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GRADES 1 to 12 Grade


Dates and
Time: September 23, 2019 Quarter: 2nd QUARTER
demonstrates an understanding of text elements to comprehend various
A. Content Standards texts
uses literal information from texts to aptly infer and predict outcomes
B. Performance Standards
1. Give possible ending to a story heard
2. Use prefix and root word as clues to get meanings of words
3. Admire the loyalty of someone.
C. Learning Competencies
EN4OL-IIIg18 ,EN4RC-IIg-31 , EN4V-IIg-34

Week 7: Friendly Creatures

Story: Fish Is Fish
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide/Pages 166-173
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 178-187
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint, tarpapel, chart, manila paper, activity sheets
A. Review/Presenting New Phonetic Drill: Teacher models in reading the words with consonant blends.
tr cr
trees train cruel crown
treatment training crude crowd
treasure trainee crusade crops

Review :
Underline the correct form of the verb in the parentheses to complete the

Animal Beds
Edie Adams
A bat (sleep, sleeps) in a cave
The bird (rests, rest) in a tree
Rabbits (stay, stays) in a tunnel underground
and fish (sleep, sleeps) in the sea

Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. Silly- Do not take it seriously.
It was just a silly game.
(childish, stupid)
b. Clever- All contestants are smart. They are clever in answering the
(smart, brainy)
c. Jellyfish- (picture of jelly fish) Rita was hospitalized because a
jellyfish sting stuck to her skin when she was swimming.
d. Pale- (picture) the girl is sick. She looks pale.

B. Establishing a purpose  Do you like to go to the beach?

for the lesson  What are the famous beaches that we have here in the Puerto
 What activity do you usually do in the beach?
(playing volleyball, making sand castle, swimming)
 Are those activity good for your health?
 Have you seen a jellyfish? How does it look like?
 Here is a picture of jellyfish? Who can describe it?
 Do jellyfish have bone? Why do you think so?
Did you know that the largest animal in the world is a jellyfish? It is
called Cyanea capillata but is commonly known as the lion's mane
jellyfish and it is even longer than the blue whale.

The largest known specimen was found in 1870 off the coast of
Massachusetts. Its bell averaged 2.3 meters in diameter and its
tentacles reached 36.5 meters in length.
Can you imagine how big that was?
- How many centimeter is one meter? (100 cm)
- Then how many centimeter is 2.3 meters of the giant jellyfish bell?
(230 cm)
- The tentacles reaches to 36.5 meters, then If 1 meter is 100 cm, how
many centimeter is 36.5 meters? (3650 cm)

C. Presenting examples/ Pre Reading

instances of the new a. Motive Question:
On the story that I am going to read, entitled “
How the Jellyfish Lost His Bone let us find out how jellyfish lost his bone?
- Let us find the answer to the questions as we read the whole story.
- Let’s find possible ending in the story that you hear.

b. Setting the standard in listening to the story

Before I’m going to read the story that I prepared for you this
afternoon, what are the things that you should do while I am reading
the story?
( Pupils give the standard for reading)
During Reading
Readers Theater

Comprehension Check Up:

1. Why did the king call the brave fish?
- To look for a liver of monkey to cure the sick princess.
2. Did the brave fish follow the king’s order? Why?
- Yes

3. What happened when the brave fish found the monkey?

- He convince the monkey to go with in a finest place that he had ever seem.

4. What can you say about the monkey’s trick?

- The monkey is clever .

5. If you were the brave fish, would you believe the monkey? Why?
6. What did the king do to the brave fish? Why?
- He punish the brave fish. Because he was fooled by the monkey.
7. If you were the king/fish, what would you do?

8. Why did the jellyfish lose his bones?

- He was impatienty beaten until he had no bones

9. Do you like the ending of the story? How would you like to end the
10. What lesson does this story give?
- Loyalty to your king or master, even paying your life for him.
1. Engagement Activities 1 (Small Groups)
Divide the class into three groups. Assign each group to do one of these tasks. Give
directions and guidelines.
( 3 minutes timer)

2. Setting standard for group activity:

Group 1: Retell the story using pictures

Group 2: Lights…Camera…Action!

Group 3
-Checking of Group output.
D. Discussing new *Tell (Give guidance to understand the concept)
concepts and practicing - A prefix is a letter or group of letters added before a word. It changes
new skills #1 the meaning of the word. Among the commonly used prefixes are in-
and im- which both mean “not.”

Read the following sentences from the story “. How the Jellyfish Lost His Bone”
Study the underlined words.

1. The princess was so unhappy with the old king.

2. The king impatiently punished the brave fish.

-“Notice the underlined words.

-What is the underlined word in sentence one? In sentence two?
Take a look at the word unhappy.
-What was added at the beginning of happy?
We call this prefix un- means not, so it changes the meaning of the word
happy to not happy.
-What about the underlined word in sentence two?
-What was added at the beginning of the word patiently?
-What do we call this? What is its meaning? What does the impatiently
mean?”( annoyed or irritated)

E. Discussing new *GUIDE (facilitate the process)

concepts and practicing (facilitate the process on prefixes )
new skills #2
prefix +word new word meaning
in + correct incorrect not correct/ wrong
in + active inactive not active/ lifeless
un+ safe unsafe not safe/ dangerous
un + able unable not able/ powerless
im + perfect imperfect not perfect/ defective
im + polite impolite not polite/ rude
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative What do you think will happen if you will not follow the standards in doing
Assessment 3) an activity?
Group Activity:
Group 1: The underlined words in the sentences have prefix which
means not.
Choose the meaning of the underlined words in the sentences from
the words in the box.

wrong indirect not respectfultimeless

1. Jason’s score in the English test was almost perfect. He has
only one incorrect answer.

2.While the teacher was talking, Jason shouted to his friend.

He is impolite. ____________

3.Ben thought he is immortal. _______________

Group 2
Complete the chart below using prefix in-or im-
root word new word meaning
expensive cheap
sufficient scarce
moderate too much
patient Short-tempered

Group 3
(Processing the group activity)
The teacher will facilitate the checking of group output.
G. Finding practical *ACT (Apply the concept)
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living  Why do we give possible ending of the story?
 What are the important thing that one should consider in giving the
predicting the ending of the story?
How about in the story that we read.
 What lesson did you learn?
 Is loyalty important when you serve to your master? Why?

H. Making generalizations Who would like to share the things you have learned on today’s
and abstractions about English lesson?
the lesson What is a prefix?
How does prefix affect the meaning of the new word form?
I. Evaluating learning Read the sentences carefully. Choose and encircle the meaning of
the underlined words in the second sentences.
1. Frog and Fish were inseparable friends. They always go together.
2. The princess is undecided who to marry. She’s has not made her final
Write the meaning of the underline word.
3. The prince was inattentive to the princess. The prince was
4. The two brothers are riding their bike when suddenly the rain pours. What
will like to happen? __________________________
5. It is windy afternoon. Jayvee sees some of his friend outside. They are
looking up in the sky and pulling some string. He goes back home and get
something from his room. He is now joining his friends outside.. What will
Jayvee and his friend going to play? __________
J. Additional activities for Choose three words from the prefixes in-, im-, un. And use them in the
application or sentence.
remediation 1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________



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