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Essay Capital Punishment

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Essay Capital Punishment

Writing an essay on the topic of capital punishment can be a challenging endeavor, as it involves
delving into a complex and contentious subject that elicits strong opinions on both sides. The
difficulty lies not only in presenting a well-reasoned argument but also in navigating the ethical,
moral, and legal intricacies surrounding the death penalty.

To begin with, extensive research is essential to comprehend the historical context, legal frameworks,
and societal perspectives associated with capital punishment. This process involves exploring various
scholarly articles, legal documents, and case studies to gain a comprehensive understanding of the
multifaceted issues at play.

Crafting a compelling thesis statement becomes a formidable task due to the polarizing nature of the
topic. Whether one supports or opposes capital punishment, articulating a stance that is nuanced and
supported by evidence demands careful consideration. Balancing emotional appeals with logical
reasoning adds another layer of complexity, as the subject often evokes strong emotions from
individuals with differing viewpoints.

The challenge intensifies when attempting to address counterarguments and opposing perspectives. A
successful essay on capital punishment requires the writer to engage with opposing viewpoints
thoughtfully and constructively, acknowledging the complexity of the issue while presenting a
coherent argument.

Furthermore, maintaining a neutral and objective tone is crucial, given the sensitivity of the topic.
Striking a balance between empathy for the victims and a critical examination of the potential flaws
in the justice system adds another layer of difficulty.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on capital punishment involves navigating through a minefield of

ethical, moral, and legal considerations. It requires meticulous research, careful analysis, and the
ability to articulate a well-founded argument while acknowledging the complexity of the issue.
However, with dedication and a thoughtful approach, one can navigate these challenges and present
a compelling and insightful piece on this contentious topic.

For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, consider exploring the services offered
at . They provide a platform where you can order essays and receive professional
support to tackle complex subjects like capital punishment.
Essay Capital Punishment Essay Capital Punishment
America, The Land Of Opportunity
Henry Schineller
American Literature (B3)
23 May, 2016
Forty Two America, the land of opportunity. A majestic land where barriers are broken
and dreams are made into reality. A land where anything is possible with hard work and
determination. One may ask what makes a place this possible. The answer to that
question is the people. Americans have a certain way about them that makes them
different from any other people on earth. All Americans are heroes in some way, but a
select few stand out in history as the most influential. One such individual is Jackie
Robinson. Robinson redefined racial stereotypes by becoming the first African American
baseball player to play Major League Baseball (The Baseball Hall of Fame). Through
his courage, determination, and perseverance, his legacy still continues to this date. One
could argue numerous reasons that constitute Jackie Robinson as an American hero, but
four stand out among the rest. Those reasons being that he fought for what he believed
was right, overcame adversity, conquered many athletic feats, and had a lasting legacy.
For these reasons Jackie Robinson truly embodies an American hero. The definition of
a hero is: a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities (Merriam
Webster). An American hero is someone who, yes follows this definition, but completes it
in a way that furthers America as a nation. A true American hero leaves a lasting
impression that will be remembered for generations to
Climate Change Is A Major World Issue That Affects Our...
Ever heard of climate change? Known to some as only a hoax, however it is just the
opposite and in the near future, will become our biggest threat. We are all caught in a
climate crisis, one that affects our entire way of life and needs taken action by all world
powers. DiCaprio effectively convinces his audience that climate changeis a major world
issue that needs attention and action by all world powers; he does this through his use
of statistics, appeals to ethos and pathos and his overall serious tone. In order to
persuade the United Nations members, DiCaprio occasionally states a fact, statistic or
desperate need to grab their attention. In his first paragraph, DiCaprio introduces
himself and thanks the other members for having him and then quickly switches to his
reasons for his statement. He states how he was one of 400,000 people to march in
New York City on Sunday, September 20th in 2015, the highest recorded number of
people to march for the purpose of climate change. DiCaprio uses this statistic to strike a
sense of concern and anguish into the listening members, this works because of the sheer
number of people who participated and the billions of others around the world who want
to solve our climate crisis (DiCaprio, 1). Another point, in paragraph 11, he talks about
renewable energyand how it can improve not just our problem but also the economy. He
says, 2050, clean, renewable energy could supply 100% of the world s energy needs
Rene Descartes Causal Argument
The idea of God existence has always been a part the history of human. There are
always been a different point of view between those who believe in God and those who
do not believe in God existence. A French Philosopher, mathematician, and writer Rene
Descartes was the one who clarify the dilemma of the existence of Godafter he doubts
everything. In fact, those who have faith in Godobviously tend to adhere at one religion.
However, the skeptics try to search the answers of God existencethrough scientific
methods. Rene Descartes after doubting everything, he definitely believes of the
existence of God. As to proof God existence, Descartes develop several essential
arguments which are causal and ontological arguments. The logic of Descartes ... Show
more content on ...
But why he did not transmit his perfection to his creation? The reason of this question is
because we (human) do not understand how a perfect being can create an imperfect
being. God, the perfect being create humans who always tend to make mistakes despite
the fact that Descartes says God created humans without faculty of making mistakes. The
philosopher Descartes clarifies this confusion by stating that every mistake is an error of
judgment. Consequently, it should be assign to the will that judges, and human s error is
not the fault of God. He claims that human s errors are mere defect since human being
has no infinite faculty of judgment. So, the extension of the will boundaries than human
understanding is the effective origin of human s errors. This is probably the reason why
Descartes states in Meditation Four, page 85 that the desire extends further than the
intelligence of humans. Base on the explanation above, humans are capable of making
Descartes develop several essential arguments which are design, causal and ontological
arguments and base on Descartes demonstration, we can clearly state that causal
argument as demonstrate above is more objective than others. There is a perfect being
who is God. This is obviously the proof of the existence of God. And the perfection of
God has nothing to do with human error because the error of human is the extension of
Case Study Of Parmalat Scandal
Corporate accounting fraud is the major factor that has led to the collapse of many
companies, one of which is Parmalat company scandal. The Parmalat group, a world
leader in the dairy food business, collapsed and entered bankruptcy protection in
December 2003 after acknowledging that billions of euros were missing from its
accounts. Its collapse had been labeled as European Enron and has led to a deep
questioning of the reliability of accounting and financial reporting standards as well as
that of the Italian corporate governance system. Therefore, this paper has discussed,
firstly, what factors have allowed fraudto occur in Parmalat. Secondly, how the fraud
could have been avoided from happening in this company. Thirdly, has discussed some
red flags that indicate fraud was occurring in the company. Lastly, the paper has discussed
some of the lessons that can be learnt from the Parmalat company scandal.

Keywords: Parmalat, Fraud, Bonds, Banks, Missing funds, collapsed. ... Show more
content on ...
Without understanding the company financial condition he acquired many companies in
the food industry which resulted in financial losses. Also he manipulated financial reports
in order to hide losses. Tanzi further, diverted 500 million euros from company reserve to
Parmatour (which belonged to his daughter) without taking approval from shareholders
and stakeholders.
Second person involved in the scandal was the CFO of the company Fausto Tonna; he
was completely dependent on the internal auditor, without even checking the company
books that were handled by the auditor. He also announced a bond issue of 500 million
euros, without informing the shareholders, stakeholders and other
Intro to Meteorology Week 4 Essay
1) Which of the six colors of the rainbow is refracted the greatest?
Out of the 7 colors of the rainbow, Violet is refracted the greatest.

2) What is a mirage and why does it always disappear as the observer gets closer?
A mirage is a naturally occurring optical phenomenon in which light rays are bent to
produce a displaced image of distant objects or the sky. Mirages appear at very low
viewing angles, when you are far away. As you approach, the viewing angle increases
and the mirage disappears, or moves farther away. The reflection of heat dissipates in the
human eye causing the mirage or blur to vanish.

3) If you were looking for a rainbow in the morning, which direction (N, S, E, W) would
you face and why?
It is best to look ... Show more content on ...
The same cloud that is not fog on lower ground may be fog where it contacts higher
ground such as hilltops or mountain ridges. A cloud is a visible mass of condensed
droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth or
another planetary body. The branch of meteorology in which clouds are studied is

13) If you see towering puffy clouds in the afternoon, you are probably seeing what kind
of cloud?
A cumulonimbus Cloud.
What does this mean for the weather forecast this afternoon and early evening?
Cumulonimbus clouds are mostly affiliated with thunderstorms, lightning, heavy rainfall,
blizzard or hail. The forecast should reflect rain or chances of rain.

14) What is a weather satellite and how does it help us make forecasts?
A weather satellite is used by meteorologists to gather information about the weather.
Weather satellites give meteorologists a view of weather patterns over a very large area.
This enables meteorologists to track large weather patterns and make more accurate
predictions of future weather behavior.

15) How do computers help weather forecasting?

Using computers in meteorology helps weather forecasters analyze the atmosphere by

drawing weather maps separately for each of several atmospheric levels. Then the
computer can put it all together and generate a prediction.

Can we just let the computer tell us what the weather will be without human
Lower East Side Sociology
The Lower East Side formerly once joined with the East Village is home to many
working class families, many of whom are foreign born. Over the past 50 years, this
neighborhood has gone through many changes, both negative and positive. Located in
Manhattan, the Lower East Side is surrounded by 14th street, the East River, Bowery,
and the Brooklyn Bridge. This area today has faced gentrification and has also faced
many housing developments that threaten the character of the community. The LES has
gone from once considered a slum to be one of the trendiest neighborhoods today in New
York City. One of the first groups that settled in the Lower East Side in the 19th century
were Germans. Due to the German immigration, the Lower East Side became... Show
more content on ...
The rise of juvenile delinquencies was at its highest between 1951 and 1960 in the
Lower East Side compared to all of the New York City neighborhoods (Mele, 2000,
p.138). Heroin contributed to the surge of crime in the LES and its use was very
popular among the poor. Crime was rampant in the LES and it was mostly evident
around avenues east of Avenue B where most Puerto Ricans lived. When the Puerto
Ricans first entered the Lower East Side, they became scapegoats to the LES s crime
problem. They were labeled as criminals of the neighborhood. Gang violence was very
prominent and active which was due to common turf wars between minority youth
gangs (Mele, 2000). They were also blamed for the reappearance and spread of the
slum present already in the Lower East Side. By 1953, as Puerto Ricans in migration
peaked, slum committees were pressed to deal with the growing Puerto Rican problem
. To deal with the Puerto Rican problem , there was an urban renewal project put into
place called the Puerto Rican Removal Plans , where they relocated many Hispanic
families from poor neighborhoods into other poor areas when they couldn t discourage
Hispanic migration to the Lower East Side (Mele, 2000,

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