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The Characteristic Impedance of A Transmission Line

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1/20/2005 The Characteristic Impedance of a Transmission Line.

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The Characteristic
Impedance of a
Transmission Line
So, from the telegrapher’s differential equations, we know that
the complex current I(z) and voltage V (z) must have the form:

V ( z ) = V0+ e −γ z + V0− e +γ z

I ( z ) = I 0+ e −γ z + I 0− e +γ z

Let’s insert the expression for V (z) into the first telegrapher’s
equation, and see what happens !

dV ( z )
= − γV0+ e −γ z + γV0− e +γ z = −( R + j ω L) I ( z )

Therefore, rearranging, I (z) must be:

I( z ) = (V0+ e −γ z − V0− e +γ z )
R + j ωL

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

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Q: But wait ! I thought we already knew

current I(z). Isn’t it:

I ( z ) = I 0+ e −γ z + I 0− e + γ z ??

How can both expressions for I(z) be true??

A: Easy ! Both expressions for current are equal to each other.

I ( z ) = I 0+ e −γ z + I 0− e + γ z =
γ (V0+ e −γ z − V0− e + γ z )
R + j ωL

For the above equation to be true for all z, I 0 and V0 must be

related as:

⎛ γ ⎞ + −γ z ⎛ −γ ⎞ − +γ z
I 0+e −γ z = ⎜ ⎟V0 e and I 0−e + γ z = ⎜ ⎟V0 e
⎝ R + j ω L ⎠ ⎝ R + j ω L ⎠

Or—recalling that V0+e −γ z = V + ( z ) (etc.)—we can express this in

terms of the two propagating waves:

⎛ γ ⎞ + ⎛ −γ ⎞ −
I + (z ) = ⎜ ⎟V ( z ) and I − (z ) = ⎜ ⎟V (z )
⎝ R + j ω L ⎠ ⎝ R + j ω L ⎠

Now, we note that since:

γ = (R + j ω L )(G + j ωC )

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

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We find that:

γ (R + j ω L )(G + j ωC ) G + j ωC
= =
R + j ωL R + j ωL R + j ωL

Thus, we come to the startling conclusion that:

V +
(z ) R + j ωL −V

(z ) R + j ωL
= and =
I+ (z ) G + j ωC I− (z ) G + j ωC

Q: What’s so startling about this conclusion?

A: Note that although the magnitude and phase of each

propagating wave is a function of transmission line position z
(e.g., V + ( z ) and I + ( z ) ), the ratio of the voltage and current of
each wave is independent of position—a constant with respect
to position z !

Although V0± and I 0± are determined by boundary conditions

(i.e., what’s connected to either end of the transmission line),
the ratio V0± I 0± is determined by the parameters of the
transmission line only (R, L, G, C).

Æ This ratio is an important characteristic of a transmission

line, called its Characteristic Impedance Z0.

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

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V0+ −V0− R + j ωL
Z0  + = − =
I0 I0 G + j ωC

We can therefore describe the current and voltage along a

transmission line as:

V ( z ) = V0+ e −γ z + V0− e + γ z

V0+ −γ z V0− + γ z
I( z ) = e − e
Z0 Z0

or equivalently:

V ( z ) = Z 0 I 0+ e −γ z − Z 0 I 0− e + γ z

I ( z ) = I 0+ e −γ z + I 0− e +γ z

Note that instead of characterizing a transmission line with real

parameters R, G, L, and C, we can (and typically do!) describe a
transmission line using complex parameters Z0 and γ .

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

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