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Materials Selection Considerations Thermal Process Equipment Bestpractices

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Industrial Technologies Program

Boosting the productivity and competitiveness of U.S. industry through improvements in energy and environmental performance

A BestPractices
Process Heating
Technical Brief

for Thermal

U.S. Department of Energy

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Bringing you a prosperous future where energy is clean, abundant, reliable, and affordable
BestPractices Technical Brief

Materials Selection Considerations for Thermal

Process Equipment
u Introduction
High-temperature metallic materials or alloys used in process heating equipment Glossary of Terms
(furnaces, heaters, ovens, kilns, etc.) have significant effect on thermal efficiency, UNS Unified Numbering System
productivity and operating cost of the equipment. These materials are used in
burners, electrical heating elements, material handling, load support, and heater
EN European Normal

tubes, etc.
W.Nr. Werkstoff Nummer
Al Aluminum
A number of factors must be considered to select appropriate materials to improve
energy efficiency of the equipment while extending their life at the minimum cost.
Cb Columbium (Niobium)
Ce Cerium
These factors include mechanical properties, oxidation or hot corrosion resist- Co Cobalt
ance, use of cast or fabricated components, and material availability. Cr Chromium

Technical data describing the properties of heat-resistant alloys are necessary

La Lanthanum

guides for selection. However, the behavior of alloys during long exposure to Mo Molybdenum
various high-temperature environments is complex. This behavior is not always Si Silicon
completely predicted by laboratory tests alone. Service experience with high-tem-
perature equipment is needed to judge the relative significance of the many vari-
Ti Titanium

ables involved.
Y2O3 Yttria (Yttrium Oxide)
W Tungsten
u Selection Criteria Zr Zirconium
Operating Temperature
Temperature is often the first—and sometimes the only—data point given upon which one is supposed to base
alloy selection. However, one cannot successfully choose an alloy based on temperature alone. Nevertheless,
one simple guide to alloy selection is an estimate of the maximum temperature at which a given alloy might
have useful long-term engineering properties. Considering oxidation in air as the limiting factor, several common
alloys, in plate form, rate as shown in Table 1. Thin sheets will have a lower limiting temperature because of
proportionally greater losses from oxidation.
Thermal Stability
After long exposure to temperatures in the range of 1,100-1,600°F (590-870°C), many of the higher chromium
alloys precipitate a brittle intermetallic compound known as sigma phase. Molybdenum contributes to this
phase. Sigma reduces room-temperature impact strength and ductility. The quantity and morphology of the
sigma phase determines severity of embrittlement. Usually the metal is brittle only near room temperature, and
it retains reasonable ductility at operating temperatures between 600-1000°F (315-540°C). Higher nickel
grades, such as N08811, N08330, N06600 or N06601, are not susceptible to embrittlement by sigma. Because
of higher carbon content, which causes carbide precipitation, cast heat-resistant alloys lose ductility in service.
Creep-rupture properties at temperature are usually available from the various producers, and many alloys are
covered by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Chromium is the one element present in all heat resistant alloys, and its protective chromia scale is the basis
for high-temperature environmental resistance. Nickel is next in importance, then silicon, aluminum, and rare
earths. Oxidation rates in service depend upon thermal cycling and creep, which increase scale spalling. In
addition, contaminants, such as alkali metal salts, can damage the chromia scale grain size, which affects
chromium diffusion rates, and the particular atmosphere involved also increases oxidation rate. Significant
water vapor content usually increases oxidation rates.

Materials Selection Considerations for Thermal Process Equipment 1

BestPractices Technical Brief

Table 1. High Temperature Alloys (in order of increasing performance)

Alloy Comments
Carbon steel, such as ASTM A 387 Grade This may be used to 1,200°F (649°C); above 950°F (510°C) 304H is
22 (2 1/4Cr, 1Mo) stronger, and of course, more resistant to oxidation.
409, and 410S stainless (UNS S40900, Limited by oxidation. Both are subject to embrittlement after several years
S41008) 1200°F (650°C) of service above 600°F (315°C).
430 stainless (S43000), with useful oxidation Subject to embrittlement when exposed to the 600-1100°F (315-600°C) range.
resistance to about 1600°F (870°C)
304/304H & 316L stainless This is limited by oxidation to 1,500°F (816°C). If product contamination
(S30400/S30409, & S31600), cast HF by scale particles is a concern, consider 1,200°F (650°C) as limitation.
321 (S32100) stainless This has an advantage of about 100°F (55°C) over 304, and is used to 1,600°F (1202°C).
309S (S30908), cast HH-2 (J93633) Useful up to the 1,850-1900°F (1010-1038°C) range. Above 1900°F,
oxidation performance becomes unsatisfactory.
Alloy 800HT® 1 (UNS N08811) Much stronger, and somewhat more oxidation resistant. A practical upper use limit is about
2,000°F (1,093°C).
RA 253 MA® 2 alloy (UNS S30815) Has superior oxidation resistance up to 2,000°F (1100°C). Above this temperature, the
oxidation resistance may be adequate, but not exceptional
310 (S31008), and cast HK (J94204) Very good oxidation resistance to 2,000°F (1,093°C), but drops off considerably by 2,100°F
(1,150°C). The 310’s strength is quite low at these temperatures.
RA330® 3 alloy (N08330, EN 1.4886) Combines useful oxidation resistance and a fairly high melting point; it will tolerate rather
extreme temperatures through 2,200°F (1,200°C). This grade is available in more product
forms than almost any other high-temperature alloy. Applications include muffles, retorts,
radiant heating tubes, bar frame baskets in heat treat, tube sheets, and tube hangers for
petrochemical and boiler applications.
RA 353 MA® 4 alloy (S35315, EN 1.4854) Has a melting point (solidus 2,480°F/1,360°C) similar to that of RA330, with better oxidation
resistance. Experience with muffles, calciners, vortex finders, and cement kiln burner pipes
show it to tolerate extreme temperature better than does RA330.
Alloy HR-120® 5 One of the strongest available wrought alloys up to about 1,900°F (1040°C), and is used
through 2,100°F (1,150°C).
RA333® 6 alloy (N06333) In open-air use has a practical limit of about 2,200°F (1,204°C). Applications include retorts,
rotary calciners, muffles for brazing, molybdenum, and tungsten oxide reduction.
625 (N06625) Has high strength, but is limited by oxidation resistance to 1,800°F (980°C).
600 alloy (N06600) A nickel-chromium alloy. Good oxidation resistance through 2200°F, good carburization
resistance and ductility.
601 (N06601) Is very oxidation resistant to 2,200°F (1,204°C). Applications include muffles, retorts and
radiant heating tubes
RA 602 CA® 7 (N06025) Extremely oxidation-resistant grade; one of strongest available at extreme temperature. Used
through 2250°F. Applications include CVD retorts, vacuum furnace fixturing, rotary calciners
Alloy X (N06002) Is designed for gas turbine combustors, in which hot gases continually sweep over the metal
surface. Because of its 9% molybdenum content, this grade may be subject to catastrophic
oxidation under stagnant conditions, or in open air above 2,150°F (1,177°C).
Alloy 617 Very strong. Typical uses include land-based gas turbine combustors and nitric acid catalyst
support grids.
Alloy 230® 8 Also a strong alloy, with excellent oxidation resistance and good retention of ductility after
intermediate temperature exposure. Gas turbine combustors, nitric acid grids, and CVD
retorts are some applications of this alloy.
Supertherm® 9, cast 26Cr 35Ni 5W 15Co Under various trade names, is suited for extreme temperature conditions. The cobalt content
is sufficient to minimize high-temperature galling wear when in contact with NiCrFe alloys.

2 Materials Selection Considerations for Thermal Process Equipment

BestPractices Technical Brief

Chromium, nickel, and silicon are three major elements that confer resistance to carbon absorption. Nickel and
silicon lower the maximum solubility of carbon and nitrogen. Carburization is usually of concern, because highly
carburized alloys become brittle. Above about 1% carbon content, most wrought heat-resistant alloys have no
measurable ductility at room temperature. Metal dusting, also known as catastrophic carburization or carbon
rot, is metal waste, not embrittlement. In the right environment, it appears that any alloy can eventually metal
dust. Disagreement exists regarding appropriate alloy selection. In the steel heat-treating industry, experience
has shown that RA333 and Supertherm are two of the best choices, while 602 CA performs well in some
petrochemical applications. However, 310 stainless has been used in petrochemical metal dusting environ-
ments. Alloys such as N08830 and N08811 do not perform well in metal dusting environments.
Low or moderate nickel with high chromium content minimizes sulfidation attack at high temperatures.
With the exception of alloy HR-160, less than 20% nickel content is preferred.
Typically, fabricability is not a significant issue for conventionally melted wrought alloys. Grades that are
strengthened by oxide dispersion, such as MA956®, offer unmatched strength and oxidation resistance at
extreme temperatures, but are difficult to fabricate by conventional means.
Allowable stresses are often based on ASME design codes. For most thermal processing equipment, design
stress is either one-half of the 10,000-hour rupture strength, or one-half of the stress to cause a minimum creep
rate of 1% in 10,000 hours. Above about 1,000°F (540°C), creep or rupture is the basis for setting design
stresses. At this temperature, materials are no longer elastic, but deform slowly with time.
Thermal Expansion
A major cause of distortion and cracking in high-temperature equipment is failure to adequately address the
issue of thermal expansion, and differential thermal expansion. Temperature gradients of only 200°F (110°C)
are sufficient to strain metals beyond the yield point.
Molten Metals
In industrial applications, low-melting metals such as copper and silver braze alloys, zinc, and aluminum cause
problems. As a rule of thumb, low-melting metals attack the higher nickel alloys more readily than low-nickel
or ferritic grades.
Austenitic nickel alloys tend to gall when they slide against each other. At elevated temperatures, cobalt oxide
tends to be somewhat lubricious. Cobalt or alloys with high cobalt content, such as cast Super-therm, are
resistant to galling at red heat. For heat treat furnace applications up through 1650°F, Nitronic® 6010 (S21800)
has resisted galling well.
Cast Versus Wrought Heat Resistant Alloys
The alloys are offered in two forms: cast form and wrought form. Each has advantages and disadvantages for
use in process heating, as shown in Table 2.

1 Registered trade name of Special Metals, Inc.

2 Registered trade name of Outokumpu
3 Registered trade name of Outokumpu
4 Registered trade name of AvestaPolarit
5 Registered trade name of Haynes International
6 Registered trade name of Rolled Alloys
7 Registered trade name of ThyssenKrupp VDM
8 Registered trade name of Haynes International
9 Registered trade name of Duraloy Technologies, Inc.
10 Registered trade name of AK Steel Corporation

Materials Selection Considerations for Thermal Process Equipment 3

BestPractices Technical Brief

Table 2. Comparison of Cast and Wrought Alloys

Alloy Advantages Disadvantages
Cast Inherently greater creep strength Embrittlement frequently occurs in service, making weld repair difficult
Availability of shapes that are inconvenient to fabricate May have soundness issues, such as porosity, shrink and surface integrity
Chemistries not available as wrought alloys May incur high costs for creating patterns, if only a few pieces are needed
Some 35% and 50% chromium castings only Delivery time may be long even if only a few pieces are needed
available as castings
Cast parts may be thicker and heavier than the equivalent fabrication.
This increases the dead weight that is heat treated, and reduces efficiency
of thermal transfer through the wall.
Wrought Availability of broad range of section thicknesses. Creep strength—few wrought alloys match the high strength of heat-
Wrought alloys are available as thin as foil. resistant alloy castings. This must be considered in product design,
where creep rupture is a concern.
Thinner sections permit significant weight reduction Composition—alloys such as 50Cr 50Ni, 28Cr 10Ni or 35Cr 46Ni, all with
excellent hot corrosion and/or carburization resistance, are available only
as castings.
Smooth surface helps avoid focal point for accelerated
corrosion by molten salts or carbon deposits
Usually free of the internal and external defects,
such as shrink and porosity, found in castings
Availability—fabrications are quickly procured, using
stock materials, which minimizes down time.
Table 3. Material (Alloy) Composition
Nominal Chemistry, Ferritic Alloys
Alloy Unified European Normal/ Chromium (Cr) Silicon (Si) Aluminum (Al) Titanium (Ti) Carbon (C) Other
Numbering Werkstoff Nummer
System (UNS) EN/W.Nr
410S S41008 1.4000 12.0 0.30 -- -- 0.05 --
430 S43000 1.4016 16.5 0.50 -- -- 0.08 --
® 11
MA956 S67956 -- 19.4 0.05 4.5 0.4 0.02 0.5Y2O3
446 S44600 1.4763 25.0 0.50 -- -- 0.05 --
Nominal Chemistry, Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys, Nickel 20% and under
Alloy UNS EN/W.Nr Cr Nickel (Ni) Si C Nitrogen (N) Other
304H S30409 1.4301 18.3 9 0.5 0.05 -- 70Fe
RA253 MA S30815 1.4835 21 11 1.7 0.08 0.17 0.04Ce
309S S30908 1.4833 23 13 0.8 0.05 -- 62Fe
310S S31008 1.4845 25 20 0.5 0.05 -- 52Fe
Nominal Chemistry, Fe-Ni-Cr Alloys, Nickel 30% to 40%
Alloy UNS EN/W.Nr Cr Ni Si C Other
800 HT N08811 -- 21 31 0.4 0.06 45Fe 0.6Ti 0.4Al
803 S35045 -- 25.5 34.5 0.7 0.07 37Fe 0.4Ti 0.3Al
RA330 N08330 1.4886 19 35 1.2 0.05 43Fe
RA353 MA S35315 1.4854 25 35 1.2 0.05 36Fe 0.16N 0.05Ce
® 12
HR-160 N12160 -- 28 36 2.8 0.05 30Co 2Fe 0.5Ti
HR-120 N08120 -- 25 37 0.6 0.05 35Fe 0.7Cb 0.1Ti

4 Materials Selection Considerations for Thermal Process Equipment

BestPractices Technical Brief

Table 3. Material (Alloy) Composition (continued)

Nominal Chemistry, Ni-Cr-Fe Alloys, Nickel 45% to 60%
Alloy UNS EN/W.Nr Cr Ni Si C Other
RA333® N06333 2.4608 25 45 1 0.05 3Co 3Mo 3W 18Fe
617 N06617 2.4663 22 54 0.03 0.08 12.5Co 9Mo 1Al
0.4Ti 1Fe
230® N06230 -- 22 60 0.4 0.10 14W 1.5Mo 0.3Al
Nominal Chemistry, Nickel over 60%, 15% to 25% Chromium
Alloy UNS EN/W.Nr Cr Ni Si C Other
601 N06601 2.4851 22.5 61.5 0.2 0.05 1.4Al 14Fe
RA 602 N06025 2.4633 25 63 -- 0.2 2Al 0.1Y 0.08Zr
CA® 9.5Fe
214TM 13 N07214 -- 16 76 -- 0.04 4.5Al 0.005Y 3.5Fe
600 N06600 2.4816 -- 15.5 76 0.2 0.08 0.2Ti 8Fe
Nominal Chemistry, Cast Heat Resistant Alloys
Alloy UNS EN/W.Nr Cr Ni Si C Tungsten (W) Cobalt (Co) Other
HC J92605 -- 28 2 0.8 0.3 -- -- 67Fe
HD J93005 -- 29 5 1.5 0.4 -- -- 63Fe
HE J93403 1.4339 28 9 1.5 0.3 -- -- 61Fe
HF J -- 21 10 1.4 0.3 -- -- 67Fe
HH-2 J93633 1.4837 25 13 1 0.3 -- -- 60Fe
HI J94003 -- 28 16 1 0.4 -- -- 54Fe
HK J94204 1.4840 25 20 1.4 0.4 -- -- 54Fe
HL J94614 -- 30 20 1.4 0.4 -- -- 47Fe
HN J 21 25 1.4 0.4 -- -- 52Fe
Ten-X -- -- 20 30 1.4 0.4 5 8 35Fe
HT J94605 -- 17 35 1.7 0.5 -- -- 44Fe
HU J95405 1.4865 18 38 1.7 0.5 -- -- 40Fe
HP J95705 1.4857 26 35 1.3 0.5 -- -- 36Fe
® 14
MO-RE 1 -- -- 26 36 1 0.45 1.6 -- 33
® 15
Supertherm -- -- 26 35 1.5 0.5 5 15 13Fe
® 16
22H -- 2.4879 28 48 1 0.5 5 -- 16Fe
Super 22H -- -- 28 48 1 0.5 5 3 13
MO-RE 40MA -- -- 35 46 1 0.45 -- -- 14Fe 1.3Cb
HX N06006 -- 17 66 2 0.5 -- -- 13Fe
IC-221M -- -- 7.7 81 -- 0.04 -- -- 8Al 1.3Mo 1.7Zr

11 Registered trade name of Special Metals, Inc.

12 Registered trade name of Haynes International.
13 Trade name of Haynes International.
14 Registered trade name of Duraloy Technologies, Inc.
15 Registered trade name of Duraloy Technologies, Inc.
16 Registered trade name of Duraloy Technologies, Inc.
17 Registered trade name of Duraloy Technologies, Inc.

Materials Selection Considerations for Thermal Process Equipment 5

BestPractices Technical Brief

u Composition of Alloys
Table 3 provides composition of commonly used alloys for industrial heating equipment. The alloy composi-
tion contains several elements which are added into iron. The percentage of the elements in the alloy are
shown in Table 3.

u Acknowledgements
Special thanks to Dr. James Kelly of Rolled Alloys and Arvind Thekdi of E3M, Inc., for their contributions to
this Technical Brief.

6 Materials Selection Considerations for Thermal Process Equipment

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November 2004

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