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Condition Based Maintenance

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CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE . . . .How to get started. . . . by John Cadick, P.E. 1999 by Cadick Corporation1 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ABSTRACT This paper offers a step-by-step method which may be used to implement a condition based maintenance (CBM) program. Based on an aggregate of experience from industrial and utility companies around the world, the methods presented here are, for the most part, field tested. Previous papers presented in this series have focused on definitions and concepts. This installment is aimed directly at how. The acceptance of CBM concepts has been slow in the United States. Other countries, New Zealand is used in this paper as an example, are farther along in the reformation of their utility industries. This fact, coupled with their smaller geographic size, has led to a faster acceptance of CBM concepts. While stopping short of wholesale application of CBM, some U.S. and many international power systems asset owners are implementing CBM and finding it to be a cost effective approach to maintenance practices. This paper presents a compilation of the implementation procedures used by several power systems. Starting with equipment oriented Predictive Maintenance (PDM) the paper moves on to the more comprehensive and cost effective concepts of CBM. Along the way we will compare and contrast on-line monitoring versus off-line test procedures, we will discuss how the various CBM procedures work on different types of equipment, and finally we will present the step-by-step approach that should allow the asset owner to optimize the investment placed into a maintenance program.

2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE Concepts The concept of Predictive Maintenance is not new. However, the modern maintenance programmes are drawn out with the predictive maintenance concepts at their base. Predictive maintenance comprises methods which attempt to predict or diagnose problems in a piece of equipment based on test results. Predictions are usually based on the trending of results. Consider the following simple example: An insulation test is performed on a 15 kV substation bus. The one (1) minute test result, corrected for temperature, is 5,225 MS. Referral to International Electrical Testing Association (NETA) standards shows that a minimum value of 5,000 MS is acceptable. Your initial evaluation might be to accept the equipment and then go on. Reviewing Figure 1, however, will undoubtedly lead you to a totally different conclusion.

Figure 1 - Insulation Resistance Trending Chart Figure 1 clearly shows a seriously deteriorating piece of equipment. The last two readings, taken six months apart, show a drop from approximately 10,500 Megohms to 5,225 Megohms. Clearly, this equipment is failing. Assuming this trend continues, the insulation resistance of this equipment will reach zero in one year. This example, while simple, clearly establishes the value of trending and, by extension, the value of applying predictive techniques to test results. Later, this example will be extrapolated to show the power of even more sophisticated evaluation methods. On-line vs. Off-line Since the early 1990s, major interest in so-called on-line monitoring has started to appear in the industry. The concept, quite correctly, is based on the belief that if equipment can be evaluated, and yet still remain in service, the overall cost of maintenance will go down. Consider the previous example. In order to make the insulation resistance measurements, the gear had to be taken off-line. This means that during the maintenance interval it is nonproductive. If, in some way, the condition of the equipment could be evaluated while still in service, great savings would be realized. On-line monitoring of this type makes enormous sense in many situations for many kinds of equipment. Generators, for example, can be readily monitored based on a number of available parameters, including the following: Stator voltage, current, and phase angle Exciter current and voltage Temperatures Cooling gas density Bearing Vibration Lubricating oil condition

Other electrical equipment such as circuit breakers, relays, and switchgear are not as readily assessable using on-line techniques. Through diagnostic oil tests, transformers may be evaluated while on-line; however, a complete transformer evaluation would be needed to involve off-line parameters such as insulation resistance, insulation power factor, and/or polarization index readings.

Ultimately, the decision to use on-line measurements, off-line measurements, or both will be based on an overall evaluation of economics and system availability. 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE CBM adds two enormously important dimensions to classical predictive maintenance. First, CBM deals with the entire system as an entity. This holistic approach to maintenance represents a major shift from the piecemeal methodologies of the past. While CBM can still be implemented one step at a time, it realizes its greatest potential when applied consistently and evenly across the entire range of system maintenance concepts. The second added dimension is the concept of ignoring or extending maintenance intervals. PDM trending techniques have been used historically to confirm maintenance decisions that would previously have been based on expert opinions. While this approach may often find problems not otherwise identifiable, as in Figure 1 for example, it does little toward reducing the cost of classical preventive maintenance programs. In fact, because of the additional analysis required, PDM may actually increase day-to-day costs slightly for some installations.

Figure 2 - CBM Flow Chart Model

CBM on the other hand, because of its systemic approach, usually decreases long term maintenance costs. Consider Figure 2 for example. After all of the various criteria are entered into the CBM model, and the analysis is performed, the results can cause the maintenance interval to be decreased, maintained or increased. In other words there is an actual possibility that maintenance costs will go down based on an increased time interval between shutdowns. 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GETTING STARTED PHASE 1

One of the very attractive aspects of CBM is the fact that it can be implemented in a relatively inexpensive, step-by-step approach. Because CBM is based on the equipment oriented concepts of PDM, it can be applied gradually one system at a time. Eventually the entire power system is included in the program and cost savings begin to multiply.

Table 1 Safety program review elements Safety Procedure Review Any major change in system maintenance or operations should include a thorough review of safety procedures. At a minimum, the following should be considered: A complete treatise of safety program review and setup is beyond the scope of this paper; however, the reader should refer to the latest revisions of CFR Title 29 Parts 1910.269 and 1910.331 - 1910.335. Data Collection and Storage Procedures Maintenance data and its uses are among the key differences between classical and modern maintenance methods. In the past, maintenance results from any given interval were reviewed and filed. Little, if any, attention was paid to comparison or trending. As previously described in this paper, trending and statistical analysis are the fundamental building blocks of CBM. Comparing data absolute values, and perhaps more importantly, comparing data deviations via statistical analysis provide information never before available. Obviously, a statistically relevant database is required. Maintenance management software (MMS) has been available for many years. Such software may vary slightly from one manufacturer to another, but the basic purpose and design are similar from one package to another. Fundamental equipment information is stored usually in a detailed manner. Information such as size, date of purchase, ratings, cost, maintenance cycle, and equipment specific notes are all maintained. Most MMS packages will even print out work orders when calendar based preventive maintenance schedules dictate. Few, if any, of these packages will store maintenance results, and none will perform the trending or statistical analysis required for full implementation of PDM or CBM. Fortunately, many power system operators (whether industrial or utility) have kept good paper records over the years. Relay, transformer, circuit breaker, switchgear, and rotating equipment maintenance test sheets are usually kept for several years in paper form. Converting these records to a computerized database is time consuming, but simple. The platform chosen for the record keeping system should be one of the commercially available personal computer relational database programs. Some companies opt for a spreadsheet program; however, I recommend against this. Most spreadsheet programs are long on computations power and short on database manipulation abilities. Since database files (tables) will readily import into a spreadsheet for analysis, use the database.

Table 2 Master equipment database The table structure should be as general as possible, and it should be done in two, linked database files. This allows for a variety of types of equipment as well as future modifications. Table 2 lists the type of information and suggested field names for the master database, and Table 3 shows the test result database. Note that each field in the results database is linked to the appropriate test field in the master database.

Table 3 Key items for preliminary plan

Table 4 Test results database Notice also that each test result record is dated to allow identifying the specific test interval. This structure is flexible and is supported by virtually all of the commercially available PC database programs. This relatively simple structure allows access to the data for analysis and review. For easiest results, an user interface may be programmed to allow simple data entry. If required, a bridge program may be written which will allow data to be transferred from automated testing programs such as PulseMaster or from automatic testing equipment such as computerized power factor test sets. Equipment failure and outage information To help with the risk assessment portions of the CBM program, a compilation of outage data needs to be compiled. This information can include such items as type of outage, cause, length, cost (estimated if necessary), date, and other such data. For power systems with relatively little outage data a manual listing is probably adequate; however, computerizing (using the same database as the test results data) is recommended. Outage information may be used to prioritize the implementation sequence of the CBM program. Obviously, equipment with a high failure record and/or a high value to the operation, should be enrolled in the program first. Equipment database The equipment database will be developed in parallel with the other databases. If desired, the equipment database may be linked to the master maintenance database (Table 2). It may also be incorporated in the master maintenance database; however, more flexibility is realized if they are kept separate. Preliminary budget and plan The final step for phase 1 is the establishment of a preliminary plan and a budget. The preliminary plan should include the steps shown in Table 4. Emphasize that this plan is preliminary. You should expect changes as the actual program implementation begins. For example, some equipment, such as low and medium voltage circuit breakers, are not as readily predicted as other such as transformers. Because of this, you may decide to drop detailed statistical analysis in favor of a less rigorous approach. 5.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GETTING STARTED PHASE 2

Now it is time to begin in earnest. The information garnered in Phase 1 will be put to work as a living, active Condition Based Maintenance Program. Develop detailed evaluation criteria and methods Based on the test result data gathered in Phase 1, the development of control chart strategies1, and/or other statistical evaluation techniques should be begun. The exact nature of which strategies should be used may not be immediately apparent. Two options are available as shown in Table 5.

Table 5 Evaluation criteria options Contracting with a qualified CBM consultant who can assist you in the selection and implementation of appropriate strategies. Starting simple with a commercially available spreadsheet may not be as rigorous or technically satisfying as more sophisticated statistical analysis, it may well provide a satisfactory compromise between competing technical and economic factors. Finalize recommended maintenance procedures and intervals This is one area that is very easy to overkill. Remember that maintenance procedures can be added as needed in future intervals. Using transformers as an example, Table 6 lists typical, predictive result types of tests that might be used. Notice also that the so-called subjective criteria that are included. The opinions and observations of skilled technicians along with the ambient environmental conditions are extremely important in the overall evaluation.

Condition Based Maintenance, Cadick, Manker, DiLeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AVO Tech Conference, 1995

Table 6 Transformer PDM tests Test reporting forms and/or software Test forms have been around for as long as electrical equipment. Virtually ever test technician has, at one time or another, created his/her own form. Two basic approaches are now available Printed paper forms and direct computer entry. Printed paper forms Such forms are available from a number of sources.2 The major limitations of preprinted forms is the need for modification and manual transfer of data into the various computer databases described previously.

See NFPA 70B Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance

Direct computer entry If a user-friendly interface for the database has been designed, a mini-version may be taken into the field by the maintenance technicians. After each test, the technician can keyboard the results directly into the computer. The information can then be electronically downloaded into the main maintenance PC either via diskette or via a company local area network. As another option, if the necessary translation software is available, the test results may be loaded directly into the computer from the test equipment. This approach is especially effective when the test is actually performed under computer control. Commercially available bridge software is being developed in many parts of the industry to allow such transfers. 1. The Cadick Corporation, PO Box 495578, Garland, TX 75049-5578, (972) 240-1594

6.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUMMARY Rising costs, reduced budgets, competitive market structures, complex equipment, employee attrition all of these factors have added to the complexity and difficulty of successfully completing the electrical maintenance mission. Previous papers in this series have discussed the philosophies and concepts of modern maintenance techniques such as PDM and CBM. Implementation of CBM has been delayed in many companies by the perception that it is expensive, difficult, or both. In this paper, we have shown that CBM is, in fact, not difficult to implement. Nor need it be initially expensive. A measured, methodical development plan can allow the modern power system maintenance team to implement and quickly realize the ultimate values of Condition Based Maintenance.

1.1 The Changing World of Maintenance Over the past twenty years, maintenance has changed, perhaps more so than any other management discipline. The changes are due to a huge increase in the number and variety of physical assets (plant, equipment and buildings) which must be maintained throughout the world, much more complex designs, new maintenance techniques and changing views on maintenance organization and responsibilities. Maintenance is also responding to changing expectations. These include a rapidly growing awareness of the extent to which equipment failure affects safety and the environment, a growing awareness of the connection between maintenance and product quality, and increasing pressure to achieve high plant availability and to contain costs. The changes are testing attitudes and skills in all branches of industry to the limit. Maintenance people are having to adopt completely new ways of thinking and acting, as engineers and as managers. At the same time the limitations of maintenance systems are becoming increasingly apparent, no matter how much they are computerized. In the face of this avalanche of change, managers everywhere are looking for a new approach to maintenance. They want to avoid the false starts and dead ends which always accompany major upheavals. Instead they seek a strategic framework which synthesizes the new developments into a coherent pattern, so that they can evaluate them sensibly and apply those likely to be of most value to them and their companies. This book describes a philosophy which provides just such a frame-work. It is called Reliability-centered Maintenance, or RCM. If it is applied correctly, RCM transforms the relationships between the undertakings which use it, their existing physical assets and the people who operate and maintain those assets. It also enables new assets to be put into effective service with great speed, confidence and precision. This chapter provides a brief introduction to RCM, starting with a look at how maintenance has evolved over the past fifty years. 1.2 Reliability-centered Maintenance Since the 1930's, the evolution of maintenance can be traced through three generations. RCM is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of the Third Generation, but this generation can only be viewed in perspective in the light of the First and Second Generations. The First Generation The First Generation covers the period up to World War II. In those days industry was not very highly mechanized, so downtime did not matter much. This meant that the prevention of

equipment failure was not a very high priority in the minds of most managers. At the same time, most equipment was simple and much of it was over-designed. This made it reliable and easy to repair. As a result, there was no need for systematic maintenance of any sort beyond simple cleaning, servicing and lubrication routines. The need for skills was also lower than it is today. The Second Generation Things changed dramatically during World War II. Wartime pressures increased the demand for goods of all kinds while the supply of industrial manpower dropped sharply. This led to increased mechanization. By the 1950's machines of all types were more numerous and more complex. Industry was beginning to depend on them. As this dependence grew, downtime came into sharper focus. This led to the idea that equipment failures could and should be prevented, which led in turn to the concept of preventive maintenance. In the 1960's, this consisted mainly of equipment overhauls done at fixed intervals. The cost of maintenance also started to rise sharply relative to other operating costs. This led to the growth of maintenance planning and control systems. These have helped greatly to bring maintenance under control, and are now an established part of the practice of maintenance. Finally, the amount of capital tied up in fixed assets together with a sharp increase in the cost of that capital led people to start seeking ways in which they could maximize the life of the assets. The Third Generation Since the mid-seventies, the process of change in industry has gathered even greater momentum. The changes can be classified under the headings of new expectations, new research and new techniques. Figure 1. 1 shows how expectations of maintenance have evolved.

Downtime has always affected the productive capability of physical assets by reducing output, increasing operating costs and interfering with customer service. By the 1960's and 1970's, this was already a major concern in the mining, manufacturing and transport sectors. In manufacturing, the effects of downtime are being aggravated by the worldwide move towards just-in-time systems, where reduced stocks of work-in-progress mean that quite small breakdowns are now much more likely to stop a whole plant. In recent times, the growth of mechanization and automation has meant that reliability and availability have now also become key issues in sectors as diverse as health care, data processing, telecommunications and building management. Greater automation also means that more and more failures affect our ability to sustain satisfactory quality standards. This applies as much to standards of service as it does to product quality. For instance, equipment failures can affect climate control in buildings and the punctuality of transport networks as much as they can interfere with the consistent achievement of specified tolerances in manufacturing. More and more failures have serious safety or environmental consequences, at a time when standards in these areas are rising rapidly. In some parts of the world, the point is approaching where organizations either conform to society's safety and environmental

expectations, or they cease to operate. This adds an order of magnitude to our dependence on the integrity of our physical assets - one which goes beyond cost and which becomes a simple matter of organizational survival. At the same time as our dependence on physical assets is growing, so too is their cost - to operate and to own. To secure the maximum return on the investment which they represent, they must be kept working efficiently for as long as we want them to. Finally, the cost of maintenance itself is still rising, in absolute terms and as a proportion of total expenditure. In some industries, it is now the second highest or even the highest element of operating costs. As a result, in only thirty years it has moved from almost nowhere to the top of the league as a cost control priority. New research Quite apart from greater expectations, new research is changing many of our most basic beliefs about age and failure. In particular, it is apparent that there is less and less connection between the operating age of most assets and how likely they are to fail. Figure 1.2 shows how the earliest view of failure was simply that as things got older, they were more likely to fail. A growing awareness of 'infant mortality' led to widespread Second Generation belief in the "bathtub" curve.

However, Third Generation research has revealed that not one or two but six failure patterns actually occur in practice. This is discussed in detail later, but it too is having a profound effect on maintenance. New techniques There has been explosive growth in new maintenance concepts and techniques. Hundreds have been developed over the past fifteen years, and more are emerging every week. Figure 1.3 shows how the classical emphasis on overhauls and administrative systems has grown to include many new developments in a number of different fields.

The new developments include: decision support tools, such as hazard studies, failure modes and effects analyses and expert systems

new maintenance techniques, such as condition monitoring designing equipment with a much greater emphasis on reliability and maintainability a major shift in organizational thinking towards participation, team-working and flexibility.

A major challenge facing maintenance people nowadays is not only to learn what these techniques are, but to decide which are worthwhile and which are not in their own organizations. If we make the right choices, it is possible to improve asset performance and at the same time contain and even reduce the cost of maintenance. If we make the wrong choices, new problems are created while existing problems only get worse. The challenges facing maintenance In a nutshell, the key challenges facing modem maintenance managers can be summarized as follows: to select the most appropriate techniques to deal with each type of failure process in order to fulfill all the expectations of the owners of the assets, the users of the assets and of society as a whole in the most cost-effective and enduring fashion with the active support and co-operation of all the people involved.

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