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ANTI-ARRHYTHMIC DRUGS - Increasing the pacing threshold also can inhibit

triggered activity arising from:

Class Mechanism of Comment
o delayed afterdepolarization (DAD)
action o early afterdepolarization (EAD)
IA Na+ channel Slows Phase 0 - Many Na+ CB also decrease phase 4 (Action
blocker depolarization in ventricular membrane potential) slope
muscle bers
IB Na+ channel Shortens Phase 3
blocker repolarization in ventricular
muscle bers
IC Na+ channel Markedly slows Phase 0
blocker depolarization in ventricular
muscle bers
II B-Adrenoreceptor Inhibits Phase 4
blocker depolarization in SA and AV
- Other effects of Na+ channel blocking:
III K+ channel blocker Prolongs Phase 3 o may decrease conduction sufficiently to
repolarization in ventricular extinguish the propagating reentrant wavefront
muscle bers o also shifts the voltage dependence of recovery
IV Ca2+ channel Inhibits action potential in from inactivation to more negative potentials,
blocker SA and AV nodes
thereby tending to increase refractoriness
- Whether a given drug exacerbates or suppresses
reentrant arrhythmias depends on the balance
between its effects on refractoriness and on
conduction in a particular reentrant circuit.
Na+ Channel Block (Na+ CB) - Na+ Channel Blocker Toxicity:
o Na+ channel blockade >> decreased
- The extent of blocking depends on:
conduction velocity >> slows atrial flutter rate >>
o heart rate (HR)
AV node permits a greater # of impulses to
o membrane potential
penetrate the ventricle (due to vagolytic
o drug-specific physiochemical characteristics
properties) >> increased HR
that determine T-recovery
o slowed conduction allows the reentrant
wavefront to persist within the tachycardia
o (e.g., procainamide and quinidine) have been
reported to exacerbate neuromuscular
paralysis by D-tubocurarine


CLASS IA: Procainamide, Quinidine, & Disopyramide
- This change in threshold probably cause the NA+ - Drugs with local anesthetic action block sodium
CBs to:
channels and reduce the sodium current, INa.
o Increase both pacing threshold
- Oldest group of antiarrhythmic drugs and are still
o Increase the energy required to defibrillate
widely used
the fibrillating heart
- Na+ CB decreases conduction velocity in non-
nodal tissue and increases QRS duration
o Flecainide = prolong QRS intervals by 25%
- An analogue of the local anesthetic procaine
o Lidocaine = increases QRS intervals only at
- Exerts electrophysiological effects similar to those
very fast HR
of quinidine but lacks quinidine’s vagolytic and α
- Drug effects on the PR interval is highly modified by
adrenergic blocking activity.
autonomic effects
- Better tolerated than quinidine when given IV
- Action potential duration is either unaffected or is
shortened by Na+ CB; some Na+ channel–blocking
Therapeutic use:
drugs do prolong cardiac action potentials but by
- IV infusion in acute therapy of many
other mechanisms, usually K+ channel block
supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias.
- By increasing the pacing threshold, Na+ CB
- Long-term oral treatment is poorly tolerated and
decreases automaticity.
often is stopped owing to a/e

Mechanism of action & Pharmacologic effects:

- A blocker of open Na+ channels with an
intermediate T-recovery from block
- Effects:
o Prolongs cardiac action potentials in most
tissues; by blocking outward K+ current
o Decreases automaticity

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o Increases refractory periods - A diastereomer of the antimalarial quinine
o Slows conduction - Most potent of the antiarrhythmic substances
- N-acetyl procainamide: extracted from the cinchona plant
o The major metabolite - Used to maintain sinus rhythm in patients with atrial
o lacks the Na+ channel–blocking activity of the flutter or a-fib
parent drug - Used to prevent recurrence of v-tachycardia or VF
o equipotent in prolonging action potentials. - May be useful in preventing recurrent VF in unusual
o Plasma concentrations often exceed those of congenital arrhythmias syndromes (i.e., Brugada
procainamide syndrome or short QT syndrome)
- It is the parent drug that slows conduction and
produces QRS interval prolongation.
- Hypotension may occur at high plasma Mechanism of action & Pharmacologic effects
concentrations, usually due to ganglionic - An open-state blocker of Na+ channels and
blockade rather than to negative inotropic effect multiple cardiac K+ currents
- Has T-recovery in the intermediate (~3 sec) range
Pharmacokinetics and Dosage - Causes QRS to increase modestly (10-20%) at
- Can be administered safely via IV and IM; well therapeutic dosages
absorbed orally - Can prolong QT interval up to 25%
- The major pathway for hepatic metabolism is - At concen. of 1 μM, quinidine blocks Na+ current
conjugation by N-acetyl transferase to form N- and the rapid component of delayed rectifier (IKr)
acetyl procainamide (NAPA) - Higher concentrations block the ff:
- Elimination: o slow component of delayed rectifier
o Procainamide: eliminated rapidly (t ½ = 3–4 h) o inward rectifier
by both renal excretion of unchanged drug o transient outward current
and hepatic metabolism; necessitates o L-type Ca2+ current
frequent dosing or use of a slow-release - Blocking properties due to inc threshold for
formulation excitability and decreased automaticity
o NAPA: by renal excretion (t ½ = 6–10 h); not - Due to K+ channel–blocking actions, it prolongs
significantly converted back to procainamide action potentials in most cardiac cells, most
- Dose adjustment: prominently at slow HR
o Both needed in pts w/ renal failure - Consistently elicits EADs at slow HR in
o Reduction of dose and frequency; monitoring midmyocardial cells and Purkinje cells
needed - Prolongs refractoriness in most tissues may be due
- If rapid procainamide effect is needed: to both prolongation of action potential duration
o IV loading dose of up to 12 mg/kg at a rate of and Na+ channel blockade
0.3 mg/kg/min or less rapidly - Produces α adrenergic receptor blockade and
o Maintenance dosage of 2–5 mg/min, with vagal inhibition:
careful monitoring of plasma levels o IV use is assoc w/ hypotension and sinus tachy
- Ventricular arrhythmias: total dosage of 2–5 g/d is o vagolytic effects tend to inhibit its direct
usually required depressant effect on AV nodal conduction;
can result in increased AV nodal transmission
Adverse Effects and Toxicity of atrial tachycardias such as atrial flutter
- Hypotension & marked slowing of conduction are
major a/e of high concentrations (>10 μg/mL) esp Pharmacokinetics and Dosage
in IV - Well-absorbed
- Dose-related nausea is frequent during oral - 80% bound to plasma proteins, including albumin
therapy may be due to high plasma level of NAPA and the acute-phase reactant α1-acid
- Torsades de pointes esp if plasma NAPA level >30 glycoprotein
μg/mL - Greater-than-usual dose required in high-stress
- Can produce potentially fatal bone marrow states such as acute myocardial infarction.
aplasia in 0.2% of patients - Undergoes extensive hepatic oxidative
- Procainamide-induced lupus syndrome: metabolism
o In individuals who are “slow acetylators” - ~20% is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.
o Develops more often and earlier during - 3-hydroxyquinidine, a metabolite:
treatment than among rapid acetylators o Nearly as potent as quinidine in blocking
o During long-term therapy cardiac Na+ channels and prolonging cardiac
o common early symptoms are rash and small- action potentials.
joint arthralgias o unbound 3-hydroxyquinidine concent. equal to
o also includes pericarditis with tamponade, or > than quinidine is tolerated by some
can occur; renal involvement is unusual. patients.
o resolve on cessation of therapy or during tx w/ - Therapeutic plasma concentrations of 2 to 5 μg/mL
Adverse effects and Toxicity
QUINIDINE Noncardiac
Characteristics and therapeutic use:

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- Diarrhea is the most common (30-50% of pts); - Racemic disopyramide does not antagonize α
occurs within the first several days of quinidine adrenergic receptors; exert prominent
therapy but can occur later anticholinergic actions that causes many of it’s a/e
- Diarrhea-induced hypokalemia may potentiate
torsades de pointes Pharmacokinetics and Dosage
- Thrombocytopenia; resolves rapidly with - Well absorbed
discontinuation of the drug - Binding to plasma proteins is concentration
- Hepatitis, bone marrow depression, and lupus dependent
syndrome occur rarely; not r/t elevated plasma - Eliminated by both hepatic metabolism (to a
quinidine concentrations weakly active metabolite) and renal excretion of
- Cinchonism: headache + tinnitus; r/t high plasma unchanged drug
quinidine concentration - Dose reduction needed in patients with renal
Cardiac dysfunction.
- 2%–8% will develop marked QT interval - Higher-than-usual dosages may be required in
prolongation and torsades de pointes patients receiving drugs that induce hepatic
- Quinidine-associated torsades de pointes metabolism (ie. phenytoin)
generally occurs at therapeutic or even
subtherapeutic plasma concentrations Adverse effects and Toxicity
- Resulting v-tach at high plasma concentrations - Anticholinergic effects: precipitation of glaucoma,
when high doses are used to convert a-fib to constipation, dry mouth, and urinary retention
normal rhythm (abandoned approach) (latter is most common in males with prostatism but
- Can exacerbate heart failure or conduction also can occur in females)
system disease - Torsades de pointes
- Tolerated in some pts w/ congestive heart failure - Depression of heart contractility:
probably due to vasodilating actions o Can precipitate heart failure
o In patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
Drug Interactions may be exploited to therapeutic advantage
As a potent inhibitor of CYP2D6: to decrease dynamic outflow tract
- Codeine = failure to form active metabolite obstruction
morphine results in decreased analgesia.
- Propafenone = results in elevated plasma
propafenone concentrations and increased β CLASS IB:Lidocaine & Mexiletine
adrenergic receptor blockade. - Rapidly associate and dissociate from sodium
- Reduced clearance of digoxin; inhibition of P- channel
glycoprotein–mediated digoxin transport has been - Actions are manifested when the cardiac cell is
implicated depolarized or firing rapidly
- Dextromethorphan + very low-dose quinidine (30 - Useful in treating ventricular arrhythmias
mg) inhibits the first-pass metabolism of
dextromethorphan = higher systemic LIDOCAINE
concentrations than monotherapy; approved for Characteristics and Therapeutic Use
use in tx for pseudobulbar affect - A local anesthetic; useful in acute IV therapy of
ventricular arrhythmias
Others: - Used for tx of pts w/ suspected myocardial
- Quinidine metabolism is induced by drugs such as infarction; VF incidence is reduced
phenobarbital and phenytoin - Can cause lidocaine-exacerbated heart block or
- Cimetidine and verapamil cause modest elevation congestive heart failure (no longer admin. routinely
of plasma quinidine concentrations in coronary care units)

Mechanism of Action & Pharmacologic effects

DISOPYRAMIDE - Blocks both open and inactivated cardiac Na+
Characteristics and Therapeutic use: channels
- Exerts electrophysiological effects very similar to - Recovery from block is rapid; exerts greater effects
those of quinidine in depolarized (e.g., ischemic) or rapidly driven
- Can be used to maintain sinus rhythm in patients tissues.
with atrial flutter or a-fib - Not useful in atrial arrhythmias because compared
- Used to prevent recurrence of v-tach or VF. with diastolic (recovery) period, atrial action
- Because of its negative inotropic effects, it is potentials are so short and Na+ channel is in the
sometimes used in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. inactivated state only briefly
- Disopyramide is prescribed as a racemate. - Can hyperpolarize Purkinje fibers depolarized by
low [K]o or stretch; resulting increased conduction
Mechanism of action & Pharmacologic effects velocity may be antiarrhythmic in reentry
- R-(–)-enantiomer produces similar (w/ quinidine) - Decreases automaticity by reducing the slope of
Na+ channel block but does not prolong cardiac phase 4 and altering the threshold for excitability
action potentials - Action potential duration usually is unaffected or is
shortened; may be due to block of the few Na+

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channels that inactivate late during the cardiac MEXILETINE
action potential. MOA, Pharmacologic effects, & Therapeutic Uses
- Usually exerts little to no significant effect on PR or - An analogue of lidocaine
QRS duration - Modified to reduce first-pass hepatic metabolism
- Little effect on hemodynamic function and permit chronic oral therapy
- Its electrophysiologic and antiarrhythmic actions
Pharmacokinetics and Dosage are similar to those of lidocaine.
- Well absorbed - Approved for treating ventricular arrhythmias;
- Undergoes extensive though variable first-pass mexiletine+quinidine or sotalol may increase
hepatic metabolism (not for oral use) efficacy while reducing a/e
- IV route is preferred
- Metabolites are less potent: GX & monoethyl GX Pharmacokinetics, Dosage, and Adverse Effects
o GX and lidocaine appear to compete for - Mexiletine undergoes hepatic metabolism, which is
access to the Na+ channel inducible by drugs such as phenytoin.
o If GX accumulates, lidocaine’s efficacy may - T ½ is 8–20 hours and permits dose of 2-3x per day.
be diminished - Dosage: 600–1200 mg/d
- With infusions >24 h, the clearance of lidocaine - Adverse effects are dose-related: can be
falls; may be due to competition between parent minimized by taking the drugs with food
drug and metabolites for access to hepatic drug- o tremor, blurred vision, and lethargy
metabolizing enzymes. o nausea
- Plasma concentration and elimination in r/t
dosage: CLASS IC: Flecainide & Propafenone
o Decline biexponentially after a single IV dose
o Initial drop: t ½ of 8mins (the distribution from FLECAINIDE
the central compartment to peripheral tissues. Characteristics and Therapeutic Use
o Terminal elimination t ½ of ~2 h represents drug - Effects thought to be caused by drug’s very long T-
elimination by hepatic metabolism recovery from Na+ channel block
- Lidocaine’s efficacy depends on maintenance of - Suppression of DADs triggered by RyR2 Ca2+
therapeutic plasma concentrations in the central release may also contribute to flecainide’s
compartment; dosage should be.. antiarrhythmic effect.
o Loading dose = of 3-4 mg/kg over 20–30 min - Treatment use:
(e.g., an initial 100 mg followed by 50 mg o atrial fibrillation
every 8 min for three doses) o ventricular arrhythmias (i.e., sustained
o Maintenance = 1 - 4 mg/min ventricular tachycardia)
- The time to steady-state lidocaine concentrations - The drug of choice for preventing arrhythmias in
is approximately 8–10 h. CPVT patients uncontrolled by β blockers.
- In heart failure: decrease the ff
o Central volume of distribution is decreased; Mechanism of action & pharmacologic effects
total loading dose should be decreased. - Blocks Na+ current & delayed rectifier K+ current (IKr)
o rate of the maintenance infusion - It also blocks Ca2+ currents
- In hepatic disease: - Action potential duration:
o Drug clearance is also reduced during tx with o Shortened in Purkinje cells; owing to block of
cimetidine or β blockers, and during late-opening Na+ channels
prolonged infusions. o Prolonged in ventricular cells; owing to block of
o Frequent measurement of plasma lidocaine delayed rectifier current
concentration and dose adjustment needed; - In atrial tissue: flecainide disproportionately
remain within the therapeutic range (1.5 to 5 prolongs action potentials at fast rates
μg/mL) - Prolongs the duration of PR, QRS, and QT intervals
- Lidocaine is bound to the acute-phase reactant even at normal HR
α1-acid glycoprotein. - Also an open channel blocker of RyR2 Ca2+
o Acute myocardial infarction are associated release channels:
with increases in α1-acid glycoprotein and o prevents arrhythmogenic Ca2+ release from the
protein binding SR and hence DADs in isolated myocytes
o Some patients require and tolerate higher- o RyR2 channel block by flecainide targets
than-usual total plasma lidocaine directly the underlying molecular defect in
concentrations to maintain antiarrhythmic patients with mutations in the RyR2 gene and
efficacy. the cardiac calsequestrin gene
o May explain why flecainide suppresses
Adverse effects and Toxicity ventricular arrhythmias in patients with CPVT
- Large IV dose given rapidly = seizures refractory to β blocker therapy
- If plasma level of drug rise slowly above
therapeutic range = tremor, dysarthria, and Pharmacokinetics and Dosage
altered levels of consciousness - Flecainide is well absorbed.
- Nystagmus is an early sign of lidocaine toxicity - T ½: (allows twice daily dosing)
o shorter with urinary acidification (10 h)

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o urinary alkalinization (17 h) - Plasma propafenone concen. >1 μg/mL are assoc.
- Elimination occurs by both renal excretion of w/ clinical effects of β adrenergic receptor
unchanged drug and hepatic metabolism to blockade, such as reduction of exercise heart rate.
inactive metabolites. - Dosage:
- Hepatic metabolism: mediated by the o Usual: 450–900mg/d in three divided doses.
polymorphically distributed enzyme CYP2D6. If o Patients with moderate-to-severe liver disease
pathway is absent (mutation or drug interactions) should be reduced to approx. 20%–30% of the
= renal excretion usual dose, with careful monitoring.
- Renal dysfunction + lack of active CYP2D6 = - A slow-release formulation allows BID dosing.
- Flecainide is a racemate Adverse effects and Toxicity
- Some suggested to avoid plasma flecainide - Acceleration of ventricular response in patients
concentrations >1 μg/mL to minimize the risk of with atrial flutter
flecainide toxicity - Increased frequency or severity of episodes of
- Usual dosage: 100–200 mg BID reentrant v-tach
- Exacerbation of heart failure,
Adverse effects and Toxicity - β adrenergic blockade i.e., sinus bradycardia and
- Dose-related blurred vision is the most common bronchospasm
noncardiac adverse effect
- Can exacerbate congestive heart failure in
patients with depressed LV performance.
- Exacerbation of potentially lethal arrhythmias.
o most serious adverse Beta Blockers (β Adrenergic Receptors Blocker)
o iacceleration of ventricular rate in patients with - β blockers diminish phase 4 depolarization >>
atrial flutter depress automaticity >> prolong AV conduction =
o increased frequency of episodes of reentrant decrease heart rate and contractility
ventricular tachycardia - Useful in treating tachyarrhythmias caused by
o increased mortality in patients convalescing increased sympathetic activity.
from myocardial infarction - Also used for atrial flutter and fibrillation and for AV
- Can cause heart block in patients with conduction nodal reentrant tachycardia.
system disease - Can prevent life-threatening ventricular
arrhythmias following a myocardial infarction.
- β blockers are effective in controlling arrhythmias
PROPAF ENONE caused by Na+ channel blockers; may be due in
Characteristics and Therapeutic use the slowing of HR >> decreases the extent of rate-
- A Na+ channel blocker with a relatively slow time dependent conduction slowing by Na+ channel
constant for recovery from block ( block
- Some data suggest that it blocks K+ channels. - Adverse effects:
- Its major electrophysiological effect is to slow o Fatigue; bronchospasm; hypotension,
conduction in fast-response tissues. o Impotence; depression
- a racemate o aggravation of heart failure; worsening of
- Propafenone prolongs PR and QRS durations. symptoms owing to PVD
- Chronic therapy with oral propafenone is used to o masking of the sx of hypoglycemia in DM pts
maintain sinus rhythm in patients with o in arrhythmias due to sympathetic stimulation
supraventricular tachycardias, including a-fib; (e.g., pheochromocytoma or clonidine
- It can be used in ventricular arrhythmias, withdrawal), results to unopposed α-adrenergic
- R-(−) propafenone blocks RyR2 channels; may be stimulation
an alternative to flecainide in CPVT ▪ severe HTN
▪ α-adrenergic–mediated arrhythmias
Pharmacokinetics and Dosage [In such patients, arrhythmias should be treated with
- Well absorbed both α and β blockers or with a drug such as labetalol
- Eliminated primarily by CYP2D6- mediated hepatic that combines α- and β-blocking properties. Abrupt
metabolism; t ½ of 5-7hrs discontinuation of chronic β-blocker therapy can lead
- Metabolites: to “rebound” symptoms, including hypertension,
o under extensive first-pass hepatic metabolism to increased angina, and arrhythmias; thus, β blockers are
5-hydroxy propafenone; equipotent to tapered over 2 weeks prior to discontinuation of
propafenone as a Na+ channel blocker but chronic therapy]
much less potent as a β adrenergic receptor
antagonist. NADOLOL
o metabolite, N-desalkyl propafenone, is formed - A long-acting antagonist with equal affinity for β1
by non-CYP2D6–mediated metabolism; less- and β2 receptors.
potent blocker of Na+ channels and β - Devoid of both membrane-stabilizing and intrinsic
adrenergic receptors. sympathomimetic activity.
- CYP2D6 activity can be inhibited markedly by a - Relatively long t ½
number of drugs, i.e. quinidine and fluoxetine.

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- It can be used to treat hypertension and angina Pharmacokinetics
pectoris. - Propranolol is highly lipophilic; almost completely
- Unlabeled uses have included migraine absorbed after oral admin
prophylaxis, parkinsonian tremors, and variceal - Much of the drug undergoes first-pass metabolism;
bleeding in portal hypertension. only ~25% reaches the systemic circulation.
- Many clinicians now favor nadolol when β - The degree of hepatic extraction of propranolol
blockade is needed in congenital arrhythmias declines as the dose is increased.
(CPVT, LQTS) - Bioavailability may be increased with food and
during long-term therapy
Pharmacokinetics - Readily enters the CNS.
- Very soluble in water; incompletely absorbed from - Approx. 90% of the drug protein-bound
the gut; its bioavailability is about 35%. - Extensively metabolized, with most metabolites
- The low lipid solubility of nadolol may result in lower appearing in the urine
concentrations of the drug in the brain. o 4-hydroxypropranolol = some β adrenergic
- Not extensively metabolized; largely excreted intact antagonist activity
in the urine. - Clearance may vary with hepatic blood flow and
- T ½ = 20 h; is administered once daily. liver disease; may change during the
- May accumulate in patients with renal failure, and administration of other drugs that affect hepatic
dosage should be reduced in such individuals metabolism.
- Short T½ (~4 h), BID dosing
ACETABULOL - Sustained-release formulations maintain
- β1-selective antagonist with some intrinsic therapeutic concentrations in plasma throughout
sympathomimetic and membrane-stabilizing a 24-h period.
activity. - Dosage:
- Used to treat: o Tx of HTN and angina = the initial oral dose of 40–
o Hypertension; ventricular and atrial cardiac 80 mg per day. The dose may then be titrated
arrhythmias upward until the optimal response is obtained.
o Acute myocardial infarction in high-risk patients,
and Smith-Magenis syndrome. ESMOLOL
- The initial dose of acebutolol in HTN = 400 mg/d; it - β1-selective antagonist with a rapid onset and a
may be given as a single dose, but two divided very short duration of action.
doses may be required for adequate control of - It has little if any intrinsic sympathomimetic activity
blood pressure. and lacks membrane-stabilizing actions.
- Optimal responses usually occur with doses of 400– - Given via IV; used when β blockade of short
800 mg per day (range 200–1200 mg) duration is desired or in critically ill patients in whom
- As effective as quinidine in suppressing ventricular adverse effects of bradycardia, heart failure, or
ectopic beats hypotension may necessitate rapid withdrawal of
Pharmacokinetics the drug.
- Administered orally (starting dose 200 mg twice daily - Commonly used in patients during surgery to
titrated up to 1200 mg/d) prevent or treat tachycardia and in the treatment
- Well absorbed; undergoes significant first-pass of supraventricular tachycardia.
metabolism to an active metabolite, diacetolol, - The onset and cessation of β receptor blockade
which accounts for most of the drug’s activity. with esmolol are rapid; peak hemodynamic effects
- Overall bioavailability is 35%–50%. occur within 6–10 min of administration of a loading
- The elimination t ½ = 3 h; t ½ of diacetolol is 8–12 h dose, and there is substantial diminution of β-
- Excreted largely in the urine. blockade within 20 min of stopping an infusion.
- Has lipophilic properties and crosses the blood-brain - AHA guidelines recommend against using esmolol
barrier. It has no negative impact on serum lipids in patients already on β blocker therapy,
(cholesterol, triglycerides, or HDL). bradycardic patients, and patients with
decompensated heart failure, as the drug may
PROPRANOLOL compromise their myocardial function
- Interacts with β1 and β2 receptors with equal - Esmolol is generally tolerated well, but it is
affinity (nonselective) associated with an increased risk of hypotension
- Lacks intrinsic sympathomimetic activity; does not that is rapidly reversible
block α-receptors
- May be administered IV for the management of Pharmacokinetics
life-threatening arrhythmias or to patients under - Given by slow IV injection.
anesthesia: - Because esmolol is used in urgent settings where
o usual dose is 1–3 mg, administered slowly (<1 immediate onset of β blockade is warranted, the
mg/min) dosage is…
o with careful and frequent monitoring of blood o Partial loading dose (500 μg/kg over 1 min)
pressure, ECG, and cardiac o Followed by continuous infusion of the drug
o If an adequate response is not obtained, a (maintenance dose of 50 μg/ kg/min for 4
second dose may be given after several mins min).

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[If an adequate therapeutic effect is not observed o increased contractility
within 5 min, the same loading dose is repeated, - Amiodarone and sotalol appear to be at least as
followed by a maintenance infusion at a higher rate. effective as drugs with predominant Na+ channel–
This may need to be repeated until the desired end blocking properties in both atrial and ventricular
point (e.g., lowered heart rate or blood pressure) is arrhythmias
- Hydrolyzed rapidly by esterases in erythrocytes Toxicity of Drugs That Prolong the Action Potential
- T½ = 8 min. - Can disproportionately prolong cardiac action
- T½ of the carboxylic acid metabolite is 4hrs; potentials and the QT interval when underlying HR
accumulates during prolonged infusion of esmolol; is slow and can cause torsades de pointes
very low potency as a β receptor antagonist (1/500 - “reverse-use dependence”
of the potency of esmolol); it is excreted in the urine

- β1-selective receptor antagonist that is devoid of Characteristics and Therapeutic use
intrinsic sympathomimetic activity and membrane- - A structural analogue of thyroid hormone; some
stabilizing activity. antiarrhythmic effects & toxicity may be
- The β-blocker most widely used in the tx of cardiac attributable to interaction w/ nuclear TH receptors
arrhythmias - Highly lipophilic; concentrated in many tissues;
- Compared to nonselective β-blockers, such as eliminated extremely slowly
propranolol, it reduces the risk of bronchospasm. - Uses:
- Has been used to treat: o Oral or IV tx for serious ventricular arrhythmias
o Essential HTN; angina pectoris o Tx of supraventricular arrhythmias (i.e. a-fib)
o Tachycardia; heart failure, and vasovagal o first-line drug for mgt of ventricular
syncope tachycardia or VF causing cardiac arrest
o as secondary prevention after myocardial - Blocks inactivated Na+ channels; relatively rapid
infarction rate of recovery (time constant≈ 1.6 sec) from
o an adjunct treatment of hyperthyroidism, and block.
for migraine prophylaxis.
- Generally is contraindicated for the tx of acute
myocardial infarction in patients with:
o HR <45 bpm Pharmacologic effects:
o heart block greater than first-degree (PR interval - Decreased Ca2+ current and transient outward
≥ 0.24 sec) delayed rectifier and inward rectifier K+ currents
o SBP <100 mm Hg - Noncompetitive adrenergic-blocking effect.
o Moderate-to-severe heart failure - Inhibition of abnormal automaticity
- Prolongs action potential duration.
Pharmacokinetics - Prolongations of the PR, QRS, and QT intervals and
- Almost completely absorbed after oral sinus bradycardia in chronic therapy.
administration - Prolongs refractoriness in all cardiac tissues by:
- Bioavailability is relatively low (~40%) due to first- o Na+ channel block >> Decreased
pass metabolism. conduction velocity
- Only 10% of the administered drug is recovered o K+ channel block >> delayed repolarization
unchanged in the urine. o Inhibition of cell-cell coupling
- T½ is 3–4 h, but can increase to 7–8 h in CYP2D6
poor metabolizers Pharmacokinetics and Dosage
- An extended-release formulation is available for - Oral bioavailability = 30%
once-daily administration. - Heart tissue-to-plasma concentration ratios > 20:1
- Lipid-to-plasma ratios > 300:1
- Increases in refractoriness require several weeks to
- Undergoes hepatic metabolism by CYP3A4 to
K+ Channel Block desethylamiodarone (metabolite w/ same effects)
- When withdrawn after years of use, plasma
- These drugs prolong action potentials, usually by
concentrations decline with a T½ of wks to mos
blocking K+ channels in cardiac muscle or by
- Therapeutic plasma concentration of 0.5- 2 μg/mL
enhancing inward current, eg, through Na+
- Dosage:
o High-dose oral loading regimen (e.g., 800 to
- Blockade of K+ channels >> diminished the
1600 mg/d) for several weeks before
outward potassium current during repolarization
maintenance therapy
- Increased action potential duration also increases
o Maintenance dose:
▪ If presenting arrhythmia is life threatening =
- K+ channel block produces a series of desirable
>300 mg/d unless toxicity occurs.
▪ 200 mg/d or less = recurrence of an
o reduced defibrillation energy requirement
arrhythmia would be tolerated
o inhibition of VF owing to acute ischemia

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- Dosage adjustments not required in hepatic, renal, because sotalol is eliminated by renal excretion of
or cardiac dysfunction. unchanged drug.
- Potently inhibits the hepatic metabolism or renal - The other a/e of sotalol therapy are those assoc.
elimination of many compounds. with β adrenergic receptor blockade.
o inhibition of CYP3A4, CYP2C9, and P-
- Dosages of warfarin, other antiarrhythmics (e.g., IBUTILIDE
flecainide, procainamide, and quinidine), or - Ibutilide is an I-Kr blocker
digoxin usually require reduction during - Also activates an inward Na+ current
amiodarone therapy. - action potential–prolonging effect
- Administered as a rapid infusion (1 mg over 10 min)
Adverse effects and Toxicity for the immediate conversion of a-fib or flutter to
- Hypotension due to vasodilation and depressed sinus rhythm.
myocardial performance in IV form amiodarone - The drug’s efficacy rate:
- A/e are unusual during oral drug-loading regimens o atrial flutter (50%-70%)
- Occasional pts develop nausea during the loading o atrial fibrillation (30%–50%)
phase, which responds to a dec in daily dose. - In a-fib, the conversion rate is lower in those in
- Pulmonary fibrosis: whom the arrhythmia has been present for weeks
o most serious a/e during chronic tx or months compared with those in whom it has
o progressive and fatal been present for days.
o risk factors: Underlying lung disease, doses of 400 - The major toxicity with ibutilide is torsades de
mg/d or more, and recent pulmonary insults pointes (6% of patients); requires immediate
- With low doses, such as 200 mg/d or less as used cardioversion in up to one-third of these.
in atrial fibrillation, pulmonary toxicity is less - The drug undergoes extensive first-pass
common metabolism, so it is not used orally.
- Other a/e during long-term therapy: - It is eliminated by hepatic metabolism and has a
o Corneal microdeposits T½ of 2–12 h (average 6 h)
o hepatic dysfunction
o peripheral neuropathy
o photosensitivity DOFETILIDE
o hypo- or hyperthyroidism
- Despite the marked QT prolongation and
bradycardia, torsades de pointes and other drug-
induced tachyarrhythmias are unusual.

- Nonselective β adrenergic receptor antagonist
- Prolongs cardiac action potentials by inhibiting
delayed rectifier and possibly other K+ currents
- Prescribed as a racemate; the l-enantiomer is a
much more potent β adrenergic receptor
antagonist than the d-enantiomer, but the two are
equipotent as K+ channel blockers.
- In the U.S., sotalol is approved for use in patients
with both ventricular tachyarrhythmias and a-fib or
- Prolongs action potential duration throughout the
heart and QT interval on the ECG.
- Effects of blocking both K+ channels and β
adrenergic receptors:
o decreases automaticity
o slows AV nodal conduction
o prolongs AV refractoriness; no effect on
conduction velocity in fast-response tissue
- Sotalol causes EADs and triggered activity in vitro
and can cause torsades de pointes, especially
when the serum K+ concentration is low.
- Unlike the situation with quinidine, the incidence
of torsades de pointes seems to be dose-
dependent; torsades de pointes is the major
toxicity with sotalol overdose.
- Torsades de pointes occasionally occur at low
dosages, often in patients with renal dysfunction,

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Goodman and Gillman

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