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Rumble Fish Essay

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Rumble Fish Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Rumble Fish" can pose its own set of challenges. Firstly, delving
into the complexities of the novel requires a deep understanding of the narrative, characters, and
underlying themes. Analyzing the symbolism, character development, and the overall impact of the
story demands a careful and thoughtful examination.

Additionally, crafting a compelling essay involves synthesizing one's thoughts coherently and
presenting a well-structured argument. It's essential to strike a balance between providing insightful
analysis and avoiding plot summary pitfalls. Grappling with the nuances of the text and articulating
one's interpretation in a clear and concise manner can be demanding.

Moreover, discussing the broader context of the novel, such as its historical and cultural backdrop,
can add another layer of complexity. Integrating critical perspectives and scholarly insights to
support one's arguments further requires thorough research and a nuanced understanding of literary

In summary, writing an essay on "Rumble Fish" is a challenging task that demands a combination of
literary analysis skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. However, with dedication and
careful attention to detail, it's possible to create a thought-provoking piece that does justice to the
richness of the source material.

For assistance with similar essays or academic writing, various resources are available, including
professional writing services. If you need help, you can explore options like ,
where experienced writers can assist you in crafting well-researched and well-written essays on a
variety of topics.
Rumble Fish Essay Rumble Fish Essay
Examples Of Imagery In The Fall Of The House Of Usher
In the story The fall of the house of usher written by renowned author, Edgar Allen Poe
is a tale with incredibly high, imagery upon which the author builds a fanatic story with
horror the points the most vivid of pictures within the mind of the reader. The literary
technique of imagery is seen in the opening line During the whole of the dull, dark and
soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low...
(Poe1). Due to the fact that the narrative begins with such graphic detail, it is highly
probable that this style will pervade throughout the text. From there and on the story will
reveal that poe goes above and beyond to describe the falling house. Through an analysis
of imagery particular to the mansion it can be demonstrated that there is a relationship
between the shifting condition, of the mansion and the metamorphosis occurring to the
usher s family.... Show more content on ...
One of the first examples is when he had painted an underground tomb and then his
sister had died and had to be entombed underground the narrator states The body having
been encoffined, we two alone bore it to its rest (Poe 8). This quote goes to show that
earlier in the story he had painted an underground tomb and then all of a sudden his
sister was entombed underground making that one out of the two links that connects the
family to the house. The second one is when he talks about how he will die of fear in
the beginning of the story and then in the end he actually died of fear.In his own words,
he stated From that chambor, and from that mansion, I fle aghast . From common sense
most people should know that fle is to run and aghast means to be horrified. So to add on
there are many way in this story to demonstrate the literary technique of imagery which
can be seen through many parts throughout the
I Left The Biotech Industry
I left the biotech industry in 1995 after working for five years as a biochemist. I was
unhappy working in a research laboratory all day with little interaction with people.
One night I was watching The Power of Myth program on Public Broadcasting Service
TV channel where Bill Moyers was interviewing Joseph Campbell. I heard Mr.
Campbell repeat several times a statement that resonated with me follow your bliss he
said. For the next several months, it was the only thing that I was thinking. Where is
my bliss I kept wondering? My wife was pregnant with my son, and I was stuck in a job
that I did not like. Fortuitously, my lab director assigned me to train a group of visiting
biologists from England for a week on the use of the... Show more content on ...
I continued teaching for two more years until my daughter was born. During that time, I
was voted for three years in a row as Students favorite teacher. However, I grudgingly
left teaching to be able financially to support my growing family. I started an
environmental consulting business with my wife who is a biochemical engineer and
was working as an environmental consultant for a firm in Orange County. For the next
eighteen years, I developed and managed a successful company called Ecotek.
Though, teaching was always on my mind and the part that I enjoyed the most about
Ecotek was the environmental training and the presentations that I did for my clients.
My three children are in college now, but four years ago I started hearing that inner
voice telling me to follow my bliss. I knew that I wanted to go back to teaching, so I
took several assignments as a substitute teacher to see if I have what it takes to be a
good teacher. I found out quickly that I want to teach and that I enjoy it, school
administrators offered me several long term substitute positions and soon enough, within
a year, I left the business to my wife and started teaching biology full time at Lynwood
Unified School District. It has been four happy years since I returned to the teaching
profession. As a biology teacher at Firebaugh High School, I feel that
My Friends And I Speak Nonstandard English
My friends and I speak Nonstandard English because that is what we hear the most
because that is what most of our family speak. We insult each other and sometime we
cuss at wach other. For example when we insult each other we often call one another
fat, ugly, and dumb. When we insult each other it is not meant to hurt one another
feelings. Some time our insult can be harsh but that is how we relieve some stress.
Our life is hard when we are at home because we struggle day to day. So when we get the
chance to hang out with each we try to make each other laugh. Also when my friend
and I decided to do something like skip class or go to a party and someone back out we
make fun of them. For example, we will call them scary, wack, or a weenie. We do this
for they can feel embarrass and so they can change their mind about backing out. I
make fun of them because when I was little my sister and brother always made fun of me
because I was the youngest so as I got older I wanted to do it back to other for I can feel
like I have the power to change someone s mind.

With my siblings, we tend to use body language when we are out in public. We do this
when we want to talk about someone we don t like and we do not want to say it out
loud. For instance, if we see someone that we do not like we look at each and laugh and
look at that person we do not like. Another example is when we see someone who is
wearing something ugly on and they think they are cute, we signal each
Why Is Ulysses S. Grant Ineffective
Widely viewed as one of the most incompetent presidents in the history of the United
States (Craig), Ulysses S. Grant s two time administration can be marked as a widescale
and colossal failure. Consistently, Grant s presidency has been denounced time and time
again by most historians as the most corrupt in United Statespresidential history (Craig).
Grant s tenure as the United States President can be observed as decidedly ineffectual
due to his political inexperience, maintenance of the spoils system , lack of oversight into
governmental scandals, failure to enact lasting action during Reconstruction, and his
pioneering of the concept of Grantism .
As displayed through the tenure of Ulysses S Grant, political inexperience makes for an
incompetent ... Show more content on ...
Grant s lack of action during Reconstruction led to enduring problems in the American
South that are tangible to this day. His caution in enforcing voting rights and civil
liberties legislation led to the emergence of Jim Crow Laws and the Ku Klux Klan, their
influence still occurring well into the twentieth century and further. As the South was
ravaged by the long lasting and enduring effects of the Civil War, Grant was very
ineffective in fostering a culture of renewal in the region, instead sowing discord among
the economic, social, and political factions of an area torn apart by war. The Ku Klux
Klan enacted horrible and vicious hate crimes that struck fear into the hearts of recently
freed African Americans attempting to live in a world where their very existence was
threatened ( Reconstruction and Its Aftermath ). In the Grant era succeeding the
Emancipation Proclamation and African American military service, the nation remained
unwilling to award African Americans the full scope of rights deserved to their status as
American citizens. The formal Congressional period of Reconstruction, from 1866 to
1877, was intended to readmit the former Rebel states into the Union, rebuild and
reinvigorate communities ravaged by war, and eliminate the highly visible vestiges of
Southern slave society. The events transpiring during these efforts made the whole affair
largely ineffectual and reductive ( Reconstruction and Its Aftermath). In response, the
South provided a marked resistance to the attempted establishment of civil rights and
liberties for recently freed slaves, producing such scourges as the Ku Klux Klan,
Grandfather Clause, and Jim Crow Laws. Beyond enforcing the rudimentary legislation
that would grant basic agency to African Americans, Grant failed to institute long term
and helpful efforts that would diminish the culture of racialized violence and white
supremacy in the South. The Ku Klux Klan still exerted widescale political and local
A Report On A Government
A government should always be open to criticism, be held accountable for their actions,
and be honest when notifying the public of any events. This creates government
transparency and allows its citizens to hold their leaders accountable for their actions. In
order to create this transparency in today s society, a technical system must be set in
place. This technical system needs to contain governmentdocuments which are easily
accessible to the public. But, not all documents should be housed in this accessible
database. Some government knowledge should be kept secret and inaccessible, because it
could fall into the wrong hands. Documents containing economic information, such as
budgets and spending should be readily available on a database for the public to access.
Without a transparent government, citizens can become unruly and no longer trust their
government due to the high volume of secrets or hidden documentation.
Solution I My first solution to this issue is to open a cloud database which would
house any documents containing government budgets, spending, and/or salaries. This
database would be accessible to everyone with the means to access a cloud database.
The database could be accessed via an application downloaded onto a computer or
mobile phone. There is already an app with these specifications available for
Montgomery County in Maryland. The app was built by Socrata, a Seattle based cloud
software company, in order to encourage citizen engagement within their
Marketing Iphone
Q1: Apple faced with two main pricing decisions for its range of iPhones. The first one
is a skimming price decision and the second one is a penetration pricing decision. 1.
Skimming price decision
When Apple first launched the new iPhone 3GS, it made a skimming price decision
which means it aims to sell to the top of the market and focuses on maximizing profits in
short term so it could recover the research and development costs. 2. Penetration pricing
As the iPhones have moved through their product life cycle (from the introduction to the
growth or maturity stage) Apple adopted a penetration pricing strategy which means
selling products at very low price to attract more customers. The rationale behind this
decision was ... Show more content on ...
2. Target costing one type of the demand based pricing.
Apple could first use market research such as consumer surveys to identify the customers
requirements of the quality and features of the product and their perception of a fair
price before the product is designed.
3. Trial pricing
Apple could price the new iPhone at a low price for a limited period of time to attract
customers. This strategy can help the company to get customer acceptance at the initial
period and then bring profits by increasing the price.

Q4: As far as I am concerned, I would recommend skimming price and trial pricing
strategy to Apple during its introduction stage of its product life cycle. When Apple
moves into the growth or maturity stage of life cycle, I would recommend the penetration
pricing strategy.
In terms of a skimming price decision if Apple doesn t know much about the customer
demand for its new product it would be useful. The reason is that it is safer to start with
a high price, which can be reduced if customers initially refuse to purchase. In this case,
as Apple s senior vice president said the new iPhone 3GS has some unique competitive
advantages in the phone market such as the wide range of applications and faster load
time. These benefits make many customers feel they must have it no matter what the
costs, that is to say, during the introductory stage of the new product, the demand is price
Carol Ann Duffy Monologue
Ryleigh offered me a weak smile as the realisation of what was happening started to
sink in. It almost feels like her hand is getting warmer, when in fact mine was just
rapidly cooling by the second. I was fading. It s almost time. I didn t want to go, and I
could tell by the evident pain in her face that she didn t want me to, either.

Sixteen years of friendship was a really long time. But in all honesty it wasn t enough.
Thirty years wouldn t have been enough. Nor sixty. Not even eternity. I still would have
wanted more time together, no matter how much we were given. I would give anything
to be out there, with her, not as though I really have anything to give. I didn t want to
give our friendship up, I didn t want to leave her behind. I wish I had a choice in the
matter. My ... Show more content on ...
It wasn t long now.

She smelled of cherries and vanilla, and I smiled softly to myself. Because it was the last
time I was seeing her, I was glad it would have been a beautiful scene to watch from
afar. Soon I would move on to my twelfth time. And Ryleigh would be okay. She had to

Usually my departures go much smoother. A sad feeling in both the child and the
companion s heart. But with both knowing it was time to go, and there was nothing to
do to change that, it was a lot of hugs and a few goodbyes. My departure from Ryleigh
was proving to be the most difficult thing I was ever to endure. In a way, I kind of
wanted it to hurry up and just happen. It was taking too long. Pain was rippling through
their entire beings, and the slowness of it all made it hurt all the more. It was too much.

Please don t go Emma.

She moved to face me, her nose only inches from my own. I could feel her jagged
breath brushing against the flesh of my face. I wanted nothing more than to stay forever.
Don t get overly attatched. It was too late for that. Her hands push gently against my
cheeks, all warm and soft. Butterflies erupt in the pits of my stomach in

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