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Quadro Estratégico

da UE para a SST
Maria Teresa Moitinho de Almeida
European Commission-DG EMPL
Head of Unit Health, Safety & Hygiene at
EU Strategic Framework on Health
and Safety at Work –Setting the scene

• Risk prevention and the promotion of safer and

healthier conditions in the workplace are key not
just to improving job quality and working
conditions, but also to promoting competitiveness.

• Keeping workers healthy has a direct and

measurable positive impact on productivity, and
contributes to improving the sustainability of social
security systems.
EU Strategic Framework on Health
and Safety at Work –Setting the scene

• Investment in OSH contributes to the well-being

of workers and is cost-effective. According to recent
estimates, investments in this area can produce
high ratios of return, averaging 2.24, and in a
range between 1.29 and 2.895.
EU OSH Strategic Framework 2014-2020
Challenges: Key objectives:
• Improve • Consolidation of
implementation national strategies
of OSH legislation • Compliance with
in particular micro OSH rules, MSEs EU instruments:
and small • Enforcement by • Legislation
enterprises Member States • EU funds
• Improve • Simplification • Social dialogue
prevention of • Ageing, new • Communication
risks, and information
occupational • Synergies with
diseases –new and diseases other policies
emerging risks • Data collection
• Demographic • International
change cooperation
The key objectives

1. Further consolidate national strategies

2. Facilitate compliance with OSH legislation, particularly by
micro and small enterprises
3. Better enforce OSH legislation by Member States
4. Simplify existing legislation
5. Address the ageing of the workforce, emerging new risks,
prevention of work related and occupational diseases
6. Improve statistical data collection and develop the
information base
7. Better coordinate EU and international efforts to address
OSH and engage with international organisations
1. Further consolidate national strategies


• Review national OSH strategies in light of the new EU

strategic framework → Member States, in consultation with
relevant stakeholders, including social partners.
• Establish a database covering all national OSH strategy
frameworks → Commission in cooperation with EU-OSHA.
• Nominate contact points for national strategies (Member
States) which will meet regularly to map and exchange
good practice → Commission, EU-OSHA, ACSH and SLIC.
2. Facilitate compliance with OSH legislation,
particularly by micro and small enterprises


• Provide financial and technical support on implementing

OIRA and other IT-based tools in Member States, focusing
on priority sectors
• Develop guidance and identify examples of good practice,
taking the specific nature and conditions of SMEs and
particularly micro-enterprises into account
• Promote the exchange of good practice
• Continue with awareness raising campaigns
3. Better enforcement of OSH legislation by MS


• map the resources of labour inspectorates and evaluate

their capacity to carry out their main duties on enforcing OSH
legislation → Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC);
• evaluate the programme of exchange/training of labour
inspectors and examine ways to enhance the current tools for
cooperation within the SLIC, taking into account new OSH
challenges → Commission, in collaboration with the SLIC;
• assess the effectiveness of sanctions and administrative
fines imposed by Member States → Commission, in
collaboration with Member States through the SLIC and the
4. Simplify existing legislation

• Identification of possible simplifications and/or reductions of

unnecessary burden and promote a public debate with all
stakeholders→ Commission and ACHS;
• Member States to identify sources of specific regulatory
burden created by their own transposing legislation on OSH
and national legislation, and analyse national implementation
reports to identify good practice and to promote exchange of
information →Member States in collaboration with
• Assess the situation of micro-enterprises in low-risk sectors
and consider how to simplify the implementation of risk
assessment, including documentation → Commission
5. Address the ageing of the workforce,
emerging new risks, prevention of
work-related and occupational diseases
• Network of OSH professionals and scientists and assess the
need to set up an independent scientific consultation body
• Support the dissemination of the findings of the European
Risk Observatory among the relevant actors;
• Promote the identification and exchange of good practice on
ways to improve OSH conditions for specific categories of
• Promote rehabilitation and reintegration measures by
implementing the results of the European Parliament pilot
project on older workers and of the Healthy Workplaces
Campaign in 2016-17
6. Improve statistical data collection and
develop the information base

• Assess the quality of data on accidents at work transmitted
by MS in the framework of the European Statistics on
Accidents at Work (ESAW) data collection, to improve
coverage, reliability, comparability and timeliness
• Improve the availability and comparability of data on
occupational diseases at EU level and assess the feasibility of
a simplified data transmission
• Improving information on costs and benefits in the area of
• Developing a tool to monitor the implementation of the EU
strategic framework 2014-2020, building on the 2009 strategy
7. Better coordinate EU and international
efforts to address OSH and engage with
international organisations


• Support candidate countries

• Strengthen OSH cooperation, in particular with the ILO, but
also the WHO and the OECD
• Address, jointly with the ILO, OSH deficits in the global
supply chain and contribute to G20 initiatives on safer
• Strengthen ongoing cooperation and dialogue on OSH with
strategic partners
• Framework for action, cooperation and exchange of good
practice– implementation requires the active collaboration of
national authorities and social partners
• Open debate and collaboration with key stakeholders (national
authorities, social partners, EU institutions, specialised
committees – ACSH, SLIC – the European Agency for Safety
and Health at Work …)
• Review in 2016 in light of the results of the ex-post evaluation
of the EU acquis, progress on its implementation, review of
EU2020 strategy
• Monitoring, associating EU institutions and relevant

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