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Report Standard Dilution

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Practical Report 1: Preparation of Standard Solution


Index Number : 2023062310082

IC Number : 050501-13-1048

Group/Unit : SCIENCE 1

Code and Name of the course : SCES1094 FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY 1


Date of submission : 12 SEPTEMBER 2023

Lecturer’s comment:

Marks: Lecturer’s signature:


Acknowledgement of receiving lecturer’s feedback as follows:

I hereby acknowledge that I have received feedback from the lecturer and I have also referred and
understand it.


Date: 12.9.2023

Preparation of Standard Solutions


1. To prepare 250cm3 of standard solution of 0.5mol dm-3 sodium chloride, NaCl and sodium
nitrate, NaNO3.
2. To prepare 250cm3 of standard solution of 2.25mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid, HCl and nitric
acid, HNO3.


1. To prepare a standard solution by weighing method.

2. To prepare a standard solution by dilution method.
3. To understand the concept of weighing method and its calculation.
4. To understand the concept of dilution and its calculation.

Date of experiment:

1 September 2023


According to Cowles, H. W. (1908), standard solution is a solution with a known concentration. A

standard solution is a solution containing a precisely known concentration of an element or a
substance. A standard solution is also known as the solution with standardized concentration. The
goal of standardization is to determine the exact concentration (molarity) of a solution. The
concentration of a standard solution is often stated in molarity (M) or moles per litre (mol/L). There
are two methods to prepare standard dilution, dilution method and weighing method. Typically used
to prepare basic standard solutions, the weighing method requires pure substances that can be
dissolved in a solvent such as water (Onissiphorou, K. 2022, March 29). The mass of solute needed is
determined by using the formula:

Dilution method is to obtain the desired concentration, a simple dilution is one in which a unit
volume of a liquid material of interest is blended with an adequate volume of a solvent liquid. The
total number of unit volumes in which the material will be dissolved is the dilution factor. A dilution
can be performed not only to lower the concentration of the analyte that is being tested so that it is
within range, but also to help eliminate interferences from other substances that may be present in
the sample that can artificially alter the analysis (Smith, 2013). The volume of solvent required to
dilute a new solution to the desired concentration can be determined quantitatively. The following is
the relationship:

M1V1= M2V2

A solute is the substance that dissolves in a solvent to produce a homogeneous mixture. A solvent
is any substance, usually liquid, which is capable of dissolving one or several substances, thus
creating a solution. A solution is a homogeneous mixture of one or more solutes dissolved in a
solvent. A standard solution is a solution containing a precisely known concentration of an element
or a substance. Dilution is the process of adding a solvent to a solution to reduce the concentration
of the solute. Weighing method is the way to determine the amount of a substance to be used or
formed in a chemical reaction (Ryan, L., & Norris, R. 2014).


Hydrochloric acid, Nitric acid, Sodium nitrate, Sodium chloride, distilled water


200ml beaker, pipette, 250cm3 volumetric flask, filter funnel, glass rod, stopper, 2 petri dishes,
electronic balance, pipette pump

A. Prepare a standard solution by weighing method:


1. The mass of sodium chloride, NaCl and sodium nitrate, NaNO 3 needed is determined by using
the formula:

Sodium chloride, NaCl Sodium nitrate, NaNO3

M= 0.5mol dm-3 M= 0.5mol dm-3

V= 250cm3 V= 250cm3

0.5 ×250 0.5 ×250

No of mole of NaCl= No of mole of NaNO3=
1000 1000
= 0.125mol = 0.125mol

Mass of NaCl= 0.125 × [23+35.5] Mass of NaNO3= 0.125 × [23+14+3(16)]

= 7.3g =10.6g

2. The mass calculated is weighed using electronic balance.

3. Solid sodium chloride, NaCl is poured into a beaker.

4. 100cm3 of distilled water is added to the solid sodium chloride, NaCl in the beaker.

5. The mixture is stirred using a glass rod until all the solid sodium chloride, NaCl is completely
dissolved in the distilled water.
6. The sodium chloride solution, NaCl is transferred into a 250cm 3 volumetric flask via a filter

7. The filter funnel is rinsed with a little distilled water so that all the remaining solution is
transferred into the volumetric flask.

8. The filter funnel is removed and distilled water is added into the volumetric flask until it
reaches the calibration mark on the volumetric flask.

9. The

volumetric flask is then closed with a stopper and

shake well by inverting the volumetric flask several times until the solution is homogenous.
10. A 250cm3 of 0.5M NaCl is prepared.
11. Repeat steps 2 to 9 by using solid sodium nitrate, NaNO3 .

B. Prepare a standard solution by dilution method:


1. The volume of hydrochloric acid, HCl and nitric acid, HNO 3 needed is calculated by using the
M1V1= M2V2
Hydrochloric acid, HCl
2.25mol dm-3 × V1= 0.1mol dm-3 × 250cm3
V1= 11.11cm3

Nitric acid, HNO3

2.25mol dm-3 × V1= 0.1mol dm-3 × 250cm3

V1= 11.11cm3

2. 11.11cm3 of 2.25M HCl is drew up by using pipette.

3. 11.11cm3 of 2.25M HCl is transferred to 250cm3 of volumetric flask by using pipette.

4. Distilled water is added into the volumetric flask until it reaches the calibration mark on the
volumetric flask.

5. The volumetric flask is then closed with a stopper and shake well by inverting the volumetric
flask several times until the solution is homogenous.

6. A 250cm3 of 0.1M hydrochloric acid, HCl is prepared.

7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 by using 10cm3 of 2.5M nitric acid, HNO3.

Precaution steps:

1. The position of eyes must be perpendicular to the calibration mark during the process of
adding distilled water into the volumetric flask.
2. The acid should be carry out carefully as its concentration is high.
3. Filter funnel should be washed thoroughly several times.


Preparation of standard dilution by weighing method ( NaCl ):

M= 0.5mol dm-3

V= 250cm3

0.5 ×250
No of mole of NaCl=
= 0.125mol

Mass of NaCl= 0.125 × [23+35.5]

= 7.3g

Preparation of standard dilution by weighing method ( NaNO3 ):

M= 0.5mol dm-3

V= 250cm3

0.5 ×250
No of mole of NaNO3=
= 0.125mol

Mass of NaNO3= 0.125 × [23+14+3(16)]


Preparation of standard dilution by dilution method ( HCl ):

M1V1= M2V2

2.25mol dm-3 × V1= 0.1mol dm-3 × 250cm3

V1= 11.11cm3

Preparation of standard dilution by dilution method ( HNO3 ):

2.25mol dm-3 × V1= 0.1mol dm-3 × 250cm3

V1= 11.11cm3

1. Weighing method of standard solution

Salts Molarity of salt Volume of Number of moles Mass of salt

(moldm-3) solution (dm3) of salt (mol) needed (g)
Sodium chloride, 0.5 0.25 0.125 7.3
Sodium nitrate, 0.5 0.25 0.125 10.6

2. Dilution method of standard solution

Acids Concentration of Volume of Concentration of Volume of

original solution, original solution, diluted solution, diluted solution,
M1 (M) V1 (cm3) M2 (M) V2 (cm3)
Hydrochloric 2.25 11.11 0.1 250
acid, HCl
Nitric acid, HNO3 2.25 11.11 0.1 250


Dilution also defines as the process where the concentration is the measure of how much of given
substance there is mixed with another substance. This can apply to any sort of chemical mixture, but
most frequently the concept is limited to homogeneous solutions, where it refers to the amount of
solute in a substance. There are some precautionary steps for this experiment. For example, while
weighing do not spill the substance on the electronic balance. While preparing the laboratory
reagent, lab coat should be used. Filter funnel should be washed thoroughly several times (Johnson,
K. 2004, April 12)
The most important part in producing the standard solution is the calculation. In weighing method,
the number of moles of solute is determined by using the formula, n= . In dilution method, the
volume of acid needed is determined by using formula, M1V1= M2V2. If a calculation error occurs, the
accuracy of the calculated concentration of the standard solution directly impacts the accuracy of
later measurements or analyses. If the concentration is miscalculated, it can cause errors in
experiments or calibrations that rely on this standard solution. Furthermore, incorrect calculations
can result in the preparation of solutions that are too concentrated or too diluted. This can lead to
wastage of chemicals and resources, which can be costly and environmentally undesirable (Reid, D.
2019). Therefore, to avoid parallax errors, make sure our eyes are directly in line with the calibration
mark when adding distilled water. If adding too much distilled water into the volumetric flask, the
solution will exceed the calibration mark on the volumetric flask. This condition will result in an
incorrect standard solution (Jaden. 2020).

When finished the experiment, we should wash the laboratory glassware promptly. We should clean
up the laboratory or experimental area, store all equipment correctly and dispose of hazardous
materials following safety protocols. Lastly, record all data, observations, and procedures in our
laboratory report (Cowles, H. W. 1908).


In conclusion, standard solution can be prepared by weighing method and dilution method.


1. Give the meaning of standard solution.

A standard solution is a solution containing a precisely known concentration of an element or

a substance.

2. State the uses of volumetric flask.

 Measuring accurate volumes of liquid materials for laboratory experiments.
 Used for precise dilutions and preparation of standard sulutions.


a. 60.0g magnesium sulfate is dissolved in water to produce 500cm 3 solution. Calculate the
concentration of the solution.
(Relative atomic mass: O,16 ; Mg,24 ; S,32)

= 0.5mol
24+32+ 4(16)

Concentration of the solution:

M (500)

M=1 moldm-3

b. Calculate the concentration in gdm-3 of 0.6 moldm-3 ferrous solution(lll) chloride.

(Relative atomic mass: Cl,35.5 ; Fe,56)

ferrous solution(lll) chloride= FeCl3

Concentration of FeCl3= 0.6x [56+3(35.5)]
= 0.6x 162.5
= 97.5gdm-3

c. What is the mass of ethanedioic acid (oxalic acid), H 2C2O4.2H2O, should be dissolved in water
to produce 200cm3 solution of ethanoic acid 0.2 moldm-3.
(Relative atomic mass: H,1 ; C,12 ; O,16)

200× 0.2
No of mole of ethanoic acid=
= 0.04mol

Mass of ethanedioic acid= 0.04 x [1(2)+ 12(2) +16(4) x 2(1(2)+16)]

= 5.04g

d. 5.13g of barium hydroxide dissolved in water to produce a solution with 0.01moldm -3.
Calculate the volume of the prepared solution.
(Relative atomic mass: H,1 ; O,16 ; Ba,137)

No of mole of Ba(OH)2=
137+ ( 16 ( 2 ) ) +2
= 0.03mol

Volume of prepared solution=
= 3dm3

e. Q is an organic compound. 12.0g of Q has dissolved in water to make 1dm -3 of solution with
0.2moldm-3. Calculate the relative molecular mass of substance Q.



12 g

x= 60gmol-1

Relative molecular mass of substance Q= 60gmol-1


I. Cowles, H. W. (1908). Preparation of a Solution for Making Standard Solutions of

Sodium Hydroxide. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 30(7), 1192–1192.

II. Eslek, Z., & Tulpar, A. (2013). Solution Preparation and Conductivity Measurements:

An Experiment for Introductory Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 90(12),

III. Jaden. (2020). Volumetric Flask: Uses & Calibration - Video & Lesson Transcript |


IV. Johnson, K. (2004, April 12). Preparation of Standard Solution of Sodium Carbonate

- Chemistry Practicals Class 11. BYJUS.


V. Kelvin Weaver. (2019). What Is a Standard Solution in Chemistry? ThoughtCo.

VI. Onissiphorou, K. (2022, March 29). How To Make A Standard Solution | The

Chemistry Blog. ReAgent Chemicals.


VII. Reid, D. (2019). Standard Solution: Definition & Method - Video & Lesson

Transcript |


VIII. Ryan, L., & Norris, R. (2014). Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry

Coursebook (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.

IX. Smith, J. (2013, May 13). Dilution - Dilutions of Solutions - Definition & Meaning,

Formula, Methods & Importance of Dilution. BYJUS.

X. The Wolfson Foundation. (2016). Standard solution. RSC Education.

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