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ESPEN Guideline On Chronic Intestinal Failure in Adults - Update 2023

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ESPEN Guideline on Chronic Intestinal Failure in Adults – Update 2023

Loris Pironi, Cristina Cuerda, Palle Bekker Jeppesen, Francisca Joly, Cora Jonkers,
Željko Krznarić, Simon Lal, Georg Lamprecht, Marek Lichota, Manpreet S. Mundi,
Stéphane Michel Schneider, Kinga Szczepanek, André Van Gossum, Geert Wanten,
Carolyn Wheatley, Arved Weimann

PII: S0261-5614(23)00245-5
Reference: YCLNU 5607

To appear in: Clinical Nutrition

Received Date: 9 July 2023

Accepted Date: 21 July 2023

Please cite this article as: Pironi L, Cuerda C, Jeppesen PB, Joly F, Jonkers C, Krznarić Ž, Lal S,
Lamprecht G, Lichota M, Mundi MS, Schneider SM, Szczepanek K, Van Gossum A, Wanten G,
Wheatley C, Weimann A, ESPEN Guideline on Chronic Intestinal Failure in Adults – Update 2023,
Clinical Nutrition,

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© 2023 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
ESPEN Guideline on Chronic Intestinal Failure in Adults – Update 2023

Loris Pironiab, Cristina Cuerdac, Palle Bekker Jeppesend, Francisca Jolye, Cora Jonkersf , Željko
Krznarićg, Simon Lalh, Georg Lamprechti, Marek Lichotaj, Manpreet S. Mundik, Stéphane Michel
Schneiderl, Kinga Szczepanekm, André Van Gossumn, Geert Wanteno, Carolyn Wheatleyp, Arved
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Center for Chronic Intestinal Failure, IRCCS AOUBO, Bologna, Italy
Nutrition Unit, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain

Rigshospitalet, Department of Gastroenterology, Copenhagen, Denmark
Center for Intestinal Failure, Department of Gastroenterology and Nutritional Support, Hôpital

Beaujon, Clichy, France
Nutrition Support Team, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, location AMC, Amsterdam, The
Center of Clinical Nutrition, Department of Medicine, University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia

Intestinal Failure Unit, Salford Royal Foundation Trust, Salford, United Kingdom
University Medical Center Rostock, Rostock, Germany

Intestinal Failure Patients Association "Appetite for Life", Cracow, Poland
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism, and Nutrition, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine,

Rochester, Minnesota, USA


Gastroenterology and Clinical Nutrition, CHU of Nice, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France

General and Oncology Surgery Unit, Stanley Dudrick’s Memorial Hospital, Skawina, Poland
Department of Gastroenterology, HUB Erasme, Brussels
Intestinal Failure Unit, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Support and advocacy group for people on home artificial nutrition (PINNT), United Kingdom
Department of General, Visceral and Oncological Surgery, St. George Hospital, Leipzig, Germany.

Corresponding Author
Loris Pironi,


Background & Aim: in 2016, ESPEN published the guideline for Chronic Intestinal Failure (CIF) in
adults. An updated version of ESPEN guidelines on CIF due to benign disease in adults was devised
in order to incorporate new evidence since the publication of the previous ESPEN guidelines.

Methods: The grading system of the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) was used to
grade the literature. Recommendations were graded according to the levels of evidence available
as A (strong), B (conditional), 0 (weak) and Good practice points (GPP). The recommendations of the
2016 guideline (graded using the GRADE system) which were still valid, because no studies
supporting an update were retrieved, were reworded and re-graded accordingly.

Results: The recommendations of the 2016 guideline were reviewed, particularly focusing on
definitions, and new chapters were included to devise recommendations on IF centers, chronic

enterocutaneous fistulas, costs of IF, caring for CIF patients during pregnancy, transition of patients
from pediatric to adult centers, and quality of care. The new guideline consist of 146
recommendations and 16 statements which were voted for consensus by ESPEN members, online

in July 2022 and at conference during the annual Congress in September 2022. The Grade of
recommendation is GPP for 96 (64.4%) of the recommendations, 0 for 29 (19.5%), B for 19 (12.7%),
and A for only five (3.4%). The grade of consensus is “strong consensus” for 148 (99.3%) and
“consensus” for one (0.7%) recommendation. The grade of consensus for the statements is “strong

consensus” for 14 (87.5%) and “consensus” for two (12.5%).

Conclusions: It is confirmed that CIF management requires complex technologies, multidisciplinary


and multiprofessional activity, and expertise to care for the underlying gastrointestinal disease and
to provide HPN support. Most of the recommendations were graded as GPP, but almost all received

a strong consensus.

Key words: guideline, intestinal failure, home parenteral nutrition, intestinal transplantation, short
bowel syndrome, intestinal dysmotility

BMD, bone mineral density; BMI, body mass index; CIF, chronic intestinal failure; CIPO, chronic
intestinal pseudo-obstruction; CLABSI, central line-related bloodstream infection; CRBSI, catheter-
related bloodstream infection; CRP , C-reactive protein; CRVT , central venous access device-related
vein thrombosis; CTE, controlled tissue expansion; CVAD, central venous access device; CVC, central
venous catheter ; DEXA, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; EAF, enteroatmospheric fistulas; ECF,
enterocutaneous fistula; ED, enteric dysmotility; EDTA, tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid; EFA, essential fatty acids; EFAD, essential fatty acid deficiency; ELT, ethanol locking therapy;
EMA, European Medicines Agency; EN, enteral nutrition; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; GFR,
glomerular filtration rate; GIP, Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide; GLP-2, glucagon-like
peptide-2; GL, guideline; hGH, human growth hormone; HPN, home parenteral nutrition; ICU,
intensive care unit; IF, intestinal failure; IFALD, intestinal failure-associated liver disease; INR,

international normalized ratio; ITx , intestinal transplantation; IVS, intravenous supplementation;

LCT, long-chain triglyceride; LILT, longitudinal intestinal lengthening and tailoring; LITx, liver-small
bowel transplants; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin; MBD, metabolic bone disease; MCT,

medium-chain triglyceride; MMC, migrating motor complex; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging;
NST, nutritional support team; PICC, peripherally inserted central catheter; PN, parenteral nutrition;
PN-DR, parenteral nutrition daily recommended doses; PPI, proton-pump inhibitors; PTH,
parathyroid hormone; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids; QALY, quality adjusted life year; QoL,

quality of life; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RDA, Recommended Daily Allowance; REE, resting
energy expenditure; SBS short bowel syndrome; SCFA, short chain fatty acids; SRSB, segmental

reversal of the small bowel; STEP, serial transverse enteroplasty; T:T, triene:tetraene; TPN, total
parenteral nutrition; UDCA, ursodeoxycholic acid

Societies, organizations and working groups mentioned in the guideline

AMA, American Medical Association; ASPEN, American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition;

BAPEN, British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; BIFA, British Intestinal Failure
Alliance; ESPEN, European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism; FDA, U.S. Food And Drug
Administration; FELANPE Federación Latinoamericana de Terapia Nutricional, Nutrición Clínica y
Metabolismo, ; HAN&CIF Home Artificial Nutrition and Chronic Intestinal Failure; NAG-AMA,
Nutrition Advisory Group of the American Medical Association; ORS, oral rehydration solution;
PACIFHAN, International Alliance of Patient Organizations for Chronic Intestinal Failure and Home
Artificial Nutrition; PINNT, Advocacy and support for people on home artificial nutrition; SIGENP,
Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition; SIGN, Scottish
Intercollegiate Guidelines Network; SINPE, Italian Society of Artificial Nutrition and Metabolism;
WHO, World Health Organization

1 Introduction

Intestinal failure (IF) is “the reduction of the gut function below the minimum necessary for the
absorption of macronutrients and/or water and electrolytes, such that intravenous
supplementation (IVS) is required to maintain health and/or growth” [1]. Chronic intestinal failure
(CIF) occurs when IF persists for months or years in a metabolically stable patient, who can be cared
for outside the acute hospital setting [1]. The primary goal of CIF therapy is to support health via IVS
provided through home parenteral nutrition (HPN) [1,2]. CIF may occur as result of severe
gastrointestinal or systemic benign diseases, or because of end stage intra-abdominal or pelvic
cancer. In Europe, HPN administration to patients with cancer differs significantly between

countries, varying from 8% to 60% of the total population on HPN [1,2]. This wide range may be due

to different medical and social attitudes toward palliative care [3]. Overall, scientific society

guidelines do not recommend HPN for patients with a short life expectancy due to malignancy
(generally considered inappropriate if this is less than one to three months) [2,4].
CIF is the rarest organ failure. In Europe, the prevalence of HPN for CIF due to benign disease (where
the term benign means the absence of active malignant disease) has been estimated to range from

five to 80 cases per million of the national population [5,6]. CIF due to benign disease has been

included in the European Orphanet list of rare diseases [7]. Notably, the rarity of the condition has
hindered its awareness both within and outside the medical arena. Indeed, the concept of CIF was

initially developed in 1981 [8], even though the first patients treated with long-term IVS were

described in 1970 [9].

The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) has recently helped to develop
the topic of IF in adults by devising recommendations on IF definition and classification [5],
publishing a position paper on acute IF [10] alongside guideline for CIF [1]; holding a workshop to
highlight major areas requiring further investigation [11]; and supporting international surveys on
CIF carried out through a dedicated structured database [12,13].
The guideline on CIF were based on papers published up to 2015 and aimed to generate
comprehensive recommendations for the safe and effective management of adult patients with CIF
due to benign disease [1]. In light of the aforementioned varying approaches to managing CIF in
patients with cancer, the guideline was limited to “CIF due to benign disease”. In 2020, ESPEN
released a new version of the guideline on HPN, the primary treatment for CIF [2]. In 2021, the
ESPEN definition of IF has also been included in the 11th Revision of the International Classification
of Diseases (ICD-11) of the World Health Organization (WHO) [14]. A PubMed search in January
2022, using “intestinal failure” as a general term, retrieved 3,617 papers published between 2016
and 2021. Thus, an updated version of ESPEN guideline on CIF due to benign disease in adults was
commissioned in order to incorporate new evidence since the publication of the previous ESPEN
guidelines. The recommendations of the 2016 guideline were reviewed, particularly focusing on
definitions, and new chapters were included to devise recommendations on IF centers, chronic
enterocutaneous fistulas (ECF), costs of IF, caring for CIF patients during pregnancy, transition of
patients from pediatric to adult centers, and quality of care. Furthermore, inclusion of members of
CIF/HPN patient associations into the guideline-working group represents a novel initiative for this
updated guideline.

2 Methodology of guideline updating

The working group included gastroenterologists, surgeons, endocrinologists, anesthesiologists,
dietitians and patient association representatives, with long-term expertise in IF and HPN. Nine
members of the panel were coauthors of the 2016 guideline on CIF (LP, CC, PBJ, FJ, SL, KS, AVG, GW,

The first step was to define the chapters of the guideline. Nineteen chapters were identified:

definition, diagnosis, classification and treatment pathway of CIF, HPN management, including
central venous access device choice, CIF centers, parenteral nutrition formulation, short bowel

syndrome, chronic small intestinal dysmotility, radiation enteritis, chronic ECF, intestinal

transplantation, central venous access device-related complications, intestinal failure-associated

liver disease, gallbladder sludge and stones, intestinal failure-associated renal failure and stones,
intestinal failure-associated metabolic bone disease, pregnancy and breast feeding, quality of life
assessment, cost analysis, transition from pediatric to adult centers, patient associations.
The updating process started from the previous CIF guideline, published in 2016 [1] and the recent
HPN guideline [2], published in 2020. A systematic literature search comprising the period between
one year before the publication of the previous guidelines (2015 for CIF and 2019 for HPN) until
December 2021 was carried out to check whether the recommendations from those guidelines were
still relevant and whether there was the need to add new recommendations or to delete/modify
the existing ones. According to standard operating procedures for ESPEN guidelines and consensus
papers, the chapters not included in the previous guidelines were investigated through the PICO
question methods: problem, intervention, comparison, outcome [15.].

The grading system of the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) was used to grade the
literature [16]. Allocation of studies to the different levels of evidence is shown in table 1. The
working group added commentaries to the recommendations detailing the basis of the
recommendations made.

Table 1. Levels of evidence

1++ High quality meta-analyzes, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a very low risk of bias
1+ Well-conducted meta-analyzes, systematic reviews, or RCTs with a low risk of bias
1- Meta-analyzes, systematic reviews, or RCTs with a high risk of bias
2++ High quality systematic reviews of case control or cohort or studies. High quality case control or cohort
studies with a very low risk of confounding or bias and a high probability that the relationship is causal
2+ Well-conducted case control or cohort studies with a low risk of confounding or bias and a moderate

probability that the relationship is causal

2- Case control or cohort studies with a high risk of confounding or bias and a significant risk that the
relationship is not causal
3 Non-analytic studies, e.g. case reports, case series

4 Expert opinion
According to the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) grading system. Source: SIGN 50: A guideline
developer’s handbook. Quick reference guide October 2014 [16]. Abbreviation: RCT, randomized controlled trial

Recommendations were graded according to the levels of evidence available [17] (table 2). In some
cases, a downgrading was necessary, for example, due to the lack of quality of primary studies

included in a meta-analysis.

Table 2. Grades of recommendation [15]


A At least one meta-analysis, systematic review, or RCT rated as 1++, and directly applicable to the
target population; or
A body of evidence consisting principally of studies rated as 1+, directly applicable to the target
population, and demonstrating overall consistency of results
B A body of evidence including studies rated as 2++, directly applicable to the target population; or
A body of evidence including studies rated as 2+, directly applicable to the target population and
demonstrating overall consistency of results; or
and demonstrating overall consistency of results; or
Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 1++ or 1+
0 Evidence level 3 or 4; or
Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 2++ or 2+
GPP Good practice points/expert consensus: Recommended best practice based on the clinical
experience of the guideline development group
Abbreviation: GPP, Good practice point; RCT, randomized controlled trial

The wording of the recommendations reflects the grades of recommendations; level A is indicated
by “shall”, level B by “should” and level 0 by “can/may”. A good practice point (GPP) is based on

experts’ opinions due to the lack of studies; in this situation, the choice of wording was not
The recommendations of the 2016 guideline which were still valid, because no studies supporting
an update were retrieved, were reworded accordingly.

Table 3 Classification of the strength of consensus.

Strong consensus Agreement of >90% of the participants
Consensus Agreement of >75-90% of the participants
Majority agreement Agreement of >50-75% of the participants
No consensus Agreement of <50% of the participants
According to the methodology of the Association of the Scientific Medical Society [17].

Between 7th July 2022 and 9th August 2022, online voting on the recommendations was undertaken

using the “” platform. All ESPEN members were invited to agree or disagree
with, and to comment upon, each of the original 149 recommendations and 16 statements
generated by the guideline committee: 144 recommendations and 14 statements reached an

agreement of >90 %, five recommendations and two statements reached an agreement of >75 – 90

Those recommendations/statements with an agreement >90 % (indicating a strong consensus, table


3) were directly passed, while all others were revised according to the comments made and then
voted on again during a consensus conference which took place during the 2022 ESPEN congress in

Vienna on 4th September 2022. During the consensus conference, also five recommendations and
two statements that received >90% in the online voting were voted on due to major changes
originating from commentaries of online voting participants. Thus, ten recommendations and four
statements were discussed and voted on during the consensus conference. Seven
recommendations and two statements received an agreement of >90 %, all others received an
agreement of >75 – 90% (table 4). To support the recommendations, the ESPEN guideline office
created evidence tables of relevant meta-analyzes, systematic reviews and (randomized) controlled
trials, all of which are available online as supplemental material to this guideline.

Table 4. Classification of the strength of consensus and results of the online and consensus conference voting.
Online Consensus
Voting Conference
Strong consensus Agreement of >90% of participants 157 9

Consensus Agreement of >75-90 % of participants 7 5
Majority agreement Agreement of >50-75 % of participants 0 0
No consensus Agreement of <50 % of participants 0 0
Deleted 0 0

Recommendations and statements

Table 5 lists the 146 recommendations and the 16 statements of the present guideline on CIF, along
with their Grade of recommendation and of consensus. The Grade of recommendation is GPP for
96 (64.4%) of the recommendations, 0 for 29 (19.5%), B for 19 (12.7%), and A for only five (3.4%).
The grade of consensus is “strong consensus” for 148 (99.3%) and “consensus” for one (0.7%) of the

recommendation. The grade of consensus for the statements is “strong consensus” for 14 (87.5%)

and “consensus” for two (12.5%).

Table 5: List of recommendations and statements on chronic intestinal failure due to benign disease (absence of active
cancer disease)
# Recommendation (R) and Statement (S) Grade of Grade of

recommendation consensus
Definition, diagnosis and classification of chronic intestinal failure

S1 CIF is defined as “persistent reduction of the gut function below the -

minimum necessary for the absorption of macronutrients and/or water
and electrolytes, such that IVS is required to maintain health and/or

growth, in a patient who is metabolically stable”. Conditions where the

reduction of gut absorptive function does not require IVS to maintain
health and/or growth are defined as “intestinal insufficiency” (or

“intestinal deficiency” for those languages where “insufficiency” and

“failure” have the same meaning).
S2 Two criteria have to be simultaneously present for the diagnosis of IF: - Consensus
“decreased absorption of macronutrients and/or water and electrolytes
due to loss of gut function” and “need for IVS to maintain health and/or
S3 The clinical classification and reporting of CIF shall be based on the - Strong
pathophysiologic mechanism of IF and the underlying disease from which
IF originates.
S4 The pathophysiologic mechanisms of IF shall be classified as short bowel - Strong
syndrome (SBS), intestinal dysmotility, intestinal ECF, intestinal
mechanical occlusion, or extensive small bowel mucosal disease.
S5 The underlying disease from which IF originates shall be categorized - Strong
according to the ICD codes and should also be clearly distinguishable
from the pathophysiological mechanism.
R1 The severity of CIF should be based on the eight categories of type and B Strong
volume of the IVS required by patients, as outlined in table 8. CIF
requiring IVS of fluids and electrolytes alone is less severe than CIF
requiring IVS of parenteral nutrition admixtures that also contain
macronutrients. The severity of CIF requiring IVS of PN progressively
increases in parallel with the volume of the PN admixture, calculated on
weekly basis.

R2 HPN should be prescribed as the primary and life-saving therapy for B Strong
patients with transient-reversible or permanent-irreversible CIF.
R3 Patients with CIF should have an early referral to IF/rehabilitation centers GPP Strong
with expertise in both medical and surgical treatment for CIF, to
maximize the opportunity of weaning off HPN, preventing HPN failure,
and ensuring timely assessment of candidacy for intestinal
transplantation (ITx).
HPN management (including CVAD choice)
R4 The aims of an HPN program shall include provision of evidence-based GPP Strong
therapy, prevention of HPN–related complications such as CVAD-related
infections and metabolic complications and ensure QoL is maximized.
S6 For a safe HPN program, the patient and/or the patient’s legal - Strong
representative shall give fully informed consent to the treatment
S7 For a safe HPN program, the patient shall be sufficiently metabolically - Strong
stable and emotionally cope with HPN therapy outside the acute hospital


S8 For a safe HPN program, the patient’s home environment shall be - Strong
adequate to safely deliver the therapy proposed; the suitability of the
home care environment should be assessed and approved by the nurse

of the NST or of a qualified HPN provider.
For a safe HPN program, the choice of the central venous access device
(CVAD), the infusion control device, and the infusion line and CVAD care
A Strong
shall be in keeping with recommendations #9-38 of the ESPEN guideline
on HPN.

S9 For a safe HPN program, the patient and/or the caregiver has to be able - Strong
to understand and perform the required procedures for the safe
administration of therapy.

R6 The patient and/or the caregiver should be trained by an NST to safely GPP Strong
infuse the PN with appropriate monitoring and prompt recognition of
any complications.

R7 A formal individualized HPN training program for the patient and/or GPP Strong
caregiver and/or home care nurses shall be performed, including
catheter care, pump use and preventing, recognizing and managing

complications; training can be done in an in-patient setting or at the

patient’s home.
R8 The prescribed nutritional admixture and ancillaries required for safe and GPP Strong
effective therapy should be delivered by an experienced/certified health
care provider.
R9 The NST should provide appropriate monitoring and treatment for GPP Strong
routine and/or emergency care, with appropriate contact details
provided to the patient 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
R10 Incidence of CVAD-related infection, incidence of hospital readmission GPP Strong
and patient’s and family and/or caregiver feed-back should be used as
criteria to assess and improve the quality of care of HPN program.
R11 For a patient to travel safely, he/she shall receive a sufficient supply of GPP Strong
PN and relevant ancillaries during the journey and at the destination and
the NST responsible for the patient’s care shall endeavor to establish
contact with a skilled NST at the patient’s destination in case medical
support is required.
R12 Monitoring of patients with CIF shall include the underlying disease from GPP Strong
which the IF originated, the intestinal function, the effectiveness and
safety of the HPN program, and the patient’s clinical condition,
nutritional status, and QoL.
R13 Patients receiving HPN shall be monitored at regular intervals, to review GPP Strong
the indications, the efficacy and the risks of the treatment.
R14 The time between reviews should be adapted to the patient, the care GPP Strong
setting and duration and stabilization of nutrition support; the severity
of the IF and the underlying disease; intervals can increase as the patient
is stabilized on nutrition support.
R15 In clinically stable patients on long-term HPN, body weight, body GPP Strong
composition and hydration status, energy and fluid balance and
biochemistry (hemoglobin, ferritin, albumin, C-reactive protein (CRP),
electrolytes, venous blood gas analysis or serum bicarbonates, kidney
function, liver function and glucose) can be measured at all the scheduled
R16 In patients on long-term HPN, clinical signs and symptoms as well as GPP Strong
biochemical indexes of vitamin and trace element deficiency or toxicity
should be evaluated at least once per year.
R17 In patients on long-term HPN, bone metabolism and BMD should be GPP Strong
evaluated annually or in accordance with accepted standards.
R18 HPN monitoring should be carried out by the hospital NST with skills and GPP Strong
experience in IF and HPN management, in collaboration with

experienced home care specialists, home care agencies and/or general
R19 Patients and/or caregivers can be trained to monitor nutritional status, 0 Strong

fluid balance and the infusion catheter.
Chronic intestinal failure centers
R20 Patients with CIF should be cared for by specialized, dedicated and a GPP Strong
clearly identifiable hospital unit, normally termed “HPN center or IF
center or intestinal rehabilitation center”.
R21 The CIF unit should have offices for outpatient visits and dedicated beds GPP Strong

for patients who need hospitalization.

R22 All CIF patients should be cared for by a NST with experience in HPN GPP Strong

R23 The NST consists of experts in CIF and HPN provision. This includes GPP Strong
physicians, specialist nurses (including in catheter, wound and stoma
care), dietitians, pharmacists, social workers, psychologists, as well as an

appropriate practitioner with expertise in central venous catheter (CVC)

placement. Surgeons with expertise in IF should also be available for

structured consultation.
R24 The NST for HPN/CIF shall have clear written pathways and protocols in GPP Strong
place for the management of patients with complications relating to
R25 The NST for HPN/CIF shall provide patients and caregivers with written GPP Strong
information relating to the recognition and subsequent management of
HPN-related complications, including details (e.g. telephone number) of
an appropriate NST member to contact in the case of an emergency,
available 24 hours per day.
Parenteral nutrition formulation
R26 The protein and energy requirements for CIF patients shall be based on GPP Strong
individual patient characteristics (e.g. intestinal absorptive capacity as
estimated by gastrointestinal anatomy and/or underlying disease) and
specific needs (e.g. acute illness, protein-energy malnutrition), and that
the adequacy of the regimen is regularly evaluated through clinical,
anthropometric, and biochemical parameters.
R27 Optimal blood glucose control, based on blood glucose below 180 mg/dL 0 Strong
(10.0 mmol/L) during HPN infusion and normal HbA1c levels <7% in
patients with diabetes can be targeted, through regular monitoring.
R28 No recommendation at this time can be made regarding optimal 0 Strong
approach to achieving glycemic control in HPN patients; addition of

insulin to HPN admixtures has been noted to be safe in multiple case
R29 In patients totally dependent on HPN, a minimum of 1g/kg/wk of 0 Strong
intravenous lipid emulsion containing essential fatty acids (EFA) may be
supplied to prevent EFA deficiency; changing a soybean oil-based lipid
emulsion to either a fish oil containing lipid emulsion or an olive oil based
lipid emulsion may be safe regarding the provision of enough EFA.
R30 No type of lipid emulsion alone should be uniformly applied; the choice B Strong
of lipid emulsion should be made on patient individual basis.
R31 When a soybean-based lipid emulsion is supplied, no more than 1g/kg/d B Strong
of lipid emulsion should be provided.
R32 When more than 1g/kg/d of lipid emulsion is required, alternative lipid GPP Strong
emulsions (olive oil, MCT, and fish oil) should be used to reduce the
soybean-oil content of intravenous lipid emulsions, which tends to be
high in ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and phytosterols.
R33 Monitoring of signs and symptoms of dehydration, fluid balance, GPP Strong

laboratory tests, and 24-hour urine output as well as a timely adjustment

of fluid, supplementation to prevent chronic renal failure in patients on
HPN shall be made regularly.
R34 The PN formula shall be adjusted with the aim of normalizing laboratory GPP Strong

tests related to electrolytes and mineral balance in patients on HPN.

patients on HPN.
R35 Timely adjustment of sodium supplementation can allow anabolism in 0 Strong
R36 Regular monitoring of acid-base status in patients on long-term HPN GPP Strong
(serum concentration of chloride and bicarbonate), shall be made

because either metabolic acidosis or metabolic alkalosis can occur.

R37 In patients on HPN, clinical signs and symptoms as well as biochemical GPP Strong
indexes of vitamin deficiency or toxicity should be regularly evaluated.

R38 Baseline serum vitamin concentrations should be measured, according GPP Strong
to laboratory availability, at the onset of HPN and then at least once per

R39 Vitamin doses in HPN can be adjusted as needed. GPP Strong

R40 The route of vitamin supplementation can be selected according to the GPP Strong

characteristics of the individual patient

R41 In patients on HPN, clinical signs and symptoms as well as biochemical GPP Strong
indexes of trace element deficiency or toxicity should be regularly
R42 Baseline serum trace element concentrations should be measured, GPP Strong
according to laboratory availability, at the onset of HPN and then at least
once per year.
R43 Trace element doses in HPN can be adjusted as needed. GPP Strong
R44 The route of trace element supplementation can be selected according GPP Strong
to the characteristics of the individual patient.
R45 In case of intravenous micronutrient shortage, the intravenous GPP Strong
supplementation with multivitamin and multi-trace element vials should
be prioritized for patients on exclusive/total HPN
R46 In patients on exclusive/total HPN, when the micronutrient shortage GPP Strong
doesn’t allow the daily IVS with multivitamin and multi-trace element
vials, the micronutrients requirements should be met by single
micronutrient supplementation through any other available route in the
individual patient.

R47 In patients on supplemental/partial PN, the micronutrient GPP Strong
supplementation through sublingual, oral, enteral, intramuscular and
subcutaneous route should be maximized.
R48 During period of intravenous micronutrient vial shortage, a more GPP Strong
frequent monitoring of serum micronutrient concentrations may be
required to prevent micronutrient deficiency.
R49 During period of intravenous micronutrient vial shortage, pediatric GPP Strong
multivitamin and multi-trace element vials shall not be used for adult
patients on HPN, if there is a risk of shortage of pediatric vials as well.
R50 The routine addition of individual amino acids (glutamine, cysteine, 0 Strong
taurine) in the parenteral formula to decrease complications in adults on
HPN cannot be recommended.
Short bowel syndrome
S10 In adults, SBS is defined as the clinical feature associated with a residual - Strong
small bowel in continuity shorter than 200 cm.
S11 The presence of clinical feature of SBS notwithstanding a residual small- - Strong

bowel length >200 cm is defined “functional SBS”.

S12 On the basis of the anatomy of the residual intestine in continuity, SBS is - Strong
classified as SBS with end small bowel ostomy (or SBS type 1), SBS with
jejuno-colic anastomosis (or SBS type 2) and SBS with jejunoileal

anastomosis with intact colon and the presence of the ileocecal valve (or
SBS type 3).
SBS patients should have dietary counselling guided by an expert GPP Strong
dietitian, based on the subjective experience of the patient, and ideally
supported by objective metabolic balance measurements, in order to

ensure high compliance.

R52 The diet of SBS patients with a preserved colon in continuity can be high 0 Strong
in complex carbohydrates, low in mono- and disaccharides and low in

R53 The diet of SBS patients with a preserved colon in continuity should have B Strong
a high content of MCT, that confers a marginal benefit on overall energy

absorption compared to a diet containing regular LCT.

R54 The diet of SBS patients without a preserved colon in continuity can have 0 Strong
any fat:carbohydrate ratio, with a low mono- and disaccharides content.

R55 SBS patients consuming a low-fat diet or where the LCT have been GPP Strong
replaced by MCT should be monitored for the potential deficiency in EFA
and fat-soluble vitamins.
R56 In patients with SBS, soluble fiber (e.g. pectin) may not be added to the 0 Strong
diet to enhance overall intestinal absorption.
R57 Lactose may not be excluded from the diet of SBS patients unless 0 Strong
intolerance has been documented on a clinical basis, such as a clear
association between lactose ingestion and increase of diarrhea or of
stoma output.
R58 Isotonic oral nutritional supplements can be added to the diet of SBS GPP Strong
patients at risk of malnutrition.
R59 The EN in combination with oral feeding can be prescribed in patients GPP Strong
with CIF in whom the expected gain with EN could allow to wean off
R60 In patients with CIF treated with EN, the use of polymeric isotonic 0 Strong
enteral diets may be the first choice.
R61 The addition of glutamine, probiotics, or other supplemental nutrients 0 Strong
to the diet in the aim of promoting the intestinal rehabilitation process
cannot be recommended.
R62 Patients with type 1 SBS (end jejunostomy) can use salt liberally and GPP Strong
restrict the administration of oral fluids in relation to meals.

R63 SBS patients who have borderline dehydration or sodium depletion can 0 Strong
use an isotonic high sodium oral rehydration solution to replace stoma
sodium losses.
R64 SBS patients with net-secretion and a high output jejunostomy shall limit GPP Strong
the oral intake of low sodium, both hypotonic (e.g. water, tea, coffee, or
alcohol) and hypertonic (e.g. fruit juices, colas) solutions in order to
reduce the stoma output.
R65 H2-receptor antagonists or PPI may be used to reduce fecal wet weight 0 Strong
and sodium excretion, especially during the first six months after surgery,
mainly in those SBS patients with a fecal output exceeding 2 L/d.
R66 In the individual patient, H2-receptor antagonists or PPI can also be used GPP Strong
to reduce fecal wet weight and sodium excretion in the long-term.

R67 Especially in the short-term after intestinal resection, octreotide can be GPP Strong
used for patients with high-output jejunostomy in whom fluid and
electrolyte management is problematic in spite of conventional

R68 Patients treated with octreotide should be carefully monitored to GPP Strong
prevent fluid retention in relation to initiation of the treatment as well
as potential adverse effects, fluid retention and potential negative

interference with the process of intestinal adaptation during long-term
use. -p
R69 Oral loperamide shall be used to reduce wet weight and sodium fecal A Strong
excretion in SBS patients with an ostomy.
R70 Loperamide shall be preferred to opiate drugs, such as codeine A Strong
phosphate or opium, because it is not addictive or sedative.

R71 In SBS patients with a high ostomy output, the use of loperamide may be 0 Strong
guided by objective measurements of its effect.

R72 SBS patients who have motility disorders, including those with dilated GPP Strong
segments of residual small bowel, blind loop etc., and who are suspected
with bacterial overgrowth, can benefit from occasional antibiotic

R73 The routine use of antibiotics in SBS patients with a preserved colon GPP Strong
cannot be recommended, given the benefit of the energy salvage due to

colonic bacterial fermentation of malabsorbed carbohydrate to SCFA, in

spite of a potential reduction in the production of gases and consequent
symptoms related to this fermentation.
R74 In SBS-IF patients, intestinal growth factors should be considered in an B Strong
SBS patient requiring PN continuation, if that patient is stable after a
period of post-surgery intestinal adaptation, which is usually the case
twelve 24 months after the last intestinal resection and in the absence of
R75 In case of intestinal growth factors consideration, colonoscopy (if GPP Strong
remnant colon and/or rectum), abdominal ultrasound, and gastroscopy
shall be performed on all patients before initiation of treatment, to
assess for the presence of polyps and to exclude neoplastic disease, as
well as to clarify unclear anatomic situations (e.g. suspected strictures,
blind loops, and unclear anastomotic sites) or disease activity in the
gastrointestinal remnant (e.g. Crohn’s disease).
R76 Patients with CIF due to SBS should be carefully informed of the potential GPP Strong
benefits and risks associated with intestinal growth factor treatments;
information should deal with the probability of reducing the need for or
the weaning from HPN, the probability of QoL improvement, the
expected duration of treatment, the expected effects after cessation of
the treatment, the potential adverse effects and risks of the treatment,

the cost-effectiveness of the treatment, and the need to undergo careful
and regular monitoring.
R77 For carefully selected SBS patients who are candidates for intestinal A Consensus
growth factor treatment, the GLP-2-analogue which is the only one
approved by FDA and EMA so far, teduglutide, shall be the first choice.
R78 The efficacy of growth factor treatment shall be done according to GPP Strong
standardized protocols measuring fluids, electrolytes and energy
R79 Intestinal growth factors shall be only prescribed by experts who are GPP Strong
experienced in the diagnosis and management of SBS patients and who
have the ability and the facilities to objectively evaluate and balance
the benefit and clinical meaningfulness of the interventions versus the
inconveniences, adverse effects, potential risks, and cost-effectiveness.
R80 To patients with SBS, oral drugs should be prescribed on an individual GPP Strong
basis, following a careful evaluation of the absorptive capacity of the
remnant bowel, knowledge of the physiochemical characteristics of the
drug, and an evaluation as to if the drug can be titrated according to an

objectively measured effect or according to measurements of plasma
concentrations; the use of parenteral and transdermal routes and the
use of suppositories should also be considered in SBS patients with

limited intestinal absorption.

In patients with SBS, during intestinal resection, bowel length should be
conserved to the fullest extent possible to avoid dependence on HPN.
In patients with SBS, restoration of intestinal continuity should be


realized whenever possible, to decrease HPN dependency.
R83 Regarding non-transplant surgery in patients with SBS, bowel 0 Strong

lengthening procedures may be considered in selected patients.

R84 In patients with SBS, management should be performed through a GPP Strong
multidisciplinary approach to optimize intestinal rehabilitation and

overall patient outcome.

Chronic small intestinal dysmotility

S13 Chronic small intestinal dysmotility is defined as “impaired - Strong

gastrointestinal propulsion of the gut content in the absence of fixed

occluding lesions causing chronic/recurrent obstructive type symptoms

and intolerance to oral or enteral nutrition”.
S14 Chronic small intestinal dysmotility is diagnosed by the clinical features - Consensus
of recurrent/chronic episodes of intestinal occlusion with abdominal
pain, nausea and/or vomiting and intolerance to oral or enteral nutrition,
with or without radiological features of dilated intestine with air/fluid
levels and/or, where feasible, manometric evidence of gastro-intestinal
S15 Chronic small intestinal dysmotility is classified as CIPO, when there are - Strong
radiological features of dilated intestine with air/fluid levels, or ED when
no radiological features of a dilated intestine are present.
Both CIPO and ED are categorized as primary/idiopathic, when no
underlying disorder can be demonstrated, or secondary, when related to
underlying gastrointestinal or systemic diseases, either sporadic or
familial, or other known factors such as side effects of medications.
R85 Dietary counselling can be used as the first-line management in patients 0 Strong
with chronic small intestinal dysmotility; patients can be encouraged to
eat according to individual tolerance and may benefit from frequent
small meals of low-fiber and low-fat content alongside texture modified
food and liquid supplements as well as minerals and micronutrients to
prevent specific deficiencies.

R86 Any decision to escalate from oral nutrition to EN or PN should involve GPP Strong
careful multidisciplinary team consideration of the potential risks and
benefits with the patient.
R87 EN should be considered as a first step in patients with chronic GPP Strong
gastrointestinal dysmotility who are not able to meet their energy needs
with oral nutrition alone and who continue to lose weight, before using
R88 HPN shall not be delayed in malnourished patients with chronic GPP Strong
gastrointestinal dysmotility when oral/enteral nutrition is obviously
R89 Trials with prokinetics can be attempted in patients with chronic small 0 Strong
intestinal dysmotility.
R90 Antibiotic therapy can be used to treat intestinal bacterial overgrowth 0 Strong
and to reduce malabsorption in patients with chronic small intestinal
R91 Periodic antibiotic therapy can be used to prevent intestinal bacterial GPP Strong
overgrowth in patients with chronic intestinal dysmotility who have

frequent relapsing episodes.
R92 Surgery should be avoided in chronic small intestinal dysmotility GPP Strong
patients, whenever possible, due to the risk of postoperative worsening

of intestinal function and need for subsequent reoperation.
R93 In patients with chronic small intestinal dysmotility, venting ostomy
(either endoscopically or surgically), can be performed to diminish
GPP Strong

symptoms in case-by-case selected patients.

Radiation enteritis

R94 In patients with chronic radiation enteritis EN may be used if oral 0 Strong
nutrition, including use of oral nutritional supplements, is inadequate.
R95 In malnourished radiation enteritis patients, HPN should not be delayed, GPP Strong

if oral nutrition/EN is obviously inadequate.

R96 In patients with chronic radiation enteritis, the PN regime should follow GPP Strong
the same criteria for the HPN of patients with other causes of CIF.

R97 No recommendation can be made for or against the use of glutamine to 0 Strong
prevent or treat radiation enteritis.

Entero-cutaneous fistulas
S16 The ECF is classified by anatomic location (proximal: jejunum and more - Strong
proximal; distal: ileum or more distal), fasting output volume (low: < 200
mL/d; medium: 200 – 500 mL/d; high: > 500 mL/d), location in the open
abdomen (deep vs superficial) and number of fistula openings (single
opening, multiple in close proximity; multiple distant from each other).
R98 Withholding EN cannot be of benefit regarding fistula closure, whereas GPP Strong
some oral/enteral nutrition may protect the integrity of the mucosal
barrier as well as the immunologic and hormonal function of the gut.
R99 Optimizing nutrition and wound care may stabilize ECF and potentially 0 Strong
allow spontaneous closure.
R100 Refeeding enteroclysis (chyme reinfusion) may be recommended in 0 Strong
double enterostomies high output fistulas.
R101 Drug therapy for ECF can be the same used for SBS. 0 Strong
R102 Surgical intervention with regard to the restoration of continuity may be 0 Strong
individualized and only performed by experienced surgeons in
specialized interdisciplinary units.
Intestinal Transplantation

R103 Patients with CIF should be assessed for candidacy for ITx, when they B Strong
have been evaluated by a multidisciplinary team, rehabilitation options

have been explored, and a state of permanent/irreversible or life-limiting
CIF and one of the following exist:
• Evidence of advanced or progressive IFALD, as described below:
− Hyperbilirubinemia >75 μmol/L (4.5 mg/dL) despite intravenous lipid
modification strategies that persists for >2 months
- Any combination of elevated serum bilirubin, reduced synthetic
function (subnormal albumin or elevated international normalized
ratio(INR)), and laboratory indications of portal hypertension and
hypersplenism, especially low platelet count, persisting for >1 month
in the absence of a confounding infectious event(s)
• Thrombosis of three out of four discrete upper body central veins (left
subclavian and internal jugular, right subclavian and internal jugular)
• Invasive intra-abdominal desmoids
• Acute diffuse intestinal infarction with hepatic failure
• Failure of first intestinal transplant
• Any other potential life-threatening morbidity.
R104 Patients with advanced or progressive IFALD and those with an invasive B Strong

intra-abdominal desmoid tumor should be listed for a life-saving ITx

(with or without liver transplantation).

R105 Patients with CVC related thrombosis of two or more central veins GPP Strong

(internal jugular, subclavian or femoral) may be listed for a life-saving ITx
on a case-by-case basis.
R106 Patients with CIF having any of the indications for assessment of B Strong
candidacy other than IFALD-related liver failure, intra-abdominal
desmoids or CVC-related multiple vein thrombosis should not be listed

for a life-saving ITx.

R107 Patients with CIF with high morbidity or low acceptance of HPN may be GPP Strong
listed for a rehabilitative ITx on a careful case-by-case basis.

R108 Whenever possible, patients listed for ITx should undergo the procedure GPP Strong
while they are in a stable clinical condition, as represented by being able
to stay at home and not requiring hospitalization while waiting for

R109 For patients listed for a combined intestinal and liver transplantation, GPP Strong
mechanisms to prioritize patients on the waiting list for liver

transplantation should be adopted in order to minimize the risk of

mortality while awaiting and after transplantation.
Prevention/treatment of CVAD-related complications
R110 For the prevention of CVAD-related infections, the infusion line and A Strong
CVAD care shall be in keeping with recommendations #19-38 of the
ESPEN guideline on HPN (Table 10).
R111 The creation of arterio-venous fistulas to prevent CVAD-related 0 Strong
infections may be considered in carefully selected patients.
R112 Catheter locking with 70% ethanol should not be used to prevent CVAD- B Strong
related infections, because its use is associated with systemic toxicity,
catheter occlusion and catheter damage.
R113 Re-education of the patient and/or caregiver shall be made in patients GPP Strong
who repeatedly present with CVAD-related infections.
R114 CVAD-related infections should be managed according to current B Strong
guidelines on long-term CVAD and as described in the comment section:
a conservative approach with systemic and local (locks) use of antibiotics
is advocated for simple infections; CVAD removal should be the first
choice in case of tunnel infections or blood cultures positive for virulent
bacteria; CVAD removal is mandatory for port abscesses, complicated
infections, persistent hemodynamic instability, or blood cultures that are
positive for fungi.
R115 Treatment of CVAD-related venous thrombosis should be made with B Strong
anticoagulation, the duration of which to be chosen on an individual
R116 In CRVT, the decision to maintain the CVAD should depend on individual GPP Strong
factors (e.g. necessity of a central line, lack of infection, clinical outcome).
R117 For the primary prevention of CVAD-related venous thrombosis, B Strong
insertion of the CVAD should be made using ultrasound guidance with
placement of the tip at the superior vena cava-right atrium junction.
R118 Routine thromboprophylaxis with drugs (heparin, warfarin) should not B Strong
be made for the primary prevention of CVAD-related venous thrombosis
for all adults on HPN based on the risk/benefit balance.
R119 Pulsatile flushing of catheters with saline can be made instead of flushing 0 Strong
with heparin solution to prevent CVAD occlusion.
R120 Irrigation of the CVAD with saline can be made as the first attempt to GPP Strong
restore catheter patency in intra-lumen CVAD occlusion.
R121 Fibrinolytic drugs can be used for the treatment of acute CVAD occlusion GPP Strong

likely caused by blood clotting.
Prevention/treatment of intestinal failure-associated liver disease
R122 The following intervention should be made to prevent the development B Strong

• prevention of sepsis or managing it, if present -p
• preservation of small intestinal length and retainment/restoration of
the colon in continuity with small bowel;
• maintenance of oral/enteral intake and, where feasible, considering
distal EN/chyme reinfusion in patients with non in continuity small

• cycling PN infusion;
• avoiding PN overfeeding;

• limiting the dose of soybean-oil based lipid to less than 1g/kg/d

• avoiding any hepatoxic insults wherever possible (e.g. alcohol)
R123 Treatment of IFALD should rely on: B Strong

• re-consideration of all the measures to prevent IFALD

• revising the lipid component of the PN admixture, in order to decrease

the total amount and/or to decrease the ω-6/ω-3 PUFA ratio

• revising any potential inflammatory/infective foci
• excluding/managing any other causative factors of abnormal liver
Prevention/treatment of gallbladder sludge and stones

R124 Maintenance/resumption of oral feeding can be made be considered to 0 Strong

prevent/treat of gallbladder sludge.
R125 Cholecystectomy and/or endoscopic procedures should be performed in B Strong
the case of biliary complications as for the general population.
R126 Cholecystectomy during abdominal surgery for other indications can be GPP Strong
considered in patients with CIF known to have gallstones at the time of
surgery, providing this additional procedure is felt to have a low risk of
morbidity and the risk vs. benefit of cholecystectomy is carefully
considered with the patient.
Prevention/treatment of intestinal failure-associated renal failure and stones

R127 For the primary prevention of renal failure and of renal stones in patients GPP Strong
with CIF, regular monitoring shall be performed of renal function and
fluid balance as well as a timely adjustment of fluid supplementation in
order to avoid episodes of dehydration.

R128 For the primary prevention of renal failure, acute and chronic infections GPP Strong
as well as acute and chronic dehydration shall be timely addressed by the
relevant clinical intervention.
R129 For the primary prevention of oxalate renal stones, a low oxalate and low GPP Strong
fat diet, in addition to an increase of oral calcium, should be prescribed
to reduce the risk of oxalate stone formation in patients with SBS with a
colon in continuity.
R130 Avoiding metabolic acidosis and giving citrate supplementation can be GPP Strong
recommended, to reduce the risk of uric acid stones.
R131 In patients with CIF, renal failure and renal stones shall be treated GPP Strong
according to the standards for these conditions.
Prevention/treatment of intestinal failure-associated metabolic bone disease
R132 Patients with CIF should be routinely monitored for MBD by bone GPP Strong
densitometry scanning, biochemistry, and clinical history.
R133 General risk factors for developing MBD as well as factors with a possible GPP Strong
negative impact on bone health, i.e. chronic inflammation, infections,

drugs and other relevant factors related to the underlying disease,

should be addressed promptly in all patients with CIF.
R134 Optimization of PN admixture with the required supplements of vitamin 0 Strong
D, calcium and phosphate can be the initial step in management of MBD

stabilize/increase BMD and lower fracture risk.
in patients with CIF. Further, medical treatment can be used to

Pregnancy and breast feeding

R135 Attempts shall be made to optimize the nutritional status of those GPP Strong
considering pregnancy, ensuring adequate vitamin and trace element

supplementation with particular emphasis on ensuring adequate oral or

parenteral folate.
R136 Close monitoring of pregnant patients with CIF, at least on a four-weekly GPP Strong

basis, shall be made by the IF multidisciplinary team, maintaining close

dialogue with, and close overview from, a ‘high-risk’ obstetric service
throughout all trimesters.

R137 Strategies to optimize maternal underlying disease and minimize HPN- GPP Strong
related complications, with a pre-emptive approach to tailored

macronutrient and adequate micronutrient support shall be

R138 Individualized birth plans shall be devised for patients with CIF, as per the GPP Strong
general population and dependent on the underlying disease, with
caesarean section reserved for obstetric indications or in the presence of
active perianal Crohn’s disease.
R139 Breast feeding should be considered wherever possible, with mindful GPP Strong
consideration of any concomitant medications that may be secreted into
breast milk as per other diseases.
R140 The patient shall be monitored closely by the CIF NST team during GPP Strong
lactation to ensure adequate nutritional status.
Quality of life assessment
R141 The QoL of CIF patients should be regularly measured using validated GPP Strong
tools as part of standard clinical care.
R142 Validated tools to measure QoL of CIF patients should be able to GPP Strong
distinguish factors depending on the HPN program from those depending
on the underlying disease.
Cost analysis
R143 Studies on CIF costs and the cost associated with its treatment (HPN, ITx, GPP Strong
teduglutide, etc) should include at least the direct healthcare and non-
health care costs.
R144 Full economic evaluations, including cost-utility analyzes can help inform GPP Strong
resource allocation decisions across different health care settings.
Transition from pediatric to adult centers
R145 The transition from pediatric to adult care in patients with CIF should be GPP Strong
carefully prepared and should cover medical care and logistics
concerning the treatment of the underlying disease and the HPN.
R146 In the transition process from pediatric to adult centers, the care should GPP Strong
be transferred from the adult caregiver to the patient.
R147 The transition process should start at least one year before the patient GPP Strong
adult birthday and can last a couple of years during which the referring
pediatric center and the referral adult CIF center should cooperate.
Patient associations
R148 Patients with CIF should be informed about the possibility to join non- GPP Strong
profit groups that provide HPN education, support and networking
among members.

R149 Patient support groups should play a complimentary role to healthcare GPP Strong
professionals, on the recognition of CIF as a medical condition and
practical aspects of living with HPN.


3 Chapter 1 – definition, diagnosis and classification of chronic intestinal failure

What is the definition of chronic intestinal failure?

Statement 1
CIF is defined as “persistent reduction of the gut function below the minimum necessary for the
absorption of macronutrients and/or water and electrolytes, such that IVS is required to maintain
health and/or growth, in a patient who is metabolically stable”. Conditions where the reduction
of gut absorptive function does not require IVS to maintain health and/or growth are defined as
“intestinal insufficiency” (or “intestinal deficiency” for those languages where “insufficiency” and
“failure” have the same meaning).

Strong consensus 100% agreement

What are the criteria for the diagnosis of intestinal failure?
Statement 2

Two criteria have to be simultaneously present for the diagnosis of IF: “decreased absorption of
macronutrients and/or water and electrolytes due to loss of gut function” and “need for IVS to

maintain health and/or growth”.


Consensus 81% agreement



In 2015, ESPEN devised recommendations regarding the “definition and classification of intestinal
failure in adults”, endorsing a common language to facilitate communication and cooperation
among professionals in clinical practice, organization, management and research [5]. The
recommendations comprise the definition of IF, as well as functional and pathophysiological
classifications for IF, based on an analysis of the published literature (table 6). After reviewing the
original definition from Fleming and Remington [8] and proposed adaptations from other authors,
IF was defined as “the reduction of gut function below the minimum necessary for the absorption
of macronutrients and/or water and electrolytes, such that IVS is required to maintain health and/or
growth” [5]. This definition of IF has been used to code the condition in the current 11th Revision of
the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) of the WHO, code DA.96.05, parent of code 96.0
intestinal malabsorption [14]. The term “intestinal insufficiency” (or “intestinal deficiency” for those

languages where “insufficiency” and “failure” have the same meaning) was proposed to define the
reduction of gut absorptive function that does not require IVS to maintain health and/or growth [5].
According to the definition, two criteria must be simultaneously present to diagnose IF: “decreased
absorption of macronutrients and/or water and electrolytes due to a loss of gut function” and the
“need for IVS”. This implies that the definition of IF precludes IVS provision as being considered
synonymous with IF, and so excludes patients receiving IVS associated with normal intestinal
absorptive function, such as those with disease-related hypophagia, anorexia nervosa, impaired
swallowing or dysphagia, those who refuse otherwise effective enteral nutrition (EN), or those
receiving fluids for another reason (e.g. to manage postural orthostatic hypotension).

The “functional classification of IF” [5] was based on onset, metabolic and expected outcome

criteria, as originally proposed by Shaffer [18]:

Type I – acute IF: an acute, short-term and usually self-limiting condition; this is a common
feature, occurring in the perioperative setting after abdominal surgery and/or in association
with critical illnesses, where patients require IVS over a period of days or a few weeks.
• Type II – prolonged acute IF: a prolonged critical condition, often in metabolically unstable

patients, requiring complex multidisciplinary care and IVS over periods of weeks or months; this

is an uncommon clinical condition accompanied by septic, metabolic and complex nutritional

complications, most often seen in the setting of an intra-abdominal catastrophe. It is usually an

acute event, occurring in a previously healthy subject (e.g. mesenteric ischemia, volvulus or

abdominal trauma) or complicating intestinal surgery and necessitating massive enterectomy

and/or resulting in one or more ECF. Less frequently, it may be occur following a complication
of type III chronic IF (see below), representing “acute on chronic” IF. These patients often
initially need the facilities of an intensive care or high dependency unit and always need to be
managed by a multi-professional specialist IF team during their stay in the hospital.
• Type III – CIF: a chronic condition, in metabolically stable patients, who require IVS over months
or years. It may be reversible or irreversible; CIF may evolve following prolonged acute (type II)
IF or may result from progressive and devastating gastrointestinal or systemic, acquired or
congenital, benign or malignant diseases. IVS is required for a long period or for the rest of the
patient’s life. Such patients are metabolically stable and they and/or their relatives are typically
trained, wherever possible, to become independent in managing IVS at home.

Table 6. ESPEN Recommendation: Definition and Classification of Intestinal Failure
Intestinal failure is defined as the reduction of gut function below the minimum necessary for the absorption of
macronutrients and/or water and electrolytes, such that intravenous supplementation is required to maintain health
and/or growth.
The reduction of gut absorptive function that does not require any intravenous supplementation to maintain health
and/or growth, can be considered as “intestinal insufficiency”.
Functional classification
On the basis of onset, metabolic, and expected outcome criteria, IF is classified as:
• Type I – acute IF; acute short-term and often self-limiting condition
• Type II – prolonged acute IF: prolonged acute condition, typically in metabolically unstable patients, requiring
complex multidisciplinary care and intravenous supplementation over periods of weeks or months
• Type III – chronic IF: a chronic condition, in metabolically stable patients, requiring intravenous supplementation
over months or years. It may be reversible or irreversible.
Pathophysiological classification
IF can be classified into five major pathophysiological conditions, which may originate from various gastrointestinal or

systemic diseases:

• short bowel syndrome
• intestinal fistula
• intestinal dysmotility

• mechanical obstruction -p
• extensive small bowel mucosal disease
Abbreviation: IF, intestinal failure

What are the criteria for the clinical classification and reporting of chronic intestinal failure?

Statement 3

The clinical classification and reporting of CIF shall be based on the pathophysiologic mechanism

of IF and the underlying disease from which IF originates.

Strong consensus 100% agreement

Statement 4
The pathophysiologic mechanisms of IF shall be classified as short bowel syndrome (SBS),
intestinal dysmotility, intestinal ECF, intestinal mechanical occlusion, or extensive small bowel
mucosal disease.

Strong consensus 95% agreement

Statement 5
The underlying disease from which IF originates shall be categorized according to the ICD codes
and should also be clearly distinguishable from the pathophysiological mechanism.

Strong consensus 100% agreement


The “pathophysiological classification” of IF has identified five major conditions that may complicate
various gastrointestinal or systemic diseases: SBS, intestinal fistula, intestinal dysmotility,
mechanical obstruction and extensive small bowel mucosal disease [5]. In the case of SBS, ECF or
extensive small bowel disease, the primary mechanism of IF is the malabsorption of ingested food,

due to a reduction in, or bypass of, the absorptive mucosal surface. In the case of intestinal
dysmotility or intestinal mechanical obstruction, the primary mechanism is the restriction or

avoidance of oral/enteral nutrition due to feed-related exacerbation of digestive symptoms and/or
of episodes of mechanical or non-mechanical intestinal obstruction; in addition, these conditions
can be complicated by bacterial overgrowth leading to malabsorption [5].

In adults, SBS is the clinical condition associated with a small bowel remnant in continuity less than
200 cm, because of extensive surgical resection required for acute or chronic acquired diseases or

for congenital gastrointestinal malformations. SBS is the main pathophysiological mechanism of CIF,

accounting for around two-third of cases in adults [12].


Intestinal fistulas are abnormal communications between two parts of the gastrointestinal tract,
between the gut and the other organs (e.g. the bladder), or between the gastrointestinal tract and
the skin (ECF) or between the gastrointestinal tract and a laparostomy wound (enteroatmospheric
fistulas, EAF). Most ECF or EAF form in the early post-operative period after abdominal surgery, but
they may also form spontaneously secondary to underlying pathology, such as Crohn’s disease or
radiation enteritis. ECF or EAF are among the most common causes of type II IF [10] and a minor
cause of CIF [12].

The term intestinal dysmotility is used to indicate the presence of disorders of the propulsion of gut
content in the absence of fixed occluding lesions, either with or without a radiological feature of
dilated intestine [5,19-21]. Acute intestinal dysmotility is the primary pathophysiological cause of
type I IF due to post-operative or acute critical illness-associated ileus, and a frequent concomitant
cause of type II IF due to the impaired gastrointestinal motility associated with systemic and/or

intra-abdominal inflammation [5,10]. The term chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO)
describes chronic intestinal dysmotility with dilated small intestine, where the modifier “pseudo” is
used to underscore the absence of occluding lesions. CIPO may be congenital or acquired, due to a
variety of diseases [5]. Chronic enteric dysmotility (ED) is another cause of CIF, not associated with
a dilated intestine. Intestinal dysmotility accounts for about 20% of adult patients with CIF [12].

Mechanical obstruction of the intestinal lumen results from a physical abnormality affecting the
intestine that may be intraluminal, intrinsic or extrinsic, of benign or malignant origin. It may be an
acute event as a feature of type I IF. It may also be a prolonged feature, leading to type II or III IF, as
in patients with extensive adhesions (“frozen abdomen”), or in those with peritoneal carcinomatosis

associated with late-stage intra-abdominal malignancy [5]. Intestinal mechanical obstruction is the

mechanism of a small percentage of cases of CIF due to benign disease [12].

Extensive small bowel mucosal disease describes a condition characterized by an intact, or almost
intact - albeit inefficient - mucosal surface, that may be of congenital or acquired origin [5]. Mucosal
disease too represents a minor cause of CIF in adults [12] but, together with intestinal dysmotility,

represents around 50% of children (dysmotility 28% and mucosal disease 22%) transitioning from
pediatric to adult CIF centers [22].

Table 7 shows the frequency of the pathophysiological mechanism of CIF and the underlying

diseases from which they may originate.


Table 7. Pathophysiology and underlying diseases of patients on long-term home parenteral nutrition for chronic
intestinal failure due to benign disease [previously unpublished data from the ESPEN database for CIF, referring to the
patients’ cohorts included in references 12 and 22].

Adults Children
(n. 2,919) (n. 524)
Short bowel syndrome (No. (%) 1,880 (64.4%) 265 (50.6%)
• Mesenteric ischemia 28.2% 5.5%
• Crohn’s disease 28.1%
• Surgical complications 17.9%
• Radiation enteritis 6.7%
• Volvulus 3.8% 24.0%
• Adhesions 2.4%
• Intestinal malformation 27.7%
• Necrotizing enterocolitis 16.6%
• Others 10.9% 26.2%
Motility disorder 510 (17.5%) 145 (27.7%)
• CIPO primary* 51.7% 60.4%
• Collagenous disease 13.3%

• Surgical complications 11.7%
• CIPO secondary** 9.1% 18.7%
• Neurologic disease 3.6% 5.2%
• Others 10.6% 15.7%
Extensive mucosal disease 199 (6.8%) 114 (21.8%)
• Crohn’s disease 32.5% 1.8%
• Radiation enteritis 18.4%
• Autoimmune enteropathy 8.3% 6.3%
• Chemoterapy enteritis 5.3%
• CVID 5.3% 1.8%
• Celiac disease 4.9%
• Other congenital mucosal D. 3.4% 24.3%
• Lymphangectasia 2.9% 3.6%
• Microvillus inclusion disease 2.9% 19.8%
• Tufting enteropathy
16.1% 24.4%
• Others

Intestinal fistulas 203 (7.0%)

• Surgical complication 45.8%
• Crohn’s disease 33.2%
• Radiation enteritis 5.8%

• Adhesions 2.1%
• Others
Mechanical Obstruction
-p 13.1%
127 (4.3%)
• Radiation enteritis 38.3%
• Adhesions 29.0%

• Crohn’s disease 13.1%

• Surgical complications 7.5%
• Others 12.1%

*Primary CIPO, chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, idiopathic; **Secondary CIPO, due to a known underlying
disorder (including Hirschsprung’s disease); CVID, common variable immunodeficiency

What are the criteria for the severity classification of chronic intestinal failure?

Recommendation 1
The severity of CIF should be based on the eight categories of type and volume of the IVS required
by patients, as outlined in table 8. CIF requiring IVS of fluids and electrolytes alone is less severe
than CIF requiring IVS of parenteral nutrition admixtures that also contain macronutrients. The
severity of CIF requiring IVS of PN progressively increases in parallel with the volume of the PN
admixture, calculated on weekly basis.

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 96% agreement


ESPEN’s recommendation on the definition and classification of IF also included a “clinical

classification of CIF”. Relying on the experience of a panel of experts, 16 categories were defined,

based on the patient’s requirements for energy as well as the volume of IVS infused [5]. An
international cross-sectional survey was carried out to investigate the applicability of this
classification and to evaluate factors associated with the IVS requirements of individual adult
patients with CIF due to benign disease [12]. The loss of intestinal function appeared more
comprehensively represented by IVS volume requirement than by energy requirement. These
results enabled the derivation of a new simplified 8-category clinical classification of CIF, based on
two types of IVS, either fluid and electrolyte alone (FE) or parenteral nutrition admixture containing
energy (PN), and four categories of volume calculated as a daily mean of the total volume infused
per week (mL/d), ≤1,000, 1,001–2,000, 2,001–3,000, >3,000 (table 7). To determine whether the
clinical classification of CIF could be used to indicate the “severity of CIF”, a one-year prospective

follow up study involving patients enrolled in the cross-sectional analysis was carried out to
investigate the relationship between those eight categories of IVS and the patients’ outcomes,

which included the development of major complications related to HPN/CIF [13]. The results
showed that both IVS type and volume were independently associated with the odds of weaning off
HPN (higher for PN ≤1,000 mL/d than for FE and all PN >1,000 mL/d), patients’ death (lower for any

volume of FE), presence of intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD), cholestasis or liver
failure, and occurrence of catheter related bloodstream infection (CRBSI) (both progressively higher

for all PN prescriptions with volumes >1,000 mL/d in comparison with FE and PN ≤1 L/d). These

results supported the previously devised clinical classification of CIF as a “severity classification of
CIF in adults”.

Table 8. Severity classification of chronic intestinal failure in adults [13].

Odds of weaning off HPN:
• PN1> FE (any volume), PN2, PN3 and PN4; FE (any volume) = PN2 = PN3 = PN4 (no difference among PN
volumes > 1,000 mL/d;
Odds of patients’ death:
• FE (any volume) < any volume of PN; no difference among PN volumes
Odds of intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD), cholestasis or liver failure:
• FE (any volume) = PN1; PN4>PN3>PN2>PN1
Odds of catheter related bloodstream infection (CRBSI):
• FE (any volume) = PN1; PN4>PN3>PN2>PN1
Volume of the IVS*
Type of the IVS ≤ 1,000 1,001 – 2,000 2,001 – 3,000 > 3,000
1 2 3 4
Fluids and electrolytes (FE) FE 1 FE 2 FE 3 FE 4
Parenteral nutrition (PN) PN 1 PN 2 PN 3 PN 4

* calculated as daily mean of the total volume infused per week = volume per day of infusion x number of infusions per
week / 7. Abbreviations: FE, Fluids and electrolytes alone; PN, Parenteral Nutrition Admixture containing also

What is the treatment pathway of chronic intestinal failure?

Recommendation 2
HPN should be prescribed as the primary and life-saving therapy for patients with transient-
reversible or permanent-irreversible CIF.

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 3
Patients with CIF should have an early referral to IF/rehabilitation centers with expertise in both

medical and surgical treatment for CIF, to maximize the opportunity of weaning off HPN,
preventing HPN failure, and ensuring timely assessment of candidacy for intestinal
transplantation (ITx).

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement



The outcome of patients on HPN for CIF due to benign disease has been reported in many single and
multicenter retrospective studies [6,23-30] and by an ESPEN prospective five year follow up [31-33].

Patients with CIF due to benign disease have a high probability of long-term survival on HPN (about
80% in adults and 90% in children at five years) [23]. Weaning from HPN after one to two years may
occur in 20% to 50% of patients, depending on underlying CIF characteristics [29]. In patients with
SBS, CIF may be reversible because of intestinal adaptation and/or intestinal rehabilitation programs
based on medical and surgical treatments [24]. Weaning off HPN has been reported to occur in
about 50% of adults and in up to 73% of children and is more likely to occur in SBS with partial or
total colon in continuity. Complete weaning off HPN in patients with SBS is relatively unlikely (<10%)
to occur after two to three years have elapsed following the most recent intestinal resection [23].
In patients with CIPO, CIF reversibility is lower than that reported in SBS, occurring in 25-50% of
adults and 25-38% or children [23,27]. Intestinal rehabilitation and weaning from HPN in CIF due to
ECF primarily depends on the possibility of performing reconstructive surgery to recover bowel

continuity and intestinal absorptive surface [30]. Reversibility of CIF due to extensive mucosal
disease rarely occurs [23].

Overall, about two-thirds of patients may achieve partial or total social and working rehabilitation
as well as a good family life [34]. On the other hand, CIF may be associated with life-threatening
complications and the condition itself may be highly disabling and impair quality of life (QoL) [34].
Treatment of CIF is based on complex technologies and requires multidisciplinary and multi-
professional input and expertise. The outcome of patients with benign CIF, in terms of reversibility,
treatment-related morbidity and mortality, and survival probability is highly dependent on care and
support from an expert specialist team [23,35,36]. Indeed, outcomes such as CRBSI are better in

centers caring for larger numbers of patients, reflecting team experience [13].

Patients with irreversible CIF are destined to need life-long HPN or require an ITx [37-39]. On the

basis of data on safety and efficacy, HPN is considered the primary treatment for CIF, whereas ITx is
primarily reserved for those patients at risk of death because of life-threatening complications
related to HPN or to the underlying gastrointestinal disease [23,39].

4 Chapter 2 - HPN management (including CVAD choice)

Most of the recommendation related to this topic have been addressed in the recent ESPEN
guideline on HPN [2,]. No studies have been published
since then, requiring changes in the recommendations. This also applies to some recommendations
included in the previous guideline on CIF [1]. Therefore, to avoid redundant duplications of
comments, only the text, the grade and the strength of those recommendations from previous
guidelines that are still valid are reported in the present guideline.

What are the criteria for an effective HPN program for CIF?

Recommendation 4 (recommendation #1 of the 2016 CIF guideline (GL))
The aims of an HPN program shall include provision of evidence-based therapy, prevention of

HPN–related complications such as CVAD-related infections and metabolic complications and
ensure QoL is maximized.
Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement


HPN is a complex, life-saving therapy that may result in serious harm if not properly prescribed,

prepared and administered. The HPN program shall provide an individualized, safe, effective and
appropriate nutrition support plan at discharge from hospital. The program should then be

supervised and evaluated on a regular basis, by the nutritional support team (NST) of the hospital
HPN/CIF center, as well as by general practitioner and expert healthcare professionals in the
community. The rate of HPN-related major complication and the patient’s QoL are quality indicators
of the HPN program [1,2,40].

What are the criteria for a safe HPN program for CIF?

Statement 6 (statement #1 of the 2020 HPN GL)

For a safe HPN program, the patient and/or the patient’s legal representative shall give fully
informed consent to the treatment proposed.

Strong consensus 96% agreement

Statement 7 (statement #2 of the 2020 HPN GL)
For a safe HPN program, the patient shall be sufficiently metabolically stable and emotionally
cope with HPN therapy outside the acute hospital setting.

Strong consensus 100% agreement

Statement 8 (statement #3 of the 2020 HPN GL)

For a safe HPN program, the patient’s home environment shall be adequate to safely deliver the
therapy proposed; the suitability of the home care environment should be assessed and approved
by the nurse of the NST or of a qualified HPN provider.

Strong consensus 94% agreement

Recommendation 5 (recommendations #9 to 38 of the 2020 HPN GL)
For a safe HPN program, the choice of the central venous access device (CVAD), the infusion

control device, and the infusion line and CVAD care shall be in keeping with recommendations #9-
38 of the ESPEN guideline on HPN.

Grade of recommendation A - Strong consensus 100% agreement


Statement 9 (statement #4 of the 2020 HPN GL)

For a safe HPN program, the patient and/or the caregiver has to be able to understand and
perform the required procedures for the safe administration of therapy.

Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 6 (recommendation #6 of the 2020 HPN GL)

The patient and/or the caregiver should be trained by an NST to safely infuse the PN with
appropriate monitoring and prompt recognition of any complications.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 7 (recommendation #58 of the 2020 HPN GL)
A formal individualized HPN training program for the patient and/or caregiver and/or home care
nurses shall be performed, including catheter care, pump use and preventing, recognizing and
managing complications; training can be done in an in-patient setting or at the patient’s home.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 8 (recommendation #7 of the 2020 HPN GL)

The prescribed nutritional admixture and ancillaries required for safe and effective therapy should
be delivered by an experienced/certified health care provider.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 93% agreement

Recommendation 9 (recommendation #8 of the 2020 HPN GL)
The NST should provide appropriate monitoring and treatment for routine and/or emergency

care, with appropriate contact details provided to the patient 24 hours per day, seven days per

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement


Recommendation 10 (recommendation #71 of the 2020 HPN GL)

Incidence of CVAD-related infection, incidence of hospital readmission and patient’s and family
and/or caregiver feedback should be used as criteria to assess and improve the quality of care of
HPN program.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement


At time of the indication for HPN, the NST shall inform the patient about the need, procedure,
management, adverse events and reimbursement of HPN, in order to obtain the informed consent
to the treatment. The ‘adequate’ metabolic and clinical stability of a patient can be assessed by vital
parameters, energy, protein, fluid and electrolyte balances and glycemic control; the term adequate
means no immediate risk of acute imbalance after hospital discharge. The home care environment
(i.e. cleanliness, electricity, running water, refrigeration) should be assessed before discharge.

Prescription, implementation, and monitoring of an individualized HPN program shall be managed
by an NST in centers with HPN management expertise. If the patient can achieve a stable HPN
regimen and his/her overall clinical condition is acceptable, an education program for patients
and/or caregivers should be initiated to teach correct and proper HPN care.

The management of PN in the home care setting differs from hospitalized patients because there is
a shift in primary responsibility from health care professionals to patients and caregivers. The
general goals in the education process are promoting independence with the infusion, (self-)
monitoring of HPN, preventing complications and improving or maintaining QoL. The HPN center
NST plays a key role in the individualized decision-making process and guides all the necessary

measures or steps which must be taken. Training for HPN may be carried out in an inpatient setting

or at patient’s home and may take several days to weeks depending on patient skills, duration of

HPN and underlying condition. Multiple education interventions are possible including one-on-one
counselling, teach-back method, written handouts, computer-assisted learning and interactive
presentations. All these tools may not eliminate but reduce post discharge helpline contacts
provided by telephone, videoconference or patient portals.

HPN is a complex therapy that requires coordination of many health care providers.

Communication with the caregivers at home (especially the home care nurse) and in the hospital
is a key-factor for a safe discharge on HPN.

An experienced and certified health care provider is also required for the appropriate delivery of

nutritional admixture and ancillaries to patient’s home. Table 9 lists the pre-discharge and post-
hospital care assessments required for the coordination between heath-professionals and care
providers within and outside the hospital [2].

Two surveys were carried out to identify the aims and the outcome indicators of the HPN therapy
for benign CIF. An expert panel of health care clinicians identified incidence of CRBSI, incidence of
rehospitalization and patient’s QoL as the three major indicators of quality of care [41]. Survival rate
was also considered important when patients were interviewed [42]. Table 10 reports the ESPEN
Guideline for HPN recommendations for the choice of the CVAD, the infusion control device, and
the infusion line and CVAD care [2].

Table 9. Items to be included in the assessment at patient discharged on HPN [2]

• Medical, physical, psychological and emotional suitability/stability of the patient
• Stability of the PN regimen (dosage and admixture)
• Level of home care and support required
• Lifestyle/activities of daily living
• Rehabilitative potential
• Potential for QoL improvement
• Potential for learning self-management of HPN (patient/caregivers)
• Knowledge and experience of the home nursing team (if no self-management)
• Basic home safety, facilities and general cleanliness instruction
• Need for extra equipment (e. g. backpack, infusion pump, hospital bed, extra drip stand)
• Home care provider of nutritional admixture, equipment and ancillaries
• Reimbursement for bags, services and supplies
• Around the clock (on-call) availability of an experienced home care provider
• Post-discharge monitoring necessities/possibilities (including scheduled laboratory tests)


Medication prescription with administration details
Abbreviations: HPN, home parenteral nutrition; PN, parenteral nutrition; QoL, quality of life

Table 10: Recommendations #R9-R38 of the ESPEN guideline on HPN for the CVAD choice and the safe infusion line care

[2]. For the underlying evidence, please consult the original guideline (



The choice of CVAD and the location of the exit site shall be made by an experienced HPN NST, as well as by the
(R9, GPP, strong consensus 100%)


The exit site of the CVAD should be easily visualized and accessible for self-caring patients.
(R10, GPP, strong consensus 100%)
• Tunneled CVAD or totally implanted CVADs shall be used for long-term HPN.

(R11, GPP, strong consensus 90.9%)

• Access to the upper vena cava should be the first choice for CVAD placement, via the internal jugular vein or
subclavian vein.
(R12, B, strong consensus 100%)
• Right-sided access should be preferred to the left-sided approach to reduce the risk of thrombosis.
R13, B, strong consensus 95.2%)
• The tip of the CVAD should be placed at the level of the right atrial-superior vena cava junction.
(R14, B, strong consensus 100%)
• Peripherally inserted central venous catheters (PICCs) can be used if the duration of HPN is estimated to be less
than six months.
(R15, 0, strong consensus 100%)
• HPN should be administered using an infusion pump for safety and efficacy reasons.
(R16, GPP, strong consensus 91.3%)
• In exceptional circumstances a flow regulator can be temporarily used for HPN; administration sets with only a
roller clamp should not be used.
(R17, GPP, strong consensus 100%)
• A portable pump can improve the patient’s QoL when compared to stationary pumps.
(R18, 0, strong consensus 95.7%)
• Either a sterile gauze or sterile, transparent, semipermeable dressing should be used to cover the CVAD exit
(R19, B, strong consensus 90.9%)

• When transparent dressings are used on tunneled or implanted CVAD exit sites, they can be replaced no more
than once per week (unless the dressing is soiled or loose).
(R20, 0, strong consensus 95.5%)
• A tunneled and cuffed CVAD with a well healed exit site might not require dressing to prevent dislodgement.
(R21, GPP, strong consensus 100%)
• Tubing to administer HPN should be replaced within 24 hours of initiating the infusion.
(R22, B, strong consensus 100%)
• Strict aseptic technique for the care of home CVAD shall be maintained.
(R23, A, strong consensus 100%)
• Hand antisepsis and aseptic non-touch technique should be used when changing the dressing on CVADs.
(R24, GPP, strong consensus 100%)
• A 0.5-2% alcoholic chlorhexidine solution shall be used during dressing changes and skin antisepsis; if there is a
contraindication to chlorhexidine, tincture of iodine, an iodophor, or 70% alcohol shall be used as an
(R25, A, strong consensus 95.2%)
• Hand decontamination, either by washing hands with soap and water but preferably with alcohol-based hand
rubs, should be performed immediately before and after accessing or dressing a CVAD.

(R26, B, strong consensus 95.2%)
• A needle-free connector should be used to access intravenous tubing.
(R27, B, strong consensus 100%)
• Needle-free systems with a split septum valve may be preferred over some mechanical valves due to increased

risk of infection with mechanical valves.
(R28, 0, strong consensus 100%)
• Contamination risk shall be minimized by scrubbing the hub connectors (needleless connectors) with an
appropriate antiseptic (alcoholic chlorhexidine preparation or alcohol 70%) and access it only with sterile

(R29, A, strong consensus 100%)

• For passive disinfection of hub connectors (needleless devices) antiseptic barrier caps should be used.
(R30, B, strong consensus 90.9%)

• If HPN is delivered via an intravenous port, needles to access ports should be replaced at least once per week.
(R31, GPP, strong consensus 100%)
• The CVAD or CVAD site should not be submerged unprotected in water.

(R32, B, strong consensus 95.2%)

• Sodium chloride 0.9% instead of heparin should be used to lock long-term CVAD.

(R33, B, strong consensus 95.5%)

• As an additional strategy to prevent CRBSIs, taurolidine locking should be used because of its favorable safety
and cost profile.
(R34, B, strong consensus 100%)
• If a PICC is used for HPN, a sutureless device should be used to reduce the risk of infection.
(R35, B, strong consensus 100%)
• For the securement of medium– to long-term PICCs (> 1 month) a subcutaneously anchored stabilization device
can be used to prevent migration and save time during dressing change.
(R36, 0, strong consensus 100%)
• In multilumen catheters, a dedicated lumen should be used for PN infusion.
(R37, GPP, strong consensus 95.5%)
• Routine drawing of blood samples from CVAD should be avoided if possible due to an increased risk of
(R38, B, strong consensus 95.2%)
Abbreviations: CRBSI, catheter-related bloodstream infection; CVAD, central venous access device; GPP, good practice
point; HPN home parenteral nutrition; NST, nutrition support team; PICC, peripherally inserted central catheter; PN,
parenteral nutrition; R, recommendation

Recommendation 11 (recommendation #70 of the 2020 HPN GL)
For a patient to travel safely, he/she shall receive a sufficient supply of PN and relevant ancillaries
during the journey and at the destination and the NST responsible for the patient’s care shall
endeavor to establish contact with a skilled NST at the patient’s destination in case medical
support is required.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement


Travelling with PN is an important factor for some patients' QoL and independency. The ESPEN
guideline on HPN provides recommendations on appropriate and safe travelling based on

statements of patients’ representatives participating in the panel. Key points are: pre-travel
planning discussion with the healthcare professionals/NST; doctor issuing of a letter/medical

certificate for the patient/caregivers confirming that they are aware they are travelling, along with
a brief overview of their condition and need for PN; organizing the provision of nutrition bags,
nutrition pump and ancillaries for the infusion line care at destination; choosing an accommodation

suitable for performing an HPN program; considering actions in case of emergency situation,
including any required contact numbers; establishing local medical support or contact for the

patient should it be required.


How should patients with CIF be monitored?

Recommendation 12
Monitoring of patients with CIF shall include the underlying disease from which the IF originated,
the intestinal function, the effectiveness and safety of the HPN program, and the patient’s clinical
condition, nutritional status, and QoL.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 92% agreement

Recommendation 13 (adapted from recommendation #53 of the 2020 HPN GL)

Patients receiving HPN shall be monitored at regular intervals, to review the indications, the
efficacy and the risks of the treatment.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 92% agreement

Recommendation 14 (recommendation #50 of the 2020 HPN GL)
The time between reviews should be adapted to the patient, the care setting and duration and
stabilization of nutrition support; the severity of the IF and the underlying disease; intervals can
increase as the patient is stabilized on nutrition support.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 97% agreement

Recommendation 15 (recommendation #54 of the 2020 HPN GL)

In clinically stable patients on long-term HPN, body weight, body composition and hydration

status, energy and fluid balance and biochemistry (hemoglobin, ferritin, albumin, C-reactive
protein (CRP), electrolytes, venous blood gas analysis or serum bicarbonates, kidney function,

liver function and glucose) can be measured at all the scheduled visits.
Grade of recommendation GPP - Consensus 80% agreement

Recommendation 16 (recommendation #55 of the 2020 HPN GL)


In patients on long-term HPN, clinical signs and symptoms as well as biochemical indexes of
vitamin and trace element deficiency or toxicity should be evaluated at least once per year.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement


Recommendation 17 (recommendation #56 of the 2020 HPN GL)

In patients on long-term HPN, bone metabolism and bone mineral density (BMD) should be
evaluated annually or in accordance with accepted standards.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 18 (adapted from recommendation #51 of the 2020 HPN GL)

HPN monitoring should be carried out by the hospital NST with skills and experience in IF and HPN
management, in collaboration with experienced home care specialists, home care agencies
and/or general practitioners.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 19 (recommendation #52 of the 2020 HPN GL)

Patients and/or caregivers can be trained to monitor nutritional status, fluid balance and the
infusion catheter.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 92% agreement


The purpose of monitoring is to assess the nutritional efficacy of the HPN program, preventing and

timely diagnosing and treating HPN related complications and measuring QoL and quality of care.

Monitoring of HPN patients should be carried out by an experienced hospital NST and by home care

specialists as well as by a home care agency with experience in HPN and should involve the general
Recommendation #12 highlights that patients with CIF need to be also monitored for the outcome

and complications of the underlying disease which generated the IF and the mechanism as well as
the severity of the IF [5,12,13]. This requires the cooperation among doctors and healthcare

professionals with expertise in medical and surgical treatment of the gastrointestinal and/or
systemic diseases from which the IF originated as well as in the organs and systems, which may

complicate as a consequence of CIF and HPN, such as liver and renal failure or metabolic bone

disease (MBD) [43].

The recommendations #13-19 are the ESPEN HPN guideline recommendations #50-56 [2]. The
indications, route, risks, benefits and goals of nutrition support should be reviewed at regular
intervals. Patients and caregivers should be trained in self-monitoring of their nutritional status,
fluid balance and infusion catheter, as well as in recognizing early signs and symptoms of
complications and responding to adverse changes in both their well-being and management of their
nutritional delivery system [42,44-46].

Parameters to be monitored, frequency and setting of monitoring are indicated in Table 11 [2].

Monitoring should be more frequent during the early months of HPN, or if there is a change in the
patient's clinical condition. Intervals may increase as the patient is stabilized on nutrition support.
Fluid balance requires the most frequent monitoring, especially in the first period after discharge
and in patients with SBS with a high output stoma or with intestinal dysmotility with recurrent
episodes of vomiting. On the other hand, vitamin and trace element deficiency may take more time
to develop and to present clinical signs and symptoms, so that a six-to-twelve-month interval of
assessment is appropriate. However, monitoring of micronutrients is as important as monitoring
other parameters, especially in patients on long-term HPN and in those who are undergoing
intestinal rehabilitation and weaning from HPN. In the latter case, while intestinal rehabilitation is
associated with maintenance of energy, protein, fluid and electrolyte balance without PN support,
this is not necessarily the case for micronutrient balance. Decreasing or totally stopping PN infusion
decreases micronutrient supplementation, thus creating a risk for deficiency.

After hospital discharge, it is critical that the HPN NST has contact with patients and caregivers on a

regular basis, initially every few days, then weekly and eventually monthly as the patient gains

confidence. The clinician who is in contact should be prepared to clarify confusing issues and also to

follow weight, urine output, diarrhea or stoma output, temperatures before and within an hour of
starting the HPN infusion, and general health.

Table 11. Parameters to be monitored, frequency and setting of monitoring in patient on HPN for CIF [2]
Parameter Frequency Setting

General condition Daily if unstable, twice weekly to Nurse at home

Body temperature once a week if stable Patient and/or caregivers
Body weight Daily if unstable, twice weekly to In the hospital (outpatient visit)

once a week if stable Nurse at home

Patient and/or caregivers
Body mass index Monthly In the hospital (outpatient visit)

Nurse at home
Fluid balance The frequency and type of Nurse at home
- Urine output parameters will depend on etiology Patient and/or caregivers only in
- Stoma output of CIF, and stability of patients case of training program
- Number or consistency of In case of high stool output (end
stools jejunostomy), the monitoring after
- Presence of edema the first discharge should be daily,
then twice weekly to once a week
when stable
Catheter cutaneous exit site Daily Nurse at home
Patient and/or caregivers only in
case of training program
Full count blood The frequency and type of At home
C-reactive protein parameters will depend on etiology Verify at each visit
Serum glucose of the underlying condition
Serum and urine electrolytes and requiring HPN and the stability of
minerals (Na, Cl, K, Mg, Ca and P) patients
Serum Urea and Creatinine Weekly or monthly, then every
Serum bicarbonates three to four months when stable
Urine analysis
Serum albumin and prealbumin Monthly, then every three to four At home
months when stable Verify at each visit
Serum liver function tests including Monthly, then every three to four At home
INR months when stable Verify at each visit
Liver ultrasound Yearly In the hospital
Serum Folate, vitamins B12, A and Every six to twelve months Dosage at home or in the hospital
Serum ferritin, Fe Every three to six months Dosage at home or in the hospital
Serum 25-OH Vitamin D Every six to twelve months Dosage at home or in the hospital
Serum Zn, Cu, Se Every six to twelve months Dosage in the hospital
Serum manganese Yearly Dosage in the hospital
DEXA Every twelve to eighteen months In the hospital
Abbreviations: CIF, chronic intestinal failure; DEXA, Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; HPN, home parenteral nutrition;
INR, international normalized ratio

r oo

5 Chapter 3 – Chronic intestinal failure centers

The recommendations related to this topic were addressed in the recent ESPEN guideline on HPN
under the topics #13 “requirements for the hospital centers that care for HPN patients” and #14
“the requirements of the NST” [2,]. No studies have
been published since then, requiring changes in the recommendations. Therefore, the texts of the
HPN guideline recommendations concerning this topic have been adapted to CIF and proposed for
voting. The detailed comments regarding this topic are described in the HPN guideline [2] and are
summarized below.

Which are the requirements for the hospital centers that care for CIF patients?

Recommendation 20 (adapted from recommendation #59 of the 2020 HPN GL)

Patients with CIF should be cared for by specialized, dedicated and a clearly identifiable hospital
unit, normally termed “HPN center or IF center or intestinal rehabilitation center”.
Grade of recommendation GPP - Consensus 87% agreement

Recommendation 21 (adapted from recommendation #60 of the 2020 HPN GL)

The CIF unit should have offices for outpatient visits and dedicated beds for patients who need


Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 22 (adapted from recommendation #61 of the 2020 HPN GL)

All CIF patients should be cared for by a NST with experience in HPN management.

Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 23 (adapted from recommendation #62 of the 2020 HPN GL)

The NST consists of experts in CIF and HPN provision. This includes physicians, specialist nurses
(including in catheter, wound and stoma care), dietitians, pharmacists, social workers,
psychologists, as well as an appropriate practitioner with expertise in CVAD placement. Surgeons
with expertise in IF should also be available for structured consultation.
Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 96% agreement


CIF patients shall be cared for by an NST with skills and experience in both CIF and HPN management.
For optimal care and visibility for patients, healthcare providers and public authorities, the hospital
departments dedicated to the care of these patients shall be clearly recognized, with dedicated beds
and resources. Key issues are the identification of the persons, structures, and procedures
responsible for the CIF and HPN care process [47,48], such as:

• Professionals who coordinate and manage the different phases of CIF and HPN

• Place of initial care (center of IF, gastroenterology, surgery, other)
• Place and methods of training programs (on hospital beds, in day hospital, at home)

• -p
Pathways of care in case of complications (example: emergency room, direct access
to hospital beds, link with local hospitals of the patient residency)
• Place and procedures for CVAD positioning and managing of complications

Because of its complex nature, only experienced NST should take care of CIF and provide HPN
treatment [2]. A positive impact of expertise in this field on both patient survival and major HPN/IF

related complications has been reported [13,23,35,36,49,50].


The team should be “multidisciplinary” in nature and include physician specialists with a background

in gastroenterology, nutrition and surgery, specialized nurses, dietitians, and pharmacists

[43,51,52]. In light of the profound impact on personal and family life, psychologists and social
workers should also form part of the team [43,53,54].

The appropriate size of an NST depends on the number of patients under the team’s care [55]. The
center needs to estimate the time that each professional has to dedicate to the single patient, in
order to define the number of human resources required for managing their total number of

The caregivers closer to the patient’s home, such as the general practitioner and homecare nurses,
although not direct team members, should be kept informed of patients’ clinical course after
discharge from hospital [56-60].

Recommendation 24 (recommendation #63 of the 2020 HPN GL)
The NST for HPN/CIF shall have clear written pathways and protocols in place for the management
of patients with complications relating to HPN.

Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 25 (recommendation #64 of the 2020 HPN GL)

The NST for HPN/CIF shall provide patients and caregivers with written information relating to
the recognition and subsequent management of HPN-related complications, including details (e.g.
telephone number) of an appropriate NST member to contact in the case of an emergency,

available 24 hours per day.

Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 100% agreement

Complications relating to CIF are categorized into those of HPN, those of the patient’s underlying

disease leading to CIF and those of CIF. Complications due to any non-CIF related co-morbidities (i.e.
cardiac or respiratory disease etc.) could also occur [40,43,61]. The CIF team should ensure that

patients, caregivers as well as their general practitioners are aware of the roles and responsibilities
of the health care professionals involved in each component of their condition. On the other hand,

the NST needs to be timely informed of any changes in these conditions, including any alterations

in medication for non-IF related problems, as well as any admissions to hospital. The NST should be
responsible for the management of patients with complications related to HPN, including the
emergency management of any HPN-related issues, 24 hours per day, seven days per week
[47,62,63]. The NST should generate written protocols for the management of HPN-related
complications and, importantly, should ensure that specialist advice from the NST is available at all
times. Where patients cannot attend the CIF center with emergency issues, the NST should provide
the local hospital with those protocols (i.e. for CRBSI management) and with any relevant details of
the patient’s clinical condition.

Patient-education programs should be developed to minimize hospital admissions for complications

associated with HPN and CIF. Patients and caregivers must be provided with clear written
information relating to the recognition and management of CIF and HPN-related complications, such

as CVC-related emergency situations [64] and fluid balance alterations [46]. The NST shall provide
patients/caregivers and their general practitioners with contact details in case of any emergency.

r oo

6 Chapter 4 - Parenteral nutrition formulation

Which are the criteria for the appropriate prescription of PN formulation for patients with CIF?

Recommendation 26 (recommendation #12 of the 2016 CIF GL)

The protein and energy requirements for CIF patients shall be based on individual patient
characteristics (e.g. intestinal absorptive capacity as estimated by gastrointestinal anatomy
and/or underlying disease) and specific needs (e.g. acute illness, protein-energy malnutrition),
and that the adequacy of the regimen is regularly evaluated through clinical, anthropometric, and
biochemical parameters.

Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 100% agreement


No new data have been retrieved about this issue. A systematic review published in January 2022
aiming to evaluate evidence for the differential effects of HPN solutions and to understand features
associated with differences in clinical endpoints, did not found any studies comparing amino acid
formulations [65]. Therefore, recommendation #12 of the 2016 ESPEN CIF guideline has been


Protein intake in HPN admixtures is supplied as L-amino acids. All commercially available amino acid
formulations for PN provide the nine essential amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine,

methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine) in amounts varying between 38%

and 57% of total amino acids. Commonly used amino acid mixtures also provide nonessential amino
acids comprising 43-62% of total amino acids [66]

Amino acid requirements in HPN must take into account the heterogeneous HPN patient
population, some of whom will have ongoing high stoma losses or protein losing enteropathy whilst
others will have requirements more aligned with normal free-living people. The protein-sparing
effects of the intestine, which facilitate gradual release of nutrients after bolus feeding are absent
in HPN [67] and thus infusions over time rather than bolus protein infusions are the preferred
delivery method.

More fundamentally, it is commonly assumed that the weight of amino acids in a PN mixture equals
the amount of protein they would provide if fed by mouth. A recent study showed that amino acid
solutions provide 17% less protein substrate than the sum of their constituent amino acids [68].

Protein prescriptions must therefore take in consideration the lack of equivalence of amino acids to
dietary protein into account.

Protein requirements must be assessed as individual requirements based on a formal nutritional

assessment which includes disease-specific needs, medical condition, nutritional status, age, sex,
and organ function. In healthy individuals, national and international guidelines have recommended
that protein requirements are 0.8-1g/kg/d which must be accompanied by adequate energy to allow
optimal nitrogen utilization but have acknowledged that there is insufficient evidence to extend this
to specialized medical care [40,69,70]. Administration of mixed essential and non-essential amino
acids in HPN prescriptions must be based on the needs of the individual and be infused over time.

Many stable patients on HPN are satisfactorily maintained on prescriptions that provide 0.8 –1.4 g

of protein (0.13– 0.24 g of nitrogen)/kg/d [40,69,70]. Limited outcome data is available on the

effects of adjusting amino acid doses for HPN patients.
Energy sources for HPN prescriptions are derived from glucose and fat emulsions [40]. Determining
energy requirements cannot be achieved by a single fixed formula and must be based on a formal

nutritional assessment including disease-specific needs. Individual factors to be considered include

medical condition, nutritional status, activity level, and organ function. A study measured energy

expenditure by doubly-labelled water in patients on HPN who did not receive any oral feeding. It
showed that HPN patients’ energy requirements could be met by supplying 1.4 times the resting

energy expenditure (REE) or about 30 kcal/kg/d. No significant difference was noted between REE

calculated with the Harris-Benedict equations and REE measured with indirect calorimetry [71]. HPN
patients often have significant oral intake which may be at least partly absorbed and contribute to
energy intake. Another study examined the metabolic use of fuels using indirect calorimetry in HPN
patients without cancer who received nocturnal glucose-based HPN and a self-selected oral intake
[72]. The patients who ate were in positive energy and nitrogen balance with a normal adapted
metabolic response to nutrient utilization. HPN energy requirements may also be modified
depending on gut organ function and, in particular, gut anatomy. A cross-sectional survey in SBS
patients on HPN showed that preservation of substantial colonic function resulted in a reduction in
HPN energy requirements of over 1,200 kcals/d in patients with less than 100 cm of small bowel
compared to similar patients who had no colon [73]. The colon has been shown to be an energy
salvaging organ [74-75] and its preservation in patients with SBS may make relative requirements
for HPN less or sometimes unnecessary. Little evidence exists to guide energy prescription for HPN

patients and individual assessment for requirements is essential. Many stable patients on HPN are
satisfactorily maintained on 20-35 kcals total energy per kg per day [40,70,71]. Goals of treatment
with HPN and regular re-evaluation should direct the energy requirement in an HPN prescription.
Replenishment of body cell mass will differ from maintenance requirements.

Recommendation 27 (recommendation #13 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Optimal blood glucose control, based on blood glucose below 180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L) during
HPN infusion and normal HbA1c levels <7% in patients with diabetes can be targeted, through
regular monitoring.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 28 (recommendation #14 of the 2016 CIF GL)
No recommendation at this time can be made regarding optimal approach to achieving glycemic
control in HPN patients; addition of insulin to HPN admixtures has been noted to be safe in

multiple case series.


Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 92% agreement



Both these recommendations were confirmed from the 2016 guideline on CIF [1], as no new data
were retrieved.

Patients requiring HPN have a nutrient intake which is different from normal food intake. Many
patients manage to sustain a variable and usually small oral intake but as PN carbohydrate is glucose,
the intake of monosaccharides is greater compared with oral nutrition. In addition, HPN is often
infused continuously overnight compared to bolus eating during the day. These factors, together
with possible preexisting diabetes mellitus or disease-related insulin resistance, mean that some
patients on long-term PN have hyperglycemia [76].

Hyperglycemia is associated with adverse outcomes in patients with diabetes as well as non-diabetic
patients when patients have hyperglycemia whilst receiving PN in the hospital setting. This effect
may extend into the community [-77-79]. HbA1c, which gives a measure of the mean blood glucose

level over approximately the past two months, is the essential baseline measure of long-term
glycemic control in almost all patients who experience elevated blood glucose levels on HPN. A
community recommendation for glycemic control is that patients should have an HbA1c target
between 48 mmol/mol and 58 mmol/mol (6.5% and 7.5%) and ongoing review of treatment to
prevent hypoglycemia [80,81]. Glycemic control can also be assessed by blood glucose
measurements and may be used for checking hypoglycemia symptoms. Blood glucose targets should
be: fasting <7 mmol/L (<140 mg/dL), pre-infusion/meals between 4-7 mmol/L (100-140 mg/dL),
during HPN infusion 7-10 mmol/L (140-180 mg/dL) [82,83].

There is limited data on strategies for managing hyperglycemia in patients receiving HPN but the

deleterious effects of unchecked hyperglycemia are well documented [76,84]. Options for medically

managing hyperglycemia range from decreasing the glucose load in the HPN prescription,

prescribing oral hypoglycemic medication, giving a daily dose of injectable insulin, or adding insulin
to the HPN admixture. Hyperglycemia, however, should be minimized by individualized PN
prescriptions based on the patient’s clinical condition, body composition, age and gender, level of
activity, and ability to take oral nutrition. Relative proportions of lipid and carbohydrate may be

considered to minimize hyperglycemia. One group has suggested that the range may lie between

60% carbohydrate and 40% lipid to a maximum of 60% lipid and 40% carbohydrate (non-protein
kcals) [83] but the metabolic consequences of this in HPN patients should be carefully considered.

Insulin protocols for management of hyperglycemia in patients receiving PN have been proposed

[76]. When adding regular insulin in the PN bag, an initial ratio of one unit of insulin per 10 g of
dextrose in patients with diabetes and one unit of regular insulin per 20 g of dextrose in nondiabetic
patients having hyperglycemia, followed by titration of insulin dosage if blood glucose target is not
achieved [84].

However, there is little evidence regarding dosing protocols for longer term PN patients. All options
have advantages and disadvantages. Many HPN patients cannot reliably absorb oral medications
and both oral hypoglycemic medications and separately-injected insulin rely on HPN subsequently
being administered at full dose or hypoglycemia becomes a risk. Inclusion of insulin in the PN
admixture raises other issues: specific criteria for evaluating compatibility and stability studies of
medication in PN are well recognized and should be met [85]. However, a recent US study showed
that insulin was a frequent non-nutrient inclusion in PN [86]. Even though it is still a matter of debate
[87,88], the potential advantages of this practice include consolidating insulin dosage into the PN

formula and minimizing the risk of hypoglycemia if the dose is correct; if the PN is not administered
neither is the insulin.

Availability of insulin within the admixture may be variable depending on adsorption on to the
plastic in the bag and /or tubing and giving set, as well as the PN admixture composition, thereby
limiting availability to the patient [76,89,90]. A literature review reported a range of insulin
availability from PN admixture from 44% to 95% [76]. Earlier reports from three to four decades ago
suggested approximately 50% loss of insulin from PN solutions by nonspecific binding to infusion
material [91]. Since these reports, the purity and source of insulin and PN admixtures and bag
materials have all changed. More recent reports of admixtures containing glucose, amino acids, and

lipid in ethylene vinyl acetate bags suggest that insulin availability is much higher (90-95% available)

[89,92,93]. It has been shown that the presence of lipid emulsion [93] and of multivitamins/trace

elements [92] increase the insulin availability. Insulin availability from multilayer bags does not seem
to be reported in the literature. These findings, however, should not impact patients with consistent
and stable HPN prescriptions in a community setting. Short-acting insulin may be cautiously added
to HPN prescriptions after dosage requirements have been established. Any subsequent change in

the PN formulation, volume, or bag size should initiate a closer evaluation of blood glucose over the

next few days to determine if any insulin dose adjustment is needed.


Recommendation 29 (recommendation #15 of the 2016 CIF GL, expanded)


In patients totally dependent on HPN, a minimum of 1g/kg/wk of intravenous lipid emulsion

containing essential fatty acids (EFA) may be supplied to prevent EFA deficiency; changing a
soybean oil-based lipid emulsion to either a fish oil containing lipid emulsion or an olive oil based
lipid emulsion may be safe regarding the provision of enough EFA.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 92% agreement


Patients on long-term PN on lipid-free or very limited lipid and high glucose admixtures may
experience induction of hyperinsulinemia which suppresses mobilization of EFA from fat stores and
induces EFA deficiency (EFAD) [94].

EFA (linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid) cannot be synthesized by humans and external
supplementation is necessary. Symptoms of linoleic acid deficiency include: dermatitis (scaling,

thinning and dryness of skin) and alopecia [95], other clinical manifestations of EFAD include
neurological or hematological side effects, and may even lead to death [96-98]. Patients on long-
term PN are in the group at high risk of development EFAD [99] if not given an external source of
EFA. The clinical signs of EFAD may develop within two to six months of fat-free total PN (TPN) and
oral fasting [98].

According to a study by Mascioli et al., EFA ratios can be normalized by administration of soybean
oil lipid emulsions in the amount of 1.2-2.4 g/kg body weight biweekly [100]. No differences were
found in EFA status after introduction of the same amount of long-chain triglyceride (LCT) and
medium-chain triglyceride (MCT)/LCT lipid emulsion in a crossover study [101], of olive oil lipid

emulsion or composed lipid emulsion containing fish oil (Soy-MCT, olive oil, fish oil) [102,103].

Based on one observational study [104] and existing guidelines [40]), in long-term PN, the necessary

minimum of lipid emulsion that should be administered to prevent EFAD is 1g/kg/wk. If patients
take some oral diet in the form of fat, EFAD is rarely a specific problem [40].
Laboratory examination of EFA supplementation can be supported by the assessment of the

triene:tetraene ratio (T:T ratio, the Holman index). A T:T value >0.2 indicates EFA deficiency, even
without appearance of clinical signs [105]. T:T ratio refers to the eicosatrienoic (mead) acid:

arachidonic acid ratio. ω-3 and ω-6 are preferred substrates over ω-9 for elongase and desaturase

enzymes that regulate fatty acid metabolism. In the absence of EFAs, ω-9 is metabolized to mead
acid, thus increasing the T:T ratio.

Recommendation 30
No type of lipid emulsion alone should be uniformly applied; the choice of lipid emulsions should
be made on patient individual basis.

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 97% agreement


A systematic review [106] and a meta-analysis [107] assessed the effects of different lipid emulsions
in adult patients requiring HPN. Even though lipid emulsions containing olive oil and/or fish oil
appeared associated with some advantage with regards to liver function and blood cell fatty acid
profiles, the evidence was insufficient to determine the superiority of one lipid emulsion over
another. It was considered unlikely that one type of lipid emulsion alone could meet the needs of
all patients. Therefore, the suitable type of lipid emulsions for each patient should be assessed on
an individual basis.

Recommendation 31 (recommendation #16 of the 2016 CIF GL expanded)

When a soybean-based lipid emulsion is supplied, no more than 1g/kg/d of lipid emulsion should
be provided.

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 96% agreement


Lipids should be an essential component of PN admixture in patients on long-term HPN. Lipid

emulsions serve as a source of EFA and non-protein energy. Moreover, they can be used as an

immunomodulating component of PN. Considering intravenous fat emulsion recommendations, the
need to cover EFA requirements must be balanced against prevention of IFALD, which can be
achieved by limiting the lipid dose [108].

The recommendation for long-term HPN is as follows: intravenous administration of energy sources
should be composed of lipids as 15-30% of the total calories, and 30-50% of non-protein calories


The optimal amount of lipids for patients on HPN is not precisely established. At least 1g/kg/wk
should be supplemented to avoid EFAD in patients totally dependent on IVS. Probably most of the

patients who maintain some oral intake of fat can be safely treated with provision of 0.3-0.9 g of
intravenous lipid per kg of body weight per day [101, 109,110-114].

For long-term HPN treatment (>6 months), the amount of intravenous soybean oil-based lipid
emulsion should not exceed 1 g/kg/d. Administration of soybean oil lipid emulsion in higher doses
was associated with significantly increased risk of development of IFALD [115,116]. Infusion of lipid
emulsions at rates of 0.8 –1.5 g/kg body weight per day is safe, but should not exceed 2.6 g/kg/d
(0.11 g/kg/h) because side effects have been reported for cases in which that threshold was
exceeded [117]. Practitioners need to match the proper dose with the clinical situation and in
accordance with established guidelines.

Recommendation 32
When more than 1g/kg/d of lipid emulsionis required, alternative lipid emulsions (olive oil, MCT,
and fish oil) should be used to reduce the soybean-oil content of intravenous lipid emulsions,
which tends to be high in ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and phytosterols.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement


PN-related factors for the development of IFALD include CRBSIs, continuous PN infusion, excessive
glucose intake, and the use of soybean oil lipid emulsions at doses higher than 1 g/kg/d [106-108.
When administration of lipid emulsions at doses higher than 1 g/kg/d is required, alternative lipid

emulsions replacing soybean oil with olive oil, MCT and/or fish oil allows to reduce the amount of
total soybean oil infused [106-108]. Furthermore, in comparison with soybean oil, alternative mixed

lipid emulsions have the advantages to have reduced ω-6 PUFA and phytosterol content, increased
ω-3 PUFA content, and increased amounts of α-tocopherol, the isoform of vitamin E with strong
antioxidant effects [106-108,117]. Some evidence, needing to be confirmed by randomized

controlled trials (RCT), suggest that lipid emulsion alternative to soybean oil-based lipid emulsion
may reduce the risk of hepatic injury in adult home PN patients at risk for liver complications


Recommendation 33 (recommendation #14 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Monitoring of signs and symptoms of dehydration, fluid balance, laboratory tests, and 24-hour
urine output as well as a timely adjustment of fluid, supplementation to prevent chronic renal
failure in patients on HPN shall be made regularly.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 34 (recommendation #15 of the 2016 CIF GL)

The PN formula shall be adjusted with the aim of normalizing laboratory tests related to
electrolytes and mineral balance in patients on HPN.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 35
Timely adjustment of sodium supplementation can allow anabolism in patients on HPN.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 92% agreement

Recommendation 36 (recommendation #16 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Regular monitoring of acid-base status in patients on long-term HPN (serum concentration of
chloride and bicarbonate), shall be made because either metabolic acidosis or metabolic alkalosis
can occur.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

r oo
Patients on HPN (particularly those with SBS, high output ECF or gastro drainage tube) are at risk for
fluid and electrolyte imbalance, which can lead to acute and chronic renal failure [120,121].

Persistent volume depletion, chronic hyponatremia, metabolic acidosis, as well as oxaluria and
nephrolithiasis (particularly in SBS with colon in continuity) [52,122] cause various nephropathies

that may underlie chronic renal disease. This may be intensified by oral intake of hyperosmolar fluids
that increase the osmotic load in the shortened bowel, causing large net fluid loss that cannot be

corrected by distal absorption. Oral diets with high simple sugar and low salt intakes are major

contributors to fluid loss into the intestine [123]. Intake of very low osmolality liquids, particularly
those with little or no sodium and sugar content (water, coffee, tea, etc.) also result in the loss of
more volume than was ingested. Many clinicians recommend drinking water to help with hydration,
so those who are most familiar with SBS should be aware that this is likely to mislead patients

The daily parenteral water requirement varies from 25-35 mL/kg (approximately 2.0-2.5 L) for the
well-hydrated individual [125]. For patients on HPN who have normal renal function and are not on
diuretics, the urine output should be at least 0.8-1 L/d [126]. There have been no randomized
studies of optimal PN volumes for those on long-term treatment. For those who have severe
diarrhea, high stomal excretion, or large fistula outputs, the volume requirements are often
markedly higher and this can be accomplished by increasing the water component of the PN
formula. The adequacy of the PN volume may be assessed by measuring 24-hour urine output.
A suspected diagnosis of volume depletion is based on clinical evaluation including postural increase
in heart rate and decrease in blood pressure (>20 mm Hg systolic and >10 mm Hg diastolic)
comparing supine and standing levels, dry mucous membranes, poor skin turgor, decreased urine
output, rapid body weight loss, and decreased central venous pressure demonstrated by collapsed
jugular veins [127]. This is accompanied by laboratory parameters including increases in hematocrit,
serum osmolality and sodium concentration, increased urine osmolality (>450 mOsm/kg) [127],
random low urine sodium concentration, as well as increased blood urea nitrogen. While these
laboratory studies may be diagnostically helpful, they may not be evident until after some of the
physical changes have appeared. Blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels as well as urine output
and body weight should be monitored frequently, especially early in the HPN course, with

decreasing frequency during a stable HPN course [128]. Additionally, with seasonal weather changes
(hot humid summers) or excessive physical exertion, symptoms and laboratory changes should be

monitored closely, as the parenteral fluid requirements may be increased.
Oral rehydration solution (ORS), originally used to treat cholera, has been introduced to decrease
or even eliminate parenteral fluid requirements in SBS [129]. It is based on acceleration of co-

transport of sodium with glucose [130,131]. Since water is absorbed as a result of solvent drag, this

is an effective way of improving water absorption. Nightingale’s studies indicate that the sodium
loss in stomal effluent is approximately 100 mmol/L [132]. Compliance with this treatment is often

difficult to achieve, and the clinician may need to suggest further dilution with water initially,

possibly with a gradual increase in sodium, as tolerated.

While dehydration is more common than overhydration in HPN patients, those who have
synchronous renal failure or chronic heart failure will likely require volume restriction for their PN.
This is especially true when such patients undergo hemodialysis. These patients require extremely
careful monitoring of clinical status. Edema and shortness of breath are found in such patients.

PN fluid and electrolyte dosing recommendations (table 12) are based on clinical experience, as
there are no randomized studies available. It is important to consider underlying disease state and
gastrointestinal anatomy for individual patients (including residual small intestinal length, segment
that has been resected, presence of colon) as well as comorbidities. In determining what the
electrolyte requirements are for a specific patient, it is important to understand the composition of
gastrointestinal fluids [125].

Table 12. Fluid and electrolyte recommendations for parenteral nutrition [from 40, 125,127] (from 4,138,139)
/kg/d* /d (average adult)*
Water 25 – 35 mL40 1,500 – 2,500 mL
Sodium 1.0 – 1.5 mmol40 60 – 150 mmol125,127
Potassium 1.0 – 1.5 mmol40 40 – 100 mmol127
Chloride 1.0 – 1.5 mmol40
Phosphate 0.3 – 0.5 mmol40 10 – 30127; 25 mmol40
Magnesium 0.1 – 0.15 mmol40 4 – 12127; 10 mmol40
Calcium 0.1 – 0.15 mmol40 2.5 – 7.5127; 10 mmol40

* Adjustments may be needed for underlying disease, clinical case, medications and oral intake.

Serum sodium concentrations are more commonly related to hydration rather than to amount of

sodium in the PN formula. Hypernatremia is most commonly related to a deficit of free water [133],
and hyponatremia occurs with excessive hydration using hypotonic fluids. Signs and symptoms of

hyponatremia are primarily neurological, generally appearing with a serum sodium less than 125
mmol/L. Nausea and malaise occur early, then are followed by headache, obtundation, seizures,
coma, and respiratory arrest [134]. The manifestations of hypernatremia are also neurological

including lethargy, altered mental status, restlessness, irritability, hyperreflexia, nausea, vomiting,
fever, intense thirst, and labored breathing. In both situations, correction must be done cautiously.

The role of sodium as anabolic factor was suggested by a retrospective study on a twelve month
prospectively collected data of a cohort of 50 adult patients with CIF due to SBS was performed to

analyze the dynamic changes in the composition of PN admixture, in order to characterize the

specific effects of some of energy, volume, and sodium on body mass index (BMI) [135]. The results
showed that increased sodium support was the strongest independent factor for the recovery of
BMI. The time courses of phase angle, measured from body impedance analysis, and serum albumin
indicated that the increased BMI was not a result of overhydration [135]. These results were in
agreement with previous observations in children [136,137]. Potential physiological mechanisms for
the anabolic action of increased sodium support could be the normalization of volume status in
dehydrated patients counteracting hypovolemia as a potential catabolic factor or favoring the
anabolic effect of euvolemia, through yet unknown mechanisms [138]. Indeed, evidence has been
reported that sodium restriction impairs insulin secretion, which is an anabolic factor [139], and that
cell swelling as a consequence of normalized volume status acts as an anabolic factor [140]. A
Denmark study on a well- defined, total single-center IF cohort demonstrated the need of

individualized tailor-made PN formulation due to the patients’ various history, anatomy, complexity,
and capability [141].

Hypokalemia is unusual in those whose residual small bowel length is greater than 50 cm, although
it can occur in those with extremely short bowel [126]. Insufficient or excessive potassium in the PN
and/or diet is also a common cause of abnormal levels. In addition, medications can have a marked
effect on potassium levels (i.e. loop diuretics, such as furosemide, and amphotericin B cause
hypokalemia). Furthermore, hypokalemia may result from hypomagnesemia in which case the
magnesium must be corrected before the potassium level will improve [142]. Hyperkalemia can
occur in patients on HPN with concurrent medications, such as potassium-sparing diuretics,

octreotide, and heparin [143]. Finally, hemolysis is a relatively common cause of a falsely elevated

potassium level in blood and repeat testing should be done before treating the abnormality.

Hypokalemia is a cause of abnormal cardiac rhythms, often expressed as palpitations. Fatigue,
muscle weakness, and tingling or numbness are other symptoms associated with low potassium
levels. Hyperkalemia is also associated with cardiac dysrhythmias. Potassium either intravenously
or orally may be used in hypokalemia, although the protocol for intravenous potassium replacement

for chronic hypokalemia in many hospitals is limited to 10 mmol/h, unless the patient is under

cardiac monitoring. For hyperkalemia, treatment depends on the degree of elevation and the
rapidity of the elevation. This may include parenteral insulin, intravenous fluids, a cation exchange

resin and hemodialysis, as well as discontinuation of the cause for the elevation.

Hypophosphatemia occurs due to some medications, such as bisphosphonates, insulin, or PN [144].

In refeeding syndrome, circulating phosphorus shifts into cells, causing a precipitous drop in serum
phosphorus [145]. This occurs during the course of refeeding with either parenteral or enteral
formulas, and it can have potentially life-threatening outcomes. Cautious use of intravenous drugs
may be effective in treating the hypophosphatemia of refeeding syndrome [146]. Most cases of
hypophosphatemia occur in hospitalized patients. Hyperphosphatemia occurs most often in renal
failure, but it also seen in excessive vitamin D or milk intake. It is often asymptomatic but it may
present as anorexia, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, muscle cramping, tetany, and sleep disturbances.
Treatment involves phosphate binding agents and correction of excess intakes of high phosphate

Data from in vivo perfusion studies, in vitro gut preparations and tracer studies support that animal
and human magnesium absorption occurs primarily in the distal ileum and colon [147,148]. In

patients with CIF, magnesium deficiency may occur through several mechanisms, including
resection of the intestinal absorption sites, renal loss due to aldosteronism secondary to
dehydration and chronic therapy with proton pump inhibitors (PPI) [149]. While serum magnesium
levels are measurable, it has been found that low urinary magnesium excretion is a more accurate
reflection of total body magnesium depletion [150]. A case control study compared serum
magnesium versus 24-hour urinary Mg in 16 patients with IF and 16 age- and gender-matched
controls before and after replacement of magnesium. In magnesium depletion, urinary Mg
decreased before serum levels, and with replacement, the 24-hour urine levels improved before the
serum magnesium did. Thus, urinary magnesium was found to be a more reliable indicator of Mg
status [151]. Oral replacement of magnesium is difficult, since the inorganic salts of magnesium

quickly dissociate in fluid resulting in hyperosmolar intraluminal milieu that causes diarrhea. Organic
forms of magnesium dissociate slower, so are less diarrheagenic and thus more effective for

replacement. In a small randomized double-blind study of persons on HPN, magnesium gluconate
was added to oral rehydration solution that was sipped slowly throughout the day. This approach
resulted in more efficient replacement than equal bolus doses and hydration was improved

concurrently [152]. Magnesium can also be increased in the PN solution or by giving supplemental
intravenous magnesium. It is recommended that the calcium, magnesium, and phosphate content

of the HPN should maintain normal serum concentrations and 24-hour urinary excretion [40].

Serum concentrations of chloride and bicarbonate should be routinely measured in patients on long-

term HPN for CIF to monitor acid-base balance. Alteration of acid-base balance may occur through
several mechanisms due to either the underlying gastrointestinal condition, the intravenous
nutritional admixtures and electrolyte solutions, or the presence of impaired renal or respiratory
function [153-158]. Gastric fluids contain large amount of acids, whereas intestinal fluids contain
large amounts of bicarbonate. Loss of gastric fluids from vomiting or drainage tubes in the upper
gastrointestinal tract can lead to metabolic alkalosis with hypochloremia. Hyperchloremic metabolic
acidosis with normal anion-gap may occur due to high intestinal losses of bicarbonates, as in SBS
patients with a high output ostomy, or because of administration of large amounts of sodium
chloride with the PN solution, or with ORS to maintain hydration [159]. Maintenance of PN
admixture chemical stability requires pH solution in low levels (ideal range 5.0-5.4). This is obtained
by the addition of hydrochloric acid and acetic acid. Patients receiving a chloride-based formula are
at increased risk of metabolic hyperchloremic acidosis, which may be prevented by an acetate-
based regimen that increases serum bicarbonate levels, acetate being converted to bicarbonate in
a 1:1 molar ratio [158,160,161]. Metabolic hyperchloremic acidosis can also be observed in patients
who have undergone urinary diversion using the ileum or the colon, due to increased intestinal
absorption of chloride, and in patients on treatment with anti-PPI that reduce the excretion of
chloride ions in the stomach thereby increasing net gut bicarbonate losses while decreasing gut
chloride losses [153,158].

Metabolic acidosis with increase anion-gap may occur due to high D-lactic acid production by colonic
bacterial fermentation of carbohydrate substrates in patients with an SBS with a colon in continuity,
to L-lactic acidosis due to thiamine deficiency, or to PN admixture with high content of sulfur-
containing amino acids (methionine, cysteine, cystine). D-lactic acidosis should be suspected in

patients presenting symptoms like slurred speech, ataxia, and altered mental status, associated with

normal L-lactate serum concentration [156]. Patients with thiamine deficiency can have peripheral

and central neuropathies (dry beriberi), cardiovascular disease (wet beriberi), metabolic coma,
Wernicke encephalopathy, Korsakoff syndrome, and optic neuropathy [156]. The oxidation of
sulfur-containing amino acids leads to the production of H+ and sulfate, an unmeasured anion that
determines an increased anion gap. Moreover, sulfate is not reabsorbed from renal tubules and is

excreted by the kidneys as sodium sulfate, leading to extracellular volume contraction and increased

reabsorption of sodium chloride with the final result being the appearance of hyperchloremic
acidosis [158].

High carbohydrate intravenous loads can increase oxygen consumption with a parallel increase of

carbon dioxide production (glucose oxidation). This doesn’t determine acid-base alterations in
patients with normal respiratory function, but may cause respiratory acidosis in those with
respiratory insufficiency [153,158].

Recommendation 37 (recommendation #20 of the 2016 CIF GL)

In patients on HPN, clinical signs and symptoms as well as biochemical indexes of vitamin
deficiency or toxicity should be regularly evaluated.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 38 (recommendation #21 of the 2016 CIF GL)
Baseline serum vitamin concentrations should be measured, according to laboratory availability,
at the onset of HPN and then at least once per year.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 39 (recommendation #22 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Vitamin doses in HPN can be adjusted as needed.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 92% agreement

Recommendation 40 (recommendation #23 of the 2016 CIF GL)

The route of vitamin supplementation can be selected according to the characteristics of the
individual patient.
Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement


The first recommendations for vitamins in PN were proposed by the Nutrition Advisory Group of the

Department of Food and Nutrition and by the American Medical Association (AMA) in 1975. The

values were extrapolated from the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDAs) based on knowledge
about bioavailability. Most of the parenteral water-soluble vitamins were double the RDA dose to
take into account greater utilization associated with illness, previous deficiencies, and increased rate
of excretion due to systemic rather than portal delivery. The fat-soluble vitamins were rather
reduced 30-50% from the RDA to take into account their absorption and potential toxicity [162].

These recommendations have been modified thereafter in the American Society for Parenteral and
Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) [163] and ESPEN [1] guidelines/documents and developed in response to
deficiencies that were documented in the early years of PN.

Recently, ESPEN has published the micronutrient guideline that includes updated dose
recommendations for both EN and PN, the latter being called PN-daily recommended doses (PN-
DR) [164] (Table 13). Increased requirements may occur in patients with ongoing increased losses
such as gastrointestinal losses, or who are depleted before commencing PN, and in pregnancy.
Table 13. ESPEN Recommendations for daily vitamins intakes, also including clinical deficiency presentation and the
recommended method of measurement [164]

Vitamin HPN & long-term PN (all Clinical deficiency Measurement

values per day)
A Retinol # 800 – 1,100 μg night blindness, Bitot spots, serum retinol
xerophthalmia, increased
susceptibility to infections
D3 Cholecalciferol 200 IU/5 μg rickets, osteomalacia, increased serum 25-
susceptibility to infections hydroxyvitamin D
E -tocopherol 9-10 mg neurological symptoms and plasma -tocopherol
muscle weakness

K2 150 μg, usually provided bleeding, poor bone combination of

by lipid emulsions development, osteoporosis, biomarkers and dietary
and increased cardiovascular intake

Vitamin B family
B1 Thiamine
At least *:
2.5 mg
neurological, psychiatric and Red blood cell or whole
cardiovascular symptoms, lactic blood thiamine
acidosis. diphosphate

B2 Riboflavin 3.6 mg oral-buccal lesions, seborrheic glutathione reductase

dermatitis, ocular activity in red blood
manifestations, anemia and cells.

marrow aplasia
B3 Niacin 40 mg Pellagra manifested as diarrhea, Blood or tissue
dermatitis and dementia nicotinamide adenine

B5 Pantothenic acid 15 mg neurological and Blood pantothenic acid
gastrointestinal symptoms

B6 Pyridoxine 4 mg oral-buccal lesions, seborrheic direct plasma pyridoxal

dermatitis, microcytic anemia, 5-phosphate levels
neurological symptoms
B7 Biotin 60 μg dermatitis, alopecia, ataxia direct measure of blood
and urine biotin which
should be completed by
the determination of
biotinidinase activity
B9 Folic acid 400 μg megaloblastic anemia, and folate levels in
pancytopenia, oral-buccal serum/plasma or red
lesions, neuropsychiatric blood cells
B12 Cyanocobalamin 5 μg megaloblastic anemia, and Combination of at least
pancytopenia, oral-buccal two biomarkers
lesions, neuropsychiatric (holotranscobalamin,
manifestations methylmalonic acid) is
optimal, with serum
cobalamin as a
replacement of when
measurement of this
latter is unavailable

C Ascorbic acid 100 – 200mg Scurvy manifested as petechiae total plasma vitamin C
and easy bruising, spongy and (sum ascorbic acid and
purplish gums, dry skin, anemia, dehydroascorbic acid )
poor wound healing, myalgia or ascorbic acid
and bone pain
retinol and retinyl ester

* For water-soluble vitamins, amounts recommended are minimum amounts, and more can usually be safely delivered.

Studies on vitamin status in patients on HPN

An early report of laboratory analyzes consisting of 63 individuals on HPN (40 with SBS and 23 with
intestinal obstruction) identified 24% to have subnormal vitamin A levels, 30% with low vitamin D
levels, and 45% who had decreased vitamin C levels. Vitamins B12 and folate were subnormal in

only 7% and 0%, respectively. [165]. A study on 27 patients on HPN reported low serum vitamin E
and Se concentrations and normal values of the other micronutrients [166].

Because of parenteral multivitamin shortages firstly in the United States, and recently in Europe
during the COVID-19 pandemic, attention has turned to the length of time a patient on HPN could
be maintained with only oral vitamins or less frequently intravenous administration in the face of

restricted parenteral products. A study of eight patients during the time of an early multivitamin
shortage reported the effects of decreasing intravenous vitamin doses from daily to three times

weekly [167]. Blood testing for vitamins, which was not done prior to the shortages, was
subsequently done every six months. The reduced administration of multivitamins resulted in

diminished ascorbic acid levels in seven of eight patients receiving TPN. Less often, low levels of

retinoids, niacin, pyridoxine, and riboflavin were seen. A study of ten Brazilian adults with SBS and
who were hospitalized with only intermittent availability of parenteral vitamins indicated that
vitamins A, E, and C were below the normal values [168]. Of these, 60% were only poorly to
moderately compliant with the oral vitamins. In none of these studies, clinical signs or symptoms of
deficiencies were described. Thus, these appear to be actually subclinical findings. Furthermore, the
number of patients included in the few reported studies were relatively small.

Lipid-soluble vitamins and HPN

Vitamin A deficiency is frequent in patients with malabsorption and SBS. Subclinical deficiency is
more prevalent in patients on HPN [165,169], especially during shortage periods [167-168].
However, marked visual complications may occur among patients who are not compliant with
adding multivitamin products to their HPN. Serum retinol concentrations decrease with increasing

inflammation, interpretation can be improved by also measuring CRP and retinol binding protein
Low serum levels of vitamin D have been frequently reported in different series of patients on HPN,
even receiving IVS [165]. Evaluation of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in 22 patients on HPN in Canada
identified 15 whose levels were less than 50 nmol/L and considered to be vitamin D deficient by
these authors [170]. A retrospective study of 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels measured over a minimum
of six months found that five out of fifteen patients on HPN were consistently deficient (<27.5
nmol/L), 60% had variable levels between deficient and sufficient, and none had persistently
sufficient levels [171]. In a recent retrospective study in Canada including 62 patients with mean
HPN duration of 56 (6–323) months, most of them with SBS, patients were categorized based on

serum vitamin D status as follows: 15 (24.2%) sufficient (> 30 ng/mL), 31 (50%) insufficient (20-30
ng/mL) and 16 (25.8%) deficient (< 20 ng/mL). Despite an average of 1,891 IU/d orally and 181 IU/d

intravenously vitamin D, the mean vitamin D level was 25.6 ng/mL (insufficiency) and 26.2±11.9
ng/mL in patients with the highest ten-year fracture risk [172]. In a retrospective cross-sectional
study including 167 clinically stable outpatients in Denmark with intestinal insufficiency or IF, mild

vitamin D deficiency (25-50 nmol/L) was found in 28% of patients with IF and 31% with intestinal
insufficiency (II). Moderate to severe deficiency (< 25 nmol/L) was found in 14% of patients with IF

and 17% of II. Vitamin-D deficiency was identified as an independent risk factor of osteoporosis

[172]. In a cross-sectional study of 63 patients on HPN in Slovenia, severe vitamin D deficiency (<30
nmol/L) was diagnosed in 15 patients (24%) and insufficient vitamin D levels (30-50 nmol/L) were

found in 30 patients (48%). All patients received 200 IU of vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) daily through
PN. Additionally, patients with initial vitamin D levels below 70 nmol/L receive 2,000-4,000 IU of
cholecalciferol (D3) daily in the form of oral drops [174]. Conventional enteral replacement of
Vitamin D may not be sufficient for patients with CIF, and a in a recently published study a buccal
Vitamin D preparation delivered as micro droplets provides an alternative, useful and cost-effective
method of replacement [175]. Blood levels of vitamin D are significantly reduced in the context of
inflammation [164].
In adult patients receiving HPN, high breath pentane (indicator for lipid peroxidation) was associated
with low vitamin E plasma levels [176]. In a study in Denmark [169], vitamin E deficiency was
identified in about 20% of 44 individuals on HPN, compared to 7% of a non-PN control group who
had various degrees of malabsorption. Among those on HPN who were not receiving lipids, plasma
alpha-tocopherol was decreased in 33%. However, those on HPN who did receive lipids had normal

levels of vitamin E. There is a variable amount of the different isomers of vitamin E (   -
tocopherol) in fat emulsions depending on the lipid base (Olive-, Fish-, Soybean-oil), but α-
tocopherol should always be added to ensure an adequate intake [164].
Patients on HPN because of SBS or severe distal small bowel disease often have a deficiency of
Vitamin K, this have been observed in different series [166,177] and during shortage [168]. Dietary
intake of vitamin K is one of the primary determinants of vitamin K status. The natural source of
vitamin K in PN is phylloquinone contained in the lipid emulsion. Depending on the lipid source, the
vitamin K content may range from a minimum of 6 µg up to 300 µg/100 g. Weekly intravenous
supply of 250–500 µg phylloquinone from lipids is sufficient to both restore and maintain plasma
phylloquinone within the normal range. Nevertheless, adult multivitamin preparations with vitamin

K provide additionally 150 µg which not only cover the requirements of all patients, but also is more
effective in maintaining the carboxylation status of noncoagulation Gla proteins [164].

Water-soluble vitamins and HPN
There have been no reports of thiamine deficiency in patients receiving HPN with regular supply at

doses of more than 2.5 mg/d. However, there are several cases of severe deficiencies with lactic
acidosis and even deaths, during shortage periods in patients on HPN [178-180]. ESPEN recommend

that PN should provide at least 2.5 mg/d, but the requirement may be higher in malnourished
patients with IF commencing PN who are at risk of refeeding syndrome [164]. They should receive

supplementary doses for replenishment.


Riboflavin, niacin, and pyridoxine PN at doses of 3.6-5 mg/d, 40 mg/d, and 4 mg/d, respectively, are
safe to prevent deficiencies [164]. Only subclinical deficiencies have been reported in three patients
on HPN receiving three times a week instead of daily doses due to shortage [167). Patients with
chronic renal failure receiving HPN with multivitamins may develop elevated pyridoxine levels,
which might result in neurologic sequelae (167].
Since the deficiency cases of the 1980s, biotin has been included as a standard in PN vitamin
solutions, at doses of 60 μg/d [181-183]. Folate deficiency is frequent in patients with inflammatory
bowel disease, due to proximal intestinal alterations and the effect of medications used [184-186].
Historical cases of acute folate deficiency were described in the 1970s when B9 administration had
not yet become routine during PN [187].
Vitamin B12 is often deficient in those who have undergone a distal small bowel resection [188]. It
may also occur in cases of intestinal bacterial overgrowth and in inflammatory bowel disease of the

ileum [164]. Regular assessment of these vitamins of prime importance as long as the disease
remains active while on HPN.
Low levels of vitamin C without clinical symptoms have been frequently described in patients on PN
[165], and especially during shortage periods [167,168]. Vitamin C plasma levels decline rapidly with
progressive inflammation, making interpretation difficult. In a retrospective study of 186 patients
on HPN 29% had plasma vitamin C concentrations below the normal minimal range, i.e., 25 µmol/L
(5-24 µmol/L). None of the patients had a plasma vitamin C level under 5 µmol/L, and only 8.1% of
the patients had a plasma vitamin C concentration below 11 µmol/L (definition of biological scurvy).
Patients with a normal range of vitamin C received a mean of 284.6±230.1 mg (125-1,400 mg) of
vitamin C per parenteral infusion. In the multivariate analysis, only CRP (p=0.001) and intake of 125

mg of vitamin C (p<0.0001) were independently negatively associated with vitamin C levels [189].
Ascorbic acid in parenteral multivitamin formulations varies between countries from 100-200 mg.

In the United States, the requirements were increased from 100-200 mg, and this has raised some
concern about metabolism of intravenous vitamin C to produce oxalate, increasing the risk for
oxaluria and renal complications [184]. This was shown in a prospective study where 24-hour urine

collections were done in 13 patients on HPN before and one month after the new 200 mg US FDA
amended parenteral multivitamin formulation was supplied. Ten had significantly increased oxalate

urinary excretion and in three this was well above the upper limit of normal, possibly putting them

at risk for oxalate stones [184].


Parenteral vitamin products

In general, vitamin products used for HPN, as well as short-term hospital products, are produced as
multiple vitamins. Although the formulations vary somewhat between countries, they are relatively
similar with respect to the components. However, there are small differences regarding the amount
of a few of the components.
It is important that baseline vitamin levels are determined prior to starting HPN so that replacement
vitamins can be given by using more than a single dose of multiple vitamins or, when available,
specific parenteral vitamins can be used until resolution.

Recommendation 41 (recommendation #24 of the 2016 CIF GL)

In patients on HPN, clinical signs and symptoms as well as biochemical indexes of trace element
deficiency or toxicity should be regularly evaluated.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 42 (recommendation #25 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Baseline serum trace element concentrations should be measured, according to laboratory
availability, at the onset of HPN and then at least once per year.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 43 (recommendation #26 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Trace element doses in HPN can be adjusted as needed.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 92% agreement

Recommendation 44 (recommendation #27 of the 2016 CIF GL)
The route of trace element supplementation can be selected according to the characteristics of

the individual patient.


Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement



Requirements for trace elements during illness and in patients on long-term PN are still poorly
defined. There is insufficient knowledge about how disease and inflammation affect the metabolism
of micronutrients or on the impact of differences in mode of delivery, bioavailability, and absorption
as a result of medical nutritional therapy [164]. In addition, good markers of overall status are
available only for a limited number of trace elements and few clinical laboratories are equipped to
measure them, with the attendant difficulties in identifying deficits and monitoring
supplementation [164].

The known essential trace elements are Cr, Cu, I, Fe, Mn, Mo, Se, and Zn. Since the first guideline
for essential trace element preparations for parenteral use were published by the Nutrition Advisory
Group of the American Medical Association (NAG-AMA) in 1979 [191], the daily doses
recommended for Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr and Se in adults have been modified as new research information
became available [162]. Both trace element deficiencies and toxicities have been reported in
patients on HPN, the latter probably related to contamination in various PN components [192]. A
study on autopsy tissues of eight patients who lived on PN for two to 21 years receiving the NAG-
AMA 1979 formula, confirmed very high concentrations of Cu, Mn, and Cr [193].

A research workshop of experts in 2009 agreed to require some level of control of trace element
contamination in all components of the parenteral formula, and to add 70-150 µg/d of iodine to a
basic adult PN formula and 1 mg of Fe if stability and compatibility issues can be resolved for the
latter. A case can also be made for the potential addition of Mo, B and Si, depending on the amounts
present as contaminants [162]. Also, they recommended that all the products should be labeled
with a maximum allowable trace element level.

In 2012, ASPEN developed a position statement to address evidence-based data for each

micronutrient on its use in parenteral administration and to provide recommendations for changes

in the products available in the market [163]. Some pharmaceutical companies changed the
composition of the multitrace sources to meet these recommendations. The recent ESPEN
micronutrient guideline includes the updated dose recommendations of trace elements for both EN

and PN, the latter being called PN-DR [164] (Table 14). Increased requirements may occur in patients
with on-going increased losses such as gastrointestinal losses, malnourished or who are depleted

before commencing PN, and in pregnancy.


Table 14. ESPEN Recommendations for daily trace element intakes, also including clinical deficiency presentation or

toxicity and the recommended method of measurement (all values per day) [164].

Trace element HPN & long-term PN Clinical deficiency or Measurement

(all values per day) toxicity*
Chromium 10-15 μg peripheral neuropathy, response of glucose
weight loss, elevated tolerance test to Cr
plasma free fatty acids, supplementation
and hyperglycemia
Copper 0.3- 0.5 mg microcytic anemia, blood Cu simultaneously
neutropenia, with CRP determination
osteoporosis, hair de-
pigmentation, and
Fluoride 0-1 mg Tooth caries Blood Fl
Iodine 130 μg Goiter, hypothyroidism, urinary 24 h I excretion,
growth and mental combined with
retardation (children) assessment of thyroid
function and size

Iron 1.1 mg Microcytic anemia, blood Fe, transferrin,

queilitis transferrin saturation,

ferritin, CRP, hepcidin,
and evaluation of red
blood cell morphology
Manganese 55 μg Mn toxicity is a greater Whole blood Mn, or red
concern than deficiency. blood cells. Brain MRI
Mn toxicity produces can confirm the
neurotoxicity and liver diagnosis, showing high
complications intensity signals in
globus pallidus being
correlated with elevated
Mn levels
Molybdenum 19-25 μg nausea, rapid breathing Mo measurement is rarely
and heart rate, vision required, and it should only
problems, coma be assessed in case of
suspected Mo deficiency.
Selenium 60-100 μg cardiac and skeletal Blood Se determines

muscle myopathy, and status, but ideally the

skin and nail effects plasma Glutathione
peroxidase 3 (GPX-3)
shall be determined to

Zinc 3-5 mg
-p alopecia, skin rash of
face, groins, hands, and
reflect functional status
Plasma Zn with
feet, growth retardation, determination of CRP
delayed sexual

development and bone

maturation, impaired
wound healing and

immune function,
diarrhea, and blunting of
taste and smell

*The ESPEN Micronutrient Guideline recommends against regular monitoring of chromium status; however, it can be
required when there is clinical suspicion of deficiency or toxicity.

Abbreviations: CRP, c-reactive protein; HPN, home parenteral nutrition; PN, parenteral nutrition

Studies on trace elements status in patients on HPN

The gap for implementation of guidelines was shown in a survey in Canada, in which the mean daily
supplementation of Zn, Mn, Cu, and Se exceed published recommendations [194]. A study with 26
adult and adolescent HPN patients, showed that the majority of patients had high levels of serum
Mn and Cr, 22% of patients had high levels of Cu, and the levels of Se and Zn were low in 38% and
10%, respectively, which made necessary to review the recommendations of trace elements in long-
term PN [195]. High levels of Mn and low levels of Se have been also reported in a series of 68
patients on HPN in Europe, using multi-trace element supplementation [196]. In a retrospective
study that included 73 patients with CIF enrolled in a tertiary home PN center and receiving long-

term PN with systematic multi-trace element supplementation, the prevalence of low serum trace
element levels was 21.9%, 13.9% and 21.1% for serum Se, Cu and Zn, respectively. This suggests that
frequent trace element dosage in this population as well as individually tailored supplementation
may be beneficial [197]. These trace elements deficiencies may further increase during shortage
periods [198].

Trace elements and HPN

Practical information on parenteral trace element use can be gleaned from case reports, some
retrospective studies, and very few clinical trials [192].

From 1979, numerous case reports described Se deficiency in adults and children who used PN

lacking in Se for periods ranging from months to years [192]. A nationwide shortage of intravenous
Se occurred in April 2011 in the US and resulted in adults, children and infants receiving very low Se

supply [199]. In a retrospective study that included 73 patients on HPN with systematic multi-trace
element supplementations, Se deficiency exposed to a greater risk of serious infection (HR 2.65,
95% CI 1.01-6.97) [197]. In contrast, the literature contains no report of Se toxicity in patients using

PN. Parenteral doses of 60-100 µg/d Se are sufficient for most adults yet do not maintain ideal levels
in all patients. Simultaneous determination of CRP and albumin is required for interpretation of Se

levels, as plasma Se levels fall proportionally to the level of inflammation [164].


Balance studies indicate that Cu requirements in TPN amount to 0.3-0.5 mg/d for adults [163,200].
This amount may have to be decreased in patients with cholestasis and increased in case of

excessive prolonged gastrointestinal fluid losses. Long-term PN creates a potential for Cu toxicity,
because hepatic Cu accumulation occurs with PN-associated liver dysfunction and cholestasis [192].
Cu contamination should be limited to less than 0.1 mg/d total in a typical adult PN formulation
[163]. Blaszyk et al. performed liver biopsies on 28 long-term PN patients with cholestasis, and in
eight of the 28 patients, hepatic Cu was > 250 µg/g (in the range for Wilson’s disease) [201]. Several
reports since the 1970s describe Cu-deficient patients who had no Cu added to their PN because of
lack of availability or intentional omission because of cholestasis. A rare cause of Cu deficiency in a
patient on HPN using Zn in denture adhesive has been published [202]. Different from most
micronutrients, Cu concentrations increase in the context of an inflammatory response since
ceruloplasmin is a positive acute phase reactant [164,203].

Although current parenteral recommendation of Cr in adults is 10–15 μg [163], based on oral

absorption in healthy individuals, the parenteral requirements may be as low as 0.14-0.87 μg/d
[204]. However, the precise requirements during PN when there is a high intake of glucose provided
over a prolonged period are not known. The accumulated scientific data point to a need to lower
the recommended amount of parenteral Cr, and some people even think that it is not necessary to
give extra Cr in patients on PN, due to the widespread contamination in PN components [192,204].
In humans, three reported cases of Cr deficiency in long-term HPN developed peripheral
neuropathy, weight loss, and hyperglycemia. For parenteral Cr, concerns arise from the high levels
found in sera and tissues and their effects on the kidneys [193]. Even in patients on short-term TPN,
high levels of chromium were detected in 94% of the patients, being the major contaminant in the
amino acid solution with the trivalent ionic form [205]. Cr contaminants in PN solutions can increase
the amount delivered by 10-100%. In autopsy tissues of patients on long-term PN, Cr levels were

10-100-fold higher than normal concentrations in heart, skeletal muscle, liver, and kidney [193].
However, in adults there are no reported cases of Cr toxicity in patients on long-term PN or in

patients with hip protheses with very high levels of Cr, suggesting that these high Cr concentrations
are not toxic. Cr toxicity may be more of a concern in pediatric patients, and an inverse correlation
between serum Cr levels and glomerular filtration rates in PN-dependent children was found [206].

Many cases of Zn deficiency associated with the use of PN lacking in Zn were documented, mostly

in the 1970s, before routine use of trace elements in PN and also during shortage periods [207,208].
Zn toxicity with PN has been documented only in instances of large dosage errors. In PN, the

requirements have been estimated by balance studies to be 3 mg/d. Patients with ECF, diarrhea,

and intestinal drainage may require up to 12-17 mg of Zn per liter of lost fluid [163]. The ESPEN
Micronutrient Guideline recommends that PN should provide 3-5 mg Zn intravenously per day in
patients without abnormal losses, and up to 12 mg per day in patients with gastrointestinal losses
(fistulas, stomas, and diarrhea) [164].

Mn toxicity is a greater concern than deficiency. Fixed-dose multiple trace element formulations
restrict prescribing options and make it difficult to adjust Mn levels without reducing the other
essential trace elements. Mn toxicity may lead to neurotoxicity and liver complications. On the other
hand, sustained inflammation in HPN patients may facilitate hypermanganesemia through
cholestatic liver disease and thereby decrease Mn biliary excretion [209]. Elevated serum, plasma,
red blood cell, and whole-blood Mn concentrations have been reported in patients receiving PN,
both with and without liver dysfunction and usually with no symptoms [192]. High levels of Mn in
brain were detected in a deceased woman after long-term PN involving Mn supplementation [210]

and in the autopsies of eight people on long-term HPN [193]. In a prospective study, patients on
HPN were administered TPN solutions providing scaling doses from 0-20 µmol/d according to an on-
off design. The optimal dose was 1 µmol/d for adults according to the levels of Mn in whole blood
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [211]. In a sample of 16 patients on long-term PN with a
mean daily Mn supplementation of 400±53 µg/d, the mean whole blood Mn level was 1.38±0.29
times the upper limit of normal and 81% of patients had high signals on T1-weighted images
assumed to be Mn deposits in their basal ganglia. Two patients with positive MRI had Parkinson’s
disease, and multiple neuropsychiatric complaints were reported (depression, lack of concentration,
memory disturbances, gait instability) [212]. Also, a survey of 40 Australasian hospitals with data on
108 patients on HPN revealed that Mn doses were five to six times over current daily requirements

[213]. In a longitudinal study including 15 patients on HPN, Mn levels in blood and brain (in MRI)
significantly decreased after one year of Mn withdrawal in the PN [214]. In a recently published

retrospective study including 100 patients on HPN Incidence of elevated whole-blood Mn
concentrations decreased from 60% to 30% upon discontinued use of a multi-trace element
solution. Elevated levels remain a concern despite patients being prescribed “Mn-free” PN. Patients

receive this trace elements in amounts adequate to meet requirements through contamination and
dietary intake alone, suggesting additional parenteral supplementation of Mn is not required [215].

The ESPEN Micronutrient Guideline recommends that PN shall provide 55 µg Mn per day [164]. Mn

should be further decreased or withheld in patients with significant cholestasis or hepatic


dysfunction, elevated whole blood Mn levels or in those with signs or symptoms of Mn toxicity
[163,216]. Mn contamination should be limited to less than 40 µg/d total in a typical adult PN
formula [163].

For patients on PN, the estimated requirement for maintenance of Fe status is 1 mg/d for adult men
and post-menopausal women, and about 2 mg/day for pre-menopausal women [217]. In Europe,
the trace element products used in PN have been providing for many years elemental Fe without
complications. However, the preparations available in the US do not contain Fe because of concerns,
not felt in Europe, regarding emulsion stability, or infection enhancing risk [163]. Since Fe deficiency
is one of the most common complications of long term PN (affecting 30-50% patients on HPN in
different series [218,219], it is strongly recommended that regular Fe provision is maintained by use
of a preparation that provides Fe as part of the PN regimen [217]. The ESPEN Micronutrient

Guideline recommends that PN shall provide at least 1 mg/d of elemental Fe, or an equivalent
amount at periodic intervals by separate infusion [164].

Daily I requirements in adults receiving PN are estimated to be 70-150 µg, but many PN formulations
do not contain I at all or include it in low doses [220-222]. If chlorhexidine replaces I-containing
disinfectants for catheter care, I deficiency may occur during long-term HPN, and periodic testing of
thyroid functions may be prudent. This is especially important during pregnancy, in pre-term and
newborn in which I is necessary for central nervous system development [220]. Cases of
hypothyroidism in adults dependent upon TPN are rare in the literature [223]. However, there are
a number of cases reported in children. One prospective study examining the urinary I concentration

of children from the onset of TPN found there to be a significant decrease in urinary I levels as time

progressed [224]. There is also some evidence that adults with CIF on long-term HPN may be at risk

of I deficiency [225]. The ESPEN Micronutrient Guideline recommends that PN shall provide the
standard dose of 130 µg/d [164].
Although Mo is an essential trace element, only one case of Mo deficiency with long-term PN has

been reported in the literature, probably because it is present as a contaminant in PN [192]. The
ESPEN Micronutrient Guideline recommends that PN should provide 19-25 g Mo per day [164].

Fl is not an essential element but amounts provided by contamination may be beneficial for bone

strength. In patients on HPN for CIF (short bowel), high blood fluor values have been objectivated
in a series of 31 patients who developed osteoporosis and were explained by high Fl intakes from

drinking water [226]. For PN, the need for adding Fl is debated, especially in the USA. However, Fl
has been supplied for over 40 years as part of standard multi-element mixtures in European
products at a dose of 0.95 mg without any side effects and may be continued in PN with the potential
for beneficial effects on bones and teeth [164].

Parenteral trace elements products

The choices of trace element products vary from country to country, but in many countries only
multi-trace element preparations with fixed combinations are licensed, and individual trace element
products may not be routinely available. This makes it quite challenging to manage the dosage of
these micronutrients in many cases.

Micronutrient monitoring: existing guidelines

There are recommendations for monitoring of vitamins and trace elements during HPN from
different societies mostly based on expert opinion, since there is no good scientific evidence [2,
163,227-230]. It is important to measure the micronutrient status at starting HPN, as some patients
may need replenishment doses of some micronutrients because of malnutrition and refeeding risk.

In patients on long-term HPN, the ESPEN guideline recommends that clinical signs and symptoms as
well as biochemical indexes of vitamin and trace metal deficiency or toxicity should be evaluated at
least once per year (Grade of recommendation GPP, Strong consensus (95.7% agreement)). Serum
ferritin and Fe should be evaluated every three to six months; serum folate, vitamins B12, A, E, 25-
OH Vitamin D, Zn, Cu and Se every six to twelve months, and serum Mn yearly [2]. In special

conditions, such as cholestasis or high gastrointestinal losses, these measurements can be done

more frequently [164]. More frequent monitoring may be required during shortage periods.

How should intravenous micronutrient vial shortage be managed in patients on HPN for CIF?
Recommendation 45

In case of intravenous micronutrient shortage, the intravenous supplementation with

multivitamin and multi-trace element vials should be prioritized for patients on exclusive/total


Grade of recommendation GPP- Strong consensus 100% agreement


Recommendation 46
In patients on exclusive/total HPN, when the micronutrient shortage doesn’t allow the daily IVS
with multivitamin and multi-trace element vials, the micronutrients requirements should be met
by single micronutrient supplementation through any other available route in the individual

Grade of recommendation GPP- Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 47
In patients on supplemental/partial PN, the micronutrient supplementation through sublingual,
oral, enteral, intramuscular and subcutaneous route should be maximized.

Grade of recommendation GPP- Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 48
During period of intravenous micronutrient vial shortage, a more frequent monitoring of serum
micronutrient concentrations may be required to prevent micronutrient deficiency.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 49

During period of intravenous micronutrient vial shortage, pediatric multivitamin and multi-trace

element vials shall not be used for adult patients on HPN, if there is a risk of shortage of pediatric

vials as well.
Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 93% agreement


In recent years, many countries have been faced with increasingly recurring shortages of
intravenous vitamins and trace elements [231-233].

The COVID-19 pandemic further worsened the risk of shortage, because of the conversion of

production chains, especially for intravenous multivitamins solutions, towards SARS-CoV2-vaccine.

In 2021, ASPEN provided further considerations to assist clinicians in coping with PN vitamin and
trace elements shortages [234].

The British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) has developed similar
recommendations [235].

After publishing the guideline on micronutrients [164], also ESPEN devised specific
recommendations to deal with intravenous multivitamin and multi-trace element solutions for
acute, prolonged acute and chronic IF [236]. The recommendations for CIF are reported in table 15.

Table 15. ESPEN recommendation do deal with intravenous multivitamin and multi-trace shortage in patients with
chronic intestinal failure [236].

Multivitamin Shortage Multi-trace element shortage

Exclusive (total) PN with no One multivitamin product in each PN One multi-trace element product in
oral/enteral intake: bag each PN bag
• Alternatively, administer individual
parenteral vitamin entities with
suggested daily IV doses of thiamine
6 mg, folate 0.6 mg, ascorbic acid
200 mg, and pyridoxine 6 mg, unless
deficiency not suspected or
otherwise clinically indicated.
• IV vitamin K dosing is 0.5-1 mg/d or
5-10 mg per week.
• Administer cyanocobalamin (B12)
100-1,000 µg intramuscular or deep
subcutaneous at least once
monthly, 500 µg intranasal once
weekly or 1,000 µg sublingual once
Supplemental PN with One multivitamin in each bag and One multi-trace element in each bag and
oral/enteral intake: oral multivitamin on all non-PN days oral TE provided on the day off of IV

supplementation along

with monitoring of nutrition status (Zn,
Se, Cu).

When all options to maintain Ration adult micronutrient infusions Ration IV multi-trace element products
stock levels of adult IV
multivitamin and multi-trace
element products have been
(e.g. give 2-3 times per week instead of
daily and supplement with oral/enteral
and/or intramuscular preparations.
in PN by reducing daily dose by 50%
or giving one multi-trace element
product infusion three times per week.
exhausted Alternatively, consider administration of
individual parenteral TE entities (e.g. Zn

5 mg per day and Se 100 g per day).

Monitoring of vitamin and TE Increased frequency is recommended Increased frequency is recommended
status depending on clinical status. depending on clinical status.

Assessment should be performed on a Assessment of TE (Zn, Cu, Se) should be

monthly basis instead of 3-6 months performed on a monthly basis instead of
(e.g. vitamin A, E, D, Folate, B12, B1, as 3-6 months.

well as prothrombin level).

Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; PN, parenteral nutrition; TE, trace elements

Recommendation 50 (recommendation #28 of the 2016 CIF GL)

The routine addition of individual amino acids (glutamine, cysteine, taurine) in the parenteral
formula to decrease complications in adults on HPN cannot be recommended.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 100% agreement


Commercial amino acid formulations contain varying amounts of nonessential amino acids that may
become conditionally essential under certain circumstances. Since 2015, no new data have been
published to change this recommendation.

Glutamine becomes a conditionally essential amino acid in severe stress conditions such as critical
illness, surgery, and trauma, when endogenous utilization exceeds endogenous glutamine
production. Glutamine added to PN at doses up to 0.57 g/kg/d in adults appears to be safe [237].
Very little information is available on the efficacy of glutamine-supplemented PN in home patients.
In one study, five patients received glutamine at a dose of 0.285 g/kg for four weeks in their PN,
and, in three out of five patients, glutamine administration was stopped because of elevations in
liver enzymes [238]. In a randomized, controlled, 12-month cross-over study, 22 HPN patients
received six months of PN containing glycyl-glutamine during the first or second six-month study
period (0.14-0.15 g/kg/d dipeptide, 10 g glutamine). No differences were observed between study
periods in infectious complications, nutritional status, intestinal permeability, plasma glutamine

concentrations, or QoL [239].

Cysteine is commonly believed to be a conditionally essential amino acid in preterm neonates, who
have a relative inability to enzymatically convert methionine (the essential sulfur amino acid
precursor to cysteine) in the liver. However, in adults there are no published studies on the clinical
effects of cysteine added to PN.

Taurine, which can be synthesized via its amino acid precursor cysteine, is believed to be

conditionally essential in premature neonates. It plays a role in brain development, bile acid
metabolism, antioxidation, and retinal and cardiac functions, among other actions. Early studies in

patients on long-term HPN showed low levels of taurine in plasma and within various blood cells

[240,241]. The supplementation of taurine in adults on long-term HPN (10 mg/kg/d) normalizes
plasma and blood cell taurine levels [242]. In a pilot study of adults on HPN for SBS, 32 patients were
studied retrospectively and ten of them with cholestasis were enrolled in a prospective study with
taurine-supplemented HPN at a dose of 6 mg/kg. During the supplementation period the plasma
levels of taurine increased, but not the level of the biliary taurine pool, and the levels of cholestasis
enzymes and bilirubin did not change in the study group thus providing no benefit [243].

7 Chapter 5 - short bowel syndrome

What are the definitions and the criteria for the diagnosis, classification and reporting of short bowel

Statement 10
In adults, SBS is defined as the clinical feature associated with a residual small bowel in continuity
shorter than 200 cm.

Strong consensus 92% agreement

Statement 11

The presence of clinical feature of SBS notwithstanding a residual small-bowel length >200 cm is

defined “functional SBS”.

Strong consensus 100% agreement


Statement 12
On the basis of the anatomy of the residual intestine in continuity, SBS is classified as SBS with

end small bowel ostomy (or SBS type 1), SBS with jejuno-colic anastomosis (or SBS type 2) and

SBS with jejunoileal anastomosis with intact colon and the presence of the ileocecal valve (or SBS
type 3).

Strong consensus 96% agreement


In adults, normal small intestinal length, measured from the duodenojejunal flexure (ligament of
Treitz) at autopsy or surgery, varies from about 275-850 cm [244,245]. A short bowel may be the
result of extensive surgical resections or of congenital diseases of the small intestine [5,246,247].
The term SBS describes a “clinical condition associated to having less than 200 cm of residual small
bowel in continuity, measured from the ligament of Treitz, with or without colon” [246,247]. This
definition of SBS has been included in the International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-
11) of the WHO (DA96.04 Short bowel syndrome) [248]. The clinical feature of SBS is characterized
by malabsorption, diarrhea, fatty stools, malnutrition, and dehydration [246,247]. SBS if the most
frequent mechanism of CIF in adults [12]. Mesenteric ischemia, Crohn's disease, radiation enteritis,
post-surgical intra-abdominal adhesions and post-operative complications are the most frequent
underling diseases of SBS [249]. An SBS-CIF has been reported more frequent in women (60.7%)
than men [249], possibly because women start with a shorter length of small intestine than men

In some patients, SBS can occur despite a post-resection small intestine length >200 cm due to
impairment of remnant bowel function, such accelerated motility or mucosal disease, which
diminish the absorptive capacity of the bowel beyond what expected on the basis of the remnant
small bowel [12]. To describe this condition the term “functional SBS” has been devised


The anatomical classification of SBS categorizes three types, based on the anatomy of the remnant

bowel in continuity: SBS-type 1) end-jejunostomy/ileostomy; SBS-type 2) jejuno-colonic
anastomosis, where the remnant jejunum is in continuity with part of the colon, most frequently
the left colon; SBS type 3) jejuno-ileo-colonic anastomosis with ileo-cecal valve and the intact colon

in continuity [246,247,251]. The ESPEN survey on SBS-CIF in adults, reported that SBS-type 1, SBS-
type 2 and SBS-type 3 accounted for 60.0%, 30.9% and 9.1% of total cases, respectively [249].

According to the pathophysiological consequences, the SBS can be categorizes into two groups, SBS
with colon in continuity (SBS-type 2 or SBS-type 3) and SBS without colon in continuity (SBS-type 1)

[246,247,250,252]. In adults, the likelihood of SBS-CIF reversibility with weaning off HPN, due to

spontaneous adaptation and/or induced by diet, conventional drugs and non-transplant surgery has
been shown to be around 20%, 40% and 80% in SBS-type 1, SBS-type 2 and SBS-type 3, respectively
[24]. If the remnant bowel is healthy, the probability of SBS-CIF reversibility is higher when the
length of the remnant small bowel in continuity is >100 cm in SBS-type 1, >65 cm of small bowel in
SBS-type 2 (provided that there is > 50% of colon in continuity) and >30 cm in SBS-type 3
[24,251,252]. The percentage of the remnant colon is measured according to Cummings’ criteria

Which are the criteria for the appropriate oral/enteral nutrition for patients with short bowel

Recommendation 51 (recommendation #30 of the 2016 CIF GL)
SBS patients should have dietary counselling guided by an expert dietitian, based on the
subjective experience of the patient, and ideally supported by objective metabolic balance
measurements, in order to ensure high compliance.

Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 52 (recommendation #31 of the 2016 CIF GL)

The diet of SBS patients with a preserved colon in continuity can be high in complex
carbohydrates, low in mono- and disaccharides and low in fat.

Grade of recommendation 0 – Strong consensus 97% agreement

Recommendation 53 (recommendation #32 of the 2016 CIF GL)
The diet of SBS patients with a preserved colon in continuity should have a high content MCT, that

confers a marginal benefit on overall energy absorption compared to a diet containing regular

Grade of recommendation B – Strong consensus 100% agreement


Recommendation 54 (recommendation #31 of the 2016 CIF GL)

The diet of SBS patients without a preserved colon in continuity can have any fat:carbohydrate
ratio, with a low mono- and disaccharides content.

Grade of recommendation 0 – Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 55 (recommendation #33 of the 2016 CIF GL)

SBS patients consuming a low fat diet or where the LCT have been replaced by MCT should be
monitored for the potential deficiency in EFA and fat-soluble vitamins.

Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 56 (recommendation #34 of the 2016 CIF GL)
In patients with SBS, soluble fiber (e.g. pectin) may not be added to the diet to enhance overall
intestinal absorption.

Grade of recommendation 0 – Strong consensus 92% agreement

Recommendation 57 (recommendation #35 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Lactose may not be excluded from the diet of SBS patients unless intolerance has been
documented on a clinical basis, such as a clear association between lactose ingestion and increase
of diarrhea or of stoma output.

Grade of recommendation 0 – Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 58 (recommendation #36 of the 2016 CIF GL)
Isotonic oral nutritional supplements can be added to the diet of SBS patients at risk of


Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 100% agreement



The recommendations of the 2016 guideline on this issue have been confirmed, because no new

data were published. Overall, the two criteria driving the oral feeding are the pathophysiological
consequences of the presence or absence of the colon in continuity (as well as the length of remnant
colon) and, in SBS type 1, the length of the remnant small bowel [246,247,250,252, 254-256]. The
bomb calorimetry method as gold standard to assess intestinal absorption has also been confirmed
[257] Basically, SBS patients should consume regular whole food diets, and they are to be
encouraged to compensate for malabsorption by hyperphagia [258-260]. Oral sip feeds between
meals may help to increase overall energy intake. However, when suggesting rigorous dietary
measures, it is important recognize the psychosocial aspects of eating, and that a diet is only good
if eaten.

In SBS patients with a preserved colon, unabsorbed long-chain fatty acids accelerate intestinal
transit and reduce water and sodium absorption. They bind to calcium and magnesium, and they
may increase oxalate absorption thereby predisposing patients to the formation of renal stones.

Short-term metabolic balance experiments have suggested that a higher carbohydrate (60%), lower
fat (20%) diet is preferable in SBS patients with colon in continuity in order to increase overall
absolute energy absorption[261]. Compared to a high fat, low carbohydrate diet, a reduction in fecal
energy excretion of approximately 2.0 MJ/d (477.7 kcal) was seen in these patients. Colonic
carbohydrate and fiber fermentation result in the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs),
which are easily absorbed in the colon - thereby providing up to 4.2 MJ/d (1,003 kcal) in these SBS
patients [262]. Thus, energy-wise, the preservation of at least half a colon is equivalent to retaining
50 cm of functional small bowel, which is important to consider in SBS patients with intestinal
segments excluded from continuity. The rare condition of D-lactic acidosis [252] may be seen in SBS
patients with a preserved colon in relation to the intake of easy fermentable carbohydrates. In the

habitual setting and in the long-term treatment of patients, these low fat, high carbohydrate diets
may reduce appetite and overall energy intake, given that such diets are more voluminous, less

palatable, and may lead to more production of gas, meteorism, and flatulence [261]. Another
drawback of low-fat diets is the lower provision of EFA [97] and fat-soluble vitamins [104]. However,
a low-fat diet may benefit the absorption of calcium, magnesium and Zn [263]. In patients with

jejuno- or ileostomies, who consume a 10 MJ/d (2,388 kcal) diet, the weight of the high
carbohydrate, low fat diet was approximately 700 g/d higher than the iso-energetic, high fat diet

and tended to increase stomal wet weight losses in the same magnitude [261]. Thus, in these

patients, significantly higher fat intakes are possible but at the expense of an increased loss of
divalent cations: calcium, magnesium, Zn and Cu. Altering the ratio between saturated and poly-

unsaturated fatty acids had no consistent effect of divalent cation losses [264].

Theoretically, MCT should provide benefits in SBS patients since they are easily hydrolyzed, do not
require bile salts, and are easily absorbed across the intestinal mucosa and transported via the
portal vein to the liver. Again, short-term metabolic balance studies have suggested that MCT fatty
acids may share the ability of SCFA to be absorbed by the colon. Replacement of 50% of normal LCT
in a 60% fat-rich diet by MCT resulted in an improvement in energy-absorption of approximately 1.5
MJ/d in SBS-patients with a preserved colon. No benefits in absolute energy absorption were
detected in jejuno- or ileostomy patients [265]. MCT oils are commercially available, but they are
expensive and unpalatable. Since they do not contain EFA, the replacement of dietary LCT may
aggravate (EFAD). However, the clinical significance of biochemical signs of EFAD in the absence of
clinical manifestations is unclear. The absolute amount of MCT contained in many commercial
enteral products is too low to provide a clinically meaningful benefit. In addition, some patients
experience an increase in diarrhea. Therefore, although the physiological rationale is appealing, the
arguments for the clinical use of MCT are weak, except as a concentrated energy supplement in the
SBS patient with a preserved colon on the borderline of needing IVS.

In SBS type 1, the balance studies showed that oral food can consist of any fat:carbohydrate ratio,
provided that it has a low mono- and disaccharides content [262,264-266].

With complex carbohydrates being the most important dietary carbohydrate for SBS patients with
a preserved colon in continuity, the benefit of soluble fiber supplements such as pectin (4 g TID for
two weeks) for enhancement of intestinal absorption through increased production of SCFAs and
effects on intestinal transit have been investigated. However, a pectin supplement did not increase

macronutrient or energy absorption (1,768 vs. 1,477 kcal/d, p=0.15); fecal wet weight (1,582 vs

1,689 g/d, p=1.00) and urine production (1,615 vs. 1,610 mL/d, p=1.00) remained constant [267].

One study of SBS patients with a colon in continuity reported beneficial effects of ispaghula husk
and calcium on stool viscosity and consistency, which may ameliorate the sensation of urgency
[268]. Some patients with an end ostomy will report benefit from the use of fiber supplements as

they help to gelatinize the ostomy effluent.

In general, a diet containing 20 g/d of lactose was well tolerated in patients with SBS but should be

carefully titrated in case of previous intolerance [269]. In addition to restricting dietary choices,

avoiding lactose potentially could diminish calcium intake and aggravate the development of
osteoporosis commonly seen in these patients.

Recommendation 59 (recommendation #37 of the 2016 CIF GL)

The EN in combination with oral feeding can be prescribed in patients with CIF in whom the
expected gain with EN could allow to wean off HPN.

Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 60 (recommendation #38 of the 2016 CIF GL)

In patients with CIF treated with EN, the use of polymeric isotonic enteral diets may be the first

Grade of recommendation 0 – Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 61 (recommendation #39 of the 2016 CIF GL)
The addition of glutamine, probiotics, or other supplemental nutrients to the diet in the aim of
promoting the intestinal rehabilitation process cannot be recommended.

Grade of recommendation 0 – Strong consensus 96% agreement


Following intestinal resection, SBS patients are typically advanced from complete parenteral

support (i.e., PN and/or intravenous fluids and electrolytes) to enteral or oral feeding as tolerated.

The aim of continuous EN is to provide a better distribution and maximum exposure of the available

intestinal surface-area to nutrients while stimulating gastrointestinal secretions and endogenous
hormonal secretions that are important to advancing intestinal adaptation. It is likely that EN
increases the absolute intestinal absorption compared to voluntary oral intake and even accelerates
adaptation in the immediate post-operative setting, but it is currently unknown whether it benefits

the degree of adaptation achieved in the long-term after the transition to an oral diet. In patients

with high jejunostomies, who have an impaired endogenous secretion of the gastric and ileo-colonic
brake hormones [260,270], it is likely that an aggressive approach to enteral stimulation may, in

fact, aggravate gastric hypersecretion and intestinal fluid and electrolyte losses. Gastric emptying

and small intestinal transit of liquid is accelerated in patients with a jejunostomy, whereas it is
slower, but not normal, in patients with a colon in continuity [270]. Diets with high simple
carbohydrate content are likely to pull water into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract due to the
high osmotic load and the leaky epithelium of the jejunum, thereby precipitating net fluid,
electrolyte, and nutrient losses.

For patients with SBS, who are believed to benefit from EN, studies suggest that elemental and
polymeric diets are similar in terms of nutrient absorption and fluid and electrolyte loss [266,271].
Although an improvement in protein absorption was observed with a small-peptide-based diet in
patients with high jejunostomy (90-150 cm of remnant jejunum) compared to a whole protein diet
(14 vs. 11 g/d, p=0.01), this did not improve overall energy absorption. In spite of the higher
osmolality of the small-peptide diet (667 mOsm), the fecal excretions of energy, wet weight, and
electrolytes remained constant [272]. Polymeric diets are less costly and less hyperosmotic than

elemental diets and are generally well tolerated. Based on animal models of SBS where the animals
had a preserved colon in continuity, it has been suggested that polymeric diets may also better
enhance intestinal adaptation [273].

A study in 15 adults with SBS (three to 130 months from last surgery, four without a colon in
continuity) illustrated that continuous EN for seven days, alone or in combination with oral feeding,
increased intestinal macronutrient absorption compared with oral feeding alone [274]. An energy
gain of approximately 400 kcal/d was achieved by increasing the oral energy intake by
approximately 4.2 MJ/d (1,003 kcal). Thus, this treatment could be recommended in patients on the
borderline with a low-level of HPN (i.e. PN and/or intravenous fluids and electrolytes) dependence

and in whom the expected gain with EN could allow them to wean off HPN. Results on changes in

abdominal symptoms, patient preferences, and fecal wet excretions were not reported in the study.

This study also did not examine longer-term EN: many patients find it difficult to comply with long-
term nasogastric feeding, although some patients only require nighttime drip.
Animal studies have suggested positive effects of glutamine on intestinal absorption and

morphology. However, in an eight-week, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over study in eight

SBS patients, no effects were found on bowel morphology, transit, D-xylose absorption, or stool

losses [275]. The use of probiotics for rehabilitative purposes in SBS has not been evaluated. A few
publications on selected cases have described the use of probiotics in SBS for treating D-lactic

acidosis [276]. However, in children, cases of bacteremia with the ingested probiotic bacteria have

been described in SBS patients depending on PN [277,278].

A systematic review of studies in children concluded that there is insufficient evidence on the effects
of probiotics in children with SBS, and that the safety and efficacy of probiotic supplementation in
this high-risk cohort needs to be evaluated in large definitive trials [279]. There are no data about
supplementation with probiotics in adults with SBS.

Recommendation 62 (recommendation #40 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Patients with type 1 SBS (end jejunostomy) can use salt liberally and restrict the administration
of oral fluids in relation to meals.

Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 63 (recommendation #41 of the 2016 CIF GL)
SBS patients who have borderline dehydration or sodium depletion can use an isotonic high
sodium oral rehydration solution to replace stoma sodium losses.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 64 (recommendation #42 of the 2016 CIF GL)

SBS patients with net-secretion and a high output jejunostomy shall limit the oral intake of low
sodium, both hypotonic (e.g. water, tea, coffee, or alcohol) and hypertonic (e.g. fruit juices, colas)
solutions in order to reduce the stoma output.

Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 96% agreement

The aim of providing SBS patients with ORS is to optimize wet weight and sodium absorption. In the

borderline SBS intestinal insufficiency or failure patient, this should secure intestinal autonomy,
whereas in the IF patient, this should result in a reduction in the need for parenteral fluid and sodium


When discussing fluid and sodium absorption in SBS patients, it is important to understand the
nature of the intestine as both a secretory and absorptive organ and the physiological mechanism

utilized by the ORS therapy. Thus, mucosal fluid and electrolyte absorption should not only be
acknowledged as an isolated exchange at the single cellular or mucosal-luminal interface but as a
system influenced by mucosal endocrine cells, blood capillaries and lymphatics, extrinsic and
intrinsic neurons, and mesenchymal cells of the lamina propria.

The intestinal fluid and sodium net absorption may be evaluated in the individual SBS patient by
performing balance studies. However, only a few centers have the facilities, setup, analyzes,
resources, and willingness to perform these studies. A less elaborate alternative is the use of
measurements of 24-hour urine volume and urine sodium excretion. Twenty-four-hour urine
collections frequently indirectly reflect intestinal fluid and sodium absorption. Unfortunately, most
physicians rely on even less reliable patient evaluations, such as a global clinical evaluation, body
weight, and standard blood biochemistry, to assess the fluid balance of individual SBS patients. This
may be inadequate and when instituting ORS, objective measurements of the effects are advised.
With the large patient heterogeneity within the spectrum of SBS, the provision of general, uniform
and evidence-based advice regarding the use of ORS is impossible. In addition, since only a few
patients relish ORS, and since long-term acceptance is poor, in most instances these solutions may
only serve as rescue therapy in relation to incidental instability and fluid imbalance in patients with
borderline intestinal insufficiency. Under normal circumstances, most SBS patients tend to prefer
liberal use of table salt in relation to meals and on snacks, whereas others tolerate sodium chloride
capsules (up to 7 g/24 h), even though they occasionally may cause nausea and vomiting [129].

In adult SBS patients, wet weight absorption (the difference between the weight of the oral intake
minus the weight of fecal excretions) below 1.41 kg/d, sodium absorption of 50-100 mmol/d, urine

production below 800-900 mL/d (normal >840 mL/d), and urine sodium excretion below 35 mmol/d

(normal >35 mmol/d) are suggestive of inadequate intestinal water and sodium absorption

[260,280,281]. In general, in situations of severe pre-renal dehydration in SBS patients, serum
creatinine rises, the renin-angiotensin pathway is activated, and serum aldosterone concentration
is elevated [282]. In these patients, parenteral fluid and sodium support is indicated to avoid clinical
symptoms and biochemical signs of dehydration, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, and renal

impairment. The role of ORS in these patients is unclear, and it is advisable to perform objective

measurements of their effects in order to justify their long-term use.

In general, SBS patients try to and are advised to compensate for their malabsorption by increasing

oral intake [258-260]. Therefore, when evaluating the effects of ORS, it would be prudent to

compare the effects of these ORS as either “add-on” to habitual fluid and diet intakes or as
“alternatives” to conventional oral fluid intakes.

SBS patients who are at particular risk of significant dehydration and electrolyte disturbances are
those with a reduced length of jejunum ending in the stoma. Many of these patients tend to secrete
more sodium and fluid than they consume orally [132]. Some of these patients even experience
losses of water and sodium when they take nothing by mouth (“secretors”) [132]. In addition, in
these patients, oral intake of food and beverages increases the stomal losses of fluid and sodium.
Some of these patients are also subject to magnesium deficiency [283]. In a study of 14 patients
with a jejunostomy and one patient with a jejuno-rectal anastomosis (jejunal lengths<150 cm), the
sodium concentration of the stomal effluent (wet weight output range 1.32 – 8.25 L/d) averaged 88
mmol/L (range from 60–118 mmol/L) [132]. Similar findings were observed in the study by Jeppesen

et al. [260]. Awareness of this is of importance when trying to improve intestinal fluid and electrolyte
absorption by the use of ORS.

The use of ORS was introduced after the discovery that sodium and glucose transport was coupled
in the small intestine, and that other solutes, such as amino acids, were also absorbed by active
transport, again coupled with sodium ions. Initially, ORSs were demonstrated to be effective in
restoring physiological water and electrolyte homeostasis in patients with cholera [284], but its use
has now become more widespread to include any acute diarrheal disease.

Evidence from animal and human experiments shows that the epithelium of the jejunum is
characterized by a low electrochemical gradient and it is believed that sodium absorption can only

take place against a small concentration gradient. It appears that sodium fluxes, both from the

lumen to plasma and vice versa, are about twice as great in the jejunum as in the ileum [285].

Differences in water movements in response to an osmotic gradient are even greater in the jejunum
compared to the ileum. Intestinal sodium transport is an active process stimulated by the presence
of glucose, galactose, and some amino acids (solvent drag), whereas water movements are passive

[286]. This is in contrast to findings in patients with a preserved ileum, where sodium absorption
can take place against a steep electrochemical gradient even in the absence of glucose [130,287].

Thus, jejunal sodium and water absorption may be dependent on the sodium and glucose
concentration of oral intakes as well as the osmolarity [284,288].

Perfusion studies at the duodeno-jejunal flexure and in the upper jejununal segments in animals

and normal humans have explored the composition of the optimal ORS. From these experiments, it
seems that the optimal concentration of glucose polymer for sodium and water absorption was
around 10 mmol/L (180 mg), which corresponded to a glucose concentration of 60 mmol/L (1,080
mg). In humans, maximal sodium absorption occurred with a mixture of 120 mmol/L (2,160 mg) of
sodium chloride and 30 mmol/L (540 mg) of glucose [289]. However, SBS patients with distal bowel
resections are known to have gastric hypersecretion, rapid gastric emptying, and accelerated
intestinal motility. Thus, the secretory response to and the assimilative conditions to ORS may be
altered in these patients. In SBS patients with a preserved ileum, the presence of glucose may be of
less importance and, since the colon has a large reserve capacity for the absorption of water and
sodium, ORS are rarely indicated in SBS patients with a preserved colon [290].

Due to malabsorption and large fluctuations in fluid balance, many SBS patients are at risk of, or live
on the edge of, dehydration. In these situations, they often describe an “insatiable thirst”, and they
are often tempted to compensate by increasing their oral beverage intake. However, since an
increase in both hypotonic (e.g. water, tea, coffee) and hypertonic fluids (sodas and fruit juices)
theoretically may stimulate fluid secretion or increase the fluid and sodium influx into the lumen of
the jejunum due to the leakiness of the epithelium, this would further aggravate stomal losses. Thus,
a vicious cycle of chronic dehydration and excessive beverage intake is believed to be generated
[129,290-295]. In order to halt this, the general advice has been that the patients should restrict
excessive habitual beverages and instead drink ORS [129]. However, studies on the true effects of
fluid restriction per se and the supplementation of ORS in SBS patients so far have not been

Publications on the true effects of ORS on water and sodium absorption in SBS patients are scarce,

treatment-periods are short, patients are heterogeneous and the number of patients treated is low.

Thus, many of the studies conducted are short-term “physiological experiments” testing various
ORSs compared to water in the absence of other oral intakes rather than “clinical studies” in the
habitual environment of the patients, where an ORS would be used as “add-on” to habitual fluid
and diet intakes or as “alternatives” to conventional oral fluid intakes 129, 291,292,294-305].

Thus, in general, in these physiological experiments or short-term clinical case series in patients with

intestinal insufficiency, sodium absorption could be improved by ORS compared to the oral intake
of water, but effects on intestinal water absorption were minor. In patients with IF, improvements

in both water and sodium absorption were achieved. However, it is difficult to evaluate the clinical

relevance of these interventions, bearing in mind that, in general, in the habitual life of SBS patients,
none of them are kept on oral water exclusively and most of the patients, who drink water, do this
in relation to intake of sodium and glucose containing meals. Little is known on the ideal timing of
oral fluid intake. In a single, randomized balance study, it has been shown that restricting fluid
intakes from one hour before to one hour after the meals did not improve absorption of energy
from macronutrients, electrolytes, or divalent cations in ten SBS patients out of whom two received
supplemental IVS [306]. Therefore, the advice to restrict fluid intake at meal time cannot be
considered a general rule for patients with SBS.

Which are the drug options for the treatment of short bowel syndrome?

Recommendation 65 (recommendation #43 of the 2016 CIF GL)

H2-receptor antagonists or PPI may be used to reduce fecal wet weight and sodium excretion,
especially during the first six months after surgery, mainly in those SBS patients with a fecal
output exceeding 2 L/d.

Grade of recommendation 0 – Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 66 (recommendation #44 of the 2016 CIF GL)

In the individual patient, H2-receptor antagonists or PPI can also be used to reduce fecal wet

weight and sodium excretion in the long-term.

Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 95% agreement
Recommendation 67 (recommendation #45 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Especially in the short-term after intestinal resection, octreotide can be used for patients with
high-output jejunostomy in whom fluid and electrolyte management is problematic in spite of

conventional treatments.

Grade of recommendation GPP – Strong consensus 91% agreement


Recommendation 68 (recommendation #46 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Patients treated with octreotide should be carefully monitored to prevent fluid retention in
relation to initiation of the treatment as well as potential adverse effects, fluid retention and
potential negative interference with the process of intestinal adaptation during long-term use.

Grade of recommendation GPP– Strong consensus 91% agreement


Enterectomy is associated with gastric hypergastrinemia and hypersecretion [307]. The etiology of
gastric hypersecretion presumably involves loss of secretion of hormonal inhibitors confined to the
terminal ileum and colon. The sheer volume of the gastric hypersecretion may flush the upper

bowel, minimize time for absorption and thereby contribute to total fecal losses. In addition, the
associated hyperacidity may denature pancreatic enzymes and compromise bile salt function [308],
which may further aggravate conditions for absorption.

The main treatments for gastric hypersecretion are H2-receptor antagonists and PPI, but the more
potent effect of PPIs on acid suppression has favored their use. Frequently, the degree of absorption
of PPIs is unknown in SBS with IF patients: in case of lack of effect of tablets and capsules, soluble
forms or intravenous administration should be considered. H2-receptor antagonists and PPIs have
also been suggested to delay gastric emptying rates, which possibly also could benefit intestinal
absorption in SBS patients [309].

Several clinical case series [310-313] as well as double-blind placebo-controlled studies [314,315]

have demonstrated their effect on decreasing ostomy output and fecal excretions in patients with

SBS. On average, the reduction in fecal wet weights and sodium excretions are in the range of 20-
25%, whereas the effects on energy, macronutrients, and divalent cation secretion are less
pronounced. A large effect heterogeneity is seen among SBS patients. The largest absolute effects

are seen in patients with fecal wet weight excretions exceeding 2 kg/d. Therefore, it is advised to
adjust treatment and IVS according to objective measurements of the effects.

Somatostatin, a neurotransmitter produced by the hypothalamus, and a peptide hormone found in


pancreatic D cells and widely distributed in neuroendocrine cells throughout the gastrointestinal
tract has been suggested to possess beneficial effects in the treatment of chronic diarrheal

conditions. It has been suggested to decrease gastric [316], biliary, and pancreatic secretions [317-
319]. In addition, it may inhibit secretagogue-induced water and electrolyte secretion in the jejunum
and the colon [320], stimulate sodium and chloride absorption in the ileum [321], decrease
intestinal motility [322], and inhibit the release of hormones that may contribute to diarrhea (e.g.
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), gastrin)
[323]. Although it has beneficial effects on intestinal absorption by reducing fecal wet weight losses
in patients with diarrhea, potential detrimental effects have also been suggested since somatostatin
could inhibit glucose absorption and pancreatic enzyme secretion which would impair
macronutrient absorption in patients with SBS. Furthermore, somatostatin reduces splanchnic
blood flow [324] and it may reduce the use of amino acids for splanchnic protein synthesis thereby
interfering with the physiological process of adaptation to intestinal resection [325,326].

Somatostatin and the somatostatin analog octreotide have been shown to reduce ileostomy
diarrhea and large volume jejunostomy output in several case series [326-335] and a single placebo-
controlled trial [336]. No significant changes in the net absorption of potassium, calcium,
magnesium, phosphate, Zn, nitrogen, or fat were seen in relation to these studies. The largest
absolute effects are seen in patients with fecal wet weight excretions exceeding 2 kg/d. Some
patients with the highest stomal outputs had significant fluid retention in relation to octreotide
treatment. Therefore, it is advised to measure effects objectively and reduce parenteral support

Clonidine is an α2-adrenergic receptor agonist that also inhibits gastrointestinal motility by both

central and peripheral action and increases intestinal sodium and water absorption and decreases

bicarbonate secretion by direct activation of postsynaptic enterocyte α2-adrenoreceptors

[337,338]. In a single open label study, an approximately 10% reduction of stomal wet weight and
sodium output was demonstrated in relation to the placement of a 0.3 mg clonidine patch for a
week in SBS patients with a jejunostomy [339].

Recommendation 69 (recommendation #47 of the 2016 CIF GL)


Oral loperamide shall be used to reduce wet weight and sodium fecal excretion in SBS patients
with an ostomy.

Grade of recommendation A - Strong consensus 100% agreement


Recommendation 70 (recommendation #48 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Loperamide shall be preferred to opiate drugs, such as codeine phosphate or opium, because it is
not addictive or sedative.

Grade of recommendation A - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 71 (recommendation #49 of the 2016 CIF GL)

In SBS patients with a high ostomy output, the use of loperamide may be guided by objective
measurements of its effect.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 100% agreement


The use of anti-diarrheal medication is widespread in patients with SBS and aims to reduce the
losses of water and electrolytes and to minimize the symptoms and consequences of diarrhea.
Eventually, this can also reduce the need for IVS. Apart from lessening of malabsorption and salt
and water depletion, anti-diarrheals can also facilitate ostomy appliances, prevent accidental soiling
and skin excoriation, and ease ostomy care. However, the evidence for the use of anti-diarrheals in
SBS patients is mainly obtained from patients with normal intestinal anatomy but with diarrhea due
to other causes. A few studies have also been performed in patients with an ileostomy or with
minimal ileal resection [340]. Therefore, generalization of the findings in these studies to patients

with SBS may not be valid. Thus, it is recommended that objective measurements of the effects of

treatments with anti-diarrheals should be performed before and in relation to treatments and

subsequently discussed with the patient prior to instigating a potentially life-long treatment.
Opiates increase duodenal muscle tone and inhibit propulsive motor activity. This may retard
accelerated gastric emptying and prolong intestinal transit time which may benefit some SBS

Some anti-diarrheals (mainly codeine, diphenoxylate, and opium) may have central nervous system

side effects, e.g. sedation, and they may have potential for addiction [341]. A mixture of codeine
phosphate (8 mg/mL) in doses as high as 80-160 mg or a tincture of opium, 0.3-1.0 mL, both four

times per day, is employed in some centers.


Loperamide is chemically related to, but more potent, lacks central opiate effects, is more gut-
specific, and has longer duration of action than diphenoxylate [342]. Loperamide is believed to
inhibit the peristaltic activity of the small intestine and thereby prolong intestinal transit time [343].
Prolonged transit would increase time for water and sodium absorption. However, it may also inhibit
pancreatic and biliary secretions, which, in theory, could impair macronutrient absorption [344]. In
general, loperamide, 4 mg given three to four times per day has been advocated, but since
loperamide is circulated through the enterohepatic circulation, doses as high as 12-24 mg at a time
have been suggested to be required in patients with resection of the terminal ileum.

The optimal timing, dose, and tolerability of all of these drugs may be highly individual. They are
often used in combination, and may be provided 30-60 minutes before meals and at bedtime,
although the scientific evidence for this practice is lacking.

Small, randomized placebo-controlled trials of loperamide have been performed but mainly in
patients with an ileostomy or ileocecal resection and diarrhea of less than 1.5 kg/d [342,345-347].
In general, treatment reduced fecal wet weight output by 15-30%. Similar effects were found in
studies employing codeine where stomal wet weight outputs in general were below 1.3 kg/d in the
patients studied [348,349]. Whether similar relative effects are obtained in patients with more
pronounced diarrhea still remains to be investigated. The main side effects in relation to anti-
motility drugs were nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and distension.

Recommendation 72 (recommendation #50 of the 2016 CIF GL)

SBS patients who have motility disorders, including those with dilated segments of residual small

bowel, blind loop etc., and who are suspected with bacterial overgrowth, can benefit from

occasional antibiotic treatment.
Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 97% agreement

Recommendation 73 (recommendation #51 of the 2016 CIF GL)


The routine use of antibiotics in SBS patients with a preserved colon cannot be recommended,
given the benefit of the energy salvage due to colonic bacterial fermentation of malabsorbed

carbohydrate to SCFA, in spite of a potential reduction in the production of gases and consequent

symptoms related to this fermentation.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement


Very little is known about the presence of small bowel bacterial overgrowth in patients with SBS
[350-355]. Consensus regarding the definition and indications for treatment is lacking. Therefore,
trial-and-error approaches employing various antibiotics frequently have been used, but
detrimental effects on energy salvage by fermentation in SBS patients with a colon in continuity
should be avoided.

Which are the indication and the criteria for the selection of patients candidate for treatment with
intestinal growth factors, as well as the criteria for treatment monitoring?

Recommendation 74
In SBS-IF patients, intestinal growth factors should be considered in an SBS patient requiring PN
continuation, if that patient is stable after a period of post-surgery intestinal adaptation, which is
usually the case twelve to 24 months after the last intestinal resection and in the absence of

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 100% agreement


In patients with SBS, post-surgery intestinal adaptation is a spontaneous process resulting in a more

efficient absorption of nutrients per unit length of the remnant bowel. It is promoted by the
presence of nutrients in the gut lumen, pancreatic and biliary secretions, gut hormones produced

by the endocrine L-cells of the intestinal mucosa and changes in intestinal microbiota. The results
are structural and functional changes represented by hyperplasia of the intestinal mucosa, slowing
of the gastrointestinal transit, and increased SCFA production by colonic microbiota. This process

appears to be absent or impaired in in SBS with end-jejunostomy (type 1), because of the
reduced/absent secretion of gastrointestinal hormones. In some patients, an adaptive hyperphagia

also takes place. The intestinal adaptation process progresses with time, reaching the full

development within one, two and three years after surgery in SBS-type 1, SBS-type 2 and SBS-type
3, respectively [246,247,252].

In adults, those time frame, spontaneous adaptation, diet counselling, conventional anti-secretory
and anti-diarrheal drugs and surgical procedures aimed to increase the bowel length has been
shown to allow SBS-CIF reversibility with weaning off HPN, in 20% of SBS-type 1, in 40% of SBS-type
2 and in 80% of SBS-type 3 [24,251]. The probability of HPN weaning off depends also on the length
of the remnant small bowel in continuity, provided it is healthy. The higher probability has been
reported with >100 cm in SBS-type 1, >65 cm with > 50% of colon in continuity in SBS-type 2, and
>30 cm of small bowel in SBS-type 3 [24,251].

However, over the past decades, it has become increasingly clear that mucosal nerve endings and
endocrine cells within the gastrointestinal tract as well as various systemic hormones and growth
factors, regulate and highly coordinate the processes of nutrient assimilation [356].

These observations have promoted the use of hormonal factors in the intestinal rehabilitation
programs for SBS-CIF, with the aim to enhance the function of the remnant bowel in addition to
what obtained by spontaneous post-surgical adaptation and conventional medical and surgical care,
described by the term “pro-adaptive treatment” [357,358].

Clinical research focused on those hormones with an intestinotrophic effect, thereby stimulating
intestinal mucosal growth, for which the term intestinal growth factor is currently used. At this time,
only two molecules have been approved for SBS patients, the human growth hormone (hGH)
somatotropin (only in US) and the glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) analogue, teduglutide (in US and

A number of animal and human studies evaluating the effects of hGH on intestinal adaptation and

absorption have demonstrated conflicting findings [359-365]. Five studies met the inclusion criteria

of a Cochrane review to evaluate of the efficacy of hGH with or without glutamine supplementation
for adult patients with SBS-CIF [366]. The results suggested a positive effect of hGH on weight gain
and energy absorption. However, in the majority of trials, the effects are short-lived returning to

baseline shortly after cessation of therapy. Being a systemic hormone, its use was often associated
with significant side effects, such as peripheral edema, light muscle and joint stiffness, generalized

arthralgias, fatigue, and transient gynecomastia [359-366 ].


GLP-2 is a trophic hormone secreted by intestinal L cells of the lower small and large intestinal
mucosa in response to the presence of nutrients in the gut lumen. GLP-2 enhances intestinal

capacity to absorb nutrients by promoting intestinal crypt cell proliferation, inhibiting enterocyte
apoptosis and gastric acid secretion, decreasing small intestinal motility, and increasing mesenteric
blood flow [367-369]. The effects on energy absorption seem less predominant. Effects have been
seen in both categories of SBS patients, those with and without a colon in continuity [370-373],
Teduglutide is a recombinant GLP-2 receptor agonist, administered subcutaneously, resistant to in
vivo degradation by dipeptidyl peptidase IV; this results in an extended half-life as compared to
native GLP-2 (1.3 h vs. 7 minutes) [367].

A systematic review showed the GLP-2 analogue, teduglutide, an efficacious, safe, and well-
tolerated therapy by which to reduce PN dependency in adult patients with SBS, after a period of
post-surgery intestinal adaptation [374]. A single center cohort of 79 patients with SBS-CIF was
investigated to know the candidacy for teduglutide treatment [375]. According to indications,
contraindications, special warnings, and precautions for use of the drug, listed in the drug
monographs and in the phase-III trial protocol, patients were categorized in three groups: 34.2%
non-candidates because of contraindications to the treatment; 30.4% potential candidates because
of special warnings and precautions conditions but no contraindications; 35.4% straight candidates
for the treatment, because of neither contraindications nor warnings and precautions. Interestingly,
the straight candidates group showed the lowest requirement of IVS, of number of days of infusion
per week and the lowest amount of IVS energy and volume. The results highlighted that a systematic
analysis of SBS-CIF patient candidate for GLP-2 analogue therapy would allow HPN/ IF centers to
make a homogeneous patient selection and would facilitate the worldwide comparison of the
results of clinical practice and research.

Recommendation 75

In case of intestinal growth factors consideration, colonoscopy (if remnant colon and/or rectum),
abdominal ultrasound, and gastroscopy shall be performed on all patients before initiation of
treatment, to assess for the presence of polyps and to exclude neoplastic disease, as well as to

clarify unclear anatomic situations (e.g. suspected strictures, blind loops, and unclear anastomotic
sites) or disease activity in the gastrointestinal remnant (e.g. Crohn’s disease).

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement



Since GLP-2 stimulates crypt cell proliferation and exerts antiapoptotic effect, survey for the risk of
intestinal neoplasia is mandatory for patients receiving treatment with GLP-2 analogues [376].

The Teduglutide Effectiveness in Parenteral Nutrition Dependent SBS Subjects (STEPS)-2 was a two-
year, open-label extension study designed to evaluate long-term safety and efficacy of teduglutide
in adults [377]. Fifty of the 65 patients who completed the study underwent 51 colonoscopies.
Gastrointestinal polyps were reported in nine patients, adenoma (n=5), hyperplastic polyp (n=1),
and rectal inflammatory polyp (n=1) and unclassified (n=2). There were no cases of intestinal
dysplasia or malignancy [377]. A systematic review reported that teduglutide treatment for up to
30 months did not increase risk in patients without any known pre-existing cancer and promoted
growth of pre-existing neoplasia in rodents [378]. In randomized (RCT)/extension teduglutide
studies, including 173 patients for a total of 222 person-years exposure to the drug, colonic polyps,

rectal polyps and small intestinal polyps were reported in 1.7%, 1.2%, and 0.6% of patients,
respectively [379]. Furthermore, three events of cancer were observed, one gastrointestinal
adenocarcinoma, considered drug-related, and two lung cancers, not considered drug-related [379].
Case reports of de novo development of duodenal and small intestinal polyps in patients who were
not considered at increased risk [380,381], were also reported.

The four year interim data analysis of the SBS-IF registry (NCT01990040; EUPAS7973) promoted by
Takeda and initiated in 2014 reported the safety of teduglutide treatment by comparing adult
patients who received the treatment (ever treated, n=540; SBS type 1 28.9%, type 2 or 3 71.1%)
with those who did not received it (never treated, n.756, SBS type 1 22.2%, type 2 or 3 77.8%).

During the study period: no occurrences of new colorectal cancer were recorded in either patient

group; new or worsening diagnoses of colorectal polyps were observed in 3.0% of ever-treated

patients and in 0.7% of never-treated patient; however, a higher proportion of ever-treated patients
underwent colonoscopy than never-treated patients (25.4% vs 9.7%) [382].
Patients with suspected or active malignancies, as well as those with a history of malignancies in the

gastrointestinal tract, including the hepatobiliary system and pancreas should not be treated with
intestinal growth factors. Colonoscopy, gastroscopy, and abdominal ultrasound should be

performed prior to commencing treatment, after one year of treatment and then every three to five
years. The detection of non-malignant gastrointestinal polyps before starting the treatment would

not be an absolute contraindication to the therapy, but would represent a working and precaution

conditions requiring tighter monitoring [378,383].

Recommendation 76 (recommendation #52 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Patients with CIF due to SBS should be carefully informed of the potential benefits and risks
associated with intestinal growth factor treatments; information should deal with the probability
of reducing the need for or the weaning from HPN, the probability of QoL improvement, the
expected duration of treatment, the expected effects after cessation of the treatment, the
potential adverse effects and risks of the treatment, the cost-effectiveness of the treatment, and
the need to undergo careful and regular monitoring.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement


The main criteria to define candidacy of patients with SBS-CIF for GLP-2 analogue therapy are the
time elapsed since the last intestinal resection, and the absence of contraindication for the
treatment. The time from the last surgery should be long enough to ensure that the spontaneous
post-resection intestinal adaptation has entirely developed. Contraindications are the presence or
the actual risk of gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary or pancreatic cancer. The presence of other
conditions listed as warnings or precautions should also be carefully considered during the decision
process [375,383].

Patients should actively participate in the decision on to start the treatment [384]. The information

to be given to the candidate patients have been reported in a review based on the data available up

to 2018 [385]. Efficacy of the treatment is defined as ≥20% stable reduction in IVS volume with

respect to baseline. RCT showed a clinical response in 65% of patients, with additional days per week
off IVS from baseline observed in 58% and complete independence from IVS observed in 20%.
Efficacy was greater in SBS requiring high baseline IVS volume and in SBS type 1. SBD with colon

showed a slower response, but a higher probability of weaning off IVS. Crohn’s disease was
associated with a non-significant trend of increased response [386]. A recent systematic review and

meta-analysis confirmed these data [387]. Furthermore, observational studies identified the
presence or development of hyperphagia as an independent predictor for reduction and weaning

off IVS [388].


Patients should be aware of the high probability of a life-long duration of treatment and of returning
to baseline IVS requirements, in case of treatment cessation [385].

Treatment-emergent adverse events were reported in 95% of patients, mostly of mild or moderate
severity. The most common included abdominal pain, nausea and abdominal distension, more
frequently earlier in the course of treatment, with their frequency declining over time [379,385].
The risk for new gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary and pancreatic benign or malignant neoplasia as the
consequent need to undergo the appropriate follow up screening should be clearly highlighted

The first study investigating the effects of teduglutide treatment on patient QoL did not
demonstrate any significant improvement in comparison to placebo [389]. A subsequent study using
a validated SBS specific QoL scale assessed the impact of teduglutide among patient subgroups
stratified by IVS volume requirement at baseline, disease etiology, and bowel anatomy [390].
Nonsignificant improvement in SBS-QoL scores were observed in the teduglutide group compared
with placebo, in the patients treated with teduglutide with the highest baseline IVS volume and in
those with IBD as underlying disease [390]. These results fit with those of an international, cross-
sectional survey on patients with CIF, not receiving any GLP-2 treatment, using a validated self-
assessment tool for the measurement of QoL in patients receiving HPN (HPNQOL). QoL scores were
significantly better with the longer duration of HPN, with Crohn’s disease and mesenteric ischemia
as underlying disease, with living with family, and with lower days of IVS infusion per week [391].
The latter results were confirmed in another multicenter study [392]. Altogether, these data
indicated an association between better QoL scores and lower number of IVS infusion per week
and/or lower volume of the IVS infusion.

A study on direct medical cost concluded that teduglutide is not cost-effective in adult patients with

SBS-IF, when compared with no treatment [393]. No data are still available on the potential positive
implications for employment and activities of daily living related to the additional time off IVS due
to successful treatment with teduglutide.

Patients candidate for the treatment should be clearly informed of the need to undergo careful and
regular monitoring. Close monitoring while receiving the drug is crucial to prevent and timely treat

adverse event and risk of the treatment. Patients who cannot comply with regular monitoring
should not be treated with intestinal growth factors [383,385]

Recommendation 77 (recommendation #53 of the 2016 CIF GL)

For carefully selected SBS patients who are candidates for intestinal growth factor treatment, the
GLP-2-analogue which is the only one approved by FDA and EMA so far, teduglutide, shall be the
first choice.

Grade of recommendation A - Consensus 87% agreement

Recommendation 78 (recommendation #54 of the 2016 CIF GL)

The efficacy of growth factor treatment shall be done according to standardized protocols
measuring fluids, electrolytes and energy balance.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 79 (recommendation #55 of the 2016 CIF GL)
Intestinal growth factors shall be only prescribed by experts who are experienced in the diagnosis
and management of SBS patients and who have the ability and the facilities to objectively
evaluate and balance the benefit and clinical meaningfulness of the interventions versus the
inconveniences, adverse effects, potential risks, and cost-effectiveness.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement


Teduglutide is the only recombinant analog of physiologic GLP-2 so far approved in the United States

and Europe (adults and children aged ≥1 year) for the treatment of patients with SBS-CIF.

Three RCT [371-373], one controlled trial [377], and four cohort studies [388,394-396]
demonstrated the efficacy and the safety of the treatment supporting the grade A of the
recommendation #77. Similar results have been described by other single center reports [397-400].
Substitution of glycine in the native peptide for alanine makes teduglutide resistant to degradation,

thereby extending half-life and facilitating daily dosing [367,370]. Novel GLP-2 receptor agonists

with longer half-life are also under clinical development. Phase three RCTs are ongoing for
Glepaglutide which administered once/twice weekly [401-404] and Apraglutide administered once

weekly [405,406].

Also, GLP-1 receptor agonists, successfully used in type 2 diabetes and obesity, may have a putative
role in SBS by reducing gastric emptying and hypersecretion. Exenatide and liraglutide showed
encouraging results in small case series [407,408] but no RCT has yet been performed in SBS

Efficacy of the intestinal growth factor treatment is defined as ≥20% stable reduction in IVS volume
with respect to baseline. Body weight and composition, electrolyte balance and renal function
should remain stable in spite of the reduction of the IVS. A careful monitoring of the treatment is
mandatory, performed by expert multidisciplinary team and according to standardized protocol
[374,383]. Healthcare professionals without appropriate knowledge and expertise on CIF, SBS and
intestinal growth factor therapy should timely refer patients to CIF/intestinal rehabilitation centers.

Recommendation 80 (recommendation #56 of the 2016 CIF GL)
To patients with SBS, oral drugs should be prescribed on an individual basis, following a careful
evaluation of the absorptive capacity of the remnant bowel, knowledge of the physiochemical
characteristics of the drug, and an evaluation as to if the drug can be titrated according to an
objectively measured effect or according to measurements of plasma concentrations; the use of
parenteral and transdermal routes and the use of suppositories should also be considered in SBS
patients with limited intestinal absorption.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement


Pharmacotherapy in SBS patients remains a difficult clinical problem, as drug absorption from the

gastrointestinal tract may be considerably impaired in such patients [409-412]. The impairment of
absorption of orally administered drugs shows significant interpatient variability that depends on
both the characteristics of patients (site and extent of resection, condition of the remnant bowel,

presence of other systemic diseases, age and time from resection) and the physicochemical and
pharmacokinetics characteristics of drugs (formulation and solubility, site, extent and rate of

absorption, interaction with other drugs, etc.) [4409-412].


There is limited and dated literature regarding absorption of oral drugs in SBS [413-423]. Acid

hypersecretion and rapid gastric emptying time, reduction of absorptive surface area and rapid
intestinal transit time, disruption of enterohepatic circulation, and metabolic activity of lactobacilli
that are sometimes abundantly present in the gastrointestinal tract of such patients, are the main
factors affecting the oral absorption of drugs in SBS patients [409-412]. Absorption of orally
administered drugs takes place throughout the whole gastrointestinal tract, from mouth to rectum,
although the upper small intestine (duodenum and jejunum) plays the most important role due to
its large surface area, high blood flow, and favorable pH for the absorption of most drugs. Total or
terminal ileum resection results in more rapid intestinal transit and less time for absorption in the
upper small bowel. Another consequence of terminal ileum resection is bile salt malabsorption and
the disruption of enterohepatic circulation. Bioavailability and pharmacologic effects of fat-soluble
drugs (i.e. warfarin, cyclosporine, digoxin, tacrolimus etc.) that are excreted in bile and have their
action enhanced by enterohepatic circulation may be significantly decreased by the lack of bile salt
absorption. Successful warfarin therapy has been reported in patients with jejuno-colic anastomosis
and in patients with jejunostomy, with only 12-15 cm of jejunum; whereas the failure to achieve a
therapeutic window was observed in patients with total duodenectomy with gastrojejunostomy.
One factor that may influence warfarin treatment in these patients is the possibility of coexisting
vitamin K deficiency. Due to the narrow therapeutic window of warfarin, alternative treatment with
low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) should be considered an option when appropriate [413-423].

Omeprazole is commonly used in SBS patients to slow gastric acid hypersecretion secondary to loss
of inhibitory enteral hormones. PPI and H2 blockers, that increase gastric pH, may inhibit absorption
of drugs that are weak bases, like antifungals and antiretrovirals. In contrast, increasing gastric pH
may raise bioavailability of digoxin, nifedipine, and alendronate [369-371]. Loperamide is commonly

used in SBS patients, especially in those with jejunostomy, to reduce intestinal losses. It may be

necessary to increase the dosage to obtain a significant reduction of fecal losses, suggesting a

reduction of its bioavailability in such patients [409-412] . No data are available about absorption of
loperamide from orodispersible formulations.
Oral antibiotics such as cephalosporin are well absorbed in SBS, the active concentration is

decreased, but it reaches the therapeutic window. Conversely, penicillins and macrolides are poorly
absorbed. If the infectious agent has a sensitivity restricted to poorly-absorbed antibiotics, the use

of a liquid form or of an intravenous formulation may be necessary [409-412,422]. In SBS patients

the potential for therapeutic failure due to reduction of drug bioavailability is more likely for poorly-

or moderately-soluble drugs (i.e. polar drugs), given in oily solution, suspension, or solid form.

Highly soluble or permeable drugs, given in instant-release form (i.e. liquid, orosoluble), have more
rapid absorption and good likelihood to achieve a therapeutic window in SBS patients. A case report
described good oral absorption of amitriptyline, a tricyclic antidepressant, after crushing the solid
formulation and allowing the powder to dissolve in the mouth of a patient with jejunostomy and
only 40 cm of proximal small bowel [419]. To optimize oral pharmacotherapy in SBS patients it is
essential to know the gastrointestinal anatomy of the patient, the absorptive capacity of the
remnant bowel, and the physicochemical and pharmacokinetic characteristics of the drug. Drugs
should be dosed by monitoring therapeutic efficacy and levels of plasma concentration, when
available and appropriate.

Which are the options for non-transplant surgical procedures to improve remnant intestinal function
in patients with short bowel syndrome?
Recommendation 81 (recommendation #66 of the 2016 CIF GL)
In patients with SBS, during intestinal resection, bowel length should be conserved to the fullest
extent possible to avoid dependence on HPN.

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 82 (recommendation #67 of the 2016 CIF GL)

In patients with SBS, restoration of intestinal continuity should be realized whenever possible, to
decrease HPN dependency.

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 100% agreement

r oo
Recommendation 83 (recommendation #68 of the 2016 CIF GL)
Regarding non-transplant surgery in patients with SBS, bowel lengthening procedures may be
considered in selected patients.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 100% agreement


Recommendation 84 (recommendation #69 of the 2016 CIF GL)


In patients with SBS, management should be performed through a multidisciplinary approach to


optimize intestinal rehabilitation and overall patient outcome.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement


For patients with SBS, surgery can play an important role in preventing, mitigating and, in some
cases, reversing IF. During intestinal resection, bowel length should be conserved to the fullest
extent possible, to avoid dependence on PN. Once the patient is stabilized, reconstruction of
gastrointestinal continuity should be prioritized whenever feasible by ostomy reversal and
recruitment of distal unused bowel. In a large series of 500 patients with PN dependent IF from a
highly specialized center definitive autologous gut reconstruction was achieved in 378 (82%)
patients - often requiring complex and combined procedures including primary reconstruction,
interposition of alimentary-conduits, intestinal/colonic lengthening and reductive/decompressive
surgery. These authors also introduced a model for the prediction of restoring nutritional autonomy
by anatomy of reconstructed gut, TPN requirements, cause of gut failure, and serum bilirubin [424].
Restoring bowel continuity may resolve PN induced chronic cholestasis in about 50% by reducing
need for PN [425]. Even in ultra-SBS (median length 18 cm) nutritional autonomy may be achieved
by gastrointestinal reconstruction in 44% - average of 20 months with special regard to those with
intact colon and ileocecal valve [426]. Following progression to IF, surgical management of SBS
depends on the symptoms and anatomical characteristics of the individual patient. There is an
increasing prevalence of patients with IF after bariatric surgery which may afford Roux-en-Y gastric
bypass reversal and restoration of gastric tract continuity [427]. A retrospective analysis of a
prospective database for CIF includes 88 patients with SBS undergoing autologous gastrointestinal

reconstruction surgery [428]. At initial evaluation the SBS anatomy was type 1 in 78 patients, type
2 in three and type 3 in seven patients. After autologous gastrointestinal reconstruction surgery, it

was type 3 in 59 patients, type 2 in 26 and type 1 in three patients. Treatment with teduglutide was
offered to a group of eight patients who had achieved the plateau for intestinal rehabilitation and
were destined to be PN-dependent for life. Freedom from PN was achieved in 83% of patients.

Variables identified at the logistic regression analysis led to a novel formula to predict intestinal
rehabilitation, including postsurgical intestinal length, presence of ileocecal valve, and use of

teduglutide as part of postsurgical treatment [428].


Surgical options in patients with long-term IF fall into four main categories: operations to correct

slow transit [429], operations to improve intestinal motility in cases of dilated bowel [430],
operations to slow intestinal transit in the absence of bowel dilatation [431], and operations to
increase mucosal surface area [432].

Operations to correct slow transit

Slow transit in SBS is relatively rare and should trigger a search for strictures, partial obstructions or
blind loops, and enteroenteric fistulas [428]. These are often sequelae of the underlying disease
leading to SBS, such as Crohn’s disease or radiation enteritis, and often require meticulous
investigation to diagnose and treat appropriately [431].

Operations to improve intestinal motility in cases of dilated bowel

Rapid intestinal transit is a nearly universal clinical challenge in SBS and should elicit prompt
investigation into underlying structural causes. Segmental bowel dilatation with poor peristalsis is a
frequent finding in pediatric patients with SBS and it often results in clinical features of small bowel
bacterial overgrowth [432,433]. Excessive intestinal dilatation is most easily managed by a simple
tapering enteroplasty, in which a strip of intestine along the antimesenteric border of dilated bowel
is removed using a mechanical stapling device [434]. This procedure is most applicable when bowel
length is considered adequate and when loss of surface area is an acceptable tradeoff for better
peristalsis. In cases where bowel length is critical, the longitudinal intestinal lengthening and
tailoring (LILT) operation first described by Adrian Bianchi [435] accomplishes intestinal tapering
without loss of surface area. In the LILT procedure, an avascular space is created longitudinally along
the mesenteric border of a dilated loop of bowel. The bowel is then split lengthwise, taking care to
allocate alternating blood vessels to each side. Each side of the split bowel is then tubularized,
generating two “hemi-loops” that are anastomosed end to end in isoperistaltic fashion. When

completed, LILT creates a loop of bowel that is twice the length of the original and half the original
diameter; no new bowel is created. The decrease in bowel diameter accomplished without loss of

surface area is likely more important than the gain in length. Bianchi’s early personal experience
with the procedure in 20 children resulted in seven of nine survivors attaining enteral autonomy
from PN at a mean follow-up of 6.4 years [436-437]. LILT should be applied with extreme caution in

patients with ultrashort bowel and in the presence of liver disease [436,437].

Tapering without loss of surface area is accomplished effectively and relatively simply by the serial
transverse enteroplasty (STEP) procedure described by Kim et al [438] in 2003. In the STEP

procedure, the intestinal lumen is narrowed by firing a series of staples perpendicularly to the long

axis of the bowel in a zig-zag pattern without interfering with the blood supply of the bowel. In a
long-term study of twelve pediatric patients who underwent STEP, eight (67%) patients remained
alive and transplant-free at a median follow-up of 5.7 years. Of those eight patients, seven achieved
independence from PN. In addition, the dilated segment showed an 87% increase in median length
and a 67% decrease in mean internal diameter [439].

The choice of lengthening procedure between the Bianchi LILT and the technically simpler STEP
remains somewhat unclear and until recently seemed related to surgeon preference. In a
retrospective, uncontrolled, single-center study, Sudan et al [440] reported outcomes of 64 patients
who underwent a total of 43 LILT and 34 STEP procedures over a 24-year period. Overall survival
was 91% at a median follow-up of 3.8 years. Enteral autonomy was achieved by 69% of PN-
dependent patients, and liver disease was reversed in >80% of affected patients. Differences
between the two procedures were small, although nonsignificant trends were documented for a

lower rate of weaning from PN, longer time to PN discontinuation, and a higher incidence of
complications requiring reoperation after LILT than after the STEP procedure. Of note in this series,
14% of patients underwent ITx at a median of 2.9 years. Transplantation was required more often
following LILT than after the STEP procedure (18.6% vs 5%, respectively; p=0.03), although this
difference may be due in part to the longer follow-up time for patients receiving LILT (5.9 vs 1.7 yr
for STEP) [441].

Operations to slow intestinal transit in the absence of bowel dilatation

Of procedures designed to slow transit in the absence of bowel dilatation, segmental reversal of the
small bowel (SRSB) shows the greatest promise [442]. SRSB creates an antiperistaltic segment of

bowel approximately 10–12 cm in length, located approx. 10 cm proximal to an end-stoma or small

bowel-colon anastomosis [433-443]. Of 38 patients undergoing SRSB over a 25-year period at a

single center, 17 (45%) achieved complete independence from PN. Among patients who were not
weaned, PN requirements were decreased by a median three days per week. A shorter interval
between enterectomy and SRSB, an SRSB >10 cm, and an extended stay with the nutrition unit were

significantly associated with enteral autonomy [444]. A case control study evaluated intestinal
absorption in a large series of patients with SRSB in comparison to SBS patients without SRSB.

Results showed that digestive absorption of nitrogen and lipids, and total absorption improved
compared to patients with jejunocolonic anastomosis without the reversed segment. This

improvement corresponded to a gain of 300 kcal/d [445]. Authors proposed an algorithm for

management of SBS adult patients with jejunocolonic anastomosis. For high-risk patients, defined
as an SBS patient at higher risk of death from the underlying disease or HPN complications, ITx
should be rapidly proposed. In the other cases, when patients have more than 60 cm of
postduodenal small bowel length, a jejunocolonic anastomosis should be performed and trophic
factors can be considered in case of permanent HPN dependence. When patients have less than 60
cm of postduodenal small bowel length with: a) a dilated remnant small bowel, a Bianchi procedure
or STEP procedure can be discussed in addition to jejunocolonic anastomosis; b) without dilated
remnant small bowel, an SRSB should be performed during the jejunocolonic anastomosis [445].

Isoperistaltic colonic interposition, the relocation of a segment of colon to the small intestine while
maintaining peristaltic directionality, has limited use because of the lack of data in adult SBS patients
[446]. The largest available study included six infants who were followed for 24–84 months. Three

patients achieved enteral autonomy from PN within four months of surgery. The remaining three
patients were not weaned from PN, and all died, at an average of 20 months post-surgery [447].

Operations to increase mucosal surface area

Although the creation of neomucosa remains an elusive goal, use of sequential lengthening
procedures and controlled tissue expansion (CTE) before bowel lengthening may have immediate,
albeit limited, clinical application [448]. The theoretical basis for the strategy of CTE of non-dilated
bowel in preparation for definitive intestinal lengthening was laid out in experimental work on pigs
by the demonstration of mucosal hypertrophy and gain in length and diameter of partially
obstructed intestine [449]. The Manchester experience with CTE, limited to only ten cases, is

nevertheless noteworthy for having reached the goal of performing LILT procedures in all ten

patients and, more important, for accomplishing enteral autonomy in nine of the ten patients. A

more immediate application of these principles is the demonstration of the feasibility of repeat
intestinal lengthening with the STEP procedure [450]. However, more recent experience from the
Ann Arbor group suggests that redilation after prior lengthening may be an overall poor prognostic

sign and merits caution [451].

To summarize, management of IF requires a multidisciplinary approach to optimize intestinal


rehabilitation and overall patient outcome. Although ITx remains a good option for patients with

severe life-threatening complications, autologous intestinal reconstruction appears the better

overall option [452-454]. The surgical approach should integrate the age of patient, intestinal status

(dilated or non-dilated small bowel remnant), and experience of the center.

8 Chapter 6 - Chronic small intestinal dysmotility

What are the definitions and the criteria for the diagnosis, classification and reporting of chronic
small intestinal dysmotility.

Statement 13
Chronic small intestinal dysmotility is defined as “impaired gastrointestinal propulsion of the gut
content in the absence of fixed occluding lesions causing chronic/recurrent obstructive type
symptoms and intolerance to oral or EN”.

Strong consensus 100% agreement

Statement 14

Chronic small intestinal dysmotility is diagnosed by the clinical features of recurrent/chronic
episodes of intestinal occlusion with abdominal pain, nausea and/or vomiting and intolerance to
oral or enteral nutrition, with or without radiological features of dilated intestine with air/fluid
levels and/or, where feasible, manometric evidence of gastro-intestinal dysmotility.

Consensus 77% agreement


Statement 15
Chronic small intestinal dysmotility is classified as CIPO, when there are radiological features of

dilated intestine with air/fluid levels, or ED when no radiological features of a dilated intestine
are present.

Both CIPO and ED are categorized as primary/idiopathic, when no underlying disorder can be
demonstrated, or secondary, when related to underlying gastrointestinal or systemic diseases,
either sporadic or familial, or other known factors such as side effects of medications.

Strong consensus 100% agreement


Historically, chronic small intestinal dysmotility has primarily comprised patients with CIPO, where
a patient has a dilated small intestine with the modifier “pseudo” used to underline the absence of
occluding lesions. CIPO may be congenital or acquired, due to a variety of diseases [455]. It is
apparent, however, that chronic small intestinal dysmotility also includes patients with ED, who
have manometric evidence of dysmotility but without radiological features of a dilated intestine
[19-21,456-458]. Hence, since ED is not an infrequent cause of CIF, the generic term chronic small
intestinal dysmotility is now used to describe the conditions of CIPO and ED. Indeed, a recent ESPEN-
led international survey of expert clinicians published by Vasant and colleagues revealed that over
90% of respondents felt that CIPO and ED should be considered as separate entities within the
classification of small intestinal dysmotility, particularly in reference to the need for HPN [21].
Supporting this opinion, data from a national UK IF reference center recently demonstrated that
distinguishing between CIPO and ED carries prognostic significance for those placed on HPN, with
patients in the latter group more likely to cease PN in the long term compared to those with CIPO


While the diagnosis of CIPO can be readily made using radiological studies to demonstrate a dilated
small bowel in the absence of a mechanical cause, the diagnosis of ED can be more challenging given
the requirement for antro-duodenal manometry, which is not readily available to many clinicians
and can be poorly tolerated by patients; indeed, antro-duodenal manometry was noted to be

requested in fewer than a quarter of potential cases of ED in the international survey by Vasant [21].

There has been a recent increased number of patients with hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
[461] referred to IF centers; however, the formal diagnosis of ED in this condition is difficult due to

the aforementioned issues with antro-duodenal manometry tolerance [21]. Full-thickness small

bowel biopsy has been used to aid in the diagnosis of chronic small intestinal dysmotility, with
myopathic changes being more common in CIPO and neuropathic changes more common in ED
[462]; however, again, this is an invasive procedure that the majority of clinicians do not necessarily
feel influences onward management [21]. The further development of novel techniques such as
wireless motility capsule or cine-MRI may prove beneficial in the future, possibly obviating the need
for antro-duodenal manometry or full-thickness biopsy [463]. The management of chronic small
intestinal dysmotility relies primarily on nutritional and medical approaches, ensuring optimal
nutritional intake, with medical therapies to promote motility and treat complications such as
bacterial overgrowth.

Which nutritional support should be provided to patients with chronic small intestinal dysmotility?

Recommendation 85
Dietary counselling can be used as the first-line management in patients with chronic small
intestinal dysmotility; patients can be encouraged to eat according to individual tolerance and
may benefit from frequent small meals of low-fiber and low-fat content alongside texture
modified food and liquid supplements as well as minerals and micronutrients to prevent specific

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 100% agreement


The main goals of chronic small intestinal dysmotility management are to reduce the major
symptoms by improving intestinal propulsion and maintaining adequate nutritional status.
Nutritional support is fundamental and relies on dietary education, which may be sufficient for
patients with mild and moderate symptoms. Up to two-thirds of patients with CIPO develop

nutritional problems or specific nutrient deficiencies [464-467].


Dietary actions should be used as first-line management [468,469]. They are influenced by the
disease phenotype and intended to provide sufficient oral micro- and macronutrients in line with

the patient’s needs. The oral intake of patients with chronic small intestinal dysmotility is influenced

by the extent of gastrointestinal disease [470]. For instance, patients with gastroparesis often
complain of early satiety, bloating, and nausea and liquid meals may be better tolerated than solids
[458]. A low-fiber, low-residue diet is helpful in minimizing intestinal gas, cramps, and potential
bezoar formation; furthermore, a recent guideline from the British Society of Gastroenterology
suggests that patients may benefit from frequent small meals of low-fiber and low-fat content
alongside liquid supplements [458]. Indeed, food with high concentrations of fat should be avoided
in order to limit the delay in gastrointestinal transit [466,471]. Patients with chronic small intestinal
dysmotility may also be at risk of developing vitamin and trace element deficiencies, therefore,
multivitamin combined with trace element preparations should be added to their diet. Evaluation
of micronutrient status at least once a year with supplementation as needed should prevent
deficiency. In order to meet an adequate caloric intake, hypercaloric formulae are available on the
market and can be helpful if tolerated [466,471,472]. To summarize, oral intake should be divided

into five to six meals per day. The patient is asked to follow a low-lactose, low-fiber, low-fat diet to
optimize gut motility and decrease the risk of bacterial overgrowth and gastric bezoar formation;
liquid meals may also be better tolerated than solids as symptoms progress. Associated multivitamin
and trace element supplementation is also needed (iron, folate, calcium, and vitamins D, K, and B12)
in order to prevent specific deficiencies. However, studies on specific dietary management are

Recommendation 86
Any decision to escalate from oral nutrition to EN or PN should involve careful multidisciplinary

team consideration of the potential risks and benefits with the patient.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 87 (recommendation #58 of the 2016 CIF GL)
EN should be considered as a first step in patients with chronic gastrointestinal dysmotility who

are not able to meet their energy needs with oral nutrition alone and who continue to lose weight,

before using HPN.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement


Recommendation 88 (recommendation #59 of the 2016 CIF GL)

HPN shall not be delayed in malnourished patients with chronic gastrointestinal dysmotility when
oral/enteral nutrition is obviously inadequate.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement


In patients with severe gastrointestinal dysmotility who are not able to meet their caloric needs with
oral nutrition alone and continue to lose weight, EN may be appropriate. Given the inherent risks of
percutaneous enteral tube placement, it is important that the patient, dietetic team and wider
multidisciplinary team are in agreement that escalation to EN is required [462]. Furthermore, before
placing a permanent enteric feeding tube, it is important to perform a trial of naso-enteric feeding
in order to confirm that the patient is able to tolerate the formula and the rate of formula delivery;
indeed, it is advisable to ensure that the patient is able to absorb the formula and achieve nutritional
gain before placing a permanent feeding tube [458,468,473,474]. Percutaneous endoscopic
gastrostomy can be performed in patients without significant gastroparesis following a successful
trial of naso-gastric feeding [462]. Alternatively, an artificial feeding device that bypasses the
stomach may be required in those with evidence of gastroparesis. Temporary or permanent small
bowel access can be achieved by endoscopic, surgical, or radiological placement [468,474].
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy/jejunostomy is a dual system in which a jejunal tube is
passed via a gastrostomy tube to the small bowel.

An advantage of gastro-jejunostomy EN is that the gastric port can be used to vent the stomach if

necessary while also allowing post-pyloric feeding [458,474]. A recent British Society of

Gastroenterology guideline suggests that percutaneous endoscopic or radiological gastro-
jejunostomy tubes are preferred to a direct jejunostomy since the latter typically requires surgical
placement and may also lead to more complications such as leakage [458].

As with EN, it is important that any decisions to escalate to PN involve a multidisciplinary team such
that only patients remaining at nutritional risk despite EN be considered for long term PN. As with

all decisions in healthcare, the patient should be at the center and, of course, fully informed of the
risks of HPN. The large international multi-center study by Pironi et al. evaluating one-year

outcomes of nearly three thousand HPN-dependent adults demonstrated that patients with CIPO

had a higher CRBSI rate than other underlying diseases leading to CIF [13]; notably, in that study,
the proportion of patients included with ED was not specified. While respondents completing
Vasant and colleagues’ international survey also felt that, in their experience, CRBSI rates are also
higher in HPN-dependent patients with chronic intestinal dysmotility than those with other IF
disease mechanisms [21], a single-center study from the UK assessing outcomes over a 16-year
period demonstrated that patients with ED had a non-significantly higher rate of CRBSIs than those
with CIPO [460]. The latter study also demonstrated that patients with ED were more likely to wean
off PN than those with CIPO, with recurrent CRBSIs predicting the ability to cease PN [460]. The
majority of clinicians surveyed recently by Vasant reported greater psychological comorbidity in
patients with ED than those with CIPO [21], such that it is possible that a considered multidisciplinary
team approach, including support from pain specialists to facilitate opioid reduction as well as from
psychologists, can ultimately help patients with ED enhance their enteral tolerance and wean PN.

Which are the drug options for the treatment of chronic small intestinal dysmotility?

Recommendation 89 (recommendation #60 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Trials with prokinetics can be attempted in patients with chronic small intestinal dysmotility.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 95% agreement


Treatment of chronic small intestinal dysmotility can be disappointing and frustrating for the

clinician and the patient, and remains extremely challenging even in tertiary referral centers
[458,467]. Many patients report significant delays in diagnosis, which can lead to psychological harm

The management goals of chronic small intestinal dysmotility include improving gastrointestinal
motility, relieving symptoms, and restoring nutritional status and hydration. The therapeutic

approach also require input from a multidisciplinary team including psychology support and advice
from a chronic pain team, perhaps reflecting the limitations of pro-motility agents in treating severe

pan-enteric dysmotility. Indeed, the recent international survey of experts found that the majority

of clinicians opined that most pharmacological therapies were not usually beneficial in treating ED
or CIPO [21]. The medications felt to be most efficacious were antibiotics for bacterial overgrowth,

particularly for CIPO [21]. While a trial with prokinetic agents can be considered, a fundamental
strategy to managing chronic small intestinal dysmotility involves minimizing opioid therapy to avoid
exacerbation of dysmotility and associated narcotic bowel syndrome [458, 462,467].

Motility agents and antiemetics

The main drugs used include metoclopramide, domperidone, prucalopride, erythromycin,

octreotide, and pyridostigmine [458,467].

The serotoninergic agent, cisapride is the only prokinetic agent that has been shown to improve
enteral tolerance, but it is no longer available because of the risk of life-threatening cardiac
arrhythmias, mainly due to its effect on QT interval [476].

The long-term use of metoclopramide and domperidone has also been limited due to their
neurologic and cardiac adverse effects [477].

Erythromycin and derivates, including azithromycin, possess potent motilin receptor agonist
activity, enhancing gastric emptying and antro-duodenal coordination, but treatment does not
appear to be effective in the long term [467,462,478].

Prucalopride is a highly specific serotonin receptor agonist with enterokinetic effects. It has been
tested in seven CIPO patients and only four patients completed the study, three of whom
experienced a pain improvement but without significant functional changes [479] Octreotide, a
somatostatin analogue that induces phase III migrating motor complex (MMC) in the small intestine,
has been shown to benefit adults with scleroderma-associated CIPO. The prokinetic effect occurs at
a subcutaneous dose of 50-100 µg/d (a dose much lower than that used to inhibit peptide secretion

in neuroendocrine tumors) [479-481].

The anticholinesterase drug, pyridostigmine may also be used. A small study including seven

patients with recurrent pseudo-obstruction demonstrated some benefit [360], although more
extensive supportive data are limited [463.
Other non-prokinetic antiemetics such as cyclizine and ondansetron have been used for the often

troublesome nausea experienced by patients with intestinal dysmotility. However, the recent British
Intestinal Failure Alliance (BIFA) guideline highlighted concerns with the use of cyclizine because of

risks of dependence and hallucinatory effects [482]. The BIFA committee recommended avoidance

of the long-term use of cyclizine, noting a potential increased risk of catheter infections in those
taking cyclizine whilst on PN.

Analgesic drugs

Abdominal pain is one of the main symptoms of chronic small intestinal dysmotility. This pain has
many mechanisms, making treatment difficult. In severe cases, patients may have been commenced
on opioids prior to referral to specialist centers, but it is important to recognize that these
medications will exacerbate intestinal dysmotility and risk narcotic bowel syndrome, whereby
abdominal pain and hyperalgesia may worsen with opioid continuation [458,467]. Hence, strategies
to avoid or reduce opioids, wherever possible, are vital. Indeed, opioid use was shown in a large
single-center study to place HPN-dependent patients at increased risk of CRBSIs, possibly as a result
of the inherent immunosuppressive effect of these medications and/or due to the cerebral effects
of opioids, impacting on the care required when handling a CVC [26]. Indeed, it is noteworthy that
the same center reported a lower CRBSI rate in HPN-dependent patients with systemic sclerosis,
where opioid use is less prevalent than patients in primary CIPO [460,483].
Enhanced understanding of the role of gut-brain neuromodulation in the etiology of chronic
abdominal pain has facilitated the use of alternative medications to opioids, such as tricyclic
antidepressants, as well as selective serotonin or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.
Gabapentin or pregabalin can be particularly helpful for neuropathic pain [458,462]. Engagement of
a chronic pain team can be particularly useful when reducing opioids and seeking alternative
approaches. Furthermore, psychological support can be equally helpful, not least given the
psychological distress identified in those with chronic abdominal pain resultant from intestinal
dysmotility [475].

Recommendation 90 (recommendation #61 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Antibiotic therapy can be used to treat intestinal bacterial overgrowth and to reduce

malabsorption in patients with chronic small intestinal dysmotility.
Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 91 (recommendation #62 of the 2016 CIF GL)


Periodic antibiotic therapy can be used to prevent intestinal bacterial overgrowth in patients with
chronic intestinal dysmotility who have frequent relapsing episodes.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 95% agreement



Intestinal bacterial overgrowth has often been described in digestive motility disorders [484] and it
has been shown that improvement of digestive motility reduces bacterial overgrowth [467,485].
Sequential antibiotic therapy is very effective in treating intestinal bacterial overgrowth and in
reducing malabsorption [485]. Correlation between bacterial translocation and absence of MMC
activity has been demonstrated and can result in a worsening of digestive motility disorders [486].
A potential life-threatening consequence of bacterial overgrowth relates to bacterial translocation

The rationale for the use of antibiotics is the treatment and prevention of small intestinal
overgrowth due to intestinal stasis in CIPO patients. Notably, this seems to be less of an issue in

those with ED [460]. The treatment of bacterial overgrowth should be evaluated individually.
Sequential antibiotic therapy can be very effective in treating intestinal bacterial overgrowth and
reducing malabsorption. It has also been shown to improve nutritional status and sometimes
bloating. Poorly absorbable antibiotics such as aminoglycosides and rifaximine are preferred, but
alternating cycles with metronidazole and tetracycline may be necessary to limit resistance [489].
In clinical practice, the most commonly used antibiotics are metronidazole, amoxicillin-clavulanate,
doxycycline, and norfloxacine [467].

Which surgical procedures should be used to improve gastrointestinal function, and oral/nutrition

feeding and to relieve symptoms in patients with chronic small intestinal dysmotility

Recommendation 92 (recommendation #70 of the 2016 CIF GL splitted)

Surgery should be avoided in chronic small intestinal dysmotility patients, whenever possible, due
to the risk of postoperative worsening of intestinal function and need for subsequent reoperation.
Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 93 (recommendation #70 of the 2016 CIF GL, splitted)

In patients with chronic small intestinal dysmotility, venting ostomy (either endoscopically or

surgically), can be performed to diminish symptoms in case-by-case selected patients.


Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 95% agreement


Surgery plays a limited role in the management of patients with chronic small intestinal dysmotility,
and should be avoided due to the risk of postoperative worsening and need for subsequent
reoperation. Nevertheless, a surgery is often performed before and/or during CIPO management
with an average of three procedures per patient. Surgery was performed in half of the cases in
emergency situations in a series of 63 patients. The overall rate of postoperative mortality was 7.9%
and the overall rate of morbidity was 58.2% . Postoperative morbidity was significantly increased
following intraoperative bowel injury, idiopathic CIPO, and emergency procedures. After the first
surgery, the probability of reoperation was high (44% at one year and 66% at five years) [490].

Furthermore, surgical procedures should only be used after achieving improvement of nutritional
status and bowel distension. A more recent UK retrospective evaluation of 45 HPN-dependent
patients with chronic small intestinal dysmotility found that patients with CIPO had undergone a
mean of 1.6 surgeries, while those with ED had still undergone a mean of 0.9 surgeries/patient [460].

The most frequent procedure appears to be the creation of venting ostomy: ileostomy, jejunostomy
or even gastrostomy. These ostomies enable the aspiration of digestive secretions. Ileostomy seems
to improve digestive symptoms by releasing a physiological brake (ileal brake) but, usually, its
beneficial effect is not sustainable [474,491,492]. Chronic postprandial bloating, abdominal
distension, and pain may be treated with a venting gastrostomy or jejunostomy in patients with

CIPO. This simple intervention can substantially reduce the number of hospital admissions and

emergency room visits in selected patients with intermittent obstructive symptoms [493]. However,

extreme caution should be observed in selecting patients for these procedures with careful
assessment of the patient’s symptoms and parts of the gastrointestinal tract involved. There are
reports of surgical procedures such as loop enterostomy and shortening of the gastrointestinal tract
to relieve abdominal distension in patients with CIPO. These procedures are reported to improve

QoL among these patients in combination with or without HPN. In some very severe CIPO cases who

are highly HPN-dependent and refractory to medical treatment, subtotal enterectomy has been
proposed. Despite a high postoperative morbidity, it has been shown to improve the QoL, increase

oral intake, remove the need for suction gastrostomy, and decrease abdominal pain and vomiting

in a small series of patients [494]. However, although many patients are HPN-dependent because
of malabsorption induced by the extensive resection of the small intestine, infusion frequency and
volume may be reduced. Such surgeries are, of course, unlikely to be beneficial in those with ED,
where small intestinal dilatation is, by definition, not as severe as for patients with CIPO.

The last surgical option is ITx. That is indicated in case of life-threatening HPN-related or underlying
disease-related complications [495,496]. A study assessing the long-term outcome of adult CIPO
patients treated with HPN conducted in 51 patients has shown that lower mortality was associated
with the ability to restore oral feeding at baseline and the onset of symptoms before the age of 20
years but in the case of systemic sclerosis, the mortality rate was higher [27]. Non-transplant or
transplant surgery should be performed only in a highly selected, well-characterized subset of
patients, or in cases of life-threatening complications [466,497]. The role of ITx in patients with ED

is currently ill-defined, particularly since, as noted earlier, HPN weaning in patients with ED has been
shown to occur more often than in those with CIPO [460].

r oo

9 Chapter 7 - Radiation enteritis

Which nutritional support should be provided to patients with chronic radiation enteritis?

Recommendation 94 (recommendation #64 of the 2016 CIF GL)

In patients with chronic radiation enteritis EN may be used if oral nutrition, including use of oral
nutritional supplements, is inadequate.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 95 (recommendation #65 of the 2016 CIF GL)

In malnourished radiation enteritis patients, HPN should not be delayed, if oral nutrition/EN is

obviously inadequate.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement
Recommendation 96 (recommendation #63 of the 2016 CIF GL)

In patients with chronic radiation enteritis, the PN regime should follow the same criteria for the
HPN of patients with other causes of CIF.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement



Chronic radiation enteritis is a severe complication of pelvic radiotherapy [498-503]. The damage of
radiation enteritis initiates in the mucosa, which presents cellular devitalization, and in the
submucosa, which initially becomes edematous but subsequently is characterized by diffuse
collagen deposition and progressive occlusive vasculitis. Fibrosis and vasculitis progress over time
and result in the narrowing of the intestinal loops with dilation of the bowel proximal to the
stricture, which then thickens the affected segments of the intestine and serosa. Severe stenosis,
ulceration, necrosis, and perforation of the intestinal wall may sometimes occur [501-502]. A 2015
ESPEN international multicenter survey on CIF in adults, reported chronic radiation enteritis to be
the underlying disease in 7.8% of patients [12]. This feature was similar to the 8% observed in 1993
[504] and confirmed that radiation enteritis is still unsolved issue. Data from the UK annual survey

on HPN, indicated that radiation enteritis accounted for approximately 4% of new HPN registrants

In radiation enteritis, CIF is usually the result of stricturing and/or fistulizing disease, often with
associated surgical complications [502]. Small bowel syndrome is the most frequent
pathophysiological mechanism [12,22]. Concomitant diagnoses such as bacterial overgrowth or
pancreatic insufficiency may contribute to symptoms and malnutrition and it is important to treat
such complications wherever possible to promote enteral autonomy [502].

The overall survival probability on HPN of patients with radiation enteritis has been reported to be
83% (range 58-100), 78% (60-100), 62% (36-90), and 56% (41-90), at one, three, five, and ten years,

respectively [23,29,506-514]. There are no prospective studies. In an early RCT comparing PN with

elemental diets, Loiudice and Lang [515] reported improvements in nutritional assessment data,

nitrogen balance, radiographic, and clinical parameters after therapy in patients on IVS. It is
noteworthy that some patients can achieve a resumption of oral intake.
Although therapies, including corticosteroids, pentoxifylline, and hyperbaric oxygen, have received

attention, the evidence for benefit of specific anti-inflammatory therapies to reverse and/or prevent
progression of radiation enteritis in the context of IF is limited [502,516]. HPN and bowel rest for

some months can achieve a spontaneous resolution of intestinal obstruction and allow the

resumption of oral alimentation without surgical intervention [506,513,517,518]. Otherwise, there

is the indication for surgery. After abdominal radiation surgically placed feeding tubes bear a higher

risk for complications which has been retrospectively observed in 122 pediatric and adolescent
cancer patients [519]. In 92 retrospectively analyzed patients with radiation enteritis bioelectrical
impedance spectroscopy, combined with nutritional assessments (NRS, PG-SGA) were appropriate
to measure the nutritional status which correlated with inflammatory status (CRP,
neutrophil/lypmphocyte ratio) [520].

Recommendation 97
No recommendation can be made for or against the use of glutamine to prevent or treat radiation

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 97% agreement


A meta-analysis [521] of 13 RCTs investigating the protective efficacy of glutamine versus placebo
in preventing occurrence of radiation enteritis or curative efficacy of glutamine versus placebo in
cancer patients with radiation enteritis after receiving pelvic and/or abdominal radiotherapy. The
results showed that: a) the total efficacy of glutamine was higher for patients with radiation enteritis
compared with that in control group, however, there was no statistically significant difference (OR
3.07; 95%CI 0.79-11.96; p>0.05); b) the combined ORs for all five grades (from grade 0 to grade 4)
of radiation enteritis in patients receiving glutamine were 2.06, 1.35, 0.55, 0.62 and 0.59,
respectively (p>0.05 for all); c) glutamine failed to significantly improve the symptoms of radiation

enteritis in terms of tenesmus, abdominal cramping and blood in bowel movement (p>0.05).

An RCT including 69 adult patients undergoing abdominal or pelvic radiotherapy due to a neoplasm

investigated the effects of oral glutamine during abdominal radiotherapy on chronic radiation
enteritis [522]. Patients were assigned to receive either glutamine (glutamine, 30 g/d) or placebo.
Chronic enteritis was developed by 14% of patients: glutamine 16.7% vs. placebo 11.1% (RR 1.33,

95%CI 0.35–5.03, p=0.540). Most cases of enteritis were grade I (75.0%), with no differences
between groups. The stool frequency increased post-radiotherapy in patients who received

glutamine (from 1±1 to 2±2 stools/d, p=0.012), but remained unchanged with placebo (1±1 stools/d,
p=0.858; difference between groups p=0.004). There were no differences between the two groups

in terms of weight, fat mass or fat-free mass index, or between patients with enteritis and those

without intestinal toxicity. A prospective RCT investigated perioperative alanyl-glutamine -

supplemented PN (0.4g/kg d) versus isonitrogenous control in patients undergoing surgery due to
intestinal obstruction. Significantly increased CD4/CD8-positive T-lymphocyte ratios were observed
in both groups, there was also a significant intergroup difference (p<0.001; glutamine -PN, baseline
1.36±0.32 vs 1.82±0.30 on POD14, p<0.001; control, baseline 1.37±0.25 vs 1.63±0.31 on POD14,
p<0.001). However, no significant differences were found for parameters of nutritional status and
intestinal permeability [523].

10 Chapter 8 - Entero-cutaneous fistulas

What are the definition and the criteria for the diagnosis and classification and reporting of chronic
entero-cutaneous fistulas

Statement 16
The ECF is classified by anatomic location (proximal: jejunum and more proximal; distal: ileum or
more distal), fasting output volume (low: < 200 mL/d; medium: 200 – 500 mL/d; high: > 500 mL/d),
location in the open abdomen (deep vs superficial) and number of fistula openings (single
opening, multiple in close proximity; multiple distant from each other).

Strong consensus 95% agreement

r oo
ECF is defined as an abnormal connection between the gastrointestinal tract and the skin.
Enteroatmospheric fistula (EAF) is a connection without a cover from the abdominal wall and the

atmosphere, usually associated with open abdomen. ECF and EAF may cause acute IF, which may
become CIF if the fistula does not close spontaneously within a few weeks. Spontaneous closure is

very rare in EAF [524,525].


The great majority of ECF are iatrogenic (75–85%), between 15 and 25% occur spontaneously [524].
Among 649 adult patients with open abdomen 58 (8.9%) developed EAF. Indications for open

abdomen were peritonitis (51.2%) and traumatic-injury (16.8%) [526]. In case of open abdomen
negative pressure wound therapy may be a risk factor for the development of EAF [527,528]. Sepsis
is the major cause of mortality [529].

According to Di Saverio et al [530] the fistula may be classified by anatomic location (proximal:
jejunum and more proximal; distal: ileum or more distal), output volume (low: < 200 mL/d; medium:
200 – 500 mL/d; high: > 500 mL/d), location in the open abdomen (deep vs superficial) and number
of fistula openings (single opening, multiple in close proximity; multiple distant from each other).
Risk factors for persistent fistula are: foreign body, radiation, inflammation or infection,
epithelialization of the fistula tract, neoplasm, and distal obstruction [531].

While there is consent that serum proteins may not be considered a nutritional marker [532],
decreased plasma concentrations of serum albumin, transferrin, retinol binding protein, and
prealbumin may be a consequence of fistula -related inflammation and have prognostic significance.
Increased serum albumin concentration in patients undergoing PN may be associated with
significantly less fistula output and improved rate of spontaneous closure [525].

Which nutritional support and drug therapy should be provided to patients with entero-cutaneous

Recommendation 98
Withholding EN cannot be of benefit regarding fistula closure, whereas some oral/enteral
nutrition may protect the integrity of the mucosal barrier as well as the immunologic and
hormonal function of the gut.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 99
Optimizing nutrition and wound care may stabilize ECF and potentially allow spontaneous closure.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 100% agreement



There are no studies showing a benefit of withholding EN with regard to fistula closure. EN or PN

supplementation does not differ in principle for fistula compared to other causes of intestinal
insufficiency or IF [525]. There is consent that oral and enteral nutrition are the preferred method
of feeding in order to maintain the structural and functional integrity of the gastrointestinal tract

Adequate nutrition, careful and timely surgical management of the underlying abdominal situation
and special wound care have been identified as determining factors to control ECF and allow
spontaneous closure or surgical revision, which is usually delayed until six to twelve months

The ASPEN/FELANPE Clinical Guideline from 2017 recommends with low evidence: “After
stabilization of fluid and electrolyte balance oral diet or EN may be feasible and tolerated in patients
with low-output (<500 mL/d) ECF (suggesting no distal obstruction). However, patients with high-

output ECF (>500 mL/d) may require PN to meet fluid, electrolyte, and nutrient requirements to
support spontaneous or surgical closure of the fistula” [525]

The ASPEN/FELANPE guideline also recommends on expert consensus the provision of protein at
1.5–2.0 g/kg/d and energy intake appropriate to the patient's energy requirements based on results
of nutrition assessment. More protein is recommended (up to 2.5 g/kg/d) in patients with prolonged
acute IF due to EAF and high fistula output [525]. Recent data from a multicentric trial in critically ill
patients showed that such a high amount of protein was without favorable impact on outcome but
may be harmful with regard to those patients with impaired renal function [534]. Concerning
patients with CIF, the ESPEN guideline on HPN recommend not to exceed 0.8-1.4g/kg/d [2]. In line

with the ASPEN/FELANPE guideline HPN is recommended when the patient is medically stable and

the fistula output is manageable, as well as in patients with high-output ECF (>500 mL/d) when

surgical repair is not yet appropriate [2,525].
Recommendation 100

Refeeding enteroclysis (chyme reinfusion) may be recommended in double enterostomies high

output fistulas.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 96% agreement



In order to avoid losses of trophic chyme refeeding enteroclysis is a method for patients with
proximal enteral fistula or stoma. Furthermore, it makes EN feasible and may wean the patient from
PN [525,535,536]. Enteric succus refeeding can be self-administered. In a retrospective study of 306
patients with SBS chyme reinfusion started in median after five days and was continued for 64 days.
Nutritional status improved with regard to weight gain (+3.5±8.4%) and albumin (+5.4±5.8 g/L).
Intestinal output decreased by 2,096±959ml/d, accompanied by an increase in absorption of
nitrogen (32±20%) and lipids (43±30%), and the improvement of citrulline 13.1±8.1umol/L [537].
Similar positive results were reported by an Indian study on a case series of 30 patients [538].

A new device has been developed for reinfusion and proven feasible in ten patients [539].
Enteroclysis using water and electrolytes instead of chyme (hydration enteroclysis) is also feasible
and reduces intravenous energy and volume/electrolyte requirements [540].
Based on a systematic review of 15 level IV studies with high risk of bias and the lack of RCTs there
is no clear evidence for topical management in order to induce fistula closure [529]. Topical
interventions were categorized as isolating, intubating, or occluding the fistula. In all studies
negative pressure wound therapy with a great variability was used, applied directly to the fistula
orifice or surrounding a pouching system. While there is a risk for new fistula formation, these
authors do not endorse the use of negative pressure wound therapy over any other topical
management system. The guideline group agrees with these authors to consider negative pressure
wound therapy only as part of a comprehensive plan of care topical management. Pain, odor
control, mobility, and independence as important quality-of-life issues and patient reported
outcomes should be prioritized for the selection and evaluation of appropriate interventions [529]

r oo
Recommendation 101
Drug therapy for ECF can be the same used for SBS.
Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 100% agreement


As in IF in general, acid suppressive therapy, preferably with a PPI decreases fistula output [531,524].

Anti-motility agents appear to have the same effect as in other etiologies of IF or intestinal

insufficiency [341]. Two meta analyzes report that somatostatin analogues provide an improved
rate of fistula closure [541,542]. The ASPEN/FELANPE Clinical guideline recommends with moderate
evidence from their meta-analysis to use a somatostatin analogue in adult patients with high-output
(>500 mL/d) ECF in order to reduce effluent drainage and enhance spontaneous closure [525].

A practical approach may be to try a course of somatostatin analogue for three days and to continue,
if fistula output is decreased in meaningful way [524]. The ASPEN/FELANPE Clinical guideline also
recommends with low evidence the combination of PN with oral glutamine [525].

Which are the options for non-transplant surgical procedures for chronic entero-cutaneous fistulas?

Recommendation 102
Surgical intervention with regard to the restoration of continuity may be individualized and only
performed by experienced surgeons in specialized interdisciplinary units.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 100% agreement


So far, no evidence based standardized recommendations for management and intestinal

reconstruction have been developed. A recent systematic review of 15 level-IV case-based

publications has not revealed evidence for standardized treatment. Interventions should be based

on practical considerations, resources, and clinical skills [529]. In case spontaneous fistula closure
will not be achieved by appropriate nonsurgical management, it is an indication for surgery in order
to restore bowel continuity. For the surgical management consensus-based recommendations of
the European Society of Coloproctology have been available from 2016 [543]. Because there is a

high risk for complications including further deterioration and loss of bowel there is strong

consensus that surgical interventions should be very carefully prepared in specialized

interdisciplinary units and performed by surgeons with special expertise in the field in CIF centers

[525,529,543]. Surgery should not be performed before the inflammatory response has resolved,

the nutrition status has been optimized and the general condition improved [525,543].

11 Chapter 9 - Intestinal Transplantation

Which patients with CIF should undergo assessment for candidacy for intestinal transplantation and
which patients should be listed for transplantation?

Recommendation 103
Patients with CIF should be assessed for candidacy for ITx, when they have been evaluated by a
multidisciplinary team, rehabilitation options have been explored, and a state of
permanent/irreversible or life-limiting CIF and one of the following exist:

• Evidence of advanced or progressive IFALD, as described below:

o Hyperbilirubinemia >75 μmol/L (4.5 mg/dL) despite intravenous lipid modification

strategies that persists for >2 months

o Any combination of elevated serum bilirubin, reduced synthetic function (subnormal
albumin or elevated international normalized ratio (INR)), and laboratory indications of
portal hypertension and hypersplenism, especially low platelet count, persisting for >1
month in the absence of a confounding infectious event(s)

• Thrombosis of three out of four discrete upper body central veins (left subclavian and internal

jugular, right subclavian and internal jugular)


• Invasive intra-abdominal desmoids

• Acute diffuse intestinal infarction with hepatic failure


• Failure of first intestinal transplant

• Any other potential life-threatening morbidity.

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 104 (recommendation #73 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Patients with advanced or progressive IFALD and those with an invasive intra-abdominal desmoid
tumor should be listed for a life-saving ITx (with or without liver transplantation).

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 105 (recommendation #74 of the 2016 CIF GL)
Patients with CVC related thrombosis of two or more central veins (internal jugular, subclavian or
femoral) may be listed for a life-saving ITx on a case-by-case basis.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 106 (recommendation #75 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Patients with CIF having any of the indications for assessment of candidacy other than IFALD-
related liver failure, intra-abdominal desmoids or CVC-related multiple vein thrombosis should
not be listed for a life-saving ITx.

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 93% agreement

Recommendation 107 (recommendation #76 of the 2016 CIF GL)
Patients with CIF with high morbidity or low acceptance of HPN may be listed for a rehabilitative

ITx on a careful case-by-case basis.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement


Recommendation 108 (recommendation #77 of the 2016 CIF GL)


Whenever possible, patients listed for ITx should undergo the procedure while they are in a stable
clinical condition, as represented by being able to stay at home and not requiring hospitalization
while waiting for transplant.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 109
For patients listed for a combined intestinal and liver transplantation, mechanisms to prioritize
patients on the waiting list for liver transplantation should be adopted in order to minimize the
risk of mortality while awaiting and after transplantation.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 95% agreement


Safety and efficacy data support HPN as the primary treatment for CIF and ITx as an option for
patients with a high risk of mortality on HPN [23,35,37].

The 2019 report of the Intestinal Transplant Registry includes 4,103 worldwide patients who have
undergone ITx, with and without a liver graft from 1985 to 2017 [544].The data show that the
numbers of ITx decreased from 270 during the peak year of 2008 to 149 in 2017 and that pediatric
cases prevailed in the first decades, while adult cases comprised the majority in the last decade of
the Registry [544]. The proportion of combined liver-small bowel transplants (LITx) decreased in
children, where isolated small bowel ITx currently comprises the majority. On the contrary, the
numbers of LITx increased in adults, where it is currently prevailing [544]. The global decrease in the

annual number of ITx, as well as the aforementioned changes in the types of transplants performed,

likely reflect advances in CIF knowledge and management that have occurred in the last 20 years

and the resultant improved prognosis of patients with CIF.
The indications for ITx were initially developed in 2001 by an expert consensus of the American
Society of Transplantation and were categorized as HPN failure, high risk of death due to the

underlying disease, or CIF with high morbidity or low acceptance of HPN [545]. Those indications
were based on retrospective analyzes of national and international registries and individual center

cohorts of patients, with an emphasis on children who were receiving the majority of transplants at
that time, mainly because of the higher risk of IFALD-related liver failure relating to physiological

liver immaturity and episodes of sepsis.


Subsequent surveys on adult and pediatric patients have better clarified the natural history of CIF
and indications for a life-saving ITx. In 2004, ESPEN’s Home Artificial Nutrition and Chronic Intestinal
Failure working group (HAN&CIF group) carried out a prospective comparative study to evaluate the
appropriateness of the 2001 indications for ITx [31-33]. Two cohorts of patients on HPN for CIF were
compared, one of candidates for ITx and a control group of patients with no indication for ITx. The
five-year survival rate on HPN was 87% in non-candidates. However, the five-year survival rate for
ITx candidates was 74% in candidates with HPN-failure, 84% in those with high-risk underlying
disease, 100% in those with high morbidity IF/low acceptance of HPN, and 54% in ITx recipients.
These data compared well with those of the International ITx Registry report on patients included
from 2000 to 2013 [38]; notably, patients included in the latter report had a one-year conditional
survival and actuarial five-year patient and graft survival of 58% and 50%, respectively (excluding
cases of graft failure or patient death during the first year after transplantation to minimize the

effects of recipient status at the time of surgery) [38]. The 2019 International ITx Registry report
including patients up to 2017, shows an actuarial graft survival around 70% in both children and
adult recipients at one year, and 70% in children and 50% in adults at five years. During the last
decade, graft survival rate has appeared stable in adults, while demonstrating an increase in
children; it also appeared to be grater in patients undergoing LITx [544].

In the European survey [32,33], analysis of the risks and causes of death on HPN associated with
each indication revealed that only patients with liver failure due to IFALD (RR 3.2) or those with
invasive intra-abdominal desmoids (RR 7.1) had a statistically significant increased risk of death on
HPN. In these patients, almost all (91.7%) of the deaths on HPN were related to the indication for

ITx. A non-statistically significant increase in the risk of death on HPN was also observed in patients

considered to be candidates due to multiple CVC-related thromboses (RR 2.1, p=0.058). None of the

other indications for ITx demonstrated an increased risk of death on HPN, and only 35.8% of deaths
that occurred in patients with these indications were related to the underlying disease or to HPN.
Thus, these data indicated that only liver failure due to IFALD and invasive intra-abdominal desmoids
could be considered indications for a direct referral for a life-saving ITx. Appropriately-selected

patients with CVC-related thrombosis of ≥ 2 central veins could be also considered for a life-saving

ITx. For patients having none of the above indications, ITx has no life-saving role, but it might have
a potential rehabilitative role on a case-by-case basis for adequately informed patients [33].

The 2001 indications for ITx were also challenged by a retrospective survey on two groups of CIF

children, the ‘‘old era’’— children treated between January 1, 1999 through to December 31, 2005
(n=99) and the ‘‘current era’’— children treated between January 1, 2006 through to December 31,
2012 (n=91) [546]. The results showed that two 2001 criteria had poorer predictive values for the
risk of death and need of transplantation in the current era: advanced cholestasis (PPV 64% old vs.
40% current era; sensitivity 84% vs. 65%, respectively) and ultra SBS (PPV 100% old vs. 9% current
era; sensitivity 10% vs. 4%, respectively). The data showed that three new criteria had high
predictive values: ≥2 intensive care unit (ICU) admissions (OR 23.6, 95%CI 2.7–209.8, p=0.0001),
persistent bilirubin >75mmol/L despite lipid strategies (OR 24.0, 95%CI 3.2–177, p=0.00054), and
loss of ≥3 CVC sites (OR 33.3, 95%CI 18.8–54.0, p=0.0003). There was 98% probability of needing ITx
when two of these new criteria were present.

The outcome of patients with CIF has also been enhanced by the development of guidelines and
expert centers for IF. The presence of a specialist team has been reported to be a factor

independently associated with a better outcome on HPN [23,35-38]. Improvement of strategies to
prevent and treat IFALD, including the newer intravenous lipid emulsions, have decreased the risk
of liver failure [118,119,547,5486&,7–9]. The risk of CVAD related sepsis has been decreased by the
use of taurolidine to lock the CVAD [2,549]. The chance of intestinal rehabilitation and weaning from
HPN in patients with SBS has been increased by post-resection intestinal reconstruction procedures
[454] and also by therapy with intestinal growth factors [385].

On the other hand, increasing experience in ITx has suggested that its potential benefits lie beyond
transplantation just offering a life-saving option to those at risk of death from CIF-related
complications, primarily as a result of better long-term survival after transplant [38,544] and

potential improvements in both QoL and cost-effectiveness after successful transplantation [550-

556]. However, limitations of immune suppression and the ever-present risk of rejection mean that

actual QoL gains remain to be established, and that the decision for a pre-emptive ITx (i.e., before
the onset of HPN-related complications) should be carefully taken on a case-by-case basis [554].
As a result of these changes in practice and outcomes in CIF and ITx since the publication of the 2001

position paper, a working group of the Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplant Association
convened and re-evaluated the indications for ITx in 2015 [39] (Table 16).

Advances in HPN care have modified management approaches for CIF, moving from the direct

referral for ITx of any patient with a potential risk of death from HPN to the practice of earlier patient
referral to intestinal rehabilitation centers with expertise in both medical and surgical treatments

for CIF. This represents a key step to maximize the chance of weaning off HPN, preventing HPN-
failure, improving QoL and ensuring timely assessment for listing for the appropriate type of ITx
[23,35-38]. A document devised by IRTA in 2008 on ‘strategies to reduce mortality and morbidity in
patients with CIF’ recommends that patients requiring 50% or more of their energy requirements
via the intravenous route within three months of HPN commencement should be referred to expert
CIF centers [35]. Expert centers can also help optimize and stabilize the patient’s clinical condition
while on the transplant waiting list. Moreover, a previous report from the International ITx Registry
demonstrated that patients able to reside at home rather than in-hospital when awaiting
transplantation achieve better outcomes following transplantation [38].

Identifying the progression of hepatic fibrosis to irreversible cirrhosis is a key issue for the timing of
referral, as well as for the type of transplant required. Today, serial liver biopsy remains the gold
standard for assessing IFALD. Indeed, while fish oil emulsions [547,548] may improve liver function
tests in patients with IFALD cholestasis, there is a risk of continued hepatic fibrosis, highlighting the
need to perform a liver biopsy in those at risk of hepatic fibrosis resultant from IFALD [557-560].

It has been suggested that patients with Metavir stage II fibrosis (perisinusoidal and
portal/periportal fibrosis) should be considered for an isolated intestinal transplant, whereas those
with stage III (bringing fibrosis) or IV (cirrhosis) should be considered for LITx [39].

Attenuation or reversal of liver fibrosis has been reported after successful isolated ITx in adults with
SBS, with preserved hepatic synthetic function and the absence of portal hypertension [561,562].
Successful isolated liver transplant has been reported in children with IFALD-related liver failure
with portal hypertension as a result of SBS, with full enteral adaptation and complete HPN weaning

HPN after transplantation [563,564].

Mortality on the waiting list for those awaiting combined liver-ITx is higher compared to patients

who do not have CIF awaiting an isolated liver transplant [247,565]. Adult and pediatric end-stage
liver disease models (MELD and PELD) can be used to risk stratify waiting times for LITx, with an
adjustment applied to incorporate an additional sliding scale of 10% mortality at three months [35].

Over time, this approach has reduced waiting times for LITx and increased the number LITx
performed, narrowing the gap between isolated liver and LITx in both pediatric and adult

populations [565,566].

Table 16. Old and revised criteria for placement on a wait list for intestinal transplantation, presuming that patients will have been assessed by a multidisciplinary team,
rehabilitation options have been explored, and a state of permanent or life-limiting intestinal failure exists [adapted from references 33,39,546,554,560].

2001 criteria 2019 criteria Comments

Evidence of advanced or progressive IFALD
• Impending (total bilirubin above 3–6 mg/dL, • Hyperbilirubinemia >75 µmol/L (4.5 mg/dL) despite • This is confirmed as the major criterion for direct
progressive thrombocytopenia, and progressive intravenous lipid modification strategies that persists listing for combined liver-ITx.
splenomegaly) or overt liver failure (portal for more than 2 months • Liver biopsy is the gold standard test to identify the
hypertension, hepatosplenomegaly, hepatic fibrosis, • Any combination of elevated serum bilirubin, reduced stage of liver disease, the timing of transplantation

or cirrhosis) because of PN-liver injury. synthetic function (sub-normal albumin or elevated and the type of transplant required (isolated ITx or

INR), and laboratory indications of portal combined liver-ITx)
hypertension and hypersplenism, especially low

platelet count persisting for more than 1 month in the
absence of confounding infectious event(s)

Thrombosis of central veins:

• Central venous catheter related thrombosis of two or • Children: thrombosis of three out of four discrete • This criterion for children was based on a survey that
more central veins upper body central veins (left subclavian and internal showed a statistically significant increased risk of

jugular, right subclavian and internal jugular) or death associated with the loss of ≥3 CVAD sites (right
occlusion of a brachiocephalic vein. and left internal jugular vein, right and left subclavian

vein, right and left femoral vein).
• Adults: on a case-by-case basis • This criterion for adults refers to the loss of right and
left internal jugular vein, right and left subclavian
vein, or right and left femoral vein; a survey showed
that it was not associated with a statistically
significant the risk of death.
Other HPN/IF-related major complications
• Frequent central line sepsis: two or more episodes • Children: two admissions to an intensive care unit • For children, this criterion was supported by the above
per year of systemic sepsis secondary to line (after initial recovery from the event resulting in mentioned single center retrospective survey.
infections requiring hospitalization; a single episode intestinal failure) because of cardio-respiratory failure
of line-related fungemia; septic shock and/or acute (mechanical ventilation or inotrope infusion) due to • For adults, this criterion is on a case-by-case basis,
respiratory distress syndrome. sepsis or other complications of intestinal failure. because recurrent episodes of CRBSIs or of severe
• Frequent episodes of severe dehydration despite dehydration were demonstrated not to be associated
intravenous fluid in addition to HPN. • Adults: on a case-by-case basis. with an increased risk of death.

Underlying disease related complication

• Desmoid tumors associated with familial • Invasive intra-abdominal desmoids in adolescents and • This is a criterion for direct listing for ITx;
adenomatous polyposis. adults • Case reports of ITx for other intestinal premalignant
and malignant conditions have been published:
malignant tumors including hepatoblastoma,
hepatocellular carcinoma, neuroendocrine tumors,
and gastrointestinal stromal tumors have been
considered for ITx, often in conjunction with
chemotherapy; high-grade dysplastic polyps in Peutz-
Jeghers syndrome, and other multiple intestinal
polyposis syndromes when malignant and

premalignant lesions are identified sufficiently early.

• Acute diffuse intestinal infarction with hepatic failure • Urgent multivisceral transplantation should be

considered in case of complicated acute splanchnic
venous thrombosis with failure of initial attempts of


• Failure of first intestinal transplant • Re-transplant is the primary treatment.
• The optimal timing for re-transplantation, the

decision to remove the failed graft prior to the next
transplant, and sensitization of re-transplant

candidates due to high titers of circulating anti-HLA
antibodies are major concerns affecting post-
transplant outcome.

• Congenital mucosal disorders (i.e., microvillus Not included in the list • These scenarios do not need a lifesaving ITx, but they
inclusion disease, tufting enteropathy). require an early referral to a center with experience in
• Ultra-short bowel syndrome (gastrostomy, intestinal rehabilitation.
duodenostomy, residual small bowel <10 cm in • Tufting enteropathy may improve during childhood
infants and <20 cm in adults). and beyond, up to weaning off HPN.
• Multiple intestinal fistulas, frozen abdomens,
radiation enteritis, IF after bariatric surgery also
require early referral to expert centers.

• Intestinal failure with high morbidity (frequent Not included in the list • Even though ITx appears to achieve worthwhile gains
hospitalization, narcotic dependency) or inability to in QoL for children and adult recipients, the risks
function (i.e., pseudo-obstruction, high output related to immunosuppression and the risk of graft

stoma). rejection must be taken into account if a preemptive
• Patient’s unwillingness to accept long-term HPN (i.e., ITx is considered (i.e., before the onset of
young patients). complications of therapy related to HPN).
• Survival on HPN of patients with dysmotility is similar
to that of patients with SBS.
Abbreviations: CRBSI, catheter related bloodstream infection; CVAD, central venous access device; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; HPN, home parenteral nutrition; IF, intestinal
failure; IFALD, intestinal failure-associated liver disease; ITx, intestinal transplantation; PN parenteral nutrition; SBS, short bowel syndrome.

r oo

12 Chapter 10 - Prevention/treatment of CVAD-related complications

Which are the procedures for the prevention, diagnosis and management of CVAD-related

Recommendation 110
For the prevention of CVAD-related infections, the infusion line and CVAD care shall be in keeping
with recommendations #19-38 of the ESPEN guideline on HPN (Table 10).

Grade of recommendation A - Strong consensus 100% agreement


The HPN guideline [2] recommendations #19-38 are listed in table 10. For the underlying evidence,

please consult the original guideline (
It is highlighted that all the recommendations of the 2016 guideline on CIF [1] for the primary
prevention of CRBSI were confirmed and that new evidence on taurolidine supported the upgrade

of the grade of recommendation about its use for CVAD lock.

The 2016 guideline on CIF recommendations for the prevention of CRBSI are summarized below:

a) recommend education of staff and patients/caregivers; implementation of an adequate


policy of hand washing and disinfection by patients and staff; handwashing and disinfection
by patients and caregivers before touching CVAD as well as after CVAD care; disinfection of

the hub connector every time it is accessed; use of tunneled single-lumen catheters
whenever possible; use of chlorhexidine 2% for antisepsis of hands, CVAD exit site,
stopcocks, catheter hubs and other sampling ports and regular change of intravenous
administration sets.
b) suggest performing site care, including catheter hub cleaning on at least a weekly basis;
changing CVAD dressings at least once weekly; avoiding CVAD care immediately after
changing or emptying ostomy appliances and disinfecting hands after ostomy care.
c) not recommend the use of in-line filters; routine replacement of CVADs; antibiotic
prophylaxis and heparin lock.

Catheter locking protocol is a key step for the prevention of CRBSI. Catheter locking is a technique
by which an antimicrobial solution is used to fill the catheter lumen and then left for a period of
time while the catheter is not in use.
Locking with sodium chloride 0.9% has been demonstrated to be superior to heparin solution for
the prevention of CRBSI. Although antimicrobial effects of heparin have been claimed, preservative-
free heparin at concentrations <6,000 U/mL lacks antimicrobial properties and might even promote
catheter colonization and bio-film growth [567-569]. An RCT in >750 cancer patient with a newly
inserted port compared low-dose heparin (300 U/3 mL) versus 0.9% saline locking. CRBSI rate was
0.03/1,000 catheter days in the saline group versus 0.10/1,000 catheter days in the heparin group
[570]. Several meta-analyzes showed that CVAD patency is not prolonged in catheters that are not
used for blood processing by intermittent flushing with heparin when compared with normal saline

Taurolidine, a derivative of the amino acid taurine, prevents microbial adhesion to catheter surfaces

and biofilm formation by an irreversible reaction of its metabolites with bacterial cell walls.

Taurolidine has a very broad spectrum of activity against bacterial and fungal pathogens and also
neutralizes bacterial endo- and exotoxins [574,575]. The earliest non-controlled study with
taurolidine as a catheter lock in the setting of HPN reported in a decreased infection rate from 10.8
infections per 1,000 catheter days pre-treatment to 0.8 thereafter [576].

The first prospective controlled trial randomizing HPN patients after treatment for CRBSI to receive

either 2% taurolidine (n=16) or heparin (150 U/mL, n=14) demonstrated that taurolidine locking
decreased re-infections by more than 90% when compared with heparin, with a mean infection-

free period of 641 catheter days in the taurolidine group versus 176 in the heparin group (p<0.0001)

[577]. There were no reported adverse effects or catheter occlusions. These authors also showed
that there was no evidence for the development of microbial resistance to taurolidine in cultures of
patients who developed CRBSIs while being treated with taurolidine locks [578]. In 2013, Liu and co-
workers [579] published a meta-analysis of available trials on the effects of taurolidine locks for
preventing CRBSIs. Six RCTs conducted from 2004 through 2013 involving 431 patients and 86,078
catheter days were included and showed that the use of taurolidine locks was significantly
associated with a lower incidence of CRBSIs when compared to heparin locks (RR 0.34, 95%CI 0.21–
0.55), decreased the incidence of CRBSIs from Gram-negative bacteria (RR, 0.27, 95%CI 0.11–0.65,
p=0.004), and was associated with a non-significant decrease in Gram-positive infections (RR, 0.41,
95%CI, 0.15–1.09, p=0.07). No association was observed with taurolidine locks and catheter-
associated thrombosis. On the other hand, the same group performed a systematic review on
taurolidine-citrate lock solution, including two studies on adult hemodialysis patients and one study

on pediatric patients with hematological malignancies and catheters used for chemotherapy and
intravenous medication/alimentation. They observed a reduced risk of CRBSI but an increased risk
of vein thrombosis with taurolidine-citrate lock solution (1.35% taurolidine and 4% citrate) in
comparison with standard heparin lock solution (5,000 U/mL) [580].

Several recent studies with various taurolidine formulations have bolstered the available evidence
on use of taurolidine to prevent CRBSIs, all in the setting of HPN support for adult benign CIF. Tribler
et al. investigated CVAD locking with taurolidine 1.4%-citrate-heparin in comparison to control (low-
dose heparin 100 IE/mL) in a single center study in 41 high-risk Danish HPN patients who had been
stratified according to their prior CRBSI incidence. In 20 patients who received the taurolidine-

containing formulation, no CRBSIs occurred in contrast to CRBSIs in seven out of 21 controls

(incidence 1.0/1,000 CVC days; p<0.05). Costs in the taurolidine arm were lower because of fewer

admission days related to CRBSI treatment [581].
Since locking with heparin solutions has been suspected of promoting CRBSI, Wouters et al.
compared a pure taurolidine 2% lock to another control (saline 0.9%) in a multicenter trial. Patients

were stratified in a new catheter group and a pre-existing catheter group. Overall 102 patients were
analyzed. In the new catheter group, CRBSIs/1,000 catheter days were significantly lower (0.29 vs

1.49) in the taurolidine arm while in patients who entered the trial with a pre-existing catheter CRBSI
rates were also lower in the taurolidine arm (0.39 vs 1.32; p>0.05 due to under-powering). Mean

costs per patient were significantly lower for taurolidine. Drug-related adverse events were rare and

generally mild [549].

A retrospective survey analyzed catheter-related complications from 212 patients on HPN between
2000 and 2011, comprising 545 and 200 catheters during lock therapy with low-dose (150 U/mL)
heparin and taurolidine, respectively. CRBSI rates were 1.1/yr for heparin and 0.2/yr for taurolidine-
locked catheters, while occlusion incidence rates were 0.2/yr for heparin and 0.1/yr for taurolidine.
Adjusted incidence ratios of heparin compared to taurolidine were 5.9 (95%CI 3.9-8.7) for
bloodstream infections and 1.9 (95%CI 1.1-3.1) for occlusions. These data also suggest that
taurolidine decreases CRBSI and occlusions in HPN patients compared with heparin [582].

A retrospective study compared CRBSI rates twelve months before and twelve months after
implementation of locking with taurolidine-citrate in 15 HPN patients with a high risk of catheter
infection. CRBSI decreased from 6.58/1,000 catheter days in the first period to 1.09/1,000 catheter

days in the second period, and did so both in patients who used the lock daily or only once a week

Wouters et al. analyzed long-term complications and adverse events in this cohort of HPN patients
during a more recent period (2006 to 2017) while all patients used taurolidine locks [584]. In 270
HPN patients who used taurolidine during 338,521 catheter days, CRBSIs, CVAD-related vein
thrombosis (CRVT) and occlusions occurred at rates of 0.60, 0.28, and 0.12 events per 1,000 catheter
days, respectively. In 24 (9%) patients, mild to moderate adverse events resulted in discontinuation
of taurolidine. A subsequent switch to 0.9% saline resulted in an increased CRBSI rate (adjusted rate
ratio 4.01, p=0.02). Several risk factors were identified for CRBSIs, including lower age and increased

infusion frequency.

To identify the most effective catheter locking solution formulation in patients receiving HPN these

authors also conducted a systematic review and individual-patient data meta-analysis (IPDMA)
[585]. Primary outcome was the number of CRBSIs/1,000 catheter days for each catheter locking
solution . Three studies comprising 162 HPN patients and 45,695 catheter days were included. CRBSI

rates were significantly decreased in patients using taurolidine (rate 0.13) when compared with
saline (rate 0.74, p=0.002) or heparin (rate 2.01, p<0.001). Taurolidine was the most effective

catheter locking solution formulation in HPN patients for the prevention of CRBSIs, since the
cumulative proportion of CRBSI-free patients using taurolidine, saline, and heparin after one year

was 88%, 56%, and 14%, respectively. Three risk factors for CRBSIs were identified: type of catheter

locking solution , intestinal dysmotility as underlying condition, and use of CVC [585].

Important issues that remain to be solved in future studies are whether the addition of
anticoagulants such as citrate to taurolidine affects its efficacy, whether taurolidine should be
considered in all or only in high-risk patients, and whether locks should be withdrawn or flushed
into the patient upon the next catheter use. Potential problems related to all of these locks include
the development of side effects, toxicity, allergic reactions, or the emergence of microbial

Other CVAD lock solutions are under investigation for CRBSI prevention. A retrospective crossover
cohort study observed that 4% tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution, which
has nonantibiotic antimicrobial, antibiofilm, and anticoagulant effects, was effective in reducing
central line-related bloodstream infections (CLABSI) and catheter occlusions in 20 pediatric patients
with long-term CVAD [586]. Similarly, a pre- and post-intervention study carried over 36 months
including 20 adults on long-term HPN reported a significant reduction in the CLABSI rate after
introducing CVAD lock with 4% EDTA solution (p = 0.04) [587]. No RCT in patients with CIF have yet
been carried out.

Recommendation 111 (recommendation #91 of the 2016 CIF GL)

The creation of arterio-venous fistulas to prevent CVAD-related infections may be considered in
carefully selected patients.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 100% agreement


r oo
Arterio-venous fistulas or shunts were the earliest type of central venous access when HPN was first
used. A retrospective review of practice in the Netherlands, where some hospitals have continued
to use these shunts, showed that while bloodstream infections were extremely rare for arterio-

venous fistulas compared to tunneled CVCs, occlusion was more frequent [588]. It was recently
shown that using autologous venous grafts instead of prosthetic materials to create arterio-venous

fistulas lowers this risk for occlusion [589].


Recommendation 112 (recommendation #92 of the 2016 CIF GL)


Catheter locking with 70% ethanol should not be used to prevent CVAD-related infections,
because its use is associated with systemic toxicity, catheter occlusion and catheter damage.

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 100% agreement


Ethanol locking therapy (ELT) has also been shown to be a promising therapy for the prevention of
CRBSI in small studies in adult and pediatric HPN patients [590-595]. Benefits over antibiotics include
the lack of development of microbial resistance, potent bactericidal and fungicidal properties, and
low cost. Opilla et al. [592] studied nine HPN patients with a crossover design using ELT. Patients
developed 81 CRBSIs before ELT and nine CRBSIs thereafter (8.3 vs 2.7 per 1,000 catheter days). A
larger group of 31 HPN patients in the US who were studied pre- and post-ELT developed 273 CRBSI-
related admissions prior to ELT in comparison to 47 CRBSI-related admissions post-ELT, with an
adjusted CRBSI-related admission rate drop from 10.1 to 2.9 per 1,000 catheter days, without any
reported side effects or complications in any patient undergoing ELT [593]. A study from the US that
evaluated hospital readmissions for CRBSI in home patients found that there was no length of stay
difference for CRBSI between home patients with or without ELT, but those not receiving ELT were
more likely to have a CRBSI from Staphylococcus sp. (48% vs 27%) [594]. A meta-analysis estimated
the pooled effectiveness and safety of ELT in comparison with heparin locks with regard to CRBSI
rate and CVAD replacements for pediatric patients with CIF. Fifty-three studies were included. In
comparison with heparin locks, ELT reduced the CRBSI-rate per 1,000 catheter days by 7.67 events
and CVAD replacements by 5.07. ELT decreased the CRBSI rate by 81% and replacements by 72%

[595]. However, a systematic review on the adverse effects associated with ELT showed that ethanol
locks are associated with structural changes in catheters, as well as the elution of molecules from

the catheter polymers, precipitation of plasma proteins, and increased risk of venous thrombosis
[596]. Wolf et al carried out a randomized, double-blind, placebo (heparinized saline)-controlled
superiority trial to evaluated ethanol (70% ethanol) lock therapy as treatment and secondary

prophylaxis for CRSBI in children with cancer or hematological disorders [597]. The results showed
that ethanol lock therapy did not prevent CRBSI treatment failure, while it increased catheter

occlusion. These data do not allow us to recommend ethanol lock for the prevention of CRBSI in

patients on long-term HPN.


Recommendation 113 (recommendation #93 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Re-education of the patient and/or caregiver shall be made in patients who repeatedly present
with CVAD-related infections.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement


CVAD related complications remain the Achilles’ heel of HPN care and are associated with significant
psychosocial stress in these patients, generating the need for preventive measures, whenever
possible [53]. Implementation of an adequate written policy and education of healthcare personnel
and patients is necessary for the prevention of complications [598,599]. A randomized trial has

provided evidence that interactive video-based education of both staff and patients reduces CRBSI
in HPN patients and improves problem-solving capacities and QoL [600]. Such training of all
individuals who are involved in HPN care is a key strategy for preventing CRBSI.

Recommendation 114 (recommendation #86 of the 2016 CIF GL)

CVAD-related infections should be managed according to current guidelines on long-term CVAD
and as described in the comment section: a conservative approach with systemic and local (locks)
use of antibiotics is advocated for simple infections; CVAD removal should be the first choice in
case of tunnel infections or blood cultures positive for virulent bacteria; CVAD removal is

mandatory for port abscesses, complicated infections, persistent hemodynamic instability, or

blood cultures that are positive for fungi.

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Available data on the diagnosis of CVAD-related infections mainly come from observational studies

in oncology and ICU patients looking at tunneled and non-tunneled catheters. Once a CRBSI is
suspected, two sets of blood cultures should be taken, one percutaneously and one from the

catheter, to evaluate the possibility of bacteremia. A diagnosis of CRBSI should be achieved (a) by

quantitative or semiquantitative culture of the catheter (when the CVAD is removed or exchanged
over a guide wire), or (b) by paired quantitative blood cultures or paired qualitative blood cultures
from a peripheral vein and from the CVAD, with continuous monitoring of the differential time to
positivity (if the CVAD is left in place) [598,499,602,603]. A probable CRBSI is characterized by a
colonized catheter in association with clinical signs suggesting septicemia, despite the lack of a
positive peripheral blood culture. Blood cultures should not be taken on a routine basis in the
absence of suspicion of a CRBSI [599,604].

Clinical assessment is recommended to evaluate whether the CVAD is the source of the CRBSI [605].
It is not always necessary to remove a CVAD in case of a CRBSI, as was confirmed by a high mean
CVAD-salvage rate of 55% (depending on infection type and causative microorganism) in a Danish
HPN cohort of adult patients, although the risk of a CRBSI relapse (7,5%) or recurrence (7,3%) was
increased [606]. A conservative approach with systemic and local (locks) use of antibiotics is

advocated for simple infections due to Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci,
and Gram-negative bacilli, before removing the CVAD [40,598,599]. CVAD removal is inevitable in
case of tunnel infections, port abscesses, in patients with septic shock, or in case of complicated
infections, including endocarditis, metastatic infections, septic thrombosis, and when paired blood
cultures are positive for fungi or virulent bacteria [598]. For salvage of CVAD in patients with
uncomplicated infections, antibiotic lock therapy should be used for two weeks with standard
systemic therapy for treatment of CRBSI based on culture results for suspected intraluminal
infection, in the absence of tunnel or pocket infection [251,598]. Reinsertion of long-term CVAD
should be postponed until after appropriate systemic antimicrobial therapy is begun, based on
susceptibilities of the bloodstream isolate, and after repeat cultures of blood samples yield negative

results; if time permits, insertion of a new CVAD in a stable patient ideally should be done after a
systemic antibiotic course of therapy is completed, and repeat blood samples drawn five to ten days

later yield negative results [598]. Successful salvage of infected implanted ports by antibiotic
treatment is rare and most of these devices have to be removed [607]. Antibiotic locks may have
limited efficacy due to the presence of fibrin deposits that harbor bacteria inside the port reservoir

[608]. Failure of antibiotic-lock therapy once infections have developed appears to be more
frequent in patients with subcutaneous port infection, and in cases of bloodstream infection


While thrombolysis with urokinase, streptokinase, or tissue plasminogen activator has been

successfully used to unblock clogged CVAD, these agents are also used in some centers as part of a
CRBSI treatment protocol to remove any (possibly infected) thrombus from the catheter tip

While prophylactic use of antibiotic locks is not recommended, this strategy appears effective for
attempted CVAD salvage upon infection, as was suggested by a review of available data on
outcomes of three treatments: systemic antibiotics, antimicrobial lock therapy, and catheter
exchange [610]. In 28 studies comprising 4,911 CRBSIs it was found that to achieve successful
catheter salvage, the addition of an antimicrobial lock solution was superior to systemic antibiotics
alone (OR 1.75, p=0.003). Also, CRBSI recurrence was less common for antimicrobial lock therapy
compared to systemic antibiotics alone (OR 0.26, p=0.002). Successful salvage rates were highest
for coagulase-negative staphylococci, followed by Gram-negative rods and Staphylococcus aureus

A Dutch study investigated the efficacy of chronic nasal mupirocin use on Staphylococcus aureus
eradication and prevention of CVAD related infections in 266 patients on HPN who were screened
for Staphylococcus aureus carriage [611]. In case of carriage, the patient was instructed to apply
mupirocin nasal ointment monthly. Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage was found in 143 (54%) of
patients. Eradication was successful in 66% of patients treated with mupirocin. Overall
Staphylococcus aureus catheter-related infection rates decreased by 50%. The decrease was mostly
due to a drop in CRBSI rates (0.26 versus 0.1/1,000 catheter days). Overall CRBSI rates decreased as
well (incidence ratio rate 0.43). Low-level mupirocin resistance was observed in four patients [611].

Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia is a feared complication in patients with a CVAD, because of its

association with septic thrombosis. As a standard for this diagnosis was lacking, the value of Positron

emission tomography with 2-deoxy-2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-D-glucose integrated with computed

tomography ([18F]FDG-PET/CT) imaging to establish septic thrombosis was evaluated in 93 patients
with a CVAD-related Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia, 54 of whom were on HPN. It was found that
this technique can detect septic thrombosis since a ratio of 1.6 between tracer uptake in the
thrombus versus blood allowed differentiation between septic and non-septic thrombosis

(sensitivity of 92%; specificity 89%). Based on these data a decision rule-based algorithm was

developed to guide clinical management of CVAD-related Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia [612].


Which are the procedures for the prevention, diagnosis and management of CVAD-related


Recommendation 115 (recommendation #94 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Treatment of CVAD-related venous thrombosis should be made with anticoagulation, the
duration of which to be chosen on an individual basis.

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 116 (recommendation #94 of the 2016 CIF GL)

In CRVT, the decision to maintain the CVAD should depend on individual factors (e.g. necessity of
a central line, lack of infection, clinical outcome).

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement


Since the 2016 guideline for CIF, no studies endorsing changes or upgrade of the recommendations
about CRVT have been published.

Development of CRVT is a dynamic process with varying severity from the appearance of the fibrin
sheath at the tip of the catheter, intraluminal blood clot, mural thrombosis, where the blood clot
that adheres to the vessel wall and can occlude the tip of the catheter but does not completely
occlude the vein, to venous thrombosis totally occluding the vein lumen [613].

CRVT is a severe complication that is responsible for the loss of central venous accesses in patients
on HPN and may be an indication for ITx if it affects two or more of the central venous vessels [39].

CRVT may be clinically manifest or subclinical and can develop soon after catheter insertion or be
delayed in patients with long-term catheterization.

Most of the data on the incidence of CRVT in HPN comes from retrospective series with large patient
cohorts that reported on only clinically manifest thrombosis. In these studies, the incidence of CRVT
is around 0.02-0.09 cases/catheter/yr or 0.12/1,000 catheter days [52,111,609,614-616]. These data

were confirmed by a recent meta-analysis reporting a range of 0.02–1.5/1,000 catheter days [617]
The incidence of subclinical CRVT associated with routine diagnostic imaging in patients on HPN with

benign disease is much less well known. In a cross-sectional study in 42 adult patients on HPN with

a mean dwelling time of 37 weeks, the authors reported rates of 26% for clinical obstruction of the
upper venous system, 51% for radiologic thrombotic changes of the vessels wall and/or catheter tip,

and 66% for catheter dislocation from the original site, although this study is quite old and probably
does not reflect current practice [618].

In a prospective study including 30 consecutive patients receiving intravenous feeding (16 of whom
had cancer), venography was performed in the 24-hour period prior to catheter removal. The
percentage of thrombosis found was 33%, but only one patient had symptoms [619].

A prospective study of the HAN&CIF group in 62 patients on HPN, the incidence of CRVT with serial
Color Doppler Duplex Sonography evaluations for twelve months after catheter insertion was
0.045/catheter/yr, quite similar to that found in retrospective studies [620]. In this study, all the
catheters were inserted with ultrasound guidance or radiologic control and the catheter tip was
located in the atrio-caval junction or in the lower third of the superior cava vein in all the subjects.

Symptomatic venous thrombosis may present clinically with pain, tenderness to palpation, edema,
warmth, erythema, and the development of regional collateral vessels, usually along with catheter
malfunction, although these symptoms and signs are non-specific. The gold standard method for
CRVT diagnosis is venography, but it is invasive and requires exposure to intravenous contrast and
radiation. The preferred method for CRVT screening is ultrasonography, which may be employed in
both symptomatic and asymptomatic thrombosis as it is a non-invasive method [621]. Duplex
ultrasound can accurately detect CRVT involving the jugular, axillary, distal subclavian, and arm
veins. Contrast venographic imaging is required for indeterminate duplex findings and to evaluate
the deep central veins and pulmonary arteries.

In a systematic review, compression ultrasonography had good sensitivity (97%) and specificity

(96%) compared to venography for the diagnosis of clinically-suspected upper extremity deep vein

thrombosis [621]. In this review, only one study evaluated the value of the clinical findings, D-dimer,
MRI, rheography, and plethysmography and found a wide range of sensitivity and specificity [621].
Reliable data on the accuracy of ultrasound in CRVT are limited [622]. In lower extremity CRVT no
studies are available. In upper extremity CRVT specifically, Color Doppler Flow Imaging had the best

performance (sensitivity 94%, specificity 96%). In patients with normal ultrasound, additional

venography could be performed. Alternative strategies such as serially-performed ultrasound, spiral

computed tomography, or MRI may be useful and of potential interest, but are not yet validated

[622]. According to the results of a recently published prospective study, Color Doppler Duplex

Sonography is not recommended for routine screening of CRVT in asymptomatic patients with
benign diseases on HPN [620].

The optimum management of CRVT is controversial as there are few prospective studies on this
topic [622,623]. CRVT is usually treated with anticoagulation, usually LMWH or oral anticoagulants.
Initial anticoagulation treatment usually involves LMWH, followed by vitamin K antagonists, except
in patients with cancer and patients with poor oral absorption, for whom LMWH is preferred.
Compared with warfarin, the LMWHs exhibit a superior safety profile and a more predictable effect
without the need for monitoring. The role of new oral anticoagulants (oral direct factor Xa inhibitors
or direct thrombin inhibitors) in the treatment of CRVT in patients with IF may be promising as they
need little monitoring [624]. The length of time a patient should be anticoagulated will depend on
individual case characteristics (risk factors, extent and characteristics of the thrombus, catheter
removal) but generally is three to six months and in some cases forever [625].

The decision to remove or maintain the catheter will be based on each individual situation as it does
not appear to influence the outcome of the thrombosis [598]. Moreover, there is a risk of
embolization of the thrombus attached to the catheter during the removal. Removal is generally
warranted when HPN is no longer necessary, if it is infected or occluded, if there is contraindication
to anticoagulation treatment, or if there are persistent symptoms and signs despite anticoagulation

Thrombolytic agents are not usually employed in upper limb thrombosis, except in cases of massive
thrombosis with severe symptoms and signs, if the bleeding risk is low and the thrombus is recent
(less than ten days long). In some cases, it may be necessary to place an superior vena cava filter if

there is contraindication to anticoagulant treatment, if the thrombus progresses despite

anticoagulation, or if there is a symptomatic pulmonary thromboembolism despite anticoagulation.

Catheter mechanical interventions (aspiration, fragmentation, thrombectomy, balloon angioplasty,
or stenting) or surgical procedures (thrombectomy, venoplasty, venous bypass, or decompression
at the venous thoracic outlet) are indicated only in those patients with persistent symptoms and
signs and failure of anticoagulation or thrombolysis [625].

Recommendation 117 (recommendation #95 of the 2016 CIF GL and R #14 of the ESPEN GLs 2020
on HPN)

For the primary prevention of CVAD-related venous thrombosis, insertion of the CVAD should be

made using ultrasound guidance with placement of the tip at the superior vena cava-right atrium

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 118 (recommendation #96 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Routine thromboprophylaxis with drugs (heparin, warfarin) should not be made for the primary
prevention of CVAD-related venous thrombosis for all adults on HPN based on the risk/benefit

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 91% agreement


Prevention of CRVT in patients on HPN for benign disease is an important issue as one of the causes
of HPN failure in these patients is the loss of central venous access. To prevent venous thrombosis,
it is very important to minimize the damage to the vein wall during catheter insertion. We
recommend using ultrasound-guided catheterization, choosing a catheter with the smallest caliber
compatible with the infusion therapy, and placing the tip of the catheter at or near to the atrio-caval
junction [600]. CVC composed of silicon or polyurethane are less often associated with local
thrombosis than the old ones made of polyethylene [624]. The role of the puncture site of CVC
insertion is still much debated, right jugular vein is the preferred one due to its direct route to the
right atrium [628]). Left-sided catheters also have been associated with higher thrombosis risk [624].
In a systematic review, peripherally inserted central venous catheters (PICCs) and insertion of CVCs

at femoral sites increases CRVT when compared with other catheter types or insertion sites,
respectively [629]. These general recommendations are included in some clinical guidelines on

prevention of CRVT [600,630,631]. -p
An association between CRBSI and CRVT has been reported [624]. In recent studies, an increased
risk has been described for vein thrombosis associated with ethanol lock therapy in the pediatric

HPN population [630].


In the prevention of CRVT, several drugs have been used including heparin (in the catheter lock,
inside the HPN bag, or administered subcutaneously) and oral anticoagulation (vitamin K

antagonists). These studies have evaluated primary and/or secondary prevention techniques for

CRVT and have been summarized in several meta-analyzes and systematic reviews. However, the
results are difficult to analyze as they often include a mixed population (cancer and benign disease),
hospitalized and at home, different types of catheters, and there are differences in the diagnosis of
thrombotic complications (with routine diagnostic imaging or with clinical endpoints) [567,632-
640]. Based on the current evidence, previous published guidelines have not recommended the use
of routine prophylactic anticoagulation in patients with CVC [628,640].

At least five older randomized studies in patients on PN (none in HPN) used unfractionated heparin
in various doses added to the bag or intravenously and found a trend toward fewer thrombotic
events in the venogram [641,645]. However, the risks associated with heparin prophylaxis due to
risks of bleeding, thrombocytopenia, and bone disease, for example, presumably outweigh the risk
of thrombosis in many cases.

Regarding HPN adult patients, there are only retrospective and prospective studies that evaluated
the role of thromboprophylaxis.

Studies on the effectiveness of warfarin in preventing thrombosis in HPN patients are limited and
most have used low-dose warfarin (1 or 2 mg/d) which does not increase the INR. One of the factors
that may influence the effectiveness of warfarin prophylaxis is vitamin K intake in these patients
[646]. Three studies evaluated warfarin prophylaxis in HPN adults [646]. In a prospective non-
randomized trial of 2 mg of warfarin given to 23 HPN patients, the incidence of venous thrombosis
was one in 1,617 catheter days compared with one in 251 days prior to the study [647]. In a
retrospective review of 47 HPN patients with HIV/AIDS, the thrombosis rate was 0.016 per patient

per month in nine patients receiving 1 mg/d warfarin compared with a rate of 0.09 thromboses per

patient per month in 38 patients on no prophylaxis [648]. Finally, in a retrospective review of HPN

patients who already had one thrombotic event, the use of therapeutic warfarin resulted in a
significantly decreased thrombosis rate (one in 18 patient months vs one in 184 patient months)
[649]. In general, therapeutic warfarin has been associated with a 0.4-2% annual risk of non-
intracranial hemorrhage and an annual intracranial hemorrhage risk of 0.1-0.9%, depending on the

INR target range [650].


Barco et al performed a systematic review on the efficacy, safety and feasibility of anticoagulant use
for preventing and treating CRVT during short-term PN. The seven interventional studies of short-

term PN (adult population, n=5) were included showing that intravenous unfractionated heparin did

not prevent catheter-related thrombosis if compared to saline [651]. No interventional studies were
conducted in patients on long-term HPN.

Two recent single center retrospective studies addressed the role of anticoagulation in preventing
CRVT in adults with CIF. The study by Barco et al. included 236 patients, 136 of whom received
anticoagulants at HPN onset. Only a mild protection for anticoagulation was observed: the rate of
first CRVT was 10.1/100 patient-years (n=31, 95%CI 19.1–25.9/100 patient-years) for patients on
anticoagulants and 13.3/100 patient-years (n=27, 95%CI 15.4–29.8/100 patient years) for those off
anticoagulants [652].

More recently, Gillis et al, compared CRVT risk in 389 patients in the presence or absence of
anticoagulants [653]. In total, 84 patients developed a primary CRVT during the observation period.
A secondary CRVT occurred in 14% of the patients who started anticoagulants after a primary CRVT
and in 60% of those who did not receive anticoagulants. Multivariate analysis showed that
anticoagulant use was associated with a decreased CRVT risk (OR 0.53, 95%CI 0.31–0.89, p=0.02),
left-sided CVAD insertion (OR 2.00, 95%CI 1.36–2.94), whereas a history of venous thrombosis (OR
1.73, 95%CI 1.05–2.84), and a shorter period postinsertion (OR 0.78, 95%CI 0.65–0.92) were
independently associated with an increased CRVT risk [653].

A UK survey on the use of anticoagulation in the current practice to prevent CRVT in patients on
HPN showed that 80% of the 41 responders anticoagulated patients who had previous line
thrombosis and 65% anticoagulated those who had any deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary
embolus. The most commonly used anticoagulant was dose-adjusted warfarin aiming for an INR of
two to three [654]. Based on this evidence, the decision to use anticoagulation therapy to prevent

CRVT requires an assessment of the risk of thrombosis, bleeding risk with anticoagulation therapy,

and patient compliance. It seems necessary to perform prospective studies in selected patients

(secondary prevention) to balance the risks and benefits of thromboprophylaxis. In the meantime,
the decision to start thromboprophylaxis should be decided on an individual basis.

Recommendation 119 (recommendation #97 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Pulsatile flushing of catheters with saline can be made instead of flushing with heparin solution

to prevent CVAD occlusion.


Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 100% agreement



Catheter occlusion during catheter dwell is a common complication, causing difficulty with infusion
therapy. The incidence of catheter occlusion in HPN patients is about 0.07 episodes/catheter/yr
(0.059-0.083) [655]. It is usually unpredictable and may occur at any time, but can be associated
with the life span of the catheter, the type of catheter used, handling procedures, and repeated
events of blood flushing back and possibly also the type of intravenous nutrition used.

The most common cause of catheter occlusion is catheter thrombosis, but it can be also due to HPN
formula components, such as lipids and calcium-phosphate precipitates [656].

Adequate flushing with saline when the infusion of PN is completed can prevent catheter occlusion.
The minimum flush volume should be twice the catheter volume. Flushing with heparin is a routine
part of CVC maintenance in many guidelines, based largely on manufacturers’ recommendations
and expert opinion rather than clinical trial evidence. It is not advised to use the catheter for blood
sampling and the use of infusion pumps for HPN may reduce the risk of this complication [600].

A systematic review in adults with CVCs (excluding ports) comparing the effectiveness of different
means of maintaining catheter patency (heparin flush, saline flush, urokinase flush, continuous
heparin, heparin-bonded catheters, and pressure caps) concluded that there is weak evidence that
heparin flushing reduces occlusion of catheters, but no evidence that it reduces CRBSI rate [657].
Results from clinical trials of pressure caps are inconsistent regarding their ability to maintain
catheter patency, but provide moderate evidence that at least some varieties of caps are associated
with increased bloodstream infections. The authors conclude that the evidence base on heparin

flushing and other interventions to prevent catheter occlusion is limited, and published studies are

of low quality. There is insufficient evidence on which to conclude that flushing catheters with

heparin is more effective than flushing with saline solution [657]. However, many of the studies
included in this systematic review included short-term catheters and hospitalized patients, and
therefore these results possibly cannot be extrapolated to patients on HPN.

In conclusion, the literature suggests that the current practice of frequent heparin locks for CVCs
might not be necessary, and that randomized studies are needed to identify the ideal flush solution,

its concentration, and delivery schedule for each type of long-term CVC.

Recommendation 120 (recommendation 98 of the 2016 CIF GL)


Irrigation of the CVAD with saline can be made as the first attempt to restore catheter patency in
intra-lumen CVAD occlusion.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 121 (recommendation #99 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Fibrinolytic drugs can be used for the treatment of acute CVAD occlusion likely caused by blood

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement


A proper initial assessment of catheter occlusion is the key to successful management. The
assessment screens are for both thrombotic and non-thrombotic causes (including mechanical
occlusion) [656]. If mechanical occlusion is excluded, the first attempt to restore catheter patency
should be forceful irrigation of the catheter with saline, which will be enough to unclog the catheter
in many cases [658]. If this fails, we should try with other solutions. Non-thrombotic occlusions are
treated according to their primary etiology: lipid occlusion is treated with 70% ethanol or sodium
hydroxide, mineral precipitates are treated with 0.1N HCl, drug precipitates are treated according
to their pH, acidic drugs can be cleared with 0.1N HCl, basic medications can be cleared with sodium

bicarbonate or 0.1N NaOH [658]. No large studies of these approaches have been done, and there
is concern about damage to the wall of the catheter, and other side effects with these solutions

Thrombotic occlusion is treated with fibrinolytics. Urokinase and alteplase are the two mainly used
agents. Current recommendations include delivery of a thrombolytic agent into the catheter lumen

with a dwell time of at least 30 minutes and a repeated dose if needed. If catheter patency is not
restored, a low dose of fibrinolytic can be infused over six to eight hours.

If the treatment with a thrombolytic drug does not clear the catheter, a guide wire can be inserted

through the catheter lumen to dislodge a thrombus at the tip of the CVC, or fibrin sheath stripping

can be used, but these procedures are more invasive and are only used when necessary.

In a Cochrane review on different interventions (chemical, surgical, or drug) used to restore patency
of occluded CVC lumens in adults and children, no randomized trials were found that investigated
the efficacy and safety of either chemical (HCl, sodium bicarbonate, NaOH, 70% ethanol solution)
or surgical interventions (brush, snare, guidewire exchange). Seven studies with a total of 632
participants investigated different comparisons of the strengths of thrombolytic or anticoagulant
drug interventions for treating CVC lumen occlusion thought to be caused by a thrombus. The
authors concluded that there is inadequate evidence to draw strong conclusions on the efficacy or
safety of the drug interventions included in this review. There is some low-quality evidence from a
meta-analysis of two studies investigating urokinase (various strengths) and some very weak
evidence from two single studies investigating alteplase 2 mg/2 mL that suggest that these two drug
interventions may be effective in treating withdrawal or total occlusion of CVC lumens caused by
thrombosis. Further high quality, sufficiently powered research is still required to look at the efficacy
and safety of urokinase, alteplase, and other chemical, surgical, and drug interventions for treating
CVC lumen occlusion [659].

Another chemical agent used for catheter clearing is sodium hydroxide. In a retrospective study that
included data from six years of 45 adults on HPN, treatment with 0.1N NaOH restored patency in
77% of partially-occluded catheters. In this study, the incidence of occlusion was significantly higher
in fat-containing HPN. The authors concluded that NaOH solution is safe and effective [660].

Allan et al published a report on the safe and effective use of endoluminal brushing to manage
occluded CVCs in patients requiring long-term HPN [661]. In this study, those patients admitted with
a CVC occlusion to one of the two national IF centers in the UK, were entered into a prospectively-

managed database and the data were then analyzed retrospectively. The study used data from

patients who had CVC occlusions from December 2003 to March 2006 (Cohort 1, managed using

endoluminal brush) and from April 2006 to September 2010 (Cohort 2, standard technique of
urokinase with or without adjuncts such as ethanol, hydrochloric acid, or sodium hydroxide). The
number of CVCs where patency was achieved was 86% in Cohort 1 (endoluminal brush) compared

to 50% in Cohort 2 (standard care) (p<0.0001) with no complications associated with endoluminal
brushing or standard therapy.

13 Chapter 11 - Prevention/treatment of intestinal failure-associated liver disease

Which are the tools to prevent the development of IFALD

Recommendation 122 (recommendation #100 of the 2016 CIF GL)

The following intervention should be made to prevent the development of IFALD:

• prevention of sepsis or managing it, if present

• preservation of small intestinal length and retainment/restoration of the colon in continuity

with small bowel;

• maintenance of oral/enteral intake and, where feasible, considering distal EN/chyme

reinfusion in patients with non in continuity small intestine;

• cycling PN infusion;

• avoiding PN overfeeding; -p
• limiting the dose of soybean-oil based lipid to less than 1g/kg/d

• avoiding any hepatoxic insults wherever possible (e.g. alcohol)

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 100% agreement



There is no standardized definition of IFALD. The term IFALD refers to liver injury as a result of
several factors relating to CIF, including, but not limited to, PN [52]. Diagnosis and monitoring of
IFALD requires the synthesis of clinical, biochemical, radiological and, where appropriate,
histological information. It is important that other causes of deranged liver function are excluded
such as choledocholithiasis, hepatitis (e.g. viral or auto-immune), and sepsis. Hepatotoxic
medication should be reviewed and insults removed. The decision to perform a liver biopsy should
be made on a case-by-case basis. Most study definitions of IFALD vary and usually rely on
biochemical abnormalities rather than histological characteristics, as few liver biopsies have been
performed within studies [115,116,662-666]. As a result, study definitions are heterogenous,
including terms such as ‘abnormal liver function tests’, ‘chronic cholestasis’ and ‘advanced’ or
‘severe liver disease’ [115,116,662-666]. However, reliance on biochemistry alone for definition can
lead to inconsistent reports of the true incidence and prevalence of IFALD [667].

Indeed, a position statement from the HAN&CIF group of ESPEN published in 2018 reaffirmed the
importance of liver biopsy as still the gold-standard modality to diagnose IFALD, although this must
be balanced against the risks inherent to such an invasive procedure [547]. Thus, there remains a
requirement for a consensus definition, that sets parameters of biochemical and histological
abnormality, to truly standardize the use of the term IFALD, both in clinical and research spheres.

Histological abnormalities associated with IFALD include steatosis, portal inflammation, portal
edema, ductal reaction, ductopenia, and portal and perivenular fibrosis [668]. Unlike infants, adults
are more likely to demonstrate steatosis and are less susceptible to hepatocellular injury or
cholestasis, probably as a result of a mature ability to transport and metabolize bile more effectively

[668]. Furthermore, the rate of progression of liver dysfunction in adults varies and does not always

correlate with biochemical markers of hepatic dysfunction; serial biopsies have therefore been

suggested as a means to monitor those at perceived risk [668]. However, liver biopsy carries risks
including hemorrhage and, in rare cases, death. Advances in imaging techniques, as alternatives to
liver biopsy, include transient elastography, although a recent study demonstrated correlation with
cholestasis rather than hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis [669]. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy

was used to quantify liver fat content in a pilot study of 15 adults with CIF who had received HPN

for more than six months and found that patients with steatosis had higher alanine
aminotransferase values than those without steatosis [670]. A recent systematic review included

four studies assessing two serum (vitamin B12, fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 21) and two imaging

tests (Fibroscan, computer-aided ultrasound) and found that, while vitamin B12 did not correlate
with liver injury, fibroscan correlated with cholestasis rather than fibrosis and FGF 21 correlated
with steatosis [670]. In addition, several computer-aided ultrasound parameters correlated with the
degree of steatosis as assessed by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. However, the authors
of the systematic review concluded that the limited data do not confirm the diagnostic value of
these non-invasive assessments of IFALD [670]. Further research into these imaging techniques, as
well as other serological markers of hepatic fibrosis, is required before guidance can be set regarding
the role of such markers in diagnosing and monitoring the progression of IFALD.

There is no formally agreed categorization of adult IFALD. At the Xth International Small Bowel
Transplant Symposium, Santa Monica, California 2007, an international panel of experts,
categorized IFALD in children into early/mild, established/moderate, and late/severe, on the basis
of the serum levels of biochemical markers of cholestasis, abdominal ultrasound, and liver histology

features, as well as clinical features [35]. A consensus categorization appropriate to adults is now
required that ideally incorporates defined histological and/or radiological parameters [547].

The incidence or prevalence of IFALD cannot be accurately gauged against a standardized consensus
definition. The prevalence of liver disease in adults with CIF receiving long-term HPN has, however,
been reported in a small number of observational studies that have varied in the biochemical and/or
histological parameters used to define liver dysfunction, such that previous studies have reported
the prevalence of abnormal liver tests and/or cholestasis with rates ranging from 19% to 95%
[115,116,662-666]. Notably, a recent single-center study evaluated the use of nine criteria based on
liver function tests and ultrasound to diagnose IFALD in 113 patients and found that IFALD

prevalence can vary from 13-40% cholestasis, 27-90% steatosis, 2-5% fibrosis and 8-75%

‘unclassified’, depending on the diagnostic criteria chosen [667]. Micic and colleagues performed a

retrospective analysis of liver biopsies performed in 53 individuals undergoing ITx and found that
the fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) index positively correlated with the stage of liver fibrosis on biopsy, suggesting
that the FIB-4 may be useful in identifying liver fibrosis in IFALD [671]. A prospective longitudinal
evaluation of 20 HPN-dependent adults demonstrated that dynamic liver function assessment using

the ‘Liver Maximum Capacity’ (LiMAx) test may be more sensitive in detecting early changes in liver

function than other modalities including fibroscan, indocyanine green test and FIB-4 index, although
clearly larger studies will be required to validate these findings [672]. Similarly, a small cross-

sectional study of 32 patients in children suggested that the aminotransferase-to-platelet-ratio-


index and transient elastography correlated better with known risk factors for IFALD than did the
enhanced liver fibrosis score, although the authors also concluded that larger studies are required
into the diagnostic value of these non-invasive tools in IFALD [673].

Moreover, the incidence of clinically-advanced liver disease also varies in published studies from 0%
to 50% [115,116,662-666]. Two cohort studies exemplify this variation[130,115]. Cavicchi and
colleagues evaluated 90 patients requiring HPN for a median of 49 (range 6-108) months and found
that 50% of these patients developed ‘complicated liver disease’ (defined by a serum bilirubin of
greater than 60 μmol/L, decompensated liver disease and/or fibrosis or cirrhosis on liver biopsy) at
six years [115]. By contrast, Luman and colleagues evaluated 107 patients receiving HPN for a
median of 40 mo (range 4-252), but reported that no patients suffered from a conjugated bilirubin
of greater than 60 μmol/L (3.5 mg/dL) and/or decompensated liver disease [115]. Furthermore,
mortality in patients with IFALD has been reported to range from 0-22% in various studies

[115,116,662-666]. Thus, a more accurate estimate of IFALD incidence, prevalence, morbidity, and
mortality can only be ascertained once a consensus regarding definition is reached.

IFALD is a multifactorial condition. Etiological influences can be categorized as sepsis, intestinal

anatomy, oral/enteral nutrition, PN infusion modality, nutrient deficiency or excess.


Evidence for sepsis as a risk factor for IFALD derives from two retrospective studies of PN in pediatric
patients [674,675]. A more recent observational study in adults demonstrated an elevation in serum
bilirubin in patients with CRBSI but showed no evidence that recurrent septic episodes predispose
to chronic liver complications [676]. Furthermore, it has been postulated that antibiotic therapy

inhibits bacterial translocation and reduces hepatocellular injury in patients with small bowel
bacterial overgrowth, thereby decreasing the incidence of hepatic dysfunction; indeed, two small

studies demonstrated that metronidazole stabilized or improved liver biochemistry in adults
receiving short-term PN [677,678]. Indeed, there is emerging evidence that intestinal microbes may
play a role in the progression of liver disease in non-IF related liver disease [679]. There are,

however, no large prospective, randomized controlled data supporting the prophylactic use of
antibiotics to prevent IFALD in CIF.

Intestinal Anatomy

Cavicchi et al. [115] and Luman et al. [666] demonstrated that a small bowel remnant of ≤50 cm or

≤100 cm, respectively, was independently associated with chronic cholestasis in adults receiving
long-term PN. However, although Lloyd and colleagues’ retrospective study [662] also found an
association between shorter small bowel length and chronic cholestasis on univariate analysis, this
was not significant on multivariate analysis, which incorporated an adjustment for parenteral
energy provision. The latter study also demonstrated that the presence of colon in continuity
reduced IFALD risk [662]. More recently, Cazals-Hatem et al. [680] demonstrated that ultra-short
bowel (<20cm) and alcohol consumption were independent risk factors for the development of liver
fibrosis in 32 adults dependent on HPN [680]. In a larger study of 135 adults with CIF, low levels of
plasma citrulline levels (a surrogate marker of small bowel mass and function) FGF 19 were
associated with chronic cholestasis; patients with chronic cholestasis were also noted to have a
reduced five-year survival rate compared to those without chronic cholestasis, leading the authors
to devise a scoring system incorporating citrulline levels, FGF 19 and the number of intravenous
infusions per week to predict overall survival [681].
Oral/Enteral nutrition

Earlier studies in infants and neonates receiving short-term PN have demonstrated the benefit of
EN on liver outcomes [682,683]. More recently, a large multi-center international study
demonstrated that the severity of CIF, as reflected by the type and volume of parenteral support
required, was associated with the occurrence of IFALD in adults [13]. While it is likely that both
increased PN requirements and reduced EN play a synergistic role in the development of IFALD,
further mechanistic insight has been provided by studies demonstrating the beneficial effects on
liver function of chyme reinfusion in patients with double enterostomies and ECF or EAF probably
via restoration of the enterohepatic circulation of bile salts, subsequent recovery of the bile salt FGF

19 axis and activation of the farnesoid x receptor [684,685].

PN infusion modality

A two-week prospective study of adults receiving PN demonstrated that cycling improved bilirubin
levels [686]. Clearly, cyclic PN yields greater freedom and improved QoL for patients requiring long-
term PN.

Nutrient Deficiency

Protein and/or EFA deficiency is associated with steatosis in animal studies [687]. Deficiencies in
methionine metabolites (choline, carnitine, and taurine) can result in hepatic steatosis and chronic

cholestasis in premature infants [688]. Taurine supplementation has been shown to be effective in

decreasing cholestasis in neonates and infants [689], but there are no comparable studies in adults.
Carnitine deficiency did not influence IFALD in an intervention study in adults [690]. Small studies
have shown that choline replacement can improve liver transaminases in adults [691,692]; however,
sufficient quantities are unstable in PN solutions, complicating delivery [692].

Nutrient Excess

Glucose overfeeding can result in greater insulin surges, hepatic lipogenesis, and the build-up of
triglycerides within hepatocytes, increasing the risk of hepatic dysfunction [693,694]. Excessive lipid
can also have a deleterious effect on hepatic function; soybean-based lipid emulsions in excess of
1g/kg/d have been shown to be detrimental to liver function, with associated morbidity and
mortality [115]. A four-week randomized controlled, double-blind study in adults demonstrated that
a combination lipid emulsion (soybean/MCT/olive/fish oil) yielded lower levels of transaminases and
bilirubin within the normal reference range compared to soybean-based lipid [695]. More recently,

Klek and colleagues conducted a twelve-month RCT in 67 HPN-dependent patients and found no
difference in liver enzymes between groups receiving LCT, medium/long-chain triglycerides, olive
oil/LCT and a mix of soybean/MCT/olive oil/fish oil; the authors noted that the use of olive oil may
have been associated with a drop in serum bilirubin levels, although the group receiving olive oil
emulsions had with higher bilirubin levels at the start of the study [696]. In this study, no patients
developed EFAD. The authors subsequently published five-year open-label follow-up study and
again found no difference between groups in liver function tests other than, this time, a significant
reduction in medium bilirubin concentration in the soybean/MCT/olive oil/fish oil group compared
to baseline [697]. A recent systematic review evaluating the effects of different HPN lipid
formulations identified ten studies (including RCTs, prospective cohort and cross-sectional studies)

comparing lipid emulsions and one study comparing lipid emulsions with lipid-free HPN and found
that emulsions containing olive and/or fish oil were associated with lower ω-6:ω-3 fatty acid ratio

and positive reductions in makers in liver function; the authors concluded, however, that further
studies are needed before drawing definitive conclusions on the clinical value of olive and/or fish oil
emulsions in the HPN population [65]. Another recent systematic review that included six RCTs

comparing two or more intravenous lipid emulsions also concluded that there is insufficient
evidence to determine superiority of one formulation over another, although they also highlighted

that no studies reported EFAD [106]. Thus, while data are promising, larger studies are required

before the routine use of this or other novel (e.g. MCT/LCT mixtures and monounsaturated fatty
acids) combination lipids can be recommended to reduce the risk of IFALD in adults with CIF.

Which are the tools for the treatment of IFALD

Recommendation 123 (recommendation #101 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Treatment of IFALD should rely on:

• re-consideration of all the measures to prevent IFALD

• revising the lipid component of the PN admixture, in order to decrease the total
amount and/or to decrease the ω-6/ω-3 PUFA ratio

• revising any potential inflammatory/infective foci

• excluding/managing any other causative factors of abnormal liver function

Grade of recommendation B- Strong consensus 100% agreement


As outlined in the ESPEN position statement on IFALD, it is important to exclude other causative
factors, that should be investigated and managed in patients with CIF presenting with abnormal
liver function along standard lines; this may include serological and radiological investigation, where
indicated, as well as avoiding concomitant hepatotoxic agents if possible [547]. In addition,
approaches to managing IFALD include nutritional, pharmacological and transplantation.

Nutritional Approaches

Since overfeeding can be deleterious [115,694], energy requirements should be tailored to the
individual, with optimization of oral/enteral nutrition, wherever possible. A prospective, non-

randomized study evaluating adults with hyperbilirubinemia receiving PN demonstrated an
improvement in liver function following cycling of the infusion [686]. A recent study in patients with

mesenteric ischemia demonstrated an improvement in abnormal liver biochemistry in the majority
of patients one-year following restoration of bowel continuity [425]. Furthermore, and as
mentioned earlier, it is apparent that chyme re-infusion and distal EN can have beneficial effects on

liver function [685,698,684].

While there are no RCTs published that demonstrate the long-term benefit of limiting soybean-

based lipid, observational data in adults support the rationale that this type of lipid should be limited

to less than 1g/kg/d [115]. A small retrospective study of ten children on long-term HPN
demonstrated that a temporary decrease, a switch from LCT to LCT-MCT emulsions or cessation in

soybean-based lipid administration, led to normalization of bilirubin levels [699]. There are currently
no data to support the role of lipid-free regimens to treat IFALD. Equally, while there are case reports
[114, 698, 700-703], case series [559,704], and reviews [65,548,705,706], to support the role of pure
fish oil emulsion, olive oil emulsion or newer combination lipid emulsions (e.g. MCT/LCT mixtures,
olive oil, and fish oils) in improving liver function in children and adults with IFALD, more data are
required before their routine use can be recommended to treat IFALD.

Pharmacological approaches

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), when taken orally in other cholestatic conditions, displaces
hepatotoxic bile salts and protects against hepatocellular injury. However, the evidence base for the
use of UDCA to treat IFALD is limited. A retrospective study demonstrated that UDCA use was
associated with a shorter duration of cholestasis in infants receiving PN [707], while a small, non-

randomized study in adults also demonstrated that a two-month course of UDCA was associated
with an improvement in liver function in patients receiving PN [708]. Based on the evidence outlined
earlier, the use of choline, taurine, or carnitine cannot currently be recommended to treat IFALD in
adults with CIF [689-692]. GLP-2 analogues may have a role in improving liver function in patients
with CIF; teduglutide use has been associated with an improvement in recorded liver function
particularly in those patients achieving larger reductions in parenteral support [377], while
glepaglutide was recently shown to be associated with an increase in FGF 19 levels and reduction in
alkaline phosphatase levels in a small double-blind study of 18 patients with SBS-IF, leading the
authors to suggest that glepaglutide may stimulate the bile acid/farnesoid x receptor/FGF 19 axis
[709]. While GLP-2 analogues can be used to reduce PN requirements in SBS-IF and may prove to be

of circumstantial benefit to IFALD, their singular use to treat IFALD as a sole indication warrants
further evaluation.

Impending or overt liver failure is an indication for small intestinal/multivisceral transplantation

(see: relevant section in this CIF Guideline). A consensus categorization of IFALD is required to
facilitate future risk stratification of referral indications and timing for isolated small bowel or

multivisceral transplantation for adults with CIF.


14 Chapter 12 - Prevention/treatment of gallbladder sludge and stones

Which are the tools to prevent/treat gallbladder sludge and stones

Recommendation 124 (recommendation #102 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Maintenance/resumption of oral feeding can be made be considered to prevent/treat of
gallbladder sludge.

Grade of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 125 (recommendation #103 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Cholecystectomy and/or endoscopic procedures should be performed in the case of biliary

complications as for the general population.

Grade of recommendation B - Strong consensus 100% agreement
Recommendation 126

Cholecystectomy during abdominal surgery for other indications can be considered in patients
with CIF known to have gallstones at the time of surgery, providing this additional procedure is

felt to have a low risk of morbidity and the risk vs. benefit of cholecystectomy is carefully

considered with the patient.


Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 91% agreement


Patients on PN have been recognized as at risk of developing biliary sludge or cholelithiasis

[40,710,711]. In a prospective study that included 23 selected adult patients on TPN, serial
ultrasonographic studies indicated that the percentage of sludge-positive patients during PN
increased from 6% during the first three weeks to 50% during the fourth and the sixth week and
reached 100% after six weeks [712]. In a retrospective study that included 119 patients on long-
term HPN, the same team reported that the probability of developing cholelithiasis during HPN was
estimated to be 6.2%, 21.2%, and 38.7% at six, twelve, and 24 months, respectively [713]. Roslyn et
al. described an incidence of developing gallbladder cholelithiasis in 25 out of 128 patients (23%) in
a mean time of 13.5 months on PN [714]. In two retrospective studies that included patients with a
short bowel, the prevalence of cholelithiasis was 31% (n=35) and 43% (n=38), respectively [74,715].
In the Dray’s study, biliary complications developed in 7% of the patients during follow-up [713].
More recently, Appleton and colleagues reported the outcomes of 81 patients from the UK who
were dependent on home parenteral support for more than five-years; notably 17/63 (27%; 13/17
were symptomatic) patients with no pre-existing gallstones on imaging went on to develop
gallstones after commencing HPN after a median time of 133 months. Subsequent incidence at ten
years was 21%, 38% at 20 years and 47% at 30 years [711].

Primary prevention is indirectly related to the factors that have been recognized to increase the risk
of developing biliary sludge or stones. Several risk factors for developing sludge or stones have been

identified including an intestinal remnant length less than 180 cm [74], an absent ileocecal junction

[716], the duration of PN, increased weekly energy content and the provision of parenteral lipids,

and Crohn’s disease but risk is mostly attributable to nil or negligible ingesta [710,712,716,717]. This
is probably due to bile stasis during fasting that is due to lack of cholecystokinin hormone that
usually empties the gallbladder [712,718,719]. It has been also suggested that bile composition may
be altered by fasting [720] or lipid infusion [721], or, more likely, by MCT/LCT [722], or the use of

narcotics or anticholinergics [719].


In the eighties, prophylactic cholecystectomy was advocated by some authors [723] but has never
been confirmed in a prospective trial. Indeed, since the majority of HPN-dependent patients in the

long-term series reported by Appleton did not actually develop gallstones after commencing HPN,

prophylactic cholecystectomy in any patient with type 3 IF and an apparently healthy gallbladder is
unlikely to be justified [711]. However, given that 13/17 of those who developed gallstones after
HPN initiation became symptomatic, it may be reasonable to consider ‘en-passant’ cholecystectomy
during abdominal surgery for other indications in patients with type 3 IF known to have
asymptomatic gallstones at the time of surgery, providing this additional procedure is felt to have a
low risk of morbidity and the risk vs. benefit of cholecystectomy is carefully considered with the
patient [711].

There were a few randomized studies in humans (very limited number of patients) that showed that
rapid intravenous administration of amino acids [724] or ω-3 fatty acids [725] could reduce the risk
of developing biliary stones. Sinealide (cholecystokinin) that was used in five human studies, failed
to show long-term effects in preventing and treating PN-associated gallbladder disease [726-728].
In animal studies it has been observed that intravenous chenodeoxycholate prevents calcium

bilirubinate gallstones [729] and glutamine-enriched TPN prevents the lithogenic effect of PN [730].
In practice, the major recommendation for preventing biliary sludge or stone formation is to
encourage oral and/or enteral nutrition as fast as possible. The use of narcotics or anticholinergics
should be limited as much as possible. Messing et al. showed that biliary sludge is reversible in the
majority of the patients within four weeks after resuming oral feeding [712]. Besides the effect of
resuming oral feeding on biliary sludge, and consideration of ‘en-passant’ cholecystectomy during
abdominal surgery in patients with type 3 IF, treatment of biliary stones is similar to that in the
general population [710-731].

r oo

15 Chapter 13 - Prevention/treatment of intestinal failure-associated renal failure and stones

Which are the strategies to prevent/treat renal failure and renal stones

Recommendation 127 (recommendation #104 of the 2016 CIF GL)

For the primary prevention of renal failure and of renal stones in patients with CIF, regular
monitoring shall be performed of renal function and fluid balance as well as a timely adjustment
of fluid supplementation in order to avoid episodes of dehydration.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 128 (recommendation #105 of the 2016 CIF GL)

For the primary prevention of renal failure, acute and chronic infections as well as acute and

chronic dehydration shall be timely addressed by the relevant clinical intervention.
Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 129 (recommendation #106 of the 2016 CIF GL)

For the primary prevention of oxalate renal stones, a low oxalate and low fat diet, in addition to

an increase of oral calcium, should be prescribed to reduce the risk of oxalate stone formation in

patients with SBS with a colon in continuity.


Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 95% agreement

Recommendation 130 (recommendation #107 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Avoiding metabolic acidosis and giving citrate supplementation can be recommended, to reduce
the risk of uric acid stones.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 131 (recommendation #108 of the 2016 CIF GL)

In patients with CIF, renal failure and renal stones shall be treated according to the standards for
these conditions.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement


Renal complications, reduced kidney function, and renal stones are among the metabolic
complications that patients with CIF on long-term HPN are up against. For the clinician, this is a
challenge since the possible end-stage scenario with chronic kidney disease makes HPN
management much more complicated and further impairs the QoL of the patient.

The knowledge about possible mechanisms that result in severe renal complications with
progression to end-stage chronic kidney disease is scarce and very little medical evidence on renal
failure and renal stones related to CIF is at hand.

An early retrospective study testing the change in glomerular filtration rate, measured as creatinine

clearance in 33 long-term HPN patients [732], showed that renal clearance decreased by 3.5±6.3%
per year, greater than expected from increasing age alone. A retrospective study compared renal

function, evaluated by estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 33 patients on HPN with that of
22 patients who underwent ITx. The annual decline in renal function and a five-year probability of
retaining normal renal function were 2.8% and 84% respectively in patients on HPN and 14.5% and

44% in the transplanted group [733]. More recently, Chalencon et al. investigated the GFR of 40

adult patients with CIF by measured GFR , observing a decline of 2.1% per year [734]. The study
demonstrated that estimated GFR by creatinine-based equations overestimated renal function in

patients with CIF, probably because of low serum creatinine concentration due to the presence of

sarcopenia [734].

Two cross sectional studies reported a decreased GFR in 52-56% of patients on HPN [45,735]. In a
retrospective and prospective study on 72 adults, it was observed that chronic kidney disease
(estimated GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 body surface) was present in 10.0% patients at initiating HPN
and in 35.9% at the end of the follow up, indicating that, in patients with CIF, renal function may be
already impaired at starting HPN and may worsen during the treatment [736].

The mechanism of decreased renal function in patients with CIF is multifactorial. Chronic
dehydration caused by high stomal losses [735,736], repeated episodes of CRBSI [732,736], the use
of nephrotoxic medications [732], existing urologic disease [735,736] and aging [736] have been
reported to be associated with decreased renal function in adult patients.

Calcium oxalate renal stones have been shown to occur in about 25% of SBS patients with a retained
colon at a median time of 30 months after the surgery [74]. The risk of development of renal stones

in SBS without a colon in continuity has historically considered very low [74]. They derive from
calcium oxalate crystallization in the collecting system. Renal colic, urinary tract infections and an
obstructive uropathy with an associated risk of irreversible renal damage can develop. Calcium
oxalate may also be deposited in the renal parenchyma (nephrocalcinosis) and may cause a chronic
renal failure [737,738].

Renal stones and nephrocalcinosis are linked to increased absorption of oxalate and hypovolemia
and dehydration [737]. Hypomagnesemia and metabolic acidosis may also increase the risk of renal
precipitations including uric acid stones. Oxalate normally binds to calcium in the gut lumen and
thus only a small fraction of ingested oxalate is available for absorption; however, in patients with

SBS, more oxalate may be absorbed since fatty acids sequester calcium and inhibit the complexing

of oxalate. Absorbed oxalate may precipitate in the renal tubules inducing tubular damage and

necrosis and atrophy [126,252]). The prevalence and incidence of renal damage caused by this
mechanism is unknown [738]. In prevention, one should focus on sufficient IVS supply with good
hydration and high urinary flow. Preventive measures with reduced intake of oxalate and the use of
cholestyramine have been reported, but are not always successful [739]. A low-fat diet or replacing

with MCT and oral calcium supplementation at meal time have also to be considered [126,252].

Correction of metabolic acidosis and supplementation with citrate and magnesium

supplementation may prevent stone formation, citrate particularly prevents one of the first steps

of stone formation, nucleation, and low citrate excretion is common in short bowel patients


A recent single center observational retrospective study including 459 patients with SBS on HPN
reported the development of kidney stones in 24% of patients, with no difference in the incidence
between patients with a colon in continuity and those with an end stoma [740]. Stone composition,
evaluated in ten patients was of calcium oxalate monohydrate/dihydrate, a mixture of calcium
oxalate and calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate in two, and magnesium ammonium phosphate
(struvite) [740]. In patients treated with PN and limited oral feeding, the risk of urolithiasis was twice
as high as in patients receiving PN only. No association with the length of residual small bowel and
the severity of CIF was found [740].

No data on the risk of renal stones in patients with CIF due to mechanisms other than SBS have been
provided so far.

16 Chapter 14 - Prevention/treatment of intestinal failure-associated metabolic bone disease

Which are the strategies to prevent/treat metabolic bone disease

Recommendation 132 (recommendation #109, 110 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Patients with CIF should be routinely monitored for MBD by bone densitometry scanning,
biochemistry, and clinical history.

Grades of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 133 (recommendation #111 of the 2016 CIF GL)

General risk factors for developing MBD as well as factors with a possible negative impact on bone

health, i.e. chronic inflammation, infections, drugs and other relevant factors related to the

underlying disease, should be addressed promptly in all patients with CIF.
Grades of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 134 (recommendation #112 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Optimization of PN admixture with the required supplements of vitamin D, calcium and

phosphate can be the initial step in management of MBD in patients with CIF. Further, medical

treatment can be used to stabilize/increase BMD and lower fracture risk.


Grades of recommendation 0 - Strong consensus 96% agreement


MBD consists of a group of disorders that result in defective bone density (osteopenia, osteoporosis,
etc.) and/or bone mineralization (osteomalacia, renal osteodystrophy, etc.) and is quite common in
patients on HPN. An ESPEN multicenter cross-sectional survey [741] of 165 patients evaluated the
prevalence of MBD by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). In 84% of the patients, the BMD T-
score of the femoral neck or spine was lower than one (the number of standard deviations below
the mean BMD of young healthy individuals). By the WHO criteria, 41% of the patients presented
with osteoporosis, with a T-score below 2.5. A prospective study of 60 adults from China with SBS
who had been weaned from PN noted that 96.6% (58/60) had a BMD T Score of <-1.0 as measured
by DEXA [742]. Osteopenia was noted in 68.3% while 28.3% of patients had osteoporosis. AN HPN
cohort from Northern Alberta, Canada noted that out of 62 patients who underwent DEXA, 16

(25.8%) had osteopenia and 17 (27.4%) had osteoporosis [172]. Other groups have also reported
similarly high rates of osteopenia and osteoporosis that are significantly higher than noted in
matched controls without CIF [173,743]. This underlines the importance of monitoring as well as
prevention. The incidence of MBD in the HPN population remains unknown, but follow-up studies
on relatively large patient groups [744-746] indicate that long-term HPN is not invariably associated
with a decrease of BMD, and in some cases bone density does in fact increase during treatment with
The pathogenesis of MBD is most likely related to the underlying disease, malabsorption, chronic
inflammation, or the use of medications, in particular corticosteroids. In retrospective review of
HPN patients from Canada, 50% were noted to have 25-hydroxy vitamin D level between 20-30

ng/mL while 25.8% had level less than 20 ng/mL [172]. In a cohort of 167 patients from Denmark
with intestinal insufficiency (n=71) and IF on HPN (n=97), a multivariate analysis noted that BMI and

vitamin D deficiency were independent predictors of BMD for the spine and hip [173]. Additionally,
a study of 75 patients on HPN noted that both spinal and hip BMD was significantly reduced in
patients with Crohn’s disease compared to those without IBD at initiation of HPN therapy, indicating

significant impact of underlying disease on BMD [245]. Treatment with PN may also affect bone
health with possible PN-related factors including toxicity from aluminum contamination of the

nutrition formula, increased sensitivity to vitamin D suppressing parathyroid hormone (PTH)


secretion, and hypercalciuria induced by the intravenous infusion of nutrients. HPN related MBD
might also be caused by deficiencies or toxic effects of other micronutrients known to interfere with

bone metabolism. This is potentially the case for vitamin K, vitamin C, Cu, Fl, B, and silicon deficiency,
and for vitamin A, cadmium, strontium, and vanadium toxicity. However, no data have yet
convincingly linked abnormal micronutrient levels to MBD in patients on HPN [747-750].

Although gathering clinical factors such as loss of height, bone pain, smoking history, and history of
fracture are important, the gold standard for diagnosing MBD remains DEXA scan. Measurement of
bone density however cannot distinguish between osteomalacia and osteoporosis. For a more
specific diagnosis, bone histology may be needed, but the invasive character of this diagnostic
approach is a barrier. Studies of bone turnover in patients on HPN by biochemistry indicate that
HPN patients at first present with hyperkinetic bone turnover and later show features of low rates
of bone formation [747-750]. A histomorphometric study approach noted that out of 16 adults
followed for seven to 89 months on PN, twelve had osteomalacia [751]. In order to diagnose MBD

as HPN-associated or related, you need to rule out other causes including life-style factors and the
impact of the underlying disease-causing CIF.

Taking into account general factors, disease-specific causes, and impact of PN, it is important to
optimize the PN formula prior to initiation of specific treatment. Aluminum contamination of PN
fluids must be reduced to a minimum and be less than 25 µg/L [752]. Hypercalciuria and a negative
calcium balance may influence bone health and may be induced by providing more sodium or amino
acids than needed to reach nutritional goals. Also, reducing infusion rates may decrease
hypercalciuria [747-749]. The calcium, magnesium, and phosphate content of the PN must aim at
maintaining serum concentrations and 24-hour urinary excretions within the normal range. In

children, an optimal phosphate:calcium molar ratio required for bone mineralization is

approximately 1:1 [747-749]. In adults, it has been shown that increasing the inorganic phosphorus

content of the PN formula up to 90 mmol, with a calcium content of 6 mmol, decreases urinary
calcium excretion by increasing renal tubular calcium resorption [753]. However, solubility of
calcium in PN solutions is limited by formation of calcium, phosphate, carbonate and magnesium
salts. It is suggested that calcium and phosphate be given starting from a ratio of 1:2 and adjusting

it as needed (i.e. 15 mEq of calcium and 30 mmol of phosphorus to the PN solution each day) [748].

The recommended intravenous dose of vitamin D is 200 IU/d. Consider withdrawing vitamin D
temporarily in patients with low BMD, low serum PTH, and low 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D

concentrations associated with normal 25-hydroxyvitamin D [754]. In the case of elevated PTH and

low 25-hydroxyvitamin D, additional parenteral supplementation with vitamin D is indicated [755].

The use of higher doses of oral vitamin D supplementation (20,000-50,000 IU per week) whether
provided once a week or divided into daily doses has also been studied in CIF population in small
case series [172,756]. Preventive measures that apply to the general population should also be
recognized for patients on HPN. It is important to address underlying disease-related factors,
including infections and chronic inflammation.
Bisphosphonates provided intravenously at regular intervals (Clodronate, Pamidronate, or
Zolendronic acid), may support bone mineral health in patients with osteopenia. This medical
therapy may be useful for the prevention and treatment of MBD in HPN patients, but to date only a
single RCT of bisphosphonate treatment has been carried out in patients on HPN [757]. Intravenous
clodronate decreased the urinary excretion of markers of bone resorption, and BMD of the lumbar
spine was maintained in patients on HPN after twelve months, but a significant increase in BMD was
not observed. Anecdotal reports suggest that intravenous pamidronate is also useful [758,759].
Subcutaneous denosumab, a monoclonal antibody that neutralizes RANKL has also been evaluated
in the HPN population and noted to be efficacious and fairly tolerated in this cohort [760]. An 18-
month course of teriparatide, a PTH analogue, was utilized in a 65-year-old female HPN patient with
SBS and renal disease resulting in significant increase in spinal BMD [761].
For monitoring purposes, we recommend repeated DEXA measurements at yearly intervals,
although the benefit of this routine is not well supported by studies [744,746,750]. We recommend
scanning the spine and femoral neck or arm. The biochemical assessment of MBD includes the
measurement of serum concentrations and optionally 24-hour urinary excretion of minerals, serum
concentrations (and/or urinary excretion) of biochemical markers of bone turnover and plasma
concentrations of PTH, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and possibly 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Also, consider

measurement of serum aluminum concentrations in patients with low BMD T-scores.


17 Chapter 15 - Pregnancy and breast feeding

How should a safe pregnancy be management in patients on HPN for CIF?

Recommendation 135
Attempts shall be made to optimize the nutritional status of those considering pregnancy,
ensuring adequate vitamin and trace element supplementation with particular emphasis on
ensuring adequate oral or parenteral folate.

Grade of evidence GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 136

Close monitoring of pregnant patients with CIF, at least on a four-weekly basis, shall be made by

the IF multidisciplinary team, maintaining close dialogue with, and close overview from, a ‘high-
risk’ obstetric service throughout all trimesters.
Grade of evidence GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 137

Strategies to optimize maternal underlying disease and minimize HPN-related complications, with

a pre-emptive approach to tailored macronutrient and adequate micronutrient support shall be


Grade of evidence: GPP- Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 138
Individualized birth plans shall be devised for patients with CIF, as per the general population and
dependent on the underlying disease, with caesarean section reserved for obstetric indications or
in the presence of active perianal Crohn’s disease.

Grade of evidence GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 139
Breast feeding should be considered wherever possible, with mindful consideration of any
concomitant medications that may be secreted into breast milk as per other diseases.

Grade of evidence GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 140
The patient shall be monitored closely by the CIF NST team during lactation to ensure adequate
nutritional status.

Grade of evidence GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

r oo
While there are multiple reports describing the safe use of short-term PN in hospitalized pregnant
women, for example with hyperemesis gravidarum, there are relatively fewer data in pregnancies

occurring in patients on HPN with CIF. Around 15 pregnancies had been reported in the literature
up until 2015, with no fetal deaths reported and the majority of cases describing an uncomplicated

vaginal delivery [762]. Most babies were healthy, although there were reports of vitamin K
deficiency embryopathy and cataracts in two neonates [762]. Since 2015, there have been three

cases series reporting outcomes in 21 pregnancies occurring in 15 women cared for in four centers

in France [763], 5 pregnancies in 5 women from a single UK center [764] and nine pregnancies in
five women from two centers in Israel and Poland [765].

There are no data to provide a clear evidence base to fertility risk and pre-conception care in CIF. It
is reasonable to adopt a comparable approach to that in individuals who do not suffer from CIF.
Thus, patients should be counselled on an individual basis by IF clinician and obstetric team
regarding their fertility and potential risks of pregnancy. In general, patients of child-bearing age
should be supported in their decision making when considering pregnancy, highlighting that
successful pregnancy can be both safe and feasible for the mother and baby. Fertility therapy may
be appropriate if necessary, noting that two of the 21 pregnancies reported by Billiauws and
colleagues required in vitro fertilization [263].

Again, there are limited data to provide categoric recommendations in the management of patients
with CIF during pregnancy. However, it is clearly important to consider the patient’s underlying
disease as well as the individual’s associated HPN and nutritional requirements, while providing
close obstetric monitoring. In the largest series to-date from France, the median duration of HPN
prior to pregnancy was around eight years, with most women suffering from underlying SBS or CIPO
[763]. In this series, the median BMI pre-pregnancy was 19.4 kg/m2 and women gained a median of
10 kg, with only one-third gaining more than 12 kg in weight [763]. The authors highlighted that
there was close monitoring with supplementation of all vitamins and micronutrients during
pregnancy, particularly noting the importance of folate, vitamins D, K and A as well as Fe and Zn
[763]. Patients generally required increased HPN calorie provision during their pregnancy,
particularly in the second and third trimester, with some requiring more nights of PN through the
week. In the French series, all patients received lipid with a mixture of olive oil and soybean-based

emulsions, with no patients solely receiving fish oils [763]. Similarly, in the UK series reporting five
pregnancies, all mothers received a combination of lipid (less than 20% intralipid or Clinoleic) and

aqueous PN bags and needed an increase in calorie and nitrogen provision during pregnancy [764].
Theilla et al. also note that their pregnant patients all received lipid-based PN (intralipid or clinoleic)
without significant complication [765]. Thus, close clinical and dietetic overview is required during

pregnancy to ensure nutritional requirements are met, particularly since oral intake may diminish
in the second and third trimesters, perhaps as a result of worsening acid reflux [763].

It is important that patients are reviewed by the multidisciplinary CIF team on a frequent basis to

monitor the underlying disease and observe for HPN-related complications. In addition, patients

should ideally be referred to a ‘high-risk’ obstetric clinic for equally close overview for pregnancy-
related complications. In the French series, maternal complications unrelated to pregnancy included
intestinal obstruction in nine patients, cholestasis in one and CRBSI in five patients, one of whom
was subsequently treated with a taurolidine-based lock [763]. The authors also highlighted severe
complication in twelve patients with CIPO involving multiple sepsis, obstruction and uterine rupture
in one and obstructive uropathy with renal failure in another, which led them to suggest that this
group of patients warranted particularly close follow-up [763]. Other underlying diseases also
require monitoring and optimization, with standard approaches to inflammatory bowel diseases
and associated medication use as described in established international guidelines [766]. While it
may be difficult to disentangle the occurrence of IFALD from pregnancy-related liver issues, the
latter may be more likely if noted as a new occurrence in pregnant women, as seen in one patient
in the UK series, with resolution of abnormal liver function tests after delivery [764]. Six pregnancy

related complications – pre-eclampsia in one patient, post-partum hemorrhage in three and
thrombosis in two – were noted in the French series [763].

Of the 21 pregnancies reported by Billiauws and colleagues, there was one intra-uterine death at 36
weeks of unknown cause, while six newborns were said to be hypotrophic at birth, three of whom
suffered from respiratory distress syndrome and one from a cardio-pulmonary arrest; all six survived
with no long-term complications [763]. The median infant follow-up in this cohort was four years
and two children were suspected of having CIPO [763]. In the UK series, two of the five neonates
were pre-term and both suffered from respiratory distress with full recovery [764]. One baby was
born with a cleft palate after an unplanned pregnancy [764]. There are no data to inform

recommendations on breast feeding. Breast feeding should be considered wherever possible, with

mindful consideration of any concomitant medications that may be secreted into breast milk as per

other patient groups. It is important that the patient is always monitored closely by the CIF
multidisciplinary team during both pregnancy and lactation to ensure adequate nutritional status.

18 Chapter 16 - Quality of life assessment

How and when should quality of life be assessed in patients with CIF?

Recommendation 141 (recommendation #9 of the 2016 CIF GL)

The QoL of CIF patients should be regularly measured using validated tools as part of standard
clinical care.

Grade of evidence GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 142

Validated tools to measure QoL of CIF patients should be able to distinguish factors depending on

the HPN program from those depending on the underlying disease.

Grade of evidence GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Patients HPN for CIF due to benign underlying disease identified incidence of CRBSI, survival, and

QoL as the top three quality of care indicators [43]. QoL is defined by the WHO as a state of complete
physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity [767]

and, as such, is a subjective mindset belonging to the patient.


In patients with CIF, QoL is not only affected by the IVS but also by the underlying disease, presence
or absence of a stoma, and frequency of hospital readmission [34]. Studies acknowledge the
difficulty of trying to identify the effects of the underlying illness, resulting in the need for HPN, and
the HPN itself [768,769]. Use of different QoL instruments, scales, and lifestyle domains limit
comparison among studies [770]. It is recognized that reporting QoL should be patient-based rather
than the clinician’s perspective. The ESPEN working group on CIF developed and tested the HPN-
QoL®, a treatment specific questionnaire for patients with CIF due to benign underlying disease,
consisting of 48-items that focuses on physical, emotional, and symptomatic issues [771]. The
results of an international multicenter survey including 699 adult patients from 14 countries chowed
that HPN-QOL® scores were significantly associated with HPN duration (better in long-term),
underlying disease (better in Crohn's disease and mesenteric ischemia) and living status (worse in

living alone) and, after adjusting for the other factors, with the number of days of HPN infusion per
week [391].

Other instruments have been recently developed, such as the HPN patient-reported outcome
questionnaire (HPN-PROQ) [772], the Short-Bowel Syndrome Quality of Life Scale (SBS-QoL) [773],
the Parenteral Nutrition Impact Questionnaire (PNIQ) [392,774] and the New QOL [775].

The negative impact on QoL of the number of the days of IVS infusion per week has been confirmed
by several recent studies [392,773,776-780]. Association of QoL with the underlying disease,
presence of a stoma, social, employment and status were also consistently reported [392,773,776-
784]. The capturing of social and personal data to measure QoL has traditionally been used in clinical

trials, but current evidence indicates the need to include QoL assessment in routine practice.

r oo

19 Chapter 17 - Cost analysis

How should cost analysis of disease and treatment be performed in patients with CIF?

Recommendation 143
Studies on CIF costs and the cost associated with its treatment (HPN, ITx, teduglutide, etc.) should
include at least the direct healthcare and non-health care costs.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 144

Full economic evaluations, including cost-utility analyzes can help inform resource allocation

decisions across different health care settings.

Grade of recommendation GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Studies on HPN costs are encouraged, which should include at least the category of direct healthcare

and non-health care costs (HPN provision, complications, and outpatient monitoring). Other costs
that should be considered include personal costs and productivity costs [785]. Even if each

institution carries out its own cost study, even with a limited number of patients, it will allow them

to know the cost of HPN in their center or hospital. These data are of great value both at an
economic and scientific level. On top of that, the analysis of personal and productivity costs would
allow us to understand different dimensions of the lives of patients receiving HPN, such as their
jobs, hobbies and so on. Additionally, the economic evaluations of HPN, such as the cost utility
analysis, not only includes both the economic and the quality-of-life perspective.

Most studies investigated costs of HPN treatment from a healthcare perspective, therefore
including direct costs. The items included in this category were mainly HPN bags cost, followed by
personnel cost, consumables cost, follow-up cost and other. A limited number of studies evaluated
personal costs for the patient and family. These charges included medical equipment, supply and
freight charges, clinic visits and standard laboratory tests [786], ambulatory visit expenses
(transportation, meals, parking, and accommodation) [787] or out of pocket expenses [788]. One
study had a societal perspective, apart from direct costs and personal costs for the patient and

family, also including productivity costs [789]. The majority of the studies focused on patients with
benign disease [786], although some of them included patients with both benign and malignant
disease [790-795]. In the latter case, the choice of such a heterogeneous patient population impedes
the comparison of costs between studies, especially when costs are not presented separately. There
are no RCTs published in the literature regarding HPN costs. The data comes from observational
studies (cross-sectional, cohort longitudinal) and modelling studies. The first three HPN cost studies
were published in the 1980s, their number remaining stable in the following decades and reaching
a peak of eleven studies in the 2010s. Most of the studies have been published in the USA, followed
by the Netherlands. Other countries were partial economic evaluations on HPN have been carried
out include Canada and Spain [789].

According to a recent systematic review [789], which reviewed the existing scientific literature of

full or partial economic evaluations associated to HPN, the cost of HPN in adult patients during first
year, in Europe, hovered between €13,000 per year (pricing year 2017) and €71,000 per year (pricing
year 2015), with a minimum reported of €8,000 per patient per year (pricing year 2015) and a
maximum of €77,000 per year (pricing year 2012). Whereas, in the USA, the costs are higher, some

studies reporting costs of $103,000 per year (pricing year 1996), $176,000 per year (pricing year

1992) and approximately $253,000 (pricing year 1982-1983) [789].

There are two papers reporting full economic evaluations on HPN, specifically a cost-utility analysis.

One of them was published in Canada and the other in the UK. According to Richards et al. [796],

the cost per quality adjusted life year (QALY) for an average patient was approximately £68,975. The
value for patients under 44 years was reduced to £58,233 (due to higher utility scores), while for
those above 55 years was increased to £126,865 (due to lower utility scores). The cost per QALY for
hospital care was approximately £190,000. The current practice of home care is about 65% more
cost-effective than hospital care [796].

Detsky et al. showed that, for the entire cohort of patients (both chronic and acute), the baseline
estimates of the difference in cost between the HPN and alternative strategies showed a net savings
of $19,232 per patient (pricing year 1981-1982) over a 12-year time frame, if the alternative for
acute patients was in-hospital PN. Additionally, if the alternative strategy for the acute cohort of
patients was no nutritional support, with full nutritional support for the chronic patients as needed,
the baseline estimate of the incremental cost for the entire cohort would be $27,375 per quality-
adjusted life-year gained [797].

Canovai et al. [798] performed a retrospective unicenter analysis in order to report the total annual
costs of long-term adult CIF patients with benign underlying disease and to assign them to a specific
category. Total costs of CIF patients were the sum of: 1) HPN and associated complications costs:
direct costs (HPN bags, additional nutrition/fluids, transport, needles, lines, pumps, nursing, and
clinical follow-up) and complications (metabolic disorders, fluid/electrolyte disorders, line
complications due to infection, mechanical or thrombosis); 2) underlying disease; 3) unrelated
diseases costs [798]. The study included 37 CIF adult patients with a median age of 59 yr (34-85) and
67% were female. The median duration of HPN was 5.3 yr and the number of infusions per week
was 4.3 d/wk (1.5-7). The type of access was tunneled catheter (81%) and totally implantable venous
access device (ports) (19%). The causes of CIF were short bowel (59%), chronic severe dysmotility

(30%), mechanical obstructions (8%) and mucosal disease (3%). The total costs of the first year was
a median of €83,503 (min-max €35,364-256,780) (pricing year 2015). HPN and associated

complications accounted for 69% of total costs, €57,970 (min-max €29,078-145,900), the underlying
disease accounted for 27% of total costs, €22,505 (min-max €402-194,766) and the unrelated
diseases accounted for 4% of total costs €3,028 (min-max €754-6,721). In the second year, total

costs dropped by 15%, to a total of €71,311 (min-max €31,955-136,657, p=0.002), due to fewer
hospital admissions and fewer HPN complications. HPN and associated complications accounted for

78% of total costs, €55,795 (min-max €39,622-118,555, p=0.16), the underlying disease accounted

for 19% of total costs, €13,616 (min-max, 617-83,413), and the unrelated diseases accounted for 3%
of total costs €3,028 (min-max, 754-6721). In the third year, total costs decreased by a further 17%,

to a total of €57,593 (min-max €29,161-238,136, p=0.02). HPN and associated complications

accounted for 77% of total costs, €45,079 (min-max €32,400-75,992, p<0,0001), the underlying
disease accounted for 19% of total costs, €11,407 (min-max €0-158,240), and the unrelated diseases
accounted for 4% of total costs €2,460 (min-max €849-6455). Costs for fourth and fifth years were
similar: €58,791 (min-max €22,686-124,008) and €58,186 (min-max €25,049-143,988), respectively
(p=0.398). The fifth year was 40% cheaper overall compared to first year (€58,186 vs €83,503,
p=0.001). There were no differences in costs between the underlying conditions. The authors
concluded that HPN related costs accounted for the majority of the total expenses in IF patients

Fletcher et al. [799] recently reported the costs of CVAD repairs carried out in a cohort of IF patients.
The results showed that there is a potential cost saving of £2,766 for repair compared to

replacement of damaged CVADs, even though when CVAD repair failed costs were increased slightly
for individuals, where patients had both a repair attempt followed by a replacement [799].

Siu et al. [800] documented the cost of CIF within the hospital system from the time of initial
admission, including each hospital readmission, and to compare incurred costs with current
government reimbursement. This retrospective study carried out in Australia, included 25 patients
commencing HPN over a seven-year time period. Twenty-one patients were aged 40 years or older,
and 17 patients were female. The median starting age for PN in this study group was 55 years (IQR
43-67 years). The majority of the study group (72%) had SBS leading to IF. The median cost of
inpatient per admission was $36,675 (IQR $23,196–$67,439). The main contributor to costs in the

initial hospital admission was staff time (75.33%), with a median cost of $27,617 (IQR $15,862-

$49,692) and PN costs (12.36%) with a median cost of $4,532 (IQR $2,715-$9,260), respectively

Over the study period, 15 patients required between one and ten readmissions into hospital, with
a median readmission rate of two (IQR 1-6). The median total cost per patient per admission was

$13,893 (IQR $11,151–$32,130). The main contributors to costs in the readmission(s) period were
staff time (50.80%), with a median cost of $74,443 (IQR $26,013-$120,099), PN costs (46.44%), with

a median cost of $68,047 (IQR $25,921-$107,702) and costs of laboratory/pathology tests (1.93%),
with a median cost of $2,830 (IQR $661-$11,268). The median incurred cost for initial hospital

admission patients (n=24) was significantly higher than reimbursement: $36,675 (IQR $23,196–

$67,439) and $19,247 (IQR $7485-$41,090), respectively (p<0.001). Similar results were observed in
the readmissions period, with median costs per readmission(s) of $13,893 (IQR $11,151-$32,130)
compared with reimbursement of $8,469 (IQR $5,625–$13,078) per readmission (p=0.001). The
authors concluded that the results indicate that type III IF patients have high inpatient costs, which
substantially outweigh current reimbursement. Sustainable funding models and newer health
policies for patients with IF may improve clinical service provision and patient outcomes and ensure
hospitals that accept the management challenge of type III IF patients are not unduly penalized

Siddiqui et al. [801] analyzed the Nationwide Inpatient Sample database from 2005 to 2014 to assess
the trends in SBS-related hospitalizations and in-hospital mortality and to estimate the healthcare
burden associated with SBS-related hospitalizations in the USA. A total of 53,040 SBS-related
hospitalizations were identified. The overall mean length of stay was 14.7 days, with a mean hospital

cost of $34,130. The hospital cost increased between 2005 and 2009 and thereafter remained stable
in the last few years. Also, patients with sepsis ($41,502 vs $25,198, p<0.01), liver disease ($38,136
vs $31,521, p<0.01), and severe malnutrition ($39,639 vs $31,053, p<0.01) showed costs of care
significantly higher [801].

Recently, Canovai et al. [802] performed a study aimed to perform a detailed cost analysis of ITx and
HPN and to investigate the cost-effectiveness of ITx compared to HPN for the treatment of CIF. In
stable HPN patients, the costs were €83,402 (€35,364-169,146) in the first year, €70,945 (€31,955-
117,913) in the second year, and stabilized to €60,242 (€29,161-238,136) in the third year. Costs
before ITx were €69,160 (€60,682-90,891) in year -2, and €104,146 (€83,854-186,412) in year -1.

After ITx, costs were €172,133 (€122,483-351,407) in the first year, €40,619 (€3,905-113,154) in the

second year, and dropped to €15,743 (€4,408-138,906) in the third year. The authors concluded

that, although initially ITx is a very expensive treatment, as costs continued to decline in the years
after, ITx became cost-effective compared to HPN in adults by year four, and cost-saving by year
five [802].

Raghu et al [393], used a Markov model to evaluate the costs (in US dollars) and effectiveness (in
QALYs) of treatment compared with no teduglutide use, with a presumed starting age of 40 years,

in US adult patients with SBS. In the base scenario, teduglutide cost $949,910/QALY gained. In 1-
way sensitivity analyzes, only reducing teduglutide cost decreased the cost/QALY gained to below

the typical threshold of $100,000/QALY gained. Specifically, teduglutide cost would need to be

reduced by >65% for it to reach the threshold value. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis favored no
teduglutide use in 80% of iterations at a $100,000/QALY threshold. However, teduglutide therapy
was cost-saving in 13% of model iterations [393].

Pliakos et al [803]. evaluated the cost-effectiveness of antimicrobial locks for the prevention of
CLABSI in three settings: hemodialysis, cancer treatment, and HPN. A decision-analytic model was
constructed to assess the cost-effectiveness of antimicrobial lock solutions for the prevention of
CLABSI. In the base-case analysis for patients receiving HPN, the use of antimicrobial locks prevented
1.8 CLABSIs per 1,000 patients treated and was associated with savings of $78,513.83 per CLABSI
averted (ICER, -$78,513.83 per CLABSI averted) compared to a heparin lock. In the probabilistic
analysis of the HPN setting, the mean estimated cost was $5,781.24 (95%CI $3,721.65–$7,840.83)
for antimicrobial locks and $5,922.86 (95%CI $3,861.62–$7,984.10) for the heparin lock. At a
willingness to pay of $50,000, antimicrobial lock solutions had a 96.24% chance of being cost-

effective, compared with heparin locks in the hemodialysis setting, an 88.00% chance in the cancer
treatment setting, and a 92.73% chance in the HPN setting [803].

Lannoy et al. [804] conducted a monocentric mirror-image design study to evaluate the cost-
effectiveness of long-term taurolidine locks in preventing recurrent CRBSI in a cohort of adult
patients receiving HPN. Considering both proven and probable CRBSI requiring hospital
management, long-term taurolidine locks reduced by mean -2.63 (-3.26 - -2.06) infections per
patient (from 2.89 (2.31-3.49) before to 0.26 (0.13-0.41) after). This corresponds to an average
reduction in total cost per patient of €-7,258 (€-10,450 - -4,016; from €11,176 (€8,004-14,968)
before to €3,918 (€2,390-5,445) after) [804].

Arnoriaga et al. [805] carried out a retrospective study to determine if taurolidine lock is a cost-

effective intervention in patients on HPN. The total cost of CRBSI in the pre-taurolidine period was

€151,264.14 vs €24,331.19 in the per-taurolidine period [805].

20 Chapter 18 - Transition from pediatric to adult centers

How transition of pediatric patients with CIF to adult centers should be managed?

Recommendation 145
The transition from pediatric to adult care in patients with CIF should be carefully prepared and
should cover medical care and logistics concerning the treatment of the underlying disease and
the HPN.

Grade of evidence GPP - Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 146

In the transition process from pediatric to adult centers, the care should be transferred from the

adult caregiver to the patient.
Grade of evidence GPP - Strong consensus 96% agreement

Recommendation 147
The transition process should start at least one year before the patient adult birthday and can last

a couple of years during which the referring pediatric center and the referral adult CIF center

should cooperate.

Grade of evidence GPP - Strong consensus 92% agreement


A survey on home artificial nutrition in Italy reported that pediatric patients with CIF represented
around 20% of total patients on HPN for CIF [806]. An ESPEN international survey including 558
pediatric patients with CIF, showed that 17.9% of them were in the age of transition (14-18 years)
[22]. Their CIF mechanism was SBS in 37.9%, intestinal dysmotility in 38.9%, and congenital mucosal
disease in 23.2%. This data would suggest that most of adolescent with CIF facing transition from
pediatric to adult care service were affected by CIF with a low probability of weaning from HPN [22].

“Transition is the purposeful, planned movement of adolescents and young adults with chronic
physical and medical conditions from a child-centered to an adult-centered healthcare system”

[807]. Transition is not just a simple ‘transfer’ of patients from a pediatric service to an adult care
one: Transition medicine actually represents a complex scheduled process, which starts early with
pediatric specialists, and aims to make patients independent in managing their own health (and
disease) [808]. The difference between pediatric and adult healthcare services and the typical
psychological distress of the transition age are two key problems that need to be addressed during
the transitioning process. Psychological issues are of great importance for the transition process.
One third of respondents, consisting of pediatric and adult home PN care providers, identified
confusion around care [5]. Usually, a commercial homecare company provide HPN during childhood.
Parents or caregivers, who have completed a formal training program, administer the PN, and are
in charge of supervising their child's activities and well-being, administering additional drugs, going

to doctor's appointments, and so forth [809]. Such caring of their child has been reported to be
highly stressful for some parents and to influence their daily functioning [810]. Patients receiving

HPN are aware of their condition and do experience a variety of activity constraints as they grow
up, but they are also able to develop a degree of resilience, preserve a positive attitude, and deal
well with illness-related demands [811]. Children attend school and engage in typical childhood

activities (e.g. school camps, birthday parties, sports, swimming, horse riding), usually avoiding
contact sports. However, once they take on the task of managing the PN themselves as adults, they

face some challenges. They will require training in the managing of HPN, as well as knowledge of

what poses a risk to their health and wellbeing. The young person may be moving away from their
home to work or attend university while also dealing with the typical difficulties of taking on

responsibilities. They are a vulnerable population who have to learn to manage a chronic and life-
threatening illness that affects their physical and mental well-being, QoL, interactions with peers
and family, school, and employment, in addition to the typical challenges of young adulthood. This
population is at high risk for complications and loss to follow‐up when they leave pediatric care. For
the above reasons, transition is a potentially dangerous time for young people with complex health
needs and can be associated with excess mortality [811]. Collaboration between the pediatric- and
adult team is key in creating a safe transition. Although this can be challenging in medical centers
not providing both, a more systematic approach will contribute to this process. This can include
effective information transmission through written, telephone and/or face-to-face consultations.

BAPEN carried out a survey to know the current practices and experience of transition of young
people on long term HPN. Twelve adult and 18 pediatric centers filled out an anonymized
questionnaire [809]. A high variability in the practices and processes of transition was observed.
Time taken to achieve transition ranged from under six months up to two years. The most frequent
concerns were confusion around care routines and psychological problems at the time of transition
[809]. The Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP) and the
Italian Society of Artificial Nutrition and Metabolism (SINPE) elaborated a position statement on
transition in CIF [812]. The main objectives of the transition process for CIF were summarized as “5
M”: 1) Motivate independent choices which are characteristics of the adult world; 2) Move towards
adult goals (e.g. self-management of his/her pathology and sexual issues); 3) Maintain the habitual
mode of care; 4) Minimize the difficulties involved in the transition process and 5) Modulate the
length of the transition so as to fully share with the adult’s team the children’s peculiarities. The
devised recommendations highlighted that: clinicians should approach the issue of transition with

patient and family/caregiver from 13 to 15 years of children age; the age range between 18 and 21
would be the most appropriate for actual referral to adult centers; the overall transition plan should

last two years; adult and pediatric centers should have similar characteristics, organization, and way
of CIF management, and should identify a facility that will provide emergency care; adult and
pediatric teams should share at least two to four consultations with patient and families;

consultations should involve physicians, nurses, dietitians, psychologists and social workers of each
hospital team; the transition process should be documented with the help of schedules and tools

that explain the steps of the process [812]. Besides, assessment of transition readiness with the help

of transition-readiness questionnaires can give more insight into the longitudinal development of
this process [813]. Most recently, in the US, Kinberg et al. [814] reviewed the literature on transition

in children with chronic illnesses and discussed barriers to transition in SBS-CIF to identify the key
constituents of the transition process and provide recommendations for the successful and smooth
transition of the pediatric patient to the adult healthcare environment for SBS-CIF patients. The final
recommendations were in agreement with those of the Italian group, even if discussed in a more
extensive and detailed way [814].

21 Chapter 19 - Patient associations

Which should be the role of patients’ association to improve the outcome of patients with CIF?

Recommendation 148 (recommendation #10 of the 2016 CIF GL)

Patients with CIF should be informed about the possibility to join non-profit groups that provide
HPN education, support and networking among members.

Grade of evidence: GPP- Strong consensus 100% agreement

Recommendation 149

Patient support groups should play a complimentary role to healthcare professionals, on the

recognition of CIF as a medical condition and practical aspects of living with HPN.

Grade of evidence: GPP- Strong consensus 96% agreement

The first known organization for people using home parenteral and enteral nutrition was the Oley

Foundation, started in 1983 by Lyn Howard and her HPN patient Clarence “Oley” Oldenburg in the
United States. The goal was “enriching lives of those requiring home IVS and tube feeding through

education outreach and networking” of patients/consumers, their families, clinicians, and the public

in general [815].

The UK organization PINNT (Advocacy and support for people on home artificial nutrition, UK), was
formed in 1987 [816]. These two associations were followed by other non-profit groups that support
people who require Home Artificial Nutrition (Table 17). Each non-profit group will support their
members to support in activities and information, which is necessary for their specific group or
country. Some of these groups are associated with the respective parenteral/enteral nutrition
organizations in their country, which can contribute to shared learning and provide a platform for
the voice of those on HPN. The International Alliance of Patient Organizations for Chronic Intestinal
Failure and Home Artificial Nutrition (PACIFHAN) was established in 2014 to promote international
sharing of information and resources, to improve awareness and the QoL of patients on home
artificial nutrition, to do research and to increase global awareness of CIF and home artificial
nutrition [817].

Support groups offer patients and caregivers the opportunity to talk to and learn from others who
have similar experiences [818]. There are common topics such as adjusting and coping, building
support networks, finding out about travelling with HPN and seeking ambulatory feeding equipment
to enhance QoL [819]. Such engagement may be beneficial to people with CIF in respect to their
QoL, psychosocial effects, such as depression, isolation, fatigue, anxiety, financial stress, and
therapy-induced complications while also learning some coping techniques [818-820]. An additional
important role is advocacy through government groups, non-government organizations, and
elected officials to help improve the survival and QoL [820]. A friendly, informal, supportive
atmosphere really helps to boost confidence, provide insight and establish long-lasting friendships
for all involved.

Patient’s associations can also contribute to address research priorities. Sowerbutts et al [821]

investigated the research agenda of patients receiving HPN, their family members and healthcare
professionals, by the James Lind Alliance methodology informed this process. The aim was to
determine the questions that patients, family members and healthcare professionals want
answered by research around HPN for CIF due to benign disease and HPN used in people with

cancer. For CIF with benign disease, 18 questions were discussed in two workshops attended by 13

patients and seven healthcare professionals. The top research priorities were prevention and
treatment of liver disease, improving central infusion lines, oral absorption, avoiding long-term

negative consequences, vascular access, side effects, line infections, decreasing stoma output, QoL

and sleep [821].

CIF clinicians should introduce the patient organization (support group) to patients when the need
for HPN is established and prior to hospital discharge.

Table 17. Non-profit organizations for caregivers and patients on home parenteral nutrition and for clinicians
Country Non-profit organizations for web address
caregivers and patients on home
parenteral nutrition and for
Australia/New PNDU – Parenteral Nutrition
Zealand Down Under
Austria Die-chronischen-experten
Belgium Hello TPN
Belgium La Vie par un Fil
Croatia 1. Croatian Disabled ILCO 1.
Societies Association 2.

2. HUCUK Croatian Crohn's and
Ulcerative Colitis Association,
Czech Republic Život bez střeva
Denmark HPN-foreningen - en frivillig
patient organisation
France La Vie par un Fil
Germany Selbsthilfe Kurzdarmsyndrom.
Germany Kinder in Schwieriger
Germany Koordination Kurzdarmsyndrom
Italy Un filo per la vita.
Netherlands Informal Dutch IF group under the
structure of Crohn & Colitis NL
Norway Norsk Intravenøsforening
Poland Stowarzyszenie ‘Apetyt na Życie’.

Spain Asociación de niños, adultos y

familias con fallo intestinal,
nutrición parenteral y trasplante

Sweden Svenska HPN-Föreningen
United Kingdom PINNT ( Advocacy and support for
people on home artificial
United Kingdom Short Bowel Survivor & Friends
United States Oley Foundation

European ERNICA, European Reference

Network for rare Inherited and
Congenital (digestive and

gastrointestinal) Anomalies.
International PACIFHAN International Alliance
of Patient Organizations for

Chronic Intestinal Failure and

Home Artificial Nutrition

International Association

Funding statement

This guideline was solely financed by ESPEN, the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and


Conflicts of interest

The expert members of the working group were accredited by the ESPEN Guidelines Group, the

ESPEN Education and Clinical Practice Committee, and the ESPEN executive. All expert members

have declared their individual conflicts of interest according to the rules of the International

Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). If potential conflicts were indicated, they were

reviewed by the ESPEN guideline officers and, in cases of doubts, by the ESPEN executive. None of
the expert panel had to be excluded from the working group or from co-authorship because of
serious conflicts. The conflict of interest forms are stored at the ESPEN guideline office and can be

reviewed with legitimate interest upon request to the ESPEN executive.



The authors thank Anna Schweinlin for expert assistance in this guideline project.


This guideline has been developed with reasonable care and with the best of knowledge available

to the authors at the time of preparation. They are intended to assist healthcare professionals and

allied healthcare professionals as an educational tool to provide information that may support them

in providing care to patients. Patients or other community members using this guideline shall do so

only after consultation with a health professional and shall not mistake this guideline as professional

medical advice. This guideline must not substitute seeking professional medical and health advice

from a health professional.

This guideline may not apply to all situations and should be interpreted in the light of specific clinical

situations and resource availability. It is up to every clinician to adapt this guideline to local

regulations and to each patient’s individual circumstances and needs. The information in this

guideline shall not be relied upon as being complete, current or accurate, nor shall it be considered

as inclusive of all proper treatments or methods of care or as a legal standard of care.

ESPEN makes no warranty, express or implied, in respect of this guideline and cannot be held liable

for any damages resulting from the application of this guideline, in particular for any loss or damage

(whether direct or indirect) resulting from a treatment based on the guidance given herein.

ESPEN shall not be held liable to the utmost extent permissible according to the applicable laws for

any content available on such external websites, which can be accessed by using the links included

Appendix A. Supplementary data



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12. Pironi L, Konrad D, Brandt C, Joly F, Wanten G, Agostini F, Chambrier C, Aimasso U, Zeraschi S,
Kelly D, Szczepanek K, Jukes A, Di Caro S, Theilla M, Kunecki M, Daniels J, Serlie M, Poullenot F,
Wu J, Cooper SC, Rasmussen HH, Compher C, Seguy D, Crivelli A, Pagano MC, Hughes SJ,
Guglielmi FW, Kozjek NR, Schneider SM, Gillanders L, Ellegard L, Thibault R, Matras P, Zmarzly
A, Matysiak K, Van Gossum A, Forbes A, Wyer N, Taus M, Virgili NM, O'Callaghan M, Chapman
B, Osland E, Cuerda C, Sahin P, Jones L, Lee ADW, Bertasi V, Orlandoni P, Izbéki F, Spaggiari C,
Díez MB, Doitchinova-Simeonova M, Garde C, Serralde-Zúñiga AE, Olveira G, Krznaric Z, Czako
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13. Pironi L, Steiger E, Joly F, Wanten GJA, Chambrier C, Aimasso U, Sasdelli AS, Szczepanek K,
Jukes A, Theilla M, Kunecki M, Daniels J, Serlie MJ, Cooper SC, Poullenot F, Rasmussen HH,
Compher CW, Crivelli A, Hughes SJ, Santarpia L, Guglielmi FW, Rotovnik Kozjek N, Ellegard L,
Schneider SM, Matras P, Forbes A, Wyer N, Zmarzly A, Taus M, O'Callaghan M, Osland E,
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