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RAP SR 3 3 Upload File Specification

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Coder name Coding date Road survey date Image reference Road Name

text date (format dd/mm/yyyy) date (format dd/mm/yyyy) text text

iRAP Star Rating Upload File Specification

This spreadsheet sets out the format, road attributes and road attribute categories for an iRAP S
Upload File is used with ViDA (, iRAP’s online analysis software.

Definitions of the categories are provided in the iRAP Star Rating Coding Manual, which is availa

In an Upload File, one row represents 100 metre segment of road. All columns are required for u
otherwise specified (as optional), data is required in each column. Where applicable, attribute ca
highest risk to lowest risk.

Numerous cells have comments attached to them, please review these for notes on the attribute

Note that from time to time, iRAP may make minor changes to these attributes as part of ongoing

For more information, contact:

James Bradford
iRAP Global Operations Manager
+44 1256 345 598 (GMT+0)

© International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) 2022

iRAP technology including protocols, processes and brands may not be altered or used in any w
agreement of iRAP.
iRAP is a charity registered in England & Wales under charity number 1140357.
Registered Office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS.

Version date: September 2022

Section Distance Length Latitude - start Longitude - start
text decimal (unit km) decimal (unit km) WGS84 decimal degrees WGS84 decimal degrees

categories for an iRAP Star Rating Upload File. An

s software.

Manual, which is available at:

umns are required for upload into ViDA. Unless

applicable, attribute categories are listed from

or notes on the attributes.

butes as part of ongoing research and development.

altered or used in any way without the express written

Landmark Comments Carriageway Upgrade cost
text text 1 - Carriageway A of a divided road 3 - High
2 - Carriageway B of a divided road 2 - Medium
3 - Undivided road 1 - Low
4 - Carriageway A of a motorcycle facility
5 - Carriageway B of a motorcycle facility
Motorcycle observed flow Bicycle observed flow Pedestrian observed flow across the road
1 - None 6 - 8+ bicycles 6 - 8+ pedestrians across the road
2 - 1 motorcycle 5 - 6 to 7 bicycles 5 - 6 to 7 pedestrians across the road
3 - 2 to 3 motorcycles 4 - 4 to 5 bicycles 4 - 4 to 5 pedestrians across the road
4 - 4 to 5 motorcycles 3 - 2 to 3 bicycles 3 - 2 to 3 pedestrians across the road
5 - 6 to 7 motorcycles 2 - 1 bicycle 2 - 1 pedestrian across the road
6 - 8+ motorcycles 1 - None 1 - None
Pedestrian observed flow along the road driver-side
6 - 8+ pedestrians along driver-side
5 - 6 to 7 pedestrians along driver-side
4 - 4 to 5 pedestrians along driver-side
3 - 2 to 3 pedestrians along driver-side
2 - 1 pedestrian along driver-side
1 - None
Pedestrian observed flow along the road passenger side Land use - drivers side
6 - 8+ pedestrians along passenger-side side 6 - Educational
5 - 6 to 7 pedestrians along passenger-side 4 - Commercial
4 - 4 to 5 pedestrians along passenger-side 7 - Industrial and manufacturing
3 - 2 to 3 pedestrians along passenger-side 3 - Residential
2 - 1 pedestrian along passenger-side 2 - Farming and agricultural
1 - None 1 - Undeveloped areas
5 - Not Recorded
Land use - passenger side Area type Speed limit Motorcycle speed limit
6 - Educational 2 - Urban 25 - >=150km/h 25 - ≥150km/h
4 - Commercial 1 - Rural 23 - 140km/h 23 - 140km/h
7 - Industrial and manufacturing 21 - 130km/h 21 - 130km/h
3 - Residential 19 - 120km/h 19 - 120km/h
2 - Farming and agricultural 17 - 110km/h 17 - 110km/h
1 - Undeveloped areas 15 - 100km/h 15 - 100km/h
5 - Not Recorded 13 - 90km/h 13 - 90km/h
11 - 80km/h 11 - 80km/h
9 - 70km/h 9 - 70km/h
7 - 60km/h 7 - 60km/h
5 - 50km/h 5 - 50km/h
3 - 40km/h 3 - 40km/h
1 - <30km/h 1 - <30km/h
45 - >=90mph 45 - ≥90mph
43 - 80mph 43 - 80mph
41 - 70mph 41 - 70mph
39 - 60mph 39 - 60mph
37 - 50mph 37 - 50mph
35 - 40mph 35 - 40mph
33 - 30mph 33 - 30mph
31 - <20mph 31 - <20mph
Truck speed limit Differential speeds Median type
25 - ≥150km/h 2 - Present 11 - Centre line
23 - 140km/h 1 - Not present 14 - Wide centre line (0.3m to 1m)
21 - 130km/h 10 - Central hatching (>1m)
19 - 120km/h 8 - Continuous central turning lane
17 - 110km/h 9 - Flexible posts
15 - 100km/h 7 - Physical median width 0 to <1m
13 - 90km/h 6 - Physical median width 1 to <5m
11 - 80km/h 5 - Physical median width 5 to <10m
9 - 70km/h 2 - Safety barrier - concrete
7 - 60km/h 1 - Safety barrier - metal
5 - 50km/h 12 - Safety barrier - motorcycle friendly
3 - 40km/h 15 - Safety barrier - wire rope
1 - <30km/h 4 - Physical median width 10 to <20m
45 - ≥90mph 3 - Physical median width >=20m
43 - 80mph 13 - One way
41 - 70mph
39 - 60mph
37 - 50mph
35 - 40mph
33 - 30mph
31 - <20mph
Centreline rumble strips Roadside severity - drivers side distance
1 - Not present 1 - 0 to <1m
2 - Present 2 - 1 to <5m
3 - 5 to <10m
4 - >=10m
Roadside severity - drivers side object Roadside severity - passenger side distance
10 - Cliff 1 - 0 to <1m
11 - Tree >=10cm 2 - 1 to <5m
12 - Non-frangible sign/ post./pole >=10cm 3 - 5 to <10m
15 - Unprotected safety barrier end 4 - >=10m
5 - Aggressive vertical face
6 - Upwards slope - (15° to 75°)
8 - Deep drainage ditch
9 - Downwards slope (> -15°)
16 - Large boulders >=20cm high
13 - Rigid structure/bridge or building
14 - Semi-rigid structure or building
2 - Safety barrier - concrete
1 - Safety barrier - metal
4 - Safety barrier - wire rope
3 - Safety barrier - motorcycle friendly
7 - Upwards slope - (>= 75°)
17 - No object
Roadside severity - passenger side object Shoulder rumble strips
10 - Cliff 1 - Not present
11 - Tree >=10cm 2 - Present
12 - Non-frangible sign/ post./pole >=10cm
15 - Unprotected safety barrier end
5 - Aggressive vertical face
6 - Upwards slope - (15° to 75°)
8 - Deep drainage ditch
9 - Downwards slope (> -15°)
16 - Large boulders >=20cm high
13 - Rigid structure/bridge or building
14 - Semi-rigid structure or building
2 - Safety barrier - concrete
1 - Safety barrier - metal
4 - Safety barrier - wire rope
3 - Safety barrier - motorcycle friendly
7 - Upwards slope - (>= 75°)
17 - No object
Paved shoulder - drivers side Paved shoulder - passenger side
4 - None 4 - None
3 - Narrow (≥ 0m to < 1.0m) 3 - Narrow (≥ 0m to < 1.0m)
2 - Medium (≥ 1.0m to < 2.4m) 2 - Medium (≥ 1.0m to < 2.4m)
1 - Wide (≥ 2.4m) 1 - Wide (≥ 2.4m)
Intersection type Intersection channelisation
8 - 4-leg unsignalised with no protected turn lane 2 - Present
17 - Mini roundabout 1 - Not present
7 - 4-leg unsignalised with protected turn lane
10 - 4-leg signalised with no protected turn lane
13 - Railway Crossing - passive (signs only)
4 - 3-leg unsignalised with no protected turn lane
9 - 4-leg signalised with protected turn lane
6 - 3-leg signalised with no protected turn lane
3 - 3-leg unsignalised with protected turn lane
5 - 3-leg signalised with protected turn lane
14 - Railway Crossing - active (flashing lights / boom gates)
2 - Roundabout
1 - Merge lane
15 - Median crossing point - informal
16 - Median crossing point - formal
12 - None
Intersecting road volume Intersection quality Property access points Number of lanes
1 - ≥15,000 vehicles 2 - Poor 1 - Commercial Access ≥1 4 - Four or more
2 - 10,000 to 15,000 vehicles 1 - Adequate 2 - Residential Access ≥3 3 - Three
3 - 5,000 to 10,000 vehicles 3 - Not applicable 3 - Residential Access <3 6 - Three and two
4 - 1,000 to 5,000 vehicles 4 - None 2 - Two
5 - 100 to 1,000 vehicles 5 - Two and one
6 - 1 to 100 vehicles 1 - One
7 - Not applicable
Lane width Curvature Quality of curve Grade
3 - Narrow (≥ 0m to < 2.75m) 4 - Very sharp 2 - Poor 5 - ≥ 10%
2 - Medium (≥ 2.75m to < 3.25m) 3 - Sharp 3 - Not applicable 4 - ≥ 7.5% to <10%
1 - Wide (≥ 3.25m) 2 - Moderate 1 - Adequate 1 - ≥ 0% to <7.5%
1 - Straight or gently curving
Road condition Skid resistance / grip Delineation Street lighting
3 - Poor 5 - Unsealed - poor 2 - Poor 1 - Not present
2 - Medium 4 - Unsealed - adequate 1 - Adequate 2 - Present
1 - Good 3 - Sealed - poor
2 - Sealed - medium
1 - Sealed - adequate
Pedestrian crossing - inspected road Pedestrian crossing quality
1 - Grade separated facility 2 - Poor
2 - Signalised with refuge 1 - Adequate
3 - Signalised without refuge 3 - Not applicable
4 - Unsignalised marked crossing with refuge
5 - Unsignalised marked crossing without a refuge
6 - Refuge only
7 - No facility
14 - Unsignalised raised marked crossing with refuge
15 - Unsignalised raised marked crossing without refuge
16 - Raised unmarked crossing with refuge
17 - Raised unmarked crossing without refuge
Pedestrian crossing facilities - side road Pedestrian fencing
1 - Grade separated facility 1 - Not present
2 - Signalised with refuge 2 - Present
3 - Signalised without refuge
4 - Unsignalised marked crossing with refuge
5 - Unsignalised marked crossing without a refuge
6 - Refuge only
7 - No facility
14 - Unsignalised raised marked crossing with refuge
15 - Unsignalised raised marked crossing without refuge
16 - Raised unmarked crossing with refuge
17 - Raised unmarked crossing without refuge
Speed management / traffic calming Vehicle parking Sidewalk - drivers side
1 - Not present 3 - Two sides 4 - Non-physical separation 0m to <1.0m
2 - Present 2 - One side 3 - Non-physical separation 1.0m to <3.0m
1 - None 2 - Non-physical separation ≥ 3.0m
1 - Physical barrier
7 - Informal path 0m to <1.0m
6 - Informal path ≥ 1.0m
5 - None
Sidewalk - passenger side Service road
4 - Non-physical separation 0m to <1.0m 1 - Not present
3 - Non-physical separation 1.0m to <3.0m 2 - Present
2 - Non-physical separation ≥ 3.0m
1 - Physical barrier
7 - Informal path 0m to <1.0m
6 - Informal path ≥ 1.0m
5 - None
Facilities for motorised two wheelers Bicycle facility
5 - Inclusive motorcycle lane on roadway 5 - Extra wide outside (≥4.2m)
2 - Exclusive one way motorcycle path without barrier 3 - On-road lane
1 - Exclusive one way motorcycle path with barrier 2 - Off-road path
4 - Exclusive two way motorcycle path without barrier 1 - Off-road path with barrier
3 - Exclusive two way motorcycle path with barrier 6 - Signed shared roadway
6 - None 7 - Shared use path
4 - None
Roadworks Sight distance Vehicle flow (AADT) Motorcycle %
3 - Major road works in progress 2 - Poor number 10 - 100%
2 - Minor road works in progress 1 - Adequate 9 - 81% - 99%
1 - No road works 8 - 61% - 80%
7 - 41% - 60%
6 - 21% - 40%
5 - 11% - 20%
4 - 6% - 10%
3 - 1% - 5%
2 - 0%
1 - Not recorded
Pedestrian peak hour flow across the road
11 - 900+
10 - 501 to 900
9 - 401 to 500
8 - 301 to 400
7 - 201 to 300
6 - 101 to 200
5 - 51 to 100
4 - 26 to 50
3 - 6 to 25
2 - 1 to 5
Pedestrian peak hour flow along the road driver-side
11 - 900+
10 - 501 to 900
9 - 401 to 500
8 - 301 to 400
7 - 201 to 300
6 - 101 to 200
5 - 51 to 100
4 - 26 to 50
3 - 6 to 25
2 - 1 to 5
Pedestrian peak hour flow along the road passenger-side Bicycle peak hourly flow
11 - 900+ 11 - 900+
10 - 501 to 900 10 - 501 to 900
9 - 401 to 500 9 - 401 to 500
8 - 301 to 400 8 - 301 to 400
7 - 201 to 300 7 - 201 to 300
6 - 101 to 200 6 - 101 to 200
5 - 51 to 100 5 - 51 to 100
4 - 26 to 50 4 - 26 to 50
3 - 6 to 25 3 - 6 to 25
2 - 1 to 5 2 - 1 to 5
1-0 1-0
Operating Speed (85th percentile) Operating Speed (mean) Roads that cars can read
25 - >=150km/h 25 - >=150km/h 1 - Meets specification
24 - 145km/h 24 - 145km/h 2 - Does not meet specification
23 - 140km/h 23 - 140km/h
22 - 135km/h 22 - 135km/h
21 - 130km/h 21 - 130km/h
20 - 125km/h 20 - 125km/h
19 - 120km/h 19 - 120km/h
18 - 115km/h 18 - 115km/h
17 - 110km/h 17 - 110km/h
16 - 105km/h 16 - 105km/h
15 - 100km/h 15 - 100km/h
14 - 95km/h 14 - 95km/h
13 - 90km/h 13 - 90km/h
12 - 85km/h 12 - 85km/h
11 - 80km/h 11 - 80km/h
10 - 75km/h 10 - 75km/h
9 - 70km/h 9 - 70km/h
8 - 65km/h 8 - 65km/h
7 - 60km/h 7 - 60km/h
6 - 55km/h 6 - 55km/h
5 - 50km/h 5 - 50km/h
4 - 45km/h 4 - 45km/h
3 - 40km/h 3 - 40km/h
2 - 35km/h 2 - 35km/h
1 - <30km/h 1 - <30km/h
45 - >=90mph 45 - >=90mph
44 - 85mph 44 - 85mph
43 - 80mph 43 - 80mph
42 - 75mph 42 - 75mph
41 - 70mph 41 - 70mph
40 - 65mph 40 - 65mph
39 - 60mph 39 - 60mph
38 - 55mph 38 - 55mph
37 - 50mph 37 - 50mph
36 - 45mph 36 - 45mph
35 - 40mph 35 - 40mph
34 - 35mph 34 - 35mph
33 - 30mph 33 - 30mph
32 - 25mph 32 - 25mph
31 - <20mph 31 - <20mph
Car Star Rating Policy Target Motorcycle Star Rating Policy Target
1 - 1 Star 1 - 1 Star
2 - 2 Star 2 - 2 Star
3 - 3 Star 3 - 3 Star
4 - 4 Star 4 - 4 Star
5 - 5 Star 5 - 5 Star
6 - Not applicable 6 - Not applicable
Pedestrian Star Rating Policy Target Bicycle Star Rating Policy Target
1 - 1 Star 1 - 1 Star
2 - 2 Star 2 - 2 Star
3 - 3 Star 3 - 3 Star
4 - 4 Star 4 - 4 Star
5 - 5 Star 5 - 5 Star
6 - Not applicable 6 - Not applicable
Annual Fatality Growth Multiplier School zone warning
Number - default to 1 3 - No school zone warning
2 - School zone static signs or road markings
1 - School zone flashing beacons
4 - Not applicable (no school at the location)
School zone crossing supervisor Latitude - end
2 - School zone crossing supervisor not present WGS84 decimal degrees
1 - School zone crossing supervisor present at school start and finish times
3 - Not applicable (no school at the location)
Longitude - end
WGS84 decimal degrees
Coder name Coding date Road survey date Image reference Road Name
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000001_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000006_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000011_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000016_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000021_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000026_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000031_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000036_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000041_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000046_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000051_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000056_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000061_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000066_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000071_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000076_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000081_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000086_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000091_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000096_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000101_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000106_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000111_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000116_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000121_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000126_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000131_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000136_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000141_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000146_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000151_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000156_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000161_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000166_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000171_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000176_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000181_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000186_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000191_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000196_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000201_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000206_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000211_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000216_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000221_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000226_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000231_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000236_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000241_S.JPEG Road One
Joe Bloggs 2/1/2001 1/1/2001 0000000246_S.JPEG Road One
Section Distance Length Latitude - stLongitude - stLandmark Comments
Section one 0 0.1 23.161703 -109.707769
Section one 0.1 0.1 23.160804 -109.707866
Section one 0.2 0.1 23.159906 -109.707965
Section one 0.3 0.1 23.159007 -109.708061 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 0.4 0.1 23.158107 -109.708141
Section one 0.5 0.1 23.157207 -109.708221 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 0.6 0.1 23.156306 -109.708289 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 0.7 0.1 23.155408 -109.708394 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 0.8 0.1 23.15451 -109.708493 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 0.9 0.1 23.153611 -109.708591 bordillo alto lado ambos lados
Section one 1 0.1 23.152712 -109.708683 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section one 1.1 0.1 23.151813 -109.70877 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 1.2 0.1 23.150913 -109.708858 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section one 1.3 0.1 23.150014 -109.708943 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 1.4 0.1 23.149114 -109.709034 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 1.5 0.1 23.148214 -109.709119 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 1.6 0.1 23.147315 -109.709206 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 1.7 0.1 23.146415 -109.709292 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section one 1.8 0.1 23.145516 -109.709383 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 1.9 0.1 23.144617 -109.709468 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 2 0.1 23.143718 -109.709558 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 2.1 0.1 23.142818 -109.709646 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 2.2 0.1 23.141918 -109.709738 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 2.3 0.1 23.14102 -109.709829 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 2.4 0.1 23.14012 -109.709914 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 2.5 0.1 23.139221 -109.710002 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 2.6 0.1 23.138321 -109.710089 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 2.7 0.1 23.137421 -109.710178 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 2.8 0.1 23.136522 -109.710265 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 2.9 0.1 23.135622 -109.71035 bordillo alto lado derecho
Section one 3 0.1 23.134723 -109.710441 bordillo alto lado derecho
Section one 3.1 0.1 23.133824 -109.710533 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 3.2 0.1 23.132924 -109.710621 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 3.3 0.1 23.132025 -109.710707 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section one 3.4 0.1 23.131125 -109.710792 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section two 3.5 0.1 23.130225 -109.710875 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section two 3.6 0.1 23.129325 -109.71096 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section two 3.7 0.1 23.128427 -109.711052 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section two 3.8 0.1 23.127528 -109.711147 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section two 3.9 0.1 23.126628 -109.711235 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section two 4 0.1 23.125729 -109.711324 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section two 4.1 0.1 23.12483 -109.711416 bordillo alto ambos lados
Section two 4.2 0.1 23.12393 -109.711502 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section two 4.3 0.1 23.123031 -109.711589 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section two 4.4 0.1 23.122131 -109.711675
Section two 4.5 0.1 23.121231 -109.711759 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section two 4.6 0.1 23.120332 -109.71185 gasolineria bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Section two 4.7 0.1 23.119433 -109.711938
Section two 4.8 0.1 23.118533 -109.712018
Section two 4.9 0.1 23.117633 -109.712105 bordillo alto lado izquierdo
Carriageway Upgrade cost Motorcycle obsevered flow Bicycle observed flow
3 2 1 1
3 2 2 1
3 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 3 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 3 1 1
2 3 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 3 1 1
2 3 1 1
2 3 1 1
2 3 1 1
2 3 1 1
2 3 1 1
2 3 1 1
2 3 1 1
Pedestrian obsevered flow across the road Pedestrian obsevered flow along the road driver-side
1 1
1 1
1 2
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
Pedestrian obsevered flow along the road passenger side Land use - drivers side
1 3
1 1
2 4
1 5
3 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
3 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
3 5
2 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
3 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
2 5
1 5
1 5
2 5
1 5
Land use - passenger side Area type Speed limit Motorcycle speed limit Truck speed limit
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
7 1 13 13 13
7 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
1 1 13 13 13
4 1 13 13 13
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
4 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
6 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
5 1 7 7 7
5 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 1 7 7 7
1 2 7 7 7
1 2 7 7 7
3 2 7 7 7
4 2 7 7 7
4 2 7 7 7
4 2 7 7 7
4 2 7 7 7
1 2 7 7 7
Differential speeds Median type Centreline rumble strips Roadside severity - drivers side distance
1 11 1 4
1 14 1 4
1 14 1 4
1 7 1 1
1 6 1 2
1 6 1 2
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 7 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 7 1 1
1 7 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 7 1 1
1 7 1 1
1 7 1 1
1 7 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 7 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 6 1 1
1 7 1 1
1 7 1 2
1 6 1 2
1 6 1 1
Roadside severity - drivers side object Roadside severity - passenger side distance
13 2
12 4
12 2
5 2
12 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 4
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
13 2
13 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 2
5 4
5 3
12 2
12 4
5 2
Roadside severity - passenger side object Shoulder rumble strips Paved shoulder - drivers side
16 1 1
12 1 1
14 1 1
5 1 3
13 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
13 1 3
5 1 3
12 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
14 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 1 3
6 1 3
6 1 3
15 1 3
1 1 3
1 1 3
1 1 3
5 1 3
13 1 3
13 1 3
13 1 3
12 1 3
13 1 3
13 1 3
12 1 3
6 1 3
Paved shoulder - passenger side Intersection type Intersection channelisation
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 1 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 4 1
2 1 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 15 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 12 1
2 16 1
2 4 1
2 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
2 12 1
2 16 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
1 12 1
2 12 1
2 9 1
2 12 1
2 4 1
2 4 1
Intersecting road volume Intersection quality Property access points Number of lanes Lane width
7 3 4 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 4 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
5 1 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
5 1 3 2 1
5 1 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
5 1 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
5 1 3 2 1
5 1 1 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
5 1 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 3 2 1
7 3 1 2 1
7 3 1 2 1
5 1 1 2 1
7 3 1 2 1
5 1 1 2 1
5 1 3 2 1
Curvature Quality of curve Grade Road condition Skid resistance / grip Delineation
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 3 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 3 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
Street lighting Pedestrian crossing - inspected road Pedestrian crossing quality
1 5 2
1 7 3
1 7 3
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 5 2
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 5 2
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 5 2
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 5 2
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 5 2
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 5 2
2 7 3
2 5 2
2 7 3
2 5 1
2 5 2
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 5 2
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 5 2
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 5 2
2 7 3
2 7 3
2 5 2
2 1 1
Pedestrian crossing facilities - side road Pedestrian fencing Speed management / traffic calming
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
7 1 1
Vehicle parking Sidewalk - drivers side Sidewalk - passenger side Service road
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 2
1 5 4 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 5 1
1 5 4 1
1 5 5 2
1 5 5 2
1 5 5 2
1 5 5 2
2 5 5 1
2 5 5 1
2 5 4 1
1 5 5 1
Facilities for motorised two wheelers Bicycle facility Roadworks Sight distance
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
6 4 1 1
Vehicle flow (AADT) Motorcycle % Pedestrian peak hour flow across the road
12709 2 3
12709 2 1
12709 2 3
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 3
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 3
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 3
12709 2 3
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 4
12709 2 3
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 3
12709 2 4
12709 2 1
12709 2 3
12709 2 1
12709 2 3
12709 2 1
12709 2 4
12709 2 3
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 3
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 3
12709 2 1
12709 2 1
12709 2 5
12709 2 4
12709 2 4
12709 2 4
12709 2 4
19913 2 3
Pedestrian peak hour flow along the road driver-side
Pedestrian peak hour flow along the road passenger-side Bicycle peak hourly flow
3 2
3 2
3 2
3 2
3 2
3 2
3 2
3 2
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
7 3
7 3
7 3
7 3
7 3
7 3
7 3
Operating Speed (85th percentile) Operating Speed (mean) Roads that cars can read
13 6 2
13 5 2
13 7 2
13 7 2
13 5 2
13 5 2
13 5 2
13 6 2
13 8 2
13 8 2
13 8 2
13 7 2
13 8 2
13 8 2
13 9 2
13 9 2
13 10 2
13 10 2
13 10 2
13 9 2
13 9 2
13 10 2
13 8 2
13 7 2
13 7 2
13 7 2
13 7 2
13 8 2
13 8 2
13 8 2
13 8 2
13 8 2
13 7 2
13 7 2
13 7 2
13 9 2
13 9 2
13 9 2
13 8 2
13 7 2
13 5 2
13 5 2
13 5 2
13 5 2
13 5 2
13 5 2
13 5 2
13 5 2
13 5 2
7 5 2
Car Star Rating Policy Target Motorcycle Star Rating Policy Target
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
Pedestrian Star Rating Policy Target Bicycle Star Rating Policy Target
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
Annual Fatality Growth Multiplier School zone warning School zone crossing supervisor
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 3 2
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
1 4 3
Latitude - e Longitude - end
23.160804 -109.707866
23.159906 -109.707965
23.159007 -109.708061
23.158107 -109.708141
23.157207 -109.708221
23.156306 -109.708289
23.155408 -109.708394
23.15451 -109.708493
23.153611 -109.708591
23.152712 -109.708683
23.151813 -109.70877
23.150913 -109.708858
23.150014 -109.708943
23.149114 -109.709034
23.148214 -109.709119
23.147315 -109.709206
23.146415 -109.709292
23.145516 -109.709383
23.144617 -109.709468
23.143718 -109.709558
23.142818 -109.709646
23.141918 -109.709738
23.14102 -109.709829
23.14012 -109.709914
23.139221 -109.710002
23.138321 -109.710089
23.137421 -109.710178
23.136522 -109.710265
23.135622 -109.71035
23.134723 -109.710441
23.133824 -109.710533
23.132924 -109.710621
23.132025 -109.710707
23.131125 -109.710792
23.130225 -109.710875
23.129325 -109.71096
23.128427 -109.711052
23.127528 -109.711147
23.126628 -109.711235
23.125729 -109.711324
23.12483 -109.711416
23.12393 -109.711502
23.123031 -109.711589
23.122131 -109.711675
23.121231 -109.711759
23.120332 -109.71185
23.119433 -109.711938
23.118533 -109.712018
23.117633 -109.712105
23.116724 -109.712205

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