Educ 205 Midterm
Educ 205 Midterm
Educ 205 Midterm
THE TEACHER AND THE SCHOOL skills and knowledge to your students through creative
CURRICULUM tasks and activities
❖ CONCEPTS RELATED TO DISTANCE EDUCATION ✓ Are teachers and students ready for this?
✓ Is it sufficient to simply digitize and virtualize our
• Correspondence education. considered as an old form of teaching and learning materials, assessment tools and
distance education when the communication between the classroom-based practices to run a distance education
education provider and the learner was through the postal Program?
system. ✓ How can schools ensure maintaining quality education
built and constructed upon principles of humanized
In 1982, the International Council for Correspondence interventions (face to face or classroom-based set up)
Education changed its name to the International Council for when shifting to online mode is abrupt and inevitable?
Distance Education.
This lecture intends to discuss and provide insights to pre-
• Home study. The term was most likely coined to refer to forms service educators and academic leaders about the important
of study where a major portion of the learning process takes aspects that should be considered in conducting online
place at the home of the student. instructional delivery and assessment with students during
these trying times. This put premium to the importance of
• External studies. This usually refers to education or training conducting preliminary assessments of the availability and
conducted by an educational institution at a place outside of its accessibility of technical resources, and the survey of person-
campus. level characteristics relevant to online learning.
• Independent study. The learning process in a distance Table 1. Curricular Approach in the Time of COVID-19
education program takes place with the students working largely Table 1 presents the Curricular Approach in the Time
on their own, guided only by instructions contained in a study of COVID-19 for school administrators, teachers and students.
7. Evaluates the curriculum. For a curriculum to be labelled as Curriculum from Progressive Points of View
something successful, it must be evaluated first. This act
determines wether the target goals and objectives are met or ❖ John Dewey believes that education is experiencing.
not. Hence, It is every teachers duty to assess the effectiveness Reflective thinking is a means that unifies Curricular
of the curriculum. Results yield would be used for some elements that are tested by application.
curriculum modifications and improvement. ❖ Othaniel Smith, William Stanley and Harlan Shore
likewise defined curriculum as a sequence of Potential
CHAPTER 3 experiences, set up in schools for the purpose of
disciplining children and youth in group ways Of
thinking and acting.
❖ Colin Marsh and George Willis also viewed
Some Definitions of Curriculum lifted from Bilbao et. Al (2015): curriculum as all the experiences in the classroom
which Are planned and enacted by the teacher and
1. Curriculum is a planned and guided set of learning also learned by the students.
experiences and intended outcomes, formulated
through The systematic reconstruction of knowledge
and experiences under the auspices of the school, for LESSON 2: APPROCHES TO SCHOOL CURRICULUM
the Learners’ continuous and wilful growth in personal
social competence.” (Daniel Tanner, 1980) Curriculum can be approached or seen in three ways. It can be
2. It is a written document that systematically describes defined as content, a process or an outcome.
goals planned, objectives, content, learning activities,
Evaluation, procedures and so forth. (Pratt, 1980) 1. Curriculum as a Content or Body of Knowledge.
3. The contents of a subject, concepts and tasks to be Traditionalist usually equate the curriculum as a
acquired, planned activities, desired learning content, subject matter, it involves outlining the topics,
outcomes And experiences, product of culture and an and concepts to be included in a syllabus or book. For
agenda to reform society make up a curriculum. ( example, in secondary school (science subject)
Schubert, 1987) Textbooks tend to begin with biological science such
4. A curriculum includes “all of the experiences that are plants and animals; physical science with the
individual learners have ina a program of education physical elements, force and motion; earth science
whose Purpose is to achieve broad goals and related with the layers of the earth and environmental science.
specific objectives, which is planned in terms of a The focus is to transmit knowledge to the students. It
frameworksOf theory and research or past and present could be direct or indirect or any method as long as it
professional practice.” (Hass, 1987) is appropriate and effective.
5. It is a programme of activities (by teachers and pupils) *Curriculum as a topic outline, subject matter, or
designed so that pupils will attain so far as possible cencepts to be included in syllabus or books *Focus of
Certain educational and other schooling ends or the curriculum will be the body of knowledge to be
objectives. (Grundy, 1987) transmitted to students using appropriate teaching
6. It is a plan that consists of learning opportunities for a method.
specific time frame and place, a tool that aims to bring *Teaching is limited to the acquisition of facts, concepts
About behaviour changes in students as a result of and principles of the subject matter; however, the
planned activities and includes all learning experiences content or subject matter can also be taken as a means
Received by students with the guidance of the school. to an end.
(Goodland and Su, 1992)
There are four ways of presenting the content in
7. It provides answers to three questions: 1. What
the curriculum. These are:
knowledge , skills and values are most worthwhile? 2.
Why Are they most worthwhile? 3. How should the a) Topical Approach- where much content is
young acquire them? (Cronbeth, 1992) based on knowledge, and experiences are
included; A specific topic is started in a *This is the other side of the coin: instruction,
particular class and finished in the same class. implementation and teaching.
This is a comprehensive collection of materials
in a specific topic on a particular subject. Guiding Principles of Curriculum approached as a
b) Concept Approach - it is about choosing and process
defining content on a certain discipline to be 1. Curriculum process in the form of teaching
taught. From specific to general. With fewer methods or strategies are means to achieve the
topics in clusters around major and end.
subconcepts and their interaction, with 2. There is no single best process or method. Its
relatedness emphasized; effectiveness will depend on the desired learning
c) Thematic Approach- as a combination of outcomes, the learners, support materials and the
concepts that develop conceptual structures. It teacher.
is a way of teaching and learning whereby 3. Curriculum process should stimulate the learners’
different areas of curriculum are related desire to develop the cognitive, affective an
together and integrated to a central theme. psychomotor.
d) Modular Approach that leads to complete 4. In the choice of methods, learning and teaching
units of instruction. The modular approach styles should be considered.
offers a flexible and adaptable way to design 5. Every method or process should result to learning
and deliver education. It is particularly well- outcomes which can be describes as cognitive,
suited for addressing the challenges of affective and Psychomotor.
personalized and asynchronous learning in 6. Flexibility in the use if the process should be
both traditional and online educational considered. An effective process will always result
settings. to learning outcomes.
7. Both teaching and learning are two important
Criteria and Selection of Content Below are the processes in the implementation of the curriculum.
some suggested criteria in the selection of
knowledge or subject (Scheffer, 1970 in Bilbao et. 3. Curriculum as a Product
al, 2009) *Product is what the students desire to achieve as
learning outcomes
1. Significance
*The product from the curriculum is a student equipped
2. Validity (authenticity)
with the knowledge, skills and values to function
3. Utility (usefulness)
effectively and efficiently.
4. Learnability
*The real purpose of Education is to bring about
5. Feasibility (possible to be learned within
significant changes in students’ pattern of behaviour.
allowed time, resources etc.)
*curriculum is expresses in form of outcomes which are
6. Interest
referred to as achieved learning outcomes
Guide in the Selection of the Content in the
1. Commonly used in daily life
2. Appropriate to the maturity levels and abilities Curriculum Development planned, thoughtful and deliberate
course of actions that ultimately enhance the quality and impact
of the learners
of the learning experience for students.
3. Valuable in meeting the needs and
competencies of the future career
4. Related to other subject fields or discipline for Curriculum Development Process
complementation and integration.
5. Important in the Transfer of learning to other 1.Curriculum Planning
disciplines 2.Curriculum Designing
3.Curriculum Implementing
BASIC principles of Curriculum Content 4.Curriculum Evaluating
Hilda Taba Model: Grassroots Approach According to James Prett as cited by Dash (2015)
“Pragmatism offers us a theory of meaning, a theory of truth
Hilda Taba’s Grassroots Approach recognizes the bottom as the of knowledge and a theory of reality.
Hilda Taba’s Grassroots Approach recognizes the bottom as the
starting point indeveloping acurriculum. In her linear model, she Dash (2015) Aims of Education:
laid down seven major principles and these areas follows:
• To reform and reconstruct the society
-Diagnosis of learners’ needs and expectations of the larger • To enable the individual to adjust with the changing
society social environment
• To develop the child fully according to his interest,
-Formulation of learning objectives abilities and needs
• To create social efficacy in the child
-Selection of learning contents • To provide educational opportunities to all citizens on
equal footing
-Organization of learning contents
• To instil habit of experimentation in the children
-Selection of learning experiences • To remove social evils and make the society a good
place for living
-Determination of what to evaluate and the means of doing it. • To enable the child to discover the truth himself
• To make child self-reliant
Gaylen Saylor and William Alexander Curriculum Model.
viewed curriculum as “ a plan for providing sets of learning Dash (2015) Impacts of Pragmatism to Modern Education:
opportunities to achieve broad educational goals and related
specific objectives for an identifiable population served by a • Inculcation of democratic values and social
single school center.”(Bilbao et. al, 2015).According to Saylor responsibilities have been included in the aims of
and Alexander(1974), education today.
• Activity and self-experience methods of teaching are
Four steps to curriculum development lifted from Bilbao very much recognized today.,(2015). • Special emphasis on vocational and professional
1.Goals, objectives and Domains
• Organization of co-curricular activities in the school
2.Curriculum Designing • Updating of curriculum after every five years according
to the changing needs of the society.
3.Curriculum Implementation • Promotion of self-discipline
• Respect for Democratic value *Emphasized social studies and suggested that the
teacher plans curriculum in advance.
It is psychological perspective that emphasizes the study of the THREE CORE CONDITIONS
whole person. • Congruence
> Humanistic psychologists look at human behavior not only • Empathy
through the eyes of the person doing the behaving. • Unconditional Positive Regard
> developed in the 1960s and 70s in the United States as a
response to the continual struggle between behavior theorists
and cognitive psychologists.
> described as anthropocentric or human-centered. BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY
• Humans have free will; not all behavior is determined.
• All individuals are unique and have an innate (inborn) drive to
PROPONENTS OF HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY achieve their maximum potential.
• GESTALT • A proper understanding of human behavior can only be
• ABRAHAM MASLOW achieved by studying humans not animals.
• CARL ROGERS • Psychology should study the individual case (idiograohic)
rather than the average performance of groups (nomothetic).
• Based on Perception and organization FIVE BASIC OBJECTIVES OF THE HUMANISTICS VIEW OF
• Our minds perceive things as part of a whole EDUCATION
• We have predisposed ways of organizing information 1. Promote positive self-direction and Independence.
2. Develop the ability to take responsibility for what is learned.
3. Developed creativity.
GESTALT PRINCIPLES 4. Curiosity and;
• FIGURE-GROUND PERCEPTION 5. Have an interest in the arts
- Perceiving images into a figure and ground
- Objects that are similar to one another grouped together
> Social foundation are issue from society, which include groups
and institutions, that contribute and affect the curriculum and
structure of education.
> Wrote the book "future shock"
> Believed that knowledge should prepare students for the
> Suggest that in the future, parents might have the resources
to teach prescribed curriculum from home as a result of
technology, not in spite of it (home schooling)