Sop Book
Sop Book
Sop Book
Available Data:
RSR/FLR/SFAs across all 102 ULBs with Survey Numbers & Extent
of land details are available with Revenue Department and
Obtained by Municipal Commissioners.
Application is developed (Form-16A for Assessed Data & Form-16AA for Un-
Assessed) for updation, purification and mapping of the all Structures and
Vacant Lands with respective Survey Numbers with available Revenue
Records i.e., RSR/TSR/FLR/SFA in all 123 ULBs.
A. Survey Record Data Maps of ULBs with Survey Numbers and Door Numbers
as follows:
C. Form-16A: -
By Correlating the Survey Record Data with Property Tax
Database Form-16A is prepared, developed and provided
through the Web Application for PoLR. The Correlation is as
shown below in image.
The Ward-Level Survey Team shall keep ready the relevant Records
and Data for Preparation and Purification of Urban Land Database.
The Ward Planning & Regulation Secretary, the Survey Officer as per
G.O. Ms. No. 378 Revenue (Lands IV) Department, dated: 17-12-2020 shall
prepare *.KML file of that particular Ward Secretariat so as to verify and
correct the Survey Number wherever required and also incorporate Sub-
Division Number.The Ward-Level Survey Team shall verify and correct the
below data from the Concerned Registers and Ground Data.
Assessment No.
Exemption Category.
Super Structure.
If it is an Apartment/Complex.
Name of the Apartment/Complex.
Document No.
Document Date.
Door No.
Block No.
Latitude, Longitude.
Assessee Surname.
Assessee Name.
Floor No.
Classification of Building.
Nature of Usage.
Firm Name.
Occupant Name.
Construction Date.
Length(ft.), Breadth(ft.)
If it is a Vacant Land.
Survey No.
Patta Number.
The Ward Survey Team shall inspect the respective Ward Secretariat
Jurisdiction and collect the data for all the Un-Assessed / Un-Covered
Properties i.e. Vacant Lands and Buildings Survey Number wise and
Secretariats in the ULB. For each such property the system generates
• The ward-level survey team shall conduct ward Sabha with help of
ward volunteersin their respective wards to create awareness to the
public on resurvey in an Urban area for immovable properties i.e.
land and building.
• Schedule of Resurvey i.e., Locality wise and day wise schedule shall
be published through Print & Electronic media/ Social media& Out
Door Display device at Prominent places and post in households
WhatsApp groups available with the support of Ward Volunteers.
The project monitoring unit (PMU) in the ULB is held responsible for
department. The PMU team shall notify the boundary fixation process
The ULBs adjacent to the state boundary shall inform the demarcation
The project monitoring unit (PMU) in the ULB along with the available
town survey staff/ revenue staff shall demarcate the RSR Village
demarcation process.
and Form- 4 notice for display in the notice board of their ULB/Ward
secretariat respectively.
• ULB level survey team shall prepare *KML map with utilization of
property owners.
nominate one nodal officer duly authorizing him to attend for re-
of the Survey.
C. ULB shall publish public notice in Form – 6 for survey of the Govt./
Govt. offices and notice board of the ULB and other prominent places
D. Plantation of Survey stones (S) at all Govt., lands in ULB areas will
• GL – Govt. Land
• TJ – Tri-Junction
• BJ – Bi-Junction
• OT – Others
• Ex: 9999--02-GL-55
• GCP is the reference point with respect to CORS Network base station.
For Example: for Tadepalligudem, CORS base station is situated at
• Other issues:
• The Supervisory Team shall conduct quality check of the ULB boundary/
cross check them with the prepared KML formats and submit report
in Form – 9A
villages/ Town Survey Wards and cross check them with the prepared
and cross check them with the prepared KML formats and submit the
report in Form – 9C
flying agencies
• Agency prepares flight planning for the drones to cover the whole
• The Agency team and Ward Level Survey team has to check the total
• The GCPs/ land marks data geo tagged by the Agency drone team to
Broadband connection.
production center.
• Agency will provide the ORI hard copy dividing into tiles as work
sheet, depending upon the area of the ULB and density of land
Hect. (Ac.50) for smaller extent holdings in each tileof A2 size paper.
The tiles for ULB properties shall be relatively in the larger scale
Each tile shall be numbered as T1, T2, T3 etc., and any key showing
in1:5000 scale anditinto suitable paper size like A0, A1,A2, A3,
the ORI.
• Ensure ORI is not pixelated when zoomed at the GCP point of survey
• Each tile shall be numbered as T1, T2, T3, etc., and any key showing
thedata of ORI with the collected field data and has to be certified
byAgency. In addition, distance between GCPpoints of survey stones
• Agency shall submit the ORI hard copy in Appendix-2 only after it
• Agency shall provide the ORI hard copy dividing into tiles as work
sheet, Printing & delivery of Hard copy of ORI Tiles in A2 size covering
for Habitation area and 1:500 for open lands based on the intensity
shall be numbered as T1, T2, T3 etc., and any key showing the
1:5000scale and it into suitable paper size like A0, A1, A2, A3, shall
also be provided.
• The record of the ORI delivery & receipt shall be maintained by both
on Ground Level:
• The Agency, Supervisory Team and the ULB Level Team shall jointly
• The Teams shall fix schedule for the verification and verify jointly
ULB Area.
etc. on the ground by Ward Level Survey Team and the details shall
any, shall note down in Column No.9 of Form–10. And as per the
• All Teams shall verify/measure jointly the ORI map by using Rover
distributed covering areas in the entire ULB to test the ORI of the
• The variation in point position and the distance between two points
from ORI. The difference between these two modes of data should
second time.
than 10% of the total area of the ULB. The prominent features/
Ward level teams & ULB level team and submit to the ULB level
joint verification.
• Shall act as Appellate Authority and take action as per the Act
time frame.
• The field measured data received by Agency from the ULB level
Team, the Agency shall re-verify at the production center for quality
image check of the Ortho Rectified Image (ORI) after processing the
• Then the modified ORI map shall be given to the concerned ULB by
the Agency.
• After receipt of the modified ORI Map, again the Three Teams i.e.,
Ward Level Survey Team, Supervisory Team and ULB Level PMU Team
• The Updated PoLR data (hard copies) in Form – 16A, 16AA & 16B
along with the requisite Documents shall keep ready by Ward Level
Survey Team along with the list of all issues pending at various
courts i.e. at Government, at CCLA, at District Collector, at Joint
Collector, at Tahsildar, at Supreme Court, at High Court and at Civil
Courts etc.
B. Possession of equipment:
• The Survey Team shall have all necessary Survey equipment namely,
GNSS Rovers, ETS, Chain, Measuring Tape & Cross staff etc.
D. Formal Notice:
Government Lands: -
• During Ground Truthing, all Government Lands shall be identified &
verified as per RSR/FLR/TSR etc.,
The Survey Team shall attend the Ground Truthing by involving all
Property Owners / Govt. Depts. / All Stakeholders as per schedule,determines
and records undisputed boundaries of individual land parcels on ORI in the
following steps.
iv. Duly marking Land Parcels on ORI hard copy, make entry of that
Land Parcel chaltanumber in the hard copy of the ORI in the
Appendix-2 as well as in the work sheet of the PoLR in Form –
vi. Any variations observed with reference to the PoLR entries and
enjoyments are separately noted in the supplied PoLR worksheet
(Form-16(C)). Additional Land attributes of the respective land
parcel to be noted in Form-17.
viii. LPNs shall be assigned for all marked ORIs with chalta numbers.
ix. All marked tiles with chalta numbers by individual teams shall
be posted onthe index map so that LP numbers can be assigned
to the chalta numbers.
Exceptions/Special Cases: -
• Where the map shows one “Land Parcel” (like a large fish tank,
mango plantation etc.) but is owned by different Owners, applications
will be taken from each Owner showing the boundary and separate
LP will be created for each Owner during Ground Truthing and separate
Chalta Number shall be assigned.
• Joint Pattadars – If the pattadars doesn’t split the joint patta. Take
action as per the Splitting of Joint Pattas Act. If they insist continuing
the Joint Patta – The software allows to have multiple owners under
a Single Khatha with Single LPM.
• One LPM shall have only one ‘Land Nature’. If more than one Land
Nature is given acommon LPM, necessary action shall be taken to
make separate parcel based on the nature.
• One LPM shall have only one ‘Land Classification’. If more than one
Land Classificationis given a common LPM, either make the
classification as single category after duly verifying field usage. It is
suggested not to create new LPMs in this regard.
• Additional/missing information.
2. Boundary Disputes: -
• The Ward Level Survey Team shall keep ready below data: -
Truthing(Form – 24)
– 26)
Appendix - 3.
The Ward Level Survey Team shall do the below mentioned work: -
A. Each LP number shall have the Geo Coordinates and its extent
etc.,) and all Govt. lands (with the type of Govt. land, etc.) will
be available.
• The first statement shall be the updated PoLR duly showing all the
Correlated land parcel numbers, extent, etc. for each of the Sy.No.
Sub-Division No.
the information of the updated PoLR dataLP No. Wise. This statement
Attribute data.
• Correlation Map
• LPMs
ensure that all LP numbers are accounted for in the records and their
attributes are properly linked, they are numbered and followed the
exist in records.
A. The supervisory team shall select the records randomly covering all
the locations of the ULB not less than 20% of the records.
B. Then the Supervisory Team shall check the quality of the Ground
Truthing carried out as per the prescribed process by C&DMA. Not
less than 20% records shall be verified w.r.t Form – 16(C), Form 27
& Form – 28.
F. On due certification, the marked ORI hard copy, POLR with remarks,
Land Parcel attributes data, and additional/missing information data
in the prescribed formats shall be submitted to the District Processing
Team. The same shall be submitted to the SoI/DPC team for data
processing in acknowledgment Form – 12.
Introduction: -
• A formal notice to all the private property owners in Form – 33A and
and any one of the officer among the Supervisory team authorized
the office.
• The ORI map given by Agency shall be shared among the field Survey
• The field Survey team shall again visit each Land parcel with the
Land parcel boundaries and Areas with reference to the ORI map
and ground both position of lat-logs and extent of the land parcel.
The Team should update in the ORI map by evening of the same day
• For the Property owners who agree with the details, an appropriate
• For Property owners who do not accept, the area of the land parcel,
action may be taken under the provisions of Act, Rules, and G.O.s.
boundary dispute.
• The field Survey team has to manually receive all the appeals in the
• The field Survey team i.e., WP&RS after making a detailed enquiry
Form-22 (a).
• Then the field Survey team makes a speaking order in Form -23,
ULB Team, under section10(1) of A.P, S & B Act. Such decided boundary
Level Team (Form-35 &Form- 36) and similarly Mobile Magistrate Team.
1. Tahsildar / RDO
Commissioner/Assistant commissioner/Commissioner.
and DIS.
1. Whether all the Govt. Lands are properly resurveyed and recorded in
the records. This is a special step to ensure that all Govt. lands are
2. LPM with Ground status and Field Register with reference to PoLR
• All the data collected and confirmed by the Field Level Survey Teams
and SE(PH)s,RDDTPs.
Level Teams.
disputed properties along with Land Parcel Map, by the ward Survey
• The WP&RS i.e., Survey Officer shall have the custody of the
• The property owner confirms the Notice under Section 9 (2) the
• The property owner raises any objection on the notice served, the
A. Receiving of Appeals:
• All the appeal petitions shall be filed within 21days of giving notice.
B. Orders of appeals:
survey of the ULB u/s 13 of S&B Act in Form – 48. It shall include
the unique ID number, the land parcel number, and the correlated
old survey, subdivision number. After the publication of u/s 13, the
notified Survey and land record shall become the permanent resurvey
and Boundaries Act within 21 days from the date of publication u/s 13.
Unique ID of the Land parcel will also have the appropriate system
The Unique ID of the Land parcel will also have the appropriate
accounted for.