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BYD-DOLPHIN-Owner's-Manual NZ 09 2023 Website

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Thank you for choosing BYD. To better use and maintain the vehicle, please read this
manual carefully and keep it for future reference.

Special instructions: BYD Auto Industry Co., Ltd. recommends that you choose genuine
spare parts and use, maintain, and repair the vehicle in accordance with this manual.
The use of non-genuine spare parts to replace or modify the vehicle will affect the
performance of the entire vehicle, especially its safety and durability. Vehicle damage
and performance issues caused thereby will not be covered by the warranty. In addition,
vehicle modifications may also violate national laws and regulations and local government

Thank you again for choosing BYD. Your valuable comments and suggestions are welcome.
To enjoy better services, please provide your accurate contact information. If there is any
change to the information, contact a BYD authorized dealer or service provider in a timely
manner to update the information in the system. You are also advised to pay attention to
the relevant national laws and regulations and local policies, and register the vehicle as
soon as possible; otherwise vehicle registration may fail.

Pay attention to the "REMINDER", "CAUTION" and "WARNING" symbols in this manual, and
follow the instructions carefully to avoid injury or damage. These symbols are defined as


Items that must be observed to facilitate maintenance.


Items that must be observed to avoid damage to the vehicle.


Items that must be observed to ensure personal safety.

is a safety mark to indicate an operation that should not be performed or an event

that should not happen.

The descriptions marked with the asterisk (*) in this manual are specific to some model
configurations, and applicable only when the vehicle has these configurations. The picture

used is taken from one of these configurations. If there is any difference from the vehicle
you purchased, refer to the actual vehicle.

This manual is expected to help you use the product correctly, and does not provide any
description of the configuration and software version of this product. For details about the
product configuration and software version, please refer to the contract (if any) related to
this product, or consult the dealer who sold the product to you.

Copyright © BYD Auto Industry Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means without prior written consent of BYD Auto Industry Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved

Figure Index Locking/Unlocking Doors....................... 44
Smart Access and Start System.............. 48
Child Protection Lock..............................50
Dashboard......................................... 8
Interior.............................................. 9
Seat Precautions..................................... 50
Doors............................................... 10
Adjusting Front Seats.............................. 51
Folding Rear Seats...................................52
Safety Head Supports.........................................52

Seat Belts.........................................12 Steering Wheel................................. 54

Seat Belts................................................. 12 Steering Wheel Switches.........................54

Using Seat Belts.......................................12 Adjusting the Steering Wheel..................56

Airbags............................................ 15 Switches.......................................... 57

Airbags..................................................... 15 Light Switches......................................... 57

Driver and Front Passenger Airbags....... 15 Wiper Switch............................................60

Front Seat Side Airbags........................... 16 Driver's Door Switches............................ 61

Side Curtain Airbags................................17 Side Windows.......................................... 63

Airbag Triggering Conditions and Odometer Switch.................................... 63

Precautions..............................................17 Driver Assistance Switches..................... 64
Child Restraint Systems.................... 22 Hazard Warning Light Switch..................65
Child Restraint Systems.......................... 22 Sunshade................................................. 65
Anti-theft System*............................ 25 Interior Light Switch................................65
Anti-theft System*................................... 25
Data Collection and Processing......... 26 Using and Driving
Data Collection and Processing..............26
Charging/Discharging....................... 68
Charging Instructions..............................68
Instrument Cluster
Instrument Cluster........................... 32 Charge Port Anti-theft Lock.................... 78

Instrument Cluster View..........................32 Discharging..............................................79

Instrument Cluster Indicators.................33 Battery.............................................80

High-Voltage Battery............................... 80

Controller Operation Low-Voltage Battery (12 V)......................83

Usage Precautions............................85
Doors and Keys.................................42
Break-in Period........................................ 85
Trailer Towing.......................................... 85

Driving Safety Precautions......................85 Interior Rearview Mirror........................127
Carrying Luggage.................................... 86 Side Mirrors............................................128
Wading into Water................................... 87 Wipers.................................................... 129
Fire Prevention........................................ 87 Snow Chains.......................................... 129
Saving Energy and Extending
Vehicle Service Life..................................89
In-Vehicle Devices
Starting and Driving......................... 90
Starting the Vehicle................................. 90 A/C System..................................... 132

Driving......................................................91 A/C..........................................................132

Gear Shift Controls.................................. 92 Vents...................................................... 135

Electronic Parking Brake (EPB)...............92 Storage.......................................... 135

Automatic Vehicle Hold (AVH).................95 Door Bins............................................... 135

Driving Precautions.................................96 Bill Box................................................... 136
Driver Assistance.............................. 97 Dashboard Central Storage
Compartment........................................ 136
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)................ 97
Glove Box............................................... 136
Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC)............. 101
Center Console Storage Compartment 136
Predictive Collision Warning (PCW)
& Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) 103 Cup Holder.............................................137

Front Cross Traffic Alert (FCTA) & Glasses Case*.........................................138

Front Cross Traffic Braking (FCTB)........106 Seatback Pockets.................................. 138
Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR).............. 107 Other Devices................................. 138
Intelligent Speed Limit Control (ISLC)..108
Sun Visor................................................ 138
High Beam Assist (HMA)........................ 109
Grab Handles......................................... 138
Lane Departure Assist (LDA)................. 110
USB Ports............................................... 139
Emergency Lane Keeping Assist
SD Card Slot*......................................... 139
12V Auxiliary Power...............................139
Blind Spot Assist (BSA).......................... 113
Wireless Phone Charger*...................... 140
Driver Attention Warning (DAW)........... 115
Cargo Cover........................................... 141
Child Presence Detection (CPD)............115
Tire Pressure Monitoring.......................116
Window Breaker.................................... 142
Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System
(AVAS).....................................................118 Infotainment System...................... 143
Panoramic View System........................118 Infotainment Touchscreen....................143
Parking Assist System........................... 120
Driving Safety Systems..........................123 Maintenance
Other Main Functions......................127
Maintenance Information................146

Maintenance Cycle and Items...............146 Warning Labels...................................... 184
Regular Maintenance...................... 151 Transponder Mounting Position...........185
Regular Maintenance............................ 151 Declarations of Conformity...................186
Vehicle Corrosion Prevention............... 152
Paint Maintenance Tips.........................152 Abbreviations
Exterior Cleaning................................... 153
Abbreviations................................. 191
Interior Cleaning....................................154
Self-Maintenance.................................. 156
Vehicle Storage...................................... 157
Hood...................................................... 158
Cooling System......................................158
Braking System......................................159
Washer................................................... 159
A/C System.............................................160
Wiper Blades..........................................160
Tires....................................................... 161
Fuses...................................................... 164

When Faults Occur

When Faults Occur.......................... 172

If Smart Key Battery Is Exhausted.........172
Emergency Shutdown System..............172
Vehicle Fire Rescue................................173
Battery Leakage Rescue........................ 173
If the Vehicle Needs Towing.................. 174
If a Tire Goes Flat................................... 175


Vehicle Data................................... 180

Vehicle Data........................................... 180
Information.................................... 183
Vehicle Identification............................ 183

Figure Index


1 Trunk Lid P47 5 Tires P161

2 Wiper P60 6 Power Side Mirrors P128

3 Charge port door P78 7 Combination Light P57

4 Doors P45 8 Hood P158

Cooling System P158

Windshield washer P159

Brake fluid P159

Under-Hood Fuse Box P165


1 Vent P135 7 Bill Box P136

2 Infotainment Touchscreen P143 8 Charge Port P139

3 Wiper Switch P60 9 Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) Switch

4 Instrument Cluster P32
Automatic Vehicle Hold (AVH) Switch
5 Steering Wheel P56 P95
Steering Wheel Switches P54 ESC OFF Switch P123
6 Hood Handle P158 10 12V Power Outlet P139

11 Driver Assistance Switches P64

Gear Shift Controls P92

A/C ON/OFF Button P132

12 Glove Box P136


1 Center Console Storage Compartment 5 ESC OFF Switch P123

6 Automatic Vehicle Hold (AVH) Switch
2 Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) Switch P95
7 Cup Holder P137
3 Seat P50

4 Wireless Phone Charger* P140


1 Bill Box P136 3 Driver's Door Switches P61

2 Interior Door Handle P45 Window Lock Switch P63

Central Locking P63

Side Mirror Switches P128

4 Door Bin P135

Seat Belts.......................................... 12
Airbags.............................................. 15
Child Restraint Systems................... 22
Anti-theft System*............................ 25
Data Collection and Processing....... 26
Seat Belts be endangered. Likewise, do not allow
children to ride on someone's lap. This
will render the children not adequately
Seat Belts
Emergency Locking Retractor Function
Studies have shown that proper use
of seat belts can significantly reduce ●
When the driver turns sharply or
casualties in emergency braking, sudden brakes suddenly, when there is a
steering or collisions. Please read the collision, or when the occupant
following information carefully and leans forward too quickly, the seat
observe it strictly. belt automatically locks to effectively
restrain and protect the occupant.

When the vehicle travels smoothly,

Always have the seat belts seat belts are pulled out and retracted
fastened while the vehicle is in as the occupants move slowly and
motion. smoothly, allowing the occupants to
move freely.

Before driving, make sure all
occupants are properly buckled ●
If the seat belt locks due to sudden
up to prevent serious injury or retraction, pull on the seat belt
death in emergency braking or in webbing to create retractable slack in
a collision. order to pull out the seat belt.

The seat belts are designed
Pretensioner and Force Limiter
primarily for adults and are not
intended for children. Make sure
to choose an appropriate child
When a severe front collision occurs
restraint system according to your
and the triggering conditions of the
child's age and size (see P23).
pretensioner are met, the pretensioner

If a seat belt is damaged quickly retracts part of the seat belt and
or malfunctions, immediately locks it to improve the protection of the
contact a BYD authorized occupant. The force limiter limits the
dealer or service provider seat-belt restraint force to the occupant's
for confirmation and handling. body to a certain extent so as to avoid
Until then, do not use the injury to the occupant due to an excessive
corresponding seat. restraint force.

BYD has highly emphasized that all

Using Seat Belts

occupants should always fasten their

seat belts while in the vehicle. Failure
to do so increases the risk of injury in 1. Adjust the seat position and seatback
case of an accident. angle (see P51).

It is recommended that children be 2. Adjust the position of the three-point
seated in rear seats and always seat belt.
use seat belts and suitable child ●
Keep the correct sitting posture and
restraints. In emergency braking or
pull out the shoulder belt diagonally
collision, unprotected children may be
across the entire shoulder without
seriously injured and their lives may

contacting the neck or falling from the 4. Unlock the seat belt.
shoulder. Position the lap belt as low
as possible around the hip.

Press the red unlock button on the
buckle. The latch plate pops out, and
the seat belt automatically retracts. If
the seat belt does not retract smoothly
and automatically, pull it out and
check whether it is twisted. 01


The shoulder belt should cross
the center of the shoulder. The
seat belt should be far from the
neck and not liable to slip from REMINDER
the shoulder; otherwise, it cannot
function well in the event of

For normal functioning of the rear
emergency braking or accident seat belt, ensure that its latch is
and may even cause severe injury. inserted into the corresponding
buckle during use. The driver

The lap belt should be positioned should remind occupants to wear
as low as possible across the hip seat belts properly.
to prevent any injury caused by
pressing against the abdomen in

The driver should ensure that all
case of an accident. occupants are wearing seat belts
before driving the vehicle.

The seat belt should be fitted tight
to the body for better protection.
3. Insert the latch into the buckle until it
clicks, and then pull it back to make sure

Each seat belt must be used by
it is firmly locked. Do not fasten the belt one occupant only. Do not share
with any part of the strap twisted. a seat belt with another occupant,
not even with a child.

Avoid traveling with the seatback
leaning too far back. The seat belt
protection performs best when
the seatback is upright.

Make sure that no seat belt or
its spring bolt/buckle becomes
pressed by the door; otherwise,
the seat belt may be damaged.

the corresponding seat belt is properly

Check the seat belts regularly ●
Seat belt reminder indicator
for cuts, wear, looseness, and
other abnormalities. If any This indicator flashes if any seat's belt
problem is found, contact a is not fastened.
BYD authorized dealer or service ●
Display of unfastened belt's seat
provider for confirmation and
handling. Until then, do not use The indicator for the seat with
the corresponding seat. unfastened seat belt lights up.

Do not remove, disassemble or ●
Seat belt reminder for front passenger
modify the seat belts without
If the driver or front passenger has
not buckled up after the ignition is

After an accident, have the switched on, the seat belt reminder
seat belts checked at a BYD indicator and the indicator associated
authorized dealer or service with the corresponding seat light up. If
provider. The associated seat the seat belt remains unfastened while
belts and pyrotechnic lap driving, in addition to the reminder
pretensioners* must be replaced indicator, an audible alarm is given to
if the pretensioner function has alert the driver and the occupant.
been activated.

Seat belt reminder for rear passengers

Use an approved model whenever
With the ignition on, if any rear-row
you replace the seat belt.
seat belt is not fastened, the seat belt

In the event of a severe accident, reminder indicator and the indicator
regardless of whether the seat associated with the corresponding seat
belt has an apparent damage, light up. While the vehicle is in motion,
replace it together with the seat when only rear seats are loaded with
assembly, and thoroughly check occupant(s), who have not buckled up,
the airbag system. only the seat belt reminder indicator is
on and no audible alarm is given.

Pregnant women should also
fasten their seat belt properly. ●
When the driver, the front passenger,
Particularly, be sure to position and rear passengers have buckled
the lap belt as low across the up, the seat belt reminder indicator
hip as possible to prevent serious and all indicators displayed for the
injury. corresponding seats turn off.

Do not insert foreign objects such
as coins and clips into the buckle
as they prevent proper connection
between the latch and buckle.

In the event of abnormality
or function failure, contact
a BYD authorized dealer or
Seat Belt Reminders service provider. Do not use
the corresponding seat until the
If any occupant has not buckled up functions return to normal.
after the vehicle is started, visual and
audible alarms go off and continue until


When driving, make sure all ●
Do not disassemble or assemble
occupants have their seat belts airbag components without
properly fastened to prevent authorization.
serious injury or death in
Do not use seat covers, as they
emergency braking or in a 01

collision. restrict airbag deployment on the

corresponding side in an accident.


Do not place anything between

Airbags the side airbag and the occupant.

Do not apply excessive force to the
side of seats equipped with side
Airbags airbags.

After a collision, even if the airbag
The airbag system is a part of
module did not deploy and the

auxiliary restraint system and also

pretensioner did not lock the seat
a supplement to seat belts. When
belt, the airbag electronic control
the vehicle is involved in a serious
unit (ECU) may be encrypted in
collision and the airbag system meets
order to protect occupants from
its deployment conditions, relevant
danger. Contact a BYD authorized
airbags will rapidly deploy and, along
dealer or service provider for
with seat belts, provide additional
protection for heads and chests of
the occupants, to reduce likelihood of
personal injury or even death.
Driver and Front

Airbags are divided into front and Passenger Airbags
side types, according to the type of
collision. The front airbags include a
This vehicle is equipped with driver and
driver airbag and a front passenger
front passenger airbags, when the airbag
airbag, while side airbags include side
system ECU detects a moderate to severe
airbags, the far side airbag, and curtain
front impact during driving and the
triggering conditions are met, the airbags

As an integral part of the vehicle's deploy.
passive safety protection system, the
airbag system does not replace seat
belts and must be used in combination
with seat belts to maximize protection.


Occupants must sit in a
proper position to maximize the
protection provided by seat belts
and the airbag system.

Front Airbag Deployment


In moderate to severe frontal crashes,
a sensor detects a sharp deceleration
and sends a signal to the ECU to trigger
the front airbags.

When there is a frontal crash, the seat
belt secures the occupant's lower body
and torso in place. The airbag cushions
and protects the occupant's head and

When the severity of the impact
does not reach the airbag deployment ●
When a moderate to severe side
threshold, the seat belt provides impact is detected during vehicle
enough protection. travel and the triggering conditions are
met, the side airbag deploys to protect

The front airbag deflates immediately the occupant's chest.
after inflation, without affecting the
driver's vision and ability to operate ●
Generally, only the airbag on the
the steering wheel or other controls. impacted side deploys in the event of
a side impact.

The airbag deploys within a
thousandth of a second. ●
If the impact occurs on the passenger
side, the airbag on the passenger side

A loud noise will be heard when the deploys even if there is no passenger in
airbag deploys. It will not cause injury, the seat.
but it may cause tinnitus or temporary
deafness. ●
For optimal side airbag protection,
occupants must have their seat belts

A cloud of dust from the airbag surface fastened and sit upright against the
may come off when the airbag deploys. seatback.
Although such powder is non-toxic,
individuals with respiratory problem Front far side airbag:
might experience some temporary

The vehicle you purchased is equipped
with a front far side airbag (installed in
the inner edge of the driver's seatback
Front Seat Side Airbags and marked with "AIRBAG", as shown
in the illustration).
The vehicle is equipped with side airbags
for the left and right front seats (installed
in the outer edges of the front-row
seatbacks and marked with "AIRBAG", as
shown in the illustration).

When a moderate to severe front or
side impact is detected during vehicle

travel and the triggering conditions are travel and the triggering conditions are
met, the far side airbag deploys to met, the side curtain airbag deploys to
protect the heads and shoulders of the protect the head of the occupant on
driver and the front passenger. the side of collision.

If the impact occurs on the front
passenger side, the far side airbag REMINDER
deploys even if there is no passenger
Generally, only the airbag on the 01
in the seat.

impacted side deploys in the


For optimum protection from the event of a side impact.
driver far side airbag, the occupant
must have the seat belt fastened and

For optimum curtain airbag
sit in an upright position. protection, the occupant must
have their seat belt fastened and
In a vehicle equipped with seat side sit in an upright position.

Prevent the seatbacks from getting

Airbag Triggering

wet. If they get wet from rain or

splashes, the side airbag system may Conditions and
not work properly. Precautions

Do not cover or replace seatback
covers on you own. Unsuitable Airbag Triggering Conditions
seatback covers may prevent airbag
Airbag triggering conditions: In the

event of a vehicle collision, whether an

airbag will be triggered is decided by
Side Curtain Airbags factors such as the amount of collision
energy, accident type, collision angle,
obstacles, and vehicle speed. The

The vehicle is equipped with curtain
airbag system may be triggered in
airbags for the left and right front seats
special collisions.
(installed at the junction of the body
side trim and the ceiling and marked ●
The airbag system does not always
with "AIRBAG" on the A-pillar, B-pillar, work in any accident, and generally it
and C-pillar trims, as shown in the will not be triggered in the event of
illustration). a minor frontal collision, rear collision
or rollover. In this case, the driver
and passengers are protected by their
properly fastened seat belts.

Determinants of airbag system
triggering: Decision is made by
comparing the deceleration curve,
generated in the collision and obtained
by the ECU, and the set value.
If signals, such as the deceleration
curve generated and measured in the
collision, are lower than the respective

When a moderate to severe side reference values preset in the ECU,
impact is detected during vehicle the airbag system will not be triggered

even if the vehicle may have been
seriously deformed in the accident.

The ECU of the BYD airbag system
has been set up with considerations of
common misuse and road conditions.
However, due to the increasing
changes in causes and forms of vehicle
collisions, for your safety, please
strictly follow this user manual, use the
vehicle correctly, and avoid its misuse.
Otherwise, there is no guarantee that
the airbags will achieve their expected One side of the vehicle is hit by another
effect. vehicle.

Cases When Airbags May Be Deployed

The vehicle's nose hits the ground when
crossing a deep groove.

Cases When Airbags May Not Be

The vehicle hits a concrete column, tree,
or other slim objects.
The vehicle hits a bump or curbstone.

The vehicle goes under a truck or another

The vehicle's nose hits the ground when large vehicle.
going down a steep slope.


The tail of the vehicle is hit by another Parts other than the passenger
vehicle. compartment receive side impact.

The vehicle rolls over. The lateral side of the vehicle is hit

The vehicle hits a wall or a vehicle at a

side other than the front side. The lateral side of the vehicle hits a
columnar object.


are they to ride sitting on a

front passenger's lap, to prevent
serious injury or even casualty
caused by airbag deployment.

No accessories, such as telephone
holders, cups, ashtrays, may
be installed on airbag covers
or within their action range.
Otherwise, airbag deployment will
WARNING increase the risk of injury in an

Airbags are designed for
specific models. Any changes to ●
Side airbags and side curtain
suspension, tire size, bumpers, airbags deploy quickly with high
chassis and factory-equipped impact forces. Occupants must
devices may adversely affect the not lean against the doors of
airbag system. Users must not use vehicles equipped with these
any parts of the airbag system airbags while these vehicles are
on other car models; doing so in motion. Failure to do so could
may lead to failure of the airbag result in serious injury or even
system. death.

Drivers should maintain a distance ●
Do not place any other
of at least 25 cm between their accessories or items within the
chest and the steering wheel, action range of side curtain
in order for the system to airbags, including the windshield,
provide the most effective driver side door glass, A-pillar trim,
protection. ceiling, B-pillar trim, C-pillar trim
and auxiliary handles. When

Fasten your seat belt and sit the side curtain airbag deploys,
properly while the vehicle is the accessories or items will
in motion. If the seat belt is be thrown by the impact force
not fastened, if the occupant from the side air curtain airbag,
is leaning forward or sitting or the side curtain airbag may
improperly, airbag deployment not deploy normally, resulting in
can increase the risk of injury. serious injury or even death.

Do not paste stickers, cover or ●
When transferring car ownership,
decorate the hub cover of the make sure to pass on all of the
steering wheel, the right side vehicle's documents.
surface of the dashboard or the
surface of A, B, and C-pillar trims. ●
Do not modify or replace seats
Clean these surfaces with a dry or or trims of the seats with
damp cloth, without applying too side airbags. These changes
much pressure. may prevent normal deployment
of side airbags, and thereby

A child is not to be seated in cause airbag system failure or
the front passenger seat, nor unintended deployment of side


airbags, resulting in serious injury ●

This vehicle's airbag system has
or death. been fully verified to seamlessly
match the vehicle's original

Do not disassemble or repair the wiring harness system. Any wiring
A-pillar trim, ceiling, B-pillar trim
or C-pillar trim, which contain side
harness modification or alteration
may cause the airbags to
curtain airbags. These changes deploy mistakenly under normal

can cause failure of the airbag conditions or fail to deploy in the
system or accidental deployment event of a collision.
of curtain airbags, which may
cause serious injury or even
It is recommended that you contact
a BYD authorized dealer or service

Do not change any component provider immediately if any of the
of the airbag system, including following situations occurs.
any corresponding label. It is ●
The airbag has deployed.
recommended that any operation
done to the airbags be performed ●
The airbag fault warning light
by a BYD authorized dealer or comes on abnormally on the
service provider.
instrument cluster.
Airbags can only provide one-time
There is a collision with the front of the

accident protection. Once the

vehicle (highlighted area shown), but
airbag is triggered or damaged,
the front airbags do not deploy.
the airbag system must be

Follow safety regulations and
procedures related to the
scrapping of parts of the vehicle
or its airbag system.

The airbag system has strong anti-
interference and anti-disturbance
resistance to electromagnetic
fields around it. However, to
avoid accidents, do not use the
vehicle in an electromagnetic ●
The airbag cover has been scratched,
environment that violates cracked or otherwise damaged.
national regulations.

The airbag system of this vehicle
is designed with full consideration
of domestic common misuses
and road conditions. However, in
order to avoid accidents, do not
have the bottom of the vehicle
impacted or drive roughly in harsh
road conditions.

For the child's safety, please carefully
read the instructions provided with the
child restraint and in this manual before
installing a child restraint.


Never carry a child on your lap in
a vehicle journey.

An appropriate child restraint
system must be used for your

Airbags need to be removed,
disassembled, installed or repaired.

Please follow the instructions

Side airbags and curtain airbags have
provided with the child restraint
system and in this manual to

An impact to a vehicle door in an make sure the child restraint it is
accident is not adequate to cause the properly installed in the vehicle.
airbag to deploy. ●
After the child restraint is

The surface of the seat with a dismounted from the seat, store it
side airbag is scratched, cracked, or safely in the vehicle.
damaged similarly. ●
Failure to follow the instruction

Decorative (liner) parts at A-pillar with provided with the child restraint
built-in curtain airbags, roof beam and in this manual may cause
and C-pillar are scratched, cracked, or injuries and even death to your
damaged similarly. child in an accident.

Children must use a suitable child

restraint when traveling in the vehicle.
Children should sit comfortably and
safely. Make sure that the child restraint is
positioned, mounted, and used correctly.

Important considerations for selecting

a child restraint system

The child restraint system is the correct
type and size for the child.

The child restraint system is the correct

Child Restraint type and size for the seating position.


Never install a rear-facing child
Child Restraint Systems restraint on the front passenger

Child restraint systems provide good

protection to your child in an accident.

Child Restraint System Anchorages
Rear outboard seating positions ●
When the child restraint installed

The rear outboard seats are equipped on a rear outboard seat is with
with ISOFIX/i-Size anchorages. top tether, remove the cargo cover
to have access to the top tether
The anchorage locations are identified anchorage.

by a marking (see illustration) located

on the seatback, directly above the

Never allow a child to climb

associated anchorages. onto the cargo cover, otherwise,
damage to the cargo cover, or
even injury/death to the child, can

Where applicable to use a top
tether strap with the child
restraint system, ensure the strap
is routed through the hole in
the head support before attaching
and tensioning the strap to the
anchorage point at the base of the


Child restraint anchorages are
designed to withstand only

The anchorages are located in the those loads imposed by correctly
gap between the seat cushion and fitted child restraints. Under no
the seatback. circumstances are they to be
used for adult seat belts, harness,

The rear seats are equipped with or for attaching other items or
tether strap anchorages on the back. equipment to the vehicle.

The use of top tether anchorage point
Installing Child Restraint Systems
with a belted child restraint is allowed
in specific markets only.
Always follow the instructions below
when using a child restraint on a rear

When the child restraint system is
installed on any rear seats, front seats
can be adjusted forward to ensure
that your child is not in contact with
the front seats. Meanwhile, the front
seatback angle can also be adjusted to
have more space.

The head support can be adjusted
or even removed to ensure that the
vehicle seatback can safely support the
child restraint system.


When a child restraint is without ② Front passenger seat
seatback, never remove the head
restraint from the vehicle and adjust it ③ Rear left seat
to locking position. ④ Rear center seat

When the top tether is used on a ⑤ Rear right seat
second-row outboard seat, route it at
the outside of each head support rod.

When the child restraint installed on a
rear outboard seat is with top tether,
remove the cargo cover to have access
to the top tether anchorage. Store the
cover safely in your vehicle.

For more installation instructions,
please read the instructions provided
with your child restraint system.

Details on child restraint system


① Driver seat

Seating Position

1 2 3 a) 4a) 5a)

suitable for
universal × × Yes No Yes


i-Size seating
position × × Yes No Yes

suitable for × × No No No
lateral fixture


suitable R1/R2X/R2/R R1/R2X/R2/R
rearward- × × No
3 3
facing fixture

Seating Position

1 2 3 a) 4a) 5a)


Largest 01

facing fixture × × F2X/F2/F3 No F2X/F2/F3


booster × × B2/B3 B2/B3 B2/B3

a) If needed, the head support can be adjusted or even removed. The front seats can be

adjusted to ensure your child is not in contact with front seats.

×: seat not suitable for securing a child 1. Switch the ignition off.
seat of this group.
2. All occupants get off the vehicle.

3. Lock all doors. This makes the

Anti-theft System* anti-theft indicator steady on. The
anti-theft alarm system will arm
automatically after eight seconds, and
Anti-theft System* the anti-theft indicator will then begin
to flash.
When armed, the system sounds an alarm 4. You can leave the vehicle after
and triggers turn signal flashes when any confirming that the indicator begins to
door is opened. flash. Since unlocking the door from
inside the vehicle will activate the
system, never let anyone stay in the
vehicle with the system enabled.

Triggering the alarm

The system will raise an alarm in any of
the following situations:

Any door, trunk, or hood is opened
without using the keyless access
function of the smart key.

Arming the system

The vehicle is powered on without
using the smart key start function.

Disarming the system
Data Collection and
Anti-theft alarm can be stopped by:

Unlocking the door with a valid smart

Use of an NFC to unlock the vehicle. Data Collection and

Use of the microswitch to unlock the

This section provides you with

Use of a valid smart key to remotely some important information on how
unlock the trunk. personal data is collected and
processed when you use a BYD vehicle.

Starting the vehicle remotely with a
valid smart key. ●
For a more detailed overview on data
processing, data protection and data

Pressing the START/STOP button
subject rights, please read the current
inside the vehicle while carrying a
version of the privacy policy for the
valid smart key.
vehicle available at the infotainment
system (Vehicle Settings → System
Settings → More → Privacy Policy).

Do not modify the anti-theft alarm ●
This vehicle is equipped with an
system by means of alteration or event data recording (EDR) system.
addition. Otherwise, the system EDR mainly records data in the
may fail. event of a crash or near-crash
(for example, airbag deployment or
hitting on a roadside obstacle) to
Anti-theft Indicator*
help comprehend the vehicle system
operation, such as:
When the anti-theft system is enabled,
the anti-theft indicator is solid on for ●
Vehicle velocity
eight seconds.

Tire pressure condition

Adaptive cruise control (ACC) system

Whether the seat belt is fastened

The vehicle records EDR data only
when there is a crash or when a
near-crash event reaches a certain
extent. The EDR does not record any
data during the normal driving of the

The data recorded by the EDR system
provides an understanding of the
state of the vehicle's safety-related
systems when an accident occurs, so
that relevant parties can analyze the


The EDR data needs to be accessed ●
The in-vehicle data will only be
and read by special equipment. stored in the equipment in the
BYD discloses your personal data to vehicle but can be read out via
third parties only if this is legally the legally required OBD ("On Board
permissible or you have consented Diagnostics") interface, for example,
to it. In addition to the vehicle by BYD authorized dealer or service
manufacturer, third-party agencies provider or other third parties.
with professional equipment (such as 01
government agencies) can also read

In case this access takes place
the EDR data if they have access during vehicle maintenance, the

to the vehicle EDR and equipment information can also be transmitted to
(for example, they can read the data BYD engineers for quality assurance,
of SRS control unit to clarify the product defect reports, or customer
accident). claim verification.

Remote-services-related data
Vehicle Data Processing
Remote monitoring services

Data is collected when the vehicle ●
The vehicle has remote monitoring
is used, such as data collected or services.
transmitted by vehicle sensors or
control units, which is necessary for

These include remote monitoring
the safe functioning of your vehicle. services such as remote diagnosis
and over-the-air (OTA) updates

In some cases, the data is used and upgrades for security and
to support driving (driver assistance safety purposes (subject to owner's
systems) or to enable a specific approval).
comfort or infotainment function.

These monitoring services serve the

Personal data that is collected and following purposes: service provision
processed mainly include in-vehicle (remote support/diagnostics), product
data, remote-services-related data, development, and security/public
and other data, as further specified safety.

Depending on the country and setup,
In-vehicle data various vehicle information can be
transmitted to BYD's data center in
Operation data
corresponding market for the above

When the vehicle is used, various purposes, including vehicle location
vehicle status data (e.g., speed, information, vehicle status, such as
battery level, and braking system) or energy consumption, vehicle speed,
environment (e.g., distance sensors gear position, power mode, ESC status,
and temperature) data is collected and steering system status, battery status,
processed. powertrain status, and overall vehicle
performance status.

This data is not usually stored,
but there are control units, sensors Other
or other components installed in
Infotainment system
the vehicle that record such data,
for example, to record maintenance ●
Depending on vehicle configuration,
requirements, error messages, or other data can be added to the infotainment
information. system by the users themselves, such

as media data for playing video on the the provider of the respective online
infotainment system, address data for service.
use in the navigation system, or data
for use in online services. Camera image recording/surrounding
area monitoring

Depending on vehicle configuration,
individual settings in and on the

Your vehicle is equipped with a
vehicle can also be entered. number of cameras/sensors.

Data stored in the vehicle can be

The reason for this is that some vehicle
deleted at any time. functionalities require the vehicle's
path to be detected and assessed

BYD has no control over data which is done by cameras that detect
transferred to third parties (from the objects in the vehicle's surroundings
use of third party content, in particular (e.g., obstacles).
as part of online services).

The images are transmitted to the
Integration of mobile devices respective control module for further
analytics required to operate the

Depending on vehicle configurations, systems.
the Internet can be accessed for certain
functions or BYD services through the ●
Some images are just processed on
vehicle's infotainment system network a volatile basis (RAM), others may
devices. be stored, depending on vehicle

It may be necessary that the device's
screen or audio is displayed/played ●
The vehicle may be equipped with
through the infotainment system or an outward-facing camera (OFC) that
transmitted to it. can be used to take footage of the
surrounding (for example, dashcam).

Additional data like positioning or
vehicle information can be transmitted ●
The vehicle may also be equipped with
through applications for use in certain an inward-facing camera (IFC), which
navigation systems, communication, can be used to take footage inside the
or other third-party services. vehicle.

The specific type of data processing ●
Both OFC and IFC footage will be
depends on the respective function stored.
and is controlled by the user or third
parties such as the provider of the

You are responsible to check the laws
devices or corresponding services. of your residence if you turn the
camera on.
Internet access and connected services

Please be aware of corresponding laws

Depending on vehicle configurations, before turning on your OFC or IFC (for
the Internet can be accessed for certain instance, in some countries consent
functions or BYD services through the is required for the use of IFC, and
vehicle's infotainment system network in others OFC is strictly restricted to
devices. dashcam purposes).

BYD is not liable for any such services ●
For more camera details, see section
provided by any other party. "Panoramic View System" in this

In such cases, please obtain
information about the use of data from

Permanent Vehicle Transfer to Third complies with all data protection
Parties and Offline Mode laws, in particular the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) and

In case of a permanent vehicle transfer, applicable local laws.
i.e., second hand vehicle, or vehicle
transfer by a third party for permanent

According to these laws, owners have
use, it must be noted that any specific rights when their personal
personalization/user settings made via data is processed: 01
the infotainment system (e.g. address ●
Data subjects have the right
list, navigation system, etc.) may be

of information and access, to
accessed by the new owner. rectification, erasure of personal data

You can also restrict your vehicle's ("right to be forgotten") and the
communication with the BYD data right to object to the processing of
server and the processing of vehicle- personal data or to restrict it (or to
related and personal data by setting withdraw consent given earlier, as
the vehicle to offline mode. well as the right to data portability).

On the infotainment touchscreen, tap

These rights may be limited in some
cases. For example, if we can show
to turn Wi-Fi off. that we have a legal obligation to
process your data, or if providing the

This can also be done by tapping information to you would disclose
personal data about another person,
→ System Settings → Internet → or if we are legally prevented from
WLAN → Off. disclosing that information.

Disclosure of Personal Data to

In some cases, this may mean that
Authorities we can retain the data even if you
withdraw your consent.

BYD discloses your personal data to ●
For more information on data
third parties only if this is legally processing, data protection, and any
permissible or you have consented to rights you may have, please visit the
it. latest version of the Privacy Policy

However, subject to applicable available at the infotainment system
laws, government agencies may be (Vehicle Settings → System Settings
authorized to read out data from → More → Privacy Policy).
vehicles (e.g. data can be read from
the airbag control unit to clarify an

If required by law, BYD may also be
obliged to disclose data upon request
to governmental authorities in your
country, e.g. in the investigation of a
criminal offence.

Your Data Protection Rights

BYD has staunch respect for its
customer's privacy, and strictly

Instrument Cluster............................32
Instrument Cluster
Instrument Cluster View

1 Time 6 Total mileage

2 Power meter 7 Remaining driving range

3 Speedometer 8 Gear status

4 State of charge (SOC) 9 Average speed

5 Outside temperature 10 Regenerative braking

Instrument Cluster

Turn signal indicator Position light indicator

High beam indicator Normal mode


OK indicator ACC status indicator*

AVH indicator (solid gray when Driving power limit warning

AVH is in standby mode) light

Main alarm indicator Smart key warning light

ABS fault warning light ESC OFF warning light

ESC fault warning light Tire pressure fault warning light

Driver attention warning light* CPD indicator/warning light*

Parking system fault warning

Rear fog light indicator

Steering system fault warning

Seat belt reminder indicator

Motor coolant overheating High-voltage battery charging

indicator connection indicator

Low-voltage power system fault High-voltage battery

warning light overheating warning light

High-voltage battery fault
Powertrain fault warning light
warning light

EPB indicator Airbag fault warning light

Warning Lights/Indicators Description ●

When the ABS fault warning light is
on (with the parking system fault
warning light off), since the ABS system
Smart key warning light does not operate, the wheels will be
locked in case of emergency braking or
braking on a slippery road.

If the key is not in the vehicle when
you press the START/STOP button, ●
If any of the following cases occurs, it
this warning light comes on for a means there is a fault in components
few seconds, a beep sounds, and the monitored by the warning light system.
message "No key detected, please In that case, contact a BYD authorized
confirm if the key is in the vehicle" is dealer or service provider for vehicle
displayed on the instrument cluster. inspection as soon as possible.

If you press the START/STOP button ●
This warning light does not come on
while an electronic smart key matching or is steady on when the ignition is
the model is in the vehicle, this on.
warning light does not light up. The
This warning light turns on during
vehicle can now be powered on.


If the warning light flashes after
you press the START/STOP button, it REMINDER
indicates low battery of the key.
A warning light that lights up
If the key is not in the vehicle, the

briefly during operation does not

instrument cluster prompts "No key
indicate a problem.
detected, please confirm if the key is
in the vehicle". ●
If the ABS fault warning light is
still on while the braking system
ABS fault warning light warning light is on, immediately
park the vehicle in a safe place.

This warning light comes on when the It is recommended to contact a
ignition is on. If the anti-lock braking BYD authorized dealer or service
system (ABS) is working properly, the provider. In this case, if brakes are
light goes out in a few seconds. applied, the ABS will not work and
Thereafter, if the system fails, the the vehicle will become extremely
light lights up again until the fault is unstable.

If both ABS indicator and the braking

When the ABS fault warning light is on system indicator come on and the
(with the parking system fault warning electronic parking brake (EPB) is fully
light off), the braking system continues released, the braking force distribution
to operate whereas the ABS does not.

system of front and rear wheels has ●
If the ESC warning light flashes
also failed. temporarily while the vehicle is in
motion, it indicates the ESC system is
Tire pressure fault warning light

When the ESC warning light turns on
(with the ABS fault warning light and
This warning light comes on when the
the parking system fault warning light

ignition is on. It turns off in a few

off), the ESC fails, but the ABS and
seconds if the tire pressure monitoring
the braking system continue to operate
system is working properly. If the
system fails, this warning light turns on
normally. 02
again. ●
When the ESC warning light turns on

(with the ABS fault warning light and
When the tire pressure fault warning
the parking system fault warning light

light comes on or flashes, the message

off), the ESC system does not work.
"Please check TPMS" is displayed
This means the vehicle is extremely
on the instrument cluster, and the
unstable at sharp turns or when the
tire pressure is displayed as "---", it
driver steers away from obstacles
indicates that the tire pressure system
is faulty.

If any of the following cases occurs, it
When the tire pressure value displays
means there is a fault in components

"No Signal", it indicates that the tire

monitored by the warning light system.
pressure signal at this location may
In that case, contact a BYD authorized
be interfered or the tire pressure
dealer or service provider for vehicle
monitoring module is damaged.
inspection as soon as possible.
When the tire pressure fault warning
This warning light remains off (self-

light is solid on and one or more

check not performed) after the
values turn yellow on the tire pressure
vehicle is started.
screen on the instrument cluster, the
corresponding tire is in under-pressure ●
This warning light is steady on while
condition. When the temperature value driving.
of one or more tires turns yellow, it
indicates that the tire temperature is REMINDER
too high.

In the event of any of the situations

A warning light that lights up
above, it is recommended to contact a briefly during operation does not
BYD authorized dealer or service provider indicate a problem.
for inspection as soon as possible. ●
If the ESC warning light remains
on while the warning lights for the
ESC warning light ABS and the braking system are
on, immediately stop the vehicle
in a safe place and contact a

This warning light turns on after the BYD authorized dealer or service
vehicle is started. If electronic stability provider. This is because braking
control (ESC) functions properly, the at this time can render the vehicle
light goes out in a few seconds. If ESC extremely unstable, and the anti-
is faulty, this light comes on again until
the fault is cleared.


CPD indicator*: If child presence
REMINDER detection (CPD) is turned off, the
indicator is solid on, and the OFF
lock braking system does not reminder lasts for five seconds. Tap ON
work at all. or Delay. The indicator turns off and
CPD is enabled.

ESC OFF warning light ●

CPD warning light*: If the CPD fault
reminder lasts for five seconds and
the indicator is solid on, it indicates

When the ESC OFF switch is pressed, that the CPD system fails. It is
this warning light should remain recommended to bring the vehicle to
steady on and the ESC system will a BYD authorized dealer or service
not operate. When the ESC OFF switch provider for inspection.
is pressed again, this warning light
should turn off and the ESC system
resumes its normal operation. Driver attention warning light*

Driver attention warning (DAW) system
evaluates the driver's degree of fatigue

While the ESC OFF warning light by the vehicle operation status. The
is on, the driver must stay alert driver would be alerted according to
and keep driving at a lower the evaluation results to ensure driving
speed when making a sharp turn safety.
and when avoiding an obstacle
which appears suddenly, because
braking at this time can render Seat belt reminder indicator
the vehicle unstable, given the
malfunction of ESC system. ●
With the ignition switched on, if any
passenger on the front seats or rear
seats has not buckled up, the seat belt
Driving power limit warning light
reminder indicator lights up. It remains
on until the seat belt is fastened.

When the level of the high-voltage
battery is low and the motor power
is limited, this warning light will light Airbag fault warning light
up, and it is recommended to contact
a BYD authorized dealer or service ●
With the ignition switched on, this
provider immediately.
warning light turns on and then
goes off in a few seconds if the
Main alarm indicator airbag system is working properly. This
warning light is used to monitor the
airbag ECU, collision sensors, inflation

If this indicator goes on, check the fault device, warning lights, connections,
prompt or warning on the instrument and power supply.

If any of the following cases occurs, it
means there is a fault in components
CPD indicator/warning light* monitored by the warning light system.
In that case, contact a BYD authorized

dealer or service provider for vehicle
Steering system fault warning
inspection as soon as possible.

When the ignition is switched on, this
warning light remains off or is solid ●
When the steering system is faulty,
on after the ignition is switched on. this warning light is steady on. It is
recommended to bring the vehicle to

This warning light turns on during a BYD authorized dealer or service
driving. provider for inspection.

Parking system fault warning

The steering system features an


When the brake fluid level is low

electric motor to reduce the force

and the braking system is faulty,

required to turn the steering
this warning light lights up. If any
of the following conditions occurs,
immediately park the vehicle in a safe ●
When turning the steering wheel,
place. It is recommended to contact a hum may be heard from the
a BYD authorized dealer or service running motor. This does not
provider. indicate that the motor is faulty.

This warning light comes on when ●
Do not turn the steering wheel
the ignition is switched on and the to its limit position for more
brake fluid level is low. than five seconds, otherwise the
temperature protection will be
REMINDER activated and the steering system
will be damaged or steering will

When the brake fluid level is low, become heavy.
park the vehicle because it is
dangerous to continue driving. ●
If you have turned the steering wheel
frequently with the vehicle staying put

This warning light is solid on although for a long time, the steering wheel may
after starting the vehicle, the brake become difficult to turn even if the
fluid level and EPB system operation warning light does not turn on. This is
are normal (the EPB is engaged and not a fault.
released normally, and the message ●
To prevent steering system
"Please check the EPB" is not overheating, the power assist effect
displayed). will be reduced if the steering wheel

Fault warning lights for parking brake has been frequently turned with the
and ABS come on simultaneously. vehicle staying put for a long time. As
a result, the steering wheel become
difficult to turn. In this case, reduce
steering frequency or power off the
vehicle. The system will recover

A warning light that lights up
within 10 minutes.
briefly during operation does not
indicate a problem.


This warning light turns on during

If the steering system warning
light goes on, immediately park CAUTION
the vehicle safely, and contact a
Try not to drive the vehicle when
BYD authorized dealer or service

the warning light is on. Contact a

BYD authorized dealer or service
provider to check the problem as
Low-voltage power system fault soon as possible.
warning light

High-voltage battery overheating

If this warning light turns on while
warning light
driving, it indicates that there is a
problem with the low-voltage power
If this warning light is on, it
supply. Turn off devices such as the

indicates that the high-voltage battery

A/C, fan, and radio, and pull over the
temperature is too high and the
vehicle immediately if it is safe to do
vehicle must be stopped to cool down.
so. It is recommended to contact a BYD
When the warning light flashes, it is
authorized dealer or service provider
recommended to immediately stop the
for rescue as soon as possible.
vehicle safely and leave the vehicle as

Charging and discharging stop when soon as possible.
this warning light turns on. ●
The high-voltage battery may overheat

When this warning light lights up and under the following operating
remain steady on while driving, the conditions:
vehicle speed will be limited. ●
Driving up a slope for a long time in

This light is used to warn about the hot weather
operating state of the DC module and
Long period of stop-and-go
the low-voltage battery module when

traffic condition, frequent rapid

the vehicle is not being charged or
acceleration, frequent hard braking,
or vehicle running for a long time
without pause.
Powertrain fault warning light
High-voltage battery fault
warning light

If the powertrain fails, this warning
light turns on. ●
This warning light comes on when

If any of the following cases occurs, it the ignition has just been switched
means there is a fault in components on. If the high-voltage battery system
monitored by the warning light system. is working properly, this warning
In that case, contact a BYD authorized light will turn off in a few seconds.
dealer or service provider for vehicle Thereafter, if the system fails, this light
inspection as soon as possible. will light up again. It is recommended
to contact a BYD authorized dealer or

This warning light is steady on when service provider for inspection as soon
the ignition is switched on. as possible.


If any of the following cases occurs, ●
If this indicator is solid on, it indicates
it means that there are faults in that the motor coolant temperature is
the components monitored by the too high. Park the vehicle in a safe area
warning light system. In such case, until this indicator goes out.
it is recommended to contact a BYD
authorized dealer or service provider Other Instrument Cluster Fault
for vehicle inspection as soon as Prompts

This warning light is steady on when The instrument cluster may display the
following fault prompts. Handle them as
the ignition is on.
recommended. 02

This warning light is steady on or

occasionally turns on while driving.

Motor coolant overheating


Symbol Fault Prompt Response

The on-board charging system is faulty. In

this case, check the charging connection, and
Please check the OBC system reconnect the charging equipment. If the fault
persists, contact a BYD authorized dealer or
service provider.

The vehicle may be disconnected from the

Vehicle network error, please
data network. In this case, park the vehicle
pull over safely and contact
immediately at a safe place, and contact a
BYD service
BYD authorized dealer or service provider.

The EV function is limited. Contact a

EV power limited BYD authorized dealer or service provider

The headlight is faulty. In this case, contact a

Please check the headlight
BYD authorized dealer or service provider.

The predictive collision warning and

automatic emergency braking systems are
ADAS is limited* faulty. In this case, park the vehicle, and
contact a BYD authorized dealer or service

The blind spot assist system is faulty. In this

ADAS is limited* case, park the vehicle, and contact a BYD
authorized dealer or service provider.

Symbol Fault Prompt Response

The lane departure assist system is faulty. In

ADAS is limited* this case, park the vehicle, and contact a BYD
authorized dealer or service provider.

The intelligent camera is unusable. Check

Intelligent-camera is not whether the visual field of the camera on the
available due to poor front windshield is blocked by foreign objects
condition* or is foggy. If not, contact a BYD authorized
dealer or service provider.

The shifter controller is faulty. In this case,

Please check the gear* park the vehicle immediately, and contact a
BYD authorized dealer or service provider.

Doors and Keys................................. 42
Steering Wheel..................................54
Doors and Keys WARNING

Medical attention should be
Keys sought immediately if it is
suspected the button battery has
been swallowed or placed inside
Smart Key
any part of the body.
Lock or unlock all doors by pressing the
driver's door microswitch while carrying CAUTION
the electronic smart key. Buttons on the
key help you lock or unlock doors, open ●
The smart key is an
the trunk, and start the vehicle remotely. electronic component. Observe
the following instructions to
① Indicator
prevent damage to the key:
② Lock button ●
Do not expose the smart key to
③ Unlock button high temperatures, such as on
the dashboard.
④ Trunk release button

Do not disassemble the smart
⑤ Start/Stop button
key without authorization.
⑥ Mechanical key ●
Do not let the smart key hit
other objects or fall down.

Do not immerse the key in water
or clean it in the ultrasonic

Do not place smart keys
with devices that emit
electromagnetic waves, such as
the mobile phone.

Do not attach to the smart
key any objects (such as a
WARNING metal seal) capable of cutting off
electromagnetic wave signals.
Button battery safety ●
You can register a spare key for
alert: the same vehicle. In this case,
contact a BYD authorized dealer
The button (coin) battery in the
or service provider immediately.

smart key is hazardous and both

new and used batteries are to be ●
If the electronic smart key cannot
kept away from children at all operate the door within the
times. normal distance, or the key
indicator light is dim or off:

If swallowed or placed inside any
part of the body, a lithium button ●
Check for nearby radio stations
battery can cause severe or fatal or airport radio transmitters
injuries in two hours or less. that interfere with the normal


operation of electronic smart electromagnetic waves can affect

keys. the normal use of such devices.

The smart key battery may be ●
In addition to people
exhausted. Check the battery implanted with pacemakers
inside the electronic smart key. or defibrilators, those who
It is recommended to contact a use other electronic medical
BYD authorized dealer or service devices should also consult the
provider for inspection as soon manufacturer on the use of
as possible. such devices under the influence
of electromagnetic waves.

If the smart key is lost, contact a Electromagnetic waves may bring 03
BYD authorized dealer or service unknown consequences to the
provider as soon as possible to use of such medical devices.

prevent theft or accidents.

When leaving the vehicle, always

Do not change the transmission carry your key and lock the
frequency arbitrarily, increase the vehicle. Never leave anyone
transmission power (including (especially children) alone in the
additional transmission frequency vehicle.
amplifier), or arbitrarily connect
the external detection antenna
or switch other transmitting Mechanical Key
detection antennas.
Use the mechanical key (inside the smart

Do not generate harmful key) to lock or unlock the driver's door.
interference to legal radio Insert the mechanical key back into the
communication services when smart key when it is not in use.
using the smart key. Once any
interference is found, stop using Taking out the mechanical key
the smart key immediately, and
Press the "PUSH" button ② on the smart
take measures to eliminate the
key, and take out the mechanical key in
interference before continuing to
the direction indicated by ①.
use it.

The use of micropower radio
equipment must be free from
interference of all radio services
or from radiation of devices for
industrial, scientific and medical

Do not use it near aircraft or

People implanted with
pacemakers or defibrilators
Press the "PUSH" button and insert the
should stay away from the

mechanical key back into the smart

detection antennas of intelligent
key when it is not in use.
entry and start systems, as

NFC Key Card
With ignition off, tap the NFC key card
The NFC smart card is a key

against the mark on the driver's side

configured for the vehicle based
mirror to lock or unlock all doors.
on the near field communication
method. In order to ensure vehicle
safety, handle it with care. If it
is lost, going to BYD authorized
dealer or service provider for
blocking of the lost card and re-
configuration is recommended.

Locking/Unlocking Doors
Locking/Unlocking with Mechanical

NFC key card is an Lift the outer handle of driver's door
electronic product. The following upward, insert the key into the lock hole,
instructions must be observed and turn it.
to prevent function failure of or ●
Unlocking: Turn the key clockwise.
damage to the card:

After unlocking with the mechanical

Do not place the NFC card in the
key, pull it out, and pull the outer
charging area when the wireless
handle to open the door.
charger is on.

Do not attach any object (such
as a metal seal or metal
phone case) that may cut off
electromagnetic waves, when
using the NFC card.

Do not place the NFC card
in a position exposed to high
temperature, such as on the

Do not bend the card with force. ●
Locking: Turn the key

Do not place the card with other counterclockwise.
hard objects. ●
Close the driver's door, make sure

NFC key cards use near- that it is flush with or lower than the
field communication technology, rear right door, press the door, and
requiring a detection distance of turn the key clockwise to lock.
less than 2 cm. Hold your NFC
card close to the side mirror for
1-2 seconds.

Opening with Interior Door Handle Locking

When all the doors and the hood are

When the vehicle is unlocked, pull the

closed, press the lock button to lock all

handle once to open the door from
the doors. The turn signals flash once.
inside the vehicle.
Check whether all doors are securely

When the vehicle is locked, pull the locked.
handle twice to open the door from
If any door is not closed, the turn
inside the vehicle.

signals do not flash, and the alarm

sound once.

If the ignition has not been switched
off, the turn signals do not flash, and
the alarm sounds once. 03


Do not allow children to play with
the door handle, so as to avoid
the door opening while driving.

If there are children in the vehicle,
make sure to enable the child

Press the unlock button to unlock all
protection lock function. the doors at the same time. The turn
signals flash twice.


When you unlock all the doors with
the smart key, even if no door is

As this vehicle is equipped with opened, the interior lights stay on for
a child protection lock, the rear 15 seconds and then go out.
doors can only be opened with ●
In anti-theft mode, open any door
the interior handle when the child within 30 seconds after unlocking with
protection lock is disabled. the smart key, or all doors will relock
Locking/Unlocking/Finding the Vehicle ●
Even if you press and hold the lock
with Smart Key
or unlock button, locking or unlocking
will not be repeated. You need to
The wireless remote control is used
release the button and press it again.

to unlock or lock all doors at a close

distance, and complete additional Lowering windows

Press and hold the unlock button

In the active area, press the associated on the smart key to lower the four
button on the registered smart key to windows.
lock or unlock all doors.

Unlocking the trunk with smart key

Double-press the trunk release button on

the smart key. The turn signals then flash

If any door, the hood, or the trunk lid
is not closed, pressing the microswitch
still locks the closed doors, but the
horn only sounds once, and the turn
signals do not flash.

Anti-forget key function Unlocking

If the key is placed in the vehicle ●
When doors are locked, press the
or in the trunk with the vehicle microswitch on the front door handle
locked, when you close the trunk, the while carrying the smart key. All doors
vehicle automatically unlocks and unlock and turn signals flash twice.
turn signals flash twice.

In anti-theft mode, open a door within
Finding the vehicle 30 seconds after activating the unlock

When the vehicle is in anti-theft mode, function, or all doors will relock
press the lock button. The vehicle automatically.
sounds a long beep and turn signals ●
Pressing the microswitch does not
flash 15 times. Use this function to work if:
locate the vehicle when it cannot be
found. ●
This is performed while a door is
being opened or closed.

When the vehicle is in car search
mode, press the lock button again. ●
The key is in the vehicle.
The vehicle enters the next car search
mode. Lowering windows

Press and hold the microswitch on the

Unlocking/Locking Doors with front door handle to unlock the door and
Microswitch open the window.


With the ignition switched off and
If the smart key is too close to an
doors closed but not locked, press the

exterior door handle or window,

microswitch on the front door handle.
it may not be possible to activate
All doors lock at the same time, and
the entry function.
turn signals flash once.
The function of opening/closing
If the ignition has not been switched

the window by pressing and

off, the turn signals do not flash, and
the alarm sounds once.

permission will be revoked when the
REMINDER ignition is switched off.

holding the microswitch can be ●

Putting the NFC key card close to the
turned on or off in infotainment NFC mark on the side mirror on the
driver's side does not work if:
touchscreen → → Vehicle

This is performed while the door is
Settings → Locks on the
opened or closed.
infotainment touchscreen. (The
configuration on your actual ●
The ignition is not switched off.
vehicle may differ.)
Unlocking the Trunk with Microswitch

The keyless start permission lasts 03
for up to 10 minutes.

With the vehicle locked, press the rear

microswitch while carrying a valid key
to unlock the trunk. Emergency Trunk Releasing from the

With the vehicle unlocked, press the
rear microswitch to open the trunk.
1. Remove the access cover of the trunk
lid lock from the lid trim panel.
Locking/Unlocking with NFC Key Card

Hold the NFC card close to the NFC
sign on the side mirror on the driver's

Locking doors:

With the ignition switched off and all
doors closed but not locked, place the
NFC key card close to the NFC mark on
the side mirror on the driver's side to
simultaneously lock all the doors. The
turn signals flash once. 2. Pull the lever to unlock the trunk.

Unlocking doors:

In anti-theft mode, place the NFC key
card close to the NFC mark on the
side mirror on the driver's side to
simultaneously unlock all the doors.
The turn signals flash twice.

When anti-theft mode is activated,
open a door within 30 seconds after
unlocking with the NFC card, or all
doors will relock automatically.

After unlocking doors with the
NFC card, user activation permission
is provided for 10 minutes. This

knobs of the passenger's doors to
REMINDER lock these doors (turn the left door
knob clockwise; turn the right door

When the vehicle is powered off, knob counterclockwise), then close
the trunk lid can be unlocked from the doors. Finally, lock the driver's
the inside in case of emergency. door by the mechanical key. In this
case, all vehicle doors are locked and
Locking/Unlocking with Central impossible to open using their outer
Locking handles.

Locking or unlocking the vehicle with

the central locking

See P63.

Locking or unlocking doors


All doors automatically lock at vehicle
speeds above 8 km/h.

Press the START/STOP button to switch
the ignition off. Then, all doors unlock ●
To unlock the doors, unlock the
automatically. driver's door with the mechanical key
Locking/unlocking all doors first, then enter the vehicle, and pull
concurrently the inner handles of other doors. To
open these, pull their outer handles or

When the vehicle is not in anti-theft pull their inner handles again.
mode, the backlight of the central lock
button turns on if the vehicle is locked REMINDER
and turns off if the vehicle is unlocked.

Pressing the central lock button locks

Prevent excessive force from
all doors so that any attempt to open distorting or breaking the key
any door from the outside fails. At this during the operation.
time, pull the interior handle to unlock
a door and pull a second time to open
it. Smart Access and Start

All doors unlock automatically
when the vehicle suffers a strong Use the smart key to unlock or lock the
impact, depending on the impact vehicle doors (See P45 or P46.)
intensity and accident type.
Emergency Vehicle Locking with
Mechanical Key With the smart key inside, press the brake
pedal and the START/STOP button to start

When the central locking fails, use the the vehicle. (See P90.)
key to turn the emergency locking

Antenna positions
① Interior antenna

There is a strong electromagnetic
② Exterior antenna
field nearby, such as TV towers,
power stations, and broadcasting

The smart key is being carried
along with a communication
device, such as a two-way radio or
mobile phone.

The smart key is in contact with or
covered by a metal object. 03

The door handle is operated too

Active area

The smart key is too close to the
The smart access and start functions take
effect only when the registered smart key
is within the active area. ●
Another wireless remote control
function is being used nearby.
① Active area of the access function:
about 1 m from the front door handle and ●
When the smart key battery runs
the exterior trunk switch. out.

② Active area of the start function: inside ●

The smart key is close to high-
the cabin. voltage equipment or equipment
that produces noise.
If another smart key is near this vehicle's
smart key, unlocking may take longer ●
The smart key is being carried
than usual, which is normal. along with another smart key or
radio-wave-emitting device.

Even within the active area, the
smart key may not work properly
in certain locations, for example,
on the dashboard, in the glove
box, or on the floor.

If the smart access system is not
working properly and it is impossible
to enter the vehicle, the mechanical
key can be used to lock/unlock the
driver's door, or the wireless remote
REMINDER control function can be used to lock/
unlock all doors.
In the following situation, smart
access and start system may not ●
Pressing the Start/Stop button may not
work normally: enable the start function due to:

Smart key failure. If the smart
key warning light comes on and a

message ("Smart key power is low.
Please replace the battery as soon
as possible") is displayed on the
instrument cluster, the battery of the
key may be exhausted.

If the smart access and start system
cannot work properly due to system
failures, bring all smart keys to a BYD
authorized dealer or service provider
for repair.

Saving battery power


The smart key communicates with the
vehicle even when the vehicle is not ●
Before driving, especially when
running. Therefore, do not leave the a child is in the vehicle, ensure
smart key in the vehicle or within two that the doors are closed and the
meters from the vehicle. child protection lock function is

Receiving strong electromagnetic
waves for a long time drains the ●
Proper use of seat belts and
battery of the smart key quickly. The activation of child protection lock
smart key must be kept at least one helps prevent the driver and
meter away from the following devices: passengers from being thrown out
of the vehicle in an accident, and

TVs also prevents a door from being

PCs opened accidentally.

Wireless telephone chargers

Electroliers Seats

Fluorescent desk lamps

Seat Precautions
Child Protection Lock

Adjust the driver's seat so that the
Child protection locks are designed to pedals, steering wheel, and dashboard
prevent children in rear seats from controls are within the driver's easy
accidentally opening rear doors. Such control.
locks are provided on the sides of the left ●
The most effective safeguard while
and right rear doors.
driving is to keep the seatback upright,
① Unlock always resting well on the seatback,
and adjusting the seat belt to the right
② Lock position.
The door cannot be opened from inside ●
Secure your luggage appropriately to
the vehicle while the latch is locked. To prevent it from skidding or moving.
open this door, use the exterior door Luggage in the vehicle should not be
handle. higher than seatbacks.


Sitting on a folded seatback or ●
Do not fasten seat belts before
on cargo is prohibited. Improper seat adjustment.
seating position or improperly
fastened seat belts can result in

While adjusting a seat, do not let
severe personal injury in case of it hit against any passenger or the
emergency braking or a collision. luggage.

Do not place any items under
the seats. The driver may lose Adjusting Front Seats
control of the vehicle because
items placed there affect the
seat locking mechanism or
Power front seat adjustment include
seat position adjustment, cushion
accidentally push up the seat
height adjustment*, and seatback
position adjustment lever, causing

angle adjustment. Choose the following
the seat to move suddenly.
methods according to the actual

When adjusting the seat, do not configuration of your vehicle.
place your hand under the seat
Seat position adjustment switch
or near its operating parts, to
prevent being crushed. ●
Move this switch back or forth to slide
the seat backward or forward.

After adjusting the seatback, lean
back to confirm the seatback ●
Move the rear end of the switch up or
has been locked. Seatbacks that down to adjust the height of the seat
are not fully locked can cause cushion.
personal injuries in an accident or
during emergency braking. Seatback angle adjustment switch

Do not put the seatback down

Move this switch forward or backward
while driving or riding in the to adjust the seatback angle.
vehicle. This makes the shoulder
strap of the seat belt not properly
attached to the body. As a result,
you and your passengers could hit
the strap in an accident, causing
serious injury to the neck or other
parts; or you and your passenger
may slip out of the waist belt,
resulting in other serious injuries.

Do not adjust the seat while
the vehicle is in motion, as
unpredictable seat movement can
cause the loss of vehicle control at
this time. ●
Releasing the switch stops the

Do not drive the vehicle until seat in this position. Do not
occupants are seated properly. place anything under the seat as


this may prevent the seat from


Heating System

Turn the heating system on or off in
infotainment touchscreen → →
A/C shortcut button → seat heating
controls. REMINDER

You can also access the seat heating ●
Please fold or unfold the rear
settings in the drop-down menu on seats at a moderate speed. Avoid
infotainment system homepage. quickly lowering or pulling up
seatbacks to prevent damages to
or malfunction of rear seats and
the seat belts.

When unfolding a rear seat, do
not push the seatback hard;
otherwise, the seatback will be
pre-stressed and impossible to

When unfolding a seatback, check
Heating adjustment that the buckle position is proper
to expose the reserved opening

On the infotainment touchscreen, tap
on the seat.
the seat heating controls to select a
heating level: 1 or 2. ●
Do not turn over the seat when
the seat belt latch is inserted into

This function is always disabled when
the buckle.
the vehicle is just powered on.

Heating of the rear windshield and side

mirrors Head Supports

Enable or disable the heating of the
Rear Seat Head Supports
rear windshield and side mirrors by
using the heating switch for the rear
windshield and side mirrors. 1. Lifting a head support

Lift the head support in the direction of

Folding Rear Seats the head support rod until it is in the
appropriate position, and then release it
Pull the strap on the rear seat to fold the until a locking sound is heard.
2. Lowering a head support

Press the head support adjustment

button, lower the head support to a

proper position, and then release the
button. REMINDER

Head supports protect vehicle
occupants from head and neck
injuries. Adjust the head support
so that its center aligns with
the back of your head for
maximum protection. Adjust the
head support to the proper
position based on your actual

When adjusting head support


height, align the occupant's ear

3. Removing a head support
tip line with the center line of the

Press and hold the head support head support.
adjustment button, remove the head ●
After adjusting the head support,
support, and release the button.
ensure that it is locked into
4. Installing a head support position.

Insert the head support post into the

Do not drive the vehicle without
bushing with the grooves facing forward. head supports.
Press the head support adjustment ●
Do not attach any object to the
button, push down the head support to
head support lever.
a proper position, and then release the

Steering Wheel
Steering Wheel Switches

1 Panoramic view
8 Call
2 Screen mode
9 Speech recognition
Cruise control switch or +/Reset or
3 10 Right
11 Mode
4 Distance +
12 Scroll button
5 Lever
13 Instrument cluster/Back
6 Distance -
14 Left

The audio control switch is operational Panoramic view

when the ignition is switched on.

Turns panoramic view off if already in
Left-hand buttons panoramic view mode, or on if not in
panoramic view mode.

Screen mode ●
Press down the button to mute.

Switches between the landscape and ●
When the instrument cluster is in menu
portrait mode of the infotainment mode:
system touchscreen.

Roll the button upward to select the
+/Reset upper level-2 or level-3 menu items.

Activates the adaptive cruise control ●
Roll the button downward to select
(ACC) system and uses the previous the lower level-2 or level-3 menu
system settings. items.

ACC switch ●
Press down the button to go to
the next-level menu or confirm the
Turns the ACC system on or off. current setting.



Sets the current speed to the target
cruise speed. ●
The infotainment system is muted
Distance + once the instrument cluster is set
to the menu mode. To adjust

Increases the distance by one notch infotainment system volume, exit
when the ACC function is enabled. A the instrument cluster menu
total of four notches are available. mode first.

Distance -

Reduces the distance from the vehicle ●
When the infotainment system is in
ahead by one notch when the ACC
radio mode:
function is enabled. A total of four
notches are available. ●
Press the button to select
ICC previous radio station.

Turns ICC on or off. ●
Press the button to select next
radio station.
When the infotainment system is
in USB/Bluetooth music/third-party

For instructions on using cruise
music app/other modes:
control, see P97 .

Press the button to play the
Right-hand buttons previous track (track number - 1).
Scroll button ●
Press the button to select a

Adjusting infotainment system volume record upward on the Bluetooth call
when the instrument cluster is not in record or phonebook screen.
menu mode:

Press the button to play the next
Roll the button upward to increase
track (track number +1).

Press the button to select a
Roll the button downward to

decrease volume. record downward on the Bluetooth

call record or phonebook screen.


When the instrument cluster is in menu the upper-level screen, or to exit the
mode: menu if there is no upper-level screen.

Press the button to switch to ●
When dialing on the Bluetooth
level-1 menu and its submenus on interface, press it to end the call.
the left. Mode

Press the button to switch to ●
Selecting a mode: Press the Mode
level-1 menu and its submenus on button to switch between media apps,
the right. peripherals, and pre-installed third-
party audio/video apps.

Press this button to make or receive a Horn
call. (The audio system is muted at the
same time.) ●
Press the horn button area to honk the
horn, and release to stop honking.

When a Bluetooth-unrelated screen is
currently displayed, press this button
to switch to the phone selection screen CAUTION
if Bluetooth is disconnected, or to the
Avoid pressing honking for too
Dial screen if Bluetooth is connected.

long, as the horn may be

After entering a phone number on the damaged.
Dial screen or selecting a record on the
Call Log or Contacts screen, press this
button to dial the number. REMINDER

When Bluetooth is connected, but no ●
Observe the traffic laws and use
phone number is entered on the Dial the horn reasonably.
screen, press this button to switch to
the Call Log screen. Press this button
again to call the first dialed number on Adjusting the Steering
the call history.
Speech recognition
To adjust the steering wheel position,

Press this button for the infotainment
hold it and operate as follows:
touchscreen to switch to the voice
recognition screen. ●
Push down the steering wheel
adjustment handle, adjust the steering

Press this button again to re-enter a
wheel to the desired position, and
voice command.
then return the handle to its original
Instrument cluster/Back position.

When the instrument cluster is not
in the menu mode, press Instrument
cluster/Back to show the instrument
cluster menu.

When the instrument cluster is in menu
mode, press this button to return to

Light Switches

Set the light switch to to turn off all

lights except for daytime running lights.


Never adjust the steering wheel
while driving, as this is under risk

of impaired vehicle control, which
can lead to accidents.

After adjusting the steering wheel,
move it up and down to verify that
it is securely locked. Auto lights

Set the light switch to . The body

Power-Assisted Steering Mode Settings control module captures the brightness
data from the light intensity sensor to

The feel of steering assistance varies automatically turn the position lights and
from person to person, and so do the low beam on or off.
evaluation and needs for this feel.

On the infotainment touchscreen, go
to → Vehicle Settings → Smart
Chassis → Steering mode to opt to
Comfort or Sport.


Setting the power steering to
sport mode is suggested if the
steering wheel feels light when Position lights
the vehicle is running at a high
speed. Set the light switch to to turn on
position lights.

Low beam Overtaking light

Set the light switch to to turn on the Pull up the lever (toward the steering
low beam. wheel) to turn on the overtaking light.
Release the lever for the light switch to
automatically reset. The overtaking light
turns off.

Rear fog lights

Set the light switch to and rotate the

Turn signals
fog light dial to , to turn on rear fog
lights. ●
Push up the lever to signal right turn.
The right turn signal and its indicator
on the instrument cluster flash.

Pull down the lever to signal left turn.
The left turn signal and its indicator on
the instrument cluster flash.

High beam

Set the light switch to and push

the lever down (away from the steering
wheel) to turn on the high beam.


Once turned on, turn signals continue ●
Follow me home headlight:
flashing even after the lever is
released. They will turn off after the

The lighting delay is 10 seconds
turn is complete. Depending on the by default and can be set on the
driver's habit, the turn signal will reset infotainment touchscreen. With the
after the vehicle turns around under light switch set to , , or
some extreme conditions.
, when you power off the vehicle,
Auto light off lock four doors, and are leaving
the vehicle, the corresponding lights

Conditions to activate the auto light off
keep on for 10 seconds (or the set
function: To activate this function, set
time period).
the light switch to or and
Headlights before entering:

switch off the vehicle power.

The lighting delay is 10 seconds
When the function is activated, the by default and can be set on the


headlights and position lights turn off infotainment touchscreen. With the
in 10 seconds if the driver's door is
closed. light switch set to , ,

When the function is activated, the or , when you unlock and
headlights and position lights turn off are approaching the vehicle, the
in 10 minutes if the driver's door is corresponding lights keep on for 10
open. seconds (or the set time period).

After the lights turn off automatically, ●
You can set the delay in infotainment
if the light status changes, these lights touchscreen → → Vehicle Settings
come on in the new status. If the → Ambient Light.
conditions to activate the auto light off
function are still met, the function is
Adjusting Headlight Height
activated again.

Disabling of the auto light off function: When the low beam is on, on the
When the vehicle is powered on, the infotainment touchscreen, tap →
auto light off function is disabled, Vehicle Settings → Ambient Light →
and the light switch can be operated Adjust headlight height to adjust the
normally. vertical beam angle of the headlights.

When the auto light off function
has turned off the lights and anti-
theft mode has been activated, if
you deactivate anti-theft function, the
lights come on again automatically. If
the driver's door remains closed, the
lights go off again in 10 seconds. But if
any door is open, it turns off the light
in 10 minutes.

Lighting delay

Recommended Lighting
Loading Conditions

One person in the driver seat

The driver, plus one passenger in the front seat

All the seats occupied 0~2

All the seats occupied, plus an evenly distributed load

(calculated based on the technically permissible maximum 1~3
laden) in the trunk

Driver, plus an evenly distributed load (calculated based on

the technically permissible maximum laden) in the trunk

Vehicle loading conditions may differ. ●
In slow and fast modes, the wiper
Adjust accordingly. operates continuously.

Pulling down the lever from the
Wiper Switch position activates the point-wiping
mode . The wipers wipe at a low

The lever is used to control the speed until you release the lever.
windshield wipers and washer. It has
five modes: ●
The INT knob determines the
frequency at which the intermittent

: Fast mode wipes.

: Slow

: Intermittent

: Off

: Point-wiping

Front windshield washer

To clean the front windshield, pull the
wiper switch lever backward (towards
the steering wheel) so that the washer
spray washing fluid while the wipers

If the lever is pulled for less than one

Push up or pull down the lever to

second, the wipers wipe once after the

select a mode.
current action. If the time exceeds one
second, the wipers wipe twice.


Check and clean the wiper blades
at regular intervals.

Do not start the wipers while
rain is starting, as the windshield
cannot be cleaned and rainwater
mixed with sand and dust may
instantly blur your view, affecting
driving safety.
Rear windshield wiper and washer*

Use cleaning agent for glass. The

Set the wiper switch to to activate use of water, or another type 03
of detergent, may damage the
the rear windshield wiper; set it to
washer motor.

to stop the wiper.

If the trunk is open or not fully

Set the wiper switch to to activate closed, the wiper switch will fail to
the rear windshield wiper and washer control the rear wiper until the lid
simultaneously. is closed.


Due to differences in vehicle
equipment, the specific details
of wiper function vary between

Driver's Door Switches

Set the wiper switch to and release Power Window Switches
it. The wiper operates twice after
washing fluid has been sprayed.

The window control switch at the
driver's side contains four buttons to
roll up or down windows on four
doors, respectively.

Press a switch to roll the window

Pull a switch to roll the window up.


Before closing a power window,
ensure occupants' hands are not
placed upon the window glass;
pinching of hands or fingers can
result in serious injuries.

Anti-pinch function*

The anti-pinch function automatically

Automatic operation stops the window glass from closing and
withdraws it a certain distance, if an

Rolling down: Press a switch to obstruction is sensed while the window
the second notch and release. The is closing.
corresponding window rolls down
automatically. Initialization of anti-pinch function*

Rolling up: Pull a switch to the second ●
If the low-voltage battery is
notch and release. The corresponding disconnected while a window is being
window rolls up automatically*. rolled up or down, the automatic
rolling-up and anti-pinch functions

To stop the window halfway, gently both cease to work. In this case,
push the switch in the opposite initialize the settings as follows:

Pull up and hold the window switch
Manual operation so that the window glass reaches the

Rolling down: Press the switch to the top position and stalls there for 0.5
first notch and do not release. The seconds.
corresponding window is rolled down ●
In models equipped with the one-
manually. press closing function, if the window

Rolling up: Pull the switch to the rises to the position close to
first notch and do not release. The the upper window frame sealing
corresponding window is rolled up strip and the upper window edge
manually. undergoes certain resistance, the
window moves back down to prevent
Delay function pinching.

After the vehicle is powered off, if
the front doors are not open, the CAUTION
four window switches has a 10-minute
Excessively frequent activation
roll-up/down delay period. During this

of the anti-pinch function can

period, the windows can still be rolled
activate the regulator motor's
up and down. If either of the front
overheat protection.
doors is opened during this period,
the delay function is canceled, and ●
Do not intentionally activate the
the switches can no longer be used to anti-pinch function by jamming
operate the windows. any part of your body into the


The anti-pinch function may not
work if an object is jammed into
the window when it is almost
completely closed.

Contacting a BYD authorized
dealer or service provider for
maintenance is recommended if
the windows' automatic closing
function or anti-pinch function is Unlocking
not working normally.
Press the central unlock button. All doors 03
are unlocked and the red lock indicator
Window Lock Switch turns off.


Press the window lock switch. The red
window lock indicator goes on. Only Side Windows
the switches on the driver's side can be
used to open/close four windows; the Passenger's Window Switches
window switches on the rear row are
deactivated. When the ignition is on, use the front

Press the switch a second time. The left and rear door window switches to
red window lock indicator goes out, operate the respective windows.
and the window switches on the rear
row work normally.

Odometer Switch
Central Locking ●
Press the odometer switch to switch
between "Total Mileage" - "Mileage
The driver's door is equipped with power
1" - "Mileage 2" - "Total Mileage".
door lock switches to lock or unlock all
The switching status is displayed
accordingly on the instrument cluster.
Locking ●
Press and hold "Mileage 1" and
Press the central lock button. All doors "Mileage 2" to clear the mileage
are locked and the red lock indicator information.
lights up.


This mode is recommended on fairly
strong surfaces covered in slippery
materials such as grass, snow, ice, or

Driver Assistance
Mode switches ●
Snow mode optimizes the towing,
driving, and manipulation features
Scroll the wheel up or down to switch in slippery conditions, and the
between NORMAL, ECO, and SPORT accelerator pedal is selected with
modes. caution.


Shutting down the ESC system
may help if the motor
performance is degraded in soft
snow conditions by the activation
of dynamic stability control. The
ESC system must be restarted
after conditions are back to

Ecology, conservation, optimization
(ECO): moderate vehicle power, Regenerative braking button
comfortable driving and riding Scroll the wheel up or down to switch
experience, and better economy. between standard and high regenerative

Normal (NORMAL): standard settings braking modes.
mode, the default driving condition.

Sport (SPORT): The vehicle shows
good power performance, but its
acceleration performance is reduced
at low SOC, or too high or low

Snow mode switch

Scroll the wheel up/ down to enter/exit
the snow mode.

Hazard Warning Light ●
Press and hold the sunshade close
button ② to close the sunshade
Switch manually. Release the button midway
to stop the sunshade at its current
Scroll the wheel up and down once.

If the sunshade has been initialized,
All the turn signals and their indicators releasing the sunshade close button
start to flash. Scroll up or down ② immediately after touching it closes
the sunshade automatically. For the
once again to stop the flashing. sunshade to stop at its current
position, touch the ① or button ②


When opening or closing the
sunroof sunshade, avoid forceful
contact with its curtain, to prevent

Interior Light Switch

Interior Light Switch
Opening the sunshade
In any ignition status, touch the cover of

Press and hold the sunshade open front interior lights to turn on the lights.
button ① to open the sunshade
manually. Release the button midway
to stop the sunshade.

Release the sunshade open button
② immediately after pressing it. The
sunshade opens automatically. For the
sunshade to stop, press button ① or ②


In any ignition status, while DOOR
option is selected and any door
is open, interior lighting switches
between high and low brightness
with touches on the light switch.

Closing the sunshade


With the ignition off and DOOR
option selected, interior lights
will go off after the door have
remained open for a period of

Charging/Discharging...................... 68
Usage Precautions............................85
Starting and Driving..........................90
Driver Assistance.............................. 97
Other Main Functions..................... 127
Charging/ the charging equipment and related

Discharging ●
Do not use charging equipment that
does not meet safety standards or
has potential safety hazards. Do not
Charging Instructions allow children to use the charging
equipment and keep animals away

Charging equipment uses high-voltage from the vehicle while charging.
current. Minors are prohibited to ●
Ensure that your hands are properly
charge the vehicle or touch the
dry before charging.
charging equipment. Keep them away
from the vehicle during charging. ●
If anything abnormal is found in
the vehicle or charging equipment
Charging may affect medical or
during charging, stop immediately and

implanted electronic devices. Consult

contact a BYD authorized dealer or
the device manufacturer before
service provider.

Always observe the following charging
Charge the vehicle in a relatively safe
precautions to prevent damage to the

environment, and avoid charging in

damp areas, or areas with fire or heat
sources. ●
Do not shake the charging connector,
otherwise the vehicle charge port
Protect the charging equipment
may be damaged.

against water contact on rainy days.

Whenever possible, do not charge
Before charging:
the vehicle during a thunderstorm,

Ensure that power supply under risk of lightning strikes.
equipment, charging connector, ●
Do not open the hood for maintenance
charge port, and charging connection
while charging.
device are free of defects, such as
cable wear, rusted ports, cracked ●
After charging, do not disconnect the
casings, or foreign objects in the charging equipment with wet hands or
ports. while standing on any wet surface.

Do not charge the vehicle when the ●
Before driving, ensure that the
charging connector's or port's plug, charging equipment is disconnected
socket, or metal terminals are loose from the charge port.
or damaged by rust or corrosion.
Compatibility of Vehicle and Charging

When the charging connector, port, Infrastructure
power plug, or socket is visibly
stained or damp, wipe them with a

The signs are located on the vehicle's
dry and clean cloth to ensure the charging socket, components of the
connection is dry and clean. local charging infrastructure (charging
stations and sockets) and on the

Use charging equipment that complies charging cable.
with local standards.

To avoid charging failure or fire, do
not modify, disassemble, or repair


Hold the charging connector with
one hand, align the connector with
the charge port and push it in,
making sure that they are properly

When charging is complete:

The signs refer to standardized

Stop charging first and make sure the
charging systems in accordance with charge port is unlocked.
DIN EN 62196. ●
Pull the connector with one hand.

Charging Precautions

Do not force the charging connector
out while the charge port is locked,

When the SOC bar on the instrument otherwise the charge port may be
cluster turns red, the high-voltage damaged.
battery is about to be exhausted. ●
Precautions: 04
Please charge it immediately,
otherwise the service life of the high- ●
The A/C can be used as normal


voltage battery will be reduced. while the vehicle is being charged.
To ensure the charging power, it is

Mode 2 charging means charging recommended not to turn on the A/C.
with an AC charging connector that
complies with local standards. Use ●
It is recommended that no one stay
a dedicated AC line and power in the vehicle during charging.
outlet that meets local standards. The ●
It is recommended to park the
purpose of using a dedicated line is to
vehicle in a ventilated area during
protect the line from tripping due to
line breakage or high-power charging
of the high-voltage battery. Using a line ●
The vehicle system automatically
other than dedicated lines may affect stops charging when the high-voltage
proper operation of other devices on battery is fully charged. The charge
the line. port is equipped with an electronic
lock. Unlock it before unplugging the
Avoiding damage to the charging
charging equipment.

equipment (precautions for charging

equipment): ●
To stop DC charging, turn off
the charger before disconnecting
Prevent the charging equipment
the charging connector. In Mode

from suffering any mechanical

2 charging, remove the charging
connector and then the power plug.
Do not place the charging equipment
When charging is complete and the

near heaters or other heat sources.

charging connector is unplugged,

Before charging: make sure that the charge port's cap
and door are closed, otherwise water

Make sure that the charging or foreign materials may enter the port
connector and charge port are and affect its normal use.
free of foreign objects, and that
the protective cap of the charging ●
Before starting the vehicle, ensure
connector terminal does not get that the charging equipment is
loose or deformed. disconnected. The locking mechanism

can damage the charging equipment may be affected by the A/C in
and the vehicle if the vehicle is the passenger compartment, and the
started with the charging connector charging performance may degrade,
incorrectly inserted. resulting in an extended charging time.
To ensure charging efficiency, it is

Battery temperatures that are too recommended to keep the A/C off
low or too high compromise vehicle during charging.
charging performance.

When the heating or cooling function is

The temperature control system can enabled during charging, it is normal
improve low-temperature charging that both charging time and power
capacity of the battery. Due to output consumption increase slightly.
capacity limitations of charging piles,
the charging time is extended, the ●
During charging, battery cooling
heating time becomes longer, and may start, and the compressor, fan
the power consumption of heating and other components work when
is increased. These are normal necessary. It is normal that there will
phenomenons. be some noise under the hood.

For faster low-temperature DC ●
During charging, the estimated
charging, charging from low SOC remaining time to full charge is
is recommended because, due to displayed on the instrument cluster.
the low battery temperature, the It is normal that the remaining time
charging current is small for vehicles to full charge may vary slightly
with high SOC in low-temperature depending on the temperatures, SOC,
environments. and charging facilities.

To improve your experience, it is ●
If the charge port door is frozen due to
recommended to charge the vehicle weather or other reasons, do not force
immediately after using it, as the it open.
battery is relatively hot and has
better charging performance. REMINDER

Turning A/C on during low-
temperature charging can affect the

If the charging connector cannot
performance of battery temperature be removed after unlocking,
control system and charging try a few more unlocking
performance. attempts. If that does not work,
try emergency unlocking. For

It is normal that when the battery the operating procedure, see
temperature control system is working "Emergency Unlocking of the
during charging, the charging power Charge Port" in "Charge Port Anti-
displayed on the instrument cluster theft Lock".
may fluctuate temporarily.

To unlock the charge port after DC

Before charging is complete, battery charging, press the unlock button
equalization is activated for longer twice within three seconds for the
battery life and thus the charging time operation to be successful.
may be longer.

See the charging instructions for

In case of high-temperature high- specific charging precautions.
power DC charging, the performance
of battery temperature control system

General Charging Troubleshooting

Fault Possible Cause Solution

The high-voltage
When the high-voltage battery is fully charged,
battery has been fully
the charging will stop automatically.

High-voltage battery Keep the vehicle in an environment with

temperature is too high appropriate temperature and charge it when the
or too low. temperature becomes normal.
Charger is
Low-voltage battery
connected, Replace the low-voltage battery.
charge starts,
but battery If it is verified that the charging equipment's
will not power indicator is working properly, or that
charge. Charging equipment
there are no other unusual indications, change 04
the charging equipment or contact the charging
equipment supplier.


Verify that there is a charging system fault
message on the instrument cluster, then stop the
Vehicle display fails.
charging. It is recommended to contact a BYD
authorized dealer or service provider.

Charging will automatically restart when the

AC grid outage
power grid is restored.

Charging cable is not Verify that the charging connection cable is not
connected properly. loosely connected.

If the charging connection switch is pressed,

Charging connection
the charging will stop. The charging connection
switch is pressed.
Charging should be connected again to start charging.
midway. Charging stops automatically if the high-voltage
High-voltage battery battery overheating warning light comes on on
temperature is too the instrument cluster. Charge the vehicle when
high. the battery temperature returns to a normal

If there is any fault prompt for the charging pile

Vehicle or charging pile
or the vehicle, it is recommended to contact a
BYD authorised dealer or service provider.

Charging housing, worn cable, rusted plug, or

foreign materials.

Before charging: ●
Do not charge when the charging
connection becomes loose.

Check the charging device for
abnormalities such as cracked


Make sure the port is clear of fluids
or foreign objects, and its metal
terminals are not rusty or corroded.
over by the vehicle, dropped, or

In any of these cases, do not charge. trampled on.
Otherwise, personal injury may occur ●
Never drop the equipment or
due to short circuit or electric shock.
pull it directly by its cable.
Take caution when moving the
Using Mode 2 Charging Cable equipment.

1. Equipment

It is strictly prohibited to
modify, disassemble, or repair the

Connect the vehicle to an outlet that charging equipment and its ports.
meets local standards to charge the

It is not recommended to use
any additional wire or adapter/

A household socket meeting local connector. If an additional
standards must be used in order to adapter is required, choose
avoid line damage or tripping due to a suitable cable diameter
high-power charging, which may effect (≥1.5 mm²) and the adapter/
the normal use of other devices. connector parameters must meet

This Mode 2 Charging Cable includes
a power plug (complying with local ●
Never use the charging equipment
standards), a charging connector, a if the household power strip cable
control box, and a charging cable. becomes soft, if the charging
The plug is connected to a standard connector cable is worn out, if the
household power socket, and the insulation layer is cracked, or in
charging connector to the vehicle's case of any other damage.
charge port.

Never use the equipment

Charging time: Refer to the charging when the charging connector,
time message on the instrument power plug, or power strip is
cluster. disconnected or broken, or if there
is any sign of surface damage.

To prevent failure of the charge

See "Charging Instructions" for port door, do not open and close
charging safety warnings. it repeatedly. The recommended
time interval for opening and

The highest working temperature closing the port door is at least
allowed for the product is 50°C. one second.
Store the product in a cool and
dry place when it is not in use.

When charging, do not place the
equipment in the trunk, under the ●
The charging cable must not be
front of the vehicle, or near the placed in a spiral during charging,
tires. as this will affect heat dissipation.

When using the equipment, ●
See the charging instructions for
prevent it from getting rolled specific charging precautions.


It is recommended to contact a
BYD authorized dealer or service
provider or local electrician to
select an appropriate power
supply according to requirements
of the charging equipment.

Charging equipment grounding
instructions: The equipment must
be properly grounded. In the
event of failure or damage to the
equipment, the grounding cable
provides a minimum impedance

Do not open the charge port door
to circuit discharge and thereby forcibly when it is locked.
reducing the risk of electric shock. ●
If the charge port door is frozen 04
The equipment comes with a due to weather or other reasons,


ground cable connecting its do not force it open.

ground point with that of the
power plug, which must match

Connect the power supply terminal:
a properly installed and well- ●
Plug the Mode 2 Charging Cable into
grounded power supply outlet. a household socket.

2. Charging ●
Connect the vehicle port:

With the vehicle doors unlocked and ●
Plug the charging connector correctly
preferably powered off, press the into the port.
charge port door to open it. ●
After the charging connector is
inserted, the charging connection
indicator lights up on the
instrument cluster.


Do not forcibly insert the
connector with the electric lock

In the charging process, charging

Open the charge port cap, and make parameters and the charging sign are
sure that no obstacles exist between displayed on the instrument cluster.
the head of the charging connector
and the end of the charging socket. ●
At this point, you can schedule
charging on the infotainment
touchscreen. See "Reservation
Charging" for the configuration


During charging, the estimated ●
You can activate the anti-
remaining time to full theft lock on the infotainment
charge is displayed on touchscreen, as detailed in
the instrument cluster or "Charge Port Anti-theft Lock" in
infotainment touchscreen. It is this chapter.
normal that the remaining time
to full charge may vary slightly,

If the charging connector cannot
depending on the temperatures, be removed after unlocking,
SOC, and charging facilities. try a few more unlocking
attempts. If that does not work,

Reservation charging cannot be try emergency unlocking. For
used when the battery is too low. the operating procedure, see
"Emergency Unlocking of the
3. Stopping charging Charge Port" in "Charge Port Anti-
theft Lock".

End the charging:

When the charge port's anti-theft

The charging automatically ends mode is deactivated, if you cannot
when the vehicle is fully charged. pull the charging connector out

Disconnect the charge port: directly, try to unlock the vehicle
and pull it again.

If the anti-theft lock is deactivated,
press the mechanical button of the ●
Disconnect the power plug.
charging connector or pull out the
charging connector as needed.

Close the charge port cap and the port

If the anti-theft lock is active, press
the unlock button on the key or press

Store the charging equipment
the door handle microswitch (when properly.
the key is nearby), then pull out the
charging connector.


To unlock the vehicle, press
the unlock button on the key
(when charging the vehicle with
ignition switched off) or press the
microswitch on the door handle
(when the key is nearby).

Unlock the vehicle to deactivate REMINDER
the anti-theft lock before pulling
out the charging connector. The ●
When the port cap is fully open,
connector has to be pulled out do not close the charge port door.
within 30 seconds, or the port will

scan the QR code. See the user
manual for charging pile/box for

Never drop the Mode 2 Charging
Cable or pull it directly by ●
The charging connection indicator
its cable. Take caution when
lights up on the instrument cluster.
moving the equipment. Store the
equipment in a cool place after ●
In the charging process, the instrument
use. cluster displays relevant charging
parameters and the charging sign.
Using AC Charging Piles 3. Stopping charging

1. Equipment

End the charging:

Single-phase AC charging box*

Charging ends automatically when
early stop time is due or charging is
Use a standard-compliant household complete.

charging box. For how to use the

charging equipment, refer to its user

Disconnect the charge port:


manual and follow the operating ●
Disconnect as per the instructions for
steps. mode 2 charging.

The single-phase AC charging box ●
Close the AC charge port door (see
consists of a charging box, a charging instructions for mode 2 charging).
connector, and a connecting cable.
For information on circuit breaker ●
Store the equipment properly.
and emergency stop switch, see the
If using an AC charging pile/box,
charging box user manual.

place the charging connector in its

Single-phase AC charging pile designated location in the charging

Charge the vehicle using an AC
charging pile in a public place.
Using DC Charging Piles
Charging time: Refer to the charging
time message on the instrument
cluster or infotainment system. 1. Equipment

2. Charging

Charge the vehicle using a DC charging
pile in a public place, which is typically

Unlock the vehicle and open the installed at a specific charging station.
charge port door:

Charging time: Refer to the charging

Close the charge port cap and the time message on the instrument
port door (see instructions for mode cluster.
2 charging).

Equipment specifications: Please

Connect the vehicle port: check the instructions for the charger.

Plug the charging connector into the 2. Charging
port and make sure it is tight.
DC charging is achieved by connecting

Charging settings: the vehicle to a DC charger via its

For AC charging pile/box subject to
authentication, swipe the card or


Unlock the charge port door, then
open the port door and cap. REMINDER

Connect the vehicle port: ●
Do not close the charge port door
when the port cap is fully open.

Plug the charging connector into the
port and lock it.

Operate the charging equipment to
start charging. ●
If the charging connector cannot
be removed after unlocking,
try a few more unlocking
attempts. If that does not work,
try emergency unlocking. For
the operating procedure, see
"Emergency Unlocking of the
Charge Port" in "Charge Port Anti-
theft Lock".

To unlock the charge port after DC
charging, press the unlock button
twice within three seconds for the

The charging connection indicator operation to be successful.
lights up on the instrument cluster. ●
See the charging instructions for

In the charging process, the instrument specific charging precautions.
cluster displays relevant charging
parameters and the charging sign.
3. Stopping charging

See section "Charging

End the charging: Instructions" for charging safety

Charging ends automatically when
early stop time is due or the charging
is complete. Intelligent Charging

Disconnect the charge port: ●
This model is provided with the

Remove the charging connector. intelligent charging function. It is
not necessary to disconnect the low-

Press the unlock button twice voltage battery's negative terminal
within three seconds or press the when the vehicle is to be parked for a
microswitch on the door handle to long period.
stop charging.

When the left body control module

When the DC charging pile charging detects that the low-voltage battery is
is complete, organize the charging too low, the low-voltage battery may
equipment and store the charging be charged by the high-voltage battery.
connector in its designated position

Reinsert the DC charge port cap and
close the port door.


When the vehicle is stored for
a long time, the smart charging
function may be activated, which
is normal and not a vehicle failure.

Power for smart charging comes
from the high-voltage battery
pack, so it is normal that an ●
The factory default setting is to
SOC decrease is noticed when the
charge the vehicle immediately. That
vehicle is powered on.
is, reservation charging is disabled.
To avoid high-voltage battery
To schedule a charging, toggle the

over-discharging due to smart

reservation charging ON ①, set the
charging, when the vehicle is in
charging start time ② and repeat cycle
low SOC, smart charging is not
③, then save the settings. 04
available. Avoid parking in low
SOC for a long time, and charge After the reservation is set up


the vehicle in time. successfully, if you connect the

charging connector or press the power
button to power off the vehicle during
Reservation Charging
the charge waiting period, you will
be reminded through the infotainment
The charging mode can be set on the
touchscreen that reservation charging

infotainment system. To access the

has been set. Switch to instant
charging if needed.
Go to infotainment touchscreen →
You can tap the reservation charging

→ New Energy. The reservation setting icon ④ to turn off the charging
charging screen is displayed. connector connected alert and power-
off alert in the Reservation Charging

To exit the Reservation Charging
screen, tap or .

Setting screen CAUTION

① Reservation charging switch ●

The reservation charging function
is developed for BYD's slow AC
② Charging time
charging equipment only. Please
③ Repeat cycle disable this function when using
slow AC charging equipment that
④ Settings is not certified by BYD. Otherwise,
scheduled or immediate charging
may fail due to no response from
the equipment, resulting in low
SOC or even low voltage of the
high-voltage battery.


Press the central unlock button
REMINDER under the driver's window to unlock.

The instant charging option on
the reminder screen is valid for
the current reservation only. To
cancel all reservations, toggle
charging reservation off on the
corresponding setting screen.

In the event of low battery,
the vehicle is charged to the
minimum level before scheduled
charging begins. In this process,
the infotainment system still
gives reminder messages for ●
Unplug the charging connector in
power-off and charging connector
30 seconds after unlocking or it
connection, and a related
will be locked again.
message is displayed at the lower
part of the instrument cluster. ●
When the anti-theft mode is
disabled, the electrical lock of
The schedule setting is invalid
the charge port automatically

for DC charging. Charging begins

releases once the charging is
immediately after a DC charging
stopped. When the anti-theft
connector* is connected.
mode is enabled, the vehicle
needs to be unlocked first.
Charge Port Anti-theft
Emergency Unlocking of the Charge
Lock Port

In order to prevent the charging ●

When charging connector cannot be
connector from being stolen, the charge unplugged due to failure of the anti-
port of this vehicle is anti-theft during theft lock, unlock the charge port
charging and discharging. The anti-theft manually.
function is disabled by default. To enable
the function, go to the infotainment ●
Open the hood. A lock latch can be
touchscreen → → New Energy → found inside. Pull the latch to unlock
the charging connector.
Charging Settings and then tap Activate.

When the function is enabled, unlock
the vehicle and unplug the charging
connector during charging in the
following ways:

Press the unlock button on the smart
key to unlock.

Press the microswitch next to the
exterior handle of the driver's side
door to unlock.


In the event of abnormality ●

Store the product in a cool and
or function failure, contact a dry place when it is not in use.
BYD authorized dealer or service ●
When charging, do not place the
equipment in the trunk, under the
front of the vehicle, or near the

When using the equipment,

This vehicle features a vehicle to load prevent it from getting rolled
(V2L) function. over by the vehicle, dropped, or
trampled on.
Never drop the equipment or
pull it directly by its cable.

The V2L function is recommended Take caution when moving the 04
only when SOC is high. equipment.


The V2L function is restricted ●
Never use the charging equipment
when the vehicle SOC is low. if the power strip cable becomes
soft, the charging connector cable
is worn out, the insulation layer
is cracked, or any other damage

For precautions concerning use of
the discharge connection device*, ●
Never use the equipment when
please refer to item 3 (precautions the discharging connector or
for charging equipment) in power strip is disconnected or
"Charging Precautions". broken, or when there is any sign
of surface damage.

Before discharging, please
confirm the vehicle SOC and
estimate the remaining driving External Discharging
Starting discharging

Before V2L discharging, ensure
that the load is turned off. ●
Before discharging, disarm the anti-
theft alarm system.
Unlock the charge port door switch,
then open the port door and cap.

Do not touch any metal terminal
of the discharging socket or

Check before discharging:
vehicle charge port during ●
Ensure that the battery capacity of
discharging. the vehicle to be discharged is not

Stop discharging immediately if below 15%.
there are any abnormalities such ●
Ensure the V2L connection device
as peculiar smell and smoke. casing is not cracked, and its plug is

See "Charging Instructions" for free from rust or obstructions.
charging safety warnings.

Ensure that there is no water or

foreign material inside the charge

port and that metal terminals are
not damaged and free from rust or
corrosion. High-Voltage Battery

Do not discharge if abnormalities ●
The vehicle is powered by a high-
as described in the second or third voltage battery that can be charged
condition is found; otherwise, short and discharged repeatedly. The high-
circuit or electric shock so caused voltage battery is charged by an
could lead to personal injury. external power source or through

Connect the discharge connection energy recovery when the vehicle
device: brakes or coasts.

Connect the V2L discharge device

The high-voltage battery is located
to the charge port. The power strip under the vehicle floor, so be careful
indicator lights up when the strip is to avoid bumping when driving on
powered and ready for use. bumpy or uneven roads.

Discharging starts: Battery Properties

After the connection is made,
discharge begins and respective

It is normal that vehicle performance
information is displayed on the is affected by battery electrochemical
instrument cluster. properties and self-protection and
varies to some extent in the following
Stopping discharging conditions:

Stop discharging: ●
When SOC is high, the regenerative
braking performance may decline.

Disconnect the load.
The vehicle switches to trickle
Disconnect the discharge connection

charging mode at high SOC. If the

charging time is prolonged, the

Unplug the discharging device. estimated remaining charging time
displayed on the instrument cluster

Close the charge port cap and the may not be accurate.
port door (see instructions for Mode
2 charging). ●
When SOC is low, the acceleration
performance may decline.

Organizing the equipment:

When the high-voltage battery is

Store the equipment properly when low, V2L* cannot be used as normal.
discharging is complete. Charge the battery promptly.

At high or low temperatures, it
is normal that the charging and
discharging capabilities of the high-
voltage battery decline, and the
charging time is prolonged. Power
performance may also decline under
extreme temperatures.


For charging at low temperatures, Usage Tips
the temperature control system can
significantly improve the charging ●
It is recommended to use the vehicle at
capability. For details regarding low- temperatures between -10℃ to 40℃.
temperature charging, see Charging When SOC is low, timely charge the
Precautions. vehicle to ensure enough driving range
and good acceleration performance.

When the vehicle is used at
low temperatures, the battery's ●
To ensure long term performance,
temperature control system will start avoid driving in extreme temperatures
heating the battery as appropriate for over 24 hours.
to ensure the driving power
and discharging performance and

In low ambient temperatures, if the
improve your driving experience. vehicle must be stored for a long time,
When the vehicle is driven over short it can be placed in an underground
distances, heating may be ineffective, garage or other warmer area to reduce
loss of battery heat, maintaining
which increases power consumption
and decreases driving range. vehicle performance. 04
Frequent and sudden acceleration or


When the high-voltage battery is

normal, the driving range of the vehicle deceleration should be avoided. Drive
varies with the following factors: the vehicle on flat and dry roads.
When necessary, turn off high-power

Driving habit: For example, the equipment such as A/C or adjust
range in frequent acceleration or the A/C temperature to reduce power
deceleration is shorter than that at consumption of such devices and
constant speeds, and the range is increase the driving range.
shorter when driving at high speeds
than when at low speeds.

Low-power charging contributes to the
service life of high-voltage battery.

Road conditions: For example, the
range driven in rough conditions or

When the vehicle is used for the
on long slopes is shorter than that first time or after a long idle period,
in normal conditions and on even the SOC displayed on the instrument
roads. cluster may not be correct. It is
recommended to fully charge the

Temperature: The driving range at vehicle first.
low temperatures is shorter than that
at ambient temperatures.

It is recommended to fully charge the
vehicle at a regular basis (at least once

Use of electric equipment: For a week), and fully charge it from low
example, the range driven with A/C battery (SOC <10%) once every three to
on is shorter than that with A/C off. six months.

Usable capacity of the high-voltage ●
Under extreme working conditions
battery is lower in cold weather (such as frequent sudden acceleration/
and reduces as the temperature deceleration) that cause battery
decreases. If the vehicle with high overheating, if the temperature of
battery level is charged at low high-voltage battery is excessively
temperatures, the SOC may quickly high, it is normal for discharging
jump to 100%. capability to decrease gradually. If
the battery temperature keeps rising,
the fault warning light lights up on

the instrument cluster. In that case,
it is recommended to contact a BYD
authorized dealer or service provider.
reduce the service life of the high-

When the battery SOC increases voltage battery.
or decreases abnormally, it is ●
When the vehicle is not to
recommended to contact a BYD
be operated for an extended
authorized dealer or service provider
period (over seven days), it is
for inspection.
recommended that the battery
SOC should be kept at 40%-60%
WARNING to prolong its service life. When
the vehicle is not to be operated
In the event of an emergency or for over three months, the high-
accident, be aware of the following voltage battery must be fully
warnings: charged and then discharged to

To avoid personal injury, do not 40%-60% every three months.
touch the high-voltage battery Otherwise, over-discharge may
directly. lead to battery performance
degradation or even damage. Any

Please contact a BYD authorized vehicle fault or damage so caused
dealer or service provider as soon will not be warranted.
as possible.

If there is a collision with

If the high-voltage battery is the high-voltage battery, contact
damaged and leaking fluid, avoid a BYD authorized dealer or
any contact with the fluid. service provider immediately for
If it comes into contact with maintenance.
skin or eyes, rinse immediately
with plenty of water, and seek
immediate medical attention. Recycling the High-Voltage Battery

If the vehicle catches fire, How to scrap an NEV:
use dedicated fire extinguishers
instead of water-based fire 1. Take the vehicle to the BYD recycling
extinguishers. service provider that will assess the
residual value of the high-voltage
2. Take the assessed vehicle to the

To ensure safety of the high- recycling organization to disassemble
voltage battery, stop the vehicle the high-voltage battery.
away from flammable and 3. Take the battery to the recycling
explosive materials, ignition service provider which will buy back
sources and various hazardous the battery.

The available battery capacity WARNING
decreases as the vehicle is used
over time. ●
New energy car owners have
the responsibility and obligation

Prolonged exposure to heat to hand over waste high-voltage
sources and direct sunlight can


batteries to the recycling service ●

It is normal that intelligent
outlet. Anyone who hands over a charging with the ignition off
used high-voltage battery to any produces a noise similar to when
other organization or individual, the ignition is switched on.
or removes/disassembles a
high-voltage battery without

Do not carry out maintenance
authorization, shall be liable for work during intelligent charging.
any environmental pollution or ●
When leaving the vehicle, make
safety incident so caused. sure the doors are closed and
all electrical devices have been
turned off.
Low-Voltage Battery (12 V)

If the vehicle needs to be parked
for a long time, please disconnect
The vehicle's low-voltage battery is an
the negative terminal wire. 04
iron starter battery. It is positioned under
the rear seat, with its access cover near


the ankle of the rear middle passenger. CAUTION
With the access cover open, the low-
voltage battery's negative terminal and ●
When checking the low-voltage
negative GND wiring harness are visible. battery, remove the ground cable
from the negative terminal (-) first,

To prevent the SOC of the low-
and reconnect it last.
voltage battery becoming too low,
the intelligent charging function ●
When cleaning the low-voltage
is triggered automatically when battery, make sure to avoid any
conditions are met (ignition off, high- fluid getting inside.
voltage battery discharging allowed,
and low-voltage battery level below
the design value). WARNING

If the battery voltage is too low, it may ●
The low-voltage battery contain
not be able to power on the vehicle. In a corrosive solution. To prevent
that case, contact the BYD authorized damage to the battery or injury,
dealer or service provider promptly. do not disassemble or repair the
battery without authorization.

After the vehicle has been in use
for 3-5 years, it is recommended ●
Do not disassemble or dismantle
that the staff conducting routine the low-voltage battery. Any
maintenance should conduct checks organization or individual to do
on the low-voltage battery. These so shall bear the responsibility
include checking the battery terminal for environmental pollution or
for corrosion and whether the battery accidents.
and terminals are firmly attached.

Since the low-voltage battery
may produce combustible and
explosive hydrogen gas, use tools
in such a manner that the battery
would not produce sparks. Do not


smoke or use open flames near

the low-voltage battery.

Avoid electrolyte contact with
eyes, skin or clothing. In case
that happens, use baking soda
water to clean the skin, and
plenty of water to rinse the eyes,
and immediately seek medical
attention. ●
Negative terminal for jump starting:
hood latch

Avoid mouth contact with the

Keep children away from the low-
voltage battery.

Waking up the Vehicle from Low SOC

Wake-up by the driver's door


The low-voltage battery features the
dormant/wake-up function. The low-
voltage battery may have entered a CAUTION
dormant state after long-term parking.
In that case, the vehicle cannot be ●
It is recommended that the
located or unlocked with the smart jump starting be done under the
key. To wake up the vehicle, hold the guidance of professionals, as the
smart key close to the driver's door space for operating the under-
and double-press the microswitch on hood PDB is limited and circuit-
the door. When unlocked, the vehicle based risks are present.
can be used as normal. If these
actions cannot wake up the vehicle,
the low-voltage battery may have been WARNING
exhausted. ●
Never jump start another vehicle.
Wake-up by jump starting*: This may damage the low-voltage
If the vehicle cannot be waked up by
using the microswitch, use a 12V power ●
If the low-voltage battery SOC is
supply and two specially designed cables too low or the battery fails, jump
to jump start the vehicle. starting may be required. Please
carefully read and strictly follow

Positive terminal for jump starting: the jump starting instructions in
inside the under-hood power this manual.
distribution box (PDB)

The low-voltage battery contains
an intelligent control module.

WARNING Trailer Towing
To prevent battery damage, ●
This vehicle is designed to carry
do not disassemble or damage passengers. Do not overload it or use
this battery without permission, it to tow other vehicles.
except in an emergency.

Towing other vehicles has an adverse

Disconnect the negative terminal impact on the maneuverability,
of the low-voltage battery before performance, braking, endurance,
performing parts replacement and driving economy, power consumption,
vehicle repairs. and other aspects of performance of
the vehicle itself.

Do not clean the low-voltage
battery with water, but wipe it ●
Do not disassemble the rear bumper
with a cloth instead. beam or add any trunk-mounted bike
rack without authorization. Issues so
caused are not covered by warranty. 04
Usage Precautions ●
Go to a BYD authorized dealer or


service provider for hardware upgrade
if you need to add a trunk-mount bike
Break-in Period rack.

Driving safety and comfort totally
If the powertrain is hard to start or
depend on equipment usage and good

frequently stops turning, inspect the

driving habits.
vehicle immediately.

BYD does not provide free warranty
If the powertrain makes any abnormal
for the damage or faults resulted from

sounds, stop the vehicle for inspection.

towing for commercial purposes.

If the powertrain has severe coolant
and oil leakage, stop the vehicle for
Driving Safety

The powertrain needs break-in. This
should preferably be done within the
first 2,000 km in economic mode. No Drunk Driving
Steady driving instead of high-speed
driving is recommended. The following Even a small amount of alcohol can
practices effectively prolong vehicle reduce a driver's ability to respond to
service life: traffic condition changes. The higher the
level of alcohol, the less responsive the

Avoid flooring the accelerator pedal driver will be. Therefore, never drive
when starting and driving the vehicle. while under the influence.

Avoid speeding.
No Speeding

Do not maintain a high or low speed
for too long. Speeding is a major cause of fatal
accidents. Faster speeds generally entail
higher risk. Therefore, maintain a speed
safe for the road traffic conditions.

Keeping the Vehicle Safe for Driving
Tire bursts and mechanical faults are ●
Do not carry highly magnetic
extremely dangerous. To reduce the
items, as they might interfere in
possibility of such faults, frequently check
the vehicle's operating functions.
the vehicle's condition, and regularly
complete the specified inspections.
Carrying Items in the Passenger Area

All items that could be thrown inwards

Any driver must possess a driver's and thus injure occupants in case of a
license before driving a vehicle. collision must be properly placed and

Do not drive when fatigued.

Ensure that items placed on the floor

Always follow the traffic behind the front seat do not roll under
regulations when driving a the seat, so as to avoid affecting the
vehicle. driver's ability to control the pedals or

When driving, drivers must stay normal seat adjustment. Do not stack
focused and not carry out items to a height taller than the front
any unrelated activity, such as seats' seat backs.
answering calls or adjusting ●
Make sure the glove box is always
buttons. closed while driving. If the glove box
is open, the occupant's knees may be
injured in case of a collision or an
Carrying Luggage emergency stop.

This vehicle has multiple REMINDER
storage spaces. Overloading or
improper accommodation may affect ●
Do not pile up toys in the vehicle,
maneuverability, stability and normal as this may affect driving safety
operation of the vehicle, and reduce its and present a hazard to the
safety. children, especially in case of

Make sure the vehicle's total load emergency braking or collision.
(vehicle + passengers + luggage)
remains within the specified maximum Loading the Trunk

Place luggage evenly in the trunk. Put
WARNING heavier items at the bottom and as far
in as possible.

Overloading and improper
accommodation may affect

Secure items with ropes or straps so
stability and vehicle control, that they will not move while driving.
which may lead to accidents. Do not stack items to a height taller
than seatbacks.

Observe the maximum weight
limit and other loading guidelines
in this manual.

Wading into Water WARNING

Check water depth - it must not exceed also be seriously damaged upon
the vehicle's lower edge - before submersion. Such damage is not
driving into flooded areas. covered by the vehicle's warranty

If crossing a flooded area is necessary,
turn off the air conditioner and keep Influence of water ingress in high-
acceleration steady to slowly cross voltage components:

Water getting into high-voltage
components, which are electronic
devices, may not be fully dried out by
any means.

Water ingress seriously compromises
insulation of high-voltage 04
components, and conductive
substances in water may lead to short


circuit of high-voltage components or
such risk in the entire high-voltage
system. This significantly affects the

Never stop, back up, or turn off the safety and service performance of the
vehicle in flooded areas. vehicle.

After crossing over, press the brake

Water in high-voltage components
pedal several times to dry out the disks reduces ingress protection rating and
and recover brake performance. voltage withstanding performance,
posing a high safety risk.

Be careful when driving through deep
water, as brakes may get wet.

Be sure to find a sheltered place
when charging the vehicle on rainy
days. If the vehicle is immersed in
water or wades through water over

The presence of water, mud, or the doorsill, which may cause water
silt in the braking system may ingress in high-voltage components,
delay brake response and extend promptly contact a BYD authorized
braking distance. dealer or service provider for testing
and troubleshooting. Do not drive on

Drive carefully and avoid roads where the depth of accumulated
emergency braking after crossing water exceeds half of the tires.
flooded areas.

The motor will be seriously Fire Prevention
damaged if it is submerged when
crossing a flooded area. Such
To prevent vehicle fires in a timely and
damaged is not covered by the
effective manner, pay attention to the
vehicle's warranty
following during use of the vehicle:
Other systems like transmission,
No flammable or explosive items are

driving and electrical systems may

allowed in the vehicle.


Temperatures may reach 60-70°C in a replaced regularly. Also, you should
vehicle exposed to direct sunlight in familiarize yourself with use of the
summer. Therefore, flammable and fire extinguisher and be prepared for
explosive items, such as lighters, any accidents.
cleaning agents and perfumes,
stored in the vehicle can cause a fire

Disconnect the negative cable of the
or even explosion easily. low-voltage battery when the vehicle is
being serviced or repaired.

Make sure cigarettes are thoroughly
put out.

In the event of a fire in the vehicle,
take effective measures in a timely and

Smoking is harmful to your health calm manner to minimize any losses:
and may cause a fire. Cigarettes that
not thoroughly put out may cause a

Fires typically show initial warning
fire. signs, such as abnormal noises and
odors in the vehicle body. When

It is recommended to go to a BYD abnormal conditions are found, turn
authorized dealer or service provider off and stop the vehicle immediately.
for regular vehicle checks. It is best to park the vehicle in a
windproof place, and then put out

Check vehicle wiring, connections, the fire using the fire extinguisher in
wiring harnesses, insulation, and the vehicle.
fixed position regularly. Deal with
identified problems promptly. ●
Call the fire alarm in time, and
also dial the insurance company's

Do not refit vehicle wiring or add any reporting number and ask the
unauthorized electrical appliance. company to come to the fire site for

The addition of extra electrical handling.
appliances, such as high-power ●
Look for the ignition point. If the
audio systems, and light fixtures, engine compartment smokes, do not
may overload and overheat the open the hood immediately. (This
wiring harness and increase the risk will let a large amount of air in and
of fire. cause fire spreading. There is limited

Improper refitting of electrical comburent in the cabin. Keeping the
appliances or wiring may cause hood closed can control the fire so
a fire due to contact resistance that the fire can be easily put out).
and abnormal heating. Fuses or Point the on-board fire extinguisher
other replacement wires in excess of at the ignition point from the hood
relevant electrical rating are strictly gap to put the fire out, or seek help
prohibited. from the passing cars. If you can
borrow more fire extinguishers, open

Select a proper parking location. the hood to put it out when you
cannot see any flame from outside.

When parking the vehicle, try to
avoid sun exposure. ●
If the fire brigade is involved, ask for
a duty performance certificate and a

Keep a lightweight fire extinguisher in
description of fire cause.
the vehicle and know how to use it.
After occurrence of the accident,
In order to ensure vehicle safety, a

contact the insurance company for

fire extinguisher should be equipped
post-event handling in a timely
in the vehicle, and be checked and

ahead, and paying attention to traffic
REMINDER lights.

In order to mitigate losses in the ●
Congested roads increase energy
event of an accident, the purchase consumption.
of commercial insurance (fire loss,
Keep moderate speeds in motorways.
theft, etc.) is recommended.

The higher the speed, the higher

the consumption. Maintaining vehicle
Saving Energy and speed within the economical speed
range can save power.
Extending Vehicle Service
3. Reduce load:

Consumption is higher when air

Saving energy is simple and easy, and conditioning is used. Turn off the A/C
it helps prolong the vehicle's service to reduce power consumption. When
outside temperatures are moderate,
use fresh air mode. 04

Energy and repair cost saving tips:
Do not overload the vehicle


1. Regenerative braking setting: unnecessarily. Excessive weights add

the load of vehicle, increasing energy
The vehicle is provided with an

energy recovery function. To set the

energy recovery intensity, go to the 4. Other tips:
infotainment touchscreen → → ●
Make sure tire pressure is correct.
Low tire pressure increases energy
Vehicle Settings → Energy Manager.
consumption and wear.
In high energy recovery mode, more
energy is recovered during vehicle ●
Keep front wheels properly aligned,
braking and coasting. Please set to suit avoid driving into curbstones, and
to your driving habits. drive slowly in rough terrain.
Misalignment of the front wheels not
2. Maintaining constant speed:
only increases tire wear, but also

Constant speeds save energy. increases load on the powertrain and
Sudden acceleration, sharp turns power consumption.
and emergency braking increase ●
Keep the bottom of the vehicle clean
and mud free. This reduces vehicle

Speeds should be kept constant weight and prevents corrosion.
according to traffic conditions.
Additional energy is consumed each REMINDER
time the accelerator is pushed.

Do not coast in neutral gear.

Acceleration should be gradual. Avoid
sudden startup, acceleration, or

Prevent emergency braking, and
subsequent brake wear, by keeping
an appropriate distance from vehicles

Starting and vehicle or cannot be detected due to

Driving ●
The electronic smart key is on the
floor, or in the trunk or glove box.

Starting the Vehicle To start the vehicle in emergency if the

braking signal cannot be detected or is
In normal cases, start the vehicle as
below: ●
Engage the parking brake firmly.

Turn off all lights and accessories. ●
Turn off all lights and accessories.

Carry the correct smart key with you. ●
Shift to "P" or "N".

The power mode is "OFF".

The electronic smart key is in the

Press and hold the START/STOP button
for more than 15 seconds to start the


Do not touch the power button

Press the START/STOP button while while driving.
pressing the brake pedal.

The vehicle is ready to drive when Remote Start
the OK indicator lights up on the
instrument cluster. Before starting

1. The power mode is "OFF".

2. The gearshift lever is on "P".

3. The vehicle speed is below 5 km/h.

Remote Start with the Electronic Smart

1. Press and hold the remote start/stop
button on the electronic smart key for
two seconds to start the vehicle. After

The vehicle cannot power on when: it is started, turn signals will flash three

After you press the START/STOP
button, the smart key warning light 2. If there is no valid operation within 10
turns on, a beep sounds, and minutes after remote start, the vehicle
the message "No key detected" is stops and powers off, and turn signals
displayed on the instrument cluster. flash twice.
This means that the key is not in the

3. Press and hold the remote start/stop ●
Seat belts: Check whether seat belts
button on the electronic smart key for can be properly fastened. Verify that
two seconds. The vehicle powers off, seat belts are not worn or scratched.
and turn signals flash twice.

Instrument cluster: Particularly,
verify that maintenance indicator,
instrument cluster lighting, and
defroster work properly.

Braking: Verify that there is enough
space for the brake pedal to work.

Low-voltage battery and cables: Check
connectors for any corrosion or
looseness and any cracks in the battery

In the engine compartment

Driving ●
Spare fuses: Verify that spare fuses of
all rated charges in the fuse box are


Safety Check Before Driving available.

Coolant level: Verify that coolant level


is correct.

Tires: Check tire pressure and
Brake fluid level: Verify that the brake
carefully inspect tires for any cut,

fluid level is correct.

damage, foreign material, anomaly,
and excessive wear. In case of Check after starting
excessive or uneven tire wear, take
the vehicle to a BYD authorized dealer

Instrument cluster: Confirm that
or service provider for four-wheel the maintenance indicator and the
alignment and relevant inspections as speedometer work normally.
soon as possible. ●
Brakes: In a safe area, verify that the

Lug nuts: Ensure all nuts are fitted and vehicle maintains a straight direction.
tightened. ●
Other abnormalities: Check for loose

Leaks: After the vehicle has been parts, leaks, and unusual noises.
stationary for some time, check for
fluid deposits beneath it. These may Preparations Before Driving
indicate a leak of motor oil, coolant or
other liquids. (It is, however, normal ●
Check your surroundings before
for a small pool of water to form, getting into vehicle.
caused by the air conditioning system.)

Adjust seat position, seatback angle,

Lighting: Make sure headlights, cushion height*, head support height,
position lights, turn signals and all and the steering wheel angle.
other lights are working normally.
Check headlight intensity.

Adjust interior rearview mirror and
side mirrors.

Make sure all doors are closed.

Fasten the seat belts.

Gear Shift Controls CAUTION

The gear options are marked on the button only after the vehicle has
instrument cluster switches as shown. completely stopped.

"R": Reverse, used only when the
vehicle has come to a complete stop. WARNING

"N": Neutral, used for temporary stop. ●
If the motor is shut down, do
Under all circumstances, always shift not allow the vehicle to move
to "P" before the driver gets out. after it has been shifted to "N", to
avoid accidents due to insufficient
braking force.

When the motor is running and
the vehicle is in the "R"/"D"
gear, always stop the vehicle by
stepping on the brake pedal, as
there is still force transmitted
from the actuator and the vehicle
can travel slowly even in its idle

If you want to shift a gear while

"D": Drive. Shift to "D" to drive the

driving forward, do not step on

vehicle normally.
the accelerator pedal to prevent

"P": Parking. Press this button to park accidents.
the vehicle. The transmission should
Never shift to "R" or press the
be set to this position when the vehicle

"P" button while the vehicle

is being shut down or started up. While
is moving, in order to prevent
pressing the brake pedal to start the
vehicle, you may shift from "P" to
another position. ●
Never coast downhill in "N",
especially if the motor is not

To prevent unintended vehicle
movement, pull up the brake and
press the "P" button once the
vehicle has stopped completely.

Electronic Parking Brake


To prevent damaging the Be sure to engage the EPB every time
transmission, press the "P" before parking and leaving the vehicle.


The EPB is not automatically
engaged if you switch off
the ignition immediately after
pressing the EPB switch. This
function may be used for towing
or pushing the vehicle after the
vehicle breaks down.

Do not release the brake pedal
early in the process, especially
Engaging EPB Manually
when the vehicle is stopped on a
slope; otherwise the vehicle may
Pull up the EPB switch. EPB applies an slip back.
appropriate parking force, and flashes
on the instrument cluster and then ●
This function is designed to
improve vehicle safety. Excessive
becomes solid on, indicating that EPB
has been applied. The "EPB activated" reliance on or frequent use of the


message is also displayed. function is not recommended. For
safety reasons, make sure that the
CAUTION vehicle is shifted into "P" or the
EPB is engaged before getting off.
When flashes, EPB is working.
The EPB system conducts power-

If the vehicle is on a slope, do not

up self-check within several
release the brake pedal until is
seconds after the vehicle is
steady on. Otherwise the vehicle started. In this process, the system
may move down. does not respond to any function.

Engaging EPB Automatically Releasing EPB Manually

Engaging EPB automatically when the ●

When vehicle has been powered on
ignition is switched off and is not shifted into P (Park), press

When the ignition is switched off, EPB and hold the brake pedal and the
engages automatically and lights EPB switch until the indicator on the
up on the instrument cluster. instrument cluster goes out, indicating
EPB has been released, and an "EPB
Shifting into "P" automatically released" message is displayed.

Press the brake pedal to stop the
vehicle and shift into Park. EPB is CAUTION
engaged automatically. Do not release
The "P" gear is the vehicle's
the brake pedal until the indicator on

parking gear, meaning that the

the instrument cluster stops flashing
vehicle is in a stable parking
and becomes steady on and the "EPB
status, while EPB is the vehicle's
activated" message is displayed.
main parking device. To ensure
parking safety, release EPB with
the EPB switch only when the

If EPB Release Fails
If manual EPB release fails, press and
vehicle is not in "P" gear (parking

hold the EPB switch for over two

seconds. If EPB can be released, drive
the vehicle to the nearest repair shop
Automatic EPB Release upon Vehicle to check the brake pedal switching
Start signal and relevant parts and lines. If
it cannot be released, contact a BYD

With the vehicle parked, start the authorized dealer or service provider
vehicle, press and hold the brake immediately.
pedal, and shift from "P" or "N" into
a driving gear such as "D" or "R". EPB Emergency Braking When Brake Pedal
is released automatically, the indicator Fails
goes off, and the "EPB released"
message is displayed. ●
When the vehicle is in motion and
ESC system is functional, controlled
CAUTION deceleration for parking brake (CDP)
can be used if the brake is stuck

The brake pedal must always or fails. If only EPB is engaged, the
be pressed when shifting gears. braking deceleration is 0.4 g; if EPB
Release the pedal only after the is engaged and the brake pedal is
intended gear is displayed on the pressed, the braking deceleration is 0.8
cluster. g. Avoid using EPB for forced braking,
but only activate emergency braking

When the vehicle has been started and in case of emergencies such as brake
the gear is in a driving gear such as pedal failure or sticking.
"D" or "R", engage EPB manually, then
simply press the accelerator pedal EPB System Indicator
slowly to a certain degree. EPB is
released automatically and turns ●
When the vehicle is powered on, if the
off with the message "EPB released"
EPB is engaged, is solid on on the
instrument cluster.

When the vehicle is powered off, if the
EPB is engaged, comes on and then

Whenever possible, refrain from turns off in about three seconds.
using for forced braking. Use the
emergency braking function only

When the vehicle is powered on, the
extreme cases, for example, when EPB system starts self-check. turns
the brake pedal fails or is blocked. on and then turns off in about three
seconds. If it does not, the EPB or

This is because EPB cannot braking system may be faulty. In this
exceed the physical limit of case, contact a BYD authorized dealer
road adhesion. If the emergency or service provider immediately.
braking function is used in curves,
dangerous or congested roads, or
EPB Operating Sound
in bad weather conditions, the
vehicle may drift, skid or deviate.

EPB motor noises can be heard while
the EPB is being engaged or released.


If there is a burning smell or unusual
noises after emergency braking is
activated, contact a BYD authorized
dealer or service provider immediately.


To prevent the vehicle from
moving, the gearshift is not to
be used to replace EPB when
parking. EPB must be used
instead, and the vehicle must be
in "P" gear. CAUTION

The EPB switch must not be ●
Pressing the accelerator pedal,
operated when the vehicle is shifting into Park, or engaging
moving. the EPB cause AVH to exit to the
standby status. AVH also exits if

When the EPB switch is pulled the AVH standby conditions are


or released, the brake pedal not met.
must be pressed to prevent
the vehicle from moving, and
the subsequent locking of the AVH Standby Preconditions (All Must Be
gearshift that occurs because Met)
EPB cannot provide a sufficient
parking force. With the AVH function enabled:

Driver seat belt has been fastened.
Automatic Vehicle Hold ●
The driver's door has been closed.
(AVH) ●
The vehicle has been started.

The ESC system has no fault.

The automatic vehicle hold (AVH) takes

place when the vehicle needs to be

stationary for longer periods of time, such CAUTION
as in traffic jams on a slope or waiting
at traffic lights. When the AVH standby

The AVH defaults to off once
preconditions are met, AVH is activated the vehicle is powered up. When
if you press the brake pedal until the AVH is in standby mode,
vehicle stops. is displayed on the instrument

Press the AVH switch to enable AVH. A
gray AVH standby indicator is displayed
AVH Running Conditions (All Must Be
on the instrument cluster and will
turns green when AVH can be enabled.

Press the AVH switch again to disable ●
The AVH function is standby.
AVH. ●
The brake pedal has been pressed to
bring the vehicle to a stop.

After hard depressing of the brake
pedal, the AVH function has been

activated and the AVH indicator has
turned green. REMINDER

The vehicle automatically requests ●
The battery is located in the
that the EPB be engaged 10 minutes vehicle's chassis. Make sure to
after AVH activation. After the EPB avoid bumping when driving.
has been engaged, the AVH function
returns to standby mode.

Before driving, make sure that
EPB is fully released and that the
EPB indicator light is off.

Do not leave the vehicle with

For AVH to be activated, all ignition on.
conditions of automatic parking
function must be met.

Remember to carry the smart key
when leaving the vehicle.

AVH cannot be activated when the
vehicle is in "R" gear.

Slow down when driving down
steep slopes, and avoid braking

When you shift from "R" to "D" too frequently to prevent disc
or "N", the system automatically overheating, which affects brake
enters slow-moving condition, in performance.
which AVH is deactivated. When
the vehicle speed exceeds 10

Be careful when accelerating or
km/h, it exits the slow-moving braking on slippery roads. Quick
condition automatically. acceleration or sudden braking
will cause the vehicle to skid or
Driving Precautions ●
Make sure no occupant sticks
their head or hands outside the

Drive slowly and carefully along gravel vehicle, specially when it comes to
roads. To prevent tire damage, do not children.
drive over sharp-edged obstacles.

Large amounts of water

Slow down on bumpy or uneven roads. entering the engine compartment
Otherwise, the impact may seriously can cause damage to the
damage wheels. power system and electrical

Avoid driving through flooded areas as
much as possible.

Slow down when driving against
strong winds. ●
Drivers must ensure the safety of

Cleaning the vehicle or driving through all vehicle occupants, and show
deep water may wet brakes. To keep them how to handle the vehicle's
brakes dry, drive carefully and press functions properly.
the brake pedal gently.

Drive carefully on slippery roads, such Winter Driving Precautions
as roads covered in ice, snow or sand,
or surfaces such as wet ceramic tiles or 1. Make sure the coolant is freeze-proof.
epoxy resin. Avoid parking on slopes to
prevent vehicle sliding.

Use coolant of the same type as the
Driver Assistance

one used originally. Fill up coolant

into the cooling system based on
ambient temperature.
Adaptive Cruise Control
Improper coolant damages the

cooling system.

2. Check batteries and cables conditions. ●

The adaptive cruise control (ACC)
system, an extension of the traditional

The low-voltage battery's capacity is
cruise control, uses a radar and
lower in cold weather, so they must
a multi-purpose camera to detect
be fully charged when winter comes.
the relative distance and speed
3. Avoid door frost. of the vehicle ahead, so as to
control vehicle speed accordingly.

Spray some deicing agent or glycerin The system switches between regular
in the lock hole to prevent freezing. cruise control and ACC depending on
4. Use anti-freeze washer fluid. whether there is a vehicle ahead. 04
Cruise speed and time interval from


These can be found in the BYD

authorized dealer or service provider the vehicle ahead can be set by using
and the auto parts stores. the cruise buttons. You can set the
cruise control speed within the 30-150

The water and anti-freeze ratio km/h range, or set a fixed distance
must conform to manufacturer from the vehicle ahead to cruise at
instructions. speeds between 0 km/h and 150 km/h.

CAUTION Status Description

Do not use anti-freeze or other ●
ACC standby:
substitutes as washing fluid, ●
Once enabled, the system is on
which may damage the vehicle
standby by default and can be
manually activated. If the vehicle
does not meet activation conditions,
5. Prevent ice and snow from going under it must be checked until such
the fender.
conditions are met. At this time,

Steering is difficult with ice or snow (with a variable cruise speed value) is
accumulating under the fenders. displayed on the instrument cluster.
When driving in cold weather, stop
from time to time and check for snow

ACC activated:
and ice under the fenders. ●
The system is operational. It
6. Have emergency tools or items maintains the set speed or
available as prevention for difficult automatically adjusts the distance
road conditions. from the vehicle ahead. At this time,
(with a variable cruise speed

It is advisable to have snow chains, value) is displayed on the instrument
window scraper, bags of sand and cluster.
salt, flashing signal, a shovel and
connecting cables in the vehicle. ●
Over speed:


When you step the accelerator pedal less than 30 km/h, the cruise speed is
while ACC is active, the vehicle set to 30 km/h.)
responds to your acceleration action
so that the ACC is temporarily
deactivated until you release the

ACC failure:

There has been a failure in the
system. No operation can be
performed, and the ACC failure
indicator lights up on the
instrument cluster.
Resetting ACC
ACC Activation Conditions

When the ACC system is on standby

The EPB is released. within the same ignition cycle, the
system memorizes the last speed

The vehicle is in Drive. setting. Push up the lever ② to revert
to the stored speed prior to exiting the
The vehicle does not slide backwards.
cruise system.

The trunk, hood, and all doors are

Increasing/Decreasing target speed


When ACC is active, set the vehicle
Driver seat belt is fastened.
to a speed within the 30~150 km/h

The ESC system is on, but not activated range by moving the lever ②. Toggling
yet. the lever ② up or down each time
increases or decreases target speed by

Vehicle speed is equal to or less than 5 km/h.
150 km/h.

Brake pedal is pressed at speed 0; or WARNING
brake pedal is not pressed at speeds
above 0.

Please strictly abide by the local
speed limit regulations, drive

There is no vehicle network safely, and do not speed.
communication failure prompt on the
instrument cluster. Exiting ACC

The AEB function is not activated. ●
While ACC is active, pressing button
① for a second time or pressing the
How to Use brake pedal makes the ACC system go
on standby.
ACC on/off button
Setting vehicle distance

Press button ① to activate or exit ●
The driver must select a safe vehicle
ACC. (The system is on standby when
activation conditions are met). (By
default, ACC activation by pressing ●
The system adjusts vehicle speed to
button ① sets the current speed as the keep a suitable distance from the
cruise speed. If the current speed is vehicle ahead on the same lane.

Pressing buttons ③ and ④ on the vehicle is restarted or runs on normal
steering wheel adjusts vehicle distance roads for a while.
to any of the four available levels. At
each level, vehicle distance is in direct

Front mmWave radars may have a
proportion to vehicle speed. The faster transient function failure from limited
the speed, the longer the distance. detection if the vehicle runs under
special conditions, such as circular
Increasing/Decreasing speed with ACC ramps or tunnels, for an extended
active period. The function can be recovered
by restarting the vehicle or driving on

When ACC is activated, you can press normal roads for a while.
the accelerator pedal to reach the
set target cruise speed in advance. ●
Reaching or leaving a curve may delay
The system then enters over speed or disturb target selection. In such
mode. At the target cruise speed, cases, the ACC vehicle may not brake
if you accelerate without performing as expected or may brake late.
any other operations, the vehicle
accelerates and then returns to target

On roads with sharp curves, such as 04
cruise speed after the accelerator winding roads, the vehicle ahead may
be out of ACC sensor detection for


pedal is released.
several seconds due to sensor vision

When you press the brake pedal limitations, possibly causing the ACC
with ACC activated to slow down the vehicle to accelerate automatically.
vehicle, ACC goes into standby mode.
After the brake is released, ACC will

Traffic flow and weather conditions -
need to be reactivated. such as rain and fog - must be heeded
for setting vehicle distance on the
Follow-to-stop/start ACC system. After the ACC system is
properly set, the driver must be able

Controlled by ACC, the vehicle can to decelerate until the vehicle stops at
stop when the vehicle ahead stops in any time.
normal driving conditions and resume
driving automatically following the ●
The ACC system may not be able
vehicle ahead if the stop is less than to identify stationary or slow-moving
30 seconds. objects, such as vehicles, the end
of traffic, toll booths, bicycles, or

If the vehicle stops for a time pedestrians. This means a risk of
period between 30 seconds and three collision and requires the driver to
minutes, press the accelerator pedal or beware of the surroundings.
push up lever ② to reactivate ACC.

The ACC system cannot identify
System Limitations pedestrians or oncoming vehicles.

The ACC system can only achieve

The front mmWave radars are installed limited braking instead of emergency
in the front of the vehicle. Blockage braking.
of its detection area by contaminants
can disturb the intended function. In ●
Metal objects, such as rail or metal
particular, if the sensor is covered by plates used in road construction, may
snow completely, the ACC system exits interfere with front mmWave radars,
and informs of this on the instrument making it malfunction.
cluster. System function will recover
Performance of front mmWave radar
after blockage is removed and the

sensors may be affected by vibration

or collision. In this case, it is audible or visual warnings in every
recommended to contact a BYD case.
authorized dealer or service provider.

If ACC is activated with the vehicle
stationary, the system identifies any
Precautions stationary obstacle ahead and keeps
the vehicle still to ensure a safe

ACC is a comfort system rather than startup and prevent collision. However,
a safety system, obstacle detector or this function cannot identify all the
collision warning system. The driver obstacles, so the driver must be alert
must keep control of vehicle at all to the front obstacles or other traffic
times and be fully responsible for the participants.

A short distance from an adjacent lane

ACC assists instead of replacing the (or a vehicle on an adjacent lane that
role of the driver. The driver is is too close to the ACC vehicle's lane)
responsible for abiding by traffic rules may trigger ACC to brake.
and keeping vehicle control.

Vehicles coming into the ACC vehicle's

For safety reasons, ACC cannot be lane and within the detection range of
activated with ESC disabled. its front mmWave radars are identified

The ACC is suitable for highways and as target vehicles and prompt a
roads in good conditions, rather than response accordingly, which may lead
complex urban or meandering roads. to hard or late braking.

It is the driver's responsibility to keep

Detection may be affected or delayed
distance from the vehicle ahead. The in some environments. If the radar
ACC system's vehicle distance meets cross section of the target (a
the minimum distance required in bicycle, four-wheeler, or pedestrian,
driving environments in the country. for example) is too small, the system
may not be able to establish its

Vehicle control is transferred to the distance, resulting in either late or
driver if the accelerator or brake pedal no response to those vehicles. In
is pressed with ACC active. As a result, such cases, vehicle speed must be
the ACC system cannot keep a safe controlled by the driver. In addition,
distance from the vehicle ahead. detection may also be affected or
delayed by noise or electromagnetic

ACC may have no or slow responses to
a vehicle ahead that brakes or stops
suddenly, resulting in a risk of late ●
ACC cannot target vehicles with too
braking. In such cases, there will be no small contact ratio, so the driver must
take-over request. keep control of the vehicle.

In some cases, such as when the ●
When the vehicle stops as it follows
vehicle ahead is going too slow, when a vehicle ahead, in rare cases, the
lane change is too fast, or when the system does not recognize the end of
safe distance from the vehicle ahead the vehicle ahead but the lower end of
is too short, there is no adequate time the target (for example, the rear axle of
for the system to decrease the relative a truck with a high chassis or a vehicle
speed, so response has to come from bumper). In such cases, the system
the driver. The system cannot give cannot ensure proper stop distance, so

the driver must stay alert and be ready Intelligent Cruise Control
to brake.

Modifying the vehicle structure, such
as lowering the chassis or changing ●
The intelligent cruise control (ICC)
the front license mounting plate, may
system integrates ACC and lane
affect the ACC system.
centering control (LCC). It helps control

Do not use the ACC system when the vehicle both longitudinally and
visibility is poor, or when driving on transversely at speeds between 0 and
slopes, winding roads, or wet roads 120 km/h to reduce the driving burden
(covered in ice/snow or flooded). and provide a safe and comfortable
driving environment.

ACC cannot be activated if
special driving modes* such as tow/ ●
When the function is enabled, the
snow/mud/sand/terrain are enabled. driver must always hold the steering
wheel and control the vehicle when
Make sure to go to a BYD authorized necessary. 04

dealer or service provider for

professional calibration and checking ●
Longitudinal assistance, driven by the


of front mmWave radars or the multi- ACC system, keeps the vehicle at a
purpose camera in any of the following fixed speed or a fixed distance from the
situations: road user ahead.

The front mmWave radar, front
bumper, or front windshield has been Status Description
removed. ●
ICC standby:

Wheel alignment has been carried ●
The ICC system is on standby
out. by default and can be manually
activated. If the vehicle does not

The vehicle has experienced a
meet activation conditions, the
vehicle must be checked until such

ACC system performance has conditions are met. At this time,
degraded or the instrument cluster is displayed on the instrument
has prompted an system error.
ICC activated:

ACC serves as a driver assistance ●
The ICC system is operational.
function only, so the driver is fully It maintains the set speed or
responsible for driving safety. automatically adjusts the distance
from the vehicle ahead. At this time,

Influence of weather, road
conditions, and other factors may is displayed on the instrument
cause ACC to fail. cluster.

Use ACC based on your needs, ●
ICC failure:
traffic, and road conditions.

There has been a failure in
the system. No operation can
be performed, and the ICC fault

disabled only when the vehicle is in P
indicator lights up on the
gear.) When the vehicle is just started
instrument cluster. up, ICC status before the last power-off
is maintained.
ICC Activation Conditions

The EPB is released. Precautions

ICC integrates ACC and LCC. Therefore,

The vehicle is in Drive.
ACC function precautions must be

The vehicle does not slide backwards. followed during use (see the previous
chapters for details).

The trunk, hood, and all doors are
closed. ●
When ICC is turned on and activated
at vehicle speeds between 0 km/h and

Driver seat belt is fastened. 120 km/h:

The ESC system is on, but not activated ●
If there is no lane lines ahead,
yet. transverse ICC control is suppressed

Vehicle speed is not greater than 120 and only ACC works. In that case, ICC
km/h. working status indicator turns gray
on the instrument cluster.

Brake pedal is pressed at speed 0; or
brake pedal is not pressed at speeds

If lane lines ahead are clear and
above 0. recognizable, transverse ICC control
is activated automatically. In that

There is no vehicle network case, ICC working status indicator
communication failure prompt on the shows activated status on the
instrument cluster. instrument cluster.

The AEB function is not activated. ●
ICC serves as a driver assistance
system rather than an autonomous
Two-way lane lines are clear and the
driving system. The driver should

vehicle is at the center of the lane.

always maintain control of the vehicle,
and their hands should not leave the
How to Use steering wheel for too long. Otherwise,
the system will exit after prompting the
Press the button on the steering
driver to take control.

wheel to activate or exit ICC. (By

default, when the function is activated, ●
The ICC system can be affected by
the current speed is set as the cruise weather conditions, lighting and clarity
speed. If the current speed is less than of lane lines. Performance degrades
30 km/h, the cruise speed is set to 30 significantly in situations such as
km/h). backlighting, sunset, snow covered
roads, and severely damaged roads.

For how to set the cruise speed and
vehicle distance, see ACC function ●
Do not use the ICC system on
descriptions (in the previous chapter). winding roads with sharp turns,
icy and slippery bends, or under

You can also turn ICC on or off in weather conditions, such as dense fog,
→ ADAS → Intelligent Driving. heavy rain and heavy snow, liable to
(If ICC has been toggled on on the hinder the sensing operation of front
infotainment touchscreen, it can be mmWave radars or the multi-purpose


Situations where ICC cannot be used How to Use
include: ●
Enable or disable the PCW and AEB in

The sensor is blocked. → ADAS → Active Safety.

The vehicle is running under severe ●
PCW gives alarms in forms of audio,
weather conditions. messages, and intermittent braking.

Active safety function has been ●
When PCW is activated, or
flashes, depending on the level of

Vehicle speed exceeds the specified emergency, and a prompt message is
range. displayed on the instrument cluster.

ICC cannot be activated if special ●
When AEB is triggered, and a
driving modes* such as tow/ prompt message are displayed on the
snow/mud/sand/terrain are enabled. instrument cluster.


In the event of malfunction, is 04
ICC serves as a driver assistance


function only, so the driver must

If you disable AEB manually by
be fully responsible for driving pressing buttons, is displayed.

Influence of weather, road PCW Activation Conditions
conditions, and other factors may ●
This function has been turned on in
cause ICC to fail. Vehicle Settings.

Use ICC based on your needs, ●
Vehicle speed is within the 16 km/
traffic, and road conditions. h-150 km/h range.

The vehicle is in Drive.
Predictive Collision ●
The vehicle does not slide backwards.
Warning (PCW) &
Automatic Emergency AEB Activation Conditions
Braking (AEB) ●
This function has been turned on in
Vehicle Settings.
Predictive collision warning (PCW) system ●
Vehicle speed is within the 4km/
and automatic emergency braking (AEB) h-150km/h range.
system detect vehicles and pedestrians
ahead by using a radar and a multi- ●
The EPB is released.
purpose camera. When detecting a risk
The vehicle is in Drive.
of collision, the system gives audible

and visual alarms to alert the driver and ●

The vehicle does not slide backwards.
improves the potential braking pressure
for better response timing. If detecting ●
The trunk, hood, and all doors are
increased risk of collision, the system closed.
automatically applies braking pressure to ●
Driver seat belt is fastened.
assist in collision avoidance or impact


The ESC system is on, but not activated ●
When detecting a possible risk of
yet. collision with oncoming traffic, the
system applies emergent braking
automatically. If an accident is
System Limitations
unavoidable, the system helps

Detection may be affected or delayed reduce the collision speed.
in some environments. If the radar
cross section of the target (a
bicycle, three-wheelers, four-wheeler,
or motorized bicycle, or motorcycle, ●
The AEB system cannot ensure zero
for example) is too small, the system collision. In complex traffic, the system
may not be able to establish its cannot always clearly identify all the
distance, resulting in either late or no vehicles or pedestrians. It may trigger
response to those vehicles. unnecessary warning or braking action
for well covers, iron plates or road

The system may be affected or give no signs.
response in the following cases:

Make sure to drive safely and observe

On rainy, snowy or foggy days, surrounding traffic conditions. The AEB
large water splashes, or exposure is not a substitute for normal braking
to direct sunlight or glaring lights, operation in any event.
or significantly varying lighting
conditions. ●
Do not overly rely on the AEB system
as this may result in severe injuries or

Dirty, hazy, damaged or blocked deaths. The system is only an auxiliary
sensor. safety tool. The driver must always

Radar failure due to interference keep a safe distance from vehicles
from other radar sources, such as ahead, control the speed, and be ready
strong radar reflection in multi-storey to brake or steer away when necessary.
car park. The driver must keep control of vehicle
at all times and be fully responsible for

In complex traffic, the system may safe driving.
be unable to properly respond to the
following circumstances:

The AEB system is activated only
when it exceeds certain speeds. Careful

Pedestrians or vehicles move too driving is always required, because the
quickly into the sensor's detection system may not be triggered correctly.

The AEB system cannot work normally

Pedestrians are obscured by other when the ESC function is disabled or
objects. the fault light is on.

Pedestrian outlines are ●
If PCW gives an alarm, the driver must
indistinguishable from the brake based on traffic conditions to
surroundings. decrease vehicle speed or steer away
from obstacles.

Pedestrians are not detected, due
to, for example, coverage by special ●
If the vehicle travels too close to
clothing or other materials. the vehicle ahead for too long, a
safety distance warning will be given.

The vehicle is on a sharp curve.
If the vehicle ahead brakes suddenly,

Oncoming traffic scenario: collision may be unavoidable.


The system will not trigger AEB when buckled up. The AEB system will fail to
the driver is aware of an emergency work if:
warning but turns the steering wheel,
accelerates, or brakes.

Any door is not closed or it is opened
when the vehicle is moving.

Front mmWave radar sensors may
have a transient function failure from

The seat belt is not fastened or it
limited detection if the vehicle runs is unfastened when the vehicle is
under special conditions, such as moving.
circular ramps or tunnels, for an ●
The driver accelerates or decelerates
extended period. The function can be rapidly or turns the steering wheel
recovered by restarting the vehicle or quickly.
driving on normal roads for a while.

The vehicle is on a sharp curve.

Sometimes the surfaces of front
mmWave radars or the multi-purpose ●
System performance may be reduced
camera are dirty or obscured by in the following cases:
foreign objects. In that case, a message ●
Strong front bumper impact from
is displayed on the instrument cluster
accidents or other causes.


and both PCW and AEB are disabled.
The functions will return after the ●
Improperly inflated or worn out tires.
sensor is cleaned.

Unqualified tires installed.

As the pedestrian protection function
is limited by certain physical

Snow chains installed.
conditions, the driver must take timely ●
Use of a small spare tire or tire repair
and effective control of the vehicle kit.
under dangerous conditions.

Make sure to go to a BYD

The system cannot completely protect authorized dealer or service provider
pedestrians or avoid accidents and for professional calibration of the
severe injuries on its own. front mmWave radar or multi-purpose

Under certain complex conditions, camera in any of the following
such as on winding roads, the situations:
pedestrian protection function may ●
The front mmWave radar or multi-
trigger unnecessary warning or purpose camera has been removed.

Toe-in or rear camber has been

System failure may trigger wrong adjusted during wheel alignment.
warnings or braking. This may
be caused, for example, by the ●
The position of front mmWave radars
misalignment of the front mmWave or the multi-purpose camera has
radar or multi-purpose camera. changed after a collision.

The brake pedal becomes harder if ●
Do not try to test AEB.
AEB is triggered. A large amount of
hydraulic pressure will be required to WARNING
push the caliper in a short time and
there will be a sizzling noise. ●
PCW and AEB serve as driver
assistance functions only, so the

The AEB system activates only after all
doors are closed and all occupants are


While the system provides assistance
driver is fully responsible for in monitoring front left and right
driving safety. sides, it cannot replace the driver's
observation and judgment. The driver

Influence of weather, road must keep control of vehicle at all
conditions, and other factors may times and drive properly and is fully
cause PCW and AEB to fail. responsible for the vehicle.

Use PCW and AEB based on ●
When a target vehicle is approaching
your needs, traffic, and road from the side at a high speed, the
conditions. FCTA/FCTB system may not be able to
provide adequate warning.

Front Cross Traffic Alert ●

The driver must ensure the normal
operation of the system, keeping
(FCTA) & Front Cross mmWave radars on both side of
Traffic Braking (FCTB) the bumper in good condition.
For example, dirt, snow, or other
Front cross traffic alert (FCTA) and obstructions need to be cleared right
front cross traffic braking (FCTB) detects away.
vehicles crossing the driveway at the ●
In addition, detection may also be
front through mmWave radars on both
affected or delayed by noise or
sides of the front bumper to alert
electromagnetic interference.
the driver and engage the brake if
necessary. At low vehicle speeds, when ●
Under some circumstances, it is
the system detects a risk of collision with difficult for the system to assist the
a vehicle crossing the driveway at the driver, and detection may be affected
front, it provides the driver with visual or delayed. Possible circumstances
and audible alerts; in the event of an include, but are not limited to:
impending collision, the vehicle brakes

The vehicle coming from the side
suddenly changes the lane.

How to Use

The target vehicle is obscured.

Enable or disable the FCTA and FCTB ●
The radar cross section of the target
in infotainment touchscreen → → vehicle (for example, a bicycle or
ADAS → Active Safety. electric moped) is too small.

When FCTA is activated, side mirror

The vehicle is running under severe
warning indicators flash and an weather, such as rain or snow.
audible alarm sounds. ●
MmWave radar(s) come off, are
loosely installed, or are blocked.

When FCTB is activated, is
displayed on the instrument cluster ●
The vehicle encounters complex
and an audible alarm sounds, with AEB metal guardrails or similar road
automatically braking the vehicle. conditions.

In the event of FCTA/FCTB malfunction, ●
The system does not work when:
is displayed.


Targets are outside the mmWave How to Use
radar's detection range. ●
Enable or disable TSR in → ADAS

FCTA or FCTB is switched off. → Driving Assist → Traffic Sign
Recognition (TSR).

Vehicle is not in D gear.

When the TSR system identifies the

Four doors are open. current traffic sign, is displayed on

System initialization has not been the instrument cluster.
complete yet. ●
When TSR cannot identify whether the

MmWave radar(s) fail. recognized speed limit value applies to
the lane, is displayed.

Vehicles coming from the front left
or right side are detected too late at ●
When the TSR system experiences
sharp turns, slopes, or other settings. reduced performance, is displayed.
Influence of vibration or collision on When the TSR system has a reduced

mmWave radar sensor calibration can performance and cannot identify

degrade system performance. If this whether the recognized speed limit


is detected, contact a BYD authorized value applies to the lane, is
dealer or service provider.

If the TSR system malfunctions, is

FCTA/FCTB serves as a driver
assistance function only, so the ●
If you disable TSR manually by
driver must be fully responsible pressing buttons, is displayed.
for driving safety.

The specific numbers displayed in the

Influence of weather, road indicators depend on the actual traffic
conditions, and other factors may signs.
cause FCTA/FCTB to fail or lead to
late braking.
Use FCTA/FCTB based on
The traffic sign recognition system can

your needs, traffic, and road

identify speed limit signs only, and will
not control speed. The control over
the vehicle always vests in the driver.
Please drive properly.
Traffic Sign Recognition
(TSR) Weight limit signs not in standard

size as per national regulations may

mistakenly be identified as speed limit
The traffic sign recognition (TSR) system signs.
identifies speed limit signs through the
multi-purpose camera and map*, displays ●
If a speed limit sign is unclear,
such signs on the current road on the distorted, inclined, reflective, or partly
instrument cluster, and sends alarm blocked or overlaid, the multi-purpose
messages to the driver when vehicle camera may fail to or incorrectly
speed exceeds the detected limit. identify the sign.


TSR performance depends on weather is automatically performed after it is
conditions, lighting, and sign visibility. confirmed (by toggling down the lever
The system may fail to or incorrectly ②).
identify the sign at night or sunset,
in rainy, foggy, hazy, snowy or dusty
environment, when light is coming
from the back of the vehicle, or when
there is a sudden change in lighting.

In case the vehicle has been
involved in a collision or the multi-
purpose camera's sensor has been
reassembled, go to a BYD authorized
dealer or service provider for sensor
calibration so as to avoid affecting
system performance. ●
This function is accessible at the

If the model is available on the 30-150 km/h range of speed.
European market, recognition of
traffic jams, construction zones, and How to Use
accidents ahead must rely on Internet
connection and is on the premise

Enable or disable ISLC in →
that recognition of these signs are ADAS → Driving Assist → Traffic
supported. Sign Recognition (TSR) → Intelligent
Speed Limit Control(ISLC).
When the TSR system is disabled,
the ISLC switch is grayed out and

TSR serves as a driver assistance unusable. ISLC is turned off at this
function only, so the driver must time. The ISLC switch will be usable
be fully responsible for driving after the TSR system is enabled again.

ISLC can be activated provided that

Influence of weather, road ACC is active.
conditions, and other factors may
cause TSR to fail or lead to late
alarms. Precautions

Use TSR based on your needs,

ISLC integrates ACC and TSR.
traffic, and road conditions. Therefore, ACC and TSR function
precautions must be followed during
use (see the previous chapters for
Intelligent Speed Limit details).

Control (ISLC) ●
ISLC is a driver assistance system, so
the driver must keep control of the
vehicle at all times.

The intelligent speed limit control
(ISLC) system integrates ACC and TSR. ●
ISLC performance depends on weather
With ISLC system enabled, if the conditions, lighting, and traffic sign
current ACC speed is inconsistent with visibility. The system may fail to or
the value on the recognized speed limit incorrectly identify the sign at night or
sign, the system prompts whether to sunset, in rain, fog, haze, snow or dust,
adjust it to that limit value. The setting when light is coming from the back of

the vehicle, or when there is a sudden How to Use
change in lighting. ●
Enable or disable HMA in → ADAS

ISLC integrates ACC and TSR. → Driving Assist. When the vehicle
Therefore, ACC and TSR precautions is started, the system defaults to
must be followed during use. previous settings.

With the function enabled, when you


set the light switch to the auto lights

ISLC only serves as a driver position, the light meets conditions
assistance function, so the driver and vehicle speed exceeds 35 km/h,
must be fully responsible for the system automatically switches
driving safety. between low and high beams based on
the current driving environment.

Influence of weather, road
conditions, and other factors may
cause ISLC to fail or lead to late
alarms. ●
The HMA system is an auxiliary 04
light control function. While it is
Use ISLC based on your needs,


recommended to use the system at

traffic, and road conditions. high vehicle speeds, the system cannot
completely replace the driver. The
driver must observe road regulations
High Beam Assist (HMA) and actively switch between high and
low beams according to road condition
High beam assist (HMA) assesses driving changes at all times.
conditions by using the multi-purpose
Beam switching is suppressed if the
camera sensor and automatically

vehicle is in a high dynamic state, for

activates or deactivates the high beam
example when ABS or ESC is activated.
accordingly at vehicle speed above 35
km/h. ●
HMA system exits when you turn fog
lights or turn signals on, set wipers
Status Description to high-speed mode, are backing up,
or set the light switch to a position

HMA standby: other than auto lights, or when the

When the function is enabled but not environment has too much lighting.
activated yet, is displayed on the ●
Even when HMA is working, the driver
instrument cluster. must respond to possible situations

HMA activated: where the HMA is triggered in error
or fails to work due to unavoidable

With the function enabled, when you environmental factors and conditions.
set the light switch to the auto lights Typical situations are:
position, the light meets conditions,
and vehicle speed exceeds 35 km/h,

The driver's stick operation to switch
is displayed. to the high beam is prioritized.

HMA failure:

The weather, such as fog, rain
or snow, is extremely terrible for

HMA has failed, and is displayed. driving.


There are traffic participants with Lane Departure Prevention (LDP)
poor lighting (such as pedestrians ●
The lane departure prevention (LDP)
and bicycles), railways or waterways
system identifies lane lines ahead
nearby, or wild animals on the roads.
through a multi-purpose camera. If

There are strongly reflective objects the driver unknowingly departs from
around, such as traffic signs on the lane at a vehicle speed between
highways and water reflection on the 60 km/h and 150 km/h such that the
road surface. vehicle is about to roll over lane lines,
the system, when activated, slightly

The front windshield is dirty, covered turns the steering wheel by providing
in mist, or blocked by stickers or reverse torque through the electronic
decorations. power steering (EPS) system to prevent
lane departure.

In case there is a collision or the
sensor has been reassembled, it ●
If LDP system is activated for over
is recommended to go to a BYD five seconds, it gives visual and
authorized dealer or service provider audible alarms at the fifth second and
for sensor calibration so as to avoid continues until this activation ends. If
affecting system performance. the system is activated twice or more
within a continued 180-second cycle,
WARNING the system alarms immediately. For
the third activation (and any further

HMA serves as a driver assistance ones), alarms are extended by at least
function only, so the driver must 12 seconds.
be fully responsible for driving
How to Use

Influence of weather, road
Enable or disable this function in
conditions, and other factors may

cause HMA to fail. → ADAS → Driving Assist → Lane

Support System (LSS).

Use HMA based on your needs,
traffic, and road conditions.

There are three LDW modes: audible
alarm only, steering wheel vibration
only, and combination.
Lane Departure Assist ●
When LDW or LDP is enabled, is
(LDA) displayed on the instrument cluster.

When activated, LDW gives alarms
Lane Departure Warning (LDW) (in the form of audible alarm, visual
The lane departure warning (LDW) system alarm, and steering wheel vibration).
detects the lane lines ahead through a On the instrument cluster, virtual lane
multi-purpose camera. When the vehicle lines on the side where the vehicle rolls
speed is 60 - 150 km/h and the driver over lane lines turn red.
unintentionally drifts out of the lane, ●
When activated, LDP gives alarms (in
the LDW system warns the driver by
the form of audible and visual alarms).
steering wheel vibration, a sound, and an
instrument cluster prompt. On the instrument cluster, flashes
twice, virtual lane lines on the side
where the vehicle rolls over lane lines
turn green.


In the event of malfunction, is ●
LDW may be suppressed on slopes or
displayed. winding roads when the vehicle travels
too close to the vehicle ahead or when
the vehicle ahead obscures lane lines.
System Limitations

LDW may be suppressed when the
In a complex road traffic environment,
vehicle jolts, accelerates or decelerates
the LDA system may detect the lane line
too quickly, or takes a sharp turn.
incorrectly or fail to detect the lane line.
In the following cases, the system may ●
The system operation may be affected
not work or its performance may be if the windshield within the visual
significantly degraded: field of the multi-purpose camera is
cracked, if the front windshield glass
Poor visibility on snowy, rainy, or foggy
is dyed or coated in a manner that

is not compliant with standards, if

Dirty or fogged windshield, or blocked any reflective object is placed on the
multi-purpose camera dashboard, or if any other object
interferes with camera sight. 04

Glaring from direct sunlight, reflection
or oncoming vehicles For safety reasons, do not test LDW


function on your own. The function

Sudden changes in light, such as when will be interrupted if the multi-purpose
the vehicle is entering or exiting a camera is blocked by any object
tunnel or exposed to strong lights. The
function recovers once conditions

Lane lines obscured by tree shadows
return to normal. If it does not, it
on roads in direct sunlight on sunny
is recommended to contact a BYD
authorized dealer or service provider.

Unidentifiable road boundary with
Disabling the LDW is recommended
grass, soil, or curb

under any of the following

The function may be suppressed circumstances:
in narrow lanes to prevent the
Driving in a sporty style
interference of its frequent activation.

Severe weather conditions
Precautions ●
On uneven roads

LDW will be suppressed if a turn signal ●
Situations where lane lines may not be
is used and the vehicle changes lane as
identified include, but are not limited
indicated by the turn signal.

LDW may be suppressed if the vehicle ●
Unclear lane lines
travels over lane lines, or lane lines
are unclear, too thin, worn, blurred or ●
Incomplete lane lines
covered by dirt/snow.

Situations that may cause recognition

LDW may be suppressed if the lane is difficulty or late function activation of
too wide or too narrow, the number the multi-purpose camera include, but
of lanes increases or decreases, lane are not limited to:
markings change suddenly on ramps
or exits, or in situations of complex line

The multi-purpose camera comes off,
arrangements. is loosely installed, or is blocked.


The vehicle is running under extreme ●
If you disable ELKA is manually by
weather, such as rain, snow, or smog. pressing buttons, is displayed.

The multi-purpose camera is partially
or completely blocked. System Limitations

The ELKA system may detect incorrect
WARNING or no lane lines in complex traffic.
The following situations may lead to

LDA serves as a driver assistance failure or performance degradation of
function only, so the driver must the system:
be fully responsible for driving

Poor visibility on snowy, rainy, or
foggy days

Influence of weather, road
conditions, and other factors may

Dirty or fogged windshield, or
cause LDA to fail. blocked multi-purpose camera

Use LDA based on your needs,

Glaring from direct sunlight,
traffic, and road conditions. reflection or oncoming vehicles

Sudden changes in light, such as
when the vehicle is entering or
Emergency Lane Keeping exiting a tunnel
Assist (ELKA) ●
Lane lines obscured by tree shadows
on roads in direct sunlight on sunny
The emergency lane keeping assist days
(ELKA) system identifies lane lines ahead
through a multi-purpose camera and ●
Unidentifiable road boundary with
identifies vehicles approaching from grass, soil, or curb
behind on the adjacent lanes through ●
The function may be suppressed
rear corner mmWave radars. It comes
in narrow lanes to prevent
to work within the 50 km/h-150 km/h
the interference of its frequent
vehicle speed range when the vehicle
drifts out of solid lane lines, is about
to cross a road edge, or has a risk
of colliding with oncoming vehicles or Precautions
vehicles that are passing it on adjust ●
Situations where lane lines may not be
lines. The system activates EPS system identified include, but are not limited
to provide reverse torque, keeping the to:
vehicle in the current lane.

Pedestrians, animals, and specialty
or specially-shaped vehicles
How to Use
Unclear or incomplete lane lines
Enable or disable this function in

→ ADAS → Driving Assist → Lane ●

Situations that may result in detection
Support System (LSS). failure of the multi-purpose camera or
late alarms include, but are not limited
When ELKA is active, flashes on the

instrument cluster.

The multi-purpose camera comes off,
In the event of ELKA malfunction, is
is loosely installed, or is blocked.



The vehicle is running under extreme the adjacent lane, the indicator on the
weather, such as rain, snow, or smog. corresponding side mirror lights up. If the
turn signal for the same side is turned on

The multi-purpose camera is partially at this moment, the alarm indicator on
or completely blocked. the side mirror flashes to alert the driver

Situations that may result in detection of a risky lane change.
failure of mmWave radars or late
alarms include, but are not limited to:

MmWave radar(s) come off, are
loosely installed, or are blocked.

The vehicle is running under extreme
weather, such as rain, snow, or smog.

The vehicle encounters certain metal
guardrails or similar road conditions.


ELKA serves as a driver assistance When the vehicle is reversing at a speed
function only, so the driver is fully no more than 15 km/h, the RCTA system
responsible for driving safety. detects the vehicles traveling in the blind

Influence of weather, road spot at the back through rear corner
conditions, and other factors may mmWave radars. If the system determines
cause ELKA to fail. that a vehicle approaching from behind
poses a risk of collision, the side mirror

Use ELKA based on your needs, warning indicators flash and an audible
traffic, and road conditions. alarm is given to alert the driver, reducing
the possibility of collision.

Blind Spot Assist (BSA) RCTB*

When the vehicle is reversing at a speed

The blind spot assist (BSA) system no more than 9 km/h, the RCTB system
includes the following functions: blind detects the vehicles traveling in the blind
spot detection (BSD), rear cross spot at the back through rear corner
traffic alert (RCTA), rear cross traffic mmWave radars. If the system determines
braking (RCTB), rear collision warning that a vehicle approaching from behind
(RCW), and door open warning (DOW). poses a risk of collision, it performs
It detects the environment behind emergency braking automatically.
the vehicle through corner mmWave
radars installed on both sides of the
rear bumper so as to remind the driver At vehicle speeds between 5 km/h and
of safe driving. 146 km/h, if the rear corner mmWave
radar detects a risk of collision with a
vehicle approaching quickly from behind
At vehicle speeds between 15-150 km/h, on the current lane, the hazard warning
if a rear corner mmWave radar detects light turns on to warn the driver in that
a vehicle in blind spots on an adjacent vehicle against a possible collision.
lane or a vehicle approaching quickly on

DOW is realized with rear corner mmWave ●
The BSD system may be unable to
radars installed on both sides of the rear provide adequate warning on target
bumper. When the vehicle is stationary vehicles approaching from behind at a
with doors unlocked, the system keeps high speed.
indicators on side mirrors solid on to
warn the driver if moving objects, such as

The driver must ensure the normal
bicycles or automobiles, on an adjacent operation of the BSD system, keeping
lane are approaching from behind. At the its rear corner mmWave radars in good
same time, an icon is displayed on the condition. For example, dirt, snow, or
instrument cluster. If the driver attempts other obstructions need to be cleared
to open the door at this time, indicators right away.
on side mirrors begin to flash and a chime ●
The BSD system gives a warning if
sounds. unrelated targets at the rear side or in
the rear (such as work zone barriers,
Function Button Operation large roadside billboards, reflectors in
tunnels, or other objects with a large

Enable or disable BSD, RCTA, RCTB, radar cross section) are mistakenly
RCW, or DOW in → ADAS → Active selected as target vehicles.
Safety → Blind Spot Assist.

Detection may be affected or delayed

When the blind spot assist system is in some environments. If the radar
disabled, no relevant indicators are cross section of the target vehicle is
displayed on the instrument cluster. too small (a bicycle, electric moped or
pedestrian, for example), the system
When the blind spot assist system
may fail to identify targets, leading

is standing by, if vehicle conditions,

to false alarms. In addition, detection
such as speed or gear status, do not
may also be affected or delayed by
meet the requirements of any function,
noise or electromagnetic interference.
is displayed on the instrument
cluster and blind spot assist will not be System Limitations

Under some circumstances, it is

If the blind spot assist system difficult for the system to assist the
malfunctions, is displayed. driver, and detection may be affected
or delayed. Possible circumstances

When the blind spot assist system is include, but are not limited to:
active, is displayed, meaning that
The vehicle coming from behind
the function has been activated and

changes the lane suddenly.

can trigger alarms at any time.

Vehicles coming from behind are
Precautions detected too late at sharp turns,
slopes, or other settings.

While the BSD system provides
assistance in monitoring blind spots ●
The target vehicle is obscured.
of rearview mirrors, it cannot replace ●
Vehicles come from behind at a
the driver's observation and judgment.
relative speed above 80 km/h.
The driver must keep control of vehicle
at all times and drive properly and is ●
The vehicle is on a curve which is
fully responsible for the vehicle. too sharp, or is entering or exiting a


The vehicle is running under severe How to Use
weather, such as rain or snow.
With the vehicle powered on, set the

Rear corner mmWave radar(s) come warning in → Driving Assist → Driver
off, are loosely installed, or are Attention Warning (DAW). For safety
blocked. considerations, the setting is valid on the
current trip only, and will revert to the

The vehicle encounters certain metal
default mode on the next trip.
guardrails or similar road conditions.

Targets that may not be responded WARNING
include, but are not limited to,
pedestrians and animals. ●
The driver should pull over the
vehicle as soon as possible when

The environment contains feeling tired.
electromagnetic interference or
other influences.

Vibration or collision influence on 04
sensor calibration of BSD's rear corner The driver monitoring system is
mmWave radars can degrade system


only an auxiliary system and is
performance. If this is detected, not capable of effective recognition
contact a BYD authorized dealer or and alarm-raising in all situations.
service provider. It cannot completely replace the
driver's subjective observation and
WARNING judgment. The driver must maintain
control of the vehicle at all times,

Blind spot assist only serves as a complying with all road laws
driver assistance function, so the and regulations, and taking full
driver must be fully responsible responsibility for the vehicle.
for driving safety.

Influence of weather, road

Child Presence Detection

conditions, and other factors may

cause blind spot assist to fail. (CPD)

Use blind spot assist based on
your needs, traffic, and road After the vehicle is powered off, child
conditions. presence detection is performed if any
door is opened and then all doors are
closed or locked. If child presence is
Driver Attention Warning detected, an alarm is given in the form
of light flashing and honking. The A/C will
(DAW) be switched on soon after. To cancel the
alarm, unlock or open any door.
Driver attention warning (DAW) system
evaluates the driver's degree of fatigue
How to Use
by the vehicle operation status. The
driver would be alerted according to Access this function in → ADAS
the evaluation results to ensure driving → Driving Assist. Three options are
safety. provided: OFF, ON, and Delay.


By default, the system is switched on
each time when the vehicle is powered
on. ●
The alarm cannot be canceled by

Tap OFF to deactivate the alarm in this unlocking the vehicle from the
trip. app.

Tap Delay to extend the alarm (for five ●
The system may not be able
minutes) in this trip. to trigger an alarm or switch
on the A/C if the SOC is low.

Tap the exclamation mark for more Keeping the vehicle at high SOC is
details. recommended.

System Response
Tire Pressure Monitoring

If life presence is detected, the initial
alarm (light flashing and honking)
starts within 10 seconds and will last Direct Tire Pressure Monitoring
for about six seconds.

The direct tire pressure monitoring

If not canceled, the alarm (light system is an auxiliary system that
flashing and honking) escalates within monitors tire pressure in real time to
90 seconds and will last for about 25 improve vehicle safety and comfort
minutes. and reduce tire wear and energy
consumption due to insufficient tire

The A/C will be switched on three
minutes after alarm escalation if it is
not canceled, and will keep running for ●
Access the instrument cluster menu by
about 30 minutes. pressing the button on the steering
wheel, then select the tire pressure
WARNING screen using the scroll button.

While light flashing, honking, Tire pressure system alarm
app message prompts, and A/C ●
When the pressure of any tire is
operation reduces the harm to lower than 80% of the standard tire
the child(ren) in the vehicle, they pressure and the system is running, the
cannot completely prevent harms. tire pressure fault warning light lights

When a reminder is provided, up and the tire pressure value turns
check whether any child has been yellow. In that case. it is recommended
locked inside the vehicle promptly to check for slow air leakage and
to avoid further harms. inflate the tire to the correct pressure


When the temperature of any tire
is above 85°C for three consecutive

Misidentification or false alarm minutes, the tire pressure system
could happen. gives a high temperature alarm,
and the temperature value of the

The alarm may be given for corresponding tire turns yellow. You
adults, children, pets, or other are then recommended to stop
lives detected. the vehicle and wait for the tire

temperature to decrease before further

When the system is running, if a fault ●
Since tire pressure varies with
occurs, the tire pressure fault warning regional temperatures, inflate
light is solid on after flashing, and or deflate the tires according
the message "No Signal" or "Please to the values displayed on
check TPMS" is displayed on the the instrument cluster and the
instrument cluster. In that case, check standard tire pressure values.
the tire pressure monitoring module, ●
The tire pressure monitoring
and check for any surrounding
system may be disturbed by
electromagnetic source nearby. If the
non-BYD approved electrical
alarm persists for a long time, please
accessories on the vehicle. This is
contact a BYD authorized dealer or
not a tire pressure system failure.
service provider.

The tire pressure system needs
CAUTION to be matched again after
replacement of wheel rims or

The running time of the tire spare tires* or tire rotations.


pressure monitoring module is Please go to a BYD authorized
related to the daily travel distance dealer or service provider to re-
and other factors. match the tire pressure.

The monitoring module regularly
transmits tire pressure and WARNING
other information to the display.
Therefore, if the tire pressure ●
The system does not stop vehicle
drops suddenly or there is a flat traveling in the event of abnormal
tire, the monitoring module will tire pressure. Therefore, each time
not transmit data to the display before driving, start the vehicle
until the next monitoring. In this statically to check whether the tire
case, the vehicle may be out pressure meets the requirements
of control. If there is a flat tire specified by the manufacturer.
and monitoring fails to inform, If not, do not drive, otherwise
or if you feel that there are vehicle damage or personal injury
some tire problems, stop driving can occur.
immediately instead of waiting for
If pressure is found to be
the display to signal an alarm.

abnormal while driving, check

Incorrectly installed monitoring the tire pressure immediately. If
module affects the air tightness of the low pressure warning light
the tire. It is recommended that comes on, avoid sharp turns or
the installation and replacement emergency braking, and reduce
of the pressure monitoring vehicle speed, pull it over to the
module be carried out by curb and stop as soon as possible.
professional technicians of a Driving with low tire pressure can
BYD authorized dealer or service cause permanent damage to tires
provider in accordance with the and increase the likelihood of tire
requirements of the installation scrapping. Serious tire damage
manual. can lead to traffic accidents,


resulting in serious injuries or ●

If the AVAS prompt sound cannot
deaths. be heard when driving at a low
speed, stop the vehicle in a
relatively safe and quiet place,
Acoustic Vehicle Alerting open a window, then drive in
System (AVAS) R gear and check whether you
can hear an audible prompt from
the front of the vehicle. If it is
The acoustic vehicle alerting system confirmed that there is no sound,
(AVAS) refers to the broadcast to contact a BYD authorized dealer
pedestrians near the vehicle when it is or service provider to deal with it.
traveling at low speed.

When driving forward:

Panoramic View System

The broadcast volume increases with
vehicle speed in the range of 0 With the ignition switched on, tap
km/h<V≤20 km/h. Vehicle View on the infotainment system
homepage or press the button on the
steering wheel to access the panoramic

The broadcast volume decreases with
vehicle speed in the range of 20
km/h<V≤30 km/h.

At speeds above 30 km/h, the ●
Landscape mode:
broadcast sound stops automatically.

Tap the front, rear, right, or left area

The vehicle makes a continuous and of the vehicle icon on the right. View
balanced prompt sound when moving of the selected area is displayed in
in reverse. the image section on the left.

In the single front and rear
How to Use
views, double-tap the image section
to switch to a 180° perspective
The system is enabled by factory
displayed in full screen.
default. AVAS has two sound sources:
standard and brand. This can be set
in infotainment touchscreen → →
Vehicle Settings → Notification.


driving. Investigation of foreign

objects below the vehicle and
dangerous situations should be
carried out in any other manner
to ensure the safety of personnel
and the vehicle.

When the vehicle runs at a low
Tap the radar icon in the panoramic
speed, the transparent panoramic

view to enable the radar display, and

view function is affected by speed
tap it again to disable. When the
fluctuation or multiple stops,
radar display is enabled, a warning is
so there will be misalignment
displayed as the vehicle is approaching
between the images below the
an obstacle.
vehicle and that outside the

Portrait mode: vehicle. 04
Tap any two of the front, rear, right, The panoramic view system is


and left areas of the vehicle icon only to be used for parking/
in the lower left section. Views of driving assistance. It is not safe
the two selected areas are displayed to rely solely on this system to
in the upper and lower right image park or drive the vehicle, because
section. there are some blind spots in front
of and behind the vehicle. The

Tap the vehicle image switching surroundings of the car should be
button in the lower left corner observed in other ways during the
to switch between transparent and parking/driving process, so as to
nontransparent vehicle images. avoid accidents.

After the vehicle starts, the image ●
This system uses wide-angle
before last power-off is displayed fisheye cameras, so the object
on the transparent panoramic view on the display screen may
screen. Foreign bodies shown may be appear somewhat deformed in
inconsistent with the actual ones in comparison with the actual
the underbody and surrounding blind object.
areas. The underbody image update
will begin only after the vehicle has ●
When the side mirrors are not
started to run and will be complete extended in place, do not use
when the vehicle has been driven the panoramic view system; and
beyond its length. when the panoramic view system
is used for parking/driving, ensure
WARNING that all the car doors are closed.

The distance to an object

The panoramic view system displayed on the panoramic view
provides transparent panoramic screen may be different from the
view to show the image below the distance perceived subjectively,
vehicle. This function is only for especially when the object is
assisting in observation of area closer to the vehicle. Assess the
below the vehicle during parking/ distance in various ways.


Cameras are installed above the ●
With the vehicle in Drive, the
front grille, side mirrors, and the operation of the parking assist
rear license plate. Make sure the system ceases when vehicle speed
cameras are unobstructed. rises to 11 km/h and resumes
when vehicle speed drops to 10

To prevent affecting camera km/h.
performance, avoid spraying
directly on the cameras when ●
Do not place any articles within
washing the vehicle body with the sensors' working range.
high-pressure water. Wipe any
water or dust off the camera in

To prevent sensor malfunction, do
time. not wash the sensor area with
water or steam.

Protect the cameras from any
impact to prevent damage or
Parking Radar Switch

After the vehicle is powered on, ●
Turn the parking radar system on or
if you press the panoramic view off in infotainment touchscreen →
start button or shift into reverse → ADAS → Parking Assistance →
while the infotainment system is Parking Sensors.
not fully activated, the output on
the panoramic view screen will ●
When the ignition is switched on and
be delayed or the screen will EPB is released, the parking assist
flash. This is a normal part of the system is enabled automatically.
camera power-on process. ●
When enabled, the system raises

When one or more cameras in an alarm if obstacles are found
the system are not working, the surrounding the vehicle; when
corresponding views go black. disabled, it does not.

When no camera is available,
Sensor Type
a "No video signal detected"
message is displayed. ●
When the sensor detects an obstacle,
the corresponding image is displayed
Parking Assist System on the infotainment touchscreen*,
depending on the location of the
obstacle and its distance from the

During vehicle parking, the parking vehicle.
assist system detects obstacles by
sensors, and prompts the driver with ●
When the driver conducts parallel
the proximity of obstacles by an image parking or reverse parking, the
on the infotainment touchscreen* and sensor measures the distance between
a speaker alarm. the vehicle and the obstacle
and communicates this information

The parking assist system helps through the infotainment touchscreen
with reversing. Pay attention to the and the speaker. Be aware of the
environment behind and around the surroundings when using this system.
vehicle during reversing.
① Front right corner sensor*

② Front left corner sensor* Distance Display Alarm

③ Rear right corner sensor

When the sensor detects an obstacle,
④ Rear center sensor the location of the obstacle and
its approximate distance from the
⑤ Rear left corner sensor vehicle is displayed on the infotainment
touchscreen, and the speaker beeps.

Working example of center sensors

Approximate Distance Touchscreen Display


Alarm Sound
(mm) Example

About 700 to 1,200 Slow

About 300 to 700 Fast

About 0 to 300 Continuous

Working example of corner sensors

Approximate Distance Touchscreen Display

Alarm Sound
(mm) Example

About 300 to 600 Fast

About 0 to 300 Continuous

Working Sensors and Detection Range
All sensors are activated upon reversing. ●
Failure of the parking radar
The illustration shows the sensors' system is indicated by the
detection range. Sensors have a range message "Parking radar
limitation, so drivers must check the failed, please contact BYD service"
surroundings before slowly reversing the on the instrument cluster and
vehicle. a beep. In that case, contact a
① About 1,200 mm BYD authorized dealer or service
provider for inspection as soon as
② About 600 mm possible.

Sensor Detection Information

Certain vehicle conditions and
surroundings may affect the sensors'
ability to accurately detect obstacles.
Detection accuracy may be affected if:

There is dirt, water or fog on the

There is snow or frost on the sensor.

The sensor is masked in any way.

The vehicle leans significantly to one

The sensors may fail to detect side or is overloaded.
obstacles that are very close to
the vehicle.

The vehicle is moving on particularly
bumpy roads, slopes, gravel or grass.

The parking assist system is
only for assistance, and is not a

The sensor has been repainted.
substitute for personal judgment. ●
The vicinity is noisy due to honking
Be sure to operate the vehicle of vehicles, motorcycle engines,
based on your observations. air brakes of large vehicles, or

Sensors will not work properly other noises that produce ultrasonic
if accessories or other objects waves.
are placed within their detection ●
There's another vehicle with parking
range. assist system nearby.

In some cases, the system cannot ●
The vehicle is fitted with a tow eye.
operate properly and will fail
to detect certain objects as ●
The bumper or the sensor was hit
the vehicle approaches them. hard.
Therefore, be sure to observe ●
The vehicle is approaching a high or
the vehicle's surroundings at all
zigzag curb.
times. Do not rely solely upon the
system. ●
The vehicle is driving in the sun or in
the cold.


The vehicle is fitted with non- Intelligent Power Braking System
original, lower suspension.
The intelligent power braking system is
Except as described above, sensors
an advanced decoupled electro-hydraulic

may not be able to correctly determine

braking system, incorporating vacuum
the actual distance due to the shape of
booster, electronic vacuum pump, and
the object.
ABS/ESC functionality. The system assists

The shape and material of obstacles vehicle braking according to the driver's
may prevent sensors from detecting demands. It offers advanced control
them, especially the following: functions such as ABS, electronic brake
force distribution (EBD), traction control

Electric wires, fences, and ropes system (TCS), vehicle dynamic control
(VDC), comfort parking (CST), hill-start

Cotton, snow, and other materials
hold control (HHC), hydraulic brake assist
that absorb radio waves
(HBA), and controlled deceleration for
Any object with sharp edges and parking brake (CDP) to improve vehicle

corners stability and comfort, and the recovery

efficiency of brake energy.

Low obstacles



High obstacles facing outwards
towards the vehicle When the vehicle turns suddenly while
running, the VDC system determines

Any object under the bumper the driver's intention based on such

Any object close to the vehicle information as steering wheel's angle
and vehicle speed, and continuously

Persons near the vehicle (depending compares with the actual condition. If
on the type of clothing) the vehicle swerves from the normal
lane, the VDC corrects the situation by

If an image is displayed on the
engaging brakes to the corresponding
infotainment touchscreen* or there is a
wheels to help the driver control skidding
beep, it may be that the sensor detects
and maintain directional stability.
an obstacle or is interfered. If the issue
persists, go to a BYD authorized dealer TCS
or service provider for inspection.
TCS prevents the drive wheels from
CAUTION skidding during acceleration by reducing
the motor power, and, when necessary,

To prevent sensor malfunction, do applies braking forces to prevent drive
not rinse or apply steam to the wheels from spinning. It makes the
sensor area. vehicle easy to start, accelerate, and
climb under adverse driving conditions.

Driving Safety Systems WARNING

TCS may not work effectively in
For better driving safety, the
the following situations:
following driving safety systems
works automatically based on driving ●
On slippery roads, even if TCS is
conditions. However, these systems only working properly, it may not be
provide assistance, and excessive reliance
on them is not recommended.


Adjust the brake pedal feel in
infotainment touchscreen → →
able to control the direction and Vehicle Settings → Driving Comfort.
meet power requirements. ●
Do not drive in conditions where
Comfort parking function: When the

the vehicle may lose its stability

vehicle decelerates to stop in a non-
and power.
emergency situation, the integrated
brake control system reduces the
HHC stop-instant suspension pitch and
After you release the brake pedal, impact by controlling the brake
HHC maintains the brake pressure you pressure of the four brakes, providing
imposed for 1.5 seconds to prevent a smooth stop feeling for the driver.
backward sliding of the vehicle. ●
Enable or disable this function in
HBA infotainment touchscreen → →
Vehicle Settings → Driving Comfort.
When you press the brake pedal quickly,
HBA detects that the vehicle is in ●
After the function is triggered, the
emergency condition. It quickly increases braking distance may increase by 2-5
the brake pressure to the maximum so cm. Increase the distance from the
that ABS can intervene more quickly and vehicle or obstacle ahead accordingly
shorten the braking distance effectively. before stopping your vehicle.
Brake disc wiping
When you engage the EPB, the CDP ●
Water on the brake discs increases
function starts working so that the vehicle the braking response time. The
brakes at a constant deceleration (0.4 g brake disc wiping function removes
if EPB is engaged but the brake pedal is moisture during driving in wet
not pressed, and 0.8 g if EPB is engaged environments. This is achieved by
and the brake pedal is pressed) until the actuating the brake at low pressure,
vehicle stops. The function stops working keeping the brake pads in contact
when the EPB is released. with the rotating brake discs.
Moisture is thus wiped off the discs.
ESC operation instructions
When the system detects rain or wet
Intelligent power braking system has the roads, it repeatedly wipes the brake
following new functions compared with disc at certain intervals.
the original ESC system: ●
ESC working
Brake assist mode
If there is a risk of skidding or

The brake assist mode is used backsliding when the vehicle starts
to adjust the brake pedal feel. on a slope, or if either drive wheel is
The relation curve between the spinning, the ESC indicator flashes to
brake pedal depth and the vehicle indicate that ESC system is working.
deceleration varies across different ●
Disabling ESC
modes for the driver to choose their
preferred pedal feel. ●
If the vehicle gets stuck in snow or
mud, ESC may reduce power output
from the motor to the wheels, where

the system should be turned off to ●
If the ESC system is turned off,
get out of the jam. when the vehicle becomes extremely
unstable as the speed increases and

Turning off ESC exceeds the threshold (80 km/h), the

Press the ESC OFF button or go ESC system starts on its own.
to infotainment touchscreen → ●
With ESC system activated
→ ADAS → Active safety. ESC also
checks its operating status in real ●
If the ESC fault indicator
time. If you turn off ESC while it flashes, drive with extra care to
is working, it completes the active avoid accidents. Exercise additional
intervention control rather than caution when the indicator is
executes the "shutdown" command flashing.
immediately. ESC is disabled only
after the intervention control is

With ESC system disabled
complete. ●
Be careful when ESC is disabled,
and drive at speeds suitable for road 04
conditions. The ESC system ensures
vehicle stability and its driving force.


Never turn it off unless necessary.

Tire replacement

Make sure all tires are of the same
size, brand, tread pattern, and total
load. In addition, be sure to inflate
tires to the recommended pressure.

Neither ABS nor ESC will work

Some functions of the ESC system may properly if the vehicle is fitted with
be re-enabled if you press the ESC different tires.
OFF switch again or the vehicle speed
exceeds the threshold (80 km/h). In ●
For details on tire or wheel
order to prevent ESC from being replacement, it is recommended to
turned off suddenly, ESC can be contact a BYD authorized dealer or
activated again only when it is not in service provider.
a vehicle dynamic intervention state. ●
Tire and suspension handling
ESC OFF switch mis-operation
The use of any defective tire or

ESC is considered to be mis-operated modified suspension affects the
if the ESC OFF switch is pressed and driving safety system and may cause
held for more than 10 seconds. In the system to fail.
that case, all ESC functions remain in
Multi-collision braking*
normal operation.

If an accident requires airbags
Restarting ESC after the vehicle is
activation, the vehicle engages

powered off
automatic braking.
When the ESC system has been
Speed reduction, along with

turned off, restarting the vehicle

intervention by additional driving
automatically restarts the system.
systems (ESC and ABS), assists the

ESC start and speed linkage

vehicle to maintain stability and lane ●
Never pulsate the brake pedal;
position. otherwise, ABS may malfunction.
While steering away from danger,

Hazard and brake lights also light up a firm and steady pressure should
to alert oncoming traffic and prevent always be maintained on the brake
further collisions. pedal for the ABS to work.

To support emergency service rescue ●
When the ABS is working, the brake
and vehicle recovery, brakes will pedal will vibrate, which may produce
release and brake lights will go off after noise. This is because the ABS is
the accident. pulsating the brake quickly, which is

The driver can interrupt the multi- normal.
collision braking* at any time by Electronic brake force distribution
accelerating or braking. (EBD)

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)

The EBD is an auxiliary function of
ABS. Before ABS acts, if the skid rate

The ABS hydraulic system has of rear wheel is high, ABS adjusts the
two separate circuits, each running brake pressure of rear wheel for a
diagonally through the vehicle (left smoother and more ideal brake force
front wheel brake connected to the distribution.
right rear wheel brake). If one circuit
fails, two wheels can still be braked. WARNING

ABS helps maintain the steering ●
ABS cannot work effectively under
control by preventing the wheels the following conditions:
from locking or skidding when brake
is engaged suddenly or on slippery

Tires with inadequate grip are
roads. used (for example, excessively
worn tires used on snow-
covered roads).

The vehicle skids when driving
at a high speed on slippery

ABS is not designed to reduce the
braking distance of the vehicle.
Always keep a safe distance from
the vehicle ahead on:

Muddy, sandy, or snowy roads.
When the front tires skid, there is
Roads with potholes or uneven

no steering control, which means

that the vehicle still moves forward
even though the steering wheel is ●
Bumpy roads.
turned. ABS helps prevent locking
and maintain steering control since
pulsating prompt brake is much faster
than human reaction.

CAUTION Other Main

If the ABS fault warning light is Functions
still on while the braking system
warning light is on, immediately
park the vehicle in a safe place. Interior Rearview Mirror
It is recommended to contact a
BYD authorized dealer or service Manual Anti-glare Function

In this case, if brakes are applied, The interior rearview mirror can be
the ABS will not work and the adjusted to two positions, suitable for day
vehicle will become extremely and nighttime respectively. The nighttime
unstable. position reduces glare from vehicles to
the rear.

ABS does not reduce the time
Daytime driving - turn the control lever
and distance required to stop the

vehicle. This device only helps you to position ①, in which the image
control steering when braking. in the interior rearview mirror is the


Please always keep a safe distance clearest.
from other vehicles.

ABS cannot prevent skidding
caused by sudden direction
change, such as trying to make
a sharp turn or change lanes
suddenly. Always drive carefully at
a safe speed, regardless of road
and weather conditions.

ABS does not prevent decrease
in stability either. When applying
the brake in an emergency, the ●
Nighttime driving - turn the control
steering should be moderate. A
lever to position ②, which reduces
large or sharp turn during the
the disturbance from headlight beams
driving can cause the vehicle to
from vehicles to the rear at night. Be
swerve into oncoming traffic or
aware that this glare reduction also
run off the road.
reduces the clarity of the rear view.

When running on soft or uneven
surfaces (such as gravel or snow), Adjusting the Rearview Mirror Manually
a vehicle with ABS may require
a longer braking distance than Move the interior rearview mirror up or
a vehicle without ABS. In such down, left or right to a suitable position.
cases, slow down and keep a long
distance from other vehicles.


Do not adjust the interior rearview ●
If the side mirrors get frozen,
mirror while driving, as this may do not operate the controller or
obstruct the control of the vehicle, scrape their surface. Deicing spray
resulting in personal injury or should be used.
death from accidents.

Do not hang heavy objects from Folding Side Mirrors
the interior rearview mirror, or
shake or drag it with force. Enable or disable the side mirror auto-
fold function in infotainment touchscreen

When manually adjusting the
interior rearview mirror, do not → → External Mirrors.
forcibly adjust the stuck mirror to
Press the button to fold the side
avoid the mirror falling off.

mirrors with power. Press the button

again to unfold the mirrors.
Side Mirrors ●
Both side mirrors fold automatically
when anti-theft feature is armed, and
Side Mirror Switches extend automatically when anti-theft
function is disarmed.
Use the associated switches to adjust the
side mirrors to see the sides of the vehicle

Side mirror selection buttons

Left side mirror adjustment

Right side mirror adjustment

Side mirror adjustment buttons

Press this button to adjust the side mirror

lens to a right position.

Wipers 2. Move the rear wiper blade to the
position as shown.

Replacing Wiper Blades 3. Press the lock button, push the blade
in the direction of the arrow until it
Check front and rear wiper blades for fully separates from the hook, and
cracks or partial hardening at least every twist it to take it out.
six months or 10,000 km. If they are
4. When installing a new wiper blade,
noted, replace wiper blades. Otherwise,
follow the reverse procedure.
the windshield will streak or will be left
unclean after wiping.

Configuration 1

1. Pull up the wiper arm at the driver

side, and then pull up the other at the
passenger side.

2. Press the wiper lock button.




Handle wiper blades with care. Do
not push the wiper arm to let the
wiper blade straightly strike onto
the windshield.

Do not bend the wiper blade, and
3. Hold the wiper blade and pull it out do not obstruct the wiper blade
along the indicated direction. when the wiper is in operation.

4. When installing a new wiper blade,

follow the reverse procedure. Snow Chains

Snow chains are only for emergencies
or areas where they are permitted by

Snow chains should be installed
on front wheels. Be careful when
driving the vehicle installed with
snow chains on snow-covered roads.
Use thin snow chains. Some snow
chains may damage tires, wheels,
suspensions, and the vehicle body.
Configuration 2 The recommended snow chains are
1. Pull up the wiper arm at the driver no larger than 6 mm in thickness
side, and then pull up the other at the or diameter, which provides enough
passenger side.

space between tires and other parts in
the hubcap.

Read the component assembly
drawings and other instructions
provided by the snow chain
manufacturer carefully.

Before purchasing and installing snow
chains, consult a BYD authorized
dealer or service provider where your
vehicle was purchased.

After snow chains are installed, be sure
to travel at a speed below 30 km/h on
snow-covered roads.

In order to minimize wear of tires and
snow chains, do not travel with snow
chains on roads without snow.


Driving speed must not exceed
30 km/h or the lower speed
limit specified by the snow chain

Drive carefully, paying attention
to bumps, potholes, and sharp
turns that can cause the vehicle to

For vehicles with snow chains,
avoid sharp turns or braking with
locked wheels, and slow down the
vehicle before entering a curve
to avoid accidents due to loss of

If abnormal noise is heard from
the snow chain, it indicates that
the chain may contact vehicle
components such as suspension,
body or brake lines. In this case,
stop the vehicle immediately for

A/C System...................................... 132
Storage............................................ 135
Other Devices..................................138
Infotainment System...................... 143

Remote A/C activation:
A/C ●
You can switch on the A/C by
using the smart key or the BYD
① AUTO Cloud Service app to create
② Front windshield defroster a comfortable vehicle interior
environment in advance.

1 A/C setting
Defroster for rear windshield &
2 Seat heating 9
side mirrors
3 A/C operation interface
10 Circulation mode
11 Ventilator
5 Auto mode

Front passenger's temperature
6 Cooling control

7 Max cooling 13 Air distribution

8 Front windshield defroster 14 Fan speed adjustment

15 Driver's temperature control

Auto mode ●
"Lo"/"Hi" is displayed when the
temperature is set to the lowest/

Tap this button to automatically adjust highest value.
compressor state, fan speed, and air
outlet mode. The button indicator (on Max cooling
the gear shift control panel) lights up.

Tap this button to activate the max

When the fan speed, air outlet mode, cooling control. The temperature is set
or compressor state is set, the fully- to "LO", the fan speed is set to the
automatic control mode is deactivated, maximum, the recirculation mode is
but functions other than those set activated, and air blows in face level
remain in automatic mode. mode. 05
A/C ON/OFF Tap this button again to exit.


When the A/C is on, press this button to Cooling
turn the A/C off.

Tap this button to turn on the A/C. The

When the A/C is off, press this button icon lights up and cooling begins. Tap
to turn the A/C on. this button again to turn off the A/C.
The icon goes out.
Fan speed control
Circulation mode

Tap the chosen position. The more
bars illuminated, the faster the fan ●
Tap this button to switch to
speed. recirculation mode. Tap it again to
switch to fresh air mode.
Front windshield defroster

When the "automatic recirculation

Tap this button to enter the front when parking" function is enabled,
windshield defrost mode, distributing to ensure air quality in the vehicle
air to the front windshield and side and prevent the vehicle exhaust from
windows. Tap this button again to exit entering the vehicle, the recirculation
this mode. mode is switched on automatically

Tapping this button activates after you shift into "P".
windshield defrosting and demisting Rear defroster
and turns the A/C on.

Tap this button to heat up and
Temperature controls defrost the rear windshield and side

To increase/decrease the temperature, mirrors. The function is automatically
tap the upper/lower arrow on the deactivated after 15-minute inactivity
screen, or touch the temperature of the associated button. Tap this
display area and then swipe button a second time to disable the
downwards/upwards. function.


This function is not for drying
raindrops or melting snow.


Do not touch the side mirrors
when the rear defroster is
activated, because their surfaces
will be hot.

Usage Precautions

When cleaning the inside of the
rear windshield, take care not to ●
To quickly cool down the interior after
scratch or damage heating wires long exposure to sunlight, drive for a
or connectors. few minutes with the windows open
to exhaust hot air and speed up A/C
To prevent the low-voltage battery

from discharging, switch off the

rear defroster when the motor is ●
To speed up cooling, adjust the
running. temperature to "Lo" and use the
recirculation mode for a few minutes.
Ventilator ●
Make sure that the air intake grille in

Tap this button to activate A/C front of the windshield is not blocked
ventilation control. The outlet air is (for example, by leafs or snow).
natural air. ●
Avoid blowing cool air onto the

Tap this button again to deactivate windshield in humid weather. The
A/C ventilation control and enter AUTO inner and outer temperature difference
mode. can cause glass fogging.

Air distribution ●
Keep the space under the front seats
clear to improve air circulation.

Tap an icon on the infotainment
touchscreen to select the ●
In cold weather, run the fan at high
corresponding air distribution mode. speed for one minute to remove snow
You can turn on multiple modes (up or moisture from the intake passage
to three) simultaneously by using the and reduce fogging.
touchscreen. ●
Use recirculation mode for a few
1. Air flows to the face level. minutes for quick heating in cold
weather, and switch to fresh air mode
2. Air flows to the front windshield and to prevent fogging after cabin is heated
side windows. up.
3. Air flows to the foot level. ●
In dusty or windy driving conditions,
close all windows, switch on the
recirculation mode, and turn on the


In heating mode, press the compressor
control button to light up the button REMINDER
(turning on the compressor), which
can reduce airflow moisture. vehicle is powered off and locked.
That is because the condensed

In the ventilation mode, the system water on the surface of the
introduces the natural wind from evaporator needs to be dried to
outside, which is suitable for spring prevent mold fermentation. It is
and autumn. normal for the A/C blower to start
running automatically when you
REMINDER lock the vehicle. No need to worry
about it.

A/C odor:

It is normal that there may be Vents
a damp and moldy smell just
after the A/C is turned on. During
Use the adjustment knob to adjust the
the operation of the automobile
fan speed or air outlet angle. Move the
A/C, A/C condensation often
adjustment knob to their limits to close
remain in the evaporator, and
the wet evaporator can easily
the air outlet. 05
absorb unfiltered body sweat,

smokes, etc., inside the vehicle.
Condensation not blown dry
makes the dark and damp
evaporator surface prone to
mold, which is very likely to
produce unpleasant odors by
long-term fermentation.

How to prevent A/C odors:

Turn off the A/C and ventilate
with natural air before parking

to keep the air inside the vehicle
relatively dry.

Inspect, clean, or replace the
filter regularly. Door Bins

Try to keep the cabin clean and
fresh. There is a door bin on each door for
storage of beverage bottles or small

If the odor persists after odor items.
prevention methods are used, it
is recommended to contact a
BYD authorized dealer or service
provider for repair.

In order to reduce odors from
the A/C, if the A/C is already
turned on, the A/C blower may
keep running for a while after the

Glove Box

Pull the handle to open the glove box.

Push the lid up to close it.

Bill Box

It is located on the dashboard on
the driver's side and used to place
invoices, business cards, and similar
objects. REMINDER

To reduce risk of injury in the
event of an accident or emergency
braking, keep the glove box closed
while driving.

Center Console Storage


Located below the dashboard central
storage compartment and in front of
Dashboard Central the center console. Open its cover to
Storage Compartment use the space.

It is located in the middle of

Below the center console.


Do not place an open cup or
untightened beverage bottle in
the cup holder, so as to avoid
liquid spillage while you are
driving, opening or closing a door.

To ensure safe driving, the driver
is strictly prohibited from taking
the cup out or placing it in the cup

Behind the center console. holder while driving.

Rear Seat Cup Holder

Flip the rear seat armrest to use the cup



Cup Holder
Front Seat Cup Holder

The front seat cup holder is located inside

the center console cubby. CAUTION

When using the cup holder, do not
start or brake the vehicle suddenly
to prevent liquid spillage and burn
you or other passengers.

Do not place an open cup or
untightened beverage bottle in
the cup holder, so as to avoid
liquid spillage when you are
opening and closing the doors
and driving.

To ensure safe driving, the driver
is strictly prohibited from taking
the cup out or placing it in the cup

Do not start or brake the vehicle
holder while driving.
suddenly when the cup holders
are being used to prevent spillage
or scalding.

Glasses Case* support and turn the visor towards the
side window.

Pull down the glasses case to store ●
Vanity mirrors are installed on the
glasses. driver's and front passenger's sun
visors. To access the vanity mirror,
pull the sun visor down and flip open
the mirror cover. The vanity mirror
indicator lights up. The indicator goes
out when you close the mirror cover or
fold up the sun visor.

Seatback Pockets

There are seatback pockets at the
back of the front seats for storing
magazines, newspapers, or similar
objects. REMINDER

Correct use of the sun visor
improves driving safety and

Grab Handles

Pull the grab handle down for use. The
handle returns to its original position
when released.

Other Devices
Sun Visor
① Sun visor

② Vanity mirror

To block sunlight from the front, pull
the sun visor down.

To block sunlight from a side, remove
the swivel sleeve from the fixed


Do not hang any heavy objects
from the grab handles.

USB Ports

① USB charge port

② USB data transmission port CAUTION

Incompatible cards may not be
recognized and read by the
infotainment system.

Insert the card correctly.

12V Auxiliary Power


It is used for accessories with 12V DC
working voltage and no more than 10A
Rear working current.

The 12V auxiliary power is available
only when the ignition has been
switched on. Lift the cover to use it.

SD Card Slot*
Above the center console storage
compartment For this infotainment CAUTION
system, TF cards (also called Micro-SD
cards), up to 128GB and at least Class 10

To prevent fuses from blowing,
and FAT32), can be used to read data such the power consumption must not
as videos and songs. exceed 12V/120W of total vehicle


The wireless charger only works with
Qi-certified phones.

To prevent draining the low- ●
To avoid burning cards with chips,
voltage battery, do not use the such as bank cards, do not place
12V auxiliary power supply for a them between the phone case and the
long time when the drive motor is phone during charging.
not running.

When the 12V auxiliary power is CAUTION
not in use, close its cover. Do
not insert any object other than a

Ensure your smart key is more
suitable plug into the 12V auxiliary than 25 cm away from the
power socket or let any liquid wireless charger area when
ingress the socket, as electrical the wireless charger system is
failure may result. working.

To avoid wireless charger
dysfunction or even accidents, do
Wireless Phone Charger* not place coins, metal keys, metal
rings, or other articles containing

The charger charges phones metal in the wireless charger area
without a cable connection through together with the phone.
electromagnetic wave induction. ●
To avoid damage to the charger

Slide down the shortcut menu on the area, do not place heavy objects
infotainment system to light up the on it. If the phone wireless charger
wireless charging icon. system is faulty and does not work
properly, it is recommended to

After starting the vehicle, place a contact a BYD authorized dealer
smartphone screen-up in the wireless or service provider.
charging area to activate the wireless
charger. ●
BYD will not assume any
responsibility for any problems

To disable the wireless charger: On the caused by improper use. If
infotainment touchscreen, slide down the product is disassembled or
shortcut menu and tap the wireless modified, the free warranty will be
charging icon. The indicator turns off terminated.
and the wireless charging function is
disabled. ●
For safety reasons, do not leave an
unattended phone being charged
in the vehicle.

For safety reasons, refrain from
checking phone charging status
while driving.

If a metal item is found between
the device and the charger rubber
pad during charging, do not
remove the metal item with bare
hands to prevent burning.


The center of the phone coil must phone, contact a BYD authorized
be aligned with the center of dealer or service provider.
wireless charger (indicated with
text in the charger area), or

After power-off, if the phone is
charging may fail. still charging and the driver's door
is opened, the instrument cluster

Prevent any fluid from coming sounds an alarm and the message
into contact with the charger "Please take your cell phone with
area. The wireless charger will you" is displayed for five seconds.
malfunction if water enters the
wireless charger via the gap
around the rubber mat. Cargo Cover

Charging may stop at high
temperatures, and will resume ●
The cargo cover is used for privacy and
once the temperature drops. direct sunlight protection.

BYD makes no commitments for Snap the two grooved sides ① of the

problems caused by external cargo cover into the lower C-pillar

wireless charging coils. Please use shield bosses on both sides, and then
attach the cover drawstring ②.

with caution.

Do the reverse to remove the cover.

Only one phone can be charged at
a time.

A phone case that is too thick may
prevent charging.

On bumpy roads, the
wireless phone charging may
intermittently stop and then

Try to ensure that the surface on WARNING
which a mobile phone is placed is
parallel to the charging module. ●
When installing the cargo cover,
If the phone moves from the make sure that it is installed
wireless charger area and stops securely.
charging, move it back.

Do not place any objects on the

If the phone cannot be charged cargo cover.
properly, ensure that there are
no foreign objects in the wireless ●
Never allow a child to climb
charger area, or wait for the onto the cargo cover, otherwise,
wireless charger area to cool damage to the cargo cover, or
down before trying again. If it even injury/death to the child, can
is still impossible to charge the happen.

Hook ●
Because there is a special shockproof
layer on windshields, choose a side
window, which is easier to shatter.

The hook can be rotated through 180°.

Choose the corner of the window to

Only hang items weighing of less than minimize the smashing time.
3 kg on the hook.
2. Smash the glass.

Point the breaker to the corner of the
window and press its bottom hard.
If the glass is not damaged, keep
pressing on the same spot until the
glass is broken.

3. Remove the broken glass.

The glass may not fall off completely
after being smashed. Knock it by the

If the glass is with a film, kick through

Do not hang any heavy objects on
the hook to avoid damage to the 4. Escape from the vehicle.
hook. ●
When a gap enough for escape is
formed, exit the vehicle immediately
and move to safety.
Window Breaker
Using the Window Breaker
A window breaker is installed near the
storage compartment under the center 1. Remove the window breaker cap ①.
console cubby. As an auxiliary emergency
2. Align the top end ② of the window
evacuation tool, it is designed to break
breaker with a corner of the side
through a window glass for easier
escape in an emergency such as fire or
submersion. 3. Press on the end ③ of the window

Breaking a Window

1. Decide where to smash.

from 0 to 39. A mute icon is displayed
REMINDER when volume is 0.

The window breaker is for Reset to factory settings
emergency use only. To avoid loss,
This function factory resets the
never remove it in other cases.

infotainment system.

Be careful to avoid glass cuts
During the process, do not touch any
while breaking the window.

infotainment button or turn off the

power supply, or errors may occur.

Infotainment The process takes two to five


Infotainment Touchscreen ●
Do not use a high-power inverter
in the vehicle, as this may cause
infotainment system malfunction.
When the ignition is on, the initial
screen is displayed for several seconds ●
Do not format or root the device 05
and the infotainment system starts to without authorization, as this may
work. To better experience infotainment cause infotainment system or

functions, such as apps and Internet calls, vehicle malfunction.
the system must be used after network

In driving, please use the
infotainment system in landscape
① Infotainment touchscreen mode wherever possible for your
② Scroll button


To prevent damage to the

Touch the screen gently. If there
is no response, remove finger
from the screen, then touch it

Clean the screen with a soft
damp cloth. Do not use any

When the infotainment system is
cleaning product.
already started, press the button to
turn audio off, press a second time ●
Using the touchscreen
to turn audio on. Press and hold the
button for three seconds to restart the

When the screen temperature is
infotainment system. low, the image displayed may be
darker or the system may work

Scroll up to turn volume up or down slightly slower than normal.
to turn volume down. Volume ranges


The screen may be dark or
difficult to see when you are
wearing sunglasses. In that case,
change the viewing angle or take
off the sunglasses.

The touchscreen buttons that
are grayed out cannot be

The touchscreen interface shown
here is for reference only.

Maintenance Information.............. 146
Regular Maintenance......................151
Maintenance Ltd., and by a local BYD authorized
dealer or service provider.

Information ●
The maintenance schedule lists the
maintenance items and travel time or
distance based on the assumption that
Maintenance Cycle and the vehicle is used as a normal means
Items of transportation to carry passengers
and goods that do not exceed the
vehicle load limit.
Maintenance Plan

The maintenance plan is designed to
ensure stable driving, failure reduction, ●
Please carry out regular
safe and economical driving.
maintenance of the vehicle

Drivers can refer to the maintenance according to the requirements
plan for scheduled maintenance in BYD Auto "Warranty and
intervals, depending on the odometer Maintenance Service Manual".
reading or time interval, whichever
comes first. Maintenance Schedule Requirements

For overdue maintenance items, the
same time interval should be used for The vehicle must be maintained
maintenance. according to the regular maintenance

Rubber hoses (for systems such as A/C,
heating, and braking systems) must If the vehicle is operated primarily
be checked by professional technicians under one or more of the following
according to the maintenance special conditions, certain maintenance
schedule. items may need to be performed more

These are particularly important
maintenance items whose

Road conditions
maintenance intervals are recorded in ●
Muddy, sandy, or snowy roads.
the maintenance schedule. Hoses with
any degradation or damage should be ●
Dusty roads
replaced immediately. ●
Driving conditions

The maintenance schedule lists all the
Use of towed trailer, camping trailer,
maintenance items that are necessary

or roof rack
to keep the vehicle in optimum
condition at all times.
Maintenance Schedule

It is recommended that the
maintenance be performed in Vehicle maintenance is performed based
accordance with the standards and on the mileages or months, whichever
specifications of BYD Auto Industry Co., comes first.

Item Interval

Check and fasten them at three months or 5,000 km for the

first time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
Chassis screws
and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace
damaged parts in a timely manner.

Check them at three months or 5,000 km for the first

time, at 24 months or 40,000 km for the second time, and
every 24 months or 40,000 km afterwards. In severe driving
Brake pedal and EPB switch
conditions, check them at three months or 5,000 km for the
first time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards.

Check them at three months or 5,000 km for the first time,

at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every
Brake friction block and disc
12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace damaged
parts in a timely manner.

Check them at three months or 5,000 km for the first

time, at 24 months or 40,000 km for the second time, and
every 24 months or 40,000 km afterwards. In severe driving
Brake piping and hoses
conditions, check them at three months or 5,000 km for the
first time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards.

Check it at 12 months or 20,000 km for the first time,
Guide pin of brake caliper
and every 24 months or 40,000 km afterwards. Replace
damaged parts in a timely manner.

Check them at three months or 5,000 km for the first

time, at 24 months or 40,000 km for the second time, and
every 24 months or 40,000 km afterwards. In severe driving
Steering wheel and tie rod
conditions, check them at three months or 5,000 km for the
first time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards.

Check it at three months or 5,000 km for the first time, at

24 months or 40,000 km for the second time, and every
24 months or 40,000 km afterwards. In severe driving
Drive shaft boot
conditions, check them at three months or 5,000 km for
the first time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second
time, and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards.

Check them at three months or 5,000 km for the first

time, at 24 months or 40,000 km for the second time, and
every 24 months or 40,000 km afterwards. In severe driving
Ball pin and boot
conditions, check them at three months or 5,000 km for the
first time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards.

Item Interval

Check them at three months or 5,000 km for the first

time, at 24 months or 40,000 km for the second time, and
every 24 months or 40,000 km afterwards. In severe driving
Front and rear suspensions
conditions, check them at three months or 5,000 km for the
first time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards.

Check them at three months or 5,000 km for the first time,

Tire condition and pressure, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every
incl. TPMS 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace damaged
parts in a timely manner.

Check it at three months or 5,000 km for the first time, at

24 months or 40,000 km for the second time, and every
Front and rear wheel 24 months or 40,000 km afterwards. In severe driving
alignment conditions, check them at three months or 5,000 km for
the first time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second
time, and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards.

Check the tire pressure and conditions at least once a

Tire rotation
month and rotate tires every 10,000 km.

Check it at three months or 5,000 km for the first time, at

12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every 12
months or 20,000 km afterwards. Remove dust from the tie
Door brake
rod with a wet soft cloth, apply 0.3-0.8 g grease to the tie
rod, riveted joints, and rotating shaft, and replace damaged
parts in a timely manner.

Check for it at three months or 5,000 km for the first

time, at 24 months or 40,000 km for the second time, and
every 24 months or 40,000 km afterwards. In severe driving
Wheel bearing clearance
conditions, check them at three months or 5,000 km for the
first time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards.

Check it at three months or 5,000 km for the first time, at

Coolant level in expansion 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every 12
tank months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace damaged parts in
a timely manner.

Replace the long-acting organic acid coolant every four

Drive motor coolant
years or 100,000 km, whichever comes first.

Check it at three months or 5,000 km for the first time, at

12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every 12
Brake fluid
months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace damaged parts in
a timely manner.

Item Interval

Brake fluid Replace it every two years or 40,000 km.

Check them at three months or 5,000 km for the first time,

Vehicle module DTCs (to be at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every
cleared after recording) 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace damaged
parts in a timely manner.

Check them at three months or 5,000 km for the first time,

High-voltage battery tray,
at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every
shield, impact bar, and
12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace damaged
mount point torque
parts in a timely manner.

Battery pack capacity Test and calibrate it every six months or 72,000 km.

Replace it at 24 months or 40,000 km for the first time, and

Gear oil in transmission
every 24 months or 48,000 km afterwards.

Check for them at three months or 5,000 km for the first

time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
Powertrain leaks or bumps
and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace
damaged parts in a timely manner.

Check for them at three months or 5,000 km for the first

Loose high-voltage wiring time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,

harnesses and connectors and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace
damaged parts in a timely manner.

Check for them at three months or 5,000 km for the first

Deformation of or oil stains time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
on the high-voltage module and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace
damaged parts in a timely manner.

Check for them at three months or 5,000 km for the first

Foreign materials on
time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
or ablation of charging
and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace
connector interface
damaged parts in a timely manner.

Check it at three months or 5,000 km for the first time, at

12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every
HEPA filter* 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards, whichever comes first,
and replace it if necessary. In severe driving conditions,
check it every six months and replace it if necessary.

Check it at three months or 5,000 km for the first time, at

12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every 12
Lamp and LED lighting
months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace damaged parts in
a timely manner.

Check it at three months or 5,000 km for the first time, at

Headlight dimming
12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every 12

Item Interval

months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace damaged parts in

a timely manner.

Initial down tilt of low beam Calibrate it every 10,000 km.

Check for them at three months or 5,000 km for the first

Foreign materials on or
time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
ablation of the EPS GND
and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace
damaged parts in a timely manner.

Check for them at three months or 5,000 km for the first

EPS connector looseness time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
and connector pin ablation and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace
damaged parts in a timely manner.

Check for it at three months or 5,000 km for the first time,

at 24 months or 40,000 km for the second time, and every
EPS ECU corrosion
24 months or 40,000 km afterwards. Replace damaged
parts in a timely manner.

Foreign materials or Check for them at three months or 5,000 km for the first
corrosion on connections time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
between the EPS ECU and and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace
motor* damaged parts in a timely manner.

Check for it at three months or 5,000 km for the first time,

Vehicle module software at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every
update (update if any) 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace damaged
parts in a timely manner.

Check for them at three months or 5,000 km for the first

Wading marks on high- time, at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time,
voltage parts and every 12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace
damaged parts in a timely manner.

Check it at three months or 5,000 km for the first time, at

Lock nut torque of wiper 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every 12
arm months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace damaged parts in
a timely manner.

Check for it at three months or 5,000 km for the first time,

Abrasion of shock absorber
at 12 months or 20,000 km for the second time, and every
sleeve on hood hinge limit
12 months or 20,000 km afterwards. Replace damaged
parts in a timely manner.

Hood lock and fasteners Check them every 12 months.

Note: When checking Item 1, replace chassis parts in a timely manner if any abnormal
damage is found.

to be adjusted or repaired. Therefore,
REMINDER you are recommended to send the
vehicle to a BYD authorized dealer or

To keep the high-voltage battery service provider as soon as possible:
in optimal condition, please fully
charge and discharge the vehicle ●
Motor start produces unusual noises.
regularly (at least every six
Coolant remains overheated, is
months or 72,000 km, whichever

stagnated or leaks.
comes first) for battery self-
calibration. You can also contact ●
Motor jams and produces
a BYD authorized dealer or service unexpected noise.
provider for capacity testing and

The motor runs with excessive
Severe driving conditions include: ●
The motor fails to get started.

Frequent driving in dusty areas or ●
Electric assembly leaks oil.
frequent exposure to salt-laden air.

Electric assembly emits odors.

Frequent driving on bumpy, puddled,
or mountain roads. ●
Power declines significantly.

Frequent driving in cold weather. ●
Water leaks from under the vehicle
(A/C condensate is normal).

Frequent and sudden braking. 06

Tire deflates; tires make excessive

Frequent use of a towed trailer.
noises at turns; tire wear is uneven.


Use as a taxi. ●
Vehicle leads to one side when

Driving in congested urban areas at driving straight on a flat surface.
temperatures above 32°C for more ●
Suspension unit movement leads to
than 50% of total travel time.
unusual noises.

Driving at speeds over 120 km/h at ●
Loss of braking effect; sponge feeling
temperatures above 30°C for more
on the brake pedal or clutch pedal;
than 50% of total travel time.
pedal almost contacts the floor;

Frequent overloading. vehicle leads to one side when

Motor coolant temperature remains



Maintenance ●
Battery capacity decreases

High battery temperature or overheat

Regular Maintenance

protection persists, or there is no

power output.

Pay attention to vehicle performance,
sound changes, and visual evidence
that indicates service is required.
Under any of the following
circumstances, the vehicle may need

the undersides of carpets frequently
REMINDER to make sure these areas are dry.

Do not continue driving a vehicle ●
Special care should be taken when
that has not been inspected, as the vehicle is transporting chemicals,
this may result in serious vehicle detergents, fertilizers, salt, and other
damage and personal injury. substances. Such substances should
be kept in appropriate containers for
transportation. If spillage or leakage
Vehicle Corrosion is found, clean immediately and keep

Use fenders.
The most common causes of vehicle ●
Fenders protect vehicles in saline
corrosion are:
areas or on gravel roads. The bigger

The underbody of the vehicle is and closer to the ground the fender,
covered in salt, dust, or moisture. the better.

The vehicle or some of its parts are

Park in a well-ventilated and dry area.
exposed to high humidity and high
temperature for a long time.
Paint Maintenance Tips

The paint layer or underlayer is
scratched by minor collision or by ●
Do not perform secondary painting if
stones and gravel. there is no obvious scratches on the
The following rules should be observed finish, so as to prevent mismatch or
to prevent vehicle corrosion: color incompatibility.

Wash the vehicle frequently.

When the vehicle is not used for a
long period, it should be parked in

If driving on saline roads in winter a garage or a well-ventilated place,
or living in coastal areas, wash and special body cover should be used
the landing area of the vehicle in winter. Choose a shady place for
at least once a month, and clean parking temporarily.
the chassis and hubcap with a
high-pressure water jet or steam to

Prevent strong impacts, knocks, or
reduce corrosion. Wash the chassis scratches on the paint. If the paint
thoroughly after winter. is scratched, dented or if it peels, it
should be repaired in time, preferably

Check vehicle paint and trims. by professional auto beauty provider.

Any chip or crack found on the ●
Do not touch the paint with a greasy
paint must be repaired immediately hand or cloth. Do not place greasy
to prevent corrosion. If fragments tools or rub with organic solvents
or cracks peel off from the metal on the vehicle body so as to avoid
surface, it is recommended to go to chemical reactions.
a BYD authorized dealer or service
provider for repair.

The vehicle must be waxed once a
month or whenever water resistance

Check interior vehicle. performance of the vehicle degrades
and be taken to an auto beauty

Moisture and dust buildup under the
carpet can cause corrosion. Check

provider for maintenance once every Manual Vehicle Washing
three months.
Before washing the vehicle, park it in the
High quality polish and wax must
shade, and wait for the vehicle to cool

be used. If body finish is severely

down sufficiently.
weathered, use a car cleaning polish
in addition to the wax. Carefully follow 1. Hose off loose dirt, including all muds
the manufacturer's instructions and or road salts at the bottom of the
precautions. Chrome finish should be vehicle and on wheel pits.
polished and waxed as well as painted
finish. 2. Wash the vehicle with neutral agents,
the mixing of which should be carried
out according to the manufacturer's
instructions. Soak a soft cloth with
cleaning solution and gently wipe it

The plastic bumper must be
down along the direction of the water
removed if the vehicle is to be
flow. Do not wipe in a circular motion
repainted and parked in a high
or horizontally.
temperature painting and waxing
workshop, as high temperatures 3. Rinse well—Dried washing agent forms
will damage the bumper. markings. After washing the vehicle in
hot weather, rinse all parts properly.

Exterior Cleaning 4. Dry the vehicle with a clean soft towel

to prevent stay water marks. In order
to prevent scratching, do not rub or
The vehicle must be cleaned in time


apply excessive force on the paint.

under the following circumstances,
which can cause peeling of paint layer
or corrosion of the vehicle body and REMINDER

Do not use any alkaline washing

Driving along the coast. powder, soapy water, detergents,
de-waxing detergents or volatile

Driving on a road with anti-freeze.
substance (gasoline, kerosene, or

Driving on roads covered with coal solvent).
tar. ●
When cleaning the combination

Resin, bird droppings, or insect lights, do not wipe their surface
carcasses are stuck on the vehicle. with chemical solvents such
as gasoline, alcohol, lacquer

Driving in areas with a large amount thinner, thinner, and carbon
of smoke, soot, dust, iron filings, or tetrachloride. Doing so can cause
chemicals. the combination light casings to

The vehicle is visibly soiled by dust or crack.
mud. ●
It is recommended that vehicles

After raining. traveling in coastal or heavily
polluted areas be washed once a

Do not use blades or gasoline to
remove hard dirt from the vehicle


Clean carpets with a good foam
body. The plastic wheel trim is
easily damaged by organic matter.
If any organic matter splashes ●
Use a vacuum cleaner to remove as
on the vehicle trim, remove it much dust as possible. Several types
with water and check whether of foam detergents can be used. Some
the trim is damaged. Please are in spray cans, and the others are
replace any seriously damaged powders or liquids, which produce
plastic wheel trim in a timely foam when mixed with water. Clean
manner. Otherwise, the trim may the carpets with foam soaked sponge
fall from the wheel during vehicle or a brush, scrubbing in a circular
movement and cause an accident. motion.

Do not use abrasive cleaning ●
Do not use plain water, and keep the
agents to scrub the bumper. carpets as dry as possible.

Clean polished metal parts with
carbon cleaner and wax them Seat Belts
regularly for protection.

The seat belts can be cleaned with
neutral soapy water or lukewarm
Automatic Vehicle Washing water.

When choosing an automated car wash

Scrub the seat belts with a sponge
service, be aware of certain types of or soft cloth. Check the seat belts for
brushes, unfiltered rinsing water, or excessive wear, tear, or cut marks.
machine-specific rinsing procedures that
may scratch the paint and affect its gloss CAUTION
and durability, especially darker colors.
Before washing the vehicle, it is best to ●
Do not clean the seat belts with
consult the staff of the car wash service stain remover or bleach, so as not
provider to understand which washing to weaken them.
procedures are the safest for the paint ●
Do not use the seat belts until
they are dry.

Interior Cleaning Doors and Windows

Doors and windows can be cleaned
REMINDER with any ordinary detergent.

Prevent direct water splashes ●
Check the door brakes regularly. If a
onto the dashboard or floor when door brake lever is found with visible
washing the vehicle, as these may dust accumulation, wipe it with a wet
cause electrical faults. soft cloth.

Do not wash the vehicle’s floor.


For any questions about vehicle
cleaning, please consult a local BYD
authorized dealer or service provider.

When cleaning the inside of the
rear window, be careful not to
scratch or damage the heating CAUTION
wire and the connector.

If dirt cannot be cleaned off using
a neutral detergent, clean it with
A/C Control Panel, Car Speakers, a detergent that does not contain
Dashboard, Control Panel and Switches organic solvents.

Clean the A/C control panel, car

Do not clean leather with any
speakers, dashboard, control panel organic material such as volatile
and switches with a wet soft cloth. oil, alcohol, gasoline, acid or
alkali, as these will cause

Wipe dust off gently with a clean soft discoloration.
cloth soaked in lukewarm water.

Do not clean leather with a nylon
brush or synthetic fiber cloth,
as these may scratch the fine

Do not use organic substances patterns on the leather surface.
(for example, solvents, kerosene, ●
Mold may grow on dirty leather
alcohol, and gasoline) or acid or
alkali solutions. These chemicals
trimmings. Special care must be 06
taken to avoid oil stains, and
can cause discoloration, staining, atrimmings must always be kept

or flaking. clean.

Please confirm that the detergent ●
Prolonged exposure to sunlight
or polishing agent to be used does will cause leather to harden or
not contain the above substances. shrink, so the vehicle should be

If a new liquid washing agent is parked in a shady and cool place,
used, do not splash it onto the especially in the summer.
interior surface of the vehicle, ●
In hot weather, avoid placing vinyl
because it may contain the above or waxy items on the trimmings,
substances. If there is any spillage, as these may stick to leather in
immediately clean it thoroughly. high temperatures.

Improper cleaning of leather
Leather trimmings may cause
discoloration or spots.

Leather trimmings can be cleaned with
a neutral detergent for woolen.

Use a soft cloth with a neutral
detergent solution to wipe off the dust,
and then use a clean, wet cloth to wipe
the remaining detergent thoroughly.

If leather gets wet, wipe it with a clean
soft cloth and air dry it in a cool,
ventilated place.

Self-Maintenance CAUTION

protect your eyes against flying or

Self-Maintenance falling objects or splashing liquid.

As brake fluid may damage
Self-Maintenance Precautions the skin or eyes, be careful
when filling it. If your

If maintenance is to be carried out by skin or eyes are exposed
the owner, be sure to follow the correct to brake fluid, immediately
steps specified in this section. flush with clean water. Seek
medical attention immediately if
Note that improper and incomplete
discomfort persists.

maintenance will affect the good use

of the vehicle.

This section only lists instructions on
simple maintenance items that can be
The following items should be checked
done by the owner. However, there
according to usage or specified mileage:
are many items that must be done
by qualified technicians with special ●
Coolant level - Expansion tank coolant
tools. level should be checked at each

Special care must be taken in
maintaining vehicles to prevent ●
Windshield washer fluid - The residual
accidental injuries. Make sure to obey amount of washer liquid in the tank
the followings: should be checked monthly. When
washer liquid is frequently used, the
CAUTION residual amount of liquid should be
checked at each charge.

Beware of short circuits, as some
Windshield wiper - Check wiper
circuits and vehicle components

conditions monthly. If the wiper does

carry high current or voltage.
not work, check it for wear, cracking, or

If coolant overflows, wipe it with other damage.
a dry cloth or tissue to prevent
Brake fluid level - Check the level
damage to components or vehicle

Brake pedal - Check whether the brake
If brake fluid overflows, rinse it

pedal is operating properly.

with water to prevent damage to
components or vehicle paint. ●
EPB switch - Check whether the switch
is functional.

When replacing wiper blades, do
not allow the wipers to scratch the ●
Low-voltage battery - Check battery
glass surface. conditions and check for terminal
corrosion monthly.

Before closing the hood, check
whether any tool or wipe cloth is ●
A/C system - Check the operation of
left in the engine compartment. A/C units weekly.

When working inside or under the
vehicle, always wear goggles to


Tires - Check tire pressure monthly. (the mask and reflector could be
Check tread wear and whether there burned and deformed easily), so
are foreign bodies embedded. they need heat dissipation. There are
heat dissipation holes on the lamp

Windshield defrosters - Check the housing for convection. The greater
defroster vent monthly. the temperature difference is, the more

Lights - Check the condition of active the convection is. During the
headlights, position lights, tail lights, convection, the moisture in the air
high mount brake light, turn signals, inevitably enters a lamp. Factors such
rear fog lights, brake lights and license as exposure to sunlight, convection,
plate light monthly. and bulb heating can cause the
moisture in the air to condense into

Doors - Check whether the trunk lid fog or water beads easily on the lamp
and all other doors (including rear surface at low temperatures. This is
doors) can be opened freely and called fogging of lights.
locked securely.

Horn - Check whether the horn is WARNING
functioning properly.

The headlight bulb becomes very
hot when illuminated. Grease,
sweat, or scratches on the surface
of the bulb glass cause the bulb to
There is risk of damage or
overheat and break. 06

accidents if the vehicle is

driven for long periods without

inspection. REMINDER


If fog presents inside the headlight
and inside the turn signals on
side mirrors, it may be due to
Headlight adjustment
high air humidity or significant

Headlights are aligned before vehicle temperature difference between
delivery. If the vehicle carries heavy the vehicle and its surroundings.
load frequently, headlights may need In that case, turn on the headlight
to be realigned. It is recommended to or turn signal while driving. The
have the headlights aligned by a BYD fog will evaporate after a short
authorized dealer or service provider. period of driving.

Fogging of lights ●
If there is a noticeable amount
of water inside the lights, it is

Combination lights, tail lights, and recommended to drive the vehicle
turn signals on the side mirrors to a BYD authorized dealer or
may become foggy after heavy service provider for maintenance.
rain or cleaning. This is similar to
condensation on the side window
during rain. It does not mean any Vehicle Storage
problem with your vehicle.

The lights are a relatively enclosed ●
If the vehicle needs to be parked for
and narrow space. The temperature a long time (more than a month),
is very high when they light up the following preparations should

be made. Proper preparation helps
prevent degradation and ensure easy
use of the vehicle. If possible, park the
vehicle indoors.

Charge the vehicle on time.

Thoroughly clean and dry the body

Clean the interior of the vehicle to
ensure that carpets and mats are
completely dry. 2. To open the hood: Lift up the hood and

Release the parking brake and set the support it with the with a stay bar.
gearshift lever in parking gear. 3. To close the hood: Lower the hood to

Open one window slightly (if the about 30 centimeters above the front
vehicle is stored indoors). grille and release it, so that the fall
locks it.

Disconnect the negative terminal of
the low-voltage battery. 4. After closing the hood, check whether
the latch is securely locked.

Pad the front wiper arm with a folded
towel or cloth to keep it out of contact
with the windshield.

To reduce adhesion, apply silicone
lubricant to all door seals and body
wax to the painted surface where the
door seals meet.

Cover the vehicle body with a
breathable covering made of a "porous
material", such as cotton. Non-porous
materials, such as plastic sheeting, can
build up moisture and damage the

If possible, start the vehicle regularly

Ensure that the hood is closed
(preferably once every month). If the and locked firmly. Otherwise, the
vehicle has been parked for a year or hood may suddenly open during
more, go to a BYD authorized dealer driving, resulting in an accident.
or service provider for comprehensive ●
Do not force down the hood or
release it from a high position.

Cooling System
Opening the Hood

It is required that the liquid level
1. Pull the handle on the right under the should be between the maximum (MAX)
dashboard twice. The hood unlocks and minimum (MIN) marker lines of the
and opens slightly. expansion tank.


The coolant must always be of the
same specification as the original,
without adding any mixture. Different
high-voltage electronic control
brands and types of coolant should not
assembly, refrigerant reservoir
be mixed.
and radiator are all cooled down.

It is recommended to go to a
BYD authorized dealer or service
provider for adding the special
type of coolant.

Braking System

Check the level in the fluid tank
monthly, and change the brake fluid
according to the travel time and

Coolant should be refilled to the MAX
mileage specified in Maintenance
line if the level is below the MIN line.
Check the cooling system for leakage.

Be sure to use the brake fluid of the
REMINDER same specifications as the original
brake fluid, and different types of 06

Opening the coolant expansion brake fluid must not be mixed.
tank when the motor has not

It is required that the level in the
yet fully cooled down may cause

fluid tank should be between "MAX"

coolant to squirt out, resulting in
(maximum level) and "MIN" (minimum
severe burns.
level) marks.

Battery coolant may fade in color
If the level is below the MIN mark,
when exposed to high ultraviolet

check if the braking system leaks and

rays such as sunlight. If the hood
the brake friction blocks are worn.
needs to be opened in the process
of vehicle use and maintenance,
direct sunlight should be avoided.
The performance parameters of
coolant do not change after it
fades, and normal use is not


Do not add any rust inhibitor
or other additives to the
cooling system for they may be
incompatible with the coolant or Washer
the motor components.

During normal use, check the liquid
Before opening the reservoir
level of the windshield washer

cap, make sure that the motor,

reservoir at least monthly.


If the windshield washer is used ●
Remove leaves, insects, and dust
frequently, the level of the washer from the front surface of the A/C
reservoir should be checked more system. These deposits hinder the air
frequently. flow and reduce the cooling effect.

High quality windshield washer fluid ●
In cold months, turn the A/C on once
should be added to improve stain a week for at least 10 minutes to
removal and prevent freezing in cold circulate the lubricating oil in the
weather. refrigerant unit.

If A/C cooling efficiency decreases, go
to a BYD authorized dealer or service
provider for maintenance.


Whenever the A/C system is
maintained, the maintenance
station should use a refrigerant
recycling system. Such systems
recycle refrigerant to avoid

When refilling the washer fluid, use a environmental pollution caused
clean cloth dipped in the windshield by directly discharging refrigerant.
washer fluid to clean the windshield
wiper blade. This helps keep the wiper
blade in good condition. Wiper Blades
CAUTION The blade strip, made of synthetic rubber,
is a vulnerable part. Various service

Do not inject vinegar-water environment of the vehicle and usage
solution into the windshield habits of drivers can damage the blades.
washer fluid reservoir. Therefore, please observe the following
to ensure the service life of blades and

It is recommended to use certified
driving safety:
windshield washing fluid.

Do not use a blade to remove ice
from the windshield surface. Use a
A/C System customized ice scraper.

Do not scrape the windscreen surface if

The A/C system is a closed system, it is dirty, greasy or waxy.
and any important maintenance work
should be performed by professionals ●
Keep the windshield surface clean.
from a BYD authorized dealer or Do not scrape dust, sand, insects,
service provider. or foreign bodies on the windshield

The following practices help ensure
that the A/C system works effectively. ●
During vehicle washing and body paint
maintenance, there is no need to

Check the radiator and A/C wax the windshield, as the wax layer
condenser regularly. reflects light in bad light, affecting
the line of sight and driving safety.

After washing the vehicle, rinse the 2. Grasp the upper end of the wiper
blade with plain water, and use special arm and carefully lift the wiper arm
windscreen wax cleaner to remove the and blade assembly.
wax layer on the windshield.

To prevent excessive water pressure Tires
from damaging the blades, do not
wash the blades directly with a water ●
For safe driving, tires must be made
and sized to fit the vehicle, with good
tread and standard tire pressure.
Maintenance Rules

Clean windshield and blade regularly
(preferably once a week or once every ●
Using tires with excessive wear
two weeks). or insufficient/excessive pressure

Wipe the wiper regularly (preferably can result in accidents, severe
once a day or once every two days). injury, or death.
When using a blade to wipe the ●
Please follow all instructions
windshield, keep the windshield fully in this manual regarding tire
wet. (When there is no rain, the washer inflation and maintenance.
liquid must be sprayed in advance).

Clean the windshield with a special Tire Inflation 06
windshield washer fluid.

Keep tires properly inflated to
Promptly clean mud and insect

provide the best combination of

carcasses stuck to the windshield with
maneuverability, tread life, and driving
a rag.

When there are marks on the
Under-inflated tires can cause uneven
windshield caused by gravel,

tire wear, affect steerability and energy

maintenance must be carried out
consumption, and are prone to leakage
timely. (It is recommended that
due to overheating.
windshield repair resin products
should be used and the windshield ●
Over-inflated tires reduce riding
should be replaced if marks are too comfort and are prone to damage from
large or too many.) uneven roads. In severe cases, the risk
of tire bursting poses severe threats to

Replace the wiper blades regularly,
the safety of the entire vehicle. Over-
preferably once every six months.
inflation will also cause uneven wear

When cleaning the windshield, raise and tear of tires, affecting tire service
the wiper arm in advance. The specific life.
operation method is as follows: ●
When tires are cold, you can decide
1. On infotainment touchscreen, tap whether to replenish tire pressure
Vehicle health → Overhaul to according to the tire pressure values
enable front wiper maintenance. displayed on the instrument cluster.
The wiper is then rotated down. ●
Tire pressure should be measured
while tires are at ambient
temperatures. This means that it

should be measured at least three
hours after stop. If you must drive
the vehicle before the tire pressure is
measured, tires can still be considered
at ambient temperatures as long as the
traveled distance is not more than 1.6

It is normal that tire pressure reading
measured while tires are hot (after
travel of several kilometers) is 30-40
kPa (0.3~0.4 bar) higher than when
tires are cold. In that case, do not

Tire treads are cast with wear bars.
deflate tires in order to achieve the When the tread is even with the wear
specified cold tire pressure reading; bar, its thickness is less than 1.6 mm.
otherwise, the tire pressure will be The adhesion of tires worn to this
insufficient. extent is very small on wet roads.

Tires with exposed wear bars are
REMINDER experiencing serious performance loss
and therefore must be replaced.

The recommended cold tire
pressure is indicated on the label Maintenance
affixed to the driver's door frame.

Tubeless tires have a self-

In addition to proper inflation, proper
sealing function when they are wheel alignment also helps reduce
punctured. However, as the leak tread wear.
is usually very slow, as soon as ●
If uneven tire wear is found, go
the tire begins to depressurize, to a BYD authorized dealer or
carefully look for the leak service provider and check the wheel
location. alignment.

Although the vehicle has been
balanced in the factory, it needs to be
re-balanced after running for a period

Whenever checking tire inflation, of time.
check tires for damage, foreign body
piercing and wear. ●
If there is some kind of continuous
vibration at high vehicle speeds (above

Replace the tire if bumps, or tread or km/h), but not at low vehicle
or side damage are found. Tires speeds, go to a BYD authorized dealer
should be replaced if any of the case or service provider for tire checks.

If a tire has been repaired, be sure to

Replace the tire if there are cracks on re-balance it.
its side, or if its fabric or cord can be
seen. ●
After installing a new tire or replacing
a new wheel, always perform tire

Replace tires with excessive tread balancing.

Replacing Tires and Wheels
Original tires maximize performance,
Improper wheel balancers can

while providing the best combination

become loose and fall off,
of maneuverability, driving comfort
which damages the vehicle
and service life.
or surrounding objects during
vehicle travel. ●
It is recommended to replace with
original tires at a BYD authorized

Improper wheel balancers
dealer or service provider.
damage the aluminium rims
of the vehicle. Therefore, it is ●
Replacement of tires with different
recommended to use original sizes, road ranges, rated speeds and
wheel balancers. maximum cold pressures (marked on
the tire side) or mixed use of radial
Tire Rotation tires and diagonal tires can reduce
braking ability, driving force (ground

In order to make tires wear the same adhesion) and steering accuracy.
and prolong their service life, it is ●
Unsuitable tires affect the
recommended to rotate tires regularly maneuverability and stability of the
and conduct four-wheel alignment, vehicle, and may lead to accidents.
inspection and adjustment as well.
Do not replace only one tire;

Do not rotate tires when a spare tire is otherwise it will severely affect the
used for the vehicle. maneuverability of the vehicle.


When purchasing replacement tires, ●
ABS works by comparing wheel speed.
you may find that some tires are When replacing a tire, use a tire of the
"directional," which can only be same size as the original tire. The size
rotated in one direction. If directional and structure of the tire affect wheel
tires are used, only the front and rear speed and may lead to uncoordinated
wheels can be swapped in tire rotation. system operation.

As shown: ●
If the wheel needs to be replaced,

① Non-directional tires and wheels. ensure that the specifications of the
new wheel match those of the original

② Directional tires and wheels. wheel. New wheels are available for
purchase at BYD authorized dealer or
service providers. Please consult a BYD
authorized dealer or service provider
before replacing the wheels.


Please observe the following

precautions to ensure proper vehicle
maneuverability and control.

Do not mix radial tires, bias belted

After tire replacement, go to a 4S store tires, or diagonal ply tires on the
for tire pressure matching. vehicle.

dashboard. Take apart the lower body
REMINDER of the dashboard to check the fuse.

Do not use tires with dimensions ●
Replacement of blown fuses with ones
other than those recommended of higher amperage can significantly
by the manufacturer. increase the likelihood of damage to
the electrical system.

Fuses If there is no spare fuse of the same

amperage, use a fuse with lower

amperage instead.
All vehicle circuits are provided with fuses
to prevent short circuit or overloading.
These fuses are mounted in the under-
hood and dashboard PDBs, respectively,
which include fuse labels showing the
correspondence of fuses with electrical

The fuses under the hood are located
at the left rear part in the engine
compartment. To open it, remove the
trim first, and press the latch.


Do not use a fuse with a higher
rated ampere value, or any other
solution to replace the fuse, as
this may cause serious damage or
even a fire.

If a fuse blows, go to a BYD
authorized dealer or service
provider for inspection or

The dashboard fuse under the driver's replacement.
side is located on the right side of the

Under-Hood PDB Nameplate


Protected Component or
No. Ampere (A)

F1 60 PTC3

F2 - -

F3 - -

F4 - -

F5 - -

F6 - -

F7 - -

F8 - -

F9 15 HV all-in-one controller

F10 15 Left combination headlight

F11 15 Right combination headlight

Protected Component or
No. Ampere (A)

F12 7.5 Compressor

Electrically controlled
F13 10
cooling water pump

F14 10 Motor controller

Integrated thermal
F15 7.5
management module

F16 60 PTC2

F17 - -

F18 30 PTC1

F19 - -

F20 7.5 Right daytime running light

F21 30 Front wiper

F22 30 Rear defroster

F23 15 Auxiliary power

F24 15 USB

F25 10 USB

F26 - -

F27 15 Auxiliary power

F28 15 USB

F29 - -

F30 60 ESC

F31 20 Towing power supply

F32 - -

F33 15 HV all-in-one controller

F34 15 Steering wheel heater

F35 5 Rear body control module

F36 5 Instrument cluster

F37 7.5 ETC

Protected Component or
No. Ampere (A)

F38 10 SRS

F39 5 ADAS

F40 - -

F41 5 EPS

F42 5 ESC

F43 - -

F44 60 ESC

F45 40 Blower

F46 - -

F47 - -

F48 10 Rear wiper

F49 200 Battery 06

F50 70 CEPS

F51 - -

F52 60 Electric fan

F53 - -

Dashboard PDB Nameplate

Protected Component or
No. Ampere (A)

01 30 Universal controller

02 30 Towing power supply

03 5 Brake light switch

04 10 Diagnosis port

05 5 Instrument cluster

06 10 Alcohol interlock

07 5 Gearshift panel

08 20 Infotainment system

09 15 External amplifier

10 10 ADAS

11 7.5 Combination switch

Protected Component or
No. Ampere (A)

12 30 Rear body control module

13 30 Rear body control module

14 10 CCS

15 20 Left front window

16 20 Right front window

17 20 Left rear window

18 20 Right rear window

19 5 E-Call

20 7.5 Wireless charger

21 30 Left front power seat

22 30 Right front power seat

23 - - 06
24 - -

25 - -

26 - -

27 - -

28 - -

29 - -

30 - -

31 - -


Fuse amperage (such as the
amperage of infotainment system
fuse) may vary across vehicle
configurations. Maintenance and
replacement must be based on
the actual configuration.

When Faults Occur..........................172
When Faults Occur
If Smart Key Battery Is
If the smart key indicator does not flash
and the vehicle cannot be started using
the start function, the smart key battery
may be exhausted. It is recommended
to contact a BYD authorized dealer or
service provider for battery change as Emergency Shutdown
soon as possible. In this case, you may System
start the vehicle in no power mode.

The emergency shutdown system is
CAUTION activated and the high-voltage system
is automatically shut down when the
Do not place the key in areas at
following conditions are met:

high temperatures.

The airbags do not deploy after a
Do not hit or slam the key with
frontal collision.

hard objects.

There is a rear collision.

Keep the key away from magnetic
fields. ●
The vehicle system is faulty.

After locking the vehicle and ●
The OK indicator goes off if any of the
arming its anti-theft alarm above situations occurs.
system, keep the key away from
the vehicle if you do not use the

Activating the emergency shutdown
vehicle; otherwise the automatic system in the noted types of collision
card finding of the vehicle will minimizes the risk of injuries or
consume the low-voltage battery. accidents.

The vehicle system cannot be switched
1. Use the mechanical key to unlock the into the OK status once the emergency
vehicle. shutdown system is activated. In that
case, it is recommended to contact
2. Press the brake pedal and the START/
a BYD authorized dealer or service
STOP button. The smart key warning
provider for help. The system is turned
light comes on and the speaker in the
off immediately even if the ignition is
vehicle gives a beep.
switched on. Contact a BYD authorized
3. Keep the electronic smart key close dealer or service provider as soon as
to the no-power mode sign within 30 possible.
seconds after the speaker beeps. Then
the smart key warning light goes off,
and the vehicle can be started within 5

Vehicle Fire Rescue 2. Call a BYD authorized dealer or
service provider and the fire brigade,
informing them that the vehicle is
In case of fire, continue to operate the equipped with a high-voltage battery
vehicle as follows according to the actual pack, and wait for rescue.

1. Switch the ignition off, and leave the If a Collision Occurs

In case of collision, operate the vehicle as
2. On the precondition that personal
follows according to the actual situation:
safety is ensured, if the fire is small
and slow, use a dry powder fire 1. Switch the ignition off, and disconnect
extinguisher to put out the fire, and the low-voltage battery if conditions
call for help immediately. permit.

3. If the fire is large and growing quickly, 2. Call immediately a BYD authorized
stay away from the vehicle and call the dealer or service provider for rescue.
fire brigade, informing them that the
vehicle is equipped with a high-voltage 3. Carry out a simple inspection, if
battery pack, and wait for rescue. conditions permit: Check whether any
edge of the high-voltage battery tray
is cracked and whether any obvious
liquid flows out.

Wear insulated gloves during ●
Damage to high-voltage components
vehicle disassembly. Use fire is not identifiable in all cases. Do
extinguishers of designated
type. Water or incorrect fire
not handle damaged components or
touch them with jewelry or other
extinguishers may cause electric metal objects.



If skin comes in contact with leaked

In the event of other special fluid, wash it immediately with
conditions that cause flying plenty of water for 10-15 minutes.
projectiles (such as interior trims If there is still any discomfort,
and glass), stay away from the apply 2.5% calcium gluconate
vehicle and promptly ask a ointment, or soak in 2% to 2.5%
BYD authorized dealer or service calcium gluconate solution. If the
provider to come to the site for condition does not get better or
handling. discomfort persists, seek medical
help immediately.

Battery Leakage Rescue ●

Do not touch the orange high-
voltage cables or other high-voltage
components. Only authorized repair
After a collision, if there is battery
personnel is allowed to work on high-
leakage, an acrid smell inside the vehicle,
voltage systems.
visible acid flow outside the vehicle, or
any smoke with the battery pack: ●
Do not damage, modify, disassemble,
or disconnect the orange high-
1. Switch the ignition off, and disconnect
voltage cables from the high-voltage
the low-voltage battery if conditions


Inform the firemen and rescue organization you joined for roadside
personnel that the vehicle is assistance.
equipped with a high-voltage battery

The vehicle must not be towed by
other vehicles using only ropes or

Do not touch any spilled liquid, chains.
and stay away from a leaking
vehicle or high-voltage battery. Common towing methods include:

Do not dispose of the leaked fluid ●
Flatbed device
into the water or soil or other

When the vehicle is faulty and needs
towing, a flatbed trailer is the best

The vehicle system operates choice. There may be damage if the
with high-voltage DC power. It front wheels touch the ground.
generates a lot of heat before and
after vehicle start-up and when
the vehicle is powered off. Watch
out for high pressures and high

Do not disassemble, move,
or alter high-voltage battery
components and connecting
cables as their connectors can
cause serious burns or electric
shock and may result in personal
injury or death. The orange cables
are part of high-voltage wiring Tow Eye
harness. Users must not repair
the vehicle's high-voltage system The installation point of vehicle tow eye is
by themselves. If any repair is shown in the illustration.
required, it is recommended to
1. Press to open the tow eye cover.
go to a BYD authorized dealer or
service provider for repair. 2. Install the tow eye in the tow eye

The remote control key and high-
voltage components of the vehicle
may affect and harm people
carrying medical devices.

If the Vehicle Needs

If the vehicle needs towing, it is
recommended to contact a BYD
authorized dealer or service provider,
a professional towing service, or the


Towing the vehicle with a tow eye ●
Do not continue driving with a flat
is not recommended. You'd better tire. Driving even a short distance
contact a professional towing can cause too severe damage for
service or the organization you the tire to be repaired.
joined for roadside assistance.

Only the in-vehicle tow eye can be In-Vehicle Tools
used. Otherwise, your vehicle will
be damaged. In-vehicle tools are stored in a tool box
under the trunk cover flap.

Do not tow the vehicle from the
rear with four wheels staying on These include: warning triangle, reflective
the ground, to avoid damage to vest, lug nut cap removal clamp, tire
the vehicle. repair kit, and tow eye.

① Warning triangle

If a Tire Goes Flat ② Reflective vest

③ Lug nut cover removal clamp

In case of a flat tire, slow down, keep
straight, and drive off the busy road to ④ Tire repair kit
a safe place.
⑤ Tow eye

Park on solid, flat ground and avoid
motorway forks.

Engage the EPB and press the "P"



Power off the vehicle and turn on the
hazard warning light.

Placing the warning triangle


When parking for repair,
remember to place the red
triangle side facing oncoming

Be sure to have all passengers get off vehicles, 100-200 meters away
the vehicle and ask them to go to a from the vehicle. After the repair,
safe place away from crowded traffic. recover the warning triangle for
future use.

To prevent slipping, secure the vehicle
by wedging the tire diagonally against
The warning triangle is used to warn
the flat tire.
vehicles coming from behind and to

avoid collisions due to high speed or late

How to use the warning triangle: ●

If tire sealant comes into contact
with the skin or gets into
1. Take the warning triangle out of its the eyes, thoroughly flush the
box. affected body part immediately
2. Attach the ends to form a triangle. with plenty of clean water.

3. Mount the supports as shown.

Change contaminated clothing

In case of an allergic
reaction, seek medical attention

If tire sealant is ingested by
accident, rinse mouth thoroughly
and drink plenty of water
immediately. Do not induce
vomiting, but seek medical
attention immediately.

Using Tire Repair Kit Using the tire repair kit

See labels on the inflator and tire

The tire repair kit is used to seal small sealant for usage of the kit.
cuts, especially cuts in tread pattern. It
is just an emergency solution for you to ●
If the inflator needs to be connected
drive to the nearest service center, and to a power source, plug the inflator
only for short emergency stretches, into the vehicle's 12V socket, start the
even if the tire is not deflated. vehicle, and turn on the inflator. The
tire sealant is then filled through the
WARNING inflator hose into the tire along with

At most, the tire repair kit can
repair holes that are on the tire REMINDER
tread and are within 6 mm in
diameter. Do not use the kit on ●
Make sure the inflator switch is
holes with larger diameters or in off when you plugging the power
other tire positions, but call for supply into the 12V socket in the
roadside assistance instead. vehicle.

Tire sealant is highly flammable ●
The inflator can only be turned on
and harmful to health. Take for up to 10 minutes.
necessary precautions to prevent
fire and avoid contact with skin, ●
Observe the tire pressure reading on
eyes, and clothing; keep away the inflator.
from children; and do not inhale
its vapor.

If the tire pressure does not reach 180
kPa (1.8bar) within 10 minutes (red
In case of contact with tire sealant: area shown in the figure), turn off
the inflator. You are recommended to

contact a BYD authorized dealer or
service provider. REMINDER

Using tire repair kit on damaged
tires is only an emergency
solution. Please change the tires
at a professional repair center
as soon as possible. It is
recommended that you contact
a BYD authorized dealer or
service provider and inform the
maintenance technician that tire
sealant has been used.

Avoid hard acceleration and high-
If the tire pressure reaches between
speed turns.

180 and 320 kPa (1.8-3.2bar) (green

and yellow areas shown in the ●
Do not exceed the 80 km/h
illustration), remove the kit as soon as maximum speed limit and replace
possible and drive at a speed below flat tires as soon as possible. Do
80 km/h within one minute, with the not drive further if the vehicle
furthest driving distance not exceeding experiences strong vibration,
10 km, so that the tire sealant is evenly unstable performance, or noise.
distributed within the tire.

When the tire sealant is about
to expire (see the label on the
canister for exact date), replace it
with a new one. 07
After using the tire repair kit, it


is recommended to purchase new

tire sealant at a BYD authorized
dealer or service provider.

Stop to check the repaired tire and the
tire pressure reading on the inflator.

If the tire pressure is greater than
220 kPa (2.2 bar), drive to the nearest
service center at a speed below 80

If the tire pressure is between 130
and 220 kPa (1.3-2.2 bar), repeat the
process to fill the tire sealant into
the tire and observe the tire pressure
gauge reading on the inflator.

If the tire pressure does not reach
130 kPa (1.3 bar), contact a BYD
authorized dealer or service provider.

Vehicle Data.................................... 180
Vehicle Data
Vehicle Data

Length (mm) 4290

Width (mm, excluding side mirrors) 1770

Height (mm) 1570

Wheelbase (mm) 2700

Front track (mm) 1530

Rear track (mm) 1530

Front overhang (mm) 830

Rear overhang (mm) 760

Approach angle (°) 16

Departure angle (°) 23

Vehicle mass

Curb weight (kg) 1506 1658

Front axle load (kg) 855 894

Rear axle load (kg) 651 764

Max. allowable total mass

1916 2068

Front axle load at max.

977 1021
allowable total mass (kg)

Rear axle load at max.

939 1047
allowable total mass (kg)

Number of occupants

Drive motor

Model TZ180XSF TZ200XSQ

Type Permanent magnet synchronous motor

Drive type 2WD

Rated power/speed/torque
35/4775/70 65/4433/140

Peak power/speed/torque
70/15000/180 150/16000/310

Economy and power performance

Power consumption
per 100 km under
12.6 (NEDC) 14.2 (NEDC)
comprehensive working
conditions (kWh/100 km)

Max. design speed (km/h) 150 160

Max. gradeability (%) 30

Wheels and tires

Tire specification 195/60R16 205/50R17

Tire pressure (kPa) 250

Wheel dynamic balance

≤ 10
requirement (g)

Wheel alignment values (at curb

weight) 08
Front camber (°) -0.82±0.75

Front toe-in (mm) 1.3±1.82

Kingpin inclination angle (°) 11.3±0.75

Kingpin caster angle (°) 3.16±0.75

Rear camber (°) -1.38±0.5 (twist beam) -1.07±0.5 (four-bar linkage)

Rear toe-in (mm) 1.1±3 (twist beam) 1.56±3.56 (four-bar linkage)

Braking system

Free stroke of brake pedal


Front brake disc thickness


Rear brake disc thickness
9~11 (twist beam) 10~12 (four-bar linkage)

Front friction plate thickness


Rear friction plate thickness


High-voltage battery

Type Lithium iron phosphate battery

Rated capacity (Ah) 135 150


Forward and backward

70 mm forward from the
moving spaces (cushion
farthest slide rail stroke
depth measured)

Seatback angle (cushion

depth measured)
Front seats
Design position: 24° forward
and 50° backward; slide
Normal service conditions of
rail: 190mm forward and
70mm backward; slide rail
inclination: 4.5°

Forward and backward

moving spaces (cushion No slide rail
depth measured)

Rear Seats Seatback angle (cushion

depth measured)

Normal service conditions of 27°, fixed and non-

seatbacks adjustable


Transmission oil Castrol BOT384

Transmission oil amount

450±50 600±50

Brake fluid HZY6

Brake fluid amount (ml) 1100±100

Motor coolant type Glycol organic acid coolant: Antifreeze freezing point: -40°C

Motor coolant amount (L) 3.1±0.2 3.3±0.2

A/C refrigerant R1234yf

A/C refrigerant amount (g) 1000±20

Vehicle Identification
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)



① Attached on the gearbox ⑤ Attached on the sheet metal surface of

the left rear wheel envelope
② Attached on the VIN slot on the upper
cover of the front windshield cross sill ⑥ Attached on the sheet metal surface
inside the left rear door sill
③ Attached on the middle sheet metal
surface above the tailgate glass ⑦ Attached on the sheet metal surface
inside the hood
④ Attached on the sheet metal surface at
the lower left corner of the front left door ⑧ Attached on the sheet metal surface on
the upper edge of the front bumper beam

VIN is engraved on the lower beam of the
driver seat.

Warning Labels
Note: After connecting the VDS, the VIN
① A/C system and cooling fan label
can be found in the upper right corner of
the screen for the corresponding model. ② Battery position label
For details, please refer to the VDS
operation manual.

Vehicle Nameplate

The vehicle nameplate is attached to the

metal sheet surface on the lower part of
the right B-pillar.

Side airbag warning labels are attached

below the left and right B-pillar lock rings.

Model and Serial Number of Drive


① Engraved on the underside of drive

motor housing.
The airbag warning label is printed on the
front passenger's sun visor.

The tire pressure label is attached below The energy consumption label is attached
the left B-pillar lock ring. in the upper left corner of the windshield.

The label showing charging connector

removal precautions is attached to the Transponder Mounting
inner surface of the AC charge port door. Position
The transponder mounting position is

located in the upper left of the front

The child protection lock label is

engraved on the metal sheet surface on
the left and right rear doors.

CAUTION Declarations of

Do not overlap the sticker
transponder with the glass frame
Smart Key
or other objects.


Model: D0-92

EU countries

Model: D0-92


Model: D0-92

This equipment is not entitled to protection

against harmful interference and may
not cause interference to duly authorized

The United States

Model: D0-315


Model: D0-315

Numerics D
12V Auxiliary Power...................... 139 Data Collection and Processing..... 26
Discharging Device*........................ 79
Driver Assistance Mode Switches... 64
A Driver Attention Warning (DAW)... 115
Driving Precautions........................ 96
A/C ON/OFF................................... 132
A/C Operation Interface................ 132
A/C System Maintenance.............. 160 E
A/C Vents....................................... 135
Access.............................................. 48 Electronic Smart Key...................... 42
Adjusting Front Seats...................... 51 Emergency Lane Keeping Assist
Adjusting the Rearview Mirror (ELKA)............................................ 112
Manually........................................ 127 Emergency Shutdown System..... 172
Adjusting the Steering Wheel EPB Switch...................................... 92
Manually.......................................... 56 Exterior Cleaning........................... 153
Airbag Triggering Conditions and
Precautions..................................... 17
Airbags............................................. 15 F
Anti-theft Alarm System*................ 25
Automatic Vehicle Hold (AVH)........ 95 Fire Prevention............................... 87
Front Cross Traffic Alert (FCTA) &
Front Cross Traffic Braking (FCTB)....
B 106
Fuses.............................................. 164
Battery Leakage Rescue............... 173
Blind Spot Assist (BSA)................. 113
Brake Fluid.................................... 159 G
Break-in Period............................... 85
Gear Shift Controls......................... 92
Glove Box...................................... 136
C Grab Handles................................ 138

Cargo Cover................................... 141

Carrying Luggage............................ 86 H
Charge Ports.................................. 139
Charging.......................................... 71 Hazard Warning Light Switch......... 65
Charging Safety Warnings.............. 68 High Beam Assist (HMA)............... 109
Child Presence Detection (CPD)... 115 High-Voltage Battery...................... 80
Child Protection Lock..................... 50
Child Restraint Systems.................. 22
Coolant.......................................... 158 I
Cup Holder.................................... 137
If a Tire Goes Flat.......................... 175
If Smart Key Battery Is Exhausted 172
If the Vehicle Needs Towing......... 174

Indicators and Warning Lights....... 33 Reservation Charging..................... 77
Infotainment Touchscreen........... 143
Installing Child Restraint Systems. 23
Instrument Cluster View................. 32 S
Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC).... 101
Intelligent Speed Limit Control (ISLC) Saving Energy and Extending Vehicle
....................................................... 108 Service Life...................................... 89
Interior Cleaning........................... 154 Seat Belt Overview......................... 12
Interior Light Switch....................... 65 Seat Precautions............................. 50
Seatback Pockets.......................... 138
Self-Maintenance.......................... 156
L Side Curtain Airbags....................... 17
Side Mirror Switches..................... 128
Light Switches................................. 57 Snow Chains................................. 129
Locking/Unlocking with Mechanical Starting the Vehicle......................... 90
Key................................................... 44 Steering Wheel Switches................ 54
Locking/Unlocking/Finding the Sun Visor....................................... 138
Vehicle with Smart Key................... 45 Sunshade Switch*........................... 65
Low-Voltage Battery (12 V)............. 83

Tire Pressure Monitoring.............. 116
Maintenance Plan......................... 146 Tires............................................... 161
Maintenance Schedule Requirements Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR)...... 107
....................................................... 146 Trailer Towing................................. 85
Transponder Mounting Position.. 185

Odometer Switch............................ 63
Opening the Hood........................ 158 Using Seat Belts.............................. 12

Paint Maintenance Tips................ 152 Vehicle Corrosion Prevention....... 152
Panoramic View System............... 118 Vehicle Fire Rescue....................... 173
Passenger's Window Switches....... 63 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Power Window Switches................ 61 ....................................................... 183
Predictive Emergency Braking (PEB) Vehicle Servicing........................... 151
System........................................... 103 Vehicle Storage Precautions......... 157

Releasing EPB Manually................. 93 Wading into Water.......................... 87

Warning Labels............................. 184
Washer........................................... 159
Wiper Blades................................. 160
Wiper Switch................................... 60
Wireless Phone Charger*.............. 140


Abbreviation Full Form Abbreviation Full Form

ECU Electronic Control Unit ABS Anti-lock Braking System
AUTO Automatic ACC Adaptive Cruise Control
USB Universal Serial Bus ECO Economic
SOC State of Charge AVH Automatic Vehicle Hold
EPB Electronic Parking Brake PCW
Collision Warning
AEB BSD Blind Spot Detection
Emergency Braking
RCTA Rear Cross Traffic Alert DOW Door Open Warning
Tire Pressure
TPMS ESC Electronic Stability Control
Monitoring System
VDC Vehicle Dynamic Control TCS Traction Control System
HHC Hill-start Hold Control HBA Hydraulic Brake Assist
Controlled Deceleration
CDP HDC Hill Descent Control
for Parking Brake
PM2.5 Air Purification System MAX Maximum
Vehicle Identification
MIN Minimum VIN


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