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GOC Theory

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Electronic effect:

The effect which appears due to electronic distribution is called electronic effect.
Classification :

Th1: Inductive effect

The normal C–C bond has no polarity as two atoms of same electronegativity (EN) value are connected to
each other. Hence the bond is nonpolar. Consider a carbon chain in 1-Chloro butane, here due to more EN of
Cl atom C–Cl bond pair is slightly displaced towards Cl atom hence creating partial negative (–) charge over
Cl atom and partial positive (+) charge over C1 atom.
Now since C1 is slightly positive, it will also cause shifting of C1 – C2 bond pair electrons towards itself
causing C2 to acquire small positive charge. Similarly C3 acquires slightly positive charge creating an induction
of charge in carbon chain. Such an effect is called inductive effect.
Diagram showing I effect

The arrow shows electron withdrawing nature of – Cl group.

D1: Thus inductive effect may be defined as a permanent displacement of  bond pair
electrons due to a dipole. (Polar bond)
Some important points are:
(a) It can also be defined as polarisation of one bond caused by polarisation of adjacent bond.
(b) It is also called transmission effect.
(c) It causes permanent polarisation in molecule, hence it is a permanent effect.
(d) The displacement of electrons takes place due to difference in electronegativity of the two atoms involved
in the covalent bond.
(e) The electrons never leave their original atomic orbital.
(f) Its magnitude decreases with distance and it is almost negligible after 3rd carbon atom.
(g) The inductive effect is always operative through  bond, does not involve  bond electron.
1.1 Types of inductive effects :
D2: (a) – I Effect : The group which withdraws electron cloud is known as – I group and its effect is called
– I effect. Various groups are listed in their decreasing – I strength as follows.

> – > – > – NO2 > –SO2R > –CN > – SO2 Ar > – COOH > – F > – Cl >
– Br > – I > – OAr > –COOR > –OR > –COR > –SH > –SR > –OH > –CCR > Ar > –CH=CR2
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D3: (b) + I effect : The group which release electron cloud is known as + I group and effect is + I effect.

> > – C(CH3)3 > – CH (CH3)2 > – CH2 – CH3 > – CH3 > – D > – H
The hydrogen atom is reference for + I and – I series. The inductive effect of hydrogen is assumed to be zero.

Ex. Since – NO2 is – I group it pulls or withdraws electron from cyclohexane ring making it electron deficient

Ex. Let us consider effect of COOH & – COO– in carbon chain

(a) (b)

Due to e¯ donating nature of carbon chain has become partially negative but – COOH is – I group
therefore carbon chain has become partially positive.
Ex. Direction of electron displacements
1. 2. HOOC CH2 CH3 3.


4. 5. 6.

+ + –
7. 8. 9. CH 3 CH CH NO2

Th2: Resonance
When two or more structures that differ only in the distribution of electrons can be written for a molecule, no
single Lewis structure is sufficient to describe it's true electron distribution. The true structure is said to be a
resonance hybride of the various Lewis formulas.
The various Lewis formulas called resonating structure/contributing structure/canonical structure, that can
be written for a molecule.
D4: Resonating structures are hypothetical but contribute to the real structure, which is called resonance hybrid.
The resonance hybrid is more stable than any other resonating structures.

Resonance hybrid



Resonance hybrid
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The most stable resonating structure contribute maximum to the resonance hybrid and less stable resonating
structure contribute minimum to resonance hybrid.
2.1 Conjugation:
A given atom or group is said to be in conjugation with an unsaturated system if:-
(i) It is directly linked to one of the atoms of the multiple bond through a single bond.
(ii) It has π bond, positive charge, negative charge, odd electron or lone pair electrons.

2.2 Types of Conjugation :

1. Conjugation between C = C and C = C (  )

2. Conjugation between +ve charge and C = C (  )

3. Conjugation between lone pair and C = C (  )

4. Conjugation between odd electron and C = C (CH2 = CH –  – CH = CH2)

5. Conjugation between negative charge and C = C (  )

2.3 The Rules of Resonance :

(a) All the canonical forms (resonating structure) must have proper lewis structure. For instance none of
them may have a carbon atom with five bonds.

(b) The positions of the nuclei of the atoms must remain the same in all of the structures. Structures 3 is not
a resonance structure of 1 or 2, for example, because in order to form it we would have to move a
hydrogen atoms and this is not permitted :

(c) All atoms taking part in the delocalisation must lie in a plane so that orbitals overlaping become parallel
to each other.

 i.e. 
 z
GOC-I # 3
(d) All canonical forms must have the same number of unpaired electron.
(e) The energy of actual molecule is lower than of any form. Therefore delocalisation is a stabilizing
(f) All canonical forms do not contribute equally to the true molecule. The more stable structure is the greater
contributor to its resonance hybrid.

Th3: Mesomeric effect (or Resonance effect)

D5: Mesomeric effect is defined as permanent effect of  electron shifting from multiple bond to atom or from
multiple bond to single bond or from lone pair to single bond. This effect mainly operates in conjugated
system of double bond. So that this effect is also known as conjugate effect.


Types of Mesomeric effects :

D6: (a) Positive Mesomeric effect (+M effect) :
When the group donates electron to the conjugated system it shows + M effect.
Relative order of +M groups (usually followed) :

– O > –NH2 > –NHR > –NR2 > –OH > –OR > –NHCOR > –OCOR > –Ph > –F > –Cl > –Br > –I

Ex. (I)

(II) .. - +
H2C = CH – CH = CH – NH2 H2C – CH = CH – CH = NH2



D7: (b) Negative Mesomeric effect (–M effect) :

When the group withdraws electron from the conjugated system, it shows – M effect
Relative order of –M groups (usually followed) :

+ –
Ex. (I) (II) H 2C = CH – C N: H 2C – CH = C = N:

– + – + . .– – + ..
O – N = .O: O – N – .O:
. O – N = O:

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Note :
1. When a +M group and –M group are at meta-positions with respect to each other then they are not in
conjugation with each other, but conjugation with benzene ring exists.


2. +M group increases electron density in benzene ring, called activating group while –M group decreases
electron density in the benzene ring, called deactivating group.
Ex. Write electron density order in the following compound.



Ans. (a) I > II > III > IV (b ) III > I > II > IV

2.4 How to compare stability of resonating structure:

(a) Structures in which all of the atoms have a complete valence shell of electrons (i.e., the noble gas
structure) are especially stable and make large contributions to the hybrid.

Ex. (II is more stable than I)

(b) Nonpolar (uncharged) structure are most stable. Charge separation decreases stability. Separating opposite
charges requires energy. Therefore, structures in which opposite charges are separated have greater energy
(lower stability) than those that have no charge separation.
: :

CH2 – CH = Cl +
: :

: :
CH2 = CH – Cl
(I) (II)
(c) Structures with more covalent bonds are more stable than other structures

(d) Structure that carry negative charge on a more electronegative atom and positive charge on less
electronegative atom are comparatively more stable.
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Ex.  is more stable than )

2.5 Resonance Energy:

D8: The P.E. difference between the most stable resonating structure and resonance hybride is called resonace
energy. The stability of molecule is directly proportional to resonance energy.
The difference in energy between the hybrid and the most stable canonical structure is referred as the
resonance energy. (as shown in Fig.2)


Th4: SIR (Steric Inhibition of Resonance):

Restriction in exhibition of resonance due to steric hindrance is known as SIR effect.
In case of 1,2-Disubstituted benzene if the substitutents are bulky then due to steric repulsion (vander wall
repulsion) the group go out of plane with respect to benzene ring.
Due to this change in planarity the conjugation between the substituents on benzene is silightly diminished.
SIR effect  Size of group.

Ex. Arange the following compounds in their decreasing SIR effect order.


SIR effect order = III > IV > II > I.


SIR effect order = IV > III > II > I.
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Th5: Hyperconjugation
D9: It is delocalisation of sigma electron with p-orbital. Also known as – -conjugation or no bond resonance. It
may take place in alkenes, alkynes, carbocations, free radicals and benzene nucleus.
Necessary Condition : Presence of at least one hydrogen at saturated carbon which is  with respect to
alkenes, alkynes, carbocations, free radicals and benzene nucleus.
(i) Hyperconjugation in alkenes
Delocalisation of bond electrons in  orbital by hyperconjugation in the case of alkene can be depicted as
in figure.



(ii) Hyperconjugation in carbocation


(iii) Hyperconjugation in radical

(iv) Hyperconjugation in toluene

(a) The effect of electron displacement due to this type of resonance is called hyperconjugative effect.
(b) Since canonical forms of this resonance may not contain any bond between H and C so hyperconjugation
is also known as no bond resonance.
(c) These resonating structures only suggest that
* There is some ionic character between C–H bond.
* Carbon-carbon double bond acquires some single bond character.
(d) Number of no bond resonating structures due to hyperconjugation = Number of -hydrogens (In aliphatic
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Number of  hydrogen in the following molecules/ion.

CH3 CH C 2H 5

 CH
(i) CH3 CH C2H5 (ii) (iii)
H = 5 H=6
H = 6

(iv) C C (v)
CH3 CH3 H=6
H = 9

Th6 Comparision between electronic effects :

Inductive effect Mesomeric effect Hyperconjugative effect
(1) It is found in saturated and (1) It is found in unsaturated (1) It is found in carbocation,
unsaturated compounds. compounds especially having carbon free radical and
conjugated system. unsaturated compounds.
(2) It involves partial shifting of (2) It involves complete shifting (2) It involves partial shifting
sigma electrons. of pi-electrons of pi-bonds or of sigma-electrons into
lone pair of electrons. adjacent p-orbital.
(3) The electron pair is slightly (3) The electron pair is (3) The electron pair is
displaced from its position and completely transferred and partially transferred.
thus partial charges are thus full positive and negative
developed. charges are developed.
(4) It is transmitted over a quite (4) It is transmitted from one (4) It is transmitted from one
short distance. The effect end to other end of the chain end to other end of the chain
becomes negligible after third provided conjugation is provided conjugation is
atom in the chain (distance present. It is distance present. It is distance
dependent). independent. independent.

Th7 Important points :

(a) If any group has more than one  bond in conjugation, then only one  bond will take part in delocalisation.
CH2  CH – C  CH

Out of two  bonds only one  bond will take part in delocalisation.
(b) If any conjugate position has more than one lone pair then only one lone pair will take part in the
CH 2 = CH – .O. – CH 3

Out of the two lone pair ’s only one will take part in delocalisation.
(c) If any conjugate position has  bond and any of the positive charge, negative charge, odd electron,
lone pair electrons then only  bond will take part in delocalisation on priority.

Nitrogen has  bond as well as lone pair, but only  bond of nitrogen will take part in delocalisation.
(d) Electrons of negative charge or lone pair behave as 2 electrons if it is in conjugation to bond.

; ;
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Th8 Applications of Electronic effects
(a) Stability of Alkenes : More is the number of hyperconjugative structures more stable is the alkene.
"More alkylated alkenes are more stable".
Stability of alkenes  delocalisation of  electrons
 no. of hyperconjugative structures


C=C > C = CH – CH3 > C = CH2

Ex. > >

Ex. <

(b) Heat of hydrogenation : Greater the number of  hydrogen results greater stability of alkene.
Thus greater extent of hyperconjugation results lower value of heat of hydrogenation
Stability of alkenes no. of hyperconjugative structures 
HHydrogenat ion

Ex. CH2 = CH2 > CH3 – CH = CH2 > CH3 – CH = CH – CH3 (HHydrogenation)

(c) Bond Length : Bond length is also affected by hyperconjugation

Ex. 

(i) Bond length of C(II) – C(III) bond is less than normal C–C bond.
(ii) Bond length of C(II) – C(I) bond is more than normal C=C bond.
(iii) C–H bond is longer than normal C–H bond.

Cl Cl

Ex. C – Cl Bond length  I > II

(I) (II)

(d) Stability of reaction intermediates :

(i) Stability of carbocation  + M, +H, + I groups.
(ii) Stability of carbon free radical  + I groups.
(iii) Stability of carbanion  – M, – I groups.
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Note: Resonance effect or delocalisation of electrons increases the stability of over all system.
For example carbocation, carbon free radical, carbanion & Alkenes.
(e) Dipole moment : Since hyperconjugation causes the development of charge, it also affects the dipole
moment of the molecule.
Ex. (i) CH2 = CH2 < CH3 – CH = CH2 (Dipole moment)
(ii) H–CH=O < CH3–CH=O < CH3–CH=CH–CH=O (Dipole moment)


(iii) < (iv) < (iv) <

=3.93D =4.93D =1.54D =1.57D

(f) Acidic & Basic strength of organic compounds :

(i) Acidity (Ka)  – M, –I groups.
(ii) Basicity (Kb)  + M, +H, +I groups and solvation effect in aqueous solution.

Th9: Electromeric effects

It is a temporary effect. The organic compound having a multiple bond ( double or triple bond) show this effect
in the presence of an attacking reagent only. It is defined as the complete transfer of a shared pair of -
electrons to one of the atoms joined by a multiple bond on the demand of an attacking reagent. It is represented
by E and the shifting on the electrons is shown by a curved arrow. There are two types of eletromeric effect.
D10: (i) +E effect : In this effect -electron of the multiple bond are transferred to that atom to which the reagent
gets attached.

– CH2 – E
D11: (ii) – E effect : In this effect the -electron of the multiple bond are transferred to that atom to which the

attacking reagent does not get attached + NC

Note : When inductive and electromeric effects operate in opposite directions then the electromeric effect dominates.

Th10: Aromatic character [The Huckel 4n + 2 rule]

Definition: Aromatic compounds are characterized by a special stability and that they undergo substitution
reactions more easily than addition reactions.
The following rules are useful in predicting whether a particular compound is aromatic or non–aromatic.
Aromatic compounds are cyclic and planar. Each atom in an aromatic ring is sp2 hybridised. The cyclic 
molecular orbital (formed by overlap of p-orbitals) must contain (4n + 2)  electrons, i.e., 2, 6, 10, 14 ........ 
electrons. Where n = an integer 0, 1, 2, 3,..............
Aromatic compounds have characteristic smell, have extra stability and burn with sooty flame.
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Comparision between aromatic, anti aromatic and non-aromatic compounds.

Stability of compounds : Aromatic > Non-Aromatic > Anti-Aromatic

(For compounds with same number of atoms.)

Definitions (D) Theories (Th)

D1 Inductive Effect Th1: Inductive Effect

D2 – I Effect Th2: Resonacne
D3 + I Effect Th3: Mesomeric Effect (or Resonance Effect)
D4 Resonance Th4: SIR (Steric Inhibition of Resonance)
D5 Mesomeric Effect (or Resonance Effect) Th5: Hyperconjugation
D6 +M Effect Th6: Comparision Between Electronic Effects
D7 –M Effect Th7: Important Points
D8 Resonacne Energy Th8: Applications Of Electronic Effects
D9 Hyperconjugation Th9: Electromeric Effects
D10 +E Effect Th10: Aromatic Character (The Huckel 4n+2 Rule)
D11 –E Effect
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