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Do The Right Thing Essay

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Do The Right Thing Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Do The Right Thing" is no simple task. The complexity lies not
only in the broadness of the subject matter but also in the inherent subjectivity of what constitutes
the "right" thing. This topic demands a delicate balance between personal perspectives, societal
norms, and ethical considerations. As an essay writer, you are tasked with navigating through a
myriad of philosophical, moral, and cultural dimensions.

To delve into the subject effectively, one must engage in extensive research, exploring diverse
viewpoints and ethical frameworks. The challenge lies in presenting a coherent argument that
acknowledges the multifaceted nature of morality. Addressing the historical context, cultural
nuances, and the evolving nature of societal norms adds an additional layer of intricacy to the
writing process.

Furthermore, striking the right tone is essential when discussing moral principles. The language must
be both persuasive and respectful, inviting readers to consider various perspectives without imposing
a singular viewpoint. Balancing personal beliefs with a fair representation of opposing arguments
requires finesse and intellectual honesty.

Additionally, the essay must be structured in a way that seamlessly weaves together theory and real-
world examples. Illustrating abstract ethical concepts with concrete instances demands a keen
understanding of the chosen topic and an ability to connect theoretical frameworks with practical

In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "Do The Right Thing" demands a nuanced approach,
extensive research, and a finely tuned ability to balance diverse perspectives. The challenge is not
only in presenting a compelling argument but also in fostering a thoughtful reflection on the
complexities of morality. The writer must navigate through a maze of ethical considerations while
maintaining clarity and coherence. It's a task that requires both intellectual prowess and empathetic

If you find yourself grappling with such complexities, remember that you're not alone. Writing
services like can assist in navigating the intricacies of such topics, providing well-
researched and thoughtfully crafted essays on a wide range of subjects.
Do The Right Thing Essay Do The Right Thing Essay
Evolution Of The Initial Entry Training Essay
The evolution of the Initial Entry Trainer dates back to the early 1960s, when the drill
sergeants (DS) were introduced into the training force. The DS have continued to be
the key factor to instilling discipline and standards in our new Soldiers. Over time, the
Army has evaluated and made changes to the programs to ensure the best possible
training is available for new recruits. The introduction of the advanced individual
training (AIT) platoon sergeants was one of the most recent changes to the initial
entry training (IET) program. The Army will continue to evaluate and assess the IET
training program to assure training is still relevant to the needs of the Army. Late in
1962, Secretary of the Army Elvis J. Stahr Jr. directed Under Secretary of the Army
Stephen Ailes to survey how the recruits are trained in the Army. The research was
pooled from a wide variety of personnel and took a very longtime. This research also
included other branches of service, comparing techniques and strategies to ensure they
had the most accurate data available. The survey findings concluded the
noncommissioned officers (NCOs) were poorly regarded working long hours, lack of
free time for family concerns, and inadequate staffing. The survey also concluded that the
caliber of NCOs that were selected were below the standard required by other services.
(unknown, n.d.) The next year the Army began pilot courses at Fort Jackson, South
Carolina testing the revised methods of
Essay On Macular Edema
The current study was conducted to investigate the changes in choroidal thickness within
the macular area in eyes with various types of diabetic macular edema, by comparing the
measured values with those of healthy normal subjects and of subjects with diabetic
retinopathy without diabetic macular edema and to correlate the sub foveal choroidal
thickness measurements with the central macular thickness. Patients and methods: A
prospective, nonrandomized, observational study was conducted to evaluate the central
macular thickness (CMT) and the choroidal thickness (CH T) in eyes with treatment
naïve diabetic macular edema. One hundred forty two eyes of 96 subjects were enrolled
in the study. The current study included eyes of patients with... Show more content on ...
The studied eyes were chosen if the eye met both the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
If both eyes of the same subject were qualified, both were selected. Central Macular
thickness measurement: The fast macular thickness OCT scan protocol was
performed with measurements from 20 x 20 degree raster scans (consisting of 25
scans). The mean thickness of the central 1 mm zone of the 1, 3, 6 mm Early
Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) grid thickness map was measured
by the program incorporated in the Spectralis OCT software. Choroidal thickness
measurement: To obtain the choroidal image, Heidelberg Spectralis SD OCT EDI
button in the Spectralis software was used. The white on black image color was used
for better contrast between the choroid and the sclera. The choroidal thickness was
measured manually, using the caliper tool in the Heidelberg Spectralis OCT software,
as perpendicular line, from the outer portion of the hyperreflective line corresponding
to the RPE to the choroidoscleral interface. The choroidal thickness was measured from
vertical and horizontal scans centered on the fovea. The CH T measurements were
obtained from the subfoveal and parafoveal areas at an interval of 500 μm up to 1500
μm from the center of the fovea (nasal, temporal, superior and inferior). All
measurements were performed at the same time of the day from 1PM 3PM for the
diurnal variation of the choroidal thickness.
Theme Of Dreams In A Midsummer Night s Dream
A dream is a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occuring in a person s mind
during sleep. Love is a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal
ties. Love and dreams go hand in hand and in A Midsummer Night s Dream, love takes
on many of the characteristics of dreams and the two are almost indiscernible. Some
characteristics of dreams are nightmarish, possibly peaceful, short lived, exaggerated,
able to foretell the future, supernatural, uncontrollable, and that they have no
chronological time. Mainly though, dreams are a way for people to picture fantasies and
play out uncontrollable actions without fear of consequences. In Shakespeare s A
Midsummer Night s Dream, loveis a key recurring topic that can be either good or bad.
Love is constantly changing or being manipulated and an example of this love is
when Oberon, the king of the Fairies, gives his wife, Titania, the queen of the Fairies, a
potion that makes her fall in love with an ass (77). Oberon does this act out of spite
because his wife does not want to give him a changeling boy, an ugly idiot, stupid,
fairy baby left in the human world, as a servant. Oberon instructs his personal fairy
servant, Puck, to give a potion to Oberon s wife and make her fall in love with an ass.
There are two dreams in A Midsummer Night s Dream that critics say are the only two
that really matter. One of these dreams is done by Hermia, the daughter of a nobleman of
Athens (class notes). After Lysander, a
Lenin s Rule and Effect on USSR Essay
Lenin s Rule and Effect on USSR

It has been said, by Winston Churchill no less, that The Russian people s worst
misfortune was his birth; their next was his death. There is much truth in this
statement, because Churchill was able to see that as Lenin matured, so did his
policies, and these lead to improving conditions for the Russian people. As Lenin
matured as a leader, so did his policies; as Lenin died his policies died with him. When
Lenin first found himself with power over the Soviets, he was in a Civil war, and from
such a situation arose War Communism. Over time however, Lenin was able to see the
flaws of this policy and had the maturity to admit that he may have made a mistake. From
... Show more content on ...
In this respect, Lenin was showing signs of immaturity and inexperience even before he
had gained power, although he was still a very skilled revolutionary.

Despite this neglect of the peasant base, Lenin was able to take control of Russia
relatively easily. It was not long however, until divisions amongst the Russian people
became apparently, and Russia slipped into civil war. The civil war and the policies
that were spawned to combat it had severe political, social and economic impacts on
Russia. The main overriding policy of War Communism led to a severe loss of
political freedom. Lenin introduced into the world the whole concept of a one party
state(T.E.E. Revision Centre. The Russian Revolution), where there were no elections
held for political parties, but for representatives within the party instead. Protests and
uprisings were also eliminated by War Communism. Protestors could be shot on site
and nothing was thought of it (Wikipedia War Communism [www]). Very soon, Russia
became a dictatorship of a sort, where Lenin had ultimate power over the presiding
political party, the Communist Party, and controlled all of the major activities of
Russia. This came as a severe blow to the people, as the promise of land made to them
Black History Question
Who developed mathematical formulas that could calculate celestial and weather
patterns? 2. Who founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church?
3. What famous jazz musician is famous for puffing up his cheeks?
4. Who was the first Black woman to drive a U S Postal stagecoach?
@5. Name the first Black to win an elected office in the U. S.
6. Booker T. Washington had dinner with what American president?
7. Who were the Kansas City Monarchs?
8. What is Hoppin John?
9. What actor rapper starred in the movie Men In Black?
10. Representative Maxine Waters represents what state?
The Black Heritage Trivia Game Section 4 Page 2
Section 4 Page 2
11. What month is Black History celebrated?
12. Thrilla in Manila refers to what ... Show more content on ...
Who is the publisher of Black Enterprise magazine?
@59. Who played the role of the heavyweight champ Jack Johnson in the movie The
Great White Hope?
60. Who was the first African American NBA basketball general manager?
@61. The first African American priest and bishop in the United States was?
62. When is Kwanzaa observed?
@63. Who wrote the popular book Waiting To Exhale?
64. How many years did Matthew Henson and his group search for the North Pole?
The Black Heritage Trivia Game Section 4 Page 7
Section 4 Page 7
65. The abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison published what antislavery newspaper?
66. Where is Florida A M University located?
67. Before it became Morehouse College, what was this famous school named?
68. Name the activist who coined the phrase Black Power.
69. Who was the first Black U.S. Army officer to lead an army division?
70. Who was the first African American woman candidate for President of the United
Statesin 1972?
71. Phillipa Schuller, a child prodigy and concert pianist, lost her life while entertaining
troops in what war?
72. Morgan and Marvin Smith were award winning professionals in what occupation?
@73. Whom did Jack Johnson defeat to become the first African American boxing
champion ofthe world?
74. Writer Zora Neale Hurston was born in what state?
75. Opera singer Marian Anderson made her debut in what opera?
The Black Heritage Trivia Game Section 4 Page 8
Section 4 Page 8
@76. The play Lost in the Stars was

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