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Rubrics - Speaking Test, Oral Test

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TEST Part 1 Part 4

Identify six differences in candidate’s picture Answer personal questions
from statements about examiner’s picture.
score Vocabulary and pronunciation interaction Vocabulary and pronunciation interaction
grammar grammar
criteria criteria
5 • Uses a range of vocabulary to find differences  Responds promptly with only natural hesitation and
• Has some control of stress and intonation at pausing
both word and longer utterance levels. • No effort is required on the part of the reader to
 Describe appropriately and very little support is understand the questions
required  Give clear information using simple structures
 Use a range of simple linkers.
4 • Uses a range of simple structures and, although • Response is based on personal information
there are some mistakes, meaning is clear. • Some effort is required on the part of the speaker to
make sense of the response but the meaning is clear.
3  Responds promptly, although there may be  Responds promptly, although there may be
hesitation and some pausing mid-utterance. hesitation and some pausing mid-utterance.

2  Uses some simple structures correctly but makes  Response includes at least one phrase that is clearly
some mistakes, although meaning is generally comprehensible but with some mistakes.
clear  Has limited control of word stress and intonation.
• Has limited control of word stress and intonation
1 • Attempts some simple structures but makes  Response includes some English words discernible by
some basic mistakes, which may obscure the examiner, but the student makes some basic
meaning of the description. mistakes, which may obscure meaning of the
• Is mostly intelligible, although some sounds may description.
be unclear.
0  A lot of effort is required on the part of the  A lot of effort is required on the part of the speaker
speaker to make descriptions to find differences. to answer the questions.
 Performance does not satisfy the examiner.  Answers unattempted or totally incomprehensible
• Totally incomprehensible response response

Oral presentation Part Part Part Part

Rubric: Oral
Presentation for 6th
Student Name: ________________________________________

criteria criteria
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem
understanding of the understanding of understanding of to understand
topic. the topic. parts of the topic. the topic very
Comprehension Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is
accurately answer accurately answer accurately answer a unable to
almost all questions most questions few questions accurately
posed by classmates posed by posed by answer
about the topic. classmates about classmates about questions posed
the topic. the topic. by classmates
about the topic.
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles
distinctly all (100- distinctly all (100- distinctly most ( 94- or can not be
95%) the time, and 95%) the time, but 85%) of the time. understood OR
mispronounces no mispronounces one Mispronounces no mispronounces
words. word. more than one more than one
word. word.
Posture and Eye Stands up straight, Stands up straight Sometimes stands Slouches and/or
Contact looks relaxed and and establishes eye up straight and does not look at
confident. contact with establishes eye people during
Establishes eye everyone in the contact. the presentation.
contact with room during the
everyone in the room presentation.
during the
Stays on Topic Stays on topic all Stays on topic most Stays on topic some It was hard to
(100%) of the time. (99-90%) of the (89%-75%) of the tell what the
time. time. topic was.

Props Student uses several Student uses 1 prop Student uses 1 prop The student
props (could include that shows which makes the uses no props
costume) that show considerable presentation better. OR the props
considerable work/creativity and chosen detract
work/creativity and which make the from the
which make the presentation better. presentation.
presentation better.
Volume Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume often
enough to be heard enough to be heard enough to be heard too soft to be
by all audience by all audience by all audience heard by all
members throughout members at least members at least audience
the presentation. 90% of the time. 80% of the time. members.
Evaluates Peers Fills out peer Fills out almost all Fills out most of the Fills out most of
evaluation of the peer peer evaluation and the peer
completely and evaluation and always gives scores evaluation but
always gives scores always gives scores based on the scoring appears
based on the based on the presentation rather to be biased.
presentation rather presentation rather than other factors
than other factors than other factors (e.g., person is a
(e.g., person is a (e.g., person is a close friend).
close friend). close friend).
Attire Business attire, very Casual business Casual business General attire
professional look. attire. attire, but wore not appropriate
sneakers or for audience
seemed somewhat (jeans, t-shirt,
wrinkled. shorts).
Part 1: Identify six s Part 4: Answer s
differences in c personal c
candidate’s o questions o
6th Grade “A” picture from r r
Names statements about
e e

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
1. Avila Lima, Mateo Jerao
2. Calderón Agreda, Blanca del Fátima
3. Castilla Sánchez, Jimena
4. Chuquiyauri del Castillo, Fabio Stefano
5. Columbus Álvarez, Sthefano Rafael de Jesús
6. Córdova Añazco, Sofia Luana
7. Cordova del Valle, Joseph Joab
8. Cortes Temoche, Samantha
9. Diaz Ludeña, Camila Nataniel
10. López Masías, Gonzalo Adrián
11. Malara Suárez, Juan Pablo
12. Mantari Cervantes , Lucas Sebastian
13. Manzo Pulache, Hannah Sophia
14. More Ávila, Gabriel Alejandro
15. Muñoz García, Rodrigo Daniel
16. Nevado Zurita, Kiara Sofia
17. Palomino Niño, Carlos Paolo
18. Panta Chávez, Ricardo Martín
19. Rabanal Plasencia, David Alexander
20. Ramos Infante, Astrid Valentina
21. Ramírez García, Leandro Fabrizio
22. Ruesta Barrientos, Fabián
23. Salazar León, María Ximena
24. Sarango Correa, Ángel Sebastián
25. Urbina Lara, Giulia Renata
26. Zapata Suárez, Sulmy Betsabeth
Part 1: Identify six s Part 4: Answer s
differences in c personal c
candidate’s o questions o
6th Grade “B” picture from r r
Names statements about
e e
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
1. Apaestegui León, Dolph Leonardo
2. Carranza Valdivieso, Thiago Sebastián
3. Castillo Castillo, Carlita Ross Fernanda
4. Castillo López, Hammy David
5. Córdova Alcocer, Flavio Mathias
6. Correa Solano, Mariana Nicole
7. Cruz Carrera, Maytte Itzel
8. Escalante Nayra, Driana Fernanda
9. Flores Aquino, Joaquím
10. Gonzales Huamán, Alexander Alberto
11. Heredia Figallo, Leofranco
12. Hidalgo Zapata, Iván
13. Huanca Díaz, Andrea Camila
14. Johanson León, Nicolás Enrique
15. Justo Paredes, Raffaella Fabiana
16. Malara Suarez, Juan Diego
17. Maldonado Gallo, Andrea
18. Moreno Benites, Sergio Ignacio
19. Ponte Nole, Aura Irene
20. Quinto San Martin, Daniela
21. Ramírez Martínez, Félix Leonel
22. Salazar Gonzales, Dulce Alejandra
23. Sandoval Castillo, Qorianka Patricia
24. Socola Rizzo, Luis Alejandro
25. Vargas Luque, Ariana Michelle
26. Zapata Barco, Joseph Stefan
27. Zapata Suárez, Luna Marisu
Part 1: Identify six s Part 4: Answer s
differences in c personal c
candidate’s o questions o
6th Grade “C” picture from r r
Names statements about
e e
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
1. Alcas Rospigliosi, Brunella Guadalupe
2. Almestar Arcaya, Diego André
3. Burgos Ramos, Mateo Javier
4. Cárcamo Valladares, Adriana Micaela
5. Cardoza Cazeneuve, Arlette Briyana
6. Castillo Padilla, Doménica Victoria
7. Córdova Chumacero, Piero Jampool
8. Córdova Córdova, Samantha Masiel
9. Córdova Flores, Jesús Aarón
10. Escalante Guzmán, Andrea Valentina
11. Huayanca Ordinola, Fernando José
12. Jiménez Peña, Andrée Sebastián
13. Macalupú Rivas , Ana Beatriz
14. Malo Saavedra, Holly Selene
15. Marengo Carbajal, Vasco
16. Miranda Toro, Maydu del Milagro
17. Navarro Salcedo, Nelson Martin
18. Palomino Torres, Lionel Jhonayker
19. Román Jiménez, Fabricio André
20. Rosillo Martin, Israel
21. Saavedra Padilla, Rafael Ignacio
22. Salcedo Hurtado, Sergio Leonardo
23. Sojo Martínez, Ryan Thiago
24. Sotomayor Lara, Nikolas
25. Vise López, David Miguel

Part 1: Identify s Part 4: Answer s
six differences in c personal c
candidate’s o questions o
6th Grade “D picture from r r
Names statements about
e e
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
1. Albines Salcedo, Andrew Sebastián
2. Arbaiza Zapata, Salvador Antonio
3. Arroyo Chira, Brisa Angélica
4. Atoche Ludeña, Danna Jimena
5. Cahuana Ramos, Sofía
6. Castillo Salvador, César Valentino
7. Córdova Acaro, Augusto Fabián
8. Cruz Jiménez, Luciana Alessandra
9. Espinoza Bastarrachea, Jorge Esteban
10. Eyzaguirre Villagarcía, Iker
11. Farfan Paredes, Valeska Nicolle
12. García Negrini, Fabio Alexander
13. Hidalgo Cueva, Héctor Aquiles
14. López Masías, Ivana Carolina
15. Madrid Avalos, Victor David
16. Morales Farías, Gonzalo Alonso
17. Naranjo Castillo, Leonardo Antonio
18. Ninatanta Sandoval, Piero Ramón
19. Oviedo Florián, Braulio Alonso
20. Ramírez Cardoza, Zoe Luhana
21. Robles Miñán , Mariano José
22. Salazar García, Andrea Rafaela
23. Toledo Antón, Valeria Fernanda
24. Valle Chunga, Jeremi Nahun
25. Yangua Acuña, Héctor Gian Piero

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