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Hj. Tutty Alawiyah No.486, RT.11/RW.5, Kalibata, Kec.
Pancoran, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota
Jakarta 12740



Mata Ujian : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis Jam/Waktu : Take Home

Fak/Jurusan : Ekonomi Akuntansi/ Semester : 1(Satu)
Sifat : Open Book

▪ Kerjakan soal soal yang ada dibawah ini dengan rapi dan
▪ Jawaban beserta keterangannya ditulis tangan, dan
dikumpulkan ke kampus maksimal 7 hari setelah soal
▪ Satu nomor benar scorenya 2

1. I’m an engineer. I work with electricity…ha ..ha.. but my sister is a journalist. Isn’t that a
…… ? She’s working for a life- style magazine.
a. Coil
b. Independence
c. To coincidences
d. Coincidence
e. Have coincidences

2. Yeah, this ….. is for public. We exhibit many of our programs this year.
a. Gathered
b. Gatherer
c. Gathers
d. Together
e. Gathering

3. What is ….. to visit Scotland, Mr. Jefkins?

a. Favorable
b. To high
c. The best time
d. highlighted
e. blighted

4. What does she ….. for a living?

a. Did
b. Done
c. To do
d. Do
e. Don’t

5. Good morning, Ratna. This is Bobby from Son&Son. Can I talk to Joane, …..?
a. To please
b. Please let
c. Place
d. Planning
e. Please

6. We have some music performance this year. Not a pure traditional, ….. very catchy.
a. But
b. Bus
c. Busy
d. And
e. Add

7. I must get going.

“the closest meaning in Bahasa from the text above is” ?
a. Saya harus mendaftar
b. Saya harus pergi
c. Saya akan datang
d. Saya akan tiba
e. Saya akan pergi

8. Somewhere around
“the closest meaning in business English is” ?
a. unfortunately time
b. until the end
c. really good time
d. time goes
e. unsharpened time

9. Think I’ll be out all day. So she can directly call my cell phone.
“the closest meaning in Bahasa from the text above is”?
a. Sepertinya hari ini saya tidak di kantor. Jadi ia bisa menelpon ke ponsel
b. Sepertinya besok saya tidak di kantor. Jadi ia bisa menelpon ke asisten
c. Sepertinya lusa saya tidak di kantor. Jadi ia bisa menelpon ke ponsel saya.
d. Sepertinya hari ini saya tidak di kantor. Jadi ia bisa menelpon ke rumah
teman saya.
e. Sepertinya hari ini saya di kantor. Jadi ia bisa menelpon ke ponsel saya.

10. Hi Mr. Bobby. Ms Joanne is not coming, yet. Anything ……..?

a. Anything else
b. Bring me the answer
c. Take a look at the
d. I can do for you
e. I may did for you

11. What do you say when you want To connect the caller’s call.
a. I’ll put you through.
b. I’ll buy another product
c. I’ll put it on
d. If you have any questions
e. If you’re interested

A: Excuse me. …(12)…. I come in?

B: Yes, Please.
A: Mr.John, this is the project plan you asked me to make.
B: Ok. You did it …….(13)…..

12. The choice for number 12

a. Shall
b. Try
c. May
d. Run
e. Enter

13. The choice for number 13

a. Rapidly
b. Rigidly
c. Really
d. Reunion
e. Right

B: Could you ….(14)…. me the main parts of the plan?

A: Of course. The plan includes 3 parts. The ….(15)…. part is the background of
the project. The second part is the steps. And the last part is the expected result.
B: Good. I got the ….(16)…. of it.
A: Do you have any suggestions?
B: After I read it in detail, I will tell you ….(17)…..
A: Ok. I will alter it according to your opinion.
B: Will you hold my calls for the next half hour …..(18)….? I'll be ready.

14. The Choice for number 14

a. Introduce
b. Interested
c. Information
d. Into
e. Indoor

15. The choice for number 15

a. Send
b. Second
c. First
d. Last
e. Leave

16. The choice for number 16

a. Main point
b. Maintenance
c. maintain
d. mountain
e. more

17. The choice for number 17

a. My parents
b. My thoughts
c. My opinion
d. My name
e. My work

18. The choice for number 18

a. Please?
b. Pardon?
c. Same
d. Pin
e. So happy

19. Below is what we don't say if you want to rearrange your schedule or give your
reasons for a schedule mismatch
a. I’m afraid (tomorrow afternoon) is a bit tough.
b. I’m afraid I cannot make it (tomorrow).
c. Do you have alternatives? I’m afraid I’ll be busy tomorrow.
d. Can you reschedule? I’m afraid I cannot afford the time.
e. I have another plan

20. Below is what we don't say if request a phone call?

a. I’d like to speak to (the service manager).
b. Can you do me?
c. I need to talk to (the service manager).
d. Could you put me through to (…..)?
e. Can I talk to (…..) please?

21. Here are some instances when a memo might be useful, except…
a. Informing employees about company policy or process changes
b. Providing an update on key projects or goals
c. Making an announcement about the company, such as an employee
promotion or new hire
d. Reminding employees about a task that needs to be completed
e. Making and providing the material today

22. Below is not included Five benefits of taking notes

a. Make lazy
b. Sharpen Memory
c. Stimulates the Brain Well
d. On Time
e. Regularly, Achieve Success

23. Hana : Do you want to leave a message, Sir? I will ….. your message to him.
a. Pass
b. Password
c. Past
d. Please
e. Poor

24. We're interested in locating an exclusive agent to sell our electrical appliances.
Are you interested in …… us?.
a. Remember
b. Represent
c. Representing
d. Reply
e. Read

25. Additionally, you can send a memo when you want your …… to print or save the
information contained in the ……. in some way for later reference.
a. Audience, message
b. Automatically, meeting
c. August, melting
d. Audio, immobility
e. Assemble, momentums’

26. If you can confirm that you wish to proceed with a distributorship of our
company, we'll send you …………. and can also discuss the signing of a full distributor
a. A letter from you
b. A letter from the bottom
c. A letter of appointment
d. A letter of recommendation
e. A letter of acceptance

27. Well, if prices are …… we're ready to become your agent.

a. Really good
b. Reasonable
c. Be able
d. Be good
e. Information

28. All right, we'll make close study about it and give you a reply ………. possible.
a. As soon as
b. As for the first time
c. Ask you to be able
d. Ask some questions
e. Ask the questions

29. Will you consider our proposal to act as your …… agent.

a. Sole
b. First
c. Second
d. Private
e. Technology

30. No for this new product that's the reasonable figure. We are experienced in
marketing products similar to yours. You have to …… other factors that affect sales.
a. Consider
b. Could
c. Continue
d. Continued
e. Contact me
31. don't you think this monthly …….. is rather conservative for a sole agent.
a. Tuesday
b. Turns out
c. True
d. Turnover
e. Turn background

32. could you give me some idea of your monthly ……. guarantee?
a. Quality
b. Quantity
c. Question
d. Quite
e. Quick

33. Yes. If you appoint us as your sole agent, the turnover will be greatly …….
a. Decrease
b. Increase
c. Incredible
d. Interested
e. Into

34. But as our agent, you are not to handle the same or …….. product of other origins.
a. Similar
b. Since
c. Sincerely
d. Can you
e. So I

35. If you're used to taking notes like that, you'll become a punctual person.
The underlined word has closest meaning with….
a. On charge
b. On time
c. On my way to
d. On vacation
e. On the other hand

36. Our memory can also be honed to process the explanations of what we hear or
the tasks that must be done into words and language that are poured into ……. on our
a. Sentences
b. Send me
c. Sentiment
d. See if
e. Spent
37. Regularly do everything without leaving anything behind and forgot to look back
at our writing on the note.
The underlined word has closest meaning with….
a. Usually
b. Unfortunately
c. Unprepared
d. Unsure
e. Unsure of

38. Basically, an introduction should take around ….. of your presentation time.
a. 65- 75 %
b. 95- 100%
c. 75- 80%
d. 10-15%
e. 90-100%

39. Memos are usually meant as …… to all members of an organization rather than a
one-on-one personal message.
a. Massive comments
b. Mass communication
c. Mass community
d. Mass comment
e. Massive thanks for getting

40. May I know what type of products you intend to process?.

The underlined word has closest meaning with….
a. Aim
b. Aid
c. Air
d. Airport
e. Arts

41. At last memos are also an efficient way to communicate brief but important
messages to a wide audience within the business.
The underlined word has closest meaning with….
a. Useful
b. Using
c. Used to
d. Bus
e. Use

42. We shall ship the assembled finished products to you at the port destination as
instructed by you. All the shipping expenses shall be borne by you.
The underlined word has closest meaning with….
a. Cash on delivery
b. Case you are interested
c. Can you please send
d. Came to my house
e. Came up with a little bit

43. Why note-making is necessary?

a. Knowledge is vast and unlimited, but our memory is limited. We cannot
remember all the information all the time
b. A memo is a short message that's typically used to communicate official
business policies and procedures within a company.
c. Memos are usually meant as mass communication to all members of an
organization rather than a one-on-one personal message.
d. Is a legal document that is created by buyer and sent to seller to confirm
their intention to purchase product/ services
e. Someone answers the phone and asks if they can help.

44. Ms. Audrey telephones Diamonds Galore to _____ with Mr. Franks.
a. delivery/shipment
b. schedule
c. busy
d. arrived
e. speak
45. Hi, my name’s Bobby. I’ve never seen you ….. before.
a. Around
b. Take
c. A rounded
d. Say
e. Stay in

46. If you're used to taking notes like that, you'll become a punctual person.
The underlined word has closest meaning with….
a. On charge
b. On time
c. On my way to
d. On vacation
e. On the other hand

47. Below which is 12 tips to craft an effective email. Except …

a. Use bullet points and highlight call to action
b. Keep it short
c. Watch your tone
d. Avoid quotes that could be offensive to others
e. Type with long sentences
48. The person who is in charge of the meeting is the person who takes the minutes.
The underlined word has closest meaning with….
a. Responsible
b. Remember
c. Really
d. Appreciate
e. Automatically

49. The best way to call a meeting is ….

a. spend on each item at the meeting.
b. to inform each participant individually by phone.
c. is an effective way to keep the focus.
d. is speaking during a meeting is the person who "has the floor".
e. By posting it on the social media
50. An agenda should …………. to spend on each item at the meeting.
a. outline the order and amount of time
b. done due to the fact
c. perfect for the first time
d. please let me know if you have any questions
e. paraphrase that’s statement

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