yes, it wins! You
ruff a diamond with a high trump, everyone following, return to dummy with
the ace of trumps and ruff another diamond high. You can then draw West’s
last trump, cross to dummy with the YK and discard your club loser on the
established diamond.
Suppose you make the mistake of ruffing the first diamond with the a2
instead of the #8. A top-class West can then defeat you by inserting the a9
when you lead the #3 for the intended finesse of the &7. You would then have
only one trump entry to dummy.


When dummy contains a potential entry card in the suit that has been led, you
can often promote its value by winning in your hand with an unnecessarily
high card. Look at this deal:

a 143
9 053
© QJ1073
* 74
a 108 a Q)95
9 KI964 9 82
©9495 © Ab4
* K9I63 * J1085

4 Off-Road Declarer Play

pass 3NT all pass

West leads the 96 against your game in notrump. You play low from
dummy and East produces the 98. How will you play the contract?
Suppose your mind is on the bottle of wine awaiting you in the fridge and
you win with the 910. You will go down. East will hold up the ©A for two
rounds and you will never reach the two good diamonds in dummy. The 9Q
will not provide an entry to dummy, because the YA and 0K will win the next
two rounds of the suit. Restricted to only two diamond tricks, you will be
struggling to avoid down two.
To make the contract, you must win the first round of hearts with the ace.
Dummy’s YQ is now the second-ranked card in the suit and will provide an
entry, provided West holds the Y K as you expect. Let’s say that East again holds
up the ©A for two rounds and then switches to the #J. You will win with the
#A and lead a heart towards dummy. West will take his 9 K to stop you reach-
ing dummy immediately, but the clubs will be safe with West on lead. Nine
tricks will soon be yours.
Sometimes you employ this technique to give you a second entry to
dummy in the suit that has been led.

a QJ1076
9 642
* KJ3
a 53 a AK84
9 J10 9 0985
© 01042 © 386
*® 09752 * 84

a 92
9 AK73
© AK93
+ A106


pass la pass 2NT
pass 3NT all pass

Fighting Your Way to the Dummy 5

West leads the #5 against 3NT. You play low from dummy and East plays
the #8. How will you give yourself the best chance of nine tricks?
If you win the first trick with the #10, you will go down against compe-
tent defenders. When you play the 49 next, East will allow this card to win.
He will capture the second round of spades and you will then need two further
entries to dummy — one to set up the spades and one to enjoy the established
winners in the suit. With #K-J facing #A-6, only one entry to dummy will be
available and you will go down.
See how much better you fare if you win the first round of clubs with the
ace, an unnecessarily high card. East wins the second round of spades, as before,
but you will now make the contract easily. You can win any red-suit switch
from East and finesse the #J successfully. You can then clear the spade suit and
use the #K as an entry to enjoy the long spades. Game made.


When your right-hand opponent has won the opening lead, it is sometimes
beneficial to unblock the highest card from your hand. By doing so, you may
promote dummy’s top card into an extra entry.

9 854
© Q31086
* A4
a K10842 a A7
9 K63 9 J1097
© 93 © K74
* J62 * Q975

a Q93
9 AQ2
© A52
* K1083


pass 3NT all pass

6 Off-Road Declarer Play

West leads the #4 against 3NT and East wins with the ace. How do you plan
to make nine tricks?
If you follow with the 43 at Trick 1, you will not make the contract. When
East returns the 47, West will duck if you play the &Q and win with the aK
otherwise. You will not then be able to reach dummy with the aJ to finesse in
diamonds. If you continue with ace and another diamond, preserving the #K
entry to enjoy the long diamonds later, the safe hand (East) will win. You will
have only eight tricks, though; you will need a successful heart finesse to bring
the total to nine and the king is offside. Nor will you fare any better by cross-
ing to the #A to run the ©Q. East will not cover, of course, and you will score
the five diamond tricks you need only when East holds © K-x (or a singleton
The correct technical move is to unblock the &Q from your hand at
Trick 1. If the defenders continue spades, you will reach dummy with the aJ.
You can then run the >Q, followed by the ©J. You cash the ©A on the third
round, picking up East’s © K, and return to dummy with the #A to enjoy two
further diamond tricks.
What if East switches to the YJ at Trick 2? Best then is to rise with the VA
and return a spade towards dummy’s jack. West cannot continue hearts effec-
tively from his side of the table and the game will be yours.
(Bridge is the strangest of games, as you have no doubt discovered already.
At double-dummy, East can beat you by playing the #7 at Trick 1. By retain-
ing the @A, he prevents you from using the #J as an entry to dummy.)


When reaching dummy may be worth two tricks, it can be smart business to
sacrifice one trick to establish an entry. Look at this deal:

Fighting Your Way to the Dummy 7

a 63
9 AK9532
© 1093
* 82
4 Q1072 43985
9 1084 9 QJ576
© 54 © 087
* 01053 * 19

a AK4
© AK652
* AK764


pass ly pass 3
pass 39 pass 3NT
all pass

A small slam in diamonds would have succeeded as the cards lie. (You ruff
a spade and discard two clubs on the high hearts. East can overruff the third
round of clubs, but this absorbs his natural trump trick.) If you put 3NT on
the floor instead, partner will not react kindly to any complaints about his bid-
ding. How will you play when West leads the #2?
With dummy’s heart winners currently inaccessible, you have only six
tricks on top. Unless a defender holds © Q-J-x-x, you can establish two more
tricks by playing ace and another diamond. However, the defenders will then
clear two spade tricks and unless clubs break 3-3, you will not have time to set
up a ninth trick. Is there anything better?
You must cut your way through to the dummy and the two precious jew-
els sitting there in the heart suit. Win the first round of spades and lead a low
diamond towards dummy. You are hoping that West will hold at least one of
the missing honors and that you can set up a dummy entry in the suit.
Suppose West wins with the ©J and clears the spade suit. You can then lead
another low diamond, dummy’s © 10 forcing East’s queen. The defenders can
score a total of two spades and two diamonds, but nine tricks are yours. The
©9 will provide an entry to the ace and king of hearts. You will make three

8 Off-Road Declarer Play

tricks in diamonds and two tricks from each of the other suits. Sacrificing one
of your four potential diamond tricks allowed you to reach the two heart hon-
ors in dummy.
Such sacrificial moves are sometimes available in the trump suit. Look at
the spade suit here:

a 9/7
9 7642
© 632
* QJ53
a 53 a 1062
9 KQJ3 9 1085
© 0984 © J10
* 1074 *& A9862

@ AKQJ84
9 AY
© AK75
* K


pass 26 pass 2a
pass 2NT pass 36
pass 3a pass 4a
all pass

West leads the 9 K. How will you play the spade game?
You win the heart lead with the ace. If your next move is to draw trumps,
you are unlikely to make the contract unless diamonds break 3-3. A better idea
is to lead the #K at Trick 2. If East holds up the #A, you will make the con-
tract easily, losing just three tricks in the red suits. Let’s suppose that East notes
his partner’s count signal of the #4 and captures the first round of clubs. He
cashes the 9 10 and switches to the ©J. What then?
Two club winners await you in the dummy and you can fight your way
there in the trump suit. You win the diamond switch and lead the #4 to
dummy’s 47. East wins with the #10 and plays another diamond. You win
with the © K and cross to dummy with the 49. You can then throw two losers
on the #Q-J, return to the South hand with a high ruff and draw the last
trump. Game made!

Fighting Your Way to the Dummy 9

Let’s wind the tape back to Trick 3. What would you do if East played a
third round of hearts instead of switching to a diamond? You would have to ruff
high, preserving your two trump spot cards as a means of entering the dummy.


When you want to reach dummy in the trump suit, it can assist your cause to
ruff high in your own hand. The play is not easy to spot on this type of deal:

a 1092
9 942
© Q585
* 342
a/4 4365
9 QJ387 9 105
© 972 © 10643
* AK95 * Q1086

a AKQ83
9 AK63
© AK
* 73


pass 20 pass 2a
pass 4a allpass

West leads the #A against your spade game and the defenders persist with
two more rounds of clubs. How will you tackle the play?
A possible line is to ruff low and hope to escape for just one heart loser.
(You would duck a heart, draw two rounds of trumps and play the Y A-K. You
would make the contract when hearts were 3-3 or a defender held four hearts
and three trumps, allowing you to ruff the fourth heart.) As you can see, that
line would fail here.
Let’s try something different. You ruff the third round of clubs with the
ace of trumps, aiming to use the 410-9 to provide an entry to the blocked dia-
mond winners. You draw one round of trumps with the king, unblock the ace
and king of diamonds and play a trump to dummy’s ten. If East wins with the

10 Off-Road Declarer Play

4J, he can do you no damage with his return. You will subsequently cross to
the #10, drawing the last trump, and discard your two losing hearts on the
©J-10. Nor will East fare any better by ducking the second round of trumps.
Indeed, having arrived in dummy, you will discard both hearts and then draw
his last trump, giving you an overtrick.


Even when you have several entries to dummy, it can be helpful to create one
more. It is well known that with such as #A-Q-10-4 opposite #K-J-9-2, you
can create extra entries to one hand or the other by overtaking honors. Here is
a more subtle illustration of the technique:

a 42
9 AK532
© 765
# Q)5
a AQJ985 a 76
9 396 9 8
©2 © J10843
» 983 * 107642

a K103
9 Q1074
* AK


2a pass pass dbl
pass 49 pass 4NT
pass 59 pass 6NT
all pass

North shows two keycards in response to Roman Keycard Blackwood and

South bids the small slam in notrump to protect his 4K from the opening lead.
How will you play this contract when West leads the #9?
Since you may eventually need to finesse in the diamond suit, you should
pay attention to the entries to dummy. You win the club lead and cash the other
club honor in your hand. You then lead the Y7 to dummy’s ace, carefully

Fighting Your Way to the Dummy 11

retaining the (74 in case you should wish to cross to the 5 later. You cash the
#Q, throwing a spade, and note that West follows suit. When you play a heart
to the queen, East surprises you by showing out. You are now close to a com-
plete count on the defenders’ hands. A diamond to the ace fills in the last piece
of the puzzle. Assuming West has the expected six spades for his weak two-bid,
he began with 6-3-1-3 shape and you will need to finesse in diamonds to score
four tricks with the jack and ten onside.
You lead the 910 to dummy’s king, again preserving the 94, and lead a
diamond towards your hand. If East plays low, you will take a deep finesse of
the ©9 with every confidence. If instead East inserts the jack or ten of dia-
monds, you will win and re-enter dummy for a further diamond play by over-
taking the 94 with the 95.


Assessing how many entries to each hand you will need is a basic part of plan-
ning a contract. Many players would go down on the next contract. (It’s true
that many more would correctly avoid bidding it!). See how you fare yourself.

a 0985
9 35
* AJ3
a] a4 A2
9 963 9 K10842
© 108763 © 92
* KQ107 * 8542

a KJ10643
9 AQ7
© K4
* 96

12 Off-Road Declarer Play

INT pass 3a
pass 4g pass 46
pass 50 pass ba
all pass

West leads the #K against your small slam. How will you play the
You win with dummy’s #A and recognize that you will need to dispose of
your club loser before drawing trumps. Suppose, though, that you play the
king, ace and queen of diamonds immediately. East will ruff the third round
with the 42 and you will have to overruff. There is no quick entry to the
dummy to play another diamond winner and you will go down one.
Since you will eventually have to take a winning heart finesse to make the
contract, you should attempt it at Trick 2. The finesse wins and you then play
the three top diamond honors. East ruffs the third round, as before, but now
you have prepared an extra entry to dummy! You cash the YA and ruff a heart.
When you play dummy’s remaining diamond honor, East has to ruff with the
4@A. Your club loser goes away and the small slam is made.

Fighting Your Way to the Dummy 13


a a 053
Oo 103
© AQ10543
* 86
a K107
* AK43


pass 3NT all pass

West leads the #6 against 3NTT, East playing the 49. How will you play the contract?

2] a K1072
0 84
© 9643
* 872
©K led
9 AKJ1093
© A52
* AK6


pass 26 pass 29
pass 2NT pass 39
pass 40 all pass

West leads the king of diamonds against your game in hearts. How will you
play the contract?

14 Off-Road Declarer Play

3] 4 AQJ83
© 875
* QJ
*9 led
aK 106
9 AJ109
© AK103
* AK


pass 2a pass 2NT

pass 6NT all pass

West leads the #9 against your slam in notrump. How will you play the contract?

4) 40652
9 863
© 916
* J72
4J led
a AK
9 AKQ1075
© AS
* AQ10


pass 20 pass 29
pass 40 pass 60
all pass —

West leads the #J and you win with the 4A. When you play the ace of
trumps, the jack falls from West. How will you continue the play?

Fighting Your Way to the Dummy 15


1 4053
9 103
+ 86
4AJ862 ag4
9086 2K942
© 98 ©K76
& 395 *#Q1072


pass 3NT all pass

West leads the #6 against 3NT, East playing the 49. How will you play
the contract?
Let’s see what happens if you win the first trick with the 410. You run the
©J and it wins, East holding up the ©K in an attempt to kill dummy’s dia-
mond suit. A second diamond finesse loses and East returns his remaining
spade. West will not allow the 4Q to become an entry; if you play your 4K on
the second round, he will hold up the 4A. Unable to enter the dummy, you
will fall well short of your target.
A better idea is to win the first trick with an unnecessarily high card, the
4K. This promotes dummy’s 4Q in value and it will now provide an entry.
East ducks the ©J as before and wins the second round of diamonds. You will
win a heart or club return and lead a spade towards dummy, establishing the
4 Q as an entry. Nothing can prevent you from scoring five diamond tricks and
making the contract.

16 Off-Road Declarer Play

a K1072
9 84
© 9643
* 872
a 3643 40985
OLS 9 062
© KQJ8 © 107
#394 * Q1053

9 AKI1093
* AK6


pass 26 pass 29
pass 2NT pass 39
pass 4y allpass

West leads the ©K against your heart game. How will you play the
There is no entry to dummy for a trump finesse, but you have some chance
of escaping a trump loser by laying down the ace and the king. If the YQ does
not drop in two rounds, however, you are almost certain to go down, losing
three subsequent tricks in the minor suits. What else can you try?
You should win the diamond lead and cash the 4A. Next you play the YJ
from your hand. East now has two losing alternatives. If he refuses to win with
the YQ, you will score six trump tricks to go with your four winners in the side
suits. If instead East wins with the YQ, he will set up dummy’s 8 as an entry.
You will be able to cross to dummy and throw your club loser on the aK.
Dummy held only one side-suit winner on this deal, but it was still prof-
itable to surrender a trump trick to reach it, since you were likely to have a
trump loser anyway. You would play the same way with (YA-K-Q-10-9-3.
Since you might lose a trump trick to YJ-x-x-x, you would unblock the 4A
and lead the 9 10 from your hand.

Fighting Your Way to the Dummy 17

3 a AQI83
7 $52
© 875
* QJ
49752 a4
va! Bf 9 K643
© 0964 © J2
& 983 * 1076542

a K106
9 AJ109
© AK103
* AK


pass 2a pass 2NT
pass 6NT all pass

West leads the #9 against GNT. How will you play the contract?
There are nine top tricks available outside the heart suit, so three heart
tricks will give you the slam. Since you may need to finesse three times in
hearts, you must look for three entries to dummy in the spade suit. After win-
ning the club lead, you begin by leading the king of spades and overtaking with
the ace. Everyone follows and you take your first heart finesse, the jack losing
to the queen.
West returns another club and you win in hand. Your next play is to lead
the ten of spades. When West follows, it is safe to overtake with dummy’s
queen. East shows out, but this causes no problems, because dummy’s remain-
ing 4J-8 tenace lies over West's 49-7. A finesse of the 910 proves successful.
You take the marked finesse of the 48, which is your third spade entry to the
dummy, and cash dummy’s last two spade winners. You then lead another heart,
finessing for the third time, and pick up the three heart tricks that you need.
Suppose West had shown out on the second round of spades. In that case,
you could not afford to overtake again, since it would establish a trick for East’s
4 9-x-x-x. You would have to play low from dummy and cross to the &Q on the
third round. After cashing the remaining spade honors, you would then have to
hope that one more heart lead from dummy was enough to pick up the suit.

18 Off-Road Declarer Play

9 863
> 976
* 372
a J1097 a 843
9 J 9942
© K1084 © Q532
* 8653 & K94

a AK
9 AKQ1075
© A5
* AQ10


pass 26 pass 29
pass 49 pass 60

North’s 49 was an overbid. He should have continued with a second neg-

ative, intending to bid 49 on the next round. West leads the J and you win
with the 4A. When you play the ace of trumps, the jack falls from West. How
will you continue the play?
Dummy’s 98-6 now represents a guaranteed entry to the blocked winner
in spades. Once in dummy, you will be able to take a club finesse as well. To
give yourself an extra chance, you should lead the #Q from your hand at Trick
3. If the defenders win with the #K, you can use the #J as an entry for the
third spade trick and will avoid surrendering a trump trick. Let’s say that East
takes due note of his partner’s #6 count signal and holds up the #K. What
You will need the #K to be onside. You cash your remaining spade honor
and lead the 95 to dummy’s 96. East wins with the 99 and returns a dia-
mond. You rise with the ©A and lead the 97 to dummy’s 08. You can then
discard your diamond loser on the &Q and take the club finesse. Justice is
served, from your point of view at least, and you make the small slam.

Fighting Your Way to the Dummy 19

PT E iri)

Get out of my way
The Uptones

The game of bridge offers many potential annoyances. High on the list is the
situation where one of your suits is blocked, particularly if you don’t notice it
until too late! In this chapter, we will see some techniques that you can use to
side-step an approaching blockage.


We begin with a deal where it is within your power to prevent a blockage in the
first place.
a 42
* 86
41093 4QJ875
9 K86 9Q974
© Q3 ©9
* KQJ102 #973

a AK6
9 AJ103


pass 3NT all pass

How will you play 3NT when West leads the #K?

20 Off-Road Declarer Play

No major-suit switch will threaten you, so you should hold up the #A
until the third round. You must then decide how to tackle the diamond suit.
Suppose your first move is to lead the ©J to dummy’s OA. The ©Q fails to
appear on the first round and you will be forced to duck the second round of
diamonds to avoid a blockage. Unfortunately for you, it will be West who pro-
duces the ©Q. He will cash two more club winners and you will be down one.
To avoid the blockage that will arise when the ©Q is doubleton, you must
run the ©J on the first round of the suit. You don’t mind losing a diamond trick
to East, because he is a safe hand. He will have no club to play, unless the suit
is divided 4-4 and poses no problem. As the cards lie, the ©J will win.
Dummy’s > A-K will take the next two rounds of the suit and no blockage will
Bizarre as it may seem, you would make the same play (running the J on
the first round) even if dummy held the ©3 in addition, giving you an 8-3 dia-
mond fit. Failure to do so would leave the suit blocked if West held © Q-9.


Next we will see a couple of deals where you can arrange to throw away the card
that threatens to cause a blockage. Test yourself on this spade slam:

a K74
Oo 732
© 310653
* Ab
a 103 a 852
9 098 9 K105
© 972 © 84
* QJ1032 & K9875

a AQJ96
9 AJ64
* 4


pass 2a pass 4NT
pass 59 pass ba
all pass

Anti-Blocking Plays 21
No bidding prizes for South, but maybe you can find a clever play in the
64 that he reached. How will you tackle the slam when West leads the #Q?
Five spades, five diamonds and two aces will add up to twelve tricks. The
problem is that the diamond suit is blocked and you will need to use the third
round of trumps as an entry to the long diamonds. Suppose you win the club
lead and draw two rounds of trumps with the ace and the queen. Trumps will
break 3-2, but you will have to play all three diamond honors in your hand
while there is still a trump out. As the cards lie, East will ruff the third diamond
and you will be a trick short.
Instead you must aim to discard one of the blocking diamond honors.
Win the club lead with the ace and immediately play dummy’s #6, throwing
the ©Q from your hand. Let’s say that East wins the trick and switches to a
heart. You will rise with the heart ace and draw two rounds of trumps with the
ace and the queen. Since you have discarded one diamond honor, you now
need to cash only two diamond honors in your hand. In other words, you do
not need to lean on Lady Luck so hard! The defender with the last trump (East)
does hold two diamonds, so all is well. You can then cross to dummy with a
third round of trumps and cash the © J-10-6, throwing all three heart losers.
On the next deal, it is not at all easy to see how you might dispose of the
blocking card in your hand.

a 964
9 Q)87
© 976542
a QJ2 a AK10875
a Ce | 9—
© J8 © 03
* 10752 * KQ963

a 3
9 AK1042
© AK10
* AJ84


pass 49 4a 69
all pass

22 Off-Road Declarer Play

West leads the &Q, winning the first trick, and switches to the 93. What
is your plan for the contract? (East will show out on the first round of trumps.)
You need the diamond suit to break 2-2, but that is not the end of the mat-
ter. You cannot simply play the ace-king of diamonds and draw trumps, end-
ing in the dummy, because the © 10 will block the suit. How can you dispose
of the annoying ©10? The only solution is to throw it away on the fourth
round of trumps! This implies that you must take two spade ruffs in your own
hand in order to leave yourself with one fewer trump than the dummy.
You play the 97 from dummy, since if East covers there will be no problem
with the trump suit. When East shows out, you leave the lead in dummy. You
ruff a second round of spades with the YA, cross to dummy with a finesse of the
98 and ruff dummy’s last spade with the YK. You then cross your fingers (if
that is your belief) and play the ace-king of diamonds. Both defenders follow
and you overtake the 910 with the YJ. You then draw West's last trump with
dummy’s YQ, discarding the blocking © 10 at the same time. The slam is yours.


Sometimes you cannot tell immediately whether or not you want to ditch a
card that may cause a blockage:

a 1063

© Q1087532
* A54
a 4 @ 852
oO 197 9 KQ763
© 964 oJ
* KQJ1073 * 9862

@ AKQJ97
9 A10854
© AK
~* —


3a pass bt 6a
pass Ta allpass

Anti-Blocking Plays 23
How will you play the grand slam when West leads the # K?
Suppose you win with the #A, throwing a heart, and try to ruff your
remaining three heart losers. You use club ruffs as the entries for the first two
heart ruffs and then cross to the © A to ruff your last heart loser. So far, so good.
However, you will be stuck in dummy, forced to play a second round of dia-
monds. East will pounce with a trump and that will be down one.
A more obvious and better line of play is to rely on dummy’s diamond suit.
Let’s say that you win the first trick with the #A. What should you throw from
the South hand? Much of the time it would work well to throw a diamond
honor. You could then play two rounds of trumps and cash your remaining dia-
mond honor. Whenever the ©J fell singleton or doubleton, you could reach
dummy with the 410 and enjoy the rest of the diamonds. Such a line would not
be a success, though, when the same defender held three trumps and ©J-x-x.
To cater for all eventualities, you should delay your discard on the #A. You
should ruff the first club and play two rounds of trumps, West showing out on
the second round. Your main hope is that East holds at least two diamonds,
allowing you to cash the ace and the king. When you play the © A, however, the
©] falls from East. Excellent! You abandon diamonds for now, cross to the 410
and only then play the #A, throwing the blocking king of diamonds. The rest
of dummy’s diamond suit is yours and you make the grand slam.


On the next deal, it is the defenders who create an unwanted blockage for you.
Very well, let them assist you in relieving it!

a KQ3
9 8742
© Ab3
* AQ)
a 10842 AeL
9 1095 9 KQJ63
© QJ974 © K8
* 3 * K8764

© 1052
* 10952

24 Off-Road Declarer Play

ly la
pass 29 pass 2a
pass 4a all pass

With four trumps in his hand, West rightly attacks in hearts rather than
leading his singleton club. You win with the ace and draw trumps in four
rounds. As you see, there is a potential blockage problem in the club suit. How
do you plan to overcome it?
You lead a club to the ace at Trick 6 and continue with the queen of clubs.
East cannot afford to duck both the queen and the jack of clubs, of course, or
you will have ten tricks. His best defense is to win the second round of clubs,
leaving the #J to block the suit. How will you play when he continues with the
This is the position you have reached:


9 87
© A63
* J
a =

995 9 KQJ
© Q)97 © K8
* — * 8


© 1052
* 109

When East returns the 9K, you cannot afford to ruff because the club suit
is blocked. You discard a diamond instead and East persists with the 9Q. Again
you discard a diamond loser. Now the defense has run out of steam. If East
plays yet another heart winner, you will ruff in your hand and discard the
blocking #J from dummy. The #10-9 will wrap up your game. If instead East
switches to a diamond, you can win in the dummy and unblock the #J. You
will have a ruffing entry to the South hand to enjoy your last club.

Anti-Blocking Plays 25

Let’s end with two deals where you must avoid a blockage in the trump suit.

a AK6
9 A1043
© 10
a 1095 a 32
9 KJ7 29862
© AK965 © 0842
* 73 * 1094

a QJ874
9 Q5
* 862

West leads the © K against 6@ and continues with the © A, hoping to cause
a problem by locking you in dummy. How will you continue?
Suppose you ruff the second diamond with dummy’s 46. The trump suit
will be blocked and you will run into exactly the sort of communication prob-
lem that West was hoping to cause. After cashing the ace and king of trumps,
you would have no way to reach your hand safely to draw the last trump.
You should therefore ruff with dummy’s 4A at Trick 2, even though this
may promote a trump trick for the defenders when trumps break 4-1. It is then
an easy matter to play king and another trump, winning the second round in
the South hand. Nothing can stop you from drawing the last trump and claim-
ing twelve tricks. If you're that sort of person, you can point out to West that
a black-suit switch at Trick 2 would have given you no chance at all.
On the next deal, too, there is a risk that the trump suit will become

26 Off-Road Declarer Play

9 KQ103
© AKQ2
& 6
a 107 49653
92 9 J875
© 963 Om
* KQJ10754 * A992

a 842
9 A964
© 10854
* 83


3% dbl 4 pass
pass dbl pass 49
pass 4NT pass 50
pass 69 all pass

How will you play the heart slam when West leads the #K and continues
with a second round of clubs?
Suppose you ruff with the 93 and continue with the king and queen of
trumps. West will show out on the second round and East will refuse to cover
the 9 10. You will be stuck in the dummy, unable to draw the last trump. When
you switch to the side suits, East will ruff the third round of diamonds. Down
It is very unlikely that West holds YJ-x-x-x. It is even more unlikely that
you would begin with the king and ace of trumps, allowing you to pick up such
a division. So, the 9 10 is of no value for finessing purposes and might well get
in your way if you need to pick up YJ-x-x-x from East. You should therefore
dispose of it at Trick 2. Ruff the second round of clubs with the 910. When
you continue with the king and queen of trumps, your reward will come. The
way will be clear to finesse the 99. You can then draw East’s last trump with
the YA and claim the contract when the diamond suit comes in.

Anti-Blocking Plays 27
A common type of end position is where you throw in a defender, forcing him
to lead into a tenace. When this tenace is faced by a blocking card in the oppo-
site hand, you may be able to discard it as you perform the throw-in. Look at
this deal:

a 95
9 AK2
© K873
» KQ63
@ AQJ842 4763
9 143 9 86
© 95 © J1042
+ 108 * 3542

a K10
9 QJ1095
© AQ6
* AI7


2a dbl pass ANT
pass 56 pass 69”
all pass

South was tempted to bid 69 at his first turn. Playing with a partner who
regards such leaps as uncultured, he inserted a Blackwood call on the way. How
would you play the heart slam when West leads the 9 4?
You win the lead and draw trumps in two further rounds, noting that West
began with three trumps. The most likely division of West’s minor-suit cards is
2-2, in which case neither suit will yield an extra trick directly. A simple minor-
suit squeeze on East is not possible, because he sits over the four-card holdings.
(Also, you cannot safely concede a trick to rectify the count.)

28 Off-Road Declarer Play

You play your remaining two trumps, throwing two spades from dummy,
and East has to discard all his spades in order to retain the two minor-suit
guards. To investigate the lie of the minor suits, you continue with the ace and
queen of diamonds, followed by the king and ace of clubs. West follows all the
while, which gives him 6-3-2-2 shape. The ©9 falls from West on the second
round, but this does not help you, as East still holds the © J-10. Of more inter-
est is the fall of the #10-8 from West. This leaves East with only #J-5, render-
ing him vulnerable to a throw-in.
These cards are left:


© K8
* Q6
a AQJ8 a—
—— a

o— © J10
* — * J5

a K10

© 6
* 9

You cash the © K and put East on lead with the 8. On this trick you must dis-
card the #9, which is blocking the path to dummy’s #Q-6 tenace. East then
has to lead from his #J-5 and you make the slam.


Sometimes you must unblock a card on the first round of the suit, so that the
lead can subsequently be held in the opposite hand to repeat a finesse. Look at
the diamond suit on this deal:

Anti-Blocking Plays 29
a9 a K8
9 J10753 9 K982
© 10 © 0653
* K108654 # AJ3

4 AQ107654
© AJ94
* 2


lo la
pass 2a pass oe
pass 4o pass ba

No one at your club bids as wildly as that, I realize. Still, avert your eyes
politely from the bidding and see if you can make the contract. How will you
seek twelve tricks when West leads the © 10?
You must win the opening lead with dummy’s © K, since you need to take
a trump finesse and there is no other entry to the table. Your labors on the first
trick are not yet over, however. You must also unblock the ©9 from your hand
to facilitate taking diamond finesses later on.
You continue with a low trump to the queen, the defenders following with
low cards. You then draw the last trump with your ace and return to dummy
for the last time with the jack of trumps. “Eight of diamonds, please,’ you say.
East plays low and, thanks to your earlier unblock of the ©9, you can under-
play with the ©4 from your hand. Still in the dummy, you take a further dia-
mond finesse and make the contract.

30 Off-Road Declarer Play


o a A2
9 K85
© AK2
» 98654
9 AQJ63

* AKQ10

With a reputation for aggressive bidding to uphold, you and your partner
bid all the way to 7. How will you play the contract when West leads the
4K? (Trumps will break 3-2.)

@ a AK6
> KQ97
* 54
#3 led
a 42
9 854
© A6542
* A86


3am pass
pass dbl pass 3NT
all pass.

Showing due respect for his partner’s preemptive opening, West leads the
#3 against your 3NT contract. East plays the #9. What is your plan?

Anti-Blocking Plays 31
3] a K853
9 AK10
© AK
® K963
78 led
a AQ107642
9 J6
© 65


ly 3a
pass ANT pass 50
pass ba all pass

West leads the 98 against your small slam. How will you play the contract?

4) a AQ874
9 364
* J7
©8 led
9 KQ3
© AKQ42
* Ab


pass 39 pass 4a
pass 5a pass ba
all pass

West leads the ©8 against your small slam, East playing the ©6. How will
you tackle the play?

32 Off-Road Declarer Play

© AK2
* 98654
aKQ1093 a 87
O71 91074
©3953 © 0108764
72 *J3


* AKQ10

West leads the #K against your grand slam in hearts. How will you play
the contract?
Five hearts, five clubs and three top winners in the pointed suits will bring
your total to thirteen. The only problem is... yes, that the club suit is blocked.
With the 4A removed by the opening lead, you will have to reach dummy’s
fifth club with the 9K on the third round of trumps.
You win the spade lead and cash the ace and queen of trumps, pleased to
see both defenders follow. Even though there is still a trump out, you must next
cash the ace and king of clubs. When the cards lie as in the diagram, the suit
will break 2-2. You cross to dummy with the YK, drawing East’s last trump,
and play the © A-K, throwing the two blocking clubs. The way is then clear for
you to cash the #9-8-6, discarding the three spade losers from your hand.
You would also have made the contract when the defender with three
trumps held #J-x-x or x-x-x. His partner would not be able to ruff the second
round of clubs. You would continue with a third round of clubs from your
hand to extract the jack (or the third spot). Then you would cross to the 9K
to discard your last club on the >A. Three discards would still be available for
your spade losers — two on the clubs and one on the >K.

Anti-Blocking Plays 33
9 AJ32
© KQ97
* 54
a QJ875 a 1093
9 01076 9 KY
© J103 © 8
* 3 & KQJ10972

a 42
9 854
© A6542
» A86


36 pass
pass dbl pass 3NT
all pass

West leads the #3 against 3NT, East playing the #9. How will you play
the contract?
Unless diamonds break 4-0, you have nine top tricks visible. If the defend-
ers’ diamonds break 3-1, however, the suit will be blocked. You will need to
play the ace, king and queen to pick up the defenders’ cards and the last spot
card in dummy will then block the suit. How can you prevent this from hap-
Once you have spotted the problem, it is not too difficult to see the solu-
tion. You must discard the potentially blocking diamond on the third round of
clubs. You allow East’s #9 to win and he continues with the #K. Even though
West has no more clubs, you must hold up the #A for a second time. When
East persists with clubs, you win the third round with the ace and discard the
©7 (or the 69) from dummy. The way is then clear for you to play the king,
queen and another diamond, winning the third round with the ace. Since
dummy has no diamond card remaining, you can score the ©6 and the ©5 at
your leisure, giving you the contract.
If East were to switch to a spade at Trick 2, you would win and duck a sec-
ond round of clubs yourself. As before, you would be able to discard a block-
ing diamond on the third round of clubs.

34 Off Road Declarer Play

a9 a |
9 874 09332
© 98432 © QJ107
* 3854 * AQ10

@ AQ107642
9 J6
© 65


ly 3a
pass 4NT pass 50
pass ba allpass

West leads the 9 8 against your small slam. How will you play the contract?
You have eleven tricks on top. There are only 13 points missing, so it is a
near certainty that East holds the #A. The best chance is to catch him in a strip
squeeze. You plan to reduce him to YQ-9 #A and then throw him in with a
club to give you an extra heart trick.
Suppose you win the first trick with the YA and follow with the 96 from
your hand. No throw-in play will be possible, because the YJ will block the
path into dummy’s 9 K-10 tenace. You must therefore unblock the YJ at Trick
1. After drawing trumps and cashing dummy’s © A-K, you must continue to
play all your trumps, reducing to 9 K-10 #K in the dummy. If you judge that
East’s last three cards are indeed the 9 Q-9 and the #A, you will throw East in
with a club and he will have to return a heart into dummy’s unfettered tenace.
If East attempts to fool you by baring the YQ and keeping #A-Q or
#A-10, you will have to read the situation and drop his YQ. In such a situa-
tion, the cards played by West, the intended victim's partner, will often allow
you to place the cards.

Anti-Blocking Plays 35
9 364
« J7
a 3632 a 10
9 1092 9 A875
© 8 © 31096
* K10854 & 0932

a K95
9 KQ3
© AKQ42
* Ab


pass 39 pass 4a
pass 5a pass ba
all pass

South breaks the transfer and North is encouraged to make a slam try,
despite the two frail jacks in his hand. By this unconvincing route, South
arrives in a small slam. How would you play this contract when West leads the
©8 and East plays the 06?
You win the diamond lead in your hand and must now pick up the
trumps. When East holds a singleton 410 or @J, a third-round finesse will be
necessary. To prepare for this, you should lead the 49 to dummy’s 4A on the
first round. Your diligence appears to have been rewarded when the 410 falls
from East. You continue with a low trump to the king and then lead the 45 to
dummy’s 48, drawing West’s last trump with the queen. (If you had not
unblocked the 49, you would be stuck in the South hand when West refused
to cover the nine on the third round.)
You now cash two more diamond winners, discovering that the opening
lead was a singleton. You ruff a diamond in dummy, establishing the thirteenth
card in the suit, and return to your hand with the #A. You can then knock out
the YA to bring your total to twelve tricks. You make five trumps, four dia-
monds, two hearts and the #A. A club lead would have beaten the slam.

36 Off-Road Declarer Play

E iris)

Make it good

You may reckon there is little to be said about establishing a side suit. ‘Ruff a
round or two and see if the suit breaks favorably, man. That’s all there is to it.’
Think again! There are various interesting techniques that can assist you in the
process and this chapter will present the most important of them.


Suppose your trump holding is K-x-x in the dummy opposite A-Q-x-x-x in
your hand. When you are short of entries to the dummy, it may suit you to
draw only two rounds of trumps, with the ace and the queen, and then to leave
one trump outstanding while you establish dummy’s long suit. It is a familiar
technique and sometimes you must risk an adverse ruff while employing it:

Unusual Suit-Establishment Techniques 37

a K64
& $7
+ Q10874
a 1082 a 97
9 QJ54 9 K1082
OKSI3 © Q10874
* A92 * 53

a AQJ53
9 A63
© Ab
* KJ6


pass 2a pass 4a

West finds the threatening heart lead, placing the YQ on the table. What
You might as well duck the first trick. You win the heart continuation (or
diamond switch) and draw two rounds of trumps with the ace and the queen.
Even though a club ruff will now sink the contract, you must risk playing on
clubs. Here, fortunately, the defender with the doubleton club has no trumps
left, so the defenders cannot score a club ruff. When you regain the lead you
will cross to the @K, drawing West’s last trump, and discard a red-suit loser on
dummy’s clubs.
Here is a more complex example of this style of play, where declarer caters
for adverse breaks of the side suit he needs to establish.

38 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 105
9 010964
* K83
a KJ97642 a Q83
2 9 J853
© Q)64 © K92
#5 * J104

gy AK7
© A108
* AQ9762


la Lt 2a be
all pass

Well, like it or not, that’s the way the bidding went. How would you play
the small slam when West leads the 47 and East plays the &Q?
After winning the spade lead, you should draw two rounds of trumps with
the ace and queen. When the 3-1 break comes to light, you should continue
with the ace and king of hearts. Suppose East started with a singleton heart and
ruffs the second round. This will cause no problem because you will be able to
finesse the 910 on the third round. If instead the hearts break 3-2, you will
simply draw the last trump before continuing hearts. When the cards lie as in
the diagram, West shows out on the second heart. You cross to the heart queen
and ruff a heart. You can then return to dummy with the trump king to enjoy
the long heart, discarding one of your diamond losers.
If West had found the more taxing lead of a diamond, you might well play
the contract the same way. You would have to judge, on the evidence available,
whether East or West was more likely to hold a singleton heart.

Unusual Suit-Establishment Techniques 39

Sometimes it pays to establish the main side suit with a high ruff, even if this
sets up an extra trump trick for the defenders. Look at this deal:

a AK7

© 10863
* AK10864
aJ62 a 94
9 310874 9 KQ953
© AJ4 © K95
* J7 * Q52

4 Q10853
9 A62
© Q72
* 93


le ly la
39 3a pass 4a
all pass

West leads the YJ against your spade game. How will you play the contract?
The original declarer threw a diamond from dummy and won with the
YA. He then played a trump to the ace and continued with dummy’s two top
club honors. Both defenders followed politely and he continued with a third
round of clubs, not overjoyed to see East produce the last club. What now?
Declarer tried his luck with the 410. Not the best! West overruffed with
the 4J and was not pressed to switch to the © 4. The defenders pocketed three
diamond tricks and that was down one.
Declarer’s line of play might have been assessed as a calculated gamble at
matchpoints. Playing IMPs, it was rather careless. He should have ruffed with
the &Q, avoiding any risk of an overruff. He could then draw a second round
of trumps with dummy’s 4K and play a good club, discarding a diamond. Even
though West could ruff this trick, the defenders would score just one trump
and two diamonds.

40 Off-Road Declarer Play

When you are playing in notrump with © A-K-x-x-x-x in the dummy and
©x-x in your hand, it is a familiar play to duck the first round. You will have
to lose at least one trick in the suit anyway. After ducking the first round, you
can cross to dummy on the second round and perhaps then run the suit.
The same first-round ducking play can pay off with other honor holdings
in the dummy. Look at the club suit here:

a 9/7
9 85
© 064
& KQ7542
a 0842 a 3106
9 063 © A1097
© 31093 © 872
« 108 * AJ

a AK53
9 AK42
* 63


pass 3NT all pass

West led the ©J and the original declarer won with the ace, continuing
with a club to the king. If East had captured with the ace, the contract would
easily have been made. Declarer could win the diamond return with the king,
cross to the #Q and clear the club suit. The © Q would remain as an entry to
the established winners in clubs. However, Easy was alert to the situation and
allowed the #K to win. The contract could no longer be made. Declarer
returned to his hand and led to the #Q but this lost to East’s ace and the club
suit was dead.

Unusual Suit-Establishment Techniques 41

To prevent this hold-up by East, you must duck the first round of clubs
completely. Whichever defender happens to win the first round of clubs, you
will win the diamond continuation with the king and play a club to the king.
It will do East no good to hold up now because the lead is in dummy! You will
be able to clear the club suit. Whether East chooses to win the second or the
third round of clubs, the suit will be established and you will make game.
It was right to play clubs in this way because you could afford to lose two
clubs and two spades. On many deals you could not afford the loss of two club
tricks. You would then have to lead to the #K on the first round, hoping to
find West with #A-x or #&A-x-x.
The same play can be effective when dummy’s only honor in the long suit
is the king. Again you may need to duck the first round.

9 85
© K97542
* K74
a QJ108 a 642
9 J6 9 Q10973
© AQ8 © J10
* 1983 * 1062

a AK73
9 AK42
© 63
* AQ5

WEST WORTH =——i‘iééAST:— = is SOUT

pass 3NT all pass

West leads the @Q against 3NT. You win with the @A and see that you
must set up dummy’s diamond suit. You will need to find the ©A onside, in
which case you hope to lose just two spades and two diamonds. Suppose your
first move is to play a diamond to the king, winning the trick. You will go
down! The defenders will win the second round of diamonds and, with only
one entry left to the dummy, you will have no chance to establish and enjoy the
diamond suit.

42 Off-Road Declarer Play

As on the previous deal, you must duck the first round of diamonds. East
wins and returns a spade. You win with the 4K and play a diamond to the
queen and king. That’s better! By following this line, you use the ©K as an
entry on the second round (rather than the first), which allows you to play a
third round of diamonds, setting up the suit. West wins with the © A and cash-
es two spade winners, but the remaining tricks are yours.


Sometimes the side suit that you wish to establish lies in declarer’s hand, along-
side the long trumps. Suppose you have a side suit of K-Q-8-7-4 in your hand
opposite A-6-2 in the dummy. If you can draw trumps and still have a trump
left in dummy, a 4-1 break in the side suit will not inconvenience you. You can
establish the suit by ruffing the fourth round of the suit. Even when there is
still a trump out, you may be able to establish the suit with a ruff. All will
depend on which defender holds the last trump.

a 1085
9 A62
© AK2
* Q1052
a 73 a J42
9 5 9 31093
© QJ1065 oat 3
& KJ943 « A86

a AKQ96
9 KQ874
© 94
« /]


la pass la
pass INT pass 39
pass 3a pass 4a
pass 4y pass ANT
pass 59 pass ba
all pass

Unusual Suit-Establishment Techniques 43

How would you play the slam when West leads the ©Q, won in dummy?
If you draw all the trumps, you will need the heart suit to divide 3-2. A bet-
ter idea is to draw just two rounds of trumps and then play the ace and king of
hearts. If hearts do break 3-2, you simply draw the last trump and score twelve
top tricks. When hearts are 4-1, you give yourself the extra chance that the last
trump may lie with the heart length. You play your third top heart, ruff a heart
in dummy (East following impotently) and concede a club trick. Eventually,
you will return to your hand with a club ruff and draw East's last trump.
Here is a more complex deal on the same theme:

a Q82
9 A3
© AQ87
* AKJ7
4965 a 310
9 K1072 9 86
© J62 © K10943
* 984 * Q1065

a AK743
9 QJ954
© 5
* 32


pass pass
pass pass
all pass

How will you play the spade slam when West leads the #5?
You need to set up the heart suit. If you draw all the trumps and play ace
and another heart, you will go down when the hearts lie as in the diagram. You
can improve your chances by drawing just two rounds of trumps and then
attempting to ruff a heart. It is not easy to time the play correctly. Suppose you
win the trump lead with the ace. If you play ace and another heart now, West
will return a third round of hearts, promoting a trump trick for the defenders.

44 Off-Road Declarer Play

If instead you play the ace and queen of trumps before playing ace and anoth-
er heart, West will remove dummy’s last trump when he wins with the heart
king. What can be done?
You should win the trump lead with dummy’s queen and play a low heart
from dummy. West wins the queen with the king and plays a second round of
trumps to your ace. Both defenders follow to the ace of hearts and you reach
your hand by cashing the © A and ruffing a diamond. You then ruff a heart with
dummy’s last trump. This is safe when hearts were 3-3 all along. It gains heav-
ily when East has only two hearts but does not hold the last trump. You will
return to your hand with another diamond ruff, draw West’s last trump and tri-
umphantly claim twelve tricks.


Sometimes the entries to dummy are insufficient to establish a side suit and to
reach the long cards. In that case, you may be able to force the defenders to play
a round of the suit for you. That’s what happens on this deal:

a K102
9 A54
O-9 7532
a 3864 a Q73
O97 9 32
© 106 © 0384
* K10952 + 0)86

a A95
9 KQJ1086
© AK
* A3


pass 29 pass 2a
pass 49 pass 60
all pass

Unusual Suit-Establishment Techniques 45

You follow an eccentric sequence to a small slam in hearts and West leads
the 97. How will you play the contract?
You would like to set up dummy’s diamond suit, but the cruel disposition
of the trump spot cards means that there are only two entries to dummy. If
diamonds break 3-3, all will be well. You can use one entry to set up the dia-
monds with a ruff and then use the second entry to reach the long cards. What
if the diamond suit breaks 4-2? Is there any chance then?
You win the trump lead in your hand and draw a second round of trumps
with the king, both defenders following. You then cash the ace and king of dia-
monds. Suppose your next move is to cross to dummy and ruff a diamond. No
good! West will show out on the third round of diamonds and there will be no
way to recover.
After cashing the top diamonds, the winning line is to play ace and anoth-
er club. The defender who wins the trick will not relish the moment. He cannot
play a club, because this would give you a ruff-and-sluff. Nor can he safely play
a spade, because you would then make the contract by playing for the queen and
jack to lie in different hands. The only other possibility is that East wins the sec-
ond club and plays a diamond. But, of course, this will assist you in establishing
the diamond suit. You will ruff in your hand, cross to dummy and ruff a fourth
round of diamonds. One entry to dummy remains to enjoy the established long
diamond, on which you will discard a spade from your hand.


When you must rely on a trump entry and therefore cannot draw trumps at the
start of the deal, you may need to take precautions to avoid suffering an over-
ruff or trump promotion in the key suit. This deal illustrates the problem:

46 Off-Road Declarer Play

a A82
9 K76
© 05
* 39652
a 010 aj5
70942 9 J105
© 310932 © 8764
* 73 * KQ108

7 A83
© AK
x A4


pass 3a pass ba

You and your partner would have bid the hands differently, I realize. Still,
treat it as a play problem. West leads the “J against the spade slam. How will
you organize the play?
You will need a 2-2 trump break and must aim to set up dummy’s club
suit, so that you can discard your heart loser. Entries to dummy are not plenti-
ful and if you open the proceedings by cashing the top two trumps, you will
need the clubs to break 3-3. How can you make the slam when clubs are 4-2?
After winning the diamond lead, you should play the #4 from your hand!
You can see what would happen if you played ace and another club instead.

Unusual Suit-Establishment Techniques 47

East would win and play a third round of clubs to promote a trump trick for
the defense. After your safer play of a low club, East wins and switches to the
YJ. You win with the YA and draw one round of trumps with the king. You
then unblock the #A and cross to dummy with the 4A, nodding approvingly
at the 2-2 trump break. You still have two entries to the dummy (the 48 and
the YK) so it is a simple matter to establish the thirteenth club and return to
dummy to discard your heart loser on it.
Suppose you had drawn one round of trumps with the king before duck-
ing the first round of clubs. No good. East can then remove the 4A entry to
dummy with a trump return. For the same reason, the opening lead of a trump
(unlikely) or a heart would have broken the slam. East would again be able to
remove one of dummy’s entry when he won the first round of clubs.


We will end the chapter with a somewhat strange deal on which many declar-
ers would tumble to defeat. See how you do.

a 742
9 A8743
© KQ
® K92
a 96 a 1083
9 KJ92 9 Q105
© 1063 © 39854
* 03106 * 85

9 6
© A72
& A743


ly pass la
pass 2a pass ba
all pass

48 Off-Road Declarer Play

West leads the #Q against your spade slam. What is your plan for twelve
A 3-3 club break is less likely than normal, since West’s #Q opening lead
suggests a sequence and at least a four-card suit. One possible line is to duck a
round of clubs, aiming to draw two rounds of trumps and ruff the fourth
round of clubs if necessary. This would fail here. Instead, you should aim to set
up a long card in hearts. The first move is obvious. You win the opening lead
with the #A, preserving the entries to the hand containing the long side suit.
What next?
Suppose you draw three rounds of trumps, planning to ruff two hearts and
duck one heart thereafter. You will cross to the YA and ruff one heart, return
to the © K and ruff another heart. You can then return to dummy with the 0Q
to duck a round of hearts and the #K will remain in dummy to reach the estab-
lished long heart. Yes, but you will never score a trick with the © A!
Let’s try something different. You draw just two rounds of trumps and then
play to ruff three hearts in your hand. Ace of hearts, heart ruff, © K, heart ruff.
You then cross to the © Q and take a third heart ruff with your last trump. East
takes the opportunity to throw his last club on this trick and these cards remain:

9 8

* K9
a— a 10
9— 9—
og © 598
* J106 Phe


* 743

You cash the oA, throwing the #9 from dummy, and play a club to the
king. East is welcome to ruff, because you will ruff his diamond return and, at
last, enjoy the 98.

Unusual Suit-Establishment Techniques 49

What is the lesson from this deal? When the entry situation may become
difficult, make sure that you check your line of play all the way through to its
successful conclusion.

50 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 974
© K83
* 07652
OK led
9 Ab
© AJ542


29 pass pass 2a
pass 4a pass 5a
pass 5O pass 6a
all pass

How will you play the spade slam when West leads the 9 K?

2 a 843
9 A4
& $43
* AQ764
©J led
9 K7
© AK62
* 93


pass Le pass 26
pass 34 pass 4NT
pass 59 pass 6a
all pass

West leads the ©J against 64. What’s your best chance for the contract?

Unusual Suit-Establishment Techniques 51

1 a 974
© K83
* 07652
a 83 a 1065
9 KQJ1032 9 985
© 10 © 0976
& 1943 * K108

9 Ab
© AJ542
w A


29 pass pass 2a
pass 4a pass 5
pass 50 pass ba

North shows a useful card or two with his leap to 44. The double raise is
non-forcing, of course; he would make the stronger bid of 34 if his hand were
any stronger. You suggest a slam with a cuebid in clubs and North is happy to
cuebid the © K. How would you tackle the resultant contract of 64 when West
leads the YK?
You win the heart lead and play the ace and king of trumps, both defend-
ers following. If you draw the last trump next, you will need a 3-2 diamond
break, as well as to find East with the ©Q. A better idea is to leave the last
trump outstanding while you take a look at the diamond suit. You cross to the
©K and finesse the ©J. The finesse wins and West shows out, discarding a
heart. Since you still have a trump in dummy, the 4-1 diamond break presents
no problem. You continue with the ace of diamonds and ruff a fourth round of
the suit. You can then return to your hand with the #A to draw East’s last
trump and claim the contract.

52 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 843
9 A4
© 543
* AQ764
a 106 “952
9 18653 9 Q1092
© J1097 © 08
« K8 * J1052


pass ye pass 26
pass 3a pass 4NT
pass 59 pass ba

West leads the ©J against your small slam in spades. How will you give the
contract the best chance?
Suppose you begin by ducking a diamond trick. You will then lose only
one diamond trick when the suit breaks 3-3 or when you can successfully ruff
the fourth round in dummy. However, you will still need to find the #K
onside. That being so, it is much better to rely on establishing the club suit for
a diamond discard.
You win the diamond lead and draw trumps in three rounds. If you con-
tinue with a club to the queen, you will need the clubs to break 3-3 (or, as a
fall-back, the diamonds to be 3-3). A better idea is to duck a round of clubs,
planning to finesse the #Q on the second round. You win the red-suit return
in your hand and lead another club. When the cards lie as in the diagram, the
#K will appear and you win with the #A. You then cash the #Q and ruff the
fourth round of clubs. The YA remains as an entry to the long club.
As it happens, a heart lead (“Lead the unbid suit, partner!’) would have
beaten the contract, because the defenders could kill the heart entry to dummy
if a round of clubs was ducked.

Unusual Suit-Establishment Techniques 53

= RY4)


Protect me

Various techniques are available to prevent your honors from getting ruffed.
We will see the best of them in this chapter.


One of the simplest ways to prevent an honor being ruffed involves merely win-
ning the opening lead in the right hand. Look at this deal:

a 1094
9 KQ8
© 973
* K632
a A2 4/163
9 963 N LO oz
© J82 W E © KQ1054
* QJ1095 S * 7

9 AT4
© Ab
* A84


pass 2a pass 4a
all pass

54 Off-Road Declarer Play

West leads the #Q against your spade game. How will you play?
Suppose you win the club lead with the ace and play a trump. When West
takes the ace, he will persevere with the #J and East will be able to ruff
dummy’s #K. Down one!
To make sure that East does not have a chance to ruff a club honor, you
must win the first trick with dummy’s #K. You play trumps, as before, but now
a second round of clubs from West does not hurt you. If East ruffs, he will be
ruffing a loser. Your #A will live to fight another day.
Why was it right to win the opening lead with dummy’s king? Because the
opening lead of the #Q was much more likely to be from a sequence than a
singleton. If anyone held a singleton club, which was the main risk to the con-
tract, it was likely to be East. Suppose instead that West had led a spot card
such as the #9 or the #7. The odds would then switch. East would be more
likely to hold five clubs and you would therefore win the opening lead with the
#A. If East did hold #Q-J-10-x-x and the trump ace, he would not benefit by
continuing clubs when he gained the lead. West would be ruffing a loser.


Another very common technique is to lead towards your side-suit honors,
through the defender who is in a position to ruff. Consequently, he can ruff
only the low card that you have led and not an honor. You should play that way
on a deal like this:

al 4531082
9 862 2Q5104
© 03103 ©8754
#39874 * 10

Protect Your Honors From Getting Ruffed 55

pass 26 pass 2a
pass 3a pass 4NT
pass 59 pass ba
all pass

If North had held four-card spade support, a grand slam would be worth
bidding. You take a conservative view (for a change) and stop in a small slam.
How will you play the contract when West leads the © Q?
You should win with the ©K, preserving the two entries to dummy. All
will be well if trumps are 3-2, so you start by drawing two rounds of trumps.
West shows out on the second round of trumps, discarding a heart. What now?
You must make arrangements for your fourth club. The card can be ruffed
in dummy, provided that you can score your three club honors without one of
them being ruffed by a defender. East will have to follow to one round of clubs,
but that is all you require, as long as you play the contract properly.
After the second round of trumps, play a club to the ace, East following.
When you lead a second round of clubs towards the honors in your hand, East
will gain nothing by ruffing a losing club with his master trump. He discards
instead and you win with the #K. You re-enter dummy with the oA and lead
a third round of clubs towards your hand. Again East cannot gain by ruffing.
He discards and you win with the #Q. You still have two black-suit losers in
your hand, but they are about to be merged into one. You ruff your last club
with dummy’s 49 and it makes no difference whether East decides to overruff
or not. He will score a trump trick at some stage and the remaining tricks are
If you had carelessly won the opening lead in the dummy, you would have
gone down. With East holding only one club, you needed two entries to
dummy, so that you could lead twice towards the club honors in your hand.
Next we will see a deal where you need to establish a suit in which one of
the defenders holds a singleton. By leading towards the honors, you not only
save them from being ruffed, you are also able to establish the suit.

56 Off-Road Declarer Play


Fld 33
© AQJ5
* AKQ52
4431073 a2
9 Kj82 9 A10964
© 10843 © K76
* 3 * 31074

a AKQ98654

& 986


le pass la
pass 26 pass 3a
pass 3NT pass 64
all pass

A diamond lead would have worked well, as it happens, but West decides
to lead the #3 against your spade slam. How will you play the contract?
You win with the #A and reach your hand with a heart ruff. When you
play the ace and king of trumps, East shows out on the second round. You now
have a loser in the trump suit. To avoid relying on the diamond finesse, you will
need to discard a diamond loser on dummy’s clubs. How can you manage that
in the dangerous case where West’s club lead was a singleton?
You draw a third round of trumps and lead a club towards dummy’s
remaining honors. It will do West no good to ruff a loser, since dummy’s clubs
will then be established. Let’s assume that he discards instead and you win the
trick with dummy’s #K. You return to your hand with a heart ruff (you didn’t
throw all dummy’s hearts on the trumps, did you?) and lead another round of
clubs towards dummy. Once more, West cannot profitably ruff in the second
seat. You win with the #Q and ruff a club, setting up a long card in the suit.
If West overruffs, dummy’ ©A will be an entry to the long club. If West
declines to overruff, you can give him his trump trick and again take a discard
on the long club.

Protect Your Honors From Getting Ruffed 57

Note how important it was to lead towards dummy on the second and
third round of clubs. If West had been allowed to ruff a club honor, the slam
would have gone down.


Another important technique is to cash your winners before the defenders can
take a discard in the suit. This is common knowledge on crossruff deals. The
same idea can apply even when you are taking a single ruff in the short-trump

a AK743
9 162
* AK10
a 8652 a9
9 109853 9 A4
© 96 © 01054
* 85 * QJ7432

a QJ 10
© AK872
* 96


pass 29 pass 2a
pass 4NT pass ba
all pass

North’s 4NT is invitational and you judge that your hand is worth a small
slam in spades. How will you play this contract when West leads the 9 10 to
East's ace and the 94 is returned?
You have eleven top tricks and a club ruff in the short-trump hand (South)
will provide an easy twelfth. You win the second round of hearts and draw two
rounds of trumps with the queen and the jack, East throwing a club on the sec-
ond round. What now? If you take your club ruff immediately, you will regret
it. When you ruff the third round of clubs with the 410, West will discard one

58 Off-Road Declarer Play

of his diamonds. The only route back to the North hand to draw the last trump
is to cash two top diamonds and then ruff a diamond. Unfortunately, West will
ruff the second diamond and you will be down one.
To avoid a diamond honor being ruffed, you must cash the ace-king of dia-
monds before playing for a dub ruff. That's all there is to it. After taking the club
ruff, you can return to dummy with a diamond ruff to draw West's last trump.


Finally, you can avoid an honor being ruffed by refusing to play it when there
is a chance that it will be ruffed. You duck a round instead, ruff a further loser
in the suit and then draw trumps. That is the winning line on this deal, where
many players would go down.

4 K986
& K7
a Kki63 o 1084
7966 | ff 972
4 Q5542 W E 4 1073
& 5 5 + 0110842

7 bAKS1074
& 4963


pass 26 pass 29
poss 39 pass ja
pass + sas pass 9
With 7 points in his own hand, West knew that his partner was unlikely
to hold an ace. Rather than Sead his singleton club, he found the stronger lead
of a trump. Pick up the South cards now. How will you play the contract when
the 96 is led and East follows with the 72?

Protect Your Honors From Getting Ruffed 59

The original declarer played with commendable speed, but insufficient
skill. After winning the trump lead, he cashed the © A and crossed to dummy
with the #K. He discarded his potential spade loser on the © K and continued
blithely with a club to the ace. Disaster! West ruffed and returned another
trump. Dummy then held only one trump and declarer needed to ruff two los-
ing clubs. No recovery was possible and the slam went down one.
Declarer failed to count his tricks. Six trump tricks, five side-suit winners
and one club ruff would bring the total to twelve. The only real threat to the
contract was that a club honor would be ruffed. Declarer should have ducked
the second round of clubs. Even if West ruffs his partner’s winning club and
plays another trump, nothing can prevent declarer from ruffing his remaining
loser in clubs. The #A can be banked safely after trumps have been drawn.

60 Off Road Declarer Play

NO $$

@ a AQ7
9 QJ105
© 10985
& AY
a K3
9 AK43
© AK763
* 105


ye. dbl pass 49
pass ANT pass bY
pass 69 all pass

West leads the #K and you win with dummy’s #A. When you play the ace
and queen of trumps, West discards a club on the second round. How will
you continue?

@ a 1093
9 K872
oO 1542
* 74
+) led
a AKQ84
9 A5
© AK
* AQ63

You arrive in 6@ and West leads the #J, East playing the #K. How will you
play the hand?

Protect Your Honors From Getting Ruffed 61

' a AQ7
9 QJ105
© 10985
* AY
a J105 a 98642
OL 9 9862
© Q)4 2
& KQJ743 + 862

a K3
9 AK43
© AK763
* 105


ES dbl pass 40
pass 4NT pass 5
pass 69 allpass

West leads the #K and you win with dummy’s #A. When You play the ace
and queen of trumps, West discards a club on the second round. How will you
Obviously you cannot afford to draw all the trumps before setting up the
diamond suit. Nor can you afford to get one of your diamond honors ruffed,
should East hold a singleton in the suit. You play a diamond to the ace and then
cash the king, ace and queen of spades, throwing your club loser. Conveniently
in the dummy, you now lead a second round of diamonds towards your
remaining honor in the suit.
What can East do? If he ruffs, it will be the last trick for his side. You will
win his return, draw trumps and enjoy the rest of the diamond suit. Let’s sup-
pose that East discards a club instead. You will win with the ©K and concede
a diamond trick to West. When West continues with a high club, you can ruff
in your hand with the 9K and lead the 94 to dummy’s YJ, proceeding to draw
East’s last trump. At Trick 13, you score a good diamond in the dummy.

62 Off-Road Declarer Play

a52 aj76
956 9Q10943
© 096 © J1083
#3109852 & K

© AK

You bid to a small slam in spades and appear to be off to a good start when
West leads the #J. East plays the #K and you win with the #A. How should
you continue?
It looks almost too easy. You can cash the #Q and ruff a club with the
410. Even if East began with only two clubs and overruffs with the @J, you
will still be able to ruff your last club loser with dummy’s 49. What could pos-
sibly go wrong?
The answer is that East’s #K might be a singleton. In that case, he will ruff
the #Q with a low trump and may still be able to score an overruff with the
4J later. Don’t think to yourself, ‘A 6-1 club break is not very likely.’ Such
breaks become much more likely when an honor is led, suggesting that the
leader holds a longish suit headed by a sequence. Also, East would not gener-
ally play the #K unless he had to, because West would not lead away from the
#A. South is therefore marked with the #A-Q. Anyway, what can you do to
guard against the situation where clubs do break 6-1?
Yes, you must lead towards the #Q. So, cross to the 9 K at Trick 2 and lead
a club towards your hand. If East follows suit, or discards, you will win with
the club queen and ruff a club with the #10. It will not matter if East over-
ruffs, since you can then ruff your other club loser with the #9.
Suppose instead that East ruffs the second round of clubs with a low trump.
You will then win his return and draw two rounds of trumps before attempting
to ruff your remaining club loser. You will survive when East started with three
or fewer trumps and you can therefore draw his remaining trumps in two
rounds. Another small chance is that West may hold a singleton @J. In that case,
East will not be able to overruff dummy’s 410 when you ruff your club loser.

Protect Your Honors From Getting Ruffed 63



T will survive
Gloria Gaynor

When you have five trumps out against you, they will break 4-1 almost three
times in every ten. Quite often this will cause you a problem. In this chapter,
we will see some of the ways in which you can protect yourself from such pieces
of bad luck.


When the deal below arose in a club duplicate, a surprising number of declar-
ers went down. See what you make of it.

a K4
© 0874
* AQ865
a 8 a A1095
9 J10976 9 Q54
© K105 © A963
* J1074 * 92

4 QJ7632
9 A82
© 12
* K3

64 Off-Road Declarer Play

1 pass la
pass 2& pass 34
pass 4a all pass

How will you play the spade game when West leads the VJ?
Seeing that the contract was more or less cold on a 3-2 trump break, some
declarers won the heart lead and turned immediately to the trump suit. When
East took his &A, he was quick to switch to a diamond and the defenders
scored two tricks in the suit. The 4-1 trump break meant that a second trump
trick had to be lost and that was down one.
There is a fair chance of surviving a 4-1 trump break by playing on clubs
before trumps. You win the heart lead with the king, cross to the 9A and ruff
a heart with the #4. You continue with the king, ace and queen of clubs. If
clubs break 3-3, you dispose of a diamond loser and can afford the subsequent
loss of two trump tricks. (You do best to continue with a fourth round of clubs,
in fact, throwing your last diamond). Even when clubs break 4-2, the play may
still gain. When East holds four trumps and a doubleton club, as in the dia-
gram, he will have to ruff with a natural trump trick. You dispose of your dia-
mond loser and subsequently lose one diamond and two trumps.
What if West holds four trumps and a doubleton club? The chances are
not so good. West will ruff the third club and may then be able to cross to his
partners hand with a diamond, underleading the ©A if necessary. A fourth
round of clubs is then likely to promote a third trump trick for the defense.


You must be particularly careful when your trump holding is A-K-x-x opposite
x-x-x-x, or A-x-x-x opposite K-x-x-x. If you draw two rounds of trumps, dis-
covering a 4-1 break, the key defender may gain the lead and be able to draw
your remaining trumps. This type of deal is very common:

Surviving a 4-1 Trump Break 65

a 10875
© K82
* K4
ab aQJ92
9 QJ3104 9 K875
©9754 © AJ 10
* 10832 #75

© 063

West leads the 9Q against 4@ and you win with the 9A. How will you
Suppose your first move is to cash the ace and king of trumps, West show-
ing out on the first round. Can you recover by running your club winners? Not
if East is a competent performer. He will refuse to ruff any of your club win-
ners, happily discarding red-suit losers. When you subsequently play a dia-
mond, he will pounce with the ace and draw your remaining trumps with the
queen and the jack. Even if you take a heart ruff when in dummy with the #K,
you will still be one trick short.
How can you avoid this fate? You should draw just one round of trumps
and then play a diamond to the king. East wins with the ©A and forces you
with a heart. You ruff, cross to the #K and ruff another heart. When you draw
a second round of trumps and continue with the ace and queen of clubs,
throwing dummy’s last heart, East is powerless. If he returns the OJ, you will
win with the ©Q and throw dummy’s last diamond on another good club.


Suppose you are playing in a 5-3 trump fit with the top three trumps — some-
thing like 8-4-2 in the dummy opposite A-K-Q-5-3 in your hand. You may
have to lose a trump trick when the suit breaks 4-1. If you can afford to lose a
trump trick, it may suit you to duck an early round. By doing so, you will lose
the lead when dummy’s trumps are still there to protect you.

66 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 842
© 86
* KQJ92
4 J1076 a 9
9 KQJ2 9 109764
© K54 © AQJ73
* 64 * 105

a AKQ53
© 1092
* A873


pass 2a pass 4a
all pass

West leads the YK against your spade game. How will you play the con-
Suppose you win with the singleton ace and cash the ace and king of
trumps, East showing out. You will go down! Turning to the club suit will not
save you, because West will delay his ruff until the fourth round; he will then
exit with his last trump and you will be left with three diamond losers.
You can afford to lose two diamonds and one trump. After winning the
heart lead, you should draw one round of trumps with the ace and then lead a
low trump. West wins with the #10, but he cannot damage you. There is still
one trump in the dummy, preventing the defenders from scoring three dia-
mond tricks. You will win West’s return, draw the outstanding trumps and play
five rounds of clubs, discarding one of your diamond losers.


When the defenders embark on a ‘forcing defense’, their aim is to force you to
ruff in the long-trump hand. If the adverse trumps break 4-1 and the defend-
ers can reduce your trump length to less than theirs, you will lose control of the

Surviving a 4-1 Trump Break 67

deal. What can you do to avoid such an outcome? You must try to absorb the
force in the short-trump hand, usually the dummy. Look at this deal:

a 106
9 A85
© AK108
& Q754
a 3 a 8754
9 QJ1074 9 K932
© J742 © 096
* A103 * KJ

a AKQJ92
9 6
e 52
* 9862


le pass la
pass INT pass 4a
all pass

West leads the YQ against your spade game. How will you play the con-
Suppose you ‘do what comes naturally’, winning with the YA and draw-
ing two rounds of trumps. When trumps prove to be 4-1, you will go down!
You need to establish a club trick to bring your total to ten. Each time you con-
cede a trick in clubs, the defenders will force you with a heart. Whether or not
you draw East’s remaining trumps before playing on clubs, you will lose con-
trol of the deal and go down.
The best idea on this type of hand is to attack the side suit immediately,
leaving dummy’s trumps intact to help you to rebuff the forcing defense. So,
after winning the first trick with the YA, you lead a club from dummy. East
wins and forces you with a heart. You play another club, East winning, and
again ruff the heart return. What can West do when he wins the third round of
clubs? All he can do is shake his head! If he plays yet another heart, you will be
able to ruff with dummy’s #10 and draw the outstanding trumps.

68 Off-Road Declarer Play

When dummy holds three trumps to one or more honors, many a contract can
be made by establishing a side suit in dummy and then ‘drawing trumps, end-
ing in the dummy’. You cannot do this, of course, when a defender holds four
trumps. In that case, though, it may be possible to shorten the defender’s
trumps and then draw his last trump as you cross to the dummy. Let’s see an

a 1083
9 KQ4
© AK10532
* 2
a K7 409642
9 31083 Oe)
© 86 > QJ9
* QJ1075 * 8643

a AJ5
9 A9762
© 74
* AK9

West leads the #Q against your small slam in hearts. How will you play?
You need to set up the diamonds and they will almost certainly have to
break 3-2. What about the trumps? A 3-2 break would be nice, as always. (You
could then draw trumps in three rounds and duck a round of diamonds.) You
would like to succeed when a defender holds four trumps. Can it be done?
You should cash the ace of trumps and then play two top diamonds. Both
defenders follow, you are pleased to see, and you continue with another dia-
mond, ruffing with the 99 in your hand. What can West do? If he overrufts,
you can win his return and ‘draw trumps, ending in the dummy’. It will then
be a simple matter to run the established diamonds, discarding three black-suit
losers. Nor will West fare any better by refusing to overruff. You will then cross
to the king of trumps and play winning diamonds until West rufts. Again, you
will be able to win his return, draw the last trump with dummy’s king and score
any remaining diamonds. It was essential to retain two trump entries to the
dummy (to deal with the case where trumps are 4-1 and the defender refuses
to overruff the third diamond).

Surviving a 4-1 Trump Break 69

When your trump holding is something like A-Q-5-4 opposite K-10-7-2, you
must begin by cashing the ace and queen. If the defender in the second seat
holds J-x-x-x, you can pick up his holding with a simple finesse of the ten. It is
not so easy when your trumps are K-3 opposite A-Q-10-8-6-5. By the time you
have discovered J-x-x-x onside, it is too late to take a finesse. It may still be pos-
sible to avoid a trump loser by arranging to be in dummy at Trick 12, with the
Q-10 of trumps sitting over the defender’s J-9. When you lead a plain card
towards your hand, or arrange for the left-hand defender to do this, you will
avoid losing a trump trick.
Let’s see a trump coup where you have to take special care with the entries.

a 843
9 K3
© A852
* 7642
a AKQ102 a 395
OT 9 J942
© 0104 SJ97
* QJ108 * 953

9 AQ10865
© K63
* AK


la pass pass 39
pass 49 allpass

West leads the 4K and switches to the #Q. How will you play ?
You have three certain losers in spades and diamonds, so all depends on
picking up the trump suit without loss. Before playing another trick, you must
pause to think how you could deal with East holding YJ-x-x-x. You will need
to take two black-suit ruffs in your hand to shorten your trumps to the same
length as East’s. You will then exit with a third round of diamonds, forcing the
defenders to give you the last two tricks with the 9Q-10. How can this be

70 Off-Road Declarer Play

At Trick 3, you surrender a second spade trick, preparing for a spade ruff
in your hand. West wins and plays another club to your king. Now you play
the ace and king of trumps, cashing the honors in this order, so that you will
be in dummy (to take a spade ruff) in the dangerous case where East holds
Y J-x-x-x. West does indeed show out and you ruff a spade in your hand. You
continue with the king and ace of diamonds and lead a club from dummy, ruff-
ing with the 98.
Your last three cards are the YQ-10 and a losing diamond. You exit with
the diamond and are guaranteed to score the last two tricks with your trump
An inexperienced West might have assisted you in reducing your trumps
by playing three top spades at the beginning. When West refused to do this,
switching to clubs, you had to do the hard work yourself.
If you like to extract the maximum mileage from each deal, you can give
East all five trumps, in a hand such as
a395 O39TAD 6597 295
The recommended line of play still lands the contract. As before, you will score
four side-suit winners and six trump tricks.

Surviving a 4-1 Trump Break 71


a a 832
© AKQJ103
a AQ4
2 AKQ6
* 9653


lo pass ly
pass 4a pass 69
all pass

You bid to 69 and West leads the #K. How will you play the contract?

2] a 9764
9 AK7
© 105
* AQ74
©4 led
a AK52
9 384
* KJ962


le ly la
pass 2a 30 4a
all pass

West leads the © 4 against your spade game. How will you play the hand? _

72 Off-Road Declarer Play

3] a Al074
9 AK
© 642
* AK86
©3 led
9 038632
© Q7
* 9754


le lo ly
pass 2NT pass 49
all pass

West leads the > 3. East wins with the © K and continues with the >A, West
following with the ©8. East persists with another diamond. How will you

4) a 984
© AQI4
* 065
+J led
a AK63
2 KQ863
© K7
* 84


pass. 26 pass 2a
pass 49 all pass

West leads the #J. He continues with another club, East winning with the
# K and then playing the #A. You ruff low and West follows suit. How will
you continue?

Surviving a 4-1 Trump Break 73

‘ a 832
9 9742
© AKQJ103

a K75 431096
gy 31083 9 5
© 6 © 9852
* KQJ107 * A842

a AQ4
9 AKQ6
© 74
& 9653


lo pass ly
pass de pass 69
all pass

West leads the #K against your small slam in hearts. How will you play?
The first question to ask yourself is: can you survive a 4-1 trump break? If
you have to lose a trump trick, you will score three trump tricks in the South
hand, six diamond tricks and the 4A. That is a total of ten, so you will still
make the slam if you can ruff two clubs in the dummy.
Suppose you ruff the club lead, cross to the YA and ruff another club.
When you play dummy’s last trump to your king, East will show out. The slam
can no longer be made. West will use his trump winner to ruff the second round
of diamonds, preventing you from scoring more than one trick in the suit.
You can afford to lose a trump trick, but you must do so at a time when
you still have a trump in dummy to protect you from the defenders’ clubs. You
should therefore duck a trump at Trick 2. West has no constructive return to
make. If he plays back a trump, you will win, take another club ruff and return
to your hand with the 4A to draw trumps. You will then make the twelve tricks
that we visualized above.
As it happens, a diamond lead would have beaten the slam. You would not
have sufficient entries to the South hand to score two club ruffs, duck a trump
and draw the outstanding trumps. The lead of a trump honor would also have
defeated you.

74 Off-Road Declarer Play

a QJ103 a 8
OS) 9 Q10962
© 39643 © AKQ82
+ 108 * 53

a AK52
9 J84
* KJ962


l& ly la
pass 2a 36 4a

West, with his chunky trump holding, is not interested in ruffs and prefers
a diamond lead to a heart. East wins and continues with a second top diamond,
which you ruff. What now?
Let’s suppose first that you draw two rounds of trumps with the ace and
king. East will show out on the second round — no great surprise after his bid-
ding in the red suits — and you will be in trouble. The best you can do is run
the club suit, but West will delay his ruff until the fourth round of the suit. He
will then play his remaining trump. There will be no way to avoid a heart loser
and that will be down one.
The correct way to play the hand is to draw just one round of trumps, with
the ace, and then to turn to the club suit. It will do West no good to delay his
ruff until the fourth round. You can win his trump return with the king and
play a fifth round of clubs, discarding dummy’s heart loser. It makes no differ-
ence whether West chooses to ruff this with his master trump. You will lose just
two trumps and one diamond.
What if trumps had been 3-2 all along? Following this line would then cost
you an overtrick. That’s the same with many safety plays.

Surviving a 4-1 Trump Break 75

4 Q853 aKI96
9 10954 sat|
© 183 © AK1095
« 33 * Q102

9 038632
© Q7
* 9754


la lo ly
pass 2NT pass Ay
all pass

West leads the ©3 against your game in hearts. East wins with the © K and
continues with the ©A, West following with the ©8. East then plays another
diamond. How will you play?
You ruff with a low trump and West follows with the oJ. Suppose your
next move is to cash dummy’s two trump honors. East will show out on the sec-
ond round and you will be in trouble. You cannot afford to reach your hand
with a spade ruff to draw trumps, because this would exhaust your own trump
holding. You would therefore have to play ace, king and another club before
drawing trumps. East would win the third round of clubs and a further round
of diamonds would promote a trump trick for West.
How can you preserve trump control? Play a trump to the ace if you like,
but you must set up the clubs while the 0K is still in dummy. A fourth round
of diamonds from East would then do you no damage. You would ruff low in
the South hand. If West chose to overruff, you would overruff again with
dummy’s 9K. Whether or not West chose to overruff the fourth round of dia-
monds, you would be able to draw trumps and make the remaining tricks.
If East returns a spade instead, after taking his club trick, you can win and
draw trumps, making the contract easily.

76 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 984
9 A52
© AQJ4
* 065
a Q5 a J1072
9 31074 29
© 93 © 108652
* J10932 & AK7

a AK63
9 KQ863
© K7
* 84


pass 26 pass 2a
pass 49 allpass

West leads the #J against your game in hearts. He continues with anoth-
er club, East winning with the #K and then playing the #A. You ruff low and
West follows suit. How will you continue?
You should cash the king and queen of trumps. If the suit breaks 3-2, you
draw the last trump and score an easy overtrick. When East shows out on the
second round of trumps, you turn to the diamond suit, planning to throw
spade losers from your hand. Suppose West ruffs the third round of diamonds
and returns another club. You can ruff in the South hand and draw the last
trump with dummy’s ace. If instead West declines to ruff, you can draw one
more round of trumps and then play your remaining diamond and spade win-
ners. Either way you will score ten tricks and make your game.

Surviving a 4-1 Trump Break 77


No place to go
Warren Brothers

In this chapter, we will look at various contracts that can be made with an even-
tual throw-in play. In particular, we will see how you can set up successful end
positions by extracting the defenders’ safe exit cards.


On the first deal, your victim's safe exit cards in clubs are removed by taking
some ruffs in the suit.

a Q853
9 64
© K86
* 9632
a 62 a]
9 AQ9853 N ol?
6:95 W E © Q)104
+ AK8 5 + J10754

a AKJ1094
9 K10
* Q


29 2a pass 4a
all pass

78 Off-Road Declarer Play

A trump lead would have proved effective, as it happens, but West makes
the natural lead of the #A. When East plays the #4 and the #Q falls from
declarer, he switches to the &2. How would you tackle the contract?
A 3-3 diamond break will not necessarily give you the contract, because if
East gains the lead on the third round of the suit, he can lead through your OK.
Your best hope is that West holds only two diamonds in a hand of 2-6-2-3 (or
1-7-2-3) shape. You win the trump switch with dummy’s 48 and ruff a club in
your hand, removing one of West’s safe exit cards. You cross to the &4Q, West
following with the outstanding trump, and ruff another club.
West's safe exit cards in clubs have been removed. You continue with the ace
and king of diamonds, West producing the ©5 and the 09. These cards remain:

a 53
9 64
© 8
* 9
aA — ——

9 AQ9853 G7
o— © QJ
* — * J10

a AK
9 K10

If West began with 2-5-3-3 shape and has carelessly retained the ©Q, you
can make your contract now by playing a diamond. This is very unlikely,
though. With four-card support, East might have raised hearts and West would
surely have unblocked the © Q if he held it. So, confident in your card-reading,
you play a heart from dummy instead. Whichever card East chooses to play,
you cover it. West scores two heart tricks and then has to give you a ruff-and-
sluff. Away goes dummy’s diamond loser and you ruff your two diamond los-
ers in the dummy.


On the next deal, you must employ a different technique. You must duck an
early round of the suit in which you hope to remove a defender’s safe exit card.

Extracting the Safe Exit Cards 79

9 K65
© AK43
* 864
a QJ1093 a 84
9 82 9 QJ1093
© 3986 o2
e J3 * KQ1095

a AK7
9 A7T4
© Q1075
* A72


pass 3NT all pass

West leads the #Q and you win with the 4A. When you continue with
the ace and king of diamonds, a small problem arises. West holds © J-9-x-x and
you have only three tricks in the suit. How will you continue?
You must aim to throw West in with the third round of spades at a time
when he can cash a total of only four winners and will then have to lead into
your diamond tenace. Since you are missing seven cards in both hearts and
clubs, West’s most likely shape in those suits is 2-2. To make sure that West.
does not have a safe exit card in clubs, you should now duck a round of clubs.
You win the return, whatever it may be, and cash your remaining winners
in hearts and clubs. Since West did indeed start with two hearts and two clubs,
you have now stripped his safe exit cards. When you throw him in with the
third round of spades, he cashes two spade winners and then surveys the last
two cards in his hand, the © J-9. With a sympathetic look in your eye, you show
him your ©Q-10 and claim the last two tricks.
If West held three hearts and one club, you could make the contract by
ducking a heart instead. Playing this way, you would go down when West’s
shape is 5-2-4-2, however. The defenders would clear the spade suit and you
could no longer duck a club. If you cashed the ace and king of hearts, West
would throw a spade to keep his safe exit card in clubs. So, you really do need
to guess what shape the West hand is. There are 441 possible holdings for
West that contain two hearts and two clubs and only 245 where he has three

80 Off-Road Declarer Play

hearts and one club. The odds are therefore 9-to-5 in favor of playing him for
5-2-4-2 shape.


Next, let’s see how you can force a defender to surrender his safe exit cards.
Here is the first example of this style of play:

a AK3
© A52
ae 94
a J109 a Q764
| 9 6432
© 93 © J1076
* KJ108732 * 6

a 852
9 1085
© KQ84
* AQ5


3a dbl pass 3NT
pass ANT pass 6NT
all pass

The exact nature of limit-bid auctions in notrump after an enemy preempt

tends to be undiscussed. Still, the North-South bidding here is not far off the
mark and GNT is a worthwhile contract. How will you tackle it when West
leads the jack of spades?
There are eleven top tricks and an even diamond break will give you a
stress-free twelfth trick. What if the diamonds fail to divide evenly? It may be
possible to strip West of his non-clubs and then endplay him with the #9.
You win the spade lead in dummy and cash just four rounds of hearts,
finding that West began with a singleton. You throw a spade from your hand
and West discards three clubs. You then test the diamonds, playing king, queen
and ace. It is no surprise when West shows out on the third round, throwing
yet another club. You have a count on West’s red suits and it is reasonable to

Extracting the Safe Exit Cards 81

place him with an initial seven clubs for his preempt. In that case the end posi-
tion will not be a million miles away from this:

a K3
9 9

* 94
a 109 a Q76
Ve= =
o— o
* KJ10 * 6

a 8

© 8
* AQ5

You cash dummy’s last heart, discarding the © 8 from your hand. What can
West do? If he throws a club, you will run the #9 to his hand, setting up an
extra trick for yourself in the club suit. West is therefore forced to part with a
spade, which was his intended safe exit card. You cash the 4K, stripping West
of his non-clubs. You lead the #9 and your last worry vanishes when East’s sin-
gleton club is a lowly six-spot. You contribute the #5 from your hand and West
has to win and lead back into your #A-Q. Slam made!
Here is another deal where a defender is put to an awkward discard before
being thrown in. In one suit, he is forced to reduce to a singleton honor. A los-
ing finesse is then taken to it, leaving him endplayed.

a 864
9 KQ10974
* 9
a KJ10973 a 52
9 5 9 8
© 0986 6 $72
+ QJ * K1086532

a AQ
9 AJ632
© A103
* A74

82 Off-Road Declarer Play

2a 4a pass 69
all pass

West leads the #Q against your small slam in hearts. You win with the ace,
ruff aclub high, cross to the YJ and ruff your last club. An obvious start, yes,
but how will you continue?
If West began with © Q-J-x(-x), he can be endplayed on the third round of
diamonds. He will not prosper by unblocking the queen and the jack on the
first two rounds, because your © 10 will then become good. However, it is a
small chance to find him with both missing diamond honors and you would
like to make the contract when he has only one diamond honor. Do you see
how this can be done?
You must run the trump suit to put pressure on West. This will be the
position with one trump still to be played:

a 864

a KJ10 a52
Vi 9—
©0298 CAF?
oe * K

a AQ
9 6
© A103
Ay ae

West has shown out of hearts and clubs. At this stage, on the assumption
that he began with six spades for his weak jump overcall, you can place him
with three spades and three diamonds. If you simply play two top diamonds
and exit with a third round of the suit, West can avoid the endplay by unblock-
ing the ©Q at some stage. Instead, you must cash your last trump. West can-
not afford to throw a spade or you will play the ace and queen of spades, set-
ting up a third-round spade winner in the dummy. He therefore has to release
a diamond. Let's say that he throws the © 8. You lead a diamond to West’s 09

Extracting the Safe Exit Cards 83

and dummy’s ©K. Then you play a low diamond from dummy, finessing the
© 10. West wins with the singleton © Q and has to lead into your spade tenace,
giving you the slam.
It was an unusual position in diamonds. West was not squeezed out of the
sole stopper in the suit, but he was forced to bare an honor that was not a mas-
ter. You were then able to finesse into that card, leaving him endplayed.


Obtaining a complete count on the hand is often essential when planning a
throw-in. It is not difficult on the next deal, because one of the opponents has
made a preemptive opening bid.

a AKJ3
9 AK8
© AK85
* 63
a 1062 a 74
9 QJ109654 92
o— © QJ943
* J104 * 09875

a Q985
© 10762
* AK2


39 dbl pass 4a
pass ba allpass

You win the YQ lead in dummy and draw trumps in three rounds, sur-
prised to see that West holds three trumps. You cash the ©A, hoping to see a
singleton honor appear from West. No, he shows out, throwing a heart. How
will you continue?
You have a complete count on the East hand. He began with 2-1-5-5
shape, so both defenders hold a club guard and a simple squeeze will not be
possible. What else can you try? If you can strip East of his clubs, you can lead
a diamond towards the ten in a three-card ending. How can this be done?

84 Off-Road Declarer Play

You can cash the top clubs, if you like, and then play a heart to the king.
This will be the position:

a 3
9 8
© K85

SS ——

9 J1096 9—
SS © Q)9
* J * 09

a Q

© 1076
* 2

East has already been forced to release one of his precious clubs. You ruff
a heart in your hand and this pries another club from the East hand. (If he
threw a diamond instead, of course, you would duck a round of that suit, set-
ting up a long diamond.) East now has only one club and you can remove that
by ruffing the #2 in dummy. You are down to the three-card ending that you
visualized when the diamond situation first came to light. When you lead a low
diamond from dummy, East has to rise with one honor and lead away from the
other. The slam is yours.
Here is another throw-in deal where counting will assist you:

4KQ109543 a 86
wae) 978642
o9 © 1086542
*Q984 * 6


Extracting the Safe Exit Cards 85

3a dbl pass 49
pass 59 pass 69
all pass

Holding 24 points, North judges that his hand is worth a slam try. With
two aces, you are happy to accept, and the @K is led. You win with dummy's
ace and play two rounds of trumps, finding West with a singleton. How will
you continue?
You draw East’s remaining trumps and now need to score four club tricks
to make the slam. With West holding eight cards in the majors to East’s six, the
odds favor East to hold the majority of the clubs and therefore the #Q. There
is no need to take an immediate view of the clubs, however, because three
rounds of diamonds will provide further information. When you cash the king
and queen of diamonds, West throws a spade on the second round. Ah, that
changes the situation!
West is now marked with 7-1-1-4 shape. You cash the #A in order to
extract East’s singleton in the suit and then finesse the #J, East showing out.
So far so good. These cards are left:


© J
& K7
a Q10 a 6
0 — C=

o— © 1085
* 09 * —


© 6
* 105

You lead the ©J from dummy and West is trapped in the headlights. No
subterfuge is possible, because you have a certain count on the deal. When
West discards the #10, you throw him in with the 4Q so he has to lead into
your split club tenace. Small slam bid; small slam made.

86 Off-Road Declarer Play

We will end the chapter by looking at a type of deal where you need to con-
cede a round of a suit in order to set up an extra winner. You cannot do it
immediately, because the defender who won the trick would then be able to
cross to a winner or two in his partner’s hand. First, you must extract the
defender’s cards in his partner’s suit. Take a look at this deal:

a Q8
9 KQ643
© 3943
* 06
@AJ10952 a 63
a7, 1095
© 1065 © 872
* J102 * 9875

a K74
9 A82
& AK43


2a pass pass dbl
pass 49 pass ANT
pass 5 te pass 6NT
all pass

North’s 5 response to Roman Keycard Blackwood shows one keycard,

the king of the temporarily agreed trump suit. West leads the #J against the
resultant small slam in notrump. How will you play the contract?
You must win with the #Q, avoiding any unseemly blockage in the club
suit. You then cash the top three diamonds in your hand and lead a low spade
towards the dummy. West cannot afford to rise with the 4A or you will have
two spade tricks — enough for the contract — so dummy’s 4Q wins the trick.
When you continue with the ©J, poor East comes under pressure in three suits.
Since he cannot afford to release a heart or a club, he can delay his fate only by
discarding his last spade.

Extracting the Safe Exit Cards 87

You play a heart to the ace and lead a second heart towards dummy. If West
follows suit, you will score five heart tricks and end with an overtrick. When
West in fact shows out, you duck in the dummy, allowing East to win the trick.
You have established an extra heart trick in dummy and still have an entry in
the suit. East, meanwhile has no spade to play. He lamely returns a heart or a
club and you claim the remaining tricks.

88 Off-Road Declarer Play


1] a 85
9 842
© Q7
* 987543
+ Q led
a AKQJ107
9 AJ10
© AK3
* A


29 pass pass dbl
pass 2NT pass 6a
all pass

How will you play the spade slam when West leads the #Q?

2) aKQ5
9 AK1076
© Q75
* K6
#Q led
a A764
97 Q395
* A8


30 dbl
pass 46 pass 49
pass 59 pass 69
all pass

West leads the #Q. It looks like a simple elimination deal, but when you
play a round of trumps, East shows out. How can you recover the situation?

Extracting the Safe Exit Cards 89

ts a 842
9 9872
© 942
® 954
+2 led
@ AKQJ105
9 AKJ5
© AB5


le dbl
liv, pass ye 4a
all pass

West leads the #2 against your spade game. How will you play? (Irumps
break 2-2.)

4) a 65
9 0865
© AK4
* AQ86
a A107
9 AT4
© 875
* KJ72


la dbl pass 2NT
pass 3NT all pass

West leads the 4K against 3NT. How will you play the contract?

90 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 85
9 842
® 987543
a 64 a 932
9 KQ9653 OT
© 82 © 3109654
* QJ 10 *® K62

@ AKQJ107
9 AJ10
© AK3


29 pass pass dbl
pass 2NT pass 6a
all pass

North's Lebensohl 2NT shows a weak hand in response to the takeout

double. Judging that your splendid collection was not designed for a mere game
contract, you leap to 64. How will you play this contract when West leads the
One possibility, not a very good one, is to play three rounds of diamonds,
discarding a heart from dummy. Your aim would be to continue with ace and
another heart, eventually ruffing your third heart with dummy’s 48. Several
things could go wrong with this plan. The main problem is that East is the
favorite to hold the 49 and will then be able to overruff the dummy. Also, as
the cards lie, West would ruff the third round of diamonds.
A better idea is to aim to strip West of his non-heart cards and then to end-
play him in the heart suit. Draw one round of trumps with the ace and cross
to dummy with the ©Q. You then ruff a club with the #7 and cash the OA.
To reach dummy for a second time, you must ruff the ©K with dummy’s 48.
West is out of diamonds, as it happens, but he does not hold the #9. You ruff
a club with the 410, removing West’s last safe exit card. The way is now clear
for you to draw the outstanding trumps and exit with the YJ. West has to win
with one of his honors and then lead back into your YA-10 tenace.

Extracting the Safe Exit Cards 91

2 aKQ5
9 AK1076
© Q75
* K6
43983 a 102
9 8432 9—
o— © KJ108642
* QJ1052 * 9743

a A764
9 Q)95
© AI3
* A8


30 dbl
pass 46 pass 49
pass 59 pass 69
all pass

West leads the #Q and you win with the #A. It looks like a simple elim-
ination hand (draw trumps, eliminate the black suits and duck a diamond to
endplay East). When you play a trump to the ace, however, East shows out.
How will you continue?
If spades break 3-3, you will have a discard for one of dummy’s diamond
losers. Otherwise, you must aim to strip East of his black cards and then end-
play him by ducking a diamond.
You draw all the trumps and play three rounds of spades. If East began
with four spades, you can strip his clubs and throw him in with a spade, dis-
carding a diamond from dummy (or ruff the spade and duck a diamond).
When instead East began with four clubs, his last five cards will be © K-J-10
#9-8. You must ruff your last spade in dummy and East has to release a club
(otherwise, you can duck a diamond and set up an extra diamond trick by
length). You can then strip East’s last club by cashing dummy’s king, and duck
a diamond to endplay him.

92 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 96 a 73
9 21063 94
© 0103 © KJ76
* 21062 * AKI873

@ AKQJ105
9 AKI5
© A85
oe —


le dbl
ly pass Lee 4a

West leads the #2 against your spade game. How will you play?
Unlikely as it may seem, you must aim to set up an endplay on West. Ruff
with the 410 and draw trumps in two rounds. Cash the YA and play ace and
another diamond. If the defenders take two diamond winners and return a
club, you will ruff high again. These cards will be left:

a— a—
9 0106 9—
o— B o)
+ 010 * AJ83
a Q5
9 KI5

oe —

When you cross to the #8, West has to throw a club. You ruff the #9,
removing West’s last club, and endplay him with a low heart.

Extracting the Safe Exit Cards 93

a KQJ932 a 84
9 K92 9 J103
© 0103 © 3962
* 5 * 10943

a A107
9 AT4
© 875
* KJ72


la dbl pass 2NT
pass 3NT all pass

West, who opened the bidding with 14, leads the 4K against 3NT. How
will you play the contract?
Your best chance is to find West with the OK. You plan to extract his
minor-suit cards and then to endplay him with a spade to lead away from the
YK. When he holds three diamonds, you can achieve this endplay only by win-
ning the very first round of spades! You continue with three rounds of clubs
and reach this position:
a 6
9 0865
© AK4
* 6
a QJ93 a 4
9 KY 9 J103
© Q103 © 3962
+ * 10

a 107
gy AT4
© 875
* K

94 Off-Road Declarer Play

What can West discard on the #K? If he discards a diamond (his safe exit
card, having unblocked the © Q), you will cash the © A-K and throw West in
with a spade to lead away from the OK. If instead he pitches another spade,
leaving himself with only three spade winners, you will be able to lead towards
the 9K. Had you held up the @A at Trick 1, dummy would have had no
throw-in card after you cashed the © A-K.

Extracting the Safe Exit Cards 95



Easy to avoid
Soul Asylum

You bought a card play book with a picture of a four-wheel drive vehicle on the
front cover. You will not, therefore, be expecting to find in this chapter some
straightforward examples of finessing or ducking into the safe hand. Yes, I
understand. Test yourself on this deal, then:

9 06
© 3865
* K954
a 106 a QJ5
9 398532 9 Al0
© 92 © AKQ1073
* 832 + 106

a K9843
9 K74
© 4
* AQJ7


lo la
pass 26 af 4a
all pass

North’s 2© shows a sound raise in spades, to at least the two-level. West

leads the ©9 against your spade game and you ruff the second round of the
suit. What is your plan?

96 Off-Road Declarer Play

You would like to ruff a heart in the dummy. Suppose you play a heart to
the queen immediately, though. East will win and lead another diamond, pro-
moting a second trump trick for the defenders. To avoid this risk, you should
draw two rounds of trumps with the king and the ace. The general idea is then
to ruff two more diamonds in the South hand. This will give you five trump
tricks (the ace, the king and three ruffs in the South hand) plus four clubs and
one heart. East is welcome to ruff one of your club winners, because this will
reinstate dummy’s remaining trump as your tenth trick.
Suppose you ruff a diamond at Trick 5, cross to the #K and ruff another
diamond. When you eventually try to establish a heart trick, East will be able
to rise with the ace, draw dummy’s last trump and cash a diamond trick.
To make the contract, you must therefore lead a heart at Trick 5, through
East’s ace. If he rises with the ace to draw dummy’s last trump, you will have
two heart tricks. If instead he plays low, you will pocket the heart trick and con-
tinue with the ace and queen of clubs, everyone following. These cards will

9 Q
© J8
* K9
a— a Q
9 39832 QA
o— © K1073
* 8 * —

a 98
9 14


You play the #J and overtake with the #K. If East ruffs, dummy’s #7 will
be available for a heart ruff. If instead East discards, you have an entry for a dia-
mond ruff. You then overtake the #7 with the #9, leaving East in the same
predicament. If he again declines to ruff, you will ruff another diamond in the
South hand for your tenth trick.

Unusual Avoidance Play 97

Another potential advantage of leading towards honor holdings is that you can
duck (into the safe hand) when the safe defender follows in second seat with a
high honor. Look at the diamond suit on this deal:

a A83
9 84
© AQ10964
* 52
a QJ1097 a K4
aio 9 KJ1095
© K8 ean eae
* 1108 * K63

a 652
9 AQ2
* AQ974


lo ly re
pass 20 pass 3NT
all pass

South’s 3NT may seem like an overbid, but he reasoned that his Y A-Q,
sitting over the YK, was worth 7 points rather than 6. West leads the &Q and
East overtakes with the 4K when you duck in the dummy. How will you play
the contract when East returns the 44?
After the cards that you have seen, spades are surely 5-2 and you should
win the second round of spades with the ace. You cross to your hand with a
finesse of the 9 Q and lead a diamond, planning to finesse the © 10. If West
follows somnolently with the ©8 on the first round, nothing will stop you from
scoring five diamond tricks. Let’s say that West is a competent performer and
rises with the ©K. It’s a great defense! You cannot afford to duck this trick,
because the danger hand (West) would be on lead and would cash three spade
tricks. So, you win with dummy’s © A. What now?
It is still possible that West began with ©K-J-x and you could play for
that chance. The bidding suggests that the #K will be onside, however, and a

98 Off-Road Declarer Play

better chance is to play for East to hold #K-x-x, with the additional chance
that the ©J will fall doubleton from one hand or the other.
Your next move is a club towards your hand. If East rises with the #K, you
duck. Let’s assume that he plays low, however, and you win with the #Q. Ace
and another club is no good now, because East will have the opportunity to
unblock the #K under the ace. No, you must return to dummy with a dia-
mond to the queen (failing to drop the ©J) and lead another club towards your
hand. Again, if East rises with the #K, you will duck. If he plays low a second
time, you will win with the #A and play a third club, which East has to win.
The safe hand will be on lead and you will score one spade, two hearts, two dia-
monds and four clubs.
Look back to Trick 2. Why was it right to win the second spade? If you fail
to do so and West continues with a third round of spades, East can beat you by
discarding the #K!


When one defender rates to be a ‘danger hand’, it can pay to duck as early as
Trick 1. Let’s see a couple of examples of this technique.

a Q1054
9 J76
* A102
a9 a 8
9 K853 9 10942
© A10986 © Q)2
* QJ5 * K9873

a AKIJ7632
9 AQ
© K3
* 64


pass 2a pass 4a

Unusual Avoidance Play 99

West leads the #Q against your spade game. How will you play the
Let’s see what happens if you win the opening lead with dummy’s #A, East
signalling enthusiasm with his #9. You draw both outstanding trumps with the
4Q and finesse the YQ. The finesse loses and West leads the #5 to his partner's
#K. Back comes the © Q and the defenders beat the contract by one trick.
East is the danger hand here, because he alone can lead diamonds effective-
ly. So, you do what you can to keep him off lead. On this particular deal, you
cannot prevent East from gaining the lead, but you can force him to pay too
high a price for the privilege. You should play low at Trick 1, when the #Q is
led. If East overtakes with the #K, dummy’s #A-10 will be worth two tricks
(via a finesse) and you will be able to ditch one of your red-suit losers. If East
does not overtake, you win the club continuation, draw trumps and play a
heart to the queen. The finesse loses, but the contract is secure. There is no
entry to the East hand and when you regain the lead, you will be able to throw
a loser on dummy’s YJ.


Suppose you hold A-10-4 opposite K-9-5-2 and need to develop a third trick
from the suit without allowing a particular defender to gain the lead. It is a
basic technique to lead low to the ten, or low to the nine, making sure that you
duck into the safe hand.
Nothing ‘unusual’ about that, you might be thinking, so let’s look at some-
thing a bit more advanced:

a AJ83
9 86
© AQ6
* 10972
a K106 4972
9 KQJ93 9 1074
% 952 © 843
* K6 *» 0)85

© KJ107
* A43

100 Off-Road Declarer Play

ly pass pass INT
pass Lee pass 20
pass 2NT pass 3NT
all pass

How will you play 3NT when West leads the 9 K?

Only 15 points are missing, so West is likely to hold the aK. A finesse of
dummy’s 4J will give you eight tricks. Where can you seek a ninth? One
chance is that West holds a doubleton @K. In that case, it will fall under
dummy’s ace, giving you three spade tricks. Is there a better chance?
You should hold up the 9A until the third round, aiming to break the link
between the defenders’ hands. Next, you can make the avoidance play of a
spade to the eight! East wins with the nine and has no heart to return. He will
doubtless switch to a low club. You rise with the ace and play another spade. If
West began with a doubleton king of spades, this card will now appear and you
will score the three spade tricks that you need, despite your early finesse of the
48. The benefit comes when West holds three spades to the king. You finesse
dummy’s 4J, cash the 4A and eventually make the 43 as your ninth trick.
Suppose West finds an unlikely switch to the #K at Trick 3. You win the
second round of clubs and have to develop spades without allowing East (now
the danger hand, with a cashable club) to gain the lead. You finesse the 4J and
play ace and another spade. West, the safe hand, wins the third round of spades
and the contract is again yours.
Only a top-class declarer would land the next contract. Step up to the plate
and see if you make the grade.
a KQ86
9 87653
© 4
* A43
a4 43107
9 10 9 Q)394
© KQ1097 © J853
* KJ10962 * 85

a A9532
gy AK2
© A62
* Q7

Unusual Avoidance Play 101

2NT 46 pass 49
pass 5 te pass ba
all pass

West’s Unusual Notrump overcall shows at least 5-5 shape in the minors
and North's 46 is a splinter bid. Two cuebids later, you find yourself in a small
slam. How will you play this when West leads the 9 10, East following with the
You can ruff your two diamond losers and will have to set up dummy's
hearts in order to dispose of your club loser. Let’s suppose that you win the
opening lead with the YA and pause to make a plan. Too late! With trumps
breaking 3-1 and hearts 4-1, there is no way to make the contract. You can take
the two diamond ruffs, but however you time the play, East will return a club
when he takes his heart trick. With the #A removed, you will not be able to
enjoy a long heart.
Since the chosen line of play will inevitably involve losing a round of hearts
at some stage, you should arrange to do this when the defenders can inflict the
least damage. You must, in fact, duck the 910 at Trick 1! West cannot safely
dislodge the #A, because he would be leading away from the #K. He will
probably switch to the ©K. All is now easy. You win with the ace, ruff a dia-
mond and cash the king and queen of trumps, West discarding a club on the
second round. You then play the ace and king of hearts, re-enter dummy with
your second diamond ruff and establish a long heart with a ruff. After drawing
East's last trump, you cross to the #A and discard your club loser on the long
heart. Slam made!
Note that East cannot afford to overtake the 910 at Trick 1. If he does
that, you will win the trick and play the king and queen of trumps. You can
then lead the 9 8, forcing East to split his remaining YJ-9. It will then be a sim-
ple matter to set up two heart winners, on which you can discard one club and
one diamond.


When the danger hand follows in the second seat with the lowest outstanding
spot card, you can simply duck from the next hand to ensure that the safe
defender wins the trick. West was asleep on the next deal, but declarer still
needed to play sharply to take advantage.

102 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 84 4Q)952
0.110975 Ob2
© Q)8 © A10953
* Q97 * 10

a A103
9 AK3
© 64
& AJ854


pass 3NT all pass

A diamond lead would have hit the spot, but West began with the YJ. Take
the South cards now. How would you have played the contract?
You need to develop the club suit without allowing West, the danger hand,
to gain the lead. All will be well when West holds fewer than three clubs. What
can you do in the case where West holds three clubs?
A holding of #Q-10-9 will guarantee West an entry and leave you at the
mercy of a diamond switch. Suppose West holds #Q-10-7 or #Q-9-7, though.
The odds are good that he will follow nonchalantly with the #7 when you lead
a low club from the South hand. Since this is the lowest spot card out, you can
duck in the dummy! East, the safe hand, has to overtake with the #10 here and
cannot attack diamonds effectively from his side of the table. You can win any
return and score nine tricks.
If West had been fully awake, he would have played the #9 on the first
round (also the #10 from #Q-10-7). It would then be rather dangerous for
you to duck, because the West hand might gain the lead if he had started with
&Q-9 or &10-9 or even a singleton #9. Rest assured that the defenders who
would think of playing the middle card from these club combinations are few
and far between!

Unusual Avoidance Play 103


On the next deal, an opening bid by one of the defenders makes it clear that
you should aim for an endplay, rather than take either of the possible finesses.
However, you must take special steps to prevent the other defender from gain-
ing the lead as you prepare the end position.

a 74
9 K96
© 9764
* A653
a AQJ92 a 108
9 4 9 10873
© K108 65532
*% Q)97 + 1082


la pass pass dbl
pass 2 pass 29
pass 39 pass 3NT

Game in hearts would have gone down after a club (or a trump) lead. You
went to bed early the previous night, however, and bid an inspired 3NT on the
third round. How will you play this contract when West leads the #Q?
You must aim to throw in West with the fourth round of clubs at a time
when he will have to return a spade or diamond, thereby giving you a ninth
trick. Only one play is good enough — you must duck the first round of clubs
to ensure that East (the danger hand, who can lead through your tenaces) does
not gain the lead on the second or third round of the suit. Let’s say that West
continues with another club, which you win with the king.
You cash the ace, queen and king of hearts, removing West’s holding in the
suit. You then play ace and another club, discarding two spades from the South
hand. West wins the trick and must surrender a trick by leading a spade or a

104 Off Road Declarer Play

On the next deal, the avoidance play to prepare for a throw-in comes as
early as Trick 2. Not the moment to be half asleep.

a 104
9 10643
© 875
* 0862
a 8532 a 6
ON 9 8
© 102 © KQJ9643
* A94 * 31053

a AKQJ97
9 AKQ2
* K7


30 dbl
pass 39 pass 4NT
pass 5 pass ba
all pass

You win the © 10 lead with the ace. What is your plan for the contract?
There will be no problem if the YJ falls in three rounds. When a defend-
er, presumably West, holds J-x-x-x, you must hope to endplay him with the
#A. Perhaps you should draw trumps and test the heart suit? Let’s hope not! It
would then be much too late to set up the endplay you require.
At Trick 2, you must lead the #7. This is an avoidance play, through the
#A that you expect and hope that West holds. If West rises with the #A, you
will have two club tricks. Since you have not yet played a single round of
trumps, you would be able to enjoy both the king and queen of clubs, even on
a trump return from West.
Let’s assume that West plays low on the first round of clubs. You win with
dummy’s #Q and draw trumps in four rounds. When you play the ace and
king of hearts, East shows out on the second round. That’s no problem now.
Your careful play early in the deal is about to pay off. You run all your trumps,
forcing West to abandon his heart guard or to reduce to YJ-9 #A. You can then
throw him in with a club to give you two heart tricks on the return.

Unusual Avoidance Play 105

A trump lead is rarely best against a small slam, but on this deal, it would
have worked nicely. West would then have been able to rise with the #A and
return a second trump to dummy’s ten, while your club winners were blocked.


When you have a two-way finesse against the queen of trumps, it a matter of
basic technique to finesse into the safe hand — even sometimes when you are
missing only four cards to the queen. Let’s see something a little more difficult:

a 852
9 A1086
iT 3
* A75
a 1094 43763
9 092 9—
© Q102 © 8654
* Q1063 ® KI984

* 2


pass 26 pass 29
pass 39 pass ANT
pass 59 pass 5a
pass 69 allpass

Roman Keycard Blackwood tells you that the YQ is missing, so you stop
in the small slam. West leads the 410 and you win with the aA. What is your
plan for the contract?
If you can pick up the trump suit without loss, your worries will be over.
It is anyone's guess which defender is more likely to hold YQ-9-2. What play
should you make on the next trick? (If you come up with the right answer, I
will be forced to admit that you are a strong card player!)

106 Off-Road Declarer Play

If you play the YK next, or play a low card to the YA, you are relying on
guesswork. In situations like this, you must ask yourself: if I guess wrongly,
what remaining chance will there be? The answer on this deal is that there will
be a considerable remaining chance if you play the YA first (and East shows
out), providing you have paved the way for an elimination ending!
You should cross to the #A at Trick 2 and ruff a club. Only then do you
play a trump to dummy’s ace. If trumps break 2-1 or East turns up with all
three trumps, you pick up the trumps without loss and make the slam easily. If
instead East shows out, leaving you with a trump loser, you will ruff another
With the club suit eliminated, you cash the 9K and continue with your
remaining spade winners. You can then throw in West with the YQ, forcing
him to lead a diamond into your tenace or concede a ruff-and-sluff. This line
will fail only when West can overruff the second or third club, exit safely with
his remaining trump and then score a diamond trick later.
Let’s see one more deal where your play in the trump suit forms a big part
of the main plan.

a K6
9 A62
OKT 52
* AK2
a9 a AJ108
9 10984 9 KQJ
© 983 © 1064
* 39854 * 2103

a 075432
© AQ


lo dbl la
pass 2NT pass 34
pass 4a allpass

How will you play the spade game when West leads the 9 10?

Unusual Avoidance Play 107

You win with dummy’s YA and East produces the YJ. Unless this is an
unblocking maneuver from K-Q-J-x, East holds only three hearts and is there-
fore very likely indeed to hold four spades for his low point-count double. How
will you continue?
You must turn to the diamond suit, with the intention of discarding a
heart or two. You cash the ace and queen of diamonds and return to dummy
with the #A. When you play the © K, discarding one of your heart losers, both
defenders follow. What next?
It’s not a good idea to play another diamond immediately. You can dispose
of your last heart, yes, but West will ruff with his singleton spade. You will then
lose a total of four trump tricks. You need to play one round of trumps before
continuing diamonds. What’s more, you must lead through East’s 4A, so that
it will be too expensive for him to rise with the card.
‘Six of trumps, please,’ you say. What can East do? If he rises with the aA
to cash a heart winner, you will lose only two trump tricks and one heart. If he
plays low, you will win with the 4Q, return to dummy with a club and only
then play a fourth round of diamonds. You will discard your last heart on this
trick, whatever happens. If East chooses to ruff, it will be from a natural trump
trick. You will lose three trump tricks and no hearts, making your game exact-

108 Off Road Declarer Play


a a 85
9 AQ7652
© 554
* A8
a K643
9 K9
© AKQ7


pass 20 pass 29
pass 49 all pass

West leads the #K against your heart game. How will you proceed?

2 a 52
© 108732
* AQ6
a KJ8
9 K84
© AK4
* K853


pass 3NT all pass

West leads the #7 against 3NT and East plays the 410. How will you play?

Unusual Avoidance Play 109

1 a 85
gy AQ7652
* A8
a AQ97 43102
9 10 9 3843
© 9632 © 108
* KQ)4 * 10964

a K643
© AKQ7
* 752


pass 26 pass 29
pass 49 allpass

West leads the #K against your heart game. How will you proceed?
If the cards lie perfectly, you can make twelve tricks — six trumps, four
diamonds and two black-suit winners. Suppose, however, you begin by playing
the king and the ace of trumps. You will go down in game! East will gain the
lead with a trump, ruffing the third diamond, and the defenders will add three
tricks in the black suits.
You need to prevent East from gaining the lead and playing a spade
through your king. In time, you will then be able to discard one of dummy’s
spades on the fourth round of diamonds. The first step is to allow the opening
lead of the #K to hold the trick. Otherwise, there is a chance that West will be
able to cross to the #J or #10 in the East hand. You win the club continuation
and make a second avoidance play — a trump to your nine. This will prevent
East from gaining the lead in trumps, unless he has an impregnable 0 J-10-x-
x. West wins with the singleton 910, but cannot attack spades effectively from
his side of the table. Nor, thanks to your hold-up at Trick 1, can he cross to the
East hand with a club. On any return, you will be able to draw trumps in three
further rounds and then discard one of dummy’s spades on your diamond suit.
You will score five trumps, four diamonds and the #A.

110 Off-Road Declarer Play

© 108732
* AQ6
a AQ973 a 1064
9 01096 go 52
Gof © 096
* 92 * J1074

a KJ8
9 K84
© AK4
* K853


pass 3NT all pass

West leads the 4&7 against 3NT and East plays the 410. How will you play
the contract?
You win with the #J and see that you have eight top tricks. A 3-3 club
break will give you an easy ninth trick, but, with the deal appearing in a bridge
book, you suspect that such a break is even less likely than normal. You must
look for a way to set up the diamond suit without allowing East, the danger
hand, to gain the lead. Can you see how to do this?
You must cross to the #Q and lead the © 10 from dummy. (You could lead
the ©8 with the same effect.) If East fails to cover, you will duck the first round
of diamonds into the safe West hand. West will not be able to continue spades
effectively from his side of the table and you will have nine tricks when you
regain the lead.
What happens if East covers the © 10 with the © Q? You will win with the
© A and return to dummy with a heart or a club. You can then lead the 68.
East cannot afford to cover with the ©9 or you will score all five diamond
tricks. He plays low and you run the card to West, losing to the J. As before,
the diamond suit is established and the safe hand is on lead. The game is yours.

Unusual Avoidance Play 111



So high, so low
Ben Harper

At an early stage in your bridge education, you learn that taking a ruff in the
short-trump hand (usually the dummy) will give you an extra trick. Most of the
time, ruffing in the long-trump hand will not produce an extra trick. That's
because you will be making a trump that would have scored a trick anyway.
Why is it, then, that you often see expert declarers taking an early ruff in
their hand? One reason is that they wish to score a low trump that would not
necessarily have been a winner in its own right. That is the case here:

a AJ852
9 A985
© 632
* 6
a 1096 a KQ74
9 Q1063 9 KJ
© KJ © Q1097
* 3984 * 1053

a 3
9 742
© A854
* AKQ72


pass la pass 2&
all pass

112 Off-Road Declarer Play

You arrive in a contract where the defenders hold more trumps than you
do. Suppose first that West leads the 410. How will you tackle the play?
Your general aim should be to score the two low trumps in your hand, by
ruffing spades. This is easy on a spade lead. You win with the ace, ruff a spade
and cash the ace-king-queen of trumps, both defenders following all the way.
You then cross to the ace of hearts and ruff another spade with your last trump.
You score five trump tricks and three aces.
Now suppose that West finds the more inspired lead of the 93. Not so easy
now, is it? The defenders are threatening to remove dummy’s V/A before you are
ready to use it. You play low on the first heart and East wins with the king.
When he returns the YJ, you must allow this to win too! West cannot afford
to overtake with the queen of hearts or you would win with the ace and score
a trick from dummy’s 9-8. East has no further heart to play and the defend-
ers have no way to dislodge the ace of hearts. You win East’s diamond switch
and draw three rounds of trumps. You can then cross to the ace of spades, ruff
a spade, cross to the heart ace and ruff another spade. If East held the last
trump and could ruff the ace of hearts, you would still survive if diamonds were


Sometimes you must make full use of every entry to dummy. You may, for
example, have to take a ruff in your hand at Trick 2, just in case this proves nec-
essary later (when a bad trump break comes to light). Let’s see an example of

a4 Q73
9 A764
© QJ7
* 963
a J1085 a—
9 Q3108 ad. pei
© 1063 © 9852
* Q2 & 310854

a AK9642
© AK4
* AK7

Scoring the Low Trumps in Your Hand 113

pass 2a pass ba
all pass

If this were a book on bidding, the auction here might cause you to ask for
your money back. No refund, sorry. This is a book on play. How will you tack-
le the small slam when West leads the 9Q, won with dummy’s ace?
You have twelve top tricks, unless trumps break 4-0. So, you should
address this possibility immediately. How can you make the slam when one of
the defenders holds four trumps?
The first point to make is that you can pick up @J-10-8-5 with East direct-
ly, provided you cash the queen on the first round of trumps. If West shows
out, you will lead a trump towards your hand, intending to finesse the #9. East
will no doubt split his trump honors, but you can return to dummy with a dia-
mond to pick up the outstanding trumps.
What can you do if it is West who holds four trumps, as in the diagram?
You will have to score six trump tricks in the South hand (by ruffing three
hearts) and add six side-suit winners to bring the total to twelve. You must take
the first of the necessary heart ruffs in your hand now, at Trick 2, even though
you have no reason to suspect that West will hold four trumps.
You ruff a heart in your hand and cross to the queen of trumps. East shows
out on this trick and you take advantage of the dummy entry to ruff another
heart. A diamond to the queen allows you to ruff dummy’s last heart. West fol-
lows suit when you cash the two minor-suit ace-kings and the @K brings in
your twelfth trick. At Trick 13, you lead the #7 and West has to ruff his part-
ner’s club winner, condensing two defensive tricks into one. Enjoy the moment!
When the adverse trump holding lies in front of your own long trumps,
you can often work miracles. That’s because the defender has less potential for
ruffing with his intermediate trumps. If he does, you will simply discard a

114 Off-Road Declarer Play

a KQ75
9 AK764
© J6
* Ab
a — a 31096
90983 eaie
© 082 © 10754
* KQ10853 & 194

a A8432
9 102
© AK93


ye 3a pass 36
pass 4NT pass 59
pass 6a allpass

You win the #K lead in the dummy and play the @K, discovering how
unfair the world can be when West shows out. How will you attempt to recov-
er the situation?
With a certain trump loser looming, you must somehow dispose of your
club loser. You will need to establish dummy’s heart suit. You cash the ace and
king of hearts and the jack falls on your right. What can East do when you con-
tinue with another heart from dummy?
If East ruffs from his 4J-10-9, you can discard your club loser and easily
score the balance. If instead East throws a diamond, you can establish the dia-
mond suit with one ruff, return to hand with a heart ruff and play the good
diamond, throwing dummy’s club. So, let’s assume that East discards a club on
the third round of hearts. You ruff cheaply, cash the two top diamonds and ruff
a diamond in dummy. When you lead a fourth round of hearts from the table,
East is again without resource. Let’s say he throws his last club. You score yet
another low trump in your hand, ruff another diamond in dummy and score
the queen and ace of trumps, conceding the last trick.
What tricks did you make on that line of play? Five winners in the side
suits, two diamond ruffs in dummy, two heart ruffs with low trumps in your
hand, plus the ace, king and queen of trumps.

Scoring the Low Trumps in Your Hand 115

Sometimes the action of scoring the low trumps in your hand will lead to the
end position known as a ‘trump coup’. That’s what happens on this deal:

a 85
9 AK64
© A1063
* AK4
a— 4 QJ97
y 1097 N 9 0853
© KQJ9842 |W f O75
® 163 5 #095
a AK106432

+ 10872


30 3NT pass 5a
pass ba allpass

With no scientific route available, South invites a slam by leaping to 54a.

North accepts the invitation and the © K is led. How will you play the contract?
You win the diamond lead in dummy, ditching a club. You have five side-
suit winners and will make the slam if you can add seven trump tricks. You ruff
a diamond at Trick 2 and cash the 4A, hoping for a 2-2 trump break. Not
today, as West discards a diamond on the first round of trumps. How will you
You have a wealth of entries to dummy and should continue to score your
low trumps. You cross to the YA and lead a third round of diamonds. (East
cannot damage you by ruffing. If he ruffs with the 49, you will overruff with
the 410 and continue to ruff cards in your hand, eventually promoting your
last trump en passant. If instead East ruffs with the @J, you will discard your
last club loser, win the return and pick up East’s remaining #Q-9 with a
straight finesse.) So, let’s assume that East discards a club and you ruff the third
round of diamonds in your hand.
A heart to the king is followed by a heart ruff in your hand. You can then
return to dummy with the #A to ruff dummy’s last heart. Having taken four

116 Off Road Declarer Play

ruffs in your hand so far, you return to dummy once more with the #K. These
cards are still to be played:

a 8

© 10
* 4
a — a QJ9
9— 9—
© Q)9 Ea o—
te —— te —
a K10


* 10

You lead dummy’s ©10 and East cannot prevent you from scoring your
410. If he ruffs with the &Q or the @J, you will discard the #10 and finesse
on his obligatory trump return.
The play may have looked smooth as it was being described. There was, in
fact, a pitfall to be avoided. If you took a third diamond ruff too early, East
would have had the chance to discard the second of his three clubs. If you had
not used both of the club entries by this stage, you would have had to wave
goodbye to one of your club winners. By ruffing the two hearts before the final
diamond, you prevented East from making a damaging discard.
Let’s see one more example of this style of play:

a A964

© AK10
* 8653
4 QJ1075 a K83
9— 9 K9873
© 3987 ew!
* Q1094 * J7

gy AQJ1065
© 064
* AK2

Scoring the Low Trumps in Your Hand 117

pass la pass 49
pass 69 all pass

“Even at our club they don’t bid as badly as that!” you must be thinking.
I believe you. But, of course, this is a book on card play and no complaints
about the bidding are allowed. West leads the 4Q and you win with dummy's
ace. A trump to the queen brings good news and bad news. The finesse wins,
but West throws a spade. How will you continue?
Your general plan is to finesse the YJ, score the 16 and the 95 by ruffing
spades and then to exit, making the last two tricks with your 9 A-10. Since this
requires three further entries to dummy, you must steel yourself to finesse
dummy’s ©10. Fortune favors the brave and the diamond finesse wins. You
continue with a trump to East’s 97 and your YJ. You cash your top two clubs
and re-enter dummy twice in diamonds to ruff two spades with low trumps.
These cards remain:



* 86
al ia
9— 9 K98
o— o—
* Q10 * —


9 Al0

* 2

There is no need to lead a plain card from dummy towards your trump
tenace. You simply exit with the #2. East has to ruff and lead a trump. The
slam is yours.

118 Off Road Declarer Play


a a 973
9 876
© AQ5
* 8762
2Q led
a AKQ62
9 AK4
S K/3
* AK

You arrive in 64, played by South, and West leads the YQ. You win in your
hand and play two top trumps, not overjoyed to see West discarding a dia-
mond on the second round. How will you continue?

@ a AK75
9 K852
© AK2
* K 10
oJ led
9 AQ6
© 4
* AQ87542

Bidding with your usual flair, you reach the fine contract of 74. You win the
YJ lead in your hand and play a low trump towards dummy, preparing to
claim the contract. Not so fast! West discards a diamond on the first round
of trumps. So, East began with #J-9-6-3. What is your plan to make the
grand slam, preventing East from scoring a trump trick?

Scoring the Low Trumps in Your Hand 119

a4 431085
9 QJ105 os7
© 9842 © J106
* 31043 * Q95

a AKQ62
9 AK4
* AK


pass 26 pass 2a
pass 3a pass 4a
pass 4o pass 49
pass 4a pass ba
all pass

West leads the YQ against your slam and you win in the South hand.
Everything will be easy if trumps break 3-2, but when you cash the ace and
king of trumps, West shows out on the second round. What now?
It may seem that you have two unavoidable losers — a trump and a heart.
Look at it another way, though. You have seven winners in the side suits. If you
can score all five trumps in your hand, that will add up to twelve.
You might as well play another top trump before continuing with your
other heart winner and the two top clubs. Next you play the king and the ace
of diamonds. The time has come to score one of your two low trumps. You
lead a club from dummy and ruff with the 42. You return to dummy with the
© Q, East following suit, and are now guaranteed to make the contract. The last
two cards in your hand are the 46 and the 94 (the two losers that you might
have thought were unavoidable). You lead another club from dummy and East
cannot defend the position. If he ruffs with his master trump, you will discard
your heart loser and then score the promoted a6. If East discards, of course,
you will ruff with the a6.

120 Off Road Declarer Play

a 0103 a 9842
9 J1093 9 74
© 398653 © Q107
+ — * 3963

a J6
9 AQ6
© 4
* AQ87542


pass ly pass 3a
pass 4NT pass 5a
pass ] &% allpass

North’s 4NT was Roman Keycard Blackwood and the 5 response showed
two aces and the queen of trumps. West leads the YJ, won with the YQ, and
West discards a diamond when you lead a trump towards dummy. How will
you attempt to overcome the 4-0 trump break?
You win with dummy’s #K and lead the #10, covered by the jack and the
ace. In order to pick up East’s remaining #9-6, you must now shorten your
trumps three times and then return to dummy to lead a plain card through
East’s trump holding at Trick 12. East will need to hold at least two spades (so
that dummy’s ace and king can provide you with two entries). He does not
need to hold three hearts, however.
You play a diamond to the ace and continue with the © K, throwing your
YA. You then ruff dummy’s last diamond, cross to the YK and ruff a heart,
East showing out. A spade to the ace is followed by a second heart ruff and you
then return to dummy at Trick 11 with the 4K. The hard work has been done.
Your last two cards are the #Q-8, poised over East’s #9-6. You lead a spade
from dummy and make the grand slam, overruffing the trump that East choos-
es to play.
Look back at the tricks that you made: seven trump tricks and two win-
ners in each of the side suits.

Scoring the Low Trumps in Your Hand 121



Car wheels on a gravel road
Lucinda Williams

One of the hardest things to do, for some reason, is to switch plans in the mid-
dle of a deal. This can become necessary when the fall of the cards tells you that
your original plan will fail. Sometimes it’s just that the play so far suggests that
a different line will have a greater chance of success. There is no particular pat-
tern to the deals in this chapter, except that at some point you should abandon
one plan and switch to another. See how you fare!

a AK5
9 063
* AK104
a 84 4932
9 107 9 AKI842
© AJ1074 © 83
* 3985 * 62

a QJ1076
9 95
© KQ6
* Q73


INT 29 3a
pass 4a allpass

West leads the 910 against your spade game. East overtakes with the YJ
and continues with the ace and king of hearts. How will you play the contract?
First, let's see what happened when the deal occurred at the table. Declarer
ruffed the third round of hearts high and drew trumps in three rounds, ending

122 Off-Road Declarer Play

in the dusnmny, ExpeEas ctinw hold the
g A because of his bid, declares then
played 2 diamwond the kisy,
the player in the Wen sea was a killed defender, He realized that South
mit bd done 2 0 points w force tw yamne with onlyafive-card trump suit,
That placed South with both the king and the queen of diamonds, Wes there-
fone thawed omobly with 2 low diasnond, allowing South's OK w win.
SiS aseuming teat the “A was onside, dedarer cashed three rounds of
Cites, just in case the &5 would fall. When it dide’t, he played a diamond
tonat theas
queen, Wer won with the ace and the gyamne was one down,
Do you ve why dedaser tonhd have avoided the wap drat West vet for
him? East had shown up with three wumps and six hearts, Ufhedid indeed hold
the 4, dong with the 13 thas had dready been played, he would have had
toon ton no mune than tno Jules So, dedarer spond have wwitched woa dik-
ferent take — haying the ace and queen of dubs and then finessing the #10.
(The recommended Sine ofplay would fail when East's minor-suit holdings
were 13 206 jx. Nn thas cose, he would surdy have switched w his single-
ton Gasnond a Vick 3, tater than playing for an unlitrump
On the next deal, you muss lok for 2 way w vet the trump situation
beline commmin yours
ting w 2partiou ofplay.

a 0106
& 46637
at)43 a4
GAGGS | #8 751084
| w Ei 4 $10943
& £0510 ; 154

a 43057
7 403

le wos ws oo
we. Int wre, da
we, te ohprs,

te Hipfrway 123
West leads the #K and you win with dummy’s #A. The best initial plan is
to score a heart ruff in dummy and then to draw trumps. When you play a
heart to the king, West wins with the ace and forces you in clubs. How would
you continue from this point?
Suppose you cash the 9 Q and ruffa heart in dummy. If your next move
is to run the trump queen, you will go down. West will win with the king and
force you again in clubs. You will have one trump fewer than he does and will
lose a trump and a club trick for down one. There is no hurry to take a heart
ruff. At Trick 4, you do better to lead a low trump from your hand instead of
continuing hearts.
Let’s assume that West jumps in with the 4K and forces you again in clubs.
You now have two trumps in each hand, while (unknown to you) West has
three trumps. To discover the trump break, you lead the jack of trumps to
dummy’s queen. (If trumps were 3-2, you would take your intended heart ruff
and return to a diamond honor to draw the last trump.) When the 4-1 trump
break comes to light, you switch tracks. Now you ruff a fourth round of clubs
yourself, with the ace, and cross to a diamond honor to draw West’s penulti-
mate trump. You continue with dummy’s good club, throwing your potential
diamond loser, after which you simply play red-suit winners, letting West score
his trump whenever he pleases.
Next, we will look at some deals where you can acquire a count of all four
hands. This will lead you to the conclusion that you should leave the road and
strike out cross-country. Try this one:

a KQ2
9 37643
© 74
* KJ5
a 3 4J105
G2 N 9 Q10985
© KQJ10985 |W E ome
% 9862 S * 01073
a A98764
y AK
© A6b2
* A4

124 Off-Road Declarer Play

46 4a pass 6a
all pass

You save time by leaping directly to 6@ and West leads the ©K, East fol-
lowing. What’s your plan?
There are eleven top tricks, assuming that the trumps are not 4-0, and one
possible line of play is to set up a long heart. You could cash the trump ace, fol-
lowed by two top hearts. If both defenders followed, you would cross to the
trump king, ruff a heart, cross to the queen of trumps and ruff another heart.
The #K would then serve as an entry to the long heart.
An alternative line is to draw two rounds of trumps straight away. If
trumps break 2-2, a diamond ruff in dummy will give you a twelfth trick. If
trumps break 3-1, you will still have the entries to set up and enjoy the hearts
if that suit breaks 3-3. There will also be the club finesse as a final chance.
Suppose you embark on this second line. You win the diamond lead and
play the king and ace of trumps, West discarding on the second round. When
you cash the ace-king of hearts, West again shows out on the second round.
Your plans to establish the suit have to be abandoned. Has the time come to
take the club finesse? A better idea is to claim the contract! You know that East's
shape is 3-5-1-4. So, you can endplay him with a heart. You cash the #A and
cross to dummy with a third round of trumps. These cards remain:


cml Wa:
* KJ
a— a —
9— 9 0109
© QJ10 o—
* 986 * Q107

Leaving the Highway 125

You put East on lead with a low heart, discarding a diamond from the
South hand. Whether East returns a heart or a club, you will have twelve tricks.
On the next deal, an initial glance at the North-South hands reveals only
one line of play, a finesse against the ©J. Dig a little deeper and you will find
that this finesse is against the odds. Perhaps you will hear the sound of gravel
under your tires as another road appears.

a AKJ5
9 A106
© Q104
* J109
a 163 a 8
ae 9 039874
© 863 © AJ952
* 875432 * 6

a Q10942
9 K52
© K7


INT 29 3a
pass 49 pass 4NT
pass 5 pass ba
all pass

West leads the 93 against your spade slam and you win in your hand with
the YK. You then draw trumps, noting that East began with one card in the
suit. At this point, only one line of play suggests itself— a finesse of the © 10
to set up a discard for your heart loser. (As a small point of technique,
you should lead the first round of diamonds from dummy, so that you do not

126 Off-Road Declarer Play

suffer the indignity of losing two diamond tricks to the © A-J doubleton with
East!) However, it costs you nothing to investigate the club position before
playing diamonds. When you do so, East discards a heart on the second round.
It is time to re-assess the position. East’s shape is 1-6-5-1. You can assume
from his overcall that he holds the © A. That leaves four more Vacant Spaces in
diamonds to accommodate the ©J. West has only three Vacant Spaces for dia-
monds, so East is the favorite to hold that card. How can you make the con-
tract if East does indeed hold the oJ?
You cash your remaining club honor and then play your last two trumps.
This will be the position as you lead your final trump:


9 Al0
© Q104
- —

a — a—
9— oO
© 863 © AJ9
* 87 -—

a 10
9 52
© K7
~ —

You lead the 410 and throw the 910 from dummy. East has no good dis-
card. If he throws a heart, you will cross to the YA and lead towards the >K,
setting up an entry to the established 5. If instead he throws the 9, you will
lead the ©K to his © A and subsequently drop the ©J. After this display of wiz-
ardry, it would be unfair indeed to find yourself going down because the oJ
was onside all along!
On the next deal, West has advertised length in one suit and is likely to be
short in another suit. When this proves not to be the case, you can switch tracks.

Leaving the Highway 127

a 31052
9 AK86
% 93
a3 a 9764
9 QJ10975 92
ogy © 3108432
* QJ62 * 85

a AKQ8
9 43
© 65
# AK1074


29 dbl pass 4a
pass 4NT pass 5a
pass 5© pass be
pass iS all pass

North’s 5© bid is part of Roman Keycard Blackwood and asks about the
queen of trumps. South’s 6# response says: “Yes, I have the trump queen and
also the #K.’ How will you play the grand slam when West leads the 9 Q?
You must establish the clubs. Since West has six hearts to his partner’s one,
you half-expect him to hold a doubleton club. If that’s the case, it will be easy
to ruff two clubs in dummy. You will win the heart lead and cash the #A-K,
both defenders following. When you lead a third round, West produces the
*Q. What now?
If clubs are breaking 3-3, you can afford to ruff high, so you decide to ruff
with the @J. East surprises you by showing out, discarding a diamond. You
return to your hand with the @A and lead a fourth round of clubs. You have
to ruff this with the #10 to avoid an overruff. The lead is in dummy and these
cards remain:

128 Off-Road Declarer Play

a — a 976
9 J10975 ig oe
© Q7 © 31084
e— 5

With West long in clubs as well as hearts, you must decide whether to
finesse the 48 or not. How would you go about making your choice?
You must count the possible layouts where a finesse will gain and those
where it will lose. It will gain when West has any remaining doubleton in dia-
monds. That is 15 possible cases. A finesse of the 48 will fail when West has
the singleton #9 remaining and any singleton diamond (6 cases) or any
remaining doubleton #9 (2 cases). So, the odds are almost 2-to-1 in favor of
finessing the a8.
Moving swiftly on, what do you make of this deal?

a 15
+ 163
a AQ964 a J1082
9— 9 10983
© 10985 © 7162
* Q1082 * 54

a K3
© 43
*® AKI9

Leaving the Highway 129

la 2a 34 4NT
pass 56 pass 69
all pass

West leads the 10 against your small slam and you win in the dummy,
East playing the © 2. The contract is an excellent one. Unless trumps break 4-0,
you will be able to discard both your spades on the surplus diamond winners
and ruff your potential fourth-round club loser in the dummy. When you play
a trump to the ace, however, West discards a spade. What now?
Prospects are still fairly good. You could draw trumps, cash the ace-king of
clubs and then run three more diamond winners, throwing both your spades.
Finally, you could lead a third round of clubs towards your #J-9, losing only
when West began with #Q-10-x-x. However, the East-West bidding should
give you some concern about this line. East’s somewhat unwise raise in spades
tells you that spades are breaking 5-4. West has shown a void in hearts and
there is a fair chance that his shape will be 5-0-4-4. This lie of the cards is made
even more likely by East’s count signal of the ©2 at Trick 1. You don’t like to
rely on the defenders’ signals, I dare say, but it is foolish to ignore them com-
You draw the remaining trumps and West discards two more spades and a
diamond. If West does indeed hold four clubs, there is no benefit in cashing
the #A-K. The contract will be an easy make, anyway, if East’s doubleton con-
tains the queen or the ten. You will continue with two more diamond winners,
discarding the #3. Both defenders follow all the way in diamonds, confirming
your provisional count of the West hand as 5-0-4-4. You are about to play the
last diamond winner, throwing the 4K, when it occurs to you that the end
position is something like this:

130 Off-Road Declarer Play

oO —

* 163
a AQ a J1082
a os

= oC —

* Q1082 * 54

a K
9 6

& AKI9

West has two spade winners and four clubs. It is time to switch tracks. You
cash dummy’s last diamond winner and discard the #9. If West discards the aQ,
you will endplay him with a spade to lead into your club tenace, so he has to
throw a club. You cross to your hand with the #A and cash the last trump. West
has no good discard. To retain his club guard, he has to discard the 4Q. You then
throw him in with the @A, forcing him to lead back into your club tenace.
On the next deal, the seemingly obvious line of play is made less likely to
succeed by an effective start to the defense.

a QJ6
© QJ109
*% AJ974
a A3 a/154
9 AJ1098 9 K632
132 © 85
* K63 * Q1082

a K10982
© AK64
* 5

Leaving the Highway 131

29 3 39 pass
pass 4a all pass

You can expect to make four trump tricks, four diamonds and the #A.
A single heart ruff in the dummy will then bring the total to ten tricks. When
the deal originally occurred, however, West found the defense of ace and anoth-
er trump. How would you play the contract then?
The original declarer won the second round of trumps in dummy and led
the 97, hoping that he might still be able to score a heart ruff. Not against the
present defenders! East rose smartly with the 9K and played a third round of
trumps. No heart ruff was available, nor was there any catch-up route to ten
tricks. The game went down one.
It was hardly likely that the defenders would permit a heart ruff after their
bright start. Declarer should have switched tracks, aiming to set up dummy’s
club suit instead. After winning the second round of trumps, he should play a
club to the ace and ruff a club. A diamond to the queen permits a second club
ruff. Declarer then crosses to the jack of diamonds and ruffs yet another club,
setting up a long card in the suit. These cards remain:

a Q
© 109
* J
a — al
9 A1098 7 K632
ona | oo
* — * —


9 Q54
© AK
tk —

132 Off-Road Declarer Play

Declarer, who has already scored seven tricks, continues with the ace and
king of diamonds. If East refuses to ruff, the total will be up to nine and
dummy’s &Q will be the tenth trick. If instead East ruffs one of the diamonds,
a heart ruff will be the entry to reach the established #J.
The next deal, which closes the chapter, is somewhat different from the
rest. The declarer saw only one road at his disposal, headed in that direction,
but failed to reach the finish line. Had he played the hand to better effect,
another track would have appeared. See what you make of it.

9 AS
© 10643
* K10853
43952 4 Q104
7 10982 9 QJ76
© K > 0985
* 3962 «74

a AK83
9 K43
© AJ72
* AQ


pass 3NT all pass

West leads the 9 10 against 3NT. How will you play the contract?
The original declarer won with the 9K and studied the club suit. Suppose
he cashed the ace and queen of clubs and crossed to the YA to play the #K.
He would make the contract with an overtrick when clubs broke 3-3 or when
the #J fell on the first two rounds. However, better odds could be achieved by
overtaking the #Q on the second round. He would still make the four club
tricks needed for the contract when clubs were 3-3 or the #J fell. He would
also succeed when the #9 fell in two rounds and dummy’s # 10-8 were suffi-
cient to drive out the #]J.

Leaving the Highway 133

Pleased with his analysis, declarer cashed the #A and overtook the #Q
with the #K. No card of interest fell on the first two rounds. When he played
a third round of clubs, the suit failed to break 3-3 and the contract went down.
Declarer took the best line in clubs, yes, but he failed to spot an extra
chance. It costs nothing to cash the © A before playing the club suit. If an honor
happens to fall on the first round, you can switch tracks. Knowing that three
club tricks will suffice, you cash the ace and queen of the suit. You can then
lead a second round of diamonds to establish an extra trick from that suit. You
make the game by scoring two spades, two hearts, two diamonds and three

134 Off-Road Declarer Play


a Q93
9 Q3102
© 8632
* 42
#] led
@ AKJ10854

© AKJ5
* AK


pass 2a
pass ba

How will you play 64 when West leads the #J? (Trumps will break 2-1.)

9 9876
© Q374
* 752
a6 led
a AK8
2 AKQ1043
© A
* AQ4


pass 29
pass 69

You win the spade lead and draw trumps, finding that West was void in the
suit. How will you try to avoid two club losers? (If you take a spade ruff, you
will find that West began with two spades.)

Leaving the Highway 135

a 62
9 AK863
a |
* 08653

@ AKJ10854
Y —

© AKJ5
* AK


pass 26 pass 2a
pass 4a pass ba
all pass

West leads the #J. How will you play the small slam in spades?
If trumps break 2-1, an elimination play beckons. You win the club lead
and cash the #A, both defenders following. After cashing your second club
winner, you cross to dummy with the 4Q. Your idea now is to run the YQ to
West, discarding a diamond from your hand. If West wins the first round of
hearts, he will have only losing options available to him. A heart return will
guarantee a trick for dummy’s YJ-10, on which you can throw your remaining
potential diamond loser. West’s only other alternatives will be to lead into the
diamond tenace or give you a ruff-and-sluff.
When the cards lie as in the diagram, East will cover the YQ with one of
his honors. What then?
It is time to switch tracks. You should ruff East’s heart honor and contin-
ue with the >A, followed by the ©5. If diamonds break 3-2, your worries are
over. If East turns up with four diamonds, you can use dummy’s last trump
entry to finesse the ©J. When the cards lie as in the diagram, West will have to
win the second round of diamonds and he will be endplayed. As in the scenario
we visualized before, a red-suit return will give you an extra trick and a club
return will give you a ruff-and-sluff.

136 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 32
09 9876
© Q)74
a 65 a QJ10974
9— oF PD
© K109652 © 83
* KJ1093 & 86

a AK8
9 AKQ1043
* AQ4


pass 26 pass 29
pass 49 pass 69
all pass

West leads the 46 against your small slam. You win with the ace and draw
trumps in three rounds, finding that West was void in the suit. You can ruff
your losing spade. How will you try to avoid two club losers?
Suppose you ruff the third round of spades with the intention of finessing
the #Q. West will show out on the third spade. What implications does that
have? It means that West started with eleven cards in the minors to East’s four.
West is therefore an ‘11-to-4 on’ favorite to hold the #K. The club finesse,
which started out as a 50% chance, is now only a 27% chance. Justice is done
when your club finesse loses. Down one!
How can you do better? You should cash the diamond ace before crossing
to dummy with a spade ruff. When West happens to show out on the third
spade, you switch tracks. You lead the © Q from dummy, intending to throw a
club loser. East cannot beat dummy’s queen (as you rather expected, when he
holds only four minor-suit cards to his partner's eleven). West wins with the
©K and is endplayed. Whether he plays a diamond to dummy’s jack or a club
into your ace-queen, the slam is yours.

Leaving the Highway 137

E rt Oo)


Use it or lose it
Motley Criie

There are many situations where a defender can thwart one line of play by
holding up a high card. Sometimes you can wipe the smile off his face by mak-
ing good use of the extra entry that the hold-up has given you.


The auction 2NT-3NT often means that a fairly weak dummy will hit the
table, with few entries on view. That was the case on this deal:

a 1096
y 874
© KJ986
* 43
aKJ72 a4 Q85
o35 9 K1063
© A7T3 © 54
* 10762 * 3985

a A43
9 AQJ2
© 0102


pass 3NT all pass

How will you play 3NT when West leads the #2 to East’s &Q?

138 Off-Road Declarer Play

Since you are well protected in the other three suits, you might as well hold
up the 4A for two rounds. You win the third round of spades and, as the open-
ing lead of the 42 had indicated, the suit breaks 4-3. What now?
Unless the defenders are novices, you can bring in four diamond tricks
only when the (A is singleton or doubleton and cannot be held up twice. Your
first move should be to lead the ©Q and overtake with dummy’s ©K. No ace
appears on this trick. What is the prospect of the diamond ace being double-
ton? It will happen on two-fifths of the 3-2 breaks, which is only a 27% chance.
It is much more likely that the YK will be onside and you should therefore
finesse the YQ next. When the cards lie as in the diagram, everything falls into
place and the heart finesse will win.
Your next move is to lead the 410 and overtake with dummy’s oJ. Once
again, the defenders will have to hold up the A if they can. You can take
advantage of this second entry to dummy to repeat the heart finesse. Even
though hearts fail to divide 3-3, you now have the nine tricks you need: one
spade, three hearts, two diamonds and three clubs.


Sometimes a hold-up by the defender sitting over the dummy will allow you to
finesse against his honor the next round of the suit. Look at the clubs here:

a 64
Ol 52
© 186
* 010943
a 10832 ad
9 QJ6 9 AK10983
© 01073 © K54
« J] * K82


ly dbl
29 pass 39 4a
all pass

Use the Entry when a Defender Has to Duck 139

West leads the YQ against your spade game and continues with another
heart. How will you play the contract?
You ruff and draw trumps in four rounds. If your next move is to play ace
and another club, you will go down. East will hold up the king on the second
round and you will have four unavoidable losers. Instead, you should play a low
club to the ten on the first round. If East wins with the king, you will make
four club tricks and score an overtrick. Let’s suppose that East holds up the
king. You can then take advantage of the entry to dummy by continuing with
the queen of clubs. East does best to duck the #Q as well. You run the queen
successfully, pinning West’s jack, and score a third club trick with your ace. Ten
tricks are yours: six trumps, three clubs and the diamond ace. You would make
the same play in the simpler situation where dummy holds #Q-J-10-4-3.
(If East began with #K-x on the original deal, the winning continuation
would be low to the #A on the second round. However, East is more likely to
hold up with # K-x-x than with #K-x.)


When dummy has a long side suit opposite a doubleton honor in your hand,
the defenders may have to duck when you play the first round. This can give
you an extra entry to your hand, allowing you to take an extra ruff.

© 9472

a 104 a 8632
9 KQJ82 9 10965
© 01053 © KJ8
* A7 * 86

9 143
© A7T6
* K9


3a pass 4a

140 Off-Road Declarer Play

On a diamond lead, the play would be simple. You would win immediate-
ly, draw trumps and set up the clubs. The gods have given West an easy heart
lead, however, and dummy’s A is removed at Trick 1. What now?
Unless the #A is singleton, the defenders will be able to kill dummy’s club
suit by holding up on the first round. Two heart ruffs would bring your total
to ten, but you have only one quick side-suit entry to your hand (the © A).
Suppose you play a club to the king at Trick 2. What can West do? If he
takes the ace immediately and returns a trump, you will score two overtricks.
If instead West holds up the #A, you will have created a second quick entry to
your hand. You can ruff one heart, return to the ©A and ruff another heart.
Provided the defenders cannot conjure a trump promotion with the fourth
round of diamonds, you will eventually reach your hand to draw trumps and
claim the contract. West’s only other option is to win the first round of clubs
and return a club. You will win with the #9 and again take two heart rufts.


To prepare for an elimination, you need to remove at least one side suit from the
battlefield. This may involve ruffing one or more rounds of a suit where dummy
has length opposite a shortage in your hand. Look at the diamond suit here:

a 653
9 054
© 942
& KJ109
a 102 a4
9 3962 9 K1087
© 031076 © K853
* 84 & A732

a AKQJ987
9 A3
* 065


pass 26 pass 2a
pass 3a pass 4%
pass 6a allpass

Use the Entry when a Defender Has to Duck 141

West leads the © Q against your small slam. (You are right if you are think-
ing that North overbid!) You win with the singleton ace and draw trumps in
two rounds. What now?
It is a cruel blow that dummy’s highest spot card in the trump suit will not
provide an entry to the long club. Still, the defenders will have to duck the first
two rounds of clubs and that will give you two entries to dummy. Can you
make use of them?
After drawing trumps, you should play a club to the jack. East ducks, to
prevent you from scoring three club tricks, and you take advantage of being in
the dummy by ruffing a diamond. You continue with a club to the ten and East
has to duck again. You ruff dummy’s last diamond, eliminating that suit, and
survey this end position:

a 6
9 054

e KI
a — a—
9 5962 9 K107
© J10 © K
OF ea * A7

a QJ9
9 A3

* Q

When you lead the #Q, East has to win and then has no good return. The
curtain falls on the deal as East explains to his partner exactly why an opening
lead from 9 J-9-6-2 was the obvious move on his hand!


Even when the conditions are not present for a classic ruff-and-sluff elimina-
tion, you may still be able to achieve a successful throw-in. On the next deal,
the play is made easier by evidence acquired in the auction.

142 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 64
9 KQ8
© 875
* KQJ76
47152 a 98
has Wel 9 AJ106
© J10942 © A63
* 94 * A1053

@ AKQJ103
9 7154
© KQ
* 82


la la
pass 2& pass 4a
all pass

With only two spades in his hand, North might well have responded 1NT
instead of 24. Still, a red-suit lead would have dispatched the alternative con-
tract of 3NT. Defending 44, West leads the ©J to East’s © A. Seeing the threat
that dummy’s club suit offers, East switches smartly to the YJ. His aim is to kill
the heart entry to dummy. How will you continue the play?
You win with dummy’s YQ and draw trumps in three rounds. Suppose
you play a club next. East will note the #9 from his partner and hold up for
one round. When he subsequently captures the second round of clubs, he will
have a safe exit in diamonds and you will go down.
Before playing on clubs, you should cash the ©K. You play a club to the
king and East has to duck. The difference now is that you can take advantage
of the entry to dummy. You can ruff a third round of diamonds, which will
remove East’s last card in the suit. When East wins the second round of clubs,
he will have no diamond to play. He will have to return a heart or a club and
the contract is yours.

Use the Entry when a Defender Has to Duck 143

We glossed over one important point in the description of the play. Can
you think what it was? When you draw the third round of trumps, you must
throw a club from dummy. If you carelessly discard dummy’s last diamond, you
will not be able to take the all-important diamond ruff to remove East's exit


On the next deal, you must use the enforced entry for an unusual purpose: to
cash a winner that will carry you past the finishing post.

a Q10
9 AK32
© G18 73
* A
OS ed a A63
9 Q76 9 10985
© 62 © AK
* J10963 * 8542

9 54
© 854
* KQ7


lo pass la
pass 29 pass 3NT
all pass

West leads the #J against 3NT. How will you play the contract?
Should you play spades or diamonds? Let’s see what happens if you call for
the @Q at Trick 2. East will hold up the #A and if you persevere with spades
East will win and switch to hearts (he can tell from the #J lead that South holds
the #K-Q). You can set up the diamonds, but you will never reach your hand
to score more than one club trick. You will make four diamond tricks, two
heart tricks and one trick in each black suit. Down one.

144 Off-Road Declarer Play

It is better to lead the ©Q at Trick 2. East wins and switches to the 9 10,
covered by the jack, queen and ace. What now? If you carelessly persist with
diamonds, East will win and knock out dummy’s last heart stopper. He will
then be poised to cash out to beat 3NT when he takes his #A. So, the time has
come to lead the 4Q. East cannot afford to win the trick or you will score four
spade tricks and also reach the two club winners.
When East ducks, you overtake with the @K, guaranteeing yourself an
entry to your hand. You make use of this entry to cash just one more club trick,
retaining a guard in the suit. Only then do you clear the diamond suit. You will
make four diamonds, two hearts, one spade and two clubs.


Finally, we will see a deal where you use the entry to lead towards an honor that
would otherwise be ruffed.

a 865
9 94
© KJ108
® 9754
a 10942 aJ3
9 103 9 QJ7
© 974 © A653
* KQJ6 + A1082

a AKQ7
9 AK8652
© 02
* 3


l& dbl
3m pass pass 49
all pass

West leads the #K against your heart game and continues with a second
round of clubs, which you ruff. How will you play the contract?

Use the Entry when a Defender Has to Duck 145

Suppose you play the ace and king of trumps next. The suit divides 3-2,
but you will still need a 3-3 spade break to make the game. East will, of course,
hold up the ©A for one round to restrict you to one diamond trick.
Instead, you should give yourself an extra chance by playing on spades
while there is still a trump in dummy. Draw one round of trumps if you wish
and then play the ace and king of spades. The idea now is to lead a third round
of spades towards your hand. You play the ©Q and overtake with dummy’s
©K. If East wins, you will be able to score two diamond tricks, discarding a
spade. Let's suppose that East eyes his partner's count signal of the ©4 and
decides to hold up the ©A for one round. You can then take advantage of the
entry gained by leading a third round of spades towards your hand.
If East ruffs a losing spade, it will consume his natural trump trick and you
will make the contract easily. East will do no better by refusing to ruff, howev-
er. You will win with the 4Q and ruff your last spade in dummy. Whether East
overruffs or not, the defenders will score just one trump trick and the two
minor-suit aces.

146 Off’ Road Declarer Play


oP a 653
© KI976
* 862
22 led
a AK7
9 AK8
© Q103
* AJ105


pass 3NT all pass

West leads the 02 against 3NT, East playing the J. How will you plan the

2) a 82
9 8643
© 643
* KQJ9
a AKQ653
© AK2
* 1032


pass INT pass 4a
all pass

West leads the YK against your spade game and continues with the 9Q.
You ruff and play the ace-king of trumps, West discarding a heart on the sec-
ond round. How will you continue?

Use the Entry when a Defender Has to Duck 147

& 453
© 94
« KQ10873
4Q led
a AK
9 AQJ3
© AK73


pass 3NT all pass

You win the spade lead and play a club to the king, West playing the #5 and
East the #4. How will you continue?

4) a Q95
2 653
O G32
& KJ108
©10 led
a A7
9 AKQ104
* Q92


pass 26 pass 29
pass 39 pass 3a
pass Nae pass 4>
pass 40 pass 69
all pass

You win the © 10 lead and cash the ace and king of trumps, West throwing
a spade on the second round. How will you continue?

148 Off-Road Declarer Play

= a 653
9 54
© KI976
* 862
aJ942 4 Q108
9 Q1062 O97 3
© 52 © A84
® 094 * K73

a AK7
9 AK8
© Q103
* AJ105


pass 3NT all pass

West leads the 92 against 3NT. How will you plan the play?
Noting that the lead of the 92 suggests that hearts are breaking 4-4, you
win the first trick with the YA. You then lead the ©Q to dummy’s © K. East
has to hold off, or you will score four diamond tricks. It is now safe to play a
club to the jack. West wins with the club queen and persists with another heart.
You win with the king of hearts and lead the 10 to the J. Once again, East
has to hold up the A.
The diamond suit is dead, but at least it provided you with two entries to
dummy. You finesse the #10, winning the trick. When the club suit breaks
3-3, you have three club tricks to go with two from each of the other suits.
Game made!

Use the Entry when a Defender Has to Duck 149

a4 431097
9 KQJ105 9 AIT
© Q1097 © 385
*» 764 * A85

a AKQ653
© AK2
* 1032


pass INT pass 4a

West leads the YK against your spade game and continues with the YQ.
You ruff and play the ace and king of trumps, West discarding a heart on the
second round. How will you continue?
You must aim to score all three of the low trumps in your hand. You lead
a club to the king, which East has to duck (otherwise, you will score three club
tricks, disposing of your diamond loser). Taking advantage of the entry to
dummy, you ruff another heart in your hand. When you play a club to the
queen, East has to duck again. You lead yet another heart, East discarding, and
ruff in your hand. You can then cash the ace and king of diamonds, bringing
your total to ten tricks. You made six trump tricks and four winners in the
minor suits.
No doubt you noticed that West's heart continuation at Trick 2 was very
helpful to you. Had he switched to any of the other three suits, you would not
have been able to score all three of the low trumps in your hand.

150 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 53
© 94
* KQ10873
a QJ10762 a 984
9 106 9 K982
© 0852 © J106
* 5 * A64

a AK
9 AQJ3
© AK73
* 392


pass 3NT all pass

You win the spade lead and play a club to the king, West playing the #5
and East the #4. How will you continue?
You have to choose between two lines of play. If clubs are 2-2, you can sim-
ply continue clubs. The #A will appear on the second round and you will score
five club tricks, ending with an overtrick. The alternative is to finesse the VQ
at this stage. If it wins, you can lead another club and repeat the heart finesse
if the second club is also ducked. So, how do you compare the prospects for
these two lines.
The heart finesse is a 50% prospect. What about a 2-2 club break? Initially,
it was a 40% chance, but we can now rule out a 4-0 break (10%) and one quar-
ter of the 3-1 breaks (where the #A is singleton, 12.5%). So, on the face of it
a 2-2 club break is now a 52% chance. Does that make a second round of clubs
the better line of play?
The calculation in the previous paragraph contains a serious flaw. Did you
spot it? With dummy containing no side entry, the defender without the #A
would surely give his partner a true count signal. The spot cards that appeared
were the #4 and the #5. Neither defender has made a high-low signal from
two low clubs, so it is virtually certain that clubs are 3-1! You should therefore
take a heart finesse at Trick 3.
Although hardly any defenders would realize it, East does better to false-
card the #6 on the first round of the suit. This robs you of the inference that
clubs could not be 2-2.

Use the Entry when a Defender Has to Duck 151

4 a Q95
9 653
© 632
& KJ108
a 106432 a KJ8
9 8 oir?
© 10984 © J75
764 * A53

a Al
9 AKQ104
* 092


pass 26 pass 29
pass 39 pass 3a
pass ba pass 46
pass 49 pass 60
all pass

You win the © 10 lead and cash the ace and king of trumps, West throw-
ing a spade on the second round. How will you continue?
Your first task is to pick up the trump suit, so you lead a club to the ten.
East has to hold up the #A or else you will use your next club entry to dummy
to finesse in trumps and later discard your spade loser on the fourth round of
clubs. Taking advantage of the entry to dummy, you finesse the 910 and draw
East’s last trump.
You continue with the #Q, which East again has to duck. Three rounds of
diamonds extract East’s cards in the suit. You cash the last trump, East throw-
ing a spade, and then throw him in lead with a third round of clubs. He is
forced to exit with a spade and you run this successfully to the queen.
(Suppose East had started with 2-4-4-3 shape. By cashing the last trump
before exiting in clubs, you would squeeze him out of his safe diamond exit

152 Off-Road Declarer Play



The Who

The benefits of drawing trumps are well known. Sometimes, though, fate con-
spires against you and — for one reason or another — you cannot draw
trumps. In this chapter, we will see how a powerful side suit can rescue you
from this predicament. You use this side suit as ‘substitute trumps’.
First, we will look at the situation where there is one trump still out, but
you cannot draw it because you have no entry to the hand containing your
master trump. You survive by playing substitute trumps (a long side suit) until
the defender ruffs.

a AKJ6
9 AKQ962
* AK
a] a 10983
9 J4 9 1073
© KQ4 © AJ106
* 0375432 + 106

a Q542
9 85
© 98752
» 98

Using a Side Suit as Substitute Trumps 153

3% dbl pass 34
pass ANT pass 5
pass 5% pass 5NT
pass ba all pass

North’s 4NT was Roman Keycard Blackwood and the response showed no
keycards. The 5 continuation asked if South held the queen of trumps, the
SNT response saying: “Yes, but no side-suit king’. West leads the king of dia-
monds, followed by another diamond. You ruff the second diamond with the
6 and continue with the ace and king of trumps, discovering the 4-1 trump
break. What now?
The trump suit is blocked. If your next move is to cash the J, you will
have no entry to the South hand to draw East’s last trump. Leaving the &J in
dummy as a potential entry, you turn to the heart suit, your substitute trumps.
If East ruffs at any stage, you will overruff with the 4Q and return to dummy’s
4J, drawing East’s last trump, to enjoy the remaining hearts. If East declines to
ruff, you will discard the two clubs in your hand, eventually continuing with
the #A-K. East cannot score his 410 or #9, because you will overruff the
moment he plays either of those cards.


A defender with four trumps headed by the ace will often embark on a forcing
defense, because he knows he will have a second chance to force you (when he
takes the trump ace). On the following deal, you can survive the force with the
help of substitute trumps:

154 Off-Road Declarer Play

a5 a A762
9 KQ1053 9 AJ62
61053 © 76
* 10762 #393

a 31094
© 094
* AK85


lo pass la
pass 3a pass 4a
all pass

West plays king and another heart, won by East. How will you play when
East continues with a third round of hearts, giving you a ruff-and-sluff??
East had an easy switch to a club. Why do you think he gave you a ruff-
and-sluff instead? The most likely reason is that he holds four trumps to the
ace. His plan is to force you to ruff in one hand or the other. He will then take
his 4A on the third round of the suit and force the last trump from the other
hand. How can you withstand such a defense?
The answer is that you can use dummy’s diamond suit as substitute
trumps. However, you must take some care at Trick 3. Since East may hold
only two diamonds, you should discard a diamond from the South hand and
ruff in the dummy. You continue with the king and queen of trumps, not at
all surprised when both cards are allowed to win and West shows out on the
second round. These cards remain:

Using a Side Suit as Substitute Trumps 155

© AKI82
* 04
a— a Al
9 Q 9 J
© 1053 © 76
* 10762 * 393

a 310

© Q9
* AK85

As discussed above, if you play another trump now, Easy will win and force
your last trump with a heart. Instead, you should plan to run the diamond suit.
There is one pitfall to avoid, though. If you simply play five rounds of dia-
monds, East will pitch his three clubs and subsequently ruff a club. So, you
must cash a club winner (from either hand) before playing diamonds. East can-
not counter this play. If he ruffs with the 47 at any stage, you will overruff and
continue to play minor-suit winners.
On the next deal, the situation is more complicated. You must cope with
a defensive holding of four trumps to the king-queen. With careful timing and
some assistance from your substitute trumps, you can withstand the force.

a 10953
9 98
© KQJ)4
* QJ3
a KQ86 a 4
9 AKI65 S..0:107:3.2
© 109 & 163
* 75 * 10984

156 Off-Road Declarer Play

ly dbl 39 4a
all pass

West launches the defense with the king and ace of hearts. You ruff the sec-
ond heart, cross to the #Q and play a trump to the jack. West wins with the
queen and has a choice of defenses. Suppose first that he exits passively with a
diamond. You win with the ace and must take care with your next play. If you
cash the ace of trumps, you will go down. When West wins the next round of
trumps, he will be able to force dummy’s last trump with another heart.
Instead, you must lead the trump seven, retaining the ace in your hand. West
has no counter to this. If he wins and plays a fourth round of hearts, you can
ruff with the singleton ace and cross to dummy to draw West’s remaining
trumps with the 10-9. If instead West ducks, you will win in the dummy, draw
a third round of trumps with the ace and run your minor-suit winners.
West’s alternative line of defense is to lead a third heart when he wins with
the trump queen at Trick 3. You discard a club from dummy, ruff in your hand
and cash the ace of trumps, revealing the 4-1 trump break. West now has the
K-8 of trumps, dummy has the 10-9 and your own trumps are exhausted.
There is no point trying to draw West’s trumps, because when he wins with the
king, he will be able to force dummy’s last trump with a heart. Instead, you
must cross to the #J and continue with the king and ace of diamonds. (You
need West to be 2-2 in the minors.) You now play the ace and king of clubs,
your substitute trumps. West’s trumps are neutralized. If he ruffs either club
with a low trump, dummy will overruff.


On the next deal, a bad trump break prevents you from ‘drawing trumps, end-
ing in the dummy’. The ‘substitute trumps’ cavalry will gallop to the rescue.

Using a Side Suit as Substitute Trumps 157

9 AK3
© 106
* AKI732
43109532 a A74
9— 2 10984
© 07432 © KIJ9
+ 108 * QI4

a 86
9 Q0J7652
© A8B5
* 65

An auction of dazzling splendor carries you to 69. When West leads the
4J, East wins with the 4A and returns a spade. What is your plan?
You need to set up dummy’s clubs, subsequently reaching the established
winners with a trump entry. If clubs break 3-2 and the trumps no worse than
3-1, you can ruff the third round of clubs high and return to dummy with a
third round of trumps.
At Trick 3, you play a trump to the queen. Bad news arrives when West
shows out, discarding a spade. What now? You play dummy’s two top clubs,
everyone following, and lead a third round. East produces the outstanding club
and you ruff with a low trump. A trump to the ace leaves this position:

a 109 a 4
9— 9 109
© 0743 © KJ9
- — <=

a —

9 J76
© A85
ee —

158 Off-Road Declarer Play

Dummy’s club winners are your substitute trumps and East is powerless when
you lead them. If he ruffs at any stage, you will overruff with the YJ and return
to dummy’s YK, drawing East’s last trump in the process. The slam is yours.


Sometimes the situation is even worse and a defender holds more trumps than
you do in either hand. Suppose you cannot afford to lose another trick and a
defender holds two trumps, while you have one high trump in each hand. A
desperate situation, yes, but you can sometimes survive. You play ‘substitute
trumps until the defender ruffs. You then overruff and cross to the other hand
to draw the last trump. That’s what happens here:

9 AKI6
© AKQ104
* 3
a QJ532 a 1074
9— 9 98752
© 7532 © 96
* QJ104 * K76

a K8
2 01043
© 58
* A9852

You reach a grand slam in hearts (nothing wrong with your bidding!) and
West leads the #Q, which you win with the ace. How will you play the con-
There are twelve top tricks and you can easily bump this to thirteen by tak-
ing a black-suit ruff in one hand or the other. The only risk to the contract is
a 5-0 trump break. Do you have an idea how you might counter such a piece
of bad luck?
On some deals you might attempt a crossruff. After one round of trumps,
discovering the 5-0 break, you would need to cash six side-suit winners and
then score the remaining six trumps separately by ruffing. This would be pos-
sible only against a very specific shape of the defenders’ hands.

Using a Side Suit as Substitute Trumps 159

Here you have a powerful side suit in diamonds and it is better to play the
hand by using ‘substitute trumps’. Once you have discovered the 5-0 trump
break, the general idea is that you will run the diamonds until the defender
ruffs. You will then overruff and draw the remaining trumps. This will be pos-
sible only when it is East who holds the five-card trump holding.
At Trick 2, you must play the queen of trumps from your hand. When East
turns up with five trumps, you play the king and ace of spades and ruffa spade.
You then turn to your substitute trumps — diamonds, on this occasion. You
will soon reach this end position:

© KQ10
a Q a —

Saad fas) o—
* J104 * K6

9 104

* 9852

East has a disappointed look on his face. You continue to play diamonds
and there is nothing he can do. Whenever he chooses to ruff, you will overruff
with the 9 10 and draw East’s remaining trumps with dummy’s 9 A-K-J. Now
you can see how important it was to draw the first round of trumps with an
honor in the South hand.
What would happen if West were to show up with five trumps? You would
then be forced to adopt the crossruff line instead.


We will end the chapter with two deals where you use substitute trumps to per-
form a trump coup.

160 Off-Road Declarer Play

a AQ86
9 AQI986

* KQ8
a 4 41973
9 43 OKI 2
© KQJ84 © A106
* 107542 * 163

a K1052
9 105
& 97532
* AY


ly pass la
pass 4 pass 4a
pass 5a pass 6a
all pass

West leads the ©K against your spade slam. You ruff in the dummy and
cash the ace and queen of trumps, West showing out on the second round.
How will you continue?
Dummy’s last trump is your sole protection from the opponents’ diamond
winners, so you must abandon the trump suit for the moment. The winning
line is to continue with the ace and queen of hearts, forcing out East’s king.
East will probably continue with another diamond, which you have to ruff
with dummy’s last trump. You cannot draw East’s trumps directly now, but you
can run some hearts (your substitute trumps).
If East ruffs at any stage, you will simply overruff and draw his last trump
before re-entering dummy in clubs. East does better to refuse to ruff, discard-
ing two clubs. You throw your remaining three diamond losers to reach this end

Using a Side Suit as Substitute Trumps 161

ee aJ9
Q— Q—

© Q © A
* 1075 + J

a K10


* AY

Suppose you lead dummy’s 6 at this stage. East will ditch his last club
and be able to ruff the next trick. You must cash the #K before leading the last
heart. East will then have no answer. If he discards the © A, you will throw the
#A and remain in dummy to lead a club towards your trump tenace.
What would happen if East defended differently, returning a club instead
of forcing dummy with a diamond? You would win with the #A and ruff a dia-
mond yourself, proceeding with exactly the same line of play.
(Before moving on, look back at the full diagram for a moment. Did you
consider a different line of play, crossing to the #A after two rounds of trumps
so that you could run the 9 10? It may look tempting, but East can then defeat
you by refusing to win with the 9 10! If you repeat the heart finesse, he can win
and return a club, killing the last entry to dummy.)
In our final example, declarer found himself in a 5-1 fit with a 6-1 break
against him. An unpleasant dream after dining too heavily? No, the deal arose
in a game on the Bridge Base Online Internet bridge site.

162 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 6
9 K7
© 042
* 10987432
a9 a 1085432
9 039843 9 1062
© J107 © 983
* AK6 * J

9 A5
© AK65
* Q5


29 dbl 39 4a
all pass

Your 1# opening was part of the Precision Club system, indicating 16

points or more, and North’s double showed any hand with 5-7 points. 3NT
would have been a comfortable contract, but the task before you is to make 4a.
West leads the #A and continues with the #K, allowing East to discard a dia-
mond. West switches to the YQ and you win with the YA. When you play two
top trumps, West follows with the #9 on the first round and discards a heart
on the second round. How will you continue?
The fall of West's &9 opens up the possibility of a trump coup, with your
47 eventually being promoted. You continue with the ace and queen of dia-
monds to reach this position:

Using a Side Suit as Substitute Trumps 163


9 K
© 4
+ 10987
a— a 10854
9 QJ98 N 9 106
© J W E o. ==

6 5 a=
a QJ/7
© K6

Dummy’s club winners are your substitute trumps. When you lead the
#10, East has no good answer. He cannot discard or you will throw a loser and
continue with another club, certain to promote your #7. Nor can East ruff
with the 44 or #5, because you will overruff with the &7, cash the &Q-J and
play diamond winners, restricting East to just one trump winner.
Let’s say that East tries to make life difficult by ruffing with the #8. You
can now succeed in various ways. One of them is to overruff and play good dia-
monds. When East rufts, he has two losing choices. He can lead a trump, allow-
ing you to finesse, draw the last trump and claim the remainder. Alternatively,
he can exit with a heart to dummy’s king, allowing you to lead further substi-
tute trumps to capture his remaining 410-5.

164 Off-Road Declarer Play

a KQ
9 AK8752
© A7T6b
* Ab


pass ANT pass 56
pass Ta all pass

North bids a grand slam, hoping that you can set up his hearts to bring the
total to thirteen. How will you play the contract? (You will soon discover
that East holds aJ-8-6-4.)

a A2
9 AK2
> KQJ64
* 085
ak led
a 108
© A2
* AK62


34 dbl pass 4 te
pass 60 all pass

West leads the #K and you win with dummy’ @A. You play the YA and
West shows out, discarding a spade. When you play the ace, king and queen
of diamonds, East ruffs the third round with the 98. How will you proceed?

Using a Side Suit as Substitute Trumps 165

a KQ
gy AK8752
© A7T6
+ Ab
a — a 3864
9 093 9 106
© 0310932 © K84
& KJ 43 * Q1075

a A1097532
9 J4
© 5
* 982


pass 4NT pass 56
pass 1a allpass

West leads the © Q and your general hope is to draw trumps and set up the
hearts. However, there is a chance of a trump coup when East holds all four
trumps. You ruff a diamond at Trick 2, cross to the 4K and, lo and behold,
West does indeed show out. You should ruff another diamond, cash the top
hearts and ruff a heart. A spade to the queen leaves this position:


9 875

* Ab
a J8



* 2107
a Al0


* 982

Let the substitute trumps roll! Dummy’s hearts leave East powerless.

166 Off-Road Declarer Play

9 AK2
+ KQ564
% 085
@KQJ9753 a 64
oo 709864
4 9873 4 105
* J] % 10943

a 108
9 J10753
© A2
* AK62


3a dbl pass 4s
pass 69 allpass

West leads the #K and you win with dummy’s #A. You play the 7A and
West shows out, discarding a spade. How will you proceed?
Aiming to dispose of the spade loser, you play the A-K-Q of diamonds.
East ruffs the third round with the 8 and you overruff with the 910. West’s
likely shape is 7-0-4-2 and you continue with the three top clubs, followed by
a club ruffin dummy. These cards remain:

9 K
© J6

a QJ9 a4
g— 7096
09 | o—

% — % —
» 10
7 3T5


Using a Side Suit as Substitute Trumps 167

You lead the ©J and East has no answer. If he ruffs with the YQ, you will
discard your spade loser and make the rest. If he ruffs with the 99 or 96, you
will overruff, cross to the YK and lead a diamond to promote your remaining
trump. East’s only other option is to discard the 44. You will discard the 410
and continue with another side-suit card from dummy, again leaving East with
no way to defeat you.

168 Off-Road Declarer Play



With a little help from my friends
The Beatles

In this chapter, we will look at several deals where you can use a defender as a
stepping stone to an otherwise inaccessible dummy. We will start with a
relatively straightforward example:

a 63
9 8653
© 9765
* 083
a QJ5 a 74
9 KJ107 N 9942
© 4 W E © QJ108
* KJ952 : * 10764

@ AK10982
9 AQ
© AK32


pass 26 pass 2a
pass 2NT pass 30
pass 46 pass 4a
all pass

The Stepping Stone 169

West opted for the fairly safe lead of the &Q. Declarer won in the South
hand and drew a second round of trumps, everyone following. Take the South
cards now. How will you continue?
Your contract will be at risk only if diamonds break 4-1 or worse. In that
case it may be possible to endplay West with a trump. You should cash the #A
and continue with the ace and king of diamonds. West may delay his predica-
ment by refusing to ruff with his master trump, but it makes no difference. You
will throw him in with a trump.
What can West do? A heart return will be into your tenace, giving you an
easy tenth trick. Perhaps West will play the #K instead. In that case you will
discard one of your diamond losers, leaving West on lead. He will then be
forced to lead a heart into the tenace or play a club, allowing you to score the
apparently stranded #Q in dummy. Game made!
Sometimes life is slightly more difficult. Try this one:

9 08
© KQ
& AKQ5
a 85 a 1074
9 AJ10932 976
© 10982 © J753
* ] * 31064

a 632
9 K54
© A64
* 9832


29 dbl pass 3%
pass 39 pass 3NT
pass 6NT all pass

170 Off Road Declarer Play

With 0-7 points, South would normally bid a Lebensohl 2NT to show a
weak hand. Since he held two prime honors, South ventured a semi-positive
3%, suggesting a hand in the 8-10 point range. He was soon in 6NT, against
which West led the 10. Declarer won with the © K in dummy and cashed two
rounds of clubs, West discarding a heart on the second round. How would you
continue from this point?
You must aim to strip East of his major-suit cards and then throw him in
with a club, forcing him to give you access to the blocked diamond winner in
the South hand. You cash dummy’s five spade winners, followed by the #Q and
the ©Q. These cards remain to be played:


9 Q8

* 5
a — a —
9 AJ10 9 6
o— © J
i * J


It’s a pretty end position. ‘Queen of hearts, please,’ you say.

West has to duck this trick or you will cross to the YK to enjoy the OA.
The East hand is now stripped of hearts. You throw him in with a club and he
leads his last card, the OJ, to your OA.
If East keeps both of his hearts, West has to keep a diamond guard, or you
could just overtake the © Q. Now you lead the 9 Q from dummy and whether
West wins this trick or not, he becomes the stepping stone to the stranded © A.


Sometimes you have one entry to the dummy, but would like to bump this to
two. On the next deal, your purpose is to repeat a finesse in a side suit.

The Stepping Stone 171

a 6 a 1083
9 AQ984 9 107
© 105 oK97
*® AK984 * QJ1073

a AKQ954
9 K2
© AQJ8
* 5


ly pass INT 4a
all pass

West leads the #K against your spade game, East playing the #Q to
announce his sequence in the suit. West continues with a low club to East’s ten
and you ruff with the #4. All follow when you cash the 4A. What now?
You should lead the 49 to dummy’s 4J. If trumps break 2-2, you will have
two entries to dummy and can finesse twice in diamonds. As it happens, West
shows out on the second trump, discarding a heart. You finesse the ©Q suc-
cessfully and survey this position:

ole o3
te —

a— a 10
YAQ98 9 107
© 10 oK9
ew K94 #J73

172 Off-Road Declarer Play

You would like to return to dummy to repeat the diamond finesse. You can
use West as a stepping stone in this partial elimination position. When you play
the YK, West has to win with the YA. He cashes the 9 Q and is then in some
trouble. A diamond exit will do your work for you and a club exit will allow
you to ruff in the dummy and repeat the diamond finesse. West’s only remain-
ing option is to play a third round of hearts. It will do East no good to ruff
dummy’s YJ. You will then overruff and, thanks to your earlier unblock of the
49, be able to lead the 45 to dummy’s 47. Your reward for all this hard work
will be a chance to repeat the diamond finesse. The contract is yours.


On the next deal, you can give West an unpleasant choice. Either he can act as
a stepping stone to the dummy or he will be forced to open another suit, to
your advantage.

a K1053
9 6
O97 5.32
* 1063
a 982 a Q0)764
os9.82 97
© KQJ © 1086
« K74 * 0982

9 AKQ10543
© A4
* AJ5


pass 26 pass 29
pass 2NT pass 39
pass 34 pass 49
all pass

West leads the © K and you win with the © A. When you draw two rounds
of trumps, East discards a spade on the second round. What now?

The Stepping Stone 173

Prospects are not particularly good, but there is some chance of endplay-
ing West with the fourth round of trumps. First, you must strip him of his dia-
monds. You cash the 4A and exit with the ©4. West wins and cannot safely
play a spade, a heart or a club. Like it or not, he has to return the OJ. When
East follows suit on this trick, a smile comes to your lips. You ruff in the South
hand, cash a third top trump and put West on lead with his YJ. He has a choice
of two poisons. He can lead a club, giving you two tricks in the suit, or he can
act as a stepping stone to dummy’s &K. Ten tricks to you either way.
On the next deal, a defender can rescue his partner from being used as a
stepping stone, but only at the expense of being endplayed himself.

9 94
& 72
* K932
a 84 aKQ)92
9 10875 9 6
© 98 © AJ105
* QJ754 * 1086

a Al0
9 AKQJ32
© 0643
* A


la dbl
pass re pass 49
all pass

West leads the 48 and you win East’s &J with the aA. You draw trumps
in four rounds, East throwing three clubs. What next?

174 Off-Road Declarer Play

You cash the #A, East throwing a spade, and exit with the 410. When
East wins with the aJ, he cannot afford to open the diamond suit and there-
fore returns a spade, which you ruff. Leading the © Q now is no good, because
East will duck (to keep you out of dummy) and you will have no good contin-
uation. Instead, you must lead a diamond to the king and ace. East exits safely
with his last spade, which you ruff, and these cards remain:


* K
a ‘=

i C——

ony © J105
* QJ * —


© 064

You lead the ©4 and it is the defenders’ turn to worry about a blockage! If
West wins with the ©9, he will have to act as a stepping stone to dummy’s #K.
If instead East overtakes with the 010, he will have to lead away from his
©J-5 into your waiting © Q-6. You can send a few emails about this one when
you get home!


When a defender holds the ace of a long suit in dummy, he must often hold it
up for a round or two to restrict declarer’s communications. Sometimes declar-
er can get his revenge by using the defender’s ace as a stepping stone. The next
deal is unusual, because the long suit in question is the trump suit:

The Stepping Stone 175

a 863
9 0109754
© AJ
+ QJ
a 9754 4 QJ102
9 A832 9—
omy © 109653
* K1085 * 9743

a AK
9 KJ6
© KQ874
* A62


pass 36 pass 39
pass 59 pass 69
all pass

North’s 59 is a general slam try, which South decides to accept. How

would you play the contract when West leads the © 2?
It looks normal, does it not, to win with the A and play a trump? If you
do that, you will go down. West will hold up the YA for two rounds and then
exit with a spade. You will be stuck in the South hand with no way to reach the
dummy to draw West’s last trump. You would have to try a diamond to the jack
and West would score a ruff.
There is only one way to make the slam. You must lead a spade at Trick 2!
You will cash both your spade winners and then lead the YJ. West has to duck
and you overtake with the YQ, East showing out. You make use of the entry
to ruff dummy’s last spade with the YK. After this indulgence of unblocking,
the way is clear to lead the 96. West has to duck and you take the marked

176 Off-Road Declarer Play

finesse of the 97. When you continue with the 910 to the YA, West has a
three-way choice of how to give the lead to dummy. Suppose he plays a spade.
You will ruff in the dummy and draw the last trump. You can then cash the oJ
and reach the remaining diamonds with the #A.
Suppose you are slightly inaccurate in your play and lead a trump to the
nine after cashing the top two spades. It will cost you. You can ruff dummy’s
last spade with the YK, but when you lead the YJ, West can duck to leave you
stranded in the South hand. You cannot afford to overtake with dummy’s YQ,
because West would then score a trick with his V8.
On the next deal, you must combine two unusual techniques to make your
small slam.

a j6
9 109752
© 085
# K74
a — a 0932
9 Q5384 9 3
© 9743 © 31062
* QJ1092 * 8653

@ AK108754
9 AK6
© AK
a A


pass 26 pass 2a
pass 2NT pass 34
pass 4 pass ba
all pass

The Stepping Stone 177

West leads the #Q against your small slam in spades and you win with the
ace. How will you play the contract?
One possibility is to lead a low spade towards dummy. If West holds the
queen of trumps, the jack will provide an entry to dummy and you will be able
to reach the #K. It’s only a 50% chance and, as the cards lie, you will go down.
A much better idea is to lead the 410 from your hand. When trumps are 2-2
or 3-1, success is guaranteed (unless you are very unlucky and suffer a ruff). A
defender who holds three trumps to the queen can either wave goodbye to his
trump trick, by ducking, or he can capture the ten of trumps, thereby setting
up the @J as an entry to dummy.
What will happen when you follow this line and the cards lie as in the dia-
gram? East cannot afford to capture the trump ten or you will reach dummy
and discard your loser. When the 410 is allowed to win, you can still succeed,
provided East holds no more than two hearts. You continue with the ace and
king of trumps, followed by top two diamonds and your two heart winners. If
East ruffs the second heart, he will have to play one of the minor suits, giving
dummy an entry and allowing you to discard your heart loser. If instead East
declines to ruff, you will throw him in with a fourth round of trumps, to the
same effect.


Finally, we will take a look at the stepping-stone squeeze itself. What are the
hallmarks of this attractively named play? It will be easier to describe it if we
look at a typical example first:

a 52
wnt oe
© 0764
* 642
a/4 a 10863
9 AQJ983 9 104
© 10985 oo 2
* 9 * J10873

9 K
* AKQ5

178 Off-Road Declarer Play

29 pass pass 2a
pass 2NT pass 3a
pass 3a pass ba
all pass

Reckoning that he would not pick up more than one 30-count in his life-
time, South refused to stop short of a small slam. He leapt to 6@ and West led
the © 10. How would you play the contract?
Declarer won with the ©A, retaining the option to overtake in diamonds
later in the play. He drew trumps in four rounds and tested the club suit, West
showing out on the second round. All would be well if diamonds were 3-3,
since declarer would be able to overtake on the third round. Another possibil-
ity was that West held four diamonds alongside the YA. He could then be
caught in a stepping-stone squeeze. Declarer cashed his third winner in clubs
and surveyed this end position:


9 76
© 076
a — ——

9 AQ 9 104
© 985 o2
* — * J10

9 K
© KJ
* 5

When the last trump was led, West had an awkward discard to make. If he
threw a diamond, declarer would be able to overtake on the third round of the
suit, scoring his twelfth trick with dummy’s fourth diamond. If instead West
discarded the YQ, declarer would cash the two diamonds in his hand and
throw West in with the YK to the YA, using him as a stepping stone to
dummy’s © Q. West’s only other option was to throw the YA. This would beat

The Stepping Stone 179

the contract when East held the 9K, but, as the cards lie, allowed South to
score his OK.
This is the stepping-stone squeeze, then. Declarer has a blocked threat (in
diamonds) which allows him to overtake if the defender releases his guard in
the suit. He also has a one-card threat (the 9K), which can lie in either hand.
Now, look back at the main diagram and imagine that East held four dia-
monds and four clubs. You could have caught /im in a stepping-stone squeeze!
The fifth round of trumps would have forced him to throw his last heart,
retaining four diamonds and four clubs. You could then have cashed the
© A-K-J and thrown East in with the fourth round of clubs to give dummy the
©Q. (Yes, you could also have rectified the count by conceding a heart trick
and then catching East in a simple squeeze. Still, who can resist a chance to
show off at the bridge table?)

180 Off-Road Declarer Play

9 942
© K98632
* 76
4Q led
a AK9842
* A53


pass 26 pass 2a
pass 30 pass 3a
pass 4a all pass

West leads the &Q to your &A. When you duck a club, East wins and returns
a trump to the king, West playing the 410. How will you continue?

a 92
9 AK9763
© 653
* AK
a6 led
a A8543
© AKQJ102
* 6


pass ly la 26
pass 2a pass 36
pass 4 pass 4a
pass 6o all pass

West leads the #6. You win with the @A and play the ©A, not overjoyed
when East discards a spade. How will you continue?

The Stepping Stone 181

! a 76
> K98632
* 76
a QJ 10 a 53
9 085 9 10763
© 01075 © 54
* 394 * KQ1082

a AK9842

* A53


pass 26 pass 2a
pass 36 pass 3a
pass 4a allpass

West leads the &Q and you win with the 4A. When you duck a club, East
wins and returns a trump to your king, West following with the 410. How will
you continue?
You cash the © A and the #A and exit with a third round of clubs, hoping
that West holds just three cards in the suit. If that is the case, the contract can-
not be beaten. Suppose West wins the third round of clubs and cashes his mas-
ter trump. He will then have to lead a heart into your 9 A-K-J tenace or act as
a stepping stone to dummy’s © K.
The defenders will not fare any better if East wins the third round of clubs.
If he switches to a heart, you will rise with the 9A and put West on lead with
a trump, forcing him to give you an extra trick in one of the red suits. If instead
East plays a fourth round of clubs, you will ruff in the South hand, knowing
that West is endplayed if he overruffs. If he declines to overruff, you will throw
him in with a trump on the next trick anyway.

182 Off-Road Declarer Play

a 92
9 AK9763
© 653
* AK
a 6 a KQJ107
9 102 9 Q584
© 9874 o—
*® 398542 * 01073

a A8543
© AKQJ102
* 6


pass ly la 26
pass 2a pass 36
pass od pass 4a
pass 66 allpass

West leads the &6 against your small slam in diamonds. You win with the
4A and play the A, not overjoyed when East discards a spade. How will you
If hearts break 3-3, it is an easy matter to draw trumps, establish the hearts
with one ruff and cross to dummy with a club to enjoy the long hearts. If
instead hearts are 4-2, two ruffs are required to set up the suit. You will then
need to use West as a stepping stone to the dummy.
You cross to the YA and cash the YK, discarding a spade. You then ruff a
heart high. On this trick West shows out, throwing a club. You return to
dummy with the #A and ruff another heart high, establishing two long hearts
in dummy.
The stage is set for the throw-in. You draw two more of West’s trumps and
exit with the ©2, forcing West on lead. He has only clubs left in his hand and
must give the lead to dummy’s #K. The second of your spade losers goes away
and you cash dummy’s two good hearts, disposing of your remaining losers in
spades. It’s time to score up the slam.

The Stepping Stone 183


Rescue me
Aretha Franklin

In this chapter, we will look at some deals where you can succeed only by
employing two different techniques. Your first task is to side-step an immedi-
ate threat to your contract. Can you then give your partner a ‘you could rely on
me, buddy’ glance and reach for the next deal? Sorry, no. You must make sure
that no further pitfalls await you.
To get you into the right mood, here is a gentle starter:

4 A653
9 6
© AKQ65
* 865
a Q1074 a—
O13 9 KQJ9854
oll © 3984
& 397432 + Q10

a KJ982
9 A102
© 1032
* AK


39 34
pass 4NT pass 5a
pass 5a pass ba

184 Off-Road Declarer Play

Your 54 response shows 0 or 3 keycards. Since there is a miniscule chance
that you hold no keycards, partner bids a disciplined 54, which you correct to
64. How will you play the slam when West leads the 97?
The immediate danger to the contract is that the trumps may break 4-0.
It is very unlikely that East (the preemptor) holds four spades and, after win-
ning the diamond lead, you should play the 4K on the first round. When East
shows out, you continue with the @J, covered by the &Q and the #A. Do you
see any further problems that might develop?
It is not possible to ruff both heart losers in the dummy because West
would ruff in with the 47 on the third round. All will be well, though, if dia-
monds break 3-2, because the suit will provide two discards. The extra chance
you must play for is that East holds four diamonds and can be squeezed in the
red suits.
You cross to the #A and ruff one of your heart losers. Then you play a
trump to your nine and West’s ten. Let’s suppose that he exits with a diamond.
You win in dummy, return to your hand with the #K and draw West's last
trump with the 48, throwing a diamond (or a club) from dummy. These cards


© KQ6
* 8
a— re

9— 9 K
o— > 598
* J974 * —

9 10
© 102

If you simply play on diamonds now, you will be disappointed. The suit
breaks 4-1 and you will be left with a heart loser. Instead, you should play your
last spade, squeezing East in the red suits. If he throws the YK, your 910
becomes good. If he throws a diamond instead, you will score all three of
dummy’s diamonds.

Two-Part Recoveries 185

See if you can spot the two necessary techniques on the next deal:

a QJ10
9 943
© A32
# A1075
a 9732 a 85
9 AKQJ5 9 872
O73 © 31096
* 06 1984

a AK64
9 106
© KQ84
* K32


29 dbl pass 2a
pass 39 pass 4o
pass 4a allpass

The bidding develops awkwardly and you end in a 4-3 spade fit. How will
you play the contract when West leads the king and ace of hearts, followed by
the queen of hearts?
Easily the best move at Trick 3 is to discard a club from the South hand.
You preserve your four-card trump length and prevent West from doing any
further damage with heart leads. (If he leads a fourth round of hearts, you can
ruff in dummy and discard a diamond from the South hand.)
Let’s suppose that West switches to a trump at Trick 4. What now? You
should win and draw two more rounds of trumps. If trumps break 3-3, you will
have the chance to play ace, king and another club, ruffing in the South hand.
You will then make the contract when either minor suit breaks 3-3.
When the cards lie as in the diagram, West will turn up with four trumps.
No matter! This will be the position with one trump still to be played:

186 Off-Road Declarer Play



© A32
* A1075
a9 Pee
915 Gg af
O75 © 31096
* 06 *- 398

a K

© KQ84
* K3

When you draw West’s last trump, East is squeezed in the minor suits. Your
tenth trick will come from whichever suit he decides to abandon.
We will look next at a deal where you can recover from a bad break only
by scoring tricks from two different suits. You can perform this ‘drawing from
two wells’ only by careful play in the first of the two suits.

a KIj43
9 AB
© KQ763
* 54
a/6 49852
9 1094 9 K765
© J1082 o—
+ 10983 * QJ762

a AQ10
9 Q137
© A954
* AK


pass ONT all pass

Two-Part Recoveries 187

With adequate values for 6NT, North decides not to look for a diamond
or a spade fit (a wise decision as the cards lie, since a small slam in the 5-4 dia-
mond fit would be doomed by the bad diamond break.) West leads the #10,
won with the ace, and a diamond to the king reveals the 4-0 split. How will
you recover the situation?
There are ten top tricks. If West holds the 9K, you can simply run the
YQ. With the total up to eleven tricks, you could then concede a diamond
trick, establishing your twelfth trick from that source. How likely is it that West
holds the YK, though? West holds four diamonds to East’s none, so the Law of
Vacant Spaces suggests that East is more likely than his partner to hold the 9K.
Indeed, you can see from the diagram that East is longer than West in all three
suits outside of diamonds. East is the favorite to hold a particular missing card
in any of those suits. Can you make the slam when he holds the 9 K?
Once the bad diamond break has come to light, you should continue with
four rounds of spades. This gives you further distributional information. West
began with six cards in spades and diamonds to East’s four. So, East is still the
favorite to hold the VK.
You continue by leading the 98 towards your hand. East is caught in a
Morton's Fork position. If he rises with the YK, he will give you a total of three
heart tricks, enough for the contract. Let’s assume that he senses this and plays
low instead. You will win with the YQ, jump on your camel and head towards
the other well — the diamond suit. You concede a diamond trick to West and
then have twelve tricks. This last move would not be possible, of course, if you
had played ace and another heart instead, releasing your control of the heart suit.
Moving swiftly on, we will see a deal where prospects appear to be good,
until a diabolical trump break comes to light.

a A73
9 854
© 8432
* 092
aJ984 a —
9 Q10 PII 622
© 5 © QJ1096
* AKJ653 * 874

a KQ10652
9 AK7
© AK7
* 10

188 Off-Road Declarer Play

Lee 2a pass 4a
all pass

West leads the #K against your spade game. Judging from his partner’s #4
that another top club would not be a good idea, West switches to the ©5. You
win with the ©A and cash the 4K, East discarding a heart. How will you
attempt to recover from the 4-0 trump break?
East doubtless holds the sole guards on both red suits, but there is no
chance of a squeeze. The squeeze card would have to come from the dummy
(the hand opposite the red-suit entries) and the long trumps lie in the South
hand. No, you must look for an endplay on West. You draw two more rounds
of trumps with the ace and queen and then need to extract West’s cards in the
red suits. How are you going to do that?
Suppose you attempt to cash two winners in the red suit in which West has
a singleton (diamonds, here). It will not be good enough. West will ruff with
his master trump and exit in the other red suit. You will then lose one trick in
each of the four suits, going down one. So, you need to read West’s distribu-
tion in the red suits. What is your best guess?
The only clue is that you hold six hearts between the hands and seven dia-
monds. So, West is slightly more likely to hold a doubleton heart than a dou-
bleton diamond. You cash the 9A and, following the odds, continue with the
YK. West follows suit — yes! The first part of your recovery, guessing West's
shape, has been successful. These cards remain:

9 8
© 843
* 09
a a—
9— 9 J
o— © QJ10
* AJ653 * 87

Two-Part Recoveries 189

You now throw West in with a trump. He cashes the #A and you discard
the 97. When he plays another club, you win with dummy’s #Q and throw
the other red seven. Your recovery is complete and the spade game is yours.
On the next deal, you must foresee the possibility of a bad trump break
before playing to the first trick.

a 3632
© 0632
* K76
a — a Q1097
9 09862 9 J104
oO eeTS © AK108
* QJ103 * 95

a AK854
9 AK5
© 4
* A842


pass 2a pass 4a
all pass

West leads the #Q against your spade game. How will you play?
The contracts looks comfortable at first glance, since you can afford to lose
a club, a diamond and a trump. Only a 4-0 trump break can cause any prob-
lems and you must address this possibility right from the start. Indeed, the first
move to counter such a piece of bad luck must come right at Trick 1. You must
win the opening lead in your hand, with the #A.
You play the 4A next and West shows out, discarding a heart. How can
you possibly make the contract now? You must aim to shorten the trumps in
both your hand and the dummy. Your intention in the end position is that East
will have to ruff at Trick 11 and then lead away from the 4Q.
Your next move is to lead a diamond, preparing for diamond ruffs in your
hand. East wins the trick and returns a club to dummy’s king. You ruff a dia-
mond and continue with the 9 A-K. A heart ruff returns you to dummy and you
ruff another diamond in your hand. You have reached this end position:

190 Off-Road Declarer Play


© Q
* ]
a — a Q109
9 Q Ohne

© J © A
* J10 * —

a K8


* 84

You exit with a club and West wins with the #10. It will not help East to
ruff his partner’s winner, so he discards the © A. When West continues with the
#J, you discard the ©Q from dummy and East is forced to ruff his partner’s
winning card. At Trick 12, he is forced to lead away from the &Q and you
make the contract.
We will end with a couple of deals where you have to recover from your
own bidding. It’s usually so dependable, I realize, but on the present occasion,
it has landed you in a less-than-ideal contract.

a 63
9 A84
© 1074
* KJ1062
a Q752 a 84
9 Q/7 9 KJ95
© AKI93 © 08652
* 95 * 83

a AKJ109
9 10632

* AQ74

Two-Part Recoveries 191


26 dbl 4o 4a
all pass

North is likely to hold four hearts for his negative double, but, sitting
South, you decide to rely on your chunky spade suit. West leads the © K and
down goes the dummy. A small slam in clubs would have had good play, yes,
but how will you tackle the spade game?
You can afford to lose one trump trick, but you must be wary of losing
control when trumps break 4-2. You ruff the diamond lead and the recom-
mended first move in rescuing this contract is to lead the 410 from your hand.
If this wins the trick, you will cash the ace and king of trumps and turn to the
club suit. Suppose that West senses the position, leaps in with the 4Q and
plays another diamond. What now?
Now comes the second part of your plan. You discard a heart on the sec-
ond round of diamonds and another heart on the third round. A fourth round
of diamonds will cause you no problem, because you can ruff in the short
trump holding with dummy’s remaining trump. If West switches to a heart
instead, you will win with the YA, draw trumps in three further rounds and
run the club suit to dispose of your one remaining heart loser.
It has been an exhausting chapter and you will be relieved to hear that we
are near the end. Are you ready for another dodgy 44 contract?

a K864
9 A95
© KQ42
* 93
4 Q109 aJ7
9 QJ104 9 K73
© AJ107 O95
* 86 * Q107542

192 Off-Road Declarer Play

lo pass la
pass 2a pass 4a
all pass

West leads the YQ against your spade game. Something seems to have
gone wrong with the formula ‘opening bid + opening bid = game’. Since you
have at least four apparent losers, you will have to take the club finesse in order
to ditch a heart loser. You duck the first round of hearts and win the second
with dummy’s ace. A finesse of the #J succeeds and you cash the #A. When
you continue with the #K, West ruffs with the 49. How will you proceed?
The first move is clear. West may have sacrificed a trump trick by ruffing
and you should take advantage of this by discarding dummy’s last heart. West
has no wish to assist you by playing a diamond next, so he comes off lead with
the YJ.
There’s no time for you to relax. Not only will you need to find the OA
onside, you may also need to lead twice towards dummy’s diamond holding.
So, you must ruff the third round of hearts with dummy’s 46, retaining the
#4. You continue with the king of trumps and the 48 to your ace, pleased to
see the remaining trumps break 2-2. These cards remain:

a 4
© KQ42
a — a—
9 10 9—
© AJ107 © 95
* — * 0107

a 53

© 863

Two-Part Recoveries 193

You lead a diamond to the king and, thanks to your previous unblocks of
the 46 and the 48, can re-enter your hand with the #4, overtaken by the #5.
A second diamond led towards dummy’s © Q now gives you the contract. Your
heroics should merit a “Well played!” from partner, at the very least.

194 Off Road Declarer Play

& a A106
0% 0953
© AQ7
* 654
©9 led
a KQ43
9 AKJ2
& AK


la pass ly
pass 29 pass 69

You win the 69 lead with dummy’s ©A and play a trump to the ace, East
showing out. How will you try to recover?

2) a2
© K108742
* AB
4J led
4 AK109864
9 A4
© Ad
* 06


Lee 26 pass 3a
pass 3NT pass 49
pass bee pass ba
all pass

You win the trump lead and play a second trump, West showing out. When
you play the #10 to East's @Q, he returns the #4. How will you continue?

Two-Part Recoveries 195

a 3972 a 85
9 108764 9—
© 9 © KJ10842
* 083 * J10972

a KQ43
9 AKJ2
© 653
a» AK


ls pass ly
pass 29 pass 69
all pass

Not a believer in long auctions, you punt 69 on the second round. You
win the ©9 lead with dummy’s © A and play a trump to the ace, East showing
out. Ever felt unloved? How will you try to recover?
The first task is to enjoy four unruffed rounds of spades, allowing you to
discard one of dummy’s diamond losers. You need West to hold at least four
spades and this makes him the favorite to hold the 4J. So you cash the 4K and
finesse dummy’s 410. The finesse wins and the sun continues to shine when
you play the 4A, East showing out. A trump to the king allows you to cash
your last spade winner, discarding a diamond from dummy. What next?
If you concede a diamond trick immediately, you will go down. To time
the play correctly, you must first cash the ace and king of clubs. That duty per-
formed, you concede a diamond trick to East. Now nothing can prevent you
from ruffing dummy’s last club with your YJ and scoring dummy’s YQ-9,
poised over West’s 9 10-8.

196 Off-Road Declarer Play

COs 53
© K108742
* A8
al 4 Q753
9 K108 9 3962
© 053 © 65
* KJ10952 * 743

a AK109864
9 A4
© AY
* 06

West, who overcalled 2, leads the #J against 6@. You win with the aA
and cash the 4K, West throwing a club. When you play the 410 to East’s aQ,
he switches to the #4. How will you attempt to rescue the situation?
There is no future in establishing the diamond suit, since the club switch
has robbed you of a key entry to dummy. Instead, you must aim to catch West
in a repeating squeeze. The first step is to preserve your #Q, winning the club
switch with dummy’s ace. You return to your hand with the YA and submit
West to a torrent of trumps. This end position will arise:

9 Q
© K1087
oe —

9 K oy
© 0)3 ay © 65

When you play the 44, West cannot afford a diamond discard, and if he throws
either of his kings, you will play the established queen to squeeze him again!

Two-Part Recoveries 197



Unusually unusual

If you have battled your way through to the last chapter of this book, the
chances are excellent that you already understand the idea of rectifying the
count. You give up those tricks that you can afford to lose (one trick in a small
slam, for example) to prepare the ground for a squeeze. The purpose is to tight-
en the eventual end position. You aim to leave a defender with no card to spare
when you put him to a final discard.
In this chapter, we will look at some deals where the key play is the recti-
fication of the count — sometimes in a manner that is not easy to spot. That
said, we will start with a fairly straightforward example:

oe ST
* AQJ5
a 4 a KQ109852
9 10752 9 63
© J1032 © Q5
* K1096 * 72

4 A73
9 84
© AK864
* 843

198 Off-Road Declarer Play

ly 34 3NT
pass 6NT all pass

Partner allows you no leeway for your 3NT bid and raises directly to a
small slam. How will you justify his faith when West leads the #4, East play-
ing the 49?
Five heart tricks, four club tricks and the three pointed-suit winners will
bring your total to twelve. West will need to hold the #K, yes, but a 3-3 club
break is less likely than normal after East’s preempt. You may therefore need a
minor-suit squeeze against West to carry you past the finish line. How can you
arrange this?
There is only one answer. You must duck the first trick, allowing East to
win with the 49. You will win the 4K return with the ace and finesse the #Q
successfully. Next, you play your heart winners, arriving at this end position:


gy 4
* AJ5
a— a Q9
9— 9—
© J103 © Q5
* K109 « 74


© AK86
* 8

You play dummy’s last heart, throwing the ©6 from your hand, and West
has no card to spare. If he throws a diamond, the ©8 will give you the extra
trick you seek. If instead West discards a club, you will cross to the © A and
finesse the #J, setting up two further club tricks in the dummy.
On the next deal a skilled technician might foresee the potential end posi-
tion even before playing his first card from the dummy. (He would be able to
impress everyone by telling them this in the bar after the match.) See what you
make of it.

Unusual Ways to Rectify the Count 199

a 062
9 093
© AK104
* AK2
a 943 al]
9 AKI874 9 10652
* 3103 * 0875

@ AKJ1085

© 0632
* 964


lo pass la
29 dbl pass 4a
pass 5a pass 59
pass ba allpass

North’s double on the second round showed any hand with three-card
spade support (a Support Double). South leapt to the spade game and two cue
bids then carried the partnership to a small slam. How would you play 64
when West leads the 9 K?
There are eleven tricks on top and the only problem arises when East holds
© J-x-x-x(-x). A declarer familiar with double squeezes will at this stage mutter
to himself, “West will have to keep the YA, East will have to keep the J; no-
one can keep a club guard.’
In case this is indeed the position, it is a good idea to rectify the count.
There is only one safe way to do this. You must discard a club from your hand
at Trick 1. (Suppose you were to ruff the first trick and duck a heart from
dummy later, in an attempt to rectify the count. It would be no good. West
would play a third heart to kill dummy’s heart threat.)
So, you allow West’s YK to win the first trick, throwing a club from your
hand. Let's say that West switches to the #J. You win in the dummy, draw
trumps in three rounds and play the ace and queen of diamonds to test that

200 Off-Road Declarer Play

suit. When West does indeed show out on the second round, you can cash the
©K and return to your hand with a heart ruff to run the remaining trumps.
This is the end position that you might possibly have visualized when the
dummy went down:


9 Q

* K2
a — a—
9A V——

o— oJ
* 103 * 08

a 8
9 —

© 6
* 9

You lead the #8 and “West has to keep the YA’. He throws a club and you
discard dummy’s 9 Q. ‘East has to keep the ©J, so no-one can guard the clubs’.
The muttered mantra comes to pass. East has to throw the #8 and dummy’s
#2 duly scores your twelfth trick.
As you can see, it was not good enough to plan a squeeze once the bad dia-
mond break came to light. You had to visualize that possibility at Trick 1, the
only moment when it was possible to rectify the count safely.


Skilful defenders understand the importance of rectifying the count and will be
reluctant to take an early trick against a small slam unless they are forced to do
so. This is particularly true when the contract is GNT. Sometimes you must
play a suit in a particular way, to force the defender to take an early trick. If he
fails to do so, you will score an extra trick by force. On the next deal, you
intend to rectify the count in spades and must consider how best to play that

Unusual Ways to Rectify the Count 201

9 KQ76
© J42
* K72
a AJ10954 a 8
9 9432 9 108
© 987 © 010653
* — + 109863

a K73
© AK
* AQJ54


2a pass pass 3NT
pass 4NT pass 6NT
all pass

A spade lead from West would have been a reasonable choice against 3NT.
Needless to say, it would be a very weak effort against GNT and would have
handed declarer the slam on a plate. Wisely seeking a safe lead, West reaches
for the ©9. Take the South cards now. How will you play the slam?
You have ten certain tricks outside spades and can develop an easy eleventh
trick from the spade suit. So, all will be well, unless clubs divide 5-0. If East
does indeed hold five clubs, you can squeeze him in the minors when he also
holds the ©Q. This is a near certainty after the ©9 opening lead, so what can
possibly go wrong?
I present to you the original declarer, who will demonstrate exactly what
can go wrong. He won the diamond lead with the ace and, following what he
regarded as general principles, led a low spade through West’s ace. The contract
could no longer be made! Unwilling to give declarer two spade tricks, West
played the #9 on the first round. Dummy’s &Q won the first trick, but when
the bad club break came to light, there was no way to rectify the count for a
squeeze against East. Declarer went through the motions, cashing four heart
tricks, but East could spare two diamond discards and there was no way to
make the slam.

202 Off-Road Declarer Play

Declarer made that most basic of mistakes — he failed to make a plan.
Had he foreseen that a 5-0 club break was the only risk, or had he played the
#A to check the lie of the suit, he would have turned his mind towards a pos-
sible minor-suit squeeze. The way to rectify the count for this is to lead the king
of spades, rather than a low spade. West has to capture this card or you will
score two spade tricks by force and make the slam easily. Once you have recti-
fied the count in this way, you win the spade return with the 4Q. You play the
©K to free dummy’s ©J as an unfettered threat and then cash four heart win-
ners. This will be the end position:

a 6
9 Q

* — * 10986


* QJ54

Dummy’s last heart squeezes East in the minors and the slam is yours.
The next deal is similar, because you are forced to play for a squeeze only
when one of your suits breaks badly. Take the South cards and see how you fare.

a A94
9 A832
6-97 53.2
* 6
aKJ72 a 1086
9 4 On
© KQS84 © 106
* KJ7 * 21095432

4 Q53
9 KQJ10976
* A8

Unusual Ways to Rectify the Count 203

dbl 4a pass 4NT
pass 59 pass 69
all pass

South won't win a bidding prize for the auction but — you never know —
he may have a chance to shine in the play. How will you play the South cards
when the © K is led?
If diamonds break 4-3, there are enough entries to establish the suit and
take a discard on the thirteenth card. You win the first trick with the © A, draw
the enemy trumps with the YK, cash the #A and ruff a club. When you ruff a
diamond in your hand, an unwelcome © 10 from East warns you that perhaps
the diamonds are not 4-3. When you overtake the 99 with the YA and lead
another diamond, East does indeed discard a club. How will you continue?
You can no longer establish a long card in diamonds and must turn your
mind towards a spade-diamond squeeze against West. It will not be possible to
squeeze West down to &K-x and a master diamond, throwing him in with a
diamond. The long trumps are in the South hand and there will be no entry to
reach the intended throw-in card (a diamond). No, you must aim for a simple
squeeze and that means you must rectify the count.
Think about this for a moment and you will realize that the only conven-
ient moment to rectify the count is now! You discard a spade on the third round
of diamonds and West wins the trick. He can exit safely with a top diamond,
which you ruff, but he will have no answer when you run the trumps.

a AY

6 9
- —

a Kj 1086

© J Lod |
~~ —

204 Off-Road Declarer Play

You lead your last trump and West has to throw the @J to prevent
dummy’s 9 from scoring. You discard the ©9 from dummy and score the ace
and queen of spades for the contract.
Let's look at something different — a deal where the trick on which you
rectify the count has some bearing on which defender will be left guarding that
@ AK10
9 J864
© A52
& AK5
@ QJ987 a 6542
he ws
© K98 © 076
& 0872 * 10964

a 3
9 AKQ1092
© 31043
* J3


la 2a pass 49
pass 69 allpass

West leads the #Q against your small slam in hearts. How will you play
the contract?
You have eleven tricks on top and some chance of creating a twelfth trick
directly from the diamond suit. If West held © K-x or © Q-x, for example, you
could lead the ©J from your hand. If West covered, you could win with the >A
and lead back towards your © 10. If instead West played low, you would run
the ©J and drop West’s honor with the >A on the next round. Similarly, if East
held a doubleton diamond honor, you could succeed by leading a low diamond
from dummy on the first round, succeeding whether East rose with his honor
or not.

Unusual Ways to Rectify the Count 205

There is no need to rely on such a chance. Provided the diamond honors
are divided between the defenders, you can set up a double squeeze with clubs
as the pivot suit. You draw trumps with the ace and jack and lead a low dia-
mond from dummy. If East rises with his honor, you will have a finesse against
West’s honor. Since East in fact holds the ©Q, he is most unlikely to rise with
the card. He plays low and your ©J forces West’s © K. Your play in diamonds
has performed a dual role. It has isolated the diamond guard in the East hand
and has also rectified the count.
Let’s say that West returns the ©9. You win with dummy’s ©A, cash the
4@K and run your remaining trumps, arriving at this end position:

a 10


* AK5
a) a —
9— eas
—— © Q
* 087 * 1096

© 10
* J3

When you play the 99, West is the first to suffer. Since he has to retain the
4J, he must abandon his club guard. You release dummy’s #10 and, if you
enjoy putting opponents to the sword, turn to observe East in his plight. If he
throws the ©Q, you will score the © 10. If instead he abandons the club suit,
you will score three club tricks in the dummy.


Let's continue with a deal where you can rectify the count only after a certain
5) * . 5

amount of preparation. Once again you must recognize the possibility of a

squeeze very early in the deal.

206 Off-Road Declarer Play

9 KJ
* 7632
@ AQ109863 a/72
9 62 er)
© QJ310 © 1632
* 9 * J1084

9 AQ10943
© 854
* AKQ5


3a 3NT pass 69

Commendable brevity in the auction, yes, but how will you tackle the play
when West leads the © Q?
There are eleven tricks on top and an easy twelfth will come from the club
suit if it breaks 3-2. What if the clubs are 4-1? The opening lead of the ©Q
suggests that West may hold the sole guard in diamonds and may be suscepti-
ble to a spade-diamond squeeze. How can the count be rectified, though? If
you simply draw trumps, test the clubs and give East a club trick, he will return
a second round of diamonds to break up the squeeze.
The answer is to delay the club duck until near the end of the deal. Indeed,
you plan to squeeze West on the very trick that rectifies the count!
How does the play go? You win the diamond lead with dummy’s ace and
draw one round of trumps with the king. You will need to extract East's spades
for the eventual end position or else he could return a spade to West’s ace when
you duck a club. So, you ruff a spade, return to dummy with the YJ and ruff
another spade.
So far, so good. You now run your remaining trumps to reach this end

Unusual Ways to Rectify the Count 207

© K9

aA a—
2 — era
© J10 o 76
a * J


© 85
* 5

You exit with the #5, rectifying the count and squeezing West at the same
time. He has to throw the © 10 to retain the 4A and you discard dummy’s 4K.
East wins the trick and, thanks to the two spade ruffs that you took, has no
spade to play. He returns a diamond and dummy scores the last two tricks.

This deal is unusual because you rectify the count by leading a card you could
have ruffed. You throw a loser instead and thereby tighten the end position.

a AQJ7
9 K8752
© 986
* 9
a 642 a 8
9 AQ1096 9 J4
© QJ3 © 10754
* AK * Q108752

208 Off-Road Declarer Play

INT 2& pass 4a
all pass

North's 2 overcall was Landy, showing both major suits. Not expecting
his partner to hold much of value, West makes the intelligent lead of a trump
against the eventual contract of 44. You win in the South hand, so that you
can lead a heart towards dummy. West rises with the YA and plays a second
round of trumps, won in the dummy.
Fondly imagining that you may be able to set up the heart suit, you ruff a
heart in your hand. When you continue with a club, West wins with the #K
and plays a third round of trumps. You win in dummy and ruff a heart, not
pleased to see East show out. This is the position you have reached:

a Q
9 K8
© 986
oe —

a — a—
9 Q10 =

© QJ53 © 1075
* A * 2108


© AK2
* J64

West guards the hearts and, very shortly, only East will guard the clubs.
Your aim is therefore a double squeeze, where neither defender will be able to
guard the diamond suit. Only two tricks have been lost so far, however, so the
count has not been rectified. The moment has come to rectify that omission
(no pun intended). You lead a club from your hand and the ace appears from
West. Instead of ruffing in the dummy, you discard a diamond loser.
It makes no difference what West does next. Let’s assume he returns the
©Q. You win in your hand with the ©A, leaving these cards to be played:

Unusual Ways to Rectify the Count 209

pees =
9 Q10 o—
& 33 © 107
ues * Q10

© K2
* J6

You lead another club. West has to keep both his hearts, so he must aban-
don his diamond guard. You ruff the club in dummy and cash the VK. East is
squeezed in the minors and you will score your tenth trick in the suit that he

210 Off Road Declarer Play

ry) a AQ62
9 A53
& 432
* K106
2Q led
a K74
9 K107
© AK6
* AQJ4


39 pass pass 3NT
pass ANT pass 6NT
all pass

West leads the 9 Q against 6NT. East discards a spade and you win with the
YK. You play three rounds of clubs and the suit breaks 3-3. What now?

& a KQ62
9 AK842
© 962
* ]
+6 led
a A43
9 976
© KJ1084
* 02


ly pass INT
ve pass 3e 36
all pass

West leads the #6 to East’s ace and back comes the ©5. When you play low
from your hand, West wins with the © Q and continues with ace and anoth-
er trump, removing dummy’s trump holding. How will you continue?

Unusual Ways to Rectify the Count 211

3] a AJ64
9 Q73
© AT6
+ 864
OK led
a KQ10953
9 82
« AJ


29 pass pass 2a
pass 4a all pass

West leads the YK, cashes the YA and lead a third round of hearts, which
East ruffs with the 42. What is your plan for the contract?

4) a 85
9 K852
© AK84
* AQ7
aQ led
a AK7
9 QI6
© 032
* KQJ4


3a dbl pass 6NT
all pass

West leads the #Q against GNT and you win with the #A. There are nine
tricks on top, with two more heart tricks readily available. A 3-3 break in
either red suit will carry you past the finish line. Mind you, that’s not likely
in a chapter about rectifying the count. How will you play?

212 Off-Road Declarer Play

a9 #310853
9 0598642 N —

© 58 © 010975
* 852 8 #973
a K74
9 K107
© AK6
* AQJ4

West leads the 9Q against ONT. East discards a spade and you win with
the YK. You play three rounds of clubs, the suit breaking 3-3. What now?
You have eleven tricks on top and will probably need a squeeze for the
twelfth trick. West has already shown ten cards in hearts and clubs, so no
squeeze will be possible on him. Instead, you must hope that East holds the sole
guard in both spades and diamonds. You cash the 4K and West follows suit.
You still need to rectify the count. How can this be done?
You lead the 97, covered by West’s 98, and must duck in the dummy. By
surrendering a trick at this stage, you will extract one more card from the East
hand. These cards remain:

a— a J108
9 39642 9—

© J © 0109
tk — e—

Unusual Ways to Rectify the Count Pah

West's heart return, won in the dummy, squeezes East in spades and dia-
monds. If West exits with the ©J instead, the pleasure of playing the VA
squeeze card will be all yours.

214 Off-Road Declarer Play

a KQ62
9 AK842
© 962
* /]
aJl9 @ 10875
O33 9 Q105
© AQ7 © 43
* K108653 * AJ94

a A43
© KJ1084
* Q2


ly pass INT
Le pass 3a 36
all pass

West leads the #6 to East’s ace and back comes the ©5. When you play
low from your hand, West wins with the ©Q and continues with ace and
another trump, removing dummy’s trump holding. How will you continue
from this point?
The original declarer gave the deal insufficient thought. He played three
rounds of spades, hoping for the 3-3 break that would allow him to discard his
remaining club loser. Spades failed to divide evenly and there was no way to
recover the situation.
There was little sense in declarer’s line of play. If spades were 3-3, he would
be able to throw his potential heart loser anyway. In the dangerous case where
spades were not 3-3, it might be possible to make the contract on a major-suit
squeeze. To this end, the correct play at Trick 5 is to lead the #Q, conceding a
trick to rectify the count.
Suppose West wins with the #K and returns another club. You ruff with
your penultimate trump and then cash dummy’s YA-K to free your 99 as a
threat card. You then return to the @A and play your last trump, throwing
dummy’s remaining heart. East has to find one more discard from #10-8-7
YQ. He will concede a trick, whichever card he chooses, and the contract is

Unusual Ways to Rectify the Count 215

a 8 ali
9 AKI954 2 106
© J8 © 010942
* 10752 & KQ93

a KQ10953
9 82
© K53
* AJ


29 pass pass 2a
pass 4a allpass

West leads the king and ace of hearts, continuing with a third round of
hearts, which East ruffs with the 42. What is your plan for the contract?
The only chance is to find that East holds the sole guard on both minors
and can be squeezed. He will need to hold five diamonds and the #K-Q. Even
then, you will not be able to squeeze him unless you have rectified the count.
You have only one chance to do this and the moment is already upon you! You
must discard a diamond from your hand at Trick 3, when East ruffs the third
round of hearts.
Let’s say that East returns the O10. You win with the ©K, preserving
dummy’s ©A as an entry, and run the trump suit. This position will arise:

216 Off-Road Declarer Play


© Al
* 86
a — =

Y= a=

oJ © 09
* 1075 * KQ


© 5
* AJ

You lead the #9, throwing the #6 from dummy, and East is squeezed.

Unusual Ways to Rectify the Count PAV

9 K852
© AK84
* 097
a QJ109642 a 3
9 43 9 A1097
© J6 © 10975
* 63 * 10852

a AK7
9 Q)6
© 032
* AKJ4

West, who opened 34, leads the &Q against GNT. You win with the aA.
There are nine tricks on top, with two more heart tricks readily available. A 3-3
break in either red suit will therefore carry you to victory. How will you play?
You cross to the #Q and lead a heart towards your hand. East cannot
afford to go in with the YA or you will have three heart tricks and the contract.
He ducks and the YQ wins. You re-enter dummy with the © A and lead anoth-
er heart, the YJ winning. You now test the lie of the cards by cashing the ©Q
and the #A. West follows all the way, marking him with 7-2-2-2 shape. This is
the position you have reached:

a 8
9 KB
© K8
* 9
43109642 a —
9— 9 Al0
o— © 109
* — * 108

a K7
9 6
© 3
* KJ

218 Off-Road Declarer Play

You lead the #7 to rectify the count! West wins and East throws a club.
When West returns a spade, dummy and East throw clubs. You win with the
4K and cash your two club winners, throwing dummy’s remaining hearts. On
the last club, East must find a discard from YA © 10-9. He is squeezed in the
red suits and the small slam is yours.


Can you see the street lights up ahead? Yes, we have reached the end of our
off-road journey. My dearest wish is that you enjoyed reading the book as much
as I enjoyed writing it. Perhaps we will both play a little better the next time we
sit down at the card table!

Butler Area Public Library
218 North McKean St. &

Butler, PA 16001

Unusual Ways to Rectify the Count 219

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Every intermediate player is familiar with the —
routine techniques of dummy play. What this
book describes are less well-known stratagems
that may save the day in situations where
straightforward lines are not going to. work. They include
methods for creating entries, surviving bad trump breaks,
elopements, getting the defenders to help you out, and many
more. In this unique book, you will learn new ways of thinking
about declarer play — ways that just might help you make the
next contract!

DAVID BIRD is a regular contributor to bridge magazines around the

world, and has written over seventy books on the game. His most recent
Master Point Press titleis 25 Ways to be a Better Defender (with Barbara :

o~vsez IM 978- i.
897106- 19-a 1897°1

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