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Curves - Concepts and Design Part-1

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Suggested Further Readings

• IRPWM (Chapter 4)

• IR Schedule of Dimensions

• IRICEN publication
Railway Curves

What is a Curve ?

Why are Curves necessary ?

What are Curve Design Parameters ?

Q: How does a train move on rails ?
Wheel set on track

Play helps wheel movement

σs = Standard Play


σs/2 σs/2
Self centering/ self-stabilising
Self centering/ self-stabilising
• Coning of Wheels

• Sinusoidal Motion
What is a Curve ?

 a line, which is not straight; and

 changes direction without angles

(No sharp Edges); or

 line, which gradually deviates from being

Why Curves ?


due to physical & geographical features

Why Curves ?
Why Curves ?
Why Curves ?
Why Curves ?

due to physical & geographical features

(Necessary evil !)

Curves are impediments for higher speeds ?

Curvilinear Motion
Effects of curve: Centrifugal force

• Vehicle Running at Speed V on a Curve of

Radius R experiences-

Centrifugal Force = MV2/R

Effects of curve: Centrifugal force
• Undesirable Effects
– Risk of vehicle overturning
– Possible passenger discomfort
– Possible displacement of loads
– Risk of derailment
– Higher Lateral forces on track structure
– Higher lateral forces resulting in maintenance
– Wear of rail & wheel flange
Effects of curve: Curve Resistance
Guidance of wheel on track

• Straight Track
– Sinusoidal motion

• Curved Track
– Shifting of center of gravity of wheel set
– Actual guidance of the wheel flange by the outer
rail in Curves
• Slipping/skidding of wheels on sharp curves
Wheel set on Curve
Wheel-sets on Curve
Angularity of axle while negotiating a curve

 Angle of
Negotiating a curve

• Guidance
– Preferably be from the track and not flange contact

• Play helps the wheel negotiate curve

• If bogie can take radial position on the

curves, it will be better
– (present design of rigid bogies cannot)
Apex Distance
Option I
(Min. Radius)
Optimum Option

Option II
(Max. Radius)

Choosing Appropriate Curve

Design Parameters of Curves
• Radius, R and Degree of Curve, D
• Actual Cant (Super-elevation), Ca

• Equilibrium Cant, Ce / Equilibrium Speed, Ve

• Cant Deficiency, Cd
• Cant Excess, Cex
• Rate of Change of Actual Cant, RCa
• Rate of Change of Cant Deficiency, RCd
• Cant Gradient, i

• Length of Transition, L
Curve Designation

• Curves are Designated by their Radii

– Except On IR & US rail roads

• On US degree of curve
– Designation & Calculation

• On IR degree of curve for designation

– Radii For Calculation
Degree of Curve

The Angle Subtended 30.5m (100 feet )

by a 30.5m Chord

at the Centre of Curve

D = 1750/R
Degree of Curve - Exercise

Find Radius-
If Degree of Curve is

Degree of Curve - Exercise

Find Radius-
If Degree of Curve is

•0.50° - 3500 m
•2° - 875 m
•4° - 437.5 m
•5° - 350 m
Curve Measurement
Versine (Mid Chord Offset On 20m Chord)
By Property Of Circle, V*(2R-V) = C/2*C/2
i.e.2RV=C2/4 [Neglecting V , being very small]
i.e. Versine, V = C /8R

C 2R-V
2R C
Versine - Exercise

Find Versine on 20m Chord -

If Degree of Curve is

Versine - Exercise

Find Versine on 20m Chord –

If Degree of Curve is

•0.50° - 14.28 mm
•1° - 28.57 mm
•4° - 114.28 mm
•5° - 142.80 mm
Versine - Exercise

Find Versine on 11.832 m Chord -

If Degree of Curve is

Versine - Exercise

Find Versine on 11.832 m Chord –

If Degree of Curve is

•0.50° ≈ 0.5 cm
•1° ≈ 1.0 cm
•4° ≈ 4.0 cm
•5° ≈ 5.0 cm
Limiting radii on IR

• BG* : 175 M
• MG: 109 M
• NG: 44 M

*Item 2, Chapter I, Schedule I of SOD

Vehicle on a Canted Track


θ W Sinθ


• A force is generated, by raising of the outer rail, by

the mass of the body counters the Centrifugal
• Raising of the outer rail (w.r.t. Inner Rail) to counter
the effect of Centrifugal Force (elimination/reduction)
is known as
Super-elevation/ Cant
Equilibrium Cant/Speed

• When on circular motion

• If the resultant of Weight & Centrifugal Force is
perpendicular to the plane of rail
& passes through the centre of track i.e load on both the
rails is equal

The corresponding
speed is known as Equilibrium Speed; and
cant is known as Equilibrium Cant
Equilibrium Cant
Weight Component = W*sinθ
Centrifugal Force Comp. = M*(V2/R)*cosθ
i.e. W*sinθ = M*(V2/R)*cosθ
i.e. W*tanθ = M*(V2/R) (for small θ, sinθ ≈ tanθ)

i.e. M*g*SE/G = M*V2/R

i.e. Equilibrium Cant, SE=G*V2/(g*R)
Para 406(a) of IRPWM
Equilibrium Cant - Exercise

Find Cant for –

Speed 100 Kmph
Degree of Curve = 2°

Dynamic Gauge = 1750 mm (c/c of Rail heads)

SE = GV2/gR
SE = 157.31 mm
Considerations of Mixed Traffic

• For what speed should the cant be provided ?

– Maximum speed ?

– Minimum Speed ?

– Average Speed?
Equilibrium Speed

• Schramm’s Formula: n

åL V i i

V eq =

åL i

• Li : Load of ith train,

• Vi : Speed of ith train,
•n : Number of trains
Equilibrium Speed

• Russian Formula: m

å niWiV 2

V eq =

å niW i

• ni : No of trains of type i,
• Wi : Weight of such train,
• Vi : Speed of such train,
• m : Total types of trains
Equilibrium Speed

• IRPWM Stipulation (Para 406(b))

Equilibrium speed is to be decided by CE
• Max. Speeds of fast & slow moving trains
(actually attainable)
• Proximity to Permanent speed restriction
• Junctions
• Stopping places
• Gradient affecting speed of goods train
Limitations on Maximum value of
Actual Cant Ca
• Maintenance criteria*
– High cant will cause rolling of ballast
(loss of lateral ballast resistance and alignment disturbances)

– Counters 1 in 20 cross slope

(flattening of inner rail head)

• Overturning at inner rail – wind blowing from outside

– Vehicle at rest on canted track
– Maximum Cant - Not very sensitive to wind forces when
vehicle in motion.
Limitations on Maximum value of
Actual Cant Ca
• Safety against derailment*
– Empty wagon stopped on
Canted Track & just starts
– Absence of centrifugal forces
– Adverse L/V (>1) ratio + angle
of attack
Limitations on Maximum value of
Actual Cant Ca

• Comfort criteria
– Maximum discomfort when stopped at Canted Track
– No appreciable discomfort upto 180 mm

• Limited to 1/8 to 1/10 of Track Gauge

Maximum Value Of Cant
The Maximum Value of Cant provided on the World Railways
Gauge C max /G
Country C max
(mm) ratio
- BG 1,676 165 0.098
- MG 1,000 90 0.090
DB 1,435 150 0.104
SNCF(TGV) 1,435 180 0.125
BR 1,435 150 0.104
JNR 1,435 180 0.125
JNR(MG) 1,067 105 0.098
IRPWM Provisions

• Maximum Cant
(Para 406(1)(d)(i))

– 165 mm for group A, B and C routes

• 185 MM for locating permanent structures on
group A routes with speed increase potential
(new works and doubling)

– 140 mm for group D and E routes

Cant Deficiency: Fast Trains
Effects Of Vehicle With Cant Deficiency

Speed more than equilibrium speed

Centrifugal Force Component > Weight Component
•Creq > Ca

•Cd = Creq - Ca
•Ro > Ri
•More wear on
θ outer rail gauge face
Criteria for Cant Deficiency Cd
• Safety (overturning about the outer Rail)
– Larger values can be permitted – not governing
• Comfort criteria*
– Discomfort, if Unbalanced Lateral Acceleration is
greater than 0.1g
• UIC recommends 0.4 m/s2 to 0.7 m/s2
– (1.0 m/s2 to 1.5 m/s2 for fast passenger trains UIC 703-R)
• SNCF/TGV adopted 0.56 m/s2 (trials 0.7 m/s2 )
Vehicles with Cant Deficiency Cd

Centrifugal force Component > Weight Component

Reaction on
Outer Rail > Inner Rail
Deflection of
SE Outer Spring > Inner Spring
Vehicles with Cant Deficiency Cd

Centrifugal force Component > Weight Component

Actual Cant deficiency

experienced by vehicle is
θ more than calculated
SE Roll flexibility Coefficient
G 0.4 for most modern vehicles (full load)
Excessive Cant Deficiency Cd
Excessive Cant Deficiency Cd
Maximum Value of Cant Deficiency
Theoritical Value of
Cant Actual Value of Unbalanced
Unbalanced Lateral
Deficiency Lateral Acceleration
(mm) (m/sec2)
WDM 4 All Coiled Coach
75 0.42 0.51 0.49
100 0.56 0.68 0.67
125 0.70 0.80 0.81
150 0.84 0.98 0.91
UIC Recommendations 0.4 to 0.7 m/sec2
IRPWM Provisions

• Max. Cant Deficiency

(Para 406(2))

• On routes
– with track maintained to C&M, Vol-I standard;
– For Nominated Rolling Stock;
– With Permission of PCE : 100 mm
– For Other cases : 75 mm
Cant Deficiency - Exercise

Find Maximum Permissible Speed for –

Rajdhani Route (Group “A”), and
Degree of Curve = 2°

Max. Speed = 129.79 Kmph

Cant Deficiency - Exercise

Find Minimum Permissible Radius

on BG
High Speed Route
Speed 200 Kmph

Cd = 75 mm Cd = 100 mm

Radius = 2294 m Radius = 2077 m

Cant Excess: Slow Trains
Effects Of Vehicle With Cant Excess

Speed less than equilibrium speed

Centrifugal force Component < Weight Component
•Creq < Ca

•Cex = Ca - Creq
•Ri > Ro
G •More wear on
θ inner rail top table
Effects Of Vehicle With Cant Excess

Speed less than equilibrium speed

Centrifugal force Component < Weight Component

Actual Cant excess

θ experienced by vehicle is
more than calculated
Criteria for Cant Excess (Cex)
• Comfort Consideration not a governing

• ULA inwards

• For min speed = 0

– already taken in max. Actual Cant considerations

• Maintenance consideration*
– Excess wear on inner rail
IRPWM Provisions

• Max. Cant Excess - 75 mm

(Para 406(3))
– Sections carrying predominantly goods
traffic shall have less cant excess to reduce
wear on inner rail
– Worked out for booked speed of goods
Cant Excess - Exercise
Find Maximum Speed for goods train with full Cant
Excess –
Degree of Curve = 2°
SE = 140 mm

Speed = 64.39 Kmph

Speed = 0 Increasing Speed

Cant Cex Cex Ceq Cd

<0 <0 =0 >0

For Remove Reduce Balanced Increase

Balance SE SE Condition SE
Thank You
(French: Union internationale des chemins de fer),
International Union of Railways,
is an international rail transport industry body

(French: Train à Grande Vitesse), or high speed train.

(French: Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français), or
French National Railways

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