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ElecfrochimicaAcra, Vol. 35, No. 7, pp.

1125-I131, 1990 0013-4686/90

$3.00+ 0.00
Printedin Great Britain. 0 1990.PergamonPressplc.


*RhBne-Poulenc Industrialisation 24, Av. Jean-Jauris, 69151 D&cines-CharpieuCedex, France
tLP 15 CNRS “Physique des Liquides et Electrochimie”, Laboratoire de l’Universit6 Pierre et
Marie Curie, Tour 22, 4, Place Jussieu, 75252 Cedex 05 Paris France
SINSA de Lyon, 20 Av. Albert Einstein, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France

(Received 4 September 1989)

Abstract-Impedance measurements in the high frequency range beyond the electrolyte resistance, R,,
currently exhibit one or several loops irrelevant to the electrode process. For low conductivity media
encountered in spreading corrosion studies these relaxations appear in a lower frequency range
(l&l00 Hz) and can overlap the faradaic frequency range, thus leading to possible misinterpretation of
the data. This aspect was investigated in concentrated acetic acid solutions using two different kinds of
reference electrode. Solution resistivity as well as nature of the reference electrode and the distance between
working electrode surface and reference extremity were extensively investigated. The parasitic contribu-
tions of the different elements of the experimental setup on the measured impedance was modelled by a
unique electrical circuit which reproduces with an excellent precision the experimental data. This allowed
us to underline the various contributions of the electrical couplings occurring in the electrochemical cell,
especially between the reference electrode and the other elements.

Key words: low conductivity media, impedance measurement, acetic acid.

1. INTRODUCTION overlap those of the electrode’s response, which

makes the interpretation of the results rather difficult.
In addition to steady-state techniques, the impedance Several authors have examined these problems and
measurement is largely used in corrosion studies and have demonstrated the role played by the time con-
its application is quite naturally spreading to low stants arising from connections with the poten-
conductivity media (organic electrolytes, dilute tiostat[ l-61. However, no publication completely
aqueous media . . .) [ 1,2]. In fairly conductive media, analyses this aspect, often misunderstood, of im-
the contribution of the electrolyte resistance is rather pedance techniques and more generally of non-
negligible in the steady-state characteristics. Further- steady-state techniques in low conductivity media.
more, the high frequency limit of impedance is iden- The objective of the work presented here was firstly
tified with the electrolyte resistance. On the contrary, to carry out an experimental study analysing the
in low conductivity media, steady-state polarization various parameters involved in the frequency re-
techniques come up against difficulties which are sponse of a three-electrode cell. Apart from the
often insuperable due to the presence of ohmic drop. solution’s resistivity, two factors especially drew our
Devices for the compensation of this term often need attention: the nature of the reference electrode and
to know, n priori, the value of the electrolyte resis- the distance between the extremity of the reference
tance itself. The impedance measurements are there- electrode and the working electrode, which deter-
fore primarily aimed at determining this quantity and mines, for a given resistivity, the value of the elec-
secondly at obtaining information on the electro- trolyte resistance R,. We were then able to produce
chemical processes taking place at the electrode. an electrical model which gave a coherent indication
Unfortunately, the identification of the various of the behaviour observed.
items contributing to the measured impedance be-
comes more and more difficult as the resistivity of the
solution increases. In particular, electrolyte resistance 2. EXPERIMENTAL DEVICE
no longer appears as the high frequency lin$ of the
impedance. The parasitic contributions by capacitive 2.1. Cell and electrodes
as well as by inductive features intervene in the high The cell is cylindrical and contains 200cm3 of
frequency range. A great vigilance is hence needed as solution (cx Fig. 1). The counter-electrode is a plat-
to their interpretation. We found that these artefacts inum mesh covering the side wall and the base of the
may appear even at much lower frequencies, for cell. The working electrode is an 11.3 mm diameter
instance at 10 to 100 Hz, in very low conductivity disc enclosed in a PTFE sheath 20 mm in diameter.
media. From this point on, the frequency range An AISI 316 stainless steel electrode in concentrated
associated with these parasitic impedances can acetic acid solutions was used in this study. This

et al.

Ag/AgCl reference which Z’ and Z” are the real and imaginary parts of
electrode 4 Platinum the impedance.

device 3.1. Ag/AgCl electrode and Luggin capillary
Figure 2a shows the progression of the impedance
i diagram in relation to the distance x in an 80% acetic
CSCOOH acid solution. In the high frequency range of the
+ 0.1 M LiClO~ Platinum
electrode diagram (2.5-65 kHz) one sees a capacitive loop
whose diameter remains constant whatever x may be
and on which the frequency distribution does not
At low frequency (less than 100 Hz), the beginning
of a large diameter loop appears. This impedance is
relative to the faradaic impedance of the working
electrode. The intersection of its high frequency part
Fig. 1. Experimental device.
with the real axis leads to the electrolyte resistance R, .
May we recall that one can also calculate R, by
electrode was mounted on an ED1 Tacussel rotating comparing the value x with Newman’s equation
device whose speed was set at 1000 rpm for all the based on the distribution of the primary electrical
tests. The cell configuration adopted made it possi- field[7].
ble[2] to apply the analytical equations of Newman[q A third loop appears at the intermediate frequen-
for estimating the electrolyte resistance value at a cies (100 Hz-2.5 kHz): when x is greater than
given point in the cell. 2 mm, it is capacitive and its diameter grows with x.
Two types of reference electrodes were tried out: (i) When x becomes less than 2 mm the capacitive loop
A commercial Ag/AgCl electrode prepared in anhy-
drous acetic acid, saturated with LiCl and AgCl,
extended by a Luggin capillary filled with anhydrous
acetic acid + 0.1 M LiClO,. In order to limit ex-
changes with the solution, the extremity of the capil-
lary was plugged with asbestos fibre: (ii) A platinum
wire 0.5 mm in diameter, inserted in a glass capillary,
only the cross section of the platinum wire being in
contact with the electrolyte. This wire does not in
itself constitute a reference electrode but plays the
role of a low impedance alternating potential probe.
Its connection, via a capacitance, in parallel with the
reference electrode is generally recommended in order
to attenuate measurement difficulties at high frequen-
cies[l, 91. We shall see further on the reasons for the
improvement thus obtained. The extremity of the
reference electrode is located on the axis of the
working electrode. A screw device made it possible by
the use of a dial indicator to precisely check the
distance x between the surface of the working elec-
trode and the extremity of the reference electrode.

2.2. Electrolytes
Two solutions with different resistivities were used: 1

(i) aqueous solution of acetic acid at 80% by weight

(p = 8-10.2 kf2 cm), (ii) 100% commerlcally pure
acetic acid @ = 8-12 MD cm).

2.3. Regulation-measurements
The measurements were carried out with a Solar-
tron-Schlumberger assembly (1286 potentiostat, 1250
frequency response analyser) controlled by an Apple
IIe personal computer.
The tests were carried out at room temperature.
For each reference electrode/solution couple, we
recorded the impedance diagram of the cell in galv- Fig. 2. Impedance diagram at different distances x between
anostatic mode for different values of x. A pseudo- the capillary tip (Ag/AgCl electrode) and the working
three-dimensional (Z’, Z”, x) display was adopted, in electrode: (a) 80% acetic acid; (b) 100% acetic acid.
Impedance measurements in low conductivity media 1127

Fig. 3. Impedance diagram at different distances x between the extremity of the platinum electrode and
the working electrode: (a) 80% acetic acid; (b) 100% acetic acid.

disappears and is replaced by an inductive one whose 3.2. Platinum electrode

diameter increases when x decreases.
The diagram corresponding with x close to zero The diagrams recorded with the platinum electrode
shows up a particularity: part of the low frequency as reference electrode in acetic acid at 80 and 100%
loop crosses the field of the negative impedances (2”d are given in Figs 3a and b respectively. In the solution
and 31d quadrants). When the reference electrode at 80% the diagrams only show two loops in the
approaches very close to the working electrode, the frequency range explored. The low frequency loop
glass capillary gives rise to a screening effect. A originated in the working electrode. The second loop
similar phenomenon has already been observed and whose diameter depends on the distance x transforms
interpreted by Fiaud et a/.[lO]. It appears when one from a capacitive to an inductive behaviour when x
carries out impedance measurements on electrodes becomes sufficiently small just as we have observed at
covered with thin electrolyte layers. medium frequencies with the Ag/AgCl electrode. The
The results obtained in 100% acetic acid are given existence of this high frequency parasitic loop consti-
in Fig. 2b. The main difference compared with tutes the most specific feature of artefact generally
the preceding results lies in the relative diameters observed for electrolytes with a resistivity of less than
of the loops and the distribution of the frequencies. a few hundred of ohm cm and with a reference
The frequencies for which the various loops appear electrode whose extremity is made up of a sintered
are displaced downwards towards much lower glass wall.
values. The diameter of the low frequency capa- In acetic acid at lOO%, the shape of the diagrams
citive loop attributed to the corrosion process is is similar to the one observed with the Ag/AgCI
much smaller than that of the loops found at electrode in the solution at 80%, except that the
medium and high frequencies, and it is practically diameters of the loops are greater. The low frequency
indistinguishable when x becomes greater than limit of the spectrum does not allow the visualization
0.5 mm. of the faradaic loop, even when x is small.
1128 S. CHECHIRCLIAN et al.

4. DISCUSSION AND MODELLING the counter-electrode. R: is an electrolyte resistance

localized on the one hand between the reference
The whole experimental data indicates that: (i) the electrode and the counter-electrode, and on the other
high frequency limit of the impedance diagram is the hand in the capillary. R, is the charge transfer resis-
origin of the axes and not the electrolyte resistance tance of the working electrode and C,, the double
R,, (ii) generally speaking, two parasitic loops come layer capacitance. The resistance R, represents the
between the origin and R,: one capacitive high fre- actual resistance of the reference electrode which is
quency loop, independent of the position of the localized mainly at the capillary tip. This resistance
reference electrode and one medium frequency loop, varies depending on the geometry of the capillary tip
depending on the position of the reference electrode. and also on the resistivity of the solution. In the case
This loop always becomes inductive when the latter of the platinum electrode, this resistance represents
is close to the working electrode. the frontal electrolytic resistance of the platinum
These phenomena appear at frequencies which are wire. The capacitor C, is due to the coupling between
generally associated with the variations of the inter- the reference electrode and the counter-electrode.
facial impedances. One can therefore easily imagine Capacitor C, represents the capacitive coupling be-
situations in which the overlap would prevent any tween the reference electrode and the working elec-
separation between the faradaic process on the one trode. The input capacitance of the potentiostat and
hand and the parasitic impedances on the other hand. of the connecting cables can also contribute to in-
In this case, determining R, would become totally creasing the value of C,.
impossible. May we point out that this model, representative of
The origin of these phenomena is to be found in the our cell behaviour, does not contain any self-induc-
fact that the reference electrode impedance is not tive element whereas on the experimental diagrams
ideal and that it contributes to the measured one observes large inductive loops. The contribution
impedance. Electrical couplings between this elec- of the real inductance of the working electrode or of
trode and the other elements of the cell occur at high the connecting cables has already been shown in very
frequencies. These couplings naturally depend on the special cases, for example when the impedance of the
type and geometry of the reference electrode, and also system studied is very low[6]. However, in our case
on its position by the way of the electrolyte resistivity. the amplitude of the inductance observed is such that
Some of these couplings have been studied in the it cannot be linked with that of the cables or the
literature on the subject and models have been pro- working electrode. Giihr ef u1.[3], in a study similar
posed[3-51. However, none of these models is able to to ours, demonstrated in fact that this pseudo-induc-
give a complete representation of our experimental tive effect is a consequence of the capacitive coupling
results described above. One must also take into between the working electrode and the counter-elec-
account the specific nature of the reference electrode trode. In fact, at high frequencies, a potential derived
used. In the case of the’platinum electrode, one must from the counter-electrode by the way of the capaci-
introduce an additional capacitance, located at the tance C1 is added to the potential measured by the
extremity of the electrode, resulting from the double reference electrode (point B). Whereas the impedance
layer capacitance at the platinum/acetic acid inter- of C, decreases when the frequency increases, the
face. Also, one must introduce a resistance and a amplitude of the derived potential increases. This
capacitance representing the coupling between the results in a rise in the impedance modulus measured
reference electrode and the counter-electrode. with the frequency, which causes the inductive be-
This finally leads us to consider the network shown haviour observed at high frequency in the aqueous
on Fig. 4[2, 111. In this circuit, & represents the acetic acid solution or at medium or even low fre-
electrolyte resistance between the reference electrode quency in the concentrated acetic acid.
and the working electrode, R, + R: = R,,, the elec-
trolyte resistance between the working electrode and 4.1. Analytical expression of the impedance
To check the validity of our model, we calculated
its impedance. The apparent impedance measured
was equal to the ratio of the voltage in C to the total
current crossing the cell:

According to the Kirchoffs law, the sum of the

currents arriving at the nodes A, B and C is nil and

? ..zQR~l
Zf 7

Fig. 4. Equivalent circuit dealing with experimental results.


jd, ’

R,, C,: working electrode impedance. R, + R: = R,,,: elec-

trolyte resistance between the counter-electrode and the
working electrode. C,, R,: series capacitance and resistance
of the reference electrode. C,, R:: coupling elements be-
5= R,+,&, I

tween the reference electrode and the counter-electrode. C,:

coupling capacitance between the reference electrode and z,= R,
jr&R,+ 1’
the working electrode.
Impedance measurements in low conductivity media 1129

1 1 The calculation of this impedance in the frequency

-= I+‘+_ (6)
z cqu. R: 5 R,+ Z,’ range 1 Hz-100 kHz was done with a personal com-
puter. The corresponding impedance diagrams were
we obtain: drawn after having attributed to the elements of the
model various consistent values and in such a way

($+ I)(_!.&;_;9
(7) that the simulated diagrams are close to the experi-
mental diagrams.
The variation of the distance between the working
electrode and the reference electrode was simulated
RI 1 by modifying the ratio RJR; whilst keeping the sum
R, + R: constant. The values adopted for R, were
*+ (8) chosen from the experimental diagrams shown
in Figs 2 and 3 whereas the sum R, + R: was esti-
mated in accordance with the Newman’s equation:




3 Z’(kCU

R* (km

I I )

m Z’(kra

Fig. 5. Simulated diagrams corresponding with the situation of the Ag/AgCl electrode with the capillary:
(a) 80% acetic acid; (b) 100% acetic acid.
et al.

Table 1. Values attributed to the various elements of Fig. 4 in the case of the Ag/AgCl electrode with the capillary
AidAtSl 4 R,+R: RI R* R, Cd C, G C,
CH,COOH &2kf2 4kQ 2MQ 2MR 1OOkI-I @IJF 10 pF 30pF IMF

Table 2. Values attributed to the various elements of Fin. 4 in the case of the platinum electrode
Platinum R R+R: R:’ R. R, C.4 C, c, c.
CH,COOH &1.5kf-& 4kR 0.1 MR 0.1 M&I 0.1 MR MpF 1OpF 30pF O.lpF
CH,COOH &I .2 MR 2MR 2MQ 1OOMR 0.1 MR 6OUF 10~F 30~F O.luF

R, + R: = p/4,,, in which r,, is the radius of the we estimated the capacitance presented by the glass
working electrode. tube used for the capillary. The latter had an exter-
nal diameter of 4 mm, a wall thickness of 1 mm
and was submerged to about 80mm. By applying
4.2. Digital simulation the equation which allows us to calculate the
Figure 5 represents the diagrams simulating the capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor, we found:
behaviour of the Ag/AgCl electrode. They were ob- C = 32pF. This value matches quite well those
tained by attributing to the elements of the model chosen for C, and C, (considering that the calcu-
the values given in Table 1. In the same way, the lation was approximate, given that the potential
values in Table 2 make it possible to simulate the field around the capillary was probably not
behaviour of the platinum electrode (Fig. 6). The uniform).
choice of these values provides a very good similar- The qualitative interpretation of the shape of the
ity between the diagrams obtained experimentally diagrams observed appears quite clearly if one notes
and those calculated from the chosen model, this that the diameter of the high frequency capacitive
being for both concentrations of acetic acid and loop is equal to: (R, + R:). C,/(C, + C,). Capaci-
both electrodes. Below we give some arguments on tances C, and C, therefore constitute a dividing
the consistency of the values attributed to the ele- bridge acting on the potential V of the counter-
ments of the model. electrode (c$ Fig. 4). The existence of two loops
The values adopted for C,, and R, concern the is a consequence of the antagonistic effect of
faradaic impedance of the working electrode; the capacitances C, and C, on the potential V, measured
values are in fair agreement with those found by the reference electrode. C, introduces at this
during experiments which we have carried out level a part increasing with the frequency of the
elsewhere. voltage of the counter-electrode. In parallel, C, re-
In the case of the Ag/AgCl electrode with the duces V, to zero when the frequency goes towards
capillary the presence of the capacitance C, is infinity.
not justified, and this is why we attribute a high
value to it which gives it a negligible impedance
in the frequency range in which we are interested. 5. CONCLUSION
For the platinum electrode, the value adopted
(0. I pF) corresponds with the double layer capaci- A thorough knowledge of the phenomena ob-
tance of the platinum in acetic acid. Experimental served in the range of high frequencies when
determination of the latter by impedance measure- measuring impedance in low conductivity media
= 41.4 PF cme2 that is for
ment gave us: CdPI,AeOH80s,, is essential for interpreting experimental diagrams.
our 0.5 mm diameter electrode: C = 0.093 ~IF. R:I The role of the conductivity of the electrolyte, the
does not vary when the resistivity of the solution design of the reference electrode and the geometry
changes. This indicates that it is not totally depen- of the cell on the artefacts altering the impedance
dent on the test solution, but rather on the measurements at the high frequency limit of the
electrolyte contained in the capillary. However, in spectrum is correctly described by a unique electrical
the case of the platinum electrode it is not negli- circuit. The values attributed to the elements corre-
gible which makes us think that it may to a large spond with physical consideration and/or direct
extent be localized in the internal circuits of the measurements.
potentiostat. The increases in the resistivity of the solution can
Capacitances C, and C2 are independent of the to a certain extent be compensated by the use of a
resistivity of the solution. We chose to give C, a low impedance potential measurement probe such
higher value than C, to allow for the potentiostat as a platinum wire, keeping in mind that this type
input capacitance. In order to check if the values of electrode does not constitute a real reference
attributed to C, and C2 were consistent with reality, electrode.
Impedance measurements in low conductivity media 1131


Fig. 6. Simulated diagrams corresponding with the situation of the platinum electrode. (a) 80% acetic
acid; (b) 100% acetic acid.

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