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Optimal Loading for Maximizing Power During Sled-Resisted Sprinting

Article in International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance · December 2016

DOI: 10.1123/ijspp.2016-0362

30 5,624

5 authors, including:

Matt R Cross Matt Brughelli

Université Savoie Mont Blanc Auckland University of Technology


Pierre Samozino Scott Randall Brown

Université Savoie Mont Blanc Auckland University of Technology


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Science for Pole Vault project View project

Muscle mechanics and coordinations during resisted and assisted motorized sprint View project

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International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2017, 12, 1069-1077
© 2017 Human Kinetics, Inc. ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION

Optimal Loading for Maximizing Power

During Sled-Resisted Sprinting
Matt R. Cross, Matt Brughelli, Pierre Samozino, Scott R. Brown, and Jean-Benoit Morin

Purpose: To ascertain whether force-velocity-power relationships could be compiled from a battery of sled-resisted overground
sprints and to clarify and compare the optimal loading conditions for maximizing power production for different athlete cohorts.
Methods: Recreational mixed-sport athletes (n = 12) and sprinters (n = 15) performed multiple trials of maximal sprints unloaded
and towing a selection of sled masses (20–120% body mass [BM]). Velocity data were collected by sports radar, and kinetics at
peak velocity were quantified using friction coefficients and aerodynamic drag. Individual force–velocity and power–velocity
relationships were generated using linear and quadratic relationships, respectively. Mechanical and optimal loading variables
were subsequently calculated and test–retest reliability assessed. Results: Individual force–velocity and power–velocity relation-
ships were accurately fitted with regression models (R2 > .977, P < .001) and were reliable (ES = 0.05–0.50, ICC = .73–.97, CV
= 1.0–5.4%). The normal loading that maximized peak power was 78% ± 6% and 82% ± 8% of BM, representing a resistance
of 3.37 and 3.62 N/kg at 4.19 ± 0.19 and 4.90 ± 0.18 m/s (recreational athletes and sprinters, respectively). Optimal force and
normal load did not clearly differentiate between cohorts, although sprinters developed greater maximal power (17.2–26.5%,
ES = 0.97–2.13, P < .02) at much greater velocities (16.9%, ES = 3.73, P < .001). Conclusions: Mechanical relationships can
be accurately profiled using common sled-training equipment. Notably, the optimal loading conditions determined in this study
(69–96% of BM, dependent on friction conditions) represent much greater resistance than current guidelines (~7–20% of BM).
This method has potential value in quantifying individualized training parameters for optimized development of horizontal power.

Keywords: mechanical profiling, sprint training, horizontal force

The maximal power-production ability of the human body has determined via the equation (F0 × v0)/4.6 Pmax ability is generally
been studied extensively, and its relationship to general athletic considered a criterion of performance and is widely measured and
performance is well accepted in both research and applied commu- presented in variants of athlete groups and abilities.2
nities.1,2 The assessment of power and its mechanical determinants An aim of profiling power over multiple trials is determining
provides insight into the limits of the neuromuscular system for the metrics that combine to present Pmax.8 Often termed optimal,1,2
explosive performance and is valuable in sports featuring regular these conditions are represented in optimal force (Fopt) and optimal
maximal-exertion activities such as sprint acceleration.3,4 velocity (vopt) (Figure 1[A]) and the associated external loading
Traditionally, researchers have assessed the ability of the lower protocol (Lopt) responsible for generating the conditions necessary
extremities to produce power using multisegmental exercises (eg, to maximize power. While determining optimal loading is useful
cycling, jumping, horizontal limb extension, and sprinting), with for comparative analysis, performance monitoring, and application
athletes performing multiple trials against a selection of progres- in competition scenarios in limited examples,9 its greatest value
sively increasing resistance conditions.5 This results in data corre- lies in training implementation.10 In particular, the assessment of
sponding to decreasing velocity (typically described in maximum power using multiple resisted trials allows the operator to quan-
velocity attained each trial), with increasing resistive force (or load) tify an exact resistance protocol that can be easily integrated into
and associated increased force production—a linear force–velocity training (if assessed in a specific and practical environment).2,8,10
(Fv) relationship.6 The theoretical x- and y-axis intercepts of this Training around optimal conditions for power is generally viewed
relationship (theoretical maximum force the system can produce at as an effective means of improving Pmax,8 with evidence of ben-
zero velocity [F0]; the theoretical maximum velocity the system can efits in a variety of neuromuscular and physiological capacities.11
generate at zero force [v0]) characterize the maximum capacity of These factors strengthen the rationale for profiling optimal load-
an individual.7 Power can be computed at any point as the product ing characteristics where their inclusion in training is relatively
of force and velocity (P = F × v), with the relationship between straightforward.
power and velocity (Pv) fitted with quadratic equations.7 The peak Until recently, authors examining force-velocity-power (FvP)
of the Pv relationship represents maximum power (Pmax), otherwise relationships in sprinting have used specialized sprint treadmill
ergometers.12 Based on operational methods from cycling, athletes
perform multiple sprints against increasing braking resistance to the
Cross, Brughelli, and Brown are with the Sports Performance Research Inst belt (electromagnetic or motor braking),12,13 after which individual-
New Zealand (SPRINZ), Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, ized optimal loading conditions may be determined.14 Three stud-
New Zealand. Samozino is with the Interuniversity Laboratory of Human ies have examined optimal loading characteristics across multiple
Movement Biology, Savoie Mont Blanc University, Le Bourget-du-Lac, treadmill sprints,14–16 although none calculated the exact conditions
France. Morin is with Côte d’Azur University, LAMHESS, Nice, France. for Pmax with respect to plotting FvP relationships. In any case,
Cross ( is corresponding author. dissimilarities between treadmill and overground sprinting17 and

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Figure 1 — (A) Graphical representation of the force–velocity and power–velocity relationship profiled via a multiple-trial method using resisted
sleds. Data points represent values derived from single individual trials at different loading protocols. F0 and v0 represent the y- and x-intercepts of the
linear regression and the theoretical maximum of force and velocity able to be produced in absence of their opposing unit. Pmax represents the maximum
power produced, determined as the peak of the polynomial fit between power and velocity. Furthermore, the graphical calculation of optimal force
(Fopt) and velocity (vopt) variables is shown. (B) Mean of individual force-velocity-power profiles of recreational athletes (gray lines) compared with
sprinters (black lines).

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limited access to such technology for training purposes render the typical footwear for maximal sprinting. Recreational athletes wore
results of this research of little use to general practitioners. standard athletic footwear, and sprinters wore sprinting spikes. A
Power profiling during overground sprinting has been proven standardized ~30-minute warm-up including jogging, dynamic
possible,4,18 with authors highlighting the central role of horizontal stretching, and submaximal 45-m stride-outs (70%, 80%, and
power in performance. However, despite the prevalence of resisted- 90% of maximal self-selected effort) was performed. A 5-minute
sprinting protocols in the literature (eg, sprinting sleds10), no attempt active-recovery period directly preceded the commencement of
has been made to profile optimal loading conditions for maximizing testing, during which procedures were verbally recommunicated.
power production. Therefore, the aims of this study were to assess The testing battery consisted of 6 or 7 sprints up to maximal veloc-
whether a multiple-trial method, using resisted-sprint sleds to ity (vhmax), performed with increasing sled loading, interceded by
supply resistance, could be used to accurately and reliably profile 5 minutes passive rest.
FvP relationships during overground sprinting; quantify and present For each trial, the athlete would step up to a marked line on
optimal loading conditions for maximizing power; and compare the track and sprint forward from a standing split stance without
mechanical characteristics between highly trained sprinters and countermovement. In trials requiring the athletes to be resisted by
recreational cohorts. a sled, they were instructed to take up all slack in the tether before
propelling themselves forward, to ensure that there was no “jerk-
ing” or “bouncing” of the sled. For each sprint trial, athletes were
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Methods verbally encouraged to ensure a full maximal-effort sprint devoid

of any purposeful deceleration. Athlete performance was measured
Participants throughout each sprint by means of a sports radar device (Model:
Twelve recreational-level mixed-sport athletes and 15 highly trained Stalker ATS II, Applied Concepts, Dallas, TX, USA), set on a
sprinters gave their written informed consent to take part in this heavy-duty tripod 5 m behind the athlete at a height approximating
study after being made aware of the procedures, risks, and benefits center of mass (~1 m). The device has been shown to be valid and
of study participation. The 2 cohorts were selected to provide a reliable20 and was operated remotely via laptop to collect forward
proof of concept for the applicability of the profiling method to both velocity–time data at a rate of 46.9 Hz via the manufacturer-supplied
athletes highly familiar with resisted sprinting and athletes with software package.
mixed familiarity levels. Sprinters were required to have attained a For resisted trials, a heavy-duty sprint sled (5.64 kg; Get-
performance standard of at least 750 IAAF (International Associa- Strength, Model: HT 50 mm Sled, Auckland, New Zealand) was
tion of Athletics Federations) points19 in an event ≤400 m within attached to a specialized harness (0.34 kg; XLR8, Model: SA1 PM,
the previous season. The mean (± SD) current (within-season) per- Wellington, New Zealand; attachment point midlow back) worn
formance level of the group was 883 ± 126 IAAF points19 in their by the athlete, via a 3.3-m nonelastic nylon tether and high-tensile
primary event, including 3 national champions and record holders. karabiners. The sled was engineered from folded stainless steel with
At least 2 years of sprint-training experience was required, includ- smooth flat railings contacting the track surface. Calibrated plates
ing ≥1 year using resisted-sprint methods. Athletes were devoid of (Model: PL Comp Discs, Eleiko Sport, Halmstad, Sweden) supplied
lower-extremity injuries (>3 mo pretesting) and were either deter- normal loading for the testing protocols. Seven loading protocols
mined as familiar with the testing modality (ie, having performed (unloaded and 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%, and 120% BM) were
resisted sprinting with loads ≥50% of body-mass [BM]) or were prescribed to provide a sufficient span of stimuli to capture the peak
provided with a familiarization session >72 hours pretesting (n = 3). and ascending limb of the power–velocity (Pv) curve (determined
The study was approved by the Auckland University of Technology from pilot data). Loading was increased until a >50% decrement
ethics committee (#15/61). in unloaded vhmax and a visual peak of the parabolic Pv relationship
were observed, which was monitored throughout testing using a
customized Excel spreadsheet and raw unfiltered radar data from
each sprint. Distances for each load were selected from pilot data
This study sought to investigate whether multiple trials of sled- as an exaggeration of what was required to reach vhmax, as follows:
resisted sprints could be used to determine mechanical relation- 45 m unloaded, 40 m at 20%, 30 m at 40%, 30 m at 60%, 30 m at
ships, and optimal loading for maximizing horizontal power, in 80%, 20 m at 100%, and 20 m at 120% BM (marked with parallel
recreational and sprint cohorts. A repeated-measures protocol was cones). Distance of vhmax was monitored throughout testing, and
implemented to measure the changes in performance, determined where necessary subsequent trial distances were modified to ensure
from a combination of aerodynamic drag, friction force, and maxi- that athletes were not sprinting for unnecessary lengths of time or
mum velocity across sprint trials while resisted by a range of sled missing their potential vhmax.
loads. Recruitment and subsequent testing occurred throughout the
competitive track and field season of 2015. Intersession test–retest Data Analysis
reliability of all variables was assessed in 9 recreational athletes,
who performed 2 testing procedures separated by 7 days. Reas- All velocity–time data collected via the STATS software were ini-
sessment took place using identical testing parameters to the first tially clipped at the point of deceleration (Figure 2) and analyzed
session, at the same time of day to minimize diurnal fluctuations, using a custom-made LabVIEW program (Build version: 14.0,
with athletes asked to standardize their surrounding activities. All National Instruments Corp, Austin, TX, USA).
testing occurred after ~24 hours rest.
Application of Exponential Function
The velocity–time signal of maximal sprinting is well described
All testing procedures were completed in the same running lane by a monoexponential function.18,21 In this method, instantaneous
of an indoor Mondo track. Athletes were instructed to wear their velocity–time data are plotted via the equation22

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Figure 2 — Graphical representation of the clipped raw velocity–distance radar data. Seven sled trials are pictured, clipped before deceleration occurred.
From the trial with the highest vhmax (UL, unloaded sprint), the loading ranges from 20% to 120% of body mass with each trial.

vh(t) = vhmax × (1 – e–t/τ) velocity, resulting in a parabolic fit. Ff can be estimated, including
correction for angle of pulling (θ), using the following equation:
where vhmax represents the maximal velocity reached during over-
ground locomotion in meters per second and τ the acceleration Ff = (μk × Fn)/(cos θ + μk sin θ)
time constant in seconds. The mean fit of the equation was R2 =
.999. From here, kinetic variables were calculated at the instant of where μk is equal to coefficient of kinetic friction and Fn is the total
vhmax (ie, maximum sled-resisted velocity) for each trial. The main weight of the sled (in Newtons, the total sled mass under gravity
reasoning behind the selection of calculation at vhmax was based on [–9.81 m/s2]). μk and θ are estimated using the equations
the simplicity of calculation and subsequent replication for future μk = –0.0052vhmax2 + 0.0559vhmax + 0.3184
practitioners and to provide a training condition that could be artifi-
cially extended during practice (ie, maintenance of maximal resisted where μk is equal to a quadratic equation including instantaneous
velocity) to allow athletes to work in their conditions for maximum velocity (in this case vhmax), and
power for a lengthened period of time (rather than a single instant θ = sin–1(ht/c)
experienced during acceleration).
where ht is the attachment height of the tether to the athlete while
standing and c is the length of the tether in radians.
Mechanical Data
The fundamental principles of dynamics in the horizontal direction FvP Relationships and Optimal Loading
enable the net horizontal anteroposterior ground-reaction forces
to be modeled for center of mass. In the case that assessing these Power at vhmax (Phpeak) is calculated as vhmax × Fhpeak. Fv and Pv rela-
variables at vhmax acceleration is assumed to be null, the equation tionships were generated for each athlete as a composite of data from
represents Fhpeak = Faero + Ff, with horizontal force at vhmax (Fhpeak) each loading condition.13 Fhpeak and Phpeak were plotted against vhmax
equal to the aerodynamic friction of the body in motion (Faero) and for each trial, and the compiled data were fitted with least-square
kinetic friction force from the resisted sled (Ff). The model used linear and second-order polynomial regressions, respectively.18 The
for the estimation of Faero has been described in detail elsewhere.18 unloaded trial was included as a data point, with the resistance in
Consequently, to enable calculation of air density for Faero, tem- this case being equal to Faero. F0 and v0 were determined as the force
perature (16.5°C ± 1.69°C) and barometric pressure (756 ± 5 Torr) and velocity axis intercepts resultant of extrapolating the composite
were recorded from each session using a portable weather unit. Fv relationship, with SFv as the slope. Pmax was determined as the
apex of the quadratic Pv relationship for each individual, and as
Pmax 2 = (F0 × v0)/4.6 Bias between Pmax and Pmax 2 was calculated
Model for Kinetic Friction Force
as the difference between the 2 variables, expressed as a percent-
To determine the conversion of sled weight to friction force, a slid- age of the reference value: (Pmax – Pmax 2)/Pmax. vopt and Fopt were
ing-sled experiment was performed (unpublished data). A mechani- identified as the levels of each respective variable at which Pmax
cal winch (Model: CMP100M Servo gear motor, SEW-Eurodrive, occurred. Optimal normal loading (Lopt; the total mass of the sled)
Auckland, New Zealand) was used to pull the testing sled, with a was calculated via backward conversion from Fopt via the methods
constant load (55.6 kg) and varying velocities (0.1–6 m/s), on the described herein. Relative variables were determined by dividing
testing track. Normal force (Fn) was compared against Ff at each the given absolute value by total system mass (eg, BM with sled).

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Statistical Analysis Results

Descriptive statistics are presented as mean ± SD of individual FvP Tables 1, 2, and 3 display the descriptive and between-groups com-
relationships. Comparisons between athlete groups were completed parative statistics for athlete characteristics and Fv and Pv relation-
using effect sizes (ES), 90% confidence intervals (lower limit; upper ships, respectively. Values of F0, L0, v0, Pmax, Pmax 2, SFv, Fopt, Lopt,
limit), and independent-samples t-tests (α = .05). Magnitude-based and vopt are presented with respect to the relationship from which they
inferences were calculated using a modified statistical Excel spread- were determined. Where applicable, values were also expressed as
sheet from (xParallelGroupsTrial.xls), and traditional relative to BM. Table 4 presents test–retest reliability. For all cases
statistics were calculated using a statistical software package (IBM in both athlete groups, Fv relationships were well fitted by linear
SPSS Statistics 21, SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). The thresholds regressions, and Pv relationships were well fitted by second-order
used in this study were based on the operational methodology of polynomial regressions (individual R2 scores .994–.999 and .977–.997
Hopkins et al ( Probabilities that differences were for sprinters and .995–.999 and .979–.996 for mixed-sport athletes,
higher, lower, or similar to the smallest worthwhile difference (ES = for linear and polynomial regressions respectively; P < 0.001). A
0.2) were evaluated qualitatively as possibly, 25% to 74.9%; likely, graphical example of mechanical characteristics is displayed in Figure
75% to 94.9%, very likely, 95% to 99.5%; and most (extremely) 1(B), expressed as the mean of individual relationships for sprinters
likely, >99.5%. The true difference was assessed as unclear if the and recreational athletes (rather than regression fits to pooled data).
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chance of both higher and lower values was >5%. Intertest reliability
of each variable was quantified by the coefficient of variation (CV
in %), intraclass correlation (ICC), and the standardized change in
the mean (ES; using threshold values described earlier) between To our knowledge, this study is the first of its type to investigate the
the 2 testing occasions.24 ability to profile FvP relationships using a multiple-trial approach

Table 1 Descriptive Characteristics of Athlete Cohorts

Sprinters vs Recreational Athletes
Recreational athletes (n = 12), Sprinters (n = 15), Raw difference
Characteristic mean ± SD mean ± SD in means (±90% CI) P Rating
Age (y) 27 ± 4 24 ± 4 –5.4 (–8.2; –2.7) .016 Large**
Stature (m) 1.76 ± 0.08 1.80 ± 0.04 0.038 (–0.0073; 0.082) .18 Small**
Body mass (kg) 82.5 ± 10.47 78.1 ± 4.01 –4.4 (–10.1; 1.2) .29 Small**
Maximum velocity (m/s) 8.12 ± 0.37 9.55 ± 0.29 1.4 (1.2; 1.7) 5E-11 Extremely large****
10-m-split time (s) 2.23 ± 0.086 2.02 ± 0.090 –0.21 (–0.27; –0.15) 2E-06 Very large****
30-m-split time (s) 4.85 ± 0.19 4.31 ± 0.13 –0.54 (–0.65; –0.43) 4E-09 Very large****
Note: For small, large, very large, and extremely large qualitative inferences: **likely, 75–94.9%; ***very likely, 95–99.5%; ****most (extremely) likely >99.5% effect
when compared with recreational athletes. Recreational athletes comprised rugby union (n = 5), soccer (n = 3), American football (n = 2), lacrosse (n = 1), and weightlift-
ing (n = 1) backgrounds. For sprinters, primary events comprised 100-m (n = 10), 200-m (n = 2), 400-m (n = 1), 110-m (n = 1), and 400-m hurdles (n = 1), with athletes
typically meeting performance criteria across multiple disciplines (eg, 200- and 400-m).

Table 2 Summary of Force–Velocity Results for Recreational and Sprint Athletes

Sprinters vs Recreational Athletes
Recreational athletes, Sprinters, Raw difference
Mechanical variable mean ± SD mean ± SD in means (±90% CI) P Rating
Force–velocity relationship
R2 .997 ± .0013 .997 ± .0016
P(a) 1E-08 1E–08
v0 (m/s) 8.35 ± 0.38 9.75 ± 0.36 1.4 (1.2; 1.6) 7E-10 Very large****
F0 (N) 558 ± 92 566 ± 63 8.3 (–45.9; 62.5) .79 Trivial
rel F0 (N/kg) 6.63 ± 0.53 7.25 ± 0.71 0.6 (0.2; 1.0) .046 Moderate***
SFv –66.6 ± 10.2 –57.9 ± 6.60 –8.7 (–14.6; –2.7) .014 Moderate***
L0 (kg) 188.5 ± 31.68 191.6 ± 21.3 3.1 (–15.4; 21.6) .779 Trivial
rel L0 (kg/kg) 2.28 ± 0.18 2.45 ± 0.24 0.18 (0.037; 0.31) .105 Moderate**
Abbreviations: R2, coefficient of determination; (a), mean significance value of individual regression fits for each cohort; v0, theoretical maximum velocity; F0, theoretical
maximum force; rel, relative to body mass; SFv, slope of the linear force–velocity relationship; L0, theoretical maximum normal load. Note: For trivial, small, moderate,
very large, and extremely large qualitative inferences: **likely, 75–94.9%; ***very likely, 95–99.5%; ****most (extremely) likely, >99.5% effect when compared with
recreational athletes.

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Table 3 Summary of Power–Velocity and Optimal Loading Results for Recreational and Sprint Athletes
Sprinters vs Recreational Athletes
Recreational athletes, Sprinters, Raw difference
Mechanical variable mean ± SD mean ± SD in means (±90% CI) P Rating
Power–velocity relationship
R2 .989 ± .006 .987 ± .006
P(a) 2E-05 2E-05
Pmax (W) 1161 ± 223 1361 ± 171 200.1 (65.6; 334.6) .017 Moderate***
rel Pmax (W/kg) 13.77 ± 1.48 17.41 ± 1.81 3.6 (2.6; 4.7) 4E-05 Very large****
Pmax 2 (W) 1168 ± 222 1381 ± 170 213.5 (79.4; 347.6) .011 Moderate***
rel Pmax 2 (W/kg) 13.85 ± 1.46 17.67 ± 1.80 3.8 (2.7; 4.9) 2E-05 Very large**
bias (%)(b) 0.59 ± 0.71 1.50 ± 0.58
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Optimal loading conditions

Fopt (N) 279 ± 46 283 ± 32 3.8 (–23.4; 31.0) .81 Trivial
rel Fopt (N/kg) 3.37 ± 0.26 3.62 ± 0.36 0.25 (0.043; 0.45) .12 Moderate**
vopt (m/s) 4.19 ± 0.19 4.90 ± 0.18 0.71 (0.59; 0.83) 5E-10 Very large****
Lopt (kg) 64.4 ± 11.0 64.2 ± 7.3 –0.14 (–6.5; 6.3) .783 Trivial
rel Lopt (kg/kg) 78 ± 6 82 ± 8 0.045 (–0.0031; 0.093) .118 Small**
Abbreviations: R2,coefficient of determination;(a),mean significance value of individual regression fits for each cohort; Pmax, peak power production determined from
the apex of the power–velocity relationship; rel, relative to body mass; Pmax 2, peak power production determined from validated equation; (b) percent bias between Pmax
and Pmax 2 for each cohort; Fopt, force at peak power production; vopt, velocity at peak power production; Lopt, normal loading at peak power production. Note: For trivial,
small, moderate, and very large qualitative inferences: **likely, 75–94.9%; ***very likely, 95–99.5%; ****most (extremely) likely >99.5% effect when compared with
recreational athletes.

during overground sprinting. Overall, the results show that mechani- grounds) or an accurate representation of the spread in physical
cal relationships generated from multiple sled sprints are accurately capacities expected in a population requires more investigation.
fitted with linear and quadratic equations, congruent with those The multiple-sprint method accurately profiled mixed-sport and
observed in cycling,6,25 treadmill sprinting,26 and single-sprint over- well-trained sprinters alike (R2 = .977–.999, P < .001), highlighting
ground methods.18 We found that the loading spectrum of unloaded its value and applicability to a wide range of athletes. Comparisons
to 120% BM provided sufficient stimuli to clearly establish the peak between athlete subsets showed that sprinters exhibited greater Pmax
of the Pv parabolic relationship for the testing conditions and ath- capacity than recreational athletes (18.3%, ES = 0.97), particularly
lete cohorts, shown both in the significant R2 values and the visual when expressed relative to BM (26.4%, ES = 2.13). Similarly to
fit of the data (ie, 2–3 data points around Pmax). The bias observed previous findings12 where velocity-dominant athletes towed the
between Pmax and Pmax 2 was minimal in both groups (0.6–1.5%), spectrum of lighter loads faster, the sprinters in this study displayed
suggesting that Pmax might be accurately determined using a lower a much greater v0 capacity than their recreational counterparts
number of sprints than in the current study. The method exhibits (16.8%, ES = 3.66). While differences in absolute force capacities
high test–retest reliability, strengthening its applicability for profil- were unclear, sprinters displayed moderately greater capacity when
ing and training in sports that involve sprint running and a need for expressed relative to BM (9.4%, ES = 0.97). Relative Fopt and rela-
horizontal power development. tive Lopt did not meet the alpha criterion for statistical significance
Although resisted-sprint training is increasing in popularity, (P > .05), likely resultant of the wide ranges in the values from
there is currently little mechanical evidence supporting the selection both cohorts. When expressed as absolute values, differences were
of loads for training implementation. By proving that the computa- unclear. There was a very large effect, however, in the velocity
tion of FvP relationships using multiple trials of sled resistance was at which the sprinters generated Pmax (16.9%, ES = 3.73). These
possible, this study was able to accurately determine individualized results appear to align with recent literature3,4,26 highlighting that it
optimal loading parameters for maximizing power. Notably, all is the ability to produce force at greater velocities that characterizes
athletes presented optimal values of much greater magnitude than well-trained sprinters rather than absolute force-production ability.
currently recommended27,28 and used10 in sprint-training literature, Given that Cross et al21 have suggested that mechanical capacity for
with Fopt shown to be 3.37 and 3.62 N/kg, equal to 78% and 82% force at low velocities might be key to performance in acceleration-
BM (ie, Lopt for the present friction conditions) at 4.19 and 4.90 m/s based collision sports, we would hypothesize that such athletes
(recreational athletes and sprinters, respectively). Optimal loading (eg, rugby forwards) would generate Pmax at lower velocities than
existed within a wide range for both cohorts (Lopt of 69–91% and the averages seen in this study. This is only speculative, and future
70–96% BM for recreational athletes and sprinters, respectively), research should aim to determine optimal loading characteristics
highlighting the individualized nature of technical and mechani- of force-dominant athletes and better profile contrasting athletic
cal Fv characteristics in both homogeneous and nonhomogeneous cohorts. Moreover, future studies should examine the impact of
athlete groups.7 Whether these ranges are due to disparate athlete specialist footwear on sled-towing performance, as this may have
characteristics (eg, mixed performance level and training back- contributed to the results observed.

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Table 4 Reliability of Sled-Resisted Multiple-Trial improvements in the physical and technical capacities underlying
Method (n = 9) sprinting performance.3,31
Pmax in a multiple-trial method is computed from the peak
Mechanical variable Change (ES) CV% ICC of the polynomial regression obtained from several sprint trials
Force–velocity relationship against different loads and should not be dissimilar to the instan-
v0 (m/s) Small (0.5) 1.1 .92 taneous value obtained during a single-sprint trial.5 Consequently,
Pmax determined in this study corresponds to the instantaneous
F0 (N) Trivial (0.17) 4.6 .95 maximum power of the athletes, developed for a very short dura-
rel F0 (N/kg) Small (0.43) 4.5 .73 tion during the first 1 to 2 seconds of a sprint acceleration phase,18
SFv Trivial (0.18) 5.4 .91 not only the Pmax that the athlete can develop at maximum resisted
L0 (kg) Trivial (0.13) 4.7 .97
velocity. As such, according to theories underlying the Fv relation-
ship, training in optimal conditions for power (ie, equal emphasis
rel L0 (kg/kg) Trivial (0.20) 3.4 .91 on force and velocity) should equally increase force and velocity
Power–velocity relationship capacities and resultant power production during sprint accelera-
Pmax (W) Trivial (0.15) 4.0 .97 tion.2,7 In practice, this may not be the case, as this theoretical
perspective does not consider disparate capacities specific to either
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rel Pmax (W/kg) Small (0.33) 4.0 .88 end of the force–velocity capacity (eg, elastic components), as well
Pmax 2 (W) Trivial (0.15) 3.9 .98 as complexities involved in changing technique.1 Applying this
rel Pmax 2 (W/kg) Small (0.34) 3.9 .88 principle to our results, given that the Fv relationship developed
Fopt (N) Trivial (0.17) 4.6 .95
from multiple trials represents the span of the athlete’s ability to
produce force and velocity with impeding resistance (similarly to
Rel Fopt (N/kg) Small (0.30) 3.3 .78 that during an unloaded sprint3,4,31), we speculate that training in
vopt (m/s) Trivial (0.05) 1.0 .93 this manner may present positive changes in unloaded sprinting-
Lopt (kg) Trivial (0.17) 4.8 .95 acceleration performance. However, we hypothesize that training
in this manner may disproportionately emphasize early accelera-
rel Lopt (kg/kg) Small (0.47) 4.9 .68 tion ability and either maintain or present lesser increases in late
Unloaded sprint acceleration or v0. In any case, further research and testing are
vhmax (m/s) Trivial (0.0) 1.4 .90 necessary to examine these assertions and to determine whether
positive, worthwhile, and timely adaptations are observed in vary-
Note: Values are change scores between sessions in standardized effect sizes (ES),
coefficient of variation (CV%), and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Abbrevia-
ing athlete subsets.
tions: v0, theoretical maximum velocity; F0, theoretical maximum force; rel, relative Our results suggest that FvP profiles and optimal loading
to body mass; SFv, slope of the linear force–velocity relationship; L0, theoretical conditions can be accurately and reliably profiled during multiple
maximum normal load; Pmax, peak power production determined from the apex of overground sprints. The simple and accessible technologies used in
the power–velocity relationship; Pmax 2, peak power production determined from this protocol strengthen its usability in practice and research. Further
validated equation; Fopt, force at peak power production; vopt, velocity at peak power
production; Lopt, normal loading at peak power production; vhmax, maximum velocity. research is necessary to determine whether these loading magnitudes
and ranges are observed in other athlete groups. In particular, accel-
eration- and force-dominant populations (eg, rugby code athletes)
would offer an interesting juxtaposition to the velocity-dominant
Recent authors3,4,26 have clearly shown that the determinants of
sprinters profiled in this study. Finally, future studies should assess
sprinting ability are both the absolute physical capability of the body
the longitudinal effects of optimally loaded sprints on horizontal
and the technical ability to apply this raw capacity in an effective
power, sprinting performance, and sprinting technique.
manner. In the effort of preserving the latter skill, studies featuring
resisted sprinting have often used or promoted comparatively light
protocols, selected to minimize kinematic alterations to unloaded Limitations
sprinting technique in both the maximal velocity and acceleration
phases (7.5–15.5% decrements in velocity; ~7–20% BM). 10 It All athletes wore their standard training attire for maximal sprinting
seems logical that research adhering to these methods typically to best represent their “maximal” sprinting effort. Consequently,
reports similar performance outcomes for resisted versus unresisted recreational athletes wore trainers, and sprinters wore sprinting
training protocols, albeit with a consensus in favor of the use of spikes. While it is acknowledged that this may have affected the
resisted sled training.10 While lighter loading is not inherently bad ability to apply force through increased friction (or other factors
and may play a part in the development of horizontal force at high with regard to the specialist design of sprinting spikes), the degree
velocities, the results from this study show that these loads may to which this influenced the results is expected to be minimal and
not provide an effective stimulus for maximizing horizontal power acceptable due to better representing maximal conditions for the
production. For example, even the lowest case of optimal loading athlete group. Progressive, nonrandomized application of loading
in this study (69% BM) greatly exceeds these guidelines. Results was used in this procedure as per previous studies,6,12 which may
from research measuring the single-step kinetics of heavier loading have affected the results observed reminiscent of potentiation
protocols (~20–43% BM)29,30 during the acceleration phase would or fatigue. Nonrandomized loading was selected for 2 primary
seem to support this assertion. It should be noted that all loads reasons: Measureable increments were necessary to determine
used were considered to substantially affect sprinting technique the point at which to cease testing (as per previous research), and
(although this was not measured).27,28 Consequently, we suggest pilot testing revealed that performance was often variable without
that the methods used in this study be considered as a training athletes being able to cue the resistance from the protocol directly
stimulus for the development of horizontal power that may reflect preceding it.

IJSPP Vol. 12, No. 8, 2017

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