Us 5370084
Us 5370084
Us 5370084
A/G. 6
U.S. Patent Dec. 6, 1994 Sheet 4 of 4 5,370,084
to include additional fuel feed points in large pantleg
PANTLEG CIRCULATING FLUDZED BED boilers of this type in order to reduce the theoretical
BOLER AND COMBUSTION METHOD USING mixing length of the fuel within the boiler.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION An object of the invention is to provide a pantleg
The present invention relates generally to fluidized CFB boiler having improved combustion efficiency.
bed boilers, and more particularly to pantleg circulating Another object of the invention is to provide a pant
fluidized bed boilers having multiple fuel feed points. leg CFB boiler having a greater number of fuel feed
Fluidized bed reactors are known for use in combus points than a conventional pantleg CFB boiler.
tion and non-combustion reactor systems. One of the A further object of the invention is to provide a CFB
primary advantages of using fluidized bed reactors as boiler having a reduced fuel mixing length.
contrasted to fixed bed reactors in combustion reactor A further object of the invention is to provide a
systems is that the fluidized bed reactors burn coal effi method for optimizing combustion in a large pantleg
15 CFB boiler.
ciently at a relatively low temperature, thereby result
ing in minimal nitrogen-oxide production. Furthermore, Other objects will be in part obvious and in part
the high thermal inertia of the bed mass provides for pointed out more in detail hereinafter.
good performance when firing low-volatile fuels such The invention in a preferred form is a combustion
as anthracite, anthracite culm, and petroleum coke. A subsystem comprising a circulating fluid bed boiler
sorbent material can be added to the reactor in order to having a pantleg configuration. The boiler includes a
control sulfur dioxide emissions. Therefore, it is not pair of vertical side walls, a pair of inner slant walls, a
necessary to include a stack-gas SO2 scrubber. The front wall with a lower end portion having first external
sulfur sorbent also can react with other fuel constituents fluid bed heat exchange means integral therewith, and a
such as vanadium, reducing down stream corrosion back wall with a lower end portion having second fluid
potential. 25
bed heat exchange means integral therewith. The sub
The two standard types of fluidized bed reactors are system further includes a plurality of fuel inlets, at least
bubbling fluidized beds and circulating fluidized beds. one of which is a supplemental fuel inlet which is con
In a bubbling fluidized bed (BFB), which is character figured to provide for entry of fuel into the boiler
ized by relatively slow gas velocity and coarse bed-par through one of the front wall, the back wall, and the
ticle size, the conduction/convection heat transfer is to 30
furnace wall tubes and other heating surfaces that may inner slant walls of the boiler at a height below the roofs
be immersed in the bed. Furthermore, radiation heat of the integral heat exchange means.
transfer occurs above the active bed. In a circulating In one particularly preferred embodiment of the in
fluid bed (CFB), which is characterized by high gas vention, at least one of the first and second heat ex
velocities and a finer bed-particle size, the bulk of con 35 change means comprises two fluid bed heat exchangers
duction/convection heat transfer is to the combustor which are integral with the same wall and are horizon
wall tubes. tally spaced from each other. A supplemental fuel inlet
It is known to design a combustion system which uses is formed on the boiler wall between the two fluid bed
a pantleg CFB boiler in conjunction with a pair of exter heat exchangers.
nal fluid bed heat exchangers (FBHES). When a com In another particularly preferred form of the inven
pact system design is desired, integral FBHEs such as tion, one or more supplemental fuel inlets are formed on
those described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,716,856, the contents the top wall of one or more heat exchangers. The fuel
of which are incorporated herein by reference, can be then enters the boiler through the wall which is integral
used. In a conventional system, one FBHE extends with the heat exchanger. In this configuration, fuel
along the front wall of the CFB boiler and the other 45 enters the heat exchanger at a location other than within
extends along the rear wall of the CFB boiler at the a tube assembly. For example, in a heat exchanger
lower end of the boiler. which includes a plurality of tube assemblies, the fuel
In the conventional configuration of a pantleg CFB inlet can be positioned between adjacent tube assem
boiler equipped with integral, external FBHEs, there is blies.
a limitation as to the number of gravity fuel feed points SO In yet another particularly preferred embodiment of
which are available. Because the gravity fuel feed the invention, the combustion subsystem includes a
points should be approximately six feet above the com plurality of recycle cyclones with seal pots, and at least
bustor grate, the location of the FBHEs along the front one of the supplemental fuel inlets is formed in a conduit
and rear walls of the boiler precludes the use of fuel feed from a seal pot into the heat exchange means. In this
inlets on the front and rear walls. Typically, the fuel is 55 configuration, a conventional fuel inlet from the outlet
fed into cyclone seal pots which provide for entry of the end of a seal pot directly into a solids conduit which
fuel along with the recycled solids through inlet ports feeds fuel into a side wall of the boiler generally also is
on the side walls of the boiler. A conventional system of included.
this type includes four seal pots, and therefore a conven In yet another preferred form of the invention, the
tional pantleg CFB boiler has only four fuel feed inlets. 60 supplemental fuel inlets, which preferably are pneumat
For small boilers, this number of feed points is suffi ically fed, are formed on the inner slant walls of the
cient. However, for larger boilers, four fuel feed points boiler.
may be insufficient to produce the result of high com Another preferred form of the invention is a method
bustion efficiency. In addition to using an unnecessarily for reducing the mixing length for fuel in a circulating
large amount of fuel, the use of an insufficient number of 65 fluid bed boiler having a pantleg configuration, opposite
fuel feed points will likely result in the generation of vertical side walls with fuel inlets, opposite inner slant
undesirable emissions, at least when fuel having a low walls, and opposite front and back walls. The method
reactivity is used. It would be advantageous to be able comprises disposing integral external fluid bed heat
3 4
exchangers, each of which has a roof, on the front and bly about 6 feet above the combustion grate 43. Outlet
back walls of the boiler, and adding at least one supple 40 is connected to a conduit 46 which is connected to a
mental fuel inlet to the subsystem at a location which central portion of the seal pot 36 and transfers the solids
provides for entry of fuel through at least one of the in a conventional manner to a FBHE 48 which is inte
front and back walls of the boiler at a height below the gral with the front wall 22 or back wall 24 of the boiler
roofs of the integral external fluid bed heat exchangers. 12. Depending on process conditions, a substantial
The supplemental fuel inlets according to the inven amount of solids may be sent through outlet 40, or on
tion preferably are gravity-fed or pneumatically fed. the other hand, flow through this outlet may be con
However, fuel can also be fed through mechanical sup trolled to be very small if it is preferable to send the
plemental fuel inlets. O solids directly into boiler 12 through inlet 44. Each
The invention accordingly comprises the several FBHE 48 has at least one solids outlet 50, through
steps and the relation of one or more of such steps with which solids re-enter the boiler 12. Thus, a first portion
respect to each of the others and the article possessing of the recycled solids returns directly to the boiler 12
the features, properties, and the relation of elements through boiler inlet 44, while a second portion passes
described in the following detailed disclosure. 15 through the FBHE 48 prior to returning to the boiler 12
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS through solids outlet 50.
Fuel is fed to the boiler 12 through fuel inlet 54 which
FIG. 1 is a schematic side elevational view of a com is formed on conduit 42. The fuel may or may not be
bustion subsystem having a pantleg CFB boiler with mixed with recycle solids and enters the boiler 12
fluidized bed heat exchangers along the front and back through boiler inlet 44. Typically, fuel is fed into fuel
walls of the boiler in accordance with the present inven inlets 54 by gravity. However, pneumatic or mechanical
tion. feeding also can be used. In a pneumatic feed system,
FIG. 2 is a schematic top view of the subsystem of fuel is delivered using air or flue gas in a dense or dilute
FIG. 1, also showing sectional views of four solid recy pneumatic transport system using commercially avail
cle cyclones which are connected to the boiler. 25
able equipment. A pneumatic fuel feed system is some
FIG. 3 is a schematic front elevational view of the
subsystem shown in FIG. 2. what more flexible than a gravity feed system because
FIG. 4 is a schematic top view of a combustion sub fuel pipes can be routed around obstruction to satisfy
system having a pantleg CFB boiler according to a preferred point locations and geometry.
second embodiment of the invention, showing sectional 30 Primary combustion air is fed to the boiler 12 through
views of four solid recycle cyclones connected to the one or more primary air ducts 56, two of which are
boiler. shown in FIG. 1, which feed air into the boiler 12 from
FIG. 5 is a schematic top view of a combustion sub the pantlegs, and one or more secondary air ducts 58,
system having a pantleg CFB boiler according to a third six of which are shown in FIG. 1, which feed air into
embodiment of the present invention, showing sectional 35 the boiler 12 on the inner slant walls, front wall and
views of four solid recycle cyclones connected to the back wall of the combustor in a conventional manner.
boiler. Sorbent can be fed thru any combustor wall or into a
FIG. 6 is a schematic front elevational view of the seal pot, if desired.
embodiment shown in FIG. 5. The two heat exchangers 48 along a single wall are
FIG. 7 is a schematic side elevational view of a com horizontally spaced from each other. Alternately, de
bustion subsystem having a pantleg CFB boiler with pending on equipment sizes, the two heat exchangers
fluidized bed heat exchangers along the front and back could be vertically spaced, each extending along Sub
walls of the boiler in accordance with a fourth embodi stantially all of the horizontal length of the wall. One
ment of the present invention. important way in which this configuration differs from
45 a conventional subsystem is that a conventional Subsys
DETALED DESCRIPTION OF THE tem has only a single FBHE extending along substan
INVENTION tially the entire length of the front wall of the boiler and
Referring to the drawings, and particularly to FIGS. a single FBHE extending along substantially the entire
1-3, a combustion subsystem is generally designated as length of the back wall.
10. The subsystem includes a pantleg boiler 12 with an SO In accordance with the embodiment shown in FIGS.
upper end portion 14 and a lower end portion 16. The 1-3, the two FBHEs 48 along the front wall 22 of the
boiler 12 is rectangular in outer section and has a pair of boiler 12 are separated from each other by a distance
opposite side walls 18, 20, a front wall 22 and a back sufficient to provide for the inclusion of a supplemental
wall 24. Four flue gas-solids outlets 26, two of which gravity-fed fuel inlet 62 therebetween which preferably
are shown in FIG. 3, are connected to the upper end 55 is at a height of approximately 4-10, preferably 5-8, and
portion 14 of the boiler 12 for removing a mixture of more preferably about 6 feet above the combustor grate
flue gas and entrained solids from the boiler 12. Each 43 and is below the height of a top wall 64 of the
outlet 26 is connected to a separate conduit 28 which FBHEs 48. Back wall 24 has a similar configuration, i.e.,
provides for conveyance of the flue gas and solids to a the FBHEs 48 are separated by a distance appropriate
separate cyclone 30. The flue gas is removed from the to include a supplemental gravity-fed fuel inlet 63 there
top 32 of each of the four cyclones 30. The solids exit between which preferably is about six feet above the
through the bottom 34 of each cyclone 30 into a seal pot combustor grate 43 and is below the height of the top
36. The seal pots 36 each have two outlets 38, 40. Outlet wall 64 of the FBHEs 48. As an alternative to gravity
38, which is at the end of the seal pot opposite to the feeding through inlets 62 and 63, fuel can be fed pneu
cyclone 30, is connected to a conduit 42 which returns 65 matically or mechanically through inlet 63. If pneu
the solids directly to the boiler 12 in a conventional matic feeding is used, it may also be advantageous to
manner through boiler inlet 44 which is positioned pneumatically feed the fuel which enters the boiler
about 4-10 feet, preferably 5-8 feet, and more prefera through fuel inlets 54.
5 6
The boiler 12 which is shown in FIGS. 1-3 typically conventional boiler inlets 44" from seal pots (not
is a 150-650 MW unit. For example, in a 250 MW unit, shown) which receive fuel through conventional gravi
if only the conventional four fuel feed points were used, ty-fed fuel inlets.
the fuel must traverse approximately 23 feet to reach the In the preferred embodiments of the invention, all of
center of the unit. However, by including the two sup the fuel inlets are either gravity-fed or pneumatically
plemental fuel inlets 62, 63 on the front and back walls fed. However, the invention also is applicable to other
22, 24, respectively, each of which provides for intro types of fuel inlets, including mechanical fuel delivery
duction of about 1/6 of the fuel, the theoretical mixing systems, such as screw feeders and hydraulic systems.
length in the boiler is reduced to about 12 feet. It is also As mentioned above, the subsystem of the invention
possible for fuel inlets to input fuel at different rates. 10 is effective for reducing the mixing length for fuel in a
FIG. 4 shows a second embodiment of the invention. pantleg CFB boiler. While it is preferable to add two or
As in the first embodiment, four fuel inlets 54 receive four additional fuel inlets, the exact number of addi
fuel which is transferred to the boiler 12 through boiler tional inlets to be added will depend upon specific boiler
inlets 44' by way of four conduits 42 connected to the size and design. Thus, various combinations of the em
outlet side of four conventional seal pots 36 corre 15 bodiments which are shown could be made in order to
sponding to cyclones 30'. The primary and secondary add one or more additional fuel inlets to a subsystem.
air inlets (not shown) are identical to those of the em Furthermore, as a specific example of a variation of the
bodiment of FIG. 1. Solids conduits 46' allow for pas embodiment shown in FIGS. 1-3, the FBHEs on each
sage of solids from the cyclones 30' to FBHEs 48". The of the front and back walls of a conventional system
solids subsequently pass through FBHE solids outlets 20
could be divided into more than two smaller FBHEs,
(not shown) which are similar to solids outlets 50 shown thereby providing space for more supplementary fuel
in FIG.3 and which enter the boiler 12'. In this second
embodiment, there is only a single FBHE 48' along the inlets. As will be apparent to persons skilled in the art,
front wall 22' and a single FBHE 48 along the back various other modifications and adaptations of the
wall 24 of the boiler 12, each FBHE 48 having three 25 structure above described will become readily apparent
tube assemblies 68, shown in phantom. Each of the without departure from the spirit and scope of the in
FBHEs 48 has a top wall 64 with a pair of longitudi vention, the scope of which is defined in the appended
nally spaced supplemental gravity-fed fuel inlets 66 claims.
What is claimed is:
formed therein. The inlets 66 provide for the feeding of 1. A combustion subsystem comprising a circulating
additional fuel into the boiler 12 through front and back 30 fluid bed boiler having a pantleg configuration, the
walls 22, 24. The supplemental fuel inlets 66 provide boiler including a pair of vertical side walls, a front wall
for entry of fuel into a part of the FBHEs 48 which with a lower end portion having first external fluid bed
does not include a tube assembly, such as a space be
tween adjacent tube assemblies 68, or an empty com heat exchange means integral therewith, a back wall
partment (not shown). In the FBHEs 48 the fuel either 35 with a lower end portion having second fluid bed heat
mixes with solids which have been recycled from the exchange means integral therewith, and first and second
boiler 12, through cyclones 30' and seal pots 36, and a inner slant walls, the first and second heat exchange
fuel-solids mixture enters the boiler 12 through solids means each having a roof, the subsystem further includ
outlets from the FBHEs 48, or the fuel is kept in a ing a plurality of fuel inlets, at least one of which consti
separate conduit within FBHE 48 and enters boiler 12 tutes a supplemental fuel inlet which is configured to
through a separate FBHE outlet located adjacent to an provide for entry of fuel into the boiler through one of
FBHE solids outlet. This arrangement of four supple the front wall, the back wall, and the first and second
mental FBHE fuel inlets 66 further reduces the theoreti inner slant walls at a height below the roofs of the inte
cal mixing length for fuel in the boiler 12. gral heat exchange means.
A third embodiment of the invention is shown in 45 2. A subsystem according to claim, wherein at least
FIGS. 5-6. In this embodiment, boiler 12" has a single one of the first and second heat exchange means com
FBHE 48' on each of the front and back walls 22, 24', prises two fluid bed heat exchangers which are integral
and two cyclones 30' with seal pots 36" connected to with the same wall and are horizontally spaced from
each FBHE 48' and to the boiler 12' A conventional each other, and the supplemental fuel inlet is formed on
fuel inlet 54" is provided in each solids conduit 42". 50 the boiler wall between the two fluid bed heat exchang
Fuel is therefore mixed with the solids in conduit 42' eS.
and enters boiler 12" Furthermore, a supplemental fuel 3. A subsystem according to claim 1, wherein at least
inlet 70 is provided in each conduit 46" which provides one of the first and second heat exchange means com
that fuel enters the FBHEs 48' with the solids and is prises a fluid bed heat exchanger with a top wall, and
then transferred with the solids to boiler 12'. As with 55 the supplemental fuel inlet is formed on the top wall and
the embodiment shown in FIG. 3, fuel which enters the provides for entry of fuel into the boiler through the
FBHE 48" enters a portion of the FBHE 48" such that boiler wall with which the heat exchange means is inte
it is between tube assemblies. Thus, this embodiment gral.
provides for the introduction of four supplemental fuel 4. A subsystem according to claim 3, wherein the
inlets as compared to a conventional subsystem. fluid bed heat exchanger includes at least one tube as
A fourth embodiment of the invention is shown in sembly and the supplemental fuel inlet is configured to
FIG. 7. Subsystem 10" includes a boiler 12' which has enter a portion of the fluid bed heat exchanger other
a single FBHE 48" on each of the front and back walls than the tube assembly.
22", 24', respectively. Two or more pneumatically fed 5. A subsystem according to claim 1, further includ
supplemental fuel inlets 72 enter the boiler 12' along 65 ing a solids recycle cyclone with a seal pot which is
inner slant walls 74 of the boiler 12'. The inlets 72 are connected to one of the fluid bed heat exchange means
positioned to provide a minimal mixing length for the by a conduit, the supplemental fuel inlet being formed in
fuel and preferably are at a height comparable to the the conduit and providing for entry of fuel into the
7 8
boiler through the boiler wall with which the heat ex pantleg configuration, opposite vertical side walls with
change means is integral. fuel inlets, opposite inner slant walls, and opposite front
6. A subsystem according to claim 5, wherein the heat and back walls, the method comprising disposing inte
exchange meais is a heat exchanger with at least one gral external fluid bed heat exchangers, each of which
tube assembly and the conduit is configured to enter a has a roof, on the front and back walls of the boiler, and
portion of the heat exchanger other than the tube assem adding at least one supplemental fuel inlet to the subsys
bly. tem at a location which provides for entry of fuel
7. A subsystem according to claim 1, wherein the through at least one of the front wall, the back wall and
supplemental fuel inlet is gravity-fed. the inner slant walls at a height below the roofs of the
8. A subsystem according to claim 1, wherein the integral external fluid bed heat exchangers.
supplemental fuel inlet is pneumatically fed. 14. A method according to claim 13, wherein the step
9. A subsystem according to claim 8, wherein the of disposing comprises positioning two separate integral
supplemental fuel inlet is formed on one of the first and external fluid bed heat exchangers on at least one of the
second inner slant walls of the boiler. front and back walls of the boiler and the step of adding
10. A subsystem according to claim 9, wherein the 15 comprises positioning the supplemental fuel inlet be
supplemental fuel inlet is pneumatically fed. tween the two separate integral external fluid bed heat
11. A subsystem according to claim 2, wherein all of exchangers.
the plurality of fuel inlets are pneumatically fed. 15. A method according to claim 13, wherein the step
12. In a combustion subsystem having a circulating of adding comprises forming the supplemental fuel inlet
fluid bed boiler with a pantleg configuration, the boiler 20 in the roof of an integral external fluid bed heat ex
including opposite vertical side walls, opposite inner changer.
slant walls, and opposite from and back walls with 16. A method according to claim 13, wherein the
lower end portions having integral external heat ex subsystem includes a seal pot having a first outlet con
changers, each heat exchanger having a roof and a nected to the boiler by a first conduit and a second
solids outlet, the subsystem further including a plurality 25 outlet connected to a fluid bed heat exchanger by a
of solids recycle cyclones with seal pots for recycling second conduit, and the step of adding comprises in
solids to the boiler, each seal pot including a conduit cluding a supplemental fuel inlet in the second conduit.
into a side wall of the boiler and a fuel inlet formed in 17. A method according to claim 13, wherein the
the conduit to provide for entry of fuel through the side supplemental fuel inlet is gravity-fed.
wall of the boiler, the improvement wherein the subsys 18. A method according to claim 13, wherein the step
tem further includes at least one supplemental fuel inlet of adding comprises including a supplemental fuel inlet
which is configured to provide for entry of fuel through on an inner slant wall.
one of the front wall, the back wall, and the inner slant 19. A method according to claim 18, wherein the
walls at a height below the roofs of the integral heat supplemental fuel inlet is pneumatically fed.
exchangers. 35 20. A method according to claim 14, wherein the
13. A method of reducing the mixing length for fuel supplemental fuel inlet is pneumatically fed.
in a circulating fluid bed boiler subsystem having a 2 :
PATENT NO. : 5,370,084
DATED December 6, 1994
INVENTOR(S) : Richard S. Skowyra et al.
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