Feminism Reviewed
Feminism Reviewed
Feminism Reviewed
Full Definition of feminism
“belief in and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women's rights and
(webster 2021)
Grever, Maria (1994). "Dutch feminist pioneer Mina Kruseman in a letter to Alexandre Dumas". Strijd tegen de
stilte. Johanna Naber (1859–1941) en de vrouwenstem in geschiedenis (in Dutch). Hilversum Verloren.
p. 31. ISBN 90-6550-395-1.
Oxford English Dictionary (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. 2012
It is calculated that the first wave of feminism is about gender inequality, such as
in contract, property, voting while also promoting women’s rights in bodily
integrity and reproductive rights. In America this movement historically falls into
two periods. “The first period began about the time of the American revolutionary
war and continued until women secured right to vote in1920.The second is from
then until the present. Both the revolution and War give this movement a boost to
the women’s right fight. By 1920 women had secured more of her rights they
sought, including the right of spending their own money, having their own
professional career, to speak publically, right of vote.so the women satisfied and
the quest of their rights disappeared.it started again after world war 2.The
philosophy of women liberation had been turned into organization for its practical
purpose, by the name “national women organization”, that is founded by Betty
Friedan in1965”.5
Waves of feminism:
There are four waves of feminism.
First wave:
The first Wave of feminism is referred to feminist activity. This is about suffrage
of women originally focused on promotion of equal rights, equal contract, and
property rights, ownership of married women and their children by their husbands.
Some other feminists are fighting for women sexual, reproductive and economic
rights at the time. The big names of activists are Anna Julia cooper, Margaret. In
1918 the representation of the people act was passed.so the suffragist campaign
and first wave of feminism come to an end when the nineteenth amendment of
united states constitution 1919 have been passed. Historians used the term “proto
feminism” for the earlier movements of feminism.6
Second wave of feminism:
Effects of this campaign were worldwide from US and UK this movement
prevailed in Netherlands, wales, china, Egypt, Switzerland, and France etc. The
second wave of feminism is focused and based on women's cultural, political and
social issues of inequalities and discrimination.
Singh,mukesh kumar,feminist theory and practice,first edition,2014,p,2
Eileen H. Botting and Sarah L. Houser, "Drawing the Line of Equality: Hannah Mather Crocker on Women's
Rights". American Political Science Review (2006), 100, pp. 265–278.
“The feminist activist and author Carol Hanisch coined the slogan "The Personal is
Political", which became synonymous with the second wave.”7
The second wave began with 1960s and lasting through the late eighty’s. The main
stream focals are Luretta mott, Elizabeth cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony they
started campaign for abolition of slavery.
Third wave:
It emerged again with third wave in early 1992, as a response in failure of second
wave. This time it is focused on individuality and diversity. It is the most recent
form these feminists they have demands on difference of gender among men and
women. They criticize the earlier wave feminists and the movement gave us many
types of feminists after that. The feminist leaders that emerged Gloria Anzaldúa,
bell hooks, Chela Sandoval, Cherríe Moraga, Audre Lorde, Maxine Hong Kingston
,etc have internal debates among them.
Forth wave:
This wave is extension of the third wave re-emerged in 2012. Its social media
campaign and fight against women assault and rape culture. Its best known as” me
to movement” todays movement these problems are still there.
Types of feminism and criticism:
Bourgeois feminism of Virginia wolf:
Feminist literary criticism gone through these three waves, the types of feminism
emerged they have different approaches of mind and also they emerged or
reshaped by their internal debates so there are different feminism movement.
Feminist criticism is concerned with
"The ways in which literature (and other cultural productions) reinforce or
undermine the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of
women"8 (Tyson 2006)
So we come across many types of feminism.
Echols, Alice (1989). Daring to Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America, 1967–1975. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press. ISBN 978-0-8166-1787-6.
Hanisch, Carol (1 January 2006). "Hanisch, New Intro to 'The Personal is Political' – Second Wave and Beyond". The
Personal Is Political. Archived from the original on 15 May 2008. Retrieved 8 June 2008,
Singh,mukesh kumar,feminist theory and practice,anmol publications pvt .ltd,first edition,2014,p,4.
Lois Tyson - Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide, 2nd ed., 2006,p,63. (Tyson 2006)
Liberal feminism:
Bell hooks: sexism,”they say that patriarchal domination is allied with racism and
other oppression forms. He argues that sexism is a particular form of
oppression”.9they need liberty of all kinds specially they need to be socially liberal
and manmade society is un acceptable for them.
French feminism/radical feminism:
They want to reinvent the society where the hierarchy should be same, the male
dominancy in society should be totally uprooted.
Marxist feminism:
Socialist or Marxist feminists feels that overcoming class oppression, gender
oppression, some socialists disagree, they connects feminism with exploitation,
oppression and labor.
“They argues that capitalism is the root cause of women's oppression, and that
discrimination against women in domestic life and employment is an effect of
capitalist ideologies” 10
Cultural feminism:
They attempts to revalidate undervalued female nature. That the qualities in
women are more unique then a man. Women are more of a psychological and
cultural nature than biological.
Black feminism: They argues that racism and gender discrimination are same
thing. They are called womanists. They think that Liberation of black women is
liberation of all women.11
Eco feminist: They claim that destruction of environment and oppression of
women are same symbolically.
Separatist feminism: they are against the heterosexual relationships so they
claim that it is impossible to solve the sexual differences that exist between men
and women.
Feminist theology and religious contradiction:
Singh,mukesh kumar,feminist theory and practice,p12
Bottomore, T.B. (1991). A Dictionary of Marxist thought. Wiley-Blackwell. p. 215
This is also a movement called feminist theology. “This theory reconsiders the
traditions, practices, scriptures and theologies of religion from the feminist
perspective. Some of their demands are increasing the role of women among
religious authorities, reinterpreting women’s place in relation to the career and
motherhood and studying images of women in the religions sacred texts.”12
Christian feminism this branch claims to understand and interpret Christianity in
light of equality of man and women. Because of gender biasness the teachings of
Christianity needs to be reviewed. Their major issues are male dominance,
ordination of women claims of moral deficiency and inferiority.
Islamic feminism:
Islamic feminism starts during the third wave of feminism, in1956 Jamal Abdul
Nasser stared state feminism which outlawed the gender discrimination and also
blocked political activism by feminism leaders. During Anwar Sadat era he and his
wife also publically advocated women rights. But new movement Islamic
feminism began to take place by some activists. (wikipedia n.d.)
“Islamic feminist discourse has been presented by Margot Badran in2002.They
ground their arguments in Islamic teachings. They demand equality in public and
personal spheres and include non-Muslim debates Fatima Mernissi a Moroccan
sociologist and Laila Ahmad, Amna wadood”.13
Pakistani feminism:
Women in Pakistan are suffering from domestic violence, oppression, sexual
harassment, rape, disrespect, and suffrage. So Pakistani feminists are here to
protect all those women just like the feminist movements in other countries. There
is no comparison of Pakistani women with western woman. They are respected
mostly but where the ethical values are being valued.
Misconception of Pakistani feminist movement:
This is true that women in Pakistan suffering from violence, harassment and
oppression, this should be opposed and condemned. The women in Pakistan has a
strong family system merged with values. There is oppression I must say but they
"Al-Ahram Weekly | Culture | Islamic feminism: what's in a name?". Archived from the original on 2015-03-20.
Retrieved 2005-06-24.
"Women In Islam". milligazette.com. 22 November 2010. Archived from the original on 2015-10-22. Retrieved 9
December 2015.
are westernizing and modern ideology is entering in the system in a very
impressive manner. So modern feminism is getting its roots day by day specially in
modern families where women are mostly more valued and respected, instead to
give way to those who are suffering from lack of value respect and facing
prejudice. The need of the hour is to understand what is necessary to do. We need
to stop rape cases, women assault, harassment, domestic violence, child labor,
many more things to do. This is not that feminist movement who is going to fight
with oppression or with women rights. They raised those slogans (on purpose)
which raised more misconceptions and anarchy in society and in religious bodies.
It is needed to stand for those women who are suppressed to help those who are in
harm and in misery. For this purpose the movement should be in action not only in
Pakistan but also in other countries as well. The roots should be on ground and
demands should be reasonable. The way feminists are representing themselves not
only criticized but the movement for those who are on right side lack the respect
and acceptance. Islam is by the side of women in this regard. Women are not
deprived of her rights in true practices of Islam. They presented Aurat march in
such a way that they want total freedom from men and freedom from their own
homes and also total freedom from religious borders. They even don’t want any
ethical norms and religious realms.14 They presented shameless slogans, shout out
loud for what they want “freedom beyond the borders of modesty” .These
feminists showed that they are not with the women oppressed, what is their
Islamic perspective and feminism:
If we talk about Islamic perspective about women rights. Islam answers all
questions of feminists, which they are fighting for centuries. Prophet Muhammad
(p.b.u.h) came with complete code of conduct. Which covers all perspectives of
life. Islam has given women dignity, protection, self-awareness, freedom to live,
freedom to express.
Religious ethics and respect given to women:
Islam is the religion that prophet peace be upon him brought in the Arab society
where women are distinguished and have no respect at all. The people when hear
the news of birth of a girl they morn. The people used to burry alive their daughters
and the women are only sex slaves in front of them. In this condition of the society
prophet p.b.u.h. came and changed the whole scenario of the society he presented
the verdict of peace and he brought life to the women of that society. He prohibited
this inhuman act and ask to give respect to women. The sayings of the prophet
Muhammad are as follows:
، َفِإْن َذ َهْبَت ُتِقيُم ُه َك َس ْر َتُه، َو ِإَّن َأْع َو َج َش ْى ٍء ِفي الِّض َلِع َأْعَالُه، َفِإَّن اْلَم ْر َأَة ُخ ِلَقْت ِم ْن ِض َلٍع، " اْسَتْو ُصوا ِبالِّنَس اِء
." َفاْسَتْو ُصوا ِبالِّنَس اِء، َو ِإْن َتَر ْك َتُه َلْم َيَز ْل َأْع َو َج
“Narrated Abu Hurairah:
Allah 's Apostle said, "Treat women nicely, for a women is created from a rib, and
the most curved portion of the rib is its upper portion, so, if you should try to
straighten it, it will break, but if you leave it as it is, it will remain crooked. So treat
women nicely."15
By these sayings we came to know that prophet peace be upon him know that
women have their own feelings and how to treat them showed with example.
Women in Islam given highest ranks and respect. If a woman in Islam is a mother,
there is jannah lies under her feet. If she is a daughter, then she is a key of jannah
for her father on her good upbringing prophet (p.b.u.h) promised that he would be
with him in jannah like two fingers together. If she is a wife, then she is half of the
iman of her partner and be a source of good in his life. If she is a sister then she is
the first to be delt with good.
Prophet (peace be upon him) said about the dignity of mothers:
: َق اَل، ُأَّم َك: ُثَّم َم ْن ؟ َقاَل: َقاَل، ُأَّم َك: َم ْن َأَبُّر ؟ َقاَل، َيا َر ُسوَل ِهللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم: ِقيَل: َع ْن َأِبي ُهَر ْيَر َة َقاَل
. َأَباَك: ُثَّم َم ْن ؟ َقاَل: َقاَل، ُأَّم َك: ُثَّم َم ْن ؟ َقاَل
Abu Hurayra said, "The Prophet was asked, 'Messenger of Allah, to whom should I
be dutiful?' 'Your mother,' he replied. He was asked, 'Then whom?' 'Your mother,'
he replied. He was asked, 'Then whom?' 'Your mother,' he replied. He was asked,
'Then whom?' He replied, 'Your father.'"
There is also a misconception about Islam and Muslims. Although
Here are the list of feminist claims and their answers about what they want from
society. And what Islam says about their claims.
Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari : Book 60, Hadith 6, 3331sunnah.com
Al-Adab Al-Mufrad,parents kitab al walidean,5.sunnah.com
Women rights in Islam:
Here women rights are explained, as they are demanded; though feminist have no
religion but what Muslim feminists and other have misconceptions say about Islam
so these are listed here
Social rights:
1. Gender discrimination:
Allah created men and women as he had a same purpose to create them.so they are
created from one soul. Man and woman are soul mates, women are created from
men and men are given birth by women, so there is no question of gender
discrimination. In surah an Nisaa he says:
“O mankind! Be wary of your Lord who created you from a single soul, and
created its mate from it, and from the two of them, scattered numerous men and
women. Be wary of Allah, in whose Name you adjure one another, and the
wombs.1 Indeed Allah is watchful over you.” (Quran 2014)17
Allah almighty says at another place:
“But those who do good whether male or female—and have faith will enter
Paradise and will never be wronged ˹even as much as˺ the speck on a date stone.” 18
(Quran 2014)
The creator itself never discriminated Allah almighty always used a common
gender word “azwaja” to describe the importance of both. He will reward on the
bases of good deed not on the base of gender whether he is man or woman
everyone is equal in front of Allah almighty. In surah nahal, ayat 72
Allah made for you wives of your own kind and made for you from your wives, “
children and grandchildren, and gave you sustenance from the good. So why do
)Khattab 2014( "?they believe in the most beautiful and deny the blessings of Allah
2. Man and women equality:
Man and women given equal rights in Islam in many ways. Man and women are
created and there is no gender or social discrimination according to Quran. There is
equality in gender, social circle and nationality. For the sake of identity there are
Surah an nissa,1,translation:dr.mustafa khattab,the clear quran
Dr.Mustafa khattab,the clear Quran,
names nations and tribes differences are created.As the Quran says in surah hujurat
“O mankind! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you
nations and tribes that you may identify yourselves with one another. Indeed the
noblest1 of you in the sight of Allah is the most God wary among you. Indeed
Allah is all-knowing, all-aware.” 19
Equal rights to marriage:
Women are given equal rights to marriage. They have free right to accept or reject
a person they don’t to be married, like men. They cannot be forced to get married
to that person who they do not want to be their life partner. Even they have right to
leave that person after marriage with whom they are not comfortable with the right
of” khula”.but it is not encouraged to get rid of the person without any valid reason
or just get any material benefits using this relaxation.as mentioned in Quran and
prophetic traditions.20
Education rights:
Islam given education rights to women along with men. Education is right of all.
The first verse of Quran says
١ ٱۡق َر ۡأ ِبٱۡس ِم َر ِّبَك ٱَّلِذ ي َخ َلَق
“Recite in the name of your Lord who created –“21
“Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous Who taught by the pen - Taught man
that which he knew not.”22
Economic rights:
There had been so long that feminists ask about their economic rights to own
property to own their money, free to spend money of their own, French feminist
are in that demand also they are against patra
:Property owning rights
In Islam wives, daughters, mothers and sisters are given rights to own their
:properties and the rights to inherit property. Its mentioned in Quran
Surah hujurat:13,translation,dr.kattab
Surah Alaq:1
Surah alaq:3-5
10 | P a g e
)7: َو ِللِّنساِء َنصيٌب ِمّم ا َتَر َك الواِلداِن (النساء23
Men have a share in the heritage left by parents and near relatives, and women “
have a share in the heritage left by parents and near relatives, whether it be little or
)Quran 2014( ”much, a share ordained [by Allah]
Here are the rules by which inheritance is transferred.in surah nisa :11
Allah instructs you concerning your children: for the male, what is equal to the “
share of two females. But if there are [only] daughters, two or more, for them is
two thirds of one's estate. And if there is only one, for her is half. And for one's
parents, to each one of them is a sixth of his estate if he left children. But if he had
no children and the parents [alone] inherit from him, then for his mother is one
third. And if he had brothers [or sisters], for his mother is a sixth, after any bequest
he [may have] made or debt. Your parents or your children - you know not which
of them are nearest to you in benefit. [These shares are] an obligation [imposed] by
”.Allah. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise
دٞۚ)) َو َلُك ۡم ِنۡص ُف ا َتَر َك َأۡز َٰو ُج ُك ۡم ن َّلۡم َيُك ن َّلُهَّن َو َل12:النساء
ِإ َم
”.And for you is half of what your wives/husbands leave if they have no child“
So there are some rules to inherit but no one is left suffered.
١٣ .… ِتۡل َك ُح ُدوُد ٱِۚهَّلل َو َم ن ُيِط ِع ٱَهَّلل َو َر ُسوَل ۥُه ُيۡد ِخ ۡل ُه َج َّٰن ٖت َتۡج ِر ي
These are the limits [set by] Allah, and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger
will be admitted by Him to gardens [in Paradise] under which rivers flow, abiding
sahih( eternally therein; and that is the great attainment.(sahih international)
)international 2021
:Personal finance
Women given right to own their own finances. In Muslim marriage men give
women the “mehr” which is mean to own her as wife and obligation by Allah to
man. There is no limit how much a women can ask or a man can be agreed to give
her .Here is one thing to mention man is not supposed to ask her to give back or
.force fully take it from her unless if she give him that money with her own will
Surah nisa:7
Surah nisa:11
Surah nisa:14
11 | P a g e
)4:َو آُتوا الِّنساَء َص ُدقاِتِهَّن ِنحَلًة (نساء
Give women their dowries as an obligation; but if they remit anything of it of “
Quran( .”their own accord, then consume it as [something] lawful and wholesome
If you desire to replace a wife with another and you have given the former ˹even˺ a
stack of gold ˹as a dowry˺, do not take any of it back. Would you ˹still˺ take it
?unjustly and very sinfully
:Financial support by spouse
Men are made to earn for them and contribute their money in home women are not
supposed to earn and run home and then do house chores as well. So men are made
a little superior to contribute the expenses totally. They made responsible to fulfill
every need of their women and children. Women no need to worry about the
expenses whatever clothing, groceries, even providing shelter is responsibility of
men .If a man is earning and not giving the money to house wife he is punishable
.in front of Allah almighty
Prophet peace be upon him asked men when they marry a women to provide them
with their sustenance (shelter, food, what they need.. etc) and clothing in a good
manner.so women not need to worry about the earn money by themselves. This is
.obligatory to men
. 1 } َأْخ َر َج ُه ُم ْس ِلٌم. { َو َلُهَّن َع َلْيُك ْم ِرْز ُقُهَّن َو ِكْس َو ُتُهَّن ِباْلَم ْعُروِف: َقاَل ِفي ِذ ْك ِر َالِّنَس اِء
:Narrated Jabir (RA)
in the Hadith of pilgrimage which is long - said in regard to - ) (ﷺThe Prophet
women, "They (women) have rights over you (the men) to provide them with their
.28}sustenance and clothing in a reasonable manner." [Muslim reported it
“Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by Allah over
women and tasked with supporting them financially. And righteous women are
devoutly obedient and, when alone, protective of what Allah has entrusted them
with”. 29
Surah nisa:4
Surah nisa3:20,translation,dr.mustafa khattab ,the clear quran, https://quran.com/4
12 | P a g e
But in return there is some to be promised by women that they should be obedient,
will be care taker of the home they made with men. The wealth and off springs
they have, women are given the responsibility of upbringing with Muslim ideology
of their children so that there is balance in society. There is no burden on men and
no burden on women both are given their responsibility. If there is any
mismanagement its human error.so both are asked to do the duty allotted to each of
.them then there will no oppression
:Independent stability
Women can earn by their own it’s allowed in Islam. Hazrat Khadija run her own
business and also she sent her slave Maisara to different places to sell her goods. 30
she traded what is symbolic business for men. Women who own skills she can do
many things to earn. (mubarakpuri 1995)
:Domestic violence
Domestic violence is strictly prohibited in Islam. Basic Human rights are women
rights. Women in Islam are protected, dignified, and given all the rights what she
:deserved. Domestic violence is not encouraged prophet peace be upon says
I asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what are the rights of a wife of one of us on her
husband?" He replied, "You should give her food when you eat, clothe her when
you clothe yourself, not strike her on the face, and do not revile her or desert her
except within the house." [Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i and Ibn
Majah, al-Bukhari mentioned part of it [the last sentence] as Mu'allaq (a broken
chain from the side of the collector, i.e. al-Bukhari), Ibn Hibban and al-Hakim
graded it Sahih (authentic)] 31.
:Sexual harassment
:”Sexual harassment is forbidden in Islam. It is categorized in “fahisha
:Allah almighty said in surah nur
Those who cannot afford marriage should be continent until Allah enriches them
out of His grace. As for those who seek an emancipation deal from among your
slaves, make such a deal with them if you know any good in them, and give them
out of the wealth of Allah which He has given you. Do not compel your female
slaves to prostitution when they desire to be chaste, seeking the transitory wares of
Molana safi urrehman Mubarak puri , Raheeq al makhtoom,91
Arabic reference : Book 8, Hadith 1018, Sunnah.com reference: Book 8, Hadith 63
13 | P a g e
the life of this world. Should anyone compel them, then after their compulsion
Allah is indeed all-forgiving, all-merciful. (23:33)
:Allah almighty forbidden and suggested a punishment for the sinners
As for female and male fornicators, give each of them one hundred lashes,1 and do
not let pity for them make you lenient in ˹enforcing˺ the law of Allah, if you ˹truly˺
believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a number of believers witness their
:Religious ethics about women in Islam
Islam is complete code of conduct. It not only covers all aspects of life especially if
I call it the religion which brought back women’s dignity it will not be a wrong
claim. The debate above in different aspects and claims about women are described
and answers feminists that Islam is not here to degrade women. Feminists defame
and demerit religion because religion is about nature and it is based on human
nature. Religion as I mentioned earlier that it is a complete code of conduct.so the
code of conduct applies on men and women both. If a woman wants to get rid of
suppression and she doesn’t want to be deprived of basic rights there are some
rules for women also. It will help in balance of society. There are some obligatory
ethics that women should follow if she wants to get all of the benefits Islam has
.given her
Women are supposed to cover themselves in order to be recognized that they are
Muslim women and are not to be treated like other women. They are different from
those women who want to expose their body in public and want to be victim of
harassment intentionally. It is obligatory because it is from Allah’s obligation just
:like other obligations like halal food etc. as Quran says about this in surah nur
َو ُقل ِّلْلُم ْؤ ِم َنٰـِت َيْغ ُضْض َن ِم ْن َأْبَص ٰـ ِر ِهَّن َو َيْح َفْظ َن ُفُروَج ُهَّن َو اَل ُيْبِد يَن ِز يَنَتُهَّن ِإاَّل َم ا َظَهَر ِم ْنَهاۖ َو ْلَيْض ِر ْبَن
َ ِبُخ ُم ِر ِهَّن َع َلٰى ُجُيوِبِهَّن ۖ َو اَل ُيْبِد يَن ِزيَنَتُهَّن ِإاَّل ِلُبُعوَلِتِهَّن َأْو َء اَبٓاِئِهَّن32
And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and not “
to reveal their adornments1 except what normally appears.2 Let them draw their
veils over their chests, and not reveal their ˹hidden˺ adornments3 except to their
husbands, their fathers, their fathers-in-law, their sons, their stepsons, their
brothers, their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, their fellow women, those
Surah noor24:31 translation,the clear quran.
14 | P a g e
˹bondwomen˺ in their possession, male attendants with no desire, or children who
are still unaware of women’s nakedness. Let them not stomp their feet, drawing
attention to their hidden adornments. Turn to Allah in repentance all together, O
.”believers, so that you may be successful
So here it is explained what the women are supposed to do. There are
Lower their gaze
Don’t reveal adornments
Cover their heads and chests with a veil.
Don’t expose adornments expect “mahrams” explained in ayat
Do not stomp feet to get attention.
These are the things included in hijab. The same content is explained in surah
ahzab ayat 33.
“Settle in your homes, and do not display yourselves as women did in the days of
˹pre-Islamic˺ ignorance. Establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and obey Allah and His
Messenger. Allah only intends to keep ˹the causes of˺ evil away from you and
purify you completely, O members of the ˹Prophet’s˺ family!”33
Speak with strong voice:
A woman with other men should not spoke with soft and affable voice so that a
person with worse intension gets any of attention. (explained in ayat 32in surah
ahzab) so women should have strong behavior and harsh excent to repel those
Avoid adultery (fahisha):
Women are supposed to being loyal to their husbands. They should not have the
hidden relationship any kind of friendship. So Allah asked women to be pious and
loyal to their husbands. If they are un married they don’t have to make premarital
relation but have to become pious and must have no hidden relations. as mentioned
in surah Nisa and Ahzab.34
Women are asked to be obedient. lower in their voice and gaze.
Surah ahzab:33:33
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It is expected that a loyal woman is honest to keep her husband’s money and his
entrusts with honesty and protected so that he may work for her and her family
with full devotion.
Upbringing of offsprings:
Women are entrusted with children and wellbeing. She has a responsibility to
upbring her children with full devotion with the spirit of true believe.
:False perception of feminists about patriarchal system
Patriarchy is the main basic problem of feminism .They are against patriarchal
system. They are against male dominating society. They are against male biology
actually. They have a question why men are supposed to be men and why this
gender discrimination occurred on this earth35. They want to uproot the whole
system. In simple words they are against the rule of nature. They are against
religion in this regard for some extent. The question is that how to bring balance to
.the society to counter the patriarchal system
The rule of nature is that almighty has the authority what he want to create men or
women. Men are made stronger than women because they are made to protect
women naturally. If some of them are abusive it is not the fault of the creator,it is
the fault of the creation who spilled all the mess. Men and women are created to
bring balance in society. If there are some ethics to follow than both have to. This
.is not the responsibility of anyone of them
If we say that this is society of men. Women given social rights also. They are
socially respected as a women they are given first placed value. Everywhere in
Muslim society. The people are not same they has different perspectives to think
and play .so there are also different level of moral values. Everyone is free to
choose and live. We cannot bind others to agree with our point of view, the point
of differs everywhere. Here at this point feminists themselves have difference in
this discourse and after that different feminists emerged. So practices in religion by
.any person also differs. Not all the believers are same
Feminism on the whole is a movement a phenomenon that have been radically
brought change in society. It is the women initiated movement that have been
changing time to time with becoming more demanding. Although it succeeded in
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some extent but due to being modified in its purposes get backlashes and
internationally criticized. It also brought more discussion about religion and
society and system. However, in any society it cannot be claimed that if a women
standing openly without clothes it is not ethical responsibility of all men to not
even stare her. Yes, the question of descent clothing is there. It make a lot of
difference. By using their questioning claims here in this paper, I have tried to
bring Islam and feminists together on one page by giving evidence with true
Islamic sources. Islam is the religion of women who not only dignifies but he make
men the defenders of women. Islam given women a shield to be protected by its
ethical obligations. If a society is true Islamic society, rules should be practiced
than ratio of oppression, and suppression of women can be decreased The rape
cases, sexual harassment can be reduced. Domestic violence can be changed into
happy homes if the rules of Islam followed. We can change our societies into
heaven if there is rule of the creator is conducted. We can see true examples in
Islamic prophetic era and in the era of khulafa e rashidon. True examples are true
.Islamic societies
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Ibid: 14
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Ibid: 4
Lois Tyson - Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide, 2nd ed., 2006.
Molana safi urrehman Mubarak puri , Raheeq al makhtoom.
Oxford English Dictionary (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. 2012.
Singh,mukesh kumar,feminist theory and practice,anmol publications pvt .ltd,first edition,2014.
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Singh,mukesh kumar,feminist theory and practice.
Surah ahzab: 33:33
Surah Alaq:1
Surah an nissa,1, translation:dr.mustafa khattab,the clear quran
Surah hujurat:13, translation,dr.kattab
Surah nisa:7
Surah noor24:31 translation,the clear quran.
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22. Retrieved 9 December 2015.
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