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Essay Check

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Essay Check

Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Check" can be a challenging task, as it involves a certain
level of self-reflection and critical evaluation of one's own writing abilities. The difficulty lies in
objectively assessing one's strengths and weaknesses as a writer, identifying areas that need
improvement, and formulating constructive strategies for enhancement.

The process begins with a thorough examination of past writing experiences, analyzing feedback
received from peers or instructors, and acknowledging personal writing habits. This self-awareness
can be a daunting task, as it requires an honest appraisal of one's own work. Additionally, it involves
the challenge of translating these observations into coherent and well-structured sentences that
convey the nuances of self-evaluation.

Moreover, addressing the nuances of essay writing itself adds another layer of complexity.
Discussing elements such as thesis development, argumentation, organization, clarity, and grammar
necessitates a deep understanding of the intricacies of effective writing. It also requires the ability to
express these concepts in a clear and concise manner, further testing the writer's communication skills.

Furthermore, delving into the realm of self-improvement presents the challenge of setting realistic
and achievable goals. Identifying specific areas for enhancement and outlining actionable steps to
address them requires strategic thinking and goal-setting skills. Balancing the desire for improvement
with a realistic assessment of time constraints and other commitments can add to the complexity of
the essay.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Check" demands a combination of

introspection, critical analysis, and effective communication. It requires a writer to navigate the
intricacies of self-assessment and improvement, all while maintaining clarity and coherence in their
writing. This task can be both intellectually stimulating and emotionally challenging, as it involves
confronting one's writing abilities with a discerning eye.

For those seeking assistance with essays or similar tasks, various resources are available. Websites like offer services where similar essays, as well as a range of other writing tasks, can
be ordered. These platforms can provide valuable support and guidance in navigating the challenges
of academic or creative writing.
Essay Check Essay Check
The Awakening, by Kate Chopin
The Awakening is set in 1899, a time when the Industrial Revolution and the women s
movement were just beginning , conversely, still overshadowed by the attitudes of
society in the 19th century. Kate Chopin s idea that a woman s needs were important
was somewhat radical, especially since women were not considered to be independent,
and women s rights were still being fought for.Edna s major conflict is her need for
independence and personal fulfillment while still trying to conform to her traditional
upbringing. Edna is expected to be a perfect wifeand mother, both while vacationing on
Grand Isle and living in New Orleans. She is to be the social hostess , wife and mother,
all the while keeping house, maintaining order with the... Show more content on ...
Edna s children are to be her true companion, above anything else she could ever
conceive of doing. Her social duties and pleasures must come second to her
responsibilities as a mother. A perfect example of this is when Leonce came home
from an evening at the men s club and after checking on the sleeping children. Leonce
came back to the bedroom where Edna was sleeping and stated to her that one of the
boys had a fever. Edna did not immediately jump up to check on the boy, and even
debated with her husband. Leonce reproached his wife for her inattention, [and ] her
habitual neglect of the children . He went on to state, If it was not a mother s place to
look after [the] children, whose on earth was it? Edna is expected to be chaste,
forthright and behave in an reserved manner. She is to conduct herself and dress
herself [and the children]according to custom. Many times throughout my reading I
noticed that she dressed for an early dinner or the children were properly groomed,
since it seemed to be a law of society that hair must be parted and brushed . These
restrictions were very troubling for Edna since at heart she was a free spirit. During
Edna s time on Grand Isle she learns about freedom of expression from Adele, which
ultimately leads Edna to reject the subservient life she is living. Edna wants to be
liberated from her previously formal behavior and her repressed emotions and desires.
From her friendship with Adele she
The Largest Private Industry Of India And Second Largest...
Retailing is the largest private industry in India and second largest employer after
agriculture. This sector contributes to around 10 per cent of GDP and 6 7 per cent of
employment. With over 15 million retail outlets, India has the highest retail outlet density
in the world. This sector witnessed significant development in the past 10 years from
small unorganized family owned retail formats to organized retailing. Liberalization of
the economy, rise in per capita income and growing consumerism have encourage larger
business houses and manufactures to set up retail formats; real estate companies and
venture capitalist are investing in retail infrastructure. Many foreign retailers have also
entered the market through different routes such as wholesale cash and carry, local
manufacturing, franchising, test marketing, etc. With the growth in organized retailing,
unorganized retailers are fast changing their business models and implementing new
technologies and modern accounting practices to face competition (Andrews, 2003).
Traditionally, Indian retail sector has been characterized by the presence of a large
number of small unorganized retailers. With high GDP growth, increased consumerism
and liberalization of the manufacturing sector, India is being portrayed as an attractive
destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) in retailing. However, at present this is
one of the few sectors, which is closed to FDI. Within the country, there has been
significant protest from
Application Of Magnetic Polymer Nanocomposites
Abstract Magnetic polymer nanocomposites have attracted broad interest for
hyperthermic cancer treatment because they are non toxic, biocompatible, and can be
remotely heated by alternating magnetic fields. The magnetic induction heating behavior
provides a great benefit in biomedical applications, such as targeted drug delivery, and
magnetic separation. In situ formation of an organic or polymer layer on their surface is
one of the efficient methods for decreasing the aggregation between the nanoparticles, as
well as providing functionality on the surface and allowing further functionalization with
drugs and therapeutic agents. The most challenging task in hyperthermia is to maximize
the specific absorption rate (SAR) with a lower ferrofluids dose. Magnetic nanoparticles
coated with polymer layer combine the unique magnetic properties of multi functional
nanoparticles with self heating property. In addition, it is easier in preparation by a one
pot process. The formation of the nanoparticles with a higher SAR makes it a promising
in hyperthermia cancer treatment. 1. Introduction The outstanding potential of magnetic
polymer nanocomposites stems from the ability to obtain structures with the
combinations of properties that neither individual material possesses. It is possible to
synthesize these nanocomposites in desired shape and size with controlled properties of
stability, surface area, magnetic, optical, and catalytic properties. The easy separation and
Analysis Of Huntington s Clash Of Civilizations Theory
Huntington s Clash of Civilizations theory does not help with understanding the
contemporary politics and history of the Middle East. His theory is too simplistic and
does not consider the complexity of the region. Indeed, Said is correct to call Huntington
s theory a clash of ignorance as one cannot gain an understanding of the Middle East
through an orientalised lens. This essay aims to show the complexity of the history and
politics of the Middle East. This will be done by looking at the history of the Middle
East, Pan Arabism and the Arab Spring. It will also consider Korany s intermestics
theory as a better theory in helping to understand the contemporary politics and history of
the Middle East.
Clash of Civilizations ... Show more content on ...
9). These statements will be proved correct when looking at the history and politics of
the Middle East.
Complexity of the Middle East
The history of the Middle East shows the complexity of the region. From colonialism;
the Tanzimat reforms which emphasised on minority rights and relations between
Muslims and non Muslims; the Constantinople agreement between Britain, France and
Russia; the Sykes Picot; the Balfour Declaration; the Arab revolts of June 1916 to
October 1918 against Ottoman rule; the Baghdad Pact; Nasser s diplomatic success of
the 1955 Suez crisis which led him to be seen as the hero of the Arab world; the setting
up of the United Arab Republic of Egypt and Syria in February 1958 and the overthrow
of Qasim and Mosaddegh government, one can see that the history of the Middle East
is rich and complex. It cannot be understood with Huntington s simplistic label of the
Middle East as Islamic states . Korany states that the 1980 88 Iran Iraq war and Iraq s
factional in fighting; Iraq s 1990 invasion of Kuwait and rising Sunni Shia rifts show
Huntington s theory to be a self fulfilling prophesy, if not a misleading conceptual lens
(Korany, 2016, p. 83). This can be seen when analysing the Cold war era, where leaders
of Middle Eastern countries were
Persuasive Essay On Gay Rights
She looks into her eyes and smiles, leans in and whispers quietly I love you while
pulling her in forcefully for an embracing hug. Are you ready to go she repeats as she
grabs her girlfriends coat and proceeds to the door. Finally, after numerous times of
asking, her girlfriend agrees, twists the doorknob and walks out. They have only taken
a few steps out of the safety of their own home when the hurtful words start to pour in.
Feeling embarrassed, tears start rolling down her face. She immediately turns around
and goes back inside. Sadly, this is the reality for many. We live in a world so hateful,
that some would rather die than be who they are. A world in which people get belittled
for who they love, and have basic rights taken right out of their hands. Gayrights are
human rights. No matter who you are as a person, who you love, or who you associate
yourself with you deserve to be respected. Gay marriagehas no effect on the heterosexual
community, civil unions are not the same as marriage, and successful adoptions will
happen more frequently. Gay marriage should have no effect on the heterosexual
community, something only becomes a problem if other people make it one. The LGBT
community would like nothing more than to just be granted the rights that have been
morally denied to them. These rights include things as simple as having equal
employment. According to Federal Law, gays are not protected against workplace
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the private workplace. LGBT
advocate Jennifer Finney Boylan sees this every day. She witnesses discrimination
against gays in the workplace for merly loving someone of the same gender. (Jennifer
Finney Boylan. p.19.) Not only are they discriminated in the workplace they also have
to deal with these problems in everyday tasks. Cases have been aired about the denial
of serving gays in local coffee shops, food chains, and certain stores. This is morally
wrong, no one should have to live in fear of the hatred they are going to receive because
of who they love. Some may argue that a gay lifestyle undermines traditional values and
institutions in this country. Many people hid behind this reason, whereas if they were to
look further into this
Essay on SCI case study
1. Why did Allen s heart rate and blood pressure fall in this time of emergency (i.e. at a
time when you d expect just the opposite homeostatic response)? Pg. 969
This occurred because Allen s spinal cord has decreased perfusion due to damage, and a
broken vertebral bone. Also, there has been a disruptions of the sympathetic fibers of his
autonomic nervous system therefore it can no longer stimulate the heart. Allen likely has
spinal shock.

2. Upon admission to the hospital, Allen s breathing was rapid and shallow, can you
explain why? Pg. 969
Due to Allen s fall he likely has an incompetent diaphragm due to injuring a cervical
segment. This would alter effect the lower motor neurons and external intercostal
muscles. This would ... Show more content on ...
In addition Allen could not raise his arms against gravity, had flaccid lower extremities,
and was without triceps or wrist extensor reflexes, and other muscle stretch reflexes
were absent. If the fracture was at C4 5 Allen would not be able to shrug his shoulders
and if the fracture was at C7 he could extend his flexed arms.
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6. What is the normal pH of blood? Why was Allen s blood pH below normal? Pg. 970
The normal blood pH is between 7.35 and 7.45. Allen s blood was acidotic due to a
decrease in lung expansion and an alteration in the perfusion to his spinal cord. He also
has an alteration in spinal innervation to the respiratory muscles including the phrenic
nerve that controls the diaphragm. This would further cause Allen to not be able to
adequately take in enough oxygen and blow off enough CO2 to adequately have gas
exchange, within the alveoli. Respiratory failure.

7. What is the primary muscle of respiration? What nerve initiates this muscle?
The primary muscle of respiration is the diaphragm. The nerve that initiates this muscle is
the phrenic nerve.

8. Which spinal neurons to the nerve you named in question #7? Pg. 969.
The cervical spinal nerve C3 5 innervate the phrenic nerve. These are the lower motor

9. By four days after the injury, some of Allen s signs and symptoms had changed. Allen
s arm muscles were still flaccid, yet his leg muscles had
People with Disabilities
From the beginning of human history to the 1700s, people with disabilities were
often treated badly or even killed for being different. Typically shunned by early
societies, (Special Education, 2014) people with disabilities were pushed aside,
abandoned as babies, or even tortured for being different (Raymond, 2012). Stigma
associated with difference and superstition often convinced people that cognitive or
physical differences were the work of demons and that these people needed to be
executed, exorcised, or exiled. People with severe physical disabilities would not have
survived during this time because of the lack of medical care, and people with mild
disabilities could most likely hide from being identified simply because of the lack of
public education and low literacy rates (Raymond, 2012). During the Enlightenment the
response of society to the increased visibility of people with disabilities was to build
large institutions to house people with disabilities (Raymond, 2012). The Renaissance
brought with it a shift in the way people looked at people with disabilities. The
Renaissance was a time of economic and cultural changes and an emphasis on the
dignity of man. This period brought with it a new interest in arts and sciences and a
better understanding of both the cause and the effects of disabilities. Governments
focused some of their efforts towards the care of the poor and started almshouses where
people could live. People started to experiment with

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