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The Kingdom of God

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The Kingdom of God

 The kingdom of God Matthew 6:27-34

 Mystery of the Kingdom of God Matthew 6:33
 Children in the Kingdom of God Matthew 19:14
 The Kingdom of God Romans 14:17
 Enter the Kingdom of God John 3:3-5
 Priorities in the Kingdom of God Luke 10:38
 New identity in the Kingdom of God Colossians 1:13-14

Matthew 6: 33 says” But seek first the Kingdom of God……... Seeking the Kingdom of God capacitates
us to access God’s blessings.

Why first? Here Jesus Christ gives the positive alternative to worrying.

Single-minded commitment to God and seeking His reign through Christ must be the primary
concern of all who follow Christ.

Reference scriptures: 1 Kings 3:13

Luke 12: 13

1 Timothy 4:8

- The Kingdom of God has Certain Principles that one must possess. The Bible says in the book of
Romans 14:17 “for the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace
and joy in the Holy Spirit.
- Seeking first the Kingdom of God brings peace which leaves one full, even amid challenges. The
Lord will give you the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus, according to Philippians 4:7
- Now, righteousness is the quality of being right in the eyes of the Lord, including character,
attitude, action and command ie word.
- God wants us to be fruitful and multiply, so that as Kingdom Makers we must mentor others and
allow God’s love to overtake the fear, rejection, bitterness, hurt, doubt, generational curses and
insecurities in our lives.

These Principles includes Love.

 Repentance
 Faith
 Obedience
 Purpose
 Fearless
 Prayer

will thrust you and I into a life of freedom and intimacy with God. As you become pregnant with His
purpose and live out his plan for ones ‘life.
These Principles are there also to allow us to identify our weaknesses and fleshly motives that can
only be changed in the chambers of God][ s secret place.

1. Faith -The Kingdom of God is a mystery; you cannot see it. Now here Faith comes to play. Our
father said it is a mystery that we are created to worship God who is not seen in the physical.
The spiritual affects the physical.
2. Repentance – John 3:3 says: Jesus answered and said to him, most assuredly I say to you,
unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. For us to be in the Kingdom of
God we need to be born again, to repent from all sins committed, knowingly and
unknowingly. In this ministry every time we begin to pray, we start by praying crying that the
Lord wash us from all unrighteousness. We cry that He sweeps off all the impurity in us.
When one baths during the night before going to bed and again wakes up to bath in the
morning, why???? Because one will be feeling dirty, yet we never played with mud while
asleep. Same with repentance.
3. Our father said, many people are in church, but they are not in the Kingdom of God.
Why???? Because of sin, our character and conduct. How far are we with working of our
character? Our character is making most of not experience the Kingdom of God. When we
live in the kingdom of God we will not be overcome by nature.
4. Obedience – is also a principle for one to be in the Kingdom of God. The word of God say in
Isaiah 1:19 -20 says, If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. You
shall, you shall, you shall… there is an expression of command or exhortation there, do this
and see what will happen.
5. Then there is purpose – our purpose is to praise the Lord. To worship Him. Remember He is
the KING and He deserves our praise. He is God who dwells in His praise, so when we give
Him His glory, we too are glorified by Him. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done here on
earth, as it is in Heaven. In Heaven it’s all about praising God. The four elders are saying Holy,
Holy you are oh Lord.
6. Fearless. Now that you are in Christ Jesus, there in no more fear. FEAR meaning false
Evidence Appearing Real! But now that you know who you are in Christ, nothing makes you
afraid. When you seek Him, you now know that what He has said He will surely do. ALL
THESE OTHER THINGS WILL BE ADDED UNTO YOU. You are now having this knowledge that
He is faithful and that which He has said He will surely do. Even when the odds are against
you, but you have placed your trust in the Lord, you are not moved by situations.
7. You are filled with love. Many of us claim that we have love, yet we are failing to love one
another. We are not even in talking teams with each other. We have placed people in
blocksvel. God loved us that He gave us His only Son and yet here we are hating one another.
Had He said I will only die for a certain group of people, where we will we be? With the way
how some of us are filthy. Where will we have been. Let us love one another and that
pleases the Lord so much. Psalms 133 says, how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell
together in unity. Where there is unity, He commands His blessings and life forever more.
8. Then there is PRAYER! Yes prayer!

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