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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


C. Jegatheesh1, M. Kathiresan2, M. Mohan Raj 3, S. Janarthanan4, S. Srikanth5
5Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SNS College of Technology,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
1,2,3,4Students, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore,

Tamilnadu, India.
Abstract - A great demand of today world is to get examined and analyzed at any time and by means of any
everything within a very short time. At present situation, physician. Patient health statistics permanently saved at the
people want to realize their current health condition and also server. This paper affords a health monitoring device that
want proper care rapidly at their home. As a result, this identifies human frame situations which includes blood
project is an attempt to solve a healthcare problem currently stress, frame temperature, coronary heart rate, ECG,
society is facing. The main objective of the project was to respiration, accelerometer and more facts at the IOT server
design a remote healthcare system with healthcare assistant. via wi-fi community technology.
It’s comprised of five main parts. The first part being, detection In emergency conditions, this system routinely sent a
of patient’s vitals using sensors, second for sending data to warning message/name to the affected person's caregivers,
cloud storage and this can be monitored from anywhere in the to the health facility and additionally to the ambulance on if
world over internet., the third part was providing the detected any odd statistics detected. An uninterrupted fitness record
data for remote viewing. Remote viewing of the data enables a may be used to perceive the disease greater successfully.
doctor and guardian to monitor a patient’s health progress Now-a-days, human beings are getting extra attention to
away from hospital premises and also send an email/SMS alert stopping the ailment on the earliest stages. In addition, new
whenever those readings goes beyond critical values, fourth generation mobile technologies, and their services have been
part is the two-way communication the doctor can send discussed with different wireless networks. Different
required prescription to the patient or guardians through SMS sensors inclusive of the ECG, BP, temperature, acceleration
or Emails, and the last part was the virtual health assistant and pulse rate for some seconds are used to collect frame
which can interact with the patient to take their medicine on health parameter statistics for the prognosis. The use of
time and give some suggestions about their current health Raspberry Pi and IoT is quality in health supervision, and
condition and also it communicate with the patient to avoid this paper gives the idea of both structures. A popular
the loneliness. Apart from helping the medical doctor screen Raspberry Pi platform offers a complete Linux server on a
the patient’s basic fitness parameters this health monitoring small platform with IoT at a very low price. Raspberry
machine also ensures that the affected person takes the permits interface offerings and mechanisms through the
prescribed remedy at the proper times. The raspberry pi acts overall motive I/O interface. By using this combination, the
as a non-public server which logs the details of the patient’s proposed structure is greater powerful. An IoT is connecting
medicine. The affected person is sent reminders to take the devices and which offers the human interplay to a better
medicines via SMS in line with his prescription. This system existence.
uses IOT technology to achieve this system in an efficient way.
This paper, which affords an overview of health care
Key Words: IoT, Health Monitoring, Pulse rate, management generation, protects patients from destiny
Temperature, Heartbeat, Raspberry pi, Health Assistant. fitness issues, and enables docs to take the right
measurements at the proper time on the affected person's
1.INTRODUCTION health. The task entails alerting the physician thru SMS if any
vital parameter of the patient deviates from the ordinary
value. Apart from supporting the physician display the
In current years, health risks are developing daily at
patient’s simple health parameters this fitness tracking
excessive pace every day. Worldwide average births per year
machine also ensures that the affected person takes the
are 131.Four million and death rate is 55.Three million.
prescribed medication on the right instances. The raspberry
Sources: population reference bureau & the sector fact e
pi acts as a private server which logs the information of the
book. This is a big hassle round the world. Hence, it's time to
patient’s medicine. The affected person is sent reminders to
overcome such problems. The wireless sensor generation
take drugs thru SMS in step with his prescription.
gives facts on numerous wi-fi sensors by using supplying a
alternate in variety sensor generation. It receives The goal of every healthcare provider is to enhance affected
information about the human frame temperature (BT), blood person consequences and patient survival prices. To assist
pressure (BP), and heart beat (HB). them reap this aim technology can offer especially powerful
affected person monitoring the use of a digital health
This is certainly extra available via IOT platform via the assistant. These are relatively powerful patient monitoring
Internet. The affected person’s fitness records might be
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 891
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

and comply with-up systems within the form of web or cell help the doctor and caretaker to monitor his patient from
apps. These digital assistants can be used by patients anywhere in the world. The system uses smart sensors that
anywhere and at each time thanks to the pervasiveness of generates raw data information collected from each sensor
smartphones. and send it to a cloud server where the data can be further
analyzed and statistically maintained to be used. The
2. EXISTING SYSTEM proposed technique of affected person monitoring device
monitors affected person’s fitness parameters using
In Existing system is mainly divided into three stages viz., Raspberry Pi. After connecting internet to the Raspberry Pi it
the transmitting section, the processing unit and the receiver acts as a server. Then the server mechanically sends facts to
section. The transmitting end mainly consists of biological the internet site. Using IP server with absolutely everyone
sensors which are used to pick up the biopotential signals can display the patient’s health repute everywhere in the
from the patient’s body. These sensors are held in contact world the use of laptops, capsules and smart telephones.
with the subject under treatment in order to extract the Apart from supporting the health practitioner screen the
biological signals. Such signals are raw and unamplified in patient’s primary fitness parameters this health tracking
nature and hence are passed to Processing system. The device also ensures that the patient takes the prescribed
second stage consists of Arduino and Raspberry Pi. The remedy on the right instances. The raspberry pi acts as a
Arduino UNO is programmed with Arduino Software known non-public server which logs the info of the affected person’s
as Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that provides medicine. The patient is sent reminders to take medicines
a workspace where the sensors are coded. The program files through audio according to his prescription and also it
are created after coding the sensors are then transmitted to interacts with the humans and gives some suggestions about
Raspberry Pi and further serially communicated to Arduino the present health condition.
UNO. The Raspberry Pi collects all the information from
Arduino UNO and separately stores it in a file for displaying 3.1 Block Diagram
it on a Web page. For this purpose, it uses Web Server known
as Easy PHP which is a Devserver. Easy PHP is referred to as
Hypertext Pre-processor which is a widely used general
purpose scripting language especially suited for
Web development. Now all the collected parameters
regarding the patient’s health are displayed online through a
specific URL and can be viewed using mobile devices which
can be a laptop, smart phone or a personal computer.
The system uses Raspberry Pi Board as an IOT device that
interfaces three sensors and read the patient health
parameters. These health parameters will be sent to cloud.
Doctor and caretaker can access these values from cloud.
Health monitoring system that is intelligent enough to
monitor the patient automatically using IOT. The proposed
system has been connected sensors within their respective
ways. The device receives the data from the sensors, and
integrated these with the board. Raspberry Pi is the major
tool in the proposed system; it is connected to all other Fig- 1: Block diagram
sensors. Raspberry Pi works at 5V DC power supply. All
3.2 Measuring body temperature of the patient
sensors do not use the same power; here we supposed to use
transformers for handling them. In this, we used a step down This sensor measures the body temperature with a voltage.
the transformer with (0-9, 15- 0-15) V/1A values. These The sensor LM35 has an advantage about conversion from
could be converted from the voltage 230V is into 0-9V and Kelvin to the centigrade, and is also suitable for wireless
15-0-15V and then it sends to switch mode power supply applications and which is better than the thermostat. This
(SMPS). There are three ICs in this circuit, namely 7805, temperature sensor connected to the Raspberry pi is used to
7812, 7912 and also used + 5v, + 12v, -12v volts respectively. check the patient’s body temperature. If the temperature of
Then these diodes are used to change the wavelength from the patient is above normal, the doctor is alerted through an
AC to DC. So there is a 1000uf capacitor to get electricity SMS immediately.
supply and then the sensor power supply is connected. It
collects the status information through these systems which 3.3 Measuring heartbeat of the patient
would include patient’s temperature, heart rate and blood It is used to measure the heartbeat of the patient. Here, the
pressure and sends an emergency alert to patient’s doctor as heart rate sensor uses + 5V DC voltage. This gives the digital
well as to the caretaker with his current status. This would result, which is placed on the hand artery nerves. This works

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 892
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

on the principle of light modulation through the blood flow The Algorithm is executed as follows:
of the arterial nerve at each pulse. The heart rate should be
Step 1:
between about 60-100bpm. A lot of research is taking place
in the wearable sensor field in recent years. We use a fit bit Every person records his details in the database, mentioning
wearable sensor module for heart rate sensing. From the his doctor’s Contact number, number of pills to be taken
heart rate measured using the fit bit, if any abnormality is daily and their respective times.
found, the doctor is alerted about the patient through SMS
Step 2:
Raspberry pi continuously receives the data from Fit bit and
3.4 Measuring Blood pressure of the patient extracts the heart beat.
Blood pressure sensor measures blood stress, inclusive of
Step 3:
systolic, diastolic pressure and pulse price of the body. This
technique gives accurate and dependable results than the The program checks if the heart beat falls in the normal
sphygmomanometer. The existed technique used airborne accepted range. If the heartbeat is detected as abnormal,
gall bladder armor and a stethoscope to measure the blood alerts the doctor via sms and records the anomalous value in
pressure. In preferred, blood pressure sensors acquire the the database. Simultaneously, the person can check his body
blood stress from the vessel walls or arteries. temperature using the temperature sensor and if unwell, the
raspberry pi will alert the person as well as the doctor. The
3.5 Patient medication details raspberry pi also serves as a pill reminder; fetches the
We use the forms of input the patient’s medication details. timings at which the person should consume pills from the
The data is stored in the raspberry pi which acts as a database and reminds the person to take them.
personal server. We access the patient’s medical database 3.8 Web server Implementation
and remind the patient to take medication according to
prescription through SMS. A web server is a pc frame work that processes requests by
means of http, which is the fundamental network protocol to
The doctor’s details are similarly entered in a form and are
circulate data on World Wide Web. One of the main functions
used to alert the doctor to abnormalities in the patient’s vital
of web server are to store, process and deliver the data to
parameters and then the doctor sends the required
client. On our project we have used GSM to send data and
prescription through e-mail or sms to the patient or
used web server to store data. We have used MySQL
database management system for our project. The reason to
3.6 Health assistant use of MySQL database is because it is open source, widely
used and most popular SQL database management system
Evidence of the impact of employing HCAs in general which is distributed, developed and supported by Oracle
practice is limited. Their employment is pronounced to Corporation. Again, another reason to choose MySQL is it
enhance exercise ability and efficiency, 35 as patients may be supports relational database. Therefore it is very flexible to
allocated to personnel on the idea of fee-effectiveness. 39 As use since we can put information in different table rather
unregistered body of workers, HCAs are possibly to require than to put all information in one table. Initially we have
greater ongoing supervision and mentoring, the price of used our local host for the development, creation,
which desires to be taken into consideration, 38 however the manipulation of databases and testing our project and
advantages of achieving QOF goals and improved patient ensure the quality assurance checking since it is difficult
pride may additionally outweigh the longer appointment sometimes to identity bug in online and live.
times HCAs may need.
3.9 User Interface
3.7 Algorithm for the Code
The user interface of our application is simple and easy to
Raspberry pi is installed with a linux based operating operate. We have two way communication protocol:
system, Raspbian. The code is implemented in Python. The
function of the algorithm is to detect the body temperature  One for patient
of the human as well as the heart rate and alert the doctor
 One for doctor
via SMS in case of any aberrancy. The temperature is
detected using the LM35 sensor. The heart rate is detected One cannot install both application at a time on their mobile.
by using a Pulse sensor and the blood pressure is detected Therefore doctor will install only doctor application and
using Pressure sensor which transfers data using a Bluetooth patients will install patient application respectively on their
module. The Raspberry pi also functions as a pill reminder, mobile. On the following section we will describe the details
whereby it reminds the person to take his daily pills at the workflow of both doctor and patient application
times recorded by him in the database.

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 893
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4. COMPONENTS 1. Receive, send or delete SMS messages in a SIM.

4.1 Raspberry pi 2. Read, add, search phonebook entries of the SIM.

This device works admirably as a multi-processor. It has an 3. Make, Receive, or reject a voice call.
illustrations card, an unpredictable memory, RAM, gadget
interfaces and other outer remote gadget interfaces. This
raspberry Pi is devouring less power, however it is as yet
modest and incredible. It requires a console to give
directions, show unit and power supplies as a standard PC.
Here, Raspberry Pi utilized the SD card as a hard circle.
Raspberry Pi ready to associate through a LAN/Ethernet or
by means of a USB modem or by means of remote. Raspberry
Pi should bolster for different home and business
applications. Raspberry Pi keeps running on a Linux-based
OS and which worked by the Raspbian OS. Python is a
programming language used to execute the Raspberry-Pi. It Fig- 3: GSM/GPRS
is equipped for speaking with other outer gadgets utilizing
4.3 Heartbeat sensor
remote correspondence innovations, cell systems, NFC,
ZigBee, Bluetooth and so forth. Heartbeat sensor gives a basic method to ponder the
capacity of the heart which can be estimated dependent on
This paper was executed on a quick system as 4G with the
the standard of psycho-physiological sign utilized as an
cell organize. Raspberry can be utilized for some
upgrade for the computer-generated experience framework.
applications thus, it has numerous open doors later on.
The measure of the blood in the finger changes as for time.
The sensor sparkles a light projection (a little exceptionally
splendid LED) through the ear and measures the light that
gets transmitted to the Light Dependent Resistor. The
intensified sign gets rearranged and separated, in the Circuit.
So as to ascertain the pulse dependent on the blood stream
to the fingertip, a pulse sensor is gathered with the
assistance of LM358 OP-AMP for observing the heartbeat

Fig- 2: Raspberry pi
This GSM/GPRS module is used to establish communication
between a computer and a GSM-GPRS system. Global System
for Mobile communication (GSM) is an architecture used for
Fig-4: Heartbeat sensor
mobile communication in most of the countries. Global
Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is an extension of GSM that 4.4 Temperature sensor
enables higher data transmission rate. GSM/GPRS module
consists of a GSM/GPRS modem assembled together with Temperature sensor is a gadget which is planned explicitly
power supply circuit and communication interfaces (like RS- to quantify the hotness or frigidity of an article. LM35 is an
232, USB etc.) for a computer. GSM/GPRS MODEM is a class accuracy IC temperature sensor with its yield corresponding
of wireless MODEM devices that are designed for to the temperature (in °C). With LM35, the temperature can
communication of a computer with the GSM and GPRS be estimated more precisely than with a thermistor. It
network. It requires a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card likewise has low self-warming and doesn't cause more than
just like mobile phones to activate communication with the 0.1 °C temperature ascend in still air. The working
network. Also, they have IMEI (International Mobile temperature range is from - 55°C to 150°C.The LM35's low
Equipment Identity) number similar to mobile phones for yield impedance, straight yield, and exact inborn alignment
their identification. A GSM/GPRS MODEM can perform the make interfacing to readout or control hardware particularly
following operations: simple.

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 894
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig- 7: LCD Display

4.7 Speaker
The Speakers are one of the most well-known yield gadgets
utilized with PC frameworks. A few speakers are intended to
work explicitly with PCs, while others can be snared to a
sound framework. Despite their structure, the motivation
behind speakers is to deliver sound yield that can be heard
by the/audience.

Fig- 5: Temperature sensor

4.5 Pressure sensor
A pressure sensor, sensor in electronic circuits is in the form
of an integrated circuit that acts as a transducer, that is, it
replicates (in the form of an electrical signal) the signal it
receives as a function of imposed pressure. A pressure
sensor is also known as a pressure transducer, pressure
transmitter, pressure sender, pressure indicator, piezometer
and manometer.

Fig- 8 : Speaker
Speakers are transducers that convert electromagnetic
waves into sound waves. The speakers get sound
contribution from a gadget, for example, a PC or a sound
collector. This information might be either in simple or
computerized structure. Simple speakers just intensify the
simple electromagnetic waves into sound waves. Since
sound waves are created in simple structure, computerized
Fig- 6: Pressure sensor speakers should initially change over the advanced
contribution to a simple sign, at that point produce the
4.6 LCD Display sound waves.
A Liquid Crystal Display (usually contracted LCD) is a 4.8 USB Microphone
slender, level showcase gadget made up of any number of
shading or monochrome pixels exhibited before a light In short it is the most straightforward approach to make top
source or reflector. It is frequently used in battery-controlled notch chronicles on your PC. A USB Mic implies you don't
electronic gadgets since it utilizes extremely modest need to purchase heaps of hardware, and it is extremely
quantities of electric power. simple to set up. USB Microphones are compact and cross
stage so in the event that you get one you ought to have the
option to utilize it on your PC, Mac, iPad, and PC with least
object. It is the most practical choice for getting a better than
average chronicle onto your PC, tablet or cell phone. It is
truly a receiver which contains all the wiring important to
just associate with a USB port and start recording.
Furthermore, frequently a USB mic will likewise have an
earphone out, so just as chronicle, you can listen
straightforwardly to the sound through earphones.

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 895
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig- 11: Software Setup

In this research analyzed the Raspberry-based health
Fig-9: USB Microphone monitoring system through IOT. There are two ways to
connect and operate the raspberry device; one is directly
5. OUTCOME connecting peripherals and the other way is to connect the
The kit implementation for Health Monitoring System is computer after install the putty software with IP address,
shown in the figure 3.The Mouse and Keyboard connected to subnet mask, gateway to that system. If any abnormalities
the USB port of Pi and the Monitor connected to the HDMI notice in the patient health, this will directly report to the
video port. The sensors connected to the GPIO pin through authorized or guardian via GSM over the network. The
which the data from the Pi is transferred to the server and proposed method is modelled for impressive features like
the patient can monitor the data on the monitor. easy to use; power consumption is very less and
understandable. This system is a good communicator
The health monitoring system on the patient’s monitor. between patient and the doctor. As per that we implemented
After the use of the pulse rate, blood pressure and heart this project and finds the output results have been
sound sensor, the digital output from the sensor through the successfully validated.
Pi is displayed on the Monitor.
Table - 1: Measured Temperature
The Pi camera output is displayed on the server, the IP
address of the server is same as the IP address of the
raspberry pi.
The Sensors output is displayed on the server, the IP address
of the server is same as the IP address of the raspberry pi
which is shown in figure 6. This is data base where the
patient’s health report is stored for future requirement by
the doctor and the patient. If the patients’ blood pressure
>120 an alert mail is sent to the patient by the doctor for the
medial medication.

Fig- 10: Hardware Setup

The above table shows the output of Temperature sensor
that is a graph of time versus temperature of different

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 896
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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