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Goal: Learning Is Authentic and Valued What's Working: Current Focus

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Graduate teacher professional conversation log

Name: Izzy Roberts Coach: Sue Knight School: Christmas Island DHS Year Level: 5

Date: 6-9-2023 Start Time: 2.15 (3.15) Finish Time: 3.15 (4.15)

Goal: learning is authentic and valued

What’s Working: Current Focus:
Teaching something,I created Collaborative method – how to set it up and the noise.
Expectations are going really well – give lots of expectations. I clearly state my
expectations eg track with eyes. Then I ask them to tell me what they are. Criteria:
The fluency pairs, since we started 3 weeks ago.
Working independently
Measure (what evidence I will collect):
Read text to them, they have a go, then we go through it. Give them the editing They know what’s happening
process, practice every day, they are editing their own work. The respectful language – demonstrating the ideas from the Y chart.

Gave them the skills of asking someone, go to one they can do.

Maths rotations – collaborative. Did it with a game, they had to take it and play
someone else – explain how to play, model how to play, re-explaining in their own way.
Having it put in their own words – it was more at year level, student friendly language.
They found it more accessible.
They were all able to play the game
Marked the test, class average so far has been 72% in division. Average pre-test was
They are nicer to each other, and they are directly responsible for each other’s learning
more. Given some students who aren’t leaders in other opportunities (personality
sense) a chance to be a leader, collaboratively see success. Other students value
them, able to access them and rely on them.

Doing collaborative tasks and getting them to do the teaching has given them
ownership of their learning.

Used Dojo tool to select their groups. Initially there was some rhetoric about who was in
their group. Stopped on the second one because they had a purpose.

I put instructions of each round.

4/Pair/Solo – Cooperative Learning elements – what I built in.

• Promote face to face interaction – get them to teach each other.
• Collaborative skills – level of clarifying, did modelling asked student to come up
the front, explaining, questioning

Graduate teacher professional conversation log
• Group processing – had a discussion going from the 4 to the pair – how well did
they explain, something I did well, challenge I had.
• Individually accountable – playing the game – if they were able to do it. They
had to learn how to do it to successfully teach it. Demonstrated understanding
of fractions through having to do the test.
• Positive interdependence – GOAL – play and teach the game successfully.
INCENTIVE – Dojo points. RESOURCES – 1 game between them.
them into group of 4s.

Options Insights/ Affirmations

Continue using 4, pair, solo and Think, Pair, 4 in other curriculum areas. • I am doing more than I realise.
Have a discussion about the values – how we treat others, explicitly stating Next meeting date and time:
Tuesday, 17th October, 3.15-4.15 (Perth time)
Have a chat with them about what a good leader looks like. Give an example of what a
good leader looks like in the school, real life. Ask them what they think a good leader
looks like, create a list on the Y chart – looks like, sound like, feel like. Teacher feedback for coach:
Put Cooperative learning sessions after a break eg recess or DOTT. Thank you for asking me questions that make me think and reflect. Providing
Practise it more so they can become familiar with the strategy – put it in HASS and opportunities for me to be challenged.
other learning areas – once a week/ fortnight – even small, eg explaining a word.
Inside outside circle, placemats – build the elements of cooperative learning into them.
Talk about how words can have impacts on others – get them to consider how others
should be treated.
By week 5 they should be familiar with the routine

Teacher’s next action:

By the end of week 9, I will do the strategy again to become a routine, using the same
language, talking about the expectations so that they can become more familiar with
working cooperatively.
Teacher thoughts/ conclusions/ outcomes/ ideas:

Graduate teacher professional conversation log

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers - Proficient Phase

Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4 Standard 5 Standard 6 Standard 7

Know students and how they Know content and how to Plan for and implement Create and maintain Assess, provide feedback Engage in professional Engage professionally
learn teach it effective teaching and supportive and safe and report on student learning with colleagues,
learning learning environments learning parents/carers and the
1.1 Use teaching strategies 2.1 Apply knowledge of the 3.1 Set explicit, challenging 4.1 Establish and 5.1 Develop, select and use 6.1 Use the APS for
based on knowledge of students’ content and teaching and achievable learning goals implement inclusive and informal and formal, Teachers and advice from 7.1 Meet codes of ethics
physical, social and intellectual strategies of the teaching for all students. positive interactions to diagnostic, formative and colleagues to identify and and conduct established by
development and characteristics area to develop engaging engage and support all summative assessment plan professional learning regulatory authorities,
to improve student learning. teaching activities. 3.2 Plan and implement well- students in classroom strategies to assess student needs. systems and schools.
structured learning and activities. learning.
1.2 Structure teaching programs 2.2 Organise content into teaching programs or lesson 6.2 Participate in learning to 7.2 Understand the
using research and collegial coherent, well-sequenced sequences that engage 4.2 Establish and maintain 5.2 Provide timely, effective update knowledge and implications of and comply
advice about how students learning and teaching students and promote orderly and workable and appropriate feedback to practice, targeted to with relevant legislative,
learn. programs. learning. routines to create an students about their professional needs and administrative,
environment where student achievement relative to school and/or system organisational and
1.3 Design and implement 2.3 Design and implement 3.3 Select and use relevant time is spent on learning their learning goals. priorities. professional requirements,
teaching strategies that are learning and teaching teaching strategies to develop tasks. policies and processes.
responsive to the learning programs using knowledge knowledge, skills, problem 5.3 Understand and 6.3 Contribute to collegial
strengths and needs of students of curriculum, assessment solving and critical and 4.3 Manage challenging participate in assessment discussions and apply 7.3 Establish and maintain
from diverse linguistic, cultural, and reporting requirements. creative thinking. behaviour by establishing moderation activities to constructive respectful collaborative
religious and socioeconomic and negotiating clear support consistent and feedback from colleagues relationships with
backgrounds. 2.4 Provide opportunities for 3.4 Select and/or create and expectations with students comparable judgments of to improve professional parents/carers regarding
students to develop use a range of resources, and addressing discipline student learning. knowledge and practice. their children’s learning and
1.4 Design and implement understanding of and including ICT, to engage issues promptly, fairly well-being.
effective teaching strategies that respect for Aboriginal and students in their learning. and respectfully. 5.4 Use student 6.4 Undertake professional
are responsive to the local Torres Strait Islander assessment data to analyse learning programs designed 7.4 Participate in
community and cultural setting, histories, cultures and 3.5 Use effective verbal and 4.4 Ensure students’ well- and evaluate student to address identified professional and community
linguistic background and languages. non-verbal communication being and safety within understanding of student learning needs. networks and forums to
histories of Aboriginal and strategies to support student school by implementing subject/content, identifying broaden knowledge and
Torres Strait Islander students. 2.5 Apply knowledge and understanding, participation, school and/ or system, interventions and modifying improve practice.
understanding of effective engagement and curriculum and legislative teaching practice.
1.5 Develop teaching activities teaching strategies to achievement. requirements.
that incorporate differentiated support students’ literacy 5.5 Report clearly,
strategies to meet the specific and numeracy achievement. 3.6 Evaluate personal 4.5 Incorporate strategies to accurately and respectfully
learning needs of students teaching and learning promote the safe, to students and
across the full range of abilities. 2.6 Use effective teaching programs using evidence, responsible and ethical use parents/carers about
strategies to integrate ICT including feedback from of ICT in learning and student achievement,
1.6 Design and implement into learning and teaching students and student teaching. making use of accurate and
teaching activities that support programs to make selected assessment data, to inform reliable records.
the participation and learning of content relevant and planning.
students with disability and meaningful.
address relevant policy and 3.7 Plan for appropriate and
legislative requirements. contextually relevant
opportunities for parents/
carers to be involved in their
children’s learning.

Graduate teacher professional conversation log

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers – Highly Accomplished Phase

Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4 Standard 5 Standard 6 Standard 7
Know students and how they Know content and how to Plan for and implement effective Create and maintain Assess, provide feedback Engage in professional Engage professionally
learn teach it teaching and learning supportive and safe and report on student learning with colleagues,
learning environments learning parents/carers and the
1.1 Select from a flexible and 2.1 Support colleagues using 3.1 Develop a culture of high 6.1 Analyse the Australian community
effective repertoire of teaching current and comprehensive expectations for all students by 4.1 Model effective practice 5.1 Develop and apply a Professional Standards for
strategies to suit the physical, knowledge of content and modelling and setting challenging and support colleagues to comprehensive range of Teachers to plan personal 7.1 Maintain high ethical
social and intellectual teaching strategies to develop learning goals. implement inclusive assessment strategies to professional development standards and support
development and characteristics and implement engaging strategies that engage and diagnose learning needs, goals, support colleagues to colleagues to interpret codes
of students. learning and teaching programs. 3.2 Work with colleagues to plan, support all students. comply with curriculum identify and achieve of ethics and exercise sound
evaluate and modify learning and requirements and support personal development goals judgement in all school and
1.2 Expand understanding of 2.2 Exhibit innovative practice in teaching programs to create productive 4.2 Model and share with colleagues to evaluate the and preservice teachers to community contexts.
how students learn using the selection and organisation of learning environments that engage all colleagues a flexible effectiveness of their improve classroom practice.
research and workplace content and delivery of learning students. repertoire of strategies for approaches to assessment. 7.2 Support colleagues to
knowledge. and teaching programs. classroom management to 6.2 Plan for professional review and interpret
3.3 Support colleagues to select and ensure all students are 5.2 Select from an effective learning by accessing and legislative, administrative,
1.3 Support colleagues to 2.3 Support colleagues to plan apply effective teaching strategies to engaged in purposeful range of strategies to critiquing relevant research, and organisational
develop effective teaching and implement learning and develop knowledge, skills, problem activities. provide targeted feedback engage in high quality requirements, policies and
strategies that address the teaching programs using solving and critical and creative based on informed and targeted opportunities to processes.
learning strengths and needs of contemporary knowledge and thinking. 4.3 Develop and share with timely judgements of each improve practice and offer
students from diverse linguistic, understanding of curriculum, colleagues a flexible student’s current needs in quality placements for 7.3 Demonstrate
cultural, religious and assessment and reporting 3.4 Assist colleagues to create, select repertoire of behaviour order to progress learning. preservice teachers where responsiveness in all
socioeconomic backgrounds. requirements. and use a wide range of resources, management strategies applicable. communications with
including ICT, to engage students in using expert knowledge and 5.3 Organise assessment parents/carers about their
1.4 Provide advice and support 2.4 Support colleagues with their learning. workplace experience. moderation activities that 6.3 Initiate and engage in children’s learning and
colleagues in the implementation providing opportunities for support consistent and professional discussions with wellbeing.
of effective teaching strategies students to develop 3.5 Assist colleagues to select a wide 4.4 Initiate and take comparable judgements of colleagues in a range of
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait understanding of and respect for range of verbal and nonverbal responsibility for student learning. forums to evaluate practice 7.4 Contribute to
Islander students using Aboriginal and Torres Strait communication strategies to support implementing current school directed at improving professional networks and
knowledge of and support from Islander histories, cultures and students’ understanding, engagement and/or system, curriculum 5.4 Work with colleagues to professional knowledge and associations and build
community representatives. languages. and achievement. and legislative requirements use data from internal and practice, and the educational productive links with the
to ensure student wellbeing external student outcomes of students. wider community to improve
1.5 Evaluate learning and 2.5 Support colleagues to 3.6 Work with colleagues to review and safety. assessments for evaluating teaching and learning.
teaching programs, using implement effective teaching current teaching and learning programs learning and teaching, 6.4 Engage with colleagues
student assessment data that strategies to improve students’ using student feedback, student 4.5 Model, and support identifying interventions and to evaluate the effectiveness
are differentiated for the specific literacy and numeracy assessment data, and knowledge of colleagues to develop, modifying teaching practice. of teacher professional
learning needs of students achievement. curriculum and workplace practices. strategies to promote the learning activities to address
across the full range of abilities. safe, responsible and ethical 5.5 Work with colleagues to student learning needs.
2.6 Model high level teaching 3.7 Work with colleagues to provide use of ICT in learning and construct accurate,
1.6 Work with colleagues to knowledge and skills and work appropriate and contextually relevant teaching. informative and timely
access specialist knowledge, with colleagues to use current opportunities for parents/carers to be reports to students and
and relevant policy and ICT to improve their teaching involved in their children’s learning. parents/carers about student
legislation, to develop teaching practice and make content learning and achievement.
programs that support the relevant and meaningful.
participation and learning of
students with disability.

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