The document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application on Windows. It records details such as the version number launched, executable path, working directory, and command line used to start the application. It also logs connecting to a local socket, detecting this is not the first instance, sending a show command to activate the existing window, and receiving a response with the process and window IDs before quitting.
The document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application on Windows. It records details such as the version number launched, executable path, working directory, and command line used to start the application. It also logs connecting to a local socket, detecting this is not the first instance, sending a show command to activate the existing window, and receiving a response with the process and window IDs before quitting.
The document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application on Windows. It records details such as the version number launched, executable path, working directory, and command line used to start the application. It also logs connecting to a local socket, detecting this is not the first instance, sending a show command to activate the existing window, and receiving a response with the process and window IDs before quitting.
The document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application on Windows. It records details such as the version number launched, executable path, working directory, and command line used to start the application. It also logs connecting to a local socket, detecting this is not the first instance, sending a show command to activate the existing window, and receiving a response with the process and window IDs before quitting.