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Atlet Tergo ®

Atlet AB
SE-435 82 Mölnlycke
Tel +46 31-98 40 00

reach trucks


Get it right you.
with Atlet Total.
Atlet Total means you’re in total control over your material handling operations. All the way
– from logistics planning and choosing the right trucks, to financing and services – you can
increase warehouse efficiency and lower your total costs. Put Atlet Total at work, and focus
on your core business.

Logistics Service Safety

Analysis and planning of ware- Service agreements adapted Inspections, analysis and advice to
house operations and truck fleet to your operations save money ensure safe operations and lower
sizes. and maxi­mise uptime. With your costs.
dedicated Atlet mobile service
Trucks engineer. Operation
A premium range of warehouse Analysis tools for daily monitoring
and counterbalance trucks – Training of truck use, safety and environ-
customised to your needs by Atlet. Well-trained drivers maximise mental performance.
efficiency and safety in your
Rental material handling. TA
Flexible and tailor-made financing


– short term and long term rental



with uptime guarantee.


A timeless truth about man and machines
In 1993 the Swedish Transport Research Institute TFK,
together with Atlet, conducted scientific research
(TFK 1993:6) on how to prevent strains on the human
body in warehouse truck operations where operators
travel sideways. The conclusion was clear: the
operator’s environment must be fully adjustable. Not
exactly rocket science, but applying these insights
you can lift your operations to entirely new levels of

Proven ergonomics
In 2011, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothen-
burg, Sweden performed an ergonomic comparative We proudly introduce a new
evaluation study on reach trucks from three different
manufacturers. ergonomic reach truck range designed
”The result* showed that the Atlet Tergo forklift offered
more ergonomic working postures than the other
to meet the highest of standards:
forklifts. Observed ergonomic features were a more
symmetrical working posture of the back and head
resulting in less strain in the shoulder/neck complex.
Contributing design factors were tapered, tilting
backrest, adjustable floor and presence of the left
arm-rest and the position of the steering wheel.“

Anna-Lisa Osvalder

Professor in Human Machine Systems

Chalmers University of Technology

Personalisation is part of the Atlet DNA. Since and repetitive strain injuries and together with
* from studies of (1) theoretical expert analysis of the cabin design, 1958, Atlet has created innovative and highly our customers, we tested and fine-tuned
(2) video observations of sitting postures during driving,
and (3) subjective estimations of comfort. personal material handling solutions. The truck prototypes in the toughest real life
design of an Atlet truck always starts on the conditions. During all stages of product devel-
warehouse floor, with the focus on the opera- opment we’ve been challenged and guided
tors and the operation. We’ve also realised by one question: ”How can we make the
that technology designed around human truck more personal?” Design, technology,
needs makes people more productive and performance, service and financing – all cre-
happy at work. And when we created the new ated to fulfil the needs and wants of the
generation Atlet reach trucks the mission was world’s most demanding truck users in the
clear and simple: Build the world’s most per- most personal way. And now we proudly
sonal truck. We interviewed truck operators present what we believe is the world’s most
and logistic managers across the world. We personal reach truck range: designed to meet
conducted scientific studies on ergonomics the highest standards – your standards.
ProVision concept Personal performance settings Spacious cabin
The ProVision mast The option of maximum speed 14.5 km/h makes this
A generous roof height
­system, the angled over a very fast reach truck. To suit each operator’s driving
and spacious cabin add
head protection bars and skills, the truck performance can be individually set in
to the operator’s sense
pillars, are optimised for the ATC truck computer. PIN code entry
of well-being.
for all-round vision, safety allows authorised use only.
and productivity.

Narrow backrest
Our specially designed
Low mast noise narrow backrest helps the
High-precision mast operator to turn the chest
design, efficient damping in the driving direction,
of mast movements and thus reducing strain on
soft stop technology the neck.
­contribute to very low
noise levels.

The right and left armrests
relieve the strain on the
neck and shoulders and
are adjustable to suit each

Tilting seat
For very high lifting the
seat backrest can easily
be tilted 18° within the
cabin area to enhance
the operator’s vision and
ergonomics. (Only for

Mini steering
Atlet’s unique mini steering
wheel allows effortless
manoeuvring with the
­minimum strain on the arm,
neck and shoulders.

Easy-entry instep
The separate footstep
gives a low comfortable
instep (390 mm). This
together with the specially
designed instep handle
makes it easy to get in
and out of the truck.

It’s not about the Adjustable floor Automotive pedal design Durable wheel
At the touch of a button, To enhance driving safety, the pedals follow the
Unique wheel design with
the operator can lower or same logic as in a car – speed to the right and
large diameter for greater
raise the floor by up to 70 braking in the middle. The safety switch to the left
mm – for a perfect driving is conveniently operated with a minimum of effort.
position. (Only for When the truck stands still the parking brake is
UMS, UHD and UHX). automatically activated.
10% upwards
In approximately 10% of
1,000 head
the working time the forks turns/hour
are lifted so high that The operator turns the
the operator must look head more than 1,000
upwards. This strain is times per hour.
reduced by the tilting seat.

Relaxed posture
Relieving the pressure on
All-round vision the neck, back, shoulder
Thanks to our ProVision and elbow, the floating
concept the driver has armrest and the mini steer-
good vision in all direc- ing wheel give a relaxed
tions ensuring a safe han- posture with less strain.

shoulder position
Putting the operator’s left
2,000 arm shoulder towards the back-
movements/hour rest, Atlet’s mini steering
In one hour, the operator’s wheel makes it easier to
left arm moves up to 2,000 move the body in the
times. direction of the truck.

75% seat contact

75% of the operator’s body
contact with the truck is
through the seat – that’s why
the seat is so important in
ensuring that the operator
is efficient the whole shift.

20% in reverse
The operator travels
approximately 20% in
the fork direction.

70% forward
Most of the time is spent

travelling forward. Our
mini steering wheel allows
a relaxed body position.

74% steering
It’s about wheel movements
while operating the steer-
ing wheel, the left arm is
moving for 74% of the
driving time.

Intuitive feet Easy step

To control speed and the During the shift, the oper-
brake, the operator uses ator enters and leaves
the right foot intuitively. the truck many times. Our
easy-entry/exit makes this
an effortless action.
It’s very
People-centric technology means a happier and more productive work-
force. That’s why our new generation Atlet Tergo® reach trucks adapt
perfectly to the individual operator. Imagine the prospect of a reach truck
that’s 100% dedicated to your material handling needs – how would that
benefit your business?

The new Atlet Tergo® – the world’s most personal reach truck.
Learn more at

technology for your 7

productivity. 4

1 Multi-adaptable
driver’s environment
To keep the operator in focus during
5 Intuitive dashboard and control
Instrument layout and fingertip con-
S3 Stability Support
Boosting the operator’s
the whole shift, the seat, floor, armrest trol panel are perfectly positioned driving confidence, the Atlet S3
and controls can be personally adjusted
to fit any operator size. In total nine
and angled towards the operator to
optimise overview, control and safety.
ensures industry-leading safety per-
formance. To maintain driving stability
different parameters can adjusted. All important operator information, in a wide range of situations the S3
(ULS/UND seven different adjust- activated functions and safety indica- technology contains several functions
ments). tors are clearly displayed. including Dynamic Cornering Control.
When handling loads at high levels,
2 Personal PIN
code settings
Tergo ® performance can be set to
6 Tilting seat with unique
Ergo back rest
State-of-the-art seat, including 18° tilt
the Optimised Performance Control
adapts the mast tilt and reach speed
to maximise stability and safety.
suit the operation or experience of function for the UMS, UHD and UHX, (Option on ULS)
each operator. The user ID settings reduces neck and back strains when
are connected to 350 personal PIN handling loads on high levels. The
codes. Every operator can optimise tilting backrest adapts conveniently to On board diagnosis
the truck performance to best suit the weight of the operator for maxi- technology
their preferences. mum comfort. With the narrow Ergo The Atlet Tergo ® truck
backrest it is also easier to turn the range feature a unique

3 Ergonomic
mini steering wheel
Scientific studies show that the oper-
chest in the direction of travel, thus
helping to reduce repetitive strain
Atlet Truck Computer
(ATC) with a CAN Bus technology,
technology, allowing the service engi-
ator change steering wheel direction neer to easily and quickly diagnose
2000 times per hour. The mini steer-
ing wheel with floating armrest is a
unique Atlet innovation that adds to
7 Dynamic Cornering
Control, DCC
With Atlet DCC the truck perform-
the truck, and return it back to opera-
tion in the shortest possible time, thus
keeping uptime to a maximum.
operator´s relief during long shifts for ance is greatly improved, as well as
maximum productivity, control and providing maximum safety. DCC
comfort. allows high cornering speed, but if the Modular
operator needs to avoid an obstacle, Design Concept

4 Hands-free
direction control
the truck automatically reduces speed
for continued high level of safety.
All Atlet trucks are
designed according to
By using the accelerator pedal to (DCC is included in all Tergo ® reach Atlet’s unique Modular
change travel direction, forward or trucks equipped with S3) Design Concept, which improves
reverse, the operator can focus on quality and limits the number of parts
the right hand for using up to three used. Our mobile service engineers
hydraulic functions simultaneously. therefore carry a limited number of
spare parts helping provide a First
Time Fix Rate of over 95% and an
uptime of more than 98%.
Tergo® Tergo®

Smart universal tools for warehousing and
production – ergonomic, economical and yours.
The compact Tergo ULS is our most nimble and economical reach
truck, a genuine Atlet reach truck in every detail. Performance, stability
and reliability meet high demands and will ensure productivity and low
life cycle cost. This is the optimum combination of performance and
economy, just the right universal tool for your medium intensive material
handling operations with loads up to 1,400 kg. Innovative ergonomic and safety tech-
Tergo UND
nology ensure operator efficiency in a wide range of tasks – a vitamin boost for your
warehousing, at exactly the right cost. Based on the narrow chassis
but designed for even greater lift
heights and lifting performance. If
equipped with optional wheels for
ULS 120 ULS 140 UND 140
rail guidance together with over-
Rated lift capacity, kg 1200 1400 1400 head guard, it is also suitable for
narrow deep stacking. UND is the
Load centre, mm 600 600 600 perfect combination for medium
Truck width, mm 1120 1120 1120 intense applications.

Lift height max, mm 7250 7250 8950

> Intuitive information > Nimble chassis > Innovative mast

Intuitive driver’s environ- Nimble chassis (1120 mm Adding to safety and produc-
ment with clearly displayed width in ULS and UND) tivity, Atlet’s innovative Pro­
information. facilitates material handling Vision mast design includes
in confined spaces. mast tilt, neatly integrated
hydraulic hoses and clear
view fork carriage enhancing
stability and vision.

> multi-control > Modular Design

Ergologic (optional) allows Like all Atlet trucks, the ULS

safe and convenient control and UND are modular built
of all load functions in one to maximise uptime and
grip. ensure low life cycle costs.

The world’s most personal reach truck
is also the most open-minded.
The Atlet Tergo UMS is the universal reach truck with a capital U. It’s
designed to perform almost any material handling task in your warehouse.
Internal transport and stacking, with a lift capacity up to 2,000 kg – the
UMS performs effortlessly in your high intensive operations. The optional
14.5 km/h performance package makes this a very productive reach
truck in efficient material handling, 24/7. Always right, always yours.

UMS 160 UMS 200

Rated lift capacity, kg 1600 2000 > Adjustable floor > Tilting seat

Electrically adjustable floor Tilting seat adapted to

Load centre, mm 600 600
height makes it easy to find ­operator’s weight facilitates
Truck width, mm 1270 1270/1397 the perfect driving position. high-level load handling.

Lift height max, mm 8950 8950

> Mini steering wheel > Mast tilt

The mini steering wheel and Tilting mast facilitates safe

floating armrest ensure a handling of up to 10 meters,
relaxed non-twisted driving especially in narrow aisles.

Easily accessible
> ProVision concept > battery
The hydraulics of Tergo’s The battery is easy to
ProVision masts are neatly inspect without the operator
integrated in the mast having to leave the truck,
design so as not to obscure simply by connecting the
operator’s vision. Support battery tray to the hydraulic
bars are also made to reach out system
ensure clear vision.
Tergo® Tergo®

The tougher it gets,
Reaching for stardom, fame and
the more muscles you need. fortune – in a warehouse near you.
The toughest operations leave no space It takes something special to reach the
for compromises. Just like the Atlet Tergo® highest levels. Or to be precise: the Tergo®
UHD reach truck. Everything, from the UHX. With its high lifting capacity, the UHX
wide robust chassis and the high-­ is an extremely capable partner in the
precision mast, to truck performance and most demanding hi-rack warehousing.
operational reliability, is designed to meet your highest Sturdy chassis design and supreme stability contribute
demands in all conditions. Handling loads of up to 2,500 kg to star quality efficiency. This is performance, ergonomics
in almost any environment, including cold stores, world- and reliability without compromises – equipped for your
class ergonomics and the unique Atlet modular design productivity.
ensure service friendly technology to further contribute
to flawless 24/7 performance and low life cycle costs.

UHD 200 UHD 250 Tergo UHX 200

Rated lift capacity, kg 2000 2500 Rated lift capacity, kg 2000

Load centre, mm 600 600 Load centre, mm 600

Truck width, mm 1270/1397 1397 Truck width, mm 1397

Lift height max, mm 11500 8950 Lift height max, mm 12100

> Durable drive wheel > Robust chassis > High-level vision > Up to 12.1 metres

New drive wheel with unique Atlet Tergo range is designed Designed for optimum safety Supreme performance and
tread design and larger with robust chassis and and vision, the roof guard stable mast design allows
diameter for increased grip high quality components, bars and side pillars are safe lifting of up to 12.1
and durability. Easy access meeting the demands of painted in a non-reflective metres.
for quick and efficient multi-shift operations. dark colour and angled to
changes, reducing costs maximise all-round visibility.
and maximising uptime.
1 2 3 5

6 7, 12 10 16

Atlet Tergo® options:

1. Ergologic 7. Equipment bar 13. Level Assistance System, LAS

Further enhancing efficiency and ergo- For all extra equipment we offer many The unique LAS intuitively and automati-
nomics, this unique multi-functional joy- alternatives. Adjustable RAM holders in cally finds the storage level. It is useful to
stick activates seven different functions, different lengths for the computer key- always be at the exact fork height, pro-
including lifting, lowering, reaching and board, display and scanner, which can be viding major improvements in handling
tilting with one grip using the same control. placed not only on the equipment bar, but efficiency and safety.
Ergonomic of course, and very logical. also on the instep handle. It’s all about
your own preferences. 14. Active Spin Reduction, ASR
2. Battery change technology Loss of drive wheel grip with a reach truck
Simple battery inspection can be achieved 8. 12V power outlet means big risks for the driver, but also for
without the operator having to leave the Power outlet for the extra equipment or all persons in the surrounding areas.
truck. Optional steel rollers allow battery just for charging your mobile phone. With patent pending ASR on your Tergo®
change to be carried out from both sides reach truck the safety improves and drive
of the truck. For intensive operations, the 9. Weight indicator wheel wear is reduced providing addi-
“Fast track powerbed” system with motor The display provides a load weight indica- tional cost savings.
powered steel rollers provides battery tor and there is also a function for adding
change in one minute. multiple weights of up to 100,000 kg. 15. Cold store design (–35°C)
Cold store design includes a wide range
3. High performance 14.5 km/h 10. Smart Start of modifications for durability and maxi-
Making Atlet Tergo a very fast reach truck, Eliminate the PIN code start-up process mum uptime in these conditions.
this performance package enhances top by using the touch-free Smart Start sys-
speed by 16% – from standard 12.5 km/h tem. When using different Tergo® trucks, 16. Cold store cabin
to 14.5 km/h. just bring your personal Smart Start key; The Tergo® Cold store cabin is designed

the truck will recognise you and your per- to please even the most demanding
4. 360° steering sonal performance settings. operator. The wide clear entry, spacious
If you prefer the endless 360° steering cabin, and large windows in the sides

How system, the Tergo® has this optional fea-

ture. By using the personal PIN code, the
180/360° steering functionality is your
11. Load wheel brakes
Braking with all three wheels improves
safety, especially on floors with low fric-
and in the overhead guard, together with
an efficient ventilator and heater, ensure
a climate controlled by the operator, pro-
individual choice. tion, for example cold stores. Load wheel viding maximum performance and com-
brakes are standard on the UHD250. fort throughout the whole shift.

do you want to be?

5. Midi steering wheel
If you prefer the midi steering wheel, it is 12. Video camera and monitor 17. Heated seat
placed to fit perfectly in your left hand. Improve safety and handling efficiency Adding to comfort, a stepless thermostat
Positional adjustability of the wheel com- with the high quality camera and video regulated electric heating system is
bined with the tilt function provides maxi- monitor. The monitor is mounted in the available for the seating and backrest
We designed the world’s most personal reach trucks to help the operator mum flexibility. over head guard and the camera is surfaces. Choose between fabric and
perform optimally. And to make your Atlet Tergo even more you, there’s a mounted in the fork as standard. PVC covered seat, depending on your
6. Writing desk environment.
wide range of specially designed options and accessories. So whatever Conveniently mounted on the included
the needs of your operations, there’s an Atlet reach truck that’s 100% equipment bar, the writing desk brings
order to the on-board office.
you. Want more Tergo options? Please visit

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