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Myco Assignment

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Ralph AJ Balmes BSMLS 3rd year

Question 1: What do you understand by fungi?

Fungi are a diverse group of organisms that belong to their own kingdom, separate from plants,
animals, and bacteria. They can exist in various forms, including single-celled yeasts, molds,
and multicellular structures like mushrooms. Fungi obtain nutrients by absorbing organic matter
from their surroundings, often through external digestion. They play crucial roles in ecosystems
by decomposing organic material, recycling nutrients, and forming symbiotic relationships with
plants. Additionally, fungi have significant economic importance, being used in food production
(e.g., yeast in baking and brewing), medicine (e.g., antibiotics like penicillin), and biotechnology
(e.g., production of enzymes and biofuels).
Question 2: Highlight the difference between algae and fungi
Algae and fungi are both diverse groups of organisms, but they belong to different kingdoms
and exhibit distinct characteristics:
1. Kingdom:
 Algae belong to the kingdom Protista (or Plantae, depending on classification),
which includes various eukaryotic organisms that are mostly aquatic.
 Fungi belong to the kingdom Fungi, which consists of eukaryotic organisms that
obtain nutrients through external digestion.
2. Cell Structure:
 Algae are typically unicellular or multicellular organisms with chlorophyll-
containing cells capable of photosynthesis.
 Fungi are mainly multicellular organisms with cell walls made of chitin. Some
fungi are unicellular, such as yeasts.
3. Nutrient Acquisition:
 Algae obtain energy through photosynthesis, using chlorophyll to convert sunlight
into chemical energy.
 Fungi are heterotrophic organisms, meaning they obtain nutrients by absorbing
organic matter from their surroundings. They secrete enzymes to break down
complex organic molecules externally before absorbing the simpler compounds.
4. Habitat:
 Algae are primarily found in aquatic environments, including oceans, freshwater
bodies, and moist terrestrial habitats.
 Fungi inhabit a wide range of environments, including soil, decaying matter,
plants, and even inside other organisms in symbiotic relationships.
5. Reproduction:
 Algae reproduce through various methods, including asexual reproduction (e.g.,
cell division, fragmentation) and sexual reproduction (e.g., formation of gametes).
 Fungi reproduce through spores, which are produced either sexually or
asexually. Some fungi also reproduce through fragmentation or budding in the
case of yeasts.
Overall, while both algae and fungi are important components of ecosystems, they differ
significantly in their cellular structure, mode of nutrition, habitat, and reproduction strategies.
Question 3: What are the characteristics features of fungi?

The following are the characteristics features of fungi: ➢ Eukaryotic ➢ Heterotrophic ➢ Non-
motile ➢ Saprophytes/Saprobes ➢ Parasites ➢ Obligate aerobes ➢ Ubiquitous ➢ Lack
▪ Question 4: Describe the habit and habitat of fungi.

Fungi exhibit diverse habits and inhabit a wide range of environments, showcasing their
adaptability and ecological importance. Here's a description of their habits and habitats:
1. Habitat:
 Terrestrial: Many fungi are primarily found in terrestrial environments, such as
forests, grasslands, deserts, and agricultural fields. They play critical roles in
decomposition, breaking down dead organic matter like leaves, wood, and
animal remains, thus recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem.
 Aquatic: Some fungi inhabit aquatic environments, including freshwater bodies
like lakes, rivers, and streams, as well as marine habitats such as oceans and
estuaries. Aquatic fungi may decompose submerged organic matter and form
symbiotic relationships with aquatic plants and animals.
 Parasitic: Certain fungi are parasitic, meaning they live on or within living
organisms, including plants, animals, and even other fungi. Parasitic fungi can
cause diseases in their hosts, affecting their health and survival.
2. Habit:
 Mycelium Formation: The main body of a fungus consists of a network of fine,
branching filaments called hyphae, collectively known as mycelium. Fungi grow
and spread by extending their mycelium through their habitat, often colonizing
organic matter or substrates suitable for nutrient absorption.
 Reproduction Structures: Fungi produce reproductive structures, such as
mushrooms, brackets, puffballs, or molds, depending on the species. These
structures often arise from the mycelium and serve to disperse spores, which are
reproductive cells capable of developing into new fungal individuals.
 Symbiotic Relationships: Fungi form various symbiotic relationships with other
organisms. For example, mycorrhizal fungi establish mutually beneficial
associations with plant roots, aiding in nutrient absorption for both the fungus and
the plant. Similarly, lichens are symbiotic associations between fungi and algae
or cyanobacteria.
In summary, fungi exhibit diverse habits and inhabit a wide range of habitats, including
terrestrial, aquatic, and parasitic environments. Their ability to decompose organic matter, form
symbiotic relationships, and adapt to different ecological niches makes them essential
components of ecosystems worldwide.
Question 5: Write a note on thallus organization in the fungi
The thallus refers to the body or vegetative structure of fungi. Unlike plants, fungi do not have
roots, stems, or leaves; instead, they possess a unique thallus organization that varies among
different fungal groups. Here's a brief note on thallus organization in fungi:
1. Mycelium:
 The primary body of a fungus is composed of a network of thread-like structures
called hyphae.
 Hyphae collectively form a mycelium, which can range from being microscopic to
extensive networks spanning large areas.
 Mycelium serves various functions, including nutrient absorption, anchorage, and
2. Septate vs. Non-septate Hyphae:
 Hyphae may be septate or non-septate (also called coenocytic).
 Septate hyphae are divided into distinct cells by septa, which contain pores
allowing cytoplasmic and organelle movement between cells.
 Non-septate hyphae lack these septa and consist of continuous multinucleate
3. Rhizoids:
 Some fungi, particularly those belonging to Zygomycota, produce specialized
hyphae called rhizoids.
 Rhizoids anchor the fungus to substrates and aid in nutrient absorption from the
surrounding environment.
4. Haustoria:
 Certain parasitic fungi develop specialized hyphal structures known as haustoria.
 Haustoria penetrate host tissues to extract nutrients, facilitating the parasitic
lifestyle of these fungi.
5. Mycorrhizae:
 In mycorrhizal associations, fungi form symbiotic relationships with plant roots.
 The fungal hyphae extend into the soil, increasing the surface area for nutrient
absorption, while also assisting the plant in nutrient uptake, particularly
phosphorus and nitrogen.
6. Thalloid Structures:
 Some fungi, such as lichens, exhibit a thalloid morphology.
 Thalloid fungi lack the typical differentiation into roots, stems, and leaves, instead
forming a flattened, leaf-like or crust-like structure that integrates both the fungal
and photosynthetic partner (e.g., algae or cyanobacteria).
▪ Question 6: Discuss the morphology of the fungi in detail.
Fungi display a wide array of morphological characteristics that contribute to their diversity and
ecological roles. Here's a detailed discussion on the morphology of fungi:
1. Hyphae:
 Hyphae are the basic structural units of fungi, consisting of long, thread-like
 These filaments are typically cylindrical and vary in diameter depending on the
fungal species.
 Hyphae may be septate, divided into distinct cells by septa with pores, or non-
septate (coenocytic), lacking septa and containing multinucleate cytoplasm.
2. Mycelium:
 Mycelium refers to the collective mass of hyphae that forms the body of a fungus.
 Mycelia may be microscopic or macroscopic, depending on the species and
environmental conditions.
 Mycelia grow by elongation of hyphal tips and branching, facilitating nutrient
absorption and exploration of the substrate.
3. Rhizoids:
 Rhizoids are specialized hyphal structures that anchor fungi to substrates and aid
in nutrient absorption.
 They are commonly found in fungi belonging to Zygomycota and serve a function
similar to roots in plants.
4. Reproductive Structures:
 Fungi produce various reproductive structures for the dispersal of spores, which
are reproductive cells capable of developing into new fungal individuals.
 These structures include mushrooms, brackets, puffballs, cups, and molds,
among others.
 The morphology of reproductive structures varies widely among fungal taxa and
may be used for classification and identification purposes.
5. Sporangia:
 Some fungi produce specialized structures called sporangia, which contain
 Sporangia may be enclosed within sac-like structures (as in Zygomycota) or
borne on specialized hyphae (as in Ascomycota and Basidiomycota).
6. Conidia:
 Conidia are asexual spores produced by certain fungi, typically at the tips of
specialized hyphae called conidiophores.
 Conidia are often dispersed by air currents and can germinate to form new fungal
colonies under favorable conditions.
7. Thalloid Structures:
 Thalloid fungi, such as lichens, exhibit a flattened, leaf-like or crust-like
 These structures integrate both the fungal and photosynthetic partner (e.g., algae
or cyanobacteria) in a symbiotic association.
8. Mycorrhizae:
 In mycorrhizal associations, fungi form symbiotic relationships with plant roots.
 Fungal hyphae extend into the soil, increasing the surface area for nutrient
absorption and assisting the plant in nutrient uptake.
Overall, the morphology of fungi is incredibly diverse, reflecting their adaptability to various
habitats and ecological niches. Understanding fungal morphology is essential for identifying
species, studying their biology, and appreciating their ecological significance.
▪ Question 7: Give the ultra structure of fungi in detail.
The ultrastructure of fungi refers to the detailed organization and components of fungal cells and
tissues as observed under high-resolution microscopy. Here's a comprehensive overview of the
ultrastructure of fungi:
1. Cell Wall:
 Fungal cells are surrounded by a rigid cell wall, which provides structural support
and protection.
 The main component of the fungal cell wall is chitin, a complex polysaccharide
composed of N-acetylglucosamine units.
 In addition to chitin, the cell wall may contain other polysaccharides, proteins,
and glycoproteins, which contribute to its strength and permeability.
2. Plasma Membrane:
 Beneath the cell wall lies the plasma membrane, a phospholipid bilayer that
encloses the cytoplasm and regulates the passage of substances into and out of
the cell.
 The plasma membrane contains various proteins involved in nutrient uptake,
signaling, and cell communication.
3. Cytoplasm:
 The cytoplasm of fungal cells contains various organelles and structures
essential for cellular function and metabolism.
 Organelles such as the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi
apparatus, and vacuoles are present within the cytoplasm.
4. Nucleus:
 The nucleus houses the genetic material of the fungus, including chromosomes
composed of DNA and associated proteins.
 Within the nucleus, specialized regions such as the nucleolus and chromatin are
involved in ribosome assembly and gene expression, respectively.
5. Mitochondria:
 Mitochondria are the energy-producing organelles of fungal cells, responsible for
aerobic respiration and ATP synthesis.
 They contain inner and outer membranes, an intermembrane space, and matrix,
where biochemical reactions occur.
6. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER):
 The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of membrane-bound tubules and sacs
involved in protein and lipid synthesis.
 Rough ER is studded with ribosomes and plays a role in protein synthesis, while
smooth ER is involved in lipid metabolism and detoxification.
7. Golgi Apparatus:
 The Golgi apparatus consists of stacked membrane-bound sacs called cisternae
and is involved in protein modification, sorting, and secretion.
 It receives proteins synthesized in the ER, modifies them, and packages them
into vesicles for transport to their final destinations.
8. Vacuoles:
 Fungal cells may contain one or more vacuoles, membrane-bound organelles
filled with fluid and various dissolved substances.
 Vacuoles play roles in storage, osmoregulation, pH regulation, and degradation
of cellular components through autophagy.
9. Cytoskeleton:
 The cytoskeleton of fungal cells consists of protein filaments, including actin
filaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments.
 The cytoskeleton provides structural support, facilitates intracellular transport,
and is involved in cell division and morphogenesis.
10. Organelles for Specialized Functions:
 Some fungi may possess specialized organelles such as Woronin bodies
(involved in plugging septal pores in response to injury) or lipid bodies (involved
in lipid storage and metabolism).
Understanding the ultrastructure of fungi is crucial for elucidating their cellular functions,
interactions with their environment, and pathogenic mechanisms. High-resolution microscopy
techniques, including transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), are commonly used to study fungal ultrastructure in detail.
▪ Question 8: Describe the mode of nutrition in fungi

The mode of nutrition in fungi is primarily heterotrophic, meaning they obtain organic carbon and
other nutrients from external sources. Fungi lack the ability to perform photosynthesis like
plants, so they rely on alternative strategies for acquiring nutrients. Here's a description of the
mode of nutrition in fungi:
1. Saprotrophic Nutrition:
 Many fungi are saprotrophs, which decompose dead organic matter to obtain
 They secrete enzymes, such as cellulases, proteases, and lipases, into their
surroundings to break down complex organic molecules (e.g., cellulose, proteins,
lipids) into simpler compounds.
 The fungi then absorb the resulting small molecules, such as sugars, amino
acids, and fatty acids, through their cell walls and plasma membranes.
 Saprotrophic fungi play crucial roles in nutrient cycling and decomposition,
facilitating the recycling of organic matter in ecosystems.
2. Parasitic Nutrition:
 Some fungi are parasites, obtaining nutrients from living organisms (hosts) at the
expense of the host's health.
 Parasitic fungi may infect plants, animals, or other fungi, causing diseases and
damaging host tissues.
 They often secrete enzymes and toxins to facilitate host colonization, nutrient
acquisition, and evasion of host defenses.
3. Mycorrhizal Nutrition:
 Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic associations with plant roots, known as
 In these associations, the fungi provide the plants with mineral nutrients, such as
phosphorus and nitrogen, in exchange for photosynthetically derived
carbohydrates (e.g., sugars).
 The fungal hyphae extend into the soil, increasing the surface area for nutrient
absorption and assisting the plant in nutrient uptake.
 Mycorrhizal associations benefit both the fungi and the plants, enhancing nutrient
acquisition and promoting plant growth and health.
4. Predatory Nutrition:
 Some fungi exhibit predatory behavior, capturing and consuming other
microorganisms, such as bacteria, nematodes, or other fungi.
 Predatory fungi may produce specialized structures, such as trapping devices or
adhesive hyphae, to capture prey.
 Once captured, the prey is enzymatically digested, and the resulting nutrients are
absorbed by the fungal cells.
5. Symbiotic Relationships:
 Fungi engage in various symbiotic relationships with other organisms, including
algae, cyanobacteria, and animals.
 These symbiotic associations can involve mutualistic interactions, where both
partners benefit, or commensal or parasitic interactions, where one partner
benefits at the expense of the other.
In summary, fungi exhibit diverse modes of nutrition, ranging from saprotrophic and parasitic
lifestyles to mycorrhizal associations and predatory behavior. These nutritional strategies allow
fungi to thrive in a wide range of ecological niches and play critical roles in ecosystem
functioning, nutrient cycling, and interactions with other organisms
▪ Question 9: Discuss the various mode of reproduction in fungi in detail.

Fungi employ various modes of reproduction, both sexual and asexual, to proliferate and ensure
the survival of their species. These modes of reproduction contribute to the diversity and
adaptability of fungal populations. Here's a detailed discussion of the various modes of
reproduction in fungi:
1. Asexual Reproduction: Asexual reproduction in fungi involves the formation and
dispersal of spores without the fusion of gametes. Some common mechanisms of
asexual reproduction include:
 Spore Formation:
 Fungi produce specialized reproductive structures, such as sporangia or
conidiophores, where spores are formed.
 Spores are typically produced through mitosis and are genetically
identical to the parent fungus.
 Examples include conidia in Ascomycota and Basidiomycota,
sporangiospores in Zygomycota, and chlamydospores in some fungi.
 Fragmentation:
 Fragmentation occurs when a fungal mycelium breaks apart into
fragments, each capable of growing into a new individual.
 This mode of reproduction is common in filamentous fungi, particularly
those growing in favorable environmental conditions.
 Budding:
 Budding involves the formation of small outgrowths or buds on the
surface of a fungal cell.
 The bud grows in size and eventually separates from the parent cell,
becoming a new individual.
 Budding is typical in yeast species, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
2. Sexual Reproduction: Sexual reproduction in fungi involves the fusion of specialized
reproductive cells (gametes) to form a zygote, which develops into a new fungal
individual. The key steps in sexual reproduction include:
 Gametogenesis:
 Fungi produce specialized gametangia (gamete-producing structures)
called gametangia or gametangiospores.
 Gametangia give rise to male (antheridia) and female (archegonia)
gametes, which are haploid and genetically distinct.
 Plasmogamy:
 Plasmogamy is the fusion of cytoplasm between two compatible mating
types, resulting in the formation of a dikaryotic (n+n) cell.
 In some fungi, plasmogamy occurs immediately after gametogenesis,
while in others, it may be delayed until later stages of sexual
 Karyogamy:
 Karyogamy is the fusion of nuclei from the two mating partners, resulting
in the formation of a diploid (2n) nucleus.
 Karyogamy completes the sexual cycle, leading to the formation of a
zygote with a diploid nucleus.
 Meiosis:
 Meiosis occurs in the zygote, leading to the formation of haploid spores.
 These spores are genetically diverse due to genetic recombination and
segregation during meiosis.
 The haploid spores are released and can germinate to form new haploid
fungal individuals.
3. Parthenogenesis: Parthenogenesis is a form of reproduction in which new individuals
develop from unfertilized eggs or spores. While relatively rare in fungi, some species
may exhibit parthenogenetic reproduction under specific conditions or as a form of
asexual reproduction.
4. Heterothallism and Homothallism: Some fungi exhibit heterothallic mating systems,
where mating requires two different mating types (compatible sexes), while others are
homothallic, possessing both mating types within the same individual. This distinction
influences the mating behavior and reproductive strategies of fungal populations.
Overall, fungi display a remarkable diversity of reproductive strategies, encompassing both
asexual and sexual modes of reproduction. These reproductive mechanisms contribute to
fungal dispersal, genetic diversity, and adaptation to diverse environmental conditions.
▪ Question 10: Give the classification of fungi as proposed by Alexopoulos.
The classification of fungi proposed by Constantine John Alexopoulos, commonly referred to as
the "Alexopoulos classification," is based on their reproductive structures and life cycles.
Alexopoulos, along with his collaborators Charles W. Mims and Meredith M. Blackwell,
introduced this classification system in their influential textbook "Introductory Mycology." Here is
an overview of the major groups or divisions in the Alexopoulos classification:
1. Division Zygomycota:
 Zygomycetes are characterized by the formation of resistant sexual structures
called zygospores during sexual reproduction.
 They typically exhibit coenocytic (non-septate) hyphae and are primarily
saprotrophic, decomposing organic matter.
 Examples include bread molds (Rhizopus), pin molds (Mucor), and aquatic fungi
(e.g., genera like Spirogyra).
2. Division Ascomycota:
 Ascomycetes are characterized by the formation of sexual spores called
ascospores within sac-like structures called asci.
 Ascomycetes display a wide range of morphologies and lifestyles, including
yeasts, molds, lichens, and many plant pathogens.
 Examples include Saccharomyces (brewer's yeast), Penicillium (source of
penicillin), and Neurospora (used in genetic studies).
3. Division Basidiomycota:
 Basidiomycetes are characterized by the formation of sexual spores called
basidiospores on specialized structures called basidia.
 They include many familiar fungi, such as mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs, and
bracket fungi.
 Basidiomycetes exhibit diverse ecological roles, including decomposers,
mycorrhizal symbionts, and plant pathogens.
 Examples include Agaricus bisporus (button mushroom), Ganoderma lucidum
(reishi mushroom), and Puccinia graminis (wheat rust fungus).
4. Division Chytridiomycota:
 Chytrids are characterized by the presence of motile, flagellated spores called
 They are primarily aquatic fungi, although some species are found in terrestrial
 Chytrids are often decomposers, parasites, or mutualists in aquatic ecosystems.
 Examples include Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (causative agent of
chytridiomycosis in amphibians) and Rhizophydium species.
5. Division Glomeromycota:
 Glomeromycetes form arbuscular mycorrhizal associations with the roots of most
land plants.
 They are characterized by the formation of specialized structures called
arbuscules and vesicles within plant root cells.
 Glomeromycetes play essential roles in nutrient exchange between plants and
soil, particularly phosphorus uptake.
 Examples include species in the genera Glomus and Rhizophagus.
This classification system emphasizes the reproductive structures and life cycles of fungi,
providing a framework for understanding their diversity and evolutionary relationships. It has
served as a foundational reference in mycology and has been widely adopted in academic and
scientific settings.

Question 11: Give the outline of classification as given by Martin in 1965.

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