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We are Syed Infotech
Nice to meet you!
Our culture
The Way We Work The Way We Act

Curiosity and innovation are pre-requisites. We love to be the first to say hello.
Listening is a great way to start a conversation. We enjoy sharing a cup of coffee in the morning.
We value planning and discipline. We are helpful and kind.
We do things the ethical way because it is We embrace change as a healthy part of
the only way. growth. We love learning and sharing what
We treat our employees the way we want we learn with each other.
them to treat our customers. We share each other's the passion for sport
We always deliver on time. respect for nature and a healthy life-style.
We reward and celebrate success. We know that some rules cannot be
We are always looking ahead, reading broken; the rest are negotiable.
ahead, thinking ahead. We love to answer questions before
We foster the spirit of cooperation. we are expected to.
Everyone in the company is an ambassador We always get back to people.
of our dedication for excellence.
What We Believe The Way We Have Fun

Big ideas require hard work, continuous We have fun doing what we are good at,
learning and an open mind. building great software.
We value the chain of respect over the We encourage laughter, but never at
chain of command. someone’s expense.
The dumbest questions give birth to the We love to celebrate birthdays together.
smartest ideas. We enjoy our having-fun channel on Slack,
We believe that the small details make with daily jokes and cute cats.
the big differences.
We encourage (human) diversity.
Hobbies are a valuable expression of inner beauty.
All work and no play never works.
Know us better

Syed Infotech specializes in outsourcing Founded in 2022, Syed Infotech is present on

software development projects. Based in the international market as a supplier of
North India, we are operating in a innovative solutions, adding business value
challenging economy that creates a fertile through technology implementation at a
environment for Information Technology professional level. Focusing our activities toward
and business outsourcing. Our team has a developing complex software products Syed
solid and proven track record, delivering Infotech provides consistent results in emerging
high quality and timely services. fields such as Cybersecurity consultancy and
web-based custom business applications,
website development, repairs, resource
planning, entertainment and gaming industry.
We are focused on developing powerful Our team continuously fulfils our partners’
and cutting edge applications, that allow us demands by constantly updating our
to offer solutions which provide real knowledge, conquering new areas of expertise,
business benefits. We deliver products and increasing the quality of our consultancy and
services with quantifiable ROI built around support services. We build long lasting
customer's goals and strategic vision. relationships with our business partners, easily
adapting to each one of their requirements.
Our values



Software Engineering, Development Network Security System Administration, Repairs

& Consulting and IT services
we know how to perform good nerwork
We help the customers to adapt the services as we have been successfully Any number of issues can cause a failure
software engineering principles and working with clients from all over the with your IT environment. This not only
methodologies into their development world and have established our own takes away time from other tasks, but
area. The engineering approach, which reliable system for large numbers of can put a strain on resources that
is not that prevalent in the current users working in the company. otherwise would be taking steps forward
scenario of software development Our server support services include for your business, not backward.
worldwide, can create an awesome remote system monitoring, urgent We provide several ways to break
predictability of the project success. troubleshooting performance or these problems, offering flexibility
Establishing an approach right from necessary upgrading. and scalability.
understanding the business eases
every phase of the development efforts
while assuring the quality of the product
and satisfaction of our customers.
Quality Assurance Web Design and Website Project Management
The QA department of Syed Infotech is Offering professional management
engaged in testing of various software, Our team of web designers provides services, we save your time. Our project
web and mobile applications. Our advanced web design solutions for managers undertake the hardest work of
experts do their best to make your enterprises, corporations, agencies coordinating the working process to
projects operate flawlessly. Every idea of and individual needs. All of them are implement your idea.
yours will be incorporated in a final familiar with the best practices of art Project managers can get on board
product according to all the requirements schools throughout the world. at any stage but the best success
and specifications. ASSIST Software has a solid experience comes when the manager works with
in delivering professional web design the team fromt the very first stage of
and development services for projects of project analysis and estimation.
different size and complexity level.
What we do
Mobile Applications
Twenty years ago, a mobile phone was perceived and used as a single-purpose device: making
phone calls while on the go. Nowadays, with the explosion of apps and media for mobile devices, the
phone part of smartphones has quickly become the least interesting feature of these devices.
As an integrated team of specialists, we provide strategy, architecture, design, security and
development for cutting edge mobile applications. From standalone apps to online social networks, we
deliver high-quality products. We offer a broad range of services related to mobile application
development on leading mobile platforms including iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

Web Applications

We understand that a pleasing visual design is essential for aesthetics and practicality. Our designers and
programmers have a great sense of style and a thorough understanding of web standards. Syed Infotech
has experience in providing the following types of custom web solutions: Web Application Design &
Development, Website Design & Development, Search Engine Ranking Services, Content Management
Solutions, e-Commerce Solutions, Website Analytics, Domain Registrations and Web Services.
Database Systems

Modern businesses rely on database systems to store information and make it accessible to the right people
throughout the organization. We have many years of experience designing these systems for companies across the
Nation and beyond. We can provide the following types of custom database systems: Analytical Databases, Data
Warehouse Databases, End-User Databases, Hypermedia Databases and Navigational Databases.

Cloud Business Platform

Cloud Business Platform, or how to get a remarkable competitive advantage and efficiency using cloud
computing technology.
Cloud computing has dramatically changed the way businesses operate today. Thus, companies
have the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies, avoiding insurmountable upfront
investment and training, maintenance and support. Instead, you can save money and re-shape the
company’s budget to bring real value where it is truly necessary.
Successful projects
Linus health Today, consumers consider several factors, besides cost, when making buying decisions
such as origin, production practices and environmental impacts.

Currently, no commercial solution exists that integrates whole supply chain, interoperable
information based on traceability, and environmental sustainability of food products that
enables communication of this information to the end consumers of the food products.
Current systems mainly focus on delivering information to the responsible supply chain
partners directly involved with the trade and transport logistics.

The Linus Health application will provide simple and easy to use access to the supply chain data
available in a Business Cloud System that is being developed by partner iMonit. This data is a key
for providing consumers with transparent information needed for trust in the food supply chain.


English Attack English Attack! is the first English-language learning service specifically designed for the
digital generation. Our approach features a worldwide community of learners of English;
and uses short-session online entertainment to encourage frequent digital immersion in
real everyday English, with fresh content published daily.

We are involved in developing and improving current version of English Attack!. One of our
important goals is to optimize the website, increasing its performance by using CDN and
special caching techniques.

FR A challenging task was to develop the new coaching feature, where we used intensively
Node.js and MongoDB.


Successful projects

GPS ASSIST Nowadays, a very important aspect for businesses is to have a solution to track and
locate the company's vehicles and employees through a GPS system.

GPS ASSIST is a fleet tracking application that gives you up-to-the-minute speed and
location updates, including email alerts based on parameters you set in advance.

The objective of the GPS project is to help companies to lower costs, improve their
activities and increase productivity.

RO The solution provided by us brings numerous advantages: it is very simple and easy to use
the app, the user can receive email reports through the automated reports system and email
notifications when an event occurs, for example when the car enters/exits the country, over
speeds, doesn't have GPS signal or enters/exits the hotspot.

HealthBeacon The global challenge to address the unsustainable increase in healthcare spending, added to a
growing and ageing population drives the need to change how healthcare can be delivered.

HealthBeacon is a smart sharps bin which observes patient compliance, identifies patient
behavior and subsequently engages the patient to achieve higher medication adherence for
patients on home injectable medication.

Successful projects

PigWaves PigWaves project aims to develop the technology that will enable existing pipe crawling
robots (pigs) to provide internal inspection of pipe walls using Long Range Ultrasound
Guided waves (LRUG) deployed in pipe segments of about fifty metre length.

The objective of the project is to perform total volume inspection far more rapidly,
accurately and cheaply than is presently achieved with magnetic and ultrasonic pigs by
developing a circumferential collar of LRUG sensors and novel time reversal focussing to
produce a map of the circumferential and axial pipe corrosion and cracks.

We contributed to the project by their expertise in the fields of advanced software and
EU wireless platform development, to the development of the wireless in-pipe
communication and in the development of the signal processing software.
Zelgor Zelgor is a free to play iOS mobile world conquest game. The core game features three distinct
mini games with different mechanics and gameplay that interact with each other in a natural
way. To conquer new territories the player needs to expand his army numbers to have the
necessary paratroopers for the missions, by attacking other commanders on the battlefield.

The mini games have been built from the ground up in Unity 3D engine, giving the
development team lots of flexibility from the point of adding new features and fixes to the
games. Due to the fact that each game can be installed as a standalone application, testing
and optimization is done without affecting the developing workflow Cocos2D minor tweaks.

US The frontend of mobile game development has two branches. The first one represents the native
iOS application developed using the following technologies: Protobuf, CoreLocation, and
GoogleMaps SDK Kit for iOS, Cocos2D, while the last one corresponds to the 3D games section
where we used Unity 3D engine.The backend component used Open Street Maps, Foursquare API
along with our own developed server and algorithm system to create the backbone for the game.

The 3D and 2D assets, animations, special effects, GUI are created with the help of the graphics pipeline
made of the following applications: 3D Studio Max, ZBrush, Topogun, Motion Builder, Photoshop..

Successful projects

Safewire The Safewire project proposes to develop a new generation of novel Non-Destructive
Testing sensors and systems that can inspect ageing aircraft wiring for faults in wiring and
insulation without the need to dismantle the aircraft structures.

The proposed techniques are:

Enhanced time-domain reflectometry to detect impedance changes in wiring system
without disassembly of the harness and wires;
Wideband ultrasonic guided wave technology (using piezocomposites and
electromagnetic sensors) to inspect ageing wires to detect insulation damages combining
advanced signal processing and pattern recognition technique;
EU Pulsed thermography system to detect temperature changes to detect cracks, chafe,
cuts, burns, delamination, embrittlement in bundle of wires.


HealthPoint HealthPoint is a Health Management Platform focused on engaging patients, improving
healthcare workflow – targeting treatments, procedures and trainings for medical professionals.
Purposefully built as a medical application, HealthPoint boasts features meant to firstly ease
the transition of medical personnel into the digital workings of the medical system and secondly
to provide services and functionality while in step with medical technology and procedures.

Among the features of HealthPoint, the current way to register and manage Patients has
taken a step further, allowing for easy assignment of procedures to be performed by a
clinician, scheduling hospital or home visits, all managed by a stable system. Its easy-going
user interface makes getting used to it faster. There are available a variety of advanced
IE reports and charts in order to visualize engagement of patients and also data analytics.
Technically, HealthPoint is an ASP.NET web application, built in C# programming language
and designed to use the Model-View-Controller pattern. We had contributed to the
responsive design, look and feel, migration to the Amazon platform and development of the
platform. Amazon AWS solution provided had contributed to make the platform highly
scalable, secure and affordable without a big upfront investment.


Our team
 Afsar Imam
 Shabnam Hafiz
Sub Director/Project Manager
 Radhika Rajwar
Jr. Project Manager
 Mustafa Khan
Lead Sr. Programmer
 Sandeep Mishra
Lead Jr. Programmer/Network Engineer
Looking forward to working
together on your projects!

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