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Duration: 2 Hrs. - Maximum Marks: 180 Class - IX (Going To X)

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Class – IX (Going to X)

Duration : 2 hrs. | Maximum Marks : 180

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5. After breaking the Question Paper seal, check there are 10 pages in the booklet. This Question Paper
contains 60 MCQs with 4 choices (Subjects: Physics: 15, Chemistry: 15, Maths: 15, Biology: 15)
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1. Vector quantities are those which have :
(A) Only direction (B) Only Magnitude
(C) Magnitude and direction both (D) None of these

2. A distance is always-
(A) shortest length between two points (B) path covered by an object between two points
(C) product of length and time (D) none of the above

3. A quantity has value of –6.0 ms–1. It may be the-

(A) Speed of a particle (B) Velocity of a particle
(C) Position of a particle (D) Displacement of a particle

4. A train starts from rest and moves with some acceleration attains a velocity of 40 kmh–1 in 10 minutes. Its average
acceleration will be :
(A) 18.5 ms–2 (B) 1.85 cm s–2 (C) 18.5 cms–2 (D) 1.85 m s–2

5. The velocity-time graph of a ball moving on the surface of floor is shown in fig. Calculate the force acting on the
ball, if mass of the ball is 100 g.

(A) 1.6 N (B) 2.5 N (C) 3.1 N (D) 0.5 N

6. Distance time graph of a body is a straight line parallel to time axis. The body is
(A) moving with constant speed (B) moving with constant velocity
(C) at rest (D) moving in a straight line

AUROUS ACADEMY Address : Plot No. R-4, Opposite Railway Track, Zone-II, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal (M.P.) 462011 (1)
7. The initial velocity of a particle is 10 m/s. It is moving with an acceleration of 4 m/s2. The distance covered by the
particle after 2s is
(A) 6 m (B) 18 m (C) 22 m (D) 28 m

8. 150 m long train crosses a bridge of length 250 m in 25 seconds. What is its velocity? (Assume train is moving
with constant velocity)
(A) 20 m/s (B) 22 m/s (C) 16 m/s (D) 15 m/s

9. The linear momentum of an object is 250 g cm/s. If the velocity of the object is 5 m/s, then the mass of the object
(A) 0.5 g (B) 5 kg (C) 0.5 mg (D) 5 mg

10. A cricket ball of mass 100 gm moving with a speed of 20 m/s is brought to rest by a player in 0.1s. Find the
Average force applied by on the cricket ball.
(A) 8 N (B) 10 N (C) 5 N (D) 20 N

11. There is a rubber ball and a stone ball of same size. If both balls are at rest:
(A) rubber ball has more inertia than stone ball (B) stone ball has more inertia than rubber ball
(C) both have same inertia (D) none of the above.

12. Which of the following statement is not correct for an object moving along a straight path in an accelerated
(A) Its speed keeps changing (B) Its velocity always changes
(C) It always goes away from the earth (D) A force is always acting on it

13. An object of mass 2 kg is sliding with a constant velocity of 4 m s–1 on a frictionless horizontal table. The force
required to keep the object moving with the same velocity is
(A) 32 N (B) 0 N (C) 2 N (D) 8 N

14. A particle was at rest from 9.00 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. It moved at a uniform speed of 10 km/h from 9.30 a.m. to 10.00
a.m. Find the average speed between 9.15 a.m. and 10.00 a.m.
(A) 5 km/h (B) 10 km/h (C) 20/3 km/h (D) 10/3 km/h

15. Which of the following is correct in terms of motion 1

(A) v = u + at (B) v2 = u2 + 2as (C) s = ut + at2 (D) All of these

AUROUS ACADEMY Address : Plot No. R-4, Opposite Railway Track, Zone-II, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal (M.P.) 462011 (2)
16. The type of clothes that are comfortable for us in summer is
(A) Silk clothes (B) Cotton clothes (C) Leather clothes (D) Rayon clothes

17. Anne filled 1L of air in a jar of capacity 750 ml. Volume of air in the jar is
(A) 1000 mL. (B) 875 mL. (C) 750 mL. (D) 250 mL.

18. The following that determines the state of the matter is

(A) pressure and temperature. (B) pressure and volume.
(C) volume and temperature. (D) temperature.

19. Energy of particles in steam at 373 K

(A) > Energy of particles in water at 373K. (B) < Energy of particles in water at 373 K.
(C) = Energy of particles in water at 373 K. (D) Energies cannot be compared.

20. Diffusion is a property of matter, based on

(A) Motion of its particles (B) Size of its particles
(C) Pressure (D) Temperature

21. The process of changing liquid into solid is called

(A) Evaporation (B) Freezing (C) Condensation (D) Sublimation

22. Identify the false statement among the following :

(A) Compound is homogeneous in nature.
(B) In compound constituents do not retain their properties.
(C) The constituents of a mixture can be separated by physical method.
(D) During formation of mixtures there is a change in the molecular composition.

23. The process used to separate oil and water is

(A) distillation (B) sublimation (C) separating funnel (D) chromatography

AUROUS ACADEMY Address : Plot No. R-4, Opposite Railway Track, Zone-II, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal (M.P.) 462011 (3)
24. In which of the following the constituents are present in any ratio?
(A) Mixture (B) Compound (C) Solution (D) Colloid

25. The particle size is equal to or greater than 100 nm in

(A) copper sulphate + water (B) NaCl + Water
(C) starch in warm water (D) glass powder + water

26. Which one of the following is not a solution ?

(A) HCl reagent (B) Brass
(C) HCHO + water (D) Kerosene + water

27. Tyndall Effect in colloids is due to _________ .

(A) dispersion of light (B) merging of light rays
(C) scattering of light (D) convergence of light rays

28. Brownian motion is seen in

(A) aqueous solution of alum (B) blood
(C) cold drinks (D) ionic solutions

29. Alum is
(A) potassium aluminium sulphate. (B) potassium sodium sulphate.
(C) potassium aluminium silicate. (D) aluminium silicate.

30. In which of the following cases, cooking is very slow ?

(A) Pressure cooker at sea level (B) Pressure cooker at higher altitude
(C) Open vessel at sea level (D) Open vessel at higher altitude

AUROUS ACADEMY Address : Plot No. R-4, Opposite Railway Track, Zone-II, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal (M.P.) 462011 (4)
3 3
31. The number is
3 3
(A) rational (B) irrational (C) both (D) can’t say

32. The ascending order of the following surds 9

2, 6
3, 9
4 is

(A) 9
4, 6
3, 3
2 (B) 9
4, 3
2, 6
3 (C) 3
2, 6
3, 9
4 (D) 6
3, 9
4, 3

33. The value of a and b if ƒ(x) = ax + b and

ƒ(2) = 8, ƒ(3) = 11 is
(A) a = 3, b = –2 (B) a = –3, b = 2
(C) a = –3, b = –2 (D) a = 3, b = 2

34. If  a  1  = b then a3 + 3 is equal to
 a a
3 3 1 3 1
(A) b3 (B) b 2 (C) b 2  3b 2 (D) b 2  3b 2

35. Factorise x2 + 3 2 x + 4
(A) (x + 2 2 ) (x + 2) (B) (x + 2 2 ) (x – 2)
(C) (x – 2 2 ) (x + 2) (D) (x + 2 2 ) (x – 2)

36. The distance of the point (3, 4) from x-axis is

(A) 3 unit (B) 7 units (C) 4 units (D) 5 units

37. The point which lies on y-axis at a distance of 5 units in the negative direction of y-axis is
(A) (0, 5) (B) (0, –5) (C) (5, 0) (D) (–5, 0)

AUROUS ACADEMY Address : Plot No. R-4, Opposite Railway Track, Zone-II, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal (M.P.) 462011 (5)
38. A point both of whose co-ordinate are negative will lie in
(A) I quadrant (B) II quadrant (C) III quadrant (D) IV quadrant

39. If two angles are complements of each other, then each angle is
(A) an acute angle (B) an obtuse angle (C) a right angle (D) a reflex angle

40. The complement of 72º

(A) 72º (B) 18º (C) 36 º (D) None of these

41. In the figure, AOB is a straight line.

If AOC = (3x+10)º and BOC = (4x – 26)º, then BOC = ?

(3x+10)º (4x–26)º


(A) 96º (B) 86º (C) 76º (D) 106º

42. In the given figure AB || CD and O is a point joined with B and D, as shown in the figure
such that ABO = 35º and CDO = 40º. Reflex BOD=?

(A) 255º (B) 265º (C) 275º (D) 285º

AUROUS ACADEMY Address : Plot No. R-4, Opposite Railway Track, Zone-II, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal (M.P.) 462011 (6)
43. If ABC  PQR and ABC is not congruent to RPQ, then which of the following is not
(A) BC = PQ (B) AC = PR (C) BC = QR (D) AB = PQ

44. It is given that ABC  FDE in which AB = 5 cm, B = 40º, A = 80º and FD = 5 cm.
Then, which of the following is true?
(A) D = 60º (B) E = 60º (C) F = 60º (D) D = 80º

45. In the given figure, AB = AC and OB = OC. Then ABO : ACO = ?


(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 1 : 2 (D) None of these

AUROUS ACADEMY Address : Plot No. R-4, Opposite Railway Track, Zone-II, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal (M.P.) 462011 (7)
46. An unripe green fruit changes colour when it ripens. The reason being:
(A) Chromoplasts changes to chlorophyll (B) Chromoplasts changes to chromosomes
(C) Chromosomes changes to chromoplasts (D) Chloroplast changes to chromoplasts

47. Which plastids are colourless?

(A) Chromoplasts (B) Chloroplast (C) Leucoplasts (D) All of these

48. The phenomenon where cytoplasms shrink in a hypertonic medium is called:

(A) Frontolysis (B) Plasmolysis (C) Acidolysis (D) Allolysis

49. _____ is called the energy currency of the cell

(A) Endoplasmic reticulum (B) Oxygen
(C) ATP (D) Mitochondria

50. _____ is called the powerhouse of the cell

(A) Mitochondria (B) ATP (C) Lysosomes (D) Red blood cells

51. _____ coined the term “cell”.

(A) Gorbachev (B) Himmler (C) Robert Hooke (D) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

52. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

(A) Cytoplasm is also known as protoplasm
(B) Lysosomes are known as the suicide bags of the cell
(C) Mitochondria has its own DNA
(D) All of the above are incorrect

53. Where are the essential proteins and lipids required for cell membrane, manufactured?
(A) Lysosome (B) Chromosomes
(C) Endoplasmic reticulum (D) Mitochondria

AUROUS ACADEMY Address : Plot No. R-4, Opposite Railway Track, Zone-II, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal (M.P.) 462011 (8)
54. One of the following is not true about Cardiac muscles
(A) They can be controlled
(B) Cells are bi-nucleate
(C) Found outside the heart such as the digestive tract
(D) All of these

55. _____ is not found in xylem tissues.

(A) Sieve tubes (B) Xylem parenchyma
(C) Tracheids (D) Vessels

56. Rapid elongation of a bamboo stem is due to

(A) Lateral meristem (B) Intercalary meristem
(C) Apical meristem (D) Cambium

57. The Nodes of Ranvier are found in

(A) Nerve cells (B) Heart cells (C) Liver cells (D) All of these

58. Which of the followig is connective tissue?

(A) Ligament (B) Tendon (C) Blood (D) All of these

59. Which of the following statements are correct about meristematic tissues?
(A) Composed of cells that are incapable of cell division
(B) Composed of a single type of cell
(C) It is composed of cells that are able to perform cell division
(D) All the above

60. Lysosomes are called suicide bags because

(A) It causes the cell to break its cell membrane, causing death
(B) It kills the surrounding cells by releasing enzymes
(C) The enzymes are capable of digesting cells
(D) All of the above

AUROUS ACADEMY Address : Plot No. R-4, Opposite Railway Track, Zone-II, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal (M.P.) 462011 (9)

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