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A Simple Essay

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A Simple Essay

Writing an essay on the seemingly straightforward topic of "A Simple Essay" might initially appear to
be an uncomplicated task. After all, the subject suggests simplicity, implying a lack of complexity or
intricacy. However, the apparent simplicity of the topic can be deceptive, as it opens the door to a
myriad of challenges that one may not anticipate.

Firstly, defining what constitutes a "simple essay" can be a perplexing endeavor in itself. Is it an
essay with a basic structure, devoid of intricate arguments and complex ideas, or does it refer to an
essay that delves into the simplicity found within complex concepts? The ambiguity surrounding the
interpretation of the topic adds an element of uncertainty to the writing process.

Furthermore, attempting to maintain simplicity while avoiding banality poses a unique challenge.
Striking the right balance between clarity and depth is a delicate task, requiring a nuanced approach
to language and structure. The risk of oversimplifying or overcomplicating the content looms large,
making it difficult to achieve the desired equilibrium.

Crafting an engaging introduction and a compelling conclusion without veering into clichés can be
another hurdle. Striving for originality within the constraints of simplicity demands a creative
mindset, as finding a fresh perspective on a seemingly basic theme may prove to be more challenging
than expected.

Moreover, the challenge lies not only in presenting ideas clearly but also in sustaining the reader's
interest throughout the essay. A simple topic may lack inherent excitement, requiring the writer to
inject creativity and passion into their writing to captivate the audience.

In conclusion, the task of writing an essay on the topic of "A Simple Essay" is surprisingly intricate.
It involves navigating the fine line between simplicity and complexity, avoiding clichés, and
maintaining reader engagement. While the subject may seem straightforward at first glance, the
journey of exploring its depth and breadth can be both intellectually stimulating and demanding.

If you find yourself struggling with similar essay topics or if you're pressed for time, consider
seeking assistance. Services like offer support in crafting well-structured and
engaging essays, ensuring that your ideas are presented with clarity and finesse.
A Simple Essay A Simple Essay
National Lemon Meringue Pie
National Lemon Meringue Pie Day in the United States

When life gives you lemons you should make not lemonade but lemon meringue pie.
National Lemon Meringue Pie Day is an unofficial national holiday in the United States
of America. The National Lemon Meringue Pie Day is celebrated the 15th of August.

Lemon meringue pie is a dessert pie that s constructed in three parts. The crust is a
shortbread pastry crust, the filling is lemon curd or lemon custard, while the top is a
delicate and fluffy meringue. The shortbread crust is prepared beforehand and is lightly
baked before constructing the pie. The texture and taste should remind people of a light
cookie. The lemon custard is a standard custard made from egg yolks, cream, sugar, and
lemon juice. The meringue is constructed by beating the egg whites, cream of tartar, and
adding sugar at just the right time to create a fluffy meringue. The baker will know ...
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Meringue was perfected in the 17th century in France and lemon meringue pies started
becoming a staple in the 19th century. It is believed that the lemon meringue pie that
we know today in America, originated in Philadelphia. Elizabeth Goodfellow was a
pastry shop owner who operated the first cooking school in America in the 19th
century. Her signature dish was her lemon pudding and one day she thought to finish
her pudding off with a top layer of meringue. This was a relatively new concept in the
world of baking because of how tricky a perfect meringue is to accomplish. Lemon
custards demand a lot of egg yolks and often the egg whites were going to waste. Since
meringue only calls for egg whites, cream of tartar, and sugar it seemed like a perfect
solution to the waste problem. The product was a huge success and Goodfellow
continued to top her custards with meringue. This resourcefulness led to a lemon
meringue pie being created in
Feminism And Gender Roles By Margaret Atwood
In Surfacing by Margaret Atwood, there are numerous portrayals of feminism and
gender roles. There are underlying hints of distaste towards the female sex role and the
predatory, aggressive behaviour of men towards women. The suppression of women is
portrayed and analyzed, and Surfacing manages to tackle the theme of genderroles by
exploring through the perspective of the female narrator how women are marginalized
in many aspects of their lives. . Surfacing makes a case for strong women that defy
stereotypical gender roles and portrays how men are continually pushing the boundaries
of their roles and going to the extreme with them. When this book was written in the late
60 s/70 s, gender rolewas an extremely important theme. Women... Show more content on ...
Later on the mother says she d been scared to death, but the narrator couldn t believe
that because her mother had been so positive and assured, as if she knew a foolproof
magic formula: gesture and word. She was wearing her leather jacket (78). This passage
clearly sets an appreciation that the narrator has for her mother, and likely all women
that are strong and defiant in the face of demeaning stereotypes. In the context of the
book, the narrator plainly states her distaste for the typical sex role of the female. This
appreciation for strong women is made visible throughout the book.
Another example of the book s support for women that defy the stereotypical gender
role is when the narrator questions why David forced Anna to strip naked just for his
film, or when she denies David the opportunity to service her: Please don t, I said... He
reached his arm around me, invading, and pulled me over toward him; his neck was
creased and freckled, soon he would have jowls, he smelled like scalp. His moustache
whisked my face. I twisted away and stood up. Why are you doing this? I said. You re
interfering. I wiped at my arm where he had touched it (152). David then continues to try
to coerce her and she also blocks that attempt: You re putting me on, he said, this is the
twentieth century. ... No it isn t, I said. Not here (152). Clearly, the narrator here is
strongly avoiding the attempts from David to
The And The Brat Diet
with IV fluids, antibiotics, vitamins, and the BRAT diet.
Serious Accidents or Injuries: None
Serious or Chronic Illnesses: None Operations or Hospitalizations: None
Immunizations: Birth HepB
2 months HepB, RV, DTaP, Hib, PCV, IPV
4 months RV, DTaP, Hib, PCV, IPV

6 months RV2, DTaP, Hib4, PCV

9 months HepB

12 months MMR, Varicella

15 months DTaP, Hib, PCV

24 months HepA, Influenza

4 Years old DTaP, IPV

Allergies: Per mother, child is allergic to cats which cause him to be itchy and have a
stuffy nose.
Kirkland gummy vitamin 1 per day
Developmental History: Demonstrated development/behavioral milestones. Ht and wt no
periods of rapid gains or loss. First tooth erupted at 5 months currently has ... Show more
content on ...
Currently eats solid foods prepared by mother. Drinks milk from a sippy cup 2 3 times
a day. Favorite food is pizza. Usual meal is white rice and a scrambled egg for
breakfast, half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with half a frozen banana cut up for
lunch, and dinner consists of meat/fish/chicken and vegetable with white rice. Snacks
include fruits, vegetables and an occasional cookie. Fast food is limited to 3 times a
month. Does not like broccoli and Brussel sprouts.
Family History:
Grandfather: 61, alive and well
Grandmother: 58, HTN, DM
Father: 33, alive and well
Grandfather: 52, alive and well
Grandmother: 54, obesity, DM, HTN
Mother: 33, alive and well
No family history of CA, MI, mental or nervous conditions, or drug /or alcohol abuse.
Functional Assessment:
Interpersonal Relationship: Parents have large supportive extended family. Sleeps in a
bunk bed in his own room. Grandparents, who live nearby, assist with childcare when
parents are at work. Grandparents are bilingual, while parents only speak English. The
neighbor s children enjoy spending time playing, acting, and singing with the patient in
the front yard.
Activity and Rest: Sleeps 8 9 hours at night. Goes to bed at 9 p.m. Wakes around 6 a.m.
Takes 1 nap during the day which lasts about an hour. Occasional nightmares. No night
terrors or somnambulation. Is limited to viewing children s programs or previously
recorded programs 1 hour per evening if

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