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The Most Important Person in My Life Essay

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The Most Important Person In My Life Essay

Writing an essay on the subject of the most significant person in my life can be both challenging and
deeply personal. It requires delving into one's emotions, memories, and experiences to articulate the
impact an individual has had on one's life. Often, there's a multitude of emotions tangled within such
a topic, ranging from love and admiration to vulnerability and introspection.

Crafting this type of essay necessitates navigating through a plethora of memories, trying to select
the most poignant ones that best encapsulate the essence of the relationship with that person.
Moreover, there's the challenge of striking a balance between providing sufficient context about the
individual and conveying one's own reflections and sentiments.

Furthermore, there's the emotional aspect to consider. Writing about someone who holds great
significance in one's life can evoke strong emotions, making it difficult to maintain objectivity while
also conveying a compelling narrative.

Overall, while writing an essay on this topic can be a daunting task due to its emotional weight and
personal nature, it also presents an opportunity for introspection and self-discovery.

[End of essay]

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The Most Important Person In My Life Essay The Most Important Person In My Life Essay
Benefits Of Playing Video Games
Online gaming has become a serious problem in the society especially among young
adults. This is because, most young adults are now stuck on their computers and
internet, playing games all day. This has led to serious gaming problems among such
individuals because they have no social life outside of the game world. Playing game,
is a good way of having fun and developing one s cognitive ability. The benefits of
playing video games are numerous when done in moderation. Playing brain teasing
game for just two hours a week may help slow the degree of mental decay associated
with the natural aging process, according to a study this year from the University of
Iowa ( Guarini. 2013). However, with the increase of video games production and the
availability of those games online comes a lot of gaming problem one which includes
online gaming addiction. Online games has become the popular outlet for young
adults to play and socialise with other people online. However, it has also become a
problem. One type of videogame that has become a problem to young adults is the
Massively Multiplayer Online Role playing Games (MMORPGs). A MMORPG can be
defined as a game in which numerous players around the globe inhabit a single virtual
realm simultaneously, adopt alternative personas, and interact with one another in
multiple ways, and thus these games provide a variety of incentives for play ( Kuss et
al. 2012). MMORPG are quite popular to the numbers of gamers that play over the
world. It
Assessment Criteria For Informal Pre-Assessment And
Analysis of Student Learning

Assessment Criteria for Informal Pre Assessment and Formal Post Assessment

Pre Assessment
Students can earn a point for each image shown. Students earn a point for identifying a
positive or negative space and can no ore than 2 points. Earning at least 2 point is
meeting standards and earning 1 points is approaching standard and earning 0 points is
not meeting the standard.
There are a total of 4 images shown and all students have an opportunity to identify a
positive or negative in the image. Students can participate by verbally answering or
going to Smart Board and circling a positive or negative space.

Meeting Standard (2 pts)

Identifying a positive or negative space in two or more different images ... Show more
content on ...
Students are also given written directions for each worksheet. All students have ample
time to develop sketches and decide on a design that matches the student s levels of
difficulty. Student may use the Internet for reference images to assist with drawing. To
help the students in the MD program, they are given procedures to follow and directions
are broken down into simple steps. I have the students complete each step before moving
onto the next step. The students not in the MD program are given the written direction
for the assignment and are allowed to proceed at their own pace.

To ensure that all students succeed, constantly checking for understanding is important
for knowing that students understand the material. During work sessions, students are
met with individually to see their progress. I keep mental notes of the students who may
be struggling, and put in effort to meet with them more often. To check for understanding,
I ask open ened questions that require the students to recall and repeat the information
learned. The worksheets allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and feedback is
written on each student s worksheet. Feedback is both positive and constructive, so that
students know what they did correctly, and what they can improve on.

After administering the post assessment, 7 were at standard, 2 were approaching

standard, and 1 was not at
Women s Rights Essays
Women s Rights

Beginning in the mid 19th century, several generations of woman suffragesupporters

lectured, wrote, marched and disobeyed many rules to change in the Constitution.
parades, silence and hunger strikes where used to demonstrate the need for a change in
the constitution. Women struggled for their rights ,and they struggled equally to black
americans who desired voting rights as well(The Fifteenth Amendment., Susan Banfield
pp.11 20).

Women had it difficult in the mid 1800s to early 1900s. There was a difference in the
treatment of men and women. Married women were legally concidered a property of the
man they married in the eyes of the law. Women ... Show more content on ...
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and women like Susan B. Anthony, Lucy Stone, and Sojourner
Truth, who were pioneer theorists, traveled the country lecturing and organizing for the
next forty years. Winning the right to vote was the key issue, since the vote would
provide the means to accomplish the other reforms. The campaign for woman s right to
vote ran across continous opposition that it took 72 years for the women and their male
supporters to win (When Hens Crow : the Woman s Rights Movements in Antebellum
America pp.66).

During the Women s Rights Movement, women faced incredible obstacles to win the
American civil right to vote, which was later won in 1920.There were some very
important women involved in the Women s Right Movement. Esther Morris, who was
the first woman to hold a judicial position, who led the first successful state campaign
for woman s right to vote, in 1869(What s Right with America., Dwight Bohmach
pp.260 263). Abigail Scott Duniway, the leader of the successful fight in the early
1900s. Ida B. Wells Barnett and Mary Church Terrell, arrangers of thousands of African
American women who worked for the right to vote for all women. Anna Howard Shaw
and Carrie Chapman Catt, leaders of the National American Woman Suffrage Association
in the early years of the 20th century, who got the campaign to its final success.

If the suffrage movement had not been so ignored

Analysis Of A Poison Tree By Langston Hughes
The song Miss Missing You by Fall Out Boy states Sometimes before it gets better
/ The darkness gets bigger/The person that you d take a bullet for is behind the trigger
(16 18). These three lines speak the message of, life is not easy, sometimes it gets
difficult before it gets easier. In the same fashion, the poems A Poison Tree by William
Blake and Mother to Son by Langston Hughes both have this same message that life is
not easy and mistakes will be made, but do not become bitter, instead, keep going forward
, and things will get better.
Through A Poison Tree, William Blake shows that life is not easy and mistakes will be
made, but if people do not move on, things will not get better. In this particular poem, the
author uses personification to show their anger growing by giving it the characteristics
of a plant. Blake uses personification in phrases such as my wrath did grow. / And I
watered it in fears and it grew both day and night. / Till it bore an apple bright (4 5 and 9
10). This shows how this person becomes angrier over time, fueling their feelings with
fear and sadness. The poem ends with the person using their anger to hurt someone
else, only making things worse. This device expresses the theme because the person
in the poem did not do what they should have done. What they should have done was
let things get better on their own, instead they chose to let their feelings take over. In
turn, they became bitter and thirsty for revenge. Another device Blake uses is
imagery because it shows again how this person let their anger grow. Blake combines
the use of personification and imagery in stanza two by saying, And I watered it in
fears, / Night morning with my tears: / And I sunned it with smiles, / And with soft
deceitful wiles (5 8). By using these two literary devices, he creates an image of
someone watering this plant with evil, while also having a Grinch like smile on their
face. One could even go more into detail and say that the nutrients in the soil are the evil
ideas that the plant thrives off of to grow. This shows that people should not let their
anger get the best of them, but instead should move on to better things. Similarly in
Mother to Son, Langston Hughes conveys

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