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Diza CO1 2023

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Grade Level: 7 Grading: Third

No. of hour sessions: 1 hour
Teaching Date: May 4, 2023 Time: 1:00-2:00 PM

I. Objectives
Students should be able to demonstrate understanding of the following:
A. Content Standard
The learner classifies triangles according to sides and angles.
B. Performance Standards
1. Cite real life examples of triangles.
2. Appreciate the importance of triangles in real life.
C. Learning Competencies
1. illustrates polygons specifically triangle: (a) sides; and (b) angles. ( M7GE-IIIe-2)
II. Content:
Classifying Triangles
III. Learning Resources: Laptop, Internet
A. References: 7 Mathematics Learners Materials K-12;
B. Subject Integration: Aral-Pan and MAPEH-Arts
C. Strategy: Collaborative Learning Strategy
IV. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Classroom Routine
 Opening Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
B. Review

Polygon is a closed plane figure formed by fitting together segments end to end with
each segment intersecting exactly two others. Each line segment is called a side of
the polygon and each endpoint where the sides meet is called the vertex of the

Identify the classification of polygons in the pictures shown below based on

the description.
(a) (b) (c)

Honeycomb Wooden Hanger Building in Washington

1. Motivation: Travel and Observe
Picture 1 Picture 2

Picture 3 Picture 4

Picture 5 Picture 6
Guide Questions:
1. What have you observed in the pictures?
2. What types of polygons have you seen?
3. What is a Triangle?
C. Developmental Activities/Lesson Proper
A triangle ( )-is a 3-sided polygon. It has three vertices and three angles. The sum
of the three interior angles of a triangles is always 180˚.
Observe this figure.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the name of the triangle?
2. What are its sides? vertices? Angles?

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills # 1

Classification of Triangles According To Angles

To classify triangles by angles you must determine if each angle in the triangle
is acute, right or obtuse. Once you have determined the types of angles you can classify
the triangle as an Acute Triangle, Right Triangle, or Obtuse Triangle.
Now let's look at how that works with triangles.

Let's look at triangles with angle measures.

If all three angles are the same measure (60°) then the triangle is called EQUIANGULAR.
It will look like the example below.

E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills # 2

Classification of Triangles According To Sides

To classify a triangle by its sides means that we look at the side lengths of the
triangle and make a determination as to whether it is an: Equilateral, Isosceles and
Scalene Triangles.

1. If all the sides are equal (the same length) then the triangle is EQUILATERAL.

Example 1: All the sides have Example 2: The "marks" indicate

a length of 6 mm. . that each of the three sides have

the same length.

2. If 2 sides of the triangle are the same length then the triangles is
an ISOSCELES triangle.
Example 1: Two sides have a length of 1 Example 2: The "marks" indicate that 2
and a 3rd side has a different length of 1.4. sides have the same length.

3. If all three sides of the triangle are a different length, then the triangle is
a SCALENE triangle.

Example 1: All three sides have a Example 2: If there are no "marks" and
different length. no numbers indicating length then
all the sides have a different length.

Classifying a triangle is as simple as comparing the sides. If all three sides have the
same length then it is an EQUILATERAL triangle, if only two sides have the same length
then it is an ISOSCELES triangle and if there are no sides that have the same length then it
is a SCALENE triangle. Hint: Remember to look at the "marks" because they represent
congruent sides.

F. Developing Mastery
1. Students will watch the video on
2. Classify the triangles through the figures shown.

G. Concluding Activities (Group Activity)

1. Application: Math Quiz Bee

Mechanics (Strictly No Sharing of Answers)
There shall be 3 rounds namely:
a) the easy-5 Questions worth 1 pt. each =5
b) the average- 5 Questions worth 2 pts. Each = 10
c) the difficult- 3 Questions worth 5 pts. Each = 15
Total: 13 Questions = 30 pts!
EASY Questions: True or False
1. A right triangle has one right angle.
2. Scalene triangle has all equal sides.
3. An equilateral triangle has no equal sides.
4. An isosceles triangle has two equal sides.
5. An obtuse triangle has obtuse angle, which measures more than 90˚ but less than
AVERAGE Questions: Multiple Choice
1. If you add up the degrees of each angle on a triangle, what is the sum?
a. 90˚ b. 180˚ c. 360˚ d. 45˚
2. What are the three types of triangles according to sides?
a. Equilateral, isosceles, scalene
b. Equalateral, isosceles, scalene
c. Equilateral, isosceles, scalene
d. Equilateral, obtuse, isosceles
3. What triangle is it called when two sides are the same and only one is different?
a. Scalene b. Vertex c. Isosceles d. Equilateral
4. What triangle is it called when all three sides are the same?
a. Scalene b. Acute c. Isosceles d. Equilateral
5. What is the degree of the right angle?
a. A right angle is 80˚ c. A right angle is 100˚
b. A right angle is 90˚ d. A right angle is 110˚
1. A right triangle has one other angles that is 35˚. What is the size of the third angle?
2. A triangle has angles 46˚, 63˚ and 71˚. What type of triangle is this?
3. An equilateral triangle has one side that measures 5 inches. What is the size of the
angle opposite that side?

2. Generalization/Valuing
Guide Questions:
1. What are the types of triangles according to sides? angles?
2. State the difference of equilateral and equiangular triangle.
3. Why is the triangle is the most important shape?
4. Give examples of objects/construction materials that shows triangles.

Pictures below shows an example of a triangular shape.

(a) (b) (c)

V. Evaluation (1/4 sheet of paper: 5 minutes)

a. Direction: Classify the triangle into acute triangle, obtuse triangle and right
triangle with the following angles:

(a) 90°, 45°, 45°=

(b) 60°, 60°, 60°=
(c) 80°, 60°, 40°=
(d) 130°, 40°, 10°=
(e) 90°, 35°, 55°=
(f) 92°, 38°, 50°=

b. Direction: Classify the triangle according to sides, that is, equilateral, isosceles
and scalene triangles.

(a) 6 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm=

(b) 6 cm, 6 cm, 6 cm=
(c) 7 cm, 7 cm, 5 cm=
(d) 8 cm, 12 cm, 10 cm=
(e) 3 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm=
(f) 3.5 cm, 3.5 cm, 4.5 cm=

VI. Assignment
Just Tri Me
Materials Needed:
 Any available and safe materials in your home (any kind of coloring materials-
crayons, water color, pastel color, acrylic water based)
 Oslo Paper (optional) construction paper/scrap papers will be fine
 Glue, scissors, ruler
 (As much as possible use recyclable materials at home)
What To Do:
 Create an related with different types of triangles
 Size: 12 inches x 8.5 inches (minimum)
20 inches x 11 inches (maximum)


Not So I Tried A I Did a I Did My

Much Bit Good Job Best Ever
Focus 1 2 3 4
I used my time will

Composition 1 2 3 4
I considered my entire sheet of paper
when making my art

Creativity 1 2 3 4
My art includes my own ideas
Craftmanship 1 2 3 4
My art is complete and made with care
Art Lesson Name: ______________________________________________
This Lesson Taught Me: _________________________________________


VI. Additional Activities

Direction: Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences.

1. A triangle is ____________ sided polygon.

2. A triangle has ____________ vertices and ____________ sides.
3. A triangle can be classified on the basis of ____________ and ____________.
4. A triangle with all sides equal is called a ____________ triangle.
5. A triangle whose 2 sides are equal is called a ____________ triangle.
6. A triangle with unequal sides is called a ____________ triangle.

VI. Remarks
VI. Reflections


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