ESP Training Manual
ESP Training Manual
ESP Training Manual
6. 36
7. 39
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Corona as applied to electrostatic precipitators is a gas discharge phenomenon
associated with the ionization of gas molecules by electron collision in regions of high
electric field strength. The process of corona generation requires a non-uniform electric
field which is obtained by the use of a small diameter wire as one electrode and a plate
or cylinder as the other electrode. The application a high voltage to this electrode
configuration results in a high electric field near the wire. The electric field decreases
inversely with the radius from the wire surface.
The corona process is initiated by the presence of electrons in the high field region near
the wire. Electrons for corona initiation are supplied from natural radiation or other
sources and since they are in a region of high electric field they are accelerated to high
velocities and possess sufficient energy so that on impact with gas molecules in the
region they release orbital electrons from the gas molecules.
The additional free electrons are also accelerated and enter into the ionization process.
This avalanche process continues until the electric field decreases to the point that the
electrons released do not acquire sufficient energy for ionization.
Within the region defined by the corona glow discharge where ionization is taking place,
there are free electrons and positive ions resulting from electron impact ionization. The
behavior of these charged particles depends upon the polarity of the electrodes, and the
corona is termed negative corona if the discharge electrode is negative or positive corona
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if the discharge electrode is positive.
Both positive and negative coronas are used in industrial gas cleaning application,
however the negative corona is most prevalent within the temperature range of most
industrial applications.
In the case of the negative corona, positive ions generated in the corona region as a
result of electron impact are attracted towards the negative wire electrode and electrons
towards the positive plate or cylinder electrode. Beyond the corona glow region the
electric field diminishes rapidly and if electronegative gases are present electrons will be
captured by ht egas moleculeson impact. The negative ions thus generated move towards
the collection electrode and serve as the principal means for charging the dust.
In the corona process there must be a source of electrons to initiate and maintain the
avalanche process. The electrons are supplied from naturally occurring ionizing
radiation photo-ionization due to the presence of the corona glow, and in the case of high
temperature operations, from thermal ionization at the electrode surface. For negative
corona, electrons are also provided by secondary emission from the impacts between the
positive ions and the discharge electrodes.
In positive corona the electrons generated by the avalanche process, flow toward the
collection electrode. Since the positive ions are the charge carriers, they serve to provide
an effective space charge and the presence of an electronegative gas is not required for
positive corona. Sources of electrons for initiating and maintaining avalanche in a
positive corona are cosmic radiation and photo ionization due to the corona glow.
Positive and negative coronas differ in several important aspects. In appearance the
positive corona is rather uniform sheath surrounding the discharge electrode. In contrast
negative corona appears as localized discharges from points on a clean wire and as
localized tufts along the dust coated electrode. The voltage-current characteristics of the
negative corona are superior to those of positive corona at the temperature at which
most precipitators operate. Higher operating voltages and currents can be reached prior
to disruptive sparking.
Most industrial gas cleaning precipitators utilise negative corona because of its
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inherently superior electrical characteristics, which leads increase in efficiency at the
temperatures at which they are used.
Geometry of the electrodes, gas composition and gas conditions have important
influences on corona generation. The diameter of the discharge wire and the electrode
spacing determine the voltage gradient and hence the variation in electric field strength.
The electric field varies as the reciprocal of the radius near a small diameter wire. Hence
with a very small wire, the electric field near the surface can be quite high often in the
range of 50-100 kV/cm. The avalanche process requires the presence of high electric field
over a given distance. In general the small diameter wire requires high electric field
strength for initiation of corona. For a given spacing, however the onset of corona occurs
at a lower voltage for the smaller diameter wire. Also for a given voltage higher currents
are obtained with smaller diameter discharge electrodes.
Temperature and pressure influence the generation of corona by changing the gas
density. In the avalanche process the time available for accelerating an electron between
collisions is a function of gas density. With increased molecular spacing, higher velocities
can be achieved between collisions. Thus ionizing energy can be achieved with low
electric fields for low gas densities.
A second effect, in the case of the negative corona is that the increased molecular spacing
results in the penetration of free electrons further into the inter-electrode region before
capture to form a negative ion. Thus results in an increased average mobility in the
inter-electrode space and hence higher current.
Corona generation studies of basic nature are most often made with clean electrodes
under laboratory conditions. These conditions are highly idealized in comparison to
industrial precipitator. In practical precipitators, the presence of a dust entering the
electrodes space becomes charged by attachment of negative are positive ions. Because of
the much lower mobility of the charged dust it constitutes a significant space charge,
The magnitude of the space charge depends upon the size and quantity of the dust and
magnitude of its charge. The effect of the space charge is to reduce the electric field in
the vicinity of the corona glow region and thus it tends to quench the corona and reduce
the current. This effect is particularly significant at the inlet section of a precipitator
where dust concentrations are highest.
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drop with in the dust layer. This effect limits the voltage and current at which the
predpitatorcan operate and is its chief influence on corona generation.
There are two physical mechanisms by which gas ions impart charge to dust particles in
the precipitator. Particles in an electric field cause localized distortion of the field so that
electric field lines intersect the particles. Ions present in the field tend to travel in the
direction of maximum voltage gradient which is along electric field lines. Thus ions will
be intercepted by the dust particles resulting in a net charge flow to the particles. The
ion will be held to the dust particle by an induced image charge force between the ion
and dust particles. As additional ions collide with and are held to the particle, it becomes
charged to a value sufficient to divert the electric field lines such that they do not
intercept the particle. Under this condition no ions contact the dust particle and it
receives no further charge. The electrostatic theory of the process shows that the
saturation value of the charge on the particle is related to the magnitude of the electric
field-in the region where charging takes place, the size of the particle and the dielectric
constant of the particle.
The saturation charge is proportional to the square of the particle diameter thus larger
particles are more easily collected than small ones. This mechanism of charging is called
field- dependent charging.
For small particles (diameter less than 0.2 microns) field dependent charging mechanism
is less important and collision between the particles and gas ion is governed primarily by
thermal motion of the ions. The factors influencing charging rate are particle diameter
free ion density and thermal velocity for the ions.
Since the range of thermal velocities has no upper boundary there is no saturation value
associated with diffusion charging. However, as the charge on a particle increases the
probability of impact decreases so that there is a decreasing charging rate associated
with an increasing particle charge, this second charging process is called diffusion
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Particle charging theory indicates several important factors governing precipitator
performance. Since the magnitude of the particle charge is dependent upon the
magnitude of the electric field in the field dependent mode it is important that field
strength be kept as high as practical in the region where charging takes place.
The forces acting on a charged particle in a precipitator are gravitational, inertia,
electrical and aerodynamic. The latter two are the principal ones of the importance in
electrostatic precipitation.
If a particle is suspended in a laminar gas flow stream in a pipe and wire precipitator a
force due to the electric field and particulate charge will act on the particle in the
direction of the collection electrode. This force is opposed by the viscous drag force of the
In sufficient time, which is short for small particles, the particle would reach a terminal
velocity at which point the electrical and viscous drag forces could be equal. In
precipitator terminology, this is called the migration velocity. The other force acting on
the particle is the aerodynamic force by the gas stream. The motion of the particle will be
along the line defined by the vector sum of these two forces. Under laminar flow all
particles would be collected in a given length of the precipitator and the collection
efficiency for shorter lengths would be linearly related to precipitator length.
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Consequently the turbulent gas flow causes particles to flow random path through the
precipitator. The magnitude of the forces due to the turbulent gas flow is large compared
to the electrical forces. However at the boundary layer, the gas flow is laminar and
particles entering boundary layer will be collected. The collection efficiency is therefore
related to the probability of a particle entering the boundary layer.
Studies by Anderson, Deutsch and White of particle collection in turbulent gas stream
have shown theoretically that collection efficiencies are exponentially related to the
collection surface, the gas volume handled and the migration velocity of the particle. The
quantum known generally as the Deutsch, Anderson of the form (efficiency = 1-Exp).
From a theoretical as well as a practical standpoint the distribution of particles within the
precipitator is important. There is some evidence to indicate that particle distribution with in the
precipitator may not be uniform and that diffusional forces may also play a role in collection
Once collected the dust must be removed from the precipitator. This can be accomplished
by flowing liquid down the collection electrode to wash the collected dust or by rapping
the electrodes to impart an acceleration to dislodge the dust, which falls into a hopper for
subsequent removal.
In dry removal system rapping of the collection electrode to remove the dust is normally
done on periodic basis. Successful rapping depends upon accumulation of sufficient
thickness of the material on the plate so that it falls in large agglomerates into the
hopper. There is always some re-entrainment of the dust so that effective rapping must
minimize the amount material reentrained in the gas stream.
The acceleration required to remove the collected dust varies with the properties of the
dust and gas stream. Forces of cohesion and adhesion consist of molecular, electrical and
mechanical forces. Some dusts adhere tenaciously to the collection surface and require
substantial acceleration to dislodge them. Variations in operating temperature gas
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composition or both can alter the forces required for successful rapping.
Electrical forces which are related to current density and dust resistivity are also
significant in holding the collected material to the plate and therefore affect the forces
required for rapping. Since current densities are higher at the discharge electrode than
at the collecting electrode greater forces are often required to maintain them relatively
free of dust deposits than are required at the collection plates.
Reentrainment of the dust during rapping is evidenced by increased dust loadings at the
precipitator exit following a rap. To minimize this effect only small section of the
precipitator are rapped at one time.
The basic principle of electrostatic precipitator operation remain the same irrespective of
the process of application and they fall broadly on the topics covered above.
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Basic parameter used in the precipitator design are gas flow, electrical resistivity,
specific collection area, gas velocity, aspect ratio, treatment time and number of fields in
gas flow direction. The value of these parameter vary with particle and flue gas
properties with gas flow and with required collection efficiency. The migration velocity
achieved in actual operation depends strongly on many factors such as accuracy of
precipitator electrodes alignment uniformity and smoothness of gas flow rapping of
electrodes and size and electrical stability of the T/R sets.
The total quantity of gas flow is a fundamental factor in determination of the size and
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performance of the electrostatic precipitator. In general precipitator size for a given
efficiency is proportional to the gas volume but for a given precipitator size efficiency
drops off with increasing gas volume in accordance with the equation.
ή =1- e- (w *A)/Q
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This is relationship between the total gas flow and cross sectional area provided for a
precipitator. The cross section as taken the open area available for gas flow between the
end collecting plates disregarding the plate baffles. Primary important of the gas velocity
through the precipitator is its relation to rapping and re-entrainment losses. Above some
critical velocity these loss tend to increase rapidly because of the aerodynamic force on
the particles. The critical velocity depends on the quality of the gas flow plate
configuration, precipitator size and other factors but for most fly ash precipitators
velocity is 1.2 m/sec.
This parameter is defined as the ratio of the total length of the electrode zone to the
height of the electrode. It is important in precipitator design because of its effect on
rapping losses. Collected dust released from the plates is carried forward by the flow of
the gas. If the length of the collecting zone is too short compared to the height some of
the falling dust will be carried out of the precipitator before it reaches the hoppers
thereby substantially increasing the dust loss.
For efficiencies of 99 % and higher the aspect ratio should be at least 1 to 1.5 to minimize
carry over of collected dust.
This parameter is defined as the time taken by the flue gas to pass through the length of
the collecting electrode zone. Some of the dust can be carried out of the precipitation
zones due to insufficient treatment when gas velocities exceed about 1.2m/sec. and the
duct length is less than 9 metres. The treatment time in that case is only about 7 sec. for
efficiencies of 99% and higher the treatment time should be at least 15 seconds to ensure
satisfactory treatment and collection of the dust.
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The optimum degree of high-tension sectionatisation is a balance between the increase
in efficiency obtained with more sections and the increased cost of providing the
additional sections. This balance is highly dependent on ash property, gas temperature,
efficiency required and the space availability.
The central! board for the prevention and control of water pollution Act-1984 stipulates
the permissible emission limits for thermal power plants are as under:
As per the Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rules, 1993 Schedule VI (Part-
D) enforced from January 1, 1994. The Amendment empowers State Boards to specify
more stringent standards for the relevant parameters with respect to specific industry or
location. Andhra Pradesh State pollution control board made the limit as 115 mg/Nm3.
A protected area is one that is already polluted from being in a metropolitan industrial
location or the area is sensitive because of proximity to national parks/ forests/ historical
monuments/health resorts etc. While specifying the emission or the collection efficiency
the compliance with the stipulations shall be ensured.
In this paper the effect of various critical parameters have been discussed and adequate
amount of design conservatism shall be adopted for obtaining the desired level of
efficiency. This is more demanding in case of retrofit application where the conditions
are varying widely.
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Electrostatic Precipitator is a dust cleaning system provided after coal/oil fired boiler. It
removes fly ash from flue gas coming out of the boiler. Due to the stringent particulate
emission regulation the present efficiency requirements are in the region of 99.3% to
99.9%. It is rather essential to provide a correctly sized ESP with a sound internal
arrangement. The alignments of internals, effective rapping system and uniform flue gas
distribution are important requirements apart from healthy electrical system. The
performance of internals can be achieved by proper and careful erection. Faulty erection
method will lead to improper alignment of internals, which cannot be rectified at later
Casing is made of 6mm mild steel plates with required stiffeners. Internal bracings are
provided to transfer the horizontal forces due to wind and earthquake to the support
bearing level. Casing columns are subjected to axial compression. The entire internals
collected dust self-weight and additional load due to horizontal forces are supported by
casing. Casing walls are designed to take lateral load due to wind and under pressure.
Casing strength is calculated for the above mentioned loads at higher temperature
(normally 150° C and exceptionally 300° C). All the internal bracings and columns will
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come between the electrical fields and the gaps are maintained in such a way, that no
mechanical fouling or electrical sparking takes place. Both emitting and collecting
system are hung from the top of casing. The site welding of casing components should be
carried out carefully so those no leakage exists. The alignment of internals depends to a
great extent on the alignment of casing. Bolted connections are provided between the
components to facilitate erection. All the joints are to be welded before the internals are
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This type of casing is known as IB casing . Following are features of the IB casing:
Casing columns are positioned in such a manner that the portal beam immediately
below bearings is avoided.
The above change in the design of casing has resulted in considerable reduction in
erection of casing time.
Pyramidal hoppers are provided under the casing of ESP to collect the dust. The hoppers
should not be treated as storage place for dust. It is preferred to evacuate the hoppers at
the earliest. Long storage of dust leads to clogging of hoppers. The hoppers are designed
with a valley angle of not less than 55° to facilitate free fall of dust in hopper. Hopper
bottoms are provided with electrical
heaters to avoid any condensation of
moisture resulting in clogging of hopper.
Hoppers are made of mild steel plate
with adequate stiffness to take up dust
pressure. The hoppers are connected to
each other in the form of ridge. The
ridges are made of wide flange rolled,
reams and rolled channels only. Both
manufacturing and erection are easy.
According to the size of hopper it is sent
in number of wall panels which are to be welded together at site to form hopper. The
welding should be proper so that leakages do not exist. The wall stiffeners should be
outside the hopper. Depending on customer option the bottom part of hopper is provided
with smooth stainless steel inside liner, poke holes or combination of the above. Hoppers
are provided with inspection door. On customers option hoppers are provided with ash
level indicators.
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Emitting system consists of rigid emitting frame (like a cage) suspended from four points
on the top and emitting electrodes in the form of open spiral (fig 4). The four suspension
points are supported on support insulators to give electrical insulation to the emitting
frame. The frames are designed to take up the retention forces of emitting electrodes
which is 20 Kgs force per electrode.
Members of emitting frame are generally
rectangular hollow section. The frame
parts are manufactured in special
fixtures to obtain a closer tolerances on
the dimensions. Special packings are
provided for frame parts. Since this is a
Live part of ESP which will be at 70 kV
(peak) no sharp projection is desirable.
Care should be taken while
manufacturing and erecting these
components. The weld joints of frame
should be made carefully since these
frames are subjected to rapping and any
crack in the weld will lead to failure in due course of time.
By using four points suspension as mentioned earlier the frame design is totally in-
sensitive to expansion and so rigid that the operation and maintenance crew can climb
on it without disturbing the alignment. The advantages with our rigid frame design for
the emitting system are:
No electrodes are passing the top or lower collecting electrode edges thus spark erosion
hazard is thereby totally eliminated.
No need for ceramic stabilizers at the bottom part of the emitting system for perfect
A detailed sketch of the emitting system is enclosed. Support insulators are housed in
weather tight insulator housings which are provided with electrical space heaters and
thermostats. Heaters prevent any condensation on the insulator surface.
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The discharge electrodes consist of hard drawn spiral wires. The spiral discharge
electrodes are sent to the erection site in the form of spring like coils. At the site these
coils are attached, and stretched out between top and bottom holder in each level of the
discharge framework. These spiral electrodes are fastened with hooks to the discharge
The self-tensioning spiral discharge electrodes allow for better transmission of the
rapping forces. Because of the intermediate frames each separate discharge electrode is
kept short. Short wires well tensioned are not prone to swinging. The spiral wire
electrode provides a uniform current distribution over the full height of the collecting
plates since the corona discharge will occur around the entire surface of the wire as
opposed to a solid emitter with pronounced peaks where the corona discharge will occur
only at the tip of each peak.
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In a staggered fashion. These hammers hit specially designed shock beams to which one
intermediate part of the discharge frame is attached. In this manner the vibrations
generated by the hammers are transmitted to the discharge electrodes.
The design of the collecting system is based on the concept of dimensional stability. The
upper edges of the collecting plates are provided with hooks which are hung from
support members welded to the roof structure. The lower edge of each plate has a shock
receiving lug which is securely guided by the rapping system. By using an eccentrically
mounted suspension hook for the collection on plates good and positive contact between
the shock iron and the shock bar is guaranteed. This results in a dimensionally stable
collecting system compatible with the discharge system.
In order to maintain the collection efficiency at the design level it is essential that the
discharge electrode and the collecting system are dimensionally stable.
Collecting electrodes are made of 1.6mm thick mild steel sheets formed in G profile of
400mm width. A special roll forming machine is used to get a closer tolerance on G
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profile. Hook and guide are welded on one end and shock iron (which goes inside the
shock bar) on the other end on a fixture. Side slot if required, are made on the roll
forming machine itself. The electrodes are bundled together and dipped in rust
preventive oil tank. Collecting electrode bundles should be properly handled to avoid any
damage to the electrodes. Minor local dents can be rectified at site with the help of
correcting tool. Before erecting the electrode should be checked for any damage rusting
and straightness.
Shock bar is provided to transmit the rapping acceleration effectively to all the collecting
electrodes in the row. It is suspended under the Collecting electrodes and guided
transversely by shock bar guides. Collecting electrodes are loosely connected to the shock
bars. The anvil portion of shock bar is stress relieved after welding. The shock bar
should be checked for straightness before erection.
The system employs tumbling hammers which are mounted on a horizontal shaft in a
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staggered fashion with one hammer for each shock bar. As the shaft rotates slowly each
of the hammers in turn over balances and tumbles hitting its associated shock bar. The
shock bar transmits the blow simultaneously to alt of the collecting plates in one row
because of their direct contact with the shock bar. A uniform rapping effect is therefore
provided over the whole row of collecting plates.
The rapping frequency should be as low as possible in order to minimize the dust re-
entrainment from rapping. The frequency of the rapping mechanism offered by us is
adjustable within wide limits. There is one set of rapping equipment provided for each
series field so that the frequency can be suited to the conditions in that individual area.
All internal parts of the rapping mechanism are accessible for inspection being placed in
side access passages, before, between and after the collecting plates.
All physical data essential for designing plate suspension eccentricity and rapping
intensity for this type of dust has been tested in our laboratories.
This type of tumbling hammers rapping mechanism has been used by our collaborators
for fly ash application for over 20 years as well as in all other precipitator applications.
From full scale tests carried out in our laboratory the acceleration in any point of a
system similar to the one quoted has been determined. Table 1 shows the effectiveness of
the rapping mechanism measured on the collecting plates. The numbers 2 and 6 in the
direction of flow indicates the position of the plate in relation to the tumbling hammer.
When judging the effectiveness of the collecting system it is also essential to keep in
mind the total collecting area being rapped at any instance. The higher the percentage of
the total collecting is being rapped at any time the greater the re-entrainment of dust
into the gas. With out tumbling hammer rapping mechanism only a very small
percentage of the collecting area for each precipitator is rapped at one time.
This improves the overall efficiency of the precipitator and avoids puffing at the stack
outlet. The functional capabilities of the tumbling hammer system and its operational
reliability have made it a Flakt standard utilised in all installations.
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Recognizing the importance of preventing areas of high gas velocities construction of the
gas distribution arrangement consists of two separate rows of baffles located at the inlet
of the casing.
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areas of the gas distribution screens.
In addition to the gas distribution plates at the inlet of the precipitator the outlet funnel
of the precipitator is also provided with one row of gas screening plates to improve the
flow pattern near the outlet.
The gas distribution screens at the inlet of the precipitator are provided with a rapping
Mechanism if required. This rapping mechanism is similar to rappers used for the
emitting and collecting systems described earlier.
Each electrical bus section is supported from insulators located in insulator
compartments outside the casing roof. The weather tight insulator compartments for the
high voltage support insulators are of double walled construction with thermal
insulation between the walls. Each insulator compartment is furnished with an access
door for inspection and service. To avoid dust entering up into the insulator a screen
tube is installed
immediately below it.
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Inlet and Outlet nozzles are provided for each precipitator fabricated of 6mm mild steel
plate. The nozzles are adequately stiffened and braced to stresses due to wind load
earthquake load and suction pressure.
The ESP is a high voltage (70 kV) system and hence proper protection devices should be
provided to prevent any operational maintenance personnel to enter into ESP when it is
charged. An elaborate mechanical key type interlock system is provided for the purpose.
All the inspection doors insulator housing and disconnecting switches are interlocked to
rectifier transformer control panels. Unless the rectifier transformers are de energized
and the fields are grounded, a person cannot open any inspection door disconnecting
switch or insulator housing.
Apart from the earlier mentioned features, ESP is provided with galleries and stairs,
rectifiers handling system, pent-house (optional), hopper approach platform (optional),
outer roof, rectifier transformer with controls, auxiliary control panels LT distribution
board, disconnecting switches etc.
Galleries and stairs are provided to make all the inspection doors, electrical equipments
etc. accessible for operation and maintenance purpose. It is designed to take live load of
500 Kg/M2 of load. Platform and stair widths are generally not less than 1.0 metre and
0.80 metre respectively.
Rectifier handling system is provided on top of ESP to lift T/R sets from ground to the
top or vice versa. A hand-operated pulley block is provided on a monorail placed in such
a way that it can handle any T/R set on the ESP.
Pent-house is provided on top of ESP on customer's option. This provides coverage for
insulator housings, disconnecting switches, TR sets etc.
Hopper approach platform (customer option) is provided under ESP to make the hopper
inspection doors and hopper heaters easily accessible. This is required for maintenance
Water washing system (customer option) is an elaborate system for washing the
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collecting electrode surfaces (mainly) when any maintenance work is required to be
carried out. Washing is possible only when ESP is not charged. Clean water with low
chlorine content should be used for cleaning the ESP internals.
A chequered plate outer roof is provided on top of ESP as maintenance platform. ESP top
insulation is provided in between roof panel of ESP casing and outer roof. If the pent-
house is provided the outer roof would be flat, otherwise, it would have a two degree
slope for rain water drainage. It is designed to take up 500 kg/m2 of live load. Rainwater
drainage channels are provided to prevent rainwater to fall hazardously.
The insulator materials and protective covering wilt be new and unused and is
guaranteed to withstand continuously and without deterioration the maximum
temperature to which they wilt be subjected under the specified applications. The
density of the insulation with mineral wool blanket insulating material will be 150
kg/cu.m. The mattresses will be installed by using stud of 6mm. Casing support binding
wires and insulation retainers. The mattresses are held by studs and the joints of the
mattresses are sewn together.
The wool mattress is tied by galvanized binding wires of 186 across the hooks/ studs.
After application of insulation the outer casing will be laid. The sheathing material for
all insulation will be aluminum sheet of thickness not less than 1 mm.,
Rectifier transformer (TR) sets are provided on top of ESP. The control panels (electronic
controllers) are housed in EP control room situated on the ground. They are connected by
power and control cables. TR sets are connected to emitting system through
disconnecting switches with the help of bus duct. Disconnecting switches are provided to
enable maintenance personnel to disconnect and ground the emitting systems before any
maintenance work is taken up.
Auxiliary control panels (ACP) housed in EP control room are provided to give power
supply and control the auxiliary equipments of ESP like heaters, rapping motors etc.
These field mounted equipments are connected to ACP by cables.
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LT distribution board housed in EP control room is provided to distribute the power
supply to different panels. The above mentioned features are applicable for a typical
electrostatic precipitator for collecting fly ash. The EPs used for the collection of soda ash
coming out of a soda ash recovery boiler (paper industries) are different in many ways as
compared to the EPs used for fly ash collection.
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Flow mode! studies is an effective method to ensure uniform distribution of gases in the
electrode section of the electrostatic precipitator. A good understanding of the field
dynamic behavior is important to arrive at a reliable inference from such studies. The
need for approach to results and conclusion of model studies conducted are outlined.
The basic design philosophy of electrostatic precipitator emphasizes the need for good
gas distribution inside the electrode chamber.
Large installation of these days handling over three million cubic meters of gas every
hour with their associated limitations on space result in layouts giving rise to serious
flow distribution problems. The precipitator by itself is a low pressure device, hence the
flow pattern established by the inlet flue system upstream the precipitator established
the flow pattern within the electrode chamber.
Poor gas flow which includes unbalanced gas velocities, flow separation jet and pulsating
flow result in reduction in precipitator performance by unbalanced loading and by re-
Conducting studies in site and introducing necessary corrective measures are both
laborious time consuming, constantly and impracticable. Flow model studies thus offers
an apt method to tackle flow distribution at the design stage itself enabling design of
flow correcting devices and better design of flue system.
The following model requirements are considered while constructing the model :-
i). Geometric similarity -the same scale being used for ail parts comprising the model. As
regards the surface roughness the effect of scale was compensated by using materials of
smooth surface.
ii).Kinematic similarity - the flow lines in model and full scale plant shall have similar
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iii). Dynamic similarity - Here it was assumed that from a practicality point, is
sufficient to ensure that the Reynold's number was maintained in the region of turbulent
flow at all section of the model, A critical area being that of the electrode section.
ii) Dust is evenly distributed in the gas and that a good gas distribution at the inlet to
the electrode chamber will suffice. Hence, a primary aim of the model study is to ensure
an even distribution of gases in the electrode chamber.
Prandtl tubes are used in conjunction with electronic micro-manometer to measure the
distribution ducts. Computer is used through keyboard terminals to evaluate and
analyze the measured values.
The testing involves the measurement and analysis of flow distribution, introduction of
flow correcting devices, flow pattern visualization using smoke stream and measurement
and analysis of flow pattern after introduction of flow correcting devices.
Flow correction is done in stages measuring, analysing and correcting section by section
starting from the inlet dueling then the outlet dueling and finally the precipitator
chamber. Guidevanes installed for improving the flow pattern in ducts
are basically designed based on the literature available on duct losses and at the times
extrapolation on these.
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installed in addition to those already installed to obtain the required flow distribution
between screens.
Distribution studies are made keeping the Reynold number in the gas duct region
between the collection electrodes (which is critical region in the model) above the critical
value i.e. 4000 at 60% gas flow conditions. Smoke screens are also used to check visually
the flow stream inside the casing.
2). Readings shall cover a minimum of every third gas page in section.
3). The spacing between two levels of readings by the sections shall not be greater than
10% of the collecting electrode heights.
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4). The test section shall be at the leading edge of the first field and the leading edge of
last field.
5). The final velocity pattern in any section shall have 80% of the readings not more than
1.15 times the average value of that section.
6). The average value of the various parallel streams shall be within + or -10 degree, of
the total average.
7). Low velocity may be accepted in the top and bottom levels in view of gas effect.
The performance requirement of the present day precipitators is welt above 99%. The
basic design of the precipitator is to provide required collecting area for every unit of gas
volume to be handled. This brings out the importance of gas distribution. The model
study is the tool available to study this distribution and to ensure the recovery level of
The flow correction devices like guide vanes in ducts, vanes in the inlet funnel of the
precipitator and the deflector plates on the screens are finally adopted in the full scale
plant and a final test conducted at a full scale plant to ensure that the distribution is as
desired and determined in the model studies.
Page 31
The linear reactor limits the short circuit current during sparking in side the
precipitator to safe value. The HF choke protect the transformer rectifier from surges
occurring during sparking inside the precipitator.
Regulated AC input voltage available from electronic controller is fed to the transformer
primary and full wave rectified negative DC out put is taken through a HV bushing.
The positive end of the rectifier bridge is connected to earth through current feedback
shunt. The transformer rectifier is designed for heavy duty operation of 24 Hrs. a day
with frequent sparking inside the precipitator.
The transformer tank is a fully welded construction suitable for outdoor service. The
insulating and cooling medium of HVR is an oil of dielectric strength and good heat
transfer characteristics and is adequately protected from contamination.The HVR is
fitted with the following instrumentation and appurtenances.
Page 32
The electronic controller unit feeding regulated input to HVR is a microprocessor based
controller suitable for indoor application and of dead front free standing floor mounted
* Main contractor
* Firing card.
The automatic voltage control system operates so as to maintain constant current from
transformer rectifier unit under dynamic conditions of electrostatic precipitators load.
ARECA-2 controls the precipitator by changing the ignition angle of the Thyristors
connected to the primary of the transformer rectifier set. Precipitator current voltage
and phase angle of the primary voltage are used as Input data. The actual precipitator
current which varies continuously due to field conditions is compared with set value and
the error signal is processed to control firing angle of the Thyristor to regulate the input
voltage to the transformer to achieve set constant current inside the precipitator. When
a spark occurs the current is interrupted for a preset time to allow de-ionization and
rebuilds to a value slightly lower than the current at which the spark occurred. The
current decrease and the rate of rise to the set value are deciding the spark rate.
ARECA-2 provides facility like intermittent charging and peak sensing mode of
operating to suit the process for improving precipitator operation or for energy saving.
Page 33
Electronic controller provides the following protections /indications.
1. Protection for T/R from oil temperature high and internal faults.
4. DC Voltage high.
5. Transformer temp.high.
6. AC Current high.
7. Peak detector.
ARECA-2 is a 16-bit microcontroller based unit for regulation and control of the
electrical power input to the HVR /Electrostatic precipitator.
ARECA-2 maintains the spark rate at a suitable level for great variations of gas
temperature, dust compositions, flow rate etc.
It regulates the rectifier in such a way that the current through the precipitator Is
corrected constantly as the conditions for the sparking are changed there by minimising
the loss of energy.
The complete unit is modular and draws out type with individual modules for each
feeder. Each module houses the power and control circuits with push buttons, and
indicating lamps mounted on the door of the compartments.
The heating elements for hoppers and support insulators are thermostatically controlled.
Indications for operation of heating element as well as ammeters to read line currents of
heater feeders are provided. The operation of rapping motor is sequentially controlled
through programmers. Annunciation/indication for rapper motor 0/L trip/rapper motor
Page 34
ON or OFF are provided. The rapper motors are also provided with local start/stop
Each collecting and emitting system is provided with one geared motor unit coupled to
the rapper shaft and located out side the casing. The geared motor consists of helical
reduction gear with an integral DOL Start squirrel cage induction motor as prime
mover. The motors are suitable for 415V,3 phase. 50Hz AC input and of weather proof IP
55 enclosure. The geared box unit is proving with oil filling drain plugs and level
2.Shaft insulator is provided to isolate each geared assembly from the associated
emitting rapping shaft, this also is provided with heating elements to avoid any
condensation on its surface which could result in flash over of the same,
3.0ne bushing insulator is provided corresponding to each field and is mounted in the
+insulator housing, this act as a bushing in the H.V bus duct system providing necessary
support and clearance for the H.V bus section. The insulators are of high quality
porcelain designed to with stand the operating temperatures.
LT switch board shall be single /double front, dead front. floor mounting and modular
type. All the incomer feeders and bus coupler shall be fully drawout type. The out going
feeders (Switch fuse units) Shall be fixed type. This feeds power to electronic controllers
and auxiliary control panels.
Page 35
Once the erection of EP is over, electrical work can start. Electrical jobs include the
erection of HVR sets electronic controllers, the auxiliary control panels geared motors
the heaters and the laying of inter connecting cables. After this process pre-
commissioning activities involved in the pre commissioning of EP include.
The internals should be checked for any debris or welding protrusions which will cause
heavy sparking during charging. Any of the internals should be checked for welding
completion as given in the drawings. It should be checked whether all the items as given
in the drawings have been properly erected. This is particularly applicable for screw for
the shaft insulator where the inter-changing is quite possible between left and right
Next, we can take-up charging of heaters and the rapping gears. It should be ensured
that ail these requirements are properly earthed so that safety of the operating
personnel is ensured. The rapping frequency for the various collecting and emitting field
should be set as given in the manual. The motors can be put on trial run for Eight hours
To find out the healthiness of the HVR sets OCC test has to be done. After OCC is done,
the transformers may be connected to the fields and VI curves on static air load as well
as with ID and FD fans running may be taken,
With ID and FD fans running at rated current the gas distribution test is conducted on
EP to find out the co-efficient of variations below 20 %. To achieve this limits the guide
vans and blanking plates given have to be made use off. Finally these plates should be
welded to the screens.
Page 36
Finally the EP can be charged with flue gas. The EP can be charged once the flue gas
temperature is above due point and the combustion of coal/oil is complete. So that
chances for fire is avoided. The various fields may be set with different current values as
given in the manual. Also the spark limit of 5-10 sparks/minute have to be ensured by
proper S&T pot setting. Some coals may lead to back corona problem because of high
resistivity. In such coals, intermittent charging with 'ON' - 'OFF' controller of ICE
controller will help.
Next dust sampling is done using the fiber glasses thimbles with proper size nozzles.
vacuum pump and the gas meter in series. The thimble entraps all the dust coming
alongwith the sampled flue gas and the gas meter records the gas volume sampled.
Then concentration of dust (c) is C = ——
If C1 is the inlet dust concentration and C2 is the outlet dust concentration the
efficiency of EP is,
C1 -C2
Page 37
As the performance level of equipment goes up, the methods of measurement are also
keeping apace. The measurement accuracy will depend on the equipments used for
resting. Hence a proper selection of equipments and procedure will go a long way in
establishing a foolproof method.
Page 38
Now-a-days, Electrostatic Precipitators are the main pollution control equipments for
the utility steam generators and they are very much suitable for treating large volume of
flue gas emanating from steam generators at very high efficiencies of the order of 99.8%
plus with low pressure drop. Though it is rugged and very simple in construction still it
needs some maintenance works for its proper upkeep. Points that need attention during
short and major shutdowns are discussed below.
The HVRs are placed on EP roof top and control panels in the air conditioned control
room. Any malfunction of either of the HVR or the panel affects the EP field and hence
EP performance. One of the ways to overcome this situation would be put this particular
field to the adjacent transformer alongwith its own field i.e. to put two fields in parallel
to a HVR. Though it is not a long term solution this will help to reduce the emission until
the defective HVR/EC is rectified.
Page 39
Continuous rapping of say for 10-15 minutes will reduce the ash deposit on the
electrodes. Initial deposits on the emitting electrodes some times, takes six months to
peel off. The problem of poor alignment can be attended only during-a shutdown.
Problem associated with high resistivity dusts can be solved by resorting to either
conditioning by SO3 & NH3 or to pulse charging.
One need not over emphasize the importance of adequately designed ash evacuation sys-
tem. ash accumulation in hoppers not only leads to bridging of emitting and collecting
system causing the field to trip but also damage to the internals.
Page 40
* Minor deformation to the collecting electrodes can be rectified.
However if there is any major defect /damage in the internals that can be attended to
only during major overhauls.
One has to plan well for spares before starting the shut down jobs on electrostatic
precipitators. It is found that items like shock bar guides and raping hammers etc; are
required for replacement. Hence adequate stock of these items as well as other spares
will be a wise proposition. The annexure II gives a recommended list of spares for three
years operation.
Page 41
1. Support insulator 10
2. Shaft Insulator Assy. 16
3. Bushing Insulator Assy 04
4. Heating Element/Hopper 06
5. Heating Element for Insulator housing 06
6. Heating Element for Shaft Insulator 06
7. Foot mounted Gear Motor 06
8. Timers 06
9. Synchronous Programmer 02
10. Thermostat for Insulator Housing 02
11. Thermostat for Hoppers 06
12. Emitting electrode 600
13. Inner arm 40
14. Outer arm for Emitting Electrode 16
15. Outer arm for Collecting Electrode 16
16. Plain bearing 06
17. Set ring 08
18. Sleeve Pin for Shock bar guide 02
19. Shock bar 08
20. Carbon Bush 06
21. Shock bar guide front 24
22. Shock bar guide rear 14
23. Sleeve for Shock bar guide 06
24. Pin Insulator for disconnecting switch 10
Page 42
In recent years there has been an increasing demand for fly ash removal efficiencies of
99.8% and above. Air (prevention and control of pollution)Act 1981 stipulates emission
standard which requires the collection efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator to be
very high. In India, we use mainly tow sulphur coals. Because of the high resistive
nature it becomes difficult to collect Indian fly ash and hence the size of EP is large.
Studies conducted by us resulted in development of ICE-C controller, BAPCON
controller and pulse rectifier, which is well suited for low sulphur coals.
Recent experimental work has shown that wider spacing EP results in increased mi-
gration velocity. The potential of plate spacing as a parameter for optimizing design can
be evaluated only by conducting experiments. If migration velocity can be increased as
plate space is increased it might be possible to hold collection efficiency constant and
reduce the specific collection area and therefore the initial cost of a precipitator. BHEL
has taken up R&D experiments on wide spacing with pilot and full scale tests.
The development of new ESP technology notably in the high voltage supply area Is
opening up new possibilities for substantial energy savings reduced dust emissions and
increased availability. Today there are plants in commercial operation in which energy
savings of between 70 and 90 percent are achieved and where emissions are reduced up
to 85 percent.
The efficiency of dust collection in an ESP follows an exponential curve. Any desired
collecting efficiency can be achieved If the precipitator is sized large enough. The
following formula Is used universally for calculating the required collection area (A) m2
for a given dust collecting efficiency and a given volume flow(Q) m3/s
Page 43
BAPCON controls the EP power by controlling the firing angle of the rectifier thyristors.
EP current and voltage as well as phase angle of the primary voltage are used as control
inputs. Initially EP current is slowly increased toward the set current limit.
When a spark occurs the EP current is blocked for one cycle and then the CP current is
restarted. At this point the EP current suddenly raises to (IS-S) level. The spark rate will
be controlled by the set values of S&K controls.
The number of half cycles the thyristors should conduct can be selected. The selected
Page 44
number indicates the number of half cycles the thyristor should conduct. Intermittent
Charging operation be selected for improving precipitation or energy saving. Often both
are possible.
When we adapt very high charge ratio, the valley voltage drop and thereby average
voltage will also go down. To improve the valley voltage and also to eliminate the effect
of uni-polar charging of HVRs base charging facility is provided. The small charging is
introduced (base charge) in between the two main intermittent charging pulses to
increase the valley voltage.
The BAPCON controllers are provided with the feature of automatic optimisation.
BAPCON samples the VI characteristics of the fields at regular programmable intervals
and selects the best possible chrge ratio.
5. Base Charging facility increase the valley voltage and hence the performance
Page 45
regulations the ESP. Pulsed energization now offers a number of specific benefits in
addition to improved performance and power savings. These includes installation with
mum ESP downtime, minimum supervision and maintenance and low investment since
only the transformer/rectifier (T/R) set is changed and the internals of the ESP do not
have to be modified. Different designs of internals have been used successfully and found
that the deterioration of EP efficiency due to poor current distribution and back corona
conditions can be reduced by pulsed operation.
As it takes some time in the order of some seconds for a high resistivity dust for the
charges in the dust layer to disappear the current density where back corona starts is
equal to the time average current density as a first approximation. Thus high sharp peak
currents at low frequencies from the discharge electrode have little effect on back corona.
By increasing the voltage for short periods intensive corona is formed and good current
distribution is obtained at regular intervals.
Figure-4 shows the circuit diagram of the Flakt pulse supply. A storage capacitor placed
after high voltage rectifier is charges. The energy is transferred via an inductance to the
ESP by thyristors. The energy oscillates between the ESP and the storage capacitor until
an essential portion has been used by the ESP.
Figure-5 shows the high voltage wave form for the MFC system. When the energy. When
the energy generated in the storage capacitor is released, the pulse is generated. The
pulse amplitude declines in line with progressive use of the energy to form corona in the
ESP. By means of pulses peak voltages higher than used for conventional energization
are used in the ESP without leading to sparking. Better corona current distribution
results in enhanced efficiency and due to the application of pulsed currents back corona
formation is suppressed.
A separate conventional base rectifier is not required for the DC since the multipulse
unit is designed to supply an inherent base voltage up to the corona onset voltage. Any
change in the corona onset voltage is automatically tracked. Table At shows technical
data for the MPC units at Gnsted unit-2 power station.
Page 46
Pulse amplitude 40 kV
Pulse/burst up to 8
Size 1.2x1.2x1m
Weight 1,470kg,
RAPCON is a component of BHEL's Integrated Operating System (IOS), but can also
used as a stand alone unit. In BHEL 's Integrated Operating System a maximum of
eight RAPCONs will communicate on a data with other control units.
From RAPCON each rapping motor can be manually started or stopped during
operation, without interfering with other rapping motors. The Operation State of each
rapping motor is indicated with light emitting diodes on the RAPCON Panel.
The RAPCON is pre-programmed with number of Rapping Sequences, any of which can
be selected depending on the field failure condition of the Electrostatic Precipitator.
Page 47
for best performance with the help of IOS, using optional control algorithms to achieve,
Minimum power comsumption with allowed emission, by increasing charge ratio and
reducing current.
.Automatic ESP startup and shutdown procedure at minimum time and cost.
Page 48
experiments with 600mm wide spacing in Indian power plant for evaluating the
performance of this modification is also being taken-up. Based on the trials to be
conducted EP spacing for Indian application, can be optimized.
A) R&D Laboratory ;-
BHEL has established its own R&D laboratory at its manufacturing plant. The total cost
of the facility is Rs.50.0 lakhs including building, electrical accessories ad laboratory
equipments. The following facilities are available.
** Optimized pressure drop in the system which will result in a reduction in the
operation cost of the boiler system.
Page 49
Page 50
There are three electrical sections in the direction of gas flow with only one gas path.
Pilot EP can be moved to any power station and the performance characteristics can be
Presented till now are important developments that have taken place around the world
and also- in India. BHEL has taken up efforts for better customer satisfaction and also
keeping up with the various new trends in the world. Based on R&D results on wide
spacing EP, BHEL's ESP collaborator M/s. Flakt Industri, Sweden has started supplying
electrostatic precipitators with 400mm wide spacing EP and is expected as a standard
for few contracts. BHEL's laboratory facilities will be used for analyzing and
understanding the various programmes associated with electrostatic precipitator
Page 51