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Indbrudstest Efter en 1628 1629 1630

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TEST Reg.No.

Lacuna A/S Order no. 0303/653957 Teknologiparken

Att: Henrik Brunsø Page 1 of 1
Kongsvang Allé 29
Industrivej 2 DK-8000 Aarhus C
DK – 5550 Langeskov Appendices 1
Tel. +45 72 20 20 00
Initials MFRI/MJLD Fax +45 72 20 10 19

Test report

Test specimen: Outward opening doorhight folding window (fixed one edge and 3

Sampling: The test specimens was forwarded by the client and received at
the Danish Technological Institute November 2015. The test speci-
mens was marked 653957 by the laboratory.

Method: EN 1628:2011 Pedestrian doorset, windows, curtain walling, grilles

and shutters – Burglar resistance –Test method for the
determination of resistance under static loading.

EN 1629:2011 Pedestrian doorset, windows, curtain walling, grilles

and shutters – Burglar resistance – Test method for the
determination of resistance under dynamic loading

EN 1630:2011 Pedestrian doorset, windows, curtain walling, grilles

and shutters – Burglar resistance – Test method for the
determination of resistance to manual burglary attempts

Period: The testing was carried out 27-11-2015 – 04-12-2015.

Result: The results appear in the appendix.

Storage: As the test is destructive and non-reproducible the samples have been re-
moved immediately after ending the test.

Terms: The test has been performed according to the enclosed conditions, which are
according to the guidelines laid down by DANAK (The Danish Accreditation
Scheme). The testing is only valid for the tested specimen. The test report may
only be extracted if the laboratory has approved the extract.

22-12-2015, Danish Technological Institute, Sustainable Building

Mads Ottosen Fricke Morten Jul Lægaard

Consultant Team manager

Telephone: +45 7220 1851 Telephone: +45 7220 1132

E-mail: E-mail:

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Order no. 0303/653957
Appendix no. 1
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Product description (informed by the client)

Test specimen: Opening function Outward opening folding door

3 casements
Product system Lacuna Folding Door
Size 2130 x 2130
Materials Mahogany
Product group according to EN 1627 Group 1


Informed by the Material/type/Reference Dimensions Timber/Foam

client (mm) Density (kg/m3)
Stiles and rails Mahogany 72 x 78 670
Rebate Mahogany 16 x 54 670
Corner joints
Adhesive Danafix 448

Window frame

Informed by the Material/type Dimensions Density (kg/m3)

client (mm)
Stiles and rails Mahogany 54 x 116 670
Rebate Mahogany 32 x 62 670
Corner joints Joined
Adhesive Danafix 448


Informed by the client Make/type/size (mm) Location of fixing point

(dimensions in mm)
Glass configuration 33,1 – 15 – 33,1 See Appendix 1, Figure
Double laminated
Gaskets Butyl, DAFA 3x9mm
Sealants Ottoseal S110

Gasket and sealing details

Informed by the Make/type Size (mm) Location

Casement edges Primoliste S10mm 3 x lodret
Seal continuity DAFA Q-lon 3054 Lodret
DAFA Q-lon 3078 Lodret


Informed by the Make/type Size (mm) Fixing details (di-

client mension in mm)
Hinges Lacuna 6 pieces,
Screws: 5x35
Locking mecha- Espagnolette Screws: 4,5x40
nism M5541
Handles Lacuna 18mm Screws: A4 5x35
Hinge protection

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Test results

Test standard Passed/Failed

EN 1628:2011 - Pedestrian doorsets, Passed
windows, curtain walling, grilles and
shutters - Burglar resistance - Test
method for the determination of re-
sistance under static loading
EN 1629:2011 - Pedestrian doorsets, Passed
windows, curtain walling, grilles and
shutters - Burglar resistance - Test
method for the determination of re-
sistance under dynamic loading

EN 1630:2011 - Pedestrian doorsets, Passed

windows, curtain walling, grilles and
shutters - Burglar resistance - Test
method for the determination of re-
sistance to manual burglary attempts

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Additional information - Static loading

Test standard Conditions Outward Opening Folding door

EN 1628:2011 - Corner of infilling Passed
Pedestrian 3kN
doorsets, win- Loading in direction of removing the
dows, curtain wall- Loading according infill from the casement (loading
ing, grilles and to Figure 1. from the outside towards the inside)
shutters - Burglar
resistance - Test Glazing cracks at the 3rd, 11th and
method for the de- 12th loading point.
termination of re- Locking points 3kN Passed
sistance under
static loading Loading according Loading in direction of opening the
to Figure 2 casement. The supporting element
have been propped during the load-

While loading at point 1 the hinge

gives in at the fastening.
While loading at point 5, 6 and 7 the
casement gives in (out of the frame)
– see Figure 3.
While loading point 8 the hinge gives
in at the fastening.

9 12 5 8 1 4

10 11 6 7 2 3

Figure 1: Static loading – Test sequence - Corner of infill

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23 16 15 8 1 7

22 17 14 9 2

21 18 13 10 3

20 19 12 11 4

Figure 2: Static loading – Test sequence - Locking points

Figure 3: Locking point forced out during loading - not possible to pass gap gauge through opening

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Appendix no. 1
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Additional information - Dynamic loading

Test standard Conditions Outward Opening Folding door

EN 1629:2011 - Pendulum: 50kg Passed
Pedestrian Drop height:
doorsets, win- 450mm The glazing bends after the dynamic
dows, curtain wall- loading, see Figure 5
ing, grilles and Loading according
shutters - Burglar to Figure 4
resistance - Test
method for the de-
termination of re-
sistance under dy-
namic loading

7 4 1

8 5 2

9 6 3

Figure 4: Dynamic loading - Test sequence

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Figure 5: Glazing after dynamic loading

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Additional information - Manual attack

Test standard Conditions Outward Opening Folding door

EN 1630:2011 - Pretest made on Passed
Pedestrian element used for
doorsets, win- static and dynamic Attack point A: Hinges disengaged to
dows, curtain wall- loading. force the casement to fall down
ing, grilles and
shutters - Burglar Manual attack Attack point B: Threshold removed
resistance - Test made on new ele- with screwdriver
method for the de- ment.
termination of re- Attack point C: Frame removed with
sistance to manual Attack points ac- screwdriver. Striking plate and latch
burglary attempts cording to to Fig- attacked.
ure 6.
Attack point D: Frame removed with
Toolset A1 and A2. screwdriver.
Resistance time 3
minutes, 15
minutes used for
the test in total.


Figure 6: Areas of attack - Manual burglary resistance

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Description of product

Figure 7: Overview of hardware

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Figure 8: Folding door - head

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Figure 7: Joint between casements - outward hinge

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Figure 10: Jamb - hingeside

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Appendix no. 1
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The general conditions pertaining to assignments accepted by Danish Technological
Institute shall apply in full to the technical testing or calibration at Danish Technolog-
ical Institute and to the completion of test reports or calibration certificates within
the relevant field.

Danish Accreditation (DANAK):

DANAK is the national accreditation body in Denmark in compliance with EU regula-
tion No. 765/2008.

DANAK participates in the multilateral agreements for testing and calibration under
European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) and under International Laboratory Ac-
creditation Cooperation (ILAC) based on peer evaluation. Accredited test reports and
calibration certificates issued by laboratories accredited by DANAK are recognized
cross border by members of EA and ILAC equal to test reports and calibration certifi-
cates issued by these members’ accredited laboratories.

The use of the accreditation mark on test reports and calibration certificates or refer-
ence to accreditation, documents that the service is provided as an accredited ser-
vice under the company's DANAK accreditation according to EN ISO IEC 17025.

Construction Product Regulation:

The Danish Technological Institute guarantees that employees carrying out tests to
be used together with harmonized standards under notification no. 1235 according to
EU regulation 305/2011, article 43, satisfy all the requirements made for capability,
integrity and impartiality. You find the CPR here:

September 2015

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