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Induction Checklist For New Starters

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To be retained in the employee’s personal file

(Please print)

Date Commenced:

Inducting Officer:
(Please print)

Welcome to your new role within Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (the UHB). We
hope your time with us will be enjoyable. This induction checklist has been designed to help
you become acquainted with your new work situation, and the policies or procedures
related to your job or that may be of use to you during your employment with the UHB.

Completing this checklist is a MANDATORY requirement.

In order to ensure a safe and effective induction, both you and your immediate manager (or
inducting officer) are required to complete each topic listed below. Both you and your
manager must sign and date the end of the checklist when you both agree all elements have
been adequately covered,

You must start completing this form on your first day and it is anticipated that it should be
completed within two weeks of your commencement with the UHB. This document will
also assist in the identification and planning of your immediate training needs.

Information for the Inducting Officer:

 Please read this document in advance and familiarise yourself with the location of
the information on the UHB intranet site. It makes sense to print some of the
information out beforehand.
 The information outlined in this checklist is the minimum that newly appointed staff
must receive during their local induction
 It is recommended that this is completed at a PC, so that you can show the new
starter how to access the information via the intranet and internet.
 Once this induction checklist has been completed it should be placed on the
individual’s personal file

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (the UHB) is one of the largest NHS organisations in
Wales. We employ approximately 14,000 staff and provide health services to a population of
around 478,900 people living in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. We also serve a wider
population across South and Mid Wales for a range of specialties.

We are a teaching Health Board with close links to the university sector, and together we are
training the next generation of healthcare professionals, while working on research that will
hopefully unlock the cures for today’s illnesses.

The UHB always strives to put patients first and our aim is Caring For People; Keeping
People Well. The UHB therefore has an important job to do and we all need to try to do
this to the best of our abilities – however, we know that good intentions are not always
enough. To help us, values and example behaviours have been identified which guide the
way all staff work and the way we behave with others.

These values and behaviours are:

CARE Care about the people you serve

Care about your colleagues and look after their wellbeing
RESPECT Treat everyone with respect
Treat everyone as individual with their own individual needs
Thank people and celebrate success
TRUST Trust one another
Learn from mistakes
Seek out feedback
KINDNESS Be kind to one another and to everyone else you meet
Treat people as you would like to be treated and always with
INTEGRITY Treat everyone with dignity
Take pride and do what you say you will do
Be honest with yourself and others
PERSONAL Be enthusiastic and take responsibility for your work
RESPONSIBILITY Do the right thing
Be careful with resources
Develop your skills

It is important to understand that we are expected to behave in accordance with these

values at all times, demonstrating commitment to the delivery of high quality services to

At Cardiff and Vale UHB we want all our employees to feel valued and respected. We also
want all patients and members of the public who come into contact with the UHB to be
confident that they will be treated with dignity and without discrimination or prejudice.

Age, disability, gender-reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and

maternity, race, religion, faith or belief/non belief, sex or sexual orientation are all aspects of
a person that make up their identity and are what is termed under the Equality Act 2010 as
'protected characteristics'. There might also be other social factors such as family, financial
circumstances and lifestyle that determine how a person sees themselves or is seen by

The UHB has a duty to take action against employees, patients or the public who act against
the laws on equality. Any discriminatory behaviour by staff will be treated as a disciplinary
offence and subject to sanctions under the Disciplinary Policy. Members of the public or
patients could be refused access to services or premises if they deliberately and knowingly
disregard equality laws and policies.

The UHB encourages people to speak out against any issues of injustice without fear of
recrimination. The UHB has in place a Procedure for staff to Raise Concerns and a Dignity at
Work Policy to enable staff to report incidents in confidence and a complaints system with
advisors in all key service groups available to the general public.

As part of the equality agenda, we encourage staff members to use their Welsh Language
skills as part of their work when dealing with patients and service users. We also encourage
staff to actively use Welsh with other colleagues in their daily work environment.

Your line manager or a nominated inducting officer will go through the following induction
checklist with you to ensure all relevant points are covered.


1. Welcome Completed (
or n/a)
Welcome and introduction to:
 Manager / supervisor
 Colleagues
 Patients
Assign a mentor/buddy (if appropriate)

2. Administration Completed (
or n/a)
 Complete enrolment form
 Send P45 to payroll (or complete Starter Checklist available on
 ID Badge session arranged
 Car parking arrangements (and car parking permit if applicable)
 Corporate Induction arranged / attended
 Check offer letter received and contract signed
 Working Time Regulations explained:
o Opt out form completed (if applicable)
o Secondary Employment form completed (if applicable)
 Method of payment, collection of pay slips & how to contact Payroll
 Complete IT form to enable access to IT systems
 Read and sign Email and Internet Policy
 PAS/Oracle etc training arranged and passwords provided
 Arrange manual handling training (to take place within 6 weeks)

3. Introduction to Work Location Completed (

or n/a)
 Specific duties and responsibilities of the post
(refer to job description)
 Local management structure and reporting arrangements
 Department / Team work plan provided
 Orientation of department / site
 Housekeeping arrangements (including location of toilets, catering
facilities, lockers, notice boards, photocopier etc)
 Use of telephones / mobile phones (including private use)
 Advise that the UHB does not accept responsibility for staff personal
belongings lost or damaged on its premises. Staff are discouraged
from bringing into work any personal belongings or effects which are
not needed for work
 Taken receipt of (as appropriate):
o Uniform
o Keys/security codes
o Mobile Phone/personal alarm
o Other
 Start and finish times / shift patterns
 Meal breaks and cover
 Flexitime/time owing procedure
 Confidentiality
 Details of any scheduled meetings (if applicable)


4. Attendance Completed (
or n/a)
 Sickness:
o What to do if sick, who to notify and when
o Monitoring of sickness absence including triggers
o Self certification / fit notes
o Return to work interviews
o Role of Occupational Health
 Special leave procedures
 Annual leave allocation and request procedure explained
 Work rotas

5. Health and Safety Completed (

or n/a)
 Department’s Health and Safety Policy
 Reporting Incidents
 RIDDOR Regulations (if applicable)
 Fire Safety procedures and assembly points
 Fire Warden identified
 First Aider identified
 Evacuation procedure
 Risk Assessments (if applicable)
 COSHH (if applicable)
 Infection control and hygiene requirements
 Information/instruction of equipment (including Display Screen
Equipment (DSE))
 Waste disposal
 Security arrangements (including IT security and lone worker)

4. Communication and Information Completed (

or n/a)
 Lines of communication (UHB / Directorate / local)
 UHB intranet site
 Bleep system
 Cardiac arrest (if applicable)
 How to access advice and support (this can be local or UHB wide e.g.
on call)
 Discuss importance of good communication with patients, relatives,
visitors and the public (as appropriate)

5. The Job (including duties and supervision) Completed (

or n/a)
With Manager:
 How the department fits into the UHB
 How you personally fit into the bigger picture
 The UHB values and behaviours
 Your personal aims
 Staff development and training
 PADR/appraisal process
 Mandatory Training
 The duties of the role
 Minimum period of any supervised practice (if applicable)
 How competency will be measured
 Importance of limiting actions to those you have been trained for,
gained experience and are deemed competent to perform
 Relevant Code of Conduct
 Scheme of Delegation (if applicable)

6. Administration Within The Department Completed (

or n/a)
Local policies and procedures including:
 Any specialist equipment
 Paperwork/record keeping required
 Travel and subsistence
 Applications for study leave
 Incident reporting (including near misses)
 How to change personal details in the future

7. Key Policies Completed (

or n/a)
(N.B. this is not a complete list of employment policies. A brief summary of
each of these policies is available for managers to use as a prompt)
 Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Misuse Policy
 Annual Leave Guidelines (and Annual Leave Purchase Scheme
 Capability Policy
 Data Protection Policy
 Dignity at Work Policy
 Disciplinary Policy
 Domestic Abuse, Gender Based Violence and Sexual Violence
 Dress Code
 Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Policy
 Flexible Working Policy
 Grievance Policy
 IT Security Policy
 Mandatory Training Policy
 Maternity, Adoption, Paternity and Shared Parental Leave Policy
 No Smoking and Smoke Free Environment Policy
 Organisational Change Policy
 Professional Registration Policy
 PADR Policy
 Redeployment Policy
 Retirement Policy
 Secondment Policy
 Sickness Absence Policy
 Social Media Guidelines
 Special Leave Policy
 Standards and Behaviours Policy (incl acceptance of gifts)
 Study Leave Guidelines
 Raising Concerns Procedure
 Working Times Policy

8. Further Introductions Completed (

or n/a)
e.g. for nursing staff:
 Dieticians
 Physiotherapy
 Occupational Therapy
 Social Worker
 Clinical Nurse Manager
 Chaplain
 Others

Other Staff:
 Relevant contacts identified by manager

9. Other useful information Completed (

or n/a)
 Trade Union membership and representatives
 Total Reward Statement
 Pension scheme (including opting out)
 Childcare vouchers and nurseries
 Staff lottery
 Sports and Social club
I confirm that the induction checklist has been completed and understood

Employee signature ___________________________________________________

Line Manager/Inducting Officer’s signature _________________________________


The Learning Education and Development (LED) Department deliver a one day Corporate
Induction Programme which is suitable for all new employees joining the Cardiff and Vale
University Health Board (UHB). Invitation letters are circulated to newly appointed staff to
their home address and Line Managers are required to release staff to attend this Induction
event. The Induction Programme is delivered using a blended approach and during the one
day event, staff are provided with an opportunity to attend tutor led sessions, undertake e-
learning and engage with speakers at the poster presentations which are delivered by
subject matter experts on a wide variety of topics.

The Corporate Induction Programme should be completed within eight weeks of starting
employment and your Line Manager must ensure that you are given time to undertake this

On some occasions staff are NOT required to attend the Corporate Induction Day, those
exceptions include:

 Staff who retire from the UHB and return to work either on the same or reduced hours.
 Newly appointed Health Care Support Workers who have been nominated to attend the
Health Care Support Worker Induction Programme. Further information can be obtained
from the Learning Education Department at Llandough Hospital. – Tel (WHTN – 01776) -
Llandough 26924.

For any other enquiries regarding the Corporate Induction Day, please contact the Learning
Education and Development Department: Tel: (WHTN – 01872) UHW – 47834.

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